Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs

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Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
April May June 2021                        ISSN: 2042-888X              Vol. VII No. II Issue 27

                Interview with Professor
                              Luis Tome
                                                                  Future of NATO:
                                                               Significant Insights
                                                             from 2021Meeting of
                                                               NATO Ministries of
                                                                   Foreign Affairs

                                                              by Dr Rahman Dag

A Discussion on the Regulation of Violence in
International Relations
by Professor Vladimir Mikhaylovich Kapitsy &
Ebru Birinci

Shifting the Clausewitzian Paradigm from
Battlefield to Political Arena
by Dr Marco Marsili

Beyond Formal Dinners: EU-India Security
Cooperation in an Age of Chinese Belligerence
by Archishman Goswami

European Union’s Uncertain Future
The State of Romanian-Russian Relations and the
Importance of a Bilateral Dialogue
by Adrian Pogacian

The Primacy of EU Law over French Law:
EU Law Takes Precedence over National Law?
by Dr Sharifullah Dorani
Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
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Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
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       Chairman: Dr Ozgur Tufekci
       Executive Editor: Dr Rahman Dag

       South Asian Studies | Editor: Dr Sharifullah Dorani
       American Foreign Policy | Editor: Dr Mark Meirowitz
       Applied Economics | Editor: Dr Hakan Uslu
       Middle Eastern Studies | Editor: Dr Rahman Dag
       Interview Editor: Ebru Birinci
       Interview Editor: Dr Emrah Atar
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Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
           VOL. 7 - NO. 2

           APRIL                                                 e-ISSN: 2042-888X
           2021                                     “ADVANCING DIVERSITY”

                                              05 - 09 World News
                                                      by Ebru Birinci

  A Discussion on the Regulation of 12 - 16
           Violence in International
    by Professor Vladimir Mikhaylovich
                Kapitsy & Ebru Birinci
                                              19 - 25 Shifting the Clausewitzian
                                                      Paradigm from Battlefield to
                                                      Political Arena
                                                      by Dr Marco Marsili
 Interview with Professor Luis Tome 28 - 34
Future of NATO: Significant Insights
         from 2021 Meeting of NATO
        Ministries of Foreign Affairs
                   by Dr Rahman Dag
                                              36 – 40 Beyond Formal Dinners:
                                                      EU-India Security Cooperation in
                                                      an Age of Chinese Belligerence
                                                      by Archishman Goswami
European Union’s Uncertain Future 42 - 45
    The State of Romanian-Russian
 Relations and the Importance of a
                  Bilateral Dialogue
                  by Adrian Pogacian
                                              48 – 56 The Primacy of EU Law over French
                                                      EU Law Takes Precedence over
                                                      National Law?
                                                      by Dr Sharifullah Dorani
Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
World News
                                                                           By Ebru Birinci

Coronavirus Update                             Defense Production Act (DPA), giving the
                                               federal government broad authority, which
By mid-March, the coronavirus death toll
                                               would be used to accelerate vaccine
passed 2.7 million, and total cases
                                               production and distribution. Using the
increased to 123 million. Already it has
                                               DPA, the American government can
been more than one year since the
                                               authorize the halt of export of US-made

                                               The Crypto-Currency Age Begins
                                               The 2008 financial crisis changed the
                                               financial market irreversibly, and one of
                                               the most important events that followed
                                               the crisis was the invention of a
                                               decentralized cryptocurrency, "Bitcoin."

emergence of the first coronavirus case in
Wuhan, China. Many governments have
already begun to vaccinate their citizens,
starting from the elderly and those having
severe health conditions. The vaccination
policies vary due to particular reasons. In
Russia, where the earliest coronavirus
vaccine,    Sputnik-V,     was     approved,
everybody can get vaccination upon
request, yet only around 4 million people,
less than 3% of the Russian population,
are vaccinated. In Israel, on the other        The      coronavirus     pandemic       has
hand, all Israelis over age 14 could have      fundamentally influenced the financial
coronavirus vaccination. About 4.5             markets, raising the bitcoin and other
millions of 9.8 million of the total Israeli   crypto     currencies'   popularities    as
population have received two doses of          investment assets or immediate payment
vaccine. One of the leading vaccine            tools. The increased inflation, skyrocketed
exporters, the European Union, is              prices    of    real   estate    properties,
experiencing a vaccine crisis because of the   technological developments accelerated by
insufficient supply within its territories.    the lock-down-driven increased need have
                                               undergirded an ample investment flow to
The EU has taken a step to prevent the
                                               cryptocurrencies, notably Bitcoin.
inequality in vaccine supply among
wealthy and poorer member states and           In 2020 March, Bitcoin could not avoid
accepted a vaccine-purchasing strategy.        the downfall that several markets and
However, discontent increased when the         national currencies have experienced; its
UK, where the government ordered the           price dropped to $4,100 from around
AstraZeneca's    Covid-19     vaccine   to     $9,000. Nevertheless, the global financial
complete the British order before sending      picture that the coronavirus pandemic
vaccines abroad, was faster than the EU in     created brought about more interest in
vaccination. The US prepares to use the        cryptocurrencies.
Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
World News

In December 2020, Bitcoin broke its                       Looking for JCPOA?
$19,700 record of 2017 and hit $20,000.
                                                          Since Joe Biden, who promised to undo
Its 2020 performance boosted the
                                                          Donald Trump's foreign policy decisions
interests not only from the individuals but
                                                          during the election campaign, has come
also    institutions   and    international
                                                          into power, he has taken many steps in
                                                          this direction. However, the JCPOA, from
Undoubtedly, TESLA's $1.5 billion cost                    which Donald Trump withdrew the US,
Bitcoin purchase in early February 2021                   does not seem to be an easy foreign policy
has been among the most significant
moves that triggered the last surge. On
February 21, 2021, Bitcoin hit $58,300,
reaching over the $1 trillion market cap,
yet dropped to $42,000 in the following
two weeks. While many Bitcoin supporters
argue that this kind of drop is natural
corrections and bitcoin will eventually
keep its race upwards, this volatility in its
prices delivers ground for its critics,
including national central banks and                      strategy. Biden seems to be willing to back
several financial institutions. Besides,                  the nuclear deal with Iran. Jake Sullivan,
critics over the high consumption of                      current national security advisor, and Bill
electricity in crypto-mining, accusations                 Burns, the CIA director, were involved in
over bitcoin usage for illegal actions, and               negotiations with Iran for the nuclear deal.
taxation problems are other points that                   However, Iranian-American relations
increase concerns.                                        changed dramatically since Trump's
                                                          accession to power. The Iranian side
On the other hand, money laundering is
                                                          decided to enrich uranium, which was
not a new phenomenon that emerged in
                                                          called off by JCPOA, following the US's
the crypto market. It has long been a
                                                          withdrawal from the agreement. Biden
global financial system problem, enabling
                                                          stipulates that Iran must fully comply with
private transactions that cannot be tracked
                                                          the agreement and stop its nuclear
                                                          activities before the US can rejoin the
The introduction of cryptocurrencies into                 agreement. Nevertheless, the US was the
the global financial market brought about                 first one that left the agreement. Thus it is
many questions, many conflicts among the                  expected that the US should return to the
old economic order rule-makers and                        agreement before Iran makes the next step
revisionist players of the current financial              to reconstruct a common understanding.
order. These tensions are prone to have a
                                                          Furthermore, another argument voiced in
global effect financially, which has to be
                                                          the US for making a new deal with Iran is
carefully examined for comprehending the
                                                          to avoid previous mistakes, which are
current implications of the financial
                                                          assumed to have rendered Iran a more
market's crypto-globalization.
                                                          aggressive actor in the region. The US
The investors in the crypto market also                   recently expressed that it would welcome
consider the country where the coins are                  an invitation to talks. As for Iran, it urges
mined before they invest. For example, the                the US to end the economic sanctions
American investors, who suffered from                     against Iran "instead of sophistry &
Chinese regulations, do not want to invest                putting the onus on Iran." Iranian
in cryptocurrencies mined in China.                       supreme leader Khamanei endorsed this
The expanding volume of the crypto                        argument in his Persian New Year speech
                                                          on March 21, calling on the US and the
market can also make it a potential arena
for  the    ongoing    American-Chinese                   allies to lift all sanctions before Iran
economic war.                                             returns to full compliance with the


                               Political Reflection   Magazine | Issue 27
Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
By Ebru Birinci

Power      Politics      Endangers                     The Military Coup in Myanmar
Cooperation against Climate Change
                                                       People in Myanmar, who experienced the
As governments successively promise to                 development of democratic institutions to
reduce their carbon emissions and achieve              some extent for about ten years, have
carbon neutrality in the coming decades,               experienced a backward step with the
international collaboration gains more                 military coup on February 1, 2021. Aung
importance than ever. After Biden acceded              San Suu Kyi, the most popular political
to power in the US, China has been at the              leader, is in detention, and thousands are
centre of climate concerns since it is the             protesting the new military rule, which is
biggest energy consumer globally, as Biden             set to continue for a year. The unrest and
has already begun to draw more attention               killings since the coup turned to an ethnic
to China's activities. However, China's                conflict between the army led by the major
energy consumption and greenhouse gas                  ethnic group and other ethnicities.
                                                       In November 2020, the NLD, under the
                                                       leadership of Aung San Suu Kyi, who won
                                                       the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts
                                                       against the 50 years-long military rule,
                                                       won more than 80% of the vote in the
                                                       elections. Although the majority assuredly
                                                       supports NLD, the election was not
                                                       entirely free and fair, as some regions
                                                       could not vote at all. Hence the military
emission are not the only climate-related
                                                       argued that there was fraud in the election.
concerns in the West. China's leading role
                                                       The commander in chief Min Aung Hlaing
in the renewable energy sector, especially
                                                       gave the coup order. The Myanmar
in solar energy, the fastest-growing energy
                                                       military has 25% of seats in Parliament,
source- is raising security concerns in the
                                                       and it is deeply involved in the economy
West. The role of state-linked Huawei as
                                                       and politics, acting as an authority over the
one of the largest suppliers of solar
                                                       government. However, Aung San Suu Kyi,
inverters has been disturbing in the West
                                                       jeopardizing her image among human
for the energy security concerns since
                                                       rights defenders, did not criticize the
                                                       crackdown on the Rohingya where the
In 2019, eleven US senators wrote a letter             Muslim minority lives. The crackdown was
to the US Energy secretary to ban the sale             said to be a counterterrorism offensive.
of all Huawei solar panels in the US. On
the other hand, in Europe, following the
news about the Chinese solar industry's
use of forced labor, it is argued that the
cost of fighting climate change should not
be human rights. Given that the solar
power panels, one of the most important
green energy sources, planted in the
European Union are mostly produced in
China's Xinjiang region, where China is
accused of violating the human rights of
Muslim minorities.
                                                       However, the international community
Although these concerns are valid enough,
                                                       named it a genocide campaign. Hence, it is
competitive approaches at military and
                                                       not so clear why the military needed to
economic levels in world politics would
                                                       stage this coup.
slow down the international cooperation to
transition to a global green economy.


                            Political Reflection   Magazine | Issue 27
Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
World News

The possible scenarios are an attempt in                 Armenia Facing Government Crisis
the government for political reform and
                                                         Armenia's governmental crisis has only
Min Aung Hlaing's effort to become
                                                         deepened after the Armenian forces' defeat
president after his retirement and
                                                         in the war with Azerbaijan. Since then,
eliminate potential enforcements for his
                                                         prime minister Pashinyan has faced harsh
criminal acts during his service.
                                                         criticism from the public, and thousands
                                                         protested Pashinyan and called for his
                                                         resignation. The failure to deploy Russian
Navalny Sentenced After His Return
                                                         Iskander missiles during the war with
to Russia
                                                         Azerbaijan acts as a tension between the
Alexei Navalny, the most influential                     army and the government.
opposition leader in Russia, got arrested
immediately after returning to Russia from
Germany on January 17, 2021, 5 months
after his poisoning by a nerve agent. He
called Russians to meet him at the airport
on his arrival. Many ran to the airport to
meet him, and millions watched his arrival

                                                         A political opponent of Pashinyan
                                                         criticized him for this failure. Finally, on
                                                         February 25, the Armenian military
                                                         leadership called Pashinyan to resign.
                                                         Instead of resigning, Pashinyan wanted to
                                                         dismiss the Armenian army leader.
Navalny's detention during passport                      However, Pashinyan seems to be
control and later detention for violating                politically isolated, given that the
the probation conditions of his suspended                Armenian president sides with the army
sentence from the 2014 conviction,                       against Pashinyan. The civil opposition
thousands protested Kremlin on the                       alliance continues to operate against
streets. The imprisonment and police                     Pashinyan and is demanding early
response to the protesters brought                       elections from the Armenian President
international criticism to Kremlin. Russia               Armen Sarkisyan. Although Pashinyan has
regards Western support to Navalny and                   lost his popularity and criticized by a
criticism towards Kremlin as meddling in                 significant number of Armenians, the
its domestic affairs. The EU has decided to              army's call for his resignation is
impose additional sanctions to already                   considered a coup attempt by many
existing sanctions because of Navalny's                  analysts. Pashinyan supporters are, on the
poisoning. The EU-Russia relations                       other hand, come to the street to support
continue to worsen, although there is not a              him and civilian power, as said Pashinyan.
single attitude in Europe towards Russia.
The EU foreign affairs chief Joseph Borrell
visited Russia right after Navalny's arrest,             The Libyan         Unity     Government
yet it did not help the relations.                       Formed
Furthermore, Russian foreign minister
                                                         The Libyan Parliament endorsed the
Lavrov's call the EU an "unreliable
                                                         government of national unity, which would
partner" during the press conference
                                                         replace the UN-backed Government of
caused more reaction from the European
                                                         National Accord (GNA), based in Tripoli.
side both to Russia and Borrell.


                              Political Reflection   Magazine | Issue 27
Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
By Ebru Birinci

The     UN-initiated      national    unity
government has an interim authority until
the presidential and legislative elections
are held on December 24, 2021. The last
election was held in 2014 and caused the
current division in the country. The talks
between Khalifa Haftar forces and the
Sarraj government developed more
following Haftar's defeat in June 2020.

The international community welcomed
the national unity government's formation
and saw it as an outstanding opportunity
to end the decade-long civil war and
achieve stability and prosperity in Libya.
Abdul Hamid Debeibeh, the prime
minister of the unity government, received
support from Egypt, which backed Haftar
against    the    Tripoli   forces.   This
constructive atmosphere echoed in the
relations of regional rivals like Turkey,
Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.


                            Political Reflection   Magazine | Issue 27
Interview with Professor Luis Tome - Future of NATO: Significant Insights from 2021Meeting of NATO Ministries of Foreign Affairs
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