Page created by Micheal Mejia
                                        | DOI: 10.26402/jpp.2020.2.14

                       A.K. JAWOREK1, K. SZAFRANIEC2, Z. ZUBER3, A. WOJAS-PELC1, J. JAWOREK4


   Department of Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland; 2Department of

   Epidemiology and Population Studies, Institute of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical
  College, Cracow, Poland; 3Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow University, Cracow, Poland; 4Department of Medical Physiology,
                      Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Cracow, Poland

              Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most common chronic inflammatory skin disease in the world. It is characterized by
              recurrent eczematous skin lesions, fluctuating course and chronic pruritus. Increasing evidence suggest that AD is more
              common in adults than previously thought. The disease is characterized by an impaired skin barrier, aberrant Th2-type
              cytokine production and intensive pruritus. Epithelial keratinocytes constitute the first physical, chemical and
              immunological barrier, classified as a part of the innate defense system. These keratinocytes secrete various factors, e.g.
              alarmins such as thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) and interleukin 25 (IL-25). Serum levels of substance P (SP)
              have been reported to be increased in patients with AD and correlated with itch intensity. Several previous studies
              reported a positive association between AD severity and house dust mites (HDM) sensitization. The aim of the study
              was to analyze IL-25, TSLP and SP concentrations in blood serum of adult patients with severe AD, depending on the
              degree of allergy to HDM. There were 31 adult AD patients enrolled into the study and a control group that consisted
              of 20 healthy subjects. AD was diagnosed on the basis of Hanifin and Rajka criteria. SCORing Atopic Dermatitis
              (SCORAD) and visual analogue (VAS) scores were used to assess the intensity of pruritus and blood content of specific
              IgE to HDM, as well as TSLP, IL-25 cytokines and SP was measured. Our study presents the evidence that IL-25 serum
              concentration is increased in patients with atopic dermatitis and this cytokine plays an important role in pathogenesis of
              this disease. HDM could stimulate the release of IL-25 which aggravates the disease severity. Our results corroborate
              previous findings on the role of TSLP in atopic dermatitis.

    K e y w o r d s : atopic dermatitis, epithelial cell-derived cytokines, interleukin-25, substance P, house dust mites, thymic stromal

                       INTRODUCTION                                    Despite intensive research, a precise etiopathogenesis of AD
                                                                       remains unclear. Among the numerous AD-related
     Atopic dermatitis (AD; atopic eczema, AE) is a chronic and        morphological and functional factors, dysfunction of skin
recurrent skin disease manifested by eczematous lesions                barrier and immunological disorders were singled out as the
(acute, subacute or chronic) with a characteristic, age-               main factors which, by interaction, contribute to the disease
dependent localization and intensive itching. AD is currently          development. It is noteworthy that pruritus, which is a
the most common inflammatory dermatosis in the world, with             fundamental symptom of AD, provokes the skin scratching,
a lifetime prevalence of up to 20% in developed countries (1).         leading to the epidermal damage and aggravation of skin
The clinical manifestations of the disease vary widely: from           inflammation (6-8).
mild lesions located in the hollows of the limbs to                        Substance P (SP) is a neuropeptide associated with
erythroderma - a generalized inflammation involving more               neurogenic skin inflammation and pruritus. The role of SP in the
than 90% of the skin surface, which is reflected in the                pathogenesis of AD is the subject of many reports. Elevated SP
differentiation of disease phenotypes (2). The presence of AD          levels can be used as an indicator of disease activity (9, 10).
significantly impairs patients’ quality of life not only due to the        In recent years, a growing body of evidence has indicated
irritating symptoms of the disease itself but also because of          that the development of skin inflammation in AD patients is
several potential comorbidities (e.g. bronchial asthma, mental         triggered mainly by epidermal damage resulting in epidermal
disorders, autoimmune diseases) (3). Although for years AD             keratinocytes releasing alarmins, such as thymic stromal
was considered a childhood disease that patients could ‘grow           lymphopoietin (TSLP), and interleukin IL-25 (11, 12). Also
out’ of, an increasing number of clinical reports indicate that        HDM, domestic and storage mites can aggravate skin damage
the disease is also prevalent in the adult population (4, 5).          and exacerbate lesions in AD patients, by affecting the skin both

directly (due to the activity of the mite cysteine proteases) and      mellitus), taking immunosuppressive medications (up to 3
indirectly (due to their allergenic properties) (13).                  months prior to the study) and undergoing phototherapy up to 6
    The aim of the study was to analyze IL-25, TSLP and SP             months prior to the study.
serum concentrations in adult patients with severe AD in
comparison to the severity of HDM allergy.                             Sample collection and laboratory analysis

                                                                           Blood samples were taken from ulnar vein between 7:00 am
                MATERIALS AND METHODS                                  and 8:00 am in a volume of 10 mL by the same nurse under the
                                                                       same circumstances. Standard blood sampling protocols were
Compliance with ethical standards
                                                                       followed; patients were fasting, after 30 minutes of rest. The
                                                                       samples were kept for 2 hours at room temperature for a clot to
    The study protocol was approved by the Bioethics                   form, then centrifuged at 3500 rpm for 10 minutes, frozen and
Committee of Jagiellonian University Medical College (consent          stored at –80ºC until use. The serum content of TSLP, IL-25 and
no. 122.6120.117.2016). The design and procedures of the study         SP was assessed using an ELISA assay (R&D System,
were carried out in accordance with the principles of the              Minneapolis, MN) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
Declaration of Helsinki. All subjects provided a written               Total IgE concentration was evaluated during the routine
informed consent to participate in this study after a full             diagnostic tests using ELISA method with the fluorimeter
explanation of the study had been provided.                            UniCAP (Pharmacia, Sweden). The values above 100 IU/mL
                                                                       were considered as increased. Dust mite specific IgE (sIgE; d1:
Study sample                                                           Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, d2: Dermatophagoides
                                                                       farinae) antibodies were assessed using ELISA method with the
    The group of 31 adult Caucasian patients (F/M: 16/15;              fluorimeter UniCAP (Pharmacia, Sweden) according to
median age: 34 years old; range 20 – 72 years) suffering from          manufacturer’s instruction. The level of IgE antibodies was
childhood-onset of extrinsic AD were qualified to the study. The       classified as follows: Class I: 0.35 – 0.68 IU/mL, Class II: 0.70
control group consisted of 20 healthy Caucasian volunteers             – 3.49 Iu/mL, Class III: 3.5 – 17.49 IU/mL, Class IV: 17.5 – 49.9
(F/M: 10/10; median age: 27 years old; range 23 – 72 years). A         IU/mL, Class V: 50.0 – 100.0 Iu/mL, Class VI: > 100 Iu/mL.
study group participants were recruited at the Dermatology
Department of Jagiellonian University Medical College from             Statistical analysis
January 2017 to May 2018. The diagnosis of AD was based on
the diagnostic criteria of Hanifin and Rajka (14). The severity of         To describe the sample, standard measures of mean (SD) and
AD was assessed based on the SCORing Atopic Dermatitis                 median (min-max) were used, depending on the distribution of
(SCORAD) index, where score over 50 points indicates a severe          the parameter. To compare the mean values of IL-25 and TLSP
form of the disease (15). All of the patients were classified as       between the analyzed groups, the Student’s t-test and the
having severe AD (median SCORAD index: 61.4 points; min–               ANOVA test were used; similar non-parametric methods were
max: 50.3 – 80.4 points). The worst itch during last 24 hours was      applied to SP analysis. The calculations were made using the
evaluated with Visual-Analogue-Scale (WI-VAS; where 0                  StatSoft STATISTICA package version 13.0. Tests of
points: no pruritus, 1 – 3: mild pruritus, 4 – 6: moderate pruritus,   significance were 2-tailed with α = 0.05.
7 – 8: severe pruritus, 9 – 10: very severe pruritus) (16). The
characteristics of the study group are presented in Table 1.
    The exclusion criteria of the selected subjects (patients and                                 RESULTS
controls) included: lack of consent, age below 18 years, pregnant
and lactating females, systemic inflammatory disorders,                   Nearly all patients with severe AD (96.8%) were allergic to
presence of other cutaneous inflammatory disorders,                    HDM. Only one patient from the study group revealed O class for
cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases (e.g. diabetes             house dust mite specific IgE (d1, d2). As much as 84% patients

Table 1. Characteristics of the atopic dermatitis (AD) patients and control group.
                    Parameter                                               Patients                  Control
                                                                             (n=31)                   (n=20)
                    Gender                                    Male          15 (48.5)                 10 (50)
                    n (%)                                    Female         16 (51.5)                 10 (50)
                    Age                                                         34                      27
                    median; min-max: (years)                                (20 – 72)                (23 – 72)
                    SCORAD                                                     61.4                     0.0
                    median; min-max: (points)                             (50.3 – 80.4)
                    VAS                                        10           27 (87.1)                  0.0
                    n (%) points                                9            4 (12.9)                  0.0
SCORAD, SCORing atopic dermatitis index; VAS, visual analogue scale.

Table 2. Distribution of atopic dermatitis patients by house dust mite specific IgE classes.

                    Classes            0           I           II        III          IV         V            VI
                    d1                 2           0           1          2            1         2            23
                    d2                 1           1           1          2            1         2            23

                                                                                                    Fig. 1. Serum IL-25 in adult
                                                                                                    patients suffering from atopic
                                                                                                    dermatitis (AD) and in control

                                                                                                    Fig. 2. Serum TSLP in adult
                                                                                                    patients suffering from atopic
                                                                                                    dermatitis (AD) and in control

from the study group was categorized into higher sIgE classes           The serum concentration of IL-25 was significantly higher in
(Class IV – VI), the majority of them was classified as Class VI    the severe AD patients (average: 17.2 ± 3.0 pg/mL) than in the
(23 (74%) subjects d1, d2) (Table 2). All patients from the study   control subjects (average: 15.2 ± 3 pg/mL ) (P < 0.033) (Fig. 1).
group (31/31; 100%) suffered from severe AD (SCORAD                 Moreover, there was a significant statistical difference (P <
median: 61.4 points; min-max: 50.3 – 80.4 points). According to     0.001) in TSLP serum level which was markedly higher in AD
the visual assessment scale of pruritus (VAS) all patients          subjects (average: 80.8 ± 12.5 pg/mL ), as compared to the
experienced very intensive itching (VAS ≥ 9, 100%). The levels      healthy control group (14.6 ± 4.5 pg/mL) (Fig. 2).
of total IgE antibodies were extraordinarily high in AD patients,       However, there was no statistical difference in serum SP
ranging between 1030 to 58 600 IU/mL; median 10 600 IU/mL.          concentration between patients with AD and controls (P =

Table 3. Blood level of substance P in patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) and healthy control group.

                                              AD patients                        Control group
                                               (n = 31)                            (n = 20)
                    Substance P        Median    Min           Max         Median     Min      Max           P
                    (pg/ml)            170.6    107.6          749.0       163.5     107.9     191.6       0.148

                                                                                                      Fig. 3. Serum IL-25 (average
                                                                                                      and 95% CI) in classes of HDM
                                                                                                      specific IgE (d1 d2) and in
                                                                                                      control subjects.

                                                                                                      Fig. 4. Serum TLSP (average
                                                                                                      and 95% CI) in classes of HDM
                                                                                                      specific IgE (d1 d2) and in
                                                                                                      control subjects.

0.148), although 29% of patients had SP levels above the               in the mean values of IL-25 concentration with the increase of
maximum SP levels revealed in the control group (Table 3).             HDM d1, d2 classes (P = 0.015) (Fig. 3). Similar TSLP analysis
    Analysis of IL-25 concentration in relation to HDM classes         showed no differentiation of mean concentrations in HDM
showed the existence of a significant linear trend of the increase     classes (Fig. 4).

                          DISCUSSION                                   suggested that mRNA and protein levels of IL-25 and its receptor
                                                                       are elevated in the skin of individuals with AD, and their
     AD is most frequently demonstrated among babies and               expressions are higher in lesional skin compared to unchanged
children. The number of AD patients in the population of adults        skin. IL-25 significantly reduced the mRNA signal of filaggrin in
is reduced, but still considerably high, amounting to about 7%         a dose-dependent manner, supporting that IL-25 has a direct
(5, 17). International survey by Harrop et al. (18) revealed that      effect on the skin structure. Secondary impetiginisation is a
AD was diagnosed in 2 – 17.6% of population in individual              common phenomenon in AD. The effect of lipopolysaccharide
countries. The results of an extensive study by Barabarot et al.       (LS) stimulation on IL-25 is well known (32).
(19) including the population of people from the USA, Japan,               To the best of our knowledge, the IL-25 blood level in AD
Canada and Europe indicated a significant underestimation of           patients has not been investigated yet. Herein it is demonstrated
the disease prevalence in adult population (the prevalence of          for the first time that serum concentration of IL-25 in subjects
previously diagnosed and active AD ranged from 2.1% to 4.9%).          with severe form of AD was significantly higher, compared to
     Dysfunction of skin barrier, both in lesional and non-lesional    healthy controls. Furthermore, an interesting relationship has
skin, plays a fundamental role in pathogenesis of allergic skin        been found between IL-25 concentration and HDM. Notably, IL-
disease (20). The most important elements related to epidermal         25 serum concentration shows a significant positive linear tend
defect in patients with AD are: deficiencies of filaggrin and          with increased HDM d1, d2 classes. It seems that this is the first
claudin-1, which are proteins vitally important for normal skin        result showing that HDM could stimulate IL-25 production and
structure, reduction of acylceramides, and impairment of genes         aggravate the symptoms of AD in patients with severe form of
encoding Epidermal Differentiation Complex (7). Experiments            this disease.
on filaggrin-deficient mice revealed that skin permeability for            Neuropeptides are important in the development of skin
allergic protein, including HDM protein, was strongly increased        inflammation in AD. The skin of AD patients presents the
in these animals (21, 22).                                             excessive density of cutaneous sensory nerve fibers in skin
     The key role in allergic reactions is played by the Th2-          lesions with increased SP - positive nerve fibers and amplified
mediated immune response and the processes it triggers: IgE            mast-cell-nerve fibers in skin lesions (33, 34). Substance P, an
overproduction by plasma cells, activation of innate lymphomatoid      endogenous neuropeptide of tachykinine family, mediates
cells 2 (ILC2), eosinophils, mast cells and basophils. These           intracellular signaling, mainly through G-protein coupled
processes are accompanied by the release of Th-2 mediated              receptors (35). This receptor was found on mast cells,
cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-9 and IL-13 from the immune          keratinocytes, and cutaneous nerve ending. Binding SP to its
system cells. The keratinocyte activation is a hallmark of the         receptor resulted in the release of additional itch mediators (36).
development of AD in acute and chronic phases. Keratinocytes, as       SP activates mast cell (MC) to release inflammatory mediators
part of the innate immune defense, contribute to the inflammatory      such as leukotriene B4, prostaglandin D2, and TNF-α (37).
reactions and immune responses in AD by regulating the release of      Serum levels of SP have been reported to be increased in patients
cytokines, chemokines, proteases, and bioactive lipids. Epidermal      with AD and correlated with itch intensity. It is noteworthy that
keratinocytes secrete three cytokines, which are considered crucial    serum SP remained elevated even after AD remission (9, 10). In
in mediating the Th2-dependent response: TSLP, IL-25 and IL-33         our study, SP serum concentrations in AD patients and healthy
(11, 23). TSLP belongs to the group of IL-7-like cytokines. It was     controls were not statistically different, which could probably be
initially discovered in a mouse thymic stromal cell line supernatant   related to the limited number of individuals in the study group
as a T and B cell growth factor (24) and subsequently identified in    and considerable differences in SP concentration among
human tissue (25). The epidermis releases TSLP as a result of          individual patients. Nevertheless, in about 30% of AD patients
mechanical trauma, e.g. scratching, infection or the activity of       SP serum concentration exceeded the maximum concentration
inflammatory cytokines and proteases, e.g. papain and trypsin. The     measured in healthy controls.
role of TLSP in direct stimulation of itch-sensory neurons in vivo         Furthermore, chemokine C-X-C motif ligand 1 (CXCL1) has
was previously documented (26). The involvement of TLSP in             been associated with atopic dermatitis, a highly pruritic skin
pathogenesis of AD was supported by the results of clinical study      disease via not fully recognized mechanism (38). Recent
with tezepelumab, a human monoclonal antibody against TSLP. In         evidence indicates that CXCL1 can activate the itch-sensitive
that study tezepelumab markedly attenuated the severity AD (27).       subset of TRPV1+/IB4+ dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons (38).
     Previously published studies have demonstrated that the                House dust mites, cosmopolitan pyroglyphids, have been
blood concentration of TLSP was significantly higher in adult          identified as a major cause of allergic diseases worldwide. More
AD patients, compared to healthy controls (28, 29). Similar            than 30 HDM allergens have been recognized, among them the
results were obtained in the present study, where serum                most prominent are cysteine proteases (Der p1 i Der f1) and
concentration of TSLP in AD patients was more than five times          NPC 2 proteins (Der p2 i Der f2) (11).
higher than in control subjects. However, no correlation between            The correlation between the number of HDMs on the skin
TSLP concentration and HDM classes was observed.                       and in patients' homes and AD severity has been known for years
     Interleukin 25 is a newly discovered cytokine with structure      (39, 40). The results of atopy patch tests with mite allergens
similar to cytokines from interleukin 17 family, therefore it is       show it is possible to induce typical AD skin lesions in vivo,
sometimes referred to as IL-17E. IL-25 stimulates lymphocyte           especially in areas exposed to these aeroallergens (air-exposed
Th2 to secrete IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 in paracrine and autocrine         distribution), as confirmed by the work of many researchers (41,
manner. IL-25 binds to the heterodimeric receptor composed of          42). Positive patch tests are associated with the presence of IgE
the IL 17 receptor B (IL-17RB), also known as IL 25R and IL-           bearing Langerhans cells in the epidermis of atopic dermatitis
17RA, two members of the IL-17 family, expressed in a variety          patients (43). AD patients that experienced delayed-type
of cells, including T cells, dendritic cells, macrophages, type-2      hypersensitivity reactions tended to demonstrate severe skin
myeloid cells, epithelial cells and eosinophils (11, 30). IL-25        symptoms and exhibit high total IgE levels as well as HDM-
targets group 2 ILCs, inducing secretion of IL-5 and IL 13 from        specific IgE levels (41, 44). The impaired skin barrier in AD
these cells (31). An increased serum level of IgE was observed in      leads to an increased epidermal permeability and penetration of
transgenic mice overexpressing IL-25 and this observation              allergens and irritants through the skin (7). The key role of HDM
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