INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021

Page created by Ellen Torres
INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
Be Kind Sydney
Appeal 2021


Initiatives of the Sydney Community Foundation
INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
    3      Place-Based Philanthropy Program Map

    5      Message from CEO

    6      Impact Areas

    7      Grassroots Giving Goes Further

    8      Trusted Experts

    10     Multi-year Place-Based Programs

    11     Impact

    12     Sydney Women's Fund Priority Projects 2021

    23     Be Kind Sydney Priority Projects 2021

    32     Supporters

    33     Thank you to our donors

    34     Sponsorship opportunities

    35     How you can get involved

    We are a proud supporter of the United Nations
    sustainable development goals, a global collaboration
    and universal plan to achieve a better and more
    sustainable future for all.

    Our work focuses on goals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 11.

    Image acknowledgements
    With many thanks to our community partners for photos supplied and included in this document.

INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
Geographic &
    Gender Lens                                                                                         Place-Based
    Giving                                                                                              Philanthropy

New South Wales
                                                Baulkham Hills

                                Greater Sydney                        North Sydney
                             Mt Druitt                           Parramatta                Est. 2017
                                                          Fairfield                     Redfern
                      Greater                   Warwick
                                                                               Inner West

                      Sydney                    Liverpool                 Bankstown Sydney Airport
                                                                                                  Est. 2017
                                           Western Sydney
                                                                                    Est. 2017

                                  Claymore                   South West

    Place-Based program hubs
    - Liverpool Hub
    - Campbelltown Hub
    - Fairfield Hub
    - Bankstown Hub
    - Inner West Hub
    - South West Sydney Hub
    - North Sydney Hub

    Flagged suburbs represent grassroots charity partners
    we're supporting across Greater Sydney

INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
“Revolutions never start at the top.
        If we dare to dream of a more loving
    country - kinder, more compassionate, more
    cooperative, more respectful, more inclusive,
      more egalitarian, more harmonious, less
    cynical - there's only one way to start turning
               that dream into a reality:
     each of us must live as if this is already that
          Hugh McKay AO, Author, The Kindness Revolution

INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
  stronger                                                                         Giving
  Sydney                                                                          Together

Last year was the first time many of us living in Sydney had experienced a         OUR LEADERS
threat to our wellbeing and mental health. We felt the vulnerability, fear and
lack of choice that many who struggle in our city feel every day.                  Patron
                                                                                   Sydney Community Foundation
As we live with unpredictable events, Be Kind Sydney is calling on you to help
                                                                                   Her Excellency the Honourable
build a stronger more inclusive Sydney by connecting funds to people living
with uncertainty, fear and loss of hope.                                           Margaret Beazley AC QC
                                                                                   Governor of New South Wales
Be Kind Sydney’s Annual Appeal is building a community of kind and
compassionate people, bringing their giving together to support programs           Vice Patron
supporting people of all ages and backgrounds having a tough time in local         Sydney Community Foundation
communities across Sydney.
                                                                                   Rosalind Strong AM
The Be Kind Sydney Covid Appeal was launched last year as Sydney locked
down to assist us in funding Sydney Women's Fund projects. Be Kind Sydney          Directors
and Sydney Women's Fund are both initiatives of Sydney Community                   Sydney Community Foundation
Foundation. Women and families remain most impacted by the pandemic,               Michael Lynch AO CBE, Chair
especially those women who are already vulnerable. While about a third of          Georgina Byron AM, Deputy Chair
programs stopped for a period, most of our wonderful program partners              Larissa Behrendt AO
reset and continued providing assistance with food security, shelter, safety       Benedicte Colin
from financial and family abuse. With our generous donor support, services         Corinne Kemp
delivered food, counselling, education programs for children, young people         Sophie McCarthy
and women giving hope of better times ahead.
                                                                                   Elizabeth O'Brien
                                                                                   Wayne Stokes
By late last year, with the generous support of our donor community, including
major donors to Be Kind Sydney and Sydney Women’s Fund raised just
short of one million dollars for programs supporting women and families ,          Directors
community groups and men and boys isolated by the pandemic. We know                Be Kind Sydney
grassroots giving goes further (page 7).                                           Michael Lynch AO CBE, Chair
                                                                                   Lucinda Brogden AM
Community need continues and we are again asking for your generosity to            Benedicte Colin
support the most vulnerable among us.                                              Elizabeth O'Brien
                                                                                   Wayne Stokes
On behalf of the boards of directors, I sincerely thank all our philanthropic
donors including The Snow Foundation, Ecstra Foundation, Melbourne’s
Portland House Foundation, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund and Bennelong
Foundation, fund holders with Australian Philanthropic Services, and our           Sydney Women’s Fund
Sydney Community Foundation fund holders who gave to the appeal.                   Wendy McCarthy AO
                                                                                   Lucinda Brogden AM
Please give generously to these much-needed place-based programs and
services that change lives one by one across Greater Sydney, enabling people       Advisory Council
to build their own strong family and community life and to be part of a kinder,    Sydney Women’s Fund
more inclusive Sydney.
                                                                                   Georgina Byron AM, Chair
                                                                                   Lucinda Brogden AM, Patron
                                                                                   Benedicte Colin
                                                                                   Clare Ainsworth-Herschell
                                                                                   Niki Kesoglou
                                                                                   Sophie McCarthy
                                                                                   Genevieve Smart
JANE JOSE                                       MICHAEL LYNCH AO CBE               William Smart
                                                                                   Nicola Verco
Chief Executive                                 Chair
                                                                                   Deanne Weir

INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
Impact areas

       Creates opportunities and equity                     Builds stronger communities and
       for women and girls                                  alleviates poverty

       Education & Employment                               Job Readiness & Employment
       •   Supported learning                               •   Job readiness & mentoring
       •   Employment and academic scholarships             •   Schools programs
       •   Job skills training & mentoring                  •   Participation, belonging &
       Financial Skills & Enterprise                        Education
       •   Financial literacy                               •   Re-skilling
       •   Microbusiness incubators                         •   Youth at-risk alternative learning &
       •   Advocacy & research                                  job pathways
                                                            •   Social enterprise
       Domestic Violence & Crisis
       •   Safety from family abuse                         Mental Health
       •   Emergency shelters                               •   Programs to support & build
                                                                wellbeing resilience and belonging
       •   Basic needs of young mothers and
       •   Community drop-in centres

       People supported:

       •   Youth at-risk                          •   Families in need
       •   Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders   •   Older Australians
       •   Refugee & humanitarian migrants        •   LGBTQIA
       •   Asylum seekers                         •   People living with a disability
       •   CALD communities                       •   Young mum's and carers

INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
Grassroots giving
goes further

Local solutions to local problems                     $10million in donations, to 350+ non-profits in the
                                                      last decade. And when you give to local charities
Each year Sydney Women’s Fund and Be Kind             with low overheads, your dollar goes further. For
Sydney co-designs and funds programs that support     example, what started with donations to buy a coffee
locals in need.                                       machine, has grown to fund seven profit-for-purpose
                                                      businesses and pay more than $145,400 in wages
As specialists in small, frontline programs, we       annually while women gain a TAFE qualification and
undertake extensive due diligence before partnering   job skills. The COVID restrictions have made our job
with local non-profits or making donations on your    more important than ever.

Our programs for women and families support the
                                                      Sydney’s community foundation
most vulnerable - programs for young mothers,         Underpinning the work of Sydney Women’s Fund
older women, domestic violence survivors,             and Be Kind Sydney is the Sydney Community
Indigenous people, migrants and asylum seekers.       Foundation.
We support programs that teach boys to grow into
kind, strong men, strengthen mental health and        Started in 2004, with support from the City
emotional resilience, provide food and shelter, and   of Sydney, the Myer Foundation and NSW
much, much more.                                      Government, it is the city’s only independent public
                                                      foundation. Sydney Community Foundation enables
We operate in Sydney’s most disadvantaged             easy, effective giving on behalf of companies,
geographies. Our local partners often do not have     families, and like-minded groups of people that want
the resources to promote their work, fundraise,       to donate to grassroots non-profits and a pathway
advocate to government, or access experts. Instead,   out of poverty and intergenerational welfare.
they rely on us, and our donors, for support.
                                                      There are more than 40 families and groups that
We are the bridge between corporate, family           have set up planned giving funds within the
and individual donors and little known but highly     foundation’s corporate structure. They rely on our
effective grassroots programs. Together, we           deep local knowledge, due diligence on non-profit
have connected 3,000+ donors, and more than           projects to fund, administration and compliance.

INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
Trusted experts

    Why support us
    With more than a decade’s experience in grassroots   Our operations are funded through philanthropic
    giving, we are trusted by many of Australia’s        giving and sponsorships and we are governed by a
    established and most respected private family        board of eminent, independent directors. All entities
    foundations, community leaders and businesses.       report to the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits
      • Evidence-based approach
    		 with targeted research and           A small experienced team at Be Kind Sydney
    		 measurable outcomes                  (which provides operations for Sydney Community
                                            foundation and Sydney Women's Fund) are
      • Extensive local knowledge and
                                            supplemented with significant expert volunteer
                                            support in business management, finance and
      • Every dollar you donate is used for marketing.
    		 program delivery in local
    		 communities                            • Investment funds are managed
                                            		 by JBWERE and we are independently
      • Flexible, efficient giving options  		 audited by HLB Mann Judd
    		 for businesses, foundations and
    		 individuals                            • Be Kind Sydney is a DGR1 Charity

      •   Low overheads and direct funding                 •   Sydney Community Foundation is a Not
    		    means sponsor's and supporter's                		    for Profit Foundation (DGR2)
    		    donations go further                             •   Sydney Women's Fund (DGR2) is a fund
      •   Responsible, experienced guidance              		    of the Sydney Community Foundation
    		    on how to effectively invest in local
    		    community programs
     • Clear, compliant grant acquittal
    		 and reporting

INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
Major donors
and sponsors


INSPIRING YOUR GIVING - Be Kind Sydney Appeal 2021
Multi-year place-based projects

     Where the need is greatest
     Together with a network of grassroots charity
     partners, Sydney Women's Fund and Be Kind
     Sydney have co-designed and established seven
     hubs in geographic areas of acute disadvantage
     where we support innovative multi-year programs,
     with sustainable funding.
     • Liverpool Hub
                                                          hub program is
     • Bankstown Hub                                    built on community
     • Fairfield Hub                                       engagement
     • Campbelltown Hub
     • Inner West Hub
     • South West Hub

     • North Sydney Hub

     “The partnership we have formed with
     the Sydney Community Foundation and
     their donors has empowered women,
     fostered community engagement and
     created community leaders."

     Pat Hall, CEO, Liverpool Neighbourhood

10   10
                          In the 2019-20 financial year $1.3 million
                          in combined donations to Sydney
                          Women's Fund, Be Kind Sydney and
                          Sydney Community Foundation, went to
                          programs delivered by our local partners
                          with measurable results.

                          Our impact

                   335    vulnerable people supported to employment

                  500+    disadvantaged women given opportunities to
                          learn and pathways to employment

              $145,000    wages paid by social enterprises

                 5,000    hours paid employment through earn
                          and learn social enterprise projects

                  500+    refugee and asylum seekers provided
                          with tailored support

                10,000    young people engaged via education,
                          mentors, mental health and care

                    26    scholarships awarded to people in need
                          (10 indigenous recipients)

                     51   schools supported with community programs for
                          students in need

                    65    marginalised women launched 18 small businesses

           over 25,000    food parcels/meals made available to families,
                          school students and bush fire victims

                          in children participating in programs
    improved resilience   (Save the Children accredited)

Inspiring your

       Sydney Women's Fund - 2021 Projects 		 Fundraising Target

       Employment (p. 14 - 16)
       q   Access to the Future                                  $ 27,500
       q   Virtual Career Support                                $ 27,500
       q   Women's Housing Employment Hub                        $ 11,000
       q   Social Enterprise Employment Scholarships             $ 34,900
       q   Women in Work                                         $ 25,000
       q   Refugee Retail Training Scholarship                   $ 33,000
       q   Women in Work - Over 55's                             $ 11,000
       q   Women's Sewing Circle                                 $ 8,250
       q   Stepping into Independence                            $ 27,500
       q   iWorx Job Pathways for CALD Women                     $ 19,800
       q   Multicultural Young Women's Employment                $ 11,000

       Education (p. 17)
       q   Sydney Women's Fund Future Changemaker Scholarships   $ 11,000
       q   Strive for Girls                                      $ 33,000
       q   Laptops for Learning                                  $ 16,500

       Enterprise (p. 18)
       q   Girls in Business                                     $ 27,225
       q   Women's Business Incubator "The Rising Collective"    $ 11,000
       q   Women in Business                                     $ 5,500

       Financial Capability (p. 19)
       q   MoneyGirl                                             $ 3,850
       q   Women's Work Community Webinar                        $ 50000
       q   Women's Work - Schools Wellbeing                      $ 25,000

       Safety and Independence (p. 20 - 22)
       q   Young Warrior Woman                                   $ 13,000
       q   Early Years for Young Mum's                           $ 22,000
       q   Strong Mothers                                        $ 16,500
       q   Dandelion Care for Bubs                               $ 11,000
       q   Women: Choice and Change                              $ 22,700
       q   Hope and Heal Retreat                                 $ 13,200
       q   Legal Advice for Reugee Women and Girls               $ 11,000
       q   Asylum Seekers Safety and Independence                $ 3,600
       q   My Story Vignette                                     $ 11,500
       q   Music Therapy Rehabilitation                          $ 26,000
       q   Women's Coffee Club                                   $ 5,500
Message to our

In 2021, we are increasing our focus on                Women’s Work was a response to our 2018, Sydney
addressing women's financial vulnerability             Women's Fund Portrait III Research: Hopes Dreams
and pathways to employment to ensure their             and Fears of Sydney Women which painted a vivid
financial independence, and their safety.              picture of women's financial vulnerability.
With NSW Government funding, Sydney Women's            Key findings in this research, designed by Sydney
Fund has created a compelling mini documentary         Women's Fund with leading social researcher Dr
series, 'Women's Work', you can watch now at:          Rebecca Huntley, include:
                                                       •   48% of women in paid work earn less than
Women's Work launched on International                     $34,000 p.a
Women's Day demonstrates the unequal financial         •   54% of women are in paid work, only 30% work
challenges women face throughout their life                full-time
and their higher risk of financial vulnerability. It   •   Only 11% are sure they’ll have enough to retire
encourages women to explore their relationship
with managing money as an important aspect of
                                                       •   32% say if their relationship broke down, they
building financial security over a lifetime.               would be at risk financially

In this years Inspiring Your Giving Appeal, our        Please enjoy the rich diversity of programs
partner programs have a more dedicated focus           responding to the needs of women and families
on assisting women to build confidence and take        across Greater Sydney. We thank our charity partners
steps towards stronger financial wellbeing. Many       for the work they do strengthening women's lives
programs will help those in need into work.            and community. And a huge thank you to our
                                                       generous donors whose support enables this vital,
The first step to financial independence is secure     kind work.
employment and we work with local grassroots
charities providing supported learning and job
skills opportunities. This includes the provision
of childcare, case work, referrals to specialists
for targeted mental health care, navigating the
Australian recruitment process, and building a         GEORGINA BYRON AM
healthy relationship with managing money.              Chair, Sydney Women's Fund Advisory Council

Supported job
 skills training

     Access to the Future - Inner West, Inner Sydney, Greater Sydney
     Giving opportunity: Women's economic                    Employment and
     safety and independence through tailored                Education pathways
     support and access to education and
     training pathways for women impacted by                 for women in need
     homelessness, family violence, and social
     disadvantage. Building on women's strengths             Donation Target
     with one-on-one mentoring and training to
     build confidence and financial independence.            $27,500
     Supporting: 100 women experiencing                      A Gift of Just
     disadvantage living in Sydney typically
     aged 18 – 65 (average participant age is                $500 will fund a woman
     currently 42 yrs).                                      to attend public speaking
                                                             training in preparation for
     Place: Inner West, Inner Sydney, Greater Sydney         interviews and work
     Program partner: Women's and Girls'
     Emergency Centre (WAGEC)

     Virtual Career Support: Digital Portal - Greater Sydney, NSW
     Giving opportunity: Enabling women of                   Scaling online career
     all ages from across Australia to access a              support for women in
     holistic range of career support services
     remotely, 24/7. Access to training, resume              need so she can get
     reviews by HR specialists, mock interviews,             the job
     one-to-one coaching, virtual styling and
     clothing for work.
                                                             Donation Target
     Supporting: 3500 women - from girls in low
     socioeconomic families, to women over 60 at             $27,500
     risk of living in poverty. Instilling confidence,
     restoring dignity and building resilience to            A Gift of Just
     enable more women to start their future sooner.         $350 helps a woman
                                                             from hardship to financial
     Place: Marrickville to Greater Sydney, NSW,
     and capacity for national reach                         stability with career support
     Program partner: Dress for Success                      so she can secure a job

     Women's Housing Employment Hub - Woolloomooloo, Greater Sydney
     Giving opportunity: Enabling Women's                    Education and
     Housing Company tenants and support                     employment pathways
     clients of all ages and multicultural
     backgrounds access to training                          for women's housing co.
     and support so they can embark on                       tenants and clients
     employment pathways, to achieve their
     goals. WHC has 1,000 properties across 29
     Local Government Areas providing housing                Donation Target
     and support to single women, and women
     with children at risk of homelessness.                  $11,000
                                                             A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 442 multicultural women and
     residents of Women's Housing Company                    $100 will provide peer
     aged between 17-65.                                     support for five women to
                                                             get back on their feet and
     Place: Woolloomooloo, Greater Sydney                    into work
14   Program partner: Women's Housing Co.
Social Enterprise Employment Scholarships - Warwick Farm
Giving opportunity: LNC currently runs          Employment and
7 social enterprises and through these          job training for
provide job skills and paid employment to
sole parents, multicultural women from          disadvantaged
disadvantaged backgrounds. Alleviating          women
financial stress for their families, the
women take great joy and pride in the role
model they become for their children.           Donation Target

Supporting: 11 women and 2 men with             $34,900
access to approx 6,200 hours of paid
                                                A Gift of Just
employment via the social enterprises.
                                                $200    will employ a
Place: Liverpool, Warwick Farm                  woman for a week
Program partner: Liverpool Neighbourhood

Women in Work: Employment Scholarships - Bankstown
Giving opportunity: CSS Village is a            Return to work
platform for social cohesion helping            employment
vulnerable individuals from low socio-
economic backgrounds, particularly for          and training for
those from CALD nationalities. Providing        disadvantaged women
on the job training, CSS Village assists
women in need with paid employment
opportunities.                                  Donation Target

Supporting: 3 women with secure paid            $25,000
employment learning practical skills for
                                                A Gift of Just
work including administrative support,
book-keeping, volunteer coordination and
customer service.
                                                $180 will employ a
                                                woman for a week
Place: Bankstown, Belmore
Program partner: Community Support
Services Inc (CSS Village)

Refugee Retail Training Scholarships - Newtown, Western Sydney
Giving opportunity: Retail training and job     Paid retail training
readiness program for young women from          scholarship for
refugee, asylum seeker and humanitarian
backgrounds. Reaching women who are             refugee and asylum
experiencing severe disadvantage, falling       seeker women
through the gaps without support from
other sources. After graduating young
women are supported to transition into          Donation Target
ongoing employment.
Supporting: 12 young women per year,
                                                A Gift of Just
typically aged 18-29 from refugee,
asylum seeker or humanitarian migrant
                                                $750       will fund mentoring
                                                and pre-employment training
                                                for young refugee women in
Place: Newtown to Western Sydney                her first Australian job
Program partner: The Social Outfit

Women in Work: Over 55s - Bankstown
Giving opportunity: Providing skills and        Return to work job
training for work to women over 55 who          skills and future
due to culture, language or age have not
been able to return to work. Building           career expansion for
on their strengths, the women gain              vulnerable women
administration and computer skills and
bring a strong sense of belonging to CSS.
                                                Donation Target
Supporting: 10 women with up to 15 hours
per week supported job skills training          $11,000
and mentoring for future employment
                                                A Gift of Just
                                                $100      will provide women
Place: Bankstown, Belmore                       with a Tech Savvy skills
Program partner: Community Support              training to stay relevant in
Services Inc (CSS Village)                      the job market
Women's Sewing Circle - Bankstown
     Giving opportunity: Sewing skills to           Practical sewing
     offer refugees, single mums, struggling        skills for work or sole
     families with a way to generate income
     and financially support themselves and         trading for vulnerable
     their families. Providing social contact and   women
     valuable skills to improve daily life.

     Supporting: 15 women sewing lessons with       Donation Target
     a passionate designer from beginner to
     advanced. Plus the purchase of a printing      $8,250
     machine for products to develop into a new
                                                    A Gift of Just
     social enterprise.
                                                    $500 will provide a
     Place: Bankstown                               woman the opportunity to
     Program partner: Community Support             start her own alterations
     Services Inc (CSS Village)                     business from home

     Stepping into Independence - Inner West
     Giving opportunity: To accommodate             Independent Living
     and support young women at risk of             Program for young
     homelessness pursue employment and
     higher education pathways that allows          women experiencing
     them to gain independence, build               homelessness
     respectful relationships and maximise their
     potential in a safe environment. Without
     access to mainstream youth services, they      Donation Target
     require significant support to achieve
     sustainable wellbeing outcomes.                $27,500
                                                    A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 15 young women at risk of
     homelessness in the Independent Living
                                                    $100 will provide internet
                                                    access to one young woman
                                                    pursuing higher education or
     Place: Inner West                              career pathways for 5 months
     Program partner: Stepping Stone House

     iWorx Job Pathways for CALD Women - Rockdale
     Giving opportunity: A tailored 6 month         Meeting the gap in
     employment training program for young          employment support
     women from CALD backgrounds. A
     virtual webinar on financial capability        for women from CALD
     will strengthen knowledge, skills and          backgrounds
     confidence around managing their money.
     Plus, the 6 month iWorx program to access
     education and employment through               Donation Target
     individual pathway plans, with counselling
     and case management.                           $19,800
                                                    A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 8 women with individual
     case management plans focusing on
     employment and education pathways.
                                                    $100 will provide 8
                                                    women with transport
                                                    support to travel to and from
     Place: Rockdale                                the project that are facing
     Program partner: Exodus Youth Worx             financial difficulty

     Multicultural Young Women's Employment - Brighton, Sutherland
     Giving opportunity: To train and provide       Multicultural young
     employment opportunities for young
     women from disadvantaged backgrounds           women's employment
     so they are job ready and empowered to gain    and social enterprise
     financial independence. Training in small      marketplace training
     business development, entrepreneurship
     and leadership and starting a social
     enterprise “Young Women’s Marketplace”.        Donation Target
     Supporting: 30 to 40 young women from          $11,000
     Aboriginal, CALD (including newly arrived
     immigrants and refugees), LGBTQI, and          A Gift of Just
     those with a disability.                       $100 will provide a
                                                    mentor for the project for
     Place: Brighton and Sutherland                 3 hours
     Program partner: 2Connect Youth and
16   Community

Sydney Women's Fund Future Changemaker Scholarships
Giving opportunity: Scholarships for girls       Scholarships for
identified by their teachers and school          disadvantaged girls
Principal as having academic potential
but because of their disadvantage, cannot        with high academic
afford the support that would help them          potential
reach their full capability.

Supporting: 10 girls from across Sydney.         Donation Target
These girls are typically refugees or live in
out of home care, or are from Aboriginal         $11,000
and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds,
                                                 A Gift of Just
or live in poverty often due to domestic
violence and family breakdown.                   $1,000 will pay for
                                                 high speed internet and PC
Place: Greater Sydney                            support for 12 months for a girl
Program partner: Harding Miller
Education Foundation

Strive for Girls - Warwick Farm, Liverpool
Giving opportunity: A 40 week program            Safe space for
supporting vulnerable girls transitioning to     vulnerable girls to
high school, building their confidence and
belief they can have a better future. How to     finish school and
deal with issues and make the right choices      build skills for future
that they may be faced with such as sexual
health, anti bullying, drug use.
                                                 Donation Target
Supporting: 15 girls to attend the ten
week course. Providing a safe space, and         $33,000
education on respectful relationships,
                                                 A Gift of Just
confidence and belief in their future.
                                                 $100 will supply
Place: Liverpool, Warwick Farm                   equipment and resources to
Program partner: Liverpool Neighbourhood         learn a new skill (eg. coding
Connections                                      or self defence)

Laptops for Learning - Sydney, Cumberland, Parramatta
Giving opportunity: Refurbishing laptops         Overcoming the digital
for women and girls who have been unable         divide by providing
to engage in online education due to
economic disadvantage, family violence,          laptops for learning for
or homelessness. Covid-19 restrictions have      women and girls
changed the way education providers deliver
services, with online tutorials and learning
modules now the primary method of delivery.      Donation Target

Supporting: 150 women and girls who              $16,500
would otherwise not be able to engage in
                                                 A Gift of Just
online educational activities.

Place: Sydney, Cumberland, Parramatta
                                                 $200     is a laptop for a
                                                 woman who is undertaking
Program partner: The Reconnect Project           online education

Women & girls
     in business

     Girls in Business - Warwick Farm, Liverpool
     Giving opportunity: Training young women           Job skills and future
     who due to culture, language and financial         career expansion for
     barriers have not been exposed to the
     outside business world. Working in the Girls       vulnerable girls
     in Business Wildflower Hair Accessories
     social enterprises will expand their future        Donation Target
     career opportunities.
     Supporting: 20 young women and girls
     with mentoring and training, plus will             A Gift of Just
     employ a local woman to supervise and
     provide administrative support to the girls
     expanding interests.                               $1,225 gives a girl access
                                                        to enterprise training and
     Place: Liverpool, Warwick Farm,                    business skills program
     Program partner: Liverpool Neighbourhood

     Women's Business Incubator 'The Rising Collective' - Liverpool
     Giving opportunity: Through the social             Micro business skills
     enterprise 'The Rising Collective' boutique,       for women in need
     graduates of the Women's Business
     Incubator gain access to a main street             to build financial
     retail space. In addition, the store is part       independence
     of the employment scholarship program
     providing practical retail experience.
                                                        Donation Target
     Supporting: 10 women who face cultural
     barriers, or escaping violent relationships        $11,000
     with mentoring and training to bring a
                                                        A Gift of Just
     product or service to market and develop
     their financial independence.                      $500 will provide one
                                                        woman a start-up grant to
     Place: Liverpool, Warwick Farm                     launch her new enterprise
     Program partner: Liverpool Neighbourhood

     Women in Business: Start-up Work Space - Bankstown
     Giving opportunity: Providing a safe Work         Safe work space
     Space, coaching and mentoring for women           for women in need
     struggling with a business or trying to start
     up a new one. This pilot project is in            to build financial
     response to the growing list of women who         independence
     have launched with CSS Village support.

     Supporting: 10 women who face cultural            Donation Target
     barriers, or escaping violent relationships
     with mentoring and training to bring a            $5,500
     product or service to market and develop
                                                       A Gift of Just
     their financial independence.
                                                       $500 will provide one
     Place: Bankstown                                  woman with one to one
     Program partner: Community Support                training and mentoring
     Services Inc (CSS Village)
Money                                           Financial
wellbeing skills                                Capability

MoneyGirl - Western Sydney
Giving opportunity: Addressing the               Helping young women
mindset and behaviours to develop a              build skills and a
good relationship with managing money.
From breaking down money stories                 positive relationship
and understanding budgeting, tax,                with managing money
superannuation, plus love and money to
prevent financial control and abuse.
                                                 Donation Target
Supporting: 10 young women and girls
with a fun and interactive workshop with         $3,850
the experienced team at MoneyGirl.
                                                 A Gift of Just
Place: Western Sydney                            $350      ensures one girl
Program partner: MoneyGirl, and                  will have access to the skills
Sydney Women's Fund charity partners             to secure her future financial
                                                 safety and independence

Women's Work: Community Webinar - Greater Sydney
Giving opportunity: An online training           Improving women's
and support program for women in the             relationship with
business and not-for-profit sector to
improve their financial wellbeing and            managing money
literacy via an online webinar series. A
four week program is based on a study            Donation Target
guide exploring themes raised in the
Sydney Women's Fund Women's Work                 $50,000
documentary series.
                                                 A Gift of Just
Supporting: 1000+ women assisted to
develop strategies to improve their skills at    $500 will help provide
managing money to reduce the number of           the technology platform for
women who are financially vulnerable.            delivery

Place: Online, Greater Sydney, NSW
Program partner: Sydney Women's Fund

Women's Work: Schools Wellbeing - Greater Sydney
Giving opportunity: Sharing the Women's          Building young
Work documentary series digital resource         women's future
and School's Study Guide in three local
Western Sydney high schools as a pilot           financial wellbeing
project to engage young people in
the conversation of women's financial            Donation Target
vulnerability. The program outcome
is for young girls to develop a positive         $25,000
relationship with managing money sooner.
                                                 A Gift of Just
Supporting: 1000 students to participate
in a screening and guided discussion on          $50    will help share the
gender bias and money stories to how to          films and study guide with
establish positive money habits, early.          a school to improve their
                                                 students money wellbeing
Place: Greater Sydney
Program partner: Sydney Women's Fund
Domestic and                                       Safety and
     family violence                                  Independence

     Young Warrior Woman - Redfern
     Giving opportunity: Mentoring young                 Helping young women
     vulnerable women transitioning from out-            transition from
     of-home-care into independent living and
     prepare for adulthood. Statistically they are       Out-Of-Home-Care to
     at high risk of becoming homeless within            independence
     the first year of leaving care. Often they
     have experienced trauma, typically do not
     have healthy social connections or stable           Donation Target
     positive adult influence and may have
     complex mental health issues.                       $13,000
                                                         A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 25 young women aged 15-25
     years often survivors of trauma.                    $50    will pay for five
                                                         valuable life skills education
     Place: Redfern to Greater Sydney
                                                         workshop sessions for a
     Program partner: Warrior Woman
                                                         young vulnerable woman

     Early Years for Young Mum's - Hurstville, Gymea
     Giving opportunity: Support for vulnerable          Addressing the needs
     and isolated young mothers and children             of CALD and Aboriginal
     of CALD and Aboriginal and Torres Strait
     Islander backgrounds. Many have been                and Torres Strait Islander
     impacted by domestic violence and                   new young mums
     increased episodes of mental health
     problems. Assisting them to find they help
     they need and strong support connections            Donation Target
     within the community.
     Supporting: 50 young mothers and their
                                                         A Gift of Just
     newborns/young children from CALD
     and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                         $1,000 will provide a
                                                         subsidised qualification for a
                                                         young mum
     Place: Hurstville, Gymea
     Program partner: 3Bridges Community

     Strong Mothers - Redfern, Newtown, Annandale
     Giving opportunity: Young Aboriginal                Young mothers
     pregnant women and their children up                education relating to
     until school age, working to heal present
     and transgenerational trauma using a                nutrition, parenting or
     holistic model. Recognising the adverse             emotional support
     effects of childhood traumas ‘triggered’
     during pregnancy affect emotional
     attachment between mother and child. It             Donation Target
     lays the foundation of transition for a new
     generation of First Nations children.               $16,500
                                                         A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 10 to 15 young Aboriginal
     mothers aged between 15 and 28 years, as
     well as their children and families of origin.
                                                         $175 will provide food
                                                         and nappies for a week for a
                                                         young mum and her bub
     Place: Redfern, Newtown, Annandale
     Program partner: Strong Mothers
Dandelion Care for Bubs - Caringbah, Greater Sydney
Giving opportunity: Disadvantaged                New and pre-loved cots,
families face many challenges, but the           prams, car seats and all
welfare of their children causes the most
stress. This project provides both new and       the things mum's need
preloved cots, prams and car seats, as well      for bub's and kids
as preloved and new clothing, toys and
linen to families to ensure their children
have everything they need for their safety.      Donation Target

Supporting: 50 financially disadvantaged         $11,000
families and sole parents affected by
                                                 A Gift of Just
COVID-19 - often encompassing mothers
and children escaping domestic violence.         $1,000 will provide a
                                                 family with everything they
Place: Caringbah to Greater Sydney               need to give their new baby
Program partner: Dandelion Support               the best start in life
Network Inc.

Women: Choice and Change - Kings Cross, Greater Sydney
Giving opportunity: A face-to-face group-        Choice and change
based program to work with women who             program for domestic
have experienced domestic violence. They
may be thinking of leaving a dangerous           violence survivors
relationship or have already left. A safe
space to learn, heal and change, to live in      Donation Target
happier and healthier relationships.
Supporting: 72 women (aged 18+), from all
socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds,          A Gift of Just
including many middle aged and older
(50-60+) who have experienced domestic           $1,000 gives 10 women
violence or have lived through toxic or          emergency funding to find
unhealthy relationships.                         safe overnight accommodation
                                                 when shelters are closed or full
Place: Kings Cross to Greater Sydney             along with Opal cards or taxi
Program partner: Lou's Place                     money for essential travel

Hope and Heal Retreat - Greater Sydney
Giving opportunity: While servicing the          Post crisis, long-term
immediate crisis period in family violence is    recovery program for
crucial, this focus has created a dangerous
gap for survivors, where the long term           female survivors of
impacts of abuse go largely untreated.           family violence
Hope and Heal Retreats addresses the
long-term recovery so survivors can rebuild
their lives, participate in their community      Donation Target
and economic opportunities.
Supporting: 40 women survivors of
                                                 A Gift of Just
violence across 2 retreats delivering
practical tools to empower women to take
charge of their health and wellbeing.
                                                 $6,000 pays for the
                                                 Retreat Hire and all meals for
                                                 15 women
Place: Greater Sydney
Program partner: Hope and Heal

Legal Advice for Refugee Women and Girls - Parramatta
Giving opportunity: Award winning                Legal health checks
program providing refugee women and              for high risk and
girls in Western Sydney with access to free,
confidential legal support in a women’s only     vulnerable refugee and
space. Mainly temporary visa holders, they       asylum seeker women
are not eligible for any Federal Government
financial support often leaving these
vulnerable women in perilous situations.         Donation Target
Legal health checks also address fines,
unpaid bills, tenancy or medical issues.         $11,000
                                                 A Gift of Just
Supporting: 150 women depending on the
complexity of their needs.                       $50     gives a woman access
                                                 to an interpreter so she can
Place: Western Sydney                            document her situation
Program partner: Refugee Advice &                accurately
Casework Service
Asylum Seekers Safety and Independence - Greater Sydney
     Giving opportunity: Help vulnerable              Safety and
     women and children seeking asylum who            independence for
     live in precarious conditions gain physical
     safety and financial independence. These         women seeking asylum
     women and children are often fleeing             and their children
     danger, including domestic violence, and
     persecution. Providing a personalised
     pathway to employment or education with          Donation Target
     childcare to study, attend interviews and stay
     competitive in accepting flexible work hours.    $3,600
                                                      A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 1 vulnerable woman and her
     children seeking asylum.                         $200     will help women
                                                      contribute to weekly rent
     Place: Newtown to Greater Sydney                 showing good faith till they
     Program partner: Asylum Seekers Centre           find employment

     My Story Vignette - Burwood
     Giving opportunity: Creative workshop            Creative workshops
     intervention for women and children              for women and
     escaping domestic violence. This
     program is a partnership between Sydney          children escaping
     University CREATE, the Women’s and Girls’        domestic violence
     Emergency Centre (WAGEC) and Milk
     Crate theatre, focused on women residing
     in the WAGEC emergency centre who are            Donation Target
     predominantly from CALD backgrounds.
     Supporting: 20 women living in emergency
                                                      A Gift of Just
     shelter to build social connections and
     confidence to make positive life changes.        $1,000 will enable 20
                                                      women and their children
     Place: Burwood
                                                      attend a creative workshop
     Program partner: Milk Crate Theatre,
                                                      to build skills, have fun and
     WAGEC, Sydney University CREATE
                                                      improve their lives

     Music Therapy Rehabilitation - Glebe
     Giving opportunity: Music therapy for            Music therapy for
     young women who are dealing with drug            young women
     and/or alcohol dependency. Exposed to
     addictions, domestic violence, childhood         impacted by violence
     abuse and neglect, many have destructive         or other trauma
     lifestyles. This program supports their
     rehabilitation, helping them to express and
     regulate emotion through music therapy.          Donation Target

     Supporting: 15-20 young women in the             $26,000
     Detour House drug/alcohol rehabilitation
                                                      A Gift of Just
                                                      $350 is a 3.5 hour group
     Place: Glebe                                     therapy session run by a
     Program partner: Nordoff Robbins Music           registered Music Therapist
     Therapy T/A Noro Music Therapy, Detour House

     Women's Coffee Club - Campbelltown, Camden, Randwick
     Giving opportunity: Nominated as a Local         A safe space for
     Hero in the 2021 Australia Day honours,          women and children of
     Rosemary Kariuki is bringing together
     Sydney siders from diverse backgrounds.          all backgrounds
     The Women's Coffee Club is a safe space for
     women to drop in for a chat. It's a grassroots   Donation Target
     response to the hundreds of messages to
     Rosemary following her award from women          $5,500
     seeking support who identified with her story.
                                                      A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 50 women to come together in
     a safe space with childcare and refreshments     $100 will help cover the
     to bring them out of isolation and connected     cost of childcare for a session
     with local services to ensure their safety..     so women can access
                                                      supports as needed
     Place: Campbelltown, Camden, Randwick
     Program partner: Rosemary Kariuki
Inspiring your

Be Kind Sydney - 2021 Projects 		 Fundraising Target

Job Skills (p. 25-26)
q   Dinner for 4: Food Parcels                            $ 5,500
q   The Village Pantry                                    $ 15,000
q   Plate it Forward                                      $ 55,000
q   Being Herd Pathways                                   $ 27,000
q   RISE                                                  $ 55,000
q   Project Educate                                       $ 27,500
q   The Footpath Library Hub                              $ 5,500

Education (p. 27-29)
q   Reading for Life                                      $ 17,369
q   Junior RISE                                           $ 33,000
q   SCRAP (Sustainable Communities Recycling All Paper)   $ 14,850
q   Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure                           $ 11,000
q   Thrive for Boys                                       $ 11,550
q   Family Support Service                                $ 16,500
q   Swimming Lessons                                      $   7,920
q   Transition to University Scholarships                 $ 21,700
q   Youth Edcuation and Support Service (Y.E.S.S)         $ 11,000
q   Follow My Lead                                        $ 33,000
q   #Headstartt                                           $ 33,000

Mental Health (p. 30-31)
q   KYDS                                                  $ 27,500
q   Kookaburra Kids Connect                               $   7,150
q   Junior Top Blokes                                     $ 27,000
q   Stepping Up                                           $ 26,600
q   Mobile Community Centre                               $ 27,500
q   A Listening Ear                                       $ 27,500
q   Rhythm is Life                                        $ 9,350

Message to our

     Last year as Sydney locked down, Be Kind Sydney           As you plan your giving please consider our
     called on the kindness of Sydneysiders and                projects and making a gift this year or a multi-year
     launched the Be Kind Sydney Covid Appeal to               commitment. Please contact us about how you
     assist those struggling in our city.                      would like to give and be involved.
     With donors generous support Be Kind Sydney               Be Kind Sydney offers a unique opportunity to
     provided assistance with food security, shelter, safety   make your philanthropy in Sydney work to build
     from financial and family abuse and importantly           a stronger community for everyone in the city we
     enabled supported education programs for children,        love and to address its increasing divide.
     young people and women to continue online, giving
     hope of better times ahead.
     By late 2020, with gifts from community donors and
     major donors to Be Kind Sydney and strong and
     kind supporters of Sydney Women’s Fund, we had
     raised just short of one million dollars.                 WAYNE STOKES
     This has been distributed and we have reports of          Director, Be Kind Sydney
     outstanding impact delivered with these funds.
     As we live with unpredictable events, Be Kind Sydney
     can still build a stronger Sydney by connecting funds
     from those who have what they need, or more,
     to people living without wellbeing who live with          "That I can learn new things, and at
     uncertainty and loss of hope.                             the same time it’s a paid job. It helped
     Be Kind Sydney changes lives one-by-one.
                                                               me to be more confident in what I
                                                               believe I can do."
     Our aim is to change a life through supported
     learning and education, overcoming isolation and          Participant, Be Kind Sydney funded program
     mental challenges, so each person has a strong
     chance of building resilience and wellbeing, with a
     positive family and community life.

Be Kind
Sydney                                            Job Skills

Dinner for 4: Skills for Work - Heckenberg
Giving opportunity: Dinner for 4 creates           Creating jobs and
new employment opportunities for                   making it easier for
disadvantaged women in Liverpool to
prepare and package a healthy meal for             families to eat a healthy
families in need in Western Sydney.                dinner
Supporting: 120 families will receive healthy
meals. In addition, 2 women are employed           Donation Target
and trained in safe food handling to pack
30-40 meal parcels for delivery per week.          $5,500
The women gain skills, work experience
                                                   A Gift of Just
and are paid 2 hours per week for 40 weeks
of the year.                                       $2,400 secures 2 hours
                                                   per week employment for a
Place: Heckenberg                                  year and TAFE certification to
Program partner: Liverpool Neighbourhood           a woman in need, preparing
Connections                                        food parcels for families

The Village Pantry - Bankstown
Giving opportunity: Putting food on the            Food security and
table for those struggling. Refugee, asylum        on the job training
seekers, single parents, elderly, people living
with a disability or mental illness. Healthy       skills development for
meals and connection to further support,           those in need
education and a sense of belonging.
Supporting: 700 meals per week. In 2020,           Donation Target
CSS Village Pantry supported 25,000
vulnerable people with food. Plus, Village         $15,000
Pantry also provides supported job skills
                                                   A Gift of Just
training for volunteers and is expanding it's
skills for work with FoodLab.                      $1,000 trains volunteers
                                                   to prepare healthy food
Place: Bankstown                                   parcels for locals
Program partner: Community Support
Services Inc (CSS Village)

Plate it Forward - Glebe, Kings Cross
Giving opportunity: Plate it Forward               Food relief, education,
is tackling hunger and employment                  training and
insecurity in Australia by harnessing
the power of food to provide food relief,          employment for
education, training and employment.                people in need
Redefining 'equal opportunity' to help
those left out of employment pathways.
                                                   Donation Target
Supporting: 6,500 hours of employment,
education and training at Ability Social (20       $55,000
hours per week at 6 staff p.a. Plus 3,000
                                                   A Gift of Just
hours of Asylum Seeker employment and
training to deliver 1000 meals per week            $400 rescues 1,000 kilos
                                                   of food to be donated to
Place: Redfern, Glebe, Kings Cross, South-         marginalized community
West Sydney                                        members
Program partner: Plate it Forward
Being Herd Pathways - Parramatta, Penrith, Campbelltown
     Giving opportunity: Addressing the                Linking young people
     link between mental ill-health and
     unemployment for young people (aged               at-risk with mental
     16-24) to overcome challenges related             health and job seeking
     to seeking employment, education and              support
     training. The pilot engaged 150 hard to reach,
     at risk young people, with 46% of participants
     reporting engagement in training, education       Donation Target
     or employment (almost 20% higher than
     those utilising Jobactive services).              $27,000
     Supporting: 40 at-risk young people               A Gift of Just
     who are not in education, training, or
     employment.                                       $1,750 takes a
                                                       young person through
                                                       the workshop, and peer
     Place: Parramatta, Penrith, Campbelltown
                                                       mentoring program
     Program partner: BATYR

     RISE - Claymore
     Giving opportunity: Reconnecting                  Employment and
     young people suspended or chronically             education pathways
     disengaged from school with alternative
     pathways to further education, training           for at-risk young
     or employment. The impacts of Covid-19            people
     are profound for young people in low
     socioeconomic families and is increasing
     the barriers to future employment.                Donation Target

     Supporting: 20 at-risk young people               $55,000
     between 14-19 years of age from
                                                       A Gift of Just
     Campbelltown LGA including young
     women, men, LGBTQI+ and Indigenous
     young people.
                                                       $1,000 enables 3
                                                       young people to enrol to a
                                                       subsidised Cert III training in
     Place: Claymore, Campbelltown, Camden             their chosen career path
     Program partner: Whitelion Youth Agency

     Project Educate - Hurstville
     Giving opportunity: Support at-risk young         Re-engaging young
     people to re-engage in learning within            people at-risk with
     an alternative education setting that
     provides wrap around support with both a          education and
     distant education curriculum and trauma           employment pathways
     informed case management. Flexible
     approaches and hands on practical skills
     will remove barriers to learning to achieve       Donation Target
     a qualification and secure a pathway into
     further education and employment.                 $27,500
                                                       A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 10-12 young people per year
     (aged 15-17) of mixed gender, from a range
     of cultural backgrounds.
                                                       $100 will provide 2
                                                       disadvantaged young people
                                                       with the cost of all their core
     Place: Hurstville                                 subjects for one year
     Program partner: Project Youth

     The Footpath Library Hub - Sydney, Parramatta
     Giving opportunity: A monthly, mid                A 'one stop shop' of
     week, daytime hub in Sydney where The             support services for
     Footpath Library will collaborate with other
     services providers such as a street medic,        people experiencing
     legal outreach, street vet, counsellors etc. to   homelessness
     offer a warm, safe environment for people
     experiencing homelessness and disadvantage
     to access a 'one stop shop' for support.          Donation Target

     Supporting: 100 people experiencing               $5,500
     homelessness or disadvantage or at risk to
                                                       A Gift of Just
     walk away feeling more positive and to feel
     that they matter and that people care.            $100 buys 25 pairs of
                                                       reading glasses
     Place: City of Sydney, Parramatta, Inner
     West, Liverpool
     Program partner: The Footpath Library
Learning for
life                                            Education

Reading for Life - Camden
Giving opportunity: Reading for Life is          Overcoming learning
an evidenced based program designed              difficulties for at-risk
by a speech pathologist, teacher and
psychologist. It's helps children with           primary children
learning difficulties by training community
volunteers to work with selected children at     Donation Target
their school to improve their reading, self-
esteem and confidence.                           $17,369
Supporting: 20 children in years 2-4             A Gift of Just
who are struggling significantly with
their reading will participate in a 15 week      $1,000 will enable
intervention program 'Reading for Life' at       one child to participate in
Camden and Thomas Acres Public Schools.          tailored literacy support
Place: Camden
Program partner: Learning Links

Junior RISE - Campbelltown
Giving opportunity: Helping primary              Re-engaging at-
school children re-engage and thrive             risk primary school
in education despite high risk factors
of their home life and setbacks in their         children with their
learning. The number of school referrals         education
and suspensions in primary students has
increased over the past five years, above
average in South Western Sydney.                 Donation Target

Supporting: 35 primary age children              $33,000
suspended or at-risk of suspension or
                                                 A Gift of Just
withdrawal provided targeted resilience
training finding their strengths and
improving their future life outcomes.
                                                 $1,000 will allow a child
                                                 to develop their strengths
                                                 with an individual learning
Place: Campbelltown                              plan
Program partner: Save the Children

SCRAP - No Dig Gardens for Mum's and Bub's
Giving opportunity: Building confidence          Sustainable living
in and around the home and community             skills supporting
garden. Skills focus on sustainability
measures, build confidence while                 mothers and their
providing care and stimulating activities for    children
children. The workshops will also focus on
transferrable skills that may assist women
in seeking work.                                 Donation Target

Supporting: 50 people directly and a             $14,850
further 100 people in the supporting
                                                 A Gift of Just
                                                 $100 will provide care and
Place: Holsworthy to Western Sydney              fun for 10 children while their
Program partner: SCRAP (Sustainable              mums learn to build a no dig
Communities Recycling All Paper)                 garden
Ditto's Keep Safe Adventure - Western Sydney
     Giving opportunity: ‘Ditto’s Keep Safe            Personal safety
     Adventure’ Personal Safety Program is a live,     skills for children to
     interactive 1/2hr show delivered through
     song and easy-to-understand concepts, for         navigate situations
     children aged 5-8 years. Designed to provide      where they feel unsafe
     children with personal safety skills to help
     them navigate situations where they may
     feel unsafe including child sexual assault.       Donation Target

     Supporting: 1500 children, their family           $11,000
     members/carers and teaching staff will
                                                       A Gift of Just
     benefit with language to communicate
     these critical conversations.                     $175 means one child
                                                       can see “Ditto Keep Safe
     Place: Western Suburbs                            Adventure Show”, an activity
     Program partner: Bravehearts Foundation           book, two story books, and a
                                                       printed parent pack

     Thrive for Boys - Warwick Farm, Liverpool
     Giving opportunity: The Western Sydney            Educating young men
     community is made up of many different            in self respect, healthy
     cultures and with the current surge of DV
     cases Thrive is sharing the message of self       relationships and
     respect and equality with young boys.             positive choices
     Supporting: 11 young men to respect each
     other, respect women, be informed about           Donation Target
     drug and health issues and confident in
     their own ability to make choices in life.        $11,550
                                                       A Gift of Just
     Place: Liverpool
     Program partner: Liverpool Neighbourhood          $500 provides
     Connections in partnership with NSW               equipment for education

     Family Support Service- Surry Hills
     Giving opportunity: Providing individual          Practical skills, and
     parents/carers, family units, children            resources for parents
     and youth with support that is flexible
     and tailored to their needs. FFS upskills         facing complex risks
     and empowers parents with the skills,             to strengthen families
     knowledge and resources so they can self-
     manage and strengthen their families. 65%
     live in social and community housing, 75%         Donation Target
     are one-parent families and from culturally
     and linguistically diverse backgrounds, all       $16,500
     living with a number of issues/risk factors.
                                                       A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 150 families who live on and
     below the poverty line
                                                       $120 provides a parent
                                                       with access to the family
                                                       support program to get a
     Place: Surry Hills                                helping hand when times
     Program partner: The Girls & Boys Brigade         are tough

     Swimming Lessons - Alexandria, Kingsford, Bondi
     Giving opportunity: Swimming                      Swimming lessons for
     scholarships for children living with a           socially disadvantaged
     disability on welfare due to domestic
     violence situations ( eg. Bayside Women’s         children living with
     Shelter) or CALD ( culturally and                 disabilities
     linguistically diverse) families. Water is a
     great place to heal and it is vital every child
     learns how to be safe in the water and            Donation Target
     experience the benefits it can bring to an
     individuals health and well-being.                $7,920
                                                       A Gift of Just
     Supporting: 6 students living with a
     disability and their families in the Sydney
     Metropolitan Area.
                                                       $30    enables a child
                                                       in need to enjoy a fully
                                                       supervised swimming lesson
     Place: Alexandria, Kingsford, Bondi               with qualified teacher
     Program partner: Little Heroes Swim
28   Academy
Transition to University Scholarships - Greater Sydney
Giving opportunity: Scholarships for               Scholarships for young
disadvantaged youth combining corporate            people in need to
mentoring and financial relief for Years 11,
12 and the first year of further education/        transition successfully
training. Scholars are matched with their          from school to uni
own corporate mentor and participate in
structured, facilitated sessions, one-on-
one meetings and a two-day Leadership              Donation Target
Supporting: 3 scholars to participate in
                                                   A Gift of Just
Year 12 and first year of further education.
                                                   $100 will provide digital
Place: Greater Sydney                              access for university/Year 12
Program partner: ABCN Scholarship                  textbooks and resources

Youth Education and Support Service (Y.E.S.S) - Bankstown
Giving opportunity: Getting young people           Job skills and future
off the screens and re-engaged with their          career expansion for
education. Led by a qualified teacher, YESS
provides educational support in subjects           vulnerable youth
across the school curriculum along with
fun 'inside technology' lessons, taking apart      Donation Target
computers and discussing social issues
facing our ever connected young people.            $11,000
Supporting: 20 young people at-risk                A Gift of Just
with a focus on literacy, math skills, and
alternative pathways to further education.         $100 gives a young
                                                   person access to a qualified
Place: Bankstown                                   tutor
Program partner: Community Support
Services Inc (CSS Village)

Young People Tackling Discrimination - Arncliffe, Riverwood, Bexley
Giving opportunity: Empowering young               Leadership Education
people with skills and knowledge to reduce         for younth to improve
discrimination, improve belonging, and
build their employability skills through           cultural harmony and
a leadership education program. Young              employment
leaders will learn how to educate their
peers on anti-racism, cultural awareness,
acceptance and kindness towards all.               Donation Target

Supporting: 1,500 young people aged
16–25 from culturally/linguistically diverse       A Gift of Just
& Aboriginal backgrounds (including new
arrived & refugee backgrounds, LGBTQI,
and those with a disability).
                                                   $100 will provide a
                                                   qualified mentor for the
                                                   project for 3 hours
Place: Arncliffe, Riverwood and Bexley
Program partner: 2Connect Youth &

#Headstartt - Fairfield
Giving opportunity: Engaging refugee               Engaging refugee
young people largely from Iraqi and Syrian         young people in
backgrounds a weekly program (Fridays,
4-7 pm), offering homework assistance              education and job
and tutoring, Job Club and psychosocial            skills training support
support activities: exercise, art activities
and mental health literacy.
                                                   Donation Target
Supporting: 100 refugee young people age
14-24 improve their academic results and           $33,000
engagement with education, job seeking
                                                   A Gift of Just
skills and employment, particularly important
to bridge the gaps created by COVID-19.            $1,000 helps secure a
.                                                  highly trained youth worker
Place: Fairfield                                   to guide and mentor young
Program partner: NSW Service for the               people each week
Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and
Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)                                                         29
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