Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS) - 2018 Principal Investigators Workshop
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Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS) 2018 Principal Investigators Workshop National Science Foundation Alexandria, VA May 16-18, 2018
INFEWS Workshop Planning Committee: NSF Membership Lara Campbell, OD, Office of International Science and Engineering David Campbell, EHR, Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings Jennifer Carroll, EHR, Office of the Assistant Director David Corman, CISE, Division of Computer and Network Systems Charles Estabrook, OD, Office of International Science and Engineering Bruce Hamilton, ENG, Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems James W. Jones, ENG, Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems Ryan Locicero, CISE, Office of the Assistant Director Chungu Lu, GEO, Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Workshop Objectives Greg Meyer, ENG, Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems n F oster a community of science around Food-Energy-Water (FEW) systems and continue Stephen Mulkey, EHR, Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings dialogue with Principal Investigators (PIs) regarding their project results and plans; Leah Nichols, OD, Office of Integrative Activities Bob O’Connor, SBE, Division of Social and Economic Sciences n G ather PI input on project constraints, program challenges, examples of success, and best practices to aid National Science Foundation (NSF) and U.S. Department of Agriculture National Anne-Marie Schmoltner, MPS, Division of Chemistry Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA) in future solicitation development; Brandi Schottel, ENG, Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems Thomas Torgersen, GEO, Division of Earth Sciencess n C ollect posters, talks, videos, and other materials from PIs that illustrate FEW system-of-systems research, which NSF and USDA can use to communicate with the broader scientific community Timothy VanReken, OAD, Office of Integrative Activities about FEW research. Deborah Winslow, SBE, Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences INFEWS Workshop Planning Committee: USDA-NIFA Membership Nancy Cavallaro, Division of Global Climate Change Jim Dobrowolski, Division of Environmental Systems Rachel Melnick, Institute of Bioenergy, Climate, and Environment Meridian Institute Facilitation Staff Molly Mayo, Senior Partner Annie Shapiro, Project Associate Brad Spangler, Senior Mediator and Program Manager Danielle Youngblood, Senior Project Coordinator 2.
Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS) 2018 Principal Investigators Workshop AGENDA National Science Foundation | Alexandria, VA | May 16-18, 2018 WEDNESDAY MAY 16 10:30 am 1:45 pm Panel: New Directions in FEW Social INFEWS Grantee Lightning Talks, Round 2 7:30 am Science Research Molly Mayo and Brad Spangler, Meridian Institute Badging, Registration, Networking, Moderator: Deborah Winslow, Program Director, Second round of 2-minute talks by participating Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences, NSF INFEWS grantees. and Poster Set-Up Mark Moritz, Associate Professor, Ohio State University 1. Immersive Educational Game Simulations to All participants should allow at least 30 minutes for Jia Li, Economist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency building entry and registration. Enhance Understanding of Corn-Water-Ethanol- Kathryn Grace, Assistant Professor, University of Beef System Nexus (1639478, T4) Minnesota, Twin Cities 2. S trategic FEW and Workforce Investments to 8:30 am Amy Stein, Professor, Levin College of Law, Enhance Viability of Controlled Environment Welcoming Remarks University of Florida Agriculture in Metropolitan Areas (1739163, T3) Jim Jones, Program Director, Division of Chemical, Human activity is at the core of the food, energy, and 3. A dvancing Technologies and Improving Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport water nexus. This panel will expose PIs to the latest Communication of Urine-Derived Fertilizers for Systems, NSF advancements in anthropology, economics, social Food Production within a Risk-Based Framework Rachel Melnick, National Program Leader, Institute geography, and law and to how those developments (1639244, T3) of Bioenergy, Climate and Environment, USDA-NIFA can be integrated in FEW research. PIs will have the 4. M anaging Energy, Water, and Information Flows for Luis Tupas, Deputy Director for Bioenergy, Climate, opportunity to engage with academic and federal Sustainability across the Advanced Food Ecosystem and Environment, USDA-NIFA experts to explore critical research gaps and innovative (1639529, T3) directions of social science research. 5. Innovations for Sustainable Food, Energy, And 8:45 am 4. iFEWCoordNet – A Secure Decision Support System Water Supplies in Intensively Cultivated Regions: for Coordination of Adaptation Planning Among Review of Workshop Objectives, Agenda FEW Actors in the Pacific Northwest (USDA NIFA, T2) 11:45 pm | Lunch (on own – see back of program for options) Integrating Technologies, Data, And Human and Logistics 5. Reducing Household Food, Energy and Water Behavior (1739191, T3) 1:00 pm 6. S ustainable Agriculture in the Nexus of Food, Molly Mayo, Senior Partner, Meridian Institute Consumption: A Quantitative Analysis of Keynote Presentation: Feeding, Watering, Energy, Water and Nutrient on National and Global Interventions and Impacts of Conservation Scales (1739823, T2) 9:00 am (1639342, T3) and Powering a World of 10 Billion 7. A Multi-Scale Platform for Technology Evaluation Plenary Presentation: INFEWS Initiative Status 6. Social-Ecological-Technological Solutions to Tom Torgersen, INFEWS Co-Chair (Introduction) and Decision-Making in the Dairy-Water-nergy and Look Ahead Waste Reuse in Food, Energy, and Water Systems William Easterling, Assistant Director, Directorate for Nexus (USDA NIFA, T3) (ReFEWS) (1639524, T3) Geosciences, NSF (Featured Speaker) Tom Torgersen, INFEWS Co-Chair 8. D eveloping Pathways Toward Sustainable Irrigation 7. Reducing Resource Use at the Seafood-Energy- Brief presentation on the vision, goals, status, and Keynote presentation followed by questions and across the United States Using Process-based Water Nexus: Focus on Efficient Production and anticipated direction of the INFEWS initiative. answers with participants. Systems Models (SIRUS) (USDA NIFA, T1) Waste (USDA NIFA, T3) Questions, answers, and feedback from participants. 9. S ustaining California’s Food Production Through 8. Understanding Multi-Scale Resilience Options for Integrated Water and Energy Management (USDA Climate-Vulnerable Africa (1639214, T1) 9:30 am NIFA, T1) 9. Rethinking Dams: Innovative Hydropower INFEWS Grantee Lightning Talks, Round 1 10. Impacts of Deglobalization on the Sustainability Solutions to Achieve Sustainable Food and of Regional Food, Energy, Water Systems Molly Mayo and Brad Spangler, Meridian Institute Energy Production, and Sustainable Communities (1739909, T1) First round of 2-minute talks by participating INFEWS (1639115, T3) 11. Scarcity Amid Abundance: Understanding grantees. Other workshop participants are encouraged 10. Increasing Regional to Global-Scale Resilience in Trade-offs in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in the to visit the presenters during the poster session to Food-Energy-Water Systems Through Coordinated Willamette River Basin (1740082, T1) discuss specific questions. Management, Technology and Institutions 12. A Modeling Framework to Couple Food, Energy, (1639458, T1) and Water in the Teleconnected Corn and Cotton 1. The INFEWS-ER: A Virtual Resource Center Enabling 11. Cyber-based Decision Support Strategies to Belts (1639327, T1) Graduate Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, Achieve Consensus for FEW System Sustainability 13. Intensification of the World’s Largest Agricultural and Water Systems (1639340, T4) using Incentive and Policy Structures (1739551, T2) Frontier: Integrating Food Production, Water Use, 2. Towards Resilient Food-Energy-Water Systems in 12. Advancing FEW System Resilience in the Corn Belt Energy Demand and Environmental Integrity in a Response to Drought Impacts and Socioeconomic by Integrated Technology-Environment-Economics Changing Climate (1739724, T1) Shocks (1739835, T1) Modeling of Nutrient Cycling (1739788, T1) 3. M esoscale Data Fusion to Map and Model the U.S. 2:30 pm | Break FEW system (INFEWSion) (1639529, T1) 10:15 am | Break 3. 4.
Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS) 2018 Principal Investigators Workshop AGENDA National Science Foundation | Alexandria, VA | May 16-18, 2018 2:45 pm performance computing, precision agriculture, Energy, Nutrient, and Water Recovery from innovations in their projects, and help NSF identify Panel: FEW Data Science Frontiers: hydrologic prediction, data repositories, networking, Biowastes (1739884, T3) mechanisms for connecting INFEWS research with Harnessing the Data Revolution for low-cost/-energy sensors, drones, machine vision, 8. C oupling Infrastructure Improvements to Food- users to achieve the broader impacts of NSF research and machine learning. It will provide an opportunity Energy-Water System Dynamics in Small Cold investments. This session will highlight the importance FEW Systems for PIs to engage with panelist on “the state of the art” Region Communities: MicroFEWS (1740075, T3) of public-private collaborations as an important Moderator: Ryan Locicero, American Association and “the future” of DSFEW research. 9. S olar-Powered Integrated Greenhouse (SPRING) mechanism that contributes to a broader workshop for the Advancement of Science Technology Systems Using Wavelength Selective Photovoltaics theme of “Mainstreaming INFEWS Research”. & Policy Fellow, NSF 4:00 pm for Complete Solar Utilization (1639429, T3) Poster Session 10. L inking Current and Future Hydrologic Change to 11:45 pm | Lunch (on own – see back of program for options) Speakers: Hydropower, Human Nutrition, and Livelihoods in R anveer Chandra, Principal Researcher, Microsoft PIs will discuss and answer questions about their work n the Lower Mekong Basin (1740042, T1) 1:00 pm Research, Washington State University in an informal poster session format. 11. Advanced Energy Efficient Greenhouse Systems Instructions and Transition to n B askar Ganypathysubramanian, Associate Professor, Employing Spectral Splitting and Solar Water Small Group Sessions Iowa State University 5:30 pm Purification (USDA NIFA, T3) J eremy Leifker, Solution Owner, John Deere n Day 1 Wrap Up and Plan for Day 2 12. M onitoring and Managing Food, Energy, and Molly Mayo and Brad Spangler, Meridian Institute n C ynthia Parr, Technical Information Specialist, USDA Molly Mayo, Meridian Institute Water Systems Under Stress: California Agricultural Research Service Summarize Day 1 highlights and review Day 2 agenda, (1639318, T1) 1:15 pm n S hashi Shekhar, McKnight Distinguished University including the plan for small group sessions. Small Group Session 1 Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, 9:30 am | Break Workshop participants will have an opportunity to University of Minnesota 5:45 pm participate in a small group discussion on a topic of n D avid Tarboton, Professor of Civil and Environmental Informal Networking 9:45 am their choice. Engineering, Utah State University Panel: Exploring Pathways for INFEWS Daniel O’Connell’s Irish Restaurant & Bar T aking Stock: Impacts of INFEWS on Science and Research to Impacts n This panel will expose INFEWS researchers to 112 King St, Alexandria, VA 22314 Engineering academics, industry, and federal experts who have Moderator: Barry Johnson, Director, Division of n D omestic and International FEW Research Priorities experience in Data Science for Food, Energy, Industrial Innovation and Partnerships, Directorate for n I dentifying and Addressing FEW Systems Data and Water (DSFEW) systems, including high Engineering, NSF Challenges n C onvergence Research: Managing Interdisciplinary Speakers: Team Dynamics THURSDAY MAY 17 n A lison Adams, Principal Water Resources Engineer, INTERA Geoscience and Engineering Solutions n P ublic-Private Partnerships: Exploring Small Business Innovation Research and Other Models R oger Buelow, Chief Technical Officer, AeroFarms n 8:00 am 1. Reducing the Environmental Impacts of FEW n E llen Hanak, Director, Public Policy Institute 2:15 pm Badging, Registration, and Networking Systems in and Around Cities (1739676, T1) of California 2. Flexible Model Compositions and Visual n R obin Lougee, Research Industry Lead - Consumer Transition to Small Group Session 2 All participants should allow at least 30 minutes for Representations for Planning and Policy Decisions Products, Business Solutions and Mathematical building entry. for the Food-Energy-Water Nexus (1639227, T2) Sciences, IBM Research 2:30 pm 8:30 am 3. The Sustainability-Productivity Tradeoff: Water n M illie Knowlton, Senior Account Manager, Tesla Energy Small Group Session 2 Supply Vulnerabilities and Adaptation Opportunities n B ill Ritter, Director, Center for the New Energy Reflections on Day 1 and Review Day 2 Second session of small group discussions. in California’s Coupled Agricultural and Energy Economy, Colorado State University Molly Mayo, Meridian Institute Sectors (1639268, T2) T aking Stock: Impacts of INFEWS on Science and This panel will expose INFEWS PIs to industry and n Brief reflections on the Day 1 proceedings and review 4. Decision Support for Water Stressed FEW Nexus Engineering policy representatives who have led efforts to Decisions (DS-WSND) (1739977, T3) n D omestic and International FEW Research Priorities of the Day 2 agenda, including locations for the incorporate innovative research on food, energy, afternoon small group sessions. 5. WaterSmart: A Cyberinfrastructure-based Integrated n I dentifying and Addressing FEW Systems Data water (FEW), and associated cyber systems into Agro-geoinformatic Decision-Support Web Service Challenges their business activities and policies. For example, System to Facilitate Informed Irrigation Decision- n C onvergence Research: Managing Interdisciplinary 8:45 am the panel will address questions like how and when Making (1739705, T2) Team Dynamics INFEWS Grantee Lightning Talks, Round 3 academic researchers working on FEW System models, 6. Critical Nutrient Recovery and Reuse: Nitrogen and n P ublic-Private Partnerships: Exploring Small Business Molly Mayo and Brad Spangler, Meridian Institute technologies, and social and policy dimensions should Phosphorus Recycling from Wastewaters as Struvite Innovation Research and Other Models Third round of 2-minute talks by participating plan to interact with public and private partners to Fertilizer (1739473, T3) INFEWS grantees. ensure that their research will achieve the envisioned 7. Closing the Loop: An Integrated, Tunable, and 3:30 pm | Break impacts. It will provide an opportunity for INFEWS Sustainable Management System for Improved researchers to better understand the marketplace for 5. 6.
AGENDA WORKSHOP PANELISTS Keynote Presentation: Feeding, Watering, New Directions in FEW Regional Planning, 3:45 pm and Powering a World of 10 Billion Policy, and Economics Poster Session PIs will discuss and answer questions about their work William E. Easterling, III Deborah Winslow in an informal poster session format. Panel Moderator Dr. William E. Easterling, III was Program Director, Division of Behavioral and Cognitive appointed Assistant Director of 5:00 pm Sciences, NSF Geosciences at the National Science Day 2 Wrap Up and Plan for Day 3 Foundation on June 1, 2017. Molly Mayo, Meridian Institute A Fellow of the American Association Kathryn Grace Summarize Day 2 highlights and review Day 3 agenda for the Advancement of Science, he was Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities previously the dean of the College of Earth Kathryn Grace’s research fits squarely within 5:15 pm and Mineral Sciences and professor of geography and earth the field of Population Geography. Her Adjourn system science at Penn State. He was trained as an economic research highlights the role of context in geographer and climatologist and earned a Bachelor of Arts various aspects related to maternal and degree in geography and history, a Master of Arts degree in child health—primarily reproductive health geography-industrial location economics, and a doctorate FRIDAY MAY 18 in geography-climatology, all from the University of North and family planning decision-making. Her geographic training (PhD geography) and Carolina at Chapel Hill. quantitative background (M.A. statistics, MSPH biostatistics) 8:00 am Simply stated, the target audience must be identified Before joining the Penn State faculty in 1997 as an associate enable her to bring a unique perspective to spatial professor of geography and earth system science, he held demography through her use of a quantitative, mixed- Badging, Registration, and Networking so the message can be tailored for the audience. The best science will emerge when the question and posts at the Illinois State Water Survey, Resources for the disciplinary approach to the examination of the way that All participants should allow at least 30 minutes for Future, Inc., and the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. He is a individual, family, or household outcomes are conditioned the context are well informed and the fundamentals of building entry. faculty affiliate in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences’ by place; including both the culture and the natural convergent science are applied ( Earth and Environmental Systems Institute and a member of environment. od/oia/convergence/index.jsp). The goal of this session 8:30 am The Graduate School. Before his appointment as dean in July to illustrate how best to package your message and Review Day 3 Agenda personalize the story for multiple audiences; how to 2007, he served as the founding director of the Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment from 2001 to 2007. Jia Li Molly Mayo, Meridian Institute communicate effectively; and how to get the most out Economist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of your “sound bites”, still photos and video interviews He is an internationally recognized expert on how climate 8:45 am via your web presence. change likely will affect the Earth’s food supply and was Dr. Jia Li is an environmental economist at the nominated by the White House to serve as a convening U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Panel: Mainstreaming FEW Systems Science lead author on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Climate Change Division. Jia has worked and its Impact 10:30 am | Break Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report’s Chapter on Food, on energy, climate change and air quality Moderator: Tom Torgersen, INFEWS Co-Chair Fibre, Forestry, and Fisheries. The lead authors of the IPCC policy with research institutions, international 10:45 am Assessment Report were co-awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace and environmental organizations, and the Speakers: Plenary Discussion: Forming FEW Prize with former Vice President Al Gore. US government in the past 20 years. Her Research Networks current work focuses on the policy, economics and integrated In the area of food and climate, he has testified before M ark Miano, Former Executive Editor, NBC Learn modeling of climate change, including on mitigation, Congress, given invited briefings to committees and sub- n Lara Campbell, Program Manager, Office of adaptation, climate impacts and vulnerability, and technology J ames Thebaut, Chief Executive Officer, President, International Science and Engineering, NSF committees of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, n adoption, at global, national and subnational levels. Jia is a and Executive Producer, The Chronicles Group delivered numerous invited presentations and keynote co-chair of the Social Science Coordinating Committee of the Interactive discussion about practical strategies and speeches, and authored more than 80 refereed scientific U.S. Global Change Research Program and has been working B runo Basso, Foundation Professor, next steps for forming research networks among FEW publications. He has chaired or served on various on interdisciplinary research efforts and integration of social n Department of Earth and Environment researchers in the United States and internationally. international and national committees, including those of the and behavioral sciences in climate change assessments and Sciences, Michigan State University United Nations, National Research Council, National Science research programs to inform societal decisions. Between 11:45 am Foundation, the U.S. Department of Energy, and many other M artha Conklin, Professor of Engineering, University 2013 and 2014, she served as the Deputy Associate Director federal agencies. Wrap Up and Next Steps n for Energy and Climate Change at the White House Council of California-Merced on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Jia has a Ph.D. in agricultural n Laurie Howell, Audio/Video Producer, Office of and resource economics from the University of Maryland, Legislative and Public Affairs, NSF 12:00 pm | Adjourn College Park and M.S. in environmental management and policy from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This panel focuses on communicating with the stakeholders, the public and K12 via multiple means. 7. 8.
Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS) 2018 Principal Investigators Workshop WORKSHOP PANELISTS National Science Foundation | Alexandria, VA | May 16-18, 2018 Mark Moritz Data Science Frontiers: Harnessing the Baskar Ganypathysubramanian Cynthia Parr Associate Professor, The Ohio State University Associate Professor, Iowa State University Technical Information Specialist, USDA ARS Data Revolution for FEW Systems Mark Moritz is an Associate Professor Baskar directs a scientific computing lab Cynthia Parr is a program manager at the in Anthropology at the Ohio State Ryan Locicero that uses applied mathematics and high- National Agricultural Library (NAL) of the University and has conducted research Panel Moderator performance computing to model, design U.S. Department of Agriculture in Beltsville, with pastoralists in the Far North Region American Association for the Advancement of Science and control complex systems. From the Maryland. She leads the Ag Data Commons of Cameroon since the early nineties. Technology & Policy Fellow, National Science Foundation application point-of-view, his group is research data catalog and repository and His interdisciplinary research focuses on particularly interested in food, energy works on public access and open data policy management of common-pool resources, Ryan Locicero, Ph.D., PE, is an American and environment related phenomena. His for USDA. Previously she served as the Chief ecology of infectious diseases, and regime shifts in coupled Association for the Advancement of Science group develops mathematical techniques and computational Scientist and Director for Species Pages for the Encyclopedia human and natural systems. (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy tools — model reduction, multiscale frameworks, multiphysics of Life (EOL) at the National Museum of Natural History of the (S&TP) Fellow at The National Science simulators , control algorithms, data-driven methods — Smithsonian Institution. She recently concluded three years as Foundation (NSF) in the Directorate for to efficiently model these systems. Whenever possible, Chair for the Biodiversity Information Standards organization Amy Stein Computer and Information Science and they seek to validate techniques using the expertise of (Taxonomic Database Working Group, TDWG). She has Professor of Law, University of Florida Engineering’s (CISE) Office of the Assistant experimental collaborators. In recent years, these workflows conducted research in evolutionary ecology, ornithology, Director (OAD). He contributes to CISE research and have been used by plant breeders and geneticists to behavior, molecular systematics, community ecology, Amy L. Stein is a Professor of Law at the education activities, including cross-cutting initiatives such efficiently extracting traits for accelerated breeding and crop information visualization, semantic web, and social networks. University of Florida Levin College of Law, as Smart and Connected Communities (NSF 16-610 and management. Baskar has a PhD from Cornell University, and nationally recognized for her research on NSF 18-520), Cyber Physical Systems (NSF 17-529 and NSF is an alumni of the Indian Institute of Technology. He is an energy policy, particularly with respect 18-538), Innovations at the Nexus of Food Energy Water (NSF NSF CAREER awardee. Shashi Shekhar to federalism, the regulatory process, 17-530 and NSF 18-545), and Signals in the Soil (NSF 18-047). McKnight Distinguished University Professor, and administrative law. Professor Stein’s Dr. Locicero received a Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, University of Minnesota recent scholarship focuses on the complex M.E. in Environmental Engineering Sciences, and B.S. in Jeremy Leifker governance issues associated with regulation of an evolving Civil Engineering from the University of South Florida (USF), Shashi Shekhar is a Mcknight Distinguished Solution Owner, John Deere electric grid composed of more diverse and distributed University of Florida, and USF respectively. University Professor and a Distinguished energy resources, including solar, energy storage, and Jeremy Leifker is the Solution Owner for University Teaching Professor at the University electric vehicles. She has also explored impacts on the John Deere Operations Center – a set of Minnesota (Computer Science faculty). reliability of the electric grid and the intersection of energy Ranveer Chandra of online tools for farmers globally that He has a distinguished academic record that and environmental law. She teaches in the areas of energy Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research provides information about their farm includes 300+ refereed papers, a popular law, environmental law, climate change, and torts. She when they need it, where they need it. As textbook on Spatial Databases (Prentice Hall, has presented her energy work across the country and Ranveer Chandra is a Principal Researcher at the Solution Owner for Operations Center, 2003), an authoritative Encyclopedia of GIS (Springer, 2nd Ed. internationally, in both academic and policy forums. She Microsoft Research where he is leading an Jeremy leads the future direction of the 2017) and a perspective article on Spatial Computing in the serves as the Chair of UF Law’s Sustainability Committee and Incubation on IoT Applications. His research system with a keen eye on helping farmers improve their Communications of the ACM (Jan. 2016). Shashi is serving as the Faculty Senate’s University-wide Sustainability Committee has shipped as part of multiple Microsoft farming operation with technology that enables greater the President of the University Consortium for GIS (2017-18), Her published scholarship focuses on the intersection of products, including VirtualWiFi & low power efficiencies and return on crop yield. the Chair of the Board of Directors of the SSTD (Symposium on energy and environmental issues. Professor Stein began Wi-Fi in Windows since 2009, Energy Profiler Spatial and Temporal Databases) Endowment (2014-2019), and in Visual Studio, and the Wireless Controller Prior to his current role, Jeremy has experience leading the her academic career at George Washington University Law a member of the board of directors of the Computing Research Protocol for XBOX One. Ranveer is leading the FarmBeats, Product Strategy and Marketing group for John Deere’s School and Tulane Law School. She is a member of the Association (CRA) (2016-2019). battery research, and TV white space projects at Microsoft Digital Agriculture products, and has led the Global Dealer District of Columbia, Illinois, and California state bars and a Research. He has published over 80 papers, and filed over Channel IT Strategy helping dealers more effectively run their In the early 1990s, Shashi’s research developed core graduate of the University of Chicago (AB) and the University 100 patents, with over 80 granted by the USPTO. He has won business in serving farmers. technologies behind in-vehicle navigation devices as well as of Chicago Law School (JD). several awards, including best paper awards at ACM CoNext web-based routing services, which revolutionized outdoor Jeremy has a passion for helping farmers run successful 2008, ACM SIGCOMM 2009, IEEE RTSS 2014, USENIX ATC navigation in urban environment in the last decade. His businesses. Particularly in the intersecting space where 2015, and Runtime Verification 2016 (RV’16), the Microsoft recent research results played a critical role in evacuation people, technology, machinery and soil meet to produce Research Graduate Fellowship, the Microsoft Gold Star Award, route planning for homeland security and received multiple a better outcome. the MIT Technology Review’s Top Innovators Under 35, TR35 recognitions including the CTS Partnership Award for (2010) and Fellow in Communications, World Technology significant impact on transportation. Shashi received a Ph.D. Network (2012). Ranveer has an undergraduate degree from degree in Computer Science from the University of California IIT Kharagpur, India and a PhD from Cornell University. (Berkeley, CA) and an undergraduate degree from the I.I.T. Kanpur (India). 9. 10.
Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS) 2018 Principal Investigators Workshop WORKSHOP PANELISTS National Science Foundation | Alexandria, VA | May 16-18, 2018 David Tarboton Alison Adams, PhD, PE both government and the private sector. Roger previously the largest society in the world for professionals in the field Professor, Utah State University Principal Water Resources Engineer, INTERA Geoscience served as CTO of Energy Focus (a publicly traded company) of operations research, management science and analytics, and Engineering Solutions for ten years leading their R&D, Engineering, and Operations Chair of the INFORMS Computing Society, and President David will discuss, HydroShare, a system for to refit the U.S. Navy with LEDs, develop lights that help of the Fora of Women in ORMS. She was awarded the 2016 sharing hydrologic data and modeling aimed Alison Adams, Ph.D., P.E. is formerly the regulate sleep cycles, and to set the world’s record for most INFORMS George E. Kimball Medal and 2014 INFORMS at giving hydrologist the cyberinfrastructure Chief Technical Officer at Tampa Bay efficient solar cell. In addition, Roger has been the principal Impact Award. Robin earned a Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences needed to manage data, innovate and Water, the largest wholesale public water investigator on over a dozen federally funded research from Clemson University in 1993. collaborate in research to solve water supplier in the state of Florida. Dr. Adams, contracts spanning military and civilian technologies and problems. He will argue for innovative a water resources engineer, has worked holds over 20 patents covering a wide array of technologies. combinations of data and models, including in Florida on large-scale water supply Roger has brought over 50 products from concept, through Millie Knowlton the interoperability between data repositories to support and management problems for over 35 R&D, into engineering and then onto the open market. Senior Account Manager, Tesla Energy work across disciplinary boundaries. David will also provide years. As Tampa Bay Water’s Chief Technical officer, she was Roger has a B.S. in Mathematics and an M.S. in Systems and insights from his research on improving hydrologic prediction responsible for permitting and regulatory compliance, water Control Engineering from Case Western Reserve University, Millie is a Senior Account Manager at Tesla and its implications for the FEW nexus, including the use supply planning and demand forecasting at multiple time Cleveland, Ohio. for the development and deployment of of hydrologic, Geographic Information System, and digital scales, and decision support for risk, reliability and source solar energy, energy storage, and electric elevation models that take advantage of spatially distributed allocation and the Agency’s Information Technology group. vehicle fleet investments in the Commercial information for hydrologic prediction. and Industrial sector. In this role she ensures Dr. Adams also directed research into climate variability Ellen Hanak projects address relevant policy, design, and climate change and the effects on supply reliability Director, Public Policy Institute of California finance, procurement, and operational for the Tampa Bay region and management strategies to Exploring Pathways for INFEWS Research mitigate these effects. Dr. Adams represented Tampa Bay Ellen Hanak is director of the PPIC Water issues in a quickly changing industry. Tesla is a leader in Policy Center and a senior fellow at the producing and installing electric vehicles, EV charging, and to Impacts Water as the chair of the Water Utility Climate Alliance. She Public Policy Institute of California. Under energy storage products, with a mission to accelerate the co-founded the Florida Water and Climate Alliance with the her leadership, the center has become a world’s transition to sustainable energy. Barry Johnson University of Florida and co-managed a project with the critical source of information and guidance Panel Moderator University of Florida and the Southeast Climate Consortium Millie is also a Mayoral appointee to the DC Sustainable for natural resource management in Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships, Directorate on downscaling global climate model output for use in the Energy Utility Advisory Board and a Member of the Board California. She has authored dozens for Engineering, National Science Foundation agency’s integrated hydrologic model. She directed the of Directors for the Conservation Voters of South Carolina. of reports, articles, and books on water policy, including agency’s efforts on defining supply reliability under climate She received a Master’s degree in Environmental Change Managing California’s Water. Her research is frequently Barry W. Johnson is the Division Director uncertainty. Dr. Adams was responsible for implementing and Management from the University of Oxford. profiled in the national media, and she participates in for the Division of Industrial Innovation programs which project long-term water demand for the briefings, conferences, and interviews throughout the nation and Partnerships at the National Science agency’s service area, optimize Tampa Bay Water’s water and around the world. Her other areas of expertise include Foundation (NSF). Prior to joining NSF, he supply, and maximize environmental protection across the climate change and infrastructure finance. Previously, she was the Senior Associate Dean in the School region. Currently Dr. Adams is a Principal Engineer with served as research director at PPIC. Before joining PPIC, she of Engineering and Applied Science at INTERA Incorporated, focusing on water supply planning held positions with the French agricultural research system, the University of Virginia where one of his and resiliency projects for utility and water manager clients. the President’s Council of Economic Advisers, and the World responsibilities was strategic partnerships. In 1998, he was a Bank. She holds a PhD in economics from the University of founder of Privaris, Inc., a biometrics security company. While Maryland. on leave from the University of Virginia from 2002 to 2006, he Roger Buelow served as Chairman and CEO of Privaris, Inc. Prior to joining Chief Technology Officer, AeroFarms the University of Virginia, he worked as a research engineer Roger Buelow leads AeroFarms’ innovation Robin Lougee for Harris Corporation in their Government Aerospace and capabilities team and works closely Research Industry Lead - Consumer Products & Agriculture, Systems Division. He is the author of two books, nine book with R&D and Business Development. IBM Research chapters and more than 150 journal and conference articles. AeroFarms has been recognized as a He is also an inventor on 34 issued patents and more than 30 Robin Lougee is the IBM Research Lead for Circular Economy 100 company, was listed applications currently pending. Consumer Products & Agriculture. She is an on Fast Company’s 2018 global list of Most industrial research scientist with a strong Dr. Johnson received the B.S., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees Innovative Companies and Inc. Magazine’s track record of delivering innovation to in electrical engineering from the University of Virginia, list of the 25 Most Disruptive Companies. AeroFarms also IBM and its customers. Robin serves as the Charlottesville, Virginia. He is a Fellow of the IEEE for his received the New Jersey Governor’s Award for Environmental Head of the Steering Committee for the contributions to fault-tolerant computing. He is also a Fellow Excellence and was voted as the Best Growth Company to CGIAR Big Data in Agriculture Platform and of the National Academy of Inventors for his contributions invest in at the Wall Street Journal’s ECO:nomics conference a working committee member for the National Academy of to invention and innovation in computer system safety and in addition to being a finalist for The Circular Awards at The Sciences, Engineering and Medicine’s Science Breakthroughs security including biometric-based identity verification. World Economic Forum. David is also the founder of Hycrete, 2030: A strategy for food and agriculture research study. Inc., a nanotechnology cleantech company. She is the founding chair of the Syngenta Crop Challenge As an industry leading LED innovator and Engineering Award in Analytics and the INFORMS Professional Technologist, Roger brings over 20 years of experience in Colloquium. Robin was elected to the Board of INFORMS, 11. 12.
Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS) 2018 Principal Investigators Workshop WORKSHOP PANELISTS National Science Foundation | Alexandria, VA | May 16-18, 2018 Laurie Howell Jim Thebaut Bill Ritter Jr. as an editor for various journals including Water Resources Audio/Video Producer, NSF Science Nation Series Director, Center for the New Energy Economy, Research, Reviews of Geophysics and has served as a Jim Thebaut is a former Regional Colorado State University consultant for IAEA. Laurie Howell oversees the Science Nation Environmental Planner and was responsible video series and the Science360 Radio for numerous Environmental Impact Bill Ritter, Jr. is the founder and director of stream for NSF, both of which she helped to Statements, and Planning Studies in the Center for the New Energy Economy Bruno Basso launch in 2009. Over the last decade, Laurie Washington, Idaho, Oregon and Alaska. (CNEE) at Colorado State University which has helped hundreds of scientists and He is currently president and CEO of University Foundation Professor, Michigan State University works directly with governors, legislators, engineers communicate their research to The Chronicles Group, a not-for-profit regulators, planners, policymakers, and Bruno Basso is a University Foundation the general public via video, audio, the web corporation focusing on educating the public through other decision makers. The Center provides Professor in Department of Earth and and social media. Her past major projects for NSF include media about profound issues that affect both human and technical assistance to help officials create Environment Sciences at Michigan State the Engineers of the New Millennium documentary series for ecological systems. He has written, produced and directed the policies and practices that will facilitate America’s University. His research falls broadly in the public radio and the Innovation Nation series for the Science an array of prominent, socially significant productions. His transition to a clean-energy economy. Ritter authored a book area of sustainable agriculture. He integrates Channel. Prior to her communications work for NSF and environmentally focused pieces include “Running Dry” a that was published in 2016 entitled, Powering Forward – What process-based crop models with geospatial NOAA, Laurie was an award-winning broadcast journalist in documentary regarding the worsening global humanitarian Everyone Should Know About America’s Energy Revolution. technologies to provide sustainable Los Angeles. water crisis, along with its follow up “The American ecosystem services (crop production, carbon sequestration, Southwest: Are We Running Dry?” and “Beyond the Brink” Ritter was elected as Colorado’s 41st governor in 2006 water and nitrogen conservation) and increased profitability a film on how food shortages like the one in California’s and built consensus to tackle some of the state’s biggest for farmers, globally. Mark Miano San Joaquin Valley will lead to a National Security Threat challenges. During his four-year term, Ritter established Colorado as a national and international leader in clean Executive Producer/Executive Editor, formerly NBC Learn (released April 2018). (Reference: https://www.urbanfarm. energy, by building a new energy economy. He signed org/2017/07/29/267-jim-thebaut/) Martha Conklin Mark Miano has produced, senior 57 new energy bills into law, including a 30% Renewable produced, and executive produced more Professor, School of Engineering, Portfolio Standard and a Clean Air Clean Jobs Act that than a thousand original stories to help University of California Merced replaced nearly a gigawatt of coal-fired generation with engage, inspire and educate students in the natural gas. Ritter is the chair of the Board of Directors of the Dr. Martha Conklin, Professor of Engineering classroom. In partnership with the National Energy Foundation and a senior fellow and member of the and member of the Environmental Systems Science Foundation, Mark has overseen board of directors of the Advanced Energy Economy Institute. Graduate Group, joined UC Merced in 2003 the production of more than 17 hours of Ritter earned his bachelor’s degree in political science from as part of the Founding Faculty. She is the STEM focused storytelling, with such celebrated series as Colorado State University (1978) and his law degree from the Faculty Director of the UC Merced Natural the “Science of NFL Football,” “Science of NFL Hockey,” University of Colorado (1981). Reserve System. For most of her career, “Science of the Olympic Winter Games,” “Mysteries of the Dr. Conklin has studied water quantity Brain,” “When Nature Strikes,” “Chemistry NOW” and more. and quality, water movement and the interaction of surface In addition to his work with the NSF, Mark has overseen the Mainstreaming FEW Systems Science water and groundwater in natural settings. She is currently production of hundreds of other stories for educational focusing on looking at how forest management practices and its Impact publishers such as Pearson, McGraw Hill, Scholastic, and affect stream discharge in headwater catchments, seeing Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. how better hydrological data will improve river modeling and Tom Torgersen forecasting, and determining groundwater contributions to Most recently, Mark was the executive editor and co-founder Panel Moderator stream flow using natural tracers and modeling. Dr. Conklin is of NBC Learn, the education arm of NBC News. Mark was also INFEWS Co-Chair a co-investigator on the National Science Foundation’s Sierra a senior producer and co-founder of Peacock Productions, Nevada Critical Zone Observatory. In charge of the outreach the long-form documentary unit of NBC News, where he Thomas Torgersen has served as the lead she has helped develop the Earth Science Literacy Standard, produced and wrote numerous documentaries that appeared Program Officer for the NSF program produce several videos and a develop a web-based course on such networks as Discovery, A&E, the History Channel, in Hydrologic Sciences since 2010. He on Critical Zone Science. She has published numerous National Geographic, and TLC. Mark has also worked at ABC also Chaired the NSF program in “Water well-cited papers, as well as served on a National Research News, Bloomberg Television, WPIX-TV, The MacNeil/Lehrer Sustainability and Climate” that investigated Council committee and as an associate editor of Water Newshour, and The New York Observer. Mark holds a B.A. the complexity of water systems Since 2015, Resources Research (WRR). and M.A. in English Literature from Georgetown University. Dr. Torgersen has been co-chair of the NSF cross-Directorate initiative in “Innovation at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water systems” which involved seven NSF Directorates as well as the USDA/NIFA coordination. He represents NSF on several government committees including SWAQ. During his academic career, Dr. Torgersen spent 25 years as faculty at the University of Connecticut and has over 90 peer-reviewed publications across the scope of isotope dating of groundwater; surface water processes, limnology, oceanography, and paleoclimate. He served over 17 years 13. 14.
NSF AREA RESTAURANT MAP 4 4 3 1 4 2 5 7 2 3 4 6 3 4 5 1 2 1 5 1 2 5 1 1 NSF 5 1 1 1 2 3 2 Holiday Inn 2 3 2 500 m 2 3 Café/Bakery Mediterranean/Pizza Grocery/Convenience Store 1. Starbucks- Hoffman 1. Delia’s Mediterranean Grill 1. Whole Foods Market 2. Starbucks- Westin Alexandria & Brick Oven Pizza 2. CVS Pharmacy 3. Einstein Bagel Bros. 2. Paisano’s Pizza 4. Dunkin’ Donuts 3. Zikrayet Lebanese Restaurant 5. Starbucks- Carlyle Center 4. Quattro Formaggi 5. Italian Gourmet Deli Asian Food Court 1. Subway 1. Galae Thai 1. NSF cafeteria- 2nd floor 2. Uptown Market & Deli 2. Sumo Hibachi & Sushi 2. U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) 3. Café Old Town 3. Hunan Café food court on ground floor 4. Quiznos 4. Pasara Thai 5. Panera Bread 5. Pho 33 6. Potbelly Sandwich Shop 7. Jimmy John’s Bar/Grille Tex/Mex Other 1. Ted’s Montana Grill 1. California Tortilla 1. Cold Stone Creamery 2. Foster’s Grille 2. San Antonio Bar & Grill 2. Yves Bistro (French) 3. Trademark 3. Table Talk- diner style 4. Joe Theismann’s 5. Sweet Fire Donna’s- BBQ
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