Infectious Disease in a Total Institution: A Study of the Influenza Epidemic of 1978 on a College Campus

Page created by Walter Clarke
Infectious Disease in a Total Institution:
A Study of the Influenza Epidemic of 1978
on a College Campus

INFLUENZA, ONE OF THE MOST COM-             that gave rise to this epidemic         dividuals, cut off from the wider
MON infectious diseases in the              emerged in Russia and China in          society for an appreciable period
United States, has been called              1977 (5,6). In the United States,       of time, together lead an enclosed,
"the last great plague of man" (1).         the strain was first isolated in Jan-   fully administered round of life"
Although it is no longer one of             uary 1978 in Wyoming (6) and            (18). The attributes of total in-
the most important causes of mor-           was in the unique situation of co-      stitutions that are relevant to
tality (2,3), influenza still consti-       existing with two other major           health include standardized mass
tutes a major disease problem (4).          strains (A/Texas/77 H3N2 and            activities under a central author-
It has recently exhibited antigen           A/Victoria/75 H3N2) (9,10), a           ity, the separation of residents
shifts that have produced strains           circumstance foreboding a winter        from administrators in a castelike
leading to major epidemics and              of severe influenza in 1978.            stratification, and a separate resi-
to increased influenza-related mor-            A significant characteristic of      dent subculture with its own ac-
tality (4-8).                               the influenza epidemic of that          tivities and organization.
   The 1977-78 epidemic of the              winter was the rapid spread and            Total institutions afford a clas-
"Russian flu" (A/USSR/1977                  high incidence of the disease in        sic example of the effects that so-
H-IlNl) is one of the most dra-             schools with students in residence      cial organization may have upon
matic examples of this phenom-               (7,9,11-16), a pattern evidenced       infectious disease. The first clearly
enon. Absent from the United                in earlier influenza epidemics, in      defined cluster of influenza in hu-
States since 1957 (9), the strain           which isolated groups exhibited         man beings occurred in a total in-
                                            an epidemic although the inci-          stitution, in 1918 at Fort Riley
Dr. Sobal is assistant professor, Depart-   dence of the disease in the sur-        military base in Kansas (1,19).
ment of Family Medicine, University of      rounding community was low (17).        The recent epidemics of the HIN1
Maryland, 10 South Pine St., Baltimore,
Md. 21201. Dr. Loveland is an associ-       A residential school is an example      strain of influenza in the United
ate professor, Department of Sociology      of a "total institution," a "place      States in 1946 and 1947 (8) have
and Anthropology, Gettysburg College,       of residence and work where a           been concentrated in military per-
Gettysburg, Pa. Tearsheet requests to
Dr. Sobal.                                  large number of like-situated in-       sonnel. The total institutions that
66 Public Health Reports
have been mentioned in the liter-      Infectious disease researchers must    and the disease's short duration, its
ature as the sites of influenza epi-   examine the openings that may          mild effects, and the specific target
demics include nursing and geri-       exist in these boundaries, looking     group involved-adults under age
atric homes (20,21), ships (19,22,     for groups or persons who have         25 (8,11)-this epidemic provided
23), residential secondary schools     contacts outside the institution       an excellent opportunity to study
(15,16,24-31), colleges (9,11,15,19,   and who thus may serve to intro-       epidemiology in a total institu-
32), hospitals (33), prisons (16),     duce the disease into the institu-     tion. Other studies of colleges
and mental institutions (34). Fur-     tion or to release a disease previ-    provide indications of the influ-
ther research on influenza in total    ously confined within the total in-    ence of social factors upon insti-
institutions can lead to an under-     stitution to a wider society. Par-     tutional epidemics. Pons and asso-
standing of how their social struc-    ticipation in group activities with-   ciates (11), studying the 1978 in-
ture provides unique opportuni-        in the institution may facilitate or   fluenza outbreak on a university
ties for the spread of infectious      inhibit an epidemic once the dis-      campus, found the disease signifi-
disease.                               ease is introduced. The subcul-        cantly more prevalent among stu-
   Two aspects of total institu-       ture of institutions must be de-       dents residing on campus than
tions are pertinent to the spread      lineated in terms of disease-rele-     those residing off campus, al-
of influenza: the permeability of      vant attributes. If some residents     though both groups still had a
their boundaries and the groups        have more contact with the rest        high attack rate. These authors
and activities within the institu-     of the institutionalized popula-       interpreted the high incidence in
tion that affect social contact be-    tion than others, then the attri-      both groups as indicating that
tween the residents. The varia-        butes of the institutional structure   transmission had occurred pri-
tion in the openness of the boun-      that promote or inhibit social par-    marily through daytime activities,
daries of total institutions results   ticipation become relevant to the      such as classes, and attributed the
in differences in the amount of        spread of communicable disease.        higher rate for dormitory resi-
contact that residents have witlh        Because of the rapid diffusion       dents to their greater collective
the outside social environment.        of the 1978 influenza epidemic         exposure to the disease in the
                                                                                 January-February 1982, Vol. 97, No. 1 67
evenings. Students under the age        epidemic occurred during the          spondents comprised 21 percent
 of 23 were significantly more likely    snowstorm, when the students          of the total college population of
 to contract the disease than older      were confined within their insti-     1,844 students and 137 full-time
 students.                               tutional boundaries. Glazen and       and 35 part-time faculty members.
    Layde and associates (32) in-        associates (35), reporting an out-     Less than 5 percent of the stu-
 vestigated the 1978 influenza out-      break of influenza in students im-     dents were more than 22 years of
 break on a large urban campus,         mediately following a boarding          age.
 where the disease had spread pri-      school recess, attributed the epi-         Under our sampling procedure,
 marily on one weekend in Febru-        demic to the reconvening of the        each residential area of the col-
 ary 1978. The high attack rate of      educational institution.               lege community was assigned to 1
62.3 percent among undergradu-             In contrast, Briscoe (30) report-   of the 17 interviewers, who then
ates was in sharp contrast to the       ed that an influenza epidemic in       interviewed a quota sample of 25
low 9.4 percent incidence among         a boarding school subsided slight-     residents at each site. Respondents
faculty members. Some 50 to 75          ly after the half-term holiday         were asked if they had or had not
percent of the influenza victims        (which took place just as the          had the flu, as measured by a self-
reported some absenteeism. Al-          epidemic was peaking), but that it     report question. All those who re-
though the average number of            reappeared because the break was       ported having the flu were then
days missed was less than 2, this       shorter than the incubation pe-        asked, in an open-ended question,
absenteeism resulted in a suspen-       riod of the disease (usually 2 to 4    to list their symptoms (up to
sion of classes 1 week after the        days); a nucleus of influenza car-     seven). The date that the person
original weekend of onset. Den-         riers who returned to the school       first contracted the disease was re-
tal students had an attack rate of      had rekindled the epidemic.            corded, along with the number of
22 percent among 23-24 year olds,          These three studies show that       days of illness. In addition, rele-
 14.3 percent among those 25 and        vacations or recesses, by breaking     vant student demographics were
26, and 8.3 percent among those         the normal boundaries of total in-     collected, including sex, year in
27 or older.                            stitutions, can lead to an epi-        school, residence area, floor of res-
   Glass and associates (9) investi-    demic. Residents who are exposed       idence, membership in a frater-
gated influenza in a county in          to outside sources of disease dur-     nity or sorority, and participa-
New Jersey, monitoring weekly           ing school intermissions are con-      tion in fraternity or sorority re-
absenteeism in 95 public schools,       centrated in one place when they       cruitment activities.
infirmary admissions in three resi-     return to the institution. On the         A large number of clinical
dential schools, and febrile illness    other hand, intermissions, by sep-     symptoms have been associated
in four nursing homes. The inci-        arating residents from one an-         with influenza: sudden onset,
dence of illness in nursing homes       other, may reduce or prevent the       chills, fever, headache, sore throat,
(which are also total institutions)     spread of disease.                     hoarseness, cough, sputum, photo-
parelleled that of the general             All of the studies we have cited    phobia, nausea, vomiting, diar-
working population. Public school       show that social organization can      rhea, and abdominal pain (36)-
students had lower rates of ab-         strongly influence influenza epi-      the last four being less commonly
senteeism following Christmas va-       demics in total institutions. We       associated with the disease and
cation and after a week in which        decided to pursue this subject fur-    generally considered to be less in-
school was closed because of snow       ther by analyzing an influenza         dicative of it than the others. Be-
                                        outbreak on a college campus in        cause the symptoms for influenza
than at other periods. Glass and        the period 1977-78.
associates concluded that the                                                  are nonspecific and the disease is
                                                                               often over-reported (37), and be-
snow recess of the public schools       Methodology                            cause serologic confirmation was
imposed a relative quarantine on        To investigate the influenza epi-      not possible in our study, we used
the students, preventing pupil-to-      demic at a small private liberal       a case definition to delineate the
pupil contact and an outbreak of        arts college in Pennsylvania, we       illness. A person was considered
disease. In contrast, residential       had 17 students in a medical an-       to have a case of influenza if he
school students-members of edu-         thropology course conduct per-         or she reported having the disease,
cational total institutions-exhib-      sonal interviews based on a nine-      reported at least 1 day of sickness,
ited the greatest risk of influenza     question standardized interview        and had two or more of the symp-
of any group. The peak of the           schedule. The sample of 418 re-        toms of fever, headache, and res-
68 Public Health Reports
Number and percentage of persons                Results                                 49.3 percent, second floor 44.6
with cases of influenza reporting                                                       percent, third floor 53.8 percent,
         various symptoms                       The symptoms listed by students
                                                who fit the case definition for         and fourth floor 35.3 percent), al-
                         Number    Percent      having influenza are presented in       though these differences were not
Symptoms                reporting reporting     the table, with the number and          statistically significant.
                                                percentage claiming that symp-             There were no overall signifi-
Fever ............         151       83.0       tom. There is considerable diver-       cant differences between members
Headache ........          113       62.1       sity in the 27 symptoms listed, al-     of individual fraternities and so-
Cough ...........          104       57.1
                                                                                        rorities, although some of these
Aches and pains             90       49.5       though the ones included most
Sore throat .......         87       47.8       frequently are central to influ-        organizations had more than a 75
Qongested nose .. .         55       30.2       enza.                                   percent attack rate, and members
Tired ............          44       22.2
Hot and cold spells.        36       19.8          Of the total sample of 418 peo-      of others were virtually unaffected
Runny nose ......           26       14.3       ple surveyed, 40 were faculty           by the disease. The patterns of in-
Vomiting .........          14        7.7       members, and 378 students.              fluenza among individual organi-
Dizziness .........         14        7.7
Stomach ache .....          13        7.1       Among the 378 students, 182 were        zations suggest that larger social
Weakness ........           10        5.5       considered to have had influenza,       organizations of this type had a
Chest pain .......          10        5.5       based on our definition, and 196        higher incidence of sickness than
Burning eyes .....           9        4.9
Cold-type                                       as not having contracted the dis-       smaller ones, although a larger
   symptoms ......           8         4.4      ease. There was a highly signifi-       sample is needed to confirm
Swollen throat                                  cant difference (chi square, P <        this relationship. A major student
   glands .........          7         3.8
Fainting ..........          6         3.3      0.01) between the students and          social activity occurring during
Earache ..........           6         3.3      faculty in the attack rate for the      the epidemic was "rushing," the
Dry throat ........          4         2.2                                              recruitment of new members by
Loss of appetite ...         3         1.6      disease (5 percent of the faculty
Stiff joints ........        3         1.6      and 48 percent of the students).        fraternities and sororities. Despite
Diarrhea ..........          2         1.1      We examined subpopulations of           our hypothesis that the additional
Laryngitis ........          2         1.1      the students to analyze their sus-      institutional activity of partici-
Cramps ..........            2         1.1
Sweating .........           2         1.1      ceptibility to influenza, compar-       pants in this social activity would
Stiff neck ........          1          .5      ing students in the samples whose       lead to their having greater sus-
                                                cases fit our definition of influ-      ceptibility to influenza than non-
  ' The percentages do not sum to 100.0 be-
cause respondents reported multiple symptoms.
                                                enza with those whose cases did         participants, the difference was
                                                not. The sex difference between         not statistically significant (49.6
                                                those with the disease and those        percent of those involved in the
piratory problems. (We realize                  without was not statistically sig-      rushing and 46.2 percent of those
that the procedure we used was                  nificant (48.7 percent of those who     not involved had the disease).
no substitute for laboratory con-               contracted the disease were male           In addition to examining the
firmation of the disease. Never-                and 47.5 percent female). Al-           prevalence of the disease, we
theless, it was the most applicable             though first-year students had the      studied its transmission by asking
indirect technique for a sociologi-             highest rate (freshmen 56.7 per-        respondents when they had first
cal study in which serologic con-               cent, sophomores 46.2 percent,          contracted influenza. December
firmation was not possible because              juniors 44.0 percent, and seniors       14, 1977, was the date that the
of its complexity and cost in dol-              46.6 percent), the difference was       first case of influenza was reported
lars and time (38).) When Layde                 not statistically significant. The      at the campus infirmary. The ear-
and associates (32) used this tech-             ecological variable of residence        liest date that a case was reported
nique of symptomatic case defini-               was not significantly associated
                                                                                        in our sample was January 1,
tion in their influenza survey at a                                                     1978, and the latest date was
                                                with incidence of the disease; 49.6
university, they found close agree-                                                     March 4, 1978. There were rela-
                                                percent of the dormitory dwellers,      tively few cases during January
ment between subjective report-
ing of the flu, the symptom-based               44.4 percent of the fraternity resi-    1978. The progress of the virus in
case definition, and laboratory                 dents, and 44.7 percent of the          our sample is shown in the chart.
assay based on serologic tests (al-             people who lived in apartments          The number of cases was rela-
though there were minor discrep-                off campus had influenza. The           tively low until the end of the first
ancies between their survey and                 floor of residence showed differ-       week in February, when a peak
laboratory followup).                           ences in the attack rate (first floor   occurred; then came a 3-day lag
                                                                                          January-February 1982, Vol. 97, No. 1 69
Progress of influenza on a college campus in 1978                  Discussion
                                                                                     In the total institution that we
                                                                                     studied, the institution's ecology,
                                                                                     student demographics, and or-
                                                                                     ganizational activities (such as
                                                                                     fraternity and sorority rushing)
                                                                                     were examined in relation to an
                                                                                     influenza epidemic. The original
                                                                                     introduction of the disease in the
                                                                                     population occurred immediately
                                                                                     after the intersemester vacation, a
                                                                                     period when the boundaries of
                                                                                     the total institution were tempo-
                                                                                     rarily dissolved and many students
                                                                                     were undoubtedly exposed to in-
                                                                                     fluenza during contacts with the
                                                                                     larger social environment. It is
                                                                                     likely that the few cases that ap-
                                                                                     peared during January were due
                                                                                     to one of the H3N2 strains that
                                                                                     had been present in the State be-
                                                                                     fore the HlN1 virus appeared (6,
                                                                                     39). These cases may have been
                                                                                     caused by strains to which only a
                                                                                     few people were susceptible, espe-
                                                                                     cially since it was too early for in-
(which corresponds to the incuba-            medical attention for their symp-       fection from the A/USSR/77
tion period for influenza), fol-             toms. The initial peak of cases oc-      (HlNl) antigen, to which not
lowed by 9 days of rapid spread              curred over a weekend, as did the       many people under age 25 were
in the campus population, and                main body of the epidemic, a re-         immune. In view of the proxim-
finally, a decline in the number of          sult suggesting that students "al-       ity of the residential students to
cases. Twenty-four cases were re-            lowed" themselves to attend to           one another, the relative absence
corded on February 5 and 6, the              their illness only after the week-      of influenza during January prob-
first 2 days after the students re-          day press of academic work was           ably was not due to the "pre-
turned from their between-semes-             completed. These observations in-        seeding" phenomenon (17), in
ter break. The peak period was               dicate that the survey data were         which a virus enters a population
February 10-18, the modal day                more representative of the true          without producing an epidemic
being February 12. This pattern              epidemiology of influenza on the         for some time.
is in line with that in the college          campus than the medical records.            Social aspects of the total insti-
infirmary records, which show a                 The final variable that we as-        tution we studied may have played
peak on February 13; 236 of the              sessed was the duration of the dis-      a role in the low level of influenza
total 800 cases brought to the at-           ease. Duration ranged from 2 to          during January. January is an un-
tention of the infirmary were re-            31 days among the students: in-          usually inactive social period on
ported to it on that day. An esti-           firmary cases averaged 4 days, and       this campus, a period when stu-
mated 300 cases were not reported            the modal value for our sample           dents take a single month-long
to the infirmary.                            was also 4 days. There were no           course and many attend off-cam-
   Our survey was designed to re-            statistically significant differences    pus sessions and participate in
cord a proportional number of                in the duration of the disease by        internship programs. Normal or-
officially reported and unreported           sex, class year, the students' par-      ganized social activities are sus-
cases of influenza and also to re-           ticipation in rushing, the floor on      pended; those that continue are
cord the actual date of the onset            which they lived, fraternity or so-      fragmentary; classes are smaller;
of each case rather than the time            rority membership, or area of resi-      thus, organized contact is greatly
that the students decided to seek            dence.                                   diminished. All of these factors
70 Public Health Reports
may have inhibited the spread of       where either virgin populations               history and implications for this
influenza.                             or groups with high resistance to             year's influenza season. JAMA 240:
                                       disease may be voluntarily or in-             2260-2263 (1978).
   Although detailed descriptive
epidemiologic reports are not          voluntarily concentrated. Institu-         9. Glass, R. I., et al.: Community-wide
                                       tional residence can also create              surveillance of influenza after out-
available, by the third week of                                                      breaks due to H3N2 (A/Victoria/75
February, H1N1 outbreaks such          barriers that shield age-homo-                and A/Texas/77) and HlNl (A/
as the one described here occurred     geneous subpopulations from epi-              USSR/77) influenza viruses, Mercer
in total institutions in 19 areas of   demics occurring in the surround-             County, New Jersey, 1978. J Infect
the United States, including Penn-     ing population (24).                          Dis 138: 703-706 (1978).
sylvania (40), where the college          Although the student social            10. Kendal, A. P., et al.: Laboratory-
we studied is located. In these to-                                                  based surveillance of influenza virus
                                       groups and activities within the              in the United States during the
tal institutions, explosive out-       total institution that we studied             winter of 1977-1978. II. Isolation of
breaks of influenza occurred last-     did not make a significant differ-            a mixture of A/Victoria- and A/
ing 1 to 2 weeks, the attack rates     ence in the incidence or dura-                USSR-like viruses from a single per-
were 40 to 70 percent, and the         tion of influenza, such variables             son during an epidemic in Wyom-
symptoms reported were similar                                                       ing, USA, January 1978. Am J
                                       may play significant roles in dis-            Epidemiol 110: 462468 (1979).
to those we found in our case          ease transmission in other total
study (40). Thus, our study is                                                   11. Pons, V. G., Canter, J., and Dohn,
                                       institutions. More research on the            R.: Influenza A/USSR/77 (HlNl)
probably representative of an epi-     topic is needed, and we hope that             on a university campus. Am J Epi-
demic in this type of total insti-     future investigators will pay spe-            demiol 111: 23-30 (1980).
                                       cial attention to the role of to-         12. Foy, H. M., et al.: Influenza sur-
    Our study also supports the ob-
servation by other researchers that    tal institutions in epidemiologic             veillance by age and target group.
                                       processes.                                    Am J Epidemiol 109: 582-587 (1979).
people over age 23 were largely
                                                                                 13. Penny, P. T.: Epidemic influenza
immune to some of the 1977-78
influenza strains, perhaps because     References                                    in schools. Br Med J 1: 298-299
                                       1. Kaplan, M. M., and Webster, R. G.:            (1978).
of past exposure in 1957 (9,11,12,
                                          The epidemiology of influenza. Sci     14. Centers for Disease Control: Influ-
and 41), or more likely, because          Am 237: 88-106 (1977).                       enza-United States, USSR. Morbid-
of immunity to the 1950 strain                                                         ity and Mortality Weekly Report,
                                       2. Eickhoff, T. C., Sherman, I. L., and
 (42). Age has often been seen as a       Serfling, R. E.: Observations on ex-         1977, vol. 26, p. 444.
significant factor in susceptibility      cess mortality associated with epi-    15.   Centers for Disease Control: In-
to influenza (43). Armelagos and          demic influenza. JAMA 176: 776-782           fluenza-worldwide. Morbidity and
associates (44) noted that epidem-         (1961).                                     Mortality Weekly Report, 1979, vol.
ics affect all age segments of a       3. Sabin, A. B.: Mortality from pneu-           35, pp. 3-8.
virgin population, whereas en-            monia and risk conditions during       16.   Centers for Disease Control: Influ-
demics or recurring epidemics are         influenza epidemics. JAMA 237:               enza-United States, Canada. Mor-
often age specific and are concen-        2823-2828 (1977).                            bidity and Mortality Weekly Re-
trated in the old and young. The       4. Gregg, M. B., et al.: Influenza re-          port, 1978, vol. 27, pp. 55-56.
lower disease rates for faculty           lated mortality. JAMA 239: 115-116     17.   Stuart-Harris, C.: Epidemiology of
than students found in our study           (1978).                                     influenza in man. Br Med Bull 35:
is an excellent example of the         5. Zhdanov, V. M., et al.: Return of            3-8 (1979).
operation of this age factor. In          epidemic Al (HINI) influenza virus.    18.   Goffman, E.: Asylums. Doubleday &
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dents are present, the population      6. Centers for Disease Control: Influ-          1961.
is not as homogeneous in age as in        enza-worldwide. Morbidity and Mor-     19.   Walters, J. H.: Influenza 1918: The
purely undergraduate colleges,            tality Weekly Report, 1978, vol. 27,         contemporary perspective. Bull NY
and therefore the students are less       p. 40.                                       Acad Med 54: 855-864 (1978).
likely to provide a totally virgin     7. Centers for Disease Control: Influ-    20.   Genesove, L. J., and Riddiford, M.:
population for influenza antigens.        enza-United States. Morbidity and            Influenza in a nursing home. Can
Therefore, as we examine the epi-         Mortality Weekly Report, 1978, vol.          Med Assoc J 118: 1202 (1978).
demiology of infectious diseases,         28, p. 114.                            21.   Gondwa, H. T.: Influenza in a geri-
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22. Olson, J. G., Ksiazek, T. G., Irving,     30. Briscoe, J. H.: Intranasal immuni-              B. S., and Mitchell, B.: An effective
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    United States naval ship. Milit Med            (1975).                                  39.   Centers for Disease Control: Influ-
     11: 743-745 (1979).                      31. Turtle, P. deBec: Vaccines in the               enza-Peoples Republic of China,
23. Ksiaszek, T. G., et al.: An influenza         management of influenza epidemics               Taiwan, Philippines, United King-
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    containing the A/Hong Kong Strain             demic Press, New York, 1975, pp.                23 (1949).
    during an outbreak of influenza due           395447.                                   44. Armalagos, G. J., Goodman, A., and
    to the A/England/42/72 strain.            37. Kilbourne, E.: Epidemiology of in-            Jacobs, K.: The ecological perspec-
    Lancet 2: 116-120 (1973).                     fluenza. In The influenza viruses             tive in disease. In Health arid the
29. Smith, T. C.: The efficacy of influ-          and influenza, edited by E. Kil-              human condition, edited by M. Lo-
    enza vaccination in a boys' boarding          bourne. Academic Press, New York,             gan and E. Hunt. Duxbury Press,
    school. Practitioner 214: 821-826             1975, pp. 483-537.                            North Scituate, Mass., 1978, pp. 71-
     (1975).                                  38. Peterson, D., Andrews, J. S., Levy,             84.

                                                       IYH 0
    SOBAL, JEFF (University of Mary-          in one organization with clearly de-        the student population, which was
    land School of Medicine), and             lineated social boundaries and a            concentrated within the boundaries
    LOVELAND, FRANK: Infectious dis-          unique social structure. A survey of        of the educational institution. The
    ease in a total institution: a study of   a sample of 418 persons (378 stu-           faculty exhibited relative immunity
    the influenza epidemic of 1978 on a       dents, 40 faculty members) revealed         to the disease compared with the
    college campus, Public Health Re-         that more than 48 percent of the stu-       students, having only a 5 percent at-
    ports, Vol. 97, January-February,         dents contracted influenza and that         tack rate. There were no significant
    1982, pp. 67-72.                          the intersemester vacation was a so-        differences in the incidence or dura-
                                              cial factor that may have aided in          tion of illness among the students by
       The Influenza epidemic of 1978         the disease's penetration of the in-        sex, year in school, residence area,
    was studied on a college campus,          stitution's boundaries. The vacation        floor of residence, fraternity or so-
    since a college is a type of "total       exposed the students to the distase,        rority membership, or participation
    institution" in which work, residence,    and the resumption of classes al-           in fraternity or sorority recruitment
    and recreation are all concentrated       lowed influenza to spread rapidly in        activities.

72 Public Health Reports
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