IN THIS ISSUE . I want the hand of A.A. always to be there - BC/Yukon Area 79

Page created by Elizabeth Cunningham
IN THIS ISSUE . I want the hand of A.A. always to be there - BC/Yukon Area 79
January 2021										 Volume 41 No. 1

  “... I want the hand of A.A. always to be there...

                                                  ... and for that, I am responsible.”

                                    IN THIS ISSUE
A Word from Our Delegate, Meet Your GSC, Pre-Registration for the April Pre-Conference, Minutes
of the January Quarterly, GSC Reports, From the Archives, DCM Reports, Financial Reports, Group
           Contributions, Committee Report-backs, Letter from the Editor, Ask-it Basket
IN THIS ISSUE . I want the hand of A.A. always to be there - BC/Yukon Area 79

                                                  what you get...
      The full version Grassroots Forum includes complete Quarterly/Assembly minutes, in the
      neighbourhood of 50 pages, while Grassroots Highlights is a four page document outlining
      the Highlights. Both are included in this subscription price.

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                                                   1 Year Subscription $10.00
                                                                                                                        Grassroots Chair: Alex P.
                                                   2 Year Subscription $20.00                                             Phone: 604-764-2873
                                                   This is a RENEWAL Subscription                                                Email:
         Please make cheque or money order payable to: BC/YUKON AREA 79                                      
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                                                                                                                          BC/Yukon Area 79
                        OR send funds via email Interac to
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                             Thank you for supporting Grassroots Forum!!
                                                                                                                         Phone: 604-435-2181
                                                                                                                         (Answering machine)

    Grassroots FORUM Statement of Purpose
    The Grassroots Forum is a newsletter by and for the members of Alcoholics Anonymous in BC/Yukon Area
    79. It is compiled and edited by the Grassroots Chairperson with the assistance and input of the Grassroots
    Committee. This newsletter is a vehicle for communication within Area 79 with the aim of strengthening
    unity and participation. Grassroots is also the means of distribution of the minutes, financial statements and all
    reports from our Area Quarterlies and Assemblies. It is the aim of the Grassroots Forum to fulfill its purpose
    with the greatest possible consideration of fiscal prudence and to practise A.A. principles in all of its affairs.

    Grassroots Forum is a newsletter published quarterly by the BC/Yukon Area 79 General Service Committee. Opinions expressed are
                  not to be attributed to that of the Committee, Grassroots Forum, or Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole.
                                             Canadian Publications Sales Agreement #40014567
IN THIS ISSUE . I want the hand of A.A. always to be there - BC/Yukon Area 79
WRAASA - February 26-27, 2021 - Virtual

April Pre-Conference Assembly - April 9-11, 2021 - Virtual

General Service Conference - April 18-24, 2021 - Virtual

July Quarterly - July 9-11, 2021 - District 54, Smithers, B.C.

October Voting Assembly - Oct 22-24, 2021 - District 70, Vernon, B.C.

                                                        Grassroots Team

     Table of Contents                  This issue was made possible by the incredible
                                        members on the Grassroots Team:
                                        Wayne P. District 68, Spencer P. District 32,
A Word from Our Delegate            4   Wendy L. District 26, Maire O. District 10,
                                        Paul T. District 71, and Lori W. District 54.
Meet Your GSC                       6
Pre-Registration for the                It was also made possible by the incredible
                                        contribution of content by:
  April Pre-Conference              9   Secretary Carol H., the entire GSC, and the
Minutes of the January Quarterly   10   Recorder/Reporters and DCMs who submitted
                                        their written reports for this issue.
Letter from the Editor             12
GSC Reports                        13   And last but certainly not least, past Grassroots
                                        Chair and current Treasurer Monica McG., who
From the Archives                  20   walked me through this entire process and who
DCM Reports                        21   I absolutely couldn’t have done it without.
Financial Reports                  31
Group Contributions                34   Want to know when Grassroots is on
                                                   the website?
Committee Report Backs             40
Ask It Basket                      45        Email -
                                              We’ll add you to the mailing list.

  Full Page - $100 / Half Page - $50 / Quarter Page - $25
IN THIS ISSUE . I want the hand of A.A. always to be there - BC/Yukon Area 79
A Word from Our Delegate
    Greetings and welcome to all the new General Service Representatives (GSRs), District Committee Members (DCMs) and General
    Service Committee Members (GSCs) who will be serving A.A. as a whole as well as the BC/Yukon Area 79 for the Panel 71 (2021-
    2022) term. This is an overview of what to expect and how to prepare for our Area 79 Pre-Conference Assembly, to be held April
    9-11, 2021, on a virtual platform.

    After our Pre-Conference Assembly it will be my privilege to carry your voice to the 71st General Service Conference, being
    held on a virtual platform April 18-24, 2021, in New York. In Concept I: “The final responsibility and the ultimate authority for
    A.A. World Services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole fellowship.” In Area 79 our Pre-Conference
    Assembly is one of the ways we practise Concept I. Since it would be impossible for everyone to personally attend the Conference,
    we delegate that responsibility. I am humbled by your trust in allowing me to serve as your Panel 71 Delegate.

    All GSRs, DCMs and GSCs have a username and password that enables them to log in to the Trusted Servant Site (TSS) which is
    part of the Area 79 website: If you are already serving in one of these positions and do not yet have access
    to your login information, please contact Caleb W., our Website Chair, by email at You will need this to
    access the synopsis and background material for each of the committees.

    We in Area 79 mirror the General Service Conference Committees at our Pre-Conference. As a result, we will have 12 committees
    and those committees are: 1) Agenda, chaired by Carol H., 2) Archives, chaired by Chia W., 3) Corrections, chaired by Pauline D.,
    4) Cooperation with the Professional Community, chaired by Diane O., 5) Finance, chaired by Monica M., 6) Grapevine, chaired by
    Drew W., 7) International Conventions and Regional Forums, chaired by Kimberlea M., 8) Literature, chaired by Rio D., 9) Policy
    & Admissions, chaired by Christina M., 10) Public Information, chaired by Dan F., 11) Report and Charter, chaired Caleb W., and
    12) Treatment and Accessibilities, chaired by Alex P.

    Some DCMs have been reassigned for the 2021 and 2022 Pre-Conference Assemblies. Please see the Pre-Conference DCM
    Committee assignment list. This list can be requested from our Alt. Chair, Drew W.,
    Here is the timeline:
        • GSO provides the background material to conference members via a secure “dashboard” on approximately February 15,
    2021. (This is usually about 800-1,200 pages)
        • I will get the full information to each of the GSC committee chairs upon receipt. The GSC committee chairs will synopsize
    (or summarize) the background material into four pages per committee. We will have a GSC meeting on February 24, 2021, to
    review the synopsized material.
        • Following the meeting on February 24 we will organize the synopsized background material for all 12 committees into a
    single document approximately 50 pages in length.
        • The background material and the synopsized material will be posted to the TTS by approximately March 2 for all GSRs and
    DCMs to access.
        • This provides GSRs and DCMs five to six weeks to discuss these items in your groups and your districts so that you can
    come to the Pre-Conference Assembly prepared to carry the voice of your groups and districts to the collective group conscience
    that will take place.
        • After the Conference I will be available to come to your community by virtual platform to report to you what happened
    at the 71st General Service Conference. I am excited to report that there are already a few districts that have scheduled Delegate
    Reports. Please get in touch with me if you would like to schedule one.

    In the meantime, please take advantage of the Pre-Conference Committee Assignment Pre-Registration that is currently in effect
    from January 1, 2021 to April 1, 2021. These requests for pre-registration can be submitted to Drew W., the Area 79 Alternate

    A note to GSRs: It is important that your group provide feedback on agenda items for your DCM’s committee as well as the
    committee you’ve been assigned to. This ensures that your DCM brings the conscience of your district. This is critical to the
    Conference process.

    Thank you in advance for helping prepare me to take your voice to the 71st General Service Conference. If you have any questions
    or concerns, please do not hesitate to email or call. Never in a million years would I have dreamed sobriety would have brought me
    such a trusted and rewarding responsibility.

    In Love and Service,
    Bob K. | tel: (604) 740-7755
IN THIS ISSUE . I want the hand of A.A. always to be there - BC/Yukon Area 79
 Presented by District 43 Corrections
  Monthly Workshops to highlight this
   Needed area of Twelfth Step work.
 Last Sunday of Every Month, 6 p.m. (PST) / 9 p.m. (EST)
         Zoom 240 916 8319 Password 122820

Guest Speakers Followed by Q & A

                   Do you know

             HTML, CSS, PHP,
            Javascript, MySQL

       The Web Team is looking
          for a developer!


IN THIS ISSUE . I want the hand of A.A. always to be there - BC/Yukon Area 79
    Meet: Your Cooperation with the Professional Community              Meet: Your Treasurer, Monica McG.
    Chair, Diane O.
                                                                           Hello Friends, my name is Monica and I am an alcoholic,
       My name is Diane and I’m an alcoholic. It’s an honour and        privileged to serve as your Treasurer on Panel 71. I sobered
    a privilege to be appointed to serve as your Cooperation with       up in Williams Lake in 1986 and have lived in Victoria since
    the Professional Community Chair for Panel 71. I love being         1989. The fact I am alive and still in the program is entirely,
    of service to Alcoholics Anonymous! I have a full and useful        in my opinion, due to service. At just over two years in the
    life today because of the vital program of recovery, strong         program I went travelling on my own for several months in the
    sponsorship and service.                                            South Pacific in areas with little to no A.A. Fortunately, I kept
       I live in the Okanagan and I’m a mother of two children.         in touch with my sponsor and was able to stay away from the
    Most of my life I have ridden horses. As a teenager and into        first drink. I was grateful for the Grapevines she’d suggested
    my adult years I was involved in showing horses. I own a            I bring along. They were reread many times. It also helped
    business that manufactures specialty goods relating to the          that I had planned my return to coincide with the International
    shows. I love to ski, run, golf, paddleboard and cycle. The         Convention being held in Seattle in 1990. It blew my mind –
    outdoors is so incredible!                                          the energy, fun, love and caring were overwhelming.
       I look forward to the next two years serving in this new            I moved to Victoria shortly after and didn’t like the
    service position and meeting most of you along the way.             meetings at all. They were different than what I had grown to
                                                                        love in the Cariboo. People didn’t seem friendly. I never saw
    Meet: Your Registrar, Kimberlea M.                                  the same people. In other words, I was telling myself I didn’t
                                                                        belong in A.A. in my new hometown. I found myself telling
       Hi, my name is Kimberlea, I live in Port Moody with my           my sponsor I didn’t have time to go to meetings. My new job
    two youngest children, Nic and Summer, and our pets, Prince         was too important. I was travelling a lot with work so couldn’t
    the dog and Cheeseball the hamster. I am a busy business            commit to a homegroup. The litany goes on. She suggested I
    owner who enjoys fitness, hiking and cooking in my spare            volunteer to make coffee for a group. I did. I had the key. No
    time. I entered sobriety in Burnaby in 2016, and when I’m not       one could get into the meeting room unless I was there. That
    on a virtual meeting I can be found in the rooms in Coquitlam       responsibility led me to fabulous new friendships, a rekindled
    and East Vancouver. I fell in love with service after attending     love for A.A. and gratitude for service. In other words, it saved
    my first assembly in Chilliwack as a GSR and have been              my life.
    involved in various levels of service since. I’m excited to be         Every service responsibility I have had since has initially
    your Panel 71 Registrar and look forward to getting to know         terrified me and then helped me grow in ways I didn’t know
    each of you along the way.                                          would enrich my life. I am grateful.
                                                                           This program has enabled me to be comfortable in my own
    Meet: Your Website Chair, Caleb W.                                  skin most days and pursue my love of travel. Most recently
                                                                        I was in Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan. I’m hoping to head for the
       Hi, my name is Caleb, and I am an alcoholic currently            Galapagos Islands once we can travel again. In the meantime,
    serving as the Website Chair for Panel 71. I grew up in             I’m going to the pool several times a week so I can truly enjoy
    Kamloops and moved to Cloverdale in 2004. I thought I would         the diving there.
    share three things I love about service. First are the places I        What a beautiful life this program offers us! I am truly
    have been able to visit. I have travelled and attended service      blessed.
    functions in many places such as Kamloops and Regina, and I
    had tickets to go to Detroit before COVID-19 grounded those         Meet: Your Public Information Chair, Dan F.
    plans. Second are fellow alcoholics I have met. Every meeting
    and every service event is full of more like-minded individuals        Hello trusted servants, my name is Dan and I’m an
    and every relationship enhances my sobriety. Third are the          alcoholic. It’s funny how our stories are all different, yet we
    people I have been able to help. Dr. Bob says in his Big Book       share similarities in how our alcoholism got us to the rooms
    story that every person he helps is insurance against a future      of Alcoholics Anonymous. When I went to my first meeting,
    slip. I strongly believe this is true and that is why I first got   I must have looked scared and bewildered because some guy
    into service. I work in the software industry and am thankful       outside the building said “Yup, you are in the right place!”.
    that I can help our diverse area through an extension of my         Was it that obvious? I don’t know what my body language was
    vocation. One of my most memorable experiences was zip-             saying but somehow he knew I was searching for the meeting.
    lining in Mexico. I remember our guide telling us before our        I hadn’t even found the room yet!
    first ride: “Just hold on tight and don’t close your eyes because      I was very uneasy and tried to hide in the back of that
    you’ll miss the beauty around you!”. That wisdom can apply to       very small room, but by the end of the meeting I knew that I
    our program; I do not want to miss any of what is in store for      had found a safe place and a group of folks who shared my
    Panel 71!                                                           problem and knew what they were talking about. I was very

reluctant to go to a meeting in the first place but after that one I   I really started to feel a part of and maybe that I belong here.
went to six that week.                                                    It wasn’t until I got into general service as a GSR and went
   As I grew in my recovery my homegroup members                       to my first assembly that I got the service bug. I felt the energy
encouraged me into service and I became the GSR for the                and love in the room. I went on to serve as DCM and got a
Miracle Group in Kamloops in 2017. From my professional                service sponsor to help me gain more understanding of the
life I knew how to create agendas and run business meetings            Traditions and the Concepts. Our district hosted the January
but I had no idea what A.A. looked like outside of the group.          Quarterly. To see others get the service bug was so exciting.
My eyes were opened wide as I started to attend the South-                I was encouraged to continue my service journey to the
Central Mini Assembly and the Area 79 BC/Yukon Quarterlies             area level. With more than just a little fear and reluctance, I
and Assemblies. I caught the service bug in a big way and it is        put my name forward and was appointed as your Treatment
my honour to have this opportunity to serve you, your groups,          and Accessibilities Chair. Then when the Registrar’s position
districts and intergroups as the Public Information Chair.             became vacant in the second year of Panel 69, I volunteered to
   Outside of work and A.A. you can usually find me doing              do the position.
some sort of recreation or leisure activity. In the summer I love         This year I put my name forward again and I am very
spending time on the lake, basking in the sun, playing golf or         grateful to be serving as your Secretary.
fishing. In the winter I enjoy curling and waiting for the snow           Each position in service is giving me the opportunity to
to melt so I can swing the clubs. I welcome all of you to Panel        enrich my understanding of Alcoholics Anonymous and to be a
71. Service has kept me sober and I hope it keeps you sober            part of a wonderful fellowship which offers continued personal
too!                                                                   growth. I am very grateful to my sponsor and service sponsor
                                                                       and the fellowship for the love and support I receive and am
Meet: Your Archives Chair, Chia W.                                     able to pass on.

   Hello everyone, my name is Chie (Chia) Watanabe-Scott.              Meet: Your Alternate Chair / Grapevine Chair, Drew W.
I was born in Fukushima, Japan, and I sobered up in Tokyo
in 1999. I was a dry drunk for a while. When I met my friend              My name is Drew and I am an alcoholic. I live in East
from the US, everything changed. On September 11, 2001,                Vancouver and my homegroup is Live and Let Live, Thursdays
she came to visit Japan. She attended the Tohoku (Northern             at 8pm on Zoom — come join us!
Honshu island region) Roundup where I shared a room                       I started my general service journey in 2013 when a huge
with her. We bonded quickly and I became her friend. The               resentment I had against my outgoing GSR prompted me to
following year, I stayed at her home for a week and took               put my hand up for the job so that I could “show him how to
the 12 Steps through the Big Book. This was my first time              do it the right way.” Whoa, holy ego, eh? I have to say that
taking the Steps since I had been sober and it was an amazing          resentment was the best blessing ever! I had no idea how
experience for me. When I prayed the Step Three prayer with            much general service would impact my life. I’ve learned so
her, I finally met the power greater than myself.                      many lessons along the way in my service journey. One of the
   I came to Vancouver in 2009 as an ESL student and I fell            biggest bonuses is that I now have friends that I’ve met all
in love with my boyfriend. A couple of years later he became           over this beautiful province and country.
my husband. I was elected as a GSR for the Keep it Simple                 When I’m not doing service work, I’m fully engaged in
Group in Vancouver in 2012-14 and it was a great experience            my recovery and sponsor other queer and trans folks in our
for me. However, I was not quite sure what the GSR job was.            fellowship. I have a busy professional life working in my small
Then I met my service sponsor at the International Convention          business. Fun fact — just last month I adopted a new rescue
in Atlanta in 2015 — she was on the podium. I had seen her             pup who is full of energy. I love going on trail walks and hikes
many times at the area meeting but had never talked to her. I          with my partner and our dogs. Being in the forest helps me
witnessed that she helped many people. I realized that this was        connect to my HP.
what I really wanted. Afterwards, I asked her to be my service            I’m thrilled to be your Alternate Chair for this rotation.
sponsor, and she’s been my service sponsor since then.                 Service has taught me a lot about how to work with others and
   Since living in Vancouver, I have met newcomers with                helped me get closer to my HP by asking to help me remove
different backgrounds. I’ve seen that some people felt                 my own character defects that are blocking me. I look forward
excluded and did not see them again. I really hope they are            to meeting you all as we trudge the Road of Happy Destiny
doing okay and come back to our meetings. Because of that,             together carrying our life saving message to our fellowship.
I really want the hand of A.A. to be there. I would like to
contribute my time and abilities to A.A. service. Panel 71 is a        Meet: Your Remote Connections Chair, Christina M.
fantastic team. I’m looking forward to working with them.
                                                                          Hi, my name is Christina and I am an alcoholic. These
Meet: Your Secretary, Carol H.                                         words changed my life on April 11, 2011, and I’ve never
                                                                       looked back.
   Hello everyone, I am Carol, I am an alcoholic.                         Broken and beaten, I learned to live a life with purpose. My
   I came quietly in the doors of Alcoholics Anonymous                 sponsor helped guide me through the 12 Steps and clean my
in 1992, a fragile and broken person, barely able to speak.            vessel of past wrongs, thoughts and behaviours — she brought
Through the help of my sponsor and others, I was gradually             me to God.
able to find my voice even though it was still difficult to speak.        My homegroup is where I learned to be of service: washing
cups, becoming a GSR, etc. — service brought me to the             CPC Committee appeared at my workplace to help us with
    fellowship I craved.                                               our clients. One of the women from A.A. told her story and
       I fell in love with Alcoholics Anonymous through service        I completely identified with her. The seed was planted and
    work. I can get out of the way and help carry the message to       very soon after their visit I attended my first A.A. meeting. I
    the still suffering alcoholic. Service work teaches me patience,   shudder to think where I would be today if those women had
    kindness and unity. This is where I became a woman of              not taken the time to be of service and in doing so carried the
    substance.                                                         message to me. I have always felt a sense of responsibility to
       “Service irons out the wrinkles in my soul” — heard shared      give back what was so kindly given to me in those early days.
                                                                          After a few years of continuous sobriety, I became the GSR
    Meet: Your Alternate Delegate / Literature Chair, Rio D.           for my group and I’ll never forget an old-timer saying to me:
                                                                       “You are in for one hell of a ride”. The rest is history really;
       Hello friends, my name is Rio and I am an alcoholic.            I’ve been in service ever since and loved every minute of it.
    Currently I have the honour of serving as your Panel 71               More recently I was your Archives Chair for Panel 69. I had
    Alternate Delegate and Literature Chair.                           no idea how much I would appreciate and love the history of
       My service journey started with driving a long-timer in my      A.A. When I think back on my first assignment and how I was
    homegroup to our weekly meeting. After a few months this           entrusted with an Archives Kit containing a Big Book signed
    woman then handed over a suitcase that reeked of smoke and         by Bill W., words fail me to express the feelings that I had that
    was filled with old bank statements, receipts and a cheque book    day.
    and said, “It’s time for you to be group treasurer.” I was more       This year I was thrilled to be appointed as your Corrections
    scared of saying no to her than the job.                           Chair for Panel 71. Corrections has always been a passion of
       I then served in various intergroup positions and as a GSR.     mine. I have been fortunate enough to be able to attend many
    It was after moving to a small community with no meetings          meetings on the inside. Personally, I can’t think of a better
    that I started up a new group. This is when I once again           place to be than at an A.A. meeting behind the walls. I’m
    became a GSR and got more involved with district and area          so grateful every day for the service positions that keep me
    service. My very small homegroup was the heartbeat of my           humble and connected while providing me with tremendous
    recovery, and service to that group became my passion.             growth.
       Being a GSR gave my recovery purpose. It was definitely
    the power of attraction for me. The message of service I           Meet: Your Chair, Rodney S.
    heard loud and clear is that service kept them sober, kept
    them connected and was a journey of self-discovery not to             My name is Rodney and I live in New West with my wife
    be missed. These people in service had what I wanted. I got        and two dogs. I sobered up in Montreal back in 1997 after
    to attend more area events and so enjoyed being of service         several attempts to sober up in St. Catharines, Ontario. During
    in District 56 as Alt. DCM and then as DCM. In Panel 67, I         my time in St. Catharines I became a GSR and really took
    was appointed to the Area 79 General Service Committee as          to it. When I finally got sober, I was 6 months sober when
    PubIic Information Chair and then last rotation as your Panel      I got voluntold to be GSR of my new group in Montreal. I
    69 Chair.                                                          got involved with an enthusiastic group that were on fire for
       Going to different groups, districts, areas, countries and      A.A. and wanted to spread it around. It was very exciting.
    seeing how they do things and what I can bring back to my          Throughout the years I have kept plugged in to A.A. through
    group, district and area is so exciting to me.                     general service and I am thrilled to be serving Area 79 as your
       I heard my service sponsor say that anyone could be of          Chairperson. What a ride.
    service if you were willing and have the time. That the goal
    was to communicate about service with enthusiasm. That             Meet: Your Treatment & Accessibilities / Grassroots Chair:
    the most important thing was to get as many of our members         Alex P.
    participating as possible.
       I enjoy northern living, long-distance trail running, and          Hello friends, my name is Alex, I am an alcoholic and
    paddle boarding and do it all with my four-legged bestie named     truly stoked to be serving as your Panel 71 Treatment and
    “Cole”. If you ever find yourself up this way, please reach out    Accessibilities / Grassroots Chair.
    and say hello.                                                        I live in Vancouver, where I grew up (twice). I sobered up
       So, if you are new, coming back or just still excited about     here in February 2015 after a dry January (and a very messy
    service in Area 79, welcome. I look forward to walking beside      Feb. 1-9), when I stumbled into the rooms absolutely petrified
    many of you on our Panel 71 service journey.                       of how powerless I was. When I first got here I couldn’t be
                                                                       in a room without a purpose. I could sit in my chair through
    Meet: Your Corrections Chair, Pauline D.                           a meeting, but after, when everyone was milling about and
                                                                       chatting, it felt like another party I didn’t know how to be at.
       Hello All.                                                      But when I was about six months sober, my homegroup gave
       My early years of drinking were in England, Liverpool to be     me a set of keys and responsibility for setting up the meeting,
    exact. I emigrated to Canada in the 1970s where I eventually       and that gave me a purpose for being in the room before I sat
    managed to find Alcoholics Anonymous or, more to the               in my chair, and the spiritual experience of service began. I
    point, Alcoholics Anonymous found me. My first exposure            got to know my group members and began to be part of. I was
    to this life-saving program was when two members of the            keen but it took a long time to make friends, so if I wanted to
go to a roundup or other event, I’d volunteer so I didn’t have     I have a teenage son. I am an amateur swimmer and cyclist,
to spend it all sitting alone. Through my sobriety, putting my     expert casual stroller. I am currently reading the Lord of the
hand up for service has been my way of experiencing the vast       Rings for the umpteenth time and firmly believe I would be a
offerings of this incredible program outside of the 60 minutes     Hobbit if I lived in Middle Earth, which tells you everything
spent in the chair. And through it, I found my community (of       else you need to know about me.
absolute keeners!) — I don’t know where my recovery would             It is one of the great blessings of my life to be in service
be without it.                                                     with you all, and I look forward to getting to know you and
   I am a non-binary trans person; I use they/them pronouns.       getting to learn from you this Panel.

               Pre-Conference Committee Registrations are happening now!!!

      Committee                                    Are you a GSR, Alt GSR or
                                                           Alt DCM?
      Registration is open to
      General Service                              Planning on attending our
      Representatives (GSR’s),
      Alternate GSR’s and                           Virtual BC/Yukon April
      Alternate District Committee
      Members (Alternate DCM’s)                    Pre-Conference Assembly?
                                                   Deadline to pre-register is April 1st 2021
      This is available for the
      Pre -Conference assembly                                    please email
      ONLY held April 9-11 2021
                                                         the Area 79 Alternate Chair at
      Assignment Method
      • Your BC/Yukon Alternate
        Chair will assign you to a                           Please include in the email your:
        committee on a random
        basis.                                         Full Name, District and Service Position

      • By registering early, you will              All trusted servants will have access to the full
        have access to the                        background material for their assigned committees
        background information                   through the login side of our website.
        from your committee to
                                                 (This information can be emailed. It is still confidential for A.A.
        bring to your group.
                                                    members only and may not be posted to public websites)
      • This process is to have
                                                  A note to GSR’s: It is important that your group provide
        equal participation from
                                                  feedback on Agenda items for your DCM’s committee as
        our fellowship on each
                                                     well as the committee you’ve been assigned to. This
        committee. This assists our
                                                    ensures that your DCM brings the conscience of your
        Delegate to take an
                                                      district. This is critical to the conference process.
        informed Area Conscience
        to to the conference.

Minutes of the BC/Yukon Area 79
                                 January Quarterly
                    January 8-9, 2021 - held virtually using Zoom

     Friday, January 8, 2021                                              by single groups or areas a trusteeship was created first called
                                                                          the Alcoholic Foundation. This foundation was later renamed
     Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.                                  the General Service Board of Alcoholics Anonymous as it is still
     Moment of Silence.                                                   known today.
     Opening Comments: Chair – Rodney S.
     Area 79 Service Orientation – Bob K. and Rio D.                      So, by the late 1940s we have a Trusteeship: our founding
                                                                          members and the groups of Alcoholics Anonymous. Confidence
     Website Overview – Website Chair: Caleb W. (to be ratified) and      in unity grew as the trusteeship carried out services such as the
     Web team developer – Stefan L.                                       translation of our literature into other languages, publishing of
                                                                          a national magazine, a uniform public information policy, and
     Area Committee Meeting (General Service Committee and                various other vital services. It became clear very quickly that the
     District Committee Members) Chair: Drew W.                           hard work carried out by this trusteeship and the world services
                                                                          being provided was doing a great deal for A.A.’s general welfare.
     General Service Representatives, Alternate GSRs, Alternate           However, it appeared that the groups and individual members at
     DCMs and guests – Chair: Monica Mc. Topic: What does a GSR           the time seemed to be unaware of how important these services
     do? Panelists: Gerry F., Maureen M. and Scott H.                     had become. Content with their own recovery responsibilities and
                                                                          groups, it seemed that the membership at the time was content to
     Saturday, January 9, 2021                                            let “God protect A.A.”.

     Meeting called to order at 9:00 am.                                  The trusteeship of the Alcoholic Foundation had concerns of
     Anonymity Statement – Rodney S.                                      its own, that involving the Fellowship as a whole by way of
     Moment of Silence followed by the Declaration of Unity –             a conference of representatives would cause contention and
     Rodney S.                                                            confusion. They had already seen this type of result when other
     Housekeeping Issues – Rodney S.                                      ideas had attempted to be brought to fruition.
     Reading of the 12 Traditions (Short Form) – Andrew E. –
     DCM District 66                                                      In 1948 one of the inevitabilities of life occurred. Dr. Bob became
                                                                          ill and it became apparent that he would not recover. This posed a
     Concept 1 Presentation – Joanne C. – DCM District 43                 problem as our co-founders had become the “sole link” between
                                                                          the growing Fellowship of groups and the trusteeship that was
     Concept One – The final responsibility and the ultimate authority    virtually unknown to them. Our co-founders were not going
     for A.A. world services should always reside in the collective       to live forever, and the groups would need a new link to the
     conscience of our whole fellowship.                                  Ttrusteeship responsible for the design and maintenance of its
                                                                          special services.
     What does this concept mean to us today? You might even
     be asking what does this mean for you? The quarterly event           Our World Service responsibilities had to be transferred from
     we are all at this weekend is the right place for us to begin to     our founding members to a Conference of Representatives now
     understand that this authority and responsibility belongs to all     known as the General Service Conference. Operating closely with
     of us. We are all right now as individual members part of that       the principle of our Tradition Two: For our group purpose there
     collective conscience. Each of us a small part of a greater whole.   is but one ultimate authority – a loving God as he may express
     As representatives of your groups, making up your respected          himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted
     districts we will all participate in the unified voice of Area 79.   servants; they do not govern.
     A voice that our chosen Delegate Bob will carry. Where will
     he carry it? Well, Concept One helps us to understand that very      Written originally in 1945 was put to the test in 1951 at the first
     question and history of how it came into existence.                  experimental General Service Conference. Could our Delegates
                                                                          carry a group conscience? Would our Trustees listen? By 1955
     In the late 1930s our founding members Doctor Bob and Bill W.        at the International Convention it was clear that the practice of
     began working on the creation of a World Service structure for       Tradition Two was working and that our groups by virtue of
     Alcoholics Anonymous. To create and maintain special services        the General Service Conference could and would take on the
     for A.A. as a whole, that could not be performed and maintained      responsibility of A.A. world services.
The collective conscience that you will participate in as a              as to what to do with it. It all depends on contributions and
representative of your group is vital to our A.A. world services         expenses.
via our Delegate to the General Service Conference. Guided
by the spiritual principles of our 12 steps and 12 traditions we         Q. Are Special Events contributions shown in Note 4 composed
participate in this responsibility to ensure the continued existence     of the Seventh Tradition from Quarterlies and Assemblies?
of A.A. So that the suffering Alcoholic who seeks a solution to          A. Special Events contributions are funds that come in from
their dilemma finds the Fellowship at their destination.                 things like roundups, where the roundup committee has excess
                                                                         funds after expenses and elect to send it to Area. The Seventh
Thank you                                                                Tradition collected at Quarterlies and Assemblies is shown
                                                                         under the financial breakdown for each Assembly. In the current
Introduction of Guests and Past Trusted Servants                         financial statement, they are shown under Note 5.

Gerry F.      Panel 38 Area 91 Delegate; Western Canada                  Q. What is our ample operating funds for financial reserve and
              Regional Trustee in May 1992                               ample operating funds?
Maureen P.    Panel 53 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate                         A. By a motion, the Fellowship voted that our operating funds
Connie M.     Panel 55 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate                         are based on our previous year using three months’ operating
Trish L.      Panel 57 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate; currently              expenses. Since covid in 2020, our prudent reserve would be very
              Trustee-at-Large Canada May 2019                           short. The Fellowship chose to keep $40,00.00 for 2021 for our
Scott H.      Panel 61 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate;                        prudent reserve.
              Trustee-at-Large Canada April 2015/19
Carolyn W.    Panel 63 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate, currently              Q. Is literature at a net surplus because we cannot go into the
              Non-Trustee Director AAWS April 2018                       correctional facilities?
Jennifer K.   Panel 65 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate                         A. Yes, we cannot take any literature into any facilities at this
Jade F.       Panel 67 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate                         time due to covid.
Gail P.       Panel 69 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate
                                                                         Q. Was the Delegate seating sent as a contribution instead of not
Introduction of new GSRs, DCMs and Alternates                            travelling?
Welcomed by Bob K., Delegate, and Rio D., Alternate Delegate             A. It was motioned that Area 79 will contribute the full cost of
                                                                         seating the Delegate based on the previous-year expenses. GSO
Reading of Business Procedures – Rodney S.                               will get back to us with the full amount of seating the Delegate
                                                                         this month. We will be forwarding the full cost of seating the
MOTION to approve the minutes of July 2020 Quarterly held                Delegate.
online, as printed in the July 2020 issue of Grassroots, by Bob
L., DCM District 42, seconded by Andrew E., DCM District 66.             Q. Is there a budget set up for Zoom and do we follow any policy
Carried                                                                  for Zoom meetings?
                                                                         A. Yes, it is part of the office expenses, we have set money aside.
Service Resumes and Ratification of Appointed Positions                  We are very aware of observing Zoom policies.
Archives –s Chie W.S.
Corrections – Pauline D.                                                 MOTION to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Brendan M., DCM
Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) – Diane O.             District 41. Seconded: by Sean Mc., DCM District 50. Carried
Public Information (P.I.) – Dan F.
Remote Connections – Christina M.                                        Delegate’s Report – Bob K. (This report is printed separately in
Treatment/Accessibilities/Grassroots – Alex P.                           this issue of Grassroots)
Website – Caleb W.
                                                                         District Roll Call, General Service Committee Reports &
MOTION To ratify appointed positions by Rod M., DCM                      Ask-it Basket responses
District 64. Seconded by: Michael J., DCM District 36. Carried           All reports are printed separately in this issue of Grassroots.

Chairperson’s Report: Rodney S. (This report is printed                  Committee Meetings:
separately in this issue of Grassroots)                                  Archives: chaired by Chie W.S.
No questions.                                                            Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC): chaired by
                                                                         Diane O.
Treasurer’s Report & Financial Statements: Monica Mc.                    Corrections: chaired by Pauline D.
(These are printed separately in this issue of Grassroots)               Finance: chaired by Monica Mc.
                                                                         Grapevine: chaired by Drew W.
Q. At the last Voting Assembly there was some talk about sending         Literature: chaired by Rio D.
the surplus to GSO. Are there any other options on what to do            Public Information (P.I.): chaired by Dan F.
with the surplus, can it be used in our Area?                            Treatment & Accessibilities & Grassroots: chaired by Alex P.
A. There is no guarantee as to what our expenses will be at the          Remote Connections: chaired by Christina M.
end of the year. If there is a surplus it will be up to the Fellowship   Website: chaired by Caleb W.
Sharing Session: Present and share on the new video “Your
                                                                                        LETTER FROM THE EDITOR
     General Service Office (G.S.O.), the Grapevine and the
     General Service Structure” Presented by Jade F-H, Panel 67
     Delegate.                                                          Well, one down, 7 to go!
     Q. Is this video ready to be shown?
     A. Hopefully soon                                                          What a task this has been, although personally I
     Q. Is the old video available to see?                              can say I’ve enjoyed the creative challenge enormously.
     A. Yes, you can view the video in Jade’s 2017 Delegate Report      Stepping into a publishing role is easily the most
     on our website                                                     unexpected place service in Alcoholics Anonymous has
                                                                        taken me, and I laugh with joy each time I think of how
     District Roll Call, General Service Committee Reports              wonderful this life can be.
     & Ask-it Basket (continued)                                                We don’t do anything alone, and this is certainly
                                                                        the case with Grassroots. There is an incredible team
     Old Business:                                                      behind this issue and I am endlessly grateful for the work
     None                                                               they’ve put in to make this happen. If you want to join in,
                                                                        please contact me!
     New Business:                                                              Something that has been in my mind in the
     April Pre-Conference Committee Assignments – Bob K.                creation of this issue is accessibility. Who isn’t able
                                                                        to access the information in these pages? I hope that
     Committee Meeting Report-backs                                     all of you reading this will check in with your fellows,
     All reports printed separately in this issue of Grassroots.        and contact me about barriers or suggestions to better
     Ask-it Basket – 13 questions were received. Four were answered             I want to congratulate all incoming trusted
     at the Quarterly, due to time constraints. All Ask-it Basket       servants on their new positions and welcome my Panel
     questions and answers are printed in this edition of Grassroots.   71 Area 79 General Service fellows to a new rotation.

     First-Timers’ sharing                                              In Love and Service, Your Grassroots Chair, Alex P.

     Closing Remarks by Guests:
     Maureen P. Panel 53 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate

                                                                        EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!
     Trish L.   Panel 57 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate; currently
                Trustee-at-Large Canada May 2019
     Scott H.   Panel 61 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate, &
                Trustee-at-Large Canada April 2015/19                       BC YUKON AREA 79                                                                 PANEL 71 VOLUME 1

     Carolyn W. Panel 63 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate; currently                                           T HE I NTER - COM
                Non-Trustee Director AAWS April 2018
     Jade F.    Panel 67 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate
     Gail P.    Panel 69 Area 79 BC/Yukon Delegate                      Area 79 Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional
                                                                        Community Quarterly Newsletter for January 2021
     MOTION to adjourn by Joanne C., DCM District 43, at 6:00 pm        What’s in this issue?                                       WHAT IS THE INTER-COM?
                                                                        Looking for a meeting………page 1               The Inter-Com is our newsletter, by us, for us. This
     Close with the Responsibility Statement followed by the            District 62 P.I. report……… 2           newsletter is for the exclusive use of A.A. members
                                                                                                                     who wish to exchange information about Public
     Serenity Prayer.                                                   What is P.I.? 2   Information (P.I.) and cooperation with the Professional
                                                                        What is CPC…………………… 3                  Community (CPC) work within Area 79. The Inter-Com
                                                                                                                     is a quarterly publication – January, April, July, and
     Attendance                                                         Inter-Com submissions…….page 3               October.
     GSC:       14                                                      Welcome to PI and CPC                        It is a fantastic opportunity for districts, specifically P.I.
     GSRs:     131                                                      Committee DCMs…………….page 3                   and CPC committees, to share experience, strengths
     Alt GSRs: 24                                                                                                    and hope – new ways to reach the public and
                                                                                                                     cooperate with the professional community – how and
     DCMs:      35                                                                                                   what you are doing in your district.
     Alt DCMs: 14
     Visitors:  87                                                                                                             LOOKING FOR A MEETING?
     Total:    305                                                                                                   You can find a meeting almost anywhere by
                                                                                                                     downloading the Meeting Guide app onto your
     7th Tradition: $1,250.00                                                                                        smartphone.
                                                                                    Please Contact us:               A reminder to groups to keep the Registrar
                                                                          Dan F. – Public Information                ( informed of any changes to
                                                                          Email:                    the date, time and format (virtual or face-to-face) so
                                                                          778-538-0466                               that she can advise GSO (owns & updates the app).
                                                                          Diane O. – Cooperation with the            GSRs can find the group change form on our webpage
                                                                          Professional Community                     at under service materials.

General Service Committee Reports
                       Rodney S., Chair                                come July. For now, and unless things change dramatically, the
                                          Pre-Conference Assembly will be held online. We are hoping that
                                                                       things open up enough to meet in Smithers in July and Vernon in
           My name is Rodney and I am an alcoholic. I’m really         October. Only time will tell.
proud and totally apprehensive to be serving as your Panel 71          Yours in love and service,
Chairperson.                                                           Rodney S.
           Since we last met at the October Voting Assembly I have
been a busy person. As your past treasurer I helped transition our                            Bob K., Delegate
new treasurer Monica into the treasurer position. I have passed                 
on all that I know to our new treasurer. If we ever get back to
in-person quarterlies, there will be a few more things to go over. I             Hello friends, my name is Bob K. and I am an alcoholic.
believe we are in good hands with Monica.                              I am humbled by this opportunity to serve as your Panel 71
           I have also had the pleasure of working with Rio            Delegate.
as she passes on the mantle of Chair to me. Rio has done an                      Greetings and a warm welcome to the GSRs and their
excellent job in breaching new frontiers with having to move our       Alternates, the DCMs and their Alternates, the General Service
quarterlies and assemblies online. This has added or created the       Committee, guests and of course all that are here for their first
need for a tech team to help manage the online meetings. To that       Area 79 Quarterly. Panel 71 will all work together for the next
end we have formed a tech team led by Andrea P. with Jon, Gerry        two years (2021-2022) at ensuring the message of hope reaches
and Doug, supported by Paul T., Richard H. and Rio D.                  the suffering alcoholic and that Area 79 stays connected to A.A.
           I put together the agenda for this quarterly with far too   as a whole.
many mistakes and I apologize for that. I did my best to correct                 We are so resilient in A.A. to have the courage and
them all as quickly as possible. Regardless, the content of the        dedication to step from our comfort zones and explore technology
weekend should prove to be stimulating and informative.                that can be used to share our life-saving program with those in
           I am really proud of the work we have done so far.          need during these uncertain times. For that I thank you.
Myself, together with a selection committee, selected our seven                  Since our elections in October 2020, I have been able to
new committee chairs which have just been ratified. I believe we       wrap up my Alt. Delegate/Literature responsibilities and pass the
have put together a good committee and we are looking forward          reins over to our Alt.Delegate Rio D. We are in good hands with
to serving Area 79 throughout this panel.                              Rio.
           As it stands right now all travel to in-person events is              From the bottom of my heart I would like to take this
currently not being considered by the GSC. I for one hope that         opportunity to thank our Panel 69 Delegate Gail P. for the many
ends soon. Consequently, the number of requests we are getting         transitions she has done with me. Gail has kept me in line at
for support at roundups, workshops, group conscience and other         times even though at times that was the furthest thing from my
travel-like assignments are minimal. So far, we have two virtual       mind. Upon reflection I have come to believe I wouldn’t be here
assignments planned for the new year. I was asked, last minute,        today as your Panel 71 Delegate without her. I also need to give
to give a 10 minute talk at District 43’s New Year’s Eve online        thanks to my service sponsor Tony L. He listened with an open
party.                                                                 mind to my nonsense at times and would quite often comment,
           This pandemic has had an enormous effect on our             “That’s delusional, Bob”, kick me in the ass and remind me why
society and how we function. Technology has left many of us in         we are all here, to take me back to the basics.
the dust looking for what limited in-person meetings there are.                  I have continued to pinch myself most every day as
With in-person meetings being limited to 50 people you must            I receive messages of congratulations from past and current
arrive pretty early at some meetings if you wish to get a seat.        delegates within our US/Canada A.A. service structure. In
Otherwise you are turned away.                                         December I received the Delegates’ Communication Kit with
           I want to encourage each district to continue the           suggested readings that include the A.A. Service Manual and
enthusiasm for A.A. as best you can in these trying times. Put on      12 Concepts for World Service, A.A. Comes of Age, and recent
virtual events, invite your GSC to attend and we will be very glad     Conference Reports.
to take part in whatever you come up with. Let’s not let Covid                   Shortly afterwards, I was informed that I have been
destroy our enthusiasm and love for A.A. service.                      assigned to the Conference Committee on Policy and Admissions
           Given that, I can’t help but wonder if your GSC should      and I have upcoming meetings with the entire Committee to
consider organizing some online events. So far what has been           discuss a member from India that has requested to attend the 71st
done in the past has gone over well. Things like the forums that       General Service Conference.
just happened as well as the Archives workshop that was put                      On January 5, I was connected to the secure AAWS
on were well attended. Feel free to comment on that in your            dashboard and have started navigating through the variety of
evaluation form after this quarterly. We hope everyone will one        items available. This is keeping me updated with the most current
fill out so we can serve you better going forward.                     information available.
           I am truly hoping that we will be able to meet in person              I have also been attending the Western Regional
Delegates meeting that is chaired by our Western Regional              (TSS) which is part of the Area 79 website: www.bcyukonaa.
     Trustee, Irma V., who shared information regarding the slump in        org . If you are currently serving in one of these positions and do
     AAWS Inc. and Grapevine Inc. Literature sales and contributions        not yet have access to your login information, please see Caleb,
     are up with AAWS but unfortunately Grapevine is suffering              our Website chair, for help. He can be reached at website@
     because they do not accept financial contributions and operate You will need this information to access the
     solely on the sale of publications, subscriptions and various other    background material and synopsis under the Delegate tab.
     items. They could use our help during these uncertain times. Ask                 This timeline information will be also available in the
     Our Grapevine Chair, Drew, how can we help.                            upcoming edition of Grassroots.
               I and the four Western Regional Delegates, along                       So, hang on everyone, you’re in for a ride.
     with our Western Regional Trustee and our Trustee-at-Large                       Thank you so much for the trust and support you have
     Canada, have also been attending the 2021 WRAASA committee             given me to serve as your Panel 71 Delegate.
     meetings. WRAASA will take place Feb.26-27, 2021, hosted               In Love and Service
     by Area 91, Saskatchewan. Registration is now open and I               Bob K.
     encourage you, your A.A. friends and sponsees to show our Area
     79 support. Registration is free and they will accept contributions             Rio D., Alternate Delegate / Literature Chair
     online during the event to help cover costs. The main theme and                
     workshop items are based on the upcoming theme of the 71st
     General Service Conference (A.A. in a Time of Change).                           Happy New Year to all! My name is Rio and I am
               I also attend virtual meetings with the Pacific Regional     an alcoholic grateful to be serving as your Area 79 Panel 71
     Delegates and as many of you know, Area 79 is an honorary              Alternate Delegate & Literature Committee Chair. Thank you,
     member of their region. I have been invited to attend PRAASA           Bob, for the transition into this position. Rodney, you are doing
     (Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly)                 a great job as our new Chair and I know our BC/Yukon area is in
     being held on March 5-7, 2021. It is hosted by Area 93 Central         good hands.
     California and of course like most everything on a virtual                       First, literature highlights from GSO.
     platform.                                                                        Subtitled versions in Spanish and French of the updated
               As I mentioned in the service orientation last evening       video “Your General Service Office, Grapevine Office and
     I will be attending the 71st General Service Conference as your        the General Service Structure,” are yet to be completed and
     Area 79 Delegate, on April 18-24. I will be taking the Area 79         subsequently distributed. How great that we got to see some of
     conscience with me. For that to happen, I will need your help.         this this afternoon.
     We have lots to do to prepare for our upcoming April Pre-                        A new gift book titled “A Visual History of Alcoholics
     Conference coming up on April 9-11. So let me give you a               Anonymous” is available for pre-order with a $1.00 off discount
     rundown of what to expect and when.                                    until Jan 31.
               On or about Feb. 15 the 93 Delegates of our US/                        Living Sober is now available as an audio book.
     Canada A.A. service structure will receive the entire conference                 The new, and very improved, A.A. Online Bookstore
     committee agenda items and full background material; this is           went live September 9 and is much more user friendly. There is a
     usually 700 to 1000 pages. With help I will reassign some of the       15% discount on all orders over $100 until Jan 31st. Don’t forget
     committee agenda items from overloaded committees to less busy         to go there and order “Our Great Responsibility” and get a FREE
     committees.                                                            copy of Alcoholics Anonymous Facsimile First Printing of the
               I will get this information out to our committee chairs as   First Edition. This offer ends at the end of this month.
     soon as possible. They will have from Feb.17 to Feb.21 or so to                  I am so fortunate to have DCMs Elton from District
     synopsize (or summarize) their specific committee agenda items         24, Michael from District 36 and Tim from District 75 to work
     into four pages each. We will have a GSC meeting on Feb.24 and         with over the next two years on the Area Literature Committee.
     review the material.                                                   We have met three times so far. At our second meeting we really
               Following that meeting we will organize the synopsized       enjoyed having the webmaster Karen of Area 8, San Diego,
     background material for all 12 committees into a single document       attend. She showed and discussed the use of the Glide app to
     approximately 50 pages in length.                                      get digital literature out to the fellowship. More will be revealed
               The full background material and the synopsized              in our committee report-back this weekend. We have 15 DCC
     material will be posted to the trusted servant site on our Area 79     Literature Chairs in our area and I look forward to meeting and
     website during the first week of March for all GSRs and DCMs           working with you all.
     to access. This gives the GSRs and DCMs 5 to 6 weeks to discuss                  The Panel 71 Finance Committee consists of myself,
     the items with their groups and districts so you can come to the       Rodney, Monica and Drew. We met last Wednesday for the first
     Pre-Conference Assembly prepared to carry the voice of your            time and it is going to be wonderful to work with these trusted
     group and district to gather the group conscience.                     servants during this rotation.
               After the General Service Conference I will be available               It was a privilege to work on the Tech Team for our
     to come to your districts online and report to you what happened.      recent Western US/Canada Virtual Forum on December 19.
     Please get in touch with me at if you           Thanks to all the tech team volunteers here at this Quarterly
     would like to schedule a visit.                                        for their hours of preparation for this event and to all of you,
               All GSRs, DCMs and the GSC have a user name and              new to service in Area 79. Welcome to your BC/Yukon service
     password that enables them to log into the trusted servant site        family. My first virtual Area 79 travel assignment is January 30 in
District 62 where I will be facilitating a Sponsorship Workshop.         be discussing how members in Area 79 can support the AA
           In closing I want to extend a warm welcome to all of          Grapevine. Unlike AAWS, it is only through literature sales and
you new Area 79 trusted servants in this current Panel 71 rotation.      subscriptions that the Grapevine can receive your support as they
If all the acronyms, terms and lingo sounds confusing, you are           do not accept financial contributions.
not alone. It is for all of us when we attend our first service event.              In December the Grapevine had a free shipping offer
Also, a heartfelt thank you to all that have served so humbly in         on all literature sales. I combined that offer with the bulk-order
Panel 69. My service journey has been lifted to new heights by           offer of an additional 10% off the Grapevine literature purchase.
your unconditional love and unwavering support.                          This also gave us our inventory purchase at 2020 pricing rates
           Thank you for listening and allowing me to serve.             before the inventory prices were increased in 2021. I believe this
With much appreciation and gratitude,                                    inventory will serve us for most of the rotation (depending on
Rio D.                                                                   what happens with in-person travel assignments and quarterlies
                                                                         and assemblies).
                    Drew W., Alternate Chair                                        I look forward to growing in humility as I serve you in
                                         Panel 71.
                                                                         Thank you for my big sober life,
          Hello friends, My name is Drew and I am a grateful             Drew W.
alcoholic, privileged to serve as your BC/Yukon Area 79
Alternate Chair and Grapevine Chair. I hope everyone had a safe,                             Monica McG., Treasurer
healthy and serene holiday season.                                                
          Since our last meeting I have been busy learning all the
facets of my new role.                                                             Good morning everyone, my name is Monica and I am
          I want to thank outgoing Panel 69 Alternate Chair              an alcoholic, honoured to serve Area 79 as Treasurer for Panel 71.
and Grapevine chair Brenda M. for your thoroughness in our               Since we last met in Oct., I completed my term as Remote
transition. And to our incoming secretary Carol H., I wish you the       Connections and Grassroots Chair on Panel 69 and started the
best in your new role as secretary for Panel 71.                         orientation of the new chairs, Christina and Alex. Both roles are
          Ahead of our quarterly this weekend, I have attended           in competent hands. Their enthusiasm and energy is contagious.
several tech team meetings to help prepare for this event. I’ve          For Grassroots, the Forum grew to 52 pages, thanks to the
met several times with our tech team host Andrea regarding the           submissions from the DCMs and the GSC members. 122 copies
registration processes. A special thank you to Rio D. and Paul T.        were mailed. This is 65 fewer than the first mailing I did two
for helping us learn the ropes. It is a very involved process and        years ago as our Registrars have done a great job of getting email
I’m so grateful for all the legwork that was done in Panel 69 to         contacts for more of the groups.
set us up for success in Panel 71. Our new tech team, consisting                   976 emails were sent to DCMs and GSRs notifying them
of Andrea, Doug, Gerry and Jon, have been instrumental in                it was on the website. All but 19 were successfully delivered, an
helping us provide a streamlined event for you this weekend.             astonishing 98.1% accuracy rate with only four invalid emails.
Thank you, tech team!                                                    Thank you, Registrars and DCMs. More exciting still is, within a
          I have had fun reviewing our quarterly and assembly            week, the email had been opened 1,618 times. Thank you all for
feedback processes. The evaluation forms have been modified              passing it on to your members.
to include more opportunities to hear your feedback. This form                     For Remote Connections, I had the privilege in Nov.
can be found in the housekeeping chat this weekend. I plan               of telling my story to the Alaska-wide phone-in meeting. It was
on sending all attendees a copy of the link to the email you’ve          strange to be speaking to 16 people and have no form of feedback
registered with once the quarterly closes. Your Panel 71 team is         while I was speaking. I am in awe of members who have gained
really looking forward to hearing your feedback so that we can           and maintained sobriety primarily through phone-in meetings.
continue to improve these events to better serve Area 79.                          Nov. 16, there was an Inter-area Remote Communities
          In December, a letter was sent out by Grapevine Chair          meeting with members from Alaska to Newfoundland.
Kathi F. informing the fellowship of the financial status of the         Fortunately, Christina, our new Remote Connections chair, was
Grapevine.                                                               able to join us.
          “As of October 2020, the AA Grapevine has estimated a                    Nov. 18, we held a Remote Connections meeting with
loss of just over $300,000; and the cost of AA La Viña (above the        the district chairs to introduce Christina as the new chair and
income it receives from subscription sales) is just over $250,000.       discuss the implications of the change in name from Remote
Due to the cancellation of the Detroit International Convention          Communities to Remote Connections. Not many districts
and the long-term closings of AA meetings and Intergroup/                participated but there was a lively discussion with those that did.
Central Offices, AAGV has experienced a significant reduction                      Rodney, the Panel 69 Treasurer, now our Chair, has
in its book sales this year. There has also been a significant           been very patient showing me the Area financial systems as
reduction in La Viña magazine subscriptions… We are trying               well as helping me get Windows going on my Mac so I can use
our best. With your support, we can turn this around if we stay          Quickbooks, the software used by the Area.
focused and diligent.”                                                             The Area Finance Committee meets monthly. It is
          Like so many groups, districts, intergroup offices,            composed of our Chair, Rodney, Alternate Chair, Drew, and
and our own publishing department in AAWS, many entities                 Alternate Delegate, Rio. We had the first meeting of Panel 71 on
in alcoholics anonymous are suffering financially. Grapevine             Wednesday and reviewed the year-end report.
is no exception. In our committee work this weekend, we will                       As many of you know, I live in Victoria and the Area
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