Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein in Parkinson's Disease: A Work in Progress - SNMMI

Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein in Parkinson's Disease: A Work in Progress - SNMMI
Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein in
Parkinson’s Disease: A Work in Progress
Chia-Ju Hsieh and Robert H. Mach, University of Pennsylvania, and Zhude Tu and Paul T. Kotzbauer, Washington
University-St Louis

       arkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common           initially developed as an 11C/18F-labeled radioligand for
       neurodegenerative disease.1-4 Currently, diagnosis of       imaging Ab plaques.20 In vitro histology and fluorescence
       PD relies on clinical criteria characterized by motor       studies demonstrated BF-227 bound to LBs in fixed serial
symptoms including bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor and              brain sections of the substantia nigra of PD, showing its
postural instability.5 The underlying pathology of PD includes     potential for labeling LBs and LNs.21 However, binding
the formation of intraneuronal fibrillary Lewy bodies (LBs)        assays with postmortem PD and DLB tissue homogenates
and Lewy neurites (LNs), along with dopaminergic neuron            revealed that [18F]BF-227 failed to bind to Ab-free DLB
loss in substantia nigra.6 The abnormal alpha-synuclein            brain homogenates.21 A follow-up study showed that BF-
(ASyn) aggregation is the main component in LBs and LNs7,          227 bound to both LBs and GCIs via in vitro histology
and is associated with disease progression from brain stem         studies in PD, DLB, and MSA brains.22
to neocortex.8-9                                                       [11C]BF-227 in vivo PET imaging was also conducted in
    ASyn is an unfolded, highly soluble presynaptic protein        patients with MSA and revealed a high uptake in subcortical
consisting of 140 amino acids.10-11 In PD, ASyn forms              white matter and other brain regions that matched the
insoluble amyloid fibrils stabilized by beta pleated sheet         pattern of GCI accumulation in MSA brains.22 However,
structure.12-13 Misfolded ASyn deposition is also found            subsequent data from in vitro histology immunofluorescence
in other neurodegenerative disorders classified as alpha-          study against pathological ASyn did not match the signals
synucleinopathies, including LBs and LNs in dementia               from [18F]BF-227 autoradiography from postmortem MSA
with Lewy bodies (DLB), and glial cell inclusions (GCI) in
multiple system atrophy (MSA).14-16 Hence, ASyn is a novel
and valuable imaging target for alpha-synucleinopathies.17
An imaging tracer that quantifies fibrillar Asyn aggregation
in vivo would greatly enhance the clinical diagnosis of alpha-
    Due to the structural similarity of beta-pleated sheets
among different species of amyloid fibrils, non-selective
ligands that bind to more than one fibril species are more         Figure 1. Structure of BF-227.
common than selective ligands.18 Tracer selectivity is essential                                    Continued on page 2. See Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein.
for imaging ASyn in PD, since fibrillar ASyn accumulation is
often accompanied by widespread amyloid beta (Ab) plaque
and tau fibrils deposition.19 Therefore, an imaging agent            IN THIS ISSUE
that specifically binds to ASyn fibrils is the only way to                MI in the Literature                                                          4
provide reliable information in vivo of ASyn deposition for PD.
                                                                          CMIIT News                                                                    5
Nonselective Probes for Asyn, Ab, or Tau                                  MI in the News                                                                6
The benzoxazole compound, [2-[2-(2-dimethylaminothiazol-5-                Calendar of Events                                                            7
yl-)ethenyl]-6-[2-fluoroethoxy]benzoxazole (BF-227), was
Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein in Parkinson's Disease: A Work in Progress - SNMMI
Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein continued from page 1.
      brain samples.23 In addition, the quantification of [18F]BF-
      227 binding from autoradiography did not show differences
      among control and MSA brain samples, or the regions of
      interest with and without aggregated ASyn pathology in
      MSA.23 These results, plus the high affinity of [11C/18F]
      BF-227 binding toward Ab indicates that this ligand will not
      be useful for imaging LBs, LNs, and GCIs
          In a recent study, a tau PET ligand, 2-((1E,3E)-4-(6-
      thiazol-6-ol ([11C]PBB3) (Figure 2a)24 was used to assess
      ASyn pathology by in vitro histology and autoradiography
      studies.25 The PBB3 fluorescent labeling was co-localized with
      the immunofluorescence staining for ASyn in LBs, LNs, and
      GCIs in postmortem DLB and MSA brain sections. However,
      autoradiographic study with [11C]PBB3 only demonstrated
      significant binding in MSA cases having high densities of
      GCIs, and no binding in DLB brain sections (Figure 2b).25 A
      later study also suggested that [11C]PBB3 may bind to ASyn
      in vivo by performing [11C]PBB3 PET imaging in patients
      with MSA (Figure 2c).26

      Current Status of Selective Radiolabeled Probes for Imaging
      Asyn Aggregates
      Radiolabeled tricyclic ligands [11C]SIL5, [125I]SIL23, and
      [18F]SIL26 (Figure 3) were identified with high potency for
      ASyn by using an in vitro Thioflavin T (ThT) competition
      binding assay in recombinant ASyn fibrils.27 In vitro binding
      assay studies in fibrils revealed [125I]SIL23 had a modest
      binding affinity for ASyn fibrils and a 4-fold and 1.5-fold
      lower affinity for Aband tau fibrils, respectively.             Figure 2. Structure of [11C]PBB3 (a), [11C]PBB3 autoradiographic labeling of postmortem DLB and MSA at
                                                                       amygdala and basal ganglia section (b), and in vivo [11C]PBB3 PET imaging in control and patient with MSA (c)
          In addition, binding studies using tissue homogenates        (Figures were edited from ref. 25 and 26).
      demonstrated that [125I]SIL23 bound to both PD brain
      sections and ASyn transgenic mice brain tissue, suggesting
      that the binding site densities of [125I]SIL23 in brain tissue
      are sufficiently high to enable in vivo imaging with high
      affinity ligands.28 In the same study, SIL5 and SIL26 were
      also reported as potent ligands for ASyn recombinant fibrils
      and human PD brain homogenate, showing 1.5-6 fold and
                                                                       Figure 3. Structures of [11C]SIL5, [125I]SIL23, and [18F]SIL26.
      2-8 fold selectivity towards ASyn over Ab and tau fibrils.28
          Follow-up studies of [11C]SIL5 and [18F]SIL26 were
      conducted by ex vivo biodistribution studies in rats and in          A series of indolinone and indolinonediene analogues
      vivo microPET imaging of nonhuman primates, suggesting           were developed as lead compounds for ASyn PET radiotracer
      that these two radiotracers were able to penetrate the           development.30 The most interesting ligand, compound 46a
      blood-brain barrier with high initial uptake and had             (Figure 4b), and compound 20 (Figure 4a) with fluorescent
      homogeneous distribution and rapid washout kinetics in           properties were identified by in vitro ThT competition
      healthy rat and macaque brains.29 Although the authors           binding assays in different species of amyloid fibrils.
      continue to work on structural optimization of [11C]SIL5             In vitro fluorescent microscopy studies revealed that
      and [18F]SIL26 with the goal of identifying a highly specific    compound 20 labeled both LBs and Ab plaque in postmortem
      PET tracer for quantifying ASyn accumulation in vivo, no         samples of PD and AD brain, which was expected given
      other promising tricyclic radioligand for imaging ASyn has       its high affinity for both ASyn and Ab fibrils (Figure 4c).
      been reported.                                                   However, these data implied that the serial indolinone- mi                                                                                Continued on page 3. See Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein.
Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein continued from page 2.

diene compounds were able to bind to the fibrillar species
of ASyn in LBs. Compound 46a had the highest affinity (Ki
= 2 nM) for ASyn fibrils in the series of ligands, and 68-
fold and 38-fold lower binding affinity for Ab and tau fibrils,
respectively.30 Unfortunately, the high lipophilicity of this
compound with high log P value resulted in a high level of
background binding, suggesting [18F]46a is not suitable to
serve as a PET imaging agent for imaging LBs by quantifying
the ASyn accumulation in the brain.

                                                                                                                  Figure 5. Structure of [125I]IDP-4 (a), fluorescent staining of [125I]IDP-4 (b), and immunohistochemical staining
                                                                                                                  with fluorescent antibody against ASyn in PD brain section (c). (Figures were edited from ref. 33).

                                                                                                                  [18F]28 (Figure 6) indicated that all three radiolabeled
                                                                                                                  ligands had a similar binding affinity for ASyn fibrils and in
                                                                                                                  AD tissue homogenates.35 Although the three radioligands
Figure 4. Binding affinities from ThT competition binding assay and structure of compound 20 (a), and 46a (b).    lack selectivity towards ASyn fibrils and AD tissue in direct
Fluorescent staining of compound 20 in PD brain section (c), and curves of in vitro [18F]46a direct radioligand
                                                                                                                  binding assay, the data in this study may provide useful
binding assay study (d). (Figures were edited from ref. 30).
                                                                                                                  information for future ASyn PET tracer development.
    Radioiodinated chalcone compounds were reported as
potential SPECT imaging agents for Ab plaques.31-32 Ono et                                                        Conclusions
al. proposed that molecular length may play an important                                                          Although much progress has been achieved in the
role in the molecular design of ASyn imaging probes33, based                                                      development of PET radiotracers for imaging Ab plaques
on observations from Ab and tau ligand development.24,                                                            and aggregated tau in AD, the development of a PET tracer
    Therefore, a series of chalcone analogs that have 2-4                                                         for PD has had its challenges, including the shortage of
conjugated double bonds were developed in their study.33                                                          lead compounds and the absence of radioligands for in vitro
[125I]IDP-4, which has 4 double bonds in the structure, was                                                       screening assays. Nevertheless, the recent identification of
identified as the most potent compound in this series of                                                          small molecules with high affinity for ASyn, Ab and tau                                                               3
ligands (Figure 5a).                                                                                              fibrils should lead to the identification of radioligands which
    In vitro binding assays using recombinant ASyn and                                                            can be used in high-throughput screens to identify bona
Ab fibrils revealed that [125I]IDP-4 was found to have high                                                       fide lead compounds for PET radiotracer development.
affinity (KD = 5.4 nM) for ASyn and a 3-fold lower affinity                                                       Once this critical step is achieved, it will only be a matter
for Ab fibrils. In vitro fluorescent microscopy studies also                                                      of time before identifying a suitable PET probe for imaging
indicated that [125I]IDP-4 was capable of staining LBs in post-                                                   aggregated ASyn in alpha-synucleinopathies.
mortem PD brain samples (Figure 5b and c).33 However, the
[125I]IDP-4 probe had low brain uptake in ex vivo mouse
biodistribution studies. Although [125I]IDP-4 showed low
brain uptake, it may be a useful probe for in vitro screening
of compounds for determining their affinity for binding to
ASyn and Ab fibrils.                                                                                              Figure 6. Structure of [11C]13, [18F]14, and [18F]28, and binding affinities of direct radioligand binding assay of
    Recently, a series of quinolinyl compounds was reported                                                       each compounds.
as putative PET radiotracers for Asyn35. Three of the
compounds showed high affinity for ASyn fibrils in the
                                                                                                                  1. Chen, J. J., Parkinson’s disease: health-related quality of life, economic cost, and
ThT fluorescence assay and were chosen for radiolabeling                                                          implications of early treatment. Am J Manag.Care 2010, 16 Suppl Implications,
studies. Direct binding assays of [11C]13, [18F]14, and                                                           S87-S93. mi                                                                                                                                  Continued on page 4. See Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein.
m i in the Literature
       Each month, the CMIIT Editorial Board selects the top molecular imaging research papers from all papers indexed by PubMed. Below are recent
       papers on molecular imaging research. The links below go to these references, including their abstracts and links to the full paper on PubMed.

       Automated Whole-Body Bone Lesion Detection for                                             Optimizing Parkinson’s disease diagnosis: the role of a
       Multiple Myeloma on 68Ga-Pentixafor PET/CT Imaging                                         dual nuclear imaging algorithm.
       Using Deep Learning Methods.                                                               Langston JW, Wiley JC, Tagliati M. PMID: 29507872
       Xu L, Tetteh G, Lipkova J, Zhao Y, Li H, Christ P, Piraud M,
       Buck A, Shi K, Menze BH. PMID: 29531504                                                    Clinicopathological and 123I-FP-CIT SPECT correlations
                                                                                                  in patients with dementia.
       Hybrid imaging in Crohn’s disease: from SPECT/CT to                                        Jung Y, Jordan LG 3rd, Lowe VJ, Kantarci K, Parisi JE, Dickson
       PET/MR and new image interpretation criteria.                                              DW, Murray ME, Reichard RR, Ferman TJ, Jones DT, Graff-
       Catalano O, Maccioni F, Lauri C, Auletta S, Dierckx R, Signore                             Radford J, Savica R, Machulda MM, Fields JA, Allen LA,
       A. PMID: 29191001                                                                          Drubach DA, St Louis EK, Silber MH, Jack CR Jr., Knopman
                                                                                                  DS, Petersen RC, Boeve BF. PMID: 29560382
       Dual Targeting of Acute Leukemia and Supporting Niche
       by CXCR4-Directed Theranostics.                                                            Early detection of pancreatic cancer in mouse models
       Habringer S, Lapa C, Herhaus P, Schottelius M, Istvanffy R,                                using a novel antibody, TAB004.
       Steiger K, Slotta-Huspenina J, Schirbel A, Hänscheid H,                                    Wu ST, Williams CD, Grover PA, Moore LJ, Mukherjee P.
       Kircher S, Buck AK, Götze K, Vick B, Jeremias I, Schwaiger M,                              PMID: 29462213
       Peschel C, Oostendorp R, Wester HJ, Grigoleit GU, Keller U.
       PMID: 29290814                                                                             131
                                                                                                     I-Labeled Copper Sulfide-Loaded Microspheres to
                                                                                                  Treat Hepatic Tumors via Hepatic Artery Embolization.
         F-Sodium Fluoride Uptake in Abdominal Aortic                                              Liu Q, Qian Y, Li P, Zhang S, Liu J, Sun X, Fulham M, Feng D,
       Aneurysms: The SoFIA3 Study.                                                               Huang G, Lu W, Song S. PMID: 29344306
       Forsythe RO, Dweck MR, McBride OMB, Vesey AT, Semple SI,
       Shah ASV, Adamson PD, Wallace WA, Kaczynski J, Ho W, van
       Beek EJR, Gray CD, Fletcher A, Lucatelli C, Marin A, Burns P,
       Tambyraja A, Chalmers RTA, Weir G, Mitchard N, Tavares A,
       Robson JMJ, Newby DE. PMID: 29406857

4   Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein continued from page 3.

    2. Kaltenboeck, A.; Johnson, S. J.; Davis, M. R.; Birnbaum, H. G.; Carroll, C. A.;             9. Braak, H.; Ghebremedhin, E.; Rüb, U.; Bratzke, H.; Del Tredici, K., Stages in the
    Tarrants, M. L.; Siderowf, A. D., Direct costs and survival of medicare beneficiaries          development of Parkinson’s disease-related pathology. Cell and Tissue Research 2004,
    with early and advanced parkinson’s disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2012, 18 (4),          318 (1), 121-134.
    321-326.                                                                                       10. Clayton, D. F.; George, J. M., Synucleins in synaptic plasticity and
    3. Mawuenyega, K. G.; Sigurdson, W.; Ovod, V.; Munsell, L.; Kasten, T.; Morris, J.             neurodegenerative disorders. J Neurosci.Res. 1999, 58 (1), 120-129.
    C.; Yarasheski, K. E.; Bateman, R. J., Decreased clearance of CNS beta-amyloid in              11. Ueda, K.; Fukushima, H.; Masliah, E.; Xia, Y.; Iwai, A.; Yoshimoto, M.; Otero,
    Alzheimer’s disease. Science 2010, 330 (6012), 1774.                                           D. A.; Kondo, J.; Ihara, Y.; Saitoh, T., Molecular cloning of cDNA encoding an
    4. Olanow, C. W.; Stern, M. B.; Sethi, K., The scientific and clinical basis for the           unrecognized component of amyloid in Alzheimer disease. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci U.S.A
    treatment of Parkinson disease (2009). Neurology 2009, 72 (21 Suppl 4), S1-136.                1993, 90 (23), 11282-11286.
    5. Gelb, D. J.; Oliver, E.; Gilman, S., Diagnostic criteria for Parkinson disease. Archives    12. Spillantini, M. G.; Crowther, R. A.; Jakes, R.; Hasegawa, M.; Goedert, M., alpha-
    of Neurology 1999, 56 (1), 33-39.                                                              Synuclein in filamentous inclusions of Lewy bodies from Parkinson’s disease and
    6. Hely, M. A.; Reid, W. G.; Adena, M. A.; Halliday, G. M.; Morris, J. G., The Sydney          dementia with lewy bodies. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci U.S.A 1998, 95 (11), 6469-6473.
    multicenter study of Parkinson’s disease: the inevitability of dementia at 20 years. Mov       13. Vilar, M.; Chou, H. T.; Luhrs, T.; Maji, S. K.; Riek-Loher, D.; Verel, R.; Manning,
    Disord. 2008, 23 (6), 837-844.                                                                 G.; Stahlberg, H.; Riek, R., The fold of alpha-synuclein fibrils. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci U.S.A
    7. Baba, M.; Nakajo, S.; Tu, P.-H.; Tomita, T.; Nakaya, K.; Lee, V.; Trojanowski, J. Q.;       2008, 105 (25), 8637-8642.
    Iwatsubo, T., Aggregation of alpha-synuclein in Lewy bodies of sporadic Parkinson’s            14. Tu, P. h.; Galvin, J. E.; Baba, M.; Giasson, B.; Tomita, T.; Leight, S.; Nakajo,
    disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. The American Journal of Pathology 1998, 152             S.; Iwatsubo, T.; Trojanowski, J. Q.; Lee, V. M. Y., Glial cytoplasmic inclusions in
    (4), 879.                                                                                      white matter oligodendrocytes of multiple system atrophy brains contain insoluble
    8. Braak, H.; Del Tredici, K.; Rüb, U.; De Vos, R. A.; Steur, E. N. J.; Braak, E., Staging     α-synuclein. Annals of Neurology 1998, 44 (3), 415-422.
    of brain pathology related to sporadic Parkinson’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging 2003,        15. Wakabayashi, K.; Yoshimoto, M.; Tsuji, S.; Takahashi, H., α-Synuclein
    24 (2), 197-211.                                                                               immunoreactivity in glial cytoplasmic inclusions in multiple system atrophy.
                                                                                                   Neuroscience Letters 1998, 249 (2-3), 180-182. mi                                                                                                         Continued on page 5. See Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein.
 Looking forward to the 2018 SNMMI Annual Meeting                                             partnerships, keys to navigating administrative and regulatory
 CMIIT is sponsoring a host of great sessions at the 2018 Annual                              processes, and understanding the similarities and differences of the
 Meeting in Philadelphia, PA (June 23-26), including one categorical                          goals of academic and industrial partners.
 session on June 23; 5 CE sessions; as well as the non-CE Emerging
 Technologies sessions. Build your schedule online or download the                            Outlook for the Future Supply of Mo-99: (June 24, 4:30-6:00
 meeting app for easy access!                                                                 PM) This emerging-technologies (non-CE) session, organized in
                                                                                              collaboration with the Council on Radionuclides and Radiophar-
 Here is a preview of a few sessions:                                                         maceuticals (CORAR), will provide an overview of publicly avail-
 CAT4: Radiomics and Machine Learning Methods and                                             able information on the Mo-99 supply chain’s capacity and ability
 Applications in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine: (June 23,                                    to meet demand. In addition, current and future Mo-99 producers
 8 AM – 4 PM) This categorical session (separate registration required),                      will provide updates.
 co-sponsored with the Computer and Instrumentation Council
 (CaIC), will provide participants with a foundational overview                               CMIIT members are also encouraged to attend:
 of machine learning methods and and how they are increasingly                                • the CMIIT Young Investigator Award Symposium, Saturday,
 applied in imaging, including anatomic radiology and nuclear                                   June 23, 3:15 – 4:35 PM
 medicine/molecular imaging.                                                                  • the CMIIT Annual Business Meeting, Sunday, June 24 at
                                                                                                12:30 PM, during which CMIIT will recognize the 2018 Lab
 CE51: Academic-Industry Research Partnerships: (June 25,                                       Professional Award Winner, Shelley Acuff, CNMT, RT(R) (CT)
 3 – 4:30 PM) This CE session, organized by incoming CMIIT                                    • the CMIIT and RPSC sponsored Basic Science Summary Session,
 President Kimberly Kelly, PhD, and CMIIT Board Member Marty                                    Sunday, June 24, 4:45 – 6:15 PM
 Pagel, PhD, will provide perspectives on how to establish successful                         • the RPSC/CMIIT Poster Mixer networking event, Sunday June
 academic-industrial partnerships. An emphasis will be placed                                   24 at 6:30 PM
 on best practices for developing and maintaining productive                                  • the Young Investigator Awards Ceremony, Monday, June 25,
                                                                                                2 – 3 PM
Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein continued from page 3.
16. Spillantini, M. G.; Crowther, R. A.; Jakes, R.; Cairns, N. J.; Lantos, P. L.; Goedert,   tauopathy mouse model and in Alzheimer patients compared to normal controls.
M., Filamentous α-synuclein inclusions link multiple system atrophy with Parkinson’s         Neuron 2013, 79 (6), 1094-1108.
disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. Neuroscience Letters 1998, 251 (3), 205-208.          25. Koga, S.; Ono, M.; Sahara, N.; Higuchi, M.; Dickson, D. W., Fluorescence and
17. Spillantini, M. G.; Goedert, M., The α-Synucleinopathies: Parkinson’s Disease,           autoradiographic evaluation of tau PET ligand PBB3 to α-synuclein pathology.
Dementia with Lewy Bodies, and Multiple System Atrophy. Annals of the New York               Movement Disorders 2017, 32 (6), 884-892.
Academy of Sciences 2000, 920 (1), 16-27.                                                    26. Perez-Soriano, A.; Arena, J. E.; Dinelle, K.; Miao, Q.; McKenzie, J.; Neilson,
18. Kotzbauer, P. T.; Tu, Z.; Mach, R. H., Current status of the development of PET          N.; Puschmann, A.; Schaffer, P.; Shinotoh, H.; Smith-Forrester, J., PBB3 imaging in
radiotracers for imaging alpha synuclein aggregates in Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites.        parkinsonian disorders: evidence for binding to tau and other proteins. Movement
Clinical and Translational Imaging 2017, 5 (1), 3-14.                                        Disorders 2017, 32 (7), 1016-1024.
19. Irwin, D. J.; Lee, V. M.-Y.; Trojanowski, J. Q., Parkinson’s disease dementia:           27. Yu, L.; Cui, J.; Padakanti, P. K.; Engel, L.; Bagchi, D. P.; Kotzbauer, P. T.; Tu,
convergence of α-synuclein, tau and amyloid-b pathologies. Nature Reviews                    Z., Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of α-synuclein ligands. Bioorganic & Medicinal                5
Neuroscience 2013, 14 (9), 626.                                                              Chemistry 2012, 20 (15), 4625-34.
20. Kudo, Y.; Okamura, N.; Furumoto, S.; Tashiro, M.; Furukawa, K.; Maruyama, M.;            28. Bagchi, D. P.; Yu, L.; Perlmutter, J. S.; Xu, J.; Mach, R. H.; Tu, Z.; Kotzbauer, P.
Itoh, M.; Iwata, R.; Yanai, K.; Arai, H., 2-(2-[2-Dimethylaminothiazol-5-yl]ethenyl)-6-      T., Binding of the radioligand SIL23 to α-synuclein fibrils in Parkinson disease brain
(2-[fluoro]ethoxy)benzoxazole: a novel PET agent for in vivo detection of dense              tissue establishes feasibility and screening approaches for developing a Parkinson
amyloid plaques in Alzheimer’s disease patients. Journal of Nuclear Medicine: official       disease imaging agent. PloS One 2013, 8 (2), e55031.
publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine 2007, 48 (4), 553-61.                               29. Zhang, X.; Jin, H.; Padakanti, P. K.; Li, J.; Yang, H.; Fan, J.; Mach, R. H.;
21. Fodero-Tavoletti, M. T.; Mulligan, R. S.; Okamura, N.; Furumoto, S.; Rowe,               Kotzbauer, P.; Tu, Z., Radiosynthesis and evaluation of two PET radioligands for
C. C.; Kudo, Y.; Masters, C. L.; Cappai, R.; Yanai, K.; Villemagne, V. L., In vitro          imaging alpha-synuclein. Appl Sci (Basel) 2014, 4 (1), 66-78.
characterisation of BF227 binding to alpha-synuclein/Lewy bodies. European Journal of        30. Chu, W.; Zhou, D.; Gaba, V.; Liu, J.; Li, S.; Peng, X.; Xu, J.; Dhavale, D.; Bagchi,
Pharmacology 2009, 617 (1-3), 54-8.                                                          D. P.; d’Avignon, A.; Shakerdge, N. B.; Bacskai, B. J.; Tu, Z.; Kotzbauer, P. T.; Mach,
22. Kikuchi, A.; Takeda, A.; Okamura, N.; Tashiro, M.; Hasegawa, T.; Furumoto,               R. H., Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of 3-(Benzylidene)indolin-2-one
S.; Kobayashi, M.; Sugeno, N.; Baba, T.; Miki, Y.; Mori, F.; Wakabayashi, K.; Funaki,        Derivatives as Ligands for alpha-Synuclein Fibrils. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2015,
Y.; Iwata, R.; Takahashi, S.; Fukuda, H.; Arai, H.; Kudo, Y.; Yanai, K.; Itoyama,            58 (15), 6002-17.
Y., In vivo visualization of alpha-synuclein deposition by carbon-11-labelled                31. Ono, M.; Hori, M.; Haratake, M.; Tomiyama, T.; Mori, H.; Nakayama, M.,
2-[2-(2-dimethylaminothiazol-5-yl)ethenyl]-6-[2-(fluoro)ethoxy]benzoxazole positron          Structure-activity relationship of chalcones and related derivatives as ligands for
emission tomography in multiple system atrophy. Brain 2010, 133 (Pt 6), 1772-8.              detecting of beta-amyloid plaques in the brain. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2007,
23. Verdurand, M.; Levigoureux, E.; Lancelot, S.; Zeinyeh, W.; Billard, T.; Quadrio,         15 (19), 6388-96.
I.; Perret-Liaudet, A.; Zimmer, L.; Chauveau, F., Amyloid-Beta Radiotracer [18F] BF-         32. Ono, M.; Watanabe, R.; Kawashima, H.; Cheng, Y.; Kimura, H.; Watanabe,
227 Does Not Bind to Cytoplasmic Glial Inclusions of Postmortem Multiple System              H.; Haratake, M.; Saji, H.; Nakayama, M., Fluoro-pegylated chalcones as positron
Atrophy Brain Tissue. Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging 2018, 2018.                         emission tomography probes for in vivo imaging of beta-amyloid plaques in
24. Maruyama, M.; Shimada, H.; Suhara, T.; Shinotoh, H.; Ji, B.; Maeda, J.; Zhang,           Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2009, 52 (20), 6394-401.
M.-R.; Trojanowski, J. Q.; Lee, V. M.-Y.; Ono, M., Imaging of tau pathology in a
                                                                                                                               Continued on page 7. See Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein. mi
m i in the News
  MI Gateway presents a sampling of research and news of interest to the community of molecular imaging scientists.

  Brain SPECT imaging predicts outcomes in depressed                        New Approaches to Understanding TB Can Help Inform
  patients                                                                  Development of Better Vaccine
  MedicalXpress                                                             Contagion Live
  Research from the Amen Clinics shows that brain SPECT                     FDG PET/CT was used in this study to predict which subjects
  imaging identifies who is likely to get better from depression            would have reactivated tuberculosis and which would not.
  and who is not. Patients who did not respond to treatment                 They created an algorithm that looked at the total amount of
  had lower overall cerebral blood flow, especially in the frontal,         FDG, or the total inflammation in the lungs.
  temporal, and parietal lobes and in brain regions known to
  be affected by Alzheimer’s, including the right hippocampus               Imaging agent helps predict success of lung cancer
  and left precuneus. The study is published in the Journal of              therapy
  Alzheimer’s Disease, because depression is a highly treatable             MedicalXpress
  risk for cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s.                               In a clinical trial of non-small cell lung cancer patients led by
                                                                            Stanford University researchers, a new PET tracer, F-MPG,
  Using Nanoprobes and Raman Spectroscopy to Detect                         seeks out a mutated version of epidermal growth factor, which
  Cancer Cells                                                              when overexpressed spurs cell division. If the PET scan shows
  AZOoptics                                                                 a high signal from the tracer in a patient’s lung cancer, then that
  Using two pieces of a fluorescent protein as “molecular glue,”            person will respond well to the specific epidermal growth factor
  the new technique attaches gold nanoparticles to distinct                 therapy.
  biomarkers on the exterior of cancer cells. These particles
  function as amplifiers for biomarkers such as overexpressed or            Optical tools to detect metabolic changes linked to
  mutated proteins that are tell-tale signs a cell is cancerous. Once       disease
  the signals have been amplified, scientists can then differentiate        Science Daily
  cancerous and healthy cells using Raman spectroscopy.                     Researchers at Tufts University School of Engineering have
                                                                            developed an optical tool that detects metabolic activity at the
  Hybrid gamma camera enhances intraoperative imaging                       resolution of single cells, although mostly near the surface.
  Medical Physics Web                                                       The study, reported in Science Advances, posits that this new
  A hybrid gamma-optical imaging camera could help surgeons                 method, based on the fluorescence of two coenzymes, could be
  assess the extent of cancer spread and possibly help reduce               used to identify specific metabolic signatures of such diseases
  mortality rates. Looking further ahead, one potential evolution           as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular and neurodegenerative
  of the hybrid camera could be to combine radionuclide                     disorders.
  imaging with near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging, using
  an integrated gamma/NIR camera.                                           PET Beats CT in Study of Mesothelioma Staging Tools                   6
                                                                            Surviving Mesothelioma
  PET myocardial perfusion imaging more effective than                      In an article in the British Journal of Radiology, University of
  SPECT scans in detecting coronary disease                                 Toronto researchers state, “PET identifies significantly more
  Science Daily                                                             patients with nodal or distant metastatic disease than CT and
  Patients who receive cardiac PET imaging instead of a SPECT               may contribute to more appropriate selection of patients with
  scan experienced a significant increase in the detection of severe        malignant pleural mesothelioma for surgery or multimodality
  obstructive coronary artery disease, according to researchers at          therapy.”
  the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute in Salt Lake
  City.                                                                     Combining modalities: the advantages of PET-CT-UUI
                                                                            Medical Physics Web
  New imaging approach offers unprecedented views of                        French researchers have combined traditional PET-CT and
  staph infection                                                           ultrafast ultrasound imaging (UUI) to create a new hybrid
  MedicalXpress                                                             imaging modality that can identify metabolic activities while
  Using bioluminescence imaging, mass spectrometry and MRI,                 capturing rapid phenomena with high resolution. This
  Vanderbilt University researchers created 3-D images of staph             approach should yield simultaneous anatomical, metabolic and
  infection.                                                                functional information while being relatively low in cost. In a
                                                                            proof-of-concept study, the team details how the technology
                                                                            could benefit the fields of oncology and cardiology. mi
MI Gateway is a quarterly member information service published

                    Calendar of Events                                                                     under the direction of the Center for Molecular Imaging Innovation
                                                                                                           and Translation leadership and SNMMI.

                                                                                                           Editorial Board
                    CARS 2018 Computer Assisted Radiology and                                              Walter Akers, DVM, PhD, Issue Editor
                    Surgery: 32nd International Congress and                                               Cathy S. Cutler, PhD
                    Exhibition                                                                             Leslie Flynt, MD
                                                                                                           Anthony Giamis, PhD
                    June 20 – 23, 2018
                                                                                                           Catalin I. Grigore, MIS, NMAA, CNMT
                    Berlin, Germany                                                                        Alexander L. Klibanov, PhD
                                                                                                           CMIIT Board of Directors
                    SNMMI 2018 Annual Meeting                                                              Buck E. Rogers, PhD, President
                                                                                                           Kimberly A. Kelly, PhD, Vice President
                    June 23 – 26, 2018                                                                     Cathy Sue Cutler, PhD, Secretary/Treasurer
                    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania                                                             Jonathan McConathy, MD, PhD, Immediate Past President
                                                                                                           Board Members
                    Total Body PET - From Mice to Men                                                      Walter Akers, DVM, PhD
                                                                                                           Elizabeth A. Bailey, PhD
                    June 30 – July 2, 2018                                                                 Delphine L. Chen, MD
                    Gent, Oostvlaanderen, Belgium                                                          Georges N. El Fakhri, PhD
                                                                     Kayvan Keshari, PhD
                                                                                                           Suzanne E. Lapi, PhD
                                                                                                           Mark “Marty” Pagel, PhD
                    2nd World Congress on Radiology and Oncology                                           Todd E. Peterson, PhD
                    July 16 – 17, 2018                                                                     Neil A. Petry, MS, RPh, BCNP
                                                                                                           Thomas Reiner, PhD
                    Dubai, United Arab Emirates                                                            Albert J. Sinusas, MD, FACC, FAHA
                                                    Thomas Wang, MD, PhD
                                                                                                           Weibo Cai, PhD, RPSC President, Ex-Officio Member
                                                                                                           Panithaya Chareonthaitawee, MD, CVC President, Ex-Officio Member
                    11th Global Infections Congress                                                        Thomas Ng, MD, PhD, Intern
                    July 26 – 27, 2018
                    Melbourne, Australia                                                                   SNMMI Chief Executive Officer
                                                 Virginia Pappas, CAE
                                                                                                           Senior Director, Governance and Membership
                    4 World Congress on Medical Imaging and
                      th                                                                                   Engagement, and SNMMI-TS Administrator
                                                                                                           Nikki Wenzel-Lamb, MBA, CAE
                    Clinical Research
                    September 3 – 4, 2018                                                                  Production Editor
                                                                                                           Laurie Callahan
                    London, UK
                                             Graphic Designer
                                                                                                           Laura Reyes

Imaging of Aggregated Alpha-Synuclein continued from page 5.
 33. Ono, M.; Doi, Y.; Watanabe, H.; Ihara, M.; Ozaki, A.; Saji, H., Structure–activity relationships
 of radioiodinated diphenyl derivatives with different conjugated double bonds as ligands for
 α-synuclein aggregates. RSC Advances 2016, 6 (50), 44305-44312.
 34. Cui, M.; Ono, M.; Watanabe, H.; Kimura, H.; Liu, B.; Saji, H., Smart near-infrared
                                                                                                           1850 Samuel Morse Drive
 fluorescence probes with donor–acceptor structure for in vivo detection of b-amyloid deposits.
 Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136 (9), 3388-3394.
                                                                                                           Reston, VA 20190
                                                                                                           P: 703.708.9000
 35. Yue, X.; Dhavale, D. D.; Li, J.; Luo, Z.; Liu, J.; Yang, H.; Mach, R. H.; Kotzbauer, P. T.; Tu, Z.,
 Design, synthesis, and in vitro evaluation of quinolinyl analogues for α-synuclein aggregation.
                                                                                                           F: 703.708.9020
 Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2018.                                                                                   ©2018 SNMMI, Inc.
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