Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel

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Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel

Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology

                  Sanjay Tiwari
              Department of Radiology

              Section Biomedical Imaging
        University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
                     Campus Kiel
Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel
Outline of Presentation

Introduction: What is molecular imaging

Overview of different imaging modalities

Site-specific direct labelling of imaging probes

Principles and application of PET/Ultrasound/MRI

Principles and application of Optical Imaging
       - Indirect labelling using reporter genes
       - Functional imaging

Strategies to improve drug development.

The Molecular Imaging Facility in Campus Kiel
Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel
After the seminar the students should be able to:
• List the advantages and disadvantages of each imaging modality in terms
  of resolution, sensitivity and costs.

• Explain the advantages of molecular imaging

• Define the principal behind each imaging modality; namely positron
  emission tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging
  and optical imaging.

• List the reasons why labelling imaging probes on lysine residues leads to
  suboptimal properties

• Identify the different reactive groups for site-directed conjugation of
  imaging probes

• Distinguish different strategies for functional imaging using reporter

• Describe three different strategies to reduce drug development failure
Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel
What is Molecular Imaging ?

 New Purpose: diagnose molecular abnormalities

 New Context: physiological environment

 Multidisciplinary: cellular & molecular biology, chemistry,
 pharmacology, physiology, medicine, medical physics, computer science.
Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel
Imaging Probes: are used to visualize molecular
           targets and processes in cancer

                                      Targeting       Contrast
                                      Moiety          agent

                    Target molecule

       Deregulated                Ligand
   cellular process in
      cell or tissue
                                Imaging probe with
                                  high specificity.

- cell types: e.g. tumor cells
- cell function: e.g.apoptosis
Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel
Molecular Imaging utilizes energy emission in specific
           regions of the electromagnetic spectrum

                                  Targeting   Contrast   99mTc, 123I, 111In
                                  Moiety      agent      18F, 64Cu, 68Ga

                Target molecule

cellular process in
   cell or tissue                                        NIR Dyes
                                                         Quantum Dots

                      Imaging probes with
                        high specificity.

                                                          Iron oxide
                                                          Carbon Nanotubes

Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel
Instruments which detect signals in specific regions of
                 the electromagnetic spectrum define modality

                       Optical                        Fluorescence

                                                                Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Positron Emission Tomography

                              Molecular Imaging
                 18F, 11C, 99mTc
                                                                     a paramagnetic atom, such as


                                                      Bright: eg Diaphragm
                                                      Grey: eg Solid organs
                                                      Black: eg fluid

                                   Microbubbles: strongly reflect sound waves
Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel
MRI: Anatomical Imaging -> Molecular Imaging
Identify subjects at risk for dementia or beginning disease allowing for clinical testing of preventive
strategies and early therapeutic intervention.

            Normal                         Alzheimers                         Thioflavin-T derivative

                                                                        Binds to brain amyloid with high affinity.
                                                                        Yellow colors indicate high specific
                                                                        binding of 11-C-PiB to fibrillar Amyloid β-
                      Hippocampal atrophy                               deposits, which indicate a higher risk of
                                                                        progression to Alzheimer’s disease.

                                                                            KFSP Molecular Imaging Network Zurich
Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel
Molecular imaging in diagnostic of tumor subtypes
                         which impact therapy

                                                                                  MRI   trastuzumab

Target                                                 PET Imaging Probe
Glucose Metabolism                                     FDG (18F-fluorodeoxyglucose)
Estrogen Receptor                                      16a-18F-fluoro-17b-estradiol
HER2 (Human Epidermal Growth Receptor-2)               64Cu-labeled   trastuzumab
EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor)                89Zr-labeled   cetuximab
IGF-1R (Type 1. Insulin-like Growth Factor Receptor)   89Zr-labeled   R1507
VEGFR (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor)    64Cu-DOTA-VEGF

Integrin                                               18F-galacto-RGD
Imaging: Molecular imaging/diagnostics in oncology Sanjay Tiwari - Department of Radiology - Uni Kiel

Resolution, Sensitivity and cost of different Imaging Modalities
Multi modality imaging:Sensitivity/Resolution

      PET/CT      PET/MRI      PET

PET/Optical methods: Sensitivity
combined with MRI/CT: Resolution
   Sensitivity and specificity combined with
   high resolution whole body morphologic
Quick Quizz - 1

    Which of the following ranking is correct in terms of
    sensitivity of imaging modality (most sensitive to least

    a) MRI>PET>Bioluminescence>Fluorescence
    b) PET>Fluorescence>bioluminescence>MRI
    c) Fluorescence> PET>Bioluminescence>MRI
    d) Bioluminescence>Fluorescence>PET>MRI

    Which combination of multimodal imaging offers high
    sensitivity with high resolution
    a) PET/Optical
    b) MRI / Ultrasound
    c) MRI / CT
    d) PET/MRI
    e) CT/Ultrasound
Advantages of Molecular Imaging

Understand disease mechanism in realistic in-vivo conditions
Optimize targeted drug therapy ie drug/antibody binding to
target cells, recruitment of immune cells in immunotherapy,
inhibition of a specific signal transduction pathway.

Detect disease prior to anatomical changes
Measure whole body therapeutic target expression
   The presence or absence of a target eg HER2, ER
  ➡Select patients for a specific drug treatment

Measure early response to therapy
   Early test of resistance (FDG 24hrs vs 2 mths tumor size)
                                               Biomedizinische Bildgebung
                                                  Diagnostische Radiologie
Outline of Presentation

Introduction: What is molecular imaging

Overview of different imaging modalities

Site-specific direct labelling of imaging probes

Principles and application of PET/Ultrasound/MRI

Principles and application of Optical Imaging
       - Indirect labelling using reporter genes
       - Functional imaging

Strategies to improve drug development.

The Molecular Imaging Facility in Campus Kiel
Tumor-Specific Antigens

• Tumor-specific antigens are absent on normal tissue and expressed or
  overexpressed on tumor cells.

• These extremely rare targets are the „Holy Grail“ of cancer biology.
   • Ideal targets for immunotherapy: minimizing autoimmune destruction and no
• Examples include:
   – clonal surface IgG found on some B-cell lymphomas.
   – EGFR vIII, an in frame deletion mutant found gliomas and other tumors.

   • Above is partly true: Every cancer cell harbors at least a few mutations that
     can be targeted BUT they are expressed only on individual patients. And thus
     require next generation sequencing at the DNA and RNA level as well as
     proteomics for individual patients to identify these potentially targeting

                                                                          MOIN       SH
Tumor Associated Antigens

• Are the most common targets for antibody mediated detection.
• Are typically expressed at low levels in normal tissues and at
  significantly higher levels in tumors (often 100,000 to 1,000,000
  copies per cell).
• Examples include                  CEA
                                    Folate Receptor

                                                                  MOIN   SH
Labelling of contrast agent to reactive

                       Primary amines (–NH2): This group exists at the N-terminus of
                       each polypeptide chain and in the side chain of lysine (Lys, K)
                       Carboxyls (–COOH): This group exists at the C-terminus of
                       each polypeptide chain and in the side chains of aspartic acid
                       (Asp, D) and glutamic acid (Glu, E).
                       Sulfhydryls (–SH): This group exists in the side chain of
                       cysteine (Cys, C). Often, as part of a protein's secondary or
                       tertiary structure, cysteines are joined together between their
                       side chains via disulfide bonds (–S–S–).
                       N-linked glycans on Asparagine residues: Glycosylation
                       occurs on a conserved asparagine residue in the Fc doamin.

                                        Primary amines (–NH2):

                                        Sulfhydryls (–SH):

                                        Carboxyls (–COOH):

                                        N-linked glycans on Asp
             COO-   COO-

                                                  Biomedizinische Bildgebung
                                                     Diagnostische Radiologie
Potential problems by labelling lysine residues
- Heterogeneity in

(a) different degrees of labelling. Some antibodies will be labelled to 1 lysine residue,
 while other labelled to 5 residues.

(b) The molecular location of the conjugation on the antibody. For example some
conjuagtions will be in the CH3 region of the anitibody while others may be in VH
and CH1 domains.

(c) Conjuagtion in the antibody-binding domain impairing immunoreactivity of the

These three factors lead to suboptimal pharmacokinetics, decreased accumulation
in target tissues, and increased uptake in healthy tissues
Strategies for site-directed labelling of contrast agent

               Sulfhydryls (–SH): Create a labelled FAB antibody by digestion of
               antibody with pepsin and the subsequent reduction of the disulfides in
               the hinge region. The free sulfhydral groups are then available for
               binding to a maleimide-bearing contrast agent.

               N-linked glycans on Asparagine residues: Removal of terminal
               galactose and replacing it with galactose-azide group allows for direct
               conjugation with fluorescent or radioligands by click chemistry.
A.                                                                                           UNIVERSITÄTSKLINIKUM
                 Example: Sulfhydral reactive labelling
     A.   Native disulfide bonds between cysteines must be cleaved using a reducing agent to free sulhydral groups.

                                                      F(AB)‘2                           2 FAB

                             Immobilized Ficin

                             4mM cysteine

     B.     The maleimide group reacts specifically with sulfhydryl groups to form stable thioether linkage

                                                       2 FAB                          Cross-linked magnoxide with FAB
          Iron Oxide with sulfhydral
          reactive malemide group

Example: N-linked glycan labelling


               Removal of Terminal
                                                     Azide tagging                DBCO-Cy7 ligation

                   6hrs@370C                        12h-16h@40C

    Houghton-JL et al , PNAS | December 29, 2015 | vol. 112 | no. 52
Advantages of site-directed labelling of antibody and peptides

  •prevent the inadvertent attachment of labell to the antigen-binding
  domains of the antibody

  •More homogeneous immunoconjugates, simultaneously
  eliminating the problems of heterogeneity and irreproducibility
  created by random approaches.

  •more favorable pharmacokinetics, higher uptake in target tissues,
  and lower background accumulation in healthy tissues
Antibody Fragments Generated By
            Recombinant Technology

      Pharmacokinetic                                      Clinical
     • Rapidly bind to target (ie tumor)     • Greater sensitivity
     • Rapidly cleared from the blood        • Diagnosis in outpatient clinic
     • Good penetration into solid tumors.   • Greater drug penetration
     • Reduced immunogenicity.               •   Minimize undesired side-effects

Peptide conjugate for visualization of glioblastoma

        Ligands                               Near - Infrared Dyes:

Chlorotoxin (CTX)
36 amino acid peptide
→ Cl--Channel inhibitor                  λex = 678 nm
→ MMP-2
                                         λem = 694 nm

                    quinquestriatus               Glioma         Fibroblasts
                    Giant Yellow
                    Israeli Scorpion

                                   Mandana Veiseh et al. Cancer Res 2007;67:6882-6888

                                                                      Biomedizinische Bildgebung
                                                                         Diagnostische Radiologie

(1) What are three reasons for suboptimal pharmacokinetics of an antibody imaging probe when
    labelling of primary amines such as lysine residue is performed

(2). Name three other sites of an antibody that are used for site-specific labelling.

(1) What are three reasons for suboptimal pharmacokinetics of an antibody imaging probe when
    labelling of primary amines such as lysine residue is performed

(a) different degrees of labelling. Some antibodies will be labelled to 1 lysine residue,
while other labelled to 5 residues.

(b) The molecular location of the conjugation on the antibody. For example some
conjuagtions will be in the CH3 region of the anitibody while others may be in VH
and CH1 domains.

(c) Conjuagtion in the antibody-binding domain impairing immunoreactivity of the

(2). Name three other sites of an antibody that are used for site-specific labelling.

Sulfhydryls (–SH):
Carboxyls (–COOH):
N-linked Glycans on asparagine :
Outline of Presentation

Introduction: What is molecular imaging

Overview of different imaging modalities

Site-specific direct labelling of imaging probes

Principles and application of PET/Ultrasound/MRI

Principles and application of Optical Imaging
       - Indirect labelling using reporter genes
       - Functional imaging

Strategies to improve drug development.

The Molecular Imaging Facility in Campus Kiel
Principle of Positron emission tomography
      Positron-emitting radioactive atom, such as fluorine-18, carbon-11, or oxygen-15.

      When positrons, which combine with electrons it is converted into two photons, which are
      emitted in opposite directions.

      PET image acquisition is based on the simultaneous (coincidence) detection of these two

 19Fl                    18
                           Fl                  18
                                                 O   + e+ (positron)

                                                                   positron          electron
                                                     8                 e+                 e-

F18-Fluorodeoxyglucose as PET imaging
       probe for tumor detection

      Uptake of 18f-FDG
        by tumor cells
Principle of Ultrasound Imaging: Echogenicity

Tissues which strongly reflect sound waves give rise to bright dots (hyperechoic) e.g., diaphragm,
gallstone, bone, pericardium. Weaker diffuse reflections produce grey dots (hypoechoic) e.g., solid
organs. No reflection produces dark dots (anechoic) e.g., fluid and blood filled structures because the
beam passes easily through these structures without significant reflection.
Ultrasound: Anatomical Imaging -> molecular imaging:
     Microbubbles conjugated with VEGFR ligand
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
                    Principles and Application

The single steps of an MR examination can be described
quite simply:

1) the patient is placed in a magnet,
2) a radio wave is sent in,
3) the radio wave is turned off,
4) the patient emits a signal, which is received and used for
5) reconstruction of the picture
How do protons interact with a magnetic field
 When a patient is placed within a magnetic field, it takes a certain
  time (T1) for the hydrogen nuclei of water in tissues to be aligned
  with or against the magnetic field.

                                                     Z= Along main magnetic field
                                                     X & Y = perpendicular to the field
Next a Radio Frequency pulse is applied
        perpendicular to the magnetic field.

•The protons tilt away from the magnetic field toward the traverse plane as the
individual spins take transit from a lower energy to a higher energy state.
Next turn off radio frequency pulse.
The nuclei go from an excited state to a relaxed state. There are two forms of relaxation.
   •T1 relaxation – The longitudinal relaxation time as flipped nuclei realign with the
   magnetic field.

   •T2 relaxation – The traverse relaxation time as the flipped nuclei start off all
   spinning together, but quickly become incoherent (out of phase) as they lose
   energy. This has the effect of reducing the over all magnetisation vector in the
   XY plane.
• Although it is typically water that is detected, water in different tissues
  has different relaxation times.
• By making the image acquisition sensitive to differences in T1 and T2,
  contrast can be generated. The voxel intensity of a given tissue type (i.e.
  white matter vs grey matter) depends on the proton density of the tissue
  reduced by the T1 and T2 relaxation components.
 A contrast agent can further enhance images by selectively shortening
  either the longitudinal (T1) or transverse (T2) relaxation time of nearby
  water protons thereby enhancing the contrast of the image.
Quick Quizz-3

     Which of the following statements is false

     a) Ultrasound imaging depends on echogenicity of sound waves to
        generate contrast
     b) Positron emission tomography utilizes the X-Ray region of the
        electromagnetic spectrum.
     c) Positron emission tomography is based on the simultaneous
        detection of two photons.
     d) Fluid and blood-filled structures are dark in ultasound imaging
     e) In MRI imaging different tissues have different relaxation times
        depending on the density of the protons in that area.
Optical Imaging
Principles and Application
Optical imaging uses non-ionizing radiation,
which includes visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light
Imaging using absorption of light

   The intensity is reduced due to absorption properties
                     of a given molecule

   Beer-Lambert Law: There is a linear relationahip between absorbance and
                   concentration of an absorbing species
Absoption Spectra
  The absorption spectrum of a sample is a plot of the attenuation (decrease in intensity) of
  the sample as a function of the illumination wavelength

For a given molecule, some wavelengths of light are strongly absorbed and others are weakly absorbed.
Near Infra Red light (700-900nm) penetrates tissue to greater depth.

In the NIR region (700-900 nm), the absorption of light by hemoglobin, melanin,
lipids, and other compounds present in living tissue are at a minimum.
Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy
Diffuse optical spectroscopy (DOS) combines near-infrared light using time domain technology to quantify
tissue absorption and scattering spectra from 650nm to 1000 nm. DOS allows quantitative analysis of tissue
chromophore concentrations of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, water and lipid.
                   Advances in Imaging Technology                    Schleswig-Holstein

The SoftScan optical breast imaging device uses near-infrared
light, combined with time domain technology, to obtain 3D
images of the breast. A laser sends brief pulses of light into the
breast and detectors measure photon migration through the
breast. This information is converted into clinically significant,
physiological parameters such as scattering, oxy- and deoxy-
Direct labelling of targeting moiety for tumor resection

                                                  RAFT-RGD-Alexa Fluor 700

                                     Veiseh et al., Cancer Research 67, 6882-6888, July 15, 2007
Group                 Probe                   Target                   Tumor
Fox Chase Cancer      Prosense                Cathepsin activity       Ovarian
Center and

TransMolecular Inc.   Synthetic Chlorotoxin   MMP2-associated target   Glioma
Intraoperative Imaging

Chlorotoxin:Cy5.5 Konjugat ( 500x sensitiver als MRT)

Glioma                Fibroblast

                Darstellung der Ausbreitung von
                  Krebszellen (intraoperativ)

                                                        Cancer Research 67, 2007
Direct Labelling by ‚Smart Probes‘: Activated only
             in the presence of their intended target.

A. Activity Based Probe
The main backbone is made up of PEGylated poly-lysine modified with fluorophores that
are quenched by close proximity (gray stars). Upon cleavage by a protease at free lysine
residues, smaller fragments containing the unquenched fluorophore (blue stars) are
Direct labelImaging Probes

                       DIRECT                                         INDIRECT

    Probes specific for cell surface receptors,
    intracellular molecules or gene expression.

                                     Disadvantages         solution
                                    Short term labelling
                                                                      reporter gene
Direct labelling agents such as
certain radionucleotides, SPIOs,    False positives
and ICG are already approved for
clinical use.
Outline of Presentation

Introduction: What is molecular imaging

Overview of different imaging modalities

Site-specific direct labelling of imaging probes

Principles and application of PET/Ultrasound/MRI

Principles and application of Optical Imaging
       - Indirect labelling using reporter genes
       - Functional imaging

Strategies to improve drug development.

The Molecular Imaging Facility in Campus Kiel

Indirect labelling using Reporter genes

Utilization of a promoter to drive a reporter gene expression
Promoters which are always active are used for
              cellular tracking
                      CMV   fluorescent
                      CMV   luciferase

                                  Grimm/Tannos et al., Nat Methods (2006)

Methods for getting reporter gene into the cell.

                            B. Expression

   A. Transfection               Fluorescence             Phase

                           C. Detection
Indirect Labelling: Red Fluorescent Protein as a Reporter Gene


A spectrum of genetically encoded fluorescent reporters for molecular imaging made by creating mutations in the
                           chromophore of Jellyfish, corals and bacterial phytochrome.
Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Proteins

DsRed2    TdTomato   mCherry   mPlum       Katushka    mKate2            IFP        iRFP

                                                       ex 590 nm         Ex 684nm   ex 690
ex 560nm ex 550nm ex 590nm     ex 590 nm   ex 590 nm
                                                       em 630 nm         Em 708nm   em 713
em 580nm em 580nm em 610nm     em 650 nm   em 650 nm

                                                       3 fold brighter   QY 0.07    120% brighter
QY 0.55   QY 0.69    QY 0.22   QY 0.1      QY 0.33
                                                       than katushka,               than IFP
Optical Imaging using
       emission of light

Fluorescence     Bioluminescence
Indirect labelling: Luciferase as a reporter gene

             Genetically Encoded Bioluminescent Proteins

Firefly Luciferase          Click Beetle Luciferase   Renilla Luciferase           Gaussia luciferase
Em: 610nm.                      Em: Green; 540nm      Em: 480nm                     Em: 480nm
                                Em: Red; 610nm

             D-Luciferin                                          Coelenterazine
                                                                   ATP independent
                                                                   Small size ca. 1kb
                                                                   Gaussia is secreted
         Ideal for deep tissue imaging
Testing of drug efficacy: Sutent in Ovarian Cancer
                       Day14               Day28              Day42               Day56                  Day62

                                                                        Luminescence signal photons per second (ph/sec), red treatment
                                                                        group (40mg SU11248/kg bodyweight.
Bauerschlag DO, Schem C, Tiwari S, Egberts JH, Weigel MT, Kalthoff H, Jonat W, Maass N, Meinhold-Heerlein I., Anticancer Res. 2010 Sep;30:3355-60

In Vivo sensitivity of fluorescence vs bioluminescence

                                   Luc2-codon optimized firefly luciferase

                                          Detection of a single cell implanted
Quick Quizz - 4
      Which of the following reporter gene is the most optimal for
      in vivo optical imaging
      a) GFP emission maximum: 512
      b) RFP: emission maximum: 580
      c) mCherry: emission maximum: 610nm
      d) mKate2;: emission maximum: 630nm
      e) iRFP: emission maximum: 713nm

      (1) An advantage of fluorescent imaging compared to
      bioluminescent imaging is
      a) it is more sensitive
      b) it has lower background signal
      c) it can be used for intraoperative imaging
      d) it is cheaper

Functional Imaging: The imaging of gene expression and
products to give information on biological processes.
Functional Imaging: Split Firefly Reporter Strategy for imaging enzyme activity in vivo.

 Noninvasive Imaging of Apoptosis     Noninvasive Imaging of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor
                                                         Kinase Activation.

Coppola et al. Clin. Can Res. 2008
                                                    Li et al. Cancer Res. 2008
Functional Imaging: The imaging of gene expression and
     activity to give information on biological processes.

                      CMV   GFPGFP
                                                      Promoter   Species   Specificity

                                                      B29        Human     B cells

                                                      CD14       Human     Monocytic cells
                                                      CD43       Human     Leukocytes & platelets
                                                      CD45       Human     Haematopoietic cells
                                                      CD68       Human     Macrophages
                                                      Tie2       Human     Endothelial Precurser Cells
                                                      Endoglin   Human     Endothelial cells
                                                      Flt-1      Human     Endothelial cells
                                                      ICAM-2     Human     Endothelial cells
                                                      GFAP       Human     Astrocytes
                                                      GPIIb      Human     Megakaryocytes

                                                      Mb         Human     Muscle
                                                      NphsI      Human     Podocytes
                                                      SP-B       Human     Lung
                                                      SYN1       Human     Neuron
                                                      WASP       Human     Hematopoietic cells

Promoters can be inducible so that function could be imaged during a specific
  biological process. The functional activation of the reporter is then imaged
                  accordingly based on the selected protein.
                                                         Grimm/Tannos et al., Nat Methods (2006)
Circulating Tie-2 expressing monocytes are a distinct monocyte
  population which home to tumors and promote angiogenesis.

Tie2 expressing cells can be targets for cancer therapy and tools to deliver anti-cancer agents to tumors

                                                                      De Palma et al., 2007 Trends in Immunology

                                                                               Biomedizinische Bildgebung
                                                                                  Diagnostische Radiologie
Functional imaging with inducible promoters- Osterix

Detection of osteoblasts using Cre-Lox recombination

   Osx          Cre (A)n                pROSA26
                                                          stop               pTurbo635     (A)n

                                                      loxP          loxP

          Cre expressing cells            Non-Cre expressing cells
             eg osteoblast

pROSA26       pTurbo635          (A)n       pROSA26
                                                                    stop          pTurbo635       (A)n

                                                             loxP          loxP
                                                                       Biomedizinische Bildgebung
                                                                          Diagnostische Radiologie
Quick Quizz - 5

       To track and image a specific cell type in vivo (eg
       endothelial precursor cells), which of the following imaging
       strategy is optimal
       a) utilization of an inducible promoter
       b) utilization of a split-firefly strategy
       c) utilization of a smart-probe
       d) utilization of a constitutive active promoter

       Which of the following imaging approaches is not
       considered to be functional imaging
       a) utilization of an inducible promoter
       b) utilization of a constitutive active promoter
       c) utilization of a smart-probe
       d) utilization of a split-firefly strategy
       e) utilization of reporter mice using cre-lox technology
Outline of Presentation

Introduction: What is molecular imaging

Overview of different imaging modalities

Site-specific direct labelling of imaging probes

Principles and application of PET/Ultrasound/MRI

Principles and application of Optical Imaging
       - Indirect labelling using reporter genes
       - Functional imaging

Strategies to improve drug development.

The Molecular Imaging Facility in Campus Kiel

Perspectives: Improve drug development and clinical trials

                 -More relevant mouse models
       -Stratify patients that express therapeutic target
        -Assess responders vs non-responders early
Perspective of moleucular imaging: Where we need to improve

Oncology drug development: Low success rates at every
            stage of clinical development

 Data for 1991-2000 for 10 largest pharmaceutical companies
 Kola & Landis, Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2004. Andrea Pirzkall, MD Genetech

               The genomic landscape of bladder cancer.

The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network Nature 507, 315-322 (2014) doi:10.1038/nature12965
Genomic Sequencing

•High degree of intertumor (between two tumors in same patient) genetic
    variability and intratumor variability (different cells in same tumor)
2. Cell line xenografts vs Patient derived xenograft
The PDX collection at EuroPDX
            Characterised by transcriptome arrays, CGH,
                    WES, targeted sequencing
A‚Roadmap‘ to precision medicine in cancer

To leverage patient genomic tumor heterogeneity as predictors of drug sensitivity for testing in PDX mouse

                                    Building Blocks to the ‚Roadmap‘

                           • Patient stratification

                           • In silico determination of drug

                           • Selection of PDX model that matches
                             patient stratification.

                           • Establish preclinical in vivo efficacy
Approach to Patient Stratification

    • Patient stratification

    • In silico determination of drug

    • Selection of PDX model that matches
      patient stratification.

    • Establish preclinical in vivo efficacy

 Patient stratification is the grouping of patients with
 shared biological characteristics by using molecular
 testing to select the most optimal therapy in order to
achieve the best possible medicinal outcomes for that
Paradigm change in patient stratification.

       1947 Sydney Farber achieves remission in pediatric acute
     leukemia patients following treatment with an antimetabolite but
                        clinical resistance emerges.
                                                                                     Tumor type
    1958 Following successful combination therapy in turberculosis,
       Emil Frei III combines chemotherapeutic agents in patients.

              1993 Vogelstein, Fearon, Kinzler proposed
               distinct oncogenic mutations drive cancer
                                                                        Several deregulated genes
           2001 Gleevac (Imatinib), the first-ever molecularly
                    targeted cancer treatment in CML
               2003. First generation cDNA microarray
                 identified four major intrinsic gene

                2012. The Cancer Genome Atlas Network
                      sequencing entire genome of                   Global genome deregulation
                         10,000-tumors from 20
                         different cancer types.

The National Institute of Health defined a biomarker as:

‚ a characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as
an indicator of normal biological processes, pathological
processes or responses (pharamacologic or otherwise) to a
therapeutic intervention‘.

Biomarkers Definition Working Group 2001
Breast cancer biomarkers based on receptor expression
                                are prognostic
Stratification              Biomarkers                                                Median Duration of
                                                                                      survival from time of
                                                                                      first distant
Luminal A                   Estrogen Receptor-positive and/or Progesterone Receptor   2.2 years
                            positive, HER2 negative and Ki67low
Luminal B                   Estrogen Receptor –positive and/or Progesterone           1.6 years
                            Receptor positive, HER2 negative and Ki67 high
Luminal-HER2                Estrogen Receptor-positive and/or Progesterone Receptor   1.3 years
                            positive and HER2-positive
HER2-enriched               Estrogen Receptor-negative, Progesterone Receptor         0.7 years
                            negative, HER2-positive
Basal-like                  Estrogen Receptor negative                                0.5 years
                            Progesterone Receptor negative
                            HER2 negative
                            EGFR positive or
                            Cytokeratin 5/6 positive
Triple-negative non basal   Estrogen Receptor negative                                0.9 years
                            Progesterone Receptor negative
                            HER2 negative
                            EGFR negative
                            Cytokeratin 5/6 negative
Cancer Biomarker

             Biomarkers                                                       Diagnosis

            Biomarkers                                                         Outcome

Imaging surveys the entire patient and can therefore assess the entire disease burden and directly measures the
heterogeneity of both target expression and therapeutic response, which are increasingly recognized as key
factors in therapeutic resistance. Especially assess sites challenging to biopsy and assay, such as bone.
Role of molecular imaging in biomarker driven therapy

Imaging surveys the entire patient
        - disease burden
        - heterogeneity of both target expression and therapeutic
Example 1. Predictive Biomarker: Is the target
      present?Progressive disease
The role of molecular imaging in precision medicine

Imaging surveys the entire patient
        - disease burden
        - heterogeneity of both target expression and therapeutic
Take home messages
• List the advantages and disadvantages of each imaging modality in terms
  of resolution, sensitivity and costs.

• Explain the advantages of molecular imaging

• Define the principal behind each imaging modality; namely positron
  emission tomography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging
  and optical imaging.

• List the reasons why labelling imaging probes on lysine residues leads to
  suboptimal properties

• Identify the different reactive groups for site-directed conjugation of
  imaging probes

• Distinguish different strategies for functional imaging using reporter

• Describe three different strategies to improve drug development
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