IADSA Week Sydney May 2019 - American Herbal Products Association

Page created by Russell Mitchell
IADSA Week Sydney May 2019 - American Herbal Products Association

         May 2019

IADSA Week Sydney
The IADSA Annual Week was held this          What came through loud and clear from       All who participated went away with a
year in Sydney overlooking Harbour Bay.      the three days is that the food             renewed energy to contribute to building
Surely one of the world’s most               supplement sector has a great story to      the supplement sector’s shared story to
impressive locations for any meeting.        tell, but that we need to work harder       help create the most appropriate
This helped contribute to what many          and smarter at how to tell it even          regulatory and policy outcomes.
considered one of IADSA’s most               better. Progress is being made in
rewarding Annual Weeks so far with a         regulation, science and policy. But we      Thanks in particular to our Australian
unique combination of discovering new        still face a lack of understanding of the   member association CMA for inviting us
approaches and skills and being brought      value that supplements can bring to         to Sydney and sharing some of the many
up to speed with the latest in regulatory,   consumers, particularly among policy        great things about Australia with us.
policy and market developments from          makers.
across the world.
IADSA Week Sydney May 2019 - American Herbal Products Association

Regulatory new
                                           5. Spirulina                                   provisions, probiotics refer to living
                                           3-4g                                           microorganisms which are beneficial to
                                           Function: Enhance immunity                     human health when ingested in
                                                                                          sufficient quantities. (As such)
                                           Ingredients included in food raw               probiotics are required to be living
                                           materials directory are eligible for           microorganisms.
                                           health food filing (notification).
                                           Claims Regulation: Change in the
                                           air                                            The Standard question
                                           China State Administration for Market
ASEAN                                      Regulation (SAMR) is consulting on
                                                                                          FSSAI is in the process of reviewing and
                                                                                          developing Microbiological Standards
                                           adjustments to health food functions.
Almost there                                                                              for various food commodities. In this
                                           The authorities are considering to re-
                                                                                          regard, Microbiological Standards for
                                           phrase 18 health functions by adding
Discussion continued early May in the                                                     nutraceutical products are currently
                                           “help/aid” or similar terms to the
Task Force on ASEAN Regulatory                                                            under consideration by the Scientific
                                           current wordings. 3 out of the current
Framework for traditional medicines                                                       Panel on Biological Hazards.
                                           27 functional permitted claims could
and health supplements to see if a         also be proposed for deletion. These
solution could be found to the             include:1. Beautify/balance skin lipid, 2.     Japan
concerns of Thailand regarding the         Facilitate growth/improve growth
implementation of the GMP and              3.Stimulate lactation.                         GMO free: Japan to strengthen
Stability requirements. Thailand                                                          labelling requirements
considers that the two documents           Further investigation on the
would be too challenging for their         appropriateness of six borderline
                                                                                          From 2023 more stringent
small and medium sized companies.          claims are also being considered: 1.
                                           Assisting blood lipid reduction 2. Assisting   requirements for food products using
                                           blood sugar reduction 3. Assisting blood       “free from GMO” labelling claims will
A ‘deferment’ clause was proposed to
                                           pressure reduction 4. Assisting protection     be implemented. The use of “free
address the Thai issue. Three options
                                           against chemical injury of liver 5.            from GMO” labelling claims will be
are now considered for reflection:
                                           Protection against radiation hazards 6.        restricted to foods which do not
Option 1 Deleting the deadline for         Alleviating lead excretion                     contain GMO materials. New labelling
notification of deferral of
                                                                                          requirements will be imposed in cases
implementation of the two Annexes;
                                           Companies had until end of April to            where there is the possibility of cross
Option 2 (proposed by Indonesia) New
                                           submit their comments.                         contamination.
text with cut-off date implementation
of the two Annexes; Option 3 Maintain
the original text of the Agreement.        State Council passes draft rules on
                                           implementing Food Safety Law
Member States are requested to
provide their feedback by 15 June.         China's State Council has passed a draft
Should agreement be reached, the           regulation on the implementation of
agreement would be ready for signing       the Food Safety Law, detailing the
in September 2020.                         responsibilities of production operators
                                           and governments as well as
                                           accountability measures. Under the
China                                      draft rules, companies involved in             European Union
                                           illegal activities will be subject to
Notification: 5 functional                 more severe punishment. The draft
                                                                                          Additives: 2019 plan revealed
ingredients under consideration            also optimizes food safety standards
                                           and risk monitoring systems so as to
China State Administration for Market      ensure food safety and better protect          Under EU legislation dating from 2008,
Regulation (SAMR) is considering to add    the health of the people, according to         the safety of all food additives
five new health food ingredients to its    the State Council.                             authorised for use in the EU prior to 20
food raw materials directory:                                                             January 2009 must be re-evaluated.
                                                                                          The deadline for completion of the re-
                                           Proposed changes to probiotics
1.Coenzyme Q10                                                                            evaluation of all food additives is 2020.
30-50mg                                                                                   Having this deadline in mind, EFSA has
Function: Enhance immunity
                                           The SAMR has recently issued draft             recently published its 2019 tentative
                                           Provisions for Declaration and Review          work programme which will include a
2. Melatonin                               of Probiotic Health Food. At the               review of number of additives
Amount 1-3mg                               moment, the declaration and review of          permitted for use in food supplements.
Function: Sleep improvement                probiotic health food is based on an           These include:
                                           earlier draft named Provision for                § Hydrochloric acid and chlorides
3. Fish oil                                Declaration and Review of Probiotic
No more than 4.0g (among them, the usage                                                       E 507-509; E 511
                                           Health Food (Trial), which was                   § Phosphoric acid, phosphates
amount of EPA+DHA should be no less than
                                           implemented in 2005. The new draft                  and polyphosphates E 338-341;
Function: Assist to reduce serum           requires minimum levels of active                   E 343; E 450-452
triglycerides                              probiotics, raw material inspection              § Sulphuric acid and sulphates E
                                           reports, research reports, scientific               513 - E 517
4. Reishi shell-broken spore powder        literature and other evidence                    § Tartaric acid and tartrates E
1-4g                                       related to probiotic functions based on
Function: Enhance immunity                                                                     334 - 337, 354
                                           specific strains. Under the proposed

  §   Esters of mono and diglycerides      since no data was submitted during           exposure of workers, consumers and
      of fatty acids E 472 a-f             these four years to demonstrate the          the environment to the additive.
  §   Polyvinylpyrrolidone,                safety of the substance, its prohibition     The food additive is used in many
      polyvinylpolypyrrolidone E 1201      was inevitable.                              different food products for its
      -1202                                                                             colouring and opacifying properties.
  §   Polydextrose E 1200                  E200/ E202: ADI up!
  §   Dimethyl polysiloxane E 900                                                       https://www.anses.fr/en/system/files/ERC
                                           EFSA has confirmed the exchange of
Further breaking down trade                the temporary group ADI of 3 mg sorbic
                                           acid/kg bw per day for sorbic acid (E        France/ EU: An unavoidable clash –
barriers                                                                                or not - over titanium dioxide
                                           200) and its potassium salt (E 202) to a
                                           new group ADI of 11 mg sorbic acid/kg
The EU has recently strengthened its
                                           bw per day. This increase is based on        The French authorities have decided to
principle of mutual recognition. A
                                           the findings of an extended one-             go ahead with the ban of the use of
faster problem-solving procedure was
                                           generation reproductive toxicity study       titanium dioxide in foods including
introduced in March for disputes
                                           (EOGRTS) provided as a follow-up to          food supplements. This ban, to start
between companies and national
                                           the conclusions and recommendations          from 1 January 2020, is based on the
authorities to prove lawful marketing
                                           of the 2015 EFSA Panel opinion.              precautionary principle after the
in an EU Member State.
                                                                                        French food safety agency, ANSES,
                                           #EUandMyFood campaign                        recently indicated that uncertainties
The Mutual recognition procedure aims
                                                                                        remain as to the safety of the additive.
to ensure market access for products
that are not subject to EU                 EFSA is raising awareness of how the
                                           EU food safety system enhances the           The French decision will be addressed
harmonisation. It helps guarantee that
                                           lives of citizens. The campaign              with the European Commission and
any product lawfully sold in one EU
                                           #EUandMyFood will run from 24 April          Member States mid-May. Nine
country can be sold in another.
                                           to 26 May 2019 to capitalise on the          consumer groups have recently written
                                           increased attention on the EU due to         a letter to the European Commission
content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32019R05     the upcoming European Parliament             requesting it not to raise any
15&from=EN                                 elections in May.                            objections or initiate any legal
                                                                                        proceedings against the French
                                           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H6h2        measure.
Rethinking support to SMEs
                                                                                        Will the European Commission follow
EFSA has launched new support                                                           the demands of these consumer
                                           Glutamates: Call for help
initiatives dedicated to small and                                                      groups? This remains to be seen. The
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). SMEs                                                   impact of the French decision on the
                                           EFSA is seeking additional data to
will now be able to access support                                                      supplement sector range from €20,000
                                           complete its risk assessment on six
from EFSA when preparing, submitting                                                    for the smaller companies to
                                           glutamate additives (glutamic acid (E
and monitoring their applications.                                                      €148,000,000 for the bigger one.
                                           620), monosodium glutamate (E 621),
                                           monopotassium glutamate (E 622),
EFSA will use the experience gained in
                                           calcium diglutamate (E 623),                 Swelling concerns over joint heath
providing these new forms of support
                                           monoammonium glutamate (E 624) and           substances
to decide whether to include them in
                                           magnesium diglutamate (E 625)).
its catalogue of support initiatives.
                                           Companies are requested to supply            Following the recently published
https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/ne     EFSA with information on use levels,         opinion on the risks associated with
ws/190402                                  function and technological need of the       consumption of food supplements
                                           food additives and data on the lowest        containing glucosamine and/or
Contaminants under EFSA                    achievable limits for the impurities of      chondroitin sulphate, the French food
                                           toxic elements.                              safety agency ANSES has called for
                                                                                        measures be taken to better inform
                                           https://ec.europa.eu/food/sites/food/files   consumers about the risks associated
EFSA is to collect all available data on   /safety/docs/fs_food-improvement-e620-
the occurrence of chemical                                                              with the consumption of these
contaminants in food and feed.                                                          products. Diabetic and pre-diabetic
National food authorities, research                                                     individuals, pregnant and
                                           France                                       breastfeeding women should not
institutions, academia, food business
operators and other stakeholders are                                                    consume such food supplements, said
invited to submit data by 1 October.       Titanium Dioxide: ANSES in doubt             the Agency.
More information at:                       once again
www.efsa.europa.eu/en/consultations/call                                                ANSES also considers it necessary that
/190410                                    Following the expert appraisal work it       the maximum authorised daily doses of
                                           conducted in 2017, the French Food           glucosamine and chondroitin sulphate
“No” to Yohimbe                            Agency, ANSES, was asked in February         in food supplements be harmonised at
                                           2019 to review the most recent studies       the European Union level.
The EU decision to prohibit the use of     on the oral toxicology of titanium
Yohimbe is now official. Yohimbe and       dioxide (E171) and to update its
its preparations had been placed under     recommendations. The Agency                  avoided-risk-populations
Union scrutiny due to scientific           concluded in April that it had not
uncertainty on its harmful effects on      obtained any new information to
health. The European Commission had        resolve the uncertainties regarding the
four years to decide whether to ban it     safety of the additive. ANSES
or remove it from scrutiny. However,       reiterated the need to limit the

Ireland                                     January 2015 and will become the only      Version 3”. The objective of this
                                            reference register in future as it will    guideline is to present the SFDA’s
                                            be updated monthly with all new            current view on specific products or a
Ireland taps new DNA technology
                                            notifications. The second, Transitional    category of products (including
for food fraud                              Register of Food Supplements, includes     supplements) and whether they should
                                            food supplement products that were         be under the responsibility of Saudi
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland        notified from 2008 to 31 December          Food and Drug Authority and
(FSAI) has disclosed that it now has a      2014 via the previous notification         particularly where the regulation could
new scanning tool that can identify the     system. This register will no longer be    fall on the borderline between two
entire DNA content of a food. The way       updated and will expire after 30 June      SFDA sectors.
the tool works is that it compares          2019.
actual ingredients in a food ingredient                                                https://www.sfda.gov.sa/ar/oper/Docume
identified by their DNA profile against                                                nts/SFDA-products-classification-
the ingredients that are displayed on       Switzerland                                guidance.pdf
the label.
                                            Balancing the risk for VMs
“It is now possible to scan the entire      supplements
DNA content of a food without any
prior knowledge or suspicion of what        Switzerland aims to no longer allow in
may or may not be present in that           food supplements nutrients (such as
food,” said FSAI. The tool has recently     vitamin A) that may have health
been used on 45 plant-based foods and       consequences in cases of over-dosages.
food supplements from Irish health          Conversely, maximum amounts will be
food shops and supermarkets.                removed for non-problematic
                                            substances such as vitamin B1.             USA
22019.html                                                                             Compliance with Intentional
                                                                                       Adulteration Rules: The clock is
Norway                                                                                 ticking

Fluoride: Find the limits                                                              Routine inspections to verify
                                                                                       compliance with the Intentional
                                                                                       Adulteration (IA) rules will begin in
The Norwegian Food Safety Authority
has requested its Scientific Committee                                                 March 2020 has announced by the FDA.
for Food Safety to evaluate the                                                        The IA rule, issued under FDA’s Food
maximum level of fluoride for use in        Saudi Arabia                               Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
food supplements. This assessment                                                      authority, is designed to address
should particularly consider the safety                                                hazards that may be intentionally
                                            Requirements for Herbal & Health           introduced to foods, including by acts
of fluoride from fluoride tablets /         Products Submission discussed              of terrorism, with the intent to cause
dental care products at daily levels of
0.5, 1, 5 and 7 mg/day.                                                                widespread harm to public health.
                                            The Saudi Food and Drug Authority          Food facilities covered by the rule will
                                            (SFDA) has published draft                 be required to develop and implement
In 2017 Norway published an                 “Requirements for Herbal & Health          a food defense plan that identifies
amendment that has led to the               Product Submissions”. The guideline
deletion of most of the maximum                                                        vulnerabilities and mitigation
                                            provides recommendations on the            strategies for those vulnerabilities.
levels for vitamins and minerals            documentation requirements for the
including the limits of fluoride at 0.5     registration of herbal & health
mg per day. The reason for these                                                       FDA unveils new tool for unlawful
                                            products. The SFDA has divided natural
deletions was that those levels were                                                   ingredients
                                            herbal and health products into two
not established based on the criteria       classes:
defined in the EU food supplement            § Class A: refers to heath supplements
                                                                                       The FDA is launching a new tool to
directive.                                     where the marketing authorisation       quickly alert the public when they
                                               holder (MAH) is required to submit a    become aware of ingredients that
Italy                                          partial application in order to meet    appear to be unlawfully marketed in
                                               certain requirements of quality and     dietary supplements.
                                               safety (e.g. multi-vitamin products).
Notification register: time to tidy          §                                         This Dietary Supplement Ingredient
up                                           § Class B: refers to herbal and health    Advisory List is housed on the FDA
                                               products where the MAH is required
                                               to submit a complete application in
                                                                                       website. The FDA emphasised that the
The Italian Ministry of Health has             order to meet the requirements          List is not exhaustive and it will always
recently requested that ‘all food              quality, safety and efficacy.           be a work in progress. Ingredients will
supplement products notified up to                                                     be added to the list following an initial
2014 in Italy, must be re-notified with                                                FDA assessment indicating the
the new online procedure “NSIS Foods        s/DocLib2/Requirements-herbal-health-
                                                                                       ingredient may not lawfully be sold in
subject to notification” by 30 June         submission(draft).pdf                      dietary supplements.
2019.’ The Ministry of Health has
currently published 2 separate                                                         https://www.fda.gov/food/dietary-
                                            Product Classification Guidance:           supplement-products-ingredients/dietary-
registers on its website of notified food
                                            where responsibility lies                  supplement-ingredient-advisory-list
supplements: The first, Register of
Food Supplements, includes food
supplement products notified from 1         SFDA has recently published the Saudi
                                            FDA Products Classification Guidance,

Food (supplements) for thought              need to be developed following calls       (No. 1717-2016) proposing that food
                                            for data. ANVISA has stressed that the     supplements, known as ‘dietetic
The Food and Drug Administration            fact that an ingredient is specified in    products’ in Peru, fall under food
(FDA) is having a public meeting mid        some recognized reference does not         jurisdiction. Once the Bill is approved
May entitled “Responsible Innovation        mean that is safe. ANVISA will publish     and signed, responsibility for food
in Dietary Supplements”. On February,       the draft document that will then be       supplements will be transferred from
the FDA announced new efforts to            available for comments for 60 days.        the General Directorate of Medicines,
strengthen the regulation of dietary                                                   Supplies and Drugs (DIGEMID to the
                                            http://portal.anvisa.gov.br/documents/21   General Directorate of Environmental
supplements by modernizing and
                                            9201/4340788/Documento+Orientador.pdf/     Health (DIGESA).
reforming its oversight. The purpose of     85dd1d7d-5687-43c3-b960-e6f8ff6c925f
the public meeting is to give interested
parties an opportunity to present ideas
for facilitating responsible innovation
in the dietary supplement industry.
                                            Confusion over supplement

                                            The Sanitary Regulation Agency (ARSA)
                                            has opened for comments two draft
                                            Regulations: one for food products and
                                            the other for pharmaceutical products,     Eurasian Economic Union
                                            both covering food supplements known       (EAEU)
                                            as nutritional supplements in
                                            Honduras. It is unclear how the            Gelatine fish oil capsules get
Argentina                                   supplements will be regulated in           exempt from veterinary control
                                            future: whether under the food law or
New look at supplement rules                pharmaceutical law, or under both          The Eurasian Economic Commission
                                            legislations depending on the              (EEC) has recently excluded gelatine-
Argentina resumed its work to update        composition of the supplement.             coated fish oil capsules from the
the rules for the food supplement                                                      veterinary control when imported into
category. In April, the National            Mexico                                     the EAEU territory.
Commission of Foods opened for
comments a new draft regulation for         COFEPRIS revokes guidelines for            New classification is up for
food supplements. it is worth recalling     the use of cannabis in food                preparations containing probiotic
that during 2015 a draft was issued but     products                                   microorganisms
it was put on hold. The main changes
to current rules cover the revision of      The sanitary authorities from the          By the EEC Board's Resolution 56 of 16
the maximum limits for vitamins and         Federal Commission for the Protection      April 2019, preparations based on
minerals. Minimum level for vitamins        Against Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS) has      living lactic acid bacteria that are used
and minerals would be increased from        revoked the guidelines and criteria for    for maintaining and managing the
20 to 30%. The permitted botanical list     assessing the use of cannabis, including   human gastrointestinal microbiota,
could also be cut from 35 to 27             in food supplements, issued in October     shall be classed under EAEU FEACN
species.                                    2018. COFEPRIS has stressed that the       Subheading 3002 90 500 0 (cultures of
                                            use of cannabis is only approved with      microorganisms) The resolution enters
Brazil                                      medical and scientific purposes.           into effect on 19 May 2019.

Contaminants: Under the spotlight           MERCOSUR                                   Ukraine
From April to January 2020, ANVISA                                                     New labelling law to come into
                                            Alignment with Codex GSFA
will be collecting data on the                                                         force
concentration of contaminants in foods
marketed in Brazil, in order to help        Work to revise and update the
                                            Mercosur harmonised list (based on         The Ukrainian Law on Food Information
define or update maximum limits of 31
                                            Codex) – including additives used in       to Consumers of December 2018
food contaminants. The list of
                                            supplements - has now been finalised.      (officially published in February) will
contaminants was determined after
                                            Suggestions made by Brazil to include      come into force in August 2019.
considering the following international
                                            additives evaluated by JECFA but not       The new law, aimed at harmonising
regulatory references: Codex
                                            yet included in the GSFSA was not          Ukraine’s food labelling requirements
Aimentarius, European Union, United
                                            followed by the other Member States.       with EU standards, introduces
States, Canada, Japan, Australia and
                                            Mercosur is a trade bloc composed of       requirements for the labelling of foods
New Zealand.
                                            Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay       including dietary supplements. In
                                            and recently Bolivia. Venezuela’s          particular, the law introduces general
Specifications for supplement                                                          food labelling provisions. A three-year
                                            membership is currently suspended for
ingredients: how to fill the gaps                                                      grace period is foreseen during which
                                            political reasons.
                                                                                       products conforming to the previous
ANVISA is discussing criteria for                                                      laws may continue to be manufactured
defining specifications of food             Peru                                       and/or put on the market until August
supplement ingredients not covered by                                                  2022. Such foods may remain on the
the 10 the international references         Food supplements to become foods           market until their shelf life expires.
recognized by the Agency. Where no
standardized and validated                  The Health Commission of the Peruvian
specifications exist, specifications will   Parliament approved in March a Bill
Focus on Titanium Dioxide                                                                                  Titanium dioxide (TiO2),
                                                                                                           also known as E171, is the
                                                                                                                                                                                          While EFSA stated in its 2016 opinion that TiO2 poses
                                                                                                                                                                                          no health concerns, a 2017 French scientific study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The legal basis proposed by France to ban TiO2 is included in Articles L521-17 of the French Consumer Law
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and 54 of the EU General Food Law that are both based on the presence of grave or immediate danger to be
Steps towards the decision to                                                                              most widely used white
                                                                                                           pigment because of its
                                                                                                                                                                                          from the French National Institute for Agricultural
                                                                                                                                                                                          Research (INRA) highlighted potential carcinogen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       justifed. Article L521-17
                                                                                                           brightness and opacity. The                                                    risks of nanoparticles of TiO2. This led the French
ban the use of the additive in                                                                             additive is permitted for use
                                                                                                           in supplements and other
                                                                                                                                                                                          National Assembly to pass an amendment to the
                                                                                                                                                                                          Farm and Food Bill signed in October 2018 (so called
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              •       In case of grave or immediate danger, the ministers in charge can suspend for a maximum of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      one year the production, import, export, marketing (incl. free samples) of a product and can

foods (including supplements)                                                                              foods at quantum satis.                                                        EGALIM Law) aiming to ban the use, import and                                                                               proceed to the recall or destruction when this is the only means to cease the danger.
                                                                                                                                                                                          marketing of TiO2 and any food containing it. This                                                                  •       Products can be marketed again when they are compliant to the law in force.
                                                                                                                                                                                          ban requires a ministerial implementing order                                                                       •       Possibility to extend the suspension for an additional 1 year period.
in France                                                                                                                                                                                 before it can be applied.

     September 2016                      January 2017                            April 2017                   March 2018                        July 2018           October 2018         January 2019                      February 2019                     12 April 2019                            25 April 2019                   26 April 2019                3 May 2019                       13 May 2019

   Re-evaluation of TiO2 as a      The European Commission (EC)          The French Agency for Food,            The European                  EFSA organised a         The French          France reaffirmed its       ANSES launched a call        ANSES published its new opinion on        French Order suspending the         France notifies the          9 consumer groups                  EU discussion with
  food additive: As part of its      launched a call for data on      Environmental and Occupational       Commission requested               hearing with the         Parliament      willingness to ban TiO2. In    for information on the      the safety of the additive based on a     use of TiO2 in France published           European                   called for an EU-              Member States on the
re-evalution programme of all      TiO2, inviting food companies            Health & Safety (ANSES)          EFSA to carry out a            scientific authors of     adopted the           order to obtain the        use of manufactured         literature review on the oral toxicity    in the French Official Journal.         Commission                  wide ban of TiO2                emergency measure
additives permitted for use in       to generate the additional        released its opinion on whether      scientific evaluation              the studies and       EGALIM Law.       necessary legal conditions      nanomaterials in food         of E171. 25 new studies published       The decision enters into force                                   and for the European                regarding titanium
   the European Union before        data requested by EFSA in its        the INRA findings (NANOGUT              of four new                 concluded that the         The law          for this prohibition, the    related to a number of               since 2017 were identified.          as of 1 January 2020 for a                                      Commission not to              dioxide when used as a
    2009, the European Food        opinion of 2016. In particular,        study) provided evidence to      studies relating to the         outcome of the studies     foresees the      French Ministry in charge       food additives. This         According to ANSES, some of these      period of 1 year. It is based on                                  oppose to the ban in               food additive (E171)
     Safety Authority (EFSA)          data on particle size and                  reconsider the              potential toxicity of            did not merit re-      suspension of    indicated that ANSES would         list includes TiO2,      studies revealed new signals, such as           the application of the                                       France. The groups
concluded that available data      particle size distribution were    conclusions of the 2016 EFSA re-      TiO2 and to indicate             opening its existing        the use                be asked to             magnesium salts of               changes in cellular biological        precautionary principle in                                         also urged the
     on TiO2 in food did not       to be submitted by June 2018.      evaluation concerning the safety       whether they would                    opinion          of TiO2 and its        update its opinion on              fatty acids                     mechanisms in mice or         accordance with article L 521-                                      Commission not to
    indicate safety concerns.         A dietary Extended One-              of TiO2. In its conclusions,        merit reopening                                         use in food    nanoparticles in relation to         (E470b), silicon             developmental abnormalities in         17 of the French Consumer                                      raise any objections
EFSA recommended that new                    Generation                ANSES points out that although      the existing opinion of                                      products          TiO2 by 15 April. This         dioxide (E551) and            invertebrates, as well as in vitro     Code, which requires a grave                                     or initiate any legal
  studies be carried out to fill     ReproductiveToxicity Study           the results presented in this     EFSA on the safety of                                                         assessment should be         many other additives.      genotoxic effects via oxidative stress      and immediate danger to be                                       proceedings against
 data gaps on possible effects      with the food additive would      publication do not currently call        TiO2 as a food                                                             based on new studies                                    (effects identified for different forms             demonstrated.                                           the French measure.
 on the reproductive system,          need to be generated by         into question EFSA’s assessment,             additive                                                            available. On the basis of                                    of the nanoparticle TiO2, including
     which could enable the          August 2019. The Titanium            the study does demonstrate                                                                                      this ANSES report, the                                    E171). However, none of these new
Authority to set an Acceptable         Dioxide Manufacturers               effects that had not been                                                                                  Government would refer the                                        studies were able to confirm or
 Daily Intake (ADI). EFSA also           Association (TDMA)              identified so far, specifically                                                                                 matter to the European                                     refute the potential carcinogenesis-
  noted that there are no set      committed to carrying out this      potential promoting effects for                                                                                 Commission. The Minister                                   promoting effect of E171 reported in
 limits for the particle size of                study.               carcinogenesis. As a result, ANSES                                                                               planned to exercise his right                                    the NANOGUT study. The agency
TiO2 in the EU specifications.                                          highlights the need to conduct                                                                                         of safeguard                                               highlighted again the lack of
    Additional data would be                                          studies to fully characterise the                                                                                   by taking a unilateral                                      scientific data able to resolve the
      required to update the                                           potential health effects related                                                                                decision prohibiting TiO2.                                  uncertainties regarding the safety of
          specifications.                                                 to ingestion of TiO2, with a                                                                                                                                             the additive E171. It emphasised the
                                                                      methodology and schedule to be                                                                                                                                                         need to obtain data for
                                                                                    defined.                                                                                                                                                       characterising the different physico-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          chemical forms of E171 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    additional toxicological data on the
                                   The authors of a study carried                                                                                                                                                                                      potential effects associated with
                                     out by INRA concluded that                                                                                                                                                                                                 their ingestistion.
                                      chronic exposure of rats
                                   toTiO2 via the oral route may
                                   cause precancerous colorectal
                                    lesions. The findings do not,
                                    however, enable conclusions
                                   to be drawn on the effects of
                                          TiO2 in humans.
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