How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe? - Francesco Barbabella Maria Gabriella Melchiorre Sabrina Quattrini Roberta ...

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How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe? - Francesco Barbabella Maria Gabriella Melchiorre Sabrina Quattrini Roberta ...


How can eHealth improve care
for people with multimorbidity
in Europe?

Francesco Barbabella
Maria Gabriella Melchiorre
Sabrina Quattrini
Roberta Papa
Giovanni Lamura

On behalf of the ICARE4EU consortium
Keywords:                        © NIVEL and TU Berlin 2016
Chronic Disease                  All rights reserved. NIVEL and TU Berlin have granted the European
Comorbidity                      Observatory on Health Systems and Policies permission for the
                                 reproduction of this Policy Brief.
Europe                           Address requests about publications related to the
                                 ICARE4EU project to:

                                 Dr. Mieke Rijken
                                 P.O. Box 1568
                                 3500 BN Utrecht
                                 The Netherlands

                                 The content of this Policy Brief represents the views of the authors
                                 only and is their sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect
                                 the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers,
                                 Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or any other body
                                 of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency
                                 do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the
                                 information it contains.

                                 What is a Policy Brief?
                                 A policy brief is a short publication specifically designed to provide policy-makers with
                                 evidence on a policy question or priority. Policy briefs:
 This policy brief is one of a   • Bring together existing evidence and present it in an accessible format
 new series to meet the needs    • Use systematic methods and make these transparent so that users can have confidence
 of policy-makers and health        in the material

 system managers. The aim is     • Tailor the way evidence is identified and synthesised to reflect the nature of the policy
                                    question and the evidence available
 to develop key messages to      • Are underpinned by a formal and rigorous open peer review process to ensure the
 support evidence-informed          independence of the evidence presented.
 policy-making and the editors   Each brief has a one page key messages section; a two page executive summary giving a
 will continue to strengthen     succinct overview of the findings; and a 20 page review setting out the evidence. The idea
                                 is to provide instant access to key information and additional detail for those involved in
 the series by working with      drafting, informing or advising on the policy issue.
 authors to improve the          Policy briefs provide evidence for policy-makers not policy advice. They do not seek to
 consideration given to policy   explain or advocate a policy position but to set out clearly what is known about it. They
                                 may outline the evidence on different prospective policy options and on implementation
 options and implementation.     issues, but they do not promote a particular option or act as a manual for implementation.
How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity
in Europe?

Contents                                                      Editors
                                                      page   Erica Richardson 
                                                              Ewout van Ginneken
Key terms / Key messages                                 7
                                                              Series Editor
Executive summary                                        9
                                                              Erica Richardson
Policy brief                                           11
                                                              Associate Editors
    Introduction                                       11    Josep Figueras 
                                                              Hans Kluge 
    Findings                                           12
                                                              Suszy Lessof 
    Discussion                                         18    David McDaid 
                                                              Elias Mossialos 
    Conclusions                                        19
                                                              Govin Permanand
    References                                         20
                                                              Managing Editors
    Appendix 1                                         24    Jonathan North 
                                                              Caroline White
    Appendix 2                                         24

Francesco Barbabella, Research Fellow, Centre
for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, National
Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA),
                                                              This report arises from the
Italy; Researcher, Department of Health and Caring
                                                              Innovating care for people with
Sciences, Linnaeus University, Sweden                         multiple chronic conditions in
                                                              Europe (ICARE4EU) project,
Maria Gabriella Melchiorre, Senior Researcher,                which has received funding
Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing,                 from the European Union, in
                                                              the framework of the Health
National Institute of Health and Science on Ageing            Programme. The authors
(INRCA), Italy                                                wish to thank all country
                                                              expert organizations and the
Sabrina Quattrini, Senior Researcher, Centre for              programmes which participated
                                                              in the ICARE4EU project. The
Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, National                   authors are grateful to the
Institute of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA),            programme managers for
Italy                                                         sharing information on their
Roberta Papa, Statistician, Centre for Socio-                 The authors and editors are also
Economic Research on Ageing, National Institute               grateful to Julia Wadoux (AGE
                                                              Platform Europe), Stephanie
of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy                Carretero-Gomez (Joint Research
                                                              Centre, Institute for Prospective
Giovanni Lamura, Director, Centre for Socio-                  Technological Studies (IPTS)) and
Economic Research on Ageing, National Institute               Clayton Hamilton (WHO Regional
                                                              Office for Europe) for reviewing
of Health and Science on Ageing (INRCA), Italy                this publication and contributing
ISSN 1997 – 8073                                              their expertise.
Policy brief

          What is ICARE4EU?                                                       and more effective implementation of integrated care for people
                                                                                  with multimorbidity. Observations from the ICARE4EU project are
          The Innovating care for people with multiple chronic conditions
                                                                                  described in five policy briefs and key elements of multimorbidity
          in Europe (ICARE4EU) project aims to improve care for people with
                                                                                  care are addressed from the following perspectives: patient-
          multiple chronic conditions (multimorbidity) in European countries
                                                                                  centredness [1], use of eHealth technology (this policy brief),
          ( An estimated 50 million people in Europe live
                                                                                  integration [2] and financing systems [3]. A final policy brief
          with multimorbidity. The complex health problems of these people
                                                                                  [4] integrates all lessons learned from the ICARE4EU project on
          and their need for continuous and multidisciplinary care pose a
                                                                                  how care in European countries could be improved for their
          great challenge to health systems and social services. From a patient
                                                                                  citizens with multiple chronic conditions.
          perspective, improvements in, for example, the coordination of
          care and patients’ own involvement in the decision-making and the
          care process are also important. ICARE4EU describes and analyses
          innovative integrated care approaches for people with multiple
          chronic conditions in Europe. By disseminating knowledge about
          innovative care programmes or practices, the ICARE4EU project
          aims to contribute to the improved design, wider applicability

How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe?
                                                                            How to strengthen patient-centredness in caring for people with multimorbidity in Europe?

  How do Policy Briefs bring the evidence together?                                   • Comparative country mapping: These use a case study
  How do Policy Briefs bring the evidence together?                                       Comparative
                                                                                      • approach            country mapping:
                                                                                                      and combine      document These
                                                                                                                                    reviewsuse   a case
                                                                                                                                               and       study with
  There is no one single way of collecting evidence to inform policy-                     approach and      combine    document
  There  is no one single    way of collecting  evidence                                 appropriate     technical  and   country reviews
                                                                                                                                   experts.and     consultation
                                                                                                                                               These               with
                                                                                                                                                       fall into two
  making.    Different   approaches   are appropriate     fortodifferent
                                                                inform policy-
                                                                         policy           appropriate    technical
  making.                                                                                groups    depending     on and   country
                                                                                                                     whether   theyexperts.    These
                                                                                                                                      prioritize      fall or
                                                                                                                                                  depth    into two
  issues, soDifferent   approaches
              the Observatory        are draw
                                  briefs  appropriate
                                                on a mix forof
                                                             different  policy
                                                               methodologies              groups depending on whether they prioritize depth or breadth.
  issues, so the
  (see Figure   A)Observatory
                   and explainbriefs    draw on the
                                  transparently    a mix  of methodologies
                                                       different   methods used       • Introductory overview: These briefs have a different objective
  and Figure   A) and
       how these        explain
                     have   beentransparently
                                  combined. Thisthe allows
                                                      different  methods
                                                              users         used
                                                                     to understand    • toIntroductory      overview:
                                                                                             the rapid evidence          These briefs
                                                                                                                     assessments    buthave
                                                                                                                                         use aa similar
                                                                                                                                                 different   objective to
  and  how these
  the nature   and have
                     limitsbeen  combined.
                            of the  evidence.This allows users to                         the rapid evidence
                                                                                         approach.     Literatureassessments
                                                                                                                   is targeted but
                                                                                                                                anduse     a similar
                                                                                                                                       reviewed      methodological
                                                                                                                                                  with   the aim of
  understand the nature and limits of the evidence.                                       approach. aLiterature
                                                                                         explaining                is targeted
                                                                                                          subject to            and reviewed with the aim of
  There are two main ‘categories’ of briefs that can be distinguished                     explaining a subject to ‘beginners’.
  There  are two
  by method     andmain   ‘categories’
                      further          of of
                               ‘sub-sets’  briefs that
                                             briefs     cancan
                                                     that     be be
                                                                    mapped along      Most briefs, however, will draw on a mix of methods and it is for
  by  method
  a spectrum:  and  further   ‘sub-sets’ of briefs  that  can  be  mapped along       Most    briefs,that
                                                                                      this reason     however,    will draw
                                                                                                            a ‘methods’    boxupon   a mix ofinmethods
                                                                                                                               is included                  and it is for
                                                                                                                                                 the introduction
  a spectrum:                                                                         this  reason   thatsignalling
                                                                                                           a ‘methods’    box is included    in the introduction
                                                                                      to each    brief,              transparently    that methods      are explicit,to
  • A rapid evidence assessment: This is a targeted review of the                    each    brief,
  • A rapid evidence assessment: This is a targeted review of the                     robust    and signalling
                                                                                                                  and showingthat  how  methods
                                                                                                                                          they areare  explicit, robust
                                                                                                                                                     appropriate    to
     available literature and requires authors to define key terms, set               and replicable and showing how they are appropriate to the policy
     available literature and requires authors to define key terms, set               the policy question.
     out explicit search strategies and be clear about what is excluded.              question.
     out explicit search strategies and be clear about what is excluded.

Figure A: The policy brief spectrum

                                                       Rapid                                                        Country             Country
                                                     evidence                              Introductory            mapping              mapping
                                                    assessment                               overview              (breadth)            (depth)

                                                                    POLICY BRIEFS

             Systematic             Meta-                Rapid              Scoping           Narrative            Multiple           Instrumental
               Review              Narrative            Review               Study             Review             Case Study           Case Study

Source: Erica Richardson

Policy brief

       AAL        Active and Assisted Living
       AIM        Advanced Informatics in Medicine
       CBeHIS     Cross-Border eHealth Information Services
       CCM        Chronic Care Model
       CEF        Connecting Europe Facility
       CIP        Competitiveness and Innovative Framework Programme
       COPD       chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
       CVRM       cardiovascular risk management
       DESI       Digital Economy and Society Index
       DM2        diabetes mellitus type 2
       DSM        Digital Single Market
       DSS        decision support system
       eCCM       eHealth Enhanced Chronic Care Model
       eHDSI      eHealth Digital Service Infrastructure
       eHGI       eHealth Governance Initiative
       EHR        electronic health record
       eID        electronic health identifier
       EIPAHA     European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing
       EU         European Union
       GDP        gross domestic product
       GP         general practitioner (physician providing general or family medicine)
       ICARE4EU   Innovating care for people with multiple chronic conditions in Europe
       ICT        information and communications technology
       ICU        intensive care unit
       INCA       Integrated Care
       IT         information technology
       OECD       Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
       PHR        patient health record
       POTKU      Potilas Kuljettajan Paikalle (Putting the Patient in the Driver’s Seat) project
       SME        small and medium-sized enterprises
       WHO        World Health Organization

How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe?

Boxes, figure and tables

Boxes                                                                     page
Box 1:           What is eHealth?                                           13
Box 2:           Methods                                                    13
Box 3:           Types of eHealth solutions for multimorbidity care         16
Box 4:           TeleRehabilitation (Nicosia General Hospital, Cyprus)      18
Box 5:           Chronic Care Strategy (Valencia Region, Spain)             18
Box 6:           INCA programme (Netherlands)                               19
Box 7:           EU funding for research and innovation on eHealth          19

Figure 1: 	Types of care and support provided by programmes
            for multimorbidity care with at least one eHealth tool
            (%, multiple answers were possible)                             15

Table 1: 	General characteristics of the programmes for
           multimorbidity care with at least one eHealth tool               14
Table 2: 	Types of eHealth tools used in the programmes for
           multimorbidity care                                              16
Table 3: 	Framework of eHealth solutions for multimorbidity care and
           envisaged benefits                                        17
Table 4: 	Current policies on eHealth at EU and national levels and
           related gaps                                                     20

Policy brief

How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe?

Key terms                                                      Key messages
• eHealth is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of      • eHealth has the potential to improve care and offer new
  health and care services delivered through information         services for people with multimorbidity. It could allow
  and communication technologies (ICTs), such as                 providers and policy-makers to:
  electronic health records (EHRs), health information               coordinate and integrate different elements of care
  systems, remote monitoring and consultation services
                                                                      better, by improving communication and the sharing
  (e.g. telehealth, telemedicine, telecare), tools for self-
                                                                      of information between professionals and with
  management, and health data analytics.
                                                                      patients through message systems or electronic EHRs;
• mHealth is a subset of eHealth that is linked to mobile            support self-management through tools to provide
  telephony and applications.                                         feedback or check adherence to treatment;
• Multimorbidity means having multiple chronic                       improve clinicians’ decision-making and the quality of
  conditions at the same time and (typically) complex needs           care through decision support systems (DSSs), which
  that require the involvement of several care providers. It          help share evidence on dealing with the complexities
  is a significant and growing challenge to Europe’s health           of multimorbidity;
  systems, with some 50 million people already affected.             monitor and analyse risk to identify the most complex
                                                                      cases and allow proactive responses;
                                                                     improve access to health care services for people with
                                                                      multimorbidity in rural and deprived areas through
                                                                      telehealth services or mHealth applications.
                                                               • eHealth is not yet a major component in most health
                                                                 systems. If it is to fulfil its potential, policy-makers need to
                                                                 address gaps in regulation and increase standardization in
                                                                 the national and European contexts. This means:
                                                                     designing adequate legal and funding frameworks;
                                                                     defining standards for and regulation on
                                                                      interoperability of eHealth solutions for remote
                                                                      consultation, monitoring and care;
                                                                     fostering standardization of DSSs by care providers
                                                                      at the national level;
                                                                     promoting new regulations and frameworks for
                                                                      mobile health solutions for self-management,
                                                                      resolving the uncertain legal status;
                                                                     implementing personal health records that are
                                                                      accessible to patients;
                                                                     refining and implementing a concrete road map for
                                                                      compatibility and standardization of EHRs, e-referrals,
                                                                      ePrescriptions and health information systems within
                                                                      and between EU Member States.
                                                               • Concrete initiatives to extend professional and patient
                                                                 uptake might usefully include personal health records,
                                                                 DSSs and information systems for risk stratification.
                                                               • Comprehensive training and educational campaigns will
                                                                 be important in improving the digital health literacy of
                                                                 patients, informal carers and care professionals.
                                                               • Large-scale studies are needed to evaluate the impact
                                                                 of eHealth tools (rather than small-scale research, which
                                                                 cannot evaluate effectively).

Policy brief

How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe?

Executive summary                                                  can provide feedback and support patients by checking
                                                                   their coping behaviours and adherence to treatment.
The policy issue: the added value of eHealth for
                                                                 • Supporting decision-making by clinicians: decision
people with multimorbidity
                                                                   support systems (DSSs) can link available clinical evidence
Care for people with multiple chronic conditions                   on appropriate treatments and best practice for the
(multimorbidity) requires integrated and patient-centred           complex profile of people with multimorbidity, improving
approaches to adequately meet patient needs. Information           the quality of care provided.
and communication technology (ICT) applied in the health
                                                                 • Enabling monitoring, risk analysis and proactive
care sector (eHealth) constitutes a recognized driver of
                                                                   intervention: an information system for risk stratification
innovation and improvement in providing tailored and
                                                                   can monitor and predict health risks in a population, as
innovative care services to people with complex care needs.
                                                                   well as indicating recommended strategies for prevention,
Despite the growing investment and interest in eHealth,            monitoring and treatment.
there are challenges ahead for allowing a wider and
more systematic adoption of ICT in the health care               Policies
sector. This policy brief synthesizes available evidence on
                                                                 The potential of eHealth for multimorbidity care is not
the implementation, benefits and policies related to the
                                                                 yet sustained in a systematic and explicit way by current
adoption of eHealth solutions for integrated care for people
                                                                 policies. At the EU level, the issues of chronic care and
with multimorbidity in Europe.
                                                                 multimorbidity, together with personalized health care
                                                                 and intelligent environments within the eHealth sector,
                                                                 have become a policy priority only with the eHealth Action
The situation for the implementation of eHealth in terms         Plan 2012 – 2020. Previously, the EU policy focus was on
of the availability of ICT infrastructure, services and skills   stimulating the general development and implementation
is still quite varied across Europe. For example, although       of EHRs and health information networks to enable and
27 out of 47 countries in the World Health Organization          improve health data exchange between different care
(WHO) European Region have a national electronic health          providers and nations.
record (EHR) system in place, the majority of hospitals in the
                                                                 At national level, there is increasing interest in dedicating
European Union (EU) and Associate Countries (90%) do not
                                                                 attention to eHealth in general, but there is a mixed impact
permit patients to access their own health data and only 9%
                                                                 at the operative level. There is the risk that, in some cases,
provide any kind of telemonitoring service, with a similar
                                                                 policies are just symbolic and aimed at complying with
percentage of general practitioners (GPs) having access to
                                                                 current international policy trends, but with marginal
telehealth services (10%).
                                                                 effects in terms of the actual design, development and
Of the 85 innovative programmes for multimorbidity care          implementation of eHealth services.
using at least one eHealth tool selected by the ICARE4EU
project, almost half were already integrated into the health     Policy implications
care system but the scale remained mostly local and/or
                                                                 To encourage the improvement of care for people with
regional (78%). The main types of eHealth solutions in the
                                                                 multimorbidity through eHealth in European health systems,
programmes were EHRs (71%), professionals’ databases
                                                                 policies need:
of patient data (64%) and ICT-based communication
between care providers (47%), whereas no more than one           • to refine and implement a concrete road map for
third of the programmes has adopted the other types of             achieving compatibility and standardization of EHRs,
eHealth tools.                                                     e-referrals, ePrescriptions and health information systems
                                                                   within and between EU Member States;
                                                                 • to foster personalized medicine services through
eHealth solutions for multimorbidity care provide the              enhanced EHRs and electronic health identifiers (eIDs)
following benefits:                                                which can enable and realize PHRs for use by patients
• Improving access to health care services: especially in
  rural and deprived areas with low (or no) availability of      • to identify key public health priorities for people with
  health care services, eHealth tools can enable remote            multimorbidity nationally and support the scaling up
  consultations, therapies and rehabilitation.                     of remote consultation, monitoring and care services;
• Enhancing care coordination and integration: eHealth           • to define common public health objectives across
  solutions can help with collecting, storing and reporting        EU Member States for different profiles of people
  health data to professionals and to patients via EHRs            with complex care needs and regulate jointly on
  and patient health records (PHRs). eHealth tools can also        interoperability and requirements of eHealth solutions
  improve communication between these actors through               for remote consultation, monitoring and care;
  systems for messaging and audio-visual communication.
                                                                 • to foster the awareness, standardization and adoption
• Enabling self-management: supporting people with                 of DSSs by care providers at national level;
  multimorbidity living at home includes tools that educate
  and empower them in self-care. Self-management tools

Policy brief

       • to promote the awareness, standardization and adoption
         of information systems for analysing the risk stratification
         of populations at regional and national levels;
       • to plan new promotion campaigns to encourage patients,
         informal carers and health professionals to improve their
         digital health literacy;
       • to dedicate innovation, research and development funds,
         and design new regulations in the field of mHealth
         solutions in order to increase their opportunities and
         mitigate their risks;
       • to privilege the allocation of research funding to
         large-scale studies and trials aimed at verifying the
         effectiveness, efficiency and impact of eHealth solutions
         for people with multimorbidity.

How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe?

Policy brief                                                            Box 1: What is eHealth?
                                                                        eHealth has been defined by the European Commission as “the
Introduction                                                            use of ICT in health products, services and processes combined
                                                                        with organizational change in health care systems and new skills,
The challenges related to the increasing number of people
                                                                        in order to improve health of citizens, efficiency and productivity
living with multiple chronic conditions – multimorbidity – are          in health care delivery, and the economic and social value of
well-known. Over 50 million people in the EU have multiple              health” [5].
chronic conditions [6] and around 60% of people aged 65
years and over are estimated to live with multimorbidity [7],
with major consequences such as functional impairment,
lower quality of life and higher health care utilization and            Box 2: Methods
costs [8,9].                                                            For policy-making, insights from practice and from scientific
Multimorbidity is associated with a higher number of                    literature are useful and provide information on health care
                                                                        changes, which can lead to more patient-centred, integrated
primary care consultations, hospital outpatient visits and              care. Therefore, this policy brief combines a rapid review of the
hospital admissions, which increases the workload of health             research literature with results from a survey conducted within the
care staff [10,11]. However, national health care systems               ICARE4EU project (see Appendices 1 and 2). The literature review
in Europe are not designed to adequately meet the care                  focused on identifying publications on the adoption of eHealth
needs of people with multimorbidity, as care services are               and ICT for chronic or multimorbidity care. Under the ICARE4EU
                                                                        project, information was gathered on 101 innovative programmes
still fragmented and oriented to managing single diseases               in 24 European countries, eight of which were visited to obtain a
instead of complex conditions [12]. There is a risk that                more in-depth understanding of the particular characteristics of
people with multimorbidity may receive inadequate care,                 these programmes and to produce case study reports. Appendix 2
which can then have a negative impact on their health and               provides detailed information on this research into innovative care
quality of life, as well as the health and quality of life of their     practices in European countries.
informal carers.
New opportunities enabled by the application and                      eHealth is actually an umbrella term that includes a wide
exploitation of ICTs in the health care sector could                  range of ICT solutions (see Box 1). Overall, it is estimated
substantially improve patient-centredness and care                    that the global eHealth market will be valued at around €280
integration, which are both fundamental aspects of                    billion by 2022 [23], with a growing and consistent segment
multimorbidity care. As widely recognized [5,13–16],                  in the EU. For mHealth solutions alone in Europe, this market
eHealth is a driver of innovation and leads to several benefits       is projected to grow from €0.6 to €6.4 billion in the period
for people with chronic conditions and multimorbidity,                2013–2018 [24]. eHealth is a key sector for the digitalization
care professionals, and the health and social care systems.           process in the digital economy and society according to the
It contributes to several key opportunities for European              EU Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy [25,26], reinforced
societies, including: a more personalized ‘citizen-centric’           also by recent priorities in the New Skills Agenda [27] and
health care [5]; empowering patients to become more                   Digitalising European Industry strategy [28].
independent and able to self-manage their conditions,
                                                                      Despite the potential of eHealth, both in general and for
where possible; overall quality of life of patients and their
                                                                      multimorbidity care, there are challenges in allowing a wider
family carers; effectiveness and efficiency of care systems
                                                                      and more systematic adoption of ICTs in the health care
through the optimization of resources and indirect benefits
                                                                      sector. Indeed, the progress of eHealth implementation, in
from more appropriate care.
                                                                      general but especially for multimorbidity care, is still quite
Furthermore, in terms of social inclusion and equality,               limited in the EU [16,29,30].
access to health care services can be harder for people
                                                                      Therefore, this policy brief aims to deepen and disseminate
with lower socioeconomic status, for a variety of reasons
                                                                      the available knowledge about the implementation, benefits
including unaffordability and residence in deprived areas
                                                                      and policies related to the adoption of eHealth solutions for
which also have a lack of infrastructure, typically associated
                                                                      integrated care for people with multimorbidity in Europe.
with the presence of multiple chronic conditions [17,18].
                                                                      Policy-makers at EU, national and local levels can use this
ICTs can help improve accessibility through, for example,
                                                                      brief to promote eHealth for people with multimorbidity
the implementation of telehealth services for remote
                                                                      and to inform adequate development and implementation
consultations and monitoring [19–21]. In addition, several
                                                                      strategies. Furthermore, care professionals, non-profit
social and economic benefits for health care systems and
                                                                      organizations, companies and any other stakeholder
welfare states have been noted. For instance, just the
                                                                      working with people with multiple chronic diseases and
systematic adoption of mobile Health (mHealth) solutions
                                                                      ICTs can get new insights into the current state of eHealth
in the EU would allow: saving €99 billion in total annual
                                                                      in Europe.
health care expenditure; extending the professional lives
of more than 11 million people with chronic diseases; and
increasing the general domestic product (GDP) of the EU
by €93 billion [22].

Policy brief

       Policy questions                                                   Table 1: General characteristics of the programmes for
                                                                          multimorbidity care with at least one eHealth tool
       This Brief focuses on the specific policy question: How can
       eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity                                                                     All programmes
       in Europe? It presents relevant findings in the field,                                                                      n=85
       including programmes with high potential, and highlights           Integration level
       current policies in the field. Three main sub-questions            Small-scale (pilot) programme                             26%
       were identified:                                                   Well-established and comprehensive programme              29%
       1. Implementation: What eHealth solutions are available            Fully integrated in the health care system                45%
          for people with multimorbidity?                                 Operational level
                                                                          Only at level of daily patient care                       34%
       2. Benefits: What are the positive outcomes of eHealth             Only at level of policy / management                       4%
          solutions for people with multimorbidity?                       Both at policy / management and patient care level        62%
       3. Policies: What are the current policies concerning the          Implementation level
          adoption of eHealth for people with multimorbidity?             Local                                                     26%
                                                                          Regional                                                  34%
       Each sub-question is explored in the Findings through an           Local / regional, as part of a national programme         18%
       analysis of available evidence and information collected           National                                                  13%
       from various sources (see Box 2).
                                                                          National, as part of an international programme            6%
                                                                          International                                              4%
                                                                          Geographical coverage
       Findings                                                           Only rural                                                 5%
                                                                          Only urban                                                13%
       Implementation of eHealth solutions for people                     Both rural and urban areas                                82%
       with multimorbidity
                                                                          and over 80% had an EHR system [32,33]. Almost 80%
       Even if access to and the use of digital technologies by           of the hospitals surveyed were online, 57% had a formal
       citizens is improving across the EU, national contexts are still   strategic information technology (IT) plan, and almost 50%
       quite different in terms of availability of ICT infrastructure,    had videoconferencing facilities. However, most of the
       services and skills among populations. The Digital Economy         hospitals (63%) allocated less than 3% of their budget to
       and Society Index (DESI) 2016 [31] shows that Member               netechnologies, 90% of them did not permit patients to
       States are moving forward in the digitalization of public          access their own health data and around half did not share
       services (including eHealth), but the variation between            data with primary care providers, external specialists and
       countries is still wide (the index ranges from 0.331 in            other hospitals. Furthermore, only 9% of hospitals provided
       Bulgaria to 0.866 in Estonia, where 1 would be a perfect           any kind of telemonitoring services. Other research, covering
       score) and EU countries are at very different stages of digital    31 European countries [34], also found a lack of eHealth
       development.                                                       adoption in primary care facilities. Using a Composite
       This situation is well reflected in eHealth, where Member          Index of eHealth Adoption in Primary Care, the research
       States have adopted different implementation strategies.           found that only 25% of GPs reported patients requesting
       Available data indicate that general eHealth services (not         online prescriptions and appointments, and less than 10%
       specific to multimorbidity care) are not yet systematically        reported telehealth services were available in their practice.
       employed. According to data from a recent survey (2015)            Specific data on the implementation of eHealth solutions
       involving 47 countries in the European region [16], EHRs           for multimorbidity care come from the ICARE4EU project
       were the most widespread and well-established tools, with          [6], which mapped a set of high-potential programmes
       27 countries (59%) saying a national EHR system is in place,       dedicated to people with multiple chronic conditions across
       with around half of these working across both primary and          31 European countries. These data show that, out of 101
       secondary care facility networks. Telehealth programmes            programmes identified, 85 programmes included at least
       were implemented in the health care sector at national             one eHealth tool. Table 1 summarizes general characteristics
       or international level in half of the countries, while there       of these programmes by their levels of integration with
       was a growing interest in mHealth services sponsored by            health care systems, maturity, implementation and
       national governments (22 countries), with most of these            geographical coverage. Almost half of programmes were
       services already established at a national level (mainly           already integrated into the health care system, and covered
       providing access to emergency lines, health call centres,          both rural and urban areas in 80% of cases. Although
       health information and EHRs). However, information systems         62% of the programmes claimed to operate at both policy/
       for risk stratification, which analyse big data sets at the        management and patient care levels, the scale of the
       population level, were not yet developed and could not be          initiatives remained mostly local and/or regional (78%
       mapped, revealing that health data analytics is still in its       overall).
       infancy in Europe.
                                                                          The main types of care provided using eHealth tools in
       Furthermore, in 2012–2013, 41% of hospitals in Europe              these programmes were (see Figure 1): medical care (79%),
       were halfway between a fully paper-based non-digitized             prevention or delay of cognitive deterioration (68%),
       environment and an electronic, paperless environment,

How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe?

Figure 1: Types of care and support provided by programmes for multimorbidity care with at least one eHealth tool
(%, multiple answers were possible)

                                            Medical care                                                                            79

                       Prevention/delay of deterioration                                                                  68

                                            Nursing care                                                                 66

                          Lifestyle and health behaviour                                                                 66

                                Adherence to medication                                                              64

                         Medical treatment interventions                                                             64

                       Coordination of medical services                                                             62

                                              Monitoring                                                       57

             Preventive/reduction of functional disability                                                    55

                                              Home care                                                  51

                  Cooperation of medical care providers                                                 49

                                             Diagnostics                                                49

                         Rehabilitation and reintegration                                           48

                              Adherence to interventions                                            48

                    Management of multiple medication                                              47

                   Non-medical treatment interventions                                             47

                    Early detection of new comorbidities                                           47

                                     Care after discharge                                          46

                                              Social care                                     40

                 Integration of informal and formal care                          28

                              Support of informal carers                  17

                                                             0    10     20      30      40        50         60         70    80        90   100

                                                             ■   All programmes (n=85)

nursing care (66%), promotion of healthy lifestyle and                          solutions was identified, as shown in Table 2. The tools
behaviours (66%).                                                               implemented by most selected programmes are EHRs (71%),
                                                                                professionals’ own databases of patient data (64%) and ICT-
The eHealth solutions adopted were classified in four
                                                                                based communication between care providers (47%), which
different types by their main functions. The typology was
                                                                                come under Health care Management. No more than one
built by adapting elements from the Chronic Care Model
                                                                                third of programmes were using the other eHealth tools,
(CCM) [35] and the eHealth Enhanced Chronic Care Model
                                                                                with self-management decision supports (4%) the least
(eCCM) [36], in order to account for the eHealth diversity
                                                                                frequently implemented.
and to structure findings. The four types of eHealth are
ICT tools for: Self-Management; Remote Consultation,
Monitoring and Care; Health care Management; Health
Data Analytics (see Box 3). A wide variety of eHealth

Policy brief

                                                                                 Table 2: Types of eHealth tools used in the programmes for
                                                                                 multimorbidity care
          Box 3: Types of eHealth solutions for multimorbidity care
          • Self-Management: ICT tools used by patients to manage their                                                                 All programmes
            health more independently. Self-management tools include                                                                        n=85
            computerized systems – e.g. computers, tablets, mHealth,
            wearable devices or other assistive technologies – which
            promote care management and provide health advice and                Electronic reminders                                        26%
            reminders. Also, specific tools for informal carers to co-           Computerized self-management tools                          25%
            manage care activities or to get direct support for their own        Online decision supports                                     4%
            psychological, emotional or social needs.                            Remote Consultation, Monitoring
          • Remote Consultation, Monitoring and Care: ICT tools used             and Care
            for providing and enhancing the remote interaction between           Monitoring of health status parameters by providers         33%
            people with multimorbidity and health professionals. Remote          Communication between care provider and patient             29%
            eHealth solutions include the consultations and visits at a          (e.g., ePrescription)
            distance that are typical of telehealth and telemedicine services,   Remote monitoring or interaction (e.g. video, phone)        27%
            as well as continuous monitoring of specific conditions,             Online appointment scheduling                               26%
            behaviours and safety (telemonitoring and telecare systems).
                                                                                 Registration of health status parameters by patients        25%
            Specific tools can also improve communication, such as online
                                                                                 Health care Management
            scheduling of clinical appointments, ePrescriptions and direct
            communication with health care staff.                                EHRs used                                                   71%
                                                                                 EHRs planned                                                13%
          • Health care Management: ICT tools are used for improving
                                                                                 PHRs used                                                   18%
            the integration, quality and efficiency of care processes within
            and between care providers. Such eHealth tools include               PHRs planned                                                 7%
            EHRs and health information systems for their registration,          Databases with patients’ health data                        64%
            reproduction and sharing between professionals, eventually           ICT-based communication between care providers              47%
            allowing the individual to access and use them as PHRs.              Systems providing warning messages,                         35%
            Furthermore, ICT tools can improve the speed and consistency         recommendations and useful information
            of collaboration and communication between care professionals        E-referral systems                                          33%
            involved in multimorbidity care.
                                                                                 Electronic reminders                                        27%
          • Health Data Analytics: ICT tools based on information                Health Data Analytics
            systems that exploit and analyse data in patient databases and/      Computerized decision supports                              35%
            or clinical evidence for prevention, monitoring or treatment
                                                                                 Online decision supports                                    15%
            purposes. DSSs are used by health professionals to improve
            clinical decision-making in individual complex cases. Risk
            stratification systems monitor the health data of a regional or      The analysis of findings from the ICARE4EU project also
            national population, with the possibility of identifying people
                                                                                 identified several benefits of eHealth, particularly for people
            with multimorbidity and with specific health risks, which may
            have the potential to support preventative, monitoring or
                                                                                 with multimorbidity and for the health professionals involved
            treatment strategies as necessary.                                   in their care. Most of the 85 programmes using eHealth
                                                                                 solutions stated that integration and quality of care, as well
                                                                                 as improvements in management processes, were their
       Benefits of eHealth solutions in multimorbidity care                      key objectives and that these were mostly achieved during
                                                                                 implementation. Evaluations were carried out in 80% of the
       eHealth is already perceived to be a potential driver for
                                                                                 programmes (46% only internally, but 24% both internally
       innovation in care services more broadly, but also for people
                                                                                 and externally), mostly in terms of process evaluation
       with chronic diseases and multimorbidity, by having a
                                                                                 (69%) and direct outcomes (43%). The ICARE4EU project
       positive impact on patients, their informal carers, the health
                                                                                 identified the following key benefits of eHealth for
       workforce and health care systems in general. However,
                                                                                 multimorbidity care:
       there is a need to understand what tools are effective for
       which outcomes, as eHealth covers a wide range of different               • Improving access to health care services: especially
       technologies and services. Table 3 presents a framework of                  in rural and deprived areas with low (or no) availability
       eHealth solutions with their envisioned benefits for people                 of health care services, eHealth tools can enable remote
       with chronic conditions or multimorbidity, informal carers                  consultations, treatment and rehabilitation. The resulting
       and health care systems. The robustness of the evidence                     improved access is particularly beneficial to people
       presented is also indicated (robust=R; limited=L; none=N).                  with complex health needs such as multimorbidity. An
                                                                                   example is given by the TeleRehabilitation programme, a
       In general, eHealth tools for Self-Management and Remote
                                                                                   remote cardio-respiratory rehabilitation service, managed
       Consultation, Monitoring and Care are those where
                                                                                   by the Nicosia General Hospital in Cyprus (Box 4) [62].
       evidence is most robust and well established, also for
       people with chronic conditions and multimorbidity. There                  • Enhancing care coordination and integration:
       is less literature on tools for Health care Management and                  the absence of data sets that compile patients’ medical
       Health Data Analytics in multimorbidity care, but with some                 histories frequently poses a challenge for the treatment
       promising results in other target groups.                                   of people with multimorbidity who have to visit
                                                                                   multiple health professionals. eHealth solutions can

How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe?

Table 3: Framework of eHealth solutions for multimorbidity care and envisaged benefits

                Tools                                               Envisaged benefits                                                   State of evidence
                                                                                                                                      eHealth in     eHealth for
                                                                                                                                        general       chronic or
                • Computerized systems for care management,        • Patients: improved health, wellbeing and quality of life;     R [22,24,37]   R [15,38–42]
                  health advice and reminders                         self-empowerment; improved independence in daily life;
                • mHealth and assistive technologies supporting      adherence to treatment; improved peer support.
                  daily activities in the home                      • Health care system: reduced inappropriate access to
                                                                      services; reduced workload for health staff (especially in
                                                                      primary care); reduction of inappropriate hospitalizations
Self-                                                                 and length of stay.
                • ICT tools enabling integration of informal and   • Informal carers: decreased burden and improved                 R [43,44]       R [42,45]
                  formal care                                         psychological wellbeing; improved care management;
                • ICT tools enabling direct psychological,           improved reconciliation with other life spheres (e.g. work,
                  emotional or social support to the informal carer   family, social activities).
                                                                    • Health care system: reduction of inappropriate
                                                                      hospitalizations and length of stay; improved efficiency.
                • Telehealth and telemedicine systems              • Patients: improved health, wellbeing and quality of            R [14,43,      R [19–21,
                • Health, activity and behaviour                     life; improved access to health care services; continuity        46,47]          41,47]
                  monitoring systems                                  of care; tailored care; lower costs for face-to-face
                                                                      consultations (travel and time).
                • Environmental sensors
                                                                    • Health care system: continuous monitoring and collection
                • Telecare systems (1st, 2nd, 3rd generation)        of health data; early warning and proactive interventions;
Consultation,                                                         reduction of inappropriate hospitalizations and length of
Monitoring                                                            stay; improved efficiency.
and Care        • ICT tools enabling communication between         • Patients: improved patient–provider communication;             R [47–50]       R [15,47,
                  patients, carers and health professionals           improved access to health care services; continuity                              51,52]
                • ePrescription systems                              of care; tailored care; lower costs for face-to-face
                                                                      consultations (travel and time).
                                                                    • Health care system: efficiency in workload management;
                                                                      immediate response.
                • Electronic health records                        • Patients: continuity of care; tailored and integrated care;   R [48,49,53]     L [15,54]
                • Personal health records                            access to own medical history and health data.
                                                                    • Health care system: efficiency in care coordination
                                                                      and integration; efficiency in data management; more
Health care                                                           appropriate diagnosis and treatments; availability of
Management                                                            patient’s medical history.
                • ICT tools enabling communication between         • Patients: continuity of care; tailored and integrated care.      L [55]         L [56]
                  health professionals                              • Health care system: efficiency in care coordination
                • E-referral systems                                 and integration.
                • Decision support systems                         • Patients: tailored care.                                       R [53,57]       L [58,59]
                                                                    • Health care system: appropriateness of care; efficiency in
                                                                      clinical decision-making.
Health Data     • Risk stratification systems                      • Patients: tailored care.                                       L [60,61]       L [60,61]
Analytics                                                           • Health care system: appropriateness of care; continuous
                                                                      monitoring and collection of health data; identification of
                                                                      risk profiles and tailored intervention strategies; reduced
                                                                      inappropriate access to services.

  help with collecting, storing and reporting such data to                           patients to check their coping behaviours and adherence
  professionals, and to patients via EHRs and PHRs. eHealth                          to treatment, as for example in the POTKU project in
  tools can also improve communication between these                                 Finland, which implements, among other things, self-
  actors through systems for message and audio-visual                                assessment and self-care instruments [63].
  communication. The benefits of data management and
                                                                                 • Supporting decision-making by clinicians: advanced
  ICT-based communication between professionals are
                                                                                   information systems can be of help both for health
  visible in the Strategy for Chronic Care in the Valencia
                                                                                   professionals and patients. DSSs can link available clinical
  Region (Spain) (Box 5) [61].
                                                                                   evidence on appropriate treatments and best practice
• Enabling self-management: supporting people with                                 for the complex profile of people with multimorbidity,
  multimorbidity living at home includes instruments                               improving the quality of care provided. An example
  that educate and empower them in self-care. Self-                                of this is the INCA programme in the Netherlands
  management tools can provide feedback and support                                (Box 6) [64].

Policy brief

                                                                                            environments within the eHealth sector only became a
          Box 4: TeleRehabilitation (Nicosia General Hospital, Cyprus)                      policy priority with the eHealth Action Plan 2012–2020
                                                                                            [5] – together with other longstanding, more general,
          The TeleRehabilitation programme is a home-based rehabilitation
          service that applies advanced telemedicine to intensive care unit                 eHealth issues, such as EHR interoperability and cross-border
          (ICU) patients after discharge from hospital. These patients usually              exchange, legal frameworks, research funding, market
          have multiple chronic conditions and need cardio-respiratory                      conditions and digital health literacy. Concrete actions that
          rehabilitation after discharge. However, due to several barriers,                 go beyond broad policy goals to address the particularities
          very few manage strict adherence to a rehabilitation plan. These
                                                                                            of multimorbidity are still missing.
          barriers include: insufficient infrastructure and rehabilitation
          centres; limitations in mobility and dependency on carers to                      Since the 2000s, the attention of the EU has been mainly
          accompany them; and financial issues for people in rural areas
                                                                                            focused on stimulating the general development and
          related to the long travel distances to rehabilitation centres. The
          TeleRehabilitation programme provides a ‘tower kiosk’ to each                     implementation of EHRs and health information networks
          patient. This tower is installed at the patient’s home and enables                for enabling and improving health data exchange between
          audio-video interaction with a physiotherapist in another location.               different care providers and nations. This was the case
          From a central station at the hospital, the physiotherapist can                   with the regulatory frameworks within Communication
          monitor around six patients in different locations doing exercises
                                                                                            (2008)3282 by the European Commission [65] and
          simultaneously. Moreover, the patients have wearable devices that
          also allow the therapist to monitor vital signs. The programme                    the cross-border Directive 2011/24/EU [66], as well as
          improves adherence to rehabilitation and the health of patients,                  successive initiatives aimed at guaranteeing health data
          thus reducing readmissions to the ICU. It is reported to be cost-                 exchanges and interoperability between health information
          effective and to lead to high satisfaction among both users and                   systems within and across EU Member States. The eHealth
          health professionals.
                                                                                            Network was established under Directive 2011/24/EU as
                                                                                            a voluntary network of national authorities responsible
                                                                                            for eHealth. It collected the results of different European
                                                                                            initiatives and projects and moved forward with the eHealth
          Box 5: Chronic Care Strategy (Valencia Region, Spain)
                                                                                            Interoperability Framework study [67] and the eHealth
          The Chronic Care Strategy is a policy programme developed in                      Digital Service Infrastructure (eHDSI) [68] – linked to the
          the Valencia Region (Spain), which focuses on people with chronic                 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) – for the deployment of
          conditions. The overall goal is to develop an integrated care model
          for patients with chronic diseases and multimorbidity in need of
                                                                                            services for patient summary [69] and ePrescription [70], in
          very complex care. This framework includes, among other things:                   order to enable Cross Border eHealth Information Services
          • the organization of long-term care using a model of nurse case managers
            working both in the community and in hospitals, who are in charge of            Policy developments in other areas of eHealth at the EU
            monitoring and supporting patients and mobilizing primary or specialized        level concerned the production of recommendations
            resources according to their needs;
                                                                                            on telemedicine through the European Commission
          • the implementation and use of EHRs and electronic patient identifiers by
                                                                                            – via Communication (2008)689 [71] – and on key
            all actors in the care network (doctors, nurses, specialists, pharmacists,
            etc.), which assures continuity of care and the sharing of health data and      implementation aspects through the eHealth Governance
            medical history among all health professionals involved;                        Initiative (eHGI) [72]. mHealth was also discussed in a
          • an information system for stratifying the population according to patient       Green Paper in 2014 [73,74], which tried to distinguish
            morbidity profiles, with early proactive intervention for their corresponding   mHealth applications for lifestyle and wellbeing from those
            risk, which allows the continuous monitoring of people in need or at risk       assimilated into medical devices under Directive 93/42/EEC
            of complications;
                                                                                            [75] or in vitro diagnostic medical devices under Directive
          • an information system to monitor drug therapies and consumption by              98/79/EC [76], which have different safety and performance
            patients with polypharmacy, which allows doctors and nurses to revise
            inappropriate therapies and limit inappropriate drug use.
                                                                                            requirements. The legislative framework is still ambiguous
                                                                                            in this respect and a working group was appointed for
                                                                                            preparing mHealth assessment guidelines for the validity and
                                                                                            reliability of these applications [77].
       • Enabling monitoring, risk analysis and proactive
                                                                                            Other EU initiatives have addressed the eHealth sector
         intervention: other types of information systems
                                                                                            more broadly through policy and research priorities. The
         are aimed at analysing population characteristics and
                                                                                            eEurope 2002 and 2005 Action Plans [78,79] and the first
         the prevalence of people with multimorbidity. A risk
                                                                                            specific eHealth Action Plan 2004–2011 [80], developed
         stratification system can monitor and predict health risks
                                                                                            by the European Commission, focused mainly on fostering
         of a population, as well as indicating recommended
                                                                                            the European Health Insurance Card, the compatibility
         strategies for prevention, monitoring and treatment. The
                                                                                            of EHRs within countries, the creation of adequate legal
         Valencia Region in Spain made big steps forward in this
                                                                                            frameworks, the extension of health information networks
         under the Strategy for Chronic Care (Box 5) [61].
                                                                                            and online services for patients. Such priorities were partly
       Policies for eHealth solutions for multimorbidity care                               consistent with the general framework of the i2010 initiative
                                                                                            [81], which aimed to foster an ICT single market, stimulate
       The potential of eHealth for multimorbidity care has                                 research and innovation, and ensure benefits for all citizens
       not yet been realized in a systematic and explicit way by                            in Europe. More recently, the public–private networking
       current policies. At the EU level, the issues of chronic care,                       operated under the European Innovation Partnership for
       multimorbidity, personalized health care and intelligent                             Active and Healthy Ageing (EIPAHA) [82] led to some mid-

How can eHealth improve care for people with multimorbidity in Europe?

                                                                           evaluation, especially in terms of the cost–effectiveness of
  Box 6: INCA programme (Netherlands)                                      the eHealth programmes, is also lacking and constitutes a
                                                                           gap for monitoring the performance, assessing the impact
  The INCA programme is focused on integrated care for
  patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2), cardiovascular             and reshaping ICT-based services in health care in general.
  risk management (CVRM) and chronic obstructive pulmonary                 A high degree of fragmentation in ICT infrastructures,
  disease (COPD), particularly in primary care settings. Developed         combined with large disparities in socioeconomic
  within a pilot project, the INCA model enables shared clinical           development within and between countries, can lead
  decision-making for preparing tailored care plans, in accordance
                                                                           to social and health inequalities in access to health care
  with Dutch care standards, by adopting a holistic perspective.
  The programme uses care standards and protocols that address             services.
  patients’ complex needs and takes into account lifestyles, medical
                                                                           The EU and national policy-makers have continued an
  interventions and psychosocial profiles. For each patient, an
  individual care plan is developed by health professionals and the        ambiguous process of goal-setting, specifically on eHealth
  patient together, also based on their risk profile, using stepped care   for multimorbidity. This means that, despite recognizing
  modules. This profile and related information, including complete        the important challenges posed by increased numbers
  EHRs, are registered in a ‘personal datastore’ accessible by both        of people with complex care needs, policy-makers have
  professionals and the patient in a dedicated online application
                                                                           not been successful in comprehensively defining eHealth
  (Patient Health Issue Web). Professionals also use a dedicated
  mHealth application for supporting information retrieval, sharing        for multimorbidity care and in offering a clear vision to
  and clinical decision-making.                                            patients, the health workforce and market players, i.e. a
                                                                           vision for how eHealth could play a pivotal role through the
                                                                           wide variety of ICT tools that can be exploited. There is a
term objectives in the areas of ICTs for integrated care [83]              lack of systematic incentives and reimbursement measures
and independent living [84,85], and stressed the importance                for people with multimorbidity to use eHealth solutions
of eHealth solutions for public health purposes.                           [3] which, together with uncertain legal and privacy
                                                                           frameworks for the status of some technologies, has a
EU policies in the field are limited by the fact that health
                                                                           negative impact on the availability of products and services
care systems are regulated by national legislations and there
                                                                           on the market. Producers are often small and medium-sized
is little space for input from European institutions, although
                                                                           enterprises (SMEs) with limited production capacity, their
some joint initiatives and international bodies have been
                                                                           own technology standards and low financial capacity. In
pushing for more harmonized systems in eHealth, including
                                                                           order to sustain this market, it is necessary to incentivize
the WHO [86–88] and the Organisation for Economic Co-
                                                                           both demand and supply, as well as to make the adoption
operation and Development (OECD) [89]. At national level,
                                                                           of eHealth solutions in the public health care sector easier
there is evidence of increasing interest from policy-makers
in dedicating attention to eHealth in general. A survey
conducted by the WHO Regional Office for Europe [16]                       A summary of the main EU and national policies in the
reported that 30 European countries out of the 47 surveyed                 field of eHealth, their impact on multimorbidity care,
have adopted a national eHealth policy or strategy, while                  as well as the gaps, is provided in Table 4, which is
31 had made available dedicated financial support for its                  structured according to the Lowi typology of policies [92],
implementation. Apart from the development of national                     distinguishing between them as distributive, constituent,
EHR systems as a widely recognized pillar in the health care               regulative and redistributive. The main EU funding
sector, telehealth and mHealth had also been considered in                 instruments for research and innovation in the field of
dedicated national policies or within the broader national                 eHealth are described in Box 7.
health plans in 29 and 17 countries respectively.
Although it is important to have eHealth present in national
policy discourse, such regulative policies had a mixed impact                Box 7: EU funding for research and innovation on eHealth
at an operational level, with gaps in implementation. There                  The European Commission started investing in health informatics
is a risk that, in some cases, policies were just symbolic                   in 1988 with the Advanced Informatics in Medicine (AIM)
and aimed to comply with current international policy                        Programme. Over the following 25 years, more than 500 research
trends, but with marginal effects in terms of actual design,                 and development projects in the field of eHealth were funded,
                                                                             with an overall budget of €1 billion, excluding the specific funding
development and operationalization of eHealth services                       for medical and biomedical technologies [93]. So far, EU funding
for the whole population. This is sustained by the barriers                  instruments have been used to support hundreds of pilots and
identified by WHO Europe [16]. National governments                          small to medium-scale eHealth projects, which have often shown
mentioned relevant challenges concerning the justification                   the difficulty or impossibility of proper entry into the market,
of significant expenditure on telehealth from the public                     contributing to what has been called the ‘plague of pilots’ [94].
                                                                             The main sources of funding for research and innovation at EU
budget and measuring the return on investment, which is                      level are currently [95]: the Horizon 2020 Programme; the Active
often not clear or demonstrable. Furthermore, consistent                     and Assisted Living (AAL) (formerly Ambient Assisted Living) Joint
with other analyses [14,24,29,30,32–34,41,72,73,82,90,91],                   Programme; the Health Programme 2014–2020 (formerly Public
findings from the ICARE4EU project stressed that the                         Health Programme); the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise
barriers to improving implementation of eHealth tools                        (SME) Instrument; and the European Structural and Investment
                                                                             Funds. Previously, the main funding instruments were the Seventh
perceived by programme managers generally concern:                           Framework Programme 2007–2013 and the Competitiveness and
the lack of proper legal policies and guidelines, perceived                  Innovation Framework Programme (CIP).
high costs, low familiarity with ICTs among both patients
and care professionals, and lack of standards. Systematic

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