Hopping and emergent dynamics of optical localized states in a trapping potential

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Hopping and emergent dynamics of optical localized states in a trapping potential
Hopping and emergent dynamics of optical localized states in a trapping
                                                           B. Garbin,1 J. Javaloyes,2 G. Tissoni,3 and S. Barland3
                                                              Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies, 91120, Palaiseau,
                                                              Departament de Fı́sica & IAC-3, Universitat de les Illes Balears, C/ Valldemossa km 7.5, 07122 Mallorca,
                                                              Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, Institut de Physique de Nice, F-06560 Valbonne,
                                                           (Dated: Compiled June 11, 2020)
                                                           The position and motion of localized states of light in propagative geometries can be controlled via an adequate
                                                           parameter modulation. Here, we show theoretically and experimentally that this process can be accurately
arXiv:1710.01017v2 [physics.optics] 10 Jun 2020

                                                           described as the phase locking of oscillators to an external forcing and that non-reciprocal interactions between
                                                           light bits can drastically modify this picture. Interactions lead to the convective motion of defects and to
                                                           unlocking as a collective emerging phenomenon.

                                                    Localized states can in principle exist at any                   a saddle-node or saddle-loop bifurcations, depending on
                                                  position in spatially extended nonlinear systems,                  the depth of the trapping site21–24 . Along the propaga-
                                                  provided space is invariant by translation. As a                   tion direction, theoretical and numerical studies focussed
                                                  consequence, they are expected to move when-                       on the impact of additional forces (inhomogeneities or
                                                  ever there is a deviation of perfect translational                 Raman scattering) on the trapping phenomenon25,26 . In
                                                  invariance or to diffuse under the influence of                    this propagative geometry context, however, most exper-
                                                  noise. A suitable spatial modulation of a param-                   iments do not offer access to a complete vision of the
                                                  eter may enable pinning of localized states. We                    phenomenon, first due to the difficulty to resolve com-
                                                  propose an experimental and theoretical analysis                   pletely both the fast intra round trip dynamics and the
                                                  of pinning optical localized states in a propaga-                  slow evolution over many round trips and second because
                                                  tive geometry. We show that the pinning of a                       interactions are in general not considered in the trapping
                                                  single localized state can be understood as phase                  process. Here we show, on the basis of experimental data
                                                  locking of an oscillator. When several localized                   and analytical calculations, that a unifying view of the
                                                  states coexist along the direction of propagation                  trapping process of a single structure is that of phase
                                                  of light, their mutual interactions are asymmet-                   locking of an oscillator, but also that interactions be-
                                                  ric: they lack Newton’s third law. This leads to a                 tween LSs can drastically alter their stability in a peri-
                                                  modification of their natural propagation velocity,                odic landscape.
                                                  which in turns influences their un-pinning from                       In propagative geometries, due to the fundamentally
                                                  the external modulation. The unlocking transi-                     periodic nature of optical resonators, each dissipative
                                                  tion is then a collective phenomenon ruled by the                  soliton forming along the direction of propagation (e.g.
                                                  number of interacting elements.                                    in Kerr fiber ring cavities or semiconductor lasers with
                                                                                                                     feedback) can be considered as an oscillator whose natu-
                                                                                                                     ral frequency is set by the soliton’s round-trip time in the
                                                  I.   INTRODUCTION                                                  resonator. Attempting to tweeze or trap these light bits
                                                                                                                     with a parameter modulation simply consists in trying
                                                     Several kinds of localized states (LSs) of light have           to lock the phase and frequency of each oscillator to that
                                                  been observed in many propagative experimental con-                of an external clock. The detuning between the forcing
                                                  figurations including forced nonlinear resonators1–6 , sub-        frequency and the nearest multiple of the inverse of the
                                                  critical lasers7 , or lasers with external forcing8,9 . In spite   round-trip time breaks the parity symmetry in a very
                                                  of their differences they share many properties, in partic-        similar way to a drift force in transverse systems.
                                                  ular the existence of a neutral mode associated to their              In the following we study the unpinning transition of
                                                  translation. Thanks to this feature, any perturbation              a single dissipative soliton and identify experimentally
                                                  non-orthogonal to this neutral mode will cause motion of           the signature of the saddle-node on a circle (SNIC) bi-
                                                  LSs10 and adequately prepared landscapes can be used               furcation. We also analyse in terms of oscillator phases
                                                  to trap localized solutions. This has been realized ex-            the spatial distribution of LSs in the locked and un-
                                                  perimentally in many systems, both in the transverse               locked regimes, relating their collective motion to the
                                                  dimension11–14 and along propagation15–20 . In transverse          lack of a common clock (diffusive process), but also to
                                                  systems, it has already been noted that the dynamics of a          their asymmetrical repulsive interaction (see especially27
                                                  cavity soliton nucleating on and escaping from a trapping          in this same issue). When several LSs are pinned
                                                  position in presence of a drift term can be described as           they form a lattice and due to their interactions we

                                                                                     1000                                                                                                 10
observe the propagation of a dislocation in this lat-
                                                                                                                                                              A                           8                                  B
tice, i.e. a metasoliton closely related to supersolitons
                                                                                                                              8                                                           6
and soliton Newton craddle predicted theoretically in

                                                                                                                                                                       Time (ns)
                                                                                            Roundtrip time difference (ps)
                                                                                     800                                      6                                                           4
conservative28–30 and dissipative25,31 settings. These ob-                                                                    4

                                                                 Round trip number
servations can be reproduced numerically and the equa-                                                                        2
                                                                                                                              0                                                           0
tion describing the unpinning bifurcation of a single soli-                          600
                                                                                                                              2                                                           -2
ton can be established analytically. This equation hap-                                                                       4                                                                0     200   400   600   800   1000

pens to also be very close to the one that describes the
                                                                                                                              6               k                                           20
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Roundtrip number
                                                                                     400                                     0.495           0.500             0.505                                                         C
formation of solitons in this system, based on a forced                                                                              Modulation period (τsol )

                                                                                                                                                                       Number of events
oscillator8 . When many structures are present, we show
that beyond simply altering the diffusive process, soliton                           200

interactions lead to an anticipated unlocking transition.                                                                                                                                  5

                                                                                       0                                                                                                   0
                                                                                        0                             2              4       6       8       10                             0       100 200 300 400 500 600 700
                                                                                                                                Time (ns)                                                          Lifetime (roundtrips)

                                                               Figure 1. Trajectory of a dissipative soliton in a periodic
   The experimental setup is based on a single transverse      trap close to the unpinning transition. A) Experimental spa-
and longitudinal mode Vertical Cavity Surface Emit-            tiotemporal diagram in the reference frame of the free running
ting Laser (VCSEL) with optical injection and delayed          soliton. Inset: numerically obtained locking diagram. In the
feedback8 . The VCSEL is biased at very high current           locked (central) region, the soliton’s round trip time deviates
(typically seven times the lasing threshold), ensuring high    from its natural value and tracks the modulation period. B)
damping of relaxation oscillations. The injection beam         Position (blue) and velocity (green) of the LS in the reference
frequency is detuned of about 5 GHz from that of the           frame of the trap. C) Histogram of residence time.
standalone laser and the amount of injected power (a few
percent of the emitted power) is set such that the VCSEL
field is phase locked to the external forcing, very close to   cally observed soliton roundtrip frequency depending on
the unlocking transition. In this regime the laser be-         the phase modulation frequency (see also Sec. III for de-
haves as an neuron-like excitable system, well described       tails). It shows that the soliton round trip time tracks
by the Adler equation32 . A very low reflectivity external     a submultiple of the modulation period (central portion)
mirror (typically 1 %) is placed in front of the VCSEL         until it abruptly unlocks, in a way that is compatible
so as to define with the latter a compound cavity (typi-       with a saddle-node on a circle bifurcation (see eg 36 for
cally 2 m long) in which dissipative solitons based on the     an optomechanical example). The soliton is locked in the
SNIC phase space structure are stable and can be inde-         central region and unlocked elsewhere. The red circle in-
pendently addressed8 via a Lithium Niobate phase mod-          dicates the experimentally studied parameter region. At
ulator operating on the driving beam33,34 . We trap the        the unlocking transition, the soliton is most of the time
solitons by driving the Lithium Niobate phase modula-          trapped into meta-stable states from which it randomly
tor, with an additional sinusoidal signal whose frequency      jumps away into a neighbouring trap. The direction of
is close enough to a multiple of the inverse of the round-     the jumps is set by the detuning between the modulation
trip time of the soliton in the extended cavity τsol . In      frequency and the closest multiple of the soliton inverse
the comoving reference frame, this results in a spatially      round-trip time. On Fig. 1 B), we plot the position and
periodic modulation of the background solution. How-           speed of the soliton in the reference frame of the trap.
ever (unlike the usual situation in transverse systems)        The position shows the trajectory of an overdamped par-
this trap continuously shifts towards one or the other         ticle in a tilted periodic potential37 . Correspondingly, the
side with respect to the stationary soliton, depending on      velocity is essentially zero during long periods of time,
the detuning between the modulation frequency and the          separated by random spikes all identical to each other
nearest multiple of the inverse round-trip time. The dy-       which correspond to the random jumps of the particle
namics of a single structure can be analyzed in detail via     from one well to the next. The transition between trap-
numerical integration of a set ordinary differential equa-     ping and escaping of the soliton therefore takes place as
tions with delay35 . Depending on the detuning between         large amplitude events identical to each other and irregu-
the phase modulation frequency and the soliton round-          larly distributed in time. This transition (almost infinite
trip frequency, the latter can lock to the modulation or       period with finite amplitude) is compatible with a SNIC
drift away from it (see Fig. 1).                               bifurcation in presence of noise which triggers the jumps.
   In Fig. 1A), the oblique stripes reveal the spatial mod-    We show on Fig. 1C) the histogram of the particle resi-
ulation caused by the trapping modulation. The modula-         dence time in a given well. Although the statistical sam-
tion frequency (fmod = 2.27 GHz) is slightly higher than       ple is not extremely large (about 50 events in total), this
20 times the inverse of the soliton round-trip time and        histogram can readily be interpreted in terms of an expo-
the stripes’ slope shows the nonstationarity of the trap       nential decay at large times (manifestation of Kramer’s
due to this detuning. On the inset, we show the numeri-        law38 ) with a cut-off at short time basically set by the du-

              3000                                                            500
                                                                                    B                    the very large broadening of the second histogram as well
                2500                                                          300
                                                                                                         as the emergence of a third peak. However, purely diffu-

                                                                              200                        sive motion can be expected only when particles do not
  Round trip number

                 2000                                                         100
                                                                                                         interact, which is not the case here: the gaps between
                                                                                0   0.5    1   1.5
                                                                                        Time (ns)
                                                                                                         the first and second (resp. second and third) peak of
                                                        h                 2500
                                                                                                         the histogram tend to close very fast, but the gap before
                1000                                                      2000
                                                                                                         the first peak remains extremely pronounced in the un-


                      500                                                 1000
                                                                                                         locked regime. This gap demonstrates that interactions
                                                                 h            500                        strongly influence the phase diffusion of the oscillators
                        0       2   4         6     8       10
                                                                                0   0.5    1   1.5   2   i.e. the collective motion of dissipative solitons in the
                                        Time (ns)                                       Time (ns)
                                                                                                         trapping landscape.
Figure 2. Unpinning transition with many interacting struc-                                                 Further insight on the role of interactions can be gained
tures. A) Spatiotemporal diagram in the reference frame of                                               from an analysis of a synchronization indicator as a func-
the trap. B),C) Histogram of the solitons inter-distances re-                                            tion of the number of particles. To quantify the over-
spectively plotted for the last (resp. first) 1000 round-trips.                                          all synchronization of the full population, we measure
                                                                                                         the squareP  modulus of the P Kuramoto order parameter
                                                                                                         r2 = N12 [( j sin φj )2 + ( j cos φj )2 ] where the φj are
ration of the velocity spikes themselves. This dynamics is                                               the phases of each oscillator with respect to the common
perfectly analogue to that of an overdamped particle in a                                                forcing. This measurement is shown on Fig. 3. On the
tilted potential in a noisy environment described by the                                                 top panel, r2 as a function of time the round trip number
Adler equation39,40 , which also describes the evolution of                                              shows that a transition taks place about roundtrip 1200,
a forced phase oscillator at the unlocking transition37,41 .                                             the system switching away from complete synchroniza-
   The unpinning transition of many solitons is shown on                                                 tion to a much more disordered phase. Interestingly, this
Fig. 2. Here we place the observer in the reference frame                                                transition can also be observed when measuring r2 as a
of the trapping landscape. In the first 1200 round-trips,                                                function of the number of oscillators which are present si-
16 solitons occupy 16 stable traps out of the 20 available.                                              multaneously. The bottom panel of Fig. 3 suggests that
From time to time some solitons escape randomly and                                                      the system departs from almost perfect synchronization
fall into the empty neighbouring trap. In the case of the                                                towards a more disordered phase when the number of os-
events occurring at (10.5,250) or (9,1200) the neighbour-                                                cillator decreases below 16. This suggests that the tran-
ing trap is already occupied and one of the two solitons                                                 sition is strongly impacted by the interactions between
vanishes because two solitons can not occupy one single                                                  the dissipative solitons.
narrow trap whose temporal duration is set by the mod-                                                      An extreme example of the impact of interactions is
ulation frequency to 1/(2fmod ) = 0.22 ns. This is due                                                   shown on Fig. 4. Here we show the trajectories of seven
to a repulsive interaction between them8 , caused by the                                                 solitons coexisting in a (stationary) six-traps landscape.
refractory time following excitable spikes in this injected                                              Here the trap is shallow and repulsive interactions pre-
laser (of the order of 0.4 ns42 ).                                                                       vent the coexistence of two LS inside one single trap.
   At around round-trip 1500, all solitons progressively                                                 Upon the arrival of one soliton the other is expelled and
start escaping their traps towards the right, each of them                                               falls into the neighboring trap, where the process repeats
following a periodically oscillating trajectory. Consider-                                               itself. Thus, the flow of solitons is fundamentally due
ing the solitons as non interacting oscillators, this change                                             to their interactions. The disturbance propagating from
of behavior can be seen as an unlocking transition from                                                  left to right in Fig. 4 is analogous to a dislocation in a
the common forcing, but this description is very incom-                                                  soliton lattice due to the period mismatch between the
plete as we shall see. We show on Fig. 2B),C) the his-                                                   lattice and the underlying potential: a metasoliton. This
tograms of the temporal separations between solitons.                                                    is very similar to the supersolitons described theoreti-
On panel C) (trapped regime) two peaks are clearly vis-                                                  cally in28 but here the collisions result from the non-
ible and well separated. Their absolutely minimal width                                                  commensurability of the interacting soliton solution with
(less than 100 ps) results from all the oscillators being                                                the trap’s period.
locked: their relative phase is defined to the precision of
the trapping potential acting as a master clock. On the
second histogram (round-trips 1500 to 2500) the rem-
nants of the peaks are considerably broadened. Since
the oscillators are not locked, their phase with respect to                                              III.   THEORETICAL ANALYSIS
the forcing deterministically drifts (due to the detuning)
and randomly diffuses due to noise. This diffusion is re-
lated to the dispersion in the response time of excitable                                                  The phase locking of a single structure can be repro-
systems near the excitation threshold42,43 . Diffusion of                                                duced and analyzed numerically by running simulations
overdamped particles in tilted potential is dramatically                                                 of a set of differential equations with the addition of a
enhanced close to the drifting threshold44 , which explains                                              delayed retroaction term, established in35 :


                                 0.5                                                                                                                              30

                                                                                                                                Round trip time difference (ps)

                                 0.0                                                                                                                               0
                                               500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000                                                                                        10
                                                   Round trip number                                                                                               20
                               1.00                                                                                                                                  1.0
                                                                                                                                                                        Modu0.8 0.6                                                   0.52
                                                                                                                                                                             lation                                             0.51 (τ sol)
                               0.75                                                                                                                                                 ampli 0.4
                                                                                                                                                                                              (radia 0.2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        0.5 n perio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0.49 Modulatio
                                                                                                                                                                                                    n)     0.0

                               0.25                                                                                             Figure 5. Locking of a soliton to a periodic modulation ob-
                                                                                                                                served on numerical simulations of the model 1. The blue
                                       17              16     15 14 13 12                                            11         dots correspond to the highest modulation amplitude (0.8 ra-
                                                            Number of oscillators                                               dians) whereas the orange dots show the maximal deviation
                                                                                                                                from the natural period. These points are also projected on
                                                                                                                                the bottom plane of the figure, where they display an Arnold’s
                                                                                                                                tongue. Parameters are: Isl = 6, τ = 5 ns, Y0 = 0.01116,
Figure 3. Synchronization to the external forcing. Top: r2                                                                      K = 0.00446, Θ = −2.97902, γ = 10−4 , κ = 4.10−2 , α = 3,
as a function of time. Due to the rather small number of                                                                        φ = 0.
elements to average over, the data is noisy (blue dots) and the
curve is better read with smoothing over time (orange line).
Bottom: r2 as a function of the number of oscillators. The
large error bars are an effect of the small number of oscillators.                                                              plus a sinusoidal phase modulation of amplitude Am and
                                                                                                                                frequency ωm : Y (t) = Y0 exp(iAm sin(ωm t))
                                                                                                                                   Θ is the frequency mismatch of the injected field with
                                                                                                                                respect to the closest empty cavity resonance (normalised

                                                                                                                                to the cavity decay rate κ), α is the linewidth enhance-
Round trip number

                                                                   round-trip number

                                                                                                                                ment factor, τ is the external cavity round-trip time,
                     400                                                                                                        K and φ are the feedback amplitude and phase, re-

                                                                                                                                spectively. The presence of the equation for the macro-
                                                                                                                                scopic polarization P allows us to include in the model
                           0     2     4        6
                                           Time (ns)
                                                        8    10
                                                                                              0   20   40   x   60   80   100   the asymmetric gain curve typical of semiconductor me-
                                                                                                                                dia, and the functions Γ(D) = 0.276 + 1.016D, δ(D) =
Figure 4. Newton craddle with light bits. Left: experimental                                                                    –0.169 + 0.216D account for the gain lineshape and peak
observation of seven interacting LS leading to the propagation                                                                  frequency dependence on the carrier density D. They are
of a dislocation in the soliton lattice. Right: Numerical simu-                                                                 obtained by fitting the microscopic susceptibility of the
lations of Eq. 4 with parameters ∆  ¯ = −0.76, ψ = 0, M = 0.6,                                                                  active medium45–47 .
ω = 12π/L and L = 100, σ = 0.1.                                                                                                    Time is normalized to the dephasing time of the mi-
                                                                                                                                croscopic dipoles τd (typically 100 fs), whereas κ and γ
                                                                                                                                are defined as κ = τd /τp and γ = τd /τnr , where τp and
                                                                                                                                τnr are the cavity photon lifetime and the non–radiative
                                                                                                                                carrier recombination time. Finally, Isl is a parameter
                               Ė = κ Y (t) + P − (1 + iΘ)E + Keiφ E(t − τ )
                                                                                                                                related to the pump current normalized in such a way
                                                                                                                                that the threshold for the solitary laser is Ithr = 1.
                               Ṗ = Γ(D)(1 + i∆(D)) (1 − iα)DE − P             (1)
                                                1                                                                                  On figure 5, we show the numerically measured de-
                               Ḋ = γ Isl − D − (EP ∗ + E ∗ P )
                                                2                                                                               viation of the single soliton roundtrip time from its
                                                                                                                                roundtrip time in absence of modulation, as a function
   where E and P are the slowly varying envelopes of                                                                            of the amplitude and the frequency of the trapping po-
the electric field and of the effective macroscopic polar-                                                                      tential.
ization, respectively, D is the excess of carrier density                                                                          Here one can clearly recognise that the period of the
with respect to transparency. Y (t) is the amplitude of                                                                         soliton follows that of the phase modulation over a whole
the injected field, that is now time dependent, consisting                                                                      range of frequencies, as shown on the (y, z) projection of
in a CW field Y0 (taken real without loss of generality)                                                                        the data (also on the inset of Fig. 1). This range of

frequencies over which this locking takes place obviously                  strength M (ω) is a function of the frequency ω, as ex-
changes with the amplitude of the forcing, as appears                      pected if one remembers that it actually corresponds to
on the horizontal (x, y) plane on Fig. 5. The triangular                   the parametric forcing of an oscillator. The third and
shape of this projection reflects the Arnold’s tongue due                  fourth terms represent the force between nearest neigh-
to locking a periodically propagating dissipative soliton                  bors. In deriving Eq. 4, we assumed that the kinks are
to an external modulation.                                                 not too close, and that the interaction terms are small,
   In spite of its insight about the physical origin of the                so that we can safely neglect second order additional cou-
interactions between the dissipative solitons35 , the model                pling arising via the inertia terms. The effective force F
1 is difficult to handle analytically. Thus, we base our                   contains interactions mediated by all the terms of Eq. 2,
following analysis on the simplified model derived in8 for                 and, although cumbersome, the expression of F can be
the phase of the emitted field with respect to that of the                 found analytically. However, as soon as the distance be-
driving beam. Assuming that α is the Henry linewidth                       tween the kinks is larger than a few times their typical
enhancement factor of the laser and the delayed feedback                   width, one can use an asymptotic approximation that
has a phase φ, we define ψ = φ+arctan α to find that the                   simply reads
equation governing the evolution of θ = φlaser − φinj +
arctan α reads                                                                       Fψ (δ) = (4 sgn (δ) + 6πψ) exp (− |δ|) ,        (5)

                                                                           with δ the distance between consecutive LSs.
                                                                              Distant LSs interact via their exponentially decaying
    ∂θ  ¯ − sin [θ + ϕ (x)] + ∂ θ + tan ψ                ∂θ
       =∆                                                          , (2)   tails. While many salient examples of Solitons are even
    ∂ξ                        ∂x2                        ∂x
                                                                           functions, as e.g solutions of the Nonlinear Schrödinger,
where we introduced the effective detuning ∆    ¯ and the                  Ginzburg-Landau or Lugiato-Lefever equations, the left
pseudo-space variable (x) representing the local position                  and right exponential tails are not necessarily identical
of the light bits within a period. The slow temporal                       (see eg 48 ). As such, the interactions between LSs may not
variable (ξ) contains the residual evolution induced e.g.                  be reciprocal and their dynamics may disobey the action-
by interactions between LSs, noise and the action of the                   reaction principle, as demonstrated recently in passively
modulated injected field, see8 for details. We assume the                  mode-locked lasers17 . This is also the case here. This fact
latter to be of the following form ϕ (x) = m sin (ωx).                     is not inconsistent with the parity symmetry of Eq. 2. As
                  ¯ ψ, m  1, one can reconstruct ana-
   Considering ∆,                                                          we have two solutions branches, the symmetry only maps
lytically the effective equations of motion of several dis-                the kink over the anti-kink solution while both solutions
tant LSs using a variational approach. We evaluate the                     are neither even nor odd in general.
interactions between distant kinks by projecting their                        From Eq. 4 in the case of a single LS, we can clearly see
residual interactions on the dual of their neutral trans-                  the possibility of an Adler Locking-Unlocking transition
lation mode. When (∆,   ¯ ψ, m) = 0, analytical 2π homo-                   (SNIC bifurcation) for the LS drifting speed depending
clinic orbits corresponding to kink and anti-kink solutions                on the precise value of M as compared to the two critical
of Eq. 2 are known and read Θ (x) = 4 arctan exp (x) .                     values Mc = ± π4 ∆   ¯ + 2ψ . The system possesses a sin-
When (∆, ψ, m) 6= (0, 0, 0) the perturbed solution takes                   gle stable (and an unstable) equilibrium point, provided
the form                                                                   that |M | ≥ |Mc |. In this case, the position evolves into a
                          X                                                washboard potential that exhibits for each period a min-
             θ (x, ξ) =         Θ [x − aj (ξ)] + · · ·              (3)    imum and a maximum corresponding to each of these
                          j=1                                              fixed points. Sufficiently close to the unlocking transi-
                                                                           tion, excitability is found in the motion of solitons in the
where the dots represent higher order corrections. Multi-                  trap and noise can generate random sequence of excur-
plying by the adjoint eigenvector of the goldstone (trans-                 sions where the LS “falls” from one weakly stable poten-
lation) mode and integrating over R allows us to find the                  tial minimum toward the next, as depicted experimen-
following dynamical equations for the positions aj (ξ)                     tally in Fig. 1. In the presence of an external force field,
      daj     π ¯                                                         we show numerical simulations in Fig. 4b) demonstrat-
          =− ∆     + 2ψ − M (ω) sin (ωaj )                          (4)    ing the interplay between the action of the modulation
      dξ      4
                                                                           potential and the repulsive forces between nearest neigh-
          − F (aj+1 − aj ) − F (aj−1 − aj ) + ση(t).
                                                                           boring solitons, which result, as in the experiment, in the
with M (ω) = m(πω 2 /4) sech(πω/2)] and η(t) is a white                    propagation of a meta-soliton.
Gaussian noise accounting for experimental fluctuations.                      The fundamentally collective phenomenon depicted in
The first term in Eq. 4 represents the additional drift                    Fig. 2 can be explained in the framework presented in
imposed by the combined presence of the detuning and                       Eq. 4. Interactions between LSs renormalize their drift-
of the gradient squared terms. As such the exact period                    ing speed which becomes a function of N , the number of
of the perturbed orbits is slightly different from the one                 LSs. As the drifting speed (or equivalently, the repeti-
found in the unperturbed case. The second term stems                       tion period of the oscillator) of N1 LSs is slightly different
from the action of the modulated potential. As the mod-                    from that of N2 LSs, one foresees that a periodic solu-
ulation is averaged over the extent of the LSs, its effective              tion with N1 LSs could be locked to the frequency of

                                                                tive optical solitons, i.e. of a metasoliton. Also, the
                                                  (a)           experimental observation of a globally locked state to a
                                                                disordered phase when the number of interacting oscilla-
                                                                tors change suggests that this platform could be interest-
                    0.5                                         ing in the more general framework of synchronization in
                                                                complex systems.
 10-3 round-trips

                                                 (b)            V.      DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT

                    0.5                                           The data that support the findings of this study are
                                                                available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
                          0   20   40     60            80
Figure 6. Impact of interactions on the collective motion in
the phase model. Left: Numerical observation of 16 LSs sta-
bly trapped (bottom) and 11 LSs collectively drifting (top).      J.J. acknowledge the financial support of the
Both situations coexist with identical parameters in model 4    MINECO Project MOVELIGHT (PGC2018-099637-B-
and only differ in the number of light particles. Parameters    100 AEI/FEDER UE). S.B., G.T. and B.G. acknowledge
    ¯ = −0.47, ψ = 0.2, M = 0.052, ω = 40π/L, L = 80 and
are ∆                                                           the support from Région Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur
σ = 0.018                                                       through grant number DEB 12-1538.

the external modulation while another solution with N2          REFERENCES
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