HONEY SHOW - Georgia Beekeepers Association
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Georgia Living Program 1 HONEY SHOW presented by The Georgia National Fair and Georgia Beekeepers Association Show Chairperson Brutz English, GBA North District Director, 770-843-2110, brutzenglish@gmail.com Exhibits Received: Saturday, October 9, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EXHIBITS SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE MILLER-MURPHY-HOWARD BUILDING, CONFERENCE ROOM C. Enter through the North or West gates of the Georgia National Fairgrounds and come to the front (West) glass doors of the Miller-Murphy-Howard building. ELIGIBILITY the exhibitor has entered. 1. All exhibitors are required to read 6. All exhibitors must sign an affidavit and abide by the Georgia National Fair stating that entries were produced by the General Rules And Regulations. PLEASE exhibitor in conformity with the rules as NOTE…IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO stated herein. READ AND UNDERSTAND THE RULES. 7. In instances where the exhibit may If you have questions, you may certainly qualify for consideration in multiple classes, e-mail us at contests@gnfa.com. Please the exhibitor shall have the final decision help us prevent entry disqualifications. as to which class to enter the exhibit. This 2. The Honey Show is open to anyone selection will not be overturned by the who wishes to enter with the exception of judge(s), and said exhibit will be judged individuals serving as judges, stewards, or based on the criteria set forth in the show secretaries, or their immediate family selected class. members (spouses, children, parents, or 8. All entries must have been produced siblings). by the exhibitor within the last calendar year. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS 9. Once entry items have been accepted 3. Exhibitors must complete an official into the competition by the Show Secretary, entry form of the Georgia National Fair or entries may not be altered. you may also enter online at https://www. 10. After submitting entries to the Show georgianationalfair.com/p/georgialiving/ Secretary, exhibitors may not enter the finearts. area where the entries have been placed. 4. Only one entry per class, per exhibitor, is allowed. Duplication of entries by families is DELIVERY OF ENTRIES prohibited. 11. Exhibitors should enter through the 5. Each exhibitor must provide the North or West gates of the Fair Grounds Secretary with a 3x5 index card with the and come to the front (West) glass doors of exhibitor’s name, mailing address, phone the Miller-Murphy-Howard Building. There number, e-mail address, and class in which will be security stationed at the doors, but
Georgia Living Program 2 your honey entries will be your admission Third Place 4 points into the building. Very Highly Commendable 3 points 12. Entries should be delivered to the Highly Commendable 2 points Show Secretary who will be located at Commendable 1 point Conference Room C of the Miller-Murphy- Howard Building between 9:00 AM and JUDGING CRITERIA 12:00 PM. 15. Only Certified Welsh Honey Judges SHIPPING OF ENTRIES will be used for this show. 13. Exhibits may be submitted by USPS 16. Judging will begin at 12:00 PM on mail or commercial package delivery. 14. October 9. All entries will be moved after These exhibits must be shipped or mailed, the judging and will be on display for the along with a fully completed entry form, remainder of the Fair (October 9-17). to the following address: “GBA Honey 17. The decisions of the judges are final. Show Committee, 901 Thomaston St., After judging is complete, the exhibitor Barnesville, GA 30204”. may meet with the class judge to discuss 14. Exhibits submitted by mail or package their entry and ask questions. The show delivery must be RECEIVED no later administrator will appoint a Referee who than October 8, 2021. No entries will be shall have final say in any matter pertaining accepted after this deadline. It is solely the to the contest. responsibility of the Exhibitor to make any 18. Exhibitors found willfully cheating, or and all provision(s) necessary to ensure purposefully altering or disfiguring an entry exhibits submitted by mail or package for the purpose of influencing the validity delivery arrive by the specified deadline. of judging will be disqualified from the 15. Neither the GNF, the GBA, nor the contest, as well as from any future honey honey show committee shall be responsible shows sponsored by the GNF for a period for any damage to any exhibit(s) submitted of not less than three (3) years. via USPS mail or commercial shipping. RELEASE AWARDS AND PREMIUMS 19. Honey will be released Tuesday, 11. It is the intention that ribbons will be October 19, 12 PM - 8 PM and given in all classes even if there is only Wednesday, October 20, 10 AM - 4 PM. one entry in the class. However, in order There will be no early release of exhibits. to receive an award, that entry must be Exhibitors may choose to have their entries worthy of placement. Entry into a class returned by mail if they provide postage does not guarantee an award. and packaging. 12. Ribbons will be awarded as follows: Blue for First Place, Red for Second RULES FOR INDIVIDUAL CLASSES Place, and White for Third Place in each respective class. HONEY 13. A purple ribbon shall be awarded for 20. Extracted honey is judged in three Best in Show. This award shall go to the subclasses: (a) light, (b) medium or amber, entry which the judge(s) determine to be and (c) dark. Entrants may submit one the best among all classes. The decisions exhibit in each of these three classes. of the judge or judges are final. One exhibit of extracted honey is defined 14. Prize cards with point values for as three (3) one-pound jars. All forms of participants in the Welsh Honey Judging extracted honey are to be presented in Program will be awarded to the Best in one-pound, glass (no plastic), “Queen- Show winner and all first through sixth line” or “Classic” style jars; any exhibits place winners in all classes as follows: submitted in any other style of jar or container will be disqualified. Closures Best in Show 6 points may be of metal or plastic. Tamper-proof First Place 6 points seals are strictly prohibited; any exhibits Second Place 5 points submitted with any tamper-proof seal(s)
Georgia Living Program 3 will be disqualified. Judges evaluate bottom, center of each jar, ½ inch from the entries on the following: confirmation with bottom of the jar. the criteria set forth herein; cleanliness 22. Chunk Comb Honey - One entry of of the jar and lid; uniformity of the jars chunk honey is defined as three (3) one- that comprise the exhibit; cleanliness and pound jars. Chunk honey must be displayed clarity of the honey; moisture content (only in straight sided, uncolored, glass, wide if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off mouth, jars. The glass should not be aromas or flavors); and correct fill level. embossed. Such jars are available from *See Appendix hereafter for notes on many commercial beekeeping suppliers. correct jars and fill level. Only one chunk of comb should be in each The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, jar for competition. The chunk of comb as provided by the honey show Secretary, must be in one piece, of uniform thickness, on each of the jars comprising the exhibit. with a straight mid rib. The cuts should be The label should be affixed at the front, clean and uniform. The chunk comb should bottom, center of each jar, ½ inch from the be cut and sized to appropriately fit the bottom of the jar. container. The honey should fill the rest 21: Novice Extracted Honey - This class of the jar to the correct fill line. The comb is open only to exhibitors who have never should be oriented in the container as found won a first prize in any extracted honey naturally in the hive. Comb with watery category at any prior honey show. An cappings should be avoided. The comb exhibit consists of one (1) one-pound jar should extend the length of the jar. The of extracted honey, as specified in rule chunk of comb should account for at least #14 under the General Rules of the Honey fifty percent (50%) of the internal volume Show. Except for the number of jars which of the jar. Judges evaluate entries on the comprise an entry, the judging criteria is the following: confirmation with the criteria set same as that for Extracted Honey. forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and lid; The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, correct fill level; uniformity of the two jars as provided by the honey show Secretary, that comprise the entry; cleanliness and on the exhibit. The label should be affixed clarity of the honey; moisture content (only at the front, bottom, center of the jar, if needed); and aroma and flavor (for off approximately ½ inch from the bottom of aromas or flavors). the jar. The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, 21. Creamed Honey - An entry of as provided by the honey show Secretary, creamed honey is three (3) wide mouth on each of the jars comprising the exhibit. jars. Creamed honey must be displayed The labels should be affixed at the front, in clear straight-sided glass jars with one- bottom, center of each jar, approximately ½ piece lids. Judges evaluate entries on the inch from the bottom of the jar. following: : confirmation with the criteria 23. Cut Comb Honey - An exhibit of cut set forth herein; cleanliness of the jar and comb honey is three (3) boxes. The boxes lid; uniformity of the two jars that comprise must be transparent on all sides made the entry; cleanliness and clarity of the for displaying cut comb. Each box of cut honey; moisture content (only if needed); comb should weigh a minimum of twelve and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or (12) ounces. The chunk of comb must be flavors); fineness of crystals; uniformity in one piece, with a straight mid rib and of and firmness of product; cleanliness and uniform thickness. Virgin comb with this freedom from foam or from added flavors, year’s wax is preferred. All foundation striation or colors; and correct fill level. *See should be unwired, thin surplus. The cuts Appendix hereafter for notes on correct jars should be clean and uniform. There should and fill level. be no leaking of honey from comb into The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, the box. Judges evaluate entries on the as provided by the honey show Secretary, following: confirmation with the criteria on each of the jars comprising the exhibit. set forth herein; uniformity of the items The label should be affixed at the front, that comprise the entry; uniformity of
Georgia Living Program 4 appearance and color (including the honey Frames must be shown in protective in the comb); cleanliness of the jar and lid; casing without lacing or edging and both completeness of capping; cleanliness and sides of the comb should be visible. There clarity of the honey; absence of pollen, should be no leaking of honey from comb brood, uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” into the case. The frame must be easily cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; accessible for judging. Judges evaluate freedom from granulation, pollen, and entries on the following: confirmation with brood; moisture content (only if needed); the criteria set forth herein; completeness and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or of capping; uniformity of appearance and flavors). color (including the honey in the comb); The Exhibitor shall place ID one label, cleanliness of the comb and frame; as provided by the honey show Secretary, absence of pollen, brood, uncapped cells, on each of the containers comprising the “wet” or “watery” cappings, or travel stains exhibit. The labels should be affixed at the on the cappings; freedom from granulation; front, bottom, center of each container. moisture content (only if needed); and 25. Section Comb Honey - An exhibit of aroma and flavor (for off aromas or flavors). section comb honey is three (3) sections. Total weight of the exhibit may be used as a Ross rounds and square section entries tiebreaker. must be displayed in the original square or The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, circular section. Sections must be in the as provided by the honey show Secretary, containers made for the display of their on the top, middle of the frame and on the respective style of section comb honey. right hand corner of the window uppermost The main display panel of the containers of the display case containing the exhibit. may not be obscured or obstructed in 27. Black Jar Honey - An entry consists any way. One or more of the container(s) of not less than two ounces, nor more may be opened to facilitate the Judge’s than four ounces, of honey. Entries are to evaluation of the exhibit. There should be submitted in black or colored jar which be no leaking of honey from comb into entirely obscures the contents of the jar. the box. Judges evaluate entries on the Judges evaluate entries for flavor only. following: confirmation with the criteria The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, set forth herein; uniformity of the items as provided by the honey show Secretary, that comprise the entry; uniformity of on the exhibit. The label should be affixed appearance and color (including the honey at the front, bottom, center of the jar, in the comb); cleanliness of the jar and lid; approximately ½ inch from the bottom of completeness of capping; cleanliness and the jar. clarity of the honey; absence of pollen, BEESWAX brood, uncapped cells, “wet” or “watery” 25. Beeswax Block - An exhibit consists of cappings, or travel stains on the cappings; one (1) block of pure beeswax. The block freedom from granulation, pollen, and must weigh between one to two pounds, brood; moisture content (only if needed); no more, and should have thickness no and aroma and flavor (for off aromas or greater than 1.5 inches. The wax should flavors). be clean, and free of impurities. The block The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, should be smooth-surfaced and free of as provided by the honey show Secretary, blemishes, decorations or embellishments. on each of the containers comprising the Beeswax wax should be of a vibrant, exhibit. The labels should be affixed at the natural beeswax color, and should have a front, bottom, center of each container. pleasant, natural beeswax fragrance. The 26. Full Frame Comb Honey - An exhibit block should be submitted on a plain, white of full frame comb honey is one (1) paper plate, in a zip-top bag. Alternatively, standard Langstroth style frame of capped at the Exhibitor’s option, the block may honey. The use of plastic foundation is be shown in a protective display case. If prohibited; exhibits with comb drawn on a show case is used, it must not exceed plastic foundation will be disqualified. 12”(length) x12”(width) x4”(depth), and the
Georgia Living Program 5 wax block must be readily accessible for Judges evaluate entries on the following: judging. Judges evaluate entries on the confirmation with the criteria set forth in following: confirmation with the criteria set herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off forth herein; cleanliness; color; finish; and aromas); performance; and uniformity. aroma (for off aromas). The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, as provided by the honey show Secretary, as provided by the honey show Secretary, on the bottom of each of the candle holders on the underside of the wax block, and the the candles were submitted with, and second label on the top right-hand corner another label on the bottom, or at the base, of the display case lid or plastic bag. of each of the candles. 26. Beeswax Bars - An exhibit is 28. Molded Taper Beeswax Candles - defined as six (6) identical one (1) ounce Molded Taper Beeswax Candles are beeswax bars. Beeswax wax should be judged in two subclasses: (a) uncolored, of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and and (b) colored. Exhibitors may submit one should have a pleasant, natural beeswax exhibit in each of these two subclasses. fragrance. The wax should be clean, An exhibit is defined as three (3) candles. and free of impurities. The bars should be The wax should be clean, and free of smooth-surfaced and free of blemishes. impurities. Beeswax wax should be of The bars should be submitted on a a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and plain, white paper plate, in a zip-top bag. should have a pleasant, natural beeswax Alternatively, at the Exhibitor’s option, the fragrance. Molded tapers must have flat block may be shown in a protective display finished bases with wicks well centered. case. If a show case is used, it must not The minimum length of all taper candles is exceed 12”(length) x12”(width) x4”(depth), eight inches. Wicks must be waxed and and the wax bars must be readily accessible trimmed to one-half inch in length. One of for judging. Judges evaluate entries on the the candles in each exhibit will be burned. following: confirmation with the criteria set All candles must be presented in a free- forth herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for standing, fire-proof base or candle holder. off aromas); uniformity; casting flaws; and Judges evaluate entries on the following: sharpness of detail. confirmation with the criteria set forth in The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off as provided by the honey show Secretary, aromas); performance; uniformity; casting on the bottom center of the paper plate the flaws; and sharpness of detail. wax blocks were submitted on, and the The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, second label on the top right-hand corner as provided by the honey show Secretary, of the display case lid or plastic bag. on the bottom of each of the candle holders 27. Dipped Taper Beeswax Candles are the candles were submitted with, and judged in two subclasses: (a) uncolored, another label on the bottom, or at the base, and (b) colored. Exhibitors may submit one of each of the candles. exhibit in each of these two subclasses. 28. Molded Ornamental Beeswax An exhibit for dipped tapers is defined Candles - Molded Ornamental Beeswax as two pairs of two connected candles (a Candles are judged in two subclasses: (a) total of four candles). The wax should be uncolored, and (b) colored. Exhibitors may clean, and free of impurities. Beeswax wax submit one exhibit in each of these two should be of a vibrant, natural beeswax subclasses. An exhibit is defined as three color, and should have a pleasant, natural (3) candles. The wax should be clean, and beeswax fragrance. Dipped tapers should free of impurities. Beeswax wax should have the last drip left on; the wicks must be of a vibrant, natural beeswax color, and be left joined. The minimum length of all should have a pleasant, natural beeswax taper candles is eight inches. One of the fragrance. Wicks must be trimmed to candles in each exhibit will be burned. The one-half inch in length. The form must exhibit must be presented with one (1) free- have a flat finished base with wicks waxed standing, fire-proof base or candle holder. and well centered. Candles will be judged
Georgia Living Program 6 on the herein criteria as well casting flaws typically denotes experience, knowledge, and sharpness of detail. One of the skill, and expertise in making things by candles in each exhibit will be burned. hand. An Exhibitor may submit one example All candles must be presented in a free- of any beekeeping-related craftwork of standing, fire-proof base or candle holder. their own composition. The craftwork must Judges evaluate entries on the following: be related to some aspect of apiculture, confirmation with the criteria set forth in and must be the original composition of the herein; cleanliness; color; aroma (for off Exhibitor. The craftwork must be mounted aromas); performance; uniformity; casting or freestanding in design. Judges evaluate flaws; and sharpness of detail. entries on the following: confirmation with The Exhibitor shall place one ID label, the criteria set forth in herein; subject as provided by the honey show Secretary, matter, aesthetic appeal, technical on the bottom of each of the candle holders proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A the candles were submitted with, and white index card with a description of the another label on the bottom, or at the base, item must accompany each entry. of each of the candles. The Show Secretary will provide each exhibitor identifying labels to be affixed ARTS & CRAFTS to the exhibit. The Exhibitor shall place 29. Artwork Related to Beekeeping - one label on the front of the of the exhibit Artwork is the expression or application (centered near the bottom), and the second of human creative skill and imagination, label on the front, bottom, right-hand corner often in a visual form such as (but no way of the white index card accompanying the limited to) painting or sculpture, producing exhibit. *If the exhibit is already signed works to be appreciated primarily for or marked in some identifying way, the their beauty or emotional power. An exhibitor may obscure the signature or Exhibitor may submit one example of any identifying mark. beekeeping-related artwork of their own 31. Poetry Related to Beekeeping - This composition. The artwork must be related class includes the literary art of rhythmical to some aspect of apiculture, must be the composition for exciting pleasure, thought, original composition of the Exhibitor. The action, or even disquiet by beautiful, artwork must be mounted or freestanding imaginative, or elevated thoughts. An in design. Judges evaluate entries on the Exhibitor may submit one example of any following: confirmation with the criteria set beekeeping-related poetry of their own forth in herein; subject matter, aesthetic creation, of not more than 200 words or appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, 20 lines, whichever is greater, excluding and originality. *A white index card with title line. All poems may be either neatly a description of the item must accompany handwritten or typed, single or double line each entry. spacing. Poems may be of any form, or The Show Secretary will provide each style. All entries must be original works. exhibitor identifying labels to be affixed Judges evaluate entries on the following: to the exhibit. The Exhibitor shall place subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical one label on the front of the of the exhibit proficiency, creativity, and originality. (centered near the bottom), and the second The Show Secretary will provide each label on the front, bottom, right-hand corner exhibitor identifying labels to be affixed to of the white index card accompanying the the exhibit. The Exhibitor shall place one exhibit. *If the exhibit is already signed label on the first page, at the bottom, left- or marked in some identifying way, the hand corner of the of the exhibit. *Copyright exhibitor may obscure the signature or of each poem remains with the author, identifying mark. but the GBA has the unrestricted right to 30. Crafts Related to Beekeeping - A publish the winning poems in its newsletter craft is a pastime or a profession that and on its website, plus unrestricted rights requires particular skill and knowledge of a to use the winning poems and any related specialized field or subject. Craftsmanship material for PR purposes.
Georgia Living Program 7 32. Photographs Related to Beekeeping PREMIUMS - An Exhibitor may submit one 1st 2nd 3rd HM example of any beekeeping-related $100 $50 $20 photography of their own composition. The photograph(s) must be related to some aspect of apiculture, and must be the SPECIAL AWARDS original composition of the Exhibitor. The photograph(s) must be mounted, matted, • Best in Show $1,000 or framed. The photograph(s) must stand • Sweepstakes $200. up for display; either equipped with an • A trophy and $200 will be awarded easel back, or the entrant must provide to the winners of Best Honey, Best an easel on which to display the exhibit. Beeswax, and Best in Show. Judges evaluate entries on the following: subject matter, aesthetic appeal, technical proficiency, creativity, and originality. *A DIVISION 5510 HONEY white index card with a description of the Class item must accompany each exhibit. 1. Extracted Honey The Show Secretary will provide each a. Light exhibitor identifying labels to be affixed to b. Medium the exhibit. The Exhibitor shall place one c. Dark label on the frame on the back of the of 2. Novice Extracted Honey the exhibit (centered near the top), and 3. Creamed Honey the second label on the front, bottom, 4. Chunk Honey right-hand corner of the white index card 5. Cut Comb Honey accompanying the exhibit. 6. Section Comb Honey 33. Notions, Potions, & Lotions - An 6. Full Frame Comb Honey Exhibitor may submit one example of any 8. Black Jar Honey health, bath, or beauty product of their own DIVISION 55102 BEESWAX creation, not otherwise encompassed in Class another class in this show. The recipe for 1. Beeswax Block the exhibit must include honey, beeswax, 2. Beeswax Bars and/or propolis produced by the Exhibitor. 3. Dipped Taper Candles Entries are to be presented in a re-sealable, 4. Molded Taper Candles unembellished container appropriate to 5. Molded Ornamental Beeswax Candles the item. Entries should not be not less than one ounce (1oz.), nor more than DIVISION 55103 ARTISAN eight ounces (8oz.) in weight. All entries Class will be sampled. Judges evaluate entries 1. Artwork Related to Beekeeping on the following: appearance, uniformity, 2. Crafts Related to Beekeeping texture, aroma, tactile feel, functionality, 3. Poetry Related to Beekeeping and originality. *A white index card with 4. Photography Related to Beekeeping a description of the item and the recipe 5. Notions, Potions, & Lotions (including all ingredients & procedure) must accompany each exhibit. The Show Secretary will provide each exhibitor identifying labels to be affixed to the exhibit. The Exhibitor shall place one label on the front of the of the exhibit (centered near the bottom), and the second label on the front, bottom, right-hand corner of the white index card accompanying the exhibit.
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