Page created by Nancy Conner
At Holcim we are putting climate
action at the heart of our strategy
to build a net-zero future that
works for people and the planet.

Cover image: The Eight Gardens complex in the
UK is built with ECOPact with 64% lower CO2
                         01. ACCELERATING
                              GREEN GROWTH                    04
                         02. OUR NET-ZERO JOURNEY             10
                         03. DECARBONIZING
                              THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT           22
                         04. NET-ZERO CONCRETE                32

                         05. PRODUCT AND
                              PROCESS INNOVATION              36
                         06. OUR CCUS STRATEGY AND
                              TECHNOLOGICAL PATHWAY 44

p10          p22         07. GOVERNANCE
                         08. CLIMATE-RELATED

                              OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS         50
                         09. SCENARIO ANALYSIS                62
                         10. A
                              DVOCACY POSITIONS
                             AND TRANSPARENCY                 66



                                 HOLCIM Climate Report 2022    01
 Our world is growing, with population and urbanization on the rise.
 As a global leader in innovative and sustainable building solutions,
 we are putting climate action at the heart of our strategy to
 accelerate our world’s shift to net-zero. Around the world our
 70,000 people are building progress for people and the planet.
 With this report, we invite all our key stakeholders to join us to
 make a bigger difference together.

“At Holcim we are building               “On our net-zero journey,
  progress for people and                  we are walking the talk
 the planet, putting                        at Holcim, taking clear
  climate action at the heart               science-driven action to
  of our strategy to improve               win the race for climate.”
  living standards for all.”                MAGALI ANDERSON
                                            Chief Sustainability
 JAN JENISCH                                and Innovation Officer
 Chief Executive Officer

 02    HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
DEAR STAKEHOLDERS,                        • Improve living standards for all,        With our 70,000 people around the
                                            increasing access to affordable          world, we will never stop pushing for
With today’s rise in population and
                                            housing with innovative                  progress. This Climate Report is a
urbanization, Holcim has a central
                                            partnerships and technologies.           testimony to their drive to put climate
role to play to build essential housing
                                                                                     action at the heart of everything
and infrastructure to improve living      • Drive circular construction to build
                                                                                     we do. We hope that their many
standards for all. That’s why we are        more with less, from green concrete
                                                                                     achievements, which are reflected
building more with less to accelerate       made with recycled construction
                                                                                     in the pages that follow, will inspire
our world’s shift to net-zero.              & demolition waste to roofs with
                                                                                     you to join us to make a bigger
                                            upcycled plastic inside.
As a global leader in innovative and                                                 difference together.
sustainable building solutions, Holcim    Across everything we do, we are
                                                                                     The future isn’t written. It’s built.
is part of the solution. We are putting   building progress for people and
climate action at the heart of our        the planet: from our ECOPact green         Join us to build a net-zero future that
strategy, to build progress for people    concrete and ECOPlanet green               works for people and the planet!
and the planet.                           cement; to our advanced roofing
                                          systems, from Firestone to Malarkey
Around the world, we are innovating
                                          Roofing Products; all the way to our
every day to:
                                          specialty building solutions, from 3D
• Make cities greener from                printing to magnetizable concrete;
  foundation to rooftop, from our         and so much more.                          JAN JENISCH
  low-carbon materials to our energy-
  efficiency and renovation solutions.
                                          WE ARE BECOMING A                          Chief Executive Officer
                                          NET‑ZERO COMPANY.
• Empower society with smarter            On this journey we are taking a
  infrastructure, with tailored           science-driven approach, with our
  systems to enable more green            industry’s first net-zero 2030 and
  mobility, renewable energy and          2050 targets, validated by the Science
  essential sanitation.                   Based Targets initiative (SBTi). These     MAGALI ANDERSON
                                          goals cut across our entire value chain,   Chief Sustainability
                                          including Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.      and Innovation Officer

Image: Living tomorrow complex in Belgium is built with ECOPact with 70% lower CO2
                                                                                                HOLCIM Climate Report 2022     03

With today’s megatrends, from the rise in population and urbanization
to improving living standards, the construction sector has never been
more attractive. We are ready to seize the opportunities ahead with
our “Strategy 2025 – Accelerating Green Growth.”


     ACCELERATING                        EXPANDING                     LEADING IN                  DELIVERING
     GROWTH                              SOLUTIONS                     INNOVATION AND              SUPERIOR
     Accelerating growth                 AND PRODUCTS                  SUSTAINABILITY              PERFORMANCE
     across all markets with             Reaching 30% of               Innovating to remain at     Fostering a high-
     leading profitability               Group Net Sales               the forefront of green      performance culture
     and cash flow,                      by 2025, from new             building solutions          while operating at the
     driven by innovative                builds to repair and          and driving circular        highest level of ethics
     and sustainable                     renovation. Becoming          construction to build       and integrity to deliver
     building solutions.                 global leader in              more with less.             ambitious financial
                                         roofing and expanding                                     and sustainability
                                         specialty building                                        targets in line with
                                         solutions, as double-                                     net‑zero roadmap.
                                         digit growth engines.


25% 10m 500m >40%
of ready-mix sales                     tons per annum construction   CHF of Green                of financing agreements
from ECOPact, with                     & demolition waste            Capex per annum             linked to sustainability goals
30% to 100% lower                      recycled in our products
CO2 footprint                          and 75 million tons of
                                       waste recycled overall

04        HOLCIM Climate Report 2022

2020                                                         2021*                                                         TARGET IN 2025

                8%                                                             13%
                     12%                                                                                                                         30%

                      20%                                           57%            19%

     CEMENT                     SOLUTIONS & PRODUCTS                            AGGREGATES                       READY-MIX

* 2021 includes 9 months' contribution from Firestone; Malarkey Roofing Products acquisition closed in February 2022 and PRB Group acquisition is expected to close in Q2 2022

As a global leader in innovative and
sustainable building solutions, Holcim
is expanding Solutions & Products
to reach 30% of Net Sales by 2025.
Holcim is becoming a global leader in
roofing with the milestone acquisitions
of Firestone Building Products and
Malarkey Roofing Products. Its roofing
systems and clean air technologies
span residential and commercial
applications, including green and
cooling roofing products, and enable
solar roofing capabilities. Holcim is
also expanding its specialty building
solutions to play a bigger role in repair
and refurbishment, with advanced
energy efficiency and renovation
systems. In 2021, Holcim announced
the acquisition of PRB Group, the
biggest independent specialty building
solutions business in France and will
continue to expand this segment with
strategic investments and acquisitions.

                                                             BOLT-ON ACQUISITIONS
                                                             Accelerating green growth, Holcim is
                                                             pursuing a bolt-on acquisition strategy
                                                             to expand its Aggregates and Ready-
                                                             Mix Concrete businesses. In 2021, we                          bolt-on acquisitions
                                                             completed 12 bolt‑on acquisitions                             in 2021

PRB GROUP                                                    in mature European and North
                                                             American markets.
                                                             At the forefront of green building
                                                             solutions, we offer the world’s broadest
                                                             range of green concrete, ECOPact, and
                                                             green cement, ECOPlanet as well as a
Sport Hall Dolni Brezany, Czech                              unique range of circular aggregates,
Republic built with Firestone’s UltraPly                     such as Aggneo.
TPO waterproofing membrane

                                                                                                                                          HOLCIM Climate Report 2022             05


We are committed to leading cement’s      In 2021, we launched the world’s
green transformation, in line with our    broadest range of green cement,           DID YOU KNOW?
industry-first 2050 net-zero targets,     ECOPlanet, delivering at least 30%       MAKING LOW CARBON THE
validated by the Science Based            lower carbon footprint with equal        STANDARD IN THE US
Targets initiative.                       to superior performance compared         Across the US, we are deploying
                                          to ordinary cement (CEM I/OPC) to        our OneCem cement with a 10%
We are decarbonizing cement by
                                          enable low-carbon construction at        reduced CO2 footprint, making it
increasing our use of innovative low-
                                          scale. This solution contributes to      our standard product wherever
emission raw materials from calcined
                                          achieving world-class environmental      we can. We kicked off its launch
clay to construction & demolition
                                          certifications such as LEED®, BREEAM®    in Texas last year, switching all our
waste. In addition, we are increasing
                                          and HQE®. It is currently being used     production in that key market to
our use of alternative fuels to reduce
                                          across 15 markets for a range of high-   OneCem. Building on this success,
the footprint of our cement operations.
                                          performance applications, including      we have now rolled OneCem out
For instance, in Europe we operate
                                          large structures with very specific      across the Midwest, converting 100%
with over 60% of alternative fuels
                                          technical requirements, such as          of our production at our two cement
with sites like Retznei, Austria,
                                          stadiums, bridges, dams and high-rise    plants, Ste. Genevieve in Missouri
already running at 100%.
                                          buildings. For instance, our ECOPlanet   and Alpena in Michigan. With this
                                          with an 80% lower CO2 footprint was      shift, we will reduce CO2 emissions
                                          used in Amazon’s new headquarters        by approximately 300,000 tons this
Egypt’s Iconic Tower is built with        in Seattle, holding its glass spheres    year, which is equivalent to taking
ECOPlanet green cement with               together, contributing to its LEED       over 70,000 cars off our roads.
60% lower CO2                             Gold certification.
06      HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
Reduce, reuse and recycle across everything   Make low-carbon construction possible
we do to build more with less                 with our ECOPact and ECOPlanet lines

Repair and renovate buildings                 Concrete to help upgrade cities to withstand
to make them last longer                      the impacts of climate change

                                                                         HOLCIM Climate Report 2022   07

08   HOLCIM Climate Report 2022

At Holcim we are becoming a net-zero
company, putting climate action at the
heart of our strategy to build progress
for people and the planet.

Across our net-zero journey, we are        equivalent of 1,000 truckloads every       EMPOWERING SMART DESIGN
focusing on four key levers of action to   day. In Switzerland we launched the        AND SYSTEMS
decarbonize the built environment:         world’s first green cement with 20%        We are deploying a range of
                                           recycled construction & demolition         technologies to make buildings smarter
                                           waste within our ECOPlanet range and       from foundation to rooftop and at
                                           are working to deploy this solution        every stage of their life, from design
We are at the forefront of green
                                           across as many markets as possible,        and building to repair and renovation.
building solutions to make low-carbon
                                           starting in Europe. With every roof that   Our smart roofing systems, from
construction possible at scale around
                                           we build with our Malarkey Roofing         Firestone Building Products’ green
the world, from Mumbai to New York.
                                           Products, we upcycle the equivalent        and cool roofing solutions to Malarkey
We launched the world’s first global       of five rubber tires and about 3,200       Roofing Products’ clean air technology
ranges of green concrete, ECOPact,         plastic bags.                              that actively reduces air pollution,
and green cement, ECOPlanet, with
a CO2 footprint ranging from 30%

to 100% lower than the local market
reference with no compromise in                                                       our Scope 1 emissions are generated
                                             OUR CO2 FOOTPRINT (%)
performance. In our “Strategy 2025 –                                                  during the decarbonation of the
Accelerating Green Growth” we aim to                                                  raw materials we use to produce
reach 25% of concrete net sales with                                                  clinker. Fuel combustion necessary
ECOPact by 2025. Off to a fast start                                                  to heat the cement kilns is another
on this journey, ECOPact is already                                                   significant source of emissions. A
available across all our five regions in                                              small share of Scope 1 emissions
25 markets thanks to the breadth of                                                   come from our own power
our green formulation expertise.                                                      generation and from operations
                                                                                      linked to aggregates and ready-mix
DRIVING CIRCULAR CONSTRUCTION                                                         concrete.
As a world leader in recycling, we are                                                Scope 2 emissions account for 5%
driving circular construction to reduce,                                              of our carbon footprint. Scope 2
reuse and recycle materials wherever                                                  includes indirect emissions from the
we can. In 2021, we recycled 54 million          SCOPE 1: 119.3 MT CO2         75%    generation of purchased electricity
tons of materials across our business            SCOPE 2: 7.0 MT CO2            5%    consumed in the company’s owned
and are doubling down on this rate                                                    or controlled equipment.
                                                 SCOPE 3: 30.0 MT CO2          20%
to reach 100 million tons by 2030. To                                                 Scope 3 emissions account for 20%
build new from the old, we are scaling                                                of our carbon footprint. Scope 3
                                             Scope 1 emissions account for 75%
up our capacity to recycle construction                                               includes all other indirect emissions
                                             of our footprint and are at the core
& demolition waste into new building                                                  generated in our supply chain,
                                             of our emissions reduction strategy.
materials with the objective to reach                                                 such as for transportation and
                                             Scope 1 includes all emissions
10 million tons by 2025. In 2021, we                                                  the extraction and production of
                                             that are released directly from our
already recycled 6.6 million tons of                                                  purchased materials and fuels.
                                             operations. Most of these come from
construction & demolition waste, the
                                             cement production. Over 60% of

10      HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
enable more energy efficient buildings     Today we offer the world’s broadest         for buildings, roads and landfills.
and healthier cities. With our specialty   range of green cement, ECOPlanet,           Holcim offers a range of high-value
building solutions, from our Tector        delivering low-carbon and circular          aggregates and solutions for building
range to Airium, we are making             benefits with no compromise on              and infrastructure projects available
buildings last longer with advanced        performance. ECOPlanet ranges               in many countries around the world.
repair and renovation systems. We are      from 30% to 100% lower CO2 based            We are driving the circularity of this
also deploying technologies like 3D        on our leading green formulation            segment by producing 100% recycled
printing to build more with less, across   expertise, innovative low-emission          aggregates from construction &
a range of applications from affordable    raw materials and use of alternative        demolition waste with brands like
housing to bridges and windmills.          fuels. In this range, we launched the       Aggneo. In addition, we are pursuing
                                           world’s first cement with 20% recycled      other sustainable practices such as
                                           construction & demolition waste inside.     using renewable energy in aggregates
To accelerate our net-zero journey
                                                                                       operations, restoring quarries after
we are developing next generation          READY-MIX CONCRETE: As the green
                                                                                       use, preserving biodiversity and even
technologies, from carbon capture,         concrete company, we are making it
                                                                                       recycling carbon from our operations
utilization and storage (CCUS)             the best material for our growing and
                                                                                       into recycled aggregates.
to concrete-based renewable                urbanizing world. No other material
energy systems.                            matches concrete’s performance              SOLUTIONS & PRODUCTS: We are
                                           benefits. It is resilient, protecting our   continuously expanding our range of
Advancing our CCUS strategy we
                                           cities and infrastructure from natural      Solutions & Products to make buildings
are currently running over 30 pilot
                                           disasters such as effects from flooding.    smarter from foundation to rooftop,
projects around the world, ranging
                                           It is durable, fire and earthquake-         at every stage of their life from design
from recycling CO2 from our plants
                                           resistant, versatile, affordable,           and building to repair and renovation.
into low-emission raw materials for our
                                           insulating and available everywhere.        Our advanced systems, from roofing
green cement, all the way to using it as
                                           It is infinitely recyclable and acts        and waterproofing to insulation, make
a greenhouse gas for farming or as a
                                           as a carbon sink during its lifespan,       buildings more energy-efficient,
source of methanol for aviation fuel.
                                           reabsorbing part of the CO2 emitted         enduring and resilient throughout their
Working with a range of partners from      during its production process.              life cycle. As a double-digit growth
start-ups to academic institutions,                                                    engine for Holcim, this segment will
                                           We offer the industry’s broadest
we are developing breakthrough                                                         account for 30% of Net Sales by 2025.
                                           range of green concrete, ECOPact,
technologies to accelerate the
                                           which delivers low-carbon and               With our milestone acquisitions of
transition to renewable energy, like
                                           circular benefits with no compromise        Firestone Building Products and
magnetizable concrete to enable roads
                                           on performance. It is sold at a range       Malarkey Roofing Products, we are
to charge electric cars while in motion.
                                           of low-carbon levels, from 30%-             becoming a global leader in roofing
Our net-zero journey is at the heart of    100% reduced footprint compared             systems. We offer a complete range
all our business segments.                 to the local industry benchmark.            of solutions from commercial to
                                           Its sustainability profile is driven        residential, enabling green, solar
CEMENT: Cement sets the foundation
                                           by low-emission raw materials and           and cooling roofs all the way to
of our ambition to lead in innovative
                                           decarbonized operations, including          shingles with clean air technology
and sustainable building solutions.
                                           the use of alternative fuels. Making        inside making cities healthier.
We are committed to leading its
                                           low‑carbon construction possible at
green transformation with a clear
                                           scale around the world, it is available
decarbonization pathway, based on
                                           in all five regions across 25 markets.
well-known levers through to 2030.
At the same time we are developing         AGGREGATES: Our range of
innovative low-emission raw materials      aggregates, from sustainably sourced
and next-generation technologies,          materials to recycled construction
including over 30 pilot projects in        & demolition waste, provide the raw
CCUS projects, to further accelerate       materials for concrete, masonry and
our impact beyond 2030.                    asphalt, as well as the foundation

                                                                                                 HOLCIM Climate Report 2022     11

                                                                                    OUR NET-ZERO PLEDGE
     HOLCIM’S NET-ZERO PLEDGE: PROGRESS TO DATE                                     Taking a rigorous science-driven
                                                                                    approach, Holcim’s 2050 goals
     2030 TARGET, HOLCIM WILL               PROGRESS IN 2021                        are among the first long-term
                                                                                    targets validated by the Science
                                            World's broadest range of low           Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
             Accelerate the use of
                                            carbon materials: ECOPact launched      Consistent with the new net‑zero
             low-carbon and carbon-
                                            in 25 markets, ECOPlanet launched       standard, we have now validated our
             neutral products, including
                                            in 15 markets. ECOPact to reach         entire decarbonization pathway across
             ECOPact and Susteno
                                            25% of Ready-Mix net sales by 2025      all scopes, setting a reference for our
                                                                                    entire industry.
                                                                                    In 2020, Holcim entered a new era
             Recycle 100 million tons per   Recycled 54 million tons of waste       in sustainability with our net-zero
             year of waste and byproducts   and byproducts for energy               pledge. Leading the way in green
             for energy and raw materials   and raw materials in 2021               construction, we were the first global
                                                                                    building materials company to sign the
                                                                                    UNGC’s “Business Ambition for 1.5°C”
                                                                                    initiative, with intermediate 2030 targets
             Scale up the use of calcined   Calcined clay investments in a new      approved by the SBTi in alignment with
             clay and develop novel         line in France and launch of calcined   a net-zero pathway.
             cements and new binders        clay cement in Italy and France
                                                                                    We continue to lead the industry on
                                                                                    climate with the verification of our
                                                                                    Scope 3 intermediate targets.
                                                                                    Our intermediate targets now cover
             Double1 waste-derived fuels    Waste-derived fuels in production
                                                                                    the three "scopes" of carbon emissions
             in production to reach 37%     reached 21% in 2021
                                                                                    as established by the Greenhouse Gas
                                                                                    (GHG) Protocol to address both our
                                                                                    direct and indirect impact.
                                                                                    OUR 2030 COMMITMENTS
             Reach 475 kg of Scope 1                                                • Holcim commits to reduce Scope 1
                                            Reduced to 553 kg of CO2 per ton
             CO2 per ton of                                                           and 2 GHG emissions 21% per ton
                                            of cementitious material in 2021
             cementitious material                                                    of cementitious materials by 2030
                                                                                      from a 2018 base year.2 Within this
                                                                                      target, Holcim commits to reduce
                                            10+ new carbon capture                    Scope 1 GHG emissions 17.5% per
             Operate its first net-zero     projects launched in 2021,                ton of cementitious material and
             carbon cement                  reaching 30+ projects in                  Scope 2 GHG emissions 65% per
             production facility            12 countries (vs. 20 projects             ton of cementitious materials
                                            in 7 countries in 2020)                   within the same timeframe.
                                                                                    • Holcim commits to reduce its
                                                                                      Scope 3 GHG emissions by 2030,
                                                                                      from a 2020 base year, for the
                                                                                      following categories:
                                                                                      - purchased goods and services
                                                                                        by 20% per ton of purchased
                                                                                        clinker and cement
                                                                                      - fuel and energy-related activities
                                                                                        by 20% per ton of purchased fuels
                                                                                      - downstream transportation and
                                                                                        distribution by 24% per ton of
                                                                                        materials transported.

                                                                                    1	Compared to 2018 baseline
                                                                                    2	The target boundary includes land-related emissions
                                                                                       and removals from bioenergy feedstocks

12        HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
OUR PATH TO 2030                                            SCOPE 1                        SCOPE 2                             SCOPE 3
Our pathway to 2030 is clear. To reach
our Scope 1 and Scope 2 commitments,
                                                              576                             38

we will reduce our clinker factor, use                      BASELINE                      BASELINE
alternative fuels instead of fossil fuels
(or increase our thermal substitution                                                                                               Kg CO2 per ton
rate) and increase our use of renewable                                                                           -0%            of purchased clinker
                                                                                                                                     and cement
energy. We will invest in proven
technologies that produce positive                                                                                                     Kg CO2
                                                              553                            34

returns. Our 2030 Scope 3 targets will                                                                             -9%                per ton of
                                                                                                                                   purchased fuels
be achieved by focusing on our most
material Scope 3 categories.                                                                                                            Kg CO2

                                                                                                                   -9%            per ton of material
• We will reduce Scope 1 and 2
  GHG emissions by 95% per ton of                                                                                                  Kg CO2 per ton

  cementitious from a 2018 base year.3                                                                           -20%           of purchased clinker
                                                                                                                                    and cement

• We will reduce absolute Scope 3                             475                             13                                   Kg CO2 per ton

  GHG emissions by 90% by 2050                             Kg CO2 net/t                    Kg CO2/t              -20%               of purchased
  from a 2020 base year.                                   cementitious                  cementitious                                   fuels

OUR PATH TO 2050                                                                                                                       Kg CO2
Our 2050 targets have been validated                                                                              -24%           per ton of material
by the SBTi aligned with its new net-
zero standard. The pathway from

2030 to 2050 leverages the same                                     GHG emissions across the value chain validated by
levers used between 2020 and 2030,
while integrating new and advanced
technologies. These technologies
                                                     Holcim’s 2050 net-zero targets validated by SBTi:
include novel binders, zero-emission
                                                     • Holcim commits to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by    95% per ton
vehicles, low-clinker cements and                      of cementitious materials by 2050 from a 2018 base year. 2
CCUS technologies.                                   • Holcim commits to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions by 90% by
                                                       2050 from a 2020 base year.

                                            3 The target boundary includes land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks

                                                                                                                   HOLCIM Climate Report 2022           13

Reducing CO2 emissions is key for us
to continue creating long-term value.
Our cement is one of the most carbon
efficient in the sector. Our Scope 1 and
Scope 2 emissions per ton of product
are 29% lower than in 1990.
Holcim is among the first companies
worldwide to set 2050 net-zero targets
validated by the Science Based Targets
initiative (SBTi). With these goals,
Holcim is the first in its industry with:
• 2030 and 2050 net-zero aligned
  targets validated by SBTi, and
• Scope 1, 2 & 3 targets, cutting across
  our operations and value chain.
                                            Mvule Gardens in Kenya, Africa’s largest 3D-printed affordable housing complex
                                            is built with TectorPrint



     Mt CO2

                                                                                                                  Mt CO2


14       HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
Scope 1 includes all emissions released directly from our operations. They account for 75% of our footprint and are at the
core of our emissions reduction strategy. A number of factors are involved in reducing our Scope 1 emissions to net-zero:

         2021                                2025 TARGET                          2030 TARGET                           2050 TARGET

     Kg CO2 net/t
                                             Kg CO2 net/t
                                                                                  Kg CO2 net/t
     cementitious                            cementitious                         cementitious

The increasing importance of                       BUILDING MORE                              Our plant in Ternate, Italy, has
                                                                                              already recognized the potential.
embodied carbon per m2 of building /               WITH LESS:                                 Trucks filled with construction
infrastructure will move the market to
more carbon‑efficient construction.                HOLCIM ITALY                               & demolition waste arrive at our
                                                                                              sites every weekday. What initially
"Optimization of cement in                         The use of low-emission primary            started out as only two trucks per
applications" refers to the progressive            raw materials is a key lever in            day has quickly grown to seven.
optimization of the structural elements,           reducing our carbon impact.                This construction & demolition
creating the same functional units                 Replacing limestone with an                waste is pre-processed, meaning
with less construction material such as            alternative that emits less or no          that wood, plastics and metals have
concrete or cement. CO2 and carbon-                CO2 is an obvious choice. But              all been removed, leaving behind
efficient construction legislation will            where can a suitable replacement           only the fine cement powder, sand
trigger construction optimization,                 be found that delivers the                 and aggregates.
leading to less material used per m2               necessary quality requirements?
of building / infrastructure.                                                                 Because the cement powder has
                                                   Construction & demolition waste            already been decarbonated, the
ALTERNATIVE RAW MATERIALS                                                                     overall process-related carbon
                                                   is a highly attractive source of
The use of alternative sources of                                                             emissions are much lower. The
                                                   low-emission raw materials. It is
materials is a key lever to further                                                           materials also require less heating
                                                   abundantly available and has all the
reduce our CO2 emissions. Waste                                                               in the kiln so less fuel is required,
                                                   properties required for a second
materials and byproducts from other                                                           further reducing the carbon impact.
                                                   life as a primary raw material.
industries can be used to replace
some of the raw materials used in
the production process. We are
considering four major categories:
• Decarbonated materials allowing
  reduction of CO2 emissions and
  thermal power consumption, and
  gains on kiln productivity.
• Basic components (Ca, Si, Fe, Al, S)
  enabling the supply of the essential
  minerals required for clinker chemistry
  and safeguarding quarry lifetime
  (recycled water also fits in this category).
• Urban mining, which consists largely
  of construction & demolition waste,
  is where we aim to close the loop
  in terms of circularity by recycling
  what we have contributed to building
  decades ago.
• Historical landfills and stocks to reuse
  minerals after pretreatment and avoid           have taken tint panel off the
  the mining of prime ore. This is part of        bottom as seems to be style
  our contribution to “clean the past”.           when caption under pic -
We are working with innovative                    please let me know if wrong
companies to keep on raising the                   Gioia 22, in Milan’s Porta Nuova former industrial district, is built
standards and developing new                       with ECOPact green concrete with up to 50% lower CO2
alternative material streams.

                                                                                                         HOLCIM Climate Report 2022   15
02. OUR NET-ZERO JOURNEY                                                            CLINKER FACTOR
                                                                                    It is the production of clinker, the main
CONTINUED                                                                           component of cement, that produces
                                                                                    the most CO2 emissions. The majority
                                                                                    of these emissions result from the
                                                                                    chemical reaction that occurs when the
                                                                                    raw material (limestone) calcinates into
                                                                                    clinker during the production process.
                                                                                    This decarbonation process is our
                                                                                    largest source of CO2 emissions,
                                                                                    accounting for 48% of our total CO2
                                                                                    footprint. Replacing the clinker in our
                                                                                    final cement products with alternative
                                                                                    mineral components reduces the
                                                                                    carbon intensity of the cement
                                                                                    product. We aim to reduce our clinker
                                                                                    content from 70.1% currently to a 65–
                                                                                    68% range by 2030, and reduce further
                                                                                    down to a 60–63% range by 2050.
                                                                                    The main reduction will not only
                                                                                    come from recycling construction &
                                                                                    demolition waste and by-products
                                                                                    from other industries, but also
                                                                                    investing in calcined clay facilities and
                                                                                    developing novel cements.
                                                                                    In the coming decades we expect
                                                                                    calcined clay and granulated limestone
                                                                                    to gradually replace traditional mineral
                                                                                    components such as slag or fly ash.

                                                                                      DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                                     WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE
                                                                                     BETWEEN MINERAL
                                                                                     COMPONENTS AND ALTERNATIVE
                                                                                     RAW MATERIALS?
                                                                                     Mineral components are added at
                                                                                     the cement manufacturing stage to
                                                                                     replace clinker and produce blended
                                                                                     cements. One example of a mineral
                                                                                     component is calcined clay.
                                                                                     Alternative raw materials (ARMs)
                                                                                     replace the natural raw materials
ECOPLANET WITH                            • Meets the carbon footprint
                                            requirements of the new French
                                                                                     needed to produce clinker, such
                                                                                     as limestone and clay. The use of
PROXIMATECH                                 regulation RE2020 – one of the first     ARMs allows Holcim to reduce the
                                            regulations in the world to require a    consumption of natural resources
In July 2021, we launched the first         35% reduction of the carbon              and its process CO2 emissions.
calcined clay-based cement in the           footprint of the built environment       ARMs used by Holcim include
French market as part of our ECOPlanet      per m2 of building.                      waste materials from our own
range. Produced from locally sourced                                                 plants and byproducts from other
                                          • Is suitable for applications with
materials at our La Malle plant using                                                industries, such as cement kiln dust,
                                            high durability requirements
ProximaTech, Holcim’s proprietary                                                    construction & demolition waste,
                                            such as infrastructure projects,
calcine clay technology, this ECOPlanet                                              refractory bricks, fly ash, etc.
                                            construction in difficult
variant has a 34% lower CO2 profile         environments, long-lifespan
per ton of cement, compared to              (> 50 years) projects, and
Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC).             high volume concreting like
ECOPlanet is designed to enable our         bridge piers, dams or large
ready-mix customers to produce              concrete platforms.
low-carbon concrete while ensuring
high performance and durability for       ECOPlanet and ProximaTech are
all applications, as it:                  examples of how Holcim enables
                                          sustainable construction on a large       Bruins Warrior Arena, Massachusetts,
• Performs as well as OPC, with no        scale by developing and producing
  impact on the construction system                                                 US, built with Artevia, helping achieve
                                          its own proprietary low carbon            LEED certification by the US Green
                                          building materials.                       Building Council

16     HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
Taking a circular approach, we will         DID YOU KNOW?                               DID YOU KNOW?
reduce the carbon intensity of our         RETZNEI, A LEADER IN                        HOLCIM, A WORLD LEADER
cement by substituting fossil fuels        ALTERNATIVE FUELS                           IN RECYCLING
with pretreated non-recyclable and         Heating our kilns with pretreated           Holcim recycled 54 million tons
biomass waste fuels to operate our         waste and other alternative fuels is        of materials in 2021, up by 17%
cement kilns.                              key in reducing our carbon footprint.       compared to prior year. It includes
                                           We recover energy and recycle               6.6 million tons of construction &
Preparing, recovering and recycling        minerals from waste treatment               demolition waste, representing more
fuels and materials in our processes       during the manufacture of cement            than 1,000 trucks per day, advancing
enables us to divert waste from landfill   in a process called “co-processing”.        its goal to reach 10 million tons of
and improve the waste management                                                       construction & demolition waste
hierarchy at the local level.              Our Retznei plant is a champion in
                                                                                       by 2025. Our goal is to recycle
                                           this area. It can run with virtually no
To increase this thermal substitution                                                  100 million tons by 2030. Circularity
                                           traditional fuels used to heat the kiln,
rate, we will be investing in                                                          is at the heart of our net-zero
                                           leading to negative fuel costs. This
co‑processing facilities and process                                                   journey driving the following key
                                           year, the plant achieved an annual
improvements. We aim to increase our                                                   decarbonization levers:
                                           average thermal substitution rate
thermal substitution rate from 21.3%       of 97%, running at 100% thermal             Recycling construction & demolition
currently to 37% by 2030 and reach a       substitution rate for 86% of the            waste to build new from the old, we
global performance of 70% by 2050.         production days.                            recycle construction & demolition
CCUS AND OTHER TECHNOLOGIES                                                            waste, as a source of low emission
                                           The plant is equipped to treat
Carbon capture technologies play an                                                    raw materials for new green building
                                           waste streams of different qualities
essential role in combating climate                                                    products, such as our ECOPlanet
                                           that are then fed into the system,
change and delivering our net-zero                                                     range, including Susteno, the world’s
                                           ensuring consistent temperatures to
journey beyond 2030. To develop                                                        first green cement with 20% rubble
                                           comply with quality requirements.
blueprints for large-scale deployments                                                 inside. With global construction
of CCUS solutions in transformational      The added benefit of co-processing          waste expected to grow to
sectors, Holcim is partnering with         is that the entire waste input is           2.2 billion tons by 2025, we are
leaders in a range of sectors.             recycled or recovered without               scaling up our capacity to
                                           producing any additional residue.           recycle 100% of concrete-based
                                           Retznei is one of our star achievers,       construction & demolition waste
                                           but to achieve our carbon footprint         into our green building materials.
                                           reduction we need to go further.
                                                                                       Designing low-carbon building
                                           Co-processing is a scalable solution
                                                                                       materials with recycled content
                                           that we are rolling out across the
                                                                                       inside, ranging from desulfo-
                                           globe with our Geocycle business,
                                                                                       gypsum to slag or fly ash.
                                           which is already operating in
                                           50 countries worldwide.                     Powering our plants with alternative
                                                                                       energy coming from waste at the
                                           Today in the European Union (EU),
                                                                                       end of its life cycle.
                                           more than half of our plants operate
                                           with a 50% alternative fuels, and one
                                           third run with 70%.


                                                                                                       Target 2030

    waste recycled increase in 2021                                                   2021
                                                                                                      100 MT
                                                                               54 MT
                                                  46 MT
    of Construction
    & Demolition Waste recycled into
    new products
    (>1,000 truckloads per day)

  Our ECOPlanet green cement
  range includes the world’s first
  cement with 20% construction &
  demolition waste inside, launched
  in Switzerland, Susteno.

                                                                                                HOLCIM Climate Report 2022     17

Scope 2 emissions account for 5% of our carbon footprint. They include indirect emissions
from the generation of purchased electricity consumed in owned or controlled equipment.

        2021                          2030 TARGET                             2050 TARGET

     34Kg CO2/t
                                        Kg CO2/t
     cementitious                     cementitious


                    ENERGY                           Reduction of our
                    EFFICIENCY                       electrical consumption

                    WASTE HEAT
                                                     Installation of new
                    RECOVERY                         WHR systems
                    (WHR) SYSTEMS
                    PURCHASE                         Electricity consumption
                                                     from local decarbonized
                    AGREEMENTS                       PPAs or contracts
                                                     Progressive integration of
                                                     low-carbon sources in
                    GRID                             the grid to smartly
                                                     source decarbonized
                    EVOLUTION                        electricity where
                                                     commercially feasible

HARNESSING WIND POWER                    Altogether, renewables deliver about
FOR OUR PLANTS                           8 million gigajoules of electricity to
At our Paulding plant in the US,         our cement plants, eliminating the
we’ve installed three wind turbines      emissions of over 1 million tons of
to supply clean wind power for           CO2 annually.
the electric needs of our plant,
                                         This shift to clean energy comes on
eliminating the equivalent of
                                         top of the plant’s commitment to
9,000 tons of CO2 per year.
                                         heat its operations with 95% of
Paulding is just one Holcim plant        alternative fuels.
using renewable sources of energy
for electricity consumption.

18      HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
WASTE HEAT RECOVERY                          GE Renewable Energy, COBOD and
DID YOU KNOW?                           We have waste heat recovery                  Holcim co-develop record-tall wind
REDUCING SCOPE 2                        programs in place designed to use            turbine towers with 3D-printed
EMISSIONS IN INDIA                      excess heat from cement kilns to             concrete bases reaching record
Holcim is investing CHF 100 million     generate electricity. We currently           heights up to 200 meters
in Waste Heat Recovery (WHR)            operate eight waste heat recovery
systems in India to advance its         units in four countries, with a clear plan
net-zero journey.                       to triple the number by 2030.
This investment across six sites will   DECARBONIZING POWER SUPPLY
be completed in 2022, doubling          WITH RENEWABLE ENERGY
Holcim’s waste heat recovery            We will continue to expand our
systems, which use thermal heat to      renewable energy portfolio by
produce decarbonized electricity.       collaborating with power producers,
                                        generating renewable energy on our
Installed power will amount to
                                        land by installing wind and solar farms.
85 MW with an expected generation
of 650 GWh, representing 15% of its     A range of solar and wind projects
Indian business’ consumption.           are already operational in our sites in
                                        the US and India, as well as, for
WHR allows us to generate up
                                        example, contracts with offsite
to 30% of the cement plant's
                                        renewable generators in Argentina
power consumption from the excess
                                        covering typically between 20 and
heat coming from its production
                                        30% of the plants' consumption.
process. This decarbonized energy
system reduces both Scope 1 and         In 2021, Holcim entered into Power
Scope 2 emissions.                      Purchase Agreements with
                                        decarbonized power generators in
                                        several countries for a supply of
                                        around 500 GWh of renewable
                                        energy to power our operations.

                                                                                              HOLCIM Climate Report 2022   19

Scope 3 emissions account for 20% of our carbon footprint. They include all other indirect emissions
generated in our supply chain, such as those from transportation. Our Scope 3 intermediate targets
have also been validated by SBTi, marking a new milestone in our industry.

                                           2021                                                              2050 TARGET


                                           2021                                      2030                       2050

               FUELS & ENERGY
               (KG CO2 PER TON             287.5                                     -20%                       -90%
               PURCHASED FUELS)

               (KG CO2 PER TON                 9.5                                   -24%                       -90%
               CLINKER & CEMENT
               (KG CO2 PER TON             705.3                                     -20%                       -90%
               CLINKER & CEMENT)

In 2020, we deployed a comprehensive
approach to measure the CO2 emissions                                                                  C02
from our supply chain. We took this
step because we are committed to a                               FUELS AND ENERGY                  7.4 MT      25%
rigorous and science-based approach
for measuring and reducing our CO2                               CLINKER AND CEMENT PURCHASED      5.9 MT      20%
emissions, starting with the purchase
                                           UPSTREAM ACTIVITIES

of clinker and cement, fuels and                                 BULK MATERIALS                    3.9 MT      13%
                                                                                                                           OWN OPERATIONS

downstream transportation. These
categories account for 75% of our total                          SLAG                              1.4 MT       5%
Scope 3 emissions. The 2020 baseline is
a solid foundation based on which we set                         CHEMICALS                         0.5 MT       2%
our 2030 actionable targets, as part of
our net-zero journey.                                            INBOUND LOGISTICS                 1.8 MT      6%

                                                                 EQUIPMENT                         0.8 MT       3%

                                                                 OTHER PURCHASES                   1.0 MT       3%

                                                                 BUSINESS TRAVEL AND COMMUTING     0.1 MT
The CO2 emissions from transporting
our materials (to customers, between
                                                              Emissions from purchased clinker
                                                              and cement account for 20% of our
                                                                                                           FIRST MOVERS
factories and distribution terminals)                         total Scope 3 emissions. Our actions         COALITION
account for 23% of our total Scope 3                          to reduce emissions in this category
emissions. We travel approximately                            are aligned with the work we do at           Holcim joined the First Movers
2 billion kilometers by road per year                         the sector level to drive down the CO2       Coalition (FMC) as a founding
to transport our products, with                               footprint of our sector’s operations and     member to drive more green
approximately 95% of these trucks                             products. In addition, we are introducing    demand and low-carbon
owned and operated by third parties.                          a requirement that our clinker and           technologies to advance our
To reduce emissions from downstream                           cement suppliers provide the CO2             world’s climate goals. On the
transportation we are taking the                              information related to their products,       green procurement side, Holcim
following actions:                                            for example, through Environmental           committed to FMC’s trucking
                                                              Product Declarations (EPDs), to enable       ambition of reaching 30% of
• optimizing routes and loads                                                                              zero-emission heavy-duty truck
                                                              informed decisions and accelerate the
• moving volumes from road to                                 purchase of low-carbon products.             purchases or contracts by 2030.
  waterways or rail                                                                                        On the supply side, Holcim will
                                                              OTHER PRODUCTS AND                           continue to scale up its green
• training and monitoring drivers'                            SERVICES PURCHASED                           building solutions and next-
  behaviors to increase road safety                           All other products and services              generation technologies for net-
  and reduce fuel consumption                                 purchased account for approximately          zero construction.
                                                              32% of our total Scope 3 emissions. We
• gradually replacing diesel with                                                                          These commitments build on
                                                              expect reductions from including CO2
  eco-friendly fuels.                                                                                      Holcim’s industry-first 2050
                                                              requirements in the tendering process
FUELS AND ENERGY                                              and integrating CO2 as a parameter in        net-zero goals, validated by the
The “cradle-to-gate” emissions related                        the “Total Cost of Ownership” models         SBTi. The FMC was launched
to purchased fuels and energy account                         used to drive purchasing decisions.          at COP26 by Secretary John
for 25% of our total Scope 3 emissions.                       We also expect CO2 reductions from           Kerry, US Special Presidential
                                                              innovation and partnerships with             Envoy for Climate, and the World
The main source of emissions is derived                                                                    Economic Forum (WEF).
                                                              suppliers of global categories. For
from the extraction, processing and
                                                              example, we piloted our industry's
transportation of fossil fuels. To reduce
                                                              first autonomous electric haulers in a
emissions in this category we are
                                                              quarry in Switzerland. This technology,
working on replacing traditional fossil
                                                              which will eliminate the use of carbon-
fuels with locally sourced, alternative and
                                                              intensive fuels to power heavy mobile
non-extractive fuels derived from waste.
                                                              equipment, will reduce CO2 emissions
                                                              in quarries by up to 85% and enhance
                                                              operational safety.

                                                                                      C02                 DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                                                          SINCE 2017, WE HAVE OPERATED
                                                               OUTBOUND                                   OUR TRANSPORT ANALYTICS
                                                                                    7.0 MT    23%
                                                               LOGISTICS                                  CENTER, AN INDUSTRY-LEADING
                                                                                                          DIGITAL LOGISTICS PLATFORM
                                      DOWNSTREAM ACTIVITIES

                                                                                                          POWERED BY ARTIFICIAL

                                                                                                          We developed this data-driven digital
                                                                                                          platform to become more efficient,
                                                                                                          safer and reduce CO2 from our
                                                                                                          transportation activities.

                                                                        M TONS
                                                                                                          It is deployed in 55 countries
                                                                                                          worldwide, covering 1.7 billion
                                                                                                          kilometers each year, with real-time
                                                                                                          tracking systems in more than 90,000
                                                                                                          trucks. This state-of-the-art data-driven
            SCOPE                                                       CO2 EMISSIONS                     technology allows us to optimize truck
             1&2                                                           SCOPE 3                        utilization, routes and driver behavior.
                                                                                                          Through it, we can calculate real-time
                                                                                                          CO2 emissions for every single trip.

                                                                                                                   HOLCIM Climate Report 2022         21
Working toward a net-zero built environment,
we play an essential role across a building’s                                                    A   R
entire life cycle.
                                                                                          C   UL
With the construction sector             We are actively addressing
representing 38% of the world’s global   this with our low-carbon
CO₂ emissions, we are committed to       materials, from ECOPact
playing our part at every step of a      green concrete to
building’s life cycle. Seventy percent   ECOPlanet green cement
of these emissions result from the       all the way to empowering
building in use. We are tackling this    smart design to build more       REDUCE
stage with our advanced solutions for    with less.
energy efficiency and renovation, from
                                         Across all these applications,
our roofing systems to our insulation
                                         we are driving circular
products like Airium.
                                         construction to reduce,
The resulting 30% of these emissions     reuse and recycle materials
are generated at the building phase.     wherever we can.

SUPPLIERS                                          LOW-CARBON MATERIALS
FUEL                                               CIRCULAR ECONOMY
                                                   SMART DESIGN

22     HOLCIM Climate Report 2022


                                   BUILDINGS ACCOUNT FOR


                                   of the world’s CO2 emissions

                                   are linked to building
                                                              comes from buildings
                                   materials                  in use

                                                                HOLCIM Climate Report 2022   23

MAKING BUILDINGS SMARTER                  Its systems enabling solar roofs              full coating of roofs. Building on Gaco’s
We are making buildings more energy       contribute to powering buildings with         success in North America, Holcim
efficient and smarter in use from our     renewable energy in a self-sufficient         is rolling out in scale its GacoFlex
advanced roofing systems to our           way. This system was deployed in              TechoProtec waterproofing solutions
specialty building solutions.             Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino,            throughout Latin America.
                                          California, a leading building from a
Holcim is becoming a global leader                                                      GacoFlex TechoProtec is currently
                                          sustainability and circularity perspective.
in roofing systems with the milestone                                                   available across Holcim’s Disensa
acquisitions of Firestone Building        There is nothing more sustainable             retail network in Latin America,
Products and Malarkey Roofing             than enhancing and improving an               from Mexico to Colombia, and
Products, cutting across residential      existing building through re-roofing.         Ecuador to Argentina.
and commercial applications.              The roof is a building’s first defense in
                                          keeping the building air- and water-
Firestone Building Products adds more
                                          tight as well as energy efficient. Within
functionality into buildings with its
                                          Firestone building products, re-roofing
advanced roofing and waterproofing
                                          constitutes over 60% of our business.
solutions. For instance, the reflective
                                          We work with building owners and
technology in its white TPO, EPDM
                                          specifiers to choose the right roofing
and Asphalt roofing systems keeps
                                          system that can enhance their existing
buildings cooler in high heat periods,
                                          building performance, saving energy
making buildings more energy
                                          as well prolonging a building’s life.
efficient. Its green roofs play a key
                                          In addition, our Gaco range of liquid
role in combating smog and the
                                          applied membranes offers premium
urban heat island effect as vegetation
                                          waterproofing solutions for roofing
naturally contributes to reducing
                                          applications, for both small repair or
urban temperatures.
                                                                                        Apple Park, Cupertino, US, is built with
                                                                                        Firestone EPDM enabling its solar roof

24     HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
FIRESTONE GREEN ROOFING:               We provide solutions to bring nature
BRINGING NATURE INTO CITIES            into the built environment through        DID YOU KNOW?
As urbanization increases, we          our green roofing systems that are        GREEN ROOFS AND WALLS
are experiencing a decrease in         modular and circular in design.           Green roofs and green walls are
vegetation areas – that is set to                                                vegetated surfaces of buildings
                                       Our Firestone Roofing Products            that can reduce temperatures
continue with ongoing migration
                                       provide solutions that prevent            for outdoor spaces, helping to
trends to urban centers. A result
                                       vegetation from degrading                 reduce the urban heat island
of urbanization is both a loss of
                                       structures by stopping roots from         effect in urban environments
vegetation and biodiversity, and an
                                       damaging buildings. Our protective        and also directly lower the
increase of heat-absorbing surfaces
                                       membranes allow for intensive             indoor temperature.
such as roofs and pavement.
                                       vegetated roofs that use complex
A scenario experienced across
                                       ecosystems with trees, plants and
continents is the urban heat island
                                       irrigation. We also provide a
effect of higher temperatures in                                               The vegetation efficiently
                                       modular reusable system for
urban areas due to man-made                                                    absorbs heat from the sun,
                                       extensive vegetation with our
surfaces absorbing more solar                                                  which reduces the internal
                                       skyscraper vegetated roof made
radiation. The resulting higher                                                temperature of a building
                                       from recycled materials.
temperatures require more energy                                               and lowers the energy
for cooling.                           Holcim’s products, including cement,    consumption by up to

                                       concrete, waterproofing and
One of the key levers for mitigating
                                       insulating systems, allow buildings
the urban heat island effect is
                                       with vertical forests and green
increasing the vegetated area of
                                       walls to be part of cities and reduce
cities and urban centers. Trees and
                                       temperatures for outdoor and
vegetation naturally absorb CO2,                                               during peak periods4
                                       indoor spaces.
which means greener cities not only
reduce emissions but also capture
and store carbon emitted elsewhere.
                                       Les Trèfles School, Belgium, is
                                       built with Firestone’s UltraPly TPO     4	Vertical Green Systems for energy saving in buildings.
                                       roofing system                             Perez et al. 2014

                                                                                              HOLCIM Climate Report 2022               25

                                          MALARKEY ROOFING PRODUCTS:
                                          GREEN CIRCLE CERTIFIED
                                          Holcim welcomed Malarkey Roofing
                                          Products into its family this year to
                                          advance its leadership in sustainable
                                          and innovative roofing.
                                          All Malarkey’s shingles are green circle
                                          certified for containing smog-reducing
                                          technology and upcycled materials
                                          inside. With these properties Malarkey
                                          shingles have proven to be more
                                          durable, longer lasting and with a lower
                                          environmental impact.
                                          EACH MALARKEY ROOF HAS THE
                                          SMOG-FIGHTING POTENTIAL OF
                                          TWO TREES
                                          With air quality being a concern for all
                                          of us, Malarkey launched the industry’s
                                          first smog-reducing shingles. This clean
                                          air technology reduces air pollution
                                          while releasing oxygen, making the
                                          average Malarkey residential roof
                                          work like the equivalent of two trees
                                          standing tall in your yard.
                                          MALARKEY ROOFS ADVANCE
                                          CIRCULAR CONSTRUCTION
                                          Continuously advancing its leadership
                                          in sustainability, each Malarkey roof
                                          contains recycled tires and plastic bags
                                          that improve their shingles’ strength,
                                          durability and impact resistance while
                                          reducing landfill waste. Each average-
                                          sized roof upcycles the equivalent
                                          of about five rubber tires and 3,200
                                          plastic bags in its shingles.
                                          With its manufacturing and distribution
                                          footprint across North America,
                                          Malarkey Roofing Products are
                                          featured in a range of premium
                                          projects such as the Island House
                                          Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan,
                                          which won the Bronze Award from
                                          the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers
                                          Association for the lasting protection
                                          offered to the historic property.

26   HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
PRB GROUP: EXTENDING THE                  With its leadership in sustainability
LIFESPAN OF BUILDINGS                     and eco-design, PRB Group is a
The best CO2 reduction lever is the one   leading partner to support France’s
that doesn’t need to happen.              new regulation (RE2020) advancing
                                          energy-efficiency in buildings.
This is why extending the life of
buildings and infrastructure is so        Other examples of Holcim’s
important. We are expanding our           renovation offering include our Ultra-
range of specialty building solutions     High Performance Concrete Ductal,
to address the renovation needs of        which is used in overlay applications
buildings. For instance, we recently      for bridge and road repairs. Airium
announced the acquisition of              insulation is sprayed in attics and
the PRB Group, France’s biggest           roof cavities, and our Tector building
independent manufacturer of               specialty solutions are used for
specialty building solutions and a key    interior and exterior refurbishments.
player in its high growth repair and
refurbishment market.
                                                                                   HOLCIM Climate Report 2022   27

Holcim is empowering smart           Commonly referred to as Industry
design to build more with less
with innovative technologies, from
                                     4.0, a suite of digital, connected
                                     hardware and systems have allowed
3D printing powered by digital       rapid advances in both products        SENSORS
computational design to wireless     and services. Adapting Industry 4.0
sensors and Building Information     technologies to the construction       We are deploying sensor
Management (BIM) systems.            industry has the potential to          technologies that significantly
                                     decarbonize the built environment      reduce the carbon footprint of
BUILDING 4.0: BUILD MORE                                                    our building materials. These are
                                     by building more efficient buildings
WITH LESS                                                                   connected via a wireless network
                                     with fewer resources.
Advances in technology have                                                 to cloud-based servers that relay
impacted the way many industries                                            data in real time to customers
operate in the past decades,                                                and Holcim's concrete team.
with the manufacturing and           Miro, the BREEAM-excellence
telecommunication sectors            certified office complex in            This point of placement data
undergoing transformations in        Bucharest built with DYNAMax, the      allows both customers and
how they operate.                    Ultimate Performance Concrete          Holcim to make informed
                                                                            decisions to optimize products.
                                                                            Holcim supplied concrete
                                                                            to the Eglington Light Rail
                                                                            Transit project in Toronto,
                                                                            Canada, where sensors were
                                                                            used to provide data on curing
                                                                            conditions that gave confidence
                                                                            in the representative strength
                                                                            results for concrete that was
                                                                            specifically designed for the
                                                                            project with a low carbon
                                                                            footprint. The project saved
                                                                            around 130,000 tons of
                                                                            CO2 emissions.

                                                                            tons of CO2 emissions
                                                                            saved by wireless sensors

28     HOLCIM Climate Report 2022
                                                                                     In July 2021, we launched Striatus, the
                                                                                     first-of-its-kind 3D concrete printed
                                                                                     bridge, at the Venice Architecture
                                                                                     Biennale. Designed by Zaha
                                                                                     Hadid Architects and ETH’s Block
                                                                                     Research Group in collaboration
                                                                                     with incremental 3D, it was made
                                                                                     possible by Holcim’s proprietary
                                                                                     ink, TectorPrint. It establishes a new
                                                                                     language for concrete that is digital,
                                                                                     environmentally advanced and
                                                                                     circular by design.
                                                                                     The structure is composed of
                                                                                     3D concrete printed blocks
                                                                                     that stand together solely
                                                                                     through compression, with no
                                                                                     reinforcements, no mortar and no
                                                                                     binders, applying computational
                                                                                     design and 3D printing for minimal
                                                                                     material use and maximum strength.
                                                                                     All the blocks are entirely recyclable.

                                                                                     Striatus, the first of its kind 3D
                                                                                     concrete printed bridge in Venice
                                                                                     is built with TectorPrint, Venice @
                                                                                     Studio NAARO

                                          ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT
                                          DECLARATION (EPD)
                                          The increased focus on climate change
                                                                                       RAIL FACILITY
MODELING (BIM)                            and global warming has highlighted the       – NEW SOUTH
The digital built environment, which
includes the data, cost, time and
                                          importance of reducing GHG emissions
                                          attributed to the built environment.         WALES,
material properties in a representative
model, allows the computational
                                          This scrutiny has highlighted the            AUSTRALIA
                                          importance of using LCA tools to
review, modification and collaboration    quantify the impact of materials,            Holcim developed an EPD for
at a fraction of the cost. BIM gives a    products and buildings with particular       concrete that was supplied to the
platform to interrogate and optimize      focus on CO2. Life Cycle Assessment          project to assist with the customer’s
the digital built environment through     requires credible and accurate data          sustainability requirements.
conventional human-centric design         to quantify the total carbon footprint       The concrete supplied reduced
and advanced computational tools          of projects. EPDs allow designers to         emissions by over 30% in
at an early design stage where all        make informed decisions on which             comparison to the local benchmark
stakeholders can collaborate.             materials give the best overall outcome      and forecast to save 1.5 million kg
                                          for each project. EPDs are a publicly        of CO2 during the project.
Using integrated GHG Life Cycle
Assessment data and designing             disclosed, scientifically quantified and
                                                                                       The EPD for the concrete gave
for seasonal effects, geotechnical        recognized communication of the CO2
                                                                                       transparent, credible and verified
and structural requirements and           generated by a product across Scope
                                                                                       information to the customer,
occupant-use patterns allows              1, 2 and 3 following a standardized
                                                                                       allowing reduced carbon impact
designers to find the lowest carbon       reporting method. The tool provides
                                                                                       through informed decisions.
footprint, optimal occupant use and       transparency to all stakeholders in
                                                                                       More projects can profit in the
most economical design before             the value chain, which encourages
                                                                                       future from Holcim Australia’s
construction begins.                      informed consumer behaviors that help
                                                                                       ability to produce concrete EPDs
                                          decarbonize the built environment.
Refurbishment of existing buildings,                                                   on demand.
instead of new buildings, can be done     Accurate and available mass data is
much more efficiently using existing      crucial to the built environment value
BIM environments to investigate,          chain for the assessment of the whole
redesign and reuse of materials in the    life carbon footprint of projects to
growing adoption of circularity.          meet net-zero commitments. The
                                          application of data associated with
                                          the carbon footprint of buildings and
                                          materials at the early stage of design
                                          allows decisions to be made that
                                          facilitate the decarbonization of the
                                          built environment.
                                                                                               HOLCIM Climate Report 2022      29
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