Higher Education in Dubai Coming of Age! - Q2, 2018 - V
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Colliers International Education Advisory & Valuation Services team is solely focused on education related business (OpCo) and real estate (PropCo), from complex business related operational advisory to real estate related advisory. Our group has the expertise and knowledge essential to providing forward thinking solutions to any challenging education related decisions where success is measured in high quality care delivered in a cost effective way. Nurseries | Kindergartens K-12 Day & Boarding Schools Special Needs Schools Medical | Nursing | Pharma Colleges Science | Arts | Business | Colleges & Universities Vocational Training Institutes COMMITMENT PASSION EXPERIENCE KNOWLEDGE INTELLIGENCE USP Market Research | Market Entry & Expansion | Equity & Debt Fund Raising Highest & Best Use Study | Market & Financial Feasibility Study Operator Search and Selection | Land, Property & Business Valuations 2 Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates
Introduction With AED 6.8 billion of tuition revenues (academic year 2016/17) Dubai’s private K12 education market remains one of the most attractive and fastest growing markets in the world. During the same academic year Dubai hosted a total of 260 schools providing John D. Davis education to over 300,000 students of which 90% are in private Chief Executive Officer schools. Middle East & North Africa john.davis@colliers.com However, compared to K12 market the higher education market in Dubai is still in infancy with only approximately 60,000 students in higher education institutions out of which 46,000 students are in private higher education institutions (2015/16 latest available) translating to only 20% and 15% of total K-12 private student population, offering just 13 majors. Higher Education enrolments in Dubai have been steadily increasing from 33,500 in 2011/12 to 46,000 2015/16 a CAGR of 8.4%. The primary reasons for the growth includes: Ian Albert >> A growing resident population. The population of Dubai has Regional Director increased from 2.1 million in 2012 to almost 3 million at the end Valuation & Advisory of 2017, a CAGR of 7.2% per annum. Middle East & North Africa ian.albert@colliers.com >> Students from other Emirates choosing to attend universities in Dubai as it offers a greater variety of courses and established brands. >> Similar to K12 education, a growing preference towards international higher education institutes amongst Emirati parents. >> Professionals seeking to complete their education or obtain an alternate degree on a part time basis along with their work commitment. Mansoor Ahmed >> Similar to healthcare tourism, Dubai has emerged as an Director (MENA Region) Education Tourism Hub as over one third of enrolled higher Development Solutions education students in Dubai come from abroad to study in the Healthcare, Education & PPP city, coming from 167 different countries. mansoor.ahmed@colliers.com Poised to become a leading provider of higher education, regionally and internationally, Dubai requires an estimated 68,000 student places of which 50,000 are in private sector by 2025. Colliers International specialist Education Advisory & Valuation Services team in their first comprehensive white paper on Higher Education in Dubai, present key demand / supply analysis, market assessment and identify challenges and opportunities for operators and investors to enter into Dubai’s lucrative higher education sector. Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates 3
مقدمة بلغت إيرادات الرسوم الدراسية في دبي 6.8مليار درهم خالل العام الدراسي ،2016/2017ليظل قطاع التعليم المدرسي الخاص في دبي واحداً من أكثر جون دافيس القطاعات جاذبية وأسرعها نمواً على مستوى العالم .خالل العام الدراسي رئيس تنفيذي ،2016/2017بلغ إجمالي عدد المدارس في إمارة دبي 260مدرسة تقدم الشرق األوسط وشمال إفريقيا الخدمات التعليمية ألكثر من 300ألف طالب 90٪ ،منهم ملتحقون john.davis@colliers.com بالمدارس الخاصة. ولكن بالمقارنة مع قطاع التعليم المدرسي ،ال يزال سوق التعليم العالي في دبي في مراحله األولى ،إذ ال يوجد سوى 60ألف طالب فقط في مؤسسات التعليم العالي 46 ،ألفاً منهم يدرسون في مؤسسات التعليم العالي الخاصة (أحدث البيانات المتاحة من ،)2015/2016أي بنسبتي 20٪و 15%من إجمالي طالب التعليم المدرسي العام والخاص على التوالي ،وال تقدم تلك المؤسسات إال 13تخصصاً فقط. إيان ألبيرت مدير قسم االستشارات والتقييم اإلقليمي هذا وقد ارتفعت معدالت االلتحاق بالتعليم العالي في دبي من 33500في الشرق األوسط وشمال إفريقياالتقييم واالستشارات العام الدراسي 2011/2012إلى 46000في العام الدراسي ،2015/16بمعدل نمو ian.albert@colliers.com سنوي مركب يبلغ .8.4٪األسباب الرئيسية للنمو تشمل: > ارتفاع عدد المقيمين ،حيث ارتفع عدد السكان في دبي من 1.2مليون نسمة عام 2102إلى قرابة الـ 3ماليين في نهاية عام ،7102بمعدل نمو سنوي مركب يبلغ .%2.7 > الطالب القادمين من اإلمارات األخرى لاللتحاق بالجامعات في دبي لما تتمتع به من عالمات عالمية مشهورة وما تقدمه من تخصصات أكثر تنوعاً. منصور أحمد مدير منطقة الشرق األوسط وشمال إفريقيا حلول التطوير والرعاية الصحية والتعليم وشراكات > تنامي ميل اآلباء في اإلمارات نحو إلحاق أبنائهم بمؤسسات التعليم القطاعين العام والخاص العالي العالمية أسوة بما هو سائد في قطاع التعليم المدرسي. mansoor.ahmed@colliers.com > على غرار قطاع السياحة الصحية ،برزت دبي كمركز للسياحة التعليمية حيث أن أكثر من ثلث الطالب الملتحقين بمؤسسات التعليم العالي في اإلمارة قد أتوا من 761دولة مختلفة للدراسة فيها. تسعى دبي الحتالل الريادة في مجال التعليم العالي على الصعيدين اإلقليمي والدولي ،إال أنها بحاجة لتوفير األماكن لما يقرب من 68ألف طالب 50 ،ألفاً منهم في القطاع الخاص ،بحلول عام .2025في أول تقرير شامل له حول قطاع التعليم العالي في دبي ،قدم فريق كوليرز إنترناشيونال المتخصص في التعليم واالستشارات والتقييم تحليال ً مهماً للعرض والطلب وتقييماً للسوق ،كما قام برصد التحديات والفرص المتاحة أمام المشغلين والمستثمرين للدخول إلى قطاع التعليم العالي مرتفع الربحية في دبي. 4 Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates
Higher Education in UAE The overall education sector of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is governed by the Ministry of Education (MoE), which regulates and oversees several subsidiary educational authorities, as well as implements the federal mandate. Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates 5
Higher Education Sector in the UAE The Regulatory Framework & Relevant Authorities The Education sector of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research governed by the Ministry of Education (MoE), this regulates and oversees higher education and scientific research in UAE. oversees several subsidiary educational authorities and implements Regulation and development of the education sector in Dubai is the federal mandate as highlighted in the adjacent chart. overseen by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority Under the MoE are several other national level regulators (“KHDA”). including; the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific KHDA’s role is to ensure that private educational institutes in Research and Commission for Academic Accreditation. These Dubai are established and operate according to the highest quality two bodies are primarily responsible for the higher education of standards and is responsible for the growth, direction and quality the country. of private education and learning in Dubai. Education Authorities / Councils in UAE S T OR Abu Dhabi LA Education U G Council Commission for E Ac R AL ad ON em M ic A in N AT I istry of Higher E ccreditation MINISTRY OF Knowledge EDUCATION & Human Development Authority uc d io at n &S cient ch ific Resear Fujairah Sharjah Education Education Zone Zone Ras Al Ajman Khaimah Education Education Zone Zone 6 Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates
UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda The UAE Vision 2021, a national charter drawn up UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda in 2010 by H.H. Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, calls for the overall development of the Impact on Higher Education UAE. Comprising of four pillars: responsibility, destiny, knowledge, and prosperity. the Vision aims to make Key sectors that will be impacted by the UAE Vision 2021 the UAE among the best countries in the world in time National Agenda include the following: for the Golden Jubilee of the Country in 2021. The knowledge pillar of the charter emphasizes on the development of a first-rate education system; requiring a complete transformation of the current Technology education system and teaching methods. It aims to equip all schools, universities and students with The technology sector is one of the pivotal sectors required smart systems and devices as a basis for all teaching to activate the country’s diversification policy away from the methods, projects and research. hydrocarbon base. Ultimately, the UAE will focus on developing human As a critical base sector for the foundations of the capital aspects of innovation, research, science, and knowledge economy the aim is to incorporate technology technology. To achieve this, a shift in the teaching- into society through the establishment of technology and learning process is necessary to equip students with innovation focused higher education institutes. Key public high-order thinking. funding initiatives include The Masdar Institute of Science and Technology and Khalifa University’s various scientific The growth of technology and creativity based programs. industries and lifestyles has, as it has around the world, changed the preference and emphasis for UAE Colliers research identifies the private universities are based students higher education. This top down and responding to shifting market conditions by offering new bottom up demand has seen the introduction of new programs focusing on technology such as Artificial Intelligence courses from the University sector. and 3-D Animation. Renewable Energy Focus on renewable energy is also inline with Vision 2021 and various initiatives have taken across the UAE including establishment of the City of Masdar and renewable energy solutions alogside nuclear power electricity generation. The UAE’s renewable energy goals require a highly skilled workforce. As a result the country is undertaking numerous efforts in order to ensure its human capital base is well equipped. Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates 7
Higher Education in the UAE Number of HEPs and Students in the The UAE higher education sector is largely dominated by private sector operators UAE (Public vs Private) with 71 institutions making it amongst the most privatized education systems Public Sector in the world. The public sector comprises only 9 institutes, as depicted in the Private Sector adjacent exhibits. However, in terms of total number of students the public sector 9 Inst. 71 Private Sector Institutes share is 36% compared to private sector share of over 64%. Higher education enrolments are growing faster than the population with growth similar to K12, higher education student enrolments increasing at almost 8% against a background population growth of 6.0%. Total student enrolments in the UAE have gradually increased for both private and public sectors, however, increase in private sector enrolments was CAGR of 8.5% during 2009/10- 2013/14 compared to 6.5% for the public sector. 35,4% 64,6% Public Sector Students Private Sector Students 45,385 82,894 over Public Sector 38,000 Growth at CAGR 6.5% new seats (2009/10 – 2013/14) will be required by 2025 100 000 Public & Private University Students 75 000 by Field of Study 50 000 8.4 14.1 25 000 5.3 Foundation 0 Diploma 2009/10 2015/16 2020/21 2025/26 Bachelor’s Masters — Doctorate (0%) 72.3 Private Sector Growth at CAGR 8.5% (2009/10 – 2013/14) 225 000 Public & Private University Students 200 000 by Major over 175 000 105,000 new seats Engineering Business 150 000 will be required by 2025 125 000 Media 19.0 100 000 & Design 30.5 2 6.7 75 000 IT 4.1 31.8 50 000 Education 25 000 Other 0 2009/10 2015/16 2020/21 2025/26 8 Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates
Higher Education in Dubai Driven by a commitment from Dubai’s leadership, who consider education as the key driver to building a knowledge economy, in the last 30 years the number of universities in Dubai has grown from just three to sixty-two. This includes thirty- three international universities from twelve countries including; Australia, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States the majority offering a wide range of programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates 9
Types of HEPs Dubai has constantly encouraged the establishment of international university branches (Higher Education Providers - HEP Branches) to provide high quality international degrees to its citizens and expatriate Operating In Dubai residents. HEP (Higher Education Providers) Branches can be located in or outside a Free Zone area. The three main types of HEPs are: A university, college, academy, or institute HEPs in Dubai located in a Dubai Free Zone, which acts – Free Zones vs Main Land HEP Branch for, on behalf of, and in the name of a HEP headquartered outside a Free Zone (usually another country). 37,1% Mainland A university, college, academy, or institute 62,9% Free zones which provides academic programs leading to the awarding of the higher education HEP Local qualifications. HEP Locals can be either (Private/ funded privately or by the Dubai Government. These institutions are licensed by the Government) Ministry of Education (MoE) with programme Distribution of HEPs accreditation by the Commission for Academic Across Various Free Zones Accreditation (CAA). These institutions may also obtain international accreditation. DSO: 1 DCCA DHCC: 2 A University or college which provides academic programmes leading to the awarding 33 DIFC: 2 DMCC: 1 HEP Federal of higher education qualifications. HEP Federals are established by federal decree. Dubai Creative Cluster Authority (DCCA) enjoys the advantage of allowing part-time student employment at any companies registered within any of the DCCA Free Zone Clusters. This has been implemented Under Order No (1) (Feb 2016) of 2016 which authorizes students to work part-time. This offers students a valuable opportunity to get essential experience and exposure to industries that will form the backbone of the knowledge based economy of Dubai and also help entities to absorb local talent. Furthermore, this may assist students in sustaining the cost of living and pursuing higher education in Dubai. 10 Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates
HEP Branch Total: 24 AUTHORITY FREE ZONE DHCC DHCC DHCC HEP HEP BRANCH 0 Local Total: HEP LOCAL 1 14 AUTHORITY FREE ZONE HEP BRANCH DIFC DIFC DIFC 2 HEP LOCAL 0 D3 AUTHORITY DCCA FREE ZONE D3 HEP BRANCH 0 HEP LOCAL 1 DKP AUTHORITY DCCA FREE ZONE DKP HEP BRANCH 8 HEP LOCAL 3 DCCA DSO DIAC AUTHORITY DCCA AUTHORITY DSO AUTHORITY DCCA FREE ZONE DIC FREE ZONE DSO FREE ZONE DIAC HEP BRANCH 1 HEP BRANCH 0 HEP BRANCH 10 HEP LOCAL 0 HEP LOCAL 1 HEP LOCAL 6 DMCC AUTHORITY DMCC FREE ZONE DMCC HEP BRANCH 2 HEP LOCAL 0 DACC AUTHORITY DACC FREE ZONE Dubai South HEP BRANCH 1 A majority of the Higher Education Providers “HEPs” in HEP LOCAL 0 Dubai are based in Free Zones most of these located in Dubai Creative Clusters Authority (DCCA). DCCA consists of 10 Free Zone clusters, each established with a specific purpose and industry focus. Clusters under DCCA include Dubai Academic City, Dubai Knowledge Park, Dubai Media City, Dubai Studio City, Dubai Industrial Park, Dubai Science Park, Dubai Production City, Dubai Internet City, Dubai Outsource City and Dubai Design District. Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates 11
Average Annual Fees Undergraduate (AED) Tuition Fees Based on capacity utilization, majority (>80%) of AED the students attend HEPs with a fee range between AED 25,000 and AED 65,000 – indicating the affordable tuition fee bracket. 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 Where else, 70% of HEPs offering postgraduate programs have tuition fees ranging from AED 50,000 up to 110,000. Average Annual Fees Postgraduate (AED) Key field of Studies Based on the latest data available, business related courses remain the most popular with the highest number of enrolments. AED They account for more than a 50% share increasing at a CAGR of 14.2% per annum. This compares to 12.5% in Information 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 Technology, while foundation programs witnessed a decline of 8.0% in student enrolment during the period 2010/11-2015/16 Other Over the last five years student enrolment in Engineering and Foundation Architecture remains the highest compared to other fields, growing at a CAGR of 22.3% and 35.8% respectively. The market Law research conducted by Colliers indicates that these fields are preferred by Emirati students who prefer courses containing 19.0 science and math. IT 30.5 2 The foundation programs, which usually consist of an intensive Media 6.7 year of English Language courses, decline indicates that Dubai & Design 4.1 K12 schools are fulfilling this component by offering better English 31.8 Business language skills amongst students. Student enrolment in other fields of study such as Law, Health Engineering and Medicine and Education have witness a decline at a CAGR -14.5% during the same period. 12 Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates
Dubai Education Tourism – A top destination for higher education Similar to healthcare tourism, Dubai has emerged as an Education Tourism Hub, with over one third of enrolled higher education students coming from abroad to study in the city. A Global Student Accommodation Dubai offers all the living and educational experiences (GSA) Group survey conducted with an aim to keep up on students attending higher with the globally-oriented, and education in Dubai revealed Technology technologically advanced world. that over 50% of the respondents had only ever Cultural Driven considered studying in Dubai, Diversity Students in Dubai lead a comfortable life wherein they the city being their first choice for study destination. Other are free to choose from the wide range key reasons for enrollment included universities offering Student of opportunities cultural diversity, quality of Life provided across social, cultural and international institutions, better lifestyle experience and sporting experiences centrally global location. designed to Safety & enrich their overall university experience. The HEPs in Dubai Security are mandated to Dubai is globally positioned with one take significant Ease of third of the world’s population living precautionary measures to ensure students safety Travel within a four-hour flight from Dubai, and two-thirds are within an eight-hour flight. and security on campus. Home travel connectivity also serves as an attractor and importantly ease of getting a tourist and student visa India Student population diversity 30 8 Egypt Students enrolled in HEPs 6 Pakistan The students in Dubai comes from 167 countries, with 30% from the 6 MENA region (including UAE), 56% from Asia, 5.5% Europe, 5.1% Africa Other 45 Nigeria 5 and remaining from other countries. The key source markets are Jordan % 30 UK Australia India US Russia Austria Lebanon Pakistan Iran France Canada Ireland 25 20 International diversity of HEPs 15 The current HEP Branches operating 10 in the Dubai Free Zones are from 12 different countries. Figure 6 shows the 5 international diversity of the different HEPs in the Free Zones. 0 Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates 13
Projected Growth in Higher Education in Dubai During the academic year 2015-2016, the latest published data, just over 60,000 students were enrolled in 56 HEPs in Dubai, including full-time and part-time students, out of which 76% or 46,000 were in private institutions. Overall HEP Growth at CAGR 7.9% (2009/10 – 2015/16) 120 000 over 68,000 100 000 new seats will be required by 2025 80 000 in Dubai 60 000 40 000 20 000 0 2009/10 2015/16 2020/21 2025/26 Private HEP Growth at CAGR 7.6% (2009/10 – 2015/16) over 100 000 50,000 new seats 80 000 will be required by 2025 60 000 in Dubai 40 000 20 000 0 2009/10 2015/16 2020/21 2025/26 14 Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates
Conclusions Similar to K12 market, Based on Colliers Colliers International’s the higher education projections, Dubai will Education Valuation market in Dubai is require an additional and Advisory Services coming of age and 50,000 places in acted as trusted advisor Dubai is expected to private higher education to many investors become a leading player sector by 2025 brining and operators to start regionally and continue it to a total demand of and expand their its drive internationally 68,000. operation in the Middle with opening of East Region and in more campuses of Dubai by providing international higher market assessment, education institutions in feasibility studies, entry Dubai. strategies, business planning and assisting in debt and equity raising and most importantly find the right partner. If you are looking to expand into the region or in Dubai please contact our Regional Director Mansoor Ahmed for any assistance. Higher Education in Dubai; Coming of Age | Q2 2018 | United Arab Emirates 15
Operating from For further information, please contact: 69 countries John D. Davis Chief Executive Officer Middle East & North Africa on john.davis@colliers.com 6 continents Ian Albert Regional Director Valuation & Advisory ian.albert@colliers.com Mansoor Ahmed $2.7 billion Director Middle East and North Africa in annual revenue Development Solutions, Healthcare, Education & PPP 2 billion mansoor.ahmed@colliers.com square feet under management Colliers International | MENA Region 15,400 Dubai | United Arab Emirates professionals and staff +971 4 453 7400 Colliers International Middle East Colliers International is a global leader in commercial real estate services, with over 15,400 professionals operating in 69 countries. A subsidiary of FirstService Corporation, Colliers International delivers a full range of services to real estate users, owners and investors worldwide, including global corporate solutions, brokerage, property and asset management, hotel investment sales and consulting, valuation, consulting and appraisal services, mortgage banking and insightful research. The latest annual survey by the Lipsey Company ranked Colliers International as the second-most recognized commercial real estate firm in the world. colliers.com Copyright © 2018 Colliers International. The information contained herein has been obtained from sources deemed reliable. While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, we cannot guarantee it. No responsibility is assumed for any inaccuracies. Readers are encouraged to consult their professional advisors prior to acting on any of the material contained in this report.
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