High transient stress in the lower crust: Evidence from dry pseudotachylytes in granulites, Lofoten Archipelago, northern Norway
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https://doi.org/10.1130/G48002.1 Manuscript received 9 June 2020 Revised manuscript received 23 July 2020 Manuscript accepted 12 August 2020 © 2020 The Authors. Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. High transient stress in the lower crust: Evidence from dry pseudotachylytes in granulites, Lofoten Archipelago, northern Norway Kristina G. Dunkel1, Xin Zhong1,2, Paal Ferdinand Arnestad1, Lars Vesterager Valen1 and Bjørn Jamtveit1 1 hysics of Geological Processes (PGP), The Njord Centre, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1048, Blindern, 0136 Oslo, Norway P 2 Institut für Geologische Wissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin, Malteserstrasse 74–100, 12449 Berlin, Germany ABSTRACT Menegon et al., 2017; Jamtveit et al., 2019) and Seismic activity below the standard seismogenic zone is difficult to investigate because advance our understanding of earthquakes under the geological records of such earthquakes, pseudotachylytes, are typically reacted and/or high confining pressure. deformed. Here, we describe unusually pristine pseudotachylytes in lower-crustal granulites from the Lofoten Archipelago, northern Norway. The pseudotachylytes have essentially the GEOLOGICAL SETTING same mineralogical composition as their host (mainly plagioclase, alkali feldspar, orthopy- The Lofoten-Vesterålen islands are part roxene) and contain microstructures indicative of rapid cooling, i.e., feldspar microlites of the Norwegian Caledonides and consist of and spherulites and “cauliflower” garnets. Mylonites are absent, both in the wall rocks and an Archean to Paleoproterozoic metamorphic among the pseudotachylyte clasts. The absence of features recording precursory ductile complex of paragneisses and orthogneisses deformation rules out several commonly invoked mechanisms for triggering earthquakes in intruded at 1870–1770 Ma by an anorthosite- the lower crust, including thermal runaway, plastic instabilities, and downward propagation mangerite-charnockite-granite (AMCG) suite of seismic slip from the brittle to the ductile part of a fault. The anhydrous mineralogy of that makes up ∼50% of the archipelago (Griffin host and pseudotachylytes excludes dehydration-induced embrittlement. In the absence of et al., 1978; Corfu, 2004). The intrusive rocks such weakening mechanisms, stress levels in the lower crust must have been transiently high. were emplaced under granulite-facies conditions (Griffin et al., 1978). During the Caledonian INTRODUCTION and dehydration- or reaction-induced embrit- orogeny (ca. 490–390 Ma), western Baltica was Below the brittle-ductile transition (at tlement (e.g., Austrheim and Boundy, 1994). partially subducted under Laurentia; however, ∼15 km depth for the continental crust), defor- Alternatively, upper-crustal earthquakes could the relation of the Lofoten block to Baltica and mation is commonly assumed to be accom- migrate downward (Moecher and Steltenpohl, the Caledonides is unclear. modated by crystal-plastic mechanisms, and 2011) or cause transient stress transfers to the Pseudotachylytes are abundant and have earthquakes should not be possible. However, lower crust (Ellis and Stöckhert, 2004; Jamtveit been reported from numerous localities in the seismic data show that earthquakes do occur at et al., 2018). Lofoten-Vesterålen area (Fig. 1A). They are these depths (e.g., Maggi et al., 2000). Exhumed Establishing the origin of lower-crustal often coeval with eclogite- or amphibolite- lower-crustal rocks from a number of localities earthquakes for specific cases is challenging facies shear zones (Steltenpohl et al., 2006; worldwide likewise record fossil earthquakes because the structures produced by seismic Moecher and Steltenpohl, 2011; Menegon et al., (e.g., Austrheim and Boundy, 1994; Steltenpohl events are often obliterated by subsequent defor- 2017), indicating formation under lower-crustal et al., 2006; Pittarello et al., 2012; Menegon mation and metamorphism. Here, we describe conditions. et al., 2017; Hawemann et al., 2018; Orlandini an exceptional occurrence of pristine pseudot- et al., 2019). The differential stresses necessary achylytes that developed in dry rocks from the PSEUDOTACHYLYTES ON to allow frictional failure in intact, dry rocks Lofoten Vesterålen Archipelago in the north- MOSKENESØYA at the confining pressures of the lower crust ern Norwegian Caledonides. Their preserved We investigated four outcrops along the east (≥1 GPa) are considerably higher than what can microstructures provide the first glimpse into the coast of Moskenesøya (three road cuts and one be sustained over orogenic time scales (Jamtveit incipient stages of Caledonian crustal transfor- small quarry) (for locations see Fig. 1A; see et al., 2018). Hence, local weakening mecha- mation processes in an area with a high density also the Supplemental Material1). The rocks nisms have been invoked, such as thermal shear of lower-crustal earthquakes (e.g., Steltenpohl are massive, without macroscopically visible instabilities (Braeck and Podladchikov, 2007), et al., 2006; Moecher and Steltenpohl, 2011; foliation or lineation. Their compositions range 1 Supplemental Material. List of the localities, description of the methods, supplemental figures detailing the composition of the host rocks (Fig. S1), the distribu- tion and orientation of pseudotachylytes (Fig. S2), the relationship between amphibole and pseudotachylytes (Fig. S3) and the residual pressures of quartz inclusions in garnet (Fig. S4), and supplemental tables on host rock geochemistry (Table S1) and Raman data (Table S2). Please visit https://doi.org/10.1130/GEOL.S.12915719 to access the supplemental material, and contact editing@geosociety.org with any questions. CITATION: Dunkel, K.G., et al., 2020, High transient stress in the lower crust: Evidence from dry pseudotachylytes in granulites, Lofoten Archipelago, northern Norway: Geology, v. 49, p. XXX–XXX, https://doi.org/10.1130/G48002.1 Geological Society of America | GEOLOGY | Volume XX | Number XX | www.gsapubs.org 1 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-pdf/doi/10.1130/G48002.1/5151487/g48002.pdf by guest
A B C D Figure 1. (A) Geological map of the Lofoten area, northern Norway (modified from Corfu, 2004), with sampling localities (HIL, ØL, HAM, REI) along the east coast of Moskenesøya. (B) Field photo illustrating different lithologies found within one outcrop, with a long, straight pseudotachylyte (pst) extending from bottom left to top right. (C) Pseudotachylyte breccia. (D) Two generations (G1 and G2) of crosscutting pseudotachylyte fault veins. B–D: Outcrop HAM. from g abbroic to monzonitic. They follow a lin- veins longer than 1 m were mapped (Fig. S2A). pairs showed only very small changes in major- ear trend in a total alkalis versus silica (TAS) The pseudotachylytes in the four investigated and trace-element compositions (Table S1). In diagram (see Fig. S1), but the contact between localities exhibit two main orientations: One set the monzonites, there are no hydrous minerals monzonitic and gabbroic varieties is generally strikes approximately NNW-SSE, and the other except for minor amounts of amphibole as reac- sharp (Fig. 1B). The monzonites show a grain one strikes ENE-WSW. The east-west–striking tion rims around orthopyroxene. The more gab- size ranging from millimetric to centimetric size. and northwest-southeast–striking veins are less broic rocks contain more amphibole. However, Both monzonites and gabbros are cut by prominent (Fig. S2B). Major ductile shear zones the distribution of amphibole is not correlated dark, fine-grained pseudotachylyte veins are absent in the investigated outcrops and have to that of the pseudotachylytes. This is espe- (Figs. 1B–1D). They are ∼1–15 mm thick and not been found in any of the road cuts along cially clear at one outcrop (ØL), where gabbro generally straight, and they can commonly be the 24-km-long road along the east coast of contains dark, amphibole-rich patches several followed for several meters (Fig. 1B). Many Moskenesøya (from the bridge over Kåkersun- centimeters in diameter that are homogeneously have injection veins or form breccias (Fig. 1C), det to the village Å i Lofoten). distributed in the outcrop (Fig. S3). Because the and some cut each other at high angles (Fig. 1D). Compositionally, the host rocks and pseu- pseudotachylyte microstructures are the same On one outcrop (HAM-1) with a width of ∼80 m dotachylytes are very similar. Whole-rock geo- in the (amphibole-bearing) gabbroic and the and a height of up to 15 m, 47 pseudotachylyte chemical analyses of two host-pseudotachylyte monzonitic rocks, we treat them together here. 2 www.gsapubs.org | Volume XX | Number XX | GEOLOGY | Geological Society of America Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-pdf/doi/10.1130/G48002.1/5151487/g48002.pdf by guest
A B MICROSTRUCTURES OF HOST AND PSEUDOTACHYLYTE The host rock does not display evidence for mylonitization, and the borders between host rock and pseudotachylyte are sharp (Fig. 2A). Plagio- clase, alkali feldspar, magnetite, pyroxenes, and (in the monzonitic varieties) quartz occur as clasts in the pseudotachylyte and show no signs of duc- tile deformation. The feldspars exhibit the same perthitic exsolution features as those in the host rock (Fig. 2B). Smaller grains of pyroxene and (in the gabbroic varieties) amphibole with more constant diameters on the order of 10 µm occur C D as well. The pseudotachylyte contains rounded to angular pores (Figs. 2C and 2D). Microstructures indicative of rapid cooling are crucial to determine the melt origin of a pseudo- tachylyte (Kirkpatrick and Rowe, 2013) and are shown by several minerals in the pseudotachy- lytes analyzed here. Garnet has a dendritic to cau- liflower habit (Fig. 2C) and contains inclusions of the other mineral phases in the pseudotachy- lyte. Feldspar occurs as equant grains or elon- gated microlites (Fig. 3D), which are sometimes arranged as spherulites. Plagioclase microlites are Figure 2. (A) Pseudotachylyte with sharp borders to undeformed host rock. qtz—quartz; plag— often surrounded by alkali feldspar (Fig. 3D). The plagioclase; K-fsp—K-feldspar; mag—magnetite; opx—orthopyroxene. (B) Pseudotachylyte feldspar microstructures and their distribution with a large lithoclast that shows similar perthitic microstructures as the host. (C) Cauliflower were analyzed in detail by Dunkel et al. (in press). garnets (grt) and small grains of orthopyroxene. Matrix consists of two feldspars and magnetite. While most of the pseudotachylytes do not (D) Plagioclase microlites (dark gray) surrounded by K-feldspar (light gray). Magnetite is white; show any evidence for postseismic deformation porosity black. A, B, D: sample HAM-3, C: sample HAM-2. or annealing (the microlitic microstructures are Figure 3. Entrapment pressure versus tem- perature for quartz in garnet, compared to the formation conditions of other pseudotachylytes in Lofoten/Vesterålen (northern Norway). Shear zones on Flakstadøya are coeval with pseudo- tachylytes (Steltenpohl et al., 2006). The entrap- ment pressure that can be calculated from residual inclusion pres- sure depends on the entrapment temperature. These pressure-temper- ature relationships are shown as isopleths. The ranges of possible entrapment conditions for samples HAM-1 and HAM-2 are marked by yellow and purple bands, respectively. Assuming temperatures similar to those of other pseudo- tachylytes in Lofoten (650–750 °C), entrap- ment pressures were ∼0.8–1.2 GPa. See Figure S4 and Table S2 (see footnote 1) for details. Geological Society of America | GEOLOGY | Volume XX | Number XX | www.gsapubs.org 3 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-pdf/doi/10.1130/G48002.1/5151487/g48002.pdf by guest
preserved), stretching of clasts and a develop- The absence of fluids during faulting is in the brittle-ductile transition, even for a weak ment of a crystallographic preferred orientation itself evidence that faulting did not occur in the (wet-quartz) rheology. For a strong lower crust in the matrix feldspar were observed along the shallow parts of the crust. Usually, fluid infiltra- initially subject to high but sustainable stresses straight margins of some pseudotachylytes. This tion accompanies or directly follows a seismic during plate convergence, transient stress per- was interpreted as minor reactivation of some event in the upper crust, but in the lower crust, turbations caused by upper-crustal earthquakes seismic faults by plastic deformation. anhydrous pseudotachylytes are more common may trigger lower-crustal aftershocks at all crustal (Musgrave Ranges, Australia—Camacho et al., depths, as observed, for example, during the 2001 AMBIENT CONDITIONS DURING 1995; Hawemann et al., 2018, 2019; Cora Lake MW 7.6 Bhuj earthquake in India (Copley et al., PSEUDOTACHYLYTE FORMATION shear zone, Canada—Orlandini et al., 2019; 2011). Based on observed earthquake frequen- Previous work has shown that the pseudo- Minas fault zone, Canada—White, 2012; Ivrea cies and scaling relations from the seismogenic tachylytes from the Lofoten-Vesterålen area zone, Italy—Pittarello et al., 2012; Mont Mary regime, Jamtveit et al. (2018) demonstrated that formed under amphibolite- to eclogite-facies Nappe, Italy—Mancktelow and Pennacchioni, this mechanism is expected to create significant conditions (Steltenpohl et al., 2006; Moecher 2004; Pennacchioni and Cesare, 1997). There damage in the lower crust. and Steltenpohl, 2011; Leib et al., 2016), but, are also some examples of dry pseudotachylytes Another possibility to generate transiently so far, no direct estimate of the pressure during reported from subduction zone settings (Aus- high stresses has been presented by Hawemann pseudotachylyte formation has been performed. trheim and Andersen, 2004; John and Schenk, et al. (2019), who suggested that high stresses in All pressure estimates have been based on min- 2006; Scambelluri et al., 2017). the lower crust arise from the jostling of strong eral equilibria from hydrated, recrystallized, and blocks within a shear zone network (Musgrave often mylonitized rocks. In this case, traditional GENERATION OF EARTHQUAKES IN Ranges, Australia). This hypothesis was sup- thermobarometry based on the mineral assem- DRY LOWER CRUST ported by observations from Nusfjord East in blages in pristine pseudotachylytes is hampered The pseudotachylytes at Moskenesøya are Lofoten (Campbell et al., 2020), where pseu- by the limited number of new phases and the the results of multiple lower-crustal earthquakes dotachylytes occur in blocks between granu- potential chemical disequilibrium during rapid (Fig. 2D). Several models have been proposed lite-facies shear zones. In this part of Lofoten, quenching. Clasts are inherited from the wall to explain seismic slip and the presence of pseu- ∼15 km from the Nusfjord ridge, no shear zones rocks and show very little or no reaction with dotachylytes below the brittle-ductile transition have been observed so far. However, at least the feldspar-dominated matrix. For this reason, depth (∼15 km) in the continental crust. Dehy- one set of pseudotachylytes on Moskenesøya is quartz-in-garnet elastic barometry is a power- dration embrittlement (Raleigh and Paterson, comparable to one of the most prominent shear ful alternative to recover the paleopressure of 1965) is a commonly invoked mechanism for zone orientations at Nusfjord East (Fig. S1C). the rocks, because it is based not on a chemi- lower-crustal earthquakes (Austrheim and Hence, we propose that the Moskenesøya case cal equilibrium, but on the mechanical equilib- Boundy, 1994). In the present case, however, represents a precursor to what is now observed rium between inclusion and host. This method both the wall rock and the pseudotachylytes are at Nusfjord and represents the first stage of seis- requires the determination of residual pressures essentially devoid of hydrous minerals (except mically induced reworking of the lower crust. of quartz inclusions sealed in garnet hosts with for some of the more gabbroic samples). Hence, Aftershocks from upper-crustal earthquakes Raman spectroscopy. A higher wave-number dehydration embrittlement can be excluded here. may have triggered the first generation of pseu- shift of quartz inclusions is related to a higher Plastic instability (Hobbs et al., 1986) or dotachylytes along preexisting structures, which residual pressure (e.g., Schmidt and Ziemann, thermal runaway (Braeck and Podladchikov, are common in large areas of Lofoten, such as 2000). The residual pressure develops due to 2007) models, which invoke a feedback between cooling joints in the plutonic rocks. Some of a relative expansion/contraction during exhu- shear heating and thermal softening within a these pseudotachylytes were then mylonitized mation caused by the different thermal expan- ductile shear zone, are not applicable either, and developed into shear zones as described sivity and compressibility of the two phases because there is no evidence for preexisting duc- by Menegon et al. (2017) for Nusfjord. Stress (Zhang, 1998). Wave-number shifts for quartz tile shear deformation, neither in the wall rock amplifications within blocks bounded by shear inclusions within garnets in the pseudotachy- nor in the clasts within the pseudotachylytes. zones may subsequently have triggered the for- lytes from Moskenesøya are ∼0.9–1.9 cm−1 Moecher and Steltenpohl (2011) described mation of a second generation of pseudotachy- (sample HAM-1) and ∼1.3–2.9 cm−1 (HAM- lower-crustal pseudotachylytes associated lytes (Campbell et al., 2020). 2) for the 464 cm−1 band (Table S2; Fig. S4). with the Eidsfjord and Fiskefjord shear zones A gem-quality quartz crystal was used as the in the northern part of the Lofoten-Vesterålen CONCLUDING REMARKS standard for stress-free quartz. Based on the cali- Archipelago, featuring a mutual overprinting Pseudotachylytes from the dry lower crust bration from Schmidt and Ziemann (2000), the of brittle and ductile deformation features. They of Moskenesøya in southern Lofoten, Norway, residual inclusion pressures are in the range of explained the occurrence of lower-crustal earth- are neither fluid-bearing nor associated with 0.10–0.21 GPa for HAM-1 and 0.14–0.32 GPa quakes by the propagation of a dynamic rupture mylonites. This excludes the most commonly for HAM-2. Using a one-dimensional, radially that nucleated in the upper part of a fault and suggested weakening mechanisms that may symmetric elastic model and assuming isotropic moved downward into its ductile extension. This cause earthquakes below the brittle-ductile tran- elasticity and an infinite host medium (Guiraud would imply a preexisting ductile shear zone, sition: reaction-induced embrittlement, plastic and Powell, 2006; see the Supplemental Mate- which is not observed in the present case. instability, thermal runaway, and downward rial for details), the pressure at which the quartz In the absence of weakening mechanisms, brit- propagation of a seismic rupture from shallow inclusion was entrapped in the garnet host can tle failure of the dry granulites from Moskenesøya faults into their deeper ductile extensions. Tran- be calculated (e.g., Zhong et al., 2019). For the would require very high stresses. The earthquakes sient stress pulses in a strong lower crust, pos- analyzed samples, the resulting pressure is ∼0.8– may have been triggered by a stress pulse from sibly caused by shallower earthquakes, seem to 1.2 GPa (Fig. 3) at the temperature conditions the shallower seismogenic regime. Ellis and be the only plausible explanation for these rocks. estimated for pseudotachylytes in “wet” systems Stöckhert (2004) analyzed the effect of coseis- from other localities in Lofoten (650–750 °C; mic displacement in the upper crust on the middle ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Markl and Bucher, 1997; Leib et al., 2016; and lower crust and found that stresses reaching This project was supported by the European Union’s Menegon et al., 2017). several hundred megapascals may arise below Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme 4 www.gsapubs.org | Volume XX | Number XX | GEOLOGY | Geological Society of America Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-pdf/doi/10.1130/G48002.1/5151487/g48002.pdf by guest
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