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Communication Audit Report: Hickman Mills C-1 School District National School Public Relations Association 15948 Derwood Road | Rockville, MD 20855 | P: 301-519-0496 | F: 301-519-0494 | www.nspra.org | NSPRAssociation | nspra
Copyright © 2020 by the National School Public Relations Association. All rights reserved. With the exception of the Hickman Mills C-1 School District, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission from the National School Public Relations Association.
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 Contents Introduction������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Key Findings������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8 Observations and Comments����������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 Recommendations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 13-55 Recommendation 1 & Action Steps�������������������������������������������������������������� 14 Recommendation 2 & Action Steps�������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Recommendation 3 & Action Steps�������������������������������������������������������������27 Recommendation 4 & Action Steps������������������������������������������������������������ 30 Recommendation 5 & Action Steps������������������������������������������������������������ 36 Recommendation 6 & Action Steps������������������������������������������������������������ 39 Recommendation 7 & Action Steps������������������������������������������������������������� 43 Recommendation 8 & Action Steps������������������������������������������������������������ 47 Recommendation 9 & Action Steps������������������������������������������������������������ 50 Recommendation 10 & Action Steps���������������������������������������������������������� 54 Benchmarking Against NSPRA’s Rubrics of Practice and Suggested Measures����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56 Appendix����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 |3
Hickman Mills C-1 School District Introduction The Hickman Mills C-1 School District obstacles to ensuring that thousands of (HMC-1) serves 5,610 students in the South stakeholders—students, parents, instructional Kansas City, Missouri area. The district has an and support staff, volunteers, taxpayers, early childhood center, an alternative education community and business leaders, legislators, center, six elementary schools, one middle etc.—feel engaged in their schools, valued by school and one high school. It enjoys the the district and represented in the important distinction of becoming the first consolidated decisions that affect them. school district in Missouri in 1902. It is also the The HMC-1 Board of Education and only urban district in the state to have received Superintendent Yolanda Cargile, Ed.D., are accreditation from the nonprofit AdvancED, committed to effective communication which recognizes and validates school throughout the school system and with the quality efforts. community. By contracting for and approving HMC-1 students are diverse, with an this communication audit by the National enrollment that is 69% African American, School Public Relations Association (NSPRA), 13% Hispanic, 9% white, 6% multi-racial they have demonstrated their willingness and 3% other. Among them, 7% are English to reflect on the district’s communication language learners. Due to high poverty levels strengths and challenges. They have also shown across the district, HMC-1 participates in the their ongoing commitment to strengthening Missouri Department of Education’s community the relationship between the district and its key eligibility provision, which provides free meals stakeholders. for all students. Since 1935, NSPRA has been providing The district is provisionally accredited by school communication training and services the state and making strides toward full to school districts, departments of education, accreditation, but it continues to be challenged regional service agencies and state and national by a steady decline in enrollment—with a 15.5% associations throughout the United States and loss during the last five years. It also has an Canada. Among those services is the NSPRA eroded tax base, and the Kansas City poverty Communication Audit, which provides: rate is 16.5%, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. At the end of the 2018 school year, • An important foundation for developing the district closed two elementary schools in and implementing a strategic response to these challenges and distributed its communication plan. STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts • A benchmark for continuing to measure and math) and project-based learning programs progress in the future. to all schools. In serving HMC-1, the goals of the NSPRA In recognition of the improvement needs of Communication Audit process were to: its remaining, aging school buildings, the HMC-1 Board of Education has voted to place a • Seek data, opinion and perceptions, and bond issue on the August 2020 ballot. from these to assess the effectiveness and management of public relations, marketing That election will test the degree to which and engagement efforts in the district. HMC-1’s patrons feel connected to and are willing to invest in the future of the district. • Provide customized recommendations on The district’s diversity and relatively small size strategies and best practices to enhance are strengths, but they also present natural the overall communication program. 4|
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 In opting to conduct a communication audit, publics with the goal of stimulating better HMC-1’s leaders have clearly indicated their understanding of the role, objectives, desire to analyze communication practices accomplishments and needs of the across the district as well as within the existing organization. offices that perform communication functions. “Educational public relations programs The key findings, observations and assist in interpreting public attitudes, identify recommendations in this report should be and help shape policies and procedures in reviewed carefully. Whether they pertain to the the public interest, and carry on involvement work of the Public Information and Partnerships and information activities that earn public Office (PIOP), any other department or HMC-1 understanding and support.” as a whole, they are intended to help the district improve the effectiveness of current communication, engagement and marketing Opinion Research as a efforts and to support its commitment to Foundation “providing a foundation for a proudly diverse and An NSPRA Communication Audit provides historic community.” information about attitudes, perceptions and It is difficult to measure public relations the effectiveness of current public relations, overall. However, individual elements can engagement and marketing efforts, and offers be assessed. It can be determined whether recommendations to enhance or expand the specific program goals and objectives have overall program. The audit also provides a been met. The real measure of success for any benchmark for continuing to measure progress program, however—including a communication in the future. The development of any effective program—is to determine whether it is helping communication program begins with the district move forward on its stated mission. opinion research. Accordingly, in developing recommendations, the auditor reviewed the perceptions of the focus groups and the resource materials in light Scope and Nature of the Audit of the district’s mission, five-year strategic plan A communication audit of HMC-1 enables and education pledge to its stakeholders. the district to view its communication from an outside, independent perspective. The NSPRA consultant for this communication audit was Guiding Definition Steve Mulvenon, Ph.D. His vita is included in the NSPRA works to advance the cause of appendix of this report. education through responsible public relations, The first step in the communication audit communication engagement and marketing involved PIOP submitting samples of materials practices. In doing so, NSPRA uses the following developed to communicate with various district definition as a foundation for all educational stakeholders. All forms of communication public relations programs: were examined for effectiveness of message “Educational public relations is a planned, delivery, readability, visual appeal and ease of systematic management function, designed use. The auditor also reviewed the district’s to help improve the programs and services website, video and social media platforms, with of an educational organization. It relies on an additional focus on stakeholders’ use of and a comprehensive, two-way communication engagement with the online content. process involving both internal and external |5
Hickman Mills C-1 School District In addition, the auditor reviewed other America and are reflected within NSPRA’s relevant information such as community and Rubrics of Practice and Suggested Measures. staff surveys demographic data, strategic plans, The final report was carefully reviewed and district policies, communications staffing, edited by NSPRA Executive Director Richard news items, etc. D. Bagin, APR, and Associate Director Mellissa However, the core of the communication audit Braham. process was the onsite focus group component. The auditor met with 10 focus groups and conducted interviews with district leaders and Assumptions communications staff in person on Oct. 28-29, It is assumed that school systems undertake 2019. Each focus group was guided through a communication audits because they are similar set of discussion questions, and each committed to improving their public relations session was approximately one hour in length. and communication programs. It is also HMC-1 officials identified and invited as assumed that they wish to view the school participants those who could represent a broad district and its work through the perceptions of range of opinions and ideas. The stakeholder others, and that they would not enter into an groups represented in the focus group sessions audit unless they were comfortable doing so. and interview sessions included the following: However, some caution should be observed regarding the nature of such a review. Whenever • Elementary parents opinions are solicited about an institution • Secondary parents and its work, there is a tendency to dwell on perceived problem areas. This is natural and, • Principals and assistant principals indeed, is one of the objectives of an audit. Improvement is impossible unless there is • Executive leadership team information on what may need to be changed. • Elementary/pre-K teachers It is important to note that perceptions are just that. Whether or not they are accurate, • Secondary teachers they reflect beliefs held by focus group • Support staff participants and provide strong indicators of the communication gaps that may exist. The • Community and business leaders recommendations in this report are designed to address these gaps and to assist district leaders • Volunteers and partners and communications staff in their efforts to • Board of Education members communicate more consistently and effectively. Following the review of materials, focus This report is intended to build on the many group discussion comments and interview positive activities and accomplishments of feedback, the auditor identified key findings the district and communications staff as well and prepared recommendations for improving as to suggest options and considerations for two-way communication and engagement with enhancing and expanding the district’s overall the district’s internal and external stakeholders. communication program. The recommendations are based on proven strategies used in successful communication programs by school systems around North 6|
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 Recommendations Copies to participants The recommendations in this report have Focus group participants were generous in districtwide implications, and a number of them sharing their thoughts and ideas during the apply to other staff and departments beyond focus group sessions. They were also interested those with formal communication functions. in finding out the results of the communication Implementing all of these recommendations audit. Because of their high level of interest is a long-term effort, one that might span and involvement, along with the importance of several years. Doing so while maintaining closing the communication loop to build trust existing programs may entail an investment and credibility, we recommend that this report in additional staff capacity. For those reasons, be shared with focus group participants and any new communication components should made available on the district website. be introduced as budget, resources and staff capacity allow. Considerations for implementing recommendations The recommendations in this report address immediate communication needs as well as those that are ongoing or that should receive future consideration as part of long-range planning. Some recommendations may apply only to those with formal communication tasks, and others may apply to all departments and schools. Some recommendations may be implemented right away, and others may require additional staff capacity or financial resources to undertake while maintaining existing programs. This is a long-term effort in which the report should serve as a road map for the future. Recommendations are presented with the intention of helping HMC-1 take its communication program to an exemplary level that serves as a model for other school districts. Communication programs in any organization are most successful when treated as a management function that is planned, evaluated and regularly updated. With its capable staff in the Public Information and Partnerships Office and the recommendations in this report, HMC-1 is well equipped to meet the evolving communication needs of its families, staff and community. |7
Hickman Mills C-1 School District Key Findings The following key findings reflect common partners and non-profit organizations. themes that emerged from the focus group Among those participants representing discussions and the review of district materials. the wider community, several felt that the district’s community partnerships appear to be robust and growing. They pointed to the General Perceptions of External recent and very successful Family Summit and Internal Focus Groups as evidence. District Image Strengths District Image Challenges • Focus group participants generally • When asked how the district was described described the district’s atmosphere as in the community, focus group participants warm, student-centered and caring. They used terms such as rough, declining, noted an overarching commitment to substandard, poor academics, dangerous supporting families with a comprehensive and “the hood.” set of wraparound services. Family school liaisons were mentioned as an asset and an ▫▫ Based on comments in the focus example of the district’s commitment. groups and interviews with key staff, much of the negativity stems from a • In nearly every group, internal and external, perception that schools are unsafe HMC-1’s work to promote racial equity was and that student discipline is not identified as a clear and visible strength. being sufficiently addressed. • In internal focus groups, participants Stories (and video) of specific referred to the district as innovative, incidents have circulated widely on progressive and advanced. Regarding social media. technology, they pointed to the recent roll • In several internal and external focus out of 1:1 computers and tablets groups, multiple participants felt that the for students. district is not currently providing adequate • In several groups, participants lauded the student support in the areas of mental district’s free, full-day pre-K program as health and discipline. Many attributed this evidence of a commitment to improving to a lack of necessary finances and/or school readiness. inadequate staffing levels, particularly at athletic events. • Among the teacher focus groups, there was an appreciation of a strong professional • Based on media coverage and on focus development program. group comments, part of the image challenge stems from an enrollment • District administrators, particularly the decline, an eroding tax base and a decision superintendent, were generally seen last school year to close two elementary as accessible, visible and active in the schools. Local media described the district community by both external and internal as “troubled” and “cash-strapped.” focus group participants. They are perceived as constantly seeking to implement best • Comments from community members and practices across the district. employees noted a troubling rift between individual school board members, whose • The district benefits from a strong base comments they felt portrayed the district in of support from a varied list of community less than a favorable light. 8|
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 Communication Strengths superintendent’s Twitter account had 1,465 followers. Several principals, schools and • The superintendent is widely seen as an sports programs also had active accounts. active and good communicator, someone The district Facebook page (https://www. who is accessible, transparent and invested facebook.com/HMC1Proud/) is active, up- in the community. to-date and enjoys 3,634 followers. • The Public Information and Partnerships Communication Challenges Office is seen as a valued and valuable resource among district and school • When asked for the greatest administrators. They particularly appreciate communications challenge facing the the department’s event management district, every focus group mentioned skills and support with messaging during overcoming the negative image and crisis situations. perception of the district, and developing clear and consistent messaging about where • School board participants noted strong improvement is needed and what is being internal communications. They appreciated done to get there. the effort by the superintendent to keep them “in the loop” with frequent messages. • Nearly all of the focus groups mentioned the difficulty of communicating with parents. • There is a strong, positive working From faulty email addresses to changing relationship between the superintendent cell phone numbers to parents’ failure to and the director of Public Information and read printed materials, the need to improve Partnerships. Marissa Wamble is viewed as a parent communications is a top-of-mind “communications expert” by her colleagues issue across the district. and is a valued member of the executive leadership team. • Participants in a majority of the focus groups cited changing demographics within • Within the Public Information and the district—growing levels of poverty, an Partnerships Office: aging population, greater racial and ethnic >> There is a clear collegial and diversity—as another challenge to effectively professional relationship. communicating with all stakeholders. >> There is a general recognition and • There is a general lack of awareness both agreement of their strengths and areas in the community and among staff about of need. They are “on the same page.” the August 2020 bond election. Several >> Their efforts with social media, participants said this was symptomatic of especially Twitter, were frequently the district’s need to be more proactive mentioned in several groups in communicating about major, important as a strength. issues. (At the time of the auditor’s visit in October 2019, the district had not yet • HMC-1’s social media efforts are well begun any formal communications rollout established, especially with Twitter and regarding the bond election.) Additionally, Facebook. At the time of the auditor’s in both internal and external focus groups, review, the district Twitter account concern was expressed about the general (https://twitter.com/HMC1proud) had 547 economic health of the community. Those followers and was frequently updated. The perceptions will certainly impact the |9
Hickman Mills C-1 School District level of voter support for the bond issue, • There do not seem to be clear protocols and leaders will have to take them into or expectations for who is responsible for consideration when planning the upcoming communicating important information bond campaign. or key messages following Executive Leadership Team (ELT) meetings. District • The district’s reliance on digital leaders indicated that while there is not communication methods is seen as a benefit a set standard for what communications by some stakeholders and as a challenge must happen after every meeting, ELT by others. Those who like it appreciate that information is often embedded throughout they can get the information in the manner the Leadership Link, though it is not they prefer, but those who have concerns labeled as coming from ELT. Getting such worry about: information to filter down throughout the >> Families with limited or no Internet entire organization is critical to helping access missing out on communications, employees serve as trusted messengers resources or opportunities. and ensuring that they are “in the loop.” >> Teachers and support staff being out Focus group participants said that was not of the communication loop during the always the case. work day when information is released Sources for News and Information via social media. >> Senior citizens and empty nesters with • Both internal and external groups no direct connection to the district appreciated the district’s efforts to being left out. communicate on a wide variety of platforms including email, text messages, social media • In many of the focus groups, one or more and phone blasts. participants commented on difficulties with navigating the district website. Generally, • There was not a wide awareness of the they described it as useful but not as a C-1 School Messenger in any group. After go-to source of news and information. being reminded of what it is, a number of Following are some of the most commonly participants said they just skim it. While expressed concerns among participants: some said it was attractive and well- designed, others said it had too much “fluff” >> Several felt that there are too many and not enough hard news. clicks required to get to desired information. The section on enrollment • Employees appreciate receiving Board was cited by several as an example. Briefs and look forward to it, although they >> Some internal stakeholders, many of noted that the links do not always work. whom have regular computer access, • Internal groups were appreciative of were concerned about the amount of emails from the Public Information and scrolling required to see a page. Partnerships Office, especially surrounding >> While some appreciated the potential or current crisis events. standardization of the school websites template, many more felt that the • Although not mentioned in any focus group, school websites are not providing usage statistics provided by the district enough timely and unique content for show a solid level of awareness of the their buildings. That was especially true district’s mobile app. for several elementary schools. 10 |
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 Observations and Comments The auditor offers these general observations • An increased focus on internal and comments following the conclusion of the communication is needed to create staff comprehensive communication audit process: ambassadors, improve key messaging about district initiatives and reinforce • It is time for the Hickman Mills C-1 School the HMC-1 brand. Internal focus groups District to take its communications noted a pattern of inconsistency in both program to the next level. As noted in the dissemination of information and the key findings, HMC-1’s stakeholders the messages shared, which directly acknowledge that the district’s image contributes to a lack of awareness and has suffered for the last several decades. understanding of school district initiatives Whether real or perceived, it is viewed that was apparent among staff participants. in a negative light. That said, there is Communication protocols are needed a wellspring of support from staff and at all levels to ensure key messages and community groups waiting to be tapped critical information cascade effectively and into. At present, the biggest hole in HMC-1’s efficiently throughout the district so that all overall communication program is the lack employees are able to communicate in “one of well-defined strategic communication clear voice.” plan and a marketing plan to accomplish this shift in recognition status. • Hickman Mills C-1 School District could benefit from defining its identity and value • Superintendent Dr. Yolanda Cargile is proposition with a coordinated marketing a popular and respected leader, who and branding campaign. As a part of that is known as a “homegrown” educator effort, HMC-1 has an opportunity in its with her roots in Hickman Mills. The rebranding efforts to move away from district is fortunate to have a visionary its current logo that connotes geometric superintendent, who is seen as a highly movement to one that communicates credible education leader in the community. student success and diversity. A rebranding She is well respected for her commitment campaign can engage both internal and to racial equity and her community external stakeholders in identifying positive involvement. Many teachers applauded attributes of the district. her frequent classroom visits, where she is welcomed as a colleague. • Communication vehicles need to be continually assessed and evaluated. • As noted above, a written, formal strategic HMC-1 has a variety of tools available to communication plan is needed to support communicate district messages, including HMC-1’s goals. A more strategic and print materials, e-newsletters, websites, a proactive approach to communication, mobile app, social media and engagement beginning with a comprehensive activities. Based on focus group feedback communication plan, is needed to focus and auditor evaluation, there needs to be the overall communication program and continual improvement of the district’s support a renewed emphasis on branding various communication channels to ensure and marketing efforts. Some keys to they are connecting with target audiences, success that are included in this report delivering the information audiences want are creating a plan that is research-based in the formats they prefer, and are resulting and aligning surveys and other evaluation in outcomes and actions that benefit the tools to provide actionable feedback on the district. communication plan and marketing efforts. | 11
Hickman Mills C-1 School District • The HMC-1 Board of Education is widely perceived as being divided, and in some cases, that perceived division is seen as negatively affecting the school system. This perception makes it more challenging for district leaders to communicate a unified vision for the district and to build stakeholders’ faith in their commitment to that vision. District leaders, including the school board, should seek every opportunity to communicate with one voice, authentically, on issues where they are unified to build greater confidence among stakeholders in their school system governance. • A major theme in almost all focus groups concerned challenges posed from an eroding tax base, a loss of retail businesses and the budgetary impact of the tax abatement given to the Cerner Corporation. As HMC-1 works to enhance its communication program, it should make outreach to the business community a high priority and incorporate those efforts into the recommended strategic communication plan. • Hickman Mills C-1 School District is poised to raise its profile as a leading school system in the metropolitan Kansas City area. The district has the leadership and communication team in place to effectively meet its communication and marketing goals and build strong support for the schools. The district has quality teachers, experienced administrators and innovative programs. The challenge is to effectively communicate that to the broader community. Doing so will provide the foundation for success as HMC-1 continues to grow and move forward. 12 |
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 Recommendations In the Hickman Mills C-1 school district, years. This is a long-term effort, and new communication efforts are guided by the district communication components will need to be strategic plan and the Public Information and introduced when budget, resources and staff Partnerships Office’s (PIOP) goal of “informing capacity allow. the public and district community about HMC- 1’s quality and diverse learning environment, Summary of Recommendations as well as the district’s dedication to finding strategic and researched-based solutions to the 1. Strategically align the overarching goals of great global challenges in education the district’s communication program and we face today.” the daily efforts of communications staff with HMC-1’s mission and strategic plan. In the PIOP office, the director splits her time between her communication duties 2. Work to build a culture of communication and overseeing the All-In Mentors Program. throughout the district. A full-time public information specialist 3. Strengthen communication between the manages a wide range of duties, including event district, schools and parents. coordination, social media, video district and school websites, marketing campaigns and 4. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan photography. Supporting their communication to raise HMC-1’s profile and solidify efforts is an administrative assistant, who also its brand. serves as the district receptionist. The district 5. Strengthen the engagement also contracts for creative services and event of staff members in the district’s planning. Finally, PIOP manages the district decision-making process. printing operations. Together, the team is tasked with providing communication strategy, 6. Develop a key communicator network that guidance and support in a variety of areas for emphasizes and strengthens relationships. the district and its schools. 7. Continue efforts to make the Communications staff have accomplished HMC-1 website the go-to source of a great deal in HMC-1. The following district information. recommendations focus on areas for 8. Enhance communication with residents improvement or growth in the district’s without children enrolled in HMC-1. communication program, but that should not detract from the many positives coming 9. Review and expand the crisis out of the communications office. In fact, communication plan. many of the recommendations will require 10. Consider the staffing and resource commitment and participation from the entire implications of the recommendations administrative team if the district is going in this report. to realize meaningful improvements in its communication program. The recommendations are listed in a suggested order of priority, but the district may choose to implement different recommendations and action steps at different times. Some can be implemented immediately, and others may take several | 13
Hickman Mills C-1 School District • A means for reporting on their progress Recommendation 1: and demonstrating accountability to district leadership and other stakeholders. Strategically align the overarching goals of the district’s The strategic communication plan should be developed by communications staff (see Action communication program and the Step 1.1) to align with the district’s five-year daily efforts of communications strategic plan, which serves as the guiding staff with HMC-1’s mission and philosophy for all departments throughout the strategic plan. district. Goals in the strategic communication plan should be for and about the work of PIOP, but their achievement should contribute to the The day-to-day communication demands of achievement of the district’s strategic plan goal. any public school system can easily consume a The department’s current goal of “informing majority of staff members’ time, leaving little the public and district community about HMC- time for strategic planning and evaluation of 1’s quality and diverse learning environment, communication efforts. This can result in a as well as the district’s dedication to finding communications department spending the strategic and researched-based solutions to majority of its time and resources on general, the great global challenges in education we habitual and reactive communications rather face today” aligns with the district’s strategic than on delivering the district’s key messages plan goal, but consideration should be given and engaging stakeholders in meaningful to shifting its focus from the department’s relationships. Communication programs, when output—“informing” efforts—to its desired not guided by a clear vision and measurable outcome (e.g., All district stakeholders will be objectives, easily fall victim to the latest aware of “HMC-1’s quality and diverse communications request or crisis of the day learning environment...”). while missing strategic opportunities to expand a district’s outreach and brand. As part of clarifying the vision for the communications function, HMC-1 school A strategic communication plan with clear leaders can use this communication audit goals and measurable objectives created report, in conjunction with the district’s specifically for the work of the Public five-year strategic plan, to determine critical Information and Partnerships Office (PIOP) will communication and engagement priorities. help keep the department’s communication The recommendations in this report offer efforts on track and maximize the value of some proven strategies that can help to focus HMC-1’s communication dollar. It will also communication efforts and may also indicate increase the effectiveness of the district’s functions that can be decreased in emphasis overall communication program by providing or that need more support. Without a plan, it is PIOP staff with: difficult to effectively create an open dialogue • A gauge by which to judge whether their with stakeholders, to deliver the messages tasks are mission critical, nice but low that are important to both the district and its priority, or an unnecessary and inefficient stakeholders, and to build support use of staff time. This helps ensure key for the schools. messages are not lost in the day-to-day communication tasks that can overwhelm school districts. 14 |
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 Action Step 1.1 Develop a strategic, district-level communication plan that outlines # 1 measurable objectives intended to move the communication program toward achieving its goals. Strategically align A comprehensive, strategic communication the overarching plan provides transparency and accountability goals of the district’s for the implementation of all district communication goals, including those outlined communication in HMC-1’s 2019-2024 Strategic Plan. It is program and the a vehicle for moving a school district from a reactive stance to a proactive position in daily efforts of communications. This plan should guide communications staff communication activities; however, it is important to remember that school districts with HMC-1’s mission exist in an ever-changing environment, impacted by community, state and federal and strategic plan. factors. Creating a flexible and dynamic plan about communications as well as opinions and that allows for the impact of these factors and attitudes about HMC-1 and its programs. This mandates will ensure that it remains a relevant communication audit report is an excellent and useful tool for keeping communication starting point on that research. So are the efforts on track. community and staff surveys conducted as part PIOP should develop a strategic of the district’s strategic plan development. communication plan that clearly demonstrates NSPRA advises the use of a plan that adheres how its work relates to achievement of to the four-step strategic communication the district’s mission and that outlines planning model, often referred to by the communication program components, acronyms RPIE or RACE: objectives and activities that directly support HMC-1’s strategic plan. Each of the three • Research and analyze the situation, pillars in the district’s strategic plan (i.e., including stakeholders’ needs and wants. district, schools, community) have roles and responsibilities for PIOP, but what is missing • Plan for how to address the situation are department-specific details on the by setting longer-term communication necessary research, planning, implementation goals and shorter-term, measurable and evaluation measures used by exemplary objectives. Articulate clear goals and communication programs. measurable objectives for communication based on desired changes in awareness A comprehensive, strategic communication levels, knowledge levels, perceptions plan will provide a clear road map to drive and behaviors of key audiences. Identify communication efforts in both the short and the strategies you plan to use to achieve long term. The communication plan should be your objectives and the tactics/tools for based on research that is regularly conducted to accomplishing each strategy. Focus around determine constituent needs and expectations | 15
Hickman Mills C-1 School District key messages. Identify your affected NSPRA members at www.nspra.org/gold-mine): stakeholder groups and the best ways to • Chartiers Valley School District - https:// reach and build relationships with them. www.nspra.org/files/docs/Chartiers_Valley_ Delineate specific tools and tactics for each School_District_Communication_Plan.pdf audience. Identify needed resources to deploy tools/tactics and how they • Rockwood School District - https://www. will be acquired. nspra.org/files/docs/Rockwood CommunicationsPlan2015-2016.pdf • Implement your plan and begin communicating with specific tools on an established schedule. Articulate who is Action Step 1.2 responsible for deployment of each tool/ Communicate with objectives tactic and the time line for deployment. in mind, and avoid jumping to • Evaluate the outcomes, whether you preferred tactics. achieved your measurable objectives and the success of the strategies and tactics Once a comprehensive, strategic used. Include evaluative measures communication plan has been developed, the based on the articulated goals and PIOP office can organize part of its regular measurable objectives. staff meetings to review their progress toward meeting the measurable objectives of the plan. The planning process will demonstrate This will keep staff focused and energized on how communication projects, tasks and impactful communications work and reduce the responsibilities support specific HMC-1 goals, distraction of less impactful tasks. provide clear direction for staff, prioritize the work and increase effectiveness. These discussions also offer the opportunity to reflect on how to communicate with It also will help staff identify higher priority objectives in mind rather than jumping first to areas that may need more support and lower- familiar, preferred tactics. This helps avoid the priority projects/activities they may need to selection of tactics based on misperceptions abandon. It can be difficult to release work that about widespread community used, which is familiar and for which we feel ownership, can happen when there is a highly vocal but but part of effective communication planning not widely representative cheerleader for a is identifying practices that are no longer particular tool or platform. For example, while effective. A well-written and thoughtfully social media capabilities are abundant within crafted strategic communication plan can PIOP thanks to a talented team and growing provide a measure of the value of projects, in popularity among school leaders across the programs and activities in which the country, local research may show that the most communications staff is engaged. With a small effective way to achieve an objective among communications office of only two full-time a particular stakeholder group is through a professionals in HMC-1, it is essential that their campaign that involves face-to-face time. time is spent on matters of importance. Both creativity and the use of research should Following are some examples of strategic be encouraged in exploring new strategies and communication plans created by school districts tactics to keep the communications efforts based on the recommendations from an NSPRA relevant and highly effective. Communication Audit Report (available to 16 |
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 audiences, strategies, tactics/communication Action Step 1.3 tools to be used, a timeline of tasks and Continue to create mini- who will be responsible for each task. Once communication plans for key administrators have gone through this exercise initiatives and specific programs, a few times with communications staff, they and show administrators how their will feel more comfortable following the initiatives might benefit from a similar template to engage in their own communication planning process. planning when necessary. Developing the communication skills of PIOP has developed a number of seasonal and the entire administrative team can help lay event-specific mini-communication plans (such the groundwork for HMC-1 to become more as for the Family Summit) to organize its work proactive in telling its story and build strong in support of HMC-1 initiatives. This practice support both internally and externally. should continue, but each mini-communication plan should be guided by the overarching communication goals and measurable Action Step 1.4 objectives established in PIOP’s new district- Continue to evaluate all level strategic communication plan. As the communication strategies, tactics need to communicate about new initiatives and and activities. programs unfolds during the year, continue to prepare individual, mini-communication plans Especially important to an effective targeted to the desired outcomes. communication plan is the evaluation In the internal focus groups with principals component. Being able to measure outcomes and directors, they said their communications (e.g., change in behavior or attitude) and not responsibilities were unclear and could just outputs (e.g., number of posts or news benefit from some training. Providing basic releases issued) is a critical component when communication training, as well as mini- decisions must be made about continuing communication plan templates, can help and specific communication activities given limited encourage department heads and principals resources and staff capacity. The focus group to develop their own plans for communicating feedback for this audit, as well as the results of about their special projects, events or issues. the surveys conducted as part of the strategic The communications team can support their plan development, offers a fresh perspective efforts and use of best practices with training, and a baseline of where the communication resources and advice (see Action Step 2.1). effort now stands. The training process can begin simply Following are some additional suggestions by modeling the desired behavior. If an for future evaluation methods to include in a administrator is responsible for launching strategic communication plan: a new initiative, a communications staff • Follow-up communication surveys. On key member might offer to assist with planning areas of concern within this review, HMC-1 communications about the initiative. can and should conduct follow-up surveys Schedule a meeting, and bring a blank mini- to determine if any progress has been made communication plan template. Work side-by- and to inform next steps. These can be side together to fill out the template with a goal, coordinated internally or through an outside measurable objective(s), key messages, target vendor and can occur as stand-alone | 17
Hickman Mills C-1 School District surveys or a series of questions on another, the district’s e-newsletter, C-1 School larger district survey. Messenger, may not be resonating with readers. (Some felt it was too “soft” and • Soft soundings. Ask staff and parents for needed to contain hard news. Others said their opinions in informal conversations at they only skim it.) Planning for a reader meetings and social events, as a “by the survey a few months or even the year way” at the end of phone call or even in line after any adjustments are made would at the store. Recruit other administrators help the district determine whether those and school board members to do the adjustments were effective. same, and provide them with a “question of the month.” Focus on a single topic Action Step 1.5 or publication, and keep a running list Develop a specific communication of responses. For example, ask whether plan for the upcoming bond election. they saw the recent issue of C-1 School Messenger and what they liked about The Board of Education has approved a bond it. This type of casual outreach can also election for August 2020, and at the time of increase engagement and goodwill while the auditor’s review, details of the bond issue demonstrating that district leaders are and ballot language were in development. As approachable and willing to listen to input. noted elsewhere in this report, there was a very • Brief focus groups. Gather parents’ low level of awareness on this matter among opinions during brief focus group sessions the focus groups. It is urgent that the district offered as part of school open house develop a plan for communications regarding its programs or PTA/PTO meetings. Focus upcoming election campaign. questions on just one or two specific The most effective communication district/school communication vehicles programs are guided by an overall strategic and activities. communication plan (Action Step 1.1) that is supplemented with detailed, mini- • Digital analytics. Regularly review website, communication plans for the roll out of key social media and mobile app analytics, initiatives, projects and programs (Action and track changes over time as content is Step 1.3). Think of these as “sub-plans” that, updated, changed or added to determine when completed, contribute to achievement what is currently resonating with users. of the goals and objectives established in the • Reader surveys. There is value in comprehensive strategic communication plan. conducting specific reader surveys In developing a mini-communication plan annually or biennially to determine reader for an election campaign, begin by considering expectations and desires and how well any available research (past election results, they are being met by district publications. voter turnout among staff, past exit poll results, Surveys can be conducted districtwide and etc.) and all elements necessary for planning, also at the local school level. This will help implementation and evaluation. Find samples HMC-1 assess whether publications are of award-winning communication plans for connecting with audiences and whether bond/finance campaigns among the NSPRA some should be revised, combined with Gold Medallion winners (https://www.nspra. others or discontinued. For example, org/awards/gold-medallion-winners), including feedback from some focus groups suggest these recent winners: 18 |
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 • Continue the Greatness (Papillion La Vista through a scientific, random-sample public Community Schools) - https://www.nspra. opinion poll (higher cost). Based on that org/sites/default/files/award-submissions/ research, refine key messages about gold-medallion-19_ne-papillion-la-vista.pdf the referendum. • Focused on Our Future (West St. Paul- • Use multiple channels to deliver Mendota Heights-Eagan Area Schools) key messages. - https://www.nspra.org/files/%234%20 >> Incorporate social media into District%20197%20-%20GM%20 communication strategies and tactics, 2015%20entry-paymentinforemoved.pdf with messaging designed to reach the With a bond/finance campaign, these general voting-age stakeholders most likely to strategies have proven successful for many interact on those platforms. The HMC-1 school systems: Facebook page and Twitter feed provide channels for sharing information quickly • Know your target audiences. Determine and easily. Currently, the district uses which groups may become opponents if these primarily to transmit positive they don’t feel properly informed and which news, but don’t hesitate to use them to are most likely to support the district at keep stakeholders informed of facts the polls. Consider any research available and key messages during a referendum on what issues they care about and where, campaign. when and how they prefer to get their news >> Over the past 10 years, social media and information. has changed the way elections are won >> Include staff as a primary audience or lost, but you can’t overlook more in your campaign. Every employee— traditional one-way communication support staff, teachers, administrators, tools such as the news media and etc.—should be well-versed on how district and school websites. Refer back they, their students and their schools to what you know about your target will be positively affected if the bond audiences to determine the best ways vote is successful. to reach each group of potential voters. >> Identify opinion leaders among staff, • Incorporate two-way communication. parents, business partners, community Personal interaction and engagement leaders and civic groups, and initiate a with audiences, when properly planned, dialogue with them. These people could can be among the most effective tactics be the same as those invited to join the for building understanding and support of proposed key communicator network a proposal. Avoid formats that create an and the Business Advisory Council (see us-versus-them mentality (e.g., town hall Recommendation 6). meeting with an administrative dais looking • Determine which key messages will down on the public) and consider instead a resonate most with stakeholders and structured community conversation with help move supportive voters to action. Low small-group discussions, live video chats on turnout at the polls is a national crisis, but platforms such as Facebook or Crowdcast, it can defeat local bond proposals as well. or a group idea-sharing platform Test possible messages with small focus such as Thoughexchange. groups of key stakeholders (lower cost) or | 19
Hickman Mills C-1 School District • Know what you can and can’t say. In most states, public entities are allowed to explain the reasoning behind the bond proposal, what the dollars will be used for and how much taxes will increase, but they are prohibited from asking voters to “vote yes.” Some also place restrictions on advertising related to the vote. Be aware of Missouri law that outlines what school districts can and cannot do with taxpayer dollars. (In some school communities, non-affiliated groups have instead taken on the role of asking for voters’ support through fliers, mailers and media buys.) Assuming the election is successful, issue periodic updates on work progress with links to more information on the full scope. Continue to report progress at least quarterly through an easy-to-spot place on the website (perhaps through a data dashboard) as well as through e-newsletters, social media, videos, open house events and during the superintendent’s public appearances as appropriate. Doing so will help raise the profile of these initiatives and demonstrate accountability, transparency and a commitment to the district’s mission. Following are some award-winning examples of school district webpages designed to keep stakeholders informed after a bond was approved: • Bond Program (Spring Independent School District)- https://www.springisd.org/ bondprogram • Building a Better Education for Every Student (Gresham-Barlow School District) - https://www.gresham-barlowbond.org/ NSPRA has a resource that is helpful in conducting successful referendum campaigns – Election Success: Proven Strategies for Public Finance Campaigns . It is available from NSPRA’s Online Store at www.nspra.org/products. 20 |
NSPRA Communication Audit Report 2020 demonstrate many practices within the district Recommendation 2: that are helping create a culture of communication. Work to build a culture of That culture of communication is not yet communication throughout pervasive, though. As this report identifies, the district. there are several challenges preventing HMC-1 from fully realizing the benefits of a School districts that truly maintain a culture culture of communication. For example, an of communication weave today’s best practices inconsistent range of communication skills for two-way communication into their goals, among administrators, along with widely policies and practices at all operational levels, diverse quality of school websites and no clear both internally and externally. Education expectations for information to be shared from leaders across the nation are increasingly top to bottom, has caused some of those who prioritizing this culture, as suggested by current most need information to miss it entirely. trends in hiring practices, programs and The following action steps are aimed at professional development related maintaining, strengthening and to communications. expanding the culture of communication That is a good trend for many reasons, but throughout the district. one of the chief reasons might be considered “customer satisfaction.” Schools earn their Action Step 2.1 best ratings from parents who feel they are kept informed, have ample opportunities to Provide communication training provide input and that their child’s school is and support for administrators, and interested in what they have to say, according evaluate their communication efforts. to a 2016 PDK International study. Similarly, Administrators at all levels spoke positively in a 2017 Gallup study found that employees are focus groups about the support, guidance and more likely to remain with an organization resources provided by the Public Information and contribute to its economic health if they and Partnerships Office (PIOP), but none feel actively engaged in the organization— mentioned a formal, regular training program something achieved in large part to build their skills as communicators and through communications. ambassadors for the district and its schools. HMC-1 has some elements that are Given the evolving nature of communication characteristic of a culture of communication. technology, community demographics and The district’s 2019-2024 Strategic Plan staffing, the department should consider outlines several goals and strategies where providing regular communication skills training success hinges, at least in part, on effective for all administrators—both veterans communications. The school board policies and new hires. related to community relations prioritize citizen An annual communication “boot camp” for involvement, mutually respectful interactions administrators would provide training, tips and with news media, community partnerships practical learning experiences to help them, and maintaining positive relationships with in their leadership roles, better communicate stakeholders through communications. with stakeholders. It would strengthen their The communication strengths identified partnerships with communications staff, who through this communication audit report also | 21
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