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VO L U M E 3 4 , N U M B E R 2   FA L L / W I N T E R 2 0 21

Jewel of the Marsh
The Remarkable Diamondback Terrapin                            FALL/WINTER 2021 • 1
3                                                                                                                      ar
                                                                                                                                                                0 Ye s

                            JEWEL OF THE MARSH:

                                                                                                                                                                                   S o uth Car
  All along the South Carolina coast, the diamondback terrapin is endemic to salt marshes.


                                                                                                                                                                    Scie n ce S
                But many populations of the species remain in steady decline.
                                                                                               Coastal Heritage is a quarterly publication
                                             6                                                of the S.C. Sea Grant Consortium, a science-
                                                                                                  based state agency supporting research,
              Interesting facts about Malaclemys terrapin                                      education, and outreach to conserve coastal
                                                                                              resources and enhance economic opportunity
                                            12                                                       for the people of South Carolina.
                                                                                               Comments regarding this or future issues of
                                   A HELPING HAND                                                   Coastal Heritage are welcomed at
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                               READING AND WEBSITES                                                   S.C. Sea Grant Consortium
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                                   NEWS AND NOTES                                                   Susan.Ferris.Hill@scseagrant.org
                     • Eleanor Pierel Chosen for Knauss Fellowship                                         Executive Director
                              • Consortium Staff Hires                                                    Dr. Susan Lovelace
                  • Consortium Revitalizes S.C. Clean Marina Program                                  Director of Communications
                   • New Report Examines Coastal Economic Benefits                                        Susan Ferris Hill
                                            16                                                            Roger Real Drouin
                                   Ebbs and Flows                                                           Art Director
                                • Ocean Sciences Meeting                                                    Pam Hesse
                                                                                                       Pam Hesse Graphic Design
                   • S.C. Association for Hazard Mitigation Conference
                    • National Watershed and Stormwater Conference                                                     
                                                                                                          Board of Directors
                                                                                                 The Consortium’s Board of Directors is
                                                                                                   composed of the executive officers
                                                                                                      of its member institutions:
                                                                                                       Dr. James P. Clements
                                                                                                     President, Clemson University
                                                                                                      Dr. Robert H. Jones, Chair
                                                                                                      Provost, Clemson University
                                                                                                        Dr. Michael T. Benson
                                                                                                 President, Coastal Carolina University
                                                                                                          Dr. Andrew T. Hsu
                                                                                                    President, College of Charleston
                                                                                                          Dr. David J. Cole
                                                                                             President, Medical University of South Carolina
                                                                                                      Mr. Robert H. Boyles, Jr.
                                                                                                 S.C. Department of Natural Resources
                                                                                                      Col. Alexander Conyers
                                    ON THE COVER:                                               Interim President, S.C. State University
         Female diamondback terrapins are significantly larger than males and have
                                                                                                        Gen. Glenn M. Walters
          a more squared head. Pictured here are a female and male terrapin at the                       President, The Citadel
                     College of Charleston’s Grice Marine Laboratory.
                              PHOTO/GRACE BEAHM ALFORD                                                  Dr. Harris Pastides
                                                                                                          Interim President,
      COPYRIGHT © 2021 by the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium. All rights reserved.               University of South Carolina

2 • Coastal Heritage
IN THE MARSH. College of Charleston
                                                                                      ­Professor Emeritus Dave Owens has
                                                                                       ­specifically studied the diamondback
                                                                                        ­terrapin for more than 20 years.
                                                                                      PHOTO/GRACE BEAHM ALFORD

                                      Jewel of the Marsh
                    The Remarkable Diamondback Terrapin
                                                 by Roger Real Drouin

A       fter scanning the horizon for a
        few minutes, Dave Owens points
to a ripple breaking the sun-lit creek’s
                                           unique and vulnerable estuarine spe-
                                           cies that is the only turtle endemic
                                           strictly to brackish water environments
                                                                                            She scoots back under the surface.
                                                                                            “Notice how this terrapin was up
                                                                                      there at the surface for ten seconds,”
surface.                                   in North America.                          Owens says. After a maximum of three
     About 20 yards ahead of his                A light breeze picks up. Owens        to four hours underwater, both males
tandem kayak, a diamondback terrapin       makes his way around a sandy flat,         and females must surface to breathe
rises, its mouth and eyes floating just    paddling further into the creek, and       oxygen. Yet, Owens explains, the
above the water. In a few seconds, with    straight ahead, another terrapin pops      females, because of their larger size and
a soft splash the terrapin disappears      its head out of the water for air.         resulting greater oxygen storage capac-
back under the water.                           “This one’s a female,” says Owens,    ity, will breathe at the surface for about
     Owens is paddling with the rising     professor emeritus at the College of       three times as long as a male.
tide on the marsh creek known as           Charleston and a longtime terrapin               “When they come up, the females
Grice Creek, an estuary surrounded         researcher. The giveaway, Owens            will stay about 10 seconds, that is
by lush marsh cordgrass, black needle­     explains, is the terrapin’s more squared   according to our research,” says Owens.
rush, and sea-oat patches, across the      and wider head — unlike the terrapin             In the habitats where diamond-
harbor from downtown Charleston.           spotted earlier, which was a male.         back terrapins call home up and down
The creek is home to black skimmers,       Showing marked sexual dimorphism,          the South Carolina coast, large juve-
fiddler crabs, migrating American          females are considerably larger than       nile and adult terrapins are very
oystercatchers, and a stable population    the males, and mature females have         difficult to spot. Owens, who has
of the diamondback terrapin — a            larger heads than mature males.            studied terrapins for more than 20
                                                                                                       FALL/WINTER 2021 • 3
ONE OF A KIND. The diamondback
                                                                                     terrapin lives where no other turtle species
                                                                                     can live, says biologist Barbara Brennessel.
                                                                                     PHOTO/STEPHANIE CHAVEZ NADEAU/­
                                                                                     university of north carolina

  years, is practiced at seeing that ripple   Terrapin.                                       the only turtle in the emydid family
  in the water. And timing helps; the               “It is a truly unique species,”           with a gland that allows them to
  terrapins are getting more active with      Brennessel adds. The terrapin has               secrete excess salt from their blood,
  the rising tide this summer morning,        found a niche in the salt marsh,                and survive in salty environments.
  as they swim from the creek towards         ­developing both physiological and              However, the terrapin’s salt gland is
  partially submerged marsh grass              behav­ioral adaptations for life in            not as effective as that of a sea turtle.
  Sporobolus alterniflorus — formerly          estuarine water that varies widely in                The species’ most salient physical
  known as Spartina alterniflora ­­— where     salinity. For this reason, terrapins are       characteristic is the broad upper shell
  during high tide they will feed on a         the only species of turtle that live their     that varies in individual coloration
  bounty of periwinkle snails, small           entire life in coastal salt marshes, one       from gray or black to greenish or light
  crabs, and little mud snails.                of the most productive ecosystems              brown and is grooved with a natural
       “Some people have been kayaking         on Earth.                                      diamond-shaped pattern that accounts
  this creek for nearly their whole life,           One of the physiological capabili-        for its common name. The terrapins’
  and they’ve never spotted a terrapin         ties of the terrapin is the presence of a      skin, which also varies in coloration,
  — until they know what to look for,”         complex salt gland near their eyes, and        is often covered in black leopard-like
  Owens says.                                  an example of its behavioral strategies        spots and/or streaks.
                                               for survival in the marsh is the ability             “They have this wonderful indi-
  Unique Species Adapts                        to quickly distinguish rainwater from          vidual variation, more so than any
  to Habitat                                   saltwater for drinking when needed.            other species of turtles,” says Owens. “I
                                                    Although diamondbacks live in             have seen some that are blonde, almost
       The diamondback terrapin                salt or brackish water, they are not sea       appearing albino, and others that are
  (Malaclemys terrapin) is a small turtle      turtles. Rather they are related to such       brown and very dark. There is so much
  endemic, or native, to coastal marshes,      freshwater species as sliders, painted         variation even here in this population
  rivers, and estuarine bays from Cape         turtles, and eastern box turtles. Turtles      of terrapins [in Grice Creek].”
  Cod to the Gulf of Mexico. “They live        in this classification have streamlined              Their favorite food sources in
  where no other turtle species can live,”     shells and are called emydids. Terra­          South Carolina are periwinkle snails
  says Barbara Brennessel, professor           pins are smaller than a snapping turtle,       and fiddler crabs that are on the
  emerita of biology at Wheaton College        and much smaller than a sea turtle.            smaller side, although they will eat
  and author of Diamonds in the Marsh:         The terrapin does, however, share one          a range of different crustaceans and
  A Natural History of the Diamondback         trait in common with sea turtles: it is        mollusks — including the mud snail.
4 • Coastal Heritage
They will also eat small shrimp.              terrapin found from Cape Cod,              trammel net survey begun in 1990
     At a few weeks of age, a young           Massachusetts to Cape Hatteras,            conducted by the S.C. Depart­ment
terrapin will develop a hard, distinctive     North Carolina — called the North­         of Natural Resources (SCDNR), says
beak, which lines its mouth and helps         ern Diamond-backed terrapin, or            Ballenger, who oversees this research.
the terrapin to undertake the task of         Malaclemys terrapin terrapin — has a       The survey showed the Wando River
eating small crustaceans and mollusks.        slightly raised ridge on its top shell.    watershed experienced one of the
This part of the upper jaw is thick and       These northern terrapins are just          greatest population decreases in the
strong, giving the diamondback terra-         slightly larger than a dinner plate,       relative abundance of terrapins, from
pin another unique aspect to its              while the South Carolina subspecies        1995 to 2010, a decline that coincided
appearance.                                   are about an inch smaller when mea-        with a significant increase in develop-
     “When it is lightly colored, it          sured along the linear length of their     ment along the lower Wando River,
resembles clown lips. When it is darkly       plastron, or the bottom of their shell,    which might have impacted the
colored it resembles a moustache,”            Brennessel says.                           amount of coastal habitat available
Brennessel writes in Diamonds in the               All along the South Carolina          to the terrapins.
Marsh.                                        coast, this unique estuarine species is          The diamondback terrapin is
     Terrapins generally live 25 to 40        endemic to the salt marshes. Popula­       listed in South Carolina and Georgia
years, with documented cases of a few         tions can be found in locations            as a “high-priority” species for conser-
60-year-old terrapins on Cape Cod,            ranging from Cape Romain National          vation efforts within coastal habitats,
Brennessel says.                              Wildlife Refuge, the Lower Wando           under the states’ respective Wildlife
     There are seven recognized sub-          River, Charleston Harbor, the lower        Action Plans. Such a classification
species of Malaclemys terrapin that           Ashley River, the Ashepoo, Combahee,       establishes research and conservation
have been identified by scientists. The       and Edisto (ACE) Basin, Edisto Beach,      funding for at-risk species that are
subspecies found in South Carolina is         and Hilton Head Island. But these          currently not covered under federal
Malaclemys terrapin centrata. “They           populations remain in gradual decline,     funding programs.
can be found in pretty much every             across South Carolina, due to threats,           In the face of increasing perils,
major estuary up and down our coast,”         including habitat loss and degradation,    terrapin populations are under greater
says Joey Ballenger, a biologist with the     sea level rise, and road mortality.        pressure to survive, and researchers are
S.C. Department of Natural Resources          Entrapment in commercial and recre-        working on efforts to help ensure there
(SCDNR) and manager of the agency’s           ational crab pots is one of the greatest   is a future for the species.
Inshore Fisheries Research Section.           threats to terrapins. In many areas of           At SCDNR, biologists are work-
     There are significant differences        the state, there has been a steady         ing on improving a simple method to
between each subspecies, including            decline in the abundance of the spe-       prevent terrapins from entering crab
differences in size and age at maturity,      cies, as shown in a long-term statewide    traps. Further, research with
and number of eggs in a nest. For
instance, Malaclemys terrapin centrata
(also known as the Carolina terrapin)
“are the smallest in size of all the
subspecies, and females have a smaller
clutch compared to the other subspe-
cies,” says Brennessel. Malaclemys
terrapin centrata will lay a clutch of five
to seven eggs, while diamondbacks up
in Cape Cod, for instance, will lay a
dozen eggs.
     Each of the seven recognized
subspecies have physical (often subtle)
distinguishing characteristics. The
ornate diamondback (Malaclemys
terrapin macrospilota) found only on
Florida’s Gulf coast has orange or
yellow marks on the top of its shell in
the center of each diamond shape. The
bright markings contrast an otherwise
                                              SHALLOW-WATER SAMPLING. In South Carolina, results from a SCDNR t­rammel
darkly-colored shell.                         net survey are used to help keep tabs on terrapin populations.
     Meanwhile, the subspecies of             PHOTO/ERIN WEEKS/S.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES

                                                                                                          FALL/WINTER 2021 • 5
“headstarting” hatchlings could help        especially when its environmental             Following the Tides
  enhance the populations of terrapins.       threats have been identified and can
  Headstarting is a conservation tech-        potentially be mitigated, as is true with           In habitats they call home along
  nique for vulnerable species, in which      the diamondback terrapin,” says Whit          the South Carolina coast, large juve-
  young animals are raised artificially       Gibbons, a professor emeritus at the          nile or adult terrapins follow the tides.
  and subsequently released into the          University of Georgia, who conducted          During low tides, they will usually
  wild. A volunteer community-science         the single longest study of the terrapin,     stick to the tidal creeks or near-shore
  program, launched in 2016 by                on Kiawah Island starting in 1983.            shallows. The terrapins will accumu-
  SCDNR, is also providing important          “In addition, this iconic reptile has         late there in the water bodies, where it
  information to biologists about the         another factor operating in its favor:        is safer for them, out of reach of many
  terrapins and helping point out prob-       it is the most charismatic inhabitant         of the predators that would try to make
  lem areas.                                  of America’s salt marshes.”                   a meal out of them, according to Owens.
       Such efforts are crucial for the             Once coastal communities                      During high tides, they will
  long-term conservation of this unique       become aware of the possible disap-           display wider movements, likely
  and declining species found in our salt     pearance of terrapins, Gibbons                because less of the marsh is exposed
  marshes. “We should always remain           believes further efforts will be put          to terrestrial predators — compared
  optimistic about any declining species,     into place to come to its aid.                to low tide, when more of the

  Interesting facts about Malaclemys terrapin
                                                                     • Terrapins have declined greatly in the Northeast and parts
                                                                        of Florida, and in South Carolina and Georgia, they are
                                                                        considered a “high-priority” species for conservation
                                                                     • Diamondback terrapins get their name from the natural
                                                                        pattern that occurs on the scutes, or bony plates, on the
                                                                        top of their shell. They are diamond-shaped and filled
                                                                        with raised concentric circles.
                                                                     • In South Carolina, their favorite food is the periwinkle
                                                                        snail (Littoraria irrorata), while in Virginia, the terrapin
                                                                        prefers mud snails (Nassarius obsoletus).
                                                                     • As one of the few turtles that can tolerate brackish water,
                                                                        terrapins can be found in a variety of coastal habitats,
                                                                        including salt marshes, wetlands, mangrove swamps,
  An adult female diamondback terrapin.                                 estuaries, lagoons, and tidal creeks along the eastern
                                                                        seaboard and Gulf of Mexico of the United States.
                                                                     • Like sea turtles, diamondback terrapins possess salt glands
  • There are seven subspecies of diamondback terrapin:                 around their eyes, allowing them to secrete excess salt
    Common name              Subspecies name                            from their blood, and survive in salty environments. But
    Northern		               Malaclemys terrapin terrapin               their glands are not as efficient as those of sea turtles.
    Carolina		 Malaclemys terrapin centrata                          • Diamondback terrapins select their nest sites using such
    Texas		                  Malaclemys terrapin littoralis             physical features as the slope and height of sand dunes and
    Ornate, FL Gulf Coast Malaclemys terrapin macrospilota              the extent of plant cover, and choose their timing on the
    Mississippi		            Malaclemys terrapin pileata                basis of the tidal phase and the weather.
    Mangrove		               Malaclemys terrapin rhizophorarum       • Terrapins mate in early spring. The female will float on
    Eastern		 Malaclemys terrapin tequesta                              top of the water and wait for a suitable mate to approach.
  • Diamondback terrapins may live for 25 to 40 years in the         • Nesting season runs from early May through early July.
    wild, perhaps longer.                                               The eggs typically take anywhere from 60 - 100 days to
  • Terrapins are sexually dimorphic, with males being much             hatch. Females can lay several clutches in one season.
    smaller, while females are considerably larger as adults.        • Hatchlings often hide in the mud to seek food and
    Males are about one-third smaller.                                  safety.

6 • Coastal Heritage
cans and           resulted from this epicurean status.
                                                                     European           Throughout the 1800s, fishermen
                                                                     settlers. In       “would harvest terrapins from Texas,
                                                                     colonial times,    the Keys, or South Carolina, and
                                                                     a wagon load of    bring them up to a central place in
                                                                     terrapins could    Savannah, or Charleston, or Wash­
                                                                     be purchased       ington D.C., and keep them all in
                                                                     for one dollar.    these pens,” Owens says.
                                                                     By the early            This large-scale, unregulated
                                                                     1800s, however,    harvesting, along with widespread
                                                                     food prepara-      coastal development during the 19th
                                                                     tions made         and 20th centuries, decimated the
                                                                     with the dia-      species. “They took a big hit,” says
                                                                     mondback           Gibbons. According to New Jersey-
                                                                     terrapin began     based Save Coastal Wildlife:
                                                                     to assume a
FAVORITE FOOD. Diamondback terrapins come into the marsh to                               “Terrapin or ‘turtle’ soup or stew was a
forage on periwinkle snails and other prey.                          higher  culinary
                                                                                          delicacy that could be found alongside
PHOTO/GRACE BEAHM ALFORD                                             status, and
                                                                                          shad, lobster, flounder and clams on
                                                                      terrapin soups
                                                                                          many restaurant menus. Thankfully,
marsh is exposed.                           and stews became gourmet specialties
                                                                                          the commercial demand for terrapins
     Terrapins will come up into the        for Vic­torians. “The fisheries status of
                                                                                          ended by the 1930s as a result of
marsh to forage on their prey of peri-      the terrapin changed from annoyance
                                                                                          decreasing terrapin populations, which
winkle snails (Littoraria irrorata),        or by-catch to a valuable commodity,”
                                                                                          made them difficult to find, and
small crabs, and mud snails (Nassarius      according to Brennessel. The terrapin
                                                                                          Prohibition from 1920 to 1933, which
obsoletus), as well as other mollusks,      became the main ingredient in a
                                                                                          banned the production and sale of
crustaceans, and the occasional small       sherry-laden soup.
                                                                                          sherry, another of the soup’s main
marine invertebrate periwinkle snail.            From the mid-1800s through the
     In South Carolina, “periwinkles        early-1900s, they were nearly hunted to
seem to be their favorite,” says Owens.     extinction. “Tens of thousands of adult           Populations partially rebounded
And the terrapins have a novel way of       terrapins were removed for food — as        over the past century. Although
fetching these favorite snails, which       a delicacy,” says Whit Gibbons, the         ­terrapins are no longer hunted on a
attach themselves to the upper reaches      professor emeritus of ecology at the         widespread scale in states where they
of smooth cordgrass, just above the         University of Georgia’s Savannah             are found, they still face many threats,
water line.                                 River Ecology Laboratory and one             including habitat destruction, inciden-
     “They will swing at the marsh          of the most respected authorities on         tal drowning in crab traps, poaching,
cordgrass and push it down, and then        amphibians and reptiles.                     cars, and the impacts of climate
grab a periwinkle [snail] as it falls into       The epicurean status was                change. In South Carolina and
the water,” says the College of Charles­    cemented in upscale restaurants and          Georgia, the diamondback terrapin
ton professor emeritus. It has proven to    even in the White House’s kitchen.           (Malaclemys terrapin) is listed as a
be an effective means to an end.            Diamondback terrapin meat was a              “high-priority” species. Further, in 2000
                                            popular gourmet food in the 1800s            the state of South Carolina changed
A Trio of Modern Threats                    and early-1900s at many elegant resort       commercial access to terrapins, passing
                                            hotels and restaurants along the U.S.        a law prohibiting any harvesting for
     The only known prehistoric             East Coast. Gourmet home recipes             commercial purposes. Persons are
diamondback terrapin fossils, two tiny      from 1881 and 1894 describe the prep-        allowed to have only a personal posses-
bones, of two different individuals,        aration of terrapin soup and stew. All       sion limit of two terrapins.
from the neck region of the shell and       such recipes called for a heavy dose of           Brennessel lists three of the top
the lateral portion of the shell, date      sweet wine. Terrapin soup was a favor-       perils that the vulnerable species faces.
back to the Pleistocene epoch (approx-      ite White House lunch course during          The number one threat used to be
imately 1.65 million to 10,000 years        the presidency of William Howard             harvesting of terrapins as a food deli-
ago). They were found at Edisto             Taft, Brennessel writes.                     cacy. Since that has been banned or
Beach, Brennessel writes in her book             “The soup was also served during        is very limited, these are now the top
Diamonds in the Marsh.                      state dinners, when Mrs. Taft would          three threats, Brennessel says:
     Terrapins were once very common        hire a cook to prepare it.”                       • Mortality in crab traps, also
and provided food for Native Ameri­­-            A commercial terrapin industry          called “crab pots,” used by commercial
                                                                                                         FALL/WINTER 2021 • 7
and recreational fishermen to catch               frequently enter crab pots.” Terrapins      years, and focused her research on
  blue crabs. Terrapins can drown in                may also enter out of curiosity or          the diamondback terrapin.
  crab traps, even in pots that have                because they are looking for a safe              Sea-level rise will likely eliminate
  bycatch reduction devices (BRDs).                 resting place.                              a lot of the nesting habitat for terra­­-
  BRDs can prevent the larger females                    But like all reptiles, diamondback     pins. Female terrapins nest on marshes,
  from entering the pots, but adult males           terrapins breathe air, and they can         sandy spits, and islands, habitats that
  and young females are still vulnerable,           drown when they’re unable to leave          are especially prone to increasing
  because they are typically small                  the traps.                                  inundation from sea-level rise.
  enough to enter the traps and drown.                   Male terrapins may also follow              Brennessel writes: “ . . . residual
        • Fragmented, degraded, or disap-           a female. “One thing we know that           habitat is being impacted by the effect
  pearing habitat. This includes the                happens if a female goes in there [a        of climate change. We are already
  impact of upstream development—                   trap] in the spring, the males will         witnessing sea level rise and an
  such as increased siltation in estuaries          follow her in, and that can be respon-      increase in the number and severity of
  due to more stormwater runoff.                   sible for a large number of captures,”       storms that whip up waves and wind.
        • Climate change, including                Owens says.                                  Our marshes are in danger of disap-
  changing temperatures and sea-level                    Development and land-use               pearing and suitable terrapin nesting
  rise.                                            changes along the coast result in the        areas have become inundated or have
        Terrapins can enter commercial             loss of terrapin habitat. Although           shriveled in size.”
  and recreational crab traps and drown            the largescale conversion of pristine             Sea-level rise is already resulting
  in the traps. These traps pose what is           ­habitat in salt marshes has slowed          in changes. In the last two decades
  likely the gravest threat to the terra-           dramatically from the twentieth cen-        alone, Charleston Harbor has experi-
  pin, says Gibbons, who conducted the             tury, upstream changes slightly inland       enced between four to six inches of
  longest-running study of diamondback             can still have an impact. Seawalls,          sea-level rise, according to National
  terrapins.                                       revetments, and docks can alter terra-       Oceanic and Atmospheric Admini­
        It only takes a few hours for a            pin habitat.                                 stration (NOAA) tide gauge data.
  terrapin to drown in a submerged crab                  Thirdly, climate change is already     Moreover, continuing warming tem-
  trap. No matter what type of crab                causing impacts for the coastal dia-         peratures and additional melting of
  trap it is, the more often the trap is           mondback terrapin — even if the              land ice are anticipated to further
  checked, the better. According to an             effects on populations are not measur-       hasten the pace. Sea level in Charles­
  article in the SCDNR publication                 able yet, Brennessel says. But it is         ton has risen by 10 inches since 1950,
  South Carolina Coastal Resources,                certain to become “a big issue in the        with an acceleration anticipated. From
  “drawn to the pungent smell of fish              near future,” adds Brennessel, who           2020 to 2050, Charleston Harbor is
  heads and chicken necks, the turtles             taught at Wheaton College for 33             projected to experience a sea-level rise
                                                                                                of 1.4 feet, according to recent data
                                                                                                from NOAA and the National
                                                                                                Climate Assessment.
                                                                                                     Furthermore, even relatively small
                                                                                                temperature fluctuations and transi-
                                                                                                tions due to climate change can have
                                                                                                major implications for the hatchlings’
                                                                                                development, and threaten to upend
                                                                                                the way the terrapins develop. Like
                                                                                                most emydid turtles, the sex of dia-
                                                                                                mondback terrapins is determined
                                                                                                by temperature during incubation.
                                                                                                Terrapins exhibit a pivotal temperature
                                                                                                (the temperature at which an equal
                                                                                                ratio of males and females develop)
                                                                                                of approximately 82.4 to 84.2 degrees
                                                                                                     Terrapins are the opposite of
                                                                                                alligators — terrapin females develop
  HIGHER GROUND. Diamondback terrapins nest on sandy areas that are adjacent to
                                                                                                at warmer nest temperatures and males
  the salt marsh, but at slightly higher elevations above the high-tide line. Often, sea oats
  grow at these beaches that make suitable nesting habitat.                                     develop in cooler nest temperatures,
  PHOTO/ROGER REAL DROUIN/S.C. SEA GRANT CONSORTIUM                                             says Erin Levesque, a biologist with
8 • Coastal Heritage
SCDNR and manager at the Waddell
Mariculture Research and Develop­
ment Center, in Bluffton, S.C.
      “One of our concerns is that
increasing temperatures could cause
development of more females, poten-
tially to the point of detriment to the
population,” says Levesque. Factors
such as the ability of specific nesting
areas to balance out warming tempera-
tures, through habitat cover, would
play a factor in the impact on nests.
      Research conducted with dia-
mondback terrapin eggs from St.
Mary’s County, Md., showed that as
little as 2.7-degree Fahrenheit differ-
ence in incubation temperature altered
the ratio of female-to-male hatchlings,
and greater temperature swings could
result in up to 100-percent female
                                              CAREFUL EXCAVATION. Erin Levesque, a biologist and manager at the Waddell
hatchlings. Significant temperature
                                              Mariculture Center, carefully unearths diamondback terrapin eggs in a nest overlooking
changes could also spur irregular             Wappoo Creek.
development, terrapin researchers say.        PHOTO/GRACE BEAHM ALFORD
      Further research is critical, includ-
ing here in South Carolina.                   the pluff mud or along the wrack line.        to supplement wild populations that
      “We need a long data set to see         When their yolk sacs disappearing             are in decline.”
what kind of changes there are” as            from the ventral plastron surface on                The goal is to protect the terra­-
a result of warming temperatures,             the bottom of their shells, eventually        pins and start to plan for increasing
Levesque says.                                the young terrapins begin eating              conservation efforts, which can
                                              insects and little crustaceans, while         be implemented across different geo-
Giving Terrapins                              also attempting to remain hidden from         graphic areas, a “more proactive
a Head start                                  predators such as racoons, mink,              approach” to species extinction.
                                              herons, snakes, and birds of prey.                  Levesque is researching whether
     In a garden overlooking the              These terrapins, though, would not            accelerated growth in a captive envi-
Wappoo Creek marsh, biologist Erin            make their way into the marsh. The            ronment would translate to accelerated
Levesque digs through the damp soil           goal was to intercept the terrapins           breeding. At the Waddell Mariculture
very carefully with her hands.                — which were hatched as part of an            Center laboratory, Levesque and her
     After a few more scoops of soil,         enhanced breeding program — and               team will conduct growth and repro-
Levesque stops. The biologist and             place them in a container for transport       ductive studies, and examine nutrition
Dale Aren, a community scientist and          to the Waddell Mariculture Center             and wintering habits. “We will keep
owner of this West Ashley property            where they will be reared in tanks for        them in the lab for up to a year,” she
on the creek, notice movement and a           the first year of their lives.                says, “and look at different diets and
glimpse of the first of the grayish-olive          Levesque gingerly places the             growth rates.” One thing researchers
shells of newly-hatched diamondback           terrapins in a container lined with           do know is that the terrapins grow
terrapins. In a few moments, five of the      perlite. “They’re beautiful,” says Aren.      “exponentially faster” in a lab during
terrapins, blinking their eyes and no              It’s part of a “headstarting” effort     that first year, Levesque says. The
larger than a half dollar, scamper and        that could provide one important way          shells are more calcified, and the
crawl towards the top of the evacuated        to enhance the stock of diamondback           terrapins are less vulnerable to
nest.                                         terrapins, as the species faces contin-       ­predation by certain predators.
     Baby terrapins typically would           ued declines across its South Carolina              Levesque will also research breed-
head to the nearby marsh — in this            range.                                         ing and nesting habits of terrapins
case, the emerald smooth cordgrass                 “We have been seeing some long-           at Botany Bay Plantation Wildlife
bordering the meandering Coburg               term declines,” Levesque says. “We are         Management Area. The females nest
Creek — where they settle in for the          researching the potential for headstart-       here in open sand dune habitat. Often,
next few weeks, mainly burrowing in           ing terrapins, and whether it is possible      however, a raccoon or ghost crab

                                                                                                             FALL/WINTER 2021 • 9
will get to the nests and eat the eggs.        But Gibbons’ research on Kiawah           dead turtles between the 2 derelict
  That’s why Levesque and other officials   Island indicates that crab traps largely       crab pots.”
  have been putting down wire cages to      contributed to the decline. As tourism
  protect the nests.                        has increased in the region, Gibbons              A photo Grosse took of the aban-
                                            has seen an increase in recreational         doned crab pot with the 94 drowned
  Witnessing a Decline                      crab traps.                                  terrapins was published in the article.
                                                 “The terrapins come in these traps      After doing additional biomass
       Gibbons, at the University of        to eat crab or fish, and they don’t come     research Grosse and his team deter-
  Georgia’s Savannah River Ecology          out,” Gibbons says. “They drown. They        mined that 91 percent of the total
  Lab, conducted the longest-running        can’t breathe under water.                   terrapin biomass in this particular tidal
  study of diamondback terrapins. Since          “This is what we thought was the        creek was lost as a result of the two
  1983, Gibbons and other members of        main cause of the decline in Kiawah,”        derelict crab pots.
  the Savannah River herpetology lab        Gibbons adds. “I bet thousands of                 Terrapins can drown in both
  have made over 3,500 captures of          adult terrapins, both males and              commercial and recreational blue crab
  about 1,500 individual terrapins in       females, from Texas to New England,          pots (whether abandoned or not), and
  several salt marsh creeks at Kiawah       drown every year,” says Gibbons.             Grosse’s discovery has been cited by
  Island.                                        Current bycatch reduction devices       scientists as evidence of the impacts of
       His research has shed light on       can help. Although some states now           crab traps on terrapins and the need
  terrapin population dynamics and has      require such devices, they have not          for research on how to prevent terrapin
  demonstrated that the Kiawah popula-      been implemented on a widespread             drownings in the traps. Subsequent
  tion is declining, due in large part to   basis.                                       to the article’s publication, his photo-
  mortality in crab traps.                                                               graph has been republished on
       Gibbons studied terrapins on two     A Grim Discovery                             numerous occasions to illustrate the
  Kiawah Island creeks, witnessing steep                                                 unintended effect of crab traps on
  declines in both populations. Gibbons          As a graduate student in 2007,          terrapins.
  says a change in the upland ecosystem     Andrew Grosse made a grim discovery.              SCDNR biologist Michael Arendt
  had a significant impact on the popu-     Grosse, who is the state herpetologist       and a team of researchers have spent
  lations of terrapins in the creeks he     with SCDNR, came upon a crab trap            several years working on a solution to
  studied extensively, Fiddler Creek and    submerged just below the water’s sur-        this problem.
  Sandy Creek.                              face in a tidal marsh at low tide near            It would come in the form of a
       Kiawah Island has changed since      St. Simons Island, Ga. But there were        greatly improved bycatch reduction
  the 1970s and 80s. However, the island    not only blue crabs in this trap. Grosse     device (BRD) — also known as an
  and its communities have implemented      recounted what he saw in a journal           excluder device. Think of it as a ter-
  salt-marsh and open-space conserva-       article published in 2009 in Chelonian       rapin escape hatch; the BRD fits at the
  tion plans since early development        Conservation and Biology:                    end of a funnel into the trap, allowing
  phases. Gibbons believes another                                                       most crabs to enter but keeping many
  effect on the island’s terrapin popula-     “The water depth was less than one         terrapins out.
  tion emanates not from Kiawah Island,       meter and a mixture of mud, algal and           “This device was invented in 1988
  but rather upstream changes outside of      barnacle growth, and turtle carcasses      and is credited to Dr. Roger Wood,”
  the community. Creeks that Gibbons          were visible within the trap. The trap     says Arendt. Concerns about the local
  and his children could walk through         was pulled from the water, revealing       terrapin population in and around
  in the early 1980s have become filled       the carcasses of 94 dead M. t.             Stone Harbor, N.J., Wood, former
  with silt which has washed down-            centrata. On May 4, we observed 23         director of The Wetlands Institute,
  stream due to increased stormwater          dead and one live M. t. centrata in a      fashioned the first BRD prototype from
  runoff — as a result of increased           second trap approximately 100 meters       a wire coat hanger. Since that time,
  development.                                from the first trap.                       many researchers from Texas to New
       An increasingly silty environment      By law, we were prohibited from            Jersey have tested various designs,
  may end up being a less ideal envi­         removing the traps from the water,         some that they came up with on their
  ronment for some of the prey that           and during the remainder of our            own and others that they were just
  diamondbacks feed on. Gibbons says,         2-month sampling period, we visited        checking to see if a particular design
  for instance, a silty creek may impact      this site three additional times. During   that was used elsewhere would work
  shrimp and periwinkle snails, food          each visit we observed additional dead     in their geographic area.
  sources of the terrapins, and he            terrapins in the derelict crab pots.            What Arendt and his team did in
  believes research is needed to look         Over five visits between 4 April and       2018 that was novel was to incorporate
  into this.                                  30 June 2008, we documented 133            the geometry of the target capture
10 • Coastal Heritage
Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries
                                                                                            (DMF) by proclamation required
                                                                                            that all crabs traps be fitted with the
                                                                                            devices in Masonboro Sound and the
                                                                                            Lower Cape Fear River.
                                                                                                 “Any crab pot that is employed in
                                                                                            these two areas must be equipped with
                                                                                            a BRD that has been approved by the
                                                                                            North Carolina Marine Fisheries,” says
                                                                                            Amanda Southward Williard, biology
                                                                                            professor in the Department of Biology
                                                                                            and Marine Biology at University of
                                                                                            North Carolina Wilmington.
                                                                                                 Williard and colleagues have
                                                                                            started a working group with local
                                                                                            fishers and asked them to bring their
IMPROVED DESIGN. The new bycatch reduction device (BRD) design on top                       ideas for a BRD so researchers could
includes a curvature so that oval-bodied crabs can fit through more easily as they rotate   test them. An undergraduate honors
to enter. Furthermore, the shorter design improves terrapin exclusion.                      student at UNCW is currently testing
PHOTO/ERIN WEEKS/S.C. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES                                       one of these prototypes, and she found
                                                                                            some “really good results” in terms of
animals (crabs) and the target exclu-                 The researchers looked at 8,196       terrapins being kept out of the traps,
sion animals (terrapins) and find “the          theoretical dimension sizes for a BRD.      Williard says.
sweet spot” opening size.                             Unlike those prior designs, the            More buy-in is needed. But a
      “Mike Arendt has led the charge           SCDNR BRD includes a curvature in           foundation is there. “We had the good
with [improving the design] of an               the bottom and top of the excluder          fortune of working in this area for over
excluder,” says Grosse.                         so that the oval-bodied crabs can fit       10 years and establishing relationships
      BRDs are pieces of plastic that           through more easily as they rotate          in that community,” Williard says.
fit inside the entrances of crab traps,         to enter. Furthermore, the design           “We can talk openly with them.”
restricting the size and shape of the           improves terrapin exclusion by focus-            In South Carolina, there is no
hole. Several BRD designs have made             ing on their width which is twice as        legislation currently on the books that
it to market over the years, but adop-          large as their height, and in turn offers   would touch on BRDs. “If any changes
tion has been slow, as the devices can          better exclusion along with crab entry.     were to be considered they would have
sometimes reduce blue crab catch rates                “Most people don’t realize crabs      to be turned into a bill introduced
in addition to reducing bycatch,                turn sideways as they swim ­— like          by a legislator and eventually passed
according to an article in South                leading with their elbows,” Arendt          by the State’s General Assembly.
Carolina Coastal Resources.                     says.                                       However, an initiative could make its
      After three years of research,                  Arendt noted that some commer-        way to the legislature through a grass-
between 2014 and 2017, and nearly               cial and recreational crabbers were         roots effort.
1,000 legal-sized crabs’ worth of test-         intrigued by how well the devices                “It is not uncommon for many of
ing, Arendt and his team designed a             worked. “I had one guy tell me he was       our wildlife- or marine resources-related
BRD that would keep terrapins out               impressed at the size of the crabs that     laws to originate through interface
while still allowing large crabs to enter       fit in [through] the BRD into the crab      between private citizens or groups and
traps. The testing was conducted on             trap,” Arendt says. But there still needs   individual legislators, so that remains
the Ashley and the Stono rivers.                to be more research into crab and           a viable option for interested parties
      Arendt adjusted the size of a test        terrapin morphology across South            to consider,” says Mel Bell, director of
BRD until it achieved 99 percent                Carolina given preliminary data sug-        fisheries management at SCDNR.
capture for legal blue crabs, while also        gesting that the device so successful in         In 2000, the South Carolina
keeping out twice as many diamond-              the Charleston area will work as well       legislature recognized the value of
back terrapins as other widely                  statewide.                                  science-based management in order to
promoted designs. “There was a lot                    Arendt points to North Carolina,      protect limited populations of terra-
of design work to figure out the best           where state officials have mandated         pins, and changed commercial access
approach to keep the biggest crabs              BRDs, built to specifications based on      to the South Carolina terrapin
in, while keeping the terrapins out,”           Arendt’s design, in two terrapin pro-       resource from a seasonally open fishery
Arendt says.                                    tection areas. In 2018, the North           to one managed with discretion by
                                                                                                           FALL/WINTER 2021 • 11
effect on crab catch.”                        Facebook page at the start of nesting
     A Helping Hand                                    As Brennessel notes, efforts such      season,” Aren says. She will post a few
                                                                                              photos she has taken of the terrapins
                                                as headstarting will have little effect if
          Report sightings online to help       core threats such as incidental drown-        and let neighbors know to be wary
     diamondback terrapins.                     ings in crab traps and habitat loss are       since it is nesting season for the
          Coastal residents and                 not addressed.                                reptiles.
     visitors in South Carolina have                   Aren, who lives on Wappoo                    Aren, a retired marketing execu-
     a new way to make a difference             Creek, has been participating in              tive, also reports detailed sighting
     in the long-term conservation of           SCDNR’s community-science volun-              information to SCDNR, and she
     the diamondback terrapin.                  teer terrapin program for the last            microchips nesting females. In 2017,
          The S.C. Department of                several years.                                SCDNR biologists trained her how
     Natural Resources recently                        Launched in 2016, the program          to outfit the terrapins with Passive
     launched a reporting form, and             aims to log important information             Integrated Transponder (PIT) micro-
     is asking members of the public            about the terrapins, including specific       chip tags, which assists them in
     to help by reporting terrapin              sightings and nesting locales.                monitoring the terrapins’ behaviors
     sightings across the coast. A                     The terrapins make the approxi-        and locations. PIT tags are a non-
     link to the form is available at           mately 400-foot trek to Aren’s garden         invasive, lightweight method of
     www.dnr.sc.gov/news/2016/apr/              year after year. Nesting females come        ­recognizing individuals.
     apr14_terrapin.html.                       from the creek and smaller “creeklet”               Using the PIT tags, Aren and
                                                into her garden, which it turns out is        researchers discovered that the same
                                                an optimal nesting site — close to the        terrapins would return to the same
  SCDNR. Since this time, no recent             marsh but high enough out of the              locations to lay several clutches of eggs
  permits for commercial harvest have           water. “That they come specifically to        in one summer.
  been issued.                                  my garden, each summer, that’s amaz-                Arendt, the biologist who leads
          A national Diamondback                ing,” Aren says.                              terrapin research at SCDNR, said
  Terrapin Working Group (DTWG)                        The terrapins will dig their nests     input from residents such as Aren
  was formed in September 2004 to               in the soil, pushing aside brick chips        helps the agency get a better sense of
  facilitate information exchange and           first.                                        overall distribution of diamondback
  to set research and management                       Many of the residents of               terrapins in South Carolina, so scien-
  ­priorities. This group consists of           Edgewater Park, the West Ashley               tists can make sure they are
   ­individuals from academia, scientific       neighborhood where Aren lives, now            conducting research in the right areas.
    and regulatory agencies, and private        know about the terrapins. “I will post        The information has even helped
    organizations working to promote the        something on our neighborhood                 point out problems. As a case in point,
    conservation of the diamondback
    terrapin, as well as preservation of
    intact, wild terrapin populations and
    associated ecosystems throughout their
          The working group this year wrote
    a position statement asking states to
    require BRDs, says Brennessel, who
    is a member of the group. The group
    suggests that properly-used devices
    could help reduce terrapin by-catch
    while having minimal effect on blue
    crab catch. “The position of the work-
    ing group is that the scientific data are
    abundant and clear that commercial
    and recreational use of blue crab traps
    is a primary threat to the conservation
    of Diamondback Terrapins throughout
    the species range,” reads the statement,
    published in November 2020, “and            ESCAPE ARTIST. As part of the headstarting effort, newly hatched terrapins were
    that BRDs effectively reduce terrapin       placed in a container lined with perlite.
    capture and mortality with minimal          PHOTO/GRACE BEAHM ALFORD

12 • Coastal Heritage
a concerned resident let scientists            t­ errapins is intertwined with the          Terrapins also help keep these ecosys-
know about an area where two                    ecosystem in which it lives. Terrapins      tems healthy by eating periwinkle
­terrapins were killed during road              are a sentinel species, and their opti-     snails, which in high numbers can
 construction work on U.S. Highway 21           mal survival takes place in unspoiled       harm marsh grasses. The terrapins
 over Harbor River in Beaufort County,          marsh habitats. In a 2007 study by          may never rebound to their population
 says Arendt.                                   Owens, funded by the S.C. Sea Grant         levels of the 1800s before trapping and
      As a result of this information,          Consortium, the turtles were found to       widespread habitat changes resulted in
 transportation officials decided to put        be good predictors of mercury pollu-        severe declines. But certainly, recent
 up a Terrapin Crossing sign on the             tion, thus becoming a bioindicator for      declines can be reversed, Gibbons
 busy thoroughfare to help notify               assessing mercury contamination of          believes, and through a variety of
 motorists of terrapins in the area.            estuarine systems. Other studies have       mitigation — such as the use of
 More and more residents, as Gibbons            looked at terrapins as bioindicators        bycatch reduction devices on crab
 pointed out, are becoming aware of the         of organic pollutants, including poly-      traps and preserving intact salt
 terrapin, the remarkable turtle of the         chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),               marshes — populations of this unique
 salt marsh.                                    polybrominated diphenyl ethers              species can thrive up and down the
      The health of diamondback                 (PBDEs), and chlorinated pesticides.        South Carolina coast.

                                               Reading and Websites

Abandoned Crab Traps. S.C. Department         Diamondback Terrapin Working Group.         Northern Diamond-backed Terrapin,
of Natural Resources (SCDNR).                 dtwg.org                                    Malaclemys terrapin terrapin. Virginia
dnr.sc.gov/marine/crabtraps                                                               Herpetological Society.
                                              8 Interesting Facts about Diamondback
Brennessel, Barbara. Diamonds in the          Terrapins. Discover Wildlife.
Marsh: A Natural History of the Diamond-      discoverwildlife.com/animal-facts/
back Terrapin. Waltham, Massachusetts:        reptiles/facts-about-diamondback-terra-
Brandeis University Press, 2006 (reprint-     pins
ed: 2021).                                                                                Orenstein, R. Turtles, Tortoises and
                                              Gibbons, W.J., Lovich, J., Tucker, A.,
                                                                                          Terrapins: Survivors in Armor. Firefly
Chavez, S., and Williard, S.A. “The effects   FitzSimmons, N.N., and Greene, J.
                                                                                          Books, 2001.
of bycatch reduction devices on diamond-      “Demographic and Ecological Factors
back terrapin and blue crab catch in the      Affecting Conservation and Management       “Temperature dependent sex determina-
North Carolina commercial crab fishery.”      of the Diamondback Terrapin (Malacle-       tion in the Diamond-backed Terrapin,”
Fisheries Research, 186, no. 1 (February      mys terrapin) in South Carolina.” Chelo-    Journal of Herpetology, 48, no. 4
2017): 94-101.                                nian Conservation and Biology, 4, no. 4     (December 2014): 466-470.
                                              (January 2001): 66-74.                      www.jstor.org/stable/43287474
“Designing a Turtle-Proof Crab Trap.”
South Carolina Coastal Resources              Grice Marine Laboratory. College of         Kiawah Island Diamondback Terrapin
(SCDNR).                                      Charleston.                                 Project.
sccoastalresources.com/home/                  gricemarinelab.cofc.edu                     www.kiawahterrapins.org
                                              Grosse, A.M., Daniel Van Dijk, J.,          Waddell Mariculture Research and
Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys              Holcomb, K.L., and Maerz, J.C. “Diamond-    Development Center. SCDNR.
terrapin), species profile. Savannah River    back Terrapin Mortality in Crab Pots in a   dnr.sc.gov/marine/mrri/waddell/index.
Ecology Laboratory, University of Georgia.    Georgia Tidal Marsh.” Chelonian Conser-     html
srelherp.uga.edu/turtles/malter.htm           vation and Biology, 8, no. 1 (2009):
                                                                                          Williard Lab at the University of North
Diamondback Terrapin In-Water Capture                                                     Carolina Wilmington.
Rates. SCDNR.                                 “Identifying Diamondback Terrapins.”        williarda.com/research
dnr.sc.gov/wildlife/diamondbackterra-         William & Mary, Virginia Institute of
pin/research/capturerates.html                Marine Science.

                                                                                                            FALL/WINTER 2021 • 13
the Consortium in a newly created role    South Carolina, and Georgia. Her
  Eleanor Pierel Chosen                      as interdisciplinary research and part-   areas of expertise include coastal
  for Knauss Fellowship                      nerships lead. Brita will continue to     management, coastal change analysis,
                                             foster existing partnerships and forge    and soft-engineered coastal protection.
        Consortium                           new ones as she works to build                  Taylor Allred
  nominee                                    research teams and develop actionable     is serving as a
  Eleanor “Ellie”                            science tailored to stakeholder needs.    resilience graduate
  Pierel has been                                 Jessen earned a Ph.D. in oceanog-    assistant. He is
  selected for the                           raphy from the University of Rhode        working with the
  prestigious Dean                           Island and a B.A. in biology from         Consortium and
  John A. Knauss                             Wellesley College. She previously         partners to com-
  Marine Policy                              was the research coordinator for the      pile information       TAYLOR ALLRED
  Fellowship,         ELEANOR PIEREL         Rookery Bay National Estuarine            on what South          PHOTO/S.C. SEA GRANT
  providing her       PHOTO/S.C. SEA GRANT   Research Reserve in Florida.              Carolina’s local       CONSORTIUM
  the opportunity                                                                      communities are doing to plan for
  to spend a year living, working, and                                                 resilience in the face of natural disas-
  learning in the Washington, D.C.,                                                    ters and environmental change.
  area. This competitive fellowship                                                    Allred’s work will help inform the S.C.
  is offered by the National Oceanic                                                   Office of Resili­ence in their develop-
  and Atmospheric Administration’s                                                     ment of the first statewide resilience
  National Sea Grant College Program.                                                  plan.
  Recipients are matched with host                                                           Allred holds a B.A. from the
  organizations in the legislative and       BRITA JESSEN           KATIE FINEGAN
                                                                                       University of Virginia, with a major
                                             PHOTOS/S.C. SEA GRANT CONSORTIUM
  executive branches of government, and                                                in history and a minor in economics.
  the fellowship begins in February 2022.         Katie Finegan, PE, recently joined   He is currently enrolled in the College
        Pierel earned a B.A. in environ-     the Consortium as coastal processes       of Charleston’s Master of Public
  mental studies from George                 program specialist, a position shared     Administration program. Prior to
  Washington University, an M.S. in          with the Burroughs and Chapin             joining the Consortium, Allred was
  geography from the University of           Center for Marine and Wetland             an energy policy manager for Southern
  South Carolina (USC), and she is a         Studies at Coastal Carolina University.   Alliance for Clean Energy, a financial
  candidate for a Ph.D. in geography         Finegan will contribute her technical     analyst for Regulatory Research
  from USC. During her fellowship, Ellie     knowledge to provide a wider range of     Associates, and a senior analyst for
  hopes to help integrate science into       services to those requesting science-     SNL Financial.
  federal policies and regulations.          based information and assistance
        For more information about the       about coastal processes—the connec-
  Knauss and other fellowship opportu-       tion between upland watersheds and        Consortium
  nities, visit www.scseagrant.org/          the ocean, coastal hazards, and how to    Revitalizes S.C. Clean
  available-fellowships.                     enhance resilience to these hazards.      Marina Program
                                                  Finegan earned an M.E. and a
                                             B.S. in environmental engineering,             The Consortium has taken
  Consortium Staff                           both from North Carolina State            the lead on coordinating the South
  Hires                                      University. Prior to joining the          Carolina Clean Marina program.
                                             Consortium, Finegan was an engineer       Initiated in 1998 by the S.C. Marine
      The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium          with Moffatt & Nichol where she           Association, the program continues
  has welcomed three new staff               worked on coastal-, water resource-,      today as a partnership between
  members.                                   and environmental-engineering proj-       the Consortium, S.C. Department
      Brita Jessen, Ph.D., recently joined   ects in Virginia, North Carolina,         of Health and Environmental
14 • Coastal Heritage
Control-Office of Ocean and Coastal             technical advisory committee, which
Resource Management (SCDHEC-                    provides guidance and assistance with
OCRM), and S.C. Department of                   training workshops and site inspec-
Natural Resources (SCDNR) to                    tions, is comprised of representatives
­protect and improve water quality.             from SCDHEC-OCRM, SCDNR,
 Currently, 23 marinas are certified as         and industry professionals.
 Clean Marinas. Program coordinators                 Contact April Turner, coastal
 have a goal of adding 10 certified             communities program specialist,
 Clean Marinas each year. A training            at april.turner@scseagrant.org
 workshop was held in August 2021               or (843) 953-2073 for more infor-
 with participation from 11 marinas,            mation.
 including five that need recertification
 and six new marinas interested in
 program designation. Planning is               New Report Examines
 underway for another training work-            Coastal Economic
 shop in spring 2022.                           Benefits
      In order to be certified in this
 voluntary program, marinas pay a                    South Carolina’s beaches and           sand dunes, provide people with jobs,
 modest fee of $250, which helps cover          barrier islands produce a wide variety      recreational opportunities, coastal
 the cost of training, inspection, and          of economic benefits, contributing to       protection, critical habitat for bird and
 certification material. Marinas must           the culture, lifestyle, and well-being of   turtle species, and aesthetic beauty.
 meet certain characteristics, including        residents and visitors. The state boasts          The Economic Benefits of South
 design considerations, marina manage-          an impressive 35 barrier islands which      Carolina’s Beaches and Barrier Islands is
 ment, emergency planning, fuel                 is second only to Florida in number.        a recently published report by the S.C.
 control, proper sewage and waste               These barrier islands’ beaches and          Sea Grant Consortium that delves into
 disposal, stormwater control, habitat          associated habitats, such as wetlands,      the economic benefits these habitats
 protection, and boater education. A            salt marshes, maritime forests, and         offer. Based on available data from a
                                                                                            variety of sources, beaches and barrier
                                                                                            islands in the state annually provide
                                                                                            billions of dollars in economic benefits,
                                                                                            from recreation and tourism to con-
                                                                                            sumption of seafood. Furthermore,
                                                                                            coastal habitats supply direct or indi-
                                                                                            rect economic benefits that humans
                                                                                            get from nature, a concept known as
                                                                                            ecosystem services. This report covers
                                                                                            the following economic benefits
                                                                                            derived from ecosystem services:
                                                                                            ­recreation; coastal protection due to
                                                                                             wetlands; sea turtle habitat; carbon
                                                                                             storage; water quality protection; water
                                                                                             supply protection; and property value
                                                                                                  To read the report, visit www.
PHOTO/SHELLY MCCOMB/S.C. SEA GRANT CONSORTIUM                                                Islands.pdf.
                                                                                                           FALL/WINTER 2021 • 15
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                         Scie n c e S

    Coastal Heritage is printed on recycled paper
    using soy-based ink.

   Ocean Sciences                                                                                             S.C. Association for                                           National Watershed
   ­Meeting                                                                                                   Hazard Mitigation                                              and Stormwater
   Virtual                                                                                                    Conference                                                     ­Conference
   February 27-March 4, 2022                                                                                  Hilton Head, South Carolina                                    St. Petersburg, Florida
                                                                                                              March 13-16, 2022                                              April 26 -29, 2022
        This virtual conference will focus
   on strengthening the ocean sciences                                                                             The theme for this annual con-                                 This conference will provide a
   community by discussing research while                                                                     ference is “Building Resiliency.” The                          forum for professionals to learn how to
   making scientific and social connec-                                                                       conference will highlight activities                           increase the resiliency of communities
   tions. Organizers hope to enable as                                                                        that have proven effective in protect-                         in response to emerging and persistent
   many people as possible to meet across                                                                     ing people and property from the                               threats to water resources — from
   media, disseminating scientific knowl-                                                                     impact of floods and storms, and the                           headwaters to coasts. The conference
   edge, and creating personal connections                                                                    importance of maintaining these core                           will include technical presentations,
   all while considering the ocean and                                                                        activities through comprehensive                               case studies, panel discussions, and
   planet. For more information, visit                                                                        hazard-mitigation efforts. Visit www.                          workshops. For more information, visit
   www.aslo.org/osm2022.                                                                                      scahm.org for more information.                                www.cwp.org/2022-national-conference.

                                                          Subscriptions are free upon request by contacting: susan.ferris.hill@scseagrant.org

    ATTENTION SCHOOL TEACHERS! The S.C. Sea Grant Consortium has designed supplemental classroom resources for this and past issues of
    Coastal Heritage magazine. Coastal Heritage Curriculum Connection, written for K-12 educators and their students, is aligned with the South
    Carolina state standards for the appropriate grade levels. Includes standards-based inquiry questions to lead students through explorations of
    the topic discussed. Curriculum Connection is available online at www.scseagrant.org/coastal­–heritage–curriculum–connection.

                                                                                                  Total printing cost: $2,395• Total number printed: 5,300 • Cost per unit: $.45

16 • Coastal Heritage
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