Heat and Mass Transfer of the Darcy-Forchheimer Casson Hybrid Nanofluid Flow due to an Extending Curved Surface

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Heat and Mass Transfer of the Darcy-Forchheimer Casson Hybrid Nanofluid Flow due to an Extending Curved Surface
Journal of Nanomaterials
Volume 2022, Article ID 3979168, 12 pages

Research Article
Heat and Mass Transfer of the Darcy-Forchheimer Casson Hybrid
Nanofluid Flow due to an Extending Curved Surface

 Gohar,1 Tahir Saeed Khan,1 Ndolane Sene ,2 Abir Mouldi,3 and Ameni Brahmia4
 Mathematics Department, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan
 Laboratoire Lmdan, Departement De Mathematiques De Decision, Facultíe des Sciences Economiques et Gestion, Universite Cheikh
 Anta Diop De Dakar, BP 5683 Dakar Fann, Senegal
 Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, King Khalid University, Abha 61421, Saudi Arabia
 Chemistry Department, College of Science, King Khalid University, Abha 61413, Saudi Arabia

 Correspondence should be addressed to Ndolane Sene; ndolanesene@yahoo.fr

 Received 11 October 2021; Revised 7 December 2021; Accepted 10 December 2021; Published 18 January 2022

 Academic Editor: Amir Khan

 Copyright © 2022 Gohar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
 permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

 The current paper describes a Darcy-Forchheimer flow of Casson hybrid nanofluid through an incessantly expanding curved
 surface. Darcy-Forchheimer influence expresses the viscous fluid flow in the porous medium. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with a
 cylindrical form and iron-oxide are utilized to make hybrid nanofluids. Using Karman’s scaling, the principal equations are
 rearranged to nondimensional ordinary differential equations. The “Homotopy analysis method” is used to further build up the
 analytic arrangement of modeled equations. The impact of flow variables on the velocity and temperature profiles has been
 tabulated and explained. The flow velocity is raised when both the curvature and volume fraction parameters are elevated. The
 temperature and velocity profiles exhibit the opposite tendency when the Forchheimer number is increased, since the fluid
 velocity decreases while the energy profile grows. The addition of CNTs and iron nanocomposites improves the
 thermophysical characteristics of the base fluid significantly. The obtained consequences show that hybrid nanofluids are more
 efficient to improve the heat transfer rate. Using CNTs and nanomaterials in the base fluid to control the coolant level in
 industrial equipment is a wonderful idea.

1. Introduction Scheme. Imtiaz et al. [8] demonstrated the fluid flow under
 the upshots of the magnetic field over an extending curved
The flow over an extending surface has received much surface. It has been noticed that with the action of curvature
importance due to its significant role in several sectors of coefficient, the energy profile is enhanced. Rosca et al. [9]
industry and engineering, such as condensation process, have analyzed the flow caused by contracting and expanding
spinning of fiber and continuous casting of fiber, plastic sheets. Saeed et al. [10] offered a complete investigation of
sheet extraction, paper production, and many others. Crane the Darcy hybrid nanoliquid flow through a curved surface
[1] was the first to study the flow over an expanding planar that is exponentially expanding. The outcomes signify using
surface. Many researchers have since followed the concept of SWCNTs, MWCNTs, and Fe3O4 nanomaterials for the
the crane [2–5], expanding the sheets to investigate various increase in the nusselt number. Ali et al. [11] analyzed the
aspects of this form of flow. Sajid et al. [6] addressed bound- hydrological importance of wave propagation of hybrid
ary layer flow and micropolar fluid, concluding that the cur- nanofluid over a warmed extended curved surface with the
vature effect leads to a reduction in boundary layer size. Gul impacts of a magnetic field using bvp4c. The suspension of
et al. [7] have investigated the flow of the boundary layer on carbon nanotubes in a magnetite nanoliquid promotes local
the stretching surface using the Fractional Order Derivatives surface drag but reduces local heat flow. Kumar et al. [12]
2 Journal of Nanomaterials

have reported the radiation impact on the Casson fluid y
across the exponentially curved sheet. Hayat et al. [13]
 r, v
explored ferroliquid flow with the mass and heat transition
across a curved stretching surface. Hussain et al. [14]
reported the findings of their investigation on hybrid nano-
fluid flow across a curved sheet. The outcomes of the survey MWCNTs
revealed that the energy transference efficiency in hybrid
nanocrystals is higher than that in nanofluids for large fre-
quencies of the curvature index. Qian et al. [15] and Khan T

evaluated that how heat transmission and radiation were
affected by the conducting flow over a curved extending sur- R
face. Their study was found to be in good accord with a pre- s, u
viously published finding.
 The heat transmission in carbon nanofluids has gotten Tw
a lot of interest from researchers in a variety of fields in x
the last few years. CNTs are carbon nanotubes with a fun-
damental chemical structure and a carbon atom formation Ue(x) = ae x/L
wrapped in a cylindrical shape. CNTs have superior chem-
 Figure 1: Physical sketch.
ical, thermophysical, and mechanical characteristics, mak-
ing them ideal for usage as a particulate in a base fluid.
They offer various advantages over other nanomaterials
due to their tiny size, structure, configuration, dimension, tion, and temperature fluctuation of nanoparticles had a
and hardness. Haq et al. [16] evaluated the computational significant impact on the thermophysical characteristics
findings for conductive fluid using carbon nanomaterials of nanofluid. Kumar et al. [31] examined the solar radia-
along an extensive surface. Ahmadian et al. [17] addressed tion impact on the flow of ferromagnetic hybrid nanofluid.
a 3D model of an unsustainable hybrid nanofluid flow Gowda et al. [32] studied the flow of nanofluid over the
with fluid and momentum transmission caused by surface stretched and curved surface using (KKL) relation. Kumar
accelerating displacement. The use of hybrid nanoparticles et al. [33] have used the concept of the magnetic dipole
is thought to have enhanced the carrier fluid’s thermal for the flow of nanofluid over a cylinder. Zeeshan et al.
properties substantially. Because of the C–C link, CNTs [34] have studied the couple stress nanofluid flow using
are more effective than other forms of nanoparticles in the paraboloid model.
the carrier fluid. CNTs nanofluid may be further function-
 The curved surface for the fluid flow has many applica-
alized to get the desired result, which may be used in a
 tions in the mechanical and automotive industry. Sanni
range of applications through noncovalent and covalent et al. [35], Jawad et al. [36], and Saeed et al. [37] have studied
manipulation [18]. Saeed et al. [19] have considered the the fluid flow on a curved surface using various kinds of
nanofluid containing CNTs and iron oxide nanomaterials nanofluids for the heat transfer enhancement. Hayat et al.
using the flow of fluid over a curved surface. Gul et al. [9, 38], Rosca, and Pop [39] have explained the
[20, 21] studied the flow of nanofluids to enhance heat homogeneous-heterogeneous reaction phenomena using
transfer and thermal applications. Alghamdi et al. [22] the curved surface for the flow pattern. Okechi et al. [40],
have observed the flow of hybrid nanofluid through a Asghar et al. [41], and Hayat et al. [42] have used the none-
blood artery for medications. Using the bvp4c tool, Li wtonian fluid flow over the curved surface with various
et al. [23], and Ding et al. [24] used (MWCNTs) in the extensions considering Darcy-Forchheimer flow medium.
base liquid to evaluate heat transmission. Akbar et al. The related work to the proposed model can be seen in the
[25] described the influence of a magnetic field on the
 References [9, 35, 43–45].
flow of CNT nanofluids through a moving permeable
 The inertia effect is taken into account by incorporat-
channel. Gul et al. [26] and Bilal et al. [27] used an ing a squared component to the momentum equation,
inclined extending cylinder to examine the Darcy- called Forchheimer’s modification [46]. Muskat [47] used
Forchhemier hybrid nanoliquid flow. They examined the the term “Forchheimer factor” to describe this new con-
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and iron oxide Fe3O4 as two cept. It is critical to include non-Darcy consequences in
distinct nanomaterials. Ahmed et al. [28] represented tem- convective transport analysis to properly represent real-
perature propagation in a wavy-wall impermeable enclo- world challenges. The novelty of the model has been pre-
sure through nanofluids. It was discovered that sented as
increasing the waviness of the sheet boosts both the heat
transmission rate. Yarmand et al. [29] investigated how (i) For the hybrid nanofluid flow, heat and mass trans-
graphene nanoplatelets/platinum hybrid nanofluids with mission is examined simultaneously
diverse properties may improve heat transfer rates. Sajid
et al. [30] examined the thermophysical characteristics of (ii) The ðCNTs + Fe3 O4 /H2 OÞ hybrid nanoliquid flow
hybrid and single-form nanotubes using numerical across a stretching surface with the mass and heat
methods. They determined that the size, type, concentra- transition has been addressed
Journal of Nanomaterials 3

 Error analysis

 f'( )
 0.00010 0.4 = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5.

 0.00005 0.2

 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 2 4 6 8 10
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 (a) (b)


 ( )

 0.4 = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5.


 0 2 64 8 10
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.

 Figure 2: (a)–(c) HAM solution, Casson parameter, and heat absorption\omission parameter influence.

 (iii) The non-Newtonian Casson hybrid nanofluid has term ðr, sÞ is taken as the space coordinate and ðu, vÞ is the
 been used as another extension in the existing velocity component. Here, U w ðsÞ = aes/L is the exponential
 literature stretching velocity, T w is the curved surface, and T ∞ is the
 ambient temperature. Keeping in view, the above superposi-
 (iv) Heat obsorption\omisson has also been considered
 tion, the energy, and momentum equations along with their
 in the flow regime
 boundary conditions are expressed as [9, 36–39, 46]
 (v) This study intends to evaluate and simulate the
 Darcy-Forchheimer water-based hybrid nanoliquid ∂ ∂u
 flow induced by a curved surface that extends ððr + RÞvÞ + R = 0, ð1Þ
 ∂r ∂s
 (vi) The second priority is to modify the Saba et al. [48]
 and Xue [49] model for hybrid nanofluid flow
 u2 1 ∂p
 (vii) The proposed model has been solved by the homo- = , ð2Þ
 r + R ρhnf ∂r
 topy analysis method

 ∂u R ∂u uv 1 R ∂p
2. Mathematical Formulation v + u + =−
 ∂r r + R ∂s r + R ρhnf r + R ∂s
   2 !
The Darcy-Forchheimer flow considers CNTs and Fe3 O4 1 ∂u u 1 ∂u
 + νhnf 1 + − + ð3Þ
nanomaterials across an expanding curved sheet. The viscous β ∂r 2 ðr + RÞ2 r + R ∂r
fluid flow has been expressed in the permeable space by the
 νhnf 1
Darcy-Forchheimer effect. The flow is assumed across the − u− Fu2 ,
stretching sheet, with radius R, as depicted in Figure 1. The K∗ ρhnf
4 Journal of Nanomaterials


 ( )
 f'( )

 0.4 = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6.
 = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6
 0.5 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 (a) (b)
 1.5 ( )
 f'( )

 k = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5.
 1.0 0.4 k = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6

 0.5 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 Fe3O4+H2O. Fe3O4+H2O.
 (c) (d)

Figure 3: (a, b) Porosity parameter λ impact on the velocity f ′ ðηÞ and temperature profile θðηÞ. (c, d) Curvature parameter k effect on
velocity f ′ ðηÞ and temperature profile, respectively.

  ! tia factors.
 ∂T ∂T R ∂2 T 1 ∂T Q
 v +u = αhnf + +   ðT − T ∞ Þ,
 ∂r ∂s r + R ∂r2 r + R ∂r ρcp hnf
 μhnf μhnf ðρÞhnf
 ð4Þ υhnf = , = ð1 − ϕ1 Þ−5/2 ð1 − ϕ2 Þ−5/2 ,
 ρhnf μ f ðρ Þ f
 ( ! )
   ! ðρÞMs ðρÞCNT
 ∂C ∂C R ∂2 C 1 ∂C = ð1 − ϕ 2 Þ 1 − 1 − ϕ1 + ϕ,
 v +u = Dhnf + : ð5Þ ðρ Þ f ðρ Þ f 2
 ∂r ∂s r + R ∂r2 r + R ∂r  
 khnf kCNT k + kbf
 = 2ϕ2 + ð1 − ϕ2 Þ − ln CNT
 The basic flow conditions are kbf ðkCNT − k bf Þ 2kbf
 kbf kCNT + kbf −1
  2ϕ2 + ð1 − ϕ2 Þ − ln ,
 v = 0, u = U w ðsÞ = aes/L , T = T∞ + T 0 eAs/2L = Tw , ðk CNT − k bf Þ 2k bf
 kbf   −1
 C = C ∞ + C 0 eAs/2L = C w , at r = 0, = kMS + ðm − 1Þkf − ϕ1 k f − k MS
 ∂u  kMS + ðm − 1Þkf − ðm − 1Þϕ1 k f − k MS ,
 u ⟶ 0, , T ⟶ T ∞, C ⟶ C∞ , at r⟶∞:
 ∂r     (   ! )
 ρCp hnf ρCp CNT ρCp Ms
 ð6Þ   =   ϕ + ð 1 − ϕ2 Þ 1 − 1 −   ϕ1 :
 ρCp f ρCp f 2 ρC p f

 Here, K ∗ and F = C b /sK ∗1/2 , are the permeability and iner- ð7Þ
Journal of Nanomaterials 5

 Ф1= 0.01, 0.02, 0.03

 f'( )
 1.5 2
 f'( )

 1 Φ2=0.01, 0.02, 0.03
 0 2 4 6 8 10 0
 0 2 4 6 8 10
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 (a) (b)
 1.0 1.0

 0.8 0.8

 0.6 0.6
 ( )

 ( )

 0.4 Ф1 = 0.01, 0.02, 0.03 0.4 Ф2 = 0.01, 0.02, 0.03.

 0.2 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 Fe3O4+H2O. Fe3O4+H2O.
 (c) (d)

 Figure 4: (a)–(d) Volume friction parameters ϕ1 and ϕ2 impact on the velocity f ′ ðηÞ and temperature profiles θðηÞ, respectively.

 The khnf is the thermal conductivity, ϕ1 and ϕ2 are the vol- 1 1 1
ume friction parameters, ðCp ÞMS is the specific heat capacity, 1+ f + f″ − f ′ − 2λf ′
 β η+K ðη + K Þ2
ρMS and ρCNT are specified densities of Fe3 O4 and CNTs, !
and Sc is the Schmidt number, respectively. 2:5 ðρÞhnf
 The transformation variables are [50] − ð1 − ϕ1 Þ ð1 − ϕ2 Þ
 ðρ Þ f
 !1/2 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi η + 2K K 2 K 2
 K f′ − f f″ − + 2Frf ′
 aes/L R aν f es/L ðη + K Þ2 η+K ðη + K Þ 2
 η= r, v = − f ðηÞ + ηf ′ ðηÞ ,
 2υ f L r+R 2L K
 = ð1 − ϕ1 Þ2:5 ð1 − ϕ2 Þ2:5 ð4H + ηH Þ,
 u = U w = aes/L f ′ ðηÞ, η+K
 As As ð10Þ
p = ρ f a2 e2s/L HðηÞ, T = T ∞ + T 0 e ΘðηÞ, C = C∞ + C 0 e ΦðηÞ:   !
 2L 2L  
 khnf 1 ρCp hnf
 ð8Þ Θ″ + Θ′ +  
 kf η+K ρCp f
 Thus, by using Eq. (8), Eqs. (2)–(7) yield  Pr ′ ′
 f Θ − Af Θ + δΘ = 0,
 ! 1 K
 ðρÞhnf 1 ð 1 − ϕ 1 Þ ð1 − ϕ 2 Þ Φ ″ + Φ ′ + Sc f Φ ′ = 0:
 H′ =
 f′ , ð9Þ η+K η+K
 ðρ Þ f η+K ð12Þ
6 Journal of Nanomaterials

 4 1.0


 ( )
 f'( )

 0.4 Fr = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7.
 1 Fr = 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 0.2

 0 0 2 4 6 8
 0 2 4 6 8 10 
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 Fe3O4+H2O. Fe3O4+H2O.

 (a) (b)
 1.0 1.0

 0.8 0.8

 0.6 0.6
 ( )

 ( )
 0.4 A = 0.1, 0.3, 0.7. 0.4 Pr = 6, 12, 18.

 0.2 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 Fe3O4+H2O. Fe3O4+H2O.
 (c) (d)

Figure 5: (a, b) Forchheimer parameter Fr impact on the velocity f ′ ðηÞ and temperature profiles θðηÞ, (c) temperature exponent coefficient,
and (d) Prandtl number Pr effects on temperature.

 By eliminating H from Eqs. (9) and (10), we get where Fr, λ, and k are the Forchheimer, porosity, and
 curvature parameters, respectively, which can be rebound
  " as
 1 v 2 1 1
 1+ f′ + f‴ − f″ +
 β η+K ðη + K Þ 2
 ðη + K Þ3 !
   # Cb υf 2QL aes/L
  f ′ − 2λ f ″ +
 Fr = ∗1/2 , Pr = , δ =  ,k= ,
 ðη + K Þ K αf U w ρcp 2υ f L
 ðρÞhnf K K K
 υf L υf
 + f f″ + ff‴ − λ= ∗ , Sc = :
 ð Þ f ðη + K Þ 2
 ð η + K Þ ðη + K Þ3 K Uw Df
 3K 3K
 ff′ −
 ðη + K Þ f ′ 2 2
 ðη + K Þ The local Nusselt number, Sherwood Number, and
  # Skin friction are expressed as
 1 2
  f ′ f ″ − 2Fr 2f ′ f ″ + f′ = 0: ð13Þ
  −1  −1
 L Re 2 khnf L Re 2
 Nux = − Θ ′ ð0Þ, Shx = −Φ ′ ð0Þ,
 The transform conditions are S 2 kbf S 2
 Re 1 1
 C = 1+ f ″ ð 0 Þ,
 f = 0, f ′ = 1, Φ = 1, Θ = 1atη = 0, 2 f x ð1 − ϕ1 Þ2:5 ð1 − ϕ2 Þ2:5 β
 f ′ ⟶ 0, f ″ ⟶ 0, Φ ⟶ 0, Θ ⟶ 0atη⟶∞, ð16Þ
Journal of Nanomaterials 7

 1.0 1.0

 0.8 0.8

 0.6 0.6
 Ф ( )

 Ф ( )
 k = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6.
 0.4 0.4

 0.2 Sc = 1, 2, 3 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.

 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 Fe3O4+H2O. Fe3O4+H2O.

 (a) (b)
 1.0 1.0

 0.8 0.8

 0.6 0.6
 Ф ( )

 Ф ( )
 Φ1 = 0.01, 0.02, 0.03.
 0.4 0.4 Φ2 = 0.01, 0.02, 0.03.

 0.2 0.2

 0.0 0.0
 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 (c) (d)

Figure 6: (a) Schmidt number Sc, (b) curvature parameter, and (c, d) volume friction parameters effects on mass transfer profile, respectively.

 where local Reynolds number is 3.1. OHAM Convergence. The converging of the OHAM
 approach was achieved employing Liao’s concept [51–61].
 u0 x 2
 Rex = : ð17Þ 2 ! 32
 vl 1 l m
 εm = 〠 4N f 〠 f ðηÞ 5, ð21Þ
 l + 1 j=1 k=1
3. Problem Solution η=jδη

For analytical findings, the HAM approach has been utilized 2 ! 32
to solve the modeled equations, which was firstly introduced l m m
 Θ 1 4 5,
by Liao [51–53]. The initial guesses for velocity f 0 and tem- εm = 〠 N Θ 〠 f ðηÞ, 〠 ΘðηÞ, ð22Þ
 l + 1 j=1 k=1 k=1
perature Θ0 are given as η=jδη

 2 ! 32
 f 0 ðηÞ = e−η − e−2η , Θ0 ðηÞ = e−η , Φ0 ðηÞ = e−η : ð18Þ 1 l m
 εm = 4
 〠 N Φ 〠 ΦðηÞ 5: ð23Þ
 l + 1 j=1 k=1
 The linear terms are η=jδη

 v The sum of residual error is εtm = εm + εΘ Φ
 m + εm .
 Lf ðf Þ = f ′ and L Θ ðΘÞ = Θ″ : ð19Þ
 4. Results and Discussion
 The expanded form of L f , L Θ and L Φ is
 The goal of this portion is forward to see how the tempera-
 L f χ1 + χ2 η + χ3 η + χ4 η = 0,
 2 3 ture and velocity profiles function under the effect of the
 ð20Þ predicted factors. The flow configuration is shown in
 L Θ ½χ5 + χ6 η = 0, L Φ ½χ7 + χ8 η = 0: Figure 1. The OHAM technique’s progress has been
8 Journal of Nanomaterials

 −2.0 −3.2
 k = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4
 −3.6 Φ2= 0.01, 0.02, 0.03

 −2.4 −3.8


 −2.6 −4.0

 1 2 3 4 5 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 (a) (b)

 0.575 0.575


 0.560 0.565

 0.555 2
 0.560 Pr =6.2,6.4,6.6
 Φ2 = 0.01, 0.02, 0.03.
 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O. SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 Fe3O4+H2O. Fe3O4+H2O.
 (c) (d)




 Sc = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6
 1.0 1.5 2.02.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
 MWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 SWCNTs+Fe 3O4+H2O.
 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Figure 7: (a) Skin friction Re/2C f x for Fr and k, (b) skin friction Re/2C f x for λ and ϕ2 , (c) Nusselt number ðL/SÞðRe/2Þ−1/2 Nux for λ and
ϕ2 , (d) Nusselt number ðL/SÞðRe/2Þ−1/2 Nux for λ and Pr, and (e) Sherwood number ðL/SÞðRe/2Þ−1/2 Shx for k and Sc.

computed and is depicted in Figure 2(a). Figure 2(b) displays the heat absorption and omission parameter improves the
the influence of velocity field versus M. The Lorentz force temperature distribution as shown in Figure 2(c). The
augments the resistance against the fluid motion and as a greater value of the parameter δ improves the temperature
result, the velocity reduces with the greater value of the mag- distribution. Figure 3 illustrates the effects of the (porosity
netic parameter. The augmentation in the Casson parameter term) and k on velocity and temperature. This conclusion
declines the velocity profile. The Casson parameter at the can be drawn that the velocity f ′ ðηÞ decrease, while the tem-
infinity tends to the Newtonian fluid. The larger value of perature field is increased versus rising values of porosity
Journal of Nanomaterials 9

Table 1: The numerical properties of nanomaterials and base and consequently, the temperature profile reduces.
fluid [27]. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) illustrate to elaborate the consequences
   of curvature parameter k and Schmidt number Sc on mass
 ρ kg/m3 Cp ðj/kgKÞ kðW/mKÞ transport ΦðηÞ profile. The mass transition rate reduces with
Pure water 997.1 4179 0.613 the influence of Schmidt number while enhancing with the
Fe3 O4 5200 670 6 positive effects of curvature term, because the fluid mean vis-
SWCNTs 2600 425 6600
 cosity becomes thick as the number of carbon and iron oxide
 particulates continues to increase.
MWCNTs 1600 796 300
 The surface drag force Re/2C f x for carbon nanoliquid
 and Fe3 O4 is declared via Figures 7(a) and 7(b). It is been
Table 2: The total residual errors, when Fr = k = 0:6, ϕ1 = 0:02, ϕ2 evidenced that as the curvature and the volumetric parame-
= 0:2, λ = 0:2, Pr = 6:3, and A = 0:4:. ters are increased, the skin friction drops. Figures 7(c) and
m εtm SWCNTs εtm MWCNTs εtm Fe3 O4 7(d) demonstrate the numerical results for the Nusselt num-
 ber ðL/SÞðRe/2Þ−1/2 Nux . It has been discovered that the heat
5 1:8168 × 10−4 1:9479 × 10−4 1:4257 × 10−4
 conversion rate accelerated as the number of carbon nano-
13 1:1223 × 10−5 1:2354 × 10−5 1:18312 × 10−5 materials in the conventional fluids and the Prandtl number
23 1:3599 × 10−6
 0:4698 × 10 −6
 0:4489 × 10−6 expanded. Figure 7(e) indicates that the Sherwood number
 ðL/SÞðRe/2Þ−1/2 Shx is an enhancing factor of the Schmidt
30 3:2578 × 10−7 4:3689 × 10−7 4:1464 × 10−7
 number. Table 1 displays the thermophysical properties of
 solid substrates and basic fluids. The OHAM technique’s
 consolidation has been computed up to the 30th iteration
Table 3: The comparative analysis with the published work, when
ϕ1 = ϕ2 , Fr = k = 0:6, λ = 0:2,Pr = 6:3, and A = 0:4:. and is reported in Table 2. Table 3 offers a comparative anal-
 ysis of the current study to the existing literature.
 Hayat et al. [35] Present
f ″ ð0Þ 0.735 0.7352130
 5. Conclusion
−Θ ′ ð0Þ -1.375 -1.3752410
−Φ ′ ð0Þ …………. -1.3620189 We addressed the Darcy-Forchheimer flow of Casson hybrid
 nanoliquid induced by an extended curved surface in this
 problem. The momentum and energy equations are
parameter λ as illustrated in Figures 3(a) and 3(b). Practi- included in the flow model, which is set up as a system of
cally, the kinetic viscosity and length of the extending sur- partial differential equations. The “Homotopy analysis
face are enhanced with the action of the porosity method” is used to further build up the analytic arrangement
parameter; therefore, such a phenomenon has been of modeled equations. This mathematical model attempts to
observed. On the other hand, the action of curvature param- highlight the dominance of nanofluid in heat and mass
eter k enhances the velocity field and declines the tempera- transmission in advanced technologies and industries. The
ture propagation as illustrated in Figures 3(c) and 3(d). following are the core findings:
 Figures 4(a)–4(d) are sketched to illustrate the conse-
quences of volume friction coefficients ϕCNT and ϕFe3 O4 on (i) The velocity and temperature fields both show posi-
velocity and energy propagation. The specific heat capacity tive behaviors against the increasing values of ϕ1
of H2 O is greater than much iron and carbon nanoparticles. and ϕ2 (volume fraction parameters) of CNTs
The addition of nanoparticles in the water reduces its heat- andFe3 O4
absorbing capacity, which results in an excessive amount of The accumulative values of the Casson parameter decline the
heat in the fluid. These factors cause the enhancement of hybrid nanofluid motion.
fluid velocity and thermal energy transition.
 Figures 5(a) and 5(b) revealed the influence of Forchhe- (ii) The employment of CNT and Fe3 O4 nanomaterials
mier number Fr on velocity and temperature profiles, in the base fluid, to regulate the coolant level in
respectively. The increment in the Forchhemier term industrial equipment, is quite beneficial
reduces the fluid velocity and enhances the thermal energy
profile. Because the permeability of fluid reduces by the (iii) The thermal energy profile shows a reducing trend
action of the Forchhemier term, therefore, such a phenome- versus larger values of temperature exponent coeffi-
non has been observed. The energy profile declines with the cient A
effect of temperature exponent coefficient A and Prandtl
 (iv) High fluid velocity is achieved by increasing the
number Pr as displayed in Figures 5(c) and 5(d). The ther-
 value of k (curvature parameter), while the fluid
mal diffusivity of fluid rises with the increasing credit of
 temperature drops
Prandtl number, which results in declination of fluid tem-
perature θðηÞ as shown in Figure 5(d). The thickness of the (v) The temperature and velocity profiles exhibit the
boundary layer improved with the increasing value of Pr opposite tendency when the Forchheimer number
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