Healthy Giving - El Camino Health

Page created by Heather Mann
Healthy Giving - El Camino Health

                                                                Healthy Giving
Orchard Pavilion Renovation: A New Vision                                                    Taking Wing Spring Celebration
for Mother, Baby, and Family Care                                                            Launches Fundraising Effort
                                                                                             for Orchard Pavilion
The $149 million expansion and remodel       with showers, lounge and respite areas,
of the Orchard Pavilion (formerly known      convenient access to a bistro, and milk
as the Women’s Hospital) broke ground        refrigerators – amenities that will enable       On May 27, 2021, friends and supporters
on April 1. The three-phase project is       them to stay comfortable and close, and          of El Camino Health and the foundation
scheduled for completion in 2024. When       enhance vital early bonding, growth, and         tuned in for Taking Wing, a virtual
it is finished, our Mountain View hospital   development.                                     celebration benefiting the renovation
will have the capacity to serve more                                                          and expansion of the Orchard Pavilion for
                                             Currently, the Orchard Pavilion has 44           Maternal and Child Health. Anticipation for
patients in a private room environment
                                                                                              the event started building in the afternoon
that promotes healing and wellness           licensed postpartum beds on the first
                                                                                              as guests received special deliveries
for women, infants, and families in our      floor and the primarily dual occupancy
                                                                                              consisting of four bottles of wine and a
community.                                   mother-baby rooms are small and
                                                                                              gourmet pairing box to be enjoyed during
                                             cramped. After renovation, there will            the program.
The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU),     be 52 licensed beds in 52 large, private
which currently has three six-bed wards      rooms divided between the first and
and two private isolation rooms, is          third floors, with nurseries located
moving from the first floor to the second,   nearby. The labor and delivery unit will
and it will be 91 percent larger. Designed   remain on the first floor but will expand
for family-integrated care, it will have     significantly with the addition of eight
19 spacious private rooms and a five-        rooms. Five of them will be part of a new        At 7:00 p.m. event co-chairs Romina Ahuja
bed pod. Parents will have comfortable       antepartum unit for women with high-             and Katherine Kennedy Allen welcomed
facilities, including dedicated bathrooms    risk pregnancies who need monitoring             everyone on Zoom. “We are delighted
                                                                                              to give you a sneak preview of the new
                                                                  Continued on page 3
                                                                                              Orchard Pavilion and share the story of
                                                                                              why this investment in our families and the
                                                                                              next generation is so important,” Romina
                                                                                              told the audience. “Our family had the
                                                                                              opportunity to experience El Camino’s
                                                                                              incredible care when I was on hospitalized
                                                                                              bed rest in antepartum care for 46 days
                                                                                              before Emerson was born at 28 weeks and
                                                                                              spent 64 days in the amazing NICU at El
                                                                                              Camino Health,” added Kate. “Our story is
                                                                                              why I joined Romina to co-chair the Taking
                                                                                              Wing committee to support and help lead
                                                                                              the fundraising effort for a maternal child
                                                                                                                  Continued on page 3

                                                                                                •   Fulfilling the Promise Update
Rendering of the expanded and remodeled Orchard Pavilion for Maternal and Child Health.         •   Perinatal Mood Services
                                                                                                •   Nurse Leader Scholar Program
                                                                                                •   COVID-19 Emergency Response
                                                                                                •   Advances in Radiation Oncology
                                                                                                •   Hope to Health
Healthy Giving - El Camino Health
Message from the Foundation Chair
                                              Thank you for connecting with us            meaningful
    Board of Directors                        virtually these past months. Through        opportunities
    John A. Conover, Chair                    the Healthy Connections learning series,    to support
    Romina Ahuja, Secretary                   Norma’s Literary Luncheon, and our new      them.
    Robin Driscoll, Treasurer                 spring celebration Taking Wing, we have
    Lane Melchor, Immediate Past Chair        been able to keep in touch and stay         We are
    Nahid Aliniazee                           inspired despite staying spatially          grateful to all
    Phyllis Dorricott                         distanced. With your support, El Camino     the donors
    Stan Fischman, MD, DLFAPA                 Health rose to every challenge posed by     and sponsors
    Michele Kirsch                            COVID-19 while taking exemplary care        who reached
    Julia E. Miller, Hospital Board Liaison   of our community. We can be proud our       out, stepped
    Pauline A. Nist                           hospitals garnered several impressive       up, and
    Mary Scrivner                                                                         contributed during these difficult
                                              honors and awards during this time:
    Nipa Sheth, DDS                                                                       months, particularly in response to the
    Judy Van Dyck, Auxiliary Liaison          • 4th consecutive American Nurses           COVID-19 emergency relief effort.
    Dan Woods, CEO, El Camino Health            Credentialing Center Magnet®              Usually we update the donor monuments
    Andrew T. Cope, President                   designation for nursing excellence.       in the Mountain View hospital annually to
    El Camino Health Foundation Founders                                                  reflect your ongoing generosity. Last
                                              • Healthgrades 2021 Outstanding
    Jack & Norma Melchor*                                                                 year, because of the pandemic, we
                                                Patient Experience Award™ - in the top
    Burton* & Deedee McMurtry                                                             instead published a virtual donor board
                                                15 percent of hospitals nationwide for
    Gordon & Betty Moore                                                                  on the foundation website and this
                                                patient experience.
    David & Lucile Packard*                                                               spring we have done so again.
                                              • Fortune & IBM Watson Health 100 Top
    Foundation Staff
                                                Hospitals® 2021 – only California         As I write this message the vaccination
                                                hospital to make this list; 100 Top       effort is gaining momentum, COVID
    Andrew T. Cope              Everest Award winner for being one of     hospitalizations are down, and more
    650-940-7154                                20 healthcare providers on the list to    activities are opening up. For the
                                                achieve national benchmarks for both      foundation, we hope that means an
    Senior Philanthropy Officer
                                                the fastest rate of improvement during    in-person golf tournament and Chinese
    Lindsay Ehrman
                                                the past five years and highest current   Health Initiative 10th anniversary Red
                                                year performance.                         Envelope Celebration in the fall. So, in a
                                                                                          spirit of optimism and renewal, I will
                                              • ‘A’ Grade in Leapfrog Hospital Safety
    Annual Giving Officer                                                                 close by saying “see you soon.”
    Katie Kehriotis                             Grade program at Mountain View
                                                                                          Meanwhile, have a good summer, and          hospital – recognition of commitment
                                                                                          please stay healthy and safe.
    650-988-7665                                to providing safe, high-quality care to
    Executive Assistant
    Patricia Keil                             • Los Gatos hospital named to            Newsweek’s 2021 list of Best
    650-988-7668                                Maternity Care Hospitals.                 John A. Conover, Chair
    Manager of Special Events                                                             El Camino Health Foundation
                                              These accolades reinforce what we have
    Kirsten Krimsley                                                                      Board of Directors
                                              long known: El Camino Health is special;
    650-988-4189                              our hospitals are deserving of
                                              philanthropic support; and our
    Manager of Donor Relations                donations make a difference. Among
    Bettina Rosenberg                                                                       Thank You Healthy
                                              other areas, that extra margin of                                                    Connections Sponsors
                                              excellence can be seen at our Cancer
                                              Center and Scrivner Center for Mental         Series Sponsors
    * of blessed memory                       Health & Addiction Services, in Magnet-
                                              level bedside nursing care, and maternal-
                                              child healthcare, which are all
                                              highlighted in this issue. These will be
                                                                                            Event Sponsor
    650-940-7154                              among the foundation’s fundraising             priorities in the new fiscal year, which             starts July 1, and you can read about

Healthy Giving - El Camino Health
Orchard Pavilion Renovation:
A New Vision for Mother, Baby, and Family Care                                                    continued from page 1

or bedrest before their due dates. There
will also be a flexibly-configured eight-
bed preparation and recovery area for
Caesarean section or other surgeries.

A café with indoor and outdoor seating
areas, small gift shop, and security
station will be located on the ground
floor. There will be new lobbies on the
first and second floors, and an airy,
light-filled mezzanine on the third floor.
In addition, the building exterior will
be refreshed and there will be many
                                              The NICU will have 19 private rooms with a place for parents to sleep in.
infrastructure upgrades.

“This will be a big expansion in terms
of how many women we can serve,”
says Heather Freeman, Senior Director,
Maternal Child Health Service Line.
“Every room will have better capability
and comfort for our patients.” In fact,
El Camino Health is projected to become
the largest provider of childbirth services
                                              The first floor will have labor and delivery   The first and third floors will each have 26
in the area.
                                              and antepartum rooms.                          private postpartum mother-baby rooms.

   Taking                        Wing              Continued from page 1

   health building that matches the           physicians request privileges. When            Cope announced, as he encouraged
   excellent care we experienced.”            construction is complete, he anticipates       everyone to contribute. He then
                                              we will be the largest, busiest, and most      introduced Master Sommelier Randall
   CEO Dan Woods explained why                advanced birthing center in the area.          Bertao, general manager of the Los
   the Orchard Pavilion project is so         The CEO assured listeners the hospital         Altos Golf & Country Club. Bertao
   important. “At El Camino Health we         would do everything possible to minimize       educated the audience on how to
   invest in our community. We invest         disruption to patients and families            taste wine knowledgeably and guided
   in the next generation,” he said.          throughout the 32-month construction           guests as they sampled Fumé Blanc
   About 5,000 babies are born at our         project, which began on April 1. When          and Merlot from ONEHOPE winery,
   hospitals every year and that number       it is complete the Orchard Pavilion will       and Rosé of Pinot Noir and Pinot Noir
   is growing as more and more local          have better facilities for caregivers and      from Furthermore Wines. ONEHOPE
                                              a quiet, light-filled, calming, hotel-like     CEO Jake Kloberdanz and Furthermore
                                              environment for patients, with the latest      Wines founder Chad Richard joined in
                                              technologies, and comfortable amenities        a lively and informative conversation
                                              for partners.                                  that provided insight into their
                                                                                             winemaking philosophy and the impact
                                              “Tonight’s event is the launch of El           of global climate change.
                                              Camino Health Foundation’s three-
                                              year fundraising effort to support             You can donate to the Orchard
                                              this great undertaking,” El Camino             Pavilion renovation and expansion at
   Master Sommelier Randall Bertao            Health Foundation President Andrew   

Healthy Giving - El Camino Health
Fulfilling the Promise
    The exceptional work to fulfill the promise of better mental health and addiction services for
    our community continues at the Scrivner Center, sustained and propelled by generous
    donations to the foundation. Unlike most providers, El Camino Health implemented new safety
    protocols and continued to provide in-person treatment throughout the COVID-19 pandemic
    because of the commitment to quality. Demand for services has remained very high.

    ASPIRE –Youth and Young Adult
    ASPIRE continues to expand with
    support from the Mary and Doug
    Scrivner Endowment for Adolescent
    Mental Health Innovation and the Tad
    and Dianne Taube Program for
    Adolescent Behavioral Health. ASPIRE
    QUEST, which launched last fall to
    address habitual behaviors in youth,
    including drug misuse and screen
    addiction, is quickly growing to capacity.
    A new, more intensive ASPIRE partial
    hospitalization program (six hours per
    day), is scheduled to launch in October      ASPIRE clinical staff in Mountain View
    and will strengthen a continuum of care
    that includes the original after-school      mood impact prevention by launching a        program will then transition to patients.
    tracks for middle school, high school,       new 4th trimester class to prepare
    and transition-age youth, and a prep         pregnant women for the emotional and         Looking to the future, Scrivner Center
    program for adolescents who need             physical changes they can expect after       and maternal-child healthcare service
    additional support before entering the       birth. It will be free and open to the       line leaders are exploring a collaborative
    program. To further broaden ASPIRE’s         community.                                   vision for a Family Wellness Center,
    impact beyond El Camino Health’s                                                          which would be a new home for MOMS,
    service area, the Scrivner Center has        Health and Wellness Program                  ASPIRE, and ASPIRE QUEST. Other
    hired an ASPIRE Consortium coordinator.      In July, the Scrivner Center will launch a   support and lifestyle-focused health
    She is strengthening existing                new Health and Wellness Program to           programs for women and families,
    partnerships with hospitals in Oregon        help people with serious chronic medical     including lactation consultation,
    and southern California, coordinating        conditions who have lost hope gain the       massage, exercise, and nutritional
    research and outcome measurements            motivation to reengage in their              counseling, could also be offered there.
    among all participants, and actively         healthcare and find renewed purpose in
    looking for new partners.                    life. The approach will be one-on-one        This work
                                                 sessions by the newly hired program          continues under
    MOMS – Perinatal Mood Services               coordinator. After completing the            the direction of
    El Camino Health also provides a             program, patients will be referred to        new Scrivner
    continuum of care to women with a            groups in the community that help            Center Chief
    perinatal mood condition. It ranges from     facilitate further peer connection. The      Medical Director
    inpatient treatment in the specialty         Health and Wellness Program was              Kalpana Nathan,
    women’s unit of the Taube Pavilion,          seeded by a major gift to El Camino          MD, who came
    which is now being fully utilized, to        Health Foundation for that purpose.          to El Camino
    partial hospitalization, to intensive                                                     Health in March. Kalpana Nathan, MD
    outpatient therapy (MOMS). With a past       Project Hope                                 She has 23 years of experience
    grant from Hope to Health, the Scrivner      El Camino Health Chaplain Reverend           supporting patients in the Veterans
    Center will begin offering MOMS              John Harrison is initiating a new program    Administration system and is a clinical
    outpatient groups via Zoom for women         to help patients and staff find hope and     associate professor in the Stanford
    who don’t need the full intensity of the     higher purpose through their struggles,      University Department of Psychiatry
    in-person therapeutic program and as a       and encourage patients to have faith         and Behavioral Sciences. Dr. Nathan is
    transition for MOMS graduates. The           they will get better. His initial focus is   board certified in addictions and
    team is also addressing postpartum           staff morale and wellness, and the           forensic psychiatry.

Healthy Giving - El Camino Health
“Postpartum depression is very              organizations, El Camino Health maternal      else on the West
common. Very few people know about it       child clinical staff, and even by searching   Coast. Dr. Dhami
and it is the number one complication of    online. A member of the Scrivner              notes such care
any pregnancy in terms of incidence,”       Center’s access or MOMS team reaches          helps to reduce
says Nirmaljit Dhami, MD, medical           out and sets up a free in-office              feelings of guilt
director of inpatient perinatal             assessment with a clinician. The patient      and suicidal
psychiatry. Specialized mental health       is either admitted to the appropriate         thought, gives
services for new mothers can be difficult   Scrivner Center program or referred to a      moms confidence
to find. El Camino Health has developed     community resource. Treatment includes        in their parenting
a full continuum of programs that are       individual therapy, group therapy,            ability, improves
appropriate for women with varying          occupational therapy, expressive arts,        bonding and        Nirmaljit Dhami, MD
levels of symptoms. This includes           cognitive behavioral therapy,                 attachment, and
intensive outpatient therapy (MOMS)         mindfulness, and support for partners.        may lessen the effect of maternal illness
under the direction of Dr. Nicole Tarui,    Women may also receive mother-infant          on the baby’s development.
partial hospitalization for women with      interaction therapy and/or medication,
more acute symptoms, and inpatient          as needed. The care team consists of          For the past three years, Dr. Dhami has
hospitalization for women whose safety      physicians, social workers,                   been a featured speaker at El Camino
and ability to care for themselves is at    psychologists, nurses, and health             Health’s Maternal Mental Health
risk. Each program provides a step down     assistants. The program is designed so        Symposium, which features
or stepped up level of care as needed.      mothers can bring their babies to             presentations by experts in the field and
“Our approach is to offer compassion        therapy. When ready, patients are             a peer panel of grateful El Camino Health
and humanistic treatment as well as         discharged with a careful follow-up plan      patients. The symposium is an
education,” Dr. Dhami says. Patients        to ensure ongoing wellness.                   opportunity to bring maternal mental
come from a variety of cultures and                                                       health disorders into the open,
treatment takes their cultural norms and    El Camino Health is one of just two           disseminate the latest information about
values into account.                        hospitals in the United States with a         treatment and related issues, and
                                            dedicated inpatient unit for perinatal        highlight El Camino Health’s leading
Women are referred by their physicians      women. Mothers and babies can be              contributions to the field. The next
or mental health providers, other           treated together on the unit during the       symposium will be held on October 8,
hospitals, other patients, community        day, care that is not available anywhere      2021 and will feature a keynote
                                                                                          presentation on racial and ethnic
                                                                                          disparities in the treatment of maternal
                                                                                          mental health conditions and access to
                                                                                          care. It is underwritten by donations to
                                                                                          El Camino Health Foundation, and is free
                                                                                          and open to the public.

                                                                                             El Camino Health is one of
                                                                                             just two hospitals in the
                                                                                             United States with a
                                                                                             dedicated inpatient unit for
                                                                                             women with a perinatal mood
                                                                                             disorder. Mothers and babies
                                                                                             can be treated together on
                                                                                             the unit during the day, care
                                                                                             that is not available anywhere
                                                                                             else on the West Coast.

Scrivner Center for Mental Health & Addiction Services

Healthy Giving - El Camino Health
New Scholarship Program Established to Develop
    Nursing Leadership at El Camino Health
    El Camino Health Foundation is
    establishing a Nurse Leader Scholar
    Program fund that will underwrite
    graduate school tuition for talented
    El Camino Health nurses who are
    interested in taking on healthcare
    management roles.

    Like healthcare organizations across
    the country, El Camino Health expects
    a wave of registered nurse (RN)
    retirements by 2022 that includes many
    seasoned nursing leaders. At the same
    time, many frontline nurses express little
    interest in assuming leadership roles,       This year, our hospitals received a rare 4th consecutive Magnet designation, the
                                                 highest and most prestigious credential a healthcare organization can achieve for
    primarily because they do not have the
                                                 nursing excellence and quality patient care.
    necessary education and skills to do so.
    Chief Nursing Officer Cheryl Reinking        Because the candidates will carry out
    learned through one-to-one discussions       their DNP project or MSN capstone at
    with nurses at El Camino Health that the     El Camino Health with the approval of
    high cost of the degree programs is the      their supervisor, the scholarships will
    primary limitation.                          provide immediate benefit to patients. In
                                                 addition, the nurse leaders are expected
    The new Nurse Leader Scholar Program         to submit research abstracts to local,
    will provide full tuition for two nurses     regional, and national conferences and
    each year to enter either a Master of        the acceptances will support future
    Science in Nursing (MSN) or a Doctor         ANCC Magnet® designations.
    of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree
    program at a local university. The           Interested candidates will be selected
    valuable knowledge garnered through          through an application process and the
    these advanced two year courses              scholars will be expected to stay at El     CNO Cheryl Reinking, DNP, RN, NEA-BC,
                                                                                             who is spearheading the Nurse Leader
    of study “will most certainly lead to        Camino Health for at least two years
                                                                                             Scholar Program, says the scholarship
    nursing leaders who are prepared             after earning their degrees. “Evidence      recipients’ research projects will also
    for the unique challenges of today’s         indicates that nurse leaders who receive    contribute to Magnet designation
    healthcare landscape,” Reinking says.        tuition reimbursement and achieve           requirements.

                                                                                             advance degrees are more likely to stay
                                                                                             at their organization,” reports Reinking.
                                                                                             Please contact Senior Philanthropy
                                                                                             Officer Lindsay Ehrman to learn more
                                                                                             about opportunities to support the Nurse
                                                                                             Leader Scholar Program.

                                                                                                The valuable knowledge garnered
                                                                                                through these advanced two
                                                                                                year courses of study will most
                                                                                                certainly lead to nursing leaders
                                                                                                who are prepared for the unique
                                                                                                challenges of today’s healthcare

Healthy Giving - El Camino Health
In April, El Camino Health Foundation
awarded $22,100 to students
pursuing studies in healthcare fields.
Eleven received support from the
Norma Melchor Nursing Scholarship
Endowment and one received a
scholarship from the Arlene Reeves
Memorial Fund Endowment.

Tina Tran and Elizabeth Nguyen, two
Melchor scholarship awardees, are
first generation Americans. Fluent in
English and Vietnamese, they grew
up advocating and translating for
their parents and grandparents, and
observed the barriers that low-income,
non-English speaking community
members face when seeking healthcare.
                                             Elizabeth Nguyen                                Tina Tran
“Translating for my grandparents at
doctors’ visits or the grocery store made
me realize I like standing up for people,    helped them secure funding to print             too, the scholarship relieves significant
providing a shoulder for someone to lean     and donate 2,800 copies to local school         financial stress. She is grateful that it
on. I hope to be that kind of advocate       districts and community health clinics.         will allow her to focus more on school as
for my patients in the future,” Tina says.   They are now working on a sequel about          she pursues her future goals.
                                             the vaccine.
Those experiences resonated when Tina
                                                                                                  “Translating for my
and Elizabeth interned at an East San        Tina will graduate from San Jose State
Jose COVID-19 testing site last summer       University in December with a BS in                  grandparents at doctors’
and saw children translating for their       nursing and minors in public health                  visits or the grocery store
Spanish-speaking parents. Together           and deaf education. “This scholarship                made me realize I like
with some of their fellow interns, they      lifts a heavy weight off my shoulders,”              standing up for people,
created a fun activity book to teach         she says. “It is giving me more time to
                                                                                                  providing a shoulder for
children about the global pandemic.          focus on my studies and will allow me
“In addition to being an educational         to graduate debt free, which means a                 someone to lean on. I hope
resource, we wanted it to help families      lot to me.”Logo
                                                          Elizabeth, who is majoring in           to be that kind of advocate
better cope through this difficult time      nursing with a minor in psychology, is               for my patients in the future,”
while also learning the facts,” explains     in her fourth semester of studies at San             - TINA TRAN
Elizabeth. Community Health Partnership      Jose State, with two more to go. For her

    REDENVELOP E                                                     CELEBRATING 10       YEARS

                                                                     SUPPORTING A HEALTHY
                                                                     CHINESE COMMUNITY
                                                                     守護華人健康 歡慶十周年

    A B E N E F I T TO H O N O R T H E
    SEPTEMBER 2021

Healthy Giving - El Camino Health
Staying on the Leading Edge at the Cancer Center
    El Camino Health has entered into a
    memorandum of understanding that
    will lead to a formal agreement with
    Varian Medical Systems, Inc., a Siemens
    Healthineers Company, to become
    a showcase training center. Varian,
    which is located in Palo Alto, “is the
    largest radiation oncology company
    in the world,” says El Camino Health
    Radiation Oncology Medical Director
    Robert Sinha, MD. “El Camino Health
    is now guaranteed to receive the latest
    technology Varian develops. We will be
    a demonstration site for Varian’s other

    To date, under the auspices of this
    agreement, the radiation oncology
    department has replaced two older
    technologies. Earlier this year, El Camino
    Health began treating gynecological and
    prostate cancers with Bravos™, the latest
                                                    The El Camino Health radiation oncology team proudly poses with Ethos, a leading
    generation high dose brachytherapy              edge technology that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning so radiotherapy
    machine. “But the game changer                  treatments can be adapted to changes in patient anatomy over time.
    is Ethos™,” says Dr. Sinha, which, in
    April, replaced the Cyberknife. Ethos           five hospitals in the United States and          and can also be used for Cyberknife
    uses artificial intelligence and machine        the only one west of the Mississippi to          treatments. Edge targets tumors with
    learning so radiotherapy treatments             have this leading-edge technology. Dr.           submillimeter accuracy anywhere in the
    can be adapted to changes in patient            Sinha successfully treated the first two         body and can be used for standard day-
    anatomy, re-optimizing treatment within         patients at El Camino Health with Ethos          to-day radiation treatments that don’t
    a few minutes to more precisely target          on April 14.                                     require artificial intelligence adaptive
    the tumor. This is important when                                                                technology. Once Edge is installed,
    treating disease like prostate cancer,          Still to come is the Edge®, which Dr.            El Camino Health will finalize the formal
    for example, because the nearby bowel,          Sinha expects will be installed in about         agreement with Varian.
    rectum, and bladder naturally change            six months. This will replace the Trilogy
    daily. “No other machines can do that,”         linear accelerator, which is considered          “We are now equipped at this hospital
    he adds. El Camino Health is one of only        the workhorse of radiosurgery machines,          with technology that not even nearby
                                                                                                     major academic medical centers have,”
                                                                                                     concludes Dr. Sinha. “That means our
                                                                                                     patients are going to get the culture of
                                                                                                     caring we have at El Camino Health but
                                                                                                     coupled with technology that almost
                                                                                                     nobody else in this country has. These
                                                                                                     technologies will allow us to improve
                                                                                                     outcomes for our patients,” which, for
                                                                                                     Dr. Sinha is the most important result.

                                                                                                        “El Camino Health is now
                                                                                                        guaranteed to receive the latest
                                                                                                        technology Varian develops.
                                                                                                        We will be a demonstration site
                                                                                                        for Varian’s other customers.”
    On April 14, 2021, El Camino Health became the first hospital in California to treat a patient      - ROBERT SINHA , MD
    with adaptive intelligence and only the fifth hospital in the country to have Ethos.

Healthy Giving - El Camino Health
HOKA Running Shoe Donation Delights El Camino Health Staff
In February, Nick Kovaleski, director       Urtz, general manager of A Runner’s
of operations for A Runner’s Mind Bay       Mind wrote in the formal proposal.
Area retailer athletic stores, contacted    This program is “an effort to thank our
El Camino Health Foundation, with a         healthcare workers.”
unique offer. In support of HOKA’s
Frontline Give Back Program, A Runner’s     In coordination with the human
Mind would donate one pair of HOKA          resources department and Chief Nursing
One One running shoes to an El Camino       Officer Cheryl Reinking, Foundation
Health worker for every pair purchased      Executive Assistant Patricia Keil set up
at one of their three Bay Area stores for   an electronic lottery for more than 3,500
a period of one month, up to a maximum      El Camino Health employees. She got
of 130 pairs.                               in touch with each randomly selected
                                            winner, then provided their names and
“We know that frontline healthcare          shoe sizes to A Runner’s Mind. The store
workers in our communities have put         donated 105 pairs of running shoes and
in a tremendous amount of extra time        attached a personal message of thanks
and effort since the global coronavirus     to each shoebox before delivering them
                                                                                        In addition to managing the HOKA
pandemic entered our society,” Eileen       to the foundation. Next, Patricia oversaw   running shoe donation, Foundation
                                            the distribution. She even mailed the       Executive Assistant Patricia Keil has
                                            HOKAs to the employees who were             facilitated the delivery of thousands of
                                            unable to visit the foundation during       donated meals to El Camino Health staff
                                                                                        over the past year and a half.
                                            normal business hours and made a
                                            special delivery to the Los Gatos campus.   executive leadership, has allocated
                                            For her, it was all in a day’s work.        more than $2.1 million to buttress
                                                                                        our hospital’s coronavirus strategy,
                                            The HOKA running shoe donation is one       most recently for the purchase of
                                            of many gifts, monetary and in-kind, that   prescription safety goggles for frontline
                                            the foundation has received from our        healthcare workers and the high volume
                                            generous community since launching          vaccination clinic on the LinkedIn
                                            the COVID-19 Emergency Response             campus in Sunnyvale. The remaining
                                            Fund in March 2020. To date, the            funds will continue to be allocated as
                                            foundation board executive committee        needed and to further the vaccination
                                            in consultation with El Camino Health’s     and testing effort.
Armando Segovia

Thanks to generous donations from a         Center of Mountain View in order to         they go about their business. The first
private major donor and,         reach the underserved population, who       date was June 7 at Egan Junior High
El Camino Health has launched a             will not need health insurance in order     in Los Altos, an effort to reach newly
COVID-19 vaccination van that will reach    to receive a free vaccine. Locations may    eligible teenagers and their families
out to low income community members         include school lunch distribution sites,    before school lets out. Other potential
and ease access for local residents         which serve lower-income students and       sites include commercial hubs like
who are willing to be vaccinated if it is   families, and areas that are identified     Castro Street and the Mountain View
convenient.                                 by the cities of Mountain View and          Costco.
                                            Sunnyvale, such as mobile home parks.
Hospital staff members are working                                                      “The foundation is proud and excited
with Sunnyvale Community Services,          In addition, El Camino Health is bringing   to support this important community
Community Services Agency of Mountain       the van to heavily trafficked locations,    vaccination outreach effort,” says
View and Los Altos, and the Day Worker      where people can pop in for a vaccine as    Foundation President Andrew Cope.

Healthy Giving - El Camino Health
Hope to Health Grants                                        9th Annual Norma’s Literary Luncheon Raises
$30,000 to Women’s                                           $150,000 for El Camino Health Wellness Programs
Imaging Center            logo10.pdf   1/5/10   3:01:48 PM

                                                             The 9th annual
Although the members                                         Norma’s Literary
of Hope to Health   C                                        Luncheon was held
                                                             virtually on February

(H2H) could not     Y

meet in person this

                                                             4, 2021. Author and
past year, they still

                                                             The New Yorker staff
pooled their dues                                            writer Susan Orlean
                         Hope to Health

and voted on the program they would                          gave the featured
                                                             presentation, which         Susan Orlean and Kelly Corrigan
like to philanthropically support at El
Camino Health in 2021. The philanthropy                      focused on how she
council’s latest grant will fund additional                  came to write The Library Book, one of        a society that builds monuments to
amenities to enhance the spa-like                            The New York Times’ notable books of          stories,” she agreed. Together they
atmosphere at the new Women’s Imaging                        2018. She then engaged in a delightful        explored how libraries and democracies
Center, which is located in the Sobrato                      conversation with author Kelly Corrigan,      relate to each other, and how public
Pavilion.                                                    host of the PBS interview program “Tell       funding for them illustrate society’s
                                                             Me More with Kelly Corrigan” and the          values. “Libraries exist as the portal
“Our goal is to provide our patients with                    podcast “Kelly Corrigan Wonders.”             to knowledge and information,” Ms.
leading-edge imaging technology in a                         This year’s fundraiser benefited three        Orlean explained. They provide a path to
relaxing, spa-like, tranquil environment,”                   El Camino Health wellness programs            education and self-improvement for the
wrote System Director Joshua                                 focused on lifestyle that meet diverse        betterment of all people that encourages
Schreckengost on the grant application.                      cultural preferences in our community:        meritocracy. “Part of the richness of
The grant will fund video art installations                  Lifestyle Medicine, Chinese Health            the library is being in a place where
and an overhead music system for the                         Initiative, and South Asian Heart Center.     everybody belongs,” added Ms. Corrigan.
waiting areas and exam rooms. “The                           Nearly 200 people tuned in live or            Both hope awareness of libraries’ worth
aim is to complete environment elements                      watched a post-event recording.               is growing today during the pandemic,
already in place that help patients                                                                        when we cannot physically visit them.
feel less anxious before and during an                       Ms. Orlean opened by reading an excerpt
exam. Research shows that a healing                          from the book that described how she          Like Susan Orlean, Norma Melchor, who
environment can decrease levels of pain,                     developed a love of libraries and reading     we remember each year at Norma’s
improve patient moods and contribute to                      in childhood, which was nurtured by           Literary Luncheon, was an avid reader.
more positive health outcomes.”                              her mother. As an adult visiting the Los      She was a strong supporter and
                                                             Angeles Public Library with her own           generous benefactor of El Camino Health
Hope to Health members pool their annual                     kindergarten-age son, she realized that       for five decades and met regularly
dues to philanthropically support El                         she didn’t actually know how a library        with her book club all that time. Since
Camino Health services for women and                         functioned, particularly a big city library.  2013, the luncheon that bears her name
families. They evaluate grant proposals                      “That to me is always a great curiosity –     has raised more than $1 million for
from hospital departments and vote on the                    take something very familiar that I think     El Camino Health programs that help
project they wish to fund each year. Since                   I know, and acknowledge that I really         women and families, and it has been
2006 they have cumulatively contributed                      don’t know a lot about. It gives me that      generously underwritten by the Melchor
more than $720,000 to support a variety                      itch and curiosity to figure out how this     family as they carry forward Norma’s
of El Camino Health programs.                                thing works, what makes it tick.” Her         commitment to the hospital. In opening
                                                             talk explored the powerful connection         remarks, El Camino Health Foundation
“It is very empowering for us to feel that                   people feel to books and libraries,           President Andrew T. Cope gratefully
we are not just giving money but we                          and why libraries and books matter.           acknowledged them and paid tribute
are able to make a choice that will help                     “Libraries replicate who we are,” she         to committee members Judie Wolken,
women and families, and make sure they                       postulated. “They contain all the stories     Betsy Dawes, and Mary Scrivner “whose
get access to great care at El Camino                        that really matter to us as a community       creativity, enthusiasm, and love for this
Health,” says Betsy Dawes, a founding                        and keep them safe the way an individual      event were put to the test this year but
member. The more members, the greater                        really can’t.”                                only grew stronger.” Judie, Betsy and
the impact, and new members are always                                                                     Mary look forward to celebrating the
welcome. For more information, contact                       Kelly Corrigan picked up on that theme        luncheon’s 10th anniversary next year.
Special Events Manager Kirsten Krimsley.                     with her insightful questions. “We are

Leaving a Legacy of Better Healthcare
for Our Community
“I have seen what the hospital does and
I have seen how the foundation uses
our donations to support the hospital’s
centers of excellence. I want these
things to continue and I want my money
to do something of value,” former El
Camino Hospital Auxiliary President
Mariana Latham explained in 2011,
when asked why she made a legacy gift.

Mariana had a decades-long connection
to El Camino Health dating to the
late 1950s when she watched the
Mountain View hospital being built. She
volunteered for the Auxiliary early in her
44-year career as an art and English
teacher in the Cupertino School District
and rejoined the organization in 2004
when she retired. By 2010, she was
the Auxiliary president, responsible for
supervising more than 1,000 volunteers
on the Los Gatos and Mountain View           Mariana Latham
campuses. Her own experiences as a
patient in the emergency department          Legacy gifts can take many forms. You         than I give,” she said of her rewarding
reinforced her commitment to the             can include a bequest in your will or         service to El Camino Health and our
hospital. “I wouldn’t go anyplace else,”     living trust, designate a beneficiary for a   community.
she said at the time. One of the nurses      life insurance, pension plan, or financial
who took care of her had received an         account, or set up a donation that has        If you are grateful for the medical
Auxiliary scholarship, which made her        life income benefits for you, such as         treatment that you or someone you
even prouder of her volunteer work.          a charitable gift annuity or charitable       love received at El Camino Health,
                                             remainder trust. They allow you to meet       you can help to ensure our hospitals
Mariana passed away in November              your income needs, take advantage of          continue providing world-class care
2020. Her legacy of commitment to our        current tax incentives, and contribute        to future generations by remembering
hospitals and the patients we serve lives    significantly to the health and longevity     the foundation in your estate plan as
on through her generous bequest.             of an organization that is meaningful for     Mariana did. Senior Philanthropy Officer
                                             you. For Mariana, that organization was       Lindsay Ehrman would be happy to
                                             El Camino Health. “I get 10 times more        discuss your specific goals.

   Creating or updating your estate plan?
                                                                                             There are several ways you can
   Do you want to help ensure the continuation of healthcare                                 provide for El Camino Health
   for present and future generations at El Camino Health?                                   Foundation in your estate:
                                                                                             • Name El Camino Health Foundation
   Are you facing decisions about retirement planning, capital
                                                                                               as a beneficiary of your will or trust.
   preservation, and the direction of the assets in your estate? Please
                                                                                             • Include El Camino Health
   consider including a gift to El Camino Health Foundation. When you
                                                                                               Foundation as a beneficiary of your
   make a gift intention through your estate to the foundation, you are                        retirement plan or life insurance.
   making an investment in your community – and providing the margin
                                                                                             • Make a donation to El Camino
   of excellence necessary to sustain a caring, compassionate, and                             Health Foundation from your IRA
   technically advanced medical center.                                                        when you need to make a required
                                                                                               minimum distribution.

2500 Grant Road
Park Pavilion, Mailstop PAR116
Mountain View, CA 94040-4378

                                          Save the Date
      2 5 T H A N N U A L E L C A M I N O H E R I TA G E
                  G O L F TO U R N A M E N T
                                 M O N DAY, O C TO B E R 2 5 , 2 0 2 1
                       S H A R O N H E I G H T S G O L F & CO U N T RY C LU B

                                   Contact Kirsten Krimsley for more information
                                                 (650) 988-4189


                                        25 T H

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