Health-Related Attitudes toward Vegetarians and Meat-Eaters

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Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 23, no 1 (89) March 2020

    Health-Related Attitudes toward Vegetarians and Meat-Eaters

                     Lorena Antonovicii, Maria Nicoleta Turliuc
       Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Psychology Department,
                     Alexandru I. Cuza University of Iași, Romania

        Introduction: Vegetarianism still gets little attention in scientific papers. Although it is not
surprising that attitudes toward vegetarians and meat-eaters differ considerably, certain levels of
these differences have been poorly studied.
        Objectives: This study aimed to explore the implications of vegetarianism and meat-eaters’
behaviours on individuals’ health-related attitudes, by exploring how deeply these differences run.
        Methods: An exploratory study was conducted to examine more in-depth the implications of
vegetarianism and meat-eaters behaviours on individuals’ health-related attitudes (n=180, mean
age=33.96). We constructed vignettes to describe the eating habits of omnivores and vegetarians
targets. Each vignette varied only in the description of eating behaviors. The participants were
randomly assigned to three conditions: vegetarianism (n=60), meat-eater (n=60), and control
(n=60). We used a self-report questionnaire to collect health-related attitudes and demographic data.
        Results: The results of the Chi-square crosstabs analysis revealed that attitudes related to
health state, health difficulties and health procedures were significantly associated with vegetarians
and meat-eaters. Also, type of diet and gender differences emerged as being significantly related to
vegetarians and meat-eaters. The causality of possible health issues and future health prognostics
were not significant when comparing vegetarian and meat-eater target participants. Vegetarians tend
to be considered healthier than meat-eaters, but still, omnivore participants thought that they have
to consult a doctor. According to participants in this study, meat-eaters might encounter more mental
health difficulties as opposed to vegetarians and should keep a diet. There were more positive
attitudes and beliefs regarding the participants own type of diet. Moreover, when compared to men,
women rated omnivores as having better health prognostics.
        Conclusions: These results might shape prospective eating behaviors. Future
experimental and longitudinal studies should be conducted to verify these findings and provide
effective eating programs.

Keywords: vegetarian diet, omnivores, eating behavior, health

 Corresponding author: Lorena Antonovici, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Alexandru Ioan Cuza
University of Iași, 3 Toma Cozma Street, Iași, Romania, email:
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 23, no 1 (89) March 2020
I. Introduction                                                      significantly more positive than toward vegans. But
          Vegetarianism has become a global concern in               non-vegetarian men expressed less favourable attitudes
the contemporary world. The vegetarian diet is still a               toward both vegetarianism and veganism, compared to
recent phenomenon, not very much spread, and even                    non-vegetarian women. Chin, Fisak, & Sims (2002) also
less attention has been dropped to this eating behaviour.            indicate that attitudes toward vegetarians are generally
The vegetarian diet does not differ from the omnivorous              positive. However, people with high levels of
one only by excluding meat from the menu, but it is also             authoritarianism may have more negative attitudes
unique due to other important factors, such as the high              concerning vegetarians, and women have more positive
consumption of fruits and vegetables. The diet is                    attitudes toward vegetarians than men. On the other
characterized by a lower level of saturated fat and                  hand, in another study (Minson & Monin, 2012), a large
cholesterol, due to a high intake of fruits, vegetables and          percent of the participants (47%) freely associated at
whole grains in the menu (Craig & Mangels, 2009;                     least one negative term related to vegetarians.
Craig, 2010; Deriemaeker et al., 2010). It is suggested                        However, in a study that analyzed the attitude
that a vegetarian diet is a healthy option, given the                of respondents towards the followed diets (omnivorous,
association with a lower incidence of problems related               avoiding the consumption of meat, vegetarian or vegan),
to cholesterol level, chronic degenerative diseases,                 it turned out that the respondents had the most positive
hypertension, coronary artery disease, gallstones, type II           attitudes and beliefs regarding their own type of diet and
diabetes, stroke and certain cancers (American Dietetic              showed more negative attitudes and views towards the
Association, 2003; Key et al., 2003).                                type of diet that was differing the most from their
          Several studies have found an association                  preferred one (Povey, Wellens & Conner, 2001).
between using a vegetarian diet and improving health
(e.g. Key, Davey & Appleby, 1999; Lea & Worsley,                              1.2. Attitudes toward meat
2003; Phillips, 2005). In general, vegetarians are                            Meat is often portrayed as a luxury object,
considered to be more physically active, and fewer are               having good taste and promoting good health.
smokers or alcohol users (Pollard et al., 2001; Baines,              Therefore, the decision to abstain from meat is not
Powers & Brown, 2007; Gacek, 2010). Other studies                    always an easy one. The delicious taste of meat, along
(e.g. Burkert et al., 2014) do indeed notice a lower                 with vegetarian health concerns, might enhance meat
frequency of unhealthy behaviours among vegetarians,                 consumption (Lea & Wosley, 2001). Indeed, empirical
but, on the contrary, an inferior health status (allergies,          findings showed that the attitudes of omnivores relate to
mental disorders, a higher incidence of cancer), a greater           these aspects, irrespective whether vegetarians’ attitudes
need for health care and a lower quality of life.                    are far more different, linking meat with poor health,
          A series of studies report an association between          along with disgust, killing and cruelty (e.g. Ruby, 2012).
vegetarianism and eating disorders (e.g. Bardone-Cone et             However, findings usually specify that vegetarians have
al., 2012), or between vegetarianism and anxiety,                    more negative views toward meat and positive attitudes
depressive and somatoform complications (e.g. Michalak,              towards vegetables (Houwer & Bruycker, 2007). A
Zhang & Jacobi, 2012). Other studies indicate an                     negative predictor of meat consumption is the number of
association of the vegetarian diet with mental disorders             vegetarian friends (Lea & Worsley, 2001).
(Baines, Powers & Brown, 2007; Farmer et al., 2011),                          The sex differences in vegetarianism are quite
which may affect the neuronal functioning and synapse                substantial, considering the different angles of viewing
plasticity. From this point of view, it is suggested that the        and interacting with meat. Several studies have shown
absence of vitamin B12 in a vegetarian diet may increase             that there is a predisposition among women to become
the risk of major depressive disorders (Dog, 2010;                   vegetarians as opposed to men (Smart, 1995; Worsley &
Michalak, Zhang & Jacobi, 2012). These positions have led            Skrzypiec, 1998; Beardsworth & Bryman, 1999;
to numerous debates on the efficacy of a meat-free lifestyle.        Stahler, 2005, etc.). Compared to men, who mostly
                                                                     consider that by our human nature we are made to eat
         1.1. Attitudes toward vegetarianism                         meat, women are especially tempted to become
         Once viewed in a negative light, vegetarianism              vegetarian (Lea & Worsley, 2003).
is now a blossoming field of exploration (Ruby, 2012).
In a recent study by Judge and Wilson (2019), non-                   II. Objective
vegetarian attitudes toward vegetarians and vegans were                      There are differences in eating practices
generally positive. Attitudes toward vegetarians were                between vegetarians and meat-eaters that hold different

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 23, no 1 (89) March 2020
individuals’ attitudes toward their health status. Health-                 Condition 2. Meat-eater. Flavia eats beef,
attitudes and interpretations are shaping behaviours that         chicken, pork or fish. In addition to other foods she eats,
might affect health (Glanz & Rudd, 1993).                         Flavia always enjoys a piece of meat on the table. She
          This study aimed to explore the implications of         would not see her existence without eating meat.
vegetarianism and meat-eaters behaviours on                                Condition 3. Control. Sometimes Flavia serves
individuals’ health-related attitudes, by exploring how           meals with her friends. We do not know what she eats
deeply these differences run. It is not surprising that           with her friends.
attitudes toward vegetarians and meat-eaters differ
considerably, but certain levels of these differences                       3.3. Procedure
have been poorly studied. We do not have a proper                           We asked the participants to read the
insight on attitudes towards the causes of being a                description of the target and answer the questions
vegetarian or a meat-eater in terms of physical or                relating to her health. We administered each participant
mental health. Also, we do not know much about how                a vignette including a vegetarian description, a meat-
one thinks is best to proceed with these two eating               eater description or with no eating behavior description
behaviours (with special care or not) and about the               at all, until an equal number of participants had
changeability of their health status.                             completed each of the conditions. Participants’
                                                                  demographic data were also obtained at the end of the
III. Methods                                                      questionnaire.

         3.1. Participants                                                  3.4. Instruments
         We have selected a convenience sample of 180                       We used a self-report questionnaire to collect
participants (M=30; F=150), with a mean age of 33.96              health-related attitudes and demographic data. After
years. Informed consent was obtained from all the                 reading the assigned vignette, participants had to answer
participants. The majority of participants were                   five questions regarding the health of the target. We
omnivores (77.8%), and a small amount of them were                constructed these items to be relevant in the following
vegetarians (13.3%) or vegans (8.9%). Most lived in the           areas: health status, possible difficulties, causes of
urban area (88.3%), had a high level of education                 potential health issues, procedures and future
(83.9%), were Christian orthodox (67.8%), and were in             prognostics. The health status of the target was
a partnership or married (77.8%).                                 evaluated as good or bad. Regarding possible health-
                                                                  related difficulties of the target, participants had to
         3.2. Materials                                           choose between these: physical health area, mental
         We constructed vignettes to describe the eating          health area, both physical and mental health issues, no
habits of omnivores and vegetarians. The target was               pain or they could assume that they do not know.
described as having general positive attributes so that it        Another question referred to causes of potential health
would not interfere with eating behaviors evaluation in           issues, and the answer options were: psychological,
each condition. We described a girl named Flavia as               medical, physical or other reason they would think of.
being young, social and a music-lover. Each vignette              Considering the causes identified by participants, they
varied only in the description of eating behaviours               had to choose a procedure to prevent the risks:
(Condition 1/ 2/ 3). The participants were randomly               consulting a doctor, a psychiatrist − to evaluate mental
assigned to three conditions: vegetarianism (n=60),               health issues, keeping a diet, no treatment or other
meat-eater (n=60), and control (n=60). Every condition            procedures they would think of. Future prognostics
included specific information about the target’s eating           referred to prognostics/ hypotheses towards targets after
behavior, except for the control condition, where no              following a procedure or not. The answer options for this
clear information was given. We manipulated this by               item were: better health status in a couple of weeks,
including one of the following three descriptions in the          better health status in six months, no modifications at all
middle of each vignette:                                          or other prognostic (option to fill in) or “do not know”.
         Condition 1. Vegetarianism. Flavia is a                            The demographic data were collected at the end
vegetarian and never eats beef, chicken, pork or fish. It         of the questionnaire and referred to age, gender,
is her personal decision not to eat meat for moral                residence area (rural/ urban), educational level (less/
reasons, such as caring for animals, but also to be in            middle/ high), relationship status (single/ divorced/
better health.                                                    widowed/ in a relationship/ married), religion (orthodox/

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 23, no 1 (89) March 2020
catholic/ protestant/ other), and eating behavior                                                      dependent variables across conditions of the study and
(omnivore/ vegetarian/ vegan).                                                                         eating behaviours. It was revealed that vegetarians
                                                                                                       consider meat-abstainers as being significantly
         3.5. Statistical Analysis                                                                     healthier than meat-eaters (χ2=10.28, df=2, p
Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 23, no 1 (89) March 2020
unlike omnivores, are usually portrayed as more likely           health prognostics, when compared to males. These
to have mental disorders (Baines, Powers & Brown,                findings are surprising, given the fact that, unlike
2007; Farmer et al., 2011). If we take into account the          males, most females tend to become vegetarians
definition of meat as being linked with killing and              (Smart, 1995; Worsley & Skrzypiec, 1998;
cruelty (e.g. Ruby, 2012), as some vegetarians do, a             Beardsworth & Bryman, 1999; Stahler, 2005, etc.).
potential explanation for mental health issues in meat-          However, several women might be more cautious with
eaters could be found.                                           following a vegetarian diet, given the deficits that
          Results of this study also suggested that              might occur (Dog, 2010; Michalak, Zhang & Jacobi,
omnivores consider that vegetarians might have to                2012). The present data show that, in general, there are
consult a doctor whereas vegetarians think meat-eaters           no substantial differences between men and women
or omnivores might have to keep a diet. Even if the              regarding their attitudes toward vegetarians or meat-
vegetarian diet is characterized by a lower level of             eaters. This fact might be due to the gender proportions
saturated fat and cholesterol, due to a high intake of           in our sample. Also, our sample comprised of a
fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the menu (Craig           majority of individuals living in the urban area
& Mangels, 2009; Craig, 2010; Deriemaeker et al.,                (88.3%), having a high level of education (83.9%),
2010), specific deficits, such as the absence of vitamin         being Christian orthodox (67.8%), and in a partnership
B12 might need special care (Dog, 2010; Michalak,                or married (77.8%). Thus, our study did not find these
Zhang & Jacobi, 2012). Also, the decision to abstain             demographics significant for vegetarians or meat-
from meat is not always an easy one, and the good taste          eaters. Additional studies are necessary, as the present
of meat along with vegetarian health concerns might              data do not qualify for such conclusions.
enhance the meat consumption (Lea & Wosley, 2001)                         Several limitations should be considered in
and urge the need to keep a diet. The causality of               this study. First, as this is a cross-sectional study using
possible health issues and future health prognostics             a convenience sample, we cannot assume causal
were not significant at the 0.5 level when comparing             relationships, and its generalizability is limited. In
vegetarian and meat-eaters targets. These findings               addition, the use of Chi-square measures is not as
might be related to participants’ different health               powerful as using other parametric data. This fact was
interpretations that enhance eating behaviours (e.g.             minimized in this study by using a larger sample.
Glanz & Rudd, 1993). Even practitioners in the field of          Moreover, we did not control for gender or eating
nutrition education seem to be skeptical about using             behaviours variables across the conditions of the
theoretical concepts related to healthful food choices           study. However, the sample mildly varied when
into practice (Glanz & Rudd, 1993). This highlights              considering these demographics in all conditions of
once more the importance of eating attitudes in shaping          the study.
future health behaviors.
          In addition, it was found that vegetarians and         VI. Conclusions
vegans consider themselves healthier than omnivores,                       Vegetarians tend to be considered healthier
whereas omnivores are more supportive of their eating            than meat-eaters, but omnivores thought that they have
practices. This is in line with the study of Povey,              to consult a doctor. According to the participants in this
Wellens & Conner (2001), which assumed that                      study, meat-eaters might encounter more mental health
individuals have the most positive attitudes and beliefs         difficulties, as opposed to vegetarians, and should keep
regarding the type of diet they followed and more                a diet. Also, there were more positive attitudes and
negative attitudes and beliefs towards the type of diet          beliefs regarding their own type of diet that
that was most different from theirs. When choosing a             participants followed. Moreover, women rated
diet, we usually think it is the best option for us and          omnivores as having better health prognostics when
sometimes even minimize the potential risks.                     compared to men. These attitudes might shape future
Therefore, individuals could find comfort in the type of         health-related behaviours, as as foreshadowed from
diet they are following with less consideration for other        our study. In this sense, it would be beneficial to
eating practices.                                                improve the knowledge of the general population
          Concerning the demographics of the                     regarding both vegetarian and meat-eating diets.
respondents, the results of the present study revealed           Future experimental and longitudinal studies should be
only gender differences related to future prognostics            conducted to verify these findings and provide
about health. Females rated omnivores as having better           effective eating programs.

Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy, vol. 23, no 1 (89) March 2020
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