Hay fever - an underrated and chronic condition

Page created by Kent Alvarez
Hay fever - an underrated and chronic condition

Hay fever –
an underrated
and chronic
About 20% of the population of Ireland                    hinitis refers to
suffers from seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay              of the mucous
fever) and for many people the pharmacy                   of the nose.
                                               Allergic rhinitis involves
is likely to be the first port of call.        the production of allergen
                                               specific protein IgE (after
                                               exposure to an allergen),
                                               which binds to mast cells.
                                               Subsequent exposure causes
                                               degranulation of these cells,
                                               resulting in the release of
                                               chemical mediators, such
                                               as histamine, and the
                                               production of leukotrienes
                                               and prostaglandins, leading to
                                               itching, runny nose, sneezing
                                               and nasal congestion.
                                                  The main allergen of
                                               hay fever is grass pollen.
                                               Symptoms peak during June
                                               and July. Symptoms in spring
                                               are commonly due to tree
                                               pollens, whereas symptoms
                                               in late summer and autumn
                                               may be due to weed pollens
                                               and mould and fungus
                                               spores. Trees, grass and plants
                                               release pollen as part of their
                                               reproductive process. These
                                               tiny reproductive particles
                                               trigger an allergic reaction
                                               in susceptible individuals.
                                               People with hay fever can
                                               experience their symptoms
                                               at different times of the year,
                                               depending on which pollens
                                               or spores they are allergic to.

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Hay fever - an underrated and chronic condition
Signs and Symptoms                  levels have been reached           Antihistamine eye drops           Leukotriene receptor
     n Sneezing;
                                    and cannot reverse H1 –
                                                                       Most eye symptoms relating        antagonists
                                    receptor activation, so are
                                    only effective if they are able    to hay fever will be controlled   Leukotrienes are another
     n Itchy, blocked or
                                    to block histamine release         by oral antihistamines, but       chemical released and
       runny nose;
                                    before it occurs. For maximum      if symptoms are persistent        together with histamine, they
     n Red, itchy or                effectiveness, antihistamines      or particularly troublesome,      cause inflammation in the
       watery eyes;                 should be taken before             eye drops containing              nasal passages, throat and
                                    symptoms are expected              Sodium Cromoglicate are           eyes. A leukotriene receptor
     n Itchy throat, inner ear                                         usually effective. Sodium
                                    rather than wait till they have                                      antagonist, montelukast,
       or mouth;                                                       Cromoglicate is a mast cell
                                    started.                                                             blocks the leukotriene
     n Post nasal drip;                                                stabiliser. It is used four       receptors, thereby rendering
                                                                       times daily and is suitable for   the effects of leukotrienes
     n Headaches; and
                                    Corticosteroid nasal               children. The addition of a       useless. They are licensed for
     n Loss of concentration        sprays and drops                   topical decongestant can be       use by asthmatic patients
       and generally feeling                                           useful to reduce redness and      who also experience seasonal
                                    Corticosteroids are used           puffiness in the ocular orbit.    rhinitis. It’s also important to
                                    to treat hay fever because                                           note that leukotriene receptor
   In an ideal world, the most      of their potent anti-                                                antagonists can be less
effective way to control            inflammatory effect. When          Corticosteroid tablets            effective when taken with food.
hay fever would be to avoid         pollen triggers an allergic
                                                                       For rapid short-term relief
exposure to pollen. However,        reaction, the inside of the nose
                                                                       from severe symptoms, a
it’s very difficult to avoid        becomes inflamed. Topical
                                                                       short course of oral steroids     Decongestants
pollen, particularly during         application of corticosteroids
                                                                       will usually suppress even        Topical decongestant
the summer months when              can reduce this inflammation
                                                                       the most resistant symptoms       nasal sprays containing
we all want to spend more           and prevent the symptoms
                                                                       giving antihistamines and         Xylometazoline or
time outdoors. Luckily, this        of hay fever. Corticosteroids
                                                                       regular inhaled steroids a        Oxymetazoline are effective in
miserable condition can be          are more effective than
                                                                       chance to work.                   reducing nasal blockage and
managed with some careful           antihistamine tablets at
lifestyle adjustments and a         preventing and relieving                                             help penetration of topical
variety of OTC products.            nasal symptoms, including                                            steroid nose sprays. Rebound
                                                                       Steroid injections                congestion is always a
                                    sneezing and congestion.
                                    Beclomethasone and                 Long acting steroid injections    problem if used continuously.
Oral antihistamines                 fluticasone are available as       were commonly used for              Oral decongestants,
                                    aqueous non-aerosol sprays.        treatment of hay fever in the     often combined with an
Antihistamines are generally                                                                             antihistamine, don’t cause
                                    Absorption from the nasal          past, but they are no longer
effective in controlling                                                                                 rebound symptoms. They
                                    mucosa is low, and systemic        recommended as routine
symptoms including sneezing,                                                                             are stimulants, however, and
                                    effects are highly unlikely at     management due to the risk
nasal itching, rhinorrhoea                                                                               can cause sleep disturbance.
                                    recommended doses. Any local       of serious side-effects, e.g.
and, to a lesser extent, allergic                                                                        Their use is also limited in
                                    reactions, such as stinging,       osteoporosis, hypertension,
conjunctivitis, but they have                                                                            hypertension and diabetes.
                                    burning and aftertaste, are        diabetes and muscle atrophy.
little or no effect on nasal                                                                               Saline nasal spray/rinse:
congestion. The maximum             mild and transient. Treatment
                                    may need to be maintained                                            Washing the nasal passages
effect of antihistamines is                                                                              with saline may reduce
not achieved until several          throughout the hay fever
                                    season.                                                              symptoms and can offer
hours after peak serum                                                                                   relief in conjunction with
                                                                                                         conventional treatment.

“It’s very difficult to avoid pollen, particularly
 during the summer months when we all
 want to spend more time outdoors. Luckily,
 this miserable condition can be managed
 with some careful lifestyle adjustments
 and a variety of OTC products.”

30                                                                                                                      IPUREVIEW APRIL 2019
Hay fever - an underrated and chronic condition
Immunotherapy                       n Vacuuming regularly           n Avoiding grassy areas          It is best for parents to be
                                      using a vacuum cleaner          like parks and fields is       prepared and have a plan in
Immunotherapy for pollen              with a High Efficiency          best but if unavoidable,       place to treat the allergy if
and dust mite allergies is            Particulate Air (HEPA)          e.g. mowing the lawn,          it is triggered. Informing the
now available in Ireland,             filter and dusting with         then wearing a dust            school of the situation will
offered mostly through                a damp cloth can help           mask is advisable;             also be beneficial so the child
private clinics. This involves        remove pollen and                                              is not sitting next to an open
giving gradually increasing                                         n When exercising
                                      spores from the air and                                        window during an exam.
doses of the allergen, to                                             outdoors, smearing
                                      surfaces;                                                         Infections can be a
which the person is allergic.                                         vaseline around the
                                                                                                     complication of hay fever. The
This incremental increase           n Furry pets should be            inside of the nostrils
                                                                                                     swelling of the nasal passages
causes the immune system              kept outside during hay         will trap pollen and
                                                                                                     that occurs can prevent
to become less sensitive to           fever season. If they do        spores and prevent
                                                                                                     mucus from draining out of
the allergen particle, possibly       come indoors, there will        them reaching the
                                                                                                     the sinuses. The Eustachian
by production of an antibody,         be residual pollen on           lining of the nose.
                                                                                                     tube can become blocked by
which reduces the symptoms            their coat which can be
                                                                                                     a build-up of mucus leading
of the allergy when the               transferred to carpets
                                                                  Complicating factors               to a middle-ear infection. This
allergen is encountered in the        and soft furnishings; and
                                                                                                     is more common in children
future. Immunotherapy also          n Avoiding going outside      Hay fever does not pose a          as their Eustachian tube is
reduces the inflammation that         when pollen is very         serious threat to health but       smaller than an adult’s.
characterises rhinitis.               high. Pollen trackers       it can have a negative impact         Though all of these
                                      are available online at     on quality of life. People with    therapies and strategies are
                                      www.asthma.ie.              very severe hay fever often        effective, it will often be
Additional advice                                                 find that it can disrupt their     necessary for sufferers to use
It is sometimes possible to                                       productivity at school or work.    a combination of treatments
prevent the symptoms of hay       When going outdoors:               The Junior and Leaving          to achieve symptom relief
fever by taking some basic                                        Certificate examinations           and prevent recurrence. A
                                    n Wraparound sunglasses
precautions, such as:                                             always coincide with the           treatment plan offered by
                                      will reduce pollen
                                                                  height of the hay fever            their pharmacist will often be
     n Not drying clothes             entering the eyes;
                                                                  season. Children affected          the best approach.
       outdoors. They become        n Keeping car windows         by this condition should be
       coated in pollen. Tumble       closed when driving is      advised to implement all of
       drying is better in this       advisable. Pollen filters   the self care strategies listed,   References
       instance;                      can be fitted to the air    as well as start prophylactic      www.hse.ie
     n Showering after an             vents in cars;              antihistamine treatment at         www.asthma.ie
       extended period outside                                    least four weeks before the        www.allergy-ireland.ie
       will wash pollen out of                                    pollen count starts to rise.
       the hair and off skin;
     n Keeping doors and
       windows closed,
       especially during late
       afternoon and evening,
       when the pollen count is
       usually highest;

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Hay fever - an underrated and chronic condition
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