Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB

Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
Harnessing the power of nature
to tackle climate change:
5 lessons based on what works
                       Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works   1
Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
Many of us are seeing the impacts of climate change, not ‘out there’ but right here
in the UK: we face hotter, drier summers and wetter winters1 , both capable of
bringing devastating consequences.

Nature is bearing witness too: climate    Earlier this year, the world’s top climate   This report demonstrates what is
change is impacting the behaviour         and biodiversity scientists confirmed4       possible if we unleash nature’s potential,
and prospects of many species, with       that we must address both challenges         sharing five of the most important
kittiwake numbers dropping by 70%         together. At home, the UK’s climate          lessons we have learnt from working
since the 1980s due to declines in sand   advisors painted a grim vision of what       with nature on the ground: storing                 “If we’re going to tackle
eel prey during the breeding season,      will come if we fail to protect nature5.     carbon, helping to prevent flooding and
partly due to warmer seas, and almost                                                  safeguard communities’ way of life,
                                                                                                                                          climate change sustainably,
half of moths are in decline since 1970   As we approach two key global summits        all while creating amazing havens for              we have to deal with the
due to climate change2.                   that will gather leaders from around the     wildlife that people can enjoy.  
                                          world to discuss nature and climate, it is
                                                                                                                                          disaster of habitat loss and
Climate change and the loss of wildlife   clear that every country, including each     The benefits of these ‘nature-based                species loss across
represent a twin crises that must         government across the UK, must take          solutions’ to climate change are not
be tackled together. Here in the UK,      action. And a key part of this action must   restricted to climate and nature.
                                                                                                                                          our planet...”
the Prime Minister has made clear         be to harness the huge power of nature       Our practical experience, backed up                                         Boris Johnson,
his ambition to demonstrate global        to tackle climate change.                    by economic analysis6, shows that                                            April 22, 20213
leadership on the environment.                                                         investing in nature projects can bring

                                                                                           Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works   2
Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
jobs to the places that need them
most – highlighting the role that such
projects can and need to play in a truly
green economic recovery – as well as
demonstrating just how cost-effective
it is to protect the environment well in
the first place rather than dealing with
problems further down the line.

We can’t afford not to invest in nature.
Economists have found we can save
over £176 billion over the next century if
we restore our peatlands, saltmarshes
and woodlands – a conservative
investment that does not include
benefits such as flood prevention, job
creation and water quality management.               Imagine what could be if governments
                                                                                                            Extreme weather is already threatening our health and our
                                                     across the UK released the potential of                homes now. People in the UK are more likely to experience
From the Solent coastline in Southern                our most precious asset – nature. By
England, where saltmarsh stores carbon               fully protecting our most special places,
                                                                                                            flooding than burglary. The deadly 2018 heatwave killed
ten times faster than trees and helps                committing to large-scale restoration                  over 800 people, saw over 500 emergency water call outs
shield communities from the devastation              of our land and creating more, well
of rising sea levels, to the Scottish                managed havens, the nature and climate
                                                                                                            and saw 10,000 subsidence claims.
highlands where we are working in                    crisis stands a much stronger chance of
partnership with local people to restore             being tackled. This report shows what
                                                                                                            At the same time more than one in ten UK species are
native woodlands to their ancient limits,            is possible – for nature, the climate and              at threat of extinction7. Over half of UK species are
the natural wonders of the UK have                   people - and we look to political leaders
given us an incredible return on our                 to grasp the opportunity now. We
                                                                                                            in decline and in the last 40 years almost 40 million birds
investment.                                          cannot afford to wait any longer.                      have vanished from our skies8.

1   Met Office UK Climate Projections https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/climate-change/climate-change-in-the-uk
2   2019 State of Nature Report: https://www.rspb.org.uk/about-the-rspb/about-us/media-centre/press-releases/state-of-nature-2019/
3   UK government speeches website: https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/pm-statement-at-the-leaders-summit-on-climate-22-april-2021
4   IPBES-IPCC workshop report on biodiversity and climate change: https://www.ipbes.net/events/launch-ipbes-ipcc-co-sponsored-workshop-report-biodiversity-and-climate-change
5   The Climate Change Committee’s June 2021 Independent Assessment of UK Climate Risk: https://www.theccc.org.uk/2021/06/16/uk-struggling-to-keep-pace-with-climate-change-impacts/
6   RSPB March 2021 Economic benefits of nature based solutions report: https://www.camecon.com/what/our-work/rspb-economic-benefits-of-nature-based-climate-solutions/
7   State of Nature report (see 1)
8   JNCC 2019 Birds Directive Report: https://jncc.gov.uk/our-work/article-12-report-2019/

                                                                                                              Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works   3
Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
Lesson 1: Harness the power of our dynamic coasts: Medmerry
Medmerry Nature Reserve, in West              area to form seaward of the new              cost of £28 million2. Climate
Sussex, sits on a section of England’s        defenses. Natural intertidal habitats        benefits have also been
southern coastline which includes the         such as saltmarshes and mudflats             important. Per unit area, coastal
small town of Selsey. This area was at        would ordinarily absorb strong waves         ecosystems can sequester and                     Since the creation of
extreme risk of flooding from high tides      to reduce the depth and length of peak       store more carbon dioxide than any               the site, bird populations
and storms. However, restoration of 183       water levels and erosion from storm          other ecosystem3 with saltmarshes                have flourished. In 2019,
hectares of intertidal habitat, including     surges. When this habitat is lost, or        sequestering carbon considerably                 there were peak counts of 72
saltmarsh, means that Medmerry now            when it is not able to move naturally        faster than tropical rainforests4, whilst        shoveler, 152 shelduck, and 1321
provides not only some of the most            inland as sea levels rise, coastal           also creating incredible homes for               teal (Sussex Bird Report, 2019). The
important places for birds in Britain but     communities are put at much greater          wildlife and recreation spaces for the           breeding and wintering populations of
cost-effective flood-risk management          risk of flooding. Projections suggest that   local community.                                 wading birds such as avocets, lapwings
for 348 properties, for the local water       UK will lose almost 3,000ha of intertidal                                                     and oystercatchers have all increased
treatment facility and for the only road to   habitat by 2050 due to climate change        Local people are using this new, easily          significantly. Notably, avocets first bred at
a local town servicing 5,000 residents.       and sea level rise, and increased coastal    accessible green space to exercise and           RSPB Medmerry in 2014, and in 2019, 22
The new saltmarsh area also sequesters        erosion (RSPB Sustainable Shores             socialise and collectively help manage           pairs nested. Also in 2014, black-winged
and stores carbon, helping to mitigate        Report, 2018). It is estimated that one      the reserve, which helps improve their           stilts bred, only the third successful
climate change, and helps the area            in six people in England are living in       health and mental wellbeing5. The                breeding record in the whole of the UK.
to adapt to sea level rise and coastal        properties at risk of flooding1.             project has also helped to attract green
erosion caused by climate change.                                                          tourism; based on the use of the car
                                              There have been significant economic         parks alone, it is estimated that there             Lesson learned:
This was all achieved through a process       benefits from the managed realignment        are at least 30,000 visitors a year. Local          Harnessing the power of our
known as managed realignment.                 at Medmerry. Maintenance of the              farmers are also able to get higher prices          coastal wetlands through
Indeed, Medmerry is one of the largest        previous coastal defences, a 3km shingle     for the beef produced from the cattle               managed realignment provides
open coastal managed realignments in          bank, was costing the Environment            that graze the saltmarsh grasses on                 not just carbon storage but vital
Europe. Managed realignment involves          Agency £300,000 per year. The overall        site, given that the beef has a higher              protection to coastal communities
building new sea defenses inland from         direct economic benefits are estimated       percentage of salt that is favored by               and nationally important species.
the coast and allowing a new ‘intertidal’     at £90 million, compared with project        consumers.

                                                                                                Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works      4
Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
Lesson 2: Work with business in ingenious ways: Wallasea Island
The Essex coast was a haven for              The ability of Wallasea to hold water now       and 70 pairs respectively) and black
wildlife 400 years ago, but coastal          helps to protect the adjacent estuary           headed gulls (2000 pairs). Around
erosion and land conversion for              and land from the negative impact of            30,000 water birds spend winter at the
agriculture meant that only a tenth of       an unplanned breach of its seawall,             reserve, with eight species recorded in
the original precious saltmarsh habitat      contributing to providing a long-term           nationally important numbers,
on this coast remained. In response,         flood defence solution for the estuary. It      and 4 species present in internationally
the RSPB’s Wallasea Island Wild              also provides valuable habitat for coastal      important numbers. In 2020, a survey
Coast Project in Essex is an incredible      wildlife, sequesters carbon, and provides       found 25 nationally scarce invertebrate
example of habitat re-creation and           health and wellbeing benefits to the local      species across the reserve, and the
a nature-based solution to climate           community by providing a fantastic site
change, which pioneered working with         for outdoor recreation. At 670 hectares,
businesses to restore the saltmarshes        it is the largest coastal habitat restoration
and help local people adapt to rising sea    ever completed in the UK – twice the size
levels – achieving remarkable things for     of the City of London.
carbon, nature and community.
                                             The £8 million project involved making
Wallasea’s saltmarsh had been                approximately 160 hectares of the site
enclosed by sea defences and drained         available to Crossrail to use the earth
for arable crops. However, in early          from London tunnels to raise the land
2008, the RSPB was approached by             above sea level. The Environment
Crossrail Ltd regarding a project to build   Agency provided significant funding,
major new railway connections under          working with other partners including
central London. The company was              Defra and Natural England, which
seeking a beneficiary to re-use more         helped secure that land as replacement
than three million tonnes of clean spoil     intertidal habitat to offset losses of this
from their tunnelling. The Wallasea          habitat elsewhere. This resulted in the
Island Wild Coast Project was born and       creation of a new 115-hectare intertidal
sought to use this spoil to transform        area of saltmarsh, islands and mudflats,
this island back into amazing intertidal     named Jubilee Marsh. Saline lagoons,
coastal marshland, by raising the island     a creek network and grazing marsh are
and allowing hard sea coastal defences       managed by sluices to control water             site also provides a nursery area for              Lesson learned:
to breach to facilitate controlled           levels, creating a variety of depths            commercially important European                    working in innovative
flooding of the new saltmarsh and            of water to suit different species.             seabass and herring – encouraging                  partnerships with business can
wetlands in a managed realignment like                                                       visiting common seals. The wet                     present wildlife-friendly flood-
that at Medmerry. Public consultations       Wallasea sits within a Special Protection       grassland is grazed by cattle that                 defence solutions to the impacts of
with Local Authorities, Yacht Clubs and      Area, meaning it is internationally             manage grass length for wading birds,              climate change upon our coastal
local communities helped the RSPB            important for wildlife. It provides             such as black-tailed godwits and                   communities that work for people,
develop the reserve design that we           remarkable habitats for breeding water          spoonbills and birds of prey such as               nature and carbon.
see today.                                   birds such as avocets, terns (over 100          short-eared owls and marsh harriers.

                                                                                                 Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works   5
Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
Lesson 3: Prioritise peat: Forsinard
Flows to the Future, in the North of       10,000 years, the peat is now up to 10       disappearance from some areas of the            In addition to the carbon benefits and
Scotland, was an ambitious partnership     metres deep in some areas.                   habitat’s special wildlife.                     other important but hard to quantify
project led by RSPB Scotland, restoring                                                                                                 biodiversity and ecosystem benefits, to
areas of blanket bog in the heart of the   The Flow Country’s blanket bogs alone        RSPB Scotland works in partnership              offset the estimated £10.5 million total
Flow Country that had been damaged         store more than double the amount            with others to restore the damaged              project expenditure over 5 years, future
by forestry planting and drainage. It      of carbon found in all of Britain’s          bogs by removing the forestry                   peatland restoration is expected to deliver
also involved and continues to connect     woodlands6. They are also areas of           plantations and by blocking drainage            a further £6.3 million of benefit in additional
people with this precious habitat,         international importance for biodiversity.   ditches and forestry plough furrows,            employment impacts (Gross Value Added)
delivering real economic benefits          In addition, pollen preserved within         which allows the peat to rehydrate              across Caithness and Sutherland in the
for one of the most remote areas of        the peat acts as an important record         and start absorbing carbon rather than          next 30 years8, all whilst providing habitat
Scotland.                                  of past environments. However,               releasing it. So far, over 2,600 hectares       for wading birds like golden plovers,
                                           after remaining largely untouched for        of afforested bog have been cleared             dunlins and greenshanks to return once
Peat bogs are an important defence         millennia, a UK government drive to          of trees to enable the bog to recover,          the conditions are right.
against climate change because the         produce more timber in the 1970s and         but significant areas of land still need
dead plant material in the peat contains                       ‘80s led to large        rewetted to both restore habitat and
carbon. As long as the peat remains                               areas of deep peat    secure its carbon. According to the                Lesson learned:
wet, this carbon stays locked up,                                 being planted         latest recommendations by the UK                   Rewetting and restoring peat bogs
preventing its release as carbon dioxide                             with non-          Committee on Climate Change, the UK                is a vital step to prevent damaged
into the atmosphere. Blanket bog is a                                 native forestry   urgently needs to rewet 100% of the                peat acting as a carbon source
rare type of peatland which only                                     plantations.       UK’s peatlands7.                                   rather than a carbon sink, whilst
forms in cool places with                                            This led to                                                           simultaneously providing important
plenty of rain and that                                         drying out of the       This project to restore the degraded               habitats to restore biodiversity and
covers the landscape                                            peat, the release of    bog now avoids large-scale emissions               bringing economic value to the
like a blanket. Having                                          stored carbon from      of greenhouse gases at the site each               surrounding area.
grown for over                                                 the peat and the         year.

                                                                                            Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works   6
Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
Lesson 4: Right tree, right place: Cairngorms Connect
Cairngorms Connect is a partnership        contribution to the quality of life, culture   Financial support to make all of this            damaging events such as fire, disease
project with a bold and ambitious 200-     and well-being of local people.                happen comes from the Endangered                 and windthrow, as well as helping reduce
year vision to enhance habitats, species                                                  Landscapes Programme9 which is                   the warming of watercourses.
and ecological processes across a vast     This work is revolutionary in its vision       funded by Arcadia and managed by the
area within the Cairngorms National        and is the biggest habitat restoration         Cambridge Conservation Initiative.               Finally, one of the goals of Cairngorms
Park, Scotland. The project partners       project in the country, with a goal                                                             Connect is to build understanding in
include the RSPB and neighbouring          to create a seamless landscape for             One of the many strands of the project           the community about the project and
landowners and the area stretches          nature, resilient to the effects of            focuses on enhancing native woodlands            to increase acceptance of the benefits
over 600 square kilometres, filled with    climate change. The project also               by managing herbivore impacts (domestic          of restoration. This is done through
ancient woodlands, rivers, lochs, and      seeks to reduce carbon emissions               livestock and deer populations), the             stakeholder engagement with the local
mountains, containing vast expanses        through restoration and to increase            eradication of non-native trees and              community, surveys, and real market
of blanket bog, tranquil wetlands and      carbon sequestration through locally-          shrubs where they risk dominating native         economic impact being measured in jobs
woodland bogs.                             appropriate delivery of nature-based           woodlands, and the enrichment of tree            and value added to the local economy.
                                           solutions to climate change.                   species that have been lost from native
The Cairngrorms Connect project seeks                                                     woods due to high levels of grazing.
to enhance the ecosystem services          Over 5,000 species have been recorded          As such, by December 2023, the project              Lesson learned:
provided by a healthy environment          at Cairngorms Connect, around                  will successfully complete 800ha of new             Adhering to the principle of ‘right
rich in life. We know that joined up,      20% of which are Nationally Rare or            Scots pine regeneration, 600ha of new               tree, right place’ has multiple
natural landscapes function more           Scarce. Some are recorded nowhere              native woodland planting, repaired 900ha            benefits for wildlife as well as the
effectively and better serve the needs     else in Britain. Eagles, wildcats, pine        of damaged bog woodlands. Working                   ecosystem services that the area
of wildlife and people and the project     martens, black grouse, ptarmigan,              with the principle ‘right tree, right place’,       provides for local communities
embraces our responsibility to deliver     otters, lapwings, tooth-fungi, shining-        the project seeks to create a bigger forest         and ensures the land is more
these benefits such as flood regulation,   guest ants and sub-Alpine mosses               which will be more able to accommodate              adaptable to climatic changes.
climate regulation, food provision and a   all find a home in the project area.           the ecological impacts of large-scale

                                                                                               Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works   7
Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
Lesson 5: People, nature and climate can live in harmony: St Aidans
At St Aidan’s in the Lower Aire Valley of   management benefits. This natural              Having sites like this along a river system     It is also an important site for breeding
Yorkshire, the RSPB, the Environment        flood management approach eliminated           is a huge opportunity to protect homes          populations of the black-necked grebe,
Agency and Leeds City Council have          the need for expenditure on concrete           and businesses from flooding, an issue          bittern and redshank as well as hosting
created an inland 400-hectare wetland       walls and both protects the immediate          identified by the Committee on Climate          otters, harvest mice and a range of bat
nature reserve by adapting a former         community and prevents funnelling              Change as one of the critical risks that        species. The site is made up of a tapestry
opencast coal mine. The site stores         flood water to communities further             the UK is not yet prepared for in our           of different habitats such as reedbed,
7.5 million cubic metres of flood water     down the Humber estuary.                       adaptation planning in the face of more         wetland, meadows and woodland that
and can reduce the downstream flood                                                        extreme weather events10. This scheme           support this incredible array of wildlife
peak by 400mm, protecting homes             The site is linked with the nearby             demonstrates how we can slow the flow           and bring the local community closer to
in Allerton Bywater, Castleford and         Fairburn Ings nature reserve, which is         of water by holding flood water safely          nature on their doorstep.
surrounding villages.                       also designed to protect locals from           within the catchment to reduce the
                                                flooding. When the River Aire              risk of damage to homes and increase
The current site was formed                           reaches capacity, water is           the resilience of local communities to             Lesson learned:
when the opencast                                         directed onto Fairburn Ings,     extreme weather events.                            Natural flood management has
coal mining area was                                       away from homes and                                                                multiple benefits for nature and
flooded in 1988,                                             business in Castleford,       The site hosts 12km of public trails,              people in the face of a changing
after the riverbank                                              and the river level is    promoting access to nature and outdoor             climate, protecting communities
collapsed. Mining                                                reduced downstream.       exercise opportunities to the local                from flood risks as the impacts of
subsequently ceased                                                 The visitor centre     population of Leeds. The green tourism             extreme weather events worsen,
in 2002 and the                                                     is on stilts to help   potential for new visitors is huge, with           whilst providing adaptive spaces
land was converted                                                protect it from the      the site acting as a vital base on the             for nature to thrive and for
to a nature reserve                                               intermittent rise in     migratory journey of a wide range of birds         communities to access nature.
with natural flood                                              water levels.              like the curlew, lapwing and pochard.

                                                                                               Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works   8
Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
Estimated savings and benefits to the UK over the next century
if we restore and create our peatlands, saltmarshes and woodlands
Based on carbon and recreation benefits, as well as air quality benefits for woodlands
RSPB analysis of how much of these habitats we need to restore and create over the coming decades
suggests that these nature-based solutions could generate benefits worth

This figure doesn’t include a host of other benefits

         Biodiversity                        Water quality                  Flood management

      Noise mitigation                Temperature regulation                     Job creation

                                                                             Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works   9
Harnessing the power of nature to tackle climate change: 5 lessons based on what works - RSPB
Endnotes                                                                                                                                                                               Our mission
1    https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/292928/geho0609bqds-e-e.pdf                                                       The RSPB is dedicated to creating a
2    https://environmentagency.blog.gov.uk/2016/10/17/building-a-greener-future/                                                                                                       world richer in nature. We use our
3    https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-0951-7                                                                                                                                 expertise in birds and nature to provide
4    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3704532/                                                                                                                             evidence-based solutions to the nature
5    https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-44097-3                                                                                                                                and climate emergency, helping people
6    https://www.theflowcountry.org.uk/flow-facts/flow-fact-1/                                                                                                                         live well in harmony with nature. We
7    https://www.theccc.org.uk/2021/06/16/uk-struggling-to-keep-pace-with-climate-change-impacts/                                                                                      work with our partners to keep common
8    https://www.theflowcountry.org.uk/about-us/flows-to-the-future/                                                                                                                   species common, recover threatened
9    https://www.endangeredlandscapes.org/                                                                                                                                             species, protect and restore special
10   https://www.theccc.org.uk/2021/06/16/uk-struggling-to-keep-pace-with-climate-change-impacts/                                                                                      places and inspire and enable everyone
                                                                                                                                                                                       to act for nature. We are the UK partner
                                                  Unless otherwise stated, all images are from rspb-images.com. Front cover: river by (shutterstock.com). Page 2: flooding by
                                                                                                                                                                                       of BirdLife International, operating in
                                                  Richard Packwood, Black-legged kittiwake by David Tipling. Page 3: Storm Ciara Richard Packwood. Page 4: Medmerry by                 the four countries of the UK, the Crown
                                                  (Environment Agency), shelduck by Ben Hall. Page 5: spoonbill by Richard Brooks, Wallsea Island by David Wootton. Page 6:
                                                  Peatland pools at Forsinard by David Tipling, golden plover by Mike Lane. Page 7 Cairngorms by David Tipling, capercaillie by        Dependencies and Overseas Territories.
                                                  (shutterstock.com). Page 8: St Aidans by Jennie Smith, otter by (shutterstock.com). Page 9: wild flowers by Colin Wilkinson, water
                                                  vole by Ben Andrew, flooded field by Gwyn Williams, trees by (RSPB), traffic jam by Eleanor Bentall, cracked soil by Ben Andrew,
                                                                                                                                                                                       We also work globally, wherever our
                                                  hands by (shutterstock.com). Above: tree by David Broadbent.                                                                         shared nature goes or the need exists.

The RSPB is a registered charity in England and Wales 207076, in Scotland SCO37654						                                                                                                                          327-0185-21-22
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