Page created by Willard Webster

       190 DERRY ROAD

     HUDSON, NH 03051

TEL: 881-3930      FAX: 881-3933



  Going green and paperless as much as
  possible, see our website for updated

             Updated June 22, 2022

Hills Garrison Elementary School
  190 Derry Road Hudson, NH 03051
  Phone: 603 881-3930
  Fax: 603 881-3933
  District Website: www.sau81.org
  School Website: https://hgs.sau81.org/

August 2022

Dear Hill Garrison Families,

We want to welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year on behalf of the entire staff. Hills
Garrison teachers and staff are extremely excited about this school year.

We hope you will have a happy and healthy year of learning, and we look forward to working
with you during the year. At Hills Garrison, we strive to maintain an educational atmosphere that
we know will be exciting for you each day. You are all essential members of our school family.
Together, we can create an environment where students thrive academically, socially, and

Please take some time to review this handbook as a family. It is written with students and
families in mind and explains school programs and expectations. In addition, this handbook
provides a ready reference to information concerning district policies and school procedures.
Please check the handbook occasionally, as newly adopted district policies may be inserted into
the handbook.

Learning to be a positive member of the school community is an integral part of school for every
student. Students, this means showing respect for others, showing respect for yourself, and being
responsible for your actions. Therefore, we will be emphasizing a climate of respect, care, and
empathy throughout the school year. You are expected to work with everyone in your classroom
and around the school cooperatively and respectfully.

Always arrive on time and be ready to learn. Please strive to be the best person possible. Our
school rules help keep the school a safe place for everyone.

Please refer to the handbook as needed throughout the school year. If you have a question, never
be afraid to ask a teacher, our school counselor, Mrs. Jennifer Perkins, our Special Services
Coordinator, Mrs. Sherri Lavoie, our Principal, Mr. McCarthy, and our Assistant Principal, Mr.

We are looking forward to an exciting year with you!

Sincerely yours,

William “Bill” McCarthy        Mark Paul Dangora        Sherri Lavoie

Principal                      Assistant Principal       Special Services Coordinator

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                        Page 1
Mission Statement of the Hudson Elementary Schools



                 See Student Communication Folder

                       Most staff email address:
                  first initial, last name @sau81.org

   Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023             Page 2
                                2022-2023 Hudson Schools Directory
                               General Regulations and Procedures:
   Note The contents of this portion of the handbook are in alphabetical order and subject
               related. (Ctrl click on a specific subject to be brought to that page)
  Arrival & Dismissal (Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures)
  Bus Transportation
  Cell Phones
  Custody Stipulations
  Drug & Alcohol Use or Abuse Policy
  Emergency Procedures
  Health Requirements and Nurse’s Office
  Media Center
  Lost and Found
  No School Announcements
  Open House/Curriculum Night
  Parent-Teacher Conferences
  Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
  Pupil Placement
  Report Cards
  School Counselor Department
  School Insurance
  School-Wide Rules
  Weapons Policy
  Technology/Internet Use
  Weather Conditions

Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                          Page 3
                    20 Library Street,      Hudson, NH 03051 (603) 883-7765

Superintendent of Schools          Dr. Dan Moulis            883-7765 dmoulis@sau81.org

Assistant Superintendent           Kim Organek               883-7765 korganek@sau81.org

Business Administrator             Jen Burk                  883-7765 jburk@sau81.org

Director of Special Services       Rachel Borge              883-7765 rborge@sau81.org

Food Services Director             Abigail Kaplan            886-1245 akaplan@sau81.org

Human Resource Manager             Joyce Coll                883-7765 jcoll@sau81.org
First Student Transportation
                                   Shaun Prendable           883-0251 Shaun.prendable@firstgroup.com
                                       Hudson School Zone Directory

Principal Alvirne HS               Stephen Beals             886-1260 sbeals@sau81.org

Principal, Memorial                Keith Bowen               886-1240 kbowen@sau81.org

Principal, Hills Garrison          William McCarthy          881-3930 wmccarthy@sau81.org

Principal, Dr. H. O. Smith         Mary Ellen Labrie         881-1255 melabrie@sau81.org

Principal, Nottingham West         Scott G. Baker            595-1570 sbaker@sau81.org

Principal, Library Street          Nancy Maguire             886-1255 nmaguire@sau81.org

   Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                         Page 4
Hills Garrison School Directory
               190 Derry Road, Hudson, NH 03051 (603)881-3930     fax: 603 881-3933
Principal, Hills Garrison               Mr. William McCarthy      wmccarthy@sau81.org
Asst. Principal, Hills Garrison         Mr. Mark Dangora          mdangora@sau81.org
School Nurse                            Mrs. Kathy Whitney        kwhitney@sau81.org
School Counselor                        Mrs. Jennifer Perkins     jperkins@sau81.org
Special Services Coordinator            Mrs. Sherri Lavoie        slavoie@sau81.org
Special Education Secretary             Mrs. Brenda Wooldridge    bwooldridge@sau81.org
School Psychologist                     Dr. Kacey Broadhurst      kbroadhurst@sau81.org
Reading Specialist                      Mrs. Mary Levesque        mlevesque@sau81.org
Math Interventionist                    Mrs. Tracie Neary         tneary@sau81.org
Music Teacher                           Ms. Lisa Hansen           lhansen@sau81.org
Library Media Specialist                Mrs. Amy Chartrain        achartrain@sau81.org
Physical Education Teacher              Ms. Karyn Misenheimer     kmisenheimer@sau81.org
Art Teacher                             Ms. Margaux Thibeault     mthilbeault@sau81.org
Adm. Asst. to Principal                 Ms. Amy Turcotte          Aturcotte@sau81.org
Adm. Asst. to Asst. Principal           Mrs. Janice Martin        jmartin@sau81.org
Head Custodian                          Mr. Jeff Viger            jviger@sau81.org
Cafeteria Manager                       Mrs. Nancy Hyam           nhyam@sau81.org
Resource Office                         Cassandra Avery           cavery@sau81.org
Special Education Teacher               Mrs. Debra MacDougall     dmacdougall@sau81.org
Special Education Teacher               Mr. Matt Tanuma           mtanuma@sau81.org
Special Education Teacher               Mrs. Pegeen Dunne         pdunne@sau81.org
Occupation Therapist                    Ms. Deidre Shimp          dshimp@sau81.org
Speech/Language Pathologist             Mrs. Angela Thomas        athomas@sau81.org

  Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                        Page 5

Throughout the school year, teachers will use a variety of tools to assess student learning. These will
include both formative and summative assessments. The goal of formative assessment is to monitor
student learning and to provide ongoing feedback that will help students identify their strengths and
weaknesses and target areas that need work and will help teachers recognize where students are
struggling and address problems immediately. The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student
learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Some
examples of assessments include:

             ✔   Teacher designed tests
             ✔   Math in Focus Math assessments
             ✔   i-Ready Diagnostic Assessments
             ✔   Reading Street benchmarks
             ✔   Writing Prompts
             ✔   Fluency checks in reading
             ✔   Math fact fluency checks
             ✔   Projects
             ✔   Reading logs
             ✔   Statewide Testing – New Hampshire State Assessment

i-Ready Assessment information
A Comprehensive Picture of Student Performance and Growth. i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive
assessment designed to provide teachers with actionable insight into student needs. The Diagnostic
offers a complete picture of student performance and growth, eliminating the need for multiple,
redundant tests.

Formative and Summative Assessments
There are a variety of assessments that our students participate in during the year.

New Hampshire State Assessment System (NHSAS) - New Hampshire State Assessment System (NHSAS)- the
NHSAS is a state-wide assessment for Math, Language Arts, and Science (grade 5). Similar to i-Ready, this test is
administered on the computer. Students are tested over three 2-hour test sessions except for Grade 5, where an
additional session is added for science.

Other Assessments used to determine student progress include:

        √Reading Fluency
        √Math Fluency
        √Math In Focus Math

Interventions & Remediation
 When the information is analyzed, it helps the school to make instructional decisions about pacing,
remediation, program design and staff development. The Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) process is
a multi-tiered approach to providing services and interventions to struggling learners at increasing levels
of intensity. RTI can be used for making decisions about general, compensatory, and special education,
creating a well-integrated and seamless system of instruction and intervention guided by child outcome
data. RTI calls for early identification of learning and behavioral needs, close collaboration among
    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                       Page 6
teachers and special education personnel and parents, and a systemic commitment to locating and
employing the necessary resources to ensure that students make progress in the general education
curriculum. RTI is an initiative that takes place in the general education environment.

Should your child present as being below grade level, the following interventions may be put into place
to increase their academic success. Your child may be referred to participate in the following:

SST –Student Success Team. Your child may be identified through the classroom teacher or test scores,
or your child could be identified as requiring additional assistance for their academic success. This is a
tiered system of support.
A meeting will be scheduled to problem-solve and discuss concerns in order to put a formalized action
plan into place. This will be reviewed on a regular basis to monitor student response to intervention.
Special Education Referrals/Individual Education Plan (IEP) – If your child continues with academic
needs, the TAT will request permission to complete extra testing and you will be referred to the Special
Education Department.
504 Plans – Some students will have a medical need that will require particular classroom modifications,
but this need does not fit the profile of special needs; the school counselor will discuss the criteria for a
504 Plan.
A-Z Reading Program - A subscription-based reading program that allows teachers to search for reading
materials at the child’s specific reading level.
Reading & Math Intervention - Students who are struggling with concept(s) may be assigned to a small
intervention group to strengthen skills.

Parents: The i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment will be administered to students in grades 2-5 in
September, January, and May to monitor students’ academic growth.
The school notifies parents of any standardized testing given. All students in grades 3-5 will participate
in the NHSAS in the spring. As with all testing, we use the results to help us evaluate programs and tailor
instruction for students. Data collection regarding student growth provides important information to
develop curriculum and programs.

Our Reading Specialist facilitates the administration of standardized testing in reading for purposes of
program development and instructional decisions. The Reading Specialist also administers individual
diagnostic testing if the need presents itself. As testing is completed, results will be shared with parents.

If your child is having learning difficulties in school, feel free to meet with your child’s teacher, to discuss
other services and interventions provided by the district.

                   DROP OFF & PICK UP PROCEDURES
You may start arriving at school at 8:20 A.M., but NOT before. There is no
supervision until that time, should a problem arise. At 8:20 AM or upon later
arrival, students enter the building to begin their school day with a sustained
reading time. This provides students with the opportunity to make daily pleasure reading part of their
lifetime habits and to settle in for the school day. Instruction begins at 8:45 AM, which is the official
opening time of the school day. If you enter school late, you must check in at the main office to obtain
a late pass. The dismissal process begins at 3:05 P.M. for students in grades 2-5.

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                    Page 7
Parents: Teachers report to work at 8:20 A.M. and their day officially ends at 3:20 P.M. If you wish to
arrange an appointment with a teacher, call the office to make an appointment, write a note or email
the teacher to schedule a time.

Morning Drop Off:
Drop off no sooner than 8:20 AM. Please drop your child off at the back of Hills Garrison School where
children will enter the building through the side door, (door15, closest to the Hills Garrison Sign). Please
have your child exit the car on the sidewalk side of the car. Do not park in the fire lane at any time and
leave your car. If parents need to enter the building, please park in the lot. For safety reasons DO NOT
cut the line to do a quick drop and run in the parking lot. Please be aware of incoming and outgoing
traffic along with student walkers.

Pick Up of Children After School:
If you are going to pick up your child at dismissal, please send in a note to your child’s teacher or call the
office by 2:00 p.m. on the day of pick-up. If you are picking up your child at dismissal, enter the parent
pick up car line at the back of the building with your pickup number clearly visible. Dismissal is at 3:05
p.m. and all students must be picked up by 3:20 p.m. Please plan ahead to avoid confusion at the end
of the day.

If your child is to be dismissed as a walker, you must write a note and they will exit the front door of the
building with the other walkers. Students given permission by a parent to ride a bike will exit the side
door also. All students riding a bike must wear a helmet. It is required by law for children under the age of 18.

Please pay particular attention to the fire lanes that surround the building and
border the sidewalks. NO vehicles are allowed to park in or obstruct these areas.

           (Please refer to the attached District Attendance Policy)
          Students: Consistent attendance and punctuality are essential to your success in school.
Absences and tardiness can result in the loss of instructional time, and that can affect your educational

Parents: Please refer to the Hudson School District Attendance, Tardiness, and Truancy
Policy. Excessive absences and tardiness are not conducive to maximum learning. Please
make every effort to have your children in school every day unless they are ill or in cases of

It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school if your child is absent. You may:
      a. Call-in information for Hills Garrison: 603 881-3930
      b. Go to School Website (www.sau81.org; Hills Garrison and complete the absent form available 24
          hours a day, 7 days a week.

To ensure the safety and well-being of all our students, if we have not received a call from you or an
absence form, our office will make every effort to place a courtesy call to confirm that your child is
absent. * Whenever your child is absent, even though you called the school, you must send a note from

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                     Page 8
home telling why they were absent. This information is kept on file for the annual report of illness to the
State Department of Health.

*Study materials should be requested from your child’s teacher if there is an extended absence. Please
understand that it is not always possible for teachers to provide assignments when requested in
advance of student absence. It is the nature of good teaching to be responsive to student learning
during instruction, and though teachers may be able to provide information regarding anticipated
instructional plans, specific assignments may need to wait until a child returns to school following an
absence. *

The state law reads, “Every person having the custody of a child will be responsible for the child until the
regular session of class is over.”
If your child must be dismissed early from school, please write a note to the teacher stating the reason
and time of the dismissal. Parents or guardians are to report to the Office where you or your designated
custodian MUST SIGN OUT your child AND PRESENT A PICTURE I.D. To alleviate possible disruption to
the classrooms, no parent is to go directly to the classroom.

Be A Parent in The Know

Being informed about your child's school can help in their academic success. Hills Garrison School
communicates with parents through these methods:
    ▪ The Parent-Student Handbook (can be found online at www.sau81.org (Hills Garrison School)
    ▪ District/ School website is www.sau81.org for district information
    ▪ Monthly School Menu and calendar events will be posted on the DISTRICT Website
    ▪ PTO Information —Posted on the School’s Website
    ▪ Daily Communication Folder (sent home by teacher) which includes your child’s teacher name,
        and email address


Drop off Begins at 8:20 a.m.
School Day: 8:45 a.m. to 3:05 p.m.
Pick up begins at 3:05 p.m.


The Hudson School District is committed to providing all pupils with a safe school environment in which
all members of the school community are treated with respect. Bullying is a form of pupil harassment. It
is conduct that subjects a pupil to insults, taunts, or challenges, whether verbal or physical in nature,
which is likely to intimidate or provoke a violent or disorderly response from the student being treated
in this manner. The Hudson School District has adopted a policy on bullying. Parents, teachers, school
guidance counselors, administrators and the school resource officer must work together to educate
students about bullying and help them understand what behaviors constitute bullying. Bullying will not
be tolerated at school. (See the policy in section C).

Hate speech is a term for words, pictures and actions that intend to degrade, intimidate, or show

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                Page 9
prejudice against a person or group of people based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality,
religion, sexual orientation, disability, socioeconomic class, or appearance (such as height, weight, hair
color, etc.).

Hate speech meets these criteria:
       √ Targets a specific group of people based on race, national origin, age, disability, religion,
               gender or sexual orientation,
       √Promotes a negative stereotype about a group of people
       √Uses derogatory, hurtful language (in words, pictures, and gestures)
       √Intends to get others to join in the hatred

Just like bullying, hate speech is not allowed at school or on school property. The consequences for hate
speech will result in discipline similar to discipline for bullying. All students in the Hudson School District
are entitled to be in a learning environment that is safe, secure, and free from hatred. Freedom of
Speech under the First Amendment does not supersede the requirement for all people to be respected
within our school environment.


Students: If you live outside the walking limits to school you are granted the privilege of riding the bus
to and from school. To maintain an efficient, orderly, and safe means of transportation, please
remember to be on your best behavior on the bus, in the bus lines at school, and neighborhood bus stop

                  Most of you depend on buses to get to and from school, and riding the bus is a very
                  important privilege. You can, however, lose the privilege to ride the bus. Remember
                  that being on a bus is like being in a classroom. The same rules apply in both places.
                  Students are expected to show respect, follow directions, and ride the bus safely. You
                  are assigned one bus and that is the bus you can ride, unless you get permission from
                  the Transportation Coordinator and the school coordinator. In case of emergency
                  (Daycare provisions only), parents must request in writing the change for the specified
day. The school official will initiate a DAY BUS PASS. Please provide the name of the student, the
address they will be transported to with a name and phone number of the home they are going to.
Permanent Bus Change must be initiated by the school official in writing and a permanent change form
will be initiated and forwarded to First Student.
First Student has established the following rules and the rules apply to everyone who rides on a school

Boarding the School Bus:
       1.      Arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is due.
       2.       Keep at least five feet away from the roadway until the bus has fully stopped. In the
               winter, DO NOT stand on the snowbanks.
       3.      At the driver’s signal, approach the bus in a single file. Do not push and shove or run to
               the bus. When approaching from the road, keep at least ten feet from the bus (safety
               zone) until you are at the entrance door.
       4.      If you must cross in front of the bus, do not begin to cross until the driver signals you
               that it is safe to do so. Then look left and right, before crossing. Always keep at least ten

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                  Page 10
feet in front of the bus (the student should always be able to see the driver). Cross only
                in front of the bus.
        5.       After boarding the bus, go directly to a seat and sit down facing forward with arms,
                legs, and belongings out of the aisle. NOTE: Drivers will often assign seats during the
                year and are encouraged to do so. There is NO changing seats along any bus route once
                it is started unless requested by the driver.

Leaving the School Bus:
        1.     Pay attention to your surroundings. Know when the bus is approaching your stop and be
               ready when it reaches your stop. Remain in your seat until the bus has fully stopped.
        2.     When the bus has fully stopped, walk directly to the door, and carefully exit the bus.
               Immediately move at least ten feet away from the bus.
        3.     If you must cross in front of the bus, wait for the driver to signal that it is safe to do so.
               Then walk to the headlight on the driver’s side of the bus, stop and wait for the driver to
               signal that it is safe to continue. When the driver signals that it is safe to continue, step
               to the corner of the bus and look left and right yourself before doing so. Always keep at
               least ten feet in front of the bus (the student should always be able to see the driver).
               Cross only in front of the bus.
        4.     Never try to pick up or go after an object that has been dropped near or under the bus
               without telling the driver first. Wait for the driver to tell you that it is safe for you to go
               after the object before doing so.

Students are expected to follow the same rules of behavior while on a school bus that they do in the
classroom. Bus rules and consequences are provided so each student and parent are clear on
expectations and consequences. The school bus driver is in complete charge of the school bus and the
students. The driver shall be responsible to the transportation coordinator and shall have the same
authority in maintaining discipline as a teacher in the classroom under the supervision of the school
board and the superintendent of schools. The school supports the bus drivers’ judgment in providing for
the safety of students on each bus.
NOTE: Students are assigned to one bus and are only allowed to ride their assigned bus.

Parents: The School District’s Transportation Coordinator handles any problems related to busing
schedules and routes; any concerns should be directed to him/her. His/her name and telephone number
are listed in the front portion of this booklet.


Students: We want you to have a pleasant lunch, and to relax and enjoy the company of friends.

The mission of the Hudson School District Food Service Department is to strive to treat all children
equally, provide healthy, well-balanced, and reasonably priced meals in a safe and pleasant
environment. Good nutrition is essential to the learning process; therefore, we encourage all students to
eat well-balanced meals at school, as well as at home.

For the 2022 – 2023 school year, breakfast and lunch meals will return to a paid model as all USDA
waivers have expired. It is highly encouraged for all families to complete a free and reduced-price meal
application for the new school year. This application will determine if your household qualifies for free
or reduced priced meals for the entirety of the school year. Applications will be sent home at the start of
the school year and can also be found in the main office and at the SAU building.

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                 Page 11
The food service department accepts cash, check, and online deposits for applying funds to student and
staff accounts. Checks should be made payable to "Hudson School Food Service," not the specific school
your child attends. Payments may be split between siblings within the same school only. Low / negative
balance statements will be sent home twice monthly. Please refer to the district website
(www.sau81.org) for detailed instructions on how to create an online account for account deposits, as
well as the menu.

If your child has money left in his/her account at the end of the previous school year, the money will be
available on the first day of school the following year. Elementary students will keep the same PIN
number until graduation from the district.

Students requiring meal modifications, including milk, must have their physician complete a Special Diet
Order annually. These are available in the nurse's office, online, and at the office of the Food Service
Director. Once the Special Diet Order document is on file with the Food Service Department,
modifications / alternatives will be offered.

Prices for the 2022 - 2023 school year are as follows:
         Breakfast: $1.75
         Lunch: $2.75
         Milk: $0.50

 A la carte items (i.e., ice cream, chips, bottled water, extra milk) may be purchased if the student has
money in their account. Milk and other a la carte items can be purchased by students who bring their
lunch from home. Children unable to drink milk due to allergies, verified by a physician each year, will be
provided an alternate beverage, only with a purchased menu meal.

In an effort to be sensitive to students with peanut allergies, we will no longer serve peanut butter as a
menu item in elementary schools, nor will we use it in our baking at elementary schools. We will make
considerable effort to limit peanut products in the food service program.

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Food Service Department by email
at akaplan@sau81.org or call 886-1245, M-F 8:30am-2:30pm.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights
regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in
or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age,
marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs,
or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by
USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information
(e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible
Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the
Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in
languages other than English.

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                Page 12
To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form,
AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or
write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form.
To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to
USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400
Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3)
email: program.intake@usda.gov.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

Monitors will direct students to hot and cold lunch lines as they enter the cafeteria. Students fill in seats
at the tables in the cafeteria once they have their lunches. Please remember, the same behavior is
expected in the cafeteria as in your classroom.

The following guidelines apply to everyone eating in the cafetorium:

1.       Please enter the cafetorium in a quiet and orderly manner – monitors will direct you to hot and
         cold lunch lines.
2.       Please remember your manners as you go through the lunch lines. Say “please,” “thank you,”
         and “no, thank you.”
3.       As you eat, talk quietly. The monitors will use the “Give Me Five” signal to get your attention
         before making announcements and giving directions. When an adult is speaking, you may
         continue eating, but please stop talking.
4.       Do not throw or play with food in any way.
5.       If you need to leave your seat, raise your hand, and get permission from an adult
6.       The monitors will call for quiet time before dismissing you from the cafetorium. This 5-minute
         reminder will help you to finish eating, clean your area and prepare for exiting the cafetorium.
7.       Lunch/Recess monitors are here to supervise. Lunch monitors have the same responsibility as
         classroom teachers while you are in their supervision. A referral to administration, guidance or
         the Student Support Center will be made if inappropriate behavior persists.

Celebrating a birthday is an exciting thing for many students, and we recognize that many wish to share
some of the joy with their classmates. There are many ways to recognize a birthday here at school, and
we ask anyone wishing to send a snack for the class to share to remain mindful of the
Wellness policy (4.3e) passed by the Hudson School Board. Fruit cups, cheese and
crackers, or other healthy treats are a welcome way to celebrate, as are non-food
items like pencils or bookmarks. Please also remain mindful of any allergy restrictions
in your child’s classroom.
         We discourage sending balloons or flowers to your child at school as it is a distraction from the
learning in the classroom. Additionally, these items cannot be transported on the bus.
         Holiday celebrations are at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Information will be sent to
you directly regarding any classroom events. Halloween costumes are to be safe and should not include
masks, make-up, or weapons of any kind.

     Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                Page 13
Student device use is not allowed in school. We discourage students from bringing a
device on school property or the school bus. If a child brings a device, it MUST be always
turned off and may not be used on the school bus. Any devices must remain in the
student’s backpack.

Students: Safety demands that students wear practical clothing and footwear at school, for all types of
weather. Please dress to ensure that students, parents, staff members and members of the community
will not be offended or distracted.

Inappropriate dress would consist of, but is not restricted to:
*Items that promote drugs, alcohol, or tobacco
*Items with rude words or pictures
*Halter-tops, tube tops, cropped shirts, spaghetti straps
*Short shorts
*No bare bellies
*No flip flops and avoid wearing high heeled shoes

Shoes appropriate for the weather and activities of the day should be worn. For safety’s sake, we
discourage loose fitting footwear, like clogs or other shoes with high soles. These are a danger on the
playground. Only students wearing appropriate footwear will be permitted to use the playground
equipment. School officials will use their discretion in enforcing the dress code to ensure community
standards are maintained. Determination of inappropriate dress may result in a phone call home to a

Parents: Due to the substantial number of families we serve, it is important to inform the office of any
custody stipulations/restrictions that are in place. It is your responsibility to provide legal
documentation and to work out all special arrangements for student pick-up and such. All matters will
be handled in a confidential manner. Our priority is the safety and the well-being of each child, and the
school will remain a neutral haven for them. We expect and appreciate your cooperation. Without
written legal documentation on file the school is unable to enforce any restrictions. An original or
notarized copy must be presented.


Parents: Please note this policy must appear in ALL handbooks. This policy is part of the student
verification process - please read it over for your knowledge and address the topic using your discretion
with your child. In October, the elementary schools participate in Red Ribbon Week, a school wide event
organized by the guidance departments to promote healthy decision-making.


    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                              Page 14
Students & Parents: The Hudson School District is committed to ensuring the safety of the
entire school population. The District Emergency Management Committee (EMC) works year-
round to review and refine policies and procedures that support the prevention of and
immediate response to emergency situations. This committee is composed of personnel from
the SAU, each school, and the Hudson Police and Fire Departments. The procedures in place
have been developed in cooperation with the NH Office of Emergency Management and
building safety advances have been made based on recommendations from the NH Department
of Homeland Security.

Staff and student training are paramount to establish the preparedness of our
schools. Throughout the school year, emergency techniques and drills will be practiced. These
exercises are designed to familiarize students and staff with efficient and effective responses
during emergency situations.

The Incident Command System (ICS) is the method used to manage any emergency
situations. ICS is the system recommended by FEMA, and both the Hudson Fire Department
and Hudson Police Department use this system as well. Should a crisis situation arise,
coordination between school personnel and emergency responders will occur following ICS

Emergency situations can occur because of natural disasters, hazardous materials, and
sometimes violence or threats. We work diligently to be prepared for any emergency situation
in order to respond in the most effective way to keep students and staff safe. To this end,
teachers and staff are trained to use ALICE, an options-based response to deal with any variety
of situations that may arise. When ALICE is initiated, it is the job of the students to STOP, LOOK,
AND LISTEN! to the teacher or adult they are with for further instruction. The response of the
group will depend on the information the teacher receives and may include evacuation to a
predetermined rally point or enhanced lockdown.

Emergency Release Information:
All parents will be required to provide the school with emergency release information. The information
is important to have in the event that an early release occurs or for an emergency situation. This
information includes important medical information. Please name two local individuals, other than the
adults that the child lives with, who can be contacted if the parents/guardians cannot be contacted.
Throughout the school year, if changes occur (i.e., phone numbers, addresses, contact people…) you
must update the school records if there are any changes. Please send in a note of any changes.

Elementary School's Visitor Monitoring System:
In an effort to maintain a safe and secure school environment, a visitor monitoring system will be
utilized. The system will help deter non-authorized personnel from entering the building without

A visitor is anyone who enters the school and is not a registered student or a regular staff member.
This includes substitute teachers, parents, professionals, contracted services, and guests. All visitors are
required to sign in and out at the main office. They will receive a visitor’s badge that must be always
worn. Upon leaving the school the visitor must sign out and return their badge to the main office.

Student Dismissal:

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                Page 15
Student safety is a top priority for the Hudson Elementary Schools. Student dismissal is a time when
many adults come to the school to pick up their children. To ensure safety, we follow a dismissal
procedure that requires students to be released only to the parents or emergency contacts listed on the
emergency release form. Picture identification is required for all individuals for the child to be released.
If you would like another individual to pick your child up, then a note must be written stating who will
be picking up your child and that individual must show a picture ID to the office staff. Reminder: You
must clear through the main office first.

NOTE: Students are expected to remain in class until the official end of the school day – 3:05 p.m. Please
refer to the adopted Hudson School District Attendance, Tardiness, and Truancy Policy. (Section C).


The State guidelines are clear on the expectations and requirements for students
in the public schools. The nurse is required to follow these rules:

   ●   All children must be immunized in accordance with State Law mandatory
   ●   Kindergarten, first grade and preschool students must have a complete
       physical exam prior to entering school. The health records are transferred to the elementary
       schools when the student enters second grade.
   ●   Transfer students from another school district must provide written health records that are
       signed by a physician.
   ●   FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) Laws mandate that an “agreement” be signed
       to share medical information on a “need to know” basis. Please be sure to sign this portion in the
       back of the Handbook.
   ●   If a student has a temperature or if they were vomiting or experienced diarrhea the night before,
       they need to stay home for 24 hours to recover.

                Disease                       Communicable Disease - Isolation of Patient

         Chicken Pox             Until sores have healed

         Scarlet Fever           When verified by a physician and on medication, and when rash has
                                 disappeared, a student may return to school with the physician’s

         Strep Throat            When verified by throat culture – and on medication for over 24 hours,
                                 a student may return to school if free from other symptoms.

         Measles/Mumps           If verified by a physician, a student will be excluded from school until
                                 all symptoms and rashes have disappeared. NOTE: With proper
                                 immunization or vaccines, the above diseases are rare.

         Lice                    If live head lice or nits are found on your child, he/she will be sent
                                 home and treatment options will be discussed. Following appropriate
                                 treatment, the student may return to school after being reevaluated
                                 by the school nurse.

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                Page 16
         ● Students may NOT keep medicine on their persons or classroom at any time.
         ● A designated adult must bring all medicines in their original containers to the nurse, stating
             student name, medication, dose, and frequency. All medication must be dispensed by the
             nurse or the nurse designee.
         ● If a child requires medication and the school does not have the above order, the parent or
             guardian must come to the school to dispense meds in the nurse’s office
         ● The school nurse or nurse designee receiving the prescription medication shall document in
             the SNAP data base, the quantity of the medication delivered by parent/guardian
         ● Prescription medicines may be delivered to the school by other designated adults, provided
             the parent/guardian notifies the nurse in advance and specifies the quantity of prescription
             medication being delivered and must accompany a doctor’s order.
         ● All medicines, prescriptions, or over the counter medicines, must be picked up at the end of
             the school year by an adult. If these medicines are not picked up by a parent/guardian or
             designee, the medicines will be disposed of by the nurse. These medicines cannot go home
             with the child.
Vision Screenings
         ● The school may provide vision screenings to students at the elementary level and on a
             referral basis. Permission forms are given to parents on the first day packet. Parents are
             notified of all findings so that parents can follow up when needed.
Illness and Emergencies
         ● School personnel may not diagnose illness or injury. Injured or ill students must be picked
             up from school by an adult who is authorized on the student's emergency database. (Be
             sure to check in the main office before proceeding to the nurse’s office.)
Allergies, Asthma and Medications
         ● Many of our students have allergies to environmental, food or airborne allergens. Should
             your child require medication at school, or extra support due to food allergies, please
             contact the health office at your school site.
Unless a pupil's parent or legal guardian provides the school with an acceptable signed medical
exemption or religious exemption (either MUST be notarized), a pupil must be immunized against
certain communicable diseases. Students are prohibited from attending school until the immunization
requirements are met. The school district shall cooperate with local health officials in measures
necessary for the prevention and control of communicable diseases in school age children.
Casts and crutches
Students: If you should become injured and arrive at school with a cast or crutches, please bring
a note from home or the doctor letting us know if special arrangements are needed. You must
check in with the school nurse to discuss accommodations.


Students: Homework is a learning activity that should increase as you get older. With maturity, learning
should become an independent activity. This should be established through consistent assignments that
encourage you to work independently, as well as with others.

Parents: You can expect that assigned homework will be purposeful and geared to help your student
practice, review, and reinforce classroom instruction. An overabundance of homework assigned without
purposeful objectives can be detrimental, rather than beneficial. Children at the elementary level should

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                             Page 17
be afforded the opportunity to socialize with their peers after school is dismissed. It is with this thought
in mind that homework is not overly stressed at the primary levels.

The most important way to help your child to increase his/her lifelong literacy skills and develop good
study habits is to set aside time for daily reading. The elementary schools have implemented the
following reading requirement to make reading a part of your child’s daily routine. Children should read
at home AT LEAST four out of seven days a week. The following times are appropriate guidelines for
each grade level. We will provide you with a monthly calendar to monitor this reading requirement.

        GRADE 2 = 15-20 minutes
        GRADES 3 and 4 = 20-25 minutes
        Grade 5 = 25-30 minutes.

When possible, you should:
  A. Set aside time when homework is to be done.
  B. Allot an adequate space, free of distractions
  C. Provide tools – paper, pencil, dictionary, etc.
  D. Provide proper lighting.
  E. Set appropriate time limits.


The elementary libraries maintain collections to support students’ informational and recreational
reading, as well as staff needs for curriculum related materials. Students are expected to choose library
books weekly as part of their development as readers and learners.
Length of checkout
Students attend library classes weekly for lessons and book checkout. Books are due to be returned on
the student’s next scheduled library day. Students may be able to exchange books on days other than
their scheduled library days, at the discretion and availability of the library staff.
Selection of books
Students are allowed time during each library class to select books. Students may have two library books
out at a time. Students are encouraged to choose one reading book that is just right for them. A
“reading book” is one that has an appropriate amount of text for the student’s reading ability. A
“reading book” can be fiction or nonfiction. A “just right” book is one that the student can read on his or
her own, knowing most of the words and comprehending the meaning. The other book is any book the
student chooses. In this way, we do not restrict students from taking a “challenge book,” a book that he
or she may be reading with help, or a book on a subject of particular interest.
A book may be renewed twice if there are no pending holds on it. High-demand materials may not be
renewable, at the library staff’s discretion.
Library staff may create holds for popular books at their discretion. If a student forgets to return books
and is ineligible to check out books, holds will be held for one day beyond the student’s library day. After
that, the book goes to another student on the hold list or is re-shelved if there are no holds pending.
Overdue notices
If a student does not return books the first week, they are due, the student may not check out other
books. If books are not returned after a second week, the student is given a printed overdue notice as a
    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                Page 18
reminder. After 30 days from the original due date, a notice is mailed to parents asking for help in
locating the book (s) or paying for lost items.
Damaged books
Students may be responsible for paying for damaged books, beyond regular wear and tear, at the library
staff’s discretion. Staff will make reasonable attempts to repair damaged books. Students should not
attempt to repair books on their own but should bring them to the library for repair.
Payment for lost or damaged books is due for the book’s full replacement cost. If a book is found and
returned to the library within 30 days of payment, a refund will be given.

Students: Every year many articles of clothing are given away because students lose them
and do not check the lost and found table in the cafeteria. If you lose something, be sure
to check the lost and found area. It is helpful to label your things with your full name. The
Lost and Found collection is cleaned periodically, and all items are given to local shelters.
You can look through the lost and found anytime during the day, with your teacher’s
permission. (Your parent/guardian can look through the lost and found any time between
8:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. by checking in at the main office to obtain a visitor’s pass).


A chorus program is open to interested fourth and fifth grade students at the elementary schools who
love to sing! Chorus meets typically on Tuesday afternoons in the music room, from 3:05-4:20. Students
rehearse for 10-12 weeks to prepare a 30-minute evening concert for parents. There is a fall and a spring
session of chorus. Students are encouraged to sign up for the entire year but may do one or the other
session. There is an activities fee of $15 per student that covers the cost of a student t-shirt as well as a
celebration at the end of the year for all participants. Students are engaged in a more rigorous study of
the singing voice than in their general music setting and use a variety of current and traditional choral
arrangements to demonstrate their growth over the course of the choral program.

Students who participate in the chorus program receive an informative packet with pertinent rehearsal
and concert dates, field trips, attendance policies and behavioral expectations.

A band program is open to interested fifth graders who are interested in instrumental music.
Instruments offered are flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, oboe, and percussion
(xylophone or “bell set”). Band meets before the school day one morning per week for instruction.
Homogenous groups such as flutes, clarinets/saxophones, trumpets/trombones, and percussion meet
for 1 thirty-minute period during that morning. Students work throughout the year toward performing a
30-minute evening concert for parents. This program allows for an introduction to the concert band
instruments that children will have the opportunity to experience at both the middle and high school
level here in the Hudson School District.

Students who participate in the band program receive a student handbook with pertinent rehearsal and
concert dates, practice log requirements, attendance policies and behavioral expectations. This program
is directed by Ms. Lisa Hansen, music teacher.
    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                Page 19
Students/Parents: The required 180 days of school brings the closing of the year well
into June. The school board believes that it would be unwise to call off school unless
it is impossible for the buses to negotiate their routes. If there is a delayed opening,
the delay is 90 minutes (1 ½ hour delay). We ask all parents to use their discretion in
sending children to school during a storm.

In the event school sessions are canceled, the Hudson School District will send out a notification via
email and text. An announcement.

Notification System/School Messenger
The Hudson School District will continue to use a notification system for the 2021-2022 school year for:
     ✔ Emergency Notification
     ✔ Inclement weather cancellations or delays; early dismissals due to inclement weather
     ✔ Transportation messages, such as late bus routes or field trips
     ✔ Report card and progress report reminders
     ✔ Attendance
We use this system only for important information, and we will avoid becoming an annoyance with
trivia. The ability to deliver a message is only as successful as the contact information we have for our
families, so please make certain we have the most up-to-date telephone numbers and email addresses.
If this information changes, please let your child's school know immediately. If you have more than one
child in school, the notifications will not make multiple calls to the same number. (PLEASE NOTE: if you
are already in the system the information remains on file. Please send in any telephone number changes


Parents: We have set aside one night where parents are invited into the buildings
to meet the administrators and teachers, and to learn about school programs,
educational technology, and philosophy. Parents are encouraged to ask questions
concerning curriculum, view the children’s classroom, work, etc. This evening is
not for individual conferences.


Parents: Conferences are scheduled two times a year, November, and February. They afford us the
opportunity to sit down and discuss all facets of your child’s development. Even though conferences are
only scheduled twice yearly, parents wishing to meet with teachers, in addition to that, are encouraged
to contact the teacher and make an appointment.

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                               Page 20

Parents: Parent Teacher Organization and Help Our Teachers program are two key opportunities for parents to get
involved in their child’s school. Help is welcome throughout the day, as well as at special activities beyond the
school day. Prior notification of meetings will be sent home. Please feel welcome to join us! You can reach the PTO
at hgspto@gmail.com.


Students: The playground or recess area is a place to have fun. Please remember that everyone has the
right to play, and that safety comes first. There is nothing wrong with you playing tag, as long as you do
not run through someone else’s game. If a problem arises, the duty teacher/monitor will stop the game.
Pickle, Mercy, Tackle Football, Chase, and Chicken Fights are examples of games that are not allowed on
school grounds. Other games may be added to this list if you use the game to hurt others. (Note: Only
“soft” balls are allowed for recess use).

Playground Equipment Guidelines
The following playground equipment guidelines have been established to allow for safe
play and a fun recess for all.
Slides – only one person down at a time, sitting. No going up the wrong way.
Ladders- one person up at a time.
Jungle Gyms/Climbers – one person across at a time. No more than 2-3 students on platforms at a time.
You may not climb up and sit on the high bars. Be careful – Look above; do not run through underneath
the track where children are crossing.
Swings – line up at the front edge of the swing box. You must swing sitting down, one at a time. Do not
jump off. You must take turns. A monitor will be nearby and remind you to switch turns.

Students will play in areas designated by monitors.

Painted games – these areas are to be shared by everyone. Be fair and consistent with your rules and
PLEASE take turns. Try to include everyone in your game. No one likes to feel left out.

Students: At the end of recess the monitors blow the whistle. You will need to FREEZE (bodies and lips)
and listen to directions. Quickly and quietly line up to enter the building

Playground rules
It is important for you to play safely and fairly while you are having fun on the playground. If you choose
not to do so, the monitor will assign the appropriate consequence. Playground misbehavior may involve
intervention by the Student Support Center, classroom teacher, principal, or assistant principal.
Remember to keep hands, feet, and body to yourselves. Be safe, be responsible, and be respectful.


The goal of classroom placement is to ensure that classes are balanced by gender, number, diversity,
special needs, academic levels, and behavioral/social concerns. Placement is facilitated by a placement

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                                      Page 21
team of grade level teachers, guidance, Special Education Department, specialists, and Reading

If you have a concern about a placement for the next year, please notify their teacher, school counselor
or the administration in writing. Your concerns will be taken into consideration when classroom
placement is determined in May. The placement team and administration will review this information
prior to placement. We cannot accept requests for specific teachers.


Report cards provide information to parents about student performance. Report
cards are sent home 3 times per year, after each trimester marking period.

Grade 2 through 5: Student Performance is compared to a clearly defined standard. Every time a
student attempts the task, the performance is compared to a standard, not another student’s
performance. Standards allow each child, parent, and teacher to know what the expectations are before
the task is attempted. Teachers will share information about grade level reports during Curriculum Night
scheduled in September of each school year.


The essential question we ask when considering retention is, “What is in the best interest of the child?”
Research shows us that in many cases, retention can be detrimental to students emotionally and socially
as well as not beneficial academically. When we approach the topic of retention, we do so after
attempting interventions and support for the child. The topic of retention is not something that we bring
up at the end of the year; it should not be a surprise to anyone. If a parent or teacher is interested in
discussion relative to retention, they must contact the Assistant Principal or School Counselor prior to
February vacation and participate in the Student Success Team (SST) process.

Ideally, in a situation where parents or teacher think that retention may benefit a child, the parents have
participated in the SST Process. This process involves bringing together parents and school personnel to
discuss concerns. The SST team meets periodically to share information regarding students,
brainstorming strategies that will lead to greater success for students. Teachers will document progress
to interventions that are put in place. The use of the Light Retention Scale, as well as any input from
team members, provides parents with information to consider before deciding what they believe is in
the best interest of their child. The Light Retention Scale is a tool designed to help educators and
parents consider whether retention may benefit a child. The team responds to a series of questions and
the student is scored in terms of what kind of candidate he or she may be for retention. This tool is
simply one way of helping to consider retention, but it has proven to be extremely helpful and objective
when considering a very emotional issue. All team members share their input regarding the child.

The SST attempts to help parents make an informed decision regarding retention. While the decision to
retain a child rests with the parent, the school seeks to give parents information to help guide and
inform their decision.

    Hills Garrison Elementary School – Student Handbook 2022-2023                              Page 22
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