HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University

Page created by Eugene Weaver
HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University
HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University
The Tiger Handbook is the official
university guidebook for students. It is
provided to students and applicants for
their general guidance only. It does not
constitute a contract, either expressed
or implied, and is subject to change at
the university’s discretion.
HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University

The Arkansas Baptist State Convention authorized Ouachita Baptist College as its higher
education institution in November, 1885. In December of that year the trustees of the
university voted to locate the institution in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Classes began in
September, 1886, and the institution has operated without interruption in the same
location since that date. On January 14, 1965, the Board of Trustees voted to change the
name from College to University.

Ouachita Baptist University seeks to foster a love of God and a love of learning by creating
for students and other constituents dynamic growth opportunities both on campus and
throughout the world. With foresight and faithfulness, Ouachita makes a difference.

Ouachita Baptist University is a Christ-centered learning community. Embracing the
liberal arts tradition, the university prepares individuals for ongoing intellectual and
spiritual growth, lives of meaningful work and reasoned engagement with the world.

Ouachita strives to be an academic community of vision, integrity and service
grounded in the following values:

    Faith. We believe that life is lived most abundantly in response to the love of
    God through Jesus Christ.

    Scholarship. We advance excellence in teaching, learning, research and
    creative expression.

    Growth. We foster broad-based education, encouraging growth in intellectual,
    spiritual, physical and social domains.

    Character. We affirm that respect and honesty undergird responsible citizenship
    and stewardship.

    Community. We promote a vibrant community strengthened by diversity,
    sustained by common aims and supportive relationships and committed to
    leadership and service on campus and beyond.

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HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University

     As a Christian institution, Ouachita’s        developing a Christian lifestyle which        physical development. A wellness class
influence has a clear connection and               will be evident in every segment of           is required of all freshman students.
reliance on a strong campus community              the student’s life.                        10. Singing the alma mater, an old
grounded in our longstanding                    3. Respect for scholarship, creativity and        pep tune sung and played often
institutional religious identity, our Baptist      achievement by fellow students and             at public events.
Heritage, and our relationship with                faculty members.
the Arkansas Baptist State Convention.
                                                4. Respect for the rights, feelings and
Clear expectations help the members
                                                   property of others.                          OUACHITA ALMA MATER
of the community live in unity and the
university has expectations for students        5. Friendliness on campus, a                    Ouachita, we sing thy praises
to live and act in a manner consistent             characteristic noticed and appreciated       Thy beauty, thy power, thy fame,
with these standards. Therefore, while             by visitors to campus.                       Each loyal heart upraises
students are not required to profess            6. Audience etiquette. Students                 A cheer to thy glorious name,
personal Christian faith, making the               take great pride in being a part of          O-U-A-C-H-I-T-A
choice to attend Ouachita means having a           Ouachita, and this pride extends             Here’s good luck to Ouachita,
sympathetic appreciation for our guiding           to how speakers from on or off               May all her skies be gay,
biblical principles and choosing to abide          campus are received. A lack of               Raise a cheer for Ouachita,
by our community values.                           social responsibility in this area is        A loud Hip, Hip, Hooray,
     Since its beginning in 1886, a                considered unacceptable by the               O-U-A-C-H-I-T-A
number of common values have developed             student body as a whole.
at Ouachita, values which are passed            7. Respect for personal appearance.             Ouachita, thy sons and daughters
on like traditions from generation to              Students are well dressed and well           Will carry thy flag unfurled;
generation of students. These values help          groomed, and this attractiveness             For none can e’er surpass thee,
make Ouachita the distinctive place it is:         is immediately noticeable to                 The Queen of the college world,
 1. A love of God and a love of learning.                                                       O-U-A-C-H-I-T-A
                                                   campus visitors.
                                                                                                Here’s good luck to Ouachita,
 2. Commitment to a Christian lifestyle.        8. Sportsmanship at athletic events.            May all her skies be gay,
    While students are not required to be       9. Commitment to health and wellness.           Raise a cheer for Ouachita,
    Baptist or to adhere to a specific set of      Most students participate in either          A loud Hip, Hip, Hooray,
    beliefs, Ouachita actively encourages          intramural or intercollegiate activities     O-U-A-C-H-I-T-A
    and seeks to assist all students in            or in their own personal program of

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     Ouachita is committed to providing        are designed to enable students to become      CORE CURRICULUM
students with supplemental resources           eligible for enrollment in degree programs.
                                                                                                   Ouachita’s School of Interdisciplinary
to meet the demands of a rigorous              LOCATION: LILE HALL 108
                                                                                              Studies offers a coherent curriculum
curriculum and to assist them with
                                                                                              designed to foster intellectual inquiry
academic problems which may arise.             TRIO PROGRAMS                                  and breadth of knowledge. Ideas and
The following services and programs are
                                                    TRIO Programs have been a tradition       events have consequences. Insight into
designed to accomplish these two goals.
                                               on the Ouachita campus since 1966.             these consequences requires developing
                                               Ouachita is currently host to two TRIO         frameworks and skills that interconnect
ACADEMIC ADVISING                              Programs: Classic Upward Bound and             intellectual and cultural domains within
     Faculty advisers provide guidance         Educational Talent Search. The Upward          the context of the physical world. The
for students in selecting courses for each     Bound Program and Educational Talent           School of Interdisciplinary Studies CORE
semester, as well as assisting students with   Search are outreach programs that seek         curriculum is required to graduate.
other academic needs.                          to assist high school students during their         To help students make the transition
                                               freshman through senior year in their          into the CORE program, the School of
TUTORIAL SERVICES                              endeavors to complete requirements for         Interdisciplinary Studies offers tutoring
                                               secondary education. Upon completion of        for the OBU Connections course. For
    Tutorial services are available and        the high school requirements, students are     tutoring information, call 870-245-5381.
can be arranged through the Student            encouraged to enroll in a post-secondary       LOCATION: LILE HALL SUITE 122
Success Center or the Academic Skills          institution.
Development Program.
                                                    The TRIO Programs employ college          RILEY-HICKINGBOTHAM LIBRARY
                                               students during the academic year as
                                                                                                   The library offers materials,
                                               mentors and tutors and during the
ACADEMIC SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                                                   equipment, special areas and services to
                                               summer as resident life counselors.
                                                                                              serve students.
PROGRAM                                        LOCATION: LILE HALL SUITE 140
                                                                                                   Materials include reference books
     Certain courses have been designed                                                       and e-books for quick answers; general
for students who have demonstrated             CAREER & CALLING SERVICES                      circulation books for more in-depth
deficiencies in essential skills. These             Ouachita Career & Calling provides        coverage of topics or leisure reading;
courses provide assistance for students in     career counseling for all students,            and periodicals (journals, magazines and
the acquisition of college level reading,      freshman through senior. In addition,          newspapers) and electronic databases for
mathematics, English and study skills. The     the office assists students and graduates      the current and retrospective information
number of hours required for graduation        in finding employment opportunities.           on a wide range of subjects. In addition to
is increased by the number of hours taken      The office maintains reference files for       these traditional materials, the library also
in this program.                               prospective employers, provides career         offers select federal and state government
LOCATION: LILE HALL SUITE 122                  information, coordinates job interview         documents and manuscript collections of
                                               sessions and maintains a current list of job   religious and regional interest. The library’s
ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE                   openings. Additional services are provided,    holdings total some 850,000 items.
                                               including resume writing, interview                 Equipment available for student use
PROGRAM                                                                                       in the library includes copy machines and
                                               techniques and video resumes.
     Ouachita offers an intensive English      LOCATION: CONE-BOTTOMS 125                     computers with printer access. From the
program for international students                                                            library’s website, current students may
interested in improving their reading,                                                        access the library’s electronic resources
writing and oral skills in the English                                                        when off campus.
language. These non-degree courses are
separate from the regular curriculum and

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HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University
COMPUTER LABS                                                                 Special areas in the library include group study
                                                                              rooms, individual study carrels, and technology-
          Several computer labs are available to the student body
                                                                              enhanced collaborative space. Archival and special
     with hardware and software that support work in specific
                                                                              collection materials are available for research purposes.
     disciplines. These labs are available according to posted hours
                                                                                   Services include reference help for all patrons and
     except when classes are being conducted in them.
                                                                              interlibrary loans, through which the library offers
                                                                              students access to materials in approximately 21,000
                                                                              libraries worldwide.

                  LOCATION         LAB HOURS/
                                   ACCESS RESTRICTIONS
       Hickingbotham Hall 106      Monday–Friday, 7 a.m.–11 p.m.
      Blackmon Computer Center     Saturday & Sunday, Noon–11 p.m.

                McClellan 201      School of Social Sciences students only.
             Cole Computer Lab     Must use student ID for access.

           Moses-Provine 105       Open 24 hours a day
     Comm. Sciences & Disorders    for CMDS students only.

          Mabee Fine Arts 105      Class Piano students only.
               Davis Piano Lab     Must use student ID for access.

     Jones Science Center 218      Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm for all
          Hudson Computer Lab      students. After hours, School of Natural
                                   Science students only.

          Mabee Fine Arts 101      Music theory students only.
            James Harrison Lab     Must use student ID for access.

     Jones Science Center 343      Math and CSCI students only. Must use
        Math/Computer Science      student ID for access.

          Mabee Fine Arts 400      Music Theory/Composition majors and
                     MIDI Lab      MIDI students only. Must use student
                                   ID for access.

            Moses-Provine 206      Graphic Design majors only.
     Phelan Graphics Design Lab

          Mabee Fine Arts 141      7:30 a.m.–10 p.m. Open to all unless in
              Speer Digital Lab    use for class, & class times are posted
                                   on the door. After hours, students must
                                   use student ID for access.

                McClellan 314      Hours subject to change: schedule is
               Wetherington Lab    posted on the door. An attendant will be
                                   present for assistance.

            Speer Writing Lab      Monday–Friday, 8 a.m–5 p.m.
            ESC Faculty Lounge

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HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University
CARL GOODSON HONORS                          preparing them intellectually and             each year. The program facilitates study
                                             spiritually for graduate programs and for     programs in 16 countries including
                                             careers in teaching at the college level.     Australia, Austria, China, Costa Rica,
     The goal of the Carl Goodson            During monthly meetings, professors and       England, France, Indonesia, Israel, Italy,
Honors Program is to encourage students      students gather for fellowship, food and      Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, Morocco,
to achieve academic excellence and           discussion about a range of issues related    Scotland, South Africa and Spain. An
independent research skills. The Honors      to the life of the mind. Once a year, an      international studies minor is offered
Program provides motivated students with     outside speaker joins students for an         within the university curriculum.
a community of scholars to encourage         off-campus retreat. These meetings and             Study abroad programs have limited
them in their studies. (And graduating       retreats are open to all students.            availability. To apply for study abroad
from the Honors Program looks great on            Outstanding Christian students with      opportunities:
job and graduate school applications!)       a desire to teach at the college level may     1. A student must hold a cumulative
     Perks come with the Honors Program      apply to become University Scholars, a            2.5 GPA prior to the study abroad
including early move-in, an honors           designation which signals potential success       semester.
lounge, priority registration, a mentoring   in top-ranked graduate programs. The
program and travel grants.                                                                  2. A student must be in good standing
                                             faculty sponsor for the College Society
     For admission to the Carl Goodson                                                         with the university.
                                             works closely with University Scholars
Honors Program, an incoming student          through their junior and senior years,             For more information contact the
must have a high school GPA of 3.5           helping them complete applications to         Daniel and Betty Jo Grant Center for
or higher and an ACT score of 28 or          graduate programs in the humanities,          International Education in Lile Hall 108
higher. Incoming students who do not         social sciences, theology and                 or call 870-245-5197.
meet the ACT score or high school GPA        Biblical studies.
requirement, but achieve a 3.5 GPA                                                         PRESIDENT’S & DEAN’S LISTS
during their first semester at Ouachita
                                             DANIEL AND BETTY JO GRANT                          Students who make a 4.000 GPA
may join the Honors Program.
                                             CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL                      on their semester work will be placed on
                                             EDUCATION                                     the President’s List. Students who make
COLLEGE SOCIETY &                                                                          a 3.5000 or higher on their semester
UNIVERSITY SCHOLARS                              The Daniel and Betty Jo Grant             work will be placed on the Dean’s List.
                                             Center for International Education offers     Students placed on either list will receive a
    The College Society encourages
                                             Ouachita students the opportunity to          notification of recognition.
excellence in academic work as an
                                             study abroad during semesters or summers
expression of students’ Christian faith,

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HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University
COUNSELING SERVICES                            their records to other persons/agencies or     by anyone other than the individual whose
                                               if they desire the university counselor to     name appears on the card. Illegal use of
     Counseling services are provided by
                                               consult with a family member or other          the card will result in a $20 fine and/or
the university counselor. These services are
                                               persons.                                       disciplinary action.
available to students who are experiencing
                                                    Services provided are free of charge to        You may also use your programmed
a broad range of personal or interpersonal
                                               currently enrolled students. Appointments      ID card to get a meal to-go from the
difficulties. Typical problems for which
                                               may be scheduled by calling the                Tiger Express located down the stairs in
students seek assistance include but are
                                               counseling office at 870-245-5220.             the Ouachita Commons entrance area.
not limited to:
                                                    Students who require assistance           You may also purchase other snacks and
 • Personal issues — depression,               beyond the scope of the University             milkshakes on a limited basis.
   loneliness, anxiety, stress, sexual         Counseling Services may be given a                  Your programmed student ID card
   concerns, eating disorders,                 referral to a professional or agency in the    can also be used on a limited basis at the
   preoccupation with weight, grief,           community or other recommendations.            Tiger Grrrill, Sandella’s Flatbread Café
   adjustment difficulties;                    LOCATION: EVANS STUDENT CENTER                 and Chick-fil-A Express located in Evans
 • Interpersonal issues — roommate             SUITE 135                                      Student Center. Selections include grilled
   problems, dating relationship                                                              sandwiches, cheeseburgers, individual
   difficulties, friendship/peer               FOOD SERVICES                                  pizzas and Chick-fil-A products.
   disturbances;                                                                                   Dr. Jack’s Coffeehouse in Evans
                                                    The university food service               Student Center allows you to use your
 • Family issues — conflicts in family         management is contracted to Sodexo
   relationships, family crises, divorce;                                                     programmed ID on a limited basis to get
                                               Services, Inc., a leading food management      fresh brewed coffee.
 • Other concerns — issues relating to         company. All students living in university
   physical or sexual abuse, alcohol or        residence halls must buy a meal ticket
   substance abuse.                            which is included in the total cost of         HEALTH SERVICES
    All records are confidential.              “room and board.” To eat in the Ouachita             First aid, health education and simple
Information disclosed by students during       Commons the student must either (1)            diagnosis and treatments for minor illnesses
counseling sessions remains confidential       present his/her programmed ID card or          by a registered nurse on campus are available
unless the student is thought to be in         (2) pay for the meal. Cutting in line is a     at little or no cost. Medical services for more
imminent danger of harming himself/            violation of the rights of fellow students.    serious cases may be received at the Baptist
herself or is in danger of harming other       All students must be properly attired          Medical Center Arkadelphia or at the office
persons. Students may also give written        (including shoes) when they come to the        of local physicians.
authorization if they desire the release of    Commons. The ID card is not to be used

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HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University
The costs for medications and                 The Arkadelphia Clinic for Children        STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES
supplies used during an illness are not       and Young Adults provides the services of
                                                                                                   The Student Financial Services office,
included in university general fees. It       a physician and other health professionals
                                                                                              on the first floor of Cone-Bottoms Hall,
is recommended that every student be          on campus. The Arkadelphia Clinic for
                                                                                              provides a number of services. It collects
covered by some form of health insurance.     Children and Young Adults is a private
                                                                                              monies for all university expenses and
International students are required to        clinic, and the university does not assume
                                                                                              maintains records of all scholarship funds.
enroll in the medical insurance policy        responsibility for the actions of the clinic.
                                                                                                   The Student Financial Services Office
before registering.                           Students seeking care through this clinic
                                                                                              will cash checks for students in amounts
     All students must complete health        will be billed by the Arkadelphia Clinic for
                                                                                              up to $50. An OBU ID card is required for
records consistent with state and             Children and Young Adults for their services.
                                                                                              this service.
university requirements. Undergraduate             The Office of Health Services is
students must show proof of two measles,      located on the second level of Evans
mumps and rubella vaccinations, usually       Student Center next to the Office of            OUACHITA POST OFFICE
given in the form of an MMR. Ouachita         Student Development. Office hours are                The Ouachita Post Office, located on
Online and graduate students must             8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday - Thursday           the lower floor of Evans Student Center,
provide 1 MMR. A tetanus-diphtheria           and 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Friday.          is a branch of the U.S. Postal Service;
vaccination is recommended within the                                                         therefore, U.S. mail guidelines apply.
last 10 years. In addition, a tuberculosis    BOOKSTORE                                       Official mail can be delivered on campus
screening is recommended for all students           The Ouachita Bookstore, located on        without postage. Other mail placed in
but is required if the student meets the      the lower floor of Evans Student Center,        the “on-campus” bin must meet all USPS
criteria as outlined in the Tuberculosis      is the center for textbooks, supplies           regulations to be delivered.
Screening Form. All international students    that are requirements for particular                 All students are assigned a combination
must receive a tuberculosis screening upon    classes, supplies, clothing and gifts with      lock mailbox. Students are urged to check
arrival that is coordinated through Health    Ouachita imprints. For those about to           their mailboxes daily because many official
Services and the International Office. A      graduate, caps and gowns, graduation            university communications are sent to the
Health and Authorization Form is to be        announcements and senior rings are              campus box number.
completed by undergraduate students.          available through the bookstore.                     New students receive their post office box
All documents are to be uploaded to the             All students have the option of           number at registration, and they may learn
student’s Info portal.                        charging books to their student account         their post office box lock combination by
     Arkansas Act 1233 of 1999 requires       and then paying for them over the course        going to the service window during business
all universities to notify both students      of the semester via a payment plan with         hours. There is no additional cost for the post
and parent of an increased risk of            the Student Financial Services Office.          office box. Hours of operation for window
meningococcal disease among individuals             The bookstore is open Monday              service are posted at the post office counter.
who live in close quarters such as students   through Friday from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m.
in college residence halls. A vaccine is      It is often open on Saturdays for home
available and should be discussed with        football games and other special events.
your local health provider.

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HANDBOOK - Ouachita Baptist University
FITNESS AND WELLNESS                                                                        COPY SERVICE
FACILITIES                                    STUDENT WEB PORTAL                                 Card-operated copy machines are
     The Roy and Christine Sturgis                 Ouachita maintains a web based           located in Evans Student Center near the
Physical Education Center is a                information portal for each student.          Student Development Office and in the
multipurpose facility containing an           This “student web portal” is designed         library. One may purchase a decreasing
Olympic-size pool, racquetball courts,        for a student to log in and access his/       balance, magnetic strip card on location
classrooms, offices, the varsity basketball   her personal information on file in the       for $2. Additional amounts of credit may
arena and two multipurpose courts.            university’s administrative computer          be purchased using the same card.
     Evans Student Center has a               system.
Wellness Center containing televisions,            Information in the portal includes       WOW NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION
recreational equipment for muscle             current major/minor, cumulative
                                                                                            (WELCOME TO OUACHITA’S
toning and building and machines for          hours, grade point average (GPA),
cardio-vascular stimulation.                  transcripts, current and pre-registered       WORLD)
LOCATION: EVANS STUDENT CENTER,               course enrollment, financial aid, current           The WOW orientation program
SECOND LEVEL                                  balance and pending transactions in the       during the first week of the fall semester
                                              Student Financial Services office, chapel     is designed to inform new students of
                                              attendance records and cumulative credits.    the opportunities in the instructional
                                              The portal also has an easy method            program, help them to adjust to campus
     Each student is given his/her e-mail     for contacting each department when           life and help them to get a successful and
address when he/she is accepted to            clarification is needed for any information   satisfying start in their college experience
Ouachita. The address is [the first three     displayed. The information displayed in       at Ouachita. New students are divided
letters of the student’s last name][the       the portal is current.                        into groups during the WOW orientation,
student’s ID number]@obu.edu.                      Your web portal account is created       and student leaders take charge to orient
     E-mail accounts provided by the          when you apply, and you can access it         the newcomer to all aspects of campus life,
university are considered an official means   at info.obu.edu. For support from IT          including student activities.
of communication between each student         Services, visit obu.edu/its.
and the university’s employees. Ouachita
students are responsible for reading e-mail
messages sent to their Ouachita e-mail
account and for responding to these
e-mails if requested.
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SERVANT-LEADERSHIP PROGRAM                      • Pre-Law Society                             • Concert Band
     The Ben M. Elrod Center for Family         • Sigma Alpha Iota                            • Concert Choir
and Community offers a weekly class             • Sigma Tau Delta                             • Jazz Band
led by an experienced leader. The course        • Society of Physics                          • Marching Band
introduces students to the concept of
                                                • Tau Beta Sigma                              • Musical Theatre Workshop
servant-leadership and seeks to cultivate
students’ willingness to serve and hone         • Theta Alpha Kappa                           • Opera Workshop
their ability to lead. It seeks to motivate     • Theta Alpha Phi                             • Ouachita Handbell Ringers
students to cultivate the heart of a servant                                                  • Ouachita Singers
and educate students regarding the             Special Interest Groups
elements necessary for effective leadership.        These organizations are built around      • Ouachita Sounds
For more information, contact the Elrod        particular interests and serve as support      • Pep Band
Center at 870-245-5320.                        groups. They include the following:            • Symphonic Band
                                                • Astronomy Club                              • Tiger Steel
STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS                           • Campus Activities Board (CAB)
                                                                                             Instrumental Ensembles
     Ouachita Baptist University offers         • Counselors & Religious Educators
a variety of clubs and organizations to           (CARE)                                      • Clarinet
meet the extracurricular needs of students.                                                                         • Piano
                                                • College Republicans                         • Double Reed
The following is a list of currently active                                                                         • Saxophone
                                                • Dietetics Club                              • Flute
student organizations on campus.                                                                                    • String
                                                • International Club                          • Horn
Academic/Professional/                                                                                              • Trumpet
                                                • Multicultural Organization Reaching         • Low Brass
Honorary Organizations                            Equality (MORE)                                                   • Trombone
                                                                                              • Percussion
     These organizations recognize the                                                                              • Wind
qualities of leadership, scholarship or         • National Student Speech, Language
interest in a specific academic field and/        & Hearing Association (NSSLHA)             STUDENT SENATE
or achievement in all academic areas. They      • Ouachita Student Foundation                     The Student Senate at Ouachita
include the following:                          • Philosophy Club                            Baptist University exists to “provide means
 • Alpha Chi                                    • Student Senate                             for responsible and effective participation
                                                                                             in the organization of student affairs, to
 • Beta Beta Beta
                                               Religious Organizations                       provide activities for students, to initiate
 • Beta Gamma Sigma                                 Most religious activities come under     actions, to provide the official voice
 • Blue Key National Honor Fraternity          the auspices of Campus Ministries, which      through which student opinion may be
 • Elrod Center Servant-Leadership             has approximately 20 ministries that          expressed, to encourage the responsible
                                               serve the campus and wider community.         participation of students in overall policy
 • Kappa Delta Pi
                                               Religious groups seeking to meet on           and decision-making processes of the
 • Kappa Kappa Psi                             campus must coordinate with the director      university community and to enhance the
 • Ouachita Psychological Society              of Campus Ministries. Religious leaders       quality and scope of education.”
 • Ouachita Student Educators                  and speakers must be approved in                   The executive committee of the
   Association                                 accordance with the university policy (see:   Student Senate for 2022-2023 is:
                                               Speakers and Films, page 24).                 President - Kathryn Totty
 • College Society
 • Phi Alpha Theta                             Music Ensembles                               Internal Vice President - Izzy Baughn
 • Phi Beta Lambda                                  A variety of music groups are open to    External Vice President - Caroline Derby
                                               students, some of which require audition,
 • Phi Mu Alpha                                and some offer academic credit (see           Secretary - Brock Bivens
 • Pi Gamma Mu                                 current catalog). Music Ensembles include
 • Pi Kappa Delta                              the following:

                                                                                                        TIGER HANDBOOK | 9
SOCIAL CLUBS                                   American Conference and the National           include basketball, flag football, soccer,
                                               Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA),       softball, volleyball and water polo for both
     Nine local social clubs, not affiliated
                                               Division II. The men’s and women’s             males and females as well as some co-ed
with any national organizations, select
                                               swimming/diving teams compete in the           teams. Other competitions include table
new members early in the spring semester
                                               New South Intercollegiate Swim League.         games, whiffle ball and tennis.
of each year. University policy regarding
                                                    Student athletes must comply with the          All participants must understand that
rush and induction activities are in
                                               standards and requirements set forth by        there is the potential for physical injury
compliance with state law. The clubs are
                                               the above organizations. Ouachita strives      inherent in intramural sports in which
as follows:
                                               for excellence in its athletic program.        they engage. The participant will assume
                                                    Ouachita offers the following             the risk of such activities and expressly
MEN’S		WOMEN’S                                 conference sports. For women: volleyball,      waive all claims against Ouachita Baptist
Beta Beta		                 Chi Delta          basketball, softball, tennis, swimming/        University which they or their estate
Eta Alpha Omega             Chi Mu             diving, cross country, track & field, indoor   has or may have for injury, damages or
Kappa Chi		                 Gamma Phi          track & field, and soccer.                     death arising from such activities. Each
Rho Sigma                   EEE                For men: football, basketball, baseball,       participant must declare that health
				                        Tri Chi            tennis, swimming/diving, wrestling, cross      records clear them for participation in the
                                               country, track & field, and soccer.            recreational sports activity in which they
PUBLICATIONS                                                                                  will be engaging.
                                               RECREATIONAL SPORTS AND                             Most recreational sports are played
     Publications of Ouachita Baptist
                                                                                              according to the NIRSA (National
University, under the sponsorship of the       INTRAMURAL ATHLETICS                           Intramural and Recreational Sports
Rogers Department of Communications,                The university offers a full selection    Association) guidelines.
include The Signal campus newspaper and        of recreational sports activities for the
the Ouachitonian yearbook.                     Ouachita community, and all students are       STUDENT DANCES
                                               urged to participate. All participants must
INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS                      be currently enrolled students or Ouachita          Club- and organization-sponsored
                                               employees. All activities are under the        dances with approval from Student Life
    Sports were first offered at Ouachita
                                               supervision of the director of Recreational    may be hosted on campus. Most dances
in 1892 and have been a vital part of the
                                               Life who reports to the vice president for     will be in the Tiger Den. Clubs must have
university’s rich heritage since that time.
                                               student development. Intramural activities     the Ouachita sponsor present as well as a
    Ouachita is affiliated with the Great
                                                                                              hired security officer.

10 | O U A C H I TA B A P T I S T U N I V E R S I T Y

RECOGNITION OF NEW                           abide by the policies and regulations of the    MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS
                                             university and conform to administrative
ORGANIZATIONS                                                                                FOR CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS
                                             direction of the Student Senate and
     New organizations for students          appropriate university officials. A current     OTHER THAN SOCIAL CLUBS
may be given a charter and granted           copy of the constitution and bylaws of the           To join any club or organization a
recognition when approved by the (1)         organization and a current membership           student must have a cumulative grade
Student Life Committee, (2) Student          list must be kept on file with the vice         point average (GPA) of at least 2.000
Senate, (3) University Committee, and        president for student development, the          through the preceding semester and must
(4) University President. Students that      director of student life and the Student        not be on disciplinary probation. For
have completed at least one semester at      Senate office. All changes in officers          organizations that allow freshmen to join,
Ouachita and have at least two semesters     should be reported to the above officials.      the high school GPA may be used and
remaining before graduation are eligible          University policies and guidelines         the student must not have been admitted
to submit a plan for new organizations.      supersede club or organization                  on academic probation. Should the
Detailed steps are listed on the Student     constitutions and bylaws when at variance       organization charter call for a higher GPA
Life website. A petition setting forth the   with one another.                               for membership, that higher grade will be
need for the organization, the purpose                                                       the one required.
of the proposed organization, a list of
                                             REACTIVATION OF A CHARTERED
qualified charter members, the faculty
sponsors and a proposed constitution         ORGANIZATION                                    MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS
for the organization must have been                If an organization does not meet for      FOR SOCIAL CLUBS
submitted to the Student Life Office by      a period of one year, it is placed on an             Social clubs may accept new members
October 31 in the fall semester and March    “inactive” status and is removed from all       only through the rush process as approved
31 in the spring semester of each academic   current listings. Should there be a need        by the Student Life Committee. To
year to be considered for approval.          to activate an “inactive” organization,         be eligible for rush, a student must be
Complete instructions for starting a new     interested students may petition the vice       enrolled full-time, must have completed
organization can be found here:              president for student development with          at least 12 hours with a cumulative grade
https://obu.edu/studentlife/club-            the same information as required for            point average of 2.0 and must not be on
organization-registration-form.php           organizing a club. If the same constitution     university probation. All students who
                                             is used, the club may be activated with the     desire to become social club members are
MAINTAINING RECOGNITION OF                   approval of the vice president for student      expected to participate in rush.
                                             development and the director of student
                                             life. If constitutional changes are made, the   ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP
    In order to maintain recognition after   organization must follow the guidelines for
approval, the organization must respect      recognition of a new organization.                   To remain an active member of any
the mission and values of the university,                                                    club or organization, a 2.0 cumulative
                                                                                             GPA must be maintained. The Office
                                                                                             of Student Development will check the
                                                                                             eligibility of members at least once per
                                                                                             semester, and findings will be sent to the
                                                                                             student and organization sponsor. Again,
                                                                                             if any club or organization’s constitution
                                                                                             has a higher requirement than those stated
                                                                                             above, the higher requirement will be the
                                                                                             standard for membership.
                                                                                                  Unless otherwise stipulated in the
                                                                                             appropriate constitution, members of each

                                                                                                     T I G E R H A N D B O O K | 11
student organization must be enrolled         • To cause inductees, through a              Tunes or pageants, which demand
at Ouachita. Any club or organization           hazing-free induction process, to be       large blocks of time. Prior to approval,
which fails to meet its constitutional          bonded with each other and with            these students must have at least a 2.0
requirements for membership shall be            club members within the guidelines         GPA and must not be on academic or
placed on probation for one semester. At        of Ouachita and the state.                 disciplinary probation.
the end of this probationary period, if       • To promote positive enhancement of
membership is not at the minimum level,         self-worth of the individual and that      HONORARY MEMBERSHIP
the club shall be declared inactive by the      person’s value to the club.
Student Life Committee. Any club that                                                           Honorary membership is available
                                              • To encourage individual commitment         as a means of honoring a faculty, staff or
has been inactive may be reinstated on a
                                                to grow academically, spiritually,         Ouachita community member who has
one semester probationary status.
                                                socially, emotionally, and physically.     significantly aided the club’s development.
     Any appeal for variation or
interpretation of these policies shall be     • To learn and appreciate the traditions     Such membership is strictly a form of
made in writing to the Student Life             of the clubs.                              recognition and does not convey any
Committee.                                                                                 membership privileges. Current Ouachita
                                              • To foster club recognition through
                                                                                           students are ineligible for honorary member
                                                university and community service.
                                                                                           status. Honorary membership status must
SOCIAL CLUB NEW MEMBER                        • To promote school and club spirit.         be approved by the Office of Student Life.
INDUCTION PLAN                               Specific guidelines for induction will be
                                             available in the Student Development
     The process of inducting new
                                             Office, and all clubs and individuals must
members into Ouachita’s social clubs is                                                         Hazing by any club, person, or
                                             abide by these guidelines.
meant to be a positive experience for both                                                 organization is prohibited by university
old and new members. In the best interest                                                  policy and Arkansas state law. Violation
of the clubs, new member induction           OTHER CAMPUS-WIDE
                                                                                           of that prohibition renders the person/
should focus both on bonding new             PARTICIPATION                                 group inflicting the hazing, the person
members together and on bonding new                The primary reason for a student to     submitting to the hazing and those
and old members together. Several goals      be at Ouachita is for academic purposes.      knowledgeable of the hazing subject to
have been established for the new member     It is therefore expected that every student   disciplinary action up to and including
induction process. All activities during     will give first priority to this pursuit.     suspension. See also Standards of Student
the period should focus on meeting the       In addition to many opportunities to          Conduct, and the Law, University Policies
following goals:                             participate in club activities, there are     & Procedures, in the Tiger Handbook for
                                             several special programs, such as Tiger       more information.

12 | O U A C H I TA B A P T I S T U N I V E R S I T Y
SANCTIONS                                          and Christian principles of Ouachita        of the organization and guidelines of the
                                                   Baptist University. The sponsor             university are approved. Funds, donations,
     Action(s) of any club or organization
                                                   should assist in the interpretation         sponsorships, etc. may not be solicited
which violate(s) its constitution and/or
                                                   and understanding of these policies         from off-campus sources, including but
bylaws or brings discredit or embarrassment
                                                   and principles.                             not limited to businesses, alumni, etc.,
to Ouachita Baptist University and/or its
                                                6. The sponsor should be available to          until written approval is obtained from
student body will result in disciplinary
                                                   advise and supervise the expenditures       the vice president for student development
action by the appropriate authority.
                                                   of the organization’s funds.                and the vice president for development.
Sanctions include, but are not limited to, a
                                                                                                    Tax-deductible donations must be
written warning, probation for the group,
                                                                                               made through the Development Office
removal of a pledge class and temporary or     FINANCES OF ORGANIZATIONS                       and deposited into an account managed
permanent suspension of the organization’s          For their protection, all student          by the Business Services Office. Deposits
charter. For club conduct violations, the      organizations should be prepared to             and expenditures of organization funds
club may be held responsible as a group        submit a financial statement to the             through the Business Services Office must
and its individual members may also be         university on the request of the vice           follow university policies and procedures.
held responsible. Any incident of hazing       president for student development.              Expenditure of these funds must be
will result in a fine of $25 per member        The statement will show the beginning           approved by the organization’s sponsor.
of that club or organization. Written          balances as of June 1, all deposits listed as
appeals may be heard by the Student            to date, amount, and source of income,
Life Committee. If the president of the                                                        ACTIVITIES/SCHEDULED EVENTS
                                               and all dated itemized expenditures with
university makes a decision related to a       canceled checks and/or receipts.                ON UNIVERSITY CALENDAR
club, that decision is final.                                                                      Regularly scheduled meetings,
     Refer to the Arkansas Law on Hazing                                                       special occasions and programs by
found on p. 26.                                SOLICITATION OF FUNDS BY
                                                                                               student organizations must conform to
                                               ORGANIZATIONS                                   university policy and must be scheduled
SPONSORS OF ORGANIZATIONS                           Chartered student organizations may        through the Office of Student Life.
     In order to be recognized, each           sponsor fund raising programs/events            No organization may schedule regular
campus organization must have a sponsor        on campus, so long as these have been           or special activities on or off campus
who has signed the appropriate form            scheduled and approved by the director          during regular church hours (6-8 p.m.)
agreeing to sponsorship. The sponsor           of Student Life. In general, those sales or     on Sunday or Wednesday nights.
serves the following functions:                projects which are in line with the purpose
 1. The sponsor shall strive to help
    students achieve the maximum
    educational opportunities and
    benefits that are inherent in the
    leadership of such an organization.
 2. The sponsor shall encourage student/
    faculty rapport.
 3. The sponsor shall be expected to
    attend meetings as frequently as
    deemed necessary but should have
    some periodic meetings to assist in
    establishing, planning, implementing
    and evaluating goals.
 4. The sponsor must be a full-time
    faculty or administrative staff
    member at Ouachita and must
    have been employed for at least one
    academic year.
 5. All established organizations are
    expected to comply with policies

                                                                                                       T I G E R H A N D B O O K | 13
CAMPUS MINISTRIES                             Family and Community for local              special time set apart each February for
                                              service opportunities. The office also      spiritual renewal. These ministries and
     The office of Campus Ministries
                                              cooperates with Arkansas Baptist            events are under the leadership of the
coordinates the university’s spiritual life
                                              Collegiate Ministries and other             Director of Campus Ministries.
programs, activities, and resources. Its
                                              Southern Baptist entities, such as the
primary goals are to foster meaningful
                                              International Mission Board.                THE BEN M. ELROD CENTER FOR
relationships with Christ among
                                              LOCATION: EVANS STUDENT CENTER 303
students; to guide them in fruitful                                                       FAMILY & COMMUNITY
ministry, discipleship, and fellowship;             Ouachita is committed to offering
and to train leaders who will continue        missions opportunities for our students     Mission Statement
to engage the world and serve the             to share the love of Jesus Christ. Campus        The Ben M. Elrod Center for
church. Ouachita believes the local           Ministries regularly takes spring break,    Family and Community at Ouachita
church is central to the spiritual life       Christmas break, and summer trips to        Baptist University is dedicated to
of Christians and does not consider           serve churches and ministries in the        serving humankind through the
university programs to be replacements        United States and overseas. Campus          educational experience. The center
for church involvement. The office            Ministries also organizes special events    acts as a clearinghouse for service and
coordinates ministry teams, mission           that contribute to the life of our campus   provides opportunities to serve for all
trips, discipleship groups, and student-      and create opportunities for spiritual      students, faculty, and staff. The center
led gatherings, including Refuge              growth. The Campus Ministries Fall          is a tangible expression of Ouachita’s
and Noonday. Campus Ministries                Retreat occurs the first weekend of each    commitment to service.
works with the Elrod Center for               fall semester. Christian Focus Week is a

14 | O U A C H I TA B A P T I S T U N I V E R S I T Y
Community engagement is at the
heart of experiential learning at the
Elrod Center. We believe in a model of
student leadership development that
engages students by linking their talent
to the needs of the community. The
Elrod Center equips students to identify
the needs of the community and guide
them to meaningful action. Our goal is
to empower our students to thoughtful
service and to experience how one
person’s compassion and involvement
in service can influence and enrich
the lives of others in ways beyond our
     Realizing that all disciplines of
study at Ouachita have a service learning
component, the center works closely
with professors through the classroom
setting to identify ways students can
be involved in service learning through
their individual majors.

• Support public service initiatives in
   the public and church arena
•   Equip students, faculty, and
    staff to become involved in
    community leadership
•   Coordinate the university’s
    service initiatives
•   Cultivate a spirit of servant-
    leadership in students, faculty,
    and staff
                                            The Elrod Center is in a building on         •   Feed Arkadelphia
•   Promote interdisciplinary
                                            the south side of campus and its staff is    •   Healthy Relationships Week
    studies that benefit the family
                                            available to visit about ways to become
    and community                                                                        •   Elrod Center Internships
                                            involved in service. Through TranServe,
•   Provide an institutional door for       students may have the hours served during    •   Elrod Service Enrichment Grants
    the community to relate to              a semester posted on their university        •   Kluck Service Enrichment Grants
    the university                          transcript. For further information,
                                            contact the center at 870-245-5320.          •   Spotlight on Arkadelphia
•   Promote non-credit courses that
    will benefit the community                                                           •   TaxServe
                                                The following is a partial list of the   •   Thanksgiving Baskets
•   Strengthen families through
                                            programs of the Elrod Center.
    education, instruction,                                                              •   Tiger Serve Day
    and outreach                            •   Arkadelphia Human
                                                Development Center                       •   TranServe
•   Recognize and reward outstanding
                                            •   Celebrate Gratitude                      •   Tutoring- America Reads and
    service efforts
                                                                                             Counts, Peake Partnership,
                                            •   Community Volunteer Placement                Afterschool Tutoring
                                            •   ElderServe

                                                                                                T I G E R H A N D B O O K | 15
                         ACADE M IC HONOR
     We believe that a university under the     Faculty Representatives                      to hear the case. Another student
Lordship of Jesus Christ must involve itself        The faculty representatives to the       representative will be designated as a
in the pursuit of honor. In all academic        Judicial Council are the members of the      non-voting record-keeper.
endeavors our commitment is to build            Student Life Committee.                           Students will be given reasonable
a community of scholars characterized                                                        notice of any hearing, which will generally
by the highest standards of integrity           Selection of Student                         take place within ten days. The faculty
consistent with Ouachita’s Christian            Representatives                              member who initiated the hearing may
ideals. We hope this pursuit of integrity            Nominations for student                 address the council and may call others
will extend beyond the classroom and be         representatives to the Judicial Council      with direct knowledge of the suspected
reflected in every area of our daily lives.     are accepted from the university faculty.    violation to address the council. The
                                                Students nominated must not currently        student will have the opportunity to be
Covenant Pledge                                 be on probation. Those nominated appear      heard by the council, may call others
     As a member of the Ouachita                before a selection committee charged with    with direct knowledge of the suspected
community, I am committed to fostering          appointing the student representatives.      violation to address the council and may
a culture of honor. I affirm that an            The selection committee consists of the      question the faculty member and others
academic environment can be enriching           president of the university, the president   who have presented information in the
only when its members commit to mutual          of the Student Senate, the chair of          hearing. Legal counsel is not permitted in
integrity, trust, responsibility and respect.   the current Judicial Council, the vice       Judicial Council hearings.
I will refrain from all forms of academic       president for academic affairs, the vice          If four of the Judicial Council
dishonesty, and I will act responsibly          president for student development and        representatives hearing the case agree there
when confronted with the knowledge of           the chair of the University Committee, or    is substantial evidence a violation of the
such behavior. I recognize that academic        their designates. The selection committee    Covenant on Academic Honor occurred,
excellence is more than the absence             seeks to maintain broad representation       a sanction will be imposed and provided
of dishonesty; true scholarship entails         as to class and major among the student      to the student in writing. Sanctions may
devotion to my studies and respect for my       representatives. Student representatives     include a warning, honor probation
professors and classmates. With the aim of      serve until they are no longer enrolled as   with activities designed to foster student
academic and personal growth I make this        a full-time student at Ouachita, resign or   development, recording of a test or
pledge to myself and to the women and           are removed from the council.                assignment as a zero, recording a semester
men of Ouachita Baptist University.                                                          grade of “F” for the course, suspension
                                                     When faculty members suspect a          from the university or other actions at the
JUDICIAL COUNCIL                                violation of the Covenant on Academic        discretion of the council.
                                                Honor, they retain the right to make         Appeals
Purpose                                         independent academic determinations or
     The purpose of the Judicial Council                                                          An appeal of a decision made by the
                                                may initiate hearings before the Judicial    Judicial Council must be presented in
is to consider possible violations of the       Council. Students may not appeal an
Covenant on Academic Honor, appeals                                                          writing to the Academic Deans Council
                                                individual faculty member’s academic         within five days of the decision. After a
for loss of chapel credit for the semester,     decisions to the Judicial Council. In
and some basic alcohol violations in                                                         consideration of the records of the Judicial
                                                making a request for a hearing, the          Council hearing and other pertinent
apartments.                                     initiating faculty member will present a     evidence, the Deans Council will notify
                                                written statement along with any pertinent   the student of its decision in writing.
Composition                                     documentation to the chair of the council.
     The Judicial Council is comprised of                                                         Action by the Judicial Council does
                                                     Two faculty members from the            not preclude additional disciplinary action
five faculty representatives, one of whom       Student Life Committee and three
is designated by the council as chair, and                                                   by the university when appropriate.
                                                student representatives will be designated
12 student representatives.

16 | O U A C H I TA B A P T I S T U N I V E R S I T Y
                     STU DE NT CON DUCT
RESPECT FOR THE INSTITUTION                    RESPECT FOR OTHERS                               Hazing
                                                                                                     Ouachita abides by the definition of
     Anything identified with the                   Respect for others is a basic tenet of
                                                                                                hazing provided in the Arkansas Code
university must be in keeping with             the Christian faith as well as the United
                                                                                                Annotated. Briefly, the use of physical or
the official Vision, Mission and Values        States legal system. Failure to act in ways
                                                                                                mental coercion intended to embarrass,
Statements of Ouachita Baptist University.     that affirm respect for others denigrates
                                                                                                harass, cause physical, emotional or mental
Some examples include contents of              individuals and damages the sense of
                                                                                                strain or in any way to jeopardize the
programs or performances and texts of          community so vital to the Ouachita
                                                                                                physical, mental or academic well being of
printed material.                              experience. Such failure will result in
                                                                                                any individual is prohibited. (See “Hazing”
                                               action by the university, the legal system
                                                                                                for the entire statute, including the official
RESPECT FOR OUACHITA’S                         or both. Violations and their definitions
                                                                                                definition, page 26.) If social clubs or
                                               are listed below (in alphabetical order):
CHRISTIAN PURPOSES                                                                              organizations have violated this policy, the
     It is assumed that students come to       Dishonesty                                       group may be fined $25 per member.
Ouachita with a commitment to standards             Dishonesty includes but is not limited
                                                                                                Irresponsible Conduct
of behavior consistent with the Christian      to deceit, cheating, plagiarism, falsification
                                                                                                     Behavior that is offensive or
faith and life.                                of information, theft of services, electronic
                                                                                                annoying to others, disrupts the rights
     By accepting admission to Ouachita        tampering or failure to divulge to
                                                                                                of others or poses a potential danger
Baptist University, each student assumes       university officials knowledge of violation
                                                                                                to self, others or property is considered
responsibility to abide by the rules and       of university standards of conduct.
                                                                                                irresponsible. Fighting is also considered
standards of conduct of the university as           See also information concerning the
                                                                                                irresponsible conduct, and it may be
well as by all city, state and federal laws.   Covenant on Academic Honor.
                                                                                                considered an assault.
     The regulations and standards of this
                                               Excessive Noise
handbook apply to all students who are                                                           Insubordination
                                                    Noise in or around a residence hall or
enrolled at Ouachita and any guest(s)                                                                Failure to comply with the directive of
                                               other campus building which disturbs or
they may bring to campus. Students are                                                          a college official acting in his or her official
                                               disrupts normal activity will be considered
responsible for informing their guests of                                                       capacity; failure to show respect for university
                                               excessive. Noise is especially monitored in
university policies and assuring that                                                           faculty, staff or guests; and verbal and/or
                                               the residence halls during quiet hours (see
they behave within the guidelines of                                                            physical abuse is considered insubordination.
                                               section on residence life).
established policies.
                                                    Excessive noise violation may result in     Sexuality Misconduct
     Some of the violations listed here
                                               a $50 fine.                                           The Ouachita community recognizes
may also violate local, state or federal
statutes. In dealing with such violations,                                                      that human sexuality is a gift from God
university disciplinary action will not                                                         for procreation of human life and for the
                                                    The University prohibits all forms of
preclude the filing of charges with                                                             expression of one’s love through marriage.
                                               unlawful harassment and discrimination.
appropriate law enforcement agencies. The                                                            Misuses of God’s gift include,
                                               All allegations of sexual harassment should
reporting of certain crimes committed on                                                        but are not limited to, promiscuity
                                               be reported consistent with the procedures
campus is required by federal law. These                                                        (including violation of the Biblical
                                               identified in the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
requirements are explained more fully                                                           teaching against homosexual
                                               Any allegation of other types of harassment
under the Student Right-to-Know and                                                             acts), possession or distribution of
                                               should be reported immediately to the dean
Campus Security Act in the last section of                                                      pornographic or obscene materials,
                                               of students or vice president for student
the Tiger Handbook.                                                                             and/or other immoral sexual acts. The
                                               development. (See the policy on
     The following standards of student                                                         university will strive to constructively
                                               Nondiscrimination and Harassment.)
conduct provide a framework by which                                                            and redemptively deal with all
students may conduct themselves in                                                              individuals. Please refer to “Sexual
keeping with the Christian purposes to                                                          Misconduct” on page 36 for important
which Ouachita is committed.

                                                                                                         T I G E R H A N D B O O K | 17
information regarding university policies    Lewd, Indecent &                             with the office of Campus Safety and
and procedures regarding incidents of        Obscene Conduct                              Emergency Management, which will act
sexual assault.                                  Prohibited conduct includes but is       as custodian. Persons licensed to carry a
                                             not limited to lewd, profane or vulgar       concealed handgun are restricted from
Visitation Violation                         language (verbal or written), including      carrying a weapon into any campus
     Visitation by the opposite sex is       clothing, musical lyrics, gestures,          building or event. Students holding
allowed between 10 a.m. until midnight       possession of pornographic materials,        such a license should contact Student.
in apartments and residence hall             voyeurism, indecent exposure or other        Development for more information.
lobbies. Open Hall takes place between       inappropriate sexual behavior.
the hours of 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. on                                                        Pets and Animals
Tuesdays and Fridays in men’s halls and      Tobacco & e-Cigarettes                       No pets other than aquarium fish are
Wednesdays and Saturdays in women’s               Smoking and use of smokeless            allowed in any university housing. No
halls. It alternates between men’s and       tobacco have been documented to be           animals other than approved service
women’s halls on Monday nights.              injurious to one’s health and to violate     animals are allowed in university
     First offense visitation violations     the health and rights of non-smokers. In     buildings and housing. Emotional
will result in a delay of one semester for   light of this data, Ouachita is a tobacco-   Support Animals (ESA) are only
apartment housing once eligibility is        free campus; tobacco possession on           allowed in the student’s housing area.
attained and a $100 fine per Ouachita        campus and use of all kinds is prohibited.   Violations incur an initial $200 fine per
student. A second violation results in       The use of e-Cigarettes and contents is      incident. Evidence of pets or animals,
a $200 fine, a third violation is a $300     prohibited on campus, as well.               such as a food/water dish, kennels,
fine, and so forth. Violations may also           First offense will result in a $25      leash, collar, etc. will constitute a
result in other school sanctions. A lobby    fine. Second offense will result in a $50    violation of this policy.
visitation violation may result in a $50     fine. Third offense will result in a $75     Possession or Use of
fine per visitor present.                    fine. Services are available for those       Fireworks
                                             students seeking to withdraw from                Persons are not allowed to have
RESPECT FOR SELF                             tobacco use.                                 any type of fireworks or explosives on
     Respect for oneself expresses itself                                                 campus or to set them off on campus.
in self-discipline and avoidance of          RESPECT FOR PROPERTY                             Possession may result in a $50 fine.
practices damaging to one’s physical,             It is vital to the ongoing existence
                                                                                          Tampering with Fire and
emotional and spiritual wellness.            of the community that individuals
                                                                                          Safety Equipment
It affirms the divine spark within           respect the property of the university
                                                                                               Tampering with or removing fire
each individual. Violations and              and of persons who are members of or
                                                                                          alarms, smoke alarms, fire extinguishers,
their definitions, which are listed          visitors to this community. Violations
                                                                                          sprinklers, exit signs or other safety
alphabetically, include the following:       and their definitions, which are listed
                                                                                          equipment and sounding or reporting
                                             alphabetically, include the following:
Alcohol and Drugs                                                                         false alarms is prohibited. Misuse of safety
     Since its founding in 1886,             Firearms/Weapons                             equipment is a violation of state law
Ouachita Baptist University has              Possessing weapons of any type, including    and punishable as such. Malfunctioning
prohibited student use of alcoholic          but not limited to firearms, blowguns,       equipment should be reported
beverages and/or unlawful use of             air guns, pellet guns, bows or crossbows,    immediately to the appropriate authority.
controlled substances either on or           large knives, martial arts training               A $100 fine may be incurred
off campus. (See subsection titled           materials, slingshots, paintball guns,       for tampering.
“Alcohol and Drugs” on page 28 for           explosive or incendiary devices, dangerous
                                             chemicals and ammunition are prohibited      Theft
additional information.)                                                                       Unauthorized taking or keeping
                                             on university property. An exception is
Gambling                                     made for residence hall and university       of items or services that are university
    Playing a game for money or              apartment residents with hunting             property; are borrowed, rented or leased
something else of value in hopes             equipment. Such equipment must be            by the university; or which belong to
of gaining something significant             registered and deposited immediately         students, faculty, staff or guests of the
beyond what the individual invests is                                                     university is considered theft.
considered gambling.

18 | O U A C H I TA B A P T I S T U N I V E R S I T Y
You can also read