Habitat variation and population regulation in Sparrowhawks

Page created by Valerie Brady
1BIS 13.3 suppl. I : 76-88

                Habitat variation and population regulation in Sparrowhawks
                                                    I. NEWTON
     lnstitute of Terrestrial Ecology, Monks Wood Experimental Station. Abbots Ripton. Huntingdon P E I 7 2LS, U K

              In a study area in south Scotland, Sparrowhawks did not occupy the available nesting places
              at random, but more often used those places where breeding success was highest (here called
              high-grade places). Most birds stayed on particular nesting places for only one year, but
              others stayed up to 8 years. Some birds moved from low- to high-grade places as they aged.
              Continued occupancy of certain places was thus produced by many different individuals
              occupying such places in rapid succession, but most staying for only one breeding season.
                 On the most used (high-grade) nesting places pairs produced more than enough young per
              breeding attempt to offset the average annual mortality, but on the less used (low-grade)
              places they produced too few. Low-grade nesting places therefore acted as a sink, whose
              occupancy could be maintained only by continual immigration. Over the study area as a
              whole, the population was in balance, with reproduction matching mortality.
                 Habitat changed over periods of 15-30 years, as woodland matured. Nesting places in
              young woods, with small densely-growing trees, showed the highest occupancy and nest
              success. Both aspects of performance declined as the woodland aged, and trees became larger
              and more widely spaced. Long-term stability in nest numbers and success in the study area as
              a whole was associated with a system of rotational forest management, which ensured a
              continuing availability of young woods.
                 It is proposed that spatial variation in habitat quality is involved in the regulation of
              breeding numbers. Removal experiments confirmed the presence of non-breeders, which
              could attempt to breed when high-grade nesting habitat was made available to them, but
              otherwise remained as non-breeders despite the presence of vacant low-grade habitat. This
              situation, involving a n interaction between habitat quality and bird quality, probably occurs
              in some other raptors too.

During 1972-1988 the number of Sparrowhawks Accipiter            record the breeding performance, and to ring the young and
nisus breeding in Eskdale. south Scotland, varied little. with   as many breeding adults as I could catch. Further details of
no overall trend. Over the whole 17-year period, nest            the study area and methods may be found elsewhere (Newton
numbers fluctuated by no more than I 5% of the mean level of     1986).
34 (Newton 1986, unpubl.). Nonetheless, over this period
the distribution of the breeding population within the study
area changed, as some nesting localities were abandoned and
                                                                 NESTING HABITAT
others were taken up. These changes were associated with
changes in the distribution and structure of the woodland. In    In the study area, almost all woodland was coniferous,
this paper, I examine spatial and temporal variation in          mainly spruce Picea abies and P. sitchensis, with some larch
habitat use and explore the role of habitat heterogeneity in     Larix spp. and pine Pinus sylvestris. It was managed for timber
population regulation.                                           production, mostly on a 40-5 5 year rotation, depending on
   In Eskdale. as elsewhere, Sparrowhawks are associated         location. Every year some patches were clear-felled and re-
primarily with woodland: they nest and roost in woods and        planted, while others were thinned, so that at any one time
do most of their hunting in woody habitats. However, they        the area contained a mixture of tree stands of various ages,
also hunt in open country, wherever small-bird prey is           and a fairly stable age structure over time. Thinning was first
available. Through suitable woodland, the nests of different     done at about 16-20 years after planting, and then 3-5
pairs are spaced about 0.6 km or more apart. A pair raises no    further times at 5-8 year intervals, each time removing a
more than one brood per year. Each year, in a 2 0 0 km2 study    proportion of the trees and progressively opening up the
area (55"IO'N, 3Oo'W). I attempted to find all the nests,        stand. Typically, after the first thinning the trees averaged
1991                        HABITAT VARIATION A N D POPULATION REGULATION I N SPARROWHAWKS                                                77

about 13.4 m in height and 3.8 m apart; after the second                     which nested in small woods also hunted in nearby open
thinning about 16.5 and 4.7 m, after the third about 18.5                    land.
and 5.4 m, after the fourth about 20.5 and 6.4, and after the                  Throughout this paper. I shall base the argument on
fifth about 22.0 and 8.7 m (Table I). When the trees reached                 nesting places because their use was documented fully and
40-55 years of age they were usually clear-felled. Circum-                   consistently every year, whereas the associated hunting
stances such as location, windthrow and changing demand                      ranges were determined only for a small number of birds in a
for timber modified this pattern from time to time. The                      small number of years. A nesting place was classed as
general result, however, was that, as the woodland matured,                  occupied if a new nest was built, and on most of the
the trees became larger and more widely spaced, and ground                   ‘unoccupied’ places no signs of Sparrowhawks were found
and shrub cover became more established. The same process                    that year at any stage through the breeding season. From
occurred in unmanaged areas, but more slowly and in less                     radio-tracking, however, it seemed that every wood in the
regulated fashion, because it was not aided by periodic                      area was visited from time to time by several different
thinning.                                                                    Sparrowhawks on hunting forays: but birds did not roost
   Usually Sparrowhawks first occupied the woods for breed-                  regularly on ‘unoccupied’ places, nor did they defend them.
ing within a year or two after first thinning, for not until then
could they fly easily among the trees. Occasionally, however,
they occupied thicket woods at a slightly earlier stage, if a
                                                                             SPATIAL VARIATION IN HABITAT QUALITY
stream or wind damage provided localized access. The birds
built their nests in the lower canopy and conducted most of                  In this paper I use occupancy and nest success as measures of
their activities below the canopy, rather than above it.                     bird performance. and ultimately as measures of habitat
                                                                             quality. They are treated as separate measures of perfor-
                                                                             mance, although in reality they represent different points on
                                                                             the same continuum leading to production of young.
                                                                                In Eskdale. as in other areas where Sparrowhawks have
In Eskdale, as in other areas where Sparrowhawks have                        been studied (Newton & Marquiss I 9 76, Newton et al. I 9 79),
been studied, birds bred in the same restricted localities over              not all known nesting places were occupied at any one time.
several years. They usually built a new nest each year, near                 In different years some 55-61 places were judged suitable
old ones, so that established breeding sites were each marked                (and were used at some time), but no more than 39 were used
by a group of nests of varying ages, mostly lying within a                   in any one year. Moreover, some places were occupied in
circle of about 50 m radius.                                                 every year, or in most years, while others had nests only in
   When occupied, such nesting places could equally be                       occasional years. This was not the result of independent
called ‘nesting territories’ because they were both exclusive                random settling each year: over a period of years, some places
and defended. Each was occupied by only one pair at a time,                  were occupied more often than expected by chance at the
which aggressively prevented any other Sparrowhawks from                     population levels found, whereas others were used less than
breeding in the vicinity (Newton I 986). Radio-tracking work                 expected by chance (shown in Fig. I for periods of 5, 10 and
revealed that each nesting place lay within the hunting range                I 5 years, respectively). This implied that certain nesting
of a different male (Marquiss & Newton I 982). At the start of               places were preferred, while others were avoided to some
breeding, males hunted mainly near the nest, so that their                   extent.
hunting ranges were almost mutually exclusive but as the                        In Table 2 , using data for a 15-year period, nesting places
season progressed they foraged further afield, so that their                 are graded 1-5, according to the number of years in which
ranges came to overlap. At the same season in different years,               they were occupied. Grade I places were occupied in 1-3
however, the hunting ranges associated with particular                       years (not necessarily successive years) in the I 5-year period,
nesting places were fairly consistent in position and extent                 Grade z places were occupied in 4-6 years, and so on to
(Marquiss & Newton 1982). Males which nested in large                        Grade 5 places which were occupied in I 3-1 5 years. Nesting
woods hunted mainly or entirely in woodland, whereas those                   places which were available for less than I 5 years (because of

Table I. Mean heights and spacing ojtrees (metres) in conifer woods at different growth stages

                                                                            Number of thinnings received

                                           I                       2                        3                     4                   5

Mean tree height ( fSD)              13.44 f 2 . 0 6         16.50+ 2.8 3             18.47f2.6y           2 0 . 5 0 f 2.12     22.00f2.82
Mean tree spacing ( f SD)             3.77 0.4 7             0.74 f0.59                5.42*0.62             6 . 4 0 f 0 . 3I    8.65f 1.46
78                                                                  I . NEWTON                                                      IBIS   1 3 3 SIJPPL. 1

                                                                                                                                             m   Observed
                                                                                                                                             0   Expected



                                         10                                          10

                                          C                                           0
           1    2   3      4   5                                                           1   2   3   4   5   6    7   8   9   1011 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5
                                                         Number of years   in   which nesting occurred
Figure I. Observed and expected occupancy of Sparrowhawk nesting places over periods of 5. t o and I 5 years in Eskdale. south Scotland. In each
period. birds occupied certain places more often than expected by chance at the population levels found, indicating preference, and other places
less often than expected, indicating avoidance. Expected frequencies were calculated assuming that, in each year, available nesting places were
occupied at random, and independently of previous history.
   Comparison of observed and expected frequencies: 1972-1976, xz4= 28.8. P < 0.001;1972-1 98 I , xz4= 103.6. P < 0.001.combining classes
 1-4 and 8-10: 1972-1986. xzs= 198.4. P
1991                          H A B I T A T V A R I A T I O N A N D P O P U L A T I O N REGULATION I N S P A R R O W H A W K S                                  79

Table 3. Breedingperformance of Sparrowhawks according tofemale age and grade of nesting place. n = number of nests, S = number of nests which raised
young. B=mean brood size in successful nests, M=mean number of young raised per nest including failed nests

Grade of                               First-year females                                                          Older (2+year) females
place               n             S(%)                   B                 M                       n             S(%)                    B                     M

1-2                I2            5 (42)            3.20f0.20              1.34                    35           19 (54)             3.44 f 0 . 4 1            1.86
3                  20            9 (45)            3.00~0.62              1.35                    87           58 (67)             3.47fO.I 7                2.32
4                  I5           11 (73)            2.91 f0.21             2.12                    89           59 (66)             3.72fO.I 5                2.46
5                  I2            9 (75)            3.67f0.33              2.75                    82           66 (81)             3.72 3z 0.1 7              3.02

Significance of variation among grades of nesting place in the proportion of nests successful: first-year females. xz3= 5.56. P >              0. I ,   < 0 . 2 (but
Grades 1-3 versus4-5, x 2 , = 5 . 5 8 . P t 0 . 0 5 ) : olderfemales, ~ ' ~ = 9 . 1 1P.< o . o s .

                                                                                                                 Table 4. Causes of breeding failure among
                                             Number (%) of nests which failed through                            Sparrowhawks on nesting places of different
Grade of          Total                                                                                          grade
nesting         number of                              Desertion         Predation of           Other
place             nests            Nan-laying           of eggs         eggs or chicks         causes*

* Mostly unidentified, but also including nest collapse, egg addling and human interference.
Lack of significance in variation between grades in frequency of different classes of failure:
~ ' , ~ = 5 . 6 6n.s.

Table 5. Post-fledging fate of young Sparrowhawks, reared on different grades of nesting place. as indicated by ringed birds subsequently reported dead by
members ofthe public, or trappedalive while breeding in the study area. Note that data are not comparable between the sexes, because of different dispersal and
reporting frequency

                                                 Males                                                                     Fern a I es

Grade of                                  Number (%)                 Number (%)                                     Number (%)                   Number (%)
Nesting              Number                reported                found breeding              Number                reported                  found breeding
place                ringed                  dead                   in study area               ringed                 dead                     in study area

There was no significant variation in fate associated with grade of nesting place. Males: reported dead, xZ3= 7.75. n.s.: found breeding, xZ3 = 1.41,
n.s.: females: reported dead, xz3=o.gg. ns.: found breeding xZ3=2.42. n.s. In each analysis data from Grades 1-2 were pooled. n.s.=not
significant. However, the proportion of males reported dead from Grade 5 territories was significantly greater than the proportion recovered from
Grades 1-4 pooled (xz = 7.24. P i 0.01). It is hard to know whether to attach any biological significance to this result, as no similar differencewas
evident for females found dead, or for males or females found breeding.
80                                                                  I . NEWTON                                          IBIS   1 3 3 SIIPPL. 1

low-grade nesting places, and no one cause was pre-eminent                       8
(Table 4). However, previous work had suggested that the                         7
frequencies of nest failures from all such causes were                      b    6
increased by food-shortage, which prevented birds from                      'i5

laying eggs, or caused them to abandon the eggs altogether,
or to leave eggs and chicks unguarded in favour of hunting
                                                                            & 3
(Newton 1986). Thus the greater frequency of nest failures,                 d
from whatever proximate causes, in low-grade nesting                        5
                                                                            2    1
habitat could be largely a manifestation of a single underly-
ing cause, namely more frequent food-shortage.                                       12 4 6      8 10 12 14 16 18 2 0 2 2 24 2 6 2 8 30
   Once young had left the nest, there was no obvious                                                 Number of young
variation in their subsequent fate that was related to grade of             Figure 3. Numbers of young produced on 51 Sparrowhawk nesting
                                                                            places which remained continuously available over a Io-year period,

     Q                                                                     nesting ptace. Thus the proportion of ringed fledglings which
                                                            0              was later trapped alive in the study area, or found dead and
                                                                           reported by members of the public, showed no variation
 0                                                0                        associated with grade of natal habitat (Table 5). This was
                                                                           probably because, once birds became independent, they
              A                                   0                        dispersed and mixed in the wider countryside.
                                                                              As a result of differential occupancy and nest success, over
                                                                           a period of years certain nesting places produced many more
                                                                           young than others. This variation over a 10-year period is
                                                                           illustrated in Fig. 2 for those nesting places which remained
                                                                           available, and were judged fit for occupation, in all 10years.
                                                V             3            On average, each nesting place produced 10.7young in the
                              - 0                                          10 years, but the variation was great, as 14% of places

                                  Qo 0                                     produced no young in that time, while others produced up to
                                                                           33 (Fig. 3). The most productive 10% of nesting places
                                                                           produced 27% of all young, and the most productive 50%
                                                                           produced 83% of all young. Productive and unproductive
                                                                           nesting places were not concentrated in different parts of the
       0                                                                   study area. but were interspersed (Fig. 2). Indeed some highly

                                           0    A
                                                   6;                      productive places were close to wholly unproductive ones.
                                                                           For this sample of nesting places, about 88% of the variation
                                                                           in productivity over 10 years was associated with variation in
                                                                           the number of years that the place was occupied (Fig. 4).

                                            0" QQQ      A
                                                                           However, a quadratic regression model, with the intercept set
                                                                           at zero, gave a better fit to the data than a linear model. This
                                                                           reflected the fact that the number of young raised per nesting
                                                                           attempt was also highest on the most used places (Fig. 4).
                                                                           TURNOVER A N D MOVEMENTS OF
Figure 2. Distribution and productivity of 5 I Sparrowhawk nesting
places which remained available continuously over a lo-year period
                                                                           BREEDING BIRDS
(1977-1986). Shading within each circle depicts the number of               This section is concerned with the residence periods of
young produced over the 10years as a proportion of the maximum              individuals on nesting places, and with the year-to-year
possible (60).
                                                                            movements of individuals between places. As the grading of
   The distribution of nesting places is constrained by the distribution
                                                                            nesting places depended partly on these same features, grades
of woodland (not shown), and the map excludes all places which
were available for only part of period concerned (because of                were re-allocated for each bird from a period of years (out of
woodland growth and felling).Note that nesting places varied greatly        the full 15) which excluded the residence or movement
in their productivity, and that productive and unproductive places          periods of the individual concerned. This procedure gave
were interspersed through the area.                                         some degree of statistical independence to the measures being
1991                                H A B I T A T V A R I A T I O N A N D P O P U L A T I O N REGIJLATION I N S P A R R O W H A W K S                           81


                                                                                                                     Figure 4. Number of young raised at
       30                                                                                                            different Sparrowhawk nesting places over
                                                                                                                     a 10-year period in relation to occupancy.
                                                                                                                        The total numbers of young produced at
       25                                                                                                            each nesting place ( T ) depended largely on
                                                                                                 0                   the numbers of years that each nesting
                                                                                                                     place was occupied (N), and partly on the
-0                                                                                                                   mean numbers of young produced per
a      20                                                                               0
                                                                                                                     nesting attempt ( Y ).
E                                                                                                                       Statistical details: on a linear regression
0                                                                                                                    model, with the intercept set at zero. 84.5%
5      15                                                                                                            of the observed variation in T-values could
?                                                                                                                    be explained in terms of N. On a quadratic
                                                                                                                     relationship (T= 0 . 3 8 2 N + 0.203NZ).some
                                                                                                                     87.8% of the variation in T-values could be
                                                                                                                     explained in terms of N. The quadratic term
                                             0               0                          0
                                                                                                                     thus explained nearly 21% of the
                                                                                                                     outstanding I 5.5% of the variation after
        5                                                                                                            fitting the linear model. This reflected the
                  m             e                                                                                    fact that the mean number of young
            I     m         o   m
                                                                                                                     produced per breeding attempt ( Y )was
                                                                                                                     higher on the most used territories. On a
        0 1                                                                                                          linear regression, Y=o.918 +o.13oN. with
                      1         5            3        4     5     6             f       8        9        'O         N explaining I 3.4% of the observed
                                                     Years occupied                                                  variation in Y-values (P
82                                                              I. N E W T O N                                          IBIS    1.3.3   SIIPPL. 1

or movement to another place. Most birds which changed                     Table 8. Mean contribution to future nesting population made by
nesting places moved less than 5 km, but a few moved further               Sparrowhawk breeding attempts in different grades of nesting habitat
(Newton 1986).
   Year-to-year fidelity to particular nesting places could be
                                                                                       Mean number                             Balance between
examined from individuals trapped in successive years. As                               of young          Mean number            mean annual
expected from the preceding analysis, the tendency to stay on              Grade of      females          that survive            production
the same nesting place from one year to the next increased                 nesting         raised            to nest              and mean
with grade of nesting place (Table 7). Moreover, of birds                  place          per nest’       themselves’          annual mortality3
which changed nesting place, about 70% moved to a place
classed from other years as being as high or higher in grade                               0.595              0.179                Negative
than their previous place (Table 7). This was a significantly                              0.785              0.2 36               Negative
larger proportion than expected if birds had resettled on                                  0.800              0.240                Negative
nesting places a t random (xZ4=14.6, P
1991                       H A B I T A T V A R I A T I O N A N D P O P U L A T I O N KEGXJLATION I N S P A K K O W H A W K S                                     83

breeding beyond the first year had started earlier, a bigger                   would normally occupy high-grade habitat (fitting the
 pool of recruits would have been available. Thus for every ten                supposition that they came from a non-breeding pool), and
 females which delayed breeding to the third year, there must,                 that breeding performance depends on some interaction
 on average mortality rates, have been around 14 present as                    between habitat quality and bird quality. On such small
non-breeders in their second year, and these in turn would                     samples caution should be attached to the occurrence of
 have been derived from at least 2 0 one-year-olds. Likewise.                  replacements only on high-grade nesting places, but the
many males did not breed until after their first year, although                findings were consistent with the view that some (mostly
the mean age of first breeding may have been lower than in                     young) birds were able to breed only on good nesting places
females. In other words, rapid growth in the breeding                          and not if the only places available to them are poor. This
population could have occurred at any time if some males                       would explain why some (by definition low-grade) nesting
 and females had bred at an earlier age. That they did not do                  places remained vacant every year, despite the presence in
so. in the presence of vacancies among potential nesting                       the general area ofpotential breeders in their first 1-3 years of
places, implies some form of constraint, which resisted                        life.
growth in breeding numbers.
   Almost certainly this constraint was imposed by the
habitat, or by some interaction between the bird and the
                                                                               TEMPORAL VARIATION IN HABITAT
habitat. Assume that the birds themselves varied in quality
(or hunting skill) as well as the habitat, and that some poor
quality (largely young) birds could breed only in good habitat                 The sections above were concerned with spatial variation in
but not in poor. Because all stages of breeding are contingent                 habitat quality (as judged by occupancy and nest-success),
on a good food-supply, and a good food-supply is dependent                     and its role in the regulation of breeding density. It remains to
partly on the quality of the local habitat and partly on the                   examine temporal variation, as habitats change through
hunting skills of the bird itself, this is not an implausible idea,            time. Over the years the trees in the nesting areas became
as explained below. In the Sparrowhawk the hunting skill of                    larger and (through thinning) further apart, so that the
the male is probably more important than that of the female                    habitat gradually gained a more open structure. The question
because the male provides most of the food for the breeding                    is whether nesting places that were favoured in the short
attempt.                                                                       term, say over 5-10 years, were similarly favoured in the
   In nearby areas (mostly in Annandale) of similar land-                      longer term! Taking the data for Eskdale over a 15-year
scape. the presence of surplus potential breeders was con-                     period (1972-1986), I checked whether nesting places that
firmed experimentally in 1975-1977 when seven males and                        were most used in years 1-5 were also most used in years 6-
seven females were removed from nesting places in late April,                  10and in years I 1-1 5. Frequency of occupation was indeed
just before egg laying (Newton & Marquiss 1991).Within 4                       correlated between these three 5-year periods (Table 9). but
weeks, at least three males and three females had been                         all regression slopes were less than unity, which could have
replaced, and in four of the six nests eggs were subsequently                  implied a decline in mean occupancy over time (see below).
laid. The incomers had not moved from neighbouring nesting                        This was also evident in the histories of individual nesting
places, whose occupants were marked, and on capture three                      places. When the study began, many of the woods had been
out of five were found to be first-year birds. In the rest of the              used by breeding Sparrowhawks in previous years, as was
population, about 18% of males and 15% of females were                         evident from the presence of old nests. But other, younger
yearling birds in these years. It seems reasonable to conclude                 woods were occupied for the first time during the course of
that, without a nesting place being made available to them,                    the study (Fig. 5). For these latter woods, both occcupancy
these birds would not have bred that year, and that they came
from the non-breeding pool.
   The removals were done to test for the presence of surplus                  Table 9. Linear regression relationships depicting the consistency in
birds, but as it happened, ten were on high-grade nesting                      occupancy by Sparrowhawks of the same nesting places in successivefive-
places (Grades 4 - 5 ) . and four were on low-grade ones                       year periods. 1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 6 ( A ) . 1 9 7 7 - 8 1 (B) and 1 9 8 2 - 8 6 ( C ) . 42
(Grades 1 - 3 ) . All the replacements were on high-grade                      nestingplaces were available throughout periods A and B, 5 2 throughout
places, and on the low-grade places no further breeding                        periods B and C. and 3 8 throughout periods A, B and C
activity occurred after the removals. This indicated a signifi-
cant preference for high-grade places ( P = 0 . 0 3 5 , Fisher’s                                                        Regression                  Statistical
Exact Test, two-tailed). Moreover, only one of the six                                                                 coefficient ( b )         significance ( P )
replacement nests produced young, the rest failing for
reasons usually associated with food-shortage (non-laying,                     Between periods A and B*                     0.819
84                                                                                       I. NEWTON                                             IBIS   133   SIJPPL. 1

      ri   rz       73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80    81 82   83   84 85   86 87   88     Nesting
.1                  0 . 0 .                       0                                              opportunities152           114        68         36         11
2 .                 0 . 0 .                       L                                   0 .
3     0    .    0    0   .    .                   0                                                   %
4          0    .        0                                       0 0 . 0              0 .              100 I
                . .
                . 0 0 .
                         0                                           C        -   c                     80
7          0     0 0 0 0                     0    0    ,    0    0   0    ~       .   L
8          0    0 . 0 . .                                                                         2    60

9                                                                                                 a¶

11                                                                                                a9
12                            0 .            0                                                         20

14                                 . . o r                 C O       0 . .                              -

                                                                                                                 1-5       6-10      11-15      16-20        21+

16                                      0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18                                                0 . 0 . 0 3 0 . C

21                                                     0 . .         C    3

23                                                           0 3 . 0              0 . C
24                                                           .3..0..,^
26                                                                        G           G O
28                                                                            0 . 0 .
29                                                                              O C E                            1-5      6-10     11-15   16-20     21+
30                                                                               0 . .
31                                                                                  0 .                                   Years from first occupation
32                                                                                  0 .
                                                                                                 Figure 6. Occupancy and nest success at Sparrowhawk nesting
Figure 5. Yearly occupancy and nest success of 32 Sparrowhawk                                    places, according to years from first occupation. Full details in Table
nesting places in young woods occupied for the first time during the                             10.
study. Both occupancy and nest success tended to be high in the first
5 - 1 0 years after initial occupation and then declined in later years.
Filled circles-successful nests: open circles-failed nests.
                                                                                                 I 5th year from estimated first occupation they showed even
                                                                                                lower occupancy (25%) and nest success (44%) than
                                                                                                younger woods (Fig. 6, Table 10).Some of the oldest woods in
and nest success were high in the first 5-10 years after the                                    the study area have now not been used by nesting Sparrow-
initial occupation, and then declined in later years, In three                                  hawks for more than 10 years. Their histories suggest that
successive yyear periods from first use. mean occupancy of                                      Sparrowhawks did not nest in them later than 20-25 years
the same nesting places dropped from 92% to 75% to 46%.                                         after first occupation, when the trees were 40-45 years old.
and the proportions of nests that were successful dropped                                       At this stage, the mean distance between trees exceeded 6 m,
from 76% to 62%to 45%(Fig. 6, Table 10).          Moreover, in any                              tree heights exceeded 2 5 m, and bramble and other shrubs
one calendar period, the younger, and more recently occu-                                       were prevalent in the ground vegetation.
pied, woods showed greater occupancy and nest success than                                          In conclusion, therefore, for the first 10years or so after the
the older woods (Table 11). In these analyses there was a                                       first nest, when trees were up to I 7 m tall and up to 5 m apart,
slight upward bias in the figures for occupancy in the first 5                                  the average nesting place showed both high occupancy and
years, in that a territory had to be used at least once in this                                 high nest success. Then as the trees grew and their spacing
period to be included, but this was not the case for later                                      increased through thinning to around 6 m. the average
periods.                                                                                        nesting place showed progressively lower occupancy and
   Coincident with the declines in occupancy and nest                                           poorer nest success. Thereafter, at even wider tree spacings.
success, the mean residence periods of females in successive                                    former nesting places were rarely occupied, and the four nests
5-year periods fell from I. 7 to I .4 to I . I years, and the mean                              that were found in stands at this stage all failed to produce
age of female occupants fell from 3.5 to 3 . 1 to 2 . 7 years                                   young. The relative stability of breeding numbers in the study
(Table 10).  First-year females were more frequent as breeders                                  area over the years was thus associated with a system of
on long-established nesting places than on newly occupied                                       rotational forest management, which ensured a continuous
ones (Table I 0). However, none of these differences achieved                                   supply of woods at the preferred stages. Birds were conti-
statistical significance.                                                                       nually abandoning the older woods in favour of younger
   Some woods in the study area were occupied over a period                                     ones. Thus, while the numbers of breeding Sparrowhawks
exceeding I 5 years, having been used both before the study                                     remained fairly constant over the study period, their distribu-
started (as known from old nests) and during it. After the                                      tion over the area changed slowly with time.
1991                            H A B I T A T V A R I A T I O N A N D POPULATION R E G U L A T I O N I N S P A R R O W H A W K S                               85

Table   10.Occupancy     and nest success at Sparrowhawk nesting places. according to gears from first occupation

                                                                 Years from fist known occupation’
                                                                                                                                          Significance of
                                                 1-5                6-10                I 1-1 5            16-20          21                 variation

Number of nesting opportunities2                                  114                  68                  36           I1         -

Number of nests (%)’                                                85 (75)            31 (46)             9 (25)        o (0)     xZ4=115.2,P
86                                                             I . NE W T O N                                      IBIS   I33   SIIPPL. 1

labie  12. Breeding performance of Sparrowhawks on nesting places         between nesting places of different grade was almost cer-
gradrd in two diflerent ways (see text)                                   tainly due partly to habitat but was greater than could be
                                                                          attributed to habitat alone. In other words, the effects of
Grade of   On stable scoring system      On sliding scoring system        habitat and bird quality were probably additive.
nesting                                                                      The removal experiments gave further evidence that both
place        n      S(%)         M         n      S(%)        M           habitat and bird contributed to performance. The replace-
                                                                          ment birds, when given access to high-grade nesting places,
1            26     S(31)       1.19      27       8(30)    1.04          at least attempted to breed (and in one case raised young).
2            54    26(48)       1.57      50      21(42)    1.54          Without the experiment they would presumably have
1           161    75 (47)      1.60      82     39 (48)    1.60          remained as non-breeders despite vacancies in low-grade
4           150    90 ( 6 0 )   2 11     127     63 (50)    1.75          habitat. In other words, the quality of habitat available to
5          123     87(71)       2.63     228    155 (68)    2.44          them influenced their performance. At the same time. as a
                                                                          group they bred significantly less well than other Sparrow-
n=number of nests, S=number of nests which raised young,                  hawks in high-grade habitat laying at the same date (Newton
iVl=mean number of young raised per nest (including failed nests).        & Marquiss 1991). indicating that they themselves were less
                                                                          effective than the usual occupants of such habitat. So bird
                                                                          quality also influenced breeding performance.
as a major factor influencing habitat quality for Sparrow-
hawks. But it was not the only factor involved. Previous
                                                                          Habitat destruction and breeding numbers
analyses revealed that size (i.e. extent) of wood influenced
occupancy and success (Newton 1986).as did the location of                Interaction between habitat and bird quality complicates any
the wood within the landscape, and the nature of surround-                prediction of the effects of habitat destruction on breeding
ing habitat (Newton et nl. 1979).This was as expected                     numbers. Clearly, in Eskdale the removal of a proportion of
because, as explained above, Sparrowhawks hunted not only                 low-grade (‘sink’)habitat need have caused no reduction in
in the nesting wood itself, but also further afield in the                overall breeding numbers because surplus, unoccupied, low-
surrounding terrain.                                                      grade habitat was always available. But the removal of a
                                                                          proportion of high grade (‘source’) habitat could have
                                                                          affected pair numbers not only in that habitat but also in low-
DISCUSSION                                                                grade habitat, because occupancy here was dependent on
                                                                          surplus production in high-grade habitat. In other words, the
Assessment of habitat quality
                                                                          impact on overall breeding numbers of destroying ‘source’
Habitat quality can only be assessed from the performance of              habitat would be greater than predicted from the area
the birds which occupy it (or similar habitat). However,                  involved. In theory, if only low-grade (‘sink’) habitat
breeding success does not depend solely on the habitat, but               remained, and there was no further immigration, the local
also on the particular individuals which live there. If the best          population could have died out.
birds (the most competent breeders) occupied the best                        Events would have been altered, however, if the best birds,
habitat, the effects of habitat and bird quality on observed              which would normally occupy good habitat, had no choice
performance would be confounded.                                          but to occupy poor habitat, because productivity in the poor
   In Eskdale, both habitat and occupants probably contri-                habitat could then be raised. The impact on overalt breeding
buted to recorded performance, because young birds (with                  numbers would depend on whether the rise in mean
low nest success) more frequently nested in habitat classed as            occupant quality in poor habitat could change the balance
low-grade. Strong (but not wholly conclusive) evidence that               between reproduction and mortality from negative to posi-
habitat quality influenced occupancy and success, indepen-                tive: in other words, whether the improvement in occupant
dently of occupant, was of three kinds: ( I ) among birds of a            quality could change ‘sink’habitat into ‘source’habitat. This
single age group, breeding was more successful in the habitat             is a critical point which only further experimentation could
classed as high-grade (see above): ( 2 ) high occupancy and               illuminate.
nest success was maintained on some nesting places over
periods of 10-1 5 years, despite frequent changes in occupant
                                                                          Problems in the estimation of adult survival
(mean residence period < 1.5 years) (performance in one 5-
year period could be used to predict performance of a largely            Insofar as one could judge from subsequent ring recoveries,
different group of birds in the same habitat in the next 5-year          post-fledging survival was similar for young produced on all
period, and the one after): and ( 3 ) a ‘repeatability’ analysis.        grades of nesting place. This was perhaps not surprising
comparing productivity of the same nesting places with                   because, within four weeks after leaving the nest, the young
different females and of the same females on the same or                 dispersed and were free to compete on their own merits.
different nesting places (Newton I 988). revealed that habitat           Unfortunately, it was not possible to compare the survival of
contributed to nest success over and above any effect of                 breeding adults from different grades of nesting place. As
occupant. Thus the variation in recorded performance                     birds more often moved away from low-grade nesting places,
1991                      H A B I T A T V A R I A T I O N A N D POPULATION R E G U L A T I O N I N SPARROWHAWKS                     87

it was usually unknown whether their disappearance was                  evaluate. In the study area, Sparrowhawks preferred thicker
due to movement from the study area or to mortality. The                woods for roosting in winter (Marquiss & Newton 1982). as
analysis of ‘source’and ‘sink’habitat was therefore done on             well as for nesting, and some of the more mature stands were
the assumption that breeder survival was similar across all             extremely open and windswept in early spring, when nesting
grades of nesting place. If this was not the case, and breeders         started.
survived less well in low-grade habitat, the effect would be to            Whatever the reasons for Sparrowhawks favouring and
widen the difference between ‘source’and ‘sink’habitat: i.e.,           breeding most successfully in young woods, commercial
the ‘source’ habitat would contribute more to the mainte-               forest in much of Britain (as in the study area) is now
nance of the population, and the ‘sink’ habitat would                   managed in a way that promotes consistently high Sparrow-
contribute less, than was evident from reproduction alone.              hawk populations, namely on a fairly short rotation that
                                                                        ensures at any one time a large proportion of forest in the zo-
                                                                        35 year class. Of course, there are local variations: where
Habitat deterioration
                                                                        extensive areas of forest suddenly reach a suitable stage,
In Eskdale, dense young woods (of 20-35 years old) were                 Sparrowhawk breeding numbers can increase rapidly, while
preferred for nesting and facilitated good reproduction. This           in other areas where much of the available forest suddenly
may have been because woods of this age provided a better               exceeds this age, then declines occur. Examples of both
food-supply, less risk of predation or more shelter from                occurred in other areas during the study. In monitoring
inclement weather. Because most nest failures could be                  hawk populations, it is therefore important to record the state
attributed, directly or indirectly, to food-shortage, food              of the woodlands, and at the same time to search the younger
availability might have declined with increasing age of forest.         stands continually as they become suitable.
Overall densities of song-bird prey did not decline in conifer             Although this study was in managed plantations, the same
stands between 2 0 and 5 0 years of age (Moss 1978, Moss et             picture would almost certainly hold in natural forest where
al. 1979). But at any given density, prey may have been more            Sparrowhawks prefer the younger areas, for example where
readily caught in young woods, if only because the denser               regeneration follows a fire or landslide, where forest invades
cover allowed the hawks a closer undetected approach.                   open land, or where short, dense tree-cover occurs for some
Radio-tagged male Sparrowhawks (which provided most of                  other reason. In the same way that woodland habitat is
the food during the breeding season) showed a marked                    divided between two Accipiter species in Europe, it is shared by
preference for hunting in woodland as opposed to open                   three in North America, where the small Sharp-shinned
country and, within woodland, preferred the younger, denser             Hawk A . striatus breeds mainly in the youngest, densest
areas. It would be hard to conceive of any reason for this              areas: the medium-sized Cooper’s Hawk A . cooperi mainly in
preference, other than increased hunting success, but this              the intermediate areas, and the large Goshawk in the most
was not measured.                                                       mature, most open areas (Reynolds et al. 1982, Moore &
   Another possibility was that young woods were favoured               Henny 1983). Thus the same woodland during its growth
for reasons other than food-supply but, because they                    can become suitable for each species in turn.
attracted the ‘best’birds (say, the most competent hunters),
food-related failures were less frequent there. Irrespective of         Parallels with other birds of prey
food-supply, predation risk was greater in older woods,
because they provided less cover than younger woods and                 Some other species of raptors which have been studied -
were more attractive to relevant predators. Over most of the            including both forest and open country species - show
range the most important predator of adult and nestling                 similar features to the Eskdale Sparrowhawks: (a) only a
Sparrowhawks is the Goshawk Accipiter gentifis. a larger                proportion of available nesting places occupied in any one
species which occupies older, more open, stands (Hald-                  year: (b) some places favoured over others during a period of
Mortensen 1974, Newton 1986). This species was absent                   years: (c)better nest success on the favoured (most frequently
from Eskdale (owing to past persecution), but the preference            occupied) places: and (d) the presence of ’surplus’ birds,
of Sparrowhawks for young woods could have represented an               which can replace established birds lost from prime nesting
inherent response, evolved in the past to avoid predation.              places. All four features have been shown for the Peregrine
Another predator of nestling Sparrowhawks, the Tawny Owl                Falcon Falco peregrinus (Hickey 1942. Hagar 1969, Ratcliffe
Strix aluco, was common in Eskdale. This species also hunts             1980). while features (a) and (b) have been shown for Gyr
more in open stands than in dense ones (S. I. Petty, pers.              Falcon F . rusticolus (Nielsen & Cade 1990). Merlin F.
comm.), probably because, with better ground vegetation,                columbarius (Newton et al. I 986),Buzzard Buteo buteo (Tubbs
open stands provide more abundant rodent prey. Crows and                1974) and Rough-legged Buzzard B. lagopus (White & Cade
other corvids are perhaps also more likely to find nests in open        I 971). among others. In the Peregrine, there were even more
than in dense stands, but they were scarce in the study areas.          parallels, because first-year birds were more frequent as
because they were killed by gamekeepers.                                breeders on low-grade nesting places. and continual replace-
   The third benefit that young stands might provide for                ment of breeders occurred on favoured nesting places, despite
nesting Sparrowhawks, namely greater protection from                    ever-present vacancies among less used places (Hagar I 969).
adverse weather than more open stands, is more difficult to             If, as in the Sparrowhawk, variation in both habitat quality
88                                                             I. NEWTON                                            IBIS   1.33   SIJPPL. I

and bird quality, and some interaction between the two, is            REFERENCES
postulated, then on good places most individuals could breed
                                                                      Fretwell. S.D. & Lucas. H.L. Jr. 1970. On territorial behaviour and
if given the chance, but on poor places many individuals                other factors influencing habitat distribution in birds, I. Theoreti-
could not (or would not). This could explain the otherwise              cal development. Acta Biotheor. 19: 16-36.
puzzling fact that in some raptor species surplus birds of            Hagar. J.A. 1969. History of the Massachusetts Peregrine Falcon
breeding age live as ‘floating’ non-breeders. despite the               population. 1935-57. In Hickey. J.J. (ed.) Peregrine Falcon
presence of vacant nesting places.                                      populations: their biology and decline: 12 3-132. Madison:
   On such a system, with variation in both habitat and bird            University of Wisconsin Press.
quality, the proportion of low-grade habitat that was occu-           Hald-Mortensen, P. 1974. Nest and nest site of the Sparrowhawk
pied by breeders would also depend partly on the total                  Accipiter nisus - and some comparisons with the Goshawk A.
                                                                        gentilis. Dansk Om. For. Tidss. 68: 91-1 I 5 (in Danish).
population (including non-breeders) in the area. For the
                                                                      Hickey. J.J. 1942. Eastern populations of the Duck Hawk. Auk 59:
greater the population, the greater would be the number of
birds capable of breeding in low-grade habitat. Apart from the        Marquiss. M. & Newton, I. 1982. A radio-tracking study of the
complications caused by bird-habitat interactions, the find-            ranging behaviour and dispersion of European Sparrowhawks
ings from Sparrowhawks and other raptors have much in                   Accipiter nisus. J. Anim. Ecol. 51: 111-133.
common with the ‘despotic’ model of bird distribution                 Moore, K.R. & Henny, C.J. 1983. Nest site characteristics of three
proposed by Fretwell & Lucas (1970).                                    coexisting Accipiter hawks in northeastern Oregon. Raptor Res.
                                                                        17: 65-76.
                                                                      Moss, D. 1978. Song bird populations in forestry plantations. Quart.
Some future questions in long-term studies                              J. For. 72:4-14.
In terms of the future of long-term bird-studies, the subject of      Moss, D.. Taylor, P.N. & Easterbee, N. 1979. The effects on song-bird
                                                                        populations ofupland afforestation with spruce. Forestry 52: 129-
this symposium, I would like to emphasise two points. As
species-studies continue over ever longer periods of years, it        Newton, I. 1985. Lifetime reproductive output of female Sparrow-
becomes increasingly likely that habitats will change signifi-          hawks. J. Anim. Ecol. 54: 241-253.
cantly during a study, either naturally through vegetation            Newton, I. 1986. The Sparrowhawk. Calton: Poyser.
succession or climate change, or through human action.                Newton, I. 1988. Individual performance in Sparrowhawks: the
Changes which are imperceptible from one year to the next               ecology of two sexes. Proc. Int. Orn. Congr. XIX: 125-154.
can become substantial when continued over periods of IO-             Newton, I. & Marquiss, M. 1976. Occupancy and success of nesting
20 years. But unless relevant change is monitored, it will be           territories in the European Sparrowhawk. Raptor Res. 10: 65-71.
hard in retrospect to understand the factors underlying long-         Newton, I. & Marquiss, M. 1979. Sex ratio among nestlings of the
                                                                        European Sparrowhawk. Am. Nat. 113: 309-315.
term trends in numbers or breeding success.
                                                                      Newton, I. & Marquiss. M. 1986. Population regulation in the
   The second point concerns habitat heterogeneity, which
                                                                        Sparrowhawk. J. Anim. Ecol. 55: 463-480.
can be important in population regulation, as discussed               Newton, 1. & Marquiss, M. 1991. Removal experiments and the
above, and also in conservation. Because it is the ‘source’             limitation of breeding density in Sparrowhawks, J. Anim. Ecol., in
habitat which is important to the maintenance of a species’             press.
numbers. any process which causes general habitat deterio-            Newton, I.. Marquiss. M. & Moss, D. 1979. Habitat, female age,
ration, reducing the proportion of ‘source’habitat, can cause           organochlorine compounds and breeding of European Sparrow-
decline in numbers. This can occur even though the total                hawks. J. Appl. Ecol. 16: 777-793.
area of habitat remains unaltered. Thus without knowing the           Newton, I., Marquiss. M. & Moss, D. 1981. Age and breeding in
relative merits of different habitat patches, fruitless attempts        Sparrowhawks. J. Anim. Ecol. so: 839-853.
could be made to conserve species in ‘sink’ habitat alone. I          Newton, I.. Marquiss, M. & Rothery. P. 1983. Age structure and
                                                                        survival in a Sparrowhawk population. J. Anim. Ecol. 52: 591-
believe that future studies should focus on habitat quality
more than hitherto, and on the problem of separating the              Newton, I., Marquiss, M.. Weir, D.N. & Moss, D. 1977. Spacing of
influence of habitat and occupant on recorded performance.              Sparrowhawk nesting territories. J. Anim. Ecol. 46: 425-441.
Moreover, in terms of population maintenance, good breed-             Newton, I., Meek, E. & Little, B. 1986. Population and breeding of
ing habitat should not be judged merely by the density of               Northumbrian Merlins. Br. Buds 79: I 55-1 70.
birds it contains, but on the extent by which reproduction can        Nielsen. O.K. & Cade. T.J.1990. Annual cycle of the Gyrfalcon in
exceed mortality: in other words, on the rate of population             Iceland. Nat. Geogr. Res. 6: 41-62.
growth which could be achieved by the birds which live                Ratclie. D.A. 1980. The Peregrine Falcon. Calton: Poyser.
there.                                                                Reynolds, R.T., Meslow. E.C. & Wight, H.M. 1982. Nesting habitat of
                                                                        coexisting Accipiters in Oregon. J. Wildl. Mgmt. 46: 124-138.
I am grateful to the Buccleugh Estates and other landowners for       Tubbs, C.R. 1974. The Buzzard. London: David & Charles.
permission to work on their land, to Mr K. Lakhani and Dr M.          White, C.M. & Cade. T.J. 1971. Cliff-nesting raptors and Ravens
Marquiss for much helpful discussion, and to Mr S. 1. Petty, Dr S.      along the Colville River in arctic Alaska. Living Bird 10: 107-1 50.
Redpath. Dr T. M. Roberts and two referees for comments on the
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