Group comparison of individuals with and without irritable bowel syndrome in terms of psychological and lifestyle-related factors

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DOI: 10.14744/DAJPNS.2022.00167
Dusunen Adam J Psychiatr Neurol Sci


Group comparison of individuals with and without
irritable bowel syndrome in terms of psychological
and lifestyle-related factors
Kerim Selvi1 , Ozlem Bozo2

Eskisehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Psychology, Eskisehir, Turkey

Middle East Technical University Faculty of Arts and Science, Department of Psychology, Ankara, Turkey

    Objective: In this study, we intended to explore group differences between individuals with and without irritable bowel
    syndrome (IBS) in terms of psychological (i.e., perceived stress, internalizing problems, and difficulties in emotion regulation)
    and lifestyle-related factors (i.e., health-promoting behaviors and the frequency of smoking and alcohol consumption).
    Method: The data were collected using an online survey packet comprising demographic information form, Rome III Criteria
    for IBS, Health-Promoting Life-Style Profile II, Perceived Stress Scale, Brief Symptom Inventory, and Difficulties in Emotion
    Regulation Scale. The study sample consisted of 105 individuals who met IBS based on Rome III Criteria and 105 healthy
    Results: The group comparisons showed that IBS is positively associated with being female, perceived stress level, internalizing
    problems (i.e., depression, anxiety, and somatization), and some difficulties in emotion regulation (i.e., strategy and impulse).
    However, IBS was not associated with age, perceived income level, the frequency of smoking and alcohol consumption, and
    health-promoting behaviors (i.e., physical activity and nutrition).
    Conclusion: Overall, the results suggest that IBS might be more related to psychological factors than healthy lifestyle factors.
    Thus, assessing psychological factors in IBS interventions might be helpful in the prevention and treatment of IBS.
    Keywords: Anxiety, depression, difficulties in emotion regulation, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), perceived stress

INTRODUCTION                                                               absenteeism (3,4). Also, it affects patients’ quality of
                                                                           life negatively; people with IBS experience many
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic                                problems in social functioning, physical functioning,
gastrointestinal functional disorder characterized by                      and vitality (5) due to fatigue, pain, and the other
abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea (1).                            symptoms of IBS (6).
Although its global prevalence rate is around 11%, this                        Although there is no detectable organic cause of IBS,
rate might change between 1% and 45% depending on                          several biopsychosocial factors were suggested to play a
the country, age, and used diagnostic criteria (2). This                   role in the onset and maintenance of IBS (7). One of
highly prevalent disorder results in direct and indirect                   these factors is gender; females are more likely to have
costs regarding increased health care usage and work                       IBS than males (8). Stress is considered a trigger of IBS

How to cite this article: Selvi K, Bozo O. Group comparison of individuals with and without irritable bowel syndrome in terms of psychological and
lifestyle-related factors. Dusunen Adam J Psychiatr Neurol Sci 2022;35:13-23.
Correspondence: Kerim Selvi, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Psychology, Eskisehir, Turkey
Received: August 07, 2021; Revised: January 04, 2022; Accepted: February 14, 2022
14                                                                            Dusunen Adam J Psychiatr Neurol Sci 2022;35:13-23

and contributes to its symptomology maintenance (9).        emotions, (iii) accepting them (i.e., acceptance), (iv)
Studies showed that IBS is associated with stressful life   controlling the impulsive behaviors related with the
events such as the loss of important ones (10), daily       present emotions (i.e., impulse control) and (v)
hassles (9), and job stress (11). IBS is also highly        pursuing their life goals, and (vi) accessing effective
associated with internalizing disorders, namely             emotion regulation strategies (i.e., strategy) in the
depression, anxiety (12), and somatization (13,14).         presence of emotions.
Furthermore, albeit there is no consistency (15,16),            Detrimental effects of the emotion regulation
some findings supported the negative associations of        difficulties on psychological health have been supported
IBS symptoms with smoking (17) and alcohol                  by previous research; emotion regulation difficulties
consumption (18). Beyond all these factors, there is        were found associated with borderline personality
some evidence that IBS might be associated with             disorder (28), depression (29), suicide ideation (30),
physical activity and healthy eating habits (19).           chronic worry and anxiety (31), and somatic symptoms
Although the findings mentioned above advanced our          (32). Besides, regarding the focus of the present study, a
knowledge regarding the biopsychological correlates of      limited number of studies showed a positive relationship
IBS, the etiological factors of IBS are not well            between emotion regulation difficulties and
understood yet. Thus, there is still a need for             gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g., 24,33). However,
investigation of these factors (i.e., gender, perceived     research on group differences between individuals with
stress, depression, anxiety, somatization,                  and without IBS regarding emotion regulation
health-promoting behaviors, and frequency of smoking        difficulties has been neglected in the literature. Thus, to
and alcohol consumption) in relation to IBS.                expand the findings of prior research, we aimed to
        The comorbidity of IBS with emotional               explore if individuals with IBS experience more
problems is remarkable; it has been reported that IBS       emotion regulation difficulties than those without IBS.
patients experience a higher level of depression or             In light of the literature above, in the present study,
anxiety than healthy controls (20). In their                we mainly aimed to explore the association of IBS with
experimental study, Kano et al. (21) showed a positive      demographic, psychological, and lifestyle-related
link between high sensitivity to colonic stimulation        factors. We operationally defined the demographic
and alexithymia, which is typically characterized by        variables as gender, age, and socioeconomic status; the
difficulty in identifying, describing, and experiencing     psychological factors as perceived stress, internalizing
emotions. Consistently, it was found that IBS patients      disorders, and emotion regulation difficulties; and
have more alexithymia symptoms than healthy controls        lifestyle-related factors as the frequency of smoking and
(22). In a similar vein, many studies indicated a           alcohol consumption and health-promoting behaviors
significant association between emotional processing        (i.e., nutrition and physical activity). Since studies put
and IBS symptoms (e.g., 23,24). These findings increase     some evidence showing that IBS is more common
the likelihood that IBS patients have more emotion          among women (8), we hypothesized that there would
regulation difficulties than healthy controls. However,     be a significant gender difference between individuals
there is no research in the literature specifically         with and without IBS; more female participants than
comparing individuals with and without IBS in terms         male participants would meet the diagnostic criteria for
of the difficulties they experience in emotion              IBS (H 1). Considering the findings showing that
regulation. Therefore, in this study, we examined these     younger age is a risk factor for IBS diagnosis (2), we
difficulties as potential risk factors of IBS.              hypothesized that participants with IBS would
    While researchers have considered adaptive emotion      significantly differ from those without IBS in terms of
regulation strategies (i.e., acceptance, problem-solving,   age; participants in the IBS group would be younger
and cognitive reappraisal) necessary for good mental        than those in the healthy control group (H2). As there
health, they have evaluated that emotion regulation         have been inconsistent findings regarding lifestyle
difficulties might have detrimental effects on mental       factors stated above (15,16), we hypothesized that the
health (25,26). In other words, individuals with emotion    IBS and healthy control groups would not differ on the
regulation difficulties have been assumed to be more        health-promoting behaviors (H3a) and the frequency of
vulnerable to psychopathological outcomes. In this          smoking (H 3b ) and alcohol consumption (H 3c ).
sense, Gratz and Roemer (27) identified six emotion         Considering that stress is associated with activation and
regulation difficulties: difficulties in (i) being aware    maintenance of IBS (9,10), we hypothesized that the
(i.e., awareness) and (ii) clear of (i.e., clarity) own     IBS and healthy control groups would differ on
Selvi and Bozo. Group comparison of individuals with and without irritable bowel syndrome in terms of psychological and lifestyle-related factors   15

perceived stress; the IBS group would significantly                                 Materials
report greater perceived stress than the healthy control                                 Demographic Information Form
group (H4). In the literature, it has been found that IBS                                We used this form to attain participants’
patients are more vulnerable to experiencing                                        demographic information, namely gender, age,
internalizing problems (20,21). Thus, we hypothesized                               perceived income level, occupational status, and
that participants with IBS would significantly differ                               medical diagnosis. This form also included two
from those without IBS on depression, anxiety, and                                  questions (i.e., How often do you smoke? and How
somatization scores; the IBS group would significantly                              often do you consume alcohol?) to assess the smoking
report higher scores on the scales of depression (H5a),                             and alcohol consumption habits of participants.
anxiety (H5b), and somatization (H5c) compared with                                 Participants rated these questions on a 5-point Likert-
the healthy control group. While adaptive emotion                                   type scale ranging from 1 (never) to 5 (always).
regulation has been considered one of the protective                                     Rome III Criteria for IBS
factors against psychological problems, emotion                                          Rome III classification system was developed to
regulation deficiency has been seen as a vulnerability                              classify functional gastrointestinal disorders such as
factor in the psychology literature (25,26). Studies                                functional constipation and IBS (34). Uran et al. (35)
consistently showed that difficulties in emotion                                    adapted Rome III Criteria for IBS to Turkish. The
regulation are positively related to various psychological                          negative and the positive predictor values of this scale
problems (29,31,32). Besides, a limited number of                                   in diagnosing IBS were 84.6% and 76.3%, respectively.
studies demonstrated the positive relationship between                              When expert assessment and Rome III Criteria were
emotion regulation difficulties and gastrointestinal                                compared, the compliance rate for the diagnostic
symptoms (24,33). Therefore, we hypothesized that                                   sensitivity was 78.6%. In the present study, we assigned
participants with IBS would report higher emotion                                   participants to IBS and control groups using the Rome
regulation difficulties than those without IBS (H6).                                III Criteria for IBS.
                                                                                         Health-Promoting Life-Style Profile II (HPLP II)
METHOD                                                                                   HPLP II (36), a 52-item scale, is used to measure the
                                                                                    level of health-promoting behaviors. It includes six
Participants                                                                        subscales: nutrition, physical activity, health
Although 829 individuals completed the study                                        responsibility, stress management, interpersonal
questionnaires, considering the inclusion (i.e., being                              support, and self-actualization. A 4-point Likert-type
between the ages of 18 and 65 years) and exclusion                                  scale ranging from 1 (never) to 4 (routinely) is used to
criteria (i.e., being diagnosed with diabetes mellitus,                             rate the items of the instrument. Bozo et al. (37) adapted
epilepsy, thyroid diseases, heart diseases, sclerosis, and                          HPLP II to Turkish, and the internal consistency
hypoglycemia) and multivariate outliers, we excluded                                coefficient of the Turkish HPLP II was 0.93. In the
37 of them at the initial phase. Then, using the Rome III                           current study, only the subscales of nutrition and
Criteria, we assigned the participants to either IBS                                physical activity were used, and the Cronbach’s alpha
(n=105, 13.3%) or healthy groups (n=687, 86.7%). As                                 coefficients of them were 0.71 and 0.82, respectively.
there was a notable difference in the size of the groups,                                Perceived Stress Scale, 10-Item Version (PSS-10)
we also randomly selected 105 participants from the                                      PSS-10 (38) assesses the general stress level. It
healthy group via an Internet-based randomization                                   includes ten items and two subscales, i.e., perceived
service ( Thus, in the final phase,                             helplessness and perceived deficiency in self-efficacy. A
the study sample consisted of 105 participants with IBS                             5-point Likert-type scale ranging from 0 (never) to 4
(i.e., IBS group) and 105 participants without IBS (i.e.,                           (very often) is used to rate its items. Thus, higher scores
healthy group).                                                                     obtained on it reflect higher perceived stress. The
    The average age of the sample was 22.43 years                                   Turkish adaptation study of PSS-10 was conducted by
(SD=4.55), ranging from 18 to 47 years. Of the subjects,                            Örücü and Demir (39), and the internal consistency
88 (41.9%) were males, and 122 (58.1%) were females.                                reliability of the Turkish PSS-10 was 0.71 for perceived
While most of them were students (n=196, 93.3%), the                                deficiency in self-efficacy, 0.83 for perceived
rest were either employees (n=11, 5.2%) or had other                                helplessness, and 0.84 for the whole scale. As we were
occupations (n=3, 1.4%). Regarding perceived income                                 interested in the general stress level of participants in
level, 83.3% (n=175) had middle, 11.4% (n=175) had                                  the current study, we used the total score of PSS-10, and
low, and the rest (n=11, 5.2%) had high-income levels.                              its internal consistency reliability was 0.87.
16                                                                           Dusunen Adam J Psychiatr Neurol Sci 2022;35:13-23

    Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)                          Data Analysis
    BSI (40), a 53-item scale, is the shorter version of   We firstly conducted Pearson’s zero-order correlation
SCL-90-R. Şahin and Durak (41) adapted BSI into            analyses to examine bivariate correlations among the
Turkish, and the Turkish BSI includes five subscales:      study variables. Then, we conducted two Chi-squared
depression, anxiety, somatization, hostility, and          tests to see if IBS is associated with gender and perceived
negative self. Respondents rate BSI items on a 5-point     income level and run a series of independent samples
Likert-type scale ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4         t-tests to find out if IBS and healthy groups were
(extremely). Therefore, the higher scores obtained         significantly different from each other in terms of age,
on BSI reflect higher symptomology. In the                 the frequency of smoking and alcohol consumption,
adaptation study (41), the internal consistency            and perceived stress level. Finally, we performed three
reliability of its subscales ranged from 0.70 (for the     separate one-way between-subjects multivariate
depression subscale) to 0.88 (for the somatization         analysis of variance (MANOVA) to investigate if IBS
subscale). In the current study, we used BSI to assess     and healthy groups were different from each other in
the severity of depression, anxiety, and somatic           terms of health-promoting behaviors (i.e., nutrition and
symptoms of the participants, and their internal           physical activity), internalizing problems (i.e.,
consistency reliability was 0.92, 0.91, and 0.85,          depression, anxiety, and somatization), and difficulties
respectively.                                              in emotion regulation (i.e., goal, strategy, clarity,
    Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)        nonacceptance, awareness, and impulse).
    DERS, a 36-item scale, is used to measure emotion
regulation difficulties (27). It includes six subscales    RESULTS
related to emotion regulation deficits, namely, lack of
acceptance, goal, impulse control, strategy, clarity,      Descriptive statistics of the study variables and bivariate
and awareness. Respondents rate its items using a          correlations between them are presented in Table 1.
5-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 (almost           Based on the Rome III Criteria, 105 (13.3%) participants
never) to 5 (almost always). Higher scores on its          met the IBS diagnostic criteria. The background
subscales reflect higher emotional regulation              characteristics of them (i.e., IBS group) and those
difficulties. The Turkish adaptation study of DERS         randomly selected among participants without IBS (i.e.,
was carried out by Rugancı and Gençöz (42), and the        healthy control group) and statistics on the comparison
internal consistency reliability of Turkish DERS was       of these two groups are shown in Table 2.
0.94. In the current study, the internal consistency           We conducted two separate Chi-squared tests to
reliability of its subscales were 0.71 for awareness,      examine if IBS diagnosis is related to one’s gender and
0.86 for clarity, 0.88 for acceptance, 0.89 for impulse,   perceived income level. The results of the first Chi-
and 0.90 for strategy and goal.                            squared test showed that IBS diagnosis is significantly
                                                           associated with the gender of participants, χ 2 (1,
Procedure                                                  n=210)=6.44, p=0.01; females were more likely than
After the Human Research Ethics Review Board of            males to meet IBS diagnosis criteria. In terms of
Middle East Technical University approved its              perceived income level, the Chi-squared test result was
protocol, the study was announced in the general           not significant, χ2 (2, n=210)=0.81, p=0.667, indicating
psychology course at the university and on Facebook.       that meeting IBS diagnostic criteria was not associated
Once potential participants clicked on the study web       with the perceived income level of the participants. The
link presented in the announcements, they were first       independent samples t-test analyses demonstrated that
informed that participation is voluntary, their            IBS and healthy control groups were not different from
responses will be anonymous, and they are free to          each other in age [t(208)=-1.08, p=0.283] and the
refuse and withdraw from the study at any time             frequency of smoking [t(208)=0.15, p=0.881] and
without stating any reason. After their consent was        alcohol consumption [t(208)=-0.46, p=0.645]. On the
obtained, participants were automatically directed to      other side, for perceived stress level, the independent
study questionnaires that were presented in a              samples t-test results showed a significant group
counterbalanced order. Filling out the questionnaires      difference, t(208)=-2.73, p=0.007. Participants with IBS
took about 15 min. Students, who completed the             had significantly higher scores on perceived stress
questionnaires, were given an extra 0.5 course credit      (mean [m]=33.84, SD=5.73) than those without IBS
to compensate for their time and participation.            (m=31.59, SD=6.20).
Table 1: Means, standard deviations, skewness and kurtosis values of the study variables, and the correlations among them (N=210)
Variables                       M         SD      Skew. Kurtosis              1           2         3          4        5        6       7       8        9         10       11       12      13        14      15
1. Age                        22.43      4.55        –           –
2. Perceived income
                               1.94      0.40        –           –          0.03
3. Frequency of
                               2.19      1.38        –           –         0.14*        -0.07
4. Frequency of
                               2.04      0.75        –           –          0.11        0.03      0.43**
alcohol consumption
5. Perceived stress           32.71      6.06     -0.02        -0.22       -0.10        -0.04     0.00        0.05
6. Depression                 21.71 10.82          0.30        -0.51       -0.08        -0.19**   0.12        0.11    0.67***
7. Anxiety                    17.56 10.87          0.68        -0.09       -0.05        -0.12     0.11        0.08    0.53*** 0.83***

8. Somatization               10.60      7.09      0.68        -0.29       -0.06                  0.12        0.03    0.40*** 0.72*** 0.83***
9. Goal                       17.08      4.64     -0.11        -0.71       -0.10        -0.08     0.04        -0.02 0.44*** 0.50*** 0.43*** 0.35***
10. Strategy                  21.39      7.42      0.26        -0.84       -0.14*       -0.10     0.09        0.05    0.60*** 0.65*** 0.66*** 0.51*** 0.65***
11. Nonacceptance             13.22      5.29      0.79        0.24        -0.09        -0.06     0.03        0.05    0.31*** 0.31*** 0.42*** 0.28*** 0.29*** 0.59***
12. Impulse                   15.02      5.57      0.40        -0.58       -0.05        -0.10     0.06        0.03    0.58*** 0.60*** 0.64*** 0.54*** 0.63*** 0.80*** 0.51***
13. Clarity                   11.93      3.93      0.50        -0.31       -0.11        -0.05     0.03        -0.08 0.42*** 0.41*** 0.33*** 0.27***     0.19**     0.37*** 0.25*** 0.36***
14. Awareness                 13.21      3.27      0.19        0.01        -0.06        -0.04     0.00        -0.04   0.19**    0.12    0.13    0.15*   -0.06      0.16*   0.26***   0.15*   0.49***
                                                                                   *                      *                                                   **
15. Physical activity         13.65      4.28      0.85        0.38        -0.14        0.02      -0.15       0.02    -0.06     -0.11   -0.03   -0.04   -0.22      -0.10   -0.08     -0.09    0.06     -0.03
16. Nutrition                 18.97      4.49      0.20        -0.13        0.03        0.03      -0.22       -0.11   -0.06     -0.02   0.03    0.00    -0.01      -0.01   -0.01     -0.02   -0.04     -0.15* 0.42***
*: P

Table 2: Background characteristics of the IBS and healthy control groups and statistics on group differences
                                                 IBS group (n=105)                    Healthy control group (n=105)          Statistics on group differences
                                        m      SD     n     %      Min.   Max.    m       SD     n    %      Min. Max.
Gender                                                                                                                              X2(2)=6.44, p=0.01
Male                                                  24    22.9                                64    61.0
Female                                                81    77.1                                41    39.0
Age                                    22.77   5.10   105          18      47    22.10   3.93   105          18       40           t(208)=-1.08, p=0.283
Student                                               98    93.3                                98    93.3
Employee                                              5     4.8                                  6    5.7
Others                                                2     1.9                                  1    1.0
Perceived income level                                                                                                              X2(2)=0.81, p=0.667
Low                                                   14    13.3                                10    9.5
Middle                                                86    81.9                                89    84.8
High                                                   5    4.8                                  6    5.7
Perceived stress                       33.84   5.73                              31.59   6.20                                      t(208)=-2.73, p=0.007
The frequency of smoking               2.17    1.30                              2.20    1.46                                      t(208)=0.15, p=0.881
The frequency of alcohol consumption   2.07    0.76                              2.02    0.73                                      t(208)=-0.46, p=0.645
                                                                                                                           Multivariate F(2, 206)=0.70, p=0.301;
Health-promoting behaviors
                                                                                                                             Wilks’ Lambda=0.99, η2p=0.01
                                                                                                                           Multivariate F(3, 206)=10.67, p
Selvi and Bozo. Group comparison of individuals with and without irritable bowel syndrome in terms of psychological and lifestyle-related factors   19

    We performed MANOVA to investigate group                                        participants (i.e., age, gender, and perceived income
differences in terms of two health-promoting                                        level) and IBS. In general, our findings indicated that
behaviors: nutrition and physical activity. The result                              individuals with IBS tend to experience higher perceived
was not significant: multivariate F(2, 206)=0.70,                                   stress, internalizing problems, and difficulties in
p=0.301; Wilks’ Lambda=0.99, η 2p=0.01, indicating                                  emotion regulation as compared with healthy controls.
that the IBS and healthy control groups were not                                    Nonetheless, the results did not support the association
significantly different from each other on the patterns                             between the lifestyle-related variables and IBS.
of health-promoting behaviors.                                                          For our sample, the prevalence rates of IBS were
    When we used internalizing problems as the                                      7.9% for males, 16.6% for females, and 13.3% for the
outcome variable, we found that participants with and                               overall sample at the initial phase. The overall
without IBS were different on the linear combination                                prevalence rate was compatible with rates reported in
of depression, anxiety, and somatization, Multivariate                              previous studies with Turkish samples, which ranged
F(3, 206)=10.67, p
20                                                                            Dusunen Adam J Psychiatr Neurol Sci 2022;35:13-23

physical activity, were not different across the IBS and     (53,54), and fibromyalgia (55). Thus, considering the
healthy groups. This conflicts with the findings of a        current and previous findings showing the association
study conducted in Japan, showing that individuals           of IBS with depression, anxiety, and somatization,
with IBS do less exercise and have less healthy eating       mental health professionals are suggested to assess and
habits than healthy controls (19). However, unlike the       treat these internalizing problems in IBS patients.
current study, Miwa (19) used a single question to               For the emotion regulation difficulties, compared
measure each health-promoting behavior (e.g., eating         with the healthy group, the IBS group reported more
regularly, the level of appetite, the frequency of           problems in engaging in practical strategies to cope
consuming vegetables, and engaging in exercise               with emotions and controlling impulsive behaviors
behaviors) instead of using multiple question scales.        related to emotions. On the other hand, no group
Therefore, the inconsistency between the findings            difference was present for awareness, acceptance, and
might be because of the possibility that individuals         clarification of emotions and behaving in the direction
with and without IBS might not differ on more general        of desired goals in the presence of negative emotions.
health-promoting behaviors (e.g., healthy eating) but        In general, these findings suggested that IBS is more
might differ on particular ones (e.g., the frequency of      associated with difficulties in managing emotions
consuming vegetables).                                       than being aware of which emotions are present.
    For the perceived stress, we found that the IBS          Therefore, it can be put forward that in the treatment
group had a significantly higher perceived stress level      of IBS, helping individuals in gaining skills to cope
than the healthy control group. This finding is              with these emotions might be more important than
consistent with the previous findings indicating that        introducing these emotions. Nevertheless, when
stress might trigger or exacerbate the symptoms of IBS       interpreting these findings, it should be considered
(9,46). In the literature, the link between stress and       that this study is the first one examining these
IBS has been generally explained based on the brain–         associations, and it has a cross-sectional nature. Thus,
gut axis, a connection between the central nervous           to draw a firm conclusion about the associations
system and the enteric nervous system. Accordingly,          between IBS and emotion regulation difficulties,
this connection plays a critical role in the regulation of   further studies employing longitudinal or/and
intestinal functions (47,48). However, stress leads to       experimental designs are needed.
some disruptions on the brain–gut axis by inducing               The group difference between individuals with
alterations in the central nervous system, peripheral        and without IBS in terms of emotion regulation
neurons, mucosal immune system, and gastrointestinal         difficulties has not been specifically studied in the
microbiota. As a result of these alterations, the IBS        literature to the best of our knowledge; yet, our
symptoms develop or exacerbate (48). In light of this        findings can be considered in line with some previous
information, it can be suggested that higher stress          ones. For instance, some research showed that
scores of IBS patients might be a reflection of the          individuals with IBS had higher alexithymia scores
pathway along which stress induces physiological             than control groups (21,22). Also, Holmes and
changes in the brain–gut axis, and these changes             colleagues (56) and Thakur and colleagues (57)
trigger IBS symptoms. Thus, psychological                    established that brief emotion-focused psychological
interventions that include stress management                 therapy, including emotional awareness and
components might be useful in the prevention and             emotional expression training, improves IBS
treatment of IBS.                                            statistically and clinically. Our findings, indicating
    The IBS group reported significantly higher scores       that individuals with IBS have difficulties in using
on internalizing problems, i.e., depression, anxiety, and    adaptive strategies to cope with emotions and
somatization, as compared with the healthy control           controlling impulsive behaviors related to emotions
group. Considering a large body of research establishing     as compared with the control group, both supported
high comorbidity rates between these problems and IBS        the previous findings pointing out possible emotion
(49; see also 50,51 for the review), this result is not      regulation deficiencies in IBS and expanded their
surprising. According to the literature, a high level of     findings by showing which emotion regulation
depressive and anxiety symptoms is a risk factor for the     difficulties are more salient in IBS. Based on the
development of IBS (51,52). Similarly, it has been well      current and the previous findings, it can be put
known that IBS is associated with various somatic            forward that individuals who do not have adequate
problems such as chronic fatigue, back pain, headache        adaptive strategies to cope with their emotions or who
Selvi and Bozo. Group comparison of individuals with and without irritable bowel syndrome in terms of psychological and lifestyle-related factors          21

react to emotions impulsively are more likely to                                    as having IBS. For these reasons, in further studies, as
experience IBS. Thus, psychological interventions to                                suggested by Lacy and Patel (63), it is strongly
provide adaptive strategy skills for emotion regulation                             recommended to include medical history, physical
and prevent impulsive behaviors related to emotions                                 examination, and measurement of IBS’s warning
can be considered a treatment option for IBS.                                       signs (e.g., unintentional weight loss and anemia) in
   The current findings also have some clinical                                     addition to the Rome III Criteria to be able to make
implications. First, this study showed that individuals                             more accurate assignments of the participants to IBS
with IBS have experienced greater depression, anxiety,                              and healthy control groups. Second, the
somatization symptoms, perceived stress, and emotion                                generalizability of our findings is limited because a
regulation difficulties (i.e., lack of strategy and impulse                         large proportion of the participants were university
control) than healthy controls. Therefore, it may be                                students. Therefore, we suggest further studies using
beneficial for individuals with IBS to seek psychological                           population-based representative samples to achieve
help in addition to medical treatment. Thus, the                                    more generalizable findings. Third, as a cross-sectional
physicians dealing with IBS patients are suggested to                               design was used in this study, our findings did not put
recommend their patients psychological help, as well.                               forward cause–effect links between IBS and study
Second, regular assessment of these psychological                                   variables. Thus, longitudinal studies are necessary to
variables during medical and/or psychological                                       expand our findings, especially regarding the
treatment of IBS can be helpful for physicians and                                  associations between IBS and emotion regulation
psychologists in determining the focus of treatment.                                difficulties.
Third, some contemporary psychological therapy                                          To conclude, this study showed that IBS is closely
approaches targeting emotional regulation difficulties                              associated with gender and psychological variables but
(e.g., rumination, avoidance, rigid and reactive                                    not with healthy lifestyle factors as well as age and
emotion responses), such as acceptance commitment                                   perceived income levels. Specifically, the finding
therapy (58) and emotion regulation therapy (59),                                   suggesting that participants with IBS had more emotion
provided promising effects in preventing and treating                               regulation difficulties than healthy controls made a
various psychopathological consequences (60,61).                                    unique contribution to the extant literature. If further
Also, some findings showed that IBS patients might                                  studies support this finding, assessing IBS patients’
benefit from emotion-focused psychological                                          emotion regulation difficulties and providing
interventions (56,57). Thus, the use of such emotional                              intervention targeting these difficulties might be helpful
regulation-focused psychological therapy approaches                                 to achieve better outcomes in the management of IBS.
or the inclusion of psychological therapy techniques
targeting emotion regulation difficulties may increase                               Contribution Categories                             Author Initials
the success of IBS treatments.                                                                      Concept/Design                       K.S., O.B.
   This study has some limitations. First, we used the                               Category 1     Data acquisition                     K.S., O.B.
Rome III Criteria but did not utilize anamnesis and                                                 Data analysis/Interpretation         K.S., O.B.
physical examination to assign participants to IBS and                                              Drafting manuscript                  K.S.
healthy control groups. Although the Turkish version                                 Category 2
                                                                                                    Critical revision of manuscript      O.B.
of Rome III Criteria showed a good compliance rate
                                                                                     Category 3     Final approval and accountability    K.S., O.B.
with expert assessments in terms of diagnostic
                                                                                     Other          Supervision                          O.B.
sensitivity (35), given some evidence in the literature
indicating the poor validity of Rome III Criteria (62),
using only these criteria might have led to some false                              Ethical Approval: The study protocol was approved by Human
                                                                                    Research Ethics Review Board of Middle East Technical University
positives or negatives in the categorization of the                                 (IRB: 28620816/161-424, 31.03.2015).
participants. Also, even though we excluded
                                                                                    Informed Consent: Informed consent was obtained form all
participants with diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, thyroid
diseases, heart diseases, sclerosis, and hypoglycemia
to eliminate false positives, the fact that we did so                               Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed.

based on participants’ self-reports rather than on                                  Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict
their medical history or physical examination might                                 of interest.
have led us to overlook some diseases with IBS-like                                 Financial Disclosure: The authors declare that they have no
symptoms and categorize the participants with them                                  financial support.
22                                                                                            Dusunen Adam J Psychiatr Neurol Sci 2022;35:13-23

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