Group cognitive behavioural therapy with virtual reality exposure versus group cognitive behavioural therapy with in vivo exposure for social ...

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                                                                                                                                                                        BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147 on 2 February 2022. Downloaded from on February 20, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                   Group cognitive behavioural therapy
                                   with virtual reality exposure versus
                                   group cognitive behavioural therapy
                                   with in vivo exposure for social anxiety
                                   disorder and agoraphobia: a protocol for
                                   a randomised clinical trial
                                   Benjamin Arnfred ‍ ‍,1 Peter Bang,1,2 Carsten Hjorthøj ‍ ‍,1,3
                                   Clas Winding Christensen,1 Kirsten Stengaard Moeller,1 Morten Hvenegaard,1
                                   Lone Agerskov,1 Ulrik Krog Gausboel,1 Ditte Soe,1 Peter Wiborg,1
                                   Christopher Ian Schøler Smith,1 Nicole Rosenberg,1 Merete Nordentoft1,4

To cite: Arnfred B, Bang P,        ABSTRACT
Hjorthøj C, et al. Group                                                                             Strengths and limitations of this study
                                   Introduction Anxiety disorders have a high lifetime
cognitive behavioural therapy      prevalence, early-­onset and long duration or chronicity.
with virtual reality exposure                                                                        ► The present study will be the first large randomised
                                   Exposure therapy is considered one of the most effective
versus group cognitive                                                                                 clinical trial to investigate virtual reality exposure
                                   elements in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for
behavioural therapy with in                                                                            therapy for social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia
vivo exposure for social anxiety   anxiety, but in vivo exposure can be challenging to access
                                                                                                       in group therapy.
disorder and agoraphobia:          and control, and is sometimes rejected by patients
                                                                                                     ► The present study is very closely integrated with
a protocol for a randomised        because they consider it too aversive. Virtual reality allows
                                                                                                       clinical practice, making results highly transferable
clinical trial. BMJ Open           flexible and controlled exposure to challenging situations
                                                                                                       to similar real-­life settings.
2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/      in an immersive and protected environment.
                                                                                                     ► Mixing patients with social anxiety disorder and ag-
bmjopen-2021-051147                Aim The SoREAL-­trial aims to investigate the effect of
                                                                                                       oraphobia in the same therapy groups have never
► Prepublication history and       group cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT-­in vivo) versus           been investigated systematically, which may con-
additional supplemental material   group CBT with virtual reality exposure (CBT-­in virtuo) for        found the interpretation of results.
for this paper are available       patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and/or            ► Because the study is embedded in an outpatient
online. To view these files,       agoraphobia, in mixed groups.                                       hospital setting, the intervention was designed to
please visit the journal online    Methods and analysis The design is an investigator-­
                                                                                                       be flexible. This increases the ecological validity
                                   initiated randomised, assessor-­blinded, parallel-­group            but also the risk of systematic bias in treatment
bmjopen-2021-051147).              and superiority-­designed clinical trial. Three hundred             administration.
                                   two patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder and/
Received 26 May 2021
Accepted 24 November 2021          or agoraphobia will be included from the regional mental
                                   health centres of Copenhagen and North Sealand and
                                   the Northern Region of Denmark. All patients will be            All results, positive, negative as well as inconclusive, will be
                                   offered a manual-­based 14-­week cognitive behavioural          published as quickly as possible and still in concordance
                                   group treatment programme, including eight sessions             with Danish law on the protection of confidentially and
                                   with exposure therapy. Therapy groups will be centrally         personal information. Results will be presented at national
                                   randomised with concealed allocation sequence to either         and international scientific conferences. The trial has obtained
                                   CBT-­in virtuo or CBT-­in vivo. Patients will be assessed       approval by the Regional Ethics Committee of Zealand (H-­
                                   at baseline, post-­treatment and 1-­year follow-­up by          6-­2013-­015) and the Danish Data Protection Agency (RHP-­
© Author(s) (or their              treatment blinded researchers and research assistants.          2014-­009-­02670). The trial is registered at C​ linicalTrial.​gov
employer(s)) 2022. Re-­use         The primary outcome will be diagnosis-­specific symptoms        as NCT03845101. The patients will receive information on
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No      measured with the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale for            the trial both verbally and in written form. Written informed
commercial re-­use. See rights     patients with social anxiety disorder and the Mobility
and permissions. Published by                                                                      consent will be obtained from each patient before inclusion in
                                   Inventory for Agoraphobia for patients with agoraphobia.        the trial. The consent form will be scanned and stored in the
                                   Secondary outcome measures will include depression              database system and the physical copy will be destroyed. It is
For numbered affiliations see
                                   symptoms, social functioning and patient satisfaction.          emphasised that participation in the trial is voluntary and that
end of article.
                                   Exploratory outcomes will be substance and alcohol use,
                                                                                                   the patient can withdraw his or her consent at any time without
 Correspondence to                 working alliance and quality of life.
                                                                                                   consequences for further and continued treatment.
 Dr Benjamin Arnfred;              Ethics and dissemination The trial has been approved by the
                                                                                                   Trial registration number NCT03845101.
​barn0006@​regionh.​dk             research ethics committee in the Capital Region of Denmark.

                                           Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147                                             1
Open access

                                                                                                                                                 BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147 on 2 February 2022. Downloaded from on February 20, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
BACKGROUND                                                         when compared with control groups that received equal
Social anxiety disorder is characterised by paying attention       amounts of in-­vivo exposure.24 It has been suggested that
to oneself in an exaggerated manner and having marked              it is more difficult to produce VRET environments for
fear of being negatively evaluated by other people.1 2             social anxiety disorder, as compared with other phobic
Agoraphobia is characterised by avoidance or enduring              disorders because human interaction is complex and
with dread, situations in which escape is perceived diffi-         therefore difficult to realistically recreate25 which may
cult or where help might not be available in the event             explain these results. Accordingly, the same meta-­analysis
of a panic attack, panic-­like symptoms or incapacitating          found no significant difference in treatment efficacy for
symptoms such as loss of bladder and/or bowel control.1 3          CBT with VRET versus CBT with in-­vivo exposure for
Both social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia are associ-           agoraphobia and specific phobia.24
ated with marked functional consequences.1 In Denmark,                In general, there is a scarcity of high-­quality randomised
anxiety disorders represent the costliest disease burden           clinical trials evaluating the use of VRET for social anxiety
in terms of lost production, due to their early onset, long        disorder and agoraphobia.16 26 27 For social anxiety
duration and high prevalence.4                                     disorder, there are five trials published, the largest having
  The first-­line treatment for social anxiety disorder and        97 participants.18 19 28–30 For agoraphobia, there are six
agoraphobia is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) with            trials published, the largest having 80 participants.31–36 All
exposure therapy.5 6 Several meta-­    analyses have found         in all, the evidence base for using VRET compared with
that patients with social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia         in-­vivo exposure for social anxiety disorder and agora-
respond well to CBT with exposure therapy, provided in             phobia remain small. Therefore, larger studies that capi-
individual as well as group format.7–10 Exposure therapy           talise on the unique qualities of VRET are needed.
aims to change expectations and emotional responses
associated with feared stimuli, by exposing the patient to         VR exposure in group therapy
the stimuli and challenging the patients' expectancies of          VRET has never been investigated in a group format.
the likelihood and consequences of a feared outcome.11             Group therapy for social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia
However, in clinical practice, in-­vivo exposure stimuli can       is popular in outpatient settings because it has similar
be difficult to access and control and patients or therapists
                                                                   treatment efficacy37–39 and is proposed to have better cost
sometimes reject the treatment, because they consider it
                                                                   efficiency, compared with individual therapy.37 39 However,
too aversive or too logistically demanding.12–14
                                                                   the claim of cost efficiency for social anxiety disorder is
                                                                   disputed, at least in a UK mental healthcare setting.40
Virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder and
                                                                   Beyond that, therapeutic interpersonal processes such as
                                                                   peer learning and modelling has been suggested to be
Virtual reality (VR) technology allows the user to experi-
                                                                   a distinct benefit of group therapy,41 42 though this has
ence virtually mediated environments that are perceived
                                                                   never been systematically evaluated for mixed anxiety
as real or almost real, due to multisensory stimulation and
                                                                   groups. A suggested drawback of group CBT compared
blocking of real-­world sensory input. Numerous possibili-
                                                                   with individual CBT is that in-­vivo exposure in group
ties for psychological intervention using VR are currently
                                                                   therapy is restrained by the logistics of managing several
being researched owing to its immersive quality.15 16 As a
                                                                   patients simultaneously, leading to comparatively less
therapy tool, VR is most widely used to perform Virtual
                                                                   individualised exposure exercises.43 44
Reality Exposure Therapy (VRET),16 17 either as a stand-
alone treatment, for example,18 or integrated into a CBT              The use of VRET in group therapy may therefore be
treatment, for example.19                                          especially beneficial, since it should allow for individual-
   The use of VR allows flexible and controlled exposure           ised exposure, as well as a greater amount of exposure
to challenging situations in an immersive and safe envi-           therapy because less time will be spent on logistical issues
ronment. Therefore, using VRET can mitigate the chal-              (transport, planning, waiting, and so on), while at the
lenges of in-­vivo exposure therapy by producing greater           same time retaining the proposed benefits of the thera-
user acceptance and access to situations that would other-         peutic interpersonal processes and cost-­efficiency.
wise be too difficult to control, too resource-­intensive to
find and/or have unacceptable confidentiality risks.15 19 20       Treatment of social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia in the
Based on this, VRET may improve the efficacy and cost-­            Danish mental health system
effectiveness of psychotherapeutic interventions for               In the Danish mental health services, patients with social
anxiety disorders.                                                 anxiety disorder or agoraphobia as their primary diag-
   Recent reviews and meta-­analysis of VRET, either as a          nosis are generally offered group CBT. To reduce wait
standalone treatment or combined with cognitive inter-             time, patients with these diagnoses are treated in the
ventions, conclude that VRET is more effective than wait-          same therapy groups, generally referred to as ‘mixed
list and placebo control and equally as effective as first-­line   anxiety groups’ or ‘phobia groups’. These mixed anxiety
treatment controls for anxiety disorders.21–23 However, in         groups are considered to be as effective as diagnosis-­
one meta-­   analysis, the authors find significantly worse        specific groups, due to the overlap in symptoms and diag-
treatment effects of VRET for social anxiety disorder,             nostic criteria,45 high degree of comorbidity,46 as well as

2                                                                  Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147
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                                                                                                                                                BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147 on 2 February 2022. Downloaded from on February 20, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
recent evidence of the acceptable treatment efficacy of                       a clinical outpatient setting. The results of this trial may
CBT-­based transdiagnostic therapies.47                                       guide future applications of VR in clinical settings across
   However, it is worth noting that the pragmatic mixed                       a wide breadth of use cases.
anxiety group format has never been systematically eval-
uated and that the official treatment recommendation
remains diagnoses-­ specific CBT delivered in group or
individually.48 To maximise the study’s clinical represen-                    METHODS AND DESIGN
tativeness, as defined by Shadish et al,49 the treatment                      This article was written in accordance with the Standard
structure in the present study, including the comperator,                     Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional
will mimic the treatment offered by the Danish mental                         Trials (SPIRIT) 2013 explanation and elaboration: guid-
health services.                                                              ance for protocols of clinical trials.50 The SPIRIT Check-
                                                                              list was followed and the SPIRIT flowchart was used (see
Aim and objectives                                                            online supplemental file 1 and figure 1).
In summary in-­    vivo exposure is considered effective,
but can be challenging to perform. VRET may alleviate                         Recruitment
these challenges. However, the usefulness of VRET for                         The SoREAL trial is embedded directly into five outpa-
social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia remains unclear.                      tient clinics offering group CBT for social anxiety
Larger studies that capitalise on the benefits of VRET are                    disorder and agoraphobia. These clinics are part of the
needed. Group therapy may be one way to capitalise on                         Danish mental healthcare system. To be eligible for treat-
the benefits of VRET because it could allow for more indi-                    ment in these clinics, patients must be referred by their
vidualised exposure exercises. Mixed anxiety groups are                       primary care physicians to a Centre for Visitation and
commonly used in Danish mental healthcare to reduce                           Diagnosis in their area, where their symptomatology will
wait time, but have not been systematically evaluated.                        be assessed. At the Centre for Visitation and Diagnosis,
The treatment, inclusion and exclusion criteria described                     they must be referred to one of the five outpatient clinics
in the present study match the eligibility criteria for                       involved in the study. At the outpatient clinic, the patient
treatment and treatment format of the Danish mental                           will again be clinically assessed, and a diagnosis and treat-
healthcare system to maximise transferability of results to                   ment plan will be formulated. If social anxiety disorder
clinical practice.                                                            and/or agoraphobia is considered the primary diagnosis
   Therefore, the SoREAL trial aims to evaluate the treat-                    for the patient, they will be asked if they are interested in
ment efficacy of VRET in mixed anxiety CBT groups                             getting more information about the trial. If they consent
(CBT-­in virtuo) compared with mixed anxiety CBT groups                       to it, their contact details will be given to a researcher,
where exposure therapy is performed in-­      vivo (CBT-­in                   who will invite them to an interview concerning the study.
vivo).                                                                           Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI),
   Thus, in the SoREAL trial, the following hypotheses’                       V. 7.0 for DSM-­5 will be used to screen for diagnosis.
will be tested:                                                               Psychometric analyses of the MINI have demonstrated
                                                                              acceptable test–retest and inter-­rater reliability.51 52 Diag-
Primary hypothesis                                                            nostic screening is sufficient due to the thorough assess-
1. Post-­treatment, patients treated with CBT-­in virtuo will                 ment from both Centre for Visitation and Diagnostics and
   have a lower level of anxiety symptoms compared with                       the outpatient clinics which must have confirmed social
   patients treated with CBT-­in vivo, measured as total                      anxiety disorder or agoraphobia as the primary diagnosis
   scores on the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS)                        of the patient, for the patient to be eligible for the study.
   for patients with social anxiety disorder and the                          If eligibility is confirmed, informed consent is acquired
   Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia (MIA) for patients                      (see online supplemental file 2, for a model consent
   with agoraphobia converted to the percentage of max-                       form). Patients who cannot or will not participate in the
   imum possible (POMP) scores and averaged within                            study will be offered treatment as usual, which is identical
   treatment arms.                                                            to the control group treatment. Inclusion and exclusion
                                                                              criteria were based on the eligibility criteria for receiving
Secondary hypotheses                                                          the treatment package in Danish outpatient clinics.
1. One year after treatment, patients treated with CBT-­in
   virtuo will have lower levels of anxiety symptoms com-                     Inclusion criteria
   pared with patients treated with CBT-­in vivo.                             1. Fulfilling diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder
2. Post-­
        treatment and 1 year after treatment, patients                           and/or agoraphobia.
   treated with CBT-­in virtuo will have lower levels of fear                 2. Age 18–75 years.
   of negative evaluation compared with patients treated                      3. Sufficient knowledge of the Danish language.
   with CBT-­in vivo.                                                         4. Informed consent
  Overall, we believe that the SoREAL trial will contribute
with knowledge about the efficacy and feasibility of VRE                      Exclusion criteria
for treating social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia in                       1. Alcohol or drug dependence

Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147                                                                3
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Figure 1   Overview of data collection. CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy.

Feasibility                                                       packages’. For social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia,
Five psychotherapeutic outpatient clinics are involved in         this package contains:
the study. All patients referred to these clinics with the        ► 1 hour of assessment.
relevant diagnosis, who also agree to be contacted, will be       ► 1 hour of individual therapy in preparation for group
invited to an interview about their potential participation.          therapy
Each of the clinics provide treatment for approximately           ► 1 hour of psychometric testing.
30 patients with social anxiety disorder and/or agora-            ► 14 sessions of 2 hours of group therapy
phobia every year. Thus we anticipate that 450 patients           ► 1.5 hours of next of kin involvement
will be eligible for the trial during a 3-­year recruitment       ► 1 hour of pharmacological treatment planning with a
period. We expect a high eligibility rate, due to the previ-          psychiatrist
ously mentioned assessment procedures the patients will           ► 2.5 hours coordination with social services, relapse
have completed. We also expect a high acceptance rate,                prevention and follow-­up meetings.
due to the novel use of VR technology and the use of a
                                                                    Not all of this is necessary for every patient, but every
control group that is identical to the treatment they would
                                                                  patient can receive every part of the package, should they
be offered if they refused participation. See figure 2 for a
                                                                  want to. The treatment in the present study must live up
flow diagram of the SoREAL trial.
                                                                  to the standards of the national guidelines. Patients are
Treatment format                                                  not allowed to be in any other form of psychotherapeutic
The treatment for social anxiety disorder and agora-              treatment.
phobia offered at the outpatient clinics must follow the            The therapeutic intervention is manual-­based cognitive-­
national guidelines for the treatment of these disorders.         behavioural CBT group adapted from the approach of
The guidelines are encapsulated in specified ‘treatment           Turk et al53 and Graske and Barlow54 with worksheets

4                                                                  Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147
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                                                                                                                                                  BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147 on 2 February 2022. Downloaded from on February 20, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                              Table 1 Group cognitive behavioural therapy manual
                                                                              session overview for social anxiety disorder and
                                                                              Session     Content
                                                                              Individual Case conceptualisation, psychoeducation on
                                                                              session    CBT, treatment goal, introduction to treatment
                                                                                1        Psychoeducation about anxiety, CBT anxiety
                                                                                2         Psychoeducation about anxiety, registration of
                                                                                          thoughts, feelings, behaviour and introduction to
                                                                                          cognitive restructuring.
                                                                                3         Psychoeducation and exercise:
                                                                                          cognitive bias, attention and self-­focus, repetition
                                                                                          about cognitive restructuring, attention exercises.
                                                                                4         Psychoeducation about exposure therapy,
                                                                                          optionally, an introductory exposure exercise.
                                                                                5         Exposure therapy.
                                                                                6         Behavioural experiments in exposure exercises.
                                                                                7         Repetition of the methods presented so far,
                                                                                          additional attention/mindfulness exercise linked
                                                                                          to exposure.
Figure 2 Flow diagram of the SoREAL trial. CBT, cognitive                       8         Conversational skills and small-­talk exposure
behavioural therapy.                                                                      exercises.
                                                                                9         Introduction to core beliefs, additional exposure
                             55                                                           exercises.
from Rosenberg et al and inspiration from Bouchard
                                                                              10          Repetition of core beliefs, resources and skills,
et al.56 The treatment will consist of 14 weekly 2-­hour
                                                                                          additional exposure exercises.
group sessions following the manual to ensure equal
and uniform treatment for every patient throughout the                        11          Exposure therapy, out of the clinic.
study. The manual allows flexibility to ensure clinically                     12          Repetition and evaluation of methods learnt/used
representative conditions.49 For example, it is allowed to                                so far, revising problem–goal list.
change the order of the sessions if it is considered bene-                    13          Evaluation, discussion and feedback on the
ficial for the group and multiple exercises are optional.                                 different methods used by each patient.
However, the time dedicated to exposure is fixed in both                      14          Maintenance and relapse prevention, review of
groups. Concurrent psychopharmacological treatment is                                     skills, review of progress and future goals, plan
allowed in both intervention arms.                                                        for continued exposures, relapse prevention
   Groups will consist of 8–9 patients with social anxiety                                strategies.
disorder and/or agoraphobia as their primary diagnosis,                       CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy.
and every session will be led by two trained clinicians (ie,
psychologists, psychiatrists or psychotherapists) with prac-
tical experience in CBT and in vivo exposure. Throughout                      cognitive distortions; (4) developing an understanding
the course of the study, the clinicians involved will treat                   of safety behaviour and the rationale of exposure; (5)
both CBT-­in vivo and CBT-­in virtuo groups. Medical                          evaluation, discussion and feedback on the use of patient-­
consultation, acute individual sessions, supplementary                        acquired techniques; and (6) relapse prevention. In
social counselling and physical therapy are possible in                       both conditions, the exposure exercises aim to develop
both intervention arms. In both intervention arms, the                        adaptive responses to anxiety-­provoking situations, rein-
sessions dedicated to exposure are scheduled from the                         force cognitive restructuring by framing exercises as
fifth to the eleventh session with approximately 45 min                       behavioural experiments (though these were limited by
of exposure in each session. From the fifth session and                       the non-­interactive medium), train attention exercises,
onwards, all patients in both interventions will have                         train general cognitive strategies (eg, identifying negative
in-­vivo exposure as homework. The cognitive therapy                          automatic thoughts) and train social skills. See tables 1
strategies used in the non-­exposure sessions (first four                     and 2 for an overview of the content of the CBT sessions
and last two therapy sessions) are as follows: (1) intro-                     for both conditions.
duction to CBT; (2) psychoeducation about anxiety and                           In the in virtuo condition, exposure will take place
cognitive restructuring of dysfunctional assumptions and                      during 8 out of the 14 group sessions, as in the CBT-­in
beliefs; (3) shifting self-­focused attention and modifying                   vivo condition. Patients will be exposed to VR situations,

Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147                                                                   5
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                                                                     The VR headsets will also record statistics of the use of
Table 2 Group CBT manual session overview for social
anxiety disorder and agoraphobia with VRET                           the 360o films. This data show which specific scenes were
                                                                     watched and how much and can be matched to the indi-
Session      Content
                                                                     vidual patient. This data will be used to keep track of the
Individual Case conceptualisation, psychoeducation on                VR usage throughout the study to see how well it matches
session    CBT, treatment goal, introduction to treatment            the treatment manual.
  1        Psychoeducation about anxiety, CBT anxiety                Treatment completion and discontinuation
           model.                                                    Criteria for treatment completion, partial treatment and no
    2        Psychoeducation about anxiety, registration of          treatment were based on clinical guidelines for writing
             thoughts, feelings, behaviour and introduction to       epicrisis as well as discussions within the research group.
             cognitive restructuring.                                ► The attendance of 0 or more group therapy sessions
    3        Psychoeducation and exercise:                               will be coded as 'treatment completion'.
             Cognitive bias, attention and self-­focus,              ► The attendance of between four to nine group therapy
             repetition about cognitive restructuring, attention         sessions will be coded as 'partial treatment'.
             exercises.                                              ► The attendance of less than four group therapy
    4        Psychoeducation about exposure therapy,                     sessions will be coded as 'no treatment'.
             introduction to VRET.                                      Treatment will be discontinued if participants do not
    5        VRET                                                    show up to treatment 3 weeks in a row and cannot be
    6        Behavioural experiments in VRET.                        contacted after multiple attempts by the therapists. Partic-
    7        Repetition of the methods presented so far,             ipants who have their treatment discontinued will still be
             additional attention/mindfulness exercise linked        included in the statistical analysis.
             to VRET.
    8        Conversational skills and VRET.                         VR equipment
                                                                     The patients receiving the in virtuo exposure will be
    9        Introduction to core beliefs, additional VRET
                                                                     immersed using an Oculus Go head-­          mounted display,
                                                                     enabling viewing of 360° spherically camera-­       recorded
10           Repetition of core beliefs, resources and skills,       VR environments. The VR scenarios will thus be high-­
             additional VRET exercises.
                                                                     resolution 360° stereoscopic films, that are played around
11           VRET combined with in-­vivo out-­of-­the-­clinic        the viewer. For audio, the patients will use high-­quality
             exposure exercises.                                     sound-­blocking headphones. For ease of use, the indi-
12           Repetition and evaluation of methods learnt/            vidual videos will be administered from an app that has
             used so far, revising problem–goal list.                been designed to be as intuitive to operate as possible.
13           Evaluation, discussion and feedback on the              The patient will only have to put on the headset, adjust
             different methods used by each patient.                 the focus and choose the desired environment by looking
14           Maintenance and relapse prevention; review of           at it in the app. 360° video was chosen because it gives the
             skills; review of progress and future goals; plan       most photorealistic visuals, while also being the cheapest
             for continued exposures; relapse prevention             to produce. The downside is that it does not allow direct
             strategies.                                             user interaction (eg, the viewer cannot affect the environ-
CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy; VRET, virtual reality exposure   ment in any way). To circumvent this, there are multiple
therapy.                                                             junctions throughout the films where the actors will talk
                                                                     directly and unsolicited to the viewer (eg, greetings,
                                                                     common questions), while also allowing time for the
which are relevant to them, and which they are motivated             viewer to respond. The actors respond in a generic way to
to engage in. Patients in CBT-­in virtuo condition will be           the actions of the viewer. Unsolicited and direct referral
assigned in vivo exposure homework between sessions in               from a virtual environment seems to be an essential factor
the same way as the CBT-­in vivo group.                              in triggering realistic responses to it.58 Though the non-­
                                                                     interactability of the environment limits the flexibility of
Fidelity to the treatment manual                                     behavioural experiments, it does not make them impos-
The intervention is manual-­based, which improves the                sible. For example, it is still possible to hypothesise about
standardisation of the treatment. Fidelity to the treat-             internal states (eg, ‘I will clam up if I have to present in
ment manual will be assessed through a self-­report ques-            front of people’) and identify and challenge negative
tionnaire answered by the clinicians at five different               automatic thoughts.
time points throughout each group treatment. The
questionnaire (and the timepoints when it is delivered)              VR scenarios
are designed to correspond to the treatment manual.                  Thirteen VR exposure scenarios relevant for social anxiety
This type of fidelity measurement has proved useful and              disorder and agoraphobia were chosen for the CBT-­in
adequate in trials where the effect of treatment is tested.57        virtuo condition. The 13 scenarios are as follows:

6                                                                    Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147
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 1. Standing in line in a supermarket.                                        Outcomes and sample size calculation
 2. Being in a crowded shopping centre                                        We originally designed the trial around inclusion of only
 3. Attending a party.                                                        patients with social anxiety disorder, basing the sample
 4. Attending a formal meeting and giving a presentation                      size calculation on the following parameters on the LSAS:
 5. A job interview.                                                          with alpha=0.05, 80% power, and an expected SD of 21,
 6. Small talking/discussing in a university canteen with                     302 patients would be required to detect the minimal
    young adults                                                              relevant difference of 6.8 on the LSAS total score between
 7. Small talking/discussing in a canteen in a work                           the groups.
    setting.                                                                     On deciding to expand the diagnostic criteria for
 8. Entering an auditorium                                                    inclusion to also include patients with agoraphobia, it
 9. Leaving your apartment                                                    was necessary to change our primary outcome measure.
10. Waiting for and taking the bus                                            For patients with agoraphobia, we primarily rate symp-
11. Crossing a bridge                                                         toms using MIA. To include both patients with social
12. Taking an elevator                                                        anxiety disorder and patients with agoraphobia, we
13. Taking a commercial aeroplane                                             thus decided to recalculate scores on these two scales to
  Each scenario has four to six scenes of increasing diffi-                   POMP as described below. Since the sample size calcu-
culty as well as a neutral scene to familiarise patients                      lation for LSAS was based on a Cohen’s d=0.33, we also
with the VR setting. All scenes skip to a looping version                     set the minimum clinically relevant difference on MIA,
of a scene in the same environment after being played,                        and by extension on the POMP, to d=0.33. Consequently,
to allow patients to achieve within-­session habituation if                   the required sample size remained unaffected by this
needed. See online supplemental file 3 for screenshots                        change of primary outcome measures and is thus still 302
and descriptions of the individual scenes, as well as links                   patients. See figure 3 for power calculations on secondary
to view a selection of the scenes online. All identifiable                    outcomes.
persons depicted in the virtual environments are paid
actors.                                                                       Primary outcome
                                                                              Total scores on the LSAS for patients with social anxiety
                                                                              disorder and the MIA for patients with agoraphobia
Patient and public involvement: development of VR scenarios
                                                                              measured pretreatment, post-­     treatment and at 1-­  year
and manual
                                                                              follow-­up converted to the POMP and averaged within
The pilot phase was a continuous iterative process
                                                                              treatment arms. POMP calculations can bring differently
between the developers of the VR media, CBT-­trained
                                                                              measured items to the same metric and do not change
clinicians and a panel of patients with social anxiety
                                                                              the multivariate distribution and covariance matrix of
disorder and/or agoraphobia. The process lasted approx-
                                                                              the transformed variables. Therefore, scales transformed
imately 16 months (12 for social anxiety disorder environ-
                                                                              with the POMP method can be used to examine mean-­
ments and 4 for agoraphobia) and consisted of regular
                                                                              level differences between groups.59–61 Using POMP-­
meetings following each scenario’s initial filming wherein
                                                                              transformed scores on two different measures of phobic
the patients saw the VR scenario in question. Their expe-
                                                                              anxiety makes it possible to include patients with different
rience (eg, anxiety level provoked from the films, the
                                                                              primary diagnoses in the same analysis, thus, avoiding the
validity of the scenarios) was then used as a starting point
                                                                              need for approximately double the number of partici-
for a discussion of further development and alterations
                                                                              pants to reach a sufficient sample size. The downside of
to the scenarios. Towards the end of the development of                       this method is that differences in the sensitivity of the
the scenarios and application to launch them, two clini-                      outcome measures and potential differences in treat-
cians tested the usability of VRE in a group format. The                      ment effect between patients with social anxiety disorder
clinicians and patients then gave further feedback on the                     and agoraphobia, which has been observed in diagnosis-­
films and the delivery of the exposure in the group. This                     specific treatment,62 are also averaged out, thus possibly
guided the initial draft for a group CBT manual with VRE                      skewing results.
for social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia.                                     Social anxiety disorder symptom severity will be
                                                                              measured using a danish version of the LSAS. LSAS
Assessment                                                                    assesses 24 situations typically feared by individuals with
Diagnostics                                                                   social anxiety disorder, rated on anxiety and avoidance,
MINI V.7.0 for DSM-­5 will be used to screen for diagnosis.                   divided into subscales of performance anxiety and social
At the inclusion interview, all modules but P will be used                    situations. It has acceptable psychometric properties.63
to assess diagnostic eligibility. At the baseline interview, all              Agoraphobia symptom severity will be measured using a
modules but P will be used to assess diagnosis and detect                     danish version of the MIA. The MIA assesses avoidance of
comorbidity. At the post-­treatment interview, all modules                    26 situations typically feared by patients who were agora-
but P will be used to assess diagnosis and detect comor-                      phobic.64 The MIA has demonstrated excellent psycho-
bidity. At the follow-­up interview, all modules but P will be                metric properties and has been validated in multiple
used to assess diagnosis and detect comorbidity.                              languages, including Swedish.65 66

Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147                                                            7
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Figure 3 Power calculation for secondary outcomes in the SoREAL trial. LSAS, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale; MIA, Mobility
Inventory for Agoraphobia; VR, virtual reality.

Secondary outcomes                                               ►   Treatment response on social anxiety disorder symp-
►  Depressive symptoms measured pretreatment, post-­                 toms measured as LSAS below 50 or a 15 points drop.
   treatment and at follow-­      up as total scores on the      ►   Treatment response on agoraphobia symptoms meas-
   Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, 6 item version                  ured as MIA below 2 or a 0.5 points drop.
   (HAM-­6).67                                                   ►   Remission of social anxiety disorder symptoms meas-
► Fear of negative evaluation measured pretreat-                     ured post-­treatment and at follow-­up as LSAS below
   ment, post-­treatment and at follow-­up with the Brief            2573 and not qualifying for social anxiety disorder as
   Version of the Fear of Negative Evaluation Scale                  measured using the MINI.
   (FNES).68                                                     ►   Remission of agoraphobia symptoms measured post-­
► Work and social adjustment measured pretreatment,                  treatment and at follow-­up as MIA below 1.5 and not
   post-­treatment and at follow-­up with the Work and               qualifying for agoraphobia as measured using the
   Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS).69 70                              MINI.
► User acceptability and satisfaction of treatment meas-
   ured post-­treatment with the Client Satisfaction Ques-       Explorative outcomes
   tionnaire (CSQ). The CSQ is an 8-­item scale loading          ►   Social functioning measured with Personal and
   to one factor of satisfaction with mental healthcare              Social Performance Scale74 (PSP) pretreatment, post-­
   service.71                                                        treatment and at 1-­year follow-­up.
► Quality of life measured pretreatment, post-­treatment         ► Substance and alcohol use measured with timeline
   and at follow-­up with the WHO Well-­Being Index,                 followback75 (TLFB) pretreatment, post-­    treatment
   five items (WHO-­5). It is considered a very sensitive            and at 1-­year follow-­up.
   outcome measure as it does not incorporate nega-              ► Self-­  belief of coping measured with General Self
   tive quality of life, that is, distress, and has no ceiling       Efficacy76 pretreatment, post-­treatment and at 1-­year
   effect.72                                                         follow-­up.

8                                                                Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147
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►   Working alliance measured with the Working Alliance                       and research assistants. After each session with VRE,
    Inventory77 (WAI) post-­treatment.                                        specific questionnaires (Social Presence & Simulator
►   Social anxiety symptoms in patients with social anxiety                   Sickness Questionnaire) will be administered by the clini-
    disorder, measured with the LSAS pretreatment, post-­                     cians delivering the intervention. If necessary, due to the
    treatment and at 1-­year follow-­up.                                      global COVID-­19 pandemic, assessment interviews will be
►   Agoraphobia symptoms in patients with agoraphobia,                        performed via telephone.
    measured with the MIA pretreatment, post-­treatment
    and at 1-­year follow-­up.                                                Randomisation
                                                                              Randomisation is performed by randomising each
Other measures                                                                therapy group, 1 week before the first treatment session.
►   Unwanted negative side-­     effects induced by immer-                    This means that no patient is included while their treat-
    sions in VR (commonly referred to as cybersickness)                       ment allocation is known. The randomisation is done
    will be measured with the Simulator Sickness Ques-                        with a hidden allocation sequence generated from www.​
    tionnaire78 (SSQ) at the end of VRE sessions.                    and is centralised and handled with
► Deterioration and adverse effects of psychotherapy                          the randomisation module in Research Electronic Data
    on social anxiety disorder symptoms measured post-­                       Capture (REDCap) by a project manager uninvolved in
    treatment and at follow-­up as a 6.8+point increase in                    the data collection. Block sizes will be unknown to the
    total LSAS score. Patients who have deteriorated will                     outcome assessors and clinicians. The factor for strat-
    be interviewed about their experiences in therapy.                        ification is the treatment site. Allocation tables will be
► Deterioration and adverse effects of psychotherapy on                       handled by external researchers with no affiliation with
    Agoraphobia symptoms measured post-­treatment and                         the project. An email of the group’s assigned randomisa-
    at follow-­up as a 0.3 point increase in total MIA score.                 tion will be sent to the team leaders organising the logis-
    Patients who have deteriorated will be interviewed                        tics of the interventions in the psychotherapeutic clinics.
    about their experiences in therapy.                                       Assigned randomisation of the groups will be stored by
► The experience of social presence, as described by                          the research team data manager. The randomisation
    Lee,79 will be measured after each VR exposure session                    code will be stored at REDCap.
    with a scale consisting of nine questions rated on a
    1–7 Likert scale. This scale was developed specifically                   Blinding
    for this trial because existing scales are too specific for               The assessors are blinded when interviewing at
    the VR equipment and content they were developed                          pretreatment, post-­
                                                                                                 treatment and at follow-­ up. Should
    for. Social presence is measured instead of the more                      unblinding occur, another researcher will perform the
    general construct of presence, because it has been                        assessment. Blinded researchers will perform analysis
    theorised to be a critical element in the effective use                   and draft conclusions. There are no circumstances where
    of VRE for socially related fears.80 81                                   unblinding of the assessors is permissible.

Data from medical report                                                      Data collection methods and management
The following data will be retrieved from the partici-                        See figure 1 for an overview of data collection. Self-­
pants’ medical report with consent, only if the participant                   reported data will be collected through surveys sent via
cannot remember it:                                                           REDCap or filled out on paper. Assessors are trained in
1. Number of previous hospitalisations for mental health                      the interview instruments and will do regular coratings
   conditions or medical conditions.                                          of recorded interviews. Inter-­rater reliability of clinician-­
2. Use of mental health services during the follow-­up pe-                    rated outcome measures will be calculated throughout
   riod                                                                       the trial. The interviewers will import data from the
3. Current and previous psychopharmacological medica-                         assessments directly into the electronic Case Report
   tion                                                                       Form using the data entry system REDCap.82 REDCap is
4. Attendance rate of the CBT treatment.                                      an electronic data capture tool hosted at Center for IT,
                                                                              Medico and Telephony (CIMT) in the Capital Region
Setting of assessment                                                         of Denmark. For non-­self-­report measures, data will first
Assessment will take place at the outpatient clinics where                    be captured on paper and then entered electronically.
the patients also receive treatment. Self-­  report ques-                     REDCap complies with Danish legislation (the Act on
tionnaires (MIA, FNES, CSQ, WAI, WSAS, WHO-­5) will                           Processing Personal Data) due to it having both compre-
be answered by following a link sent to the patient’s                         hensive user rights and access control management
email address, which the patients can access either on a                      and a complete audit trail on all data transactions. The
personal device or on one of the clinic’s computers. If                       data from individual patients are tied to a unique serial
preferred by the patient, the self-­report questionnaires                     number. Assigned researchers and Good Clinical Practice
can be filled out on printed copies of the scales while                       (GCP) monitors will be the only people who can access
at the assessment interview. MINI, LSAS, PSP, HAM-­D6                         the database. Non-­electronic data will be stored locally
and TLFB will be administered by trained researchers                          in secure archives. Data will be exported from REDCap

Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147                                                               9
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without personal identifiers. Data will be exported to all         intervention, serious adverse events and severe adverse
well-­known software packages: SPSS v. 28, SAS v. 15.2,            reactions. It will be checked whether there is a link
Stata v. 17, R v. 4.1.2. and stored on a secure network drive      between trial allocation and the serious adverse events
under the control of CIMT. A data manager will ensure              and severe adverse reactions.
that all variables are correctly defined with variable and
value labels. All derived variables will be correctly defined,     Safety
and algorithms will be kept in individual files. All data will     In the clinical setting, the clinicians will register adverse
be scrutinised to identify errors in data entry. The sponsor       events and adverse reactions and report all serious adverse
and the principal investigators ensure that data are stored        events and severe adverse reactions to the sponsor. Other
at least 10 years after the trial is ended.                        events or side effects will be collected from patient files
                                                                   and registers. International Conference on Harmoni-
Statistical methods                                                zation of Technical Requirements for Registration of
The analysis will all be from intention-­       to-­ treat. All    Pharmaceuticals for Human Use, Good Clinical Prac-
included patients will also be included in the analyses.           tice guidelines define serious adverse events and serious
All statistical tests of significance will be two-­tailed. The     adverse reactions. The patients in the SoREAL trial are
primary outcome analysis will be an intention-­         to-­
                                                           treat   ensured by Danish law and the patient care regulation.
analysis. Missing data will be handled by multiple impu-           Every patient in the SoREAL trial will have access to their
tations (m=100). As predictors in the imputation model,            results of the trial if they wish to. The clinicians will not
we will select variables if they are independent predictors        have access to data collected from assessments done by
of the outcome or predictors of missing data (p
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                                                                                                                                                                            BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147 on 2 February 2022. Downloaded from on February 20, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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12                                                                             Arnfred B, et al. BMJ Open 2022;12:e051147. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-051147
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