GRIPh BULLETIN 2020 Faculty of Philosophy

Page created by Roy James
Faculty of Philosophy

                GRIPh BULLETIN
Groningen Research Institute for Philosophy


                                Volume 21
                              January 2021

                Volume 21

Groningen Research Institute for Philosophy

The GRIPh Bulletin

is published by

The Faculty of Philosophy

of the University of Groningen

and appears once a year.

Publications ....................................................................... 6
      Academic .................................................................. 6
               Books .......................................................... 6
               Articles and book chapters.......................... 7
               Doctoral theses ......................................... 21
               Edited books and special issues ............... 22
               Proceedings (non-refereed) ...................... 24
               Book reviews ............................................. 27
      Professional ............................................................ 29

Lectures     ..................................................................... 32
      Academic lectures .................................................. 32
      Other lectures ......................................................... 43

Prizes             ..................................................................... 45

Organizing         ..................................................................... 46

Editing and reviewing ....................................................... 49

PhD defenses ................................................................... 51

Membership ..................................................................... 52

Examination and Teaching for third parties ...................... 54

Advising           ..................................................................... 56

Collaborating and participation ......................................... 57

Press / media .................................................................... 58



Lisa Herzog

      Herzog, L. M. (2020). Die Erfindung des Marktes:
      Smith, Hegel und die Politische Philosophie. wbg
Corijn van Mazijk

      van Mazijk, C. (2020). Perception and Reality in
      Kant, Husserl, and McDowell. (Routledge Studies in
      Contemporary Philosophy). Routledge.
Andrea Sangiacomo

      Sangiacomo, A. (2020). Teoria del silenzio:
      Esperienza originaria e linguaggio a partire da
      Gimbattista Vico. (Varchi; No. 4). Mimesis Edizione.


Articles and book chapters

Han Thomas Adriaenssen

Adriaenssen, H.T. (2020). Common Conceptions and the
Metaphysics of Material Substance. Soto, Digby, and de
Raey. Journal of Early Modern Studies, 9, 117-139

Petar Bodlovic

Bodlovic, P. (2020). On Presumptions, Burdens of Proof,
and Explanations. Informal logic, 40(2), 255-294.

Daphne Brandenburg

Brandenburg, D. (2020). The Clinical Stance and the
Nurturing Stance: Therapeutic Responses to Harmful
Conduct by Service Users in Mental Healthcare.
Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 27(4), 379-394.

Brandenburg, D., & Strijbos, D. (2020). Reproach without
Blameworthiness. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology,
27(4), 399-401.

Justin Bruner

Bruner, J. P., & Lindauer, M. (2020). The varieties of
impartiality, or, would an egalitarian endorse the veil?
Philosophical Studies, 177(2), 459-477. [e-pub: 2018]

Bruner, J. P. (2020). Locke, Nozick and the state of
nature. Philosophical Studies, 177(3), 705-726. [e-pub: 2018]

Boudewijn de Bruin

de Bruin, B. (2020). Epistemic Corporate Culture:
Knowledge, Common Knowledge, and Professional
Oaths. Seattle University Law Review, 43(2), 807-839.

Alexandra Chadwik

Chadwick, A., & Odzuck, E. (2020). Feminist
Perspectives on Hobbes: Introduction . Hobbes Studies,
33(1), 1-4.

Chadwick, A. (2020). From soul to mind in Hobbes's The
Elements of Law. History of European Ideas, 46(3), 257-

Markus Eronen

Eronen, M. I. (2020). Causal discovery and the problem
of psychological interventions. New Ideas in Psychology,
59, [100785].

Eddo Evink

Evink, E. (2020). The idea of Europe in a post-European
era. International Journal of Philosophy and Theology,
81(3), 211-226.

Evink, E. (2020). Différance as Temporization and its
Problems. International Journal of Philosophical Studies,
28(3), 433-451.

Alexander Gebharter

Feldbacher-Escamilla, C. J., & Gebharter, A. (2020).
Confirmation based on analogical inference: Bayes
meets Jeffrey. Canadian Journal of Philosophy, 50(2),

Gebharter, A. (2020). Free will as a higher-level
phenomenon? Thought: A Journal of Philosophy, 9(3),

Gebharter, A., & Retzlaff, N. (2020). A new proposal how
to handle counterexamples to Markov causation à la
Cartwright, or: fixing the chemical factory. Synthese,
197(4), 1467-1486.

Job de Grefte

de Grefte, J. (2020). Towards a Hybrid Account of Luck.
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, 101(2), 240-255.

Harmen Grootenhuis

Travagnin, S., Li, G., Grootenhuis, H., & Sterken, A.
(2020). Chinese Religion and Violence. In M. Jerryson

(Ed.), Religious Violence Today: Faith and Conflict in the
Modern World (pp. 131-175). ABC-CLIO.

Leah Henderson

Henderson, L. (2020). Resolution of deep disagreement:
not simply consensus. Informal Logic, 40(3), 359-382.

Lisa Herzog

Emanuel, E. J., Persad, G., Kern, A., Buchanan, A.,
Fabre, C., Halliday, D., Heath, J., Herzog, L., Leland, R.
J., Lemango, E. T., Luna, F., Mccoy, M. S., Norheim, O.
F., Ottersen, T., Schaefer, G. O., Tan, K-C., Wellman, C.
H., Wolff, J., & Richardson, H. S. (2020). An ethical
framework for global vaccine allocation The Fair Priority
Model offers a practical way to fulfill pledges to distribute
vaccines fairly and equitably. Science, 369(6509), 1309-

Engelmann, S., Grossklags, J., & Herzog, L. M. (2020).
Should users participate in governing social media?
Philosophical and technical considerations of democratic
social media. First Monday, 25(12).

Herzog, L. M. (2020). Citizens' Autonomy and Corporate
Cultural Power. Journal of Social Philosophy, 51(2), 205-

Frank Hindriks

Blomberg, O., & Hindriks, F. (2020). Collective
Responsibility and Acting Together. In S. Bazargan-
Forward, & D. Tollefsen (Eds.), The Routledge
Handbook on Collective Responsibility (pp. 142-154).
(Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy). Routledge.

Guala, F., & Hindriks, F. (2020). Institutions and
Functions. In T. Andina, & P. Bojanic (Eds.), Institutions
in Action: The Nature and the Role of Institutions in the
Real World (pp. 9-19). (Studies in the Philosophy of
Sociality). Springer.

Hindriks, F., & Sauer, H. (2020). The mark of the moral:
Beyond the sentimentalist turn. Philosophical
Psychology, 33(4), 569-591.

Hindriks, F. (2020). How Social Objects (Fail to)
Function. Journal of Social Philosophy, 51(3), 483-499.

Tamminga, A., & Hindriks, F. (2020). The irreducibility of
collective obligations. Philosophical Studies, 177(4),

Tamminga, A., & Hindriks, F. (2020). Correction to: The
irreducibility of collective obligations. Philosophical
Studies, 177(4), 1111.

Pauline Kleingeld

Kleingeld, P. (2020). How to Use Someone 'Merely as a
Means'. Kantian Review, 25(3), 389-414.

Kleingeld, P. (2020). A Kantian Solution to the Trolley
Problem. In M. Timmons (Ed.), Oxford Studies in
Normative Ethics (Vol. 10, pp. 204-228). Oxford
University Press.

Charlotte Knowles

Knowles, C. (2020). Philosophy and the Maternal.
Studies in the Maternal, 13(1), 1-8.

Barteld Kooi

Ditmarsch, H. van, Hoek, W. V. D., Kooi, B., & Kuijer, B.
(2020). Arrow update synthesis. Information and
Computation, 275, [104544].

Theo Kuipers

Kuipers, T. A. F. (2020). Refined nomic truth
approximation by revising models and postulates.
Synthese, 197(4), 1601-1625.

Kuipers, T. A. F. (2020). Stratified nomic realism. In W.
J. Gonzalez (Ed.), New Approaches to Scientific Realism

(pp. 145-165). (Epistemic Studies; Vol. 42). De Gruyter.

Tamer Nawar

Nawar, T. (2020). The Stoic Theory of the Soul. In K.
Arenson (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Hellenistic
Philosophy (pp. 148-159). (Routledge Handbooks in
Philosophy). Routledge.

Stipe Pandžić

Pandzic, S. (2020). On the Dynamics of Structured
Argumentation: Modeling Changes in Default
Justification Logic. In A. Herzig, & J. Kontinen (Eds.),
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems:
11th International Symposium, FoIKS 2020, Dortmund,
Germany, February 17–21, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 222-
241). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12012).

Marc Pauly

Pauly, M. (2020). Conspiracy Theories. In J. Fieser, & B.
Dowden (Eds.), The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
(The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy).

Jeanne Peijnenburg

Atkinson, D., & Peijnenburg, J. (2020). "Till at last there
remain nothing": Hume's Treatise 1.4.1 in contemporary

perspective. Synthese, 197(8), 3305-3323. [e-pub: 2018]

Peijnenburg, J., & Atkinson, D. (2020). "The worst ever
conceived by a man of genius": Hume's probability
argument in A Treatise. In C. Dutilh Novaes, H. Jansen,
J. A. van Laar, & B. Verheij (Eds.), Reason to Dissent:
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on
Argumentation (Vol. 3, pp. 225-238). (Studies in Logic
and Argumentation ; Vol. 87). College Publications.

Jan-Willem Romeijn

Beijers, L., van Loo, H. M., Romeijn, J. W., Lamers, F.,
Schoevers, R. A., & Wardenaar, K. J. (2020).
Investigating data-driven biological subtypes of sychiatric
disorders using specification-curve analysis.
Psychological Medicine, 1-12.

Romeijn, J. (2020). Commentary on Gallagher “Body
Self-Awareness: Multiple Levels or Dynamical Gestalt?”.
In K. Kendler, J. Parnas, & P. Zachar (Eds.), Levels of
Analysis in Psychopathology: Cross-Disciplinary
Perspectives (pp. 160-168). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108750349.014

Romeijn, J., & van Loo, H. (2020). Psychiatric
Classification: An A-reductionist Perspective. In K.
Kendler, J. Parnas, & P. Zachar (Eds.), Levels of
Analysis in Psychopathology: Cross-Disciplinary

Perspectives (pp. 349-370). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108750349.031

Felipe Romero

Romero, F. (2020). The Division of Replication Labor.
Philosophy of Science, 87(5).

Doina-Cristina Rusu

Rusu, D-C., & Jalobeanu, D. (2020). Giovan Battista
della Porta and Francis Bacon on the Creative Power of
experimentation. Centaurus, 62(3), 381-392.

Rusu, D-C. (2020). Using instruments in the study of
animate beings: Della Porta’s and Bacon’s experiments
with plants. Centaurus, 62(3), 393-405.

Andrea Sangiacomo

Henkel, C., & Sangiacomo, A. (2020). Johann Sturm. In
E. N. Zalta (Ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The Metaphysics Research Lab,Center for the Study of
Language and Information, Stanford University.

Sangiacomo, A. (2020). Freedom, passions and moral
causation: Metaphysical and ethical complications of
Descartes’s dualism. Giornale di Metafisica, (1).

Sangiacomo, A., & Beers, D. (2020). Divide et impera:
modelling the relationship between canonical and non-
canonical authors in the early modern natural philosophy
network. HOPOS: The Journal of the International
Society for the History of Philosophy of Science, 10(2),

Sangiacomo, A. (2020). Johann Christoph Sturm's
Natural Philosophy: Passive Forms, Occasionalism, and
Scientific Explanations. Journal of the History of
Philosophy, 58(3), 493-520.

Sangiacomo, A. (2020). The normalisation of the new
natural philosophy: occasional causality and coarse-
grained reality. In M. Feingold, & A. Sangiacomo (Eds.),
History of Universities (Vol. 33/2, pp. 201-235). Oxford
University Press.

Sangiacomo, A. (2020). La virtù secondo Aristotele e
Spinoza: appunti per un confronto. In F. Camera, E.
Colagrossi, & E. Simonotti (Eds.), Emozioni, affetti,
sentimenti: tra natura e libertà (pp. 101-119). Mimesis

Sangiacomo, A. (2020). Introduction: Natural Philosophy
in the Early Modern Academic Milieu. In M. Feingold, &
A. Sangiacomo (Eds.), History of Universities (Vol. 33/2,
pp. 1-15). Oxford University Press.

Sangiacomo, A. (2020). La muse bien tempérée:
Mécanisme affectif et narration chez Spinoza. In P-F.

Moreau , & L. Vinciguerra (Eds.), Spinoza et les arts (pp.
90-106). (La philosophie en commun). L'Harmattan.

Andreas Schmidt

Schmidt, A. T., & Engelen, B. (2020). The ethics of
nudging: An overview. Philosophy Compass, 15(4),

Schmidt, A. (2020). Is there a human right to tobacco
control? In M. E. Gispen, & B. Toebes (Eds.), Human
Rights and Tobacco Control: International, Regional, and
Domestic Legal Persectives Edward Elgar Publishing. [in
2018 al]

Merel Semeijn

Semeijn, M. (2020). The ‘In’ and ‘According to’
operators. In A. Pavlova (Ed.), Proceedings of the
ESSLLI & WeSSLLI Student Session 2020: Web
Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information
July 11-17, Brandeis University (pp. 137-148)

Justo Serrano Zamora

Serrano Zamora, J. (2020). Can Truth (or Problem-
Solving) Do More for Democracy? A Comment to
Cristina Lafont's “Democracy without Shortcuts. Krisis.
Tijdschrift voor Actuele Filosofie, 40(1), 82-90.

Serrano Zamora, J., & Santarelli, M. (2020). Populism or
Pragmatism? Two Ways of Unterstanding Political
Articulation. Constellations, 1-15.

Serrano Zamora, J. (2020). Democracy and the Problem
of Domination. In R. Frega, & S. Levine (Eds.), John
Dewey's Ethical Theory: The 1932 Ethics (pp. 156-178).

Titus Stahl

Christ, J., Lepold, K., Loick, D., & Stahl, T. (2020).
Debating Critical Theory: An Introduction. In J. Christ, K.
Lepold, D. Loick, & T. Stahl (Eds.), Debating Critical
Theory: Engagements with Axel Honneth (pp. vii-xxiii).
(Essex Studies in Contemporary Critical Theory).
Rowman and Littlefield International.

Stahl, T. (2020). Crítica inmanente y experiencia moral
particular. In J. M. Romero, & J. A. Zamora (Eds.),
Crítica inmanente de la sociedad (pp. 19-49).
(Pensamiento crítico/pensamiento utópico; Vol. 236).

Stahl, T. (2020). ¿Crítica de la colonización como crítica
inmanente? In J. A. Nicolás, S. Wahnón, & J. M. Romero
(Eds.), Crítica y hermenéutica: Perspectivas filosóficas,
literarias y sociales (pp. 189-204). (Filosofía hoy; Vol.
70). Comares.

Allard Tamminga

Tamminga, A., & Hindriks, F. (2020). The irreducibility of
collective obligations. Philosophical Studies, 177(4),

Tamminga, A., & Hindriks, F. (2020). Correction to: The
irreducibility of collective obligations. Philosophical
Studies, 177(4), 1111.

Raluca Tansescu

Tanasescu, R. (2020). Chaos out of Order: Translations
of American and Canadian Contemporary Poetry into
Romanian before 1989 from a Complexity Perspective.
Chronotopos, 2, 64-94. [3].

Tanasescu, R. (2020). A micro-centric network: Post-
communist Romanian mainstream and indie publishers
of U.S. and Canadian contemporary poetry in translation.
Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 3(1), 130-151.

Corijn van Mazijk

van Mazijk, C. (2020). Transcendental subjectivity:
Subject, object, or neither? In I. Apostolescu (Ed.), The
Subject(s) of Phenomenology: Rereading Husserl (pp.
45-56). (Contributions to Phenomenology). Springer.

van Mazijk, C. (2020). Kant and Husserl on Overcoming
Skeptical Idealism through Transcendental Idealism. In I.
Apostolescu, & C. Serban (Eds.), Husserl, Kant and
Transcendental Phenomenology (pp. 163-188). De

Judith Vega

Vega, J. (2020). Academische vrijheid? Positieve en
negatieve vrijheid, en de fuik van het neoliberale werken.
In K. van Berkel, & C. van Bruggen (Eds.), Academische
Vrijheid. Geschiedenis en actualiteit. (pp. 131-148).

Doctoral theses

Ot de Wiljes
From skin to brain: modelling a whole-body coordination
scenario of nervous system origin. University of
Sjoerd Griffioen
Contested modernity: Karl Löwith, Hans Blumenberg and
Carl Schmitt and the German Secularization Debate.
University of Groningen.
Stipe Pandžić

Reasoning with Defeasible Reasons. University of

Herman Veluwenkamp
Objectivity without Reality: Implications of Conceptual
Role Semantics in Metaethics. University of Groningen.
Willem Verhoeven
Reasoning about morality: The empirical turn in Early-
Modern moral philosophy from Hobbes to Rousseau.
University of Groningen.


Edited books and special issues

Alexandra Chadwik

Chadwick, A., & Odzuck, E. (Eds.) (2020). Feminist
Perspectives on Hobbes. Hobbes Studies, 33(1).

Alexander Gebharter

Feldbacher-Escamilla, C. J., Gebharter, A., Brössel, P.,
& Werning, M. (Eds.) (2020). Logical Perspectives on
Science and Cognition. Synthese, 197(4).

Pauline Kleingeld

Achenwall, G., Kleingeld, P. (Ed.), & Vermeulen, C.,
(TRANS.) (2020). Natural Law: A Translation of the
Textbook for Kant’s Lectures on Legal and Political
Philosophy. Bloomsbury Academic.

Achenwall, G., Kleingeld, P. (Ed.), & Vermeulen, C.,
(TRANS.) (2020). Prolegomena to Natural Law.
University of Groningen Press.

Doina-Cristina Rusu

Rusu, D-C., & Jalobeanu, D. (Eds.) (2020). The Creative
Power of Experimentation: Bacon and Della Porta.
Centaurus, 62(3).

Andrea Sangiacomo

Feingold, M., & Sangiacomo, A. (Eds.) (2020). History of
Universities. (History of Universities; Vol. 33, No. 2).
Oxford University Press.

Titus Stahl

Christ, J., Lepold, K., Loick, D., & Stahl, T. (Eds.) (2020).
Debating Critical Theory: Engagements with Axel
Honneth. (Essex Studies in Contemporary Critical
Theory). Rowman and Littlefield International.


Proceedings (non-refereed)

Alexander Gebharter

Feldbacher-Escamilla, C. J., Gebharter, A., Brössel, P.,
& Werning, M. (2020). Introduction to the special issue
"Logical Perspectives on Science and Cognition".
Synthese, 197(4), 1381-1390.

Lisa Herzog

Frega, R., & Herzog, L. (2020). Preface to the Special
Issue on Workplace Democracy. Review of Social
Economy, 78(3), 281-285.

Erik Krabbe

Krabbe, E. C. W., & van Laar, J. A. (2020). Be
Reasonable! Ways to React to Cases of Presumed
Unreason. In C. Dutilh Novaes, H. Jansen, J. A. van
Laar, & B. Verheij (Eds.), Reason to Dissent:
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on
Argumentation (Vol. 3, pp. 49-62). (Studies in Logic:
Logic and Argumentation; Vol. 87). College Publications.

van Laar, J. A. (2020). Commentary on “Connectives
and Straw Men: Experimental Approach on French and
English“ by Jennifer Schumann and Sandrine Zufferey.
In Evidence, Persuasion & Diversity (Proceedings of the

Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation
Conference; Vol. 12). University of Windsor.

Merel Semeijn

Semeijn, M. (2020). The ‘In’ and ‘According to’
operators. Poster session presented at WeSSLLI 2020.

Stefan Sleeuw

Sleeuw, S. (2020). Analogical Argumentation in
Philosophical Thought Experiments. In C. Dutilh Novaes,
H. Jansen, J. A. Van Laar, & B. Verheij (Eds.), Reason
to Dissent: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference
on Argumentation (Vol. 3, pp. 355-368). (Studies in
Logic: Logic and Argumentation; Vol. 87). College

Jan Albert van Laar

Krabbe, E. C. W., & van Laar, J. A. (2020). Be
Reasonable! Ways to React to Cases of Presumed
Unreason. In C. Dutilh Novaes, H. Jansen, J. A. van
Laar, & B. Verheij (Eds.), Reason to Dissent:
Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on
Argumentation (Vol. 3, pp. 49-62). (Studies in Logic:
Logic and Argumentation; Vol. 87). College Publications.

van Laar, J. A. (2020). Commentary on “Connectives
and Straw Men: Experimental Approach on French and
English“ by Jennifer Schumann and Sandrine Zufferey.
In Evidence, Persuasion & Diversity (Proceedings of the

Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation
Conference; Vol. 12). University of Windsor.


Book reviews

Eddo Evink

Evink, E. (2020). Alberto Romele: Digital Hermeneutics:
Philosophical Investigations in New Media and
Technologies. Phenomenological Reviews.

Laura Georgescu

Georgescu, L. (2020). Margaret Cavendish: Essential
Writings, edited by Cunning, David. Hobbes Studies,
33(1), 88-92.

Lisa Herzog

Herzog, L. M. (2020).N. Oreskes (2019). Why Trust
Science? Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Lodi Nauta

Nauta, L. (2020). Philosophy, Rhetoric, and Thomas
Hobbes. Timothy Raylor. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2018. xviii + 334 pp. $70. Renaissance Quarterly,
73(1), 339-340.

Doina-Cristina Rusu

Rusu, D-C. (2020). Omodeo Pietro Daniel. Bernardino
Telesio and the natural sciences in the Renaissance.
Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2019, xvi + 285 pp. ISBN:
9789004352636; 9789004352643. Centaurus, 62(3),

Marijana Vujosevic

Vujosevic, M. (2020). Maria Borges, Emotion, Reason
and Action in Kant, London: Bloomsbury Academic,
2019 Pp. 209 ISBN: 978-1-3500-7836-9. Kantian
Review, 25(3), 504-508.



Laura Georgescu

Georgescu, L. (2020). Magnetism, Mechanical
Philosophy. Springer.

Remco Heesen

Bright, L. K., & Heesen, R. (2020, Nov 1). The Head and
the Heart: Incentives and Norms.

Charlotte Knowles

Knowles, C. (2020). Living the Life of the Mind Charlotte
Knowles offers an analysis of the hangover. The
Philosophers' Magazine, (88), 11-14.

Knowles, C. (2020). Living the Life of the Mind: How to
build networks and (not) alienate people. The
Philosophers' Magazine, 2020(90), 8-11.

Knowles, C. (2020). Living the life of the Mind: Notes on
a Quarantine. The Philosophers' Magazine, 2020(89), 8-

Knowles, C. (2020). Living the Life of the Mind: The
Value of Openness in Philosophy. The Philosophers'
Magazine, 2020(91), 13-15.

Annemarie Kok

Kok, A. (2020). ‘Naar een volksdemocratie? Over het
rammelende representatie-concept van de commissie-
Remkes’. In: De Hofvijver, uitgave van het Montesquieu
Instituut, 25 mei 2020. Ook op:, 13 juni 2020

Kok, A. (2020). ‘Koester de indirecte democratie. Een
ongevraagd advies aan de PvdA.’ In: Socialisme en
Democratie, periodiek van de Wiardi Beckmanstichting,
wetenschappelijk bureau van de PvdA, 11 juni 2020

Kok, A. (2020). ‘Een liberale democratie kan niet zonder
vertegenwoordiging.’ In: NRC Handelsblad, 28 maart

Kok, A. (2020). ‘Focus niet langer op de stad en het
plateland’. In: Idee, periodiek van de Van Mierlo
Stichting, wetenschappelijk bureau van D66, oktober
2020 (met C.F. van den Berg)

Erik Krabbe

Krabbe, E. C. W., & Verheij, B. (2020). OBITUARY
Douglas Neil Walton (1942-2020). Argumentation.

Martin Lenz

Lenz, M. (2020). The adversarial culture in philosophy
does not serve the truth. Aeon Magazine.

Emar Maier

Maier, E. (2020, Jan 13). Making up stuff.

Jeanne Peijnenburg

Peijnenburg, J. (2020). Een goed leven? Retrocausaliteit
en het tweede persoonsperspectief. In H. Dooremalen
(Ed.), Hier ben ik: Liber amicorum voor Monica Meijsing
(pp. 51-69). Brave New Books.

Peijnenburg, J. (2020). Een kleine ode aan een groots

Titus Stahl

Stahl, T., & Zanvettor, R., (TRANS.) (2020). Crítica da
ideologia como crítica das práticas sociais: Uma
reconstrução expressivista da crítica da falsa
consciência . Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã, 25(1), 213-


Academic lectures

Han Thomas Adriaenssen
Thomas White and Thomas Hobbes in Identity and
Individuation (Dublin, January 2020)
Petar Bodlovic
Days of Ivo Škarić; 5th International Conference on
Rhetoric; (22/04/2020 → 25/04/2020) Postira, Croatia;
Presumptions burdens of proof and explanations; OSSA
12: Evidence, Persuasion & Diversity; (03/06/2020 →
06/06/2020) Windsor, Canada
Diego Castro Amenabar
Negotiation as a disagreement management tool. Paper
presented at OSSA 12, Windsor, Canada.
Chloé de Canson
Epistemology and Power From Below; On the
Interpretation of the Standpoint Thesis (18-Dec-2020)

Silvia Donker
Authors and Affiliations in Early Modern Natural
Philosophy: a Network Approach to Understanding
Knowledge Evolution; Computational History of Ideas:
Issues and Directions A Digital Humanities Symposium
Enter the void. Using networks to understand the
scientific revolution; The Patio: An Interdisciplinary
Research Group on Social Networks (15-Oct-2020)
Laura Georgescu
Democracy is education; Lecturer of the year 2019; (29-
Kenelm Digby's encounter with Galileo's Two New
Sciences; University of Bucharest, Romania (6-May-
Cavendish on composition and division; Margaret
Cavendish's Philosophy; (21-Aug-2020) Dublin, Ireland
Crystel Hajjar
Energy Pitch Stop Session; Energy Pitch Stop Session:
The Right to Energy (15-May-2020) (Invited)

Remco Heesen
Modeling Peer Review and the Credit Economy;
Introductory Workshop on the History and Philosophy of
the Social Sciences (28-Aug-2020) Crawley, Australia
Is Peer Review a Good Idea?; Leiden Univ, Leiden
University, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies CWTS (25-Sep-
Jury Theorems for Peer Review: Eindhoven Univ
Technol, Eindhoven University of Technology, Sect
Philosophy & Eth, Dept Ind Engn & Innovat Sci (3-Nov-
2020) Eindhoven, Netherlands
Jury Theorems for Peer Review; Department of
Philosophy & Economics, University of Bayreuth (15-
Dec-2020) Germany
Leah Henderson
‘IBE and Bayesianism: three contexts’, Düsseldorf Center
for Logic and Philosophy of Science (January 2020).
‘The philosophy of climate science’, Winter school for
PPE on Climate change, Groningen, February 2020.
Comments on Conor Mayo-Wilson’s ‘A qualitative
generalisation of Birnbaum’s theorem’, 17th Formal
Epistemology Workshop, Zoom Webinar (May 2020).
‘Emergent compatibilism for IBE and Bayesianism’,
invited talk for ‘Bayesian Epistemology: Perspectives

and Challenges’, conducted online by Munich Centre for
Mathematical Philosophy, 10-14 August, 2020.
‘Hierarchical Bayesian modelling: theory’, ‘Hierarchical
Bayesian modelling: applications’, two lectures for
Summer School ‘Bayesian Epistemology: Perspectives
and Challenges’, conducted online by Munich Centre for
Mathematical Philosophy, 10-14 August, 2020. (Invited)
Christian Henkel
Reconciling Physics and Metaphysics in Leibniz'
Philosophy; Princeton-Bucharest Virtual Seminar in Early
Modern Philosophy (13-Oct-2020)
Lisa Herzog
Corporate knowledge and corporate power. Reining in
the power of corporations as epistemic agents: Fordham
Law School
Democratic Professionalism and its role in a democratic
knowledge system; Tilburg University
Deliberation and Decision-Making in Social Movements
(30-Jan-2020) (Invited)
Demokratie und Wissen; Bayerische Akademie der
Wissenschaften (27-Jan-2020) (Invited)
Digitalisierung und gute Arbeit; University of Vienna
European Consortium for Political Research; General
Conference Online, Virtual Event (24/08/2020 →
Freiheit gehört nicht nur den Reichen; University of

Privatizing the Private?; Frankfurt University
Talk; Technical University of Braunschweig
Trust in science and democratic policy-making;
University of Iceland, 63541, Reykjavik, Iceland
Two ways of taming the market: Why Hegel needs the
police and the corporations; Universidade do Vale do Rio
dos Sinos, Brazil
“We’re all listening to the scientists now”? The role of
scientists in democratic societies from a philosophical
perspective; Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven,
“Who gets to speak? Female work, epistemic justice,
and the call for democratizing work in the Covid crisis”;
Wollo University, Ethiopia (Keynote speaker)
Frank Hindriks
Shared and Institutional Agency: Toward a Planning
Theory of Human Practical Organization - by Michael
Bratman (16-Oct-2020 → 17-Oct-2020) New Haven,
United States (Invited)
Group Agency and Group Reasoning; University of
Vienna (20-Oct-2020 → 21-Oct-2020)
Hugo Hogenbirk
Collocation as Salience: Changes over Time in the
Technical Vocabulary Networks of Prominence in Dutch
Early Modern Natural Philosophy; Computational History
of Ideas: : Issues and Directions A Digital Humanities
Symposium (27-Jan-2020) Groningen

Exploring Measures of Meaning; OZSW annual
conference 2020 (12-Dec-2020)
Fred Keijzer
Philosophy of the future; 39th Annual Dutch-Flemish Day
of Philosophy (22-Feb-2020) Enschede, Netherlands
What do brains do? Job descriptions and early nervous
systems; Workshop Understanding Computations of
Basal Nervous Systems: From Paramecium to Jellyfish
(29-Sep-2020) Berlin (online), Germany (Invited)
Pauline Kleingeld
‘Kant’s Republican Conception of Freedom of the Will’,
Invited Lecture, Philosophy, Humboldt University, Berlin,
15 January 2020.
‘How to Use Someone Merely as a Means’, paper
presentation, Kolloquium Prof. Tobias Rosefeldt,
Humboldt University, Berlin, 16 January 2020.
‘Me, My Will, and I: Kant’s Republican Conception of
Freedom of the Will and Freedom of the Agent’, Via
Moderna, RUG, 21 October 2020.
Video lecture, for class meeting on Kant’s sexism and
racism with Prof. James Andow, University of East
Anglia, October 2020.
‘The Duty to Promote the Highest Good’, Keynote
lecture, Conference on The Architectonic Role of the
Highest Good in Kant’s Philosophy, Leuven (online), 11-
13 November 2020.

‘Kants Theorie der Menschenrassen’, Impulsvortrag in
Lecture Series of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of
Sciences, ‘Kant, ein Rassist?’ 23 November 2020.
‘A Kantian Solution to the Trolley Problem’, Lecture,
‘Kantian Rationality Lab’ (online), 17 December 2020.
Martin Lenz
Biased Beliefs in Spinoza; London Spinoza Circle,
Birkbek College London (Feb-2020)
Emar Maier
Picturing words: the semantics of speech balloons;
Jahrestagung der DGfS 2020 (3-Mar-2020) Hamburg
Attribution in Narrative; Eberhard Karls University of
Tubingen (Jun-2020)
Co-picture symbols; Informal Groningen-Tilburg
Workshop on Pictorial Narrative (25-Sep-2020)
The semantics of smiles and smileys; Special session:
Gestures and Natural Language Semantics @ Sinn und
Bedeutung 25 (1-Sep-2020) London (Keynote)
Silvia Mazzini
The Critique of the Power of Judgement; Institute for
Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts (19-Jun-2020) United
César Reigosa Soler
Ockham on fatalism and Conditional Prophecy: Medieval
Philosophy Virtual Dissertation Workshop (30-Apr-2020)
Fatalism in De Interpretatione 9; Medieval Philosophy
Virtual Dissertation Workshop (11-Jun-2020)

Conditionals and the Future Tense in Ockham’s
Semantics of Prophecy; 18th Nijmegen-Groningen
Colloquium (27-Nov-2020)
Jan-Willem Romeijn
“Scope Validity in Medicine. Commentary on Keuck”, APA
Eastern Division, Philadelphia, January 2020 (invited)
“Theoretical Philosophy in Groningen”, talk in conference
on Logical and Methodological Analysis of Scientific
Reasoning Processes, University of Ghent, September
2020 (invited)
“Shrinking and Extremizing”, Philosophy of Science
research seminar, Utrecht University, January 2020
Felipe Romero
Replicability, Accountability, and Social Structures Across
Fields; University of Bern (May-2020) Hinterkappelen,
Switzerland (Invited)
The Many Faces of Scientific Self-Correction; University
of Utrecht, Utrecht (Aug-2020)
The Many Faces of Scientific Self-Correction; University
of Lyon (Oct-2020) (Keynote)
Andrea Sangiacomo
Talk at ERC Symposium on Digital Methods in the History
of Philosophy and Science (21-Jan-2020) Groningen,
Netherlands (Invited)
Data Extraction and Cleaning: Mapping the Corpus of
Early Modern Natural Philosophy; Computational History

of Ideas: Issues and Directions A Digital Humanities
Symposium (27-Jan-2020) Groningen
Andreas Schmidt
Freedom, equality and responsibility: a web of relational
values; OSZW Winter School ‘Freedom and Inequality’,
Rotterdam (4-Feb-2020)
Political Philosophy and Longtermism: A Framework;
Workshop at Global Priorities Institute (Oxford University)
Economic inequality and the long-term future: Global
Priorities Institute, Oxford University (Jun-2020)
Can Social Structures Dominate?: European-Australian
Workshop on Republicanism (LSE) (24-Aug-2020)
From Relational Equality to Personal Responsibility:
European Conference on Analytical Philosophy (ECAP)
Justo Serrano Zamora
Talk; Workshop “Deliberation and Decision-Making in
Social Movements” (26/02/2020) Groningen, Netherlands
A Realist Epistemic Utopia? Epistemic Practices in a
Climate Camp; ECPR General Conference (20-Aug-
2020) Innsbruck, Austria
¿Necesita la Teoría Crítica una teoría epistémica de la
democracia?; II Jornadas Hispanoamericanas de Teoría
Crítica (9-Sep-2020) Lima, Peru (invited)

Stefan Sleeuw
Explicating Symbolic Understanding; Dimensions of
Understanding: Knowledge, Explanation, Contextualism
(27-Nov-2020 → 28-Nov-2020)
Titus Stahl
What (if Anything) is Ideological about Ideal Theories?;
"Critical Theory meets Non-Ideal Theory" (10-Jan-2020)
Berlin, Germany
Domination and Liberation - The Political Theory in
Marx's Capital; Philosophische Fakultät, Friedrich-
Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (12-May-2020)
What (if anything) is ideological about ideal theories?;
University of Hamburg, Department of Social Sciences
Marta Sznajder
The Prehistory of Inductive Logic; Interdisciplinarity of
Inductive Logic (26-Feb-2020) Schliersee, Germany
Raluca Tanasescu
Data Extraction and Cleaning: Mapping the Corpus of
Early Modern Natural Philosophy; Computational History
of Ideas: Issues and Directions A Digital Humanities
Symposium (27-Jan-2020) Groningen
Jan Albert van Laar
Turning the tables: Up- and Downgrading of Evaluative
Terms in Public Controversies; Reasons, Citizens and
Institutions: International Conference on Argumentation
and Public Policy (4-Mar-2020) Wroclaw, Poland

Reasons, Citizens and Institutions; International
Conference on Argumentation and Public Policy (5-Mar-
2020) Wroclaw, Poland (Invited)
Improving argumentative skills in education: Three online
discussion tools; Competere, cooperare, decidere: Per
un modello di dibattito deliberativo (28-Mar-2020)
Florence, Italy
Commentary on “Connectives and Straw Men:
Experimental Approach on French and English“ by
Jennifer Schumann and Sandrine Zufferey; OSSA 12:
Evidence, Persuasion & Diversity (5-Jun-2020) Windsor,
Norms for Public Argument (30-Sep-2020) Budapest,
Hungary (Invited)


Other lectures

Daan Evers
Wetenschap en de vrije wil; Navigators
Studentenvereniging Groningen (2-Sep-2020)
Hugo Hogenbirk
Kan je een goed leven leven zonder daar vrij voor te
kiezen? En moet het echt zijn?; Filosofiesymposium voor
scholieren (6-Feb-2020)
Pauline Kleingeld
Panel presentation, ‘Luck of the draw: Using modified
lotteries in research funding’, UG Library (online), 22
October 2020.
Annemarie Kok
‘Doorgeschoten democratie’. Inleiding voor Regiodag
Democratie in actie (BZK/VNG), Leeuwarden, 10 feb.
‘Representatie en participatie’. Voordracht t.b.v. online
discussieavond GroenLinks over burgerparticipatie,
Groningen, 24 september 2020
‘Burgers, bestuur en maatschappelijk onbehagen'.
Gastcollege voor AOG School of Management, Zwolle,
24 november 2020
Jan-Willem Romeijn
“SCOOP data infrastructure”, workshop for SCOOP PhD
students, January 2020

“Wetenschap en waarheid”, presentation for C.S.F.R.
student society, Groningen, October 2020
“Wetenschap en beleid”, webinar for Sustainable Society,
University of Groningen, December 2020
Jan Albert van Laar
Middle Ground & Model United Nations: Middle Ground;


Petar Bodlovic

Recipient “J. Anthony Blair Prize” (6-Jun-2020)

Frank Hindriks

Election to a learned society: Royal Dutch Academy of
Sciences and Humanities (1-Mar-2020)

Andrea Sangiacomo

National/international honour: Abilitazione scientifica
nazionale - II fascia (Professore Associato) Filosofia

Lisa Herzog

Recipient: Preis für Habilitationsschriften in der

Pauline Kleingeld

Recipient: Spinozaprijs 2020


Laura Georgescu

GCMEMT Lecture Series (26-Nov-2020 → …)

GCMEMT Lecture: Robert Pasnau, Nominalism's Modal
Paradise Lost (17-Dec-2020)

Christian Henkel

GCMEMT Lecture Series (26-Nov-2020 → …)

GF Colloquium: Steve Nadler. "The Specter of
Spinozism: Malebranche, Arnauld, Fénelon" (9-Dec-

GCMEMT Lecture: Robert Pasnau, Nominalism's Modal
Paradise Lost (17-Dec-2020)

Leah Henderson

7th Bayesian, Fiducial and Frequentist (BFF7)
conference in Toronto 2020. Conference has been
postponed due to COVID-19 (Programme committee)

Lisa Herzog

Deliberation and Decision-Making in Social Movements
(30-Jan-2020 → …)

Mancept Workshops in Political Theory (online)
(09/09/2020 → …)

Shifting Categories. Unsettling the way we think about
work (05/12/2019 → …)

Martin Lenz

Medicine and Philosophy II: Climate (29/10/2020 →

Emar Maier

Informal Groningen-Tilburg Workshop on Pictorial
Narrative (25/09/2020 → 25/09/2020)

Andrea Sangiacomo

ERC Symposium on Digital Methods in the History of
Philosophy and Science (21-Jan-2020) Groningen,

Andreas Schmidt

PPE Winter School, Groningen: Climate Change and the
Long-Term Future (24/02/2020 → 25/02/2020)

Justo Serrano Zamora

Workshop “Deliberation and Decision-Making in Social
Movements” (26/02/2020) Groningen, Netherlands

Raluca Tanasescu

ERC Symposium on Digital Methods in the History of
Philosophy and Science (21-Jan-2020) Groningen,

Jan Albert van Laar

International Conference on Argumentation and Public
Policy (04/03/2020 → 06/03/2020) Wroclaw, Poland

Norms for Public Argument (30/09/2020 → 02/10/2020)
Budapest, Hungary

Editing and reviewing

Laura Georgescu

Journal of Early Modern Studies; Open Philosophy;
Perspectives on Science; Philosophies (Reviewer)

Leah Henderson

NWO Veni grant panel

External reviewer for senior lectureship job search in
philosophy of science by Stockholm University.

Reviewer for a NSF grant proposal

Martin Lenz

Springer (Guest editor)

Emar Maier

Frontiers in Psychology (Guest editor)

Jan-Willem Romeijn

Philosophy of Science; European Journal for the
Philosophy of Science; Mind; Inquiry; Philosophical
Studies; Synthese; Journal of the Royal Statistical
Society; Studies in the History and Philosophy of
Science (Reviewer)

Member of the editorial board of the European Journal
for the Philosophy of Science

Titus Stahl

Editorial board member of Critical Horizons. A Journal of
Philosophy and Social Theory

Jan Albert van Laar

Editorial board of the journal Argument & Computation
(1-Dec-2020 → …)

PhD Defenses

Ot de Wiljes From skin to brain; Promotores Fred
Keijzer & Jan-Willem Romeijn; Copromotor Ronald van
Elburg (4-Mei-2020)

Willem Verhoeven Reasoning about morality;
Promotores Lodi Nauta en Annelien de Dijn (3-Sep-

Sjoerd Griffioen Contested modernity; Promotor Lodi
Nauta; Copromotor Judith Vega (1-Okt-2020) Cum laude

Stipe Pandžić Reasoning with Defeasible Reasons;
Promotores Barteld Kooi, Allard Tamminga en Rineke
Verbrugge (29-Okt-2020)

Herman Veluwenkamp Objectivity without Reality;
Promotor Bart Streumer; Copromotor Daan Evers (10-


Laura Georgescu

Nominations and Elections Committee - International
Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (1-Jul-
2020 → 1-Jul-2022)

Leah Henderson

Board member ‘Vereniging voor Logica en Wijsbegeerte
der Exacte Wetenschappen’ (2020 → …)

Hugo Hogenbirk

PhD Council, Graduate School of Philosophy, RuG (1-
Sep-2020 → 31-Dec-2020) (Chair)

Charlotte Knowles

Centre for Gender Studies Groningen (Nov-2020 → …)

Lodi Nauta

Netherlands Institute in Saint Petersburg (NIP) (2020 →

The Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR), Rome,
Italy (2020 → …)

Pauline Kleingeld

Member, ‘Kant-Kommission’ of the Berlin-Brandenburg
Academy of Sciences

Member, Selection Committee, KNAW Research
Institute Grants

Member, Governing Board of the Journal of the
American Philosophical Association

Member, Advisory Board of the North American Kant

Member, Netherlands Research School in Philosophy,
EPF Chamber

Referee, Promotion to Distinguished Professor dossier,

Jan-Willem Romeijn

Steering committee of Progic conference series

Program committee member for Formal Epistemology
Workshop 2020, UC Irvine

Program committee member for conference on Bayesian
Epistemology 2020, LMU Munich

Program committee member for ISIPTA 2021, University
of Granada

Jury member for KHMW “Brouwer Prize” for MA theses
in philosophy

Examination and teaching for third parties

Daan Evers

Interview profielwerkstuk: Zijn wij ons brein? (4-Dec-

Lisa Herzog

PhD Examination

PhD examiner at Witten University

Leah Henderson

Reading committee member for thesis of Silvia Ivani,
Tilburg University. Defence held May 2020.

Frank Hindriks

Intrinsically Motivating Social Influence (21-Sep-2020)

Morals for the Mighty: Political Legitimacy as Impact on
Sustainable Development (26-Nov-2020) (Examiner)

Objectivity without Reality (10-Dec-2020) (Examiner)

Pauline Kleingeld

Member, ‘PhD committee’, PhD defense Herman
Veluwenkamp, 10 December 2020.

Lodi Nauta

Lid van de promotiecommissie van Christophe Geudens,
8 mei 2020, Leuven

Jan-Willem Romeijn

Opposition for Stijn de Vos, Mathematics, University of

Reading committee for Zoe Mariangela Cocchiaro,
Philosophy, University of Hong Kong

Opposition for Stipe Pandzic, Philosophy, University of

Reading committee for Noah van Dongen, Philosophy,
University of Turin


Jan-Willem Romeijn

Advice on, design of, and contribution to courses for
legal professionals about social deliberation

Advice to Noord Nederlands Toneel (NNT) on “black
swans” and inductive inference

Membership of SSH portal for research on COVID-19

Collaborating and participation

Andrea Sangiacomo

University of Genoa (Apr-2020 → May-2020) (Visiting

César Reigosa Soler

Virtual Colloquia in Medieval Philosophy (1-14) (26-Mar-
2020 → 2-Jul-2020) (participant)

The Good Life in Ancient Ethics (3-Jun-2020)

UK Medieval Philosophy Network (23-Jun-2020)

94th Joint Session of the Mind Association and
Aristotelian Society (10-Jul-2020 → 12-Jul-2020)

La prophétie et la révélation dans les traditions
philosophiques arabo-islamique et juive (10-Dec-2020)

The Groningen Centre for Medieval and Early Modern
Thought Lecture: "Nominalism's Modal Paradise Lost",
by Robert Pasnau (17-Dec-2020) (participant)

Press / media

Diego Castro Amenábar

Cómo construir un argumento irrefutable (16/11/2020)

La Tercera;

Simon Friederich

The Covid Wake-Up Call: Protecting Humanity Against
Global Disasters (18/05/2020)

Areo Magazine;

Is Michael Shellenberger’s “Apocalypse Never” an
Ecomodernist Work? (07/09/2020)

Areo Magazine;

Carte blanche: «La Belgique a encore un avenir
nucléaire» (25/11/2020)

Le Soir Plus, Other;

Remco Heesen

Moving towards fairer academic rewards (10/01/2020)

Description: New incentive systems take into account
more than just a researcher’s publication history

Chemistry World (Royal Society of Chemistry)
(International), United Kingdom, Web; Rachel Brazil
(1628 words)

Dunkelmänner (19/02/2020) (with Liam Bright)

Description: Ever year three million anonymously
reviewed specialist articles appear worldwide. But now
two researchers are shaking up the peer review process
the sciences rely on.

Süddeutsche Zeitung (International), Germany, Print;
Johan Schloemann (1483 words)

Ipse Dixit Podcast episode 669 - Remco Heesen & Liam
Bright on Peer Review (18/12/2020) (with Liam Bright

Ipse Dixit (International), Kentucky, United States, Web;
Brian L. Frye; 39 minutes;

Leah Henderson

Hoe moeten we omgaan met klimaatscepsis?; Interview
with Trouw newspaper (Jan. 2020)

Frank Hindriks

In tijden van corona: Een klein sociaal wonder

Sociaalweb, Netherlands; Frank Hindriks; Invited blog
about Corona and social norms;

Pauline Kleingeld

Interview by Eelco Salverda (RUG), ‘Detective work
leads to Spinoza Prize’, ‘Met detectivewerk naar
Spinozapremie’, RUG News, 19 June 2020.

Reprinted in Zwartsluizer Reclameblad (30 June 2020)
and in Broerstraat 5 (‘Immanuel Kant is jarenlang
verkeerd begrepen’, October 2020).

Portrait video by Sjaan Steinmetz, Public Cinema, for
NWO, July-August 2020.

Interview by Malou van Hintum, in Spinoza & Stevin
Prizes Laureates 2020 (The Hague, Dutch Research
Council, 2020), 20-26.

Podcast, interview (with Linda Steg) by Wim Brons, Tina
Kretschmer, and Arjen Dijkstra, RUG series ‘In de
Wetenschap’, 9 June 2020,

Interview by Frank von Hebel, Dagblad van het Noorden,
‘RUG-wetenschappers winnen Spinoza- en
Stevinpremie’, 19 June 2020, and ‘Dit zijn de
hoogleraren Linda Steg en Pauline Kleingeld van de
RUG. Ze hebben net de prestigieuze Spinozapremie en
Stevinpremie binnengesleept’, 20 June 2020.

Interview by Willem Schoonen, Trouw, ‘Spinozapremie
voor een groot kenner van Kant’, 20 June 2020.

Interview by Bart Funnekotter, NRC Handelsblad, ‘Deze
zes onderzoekers krijgen ieder 2,5 miljoen euro’, 19/22
June 2020.

Interview by Christien Boomsma, UK (RUG), ‘Zoektocht
naar een rechtvaardige wereld’, ‘The quest for a just
world’, 19 June 2020.

Radio interview, RTV Noord, 19 June 2020.

Radio interview and podcast, by Jort Kelder, Dr Kelder
en co, ‘De duistere kant van Immanuel Kant’ 20-6-2020.

Interview by Juurd Eijsvoogel, NRC Handelsblad,
‘Alsnog debatteert Duitsland over het racisme van
filosoof Kant,’ 25 June 2020.

Radio interview by Karlijn Meinders en Pauline
Sewuster, ‘Wetenschap Vandaag’, BNR Nieuwsradio, 3
July 2020.

Radio interview (with Anke Graneß) by René Aguigah,
‘Das Denken dekolonisieren’, Deutschlandfunk, 13
September 2020.

Interview by Alexandra van Ditmars, ‘Een andere Kant’,
Filosofie Magazine, November 2020, 26-31.

Interview by Bram Douwes and Jouke de Vries,
December Talkshow UG, 18 December 2020.

Charlotte Knowles

Philosophy by Postcard (01/10/2020)

Description: Participation in the philosophy by postcard
project set up by In Parenthesis to commemorate the
centenary of Iris Murdoch. Correspondence with the
public to answer philosophical questions. The project
and my contribution can be found here:

Martin Lenz

How does history of ideas figure in tackling the corona
crisis? - Philosophy and Corona in 90 seconds, part 3

Youtube (International), Netherlands, YouTube; Martin
Lenz; 1:40;

Paul Cliteur, academische vrijheid en cancel culture

DUB, Other;

Kritika Maheshwari

European Sustainable Society PhD Grant voor Tim van
Zuijlen (07/12/2020)

Marc Pauly

Vergeten filosoof: Martin Buber (01/03/2020)

Qualia (Local), Netherlands, Print; STUFF;

Jan-Willem Romeijn

Interview and podcast on BNR about “Wisdom of the

Interview for NWO magazine “Onderzoek” on the
science-policy interface in a time of crisis

Interview for KHMW year report on committee work for
the Brouwer Prizes

Andreas Schmidt

‘Je kunt echt het verschil maken door thuis te blijven’ -
Interview met ethicus Andreas Schmidt over de
coronacrisis (17/03/2020)

Description: Interview on ethical obligations during

Nemo Kennislink, Netherlands, Web; Lianne Tijhaar;

Choosing to Digitally Nudge: Opportunities and
Challenges (16/11/2020) (with Bart Engelen

The Habtic Standard (International), Web;

Nudging and Transparency (16/11/2020) (with Bart

Description: With nudging techniques all around us, the
question for many businesses has moved from whether
to nudge, to how to nudge employees. And how we
nudge can make all the difference.

The Habtic Standard, Netherlands;

You can also read