Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification

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Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 2021                                                                              1

   Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for
       Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
     Xian Zhong, Member, IEEE, Tianyou Lu, Wenxin Huang, Student Member, IEEE, Mang Ye, Xuemei Jia,
                                   and Chia-Wen Lin, Fellow, IEEE,

   Abstract—Visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID)
is an emerging and challenging cross-modality image matching
problem because of the explosive surveillance data in night-
time surveillance applications. To handle the large modality
gap, various generative adversarial network models have been
developed to eliminate the cross-modality variations based on
a cross-modal image generation framework. However, the lack
of point-wise cross-modality ground-truths makes it extremely
challenging to learn such a cross-modal image generator. To
address these problems, we learn the correspondence between
single-channel infrared images and three-channel visible images
by generating intermediate grayscale images as auxiliary in-
formation to colorize the single-modality infrared images. We
propose a grayscale enhancement colorization network (GECNet)
to bridge the modality gap by retaining the structure of the
colored image which contains rich information. To simulate the
infrared-to-visible transformation, the point-wise transformed
grayscale images greatly enhance the colorization process. Our
experiments conducted on two visible-infrared cross-modality                 Fig. 1.  Comparison of existing generation methods and our col-
person re-identification datasets demonstrate the superiority of             orization method. (a) The existing methods generate colored images
the proposed method over the state-of-the-arts.                              from infrared images directly without pixel-wise single-channel to
                                                                             three-channel correspondences; (b) the proposed method enhances
   Index Terms—Person Re-identification, Visible-infrared, Col-
                                                                             the colorization network by utilizing grayscale images as intermediate
orization, Cross-modality, Grayscale Enhancement
                                                                             auxiliary information.

                         I. I NTRODUCTION
                                                                             in the visible light environment, focus on analyzing the

P    ERSON re-identification (Re-ID) aims at searching for
     the same person across different cameras [1]–[12]. Due to
the fast-growing deployment of surveillance systems in urban
                                                                             appearance discrepancy caused by occlusions, illuminations,
                                                                             various poses, etc. However, at nights or in practical low-
                                                                             light environments, effective appearance information may not
areas, person Re-ID has attracted widespread attention in the                be available in the captured images, which greatly challenges
computer vision community [13], [14]. Most of the current                    the applicability of Re-ID in practice. To adapt to practical
research works on Re-ID, which have made abundant progress                   environments at nights, additional modalities of images, such
                                                                             as near-infrared/infrared imaging or depth cameras, are often
   Manuscript received on October 28, 2020. This work was supported in       utilized. This increases the need for challenging cross-modality
part by Department of Science and Technology, Hubei Provincial People’s
Government under Grant 2017CFA012, Fundamental Research Funds for the        visible-infrared person Re-ID (VI-ReID) task, which requires
Central Universities of China under Grant 191010001, Hubei Key Laboratory    cross-modality matching between the daytime visible and
of Transportation Internet of Things under Grant 2018IOT003, 2020III026GX,   nighttime infrared images.
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62066021, and
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, under Grants MOST 109-2634-         Recent advances in generative adversarial networks (GANs)
F-007-013. (Corresponding author: Wenxin Huang)                              provide a powerful solution for bridging the modality gap in
   Xian Zhong is with School of Computer Science and Technology and Hubei
Key Laboratory of Transportation Internet of Things, Wuhan University of     cross-modal image generation. In particular, numerous studies
Technology, Wuhan, China. e-mail: (                       have attempted to use GANs to augment training samples to
   Tianyou Lu is with School of Computer Science and Technology, Wuhan       solve modality discrepancy problems [15]–[17] in VI-ReID.
University of Technology, Wuhan, China. e-mail: (
   Wenxin Huang is with School of Computer Science and Information           Specifically, a novel cross-modality GAN was proposed in [15]
Engineering, Hubei University, Wuhan, China. e-mail: (wenxinhuang wh@        to cope with the problem of insufficient training samples for                                                                     cross-modality identification. The method proposed in [16]
   Mang Ye is with the School of Computer Science, Wuhan University,
Wuhan, China. E-mail: (                                   transfers two of the modalities into a unified space and pro-
   Xuemei Jia is with School of Computer Science and Technology, Wuhan       poses a two-branch GAN to solve the cross-modality problem.
University of Technology, Wuhan, China. e-mail: (      To match between visible images and infrared ones with
   Chia-Wen Lin is with Department of Electrical Engineering and Institute
of Communications Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,       modality discrepancy through feature representation learning,
Taiwan. e-mail: (                                       an alignment GAN was proposed in [17] to address the
Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 2021                                                                  2

                                                                       the single-channel infrared images, providing rich appearance
                                                                       information; 2) it improves the colorization process by utiliz-
                                                                       ing the aligned single to three-channel supervision obtained
                                                                       from the point-wise transformation of grayscale images. The
                                                                       main contributions are summarized as follows:
                                                                          • We analyze the importance of point-wise transforma-
                                                                            tion ground-truths with grayscale images for the cross-
                                                                            modality generator training under practical settings, e.g.,
                                                                            there is no point-wise one-to-one infrared-visible pairwise
                                                                            correspondence on SYSU-MM01 dataset.
                                                                          • We introduce a GECNet by incorporating a structure
                                                                            preservation and reconstruction process. It is designed
                                                                            to make color infrared images similar to corresponding
                                                                            visible images with the same identity.
Fig. 2. Comparison of RGB three-channel brightness-gradient his-          • We validate the proposed strategy on two cross-modality
tograms of infrared-visible and colored-visible image pairs with the        datasets on different baseline methods, achieving consis-
same identity in RegDB dataset. (a) There is an obvious modality            tent improvements under various settings.
gap between the infrared image with the red channel only and the
visible image with three channels; (b) since the colored image has        Compared with the preliminary conference version in [1],
similar three-channel distributions, the gap is effectively bridged.   this journal version has been significantly extended in three
                                                                       aspects: 1) we give an insightful analysis of the colorization
misalignment problem in the generation process, which can              mechanism for the cross-modal person Re-ID problem; 2)
alleviate the cross-modality change in the pixel space and the         we propose a grayscale enhancement module, which provides
intra-modality discrepancy in the feature space simultaneously,        reliable and informative supervision, to guide the cross-modal
and learn identity-consistent features. As shown in Fig. 1,            image generation process; 3) we present comprehensive anal-
existing generation methods resort to using infrared images            yses and evaluations to demonstrate the superiority of the
to generate colored images directly. However, since there is           proposed method.
usually no point-wise single-channel to three-channel ground-             The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II
truths, it is hard to evaluate whether the generated images            surveys recent work most related to our method. We then
are good or not. Meanwhile, without such cross-modality                present our method in detail in Section III. Comprehensive
supervision, the image generation process also faces varying           performance evaluation results are shown in Section IV. Fi-
uncertainty.                                                           nally, we draw our conclusion in Section V.
    As shown in Fig. 2, the visible images and infrared images
are essentially different in various aspects, making the cross-                           II. RELATED WORK
modal Re-ID task a challenging problem. Hence, it is highly            A. Infrared-visible Person Re-ID
desirable to solve the problem of visible-infrared cross-modal            Different from traditional single-modal person Re-ID
matching for practical night-time surveillance applications.           schemes [18]–[21], current multi-modal person Re-ID schemes
Specifically, the lack of point-wise transformation ground-            mainly focus on visible-infrared and text-image cross-modality
truths makes the cross-modal image generation challenging.             matching. In the text-image person search, [22] proposed that
The main reason is that it is difficult to identify whether the        the recurrent neural network of the gate structure-controlled
generated images are good or not without pair-wise visible-            neurological attention mechanism (GNA-RNN) achieves the
infrared supervision. To address the problem, we propose to            optimal performance in character search. [23] proposed a
characterize the relation between the single-channel infrared          two-stage identity-aware text-visual matching framework. [24]
and three-channel visible images, and colorize infrared images         introduced a two-path network with a novel bi-directional two-
accordingly. To this end, we devise a grayscale enhancement            constrained top-ranking loss to learn discriminative feature
colorization network (GECNet) to perform the colorization.             representations. [25] introduced distribution loss function and
The basic idea behind GECNet is that we utilize the point-             correlation loss function to align the embedding features across
wise transformed grayscale images from the visible modality            visible and infrared modalities. [26] modeled the affinities of
as the single-channel ground-truth. The synthetic grayscale            different modality samples according to the shared features
images offer reliable cross-modality supervision for training          and then transfer both shared and specific features among
the colorization network. In addition, we introduce a structure-       and across modalities. [27] presented a modality collaborative
preserving network to maximize the distances between iden-             ensemble learning to improve the cross-modality Re-ID per-
tities while minimizing the cross-modality distance between            formance in both classifier and feature levels. A dual attentive
the colored images and visible images of the same identity.            aggregation learning method by incorporating with the part
To further boost performance, a feature-level fusion module is         and graph attention is presented in [28]. Generally, cross-
devised to supplement the transfer process of colorization.            modality image generation methods provide a good direction
    Our proposed GECNet framework has two major advan-                 to address the modality discrepancy at the image level. In
tages: 1) it minimizes the cross-modality gap by colorizing            addition, other advanced cross-modality matching models can
Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 2021                                                                       3

Fig. 3. Two-branch framework of proposed GECNet, where the orange and green lines represent the infrared and visible branches, respectively,
and ⊕ represents the feature fusion operation. The grayscale images are point-wise transformed from visible images and fed into colorization
Siamese GAN along with the infrared images. The colored image features and the original infrared image features are then fused and
measured with the visible image features.

be applied to further improve the performance when high-               and complete text to the general semantic vector space [35]–
quality images are generated.                                          [39]. [35] used a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to
                                                                       encode images and used a recurrent neural network (RNN) to
                                                                       encode texts, thus constructing a visual-semantic embedding
B. Image Generation in Re-ID
                                                                       space with triplet ranking loss. [36] used the hard negatives in
   GAN was originally proposed and had received more and               structured prediction in the triplet loss function and combined
more attention in the field of computer vision and artificial          with fine-tuning and enhanced data. [37] suggested that it
intelligence research . To the best of our knowledge, more             could be an effective method to incorporate the generation
and more researches used GAN to solve cross-modality VI-               objects into the cross-view feature embedding learning. [38]
ReID problems. In VI-ReID, [29] presented a deep zero-                 presented stacked cross attention to discover complete poten-
padding network to learn the invariant feature representations.        tial alignments, using image regions and words in sentences
[16] proposed a new two-stage differential reduction learning          as contexts.
method to bridge modality gaps. [17] proposed a novel and
end-to-end alignment GAN, which can exploit pixel alignment
                                                                       D. Colorization
and feature alignment jointly. The method proposed in [30]
presented a thermal multispectral person Re-ID framework.                 In the past decade, due to the extensive applications of au-
[31] generated person images with different camera styles              tomatic colorization in the grayscale image and the restoration
by utilizing the cycle GAN (CycleGAN) with label smooth                of aging and degradation image, colorization has been deeply
regularization. CycleGAN with self-similarity and domain               studied. Specifically, [40] proposed an algorithm for coloriz-
similarity constraints is also utilized in [32]. [33] exploited        ing images by texture synthesis, where the colorization is
the CycleGAN to generate images under different illumination           accomplished by matching the texture and semantics of objects
conditions. With a similar idea, [34] proposed to transfer GAN         between the existing visible image and the infrared image to
to bridge the gap in the field. However, to solve the prob-            be rendered. The colorization method proposed in [41] devises
lems of different poses, lighting, and camera styles, all these        a loss function to compensate for the difference between the
methods focus on generating colored images based on infrared           weighted average of each pixel and its neighboring pixels. In
images. Without the single-channel to three-channel ground-            the adversarial convolutional network in [42]. An image of a
truths, the image generation process is quite challenging and          common theme is included throughout the training process,
unstable.                                                              which requires highly processed data as a semantic mapping
                                                                       of the input data. WaterGAN [43] is mainly designed for
                                                                       underwater visual data repair, and requires a lot of training
C. Deep Cross-modality Matching                                        data to realize.
   In the process of text-image matching, a series of rich                This paper proposes a learning framework for infrared
research explores the method of mapping the entire image               image colorization and feature fusion to optimize the feature
Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 2021                                                                      4

                                                                                                      TABLE I
                                                                                  S UMMARY OF SYMBOLS USED IN THIS PAPER .

                                                                                  Symbol    Symbol Meaning
                                                                                    λ1      weighting parameter of cross-entropy loss
                                                                                    λ2      weighting parameter of triplet loss
                                                                                     ω      soft weight value
                                                                                     α      margin of triplet loss
                                                                                     i      visible image
                                                                                     i      grayscale image
                                                                                    G       generative model
                                                                                    D       discriminative model

                                                                         ImageNet as a feature extractor for further fine-tuning. We
                                                                         utilize off-the-shelf feature extractors to extract the features
                                                                         of two heterogeneous modalities. The network parameters of
                                                                         the two paths are optimized separately to extract modality-
                                                                         specific features. Subsequently, two loss functions are devised
                                                                         to supervise network training. The main symbols and their
Fig. 4. Illustration of the distinctions of GECNet (a) without and (b)   associated meanings used in this paper are listed in Table I
with grayscale enhancement. Both grayscale and infrared images are       for clarity.
used to enhance the trained model. It can be seen that (a) the colored
image obtained using the original GECNet may be noisy, which can
be effectively mitigated by the grayscale enhancement in (b).            C. Pixel-wise Transformation
                                                                            According to the characteristics of the dataset collection,
representation and distance metric for VI-ReID, as shown in              there is no pixel-wise correspondence between the three-
Fig. 3. The aim is to generate synthetic colored images by               channel visible image and the single-channel infrared image.
extracting the key information of infrared images and then               To address this problem, each visible image is uniformly trans-
match the synthetic colored images with the real visible images          formed into an intermediate single-channel grayscale image to
by the proposed feature model.                                           approximate a single-channel infrared image. For each visible
                                                                         image xVi , its grayscale image xGi is generated by:
                    III. P ROPOSED M ETHOD                                                     xG      V
                                                                                                L = g(xR,G,B )                          (1)
A. Motivation
                                                                         where g is a grayscale transformation function, which per-
   In SYSU-MM01 dataset, pedestrian pairs lack pixel-wise                forms pixel-level accumulation on the original red (R), green
structural information across different cameras and time, mak-           (G), and blue (B) channels. The cumulative formula is:
ing infrared images unable to find the corresponding visible
images, which greatly increases the difficulty in colorizing              L = R × 299/1000 + G × 587/1000 + B × 114/1000 (2)
infrared images. To enhance the colorization network under the           The generated intermediate grayscale images retain the origi-
supervision of the pixel-wise single-channel to three-channel            nal structural information and can significantly improve cross-
correspondences, we transform visible images into grayscale              modal Re-ID performance.
images which are similar to the form of infrared images and
feed the image pairs together into the colorization Siamese
                                                                         D. Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network
GAN (SiGAN) [44] for training. As demonstrated in Fig. 4,
our algorithm introduces grayscale images in the colorization               To retain the structure information of the colored image, the
process, which effectively mitigates the noise caused by the             proposed GECNet is trained on pairs of infrared images with
lack of structural information.                                          two different identities or the same identity. GECNet consists
                                                                         of two identical generators and a discriminator sharing the
                                                                         same model parameters, which is inspired by the Siamese
B. Framework                                                             network and the deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN) [47].
   Our framework consists of two parts. One is based on                  While training GECNet, the generator pair is used to color
colorization SiGAN to bridge the modality gap between the                a pair of infrared images to generate visible images, and the
visible and infrared image domains, and the other is a func-             discriminator is used to determine whether the pair of visible
tional fusion network to reduce the appearance discrepancy,              images are real or fake. We introduce an identity-aware loss
mainly refer to the super-resolution (SR) method based on                function with three loss terms to effectively learn color and
deep learning [44]–[46]. Specifically, we use ResNet in our              identity representation, including adversarial loss, reconstruc-
framework as a backbone network for visible and infrared                 tion loss, and structure-preserving contrastive loss. In addition
branches. In the VI-ReID task, owing to the lack of sufficient           to the traditional reconstruction and adversarial loss used in
training data, we pre-train the convolutional layers, the four           GAN training, contrastive loss aims to increase the energy of
bottleneck layers, and the fully connected (FC) layer on                 different-identity pairs and reduce the energy of same-identity
Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 2021                                                                 5

pairs, so as to effectively improve the authenticity of colored     the reconstructed viewpoint substitute but also minimizes the
images.                                                             loss LG between the grayscale-enhanced pair.
   Generator (G) represents the cross-modality image gener-            The reconstruction loss of the generator is defined as the
ation process, which contains five convolutional units [48]         L2 norm of the difference between predicted and ground-truth
and five convolution-transpose units. In particular, we inte-       averaged over all pixels:
grate with residual blocks to speed up the convergence and                                      n
improve the training effect, where batch normalization (BN)                                 1X
                                                                             LRec (G) =           kG(xIi )(p) − (xVi )(p) k22
is performed after each layer and leaky rectified linear unit                               n p=1
(ReLU). The BN or activation function is not used in the last                                  n                                  (9)
layer of the network.                                                                   +       kG(xG
                                                                                                    i )
                                                                                                           − (xVi )(p) k22
                                                                                          n p=1
   Discriminator (D) is a fully convolutional network, con-
sisting of a series of 3 × 3 convolutional layers, where each
                                                                    where xIi means infrared image, xG   i means grayscale image,
convolutional layer is followed by a max-pooling layer, and the
                                                                    xVi is its visible version, p denotes the pixel index, n denotes
number of channels doubles after each downsampling. Behind
                                                                    the total number of pixels, and G means the infrared-to-color
all convolutional layers are BN and leaky ReLU activation.
                                                                    mapping function.
After the last layer, convolution is used to map features
                                                                       Finally, the overall loss function is a combination of the
to a one-dimensional output, which is a normalized value
                                                                    adversarial loss, reconstruction loss, and structural-preserving
indicating whether the input image is real or fake, where the
                                                                    contrastive loss:
input of the discriminator is a colored image from a generator
or sensor.                                                                       LGECN et = LGAN + LC + LRec                     (10)
   To learn structure-preserving features while training
SiGAN, we incorporate the contrastive loss term into the loss          By optimizing the above losses, we obtain a network that
function. We replace random noise z with input infrared image       can convert infrared image xIi or grayscale image xG
                                                                                                                       i to its
xIi . As a result, given grayscale image pair, xG        G          corresponding visible image xVi . With this method, all the
                                                i and xj , and
                               V        V
the pairwise visible pair, xi and xj , the adversarial loss         images from different modalities will share the same image
incorporated in GAN training is formulated below:                   space, which greatly reduces the modality gap at the pixel
                  LGAN (D, G) = ED (log D(xG
                                           i ))
                       + EG (log(1 − D(G(xIi ))))                   E. Feature Fusion
where   G(xIi )is the colored version of image    xIi ,
                                                     D(x) is the       By transforming infrared images into visible images, the
probability of the data sample x being verified, and D(x) = 1       appearance differences between different modalities can be
indicates that x is verified as a real sample; otherwise D(x) =     effectively mitigated by feature embedding networks. Specif-
0.                                                                  ically, together with the colored images, we use state-of-the-
   When we add grayscale images, the formula becomes:               art visible-infrared method AGW [2] as the baseline network
                                                                    for cross-modality representation learning, and use generalized
                  LGAN (D, G) = ED (log D(xVi ))                    mean (GeM) pooling [49] to replace the original pooling layer.
                       + EG (log(1 − D(G(xIi ))))            (4)    Actually, for each batch of training image samples, the visible
                       + EG (log(1 −   D(G(xG
                                            i ))))
                                                                    images and infrared images only share partial parameters,
                                                                    which is detailed in AGW. Meanwhile, since visible and
   The contrastive loss is used to embed the binary identity        colored images share similar appearance characteristics, we
label to supervise the training of the generator pair as follows:   use two feature extractors with the same shared parameters to
          LC (G) = (1 − y)LI (Ew (G(xIi ), G(xIj )))                map their features to a common latent space.
                                                                       To complement the loss of information caused by the
                           + yLG (Ew (G(xIi ), G(xIj )))            colorization of infrared images, an attention model is used
                     + (1 − y)LI (Ew (G(xG       G
                                         i ), G(xj )))              to extract the original infrared image features. A soft weight
                           + yLG (Ew (G(xG       G                  value is assigned to the spatial distribution of features, and the
                                         i ), G(xj )))
                                                                    weight value is achieved by setting:
                        Ew = kx1 − x2 k11                    (6)              f = (1 − ω) FC(xC                I
                                                                                              i ) + ω softmax(xi )               (11)

                           1                                        where FC represents the FC layer, xC           I
                                                                                                           i and xi respectively rep-
                    LI =     (max(0, m − Ew ))2              (7)    resent the colored feature and infrared feature, and softmax(·)
                                                                    represents the softmax function.
                              1                                        Based on existing person Re-ID methods, we adopt two
                           LG = (Ew )2                    (8)
                              2                                     widely-used loss functions including cross-entropy loss and
where m = 0.5, and Ew denotes the L1 norm in the pixel              triplet loss as a learning objective. The basic idea of the cross-
domain. It is worth noting that the contrastive loss term not       entropy is to treat each person identity as a distinct class and
only minimizes the marginal loss LI between xIi and xIj of          to treat images of the same identity person from different
Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 2021                                                                                   6

                                                                    TABLE II

                                                                     Visible to Infrared                         Infrared to Visible
            Approach                       Venue
                                                           r=1       r = 10      r = 20      mAP       r=1       r = 10     r = 20       mAP
            HCML [50]                    AAAI 18           24.44      47.53        56.78     20.08     21.70      45.02      55.58       22.24
            BDTR [24]                    IJCAI 18          34.62        -            -       33.46     34.21        -          -         32.49
            MAC [51]                   ACM MM 19           36.43      62.36        71.63     37.03     36.20      61.68      70.99       36.63
            D2 RL [16]                   CVPR 19           43.4       66.1         76.3      44.1        -          -          -           -
            HSME [52]                    AAAI 19           50.85      73.36        81.66     47.00     50.15      72.40      81.07       46.16
            AlignGAN [17]                ICCV 19            57.9        -            -        53.6      56.3        -          -          53.4
            eBDTR [53]                    TIFS 20          34.62      58.96        68.72     33.46     34.21      58.74      68.64       32.49
            CoSiGAN [1]                  ICMR 20           47.18      65.97        75.29     46.16       -          -          -           -
            MSR [54]                       TIP 20          48.43      70.32        79.95     48.67       -          -          -           -
            EDFL [55]                Neurocomputing 20     52.58      72.10        81.47     52.98     51.89      72.09      81.04       52.13
            X-Modal [56]                 AAAI 20           62.21      83.13        91.72     60.18       -          -          -           -
            CMSP [57]                     IJCV 20          65.07      83.71          -       64.50       -          -          -           -
            AGW [2]                       arXiv 20         70.05        -            -       66.37     69.13        -          -         65.22
            Hi-CMD [58]                  CVPR 20           70.93      86.39          -       66.04       -          -          -           -
            cm-SSFT [26]                 CVPR 20            72.3        -            -       72.9      71.0         -          -         71.7
            CoAL [59]                  ACM MM 20           74.12      90.23        94.53     69.87       -          -          -           -
            GECNet (VRC [60])                              73.83      88.30        91.60     72.72     72.72      88.88      92.82       70.47
            GECNet (RTUG [61])                             74.90      89.56        93.16     73.34     73.83      88.30      91.60       71.72
            GECNet (DCGAN [62])                            75.78      89.32        93.25     73.78     73.25      87.86      91.75       71.79
            GECNet                                         82.33      92.72        95.49     78.45     78.93      91.99      95.44       75.58

                                                                    TABLE III

                                                                      All Search                                Indoor Search
               Approach                    Venue
                                                         r=1       r = 10     r = 20       mAP       r=1       r = 10     r = 20       mAP
               TONE [50]                  AAAI 18        12.52      50.72       69.60      14.42     20.82     69.86      84.46        26.38
               HCML [50]                  AAAI 18        14.32      53.16       69.17      16.16     24.52     73.25      86.73        20.08
               cmGAN [15]                 IJCAI 18       26.97      67.51       80.56      31.49     31.63     77.23      89.18        42.19
               BDTR [24]                  IJCAI 18       27.23        -           -        29.29     32.46       -          -          42.46
               TCMDL [63]                TCSVT 19        16.91      58.83       76.64      19.30     21.60     71.38      87.91        32.27
               HSME [52]                  AAAI 19        20.68      32.74       77.95      23.12       -         -          -            -
               D2 RL [16]                 CVPR 19        28.90      70.60       82.40      39.56     28.12     70.23      83.67        29.01
               SDL [8]                   TCSVT 19        32.56      80.45       90.67      29.20       -         -          -            -
               MAC [51]                 ACM MM 19        33.26      79.04       90.09      36.22     36.43     62.36      71.63        37.03
               HPILN [64]                IET-IPR 19      41.36      84.78       94.31      42.95     45.77     91.82      98.46        56.52
               AlignGAN [17]              ICCV 19         42.4       85.0        93.7       40.7      45.9      87.6       94.4         54.3
               eBDTR [53]                  TIFS 20       27.82      67.34       81.34      28.43     32.46     77.42      89.62        42.46
               Hi-CMD [58]                CVPR 20        34.94      77.58         -        35.94       -         -          -            -
               CoSiGAN [1]                ICMR 20        35.55      81.54       90.43      38.33       -         -          -            -
               MSR [54]                     TIP 20       37.35      83.40       93.34      38.11     39.64     89.29      97.66        50.88
               LZM [65]                    SPIC 20       45.00      89.06         -        45.94     49.66     92.47        -          59.81
               AGW [2]                    arXiv 20       47.50        -           -        47.65     54.17       -          -          62.97
               GECNet (VRC [60])                         48.38      84.35       91.98      46.65     54.30     91.21      96.69        62.07
               GECNet (RTUG [61])                        48.25      84.54       92.06      48.27     54.71     90.72      96.92        62.14
               GECNet (DCGAN [62])                       48.67      84.80       92.32      48.40     55.16     90.76      96.69        62.69
               GECNet                                    53.37      89.86       95.66      51.83     60.60     94.29      98.10        62.89

modalities as the same class. Triplet loss aims at making cross-            where [x]+ ≡ max(x, 0) truncates negative numbers to zero
modal features as close for the same person while separating                while keeping positive numbersP the same and s(·, ·) calculates
them far apart for different persons in the embedded space.                 the Euclidean distance. The xb I part represents all negatives
   Triplet loss uses hinge-based triplet ranking loss with                  in infrared image xb Ij given visible image xVi , the xb V part
margin α for similarity learning:
                                                                            squares up all negative images x b Vj given infrared image xIi . If
                                                                            xVi and xIi are closer to each other in the embedded space than
  Ltri =                                                    xIj ))]+
                [α − s(f (xVi ), f (xIi )) + s(f (xVi ), f (b
             x̂Ij                                                           any negative pair margin α, the hinge loss is zero. In practical
           X                                                                applications, to improve the discriminability and avoid fitting
         +                                    xVj ), f (xIi ))]+
            [α − s(f (xVi ), f (xIi )) + s(f (b                             to easy samples, only the hard negative values in the mini-
               j                                                            batch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) process are usually
Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
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                                                                          Fig. 6. Performance evaluation of rank-1 accuracy (%) and mAP (%)
                                                                          with various weighting parameter λ1 and λ2 on RegDB (left) and
                                                                          SYSU-MM01 (right). The left one sets λ1 = 1 and λ2 ∈ [0, 1] for
                                                                          RegDB, and the right one sets λ2 = 1 and λ1 ∈ [0, 1] for SYSU-

                                                                          B. Evaluation Metrics
                                                                             We utilize the standard evaluation criteria employed in
Fig. 5. Examples of 64 × 128 image generated from RegDB and               most of the previous VI-ReID task work [15], [16], [53].
SYSU-MM01 dataset. Each row indicates the same person, with three         We measure evaluation metrics rank-r matching accuracy and
kinds of images, (a) infrared image, (b) visible image, and (c) colored   mean average precision (mAP). The rank-r calculates the
image.                                                                    percentage of testing samples that find the correct result in
                                                                          the top r search outcomes of the query sample. We report
considered, instead of summarizing all the negative samples.
                                                                          the results of rank-1, rank-10, and rank-20, respectively. The
  Cross-entropy loss is employed for identity learning and is
                                                                          metric mAP is an average of the maximum recalls for each
written as:
                              n   B                                       class in multiple types of tests. For a fair comparison, all
                          1 XX
                 Lce = −             log pi,n            (13)             our results do not use any re-ranking or multi-query fusion
                          B n=0 i=0                                       techniques.
where B is the number of images in the training minibatch,
pi,n is the predicted probability that the i-th input belongs to          C. Training Details
the n-th ground-truth class:                                                 Our model is implemented on the PyTorch platform. Our
                  pi,n = softmax(W fi,n + b)                      (14)    experiments use ResNet-50 as the feature extraction backbone,
                                                                          utilizing a single-center random crop size of 144 × 288.
where W and b are the trainable classifier weights.                       We adopt SGD to optimize the network, and the momentum
  Overall Learning Objective is a combination of cross-                   parameter is set to 0.9. The total number of training epochs
entropy and triplet losses as following:                                  is 60. We start training with a learning rate of 0.01 for 30
                      L = λ1 Lce + λ2 Ltri                        (15)    epochs and then decrease the learning rate to 0.001 for another
                                                                          30 epochs. The batch size employed in all experiments is 64.
where λ1 and λ2 are the weighting parameters for the cross-               We evaluate the effect of weight parameters λ1 and λ2 for
entropy loss and the triplet loss.                                        the two loss terms in (15) from 0 to 1. When configured with
                                                                          the triplet loss, we adopt the hard mining strategy and set the
                 IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS                               margin α to 0.2 for both datasets. Given an input testing image,
A. Datasets                                                               we use the output of the shared FC layer as the final feature
                                                                          representation for Re-ID. After each epoch, the embedding
   We evaluate our method on two publicly available datasets,
                                                                          model is evaluated on the validation set. The finished colored
RegDB [66] and SYSU-MM01 [29].
                                                                          images are shown in Fig. 5.
   RegDB, captured by dual (visible and infrared) cameras,
contains a total of 412 persons, each with 10 pairs of visible
and infrared images. We randomly divided the dataset into two             D. Comparison with the State-of-the-arts
halves according to the evaluation protocol in [24] for training             We report the results for the VI-ReID task on RegDB
and testing.                                                              and SYSU-MM01 in Table II and Table III, respectively.
   SYSU-MM01, captured by six cameras (including four                     Several representative VI-ReID methods are compared, in-
visible cameras and two infrared cameras), contains a total               cluding HCML [50], BDTR [24], MAC [51], D2 RL [16],
of 491 persons, and each person is captured by at least two               HSME [52], AlignGAN [17], eBDTR [53], CoSiGAN [1],
different cameras. The training set contains 395 persons, with            MSR [54], EDFL [55], X-Modal [56], CMSP [57], AGW [2],
a total of 22,258 visible images in Cam 1, Cam 2, Cam 4, and              Hi-CMD [58], cm-SSFT [26], CoAL [59], cmGAN [15],
Cam 5, and 11,909 infrared images in Cam 3 and Cam 6. The                 TCMDL [63], SDL [8], HPILN [64], and LZM [65].
testing set contains 96 persons, with 3,803 infrared images                  The results in Table III and Table II show that the proposed
for the query, and 301 randomly selected visible images as                GECNet, involving infrared image colorization, grayscale en-
the gallery set.                                                          hancement, and feature fusion, significantly outperforms the
Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
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                                                                    TABLE IV
                                             RESULTS RESPECTIVELY.

                                                                            RegDB                              SYSU-MM01
            Baseline   Colorization   Grayscale   Fusion   Visible to Infrared   Infrared to Visible    All Search     Indoor Search
                                                           r=1        mAP        r=1        mAP        r=1     mAP     r=1     mAP
               X            ×            ×          ×       70.05     66.37      69.13      65.22      47.50   47.65   54.17   62.97
               X            X            ×          ×       75.78     73.78      73.25      71.79      48.67   48.40   55.16   62.69
               X            X            X          ×       77.04     74.04      76.32      73.67      50.03   49.63   57.23   62.55
               X            X            ×          X       77.38     74.46      76.78      74.07      51.51   50.68   58.43   62.71
               X            X            X          X       82.33     78.45      78.93      75.58      53.37   51.83   60.60   62.89

                                                                    TABLE V
                                             RESULTS RESPECTIVELY.

                                                                            RegDB                              SYSU-MM01
            Baseline   Colorization   Grayscale   Fusion   Visible to Infrared   Infrared to Visible    All Search     Indoor Search
                                                           r=1        mAP        r=1        mAP        r=1     mAP     r=1     mAP
               X            ×            ×          ×       34.62     33.46      34.21      32.49      27.23   29.29   32.46   42.46
               X            X            ×          ×       43.66     42.68      43.17      41.55      29.56   32.98   33.97   42.76
               X            X            X          ×       46.70     45.51      46.30      44.72      34.37   37.46   36.11   42.92
               X            X            ×          X       47.18     46.16      46.01      45.03      35.55   38.33   37.65   42.89
               X            X            X          X       50.14     48.97      49.46      48.08      35.80   37.95   38.03   43.12

Fig. 7. Visualization of feature distributions of gray-scale, infrared, and visible images in the first two prominant dimensions of the initial,
colored, and the results of the best training/testing data. A total of ten persons are randomly selected from SYSU-MM01 set. Here, each color
represents an identity, and each shape represents a modality. (a)–(c) and (d)–(f) are obtained using training and testing data on SYSU-MM01,
Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
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                            TABLE VI

                       RegDB         SYSU-MM01
                    r=1     mAP     r=1     mAP
              0.1   79.34   75.30   52.87   50.93
              0.3   82.33   78.45   53.37   51.83
              0.5   81.02   77.85   52.73   51.34
              0.7   81.46   78.14   52.63   50.67
              0.9   80.83   77.71   51.98   50.30

state-of-the-art methods, especially on RegDB, showing that
GECNet is remarkably effective for VI-ReID tasks. From the
view of methodology, several observations can be made. Our
proposed GECNet significantly outperforms the second-best
method AGW [2] by 5.87% and 4.18% in terms of rank-1
                                                                    Fig. 8. Visualization of Baseline (first row) and our method (sec-
and mAP score, respectively, which further demonstrates the         ond row). Red and blue bins indicate the negative and positive
effectiveness of our model for VI-ReID.                             distributions respectively. The x-axis value represents the matching
                                                                    similarity, the closer to 1 represents the more similar, and the y-axis
                                                                    value represents the number of images with current similarity. The
E. Further Evaluation and Analysis                                  performance of our algorithm in the training and testing sets is much
   1) Ablation Study: We design four variants of our model          better than the baseline.
and conduct experiments with two different baselines, [2] and
[24], to evaluate the effectiveness of the individual modules       accuracy by incorporating the Re-ID feature into adversarial
proposed in our work. The settings include the baseline,            training. Finally, all settings can improve rank and mAP
colorization, grayscale enhancement, and feature fusion. The        accuracy by using re-ranking. Similarly, the results on SYSU-
results of these settings in single-shot are shown in Table IV      MM01 shown in Table IV also draw the same conclusion
and Table V.                                                        as that for RegDB, but the impact of colorization is slightly
   We further discuss visible-to-infrared and infrared-to-visible   lower.
Re-ID on RegDB and “all search” and “indoor search” on                 Compare to DCGAN [62], the major advantage is that
SYSU-MM01. As can be seen from Table IV and Table V,                we explicitly model the identity preservation constraint in
the results of the “all search” are not as good as the results      the colorizing process. In addition, we incorporate a Siamese
of the “indoor search”, while Visible-to-infrared is better than    network strategy for two different modalities, which allows
infrared-to-visible. The main reason is that the background of      modality-specific information mining. Table II and Table III
indoor images is relatively simple and easy to recognize, and       compare SiGAN with colorization using DCGAN, showing
visible images have more information.                               that SiGAN outperforms the DCGAN-based approach.
   From Table IV, we can see that the baseline achieves                We propose a GECNet to bridge the cross-modality gap by
70.05% rank-1 accuracy on RegDB, which is directly trained          colorizing the single-channel infrared images, which provid-
on [2] with both visible and infrared modalities using triplet      ing rich appearance information. Moreover, it improves the
loss and cross-entropy classification loss. The colorization        colorization process by utilizing the aligned single to three-
module achieves 76.16% rank-1 accuracy, leading to 6.1% im-         channel supervision obtained from the point-wise transforma-
provements over the baseline. This is because the colorization      tion of grayscale images. In order to verify the effectiveness
can effectively mitigate the domain gap between visible and         of our colorization method, we have additionally compared
infrared modalities by converting the infrared feature maps         the colorization methods of VRC [60] and RTUG [61] on two
to the colored feature maps, which is close to the middle           datasets, as shown in Table II and Table III. It demonstrates
layer feature map of visible input. With the help of this           that our colorization method is better than others for visible-
scheme, the Re-ID backbone can learn infrared information           infrared cross-modality applications.
from colorizing images. Furthermore, the colorization with             2) Selection of Weighting Parameters: We evaluate the
grayscale enhancement obtains 77.04% rank-1 accuracy. This          selection of weighting parameter λ1 and λ2 of the cross-
validates that fusing with grayscale images can enhance the         entropy loss and the triplet loss. The cross-entropy loss and
ability of colored images to mine useful information from           triplet loss have different impacts on cross-modality person
infrared channels to improve the performance of VI-ReID. The        Re-ID learning. Generally, the cross-entropy loss is more
colorization with grayscale enhancement and feature fusion          important for large-scale datasets, which offer enough sam-
obtains 82.33% rank-1 accuracy, which is the highest with-          ples for identity discrimination. In contrast, the triplet loss
out re-ranking. The grayscale augmented images can further          generally makes greater impact on small-scale RegDB datasets
improve the image generation performance and person Re-ID           due to closer sample relations. Similar observations were also
Grayscale Enhancement Colorization Network for Visible-infrared Person Re-identification
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Fig. 9. Top-10 retrieved results of some example queries with the proposed method on SYSU-MM01. Green and red bounding boxes indicate
the correct and incorrect matches, respectively (best viewed in color).

reported in [53]. Specifically, we set λ1 = 1 and adjust the        respectively setting ω to five different values, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5,
weighting parameter λ2 ∈ [0, 1] on the small dataset RegDB.         0.7, and 0.9. Table VI shows the effect of soft weight on the
In contrast, we set λ2 = 1 on the large dataset SYSU-MM01,          performance of the VI-ReID task. Since ω = 0.3 performs
and adjust the weighting parameter λ1 ∈ [0, 1]. The results         the best on both datasets, we select that to achieve fast
on the two datasets are shown in Fig. 6.                            convergence.
   We can observe that the triplet loss can effectively improve        4) Visualization of Learned Images and Features: To bet-
the performance of VI-ReID. For the small dataset RegDB, we         ter understand the pixel and feature alignment modules, we
assign a smaller value to the triplet loss, where the weighting     evaluate the feature-level views of training and testing sets
parameter λ2 is set to 0.3 in our experiment. A larger λ2           on SYSU-MM01. We obtain the T-SNE [67] distributions
is likely to disrupt the learning process, so the performance       of learned feature vectors in Fig. 7. Gray-scale images and
will drop sharply. On the contrary, for the large dataset           infrared images only contain a single channel, and visible RGB
SYSU-MM01, we assign a smaller value λ1 to the cross-               images involve three channels. The circles represent gray-
entropy loss. We can observe that using an appropriate λ1 can       scale images, the plus signs represent infrared images, and
improve performance, while a larger λ1 will hurt performance.       the squares represent visible RGB images. The distributions
This problem can be addressed by using the triplet loss as          illustrate that the characteristics of infrared and gray-scale
supervision to initialize the pre-trained parameters, which         images are more similar. To obtain the distributions, a total
further demonstrates the importance of the triplet loss for         of ten identities are randomly selected from SYSU-MM01.
cross-modality person Re-ID. In fact, the curves in Fig. 6 show     Figs. 7.(a), (b), and (c) visualize the feature distributions
that it is not hard to learn the (sub)optimal values of hyper-      with the initial, colored, and best results of the training
parameters λ1 and λ2 for different target domains by using          sets, respectively, and Figs. 7.(d), (e), and (f) visualize the
gradient-ascent methods. Moreover, even using the same set          distributions with the initial, colored, and best testing sets
of hyper-parameters, our method still outperforms the state-        respectively. Fig. 7.(b) adds colored feature on the basis of
of-the-arts.                                                        Fig. 7.(a). The results demonstrate that our proposed model not
   3) Selection of Soft Weight: We study the selection of           only reduces the cross-modality variations but also maintains
soft weight ω with the proposed ranking loss in (11), by            the identity-consistency of features.
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY, 2021                                                                                11

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