Governor - Pierre School District #32-2

Page created by Rebecca Olson
Governor - Pierre School District #32-2
G overnor                 T.F. riggs high school

Riggs Students Kickoff The Giving Season
                                        volume 77          w issue 4 w nov. 20, 2018 wPierre, SD 57501

By Sophia Stueven & Mat-           need. The hope is to buy close     nament, buy the item, and de-      especially when you get the
tie Jones                          to ten meals for ten differ-       liver it back so a child can get   chance to meet and build a
                                   ent families. FBLA fundrais-       their Christmas wish. Student      relationship with the people
   As the holidays near,           es money and adopts a fam-         Council also rings bells for the   you are helping. The Pierre
the mood of giving spreads         ily in need and buys clothes,      Salvation Army at Walmart,         Area Charitable Organiza-
through the Riggs student          toys, and a holiday meal.          which may be cold but always       tions has a list of many or-
body. Although students or-                  After Thanksgiving,      warm-hearted. Out of school        ganizations in Pierre that are
ganize and help with humani-       Student Council works hard         organizations have charities to    always looking for help like
tarian events all year, the stu-   to set up for Christmas. Mem-      get involved with too. Junior      Avera St. Mary’s Foun-
dents’ good works becomes          bers of student council line the   Hattie Shaffer and her family      dation, Pierre Area Re-
most evident during these cold     halls with Christmas trees and     volunteer with Feeding South       ferral Service and the
holiday months. To start the       lights, which different clubs or   Dakota and Avera each year.        South Dakota Discov-
giving, Riggs Student Coun-        school organizations decorate.     They pack Thanksgiving and         ery Center. You can find
cil helps with the Veteran’s       One tree, however, will be         Christmas meals for families       their website at www.
Day Program, collecting mon-       more special. Student Council      in need and deliver it around Thank-
etary donations and escort-        is setting up an angel tree with   town. Hattie says the experi-      fully, with such a gen-
ing veterans and their families    item suggestions hanging           ence is “very humbling” and        erous student body,
into the theater. The National     like ornaments. These items        that it makes her “thankful        Riggs has volunteer op-
Honor Society kids have been       are different gifts or necessi-    for all the things [she takes]     portunities year-round.
collecting money for the past      ties for children in the Pierre    for granted.” No doubt, vol-
month in order to buy Thanks-      area. Students, as they walk       unteering is the most reward-
giving meals for families in       by the tree, can pick up an or-    ing activity a student can do,                                                                     Photo by Cassidy Miller

Representing More Than South Dakota
                                                                                                                                  Riggs student senate members ring bells

By Phil Adam & Claire Ry-
dberg                              Rounds and Dusty Johnson           in the United States Senate.       ta Public Utilities Commis-
                                   are two of the many well-                                             sioner and chief of staff to
   Many people know T.F.           known graduated of T.F.               Dusty Johnson who grad-         Governor Dennis Daugaard.
Riggs High School for be-          Riggs High School. Rounds          uated from Riggs in 1995 was
ing one of the top academ-         who serves as the junior Unit-     an active member through-             Pierre    has    produced
ic schools in the Midwest,         ed States Senator, and John-       out the school. He was in-         many people of prodigious
its competitive athletics,         son who is the elect of South      volved in Oral Interp and was      stature, with T.F. Riggs be-
and strong tradition. Many         Dakota’s at-large congres-         chairman of the South Dako-        ing the helping hand to al-
Riggs graduates have gone          sional district after winning      ta Teen Republicans. Long          low them to grow. Today,                    In this issue:
to hold many strong, power-        the election just weeks ago.       with the clubs and activi-         politics in the of South Da-       Page 1: Giving Season, Graduates
ful, prestigious, and honor-                                          ties, Johnson was involved         kota are influenced by peo-
able jobs and titles since the        Mike Rounds is no strang-       in was crowned homecom-            ple that were once in your
                                                                                                                                            Page 2: Staff Editorial, Thumbs
school opened their doors.         er to holding public office        ing king in the fall of his se-    shoes. All students have the       Up/Down, Poll
                                   in the state of South Da-          nior year. Several teachers        capabilities to do something       Page 3: Columns
   Students at Riggs High          kota. Rounds served in the         who still teach at Riggs to-       great.Put your mind to some-       Page 4 & 5: Veterans, Football,
School don’t have to trav-         South Dakota Senate from           day who taught Johnson had         thing, work hard, and expe-
el very far to get their fair      1991 to 2001, then he served       only good things to say about      rience the great things that       Student Interviews
share of politics. The school      as South Dakota’s 31st gov-        the congressional elect. “He       you have worked so hard for!       Page 6 & 7: Sports
is located just blocks from        ernor from 2003 to 2011.           was one of the most brilliant                                         Page 8: Bachelor/Bachelorette,
the state capitol building         After serving South Da-            students I have ever taught.”
                                   kota for 20 years in Pierre        Mr. Jay Mickelson stated. Be-                                         Fine Arts, Sibling Rivalry
and many alumni have taken
their skills to serve the peo-     Rounds took his leadership         fore Johnson ran for Con-
ple of South Dakota. Mike          to Washington D.C to serve         gress, he was South Dako-
Governor - Pierre School District #32-2
2                                             Opinions                                                                           nov. 20, 2018

                                                                                                         Governor Staff
Break the Black Friday Chaos                                                                                 2018-2019
   IT’S COMING! As         3. The real experts          are a close second.        This holiday sea-     Published monthly        Adviserw
we come closer to on cutting are the                                            son spend time with      as an extra-curricular   Bryan Bonhorst
the holiday season, seniors in A lunch.                   8. Not even your      your family and tru-     activity by the news-
all the shopping and Ask them how the                   biological    fami-     ly understand the        paper staff of           Thank you to all that
Black Friday events professionals do it.                ly can get in the       meaning of the holi-     T.F. Riggs High School   made this issue possible!
will    be    happen-                                   way of you and that     day season. Sit down     1010 E. Broadway         The policy of the Riggs
ing soon! If you fol-      4. Go for the most           Mario Kart game.        with your family and     Pierre, South Dakota     High Governor is to report
low these rules, the valued item first,                                         watch a movie, lis-      57501 Telephone: 773-    the news accurately and
                                                                                                         7350                     objectively and to provide
only thing that will such as the Sims 3                   9. Sleep is not im-   ten to some holiday                               a forum for the expres-
be black this com- Pet Expansion Pack.                  portant when a 70%      music, go on a na-       Editors-in-chiefw        sion of its readers' views.
ing Friday should be                                    discount to Hobby       ture walk, or tour the   Phil Adam                Views expressed in the
someone else’s                                          Lobby is on the line.   outstanding Christ-      Bailey Wagner            editorial reflect the con-
eye and proba- E d i t o r i a l                                                mas trees at the state                            cerns and opinions of the
bly your heart.                                            10. Most impor-      capitol. There is al-    Sports editorw           editorial board and do not
Let’s get started!                                      tantly, Black Fri-      ways something to        Addy Smith               necessarily represent the
                           5. The safest way to         day is contradictory    do with your fam-        Natalie Mohr             opinions of the individual
   1. The time after push people is in the              to the Thanksgiving     ily during the hol-                               reporters, editor, adviser,
Thanksgiving is to small of their backs,                season. It is not im-   iday season. Take        Reporters this issuew    faculty or administra-
                                                                                                         Hanna Jerome             tion. The staff encourages
be spent just like pil- but the most effective          portant and should      the time and make        Maegan Walsh             signed letters to the editor
grims spent it: sprint- is right in the neck.           not be because to so    an effort to spend       Hattie Shaffer           but reserves the right to
ing up and down the                                     much chaos. Spend       the holidays with        Zoe Blumer               accept or reject letters and
aisles of Walmart.         6. Never use weap-           time with your fam-     your family. Have a                               to edit for length, gram-
                        ons unless someone              ily and avoid the       great time filled with   Columnistw               mar or libel.
   2. If you wear is going for the last                 stress (and maybe a     family, food, and        Jordan Thompson
camouflage, no one Logan Paul poster.                   couple black eyes).     American football!       Sabrina Kintz            Disclaimer:
will see you cut                                                                                         Sophia Stueven           The Governor Newspa-
in line. Don’t for-        7. Water is the                                       H a p p y               Carly Bowman             per, Riggs High, or Pierre
get the face paint. most basic necessi-                                         Thanksgiving!            Mattie Jones             School District does not
                                                                                                                                  support or endorse any
                        ty for human life,                                                                                        politician(s)
                        but Macbooks Pros

            What’s hot and what’s not this month football back-to-back Thanksgiving stress
state champs!         below zero tempera- homemade food           tures family time     gaining weight during seeing family and        Thanksgiving
friends that live far away family fueds huge football student everyone asking “what
sections                       are you going to do with new IPhones              your life?” Thanksgiving pies working during Christmas countdown      Thanksgiving break great holiday deals eating too much food sleeping in     crowded malls pretty landscapes still having to sit at the Thanksgiving naps        kids table vacations       burning your Thanks- family games during      giving meal
the holidays          being late spending quality time    to Thanksgivng
with family                                          Compiled by Phil Adam                                                             Compiled by Maegan Walsh
Governor - Pierre School District #32-2
nov. 20, 2018                                   Perspectives                                                                                                        3
          2018 Election                                                                   Thanksgiving Trends
            Rundown                                         You won’t be-LEAF
                                                        it, but it’s time for anoth-
                                                                                       warm another day plum. In the spirit of the
                                                                                       with soft wool, or fun- voting season, be sure
                                                                                                                                                 plenty of festive activ-
                                                                                                                                                 ities you can do with
   South Dakota elec- House of Representa-              er trends article of the       ny one day with fun to wear your “I vot-                  friends. If you’re a big
tion results are in! tives and South Dako-              Governor! With snow            patterns and charac- ed” stickers loud and                fan of Queen, make
This year’s midterm ta State Senate. 2020               already sparkling on           ters and sayings on it. proud! Don’t forget the           your way to the the-
elections were high- will be the next elec-             the ground, get ready                To keep your top end of Thanksgiving                atre to watch the trend-
ly anticipated. Al- tion year in South                  to curl up and enjoy.          warm, you can NEVER means Black Friday and                ing “Bohemian Rhap-
most all of the races Dakota and also Na-                          It’s already get-   go wrong with a sweat- Cyber Monday sales                 sody”. Along with new
were the closest they tionwide. President               ting cold, so to survive       er. Sherpas are also su- which are the perfect            movies, you can enjoy
have been in years. Trump’s first term                  that walk to the school        per comfy and super times to hop on all the               some new music by
   Kristi Noem made will be up, as will US              from your car, we sug-         trendy that will leave latest shopping deals.             Ariana Grande and Jon
history as the first senators John Thune                gest pairing warm with         everyone saying, “oh You can find anything                Bellion. Since the fall
woman       Governor and Mike Rounds.                   chic. You don’t even           my gourd                                    y o u ’r e    sports seasons are done
elected in                             The inaugu-      have to give up your           that looks            Jordan & Sabrina
                                                                                                                                   looking       with, go out and watch
the state                           ration  of these    cute dresses yet. You          so      soft.”          Trends              for, from     a hockey game to sup-
                 Claire Rydberg
of South         Politics           newly elected       can pair any dress or          While flan-                                 clothes,      port the Oahe Capitals.
Dakota.                             officials will      shirt with a cute pair         nels are an                                 make-             Whether you are
She beat                            be held in Jan-     of patterned tights.           autumn classic, more up, technology (new                  spending quality time
D e m o -                           uary in Pierre.     You can find anything          plaid has weaved its iPhones anyone? we                   with friends, trying out
cratic opponent Bil- Now that the election              from sheer to polka            way into fashion this can’t even keep up any-             a new look, or shop-
lie Sutton with 51% is over, South Dako-                dots to lace to anything.      fall. You can find trendy more), home goods, and          ping for those deals, al-
of the vote opposed tans must come to-                      Another way to keep        and      vintage     look- Christmas gifts! Be sure       ways remember to be
to 47% of the vote. It gether and hope that             your legs warm is a            ing pants and skirts. to check Amazon (espe-              thankful and apprecia-
was a close race, but the newly elected will            fashionable or outland-           Walmart has re- cially if you are too tired            tive. Because everyone
Noem managed to do what’s best for the                  ish pair of socks. Socks       ceived its own up- and lazy to get out of                 knows, being thankful
come out on top and people and the great                have become a great            grade. You can find su- bed after an exhausting           is ALWAYS in season.
edge her opponents. state of South Dakota!              way to express yourself.       per cute hats, for ex- Thanksgiving             feast)!   Have a Happy Thanks-
   In the congressio-                                   You can be cozy one            ample, in beautiful col-               In your cute,      giving! And don’t for-
nal race, Dusty John-          N o v e m b e r          day with a fuzzy pair,         ors like mustard and warm outfits, there are              get to get stuffed!
son beat democratic Election
opponent Tim Bjork-
man with 60% of

                               G o v e r n o r :
                                                                                       November’s Best Hits
the vote opposed to            Kristi Noem (R)             Many great songs            back songs that dustry by surprise                        ists that have a more
36%. Johnson gradu-                                     have become popu-              many loved from the Mo Bamba is always                    classic Christmas feel
ated from T.F. Riggs           U.S.          House:     lar during the month           original movie, but a good option if you                  Michael Buble, Josh
High School in 1995. Dusty Johnson (R)                  of November. First,            instead of the origi- are wanting to get                  Groban, and Frank
   Republicans man-                                     “thank u, next” by             nal singers, by pop- those hip feels. ZEZE                Sinatra are sever-
aged to get elected            Attorney General:        Ariana Grande broke            ular artists like P!nk, by Kodak Black and                al that will deliver a
to every statewide Jason Ravnsborg (R)                  the World Spotify              Kelly Clarkson, and Sunflower by Swae                     classic and feel good
elected official. Ja-                                   Record and became              Panic! At the Dis- Lee and Post Malone                    vibe. Stay tuned for
son Ravnsborg elect-           Secretary of State:      the most streamed              co are singing the are songs that have                    next month’s edi-
ed as Attorney Gen- Steve Barnett (R)                   female song in one             songs. Also,                    rose to top               tion to keep your
eral. Josh Hader is                                     day with 9.6 million           “Someone           Carly Bowman spots     in              playlist fresh! Top
the Treasurer-elect.           T r e a s u r e r :      plays! Also, “Bohe-            I Used to            Music
                                                                                                                       the month                 5 Songs from Bill-
Rich Sattgast is the Josh            Haeder      (R)    mian     Rhapsody,”            Know” by                        of Novem-                 board’s Hot 100:
Auditor elect. Kris-                                    “We Will Rock You,”            Zac Brown                       ber. If you                  1. “Girls Like
tie Fiegen is the Pub-         Auditor:        Rich-    and “Somebody to               band is holding up are wanting to jump                    You” by Maroon
lic Utilities Com- ard              Sattgast     (R)    Love,” all by Queen,           the country genre ahead and get in the                    5 feat. Cardi B
missioner-elect.                                        have reentered the             this month. Last- Christmas spirit (let’s                    2. “Sicko Mode”
Ryan Brunner is the            Commission-              iTunes charts mainly           ly, “Bad Liar” by be real it’s never too                  by     Travis    Scott
School and Public er of Schools and                     because of the pop-            Imagine       Dragons early) Justin Bieber,                  3.         “Happi-
Lands elect. Steve Public                    Lands:     ularity of the new             has also become Ariana Grande, and                        er”     by     Marsh-
Barnett is the Secre- Ryan Brunner (R)                  movie      Bohemian            popular slightly lat- Mariah Carey are                    mello & Bastille
tary of State-elect.                                    Rhapsody. The al-              er than their song just a few pop artists                    4. “Lucid Dreams”
Republicans        also        Public          Utili-   bum The Greatest               “Natural.” For hip- that have awesome                     by Juice WRLD
kept control of both ties            Commission-        Showman: Reimag-               hop, the song that holiday music. If you                     5. “Better Now”
the South Dakota er: Kristie Fiegan (R)                 ined has brought               took the music in- are looking for art-                   by Post Malone
Governor - Pierre School District #32-2
Nov. 20, 2018                                                                                                                                                                   Feature                                                                                                                                                                                          4-5

  By Phil Adam
                                                Back-2-Back                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Veterans Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         By Zoe Blumer
        		The Pierre Governor Football team entered the 11AA state playoffs as the number one seed with an overall record of 7-2.
 The defending 11AA champs looked to defend their championship as they hosted Spearfish in the opening round of the playoffs.
    After the opening kickoff was returned for a touchdown by Garrett Stout the Govs didn’t look back as they dominat-                                                                                                     England,      France,     Germany, and     Russia     went     to     war     in     1914.   Due     to    unrestrict-
 ed the Spartans 54-14. After their impressive win against Spearfish, the Governors advanced to the semi-finals against Brookings.                                                                                     ed   submarine warfare and a proposition by Germany to have Mexico attack the United States, the
    Brookings was no unfamiliar opponent to the Govs as they spoiled Brooking’s homecoming with a 28-0 win in Brookings earli-                                                                                         U.S. joined the war in 1917. It has been 100 years and one day since World War I ended in 1918.
 er in the year. The Bobcats defense started the game fast holding the high-powered Governor offense to few yards in the first quar-                                                                                      Riggs students, staff, and citizens of Pierre came together to celebrate our nation’s defend-
 ter. But after the slow start, the Govs found their groove as they scored 40 points on their way to a 40-7 win against Brookings.                                                                                     ers. Mr. Jay Mickelson and MC Glynis Collier were the leaders of this distinctive Commemora-
          As the playoffs unfolded the number six seed Huron Tigers snuck their way through the playoffs and earned their way to the state championship                                                                tion. A bell tolled eleven times in remembrance for those who have served and those who have died.
 in the DakotaDome against Pierre. Huron who hasn’t been to the state finals since 1992 and was hungry for a win against their big conference rival. The                                                                  Max Sevier, a Rigg’s student, sang the Native American Flag Honoring Song for this special occasion. Mr.
 Govs were no stranger to playing in the DakotaDome as they have played in three out of the last five state championships. The Govs started the game very                                                              John Cooper a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan Wars; Mr. Monte Curry and Mr. Virgil Mikkelsen, both Kore-
 fast; scoring the first two touchdowns of the game. The first touchdown was a 25-yard TD from Stout to Jack Maher. The second touchdown was a huge 76-                                                                an War veterans; and Mr. Jake Bradfield, veteran of the Afghanistan Conflict, were awarded with “Quilts of Val-
 yard TD from Stout to Andrew Coverdale. But then the Tigers battled back as they scored two unanswered touchdowns leading the Govs 14-13 at halftime.                                                                 or”, a National Foundation bringing relief to those who have served for our country by honoring them with
          The start of the third quarter the Governors got back to their style of play as they scored 12 unanswered points between the third and                                                                       hand-made quilts. They also honored the four U.S. Unknown Soldiers who fought courageously in World War I.
 fourth quarter. But the Tigers weren’t out of the game as they responded with a crazy touchdown pass to cut the Governor lead to 25-20 with                                                                              The Riggs Chamber Choir sang The Star-Spangled Banner, Concert Choir sang Over There, and I Hear Amer-
 ten minutes left in the game. But the Governors has a response the whole night as they ended the game scoring 13 final points to put the Tigers away.                                                                 ica Singing. The Sixth grade Georgia Morse Middle School Choir sang Sing Freedom’s Song. The Capital City
          Junior quarterback Garrett Stout was announced Joe Robbie MVP with a monstrous night! Stout finished the night with six total touch-                                                                         Band played a new arrangement, a haunting hymn, “Goin’ Home”. The Representatives of Veterans’ Organiza-
 downs and 359 total yards. Junior lineman Grey Zabel was awarded outstanding lineman of the night; he was a huge factor on both offense and de-                                                                       tions stood to be recognized.   Lieutenant Claire Peschong spoke of her life in the Navy as a Civil Engineer. Pe-
 fense. Stout was also awarded outstanding back of the game. Congrats to the Governor Football team on their back-to-back state championships!                                                                         schong also repeated the importance of mental toughness and how every experience makes an individual stronger.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          This year’s Miss South Dakota Miss Carrie Wintle was present to help with the collection of Buddy Baskets for Homeless
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Veterans. A lovely introduction of the origin of Taps  was given by Sarah Hancock and Kayla Peplinski. A trumpeter then per-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       formed Taps. The moving Ceremony was written and directed by Mr. Jay Mickelson; who will be retiring from teaching at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       end of this school year, after 49 admirable years. He has made this program what it is today. He, along with the help of many
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       others have done an exemplary job of enlightening students, staff, and the general public on the true meaning of Veterans Day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Miss South Dakota speaks at Riggs Theater

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Reaction About Next Governor Possi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Picture: Capital Journal

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         bly not Living in Pierre Full-Time?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Maria Noyes -             Junior                           Peyton Parker- (9)                                             Arielle Kiepke - (10)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “I feel like it is part of her                             “It shows she sees herself as                                  “If she’s going to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         duty as governor to be here                                maybe not the governor but as a                                governor she needs to want
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         in Pierre. She knew she was                                normal citizen. She’s not doing it                             the whole thing and not just
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   bits and pieces of it.”
                                                                                                                                                                                 Photo by Brandon Campea Photography
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         going to have to move when                                 for the attention she’s doing it for
                                                                                                                             Riggs students do a cheer in the student section
                                                                                                   Photo by Brandon Campea

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         she started to run.                                        the people.”
                       Senior football players celebrate after their back-to-back championships.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Compiled by Phil Adam
Governor - Pierre School District #32-2
6                                                        Sports                                                                              nov. 20, 2018
Lady Govs Volleyball Ends Season
By Natalie Mohr & Addy            the   state tournament     on    improvements             through

   The Lady Govs Volley-             the line, played with in-        out the season, “This
ball season came to a close       tensity, but the Kernels took    team was also all about
after the SoDak 16 game in        the set with a score of 27-25.   team. Everyone worked to-
Mitchell against the Mitchell         Although the Lady Govs       gether and had a great atti-
Kernels this past Thursday.       eventually fell in three sets    tude,” Swiden added. The
In the SoDak 16 format, the       (27-25)(25-11)(25-22),     the   Lady Govs ended their sea-
eleventh seed, Pierre, played     team played some of the          son with an 8-13 record.
the sixth seed, Mitchell.         best volleyball of the season             Next year the team
   The Lady Govs came out         and there was an obvious         will only be losing two se-
swinging in the first set, tak-   improvement in their play.       niors, Abbi Kitts and Hal-
ing control of the game with               “Our defense real-      le Gronlund, while the rest
a lead of 22-16. The Ker-         ly evolved over the course of    of the state will be losing
nels battled back to close the    the year and the players real-   most of their team to seniors.
6-point deficit to tie up the     ly started to understand and     The upcoming team holds a
score at 25-25. Both teams,       react to what they saw a lit-    lot of potential with the ul-
fueled by the fire of a spot      tle faster,” said head coach     timate goal of making it to             Halle Gronlund fights for a ball at the net
                                                                                                                                                          Photo By Capital Journal
                             in   Chris Swiden on the team’s       the state tournament in 2019.

Caps Season Starts
By Phil Adam
                                                                   Swim Team Starts Season
                                                                   By Jordan Thompson
                                                                                                         Pierre Swim Team is a                Loe, Annabelle Simp-
                                                                  You walk in, smell the              close group of swimmers              son, Thomas Kropp, Can-
    The Oahe Capitals start the      from Montana, Wyoming, chlorine, and hear wa-                    who work well togeth-                yon Jones, Nathan Shoup,
2018-2019 season after placing    and Canada. After the tour- ter splashing and peo-                  er in a mostly individu-             Ella Ward-Zeller, AND
fifth at the state tournament     nament, the Caps will return ple screaming and cheer-               al sport, which is why it            Aiden Burke! We have
last year. The young and in-      home and will start the reg- ing. Why it is no oth-                 will come at no surprise             a lot of amazing and tal-
experienced team returns sev-     ular season as they face the er than a swim meet,                   that several of Pierre’s re-         ented swimmers from our
eral key leaders for the sea-     Rapid City Thunder. Best of and Pierre’s most recent                lays received first place            school; that’s for sure! Be
son. Seniors Talon Griese and     luck on the season! Go Caps! home swim meet went                    when they competed be-               sure to make it to Pierre’s
Jackson Lake, as well as Ju-                                   quite swimmingly. 226                  cause of how well they               next home meet in Feb-
nior Spencer Wedin, will lead                                  total swimmers compet-                 work individually and on             ruary to support all of
the team for a competitive sea-                                ed with 9 different teams              a team. Other first plac-            our swimmers! :-) #goPST
son. The Caps will travel to                                   from across the state of               ers include Will Hodges,
Rapid City for a tournament                                    South Dakota, so it was                Deni Zeeb, Caleb Huiz-
where they will play teams                                     no small meet. Let’s dive              enga, Marlee Draveland,
                                                               into some results. The                 Morgan Nelson, Nick

               Girls’ Hockey                                                                                                  Girls’ Basketball
                                                                                                               First Game: @ Sturgis 12/8
Last Game: @ Sioux Falls tournement
Next Game: @ Sioux Center 11/24

Last Match: Loss @ Mitchell
Next Match: End of season
                                                                         Compiled by Phil Adam
Governor - Pierre School District #32-2
Nov. 20, 2018                                          SPorts                                                                            7
          Boys Basketball                                                                                        Wrestling
First game: VS Douglas 12/14                                                                     First match: @ Watertown 12/1

             Boys Hockey                                                                                        Swimming

                                                     GO GOVS!
Last game:                                                                                       Next event:
@ Rapid City Tournemnt                                                                           @ Watertown 12/1
Next game:
VS Rapid City 11/30
                                                              Compiled by Nate Hill

      Emily Mikkelsen                                      Mack Rath                                   Abigail Foster
  Emily Mikkelsen signed to play soccer at the   Mack Rath signed to play soccer and             Abigail Foster signed to play soccer at
  University of South Dakota next year. Emily    throw for the track team at Minnesota           the University of Mary next fall. Foster is
  who is All-State and All-ESD in soccer led     Sate University-Mankato. Mack is All-State      All-State and All-ESD for the Lady Govs
  the Lady Govs Soccer team in scoring this      and All-ESD for the LG Soccer team. Mack        Soccer team. Abigail also participates in
  year. Emily also participates in basketball    was also the Governor Football team’s           track for the Lady Govs. Congrats on tak-
  and track. Congrats on your big accom-         kicker. Mack also participates in basketball.   ing your talent to the next level! Best of
  plishment and best of luck next year in        Congrats and best of luck in Mankato!           luck next year in Bismarck!
  Vermillion!                                    Go Mavs!                                        Go Marauders!
  Go Yotes!
Governor - Pierre School District #32-2
nov. 20, 2018                                                News                                                                                                                     8
Bachelor of the Month                                                                              All-State Band and Choir
                                                                                                   By Bailey Wagner
                                      Personality:      Ideal Date?                                                                              choir performed a few songs along-
                                      Easy going        A day on the                                  With musical talent comes a ne-            side the All-State orchestra (sadly,
                                                                                                   cessity for traveling the state for All-      none of the band members were from
                                                        Missouri                                   State band and choir; and trust me,           Pierre) as well, these being “Con-
                                      Favorite thing Favorite Song?                                T.F. Riggs has an abundance of mu-            futatis and Lacrymosa”, “Climb”,
                                                                                                   sical talent. On Friday, October 26,          and “The Star-Spangled Banner”.
                                      about yourself? “Big Bank”-YG                                the All-State Choir and band left                 That weekend the band had the
                                      Sense of humor                                               Pierre to travel to Rapid City and            amazing opportunity to meet and
                                                                                                   showed their abilities. To be one of          perform alongside the Dallas Brass
                                                        Pursue or be                               the All-state members you try out             band at the Educational Music Con-
                                      Final words?      Pursued?                                   for a group of judges; only the best          ference. The band was band up of five
                                                                                                   make the band or have the privilege           men who allowed the T.F. Riggs band
                                      “I’ve been        Be Pursued.                                to be in one of the three quartets.           to flourish alongside them as the All-
                                      getting this
           Photo By Jordan Thompson
                                                                                                      All-State Choir is a mass choir            State Choir had the gift of watch-
Alec Miller, 12                                                                                    made up of quartets from around               ing. Choir Director Mr. Rodd Bauck
                                      bread for so long Favorite Pick-up                           the states. Schools send a certain            says, “I thought our band performed
Eye Color:                            I guess the bread line?                                      number of quartets based on the               well in their performance for the
                                                                                                   population of their school; therefore,        SDMEA conference. They also per-
Blue/Green                            finally got me.” “I’d take you to a                          bigger schools such as Sioux Falls            formed very well when they played
                                                                                                   Washington sent five quartets, while          with the Dallas Brass. I thought the
                                                        movie but they                             Ft. Pierre sent one. The mass choir           Dallas Brass elevated them rather
Hair Color:                           Favorite Movie? don’t let snacks                             added up to about 930 singers total.          than carried them. Playing with pro-
Chestnut                              Semi-Pro          inside.”
                                                                                                      This choir performed a series of           fessionals can do that. It can cause
                                                                                                                                                 you to become more confident, and
                                                                                                   songs, such as “Ubi Caritas” and
                                                                                                   “Fiddler of Dooney”, both of which            can cause you to raise your game.”

Bachelorette of the Month
                                                                                                   are acapella. They also performed                 The weekend of October 26-28 was
                                                                                                   “Wayfaring Stranger”, “Flight Song”,          filled with musical memories for both
                                                                                                   and “We Have Come”. The mass                  ends of T.F. Riggs’s musical spectrum.

                                      Favorite thing                                                                    November Sibling Rivalry
                                                         Favorite Pick-up
                                      about yourself?
                                                         line?                                                           Phil (11) and Paul (11) Adam
                                      I’m the best story
                                                         “Hey you up?”
                                                                                                   Q: How would you describe each other in three words?
                                                                                                   Phil: Lanky, shabby, irritating.
                                      Favorite Movie?                                              Paul: Buff, lean, and mean.
                                                        Favorite song?
                                      Momma Mia                                                    Q: Who is the favorite child?
             Photo By Sabina Kintz                      My spotify is                              Phil: Definitely neither of us.
Morgan Magdanz,                                         mmkmorgs                                   Paul: Me because I suck up to my parents.
                                      Pursue or      Be
                                                        they’re on there
 Personality:                         Pursued?                                                     Q: What do you fight about most?
                                                                                                   Phil: He always wants to wrestle me and it’s annoying.
 Fun and flitry                       Be pursued.                                                  Paul: Phil being Phil.

                                                         Final words?                              Q: Who wins most of the fights?
 Hair Color:                          Ideal date?        “Skip me this                             Phil: Me, beause I don’t stoop to his immature level.
                                                                                                   Paul: Phil wins them all. How could anyone defeat superhuman strength?
 Dirty blonde                         A cruisy           time.”
                                                                                                   Q: What is your favorite thing about each other?
                                                                                                   Phil: Let me think....
 Eye Color:                   Follow us on Instagram!                                              Paul: How masculine he is.
                                                                  Compiled by Jordan & Sabrina -                                                                            Compiled by Hanna Jerome
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