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GOVERNMENT - Government & Public ...
                                                                                    SUMMER/AUTUMN 2019

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Government and Public Sector Journal is read by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    politicians, chief executives, senior managers, heads of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    departments, buyers and specifiers in the government and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    public sectors throughout the UK.

                                                                                                                                                 Welcome to the Government
                                                                                                                                                 and Public Sector Journal Summer/Autumn 2019
International Security Expo (ISE)
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charge of regulation & procurement                                                                                                               The latest from the Public Sector                                  The peer-to-peer clean energy purchasing platform
together under one roof to debate
current challenges and to                                                                                                                        10-11                                                              31
source the latest security                                 375+                                                                13,500+           Green spaces                                                       Gritit
technologies and services.         Exhibitors                                                                                  Global Visitors   RHS award for Welsh prison | Ready-                                Managing the risks of open spaces
                                                                                                                                                 made green systems
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   Security Institute                                                                                                                            Identified as one of the ‘1000
                                                                                                                                                 companies to inspire Britain’
   Live product demonstrations
   showcasing real-life attack testing,                                                                                                                                                                             Editor Stuart Littleford MCIJ
   live scenario-based solutions and                                                                                                             22-23                                                              Email:

   the latest in security innovation                                                                                                             Bridgeworks                                                        News and Features Editor Stacy Clarke
                                                                                                                                                 How much bandwidth do you need?                                    Email:
   Key areas & zones displaying
   over 1,000 of the latest high-                                                                          50+                                                                                                      Business Development Manager Mike Lucas
   quality products & innovative                                                                   Officially Hosted                              24-25                                                              Email:

   solutions from 375+ International                                                               Country Delegations                           Cover Story -                                                      Advertising Sales Lucy Hartman
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                                                                        By                                                                                                                                          Circulation Manager James Thomson
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 Sponsored by:                                Lead Media Partner:                 REALITIES OF TERROR:
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 This hard-hitting high-level summit has UK Home Office and MET                    A PERSONAL IMPACT                                                                                                                 Email:
 CT Police involvement at its core. Looking at current priorities, the
                                                                                  Unmissable session                                                                                                                Business & Finance Manager Allan Roach
 changing nature of Counter Terror in the UK and the pressures on
                                                                                  in the Global Counter                                                                                                             Email:
 those keeping us safe.
                                                                                  Terrorism Summit
 Keynotes include sessions from:                                                                                                                                                                                    Legal Advisor Cleland Thom
                                                                                  Figen Murray a mother                                                                                                   
    Keynote: The UK terror threat, success is nothing happens,
                                                                                  devastated when her son
    Metropolitan Police
                                                                                  Martyn, was murdered
    Keynote panel: Fireside chat – In conversation with the Home                  in the terrorist attack at
    Office, Office for Security and Counter Terrorism & the FBI                     the Manchester Arena will channel her experience               ©2019 UK Media Publishing Limited                                  Published by UK Media Publishing Limited,
    Keynote: Realities of terror. Living with terrorists – taken hostage          to an open audience and present her campaign for               All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be            18-19 Salmon Fields Business Village,
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                                                                                  * Global Counter-Terrorism Summit is by application only,      copying of this publication without prior written approval
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                                                                                                                                                 Reg Cardiff No: 4076169 | ISSN 1472-2496                                                                                                                                                                   GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR JOURNAL SUMMER/AUTUMN 2019             3
GOVERNMENT - Government & Public ...
GPSJ         NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NEWS          GPSJ

Wates FM clinches major London MEP                                                                                                                            Six Degrees delivers secure, cloud-led
deal                                                                                                                                                          services through the YPO’s data centres,
Wates FM, the Wates
Group’s newly launched
                                       behalf of Heron International.
                                          The appointment marks a
                                                                              Director of Wates FM,
                                                                              commented: “Our appointment
                                                                                                                     contract’s duration to enable
                                                                                                                     our team to build and deliver a
                                                                                                                                                              maintenance, cloud hosting and security
facilities management                  significant step in the growth of      to deliver MEP services at 110         building strategy of unrivalled
business, has secured a
contract to provide MEP
services at 110 Bishopsgate
                                       Wates Facilities Management
                                       business and subsequent
                                       expansion of the Wates Group’s
                                                                              Bishopsgate marks our largest
                                                                              FM appointment and is the first
                                                                              in our exciting new journey as
                                                                                                                        Wates FM currently manages
                                                                                                                     over 350 commercial properties,
in London, becoming the                nationwide FM capabilities in June     Wates FM. The scale and quality        delivering services including            Managed services provider               Prosecution Service, Cabinet          Authorities and other public sector    To bring services closer to citizens,
first appointment since                2019.                                  of the services required for the       statutory compliance, cleaning,          further reinforces its public           Office, Home Office,                  organisations are looking to           today’s public sector organisations
the business re-brand was                 Formerly operating as Wates         contract reflect the high standards    security, catering, porterage,           sector credentials after being                                                overcome.”                             must continually grow and evolve
launched last month.                   Smartspace, Wates FM has               of delivery we are committed to        front-of-house, help desks               accepted onto the YPO’s                  Local Authorities and blue light        Six Degrees has been accepted       through digitally transforming in
                                       become part of Wates Property          providing.                             and computer-aided facilities            Data Centres, Maintenance,              organisations. The new YPO            onto the following lots on the new     new and incremental ways. Six
The contract will see Wates            Services alongside the Group’s            “We have engaged closely with       management (CAFM), as well               Cloud Hosting and Security              framework is one of a number of       YPO framework:                         Degrees, through the YPO’s new
FM deliver MEP services at             Living Space business, a move          our client at 110 Bishopsgate          as critical systems, mechanical          framework. Built following              frameworks through which public       • Lot 5 – Cloud, Cloud 		              framework, is here to guide public
the 46-storey commercial               that has seen the two businesses       to understand the challenges           and electrical and building fabric       close engagement with                   sector organisations can purchase     Services & Hosting.                    sector organisations through
skyscraper, supporting existing        combine their expertise and            within this landmark building and      maintenance through a mix of site        the YPO’s members, Six                  services from Six Degrees;            Compliant, secure 		                   every step of their digital transition
and prospective tenants with           resource.                              this collaborative approach will       based and mobile teams.                  Degrees’ acceptance onto the            the other frameworks include          and high-performing cloud and          journeys.”
operational management on                 James Gregg, Managing               be maintained throughout the                                                    framework demonstrates how              G-Cloud 11, Network Services          managed service solutions for
                                                                                                                                                              its services are closely aligned        2, and Scottish Government            public sector organisations that
                                                                                                                                                              to the challenges public sector         Cloud Services Framework. By           support the digital
                                                                                                                                                              organisations are looking to            joining YPO’s new framework, Six      transformation of legacy

Councils introduce PSPOs to protect our                                                                                                                       overcome.

                                                                                                                                                               UK-based managed services
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Degrees has demonstrated that it
                                                                                                                                                                                                      recognises the different channels
                                                                                                                                                                                                      through which public sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • Lot 7 – Managed Service.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tiered managed services for

moorland                                                                                                                                                      provider, Six Degrees, has today
                                                                                                                                                              announced that it has been
                                                                                                                                                              accepted onto the YPO’s Data
                                                                                                                                                                                                      organisations wish to procure
                                                                                                                                                                                                      services, and works hard to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ensure that it can operate through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            incident support or request
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            fulfilment, providing ITIL-aligned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            process overlays to ensure that IT
Oldham and Tameside                    prosecution.                                                                                                           Centres, Maintenance, Cloud             the most appropriate channels for     services continue to be delivered
Councils have banned fires                There are exemptions for                                                                                            Hosting and Security framework.         each engagement.                      to the highest standards.
and barbecues on the moors             private residential areas but any                                                                                      This expands the channels                  Thomas Konopka, Industry           • Lot 10 – Colocation/
above the local authorities.           land that has a public right of way                                                                                    through which public sector             Director – Public Sector, Six         Shared Hosting Services.
                                       or public access is included in the                                                                                    organisations are able to procure       Degrees, said: “At Six Degrees        Secure and flexible colocation
Two Public Spaces Protections          PSPOs.                                 Tameside Council’s Executive           landed with a fine.                      transformative cloud, managed,          we continually invest in delivering   solutions delivered from Tier III+
Orders (PSPOs) will be put in             Signage will now be put in          Member for Neighbourhoods,                 “The PSPO coupled with our           colocation, data security and           the best possible services to         data centres, providing optimal
place from Friday to protect huge      place around the designated area       added: “It’s very apt that the         prevention and reassurance               network connectivity services from      UK public sector organisations,       uptime, availability and security
swathes of land – and wildlife –       to advertise the PSPOs, which are      PSPOs take effect close to 5           work around moorland fires will          Six Degrees. Six Degrees delivers       through the most appropriate          whilst meeting public sector
following a number of devastating      in place for three years.              November.                              hopefully reduce the chance of           large-scale, quality IT services that   channels. Not all organisations       organisations’ data sovereignty
fires over the last few years.            Councillor Arooj Shah, Deputy          “For reasons that are very          this kind of fire breaking out and       are aligned to the objectives of        wish to procure services through      requirements.
    The orders come into force         Leader of Oldham Council and           obvious, it’s at this time of year     a repeat of last year’s incident –       UK public sector organisations,         large-scale frameworks like           • Lot 11 – Data Security
in time for the Bonfire period –       Cabinet Member for Social Justice      that the chance of fire is greatest,   which stretched our Service to its       enabling them to improve citizen        G-Cloud 11 and Network Services       Solutions.
traditionally one of the busiest       and Communities, said: “Our            and the emergency services are         limits. Not only were our resources      services through the intelligent        2; the YPO’s new framework is         Award winning security
times for the emergency services       moorland is some of the most           stretched.                             used, but those from neighbouring        utilisation of transformational         appropriate for organisations         services that give public sector
due to the number of fires and         beautiful countryside in England          “Although last year’s moorland      fire and rescue services and those       technology services.                    wishing to procure highly specific    organisations valuable insights into
fireworks being set off.               and must be protected.                 blaze was especially bad, and          across the UK, the Army, private            Six Degrees’ technology              services in a straightforward         the risks they face, and support
    We’ve introduced the orders           “That is why we’ve worked           drew worldwide attention, fires are    sector as well as many volunteers.       services meet the financial,            manner, and we are proud to be        the ongoing mitigation of security
following a consultation. We asked     with Tameside Council and our          a constant hazard during the dry,          “We continue to ask people to        operational and regulatory              one of the 29 suppliers that have     threats across all attack vectors.
residents and interested parties       partners in the police, UU, RSPB       summer months. The new PSPOs           take care, especially when on the        requirements of UK public sector        been approved for the framework.      • Lot 12 – Network
and stakeholders, such as United       and fire service to put these orders   will help us combat this problem       moors, and never light a barbecue        organisations, enabling them to            “YPO’s new framework was           Connectivity Services.
Utilities (UU) and the RSPB, for       in place.                              and protect people, wildlife and       or start any kind of fire. As well as    meet their business challenges          built following close consultation    Robust network services that
their views on the PSPOs and              “Prohibiting barbecues and fires    property.”                             see people receive a fine, these         head-on and improve the quality         with the organisation’s members       connect organisations, delivering
a large majority supported the         sends a clear and strong message          Area Manager Damian                 fires are devastating and the            and effectiveness of the services       and reflects the needs of Local       access to key systems and
proposal.                              and these orders are in place to       O’Rourke, Greater Manchester           consequences so costly – to the          they deliver to citizens. As an         Authorities throughout the            internet services whilst improving
    From November 1 anyone             stop damage to property and            Fire and Rescue Service, said:         community, the environment and           established technology provider to      UK. Six Degrees has been              security and reducing complexity.
found lighting a fire, barbecue, or    possibly life.                         “We are really pleased that            to our service and resources.            the UK public sector, Six Degrees       accepted onto every lot that             Konopka concluded: “At Six
other objects such as fireworks           “We want residents and visitors     the Public Space Protection                “Finally, if you see a fire in the   has been delivering cloud services      we bid for, demonstrating that        Degrees we are passionate about
and sky lanterns, will be given a      to enjoy these areas but at the        Orders have been enforced in           countryside please dial 999,             to the likes of Government Digital      our services are closely aligned      enabling our public sector clients’
fixed penalty notice of £100, or       same time people need to be            public areas across Oldham and         providing as much information            Service, Ministry of Justice, Crown     to the challenges that Local          brilliance.
face prosecution.                      responsible and respect the            Tameside meaning that those            as possible about its location,
    Failure to pay any fixed penalty   moors.”                                found to be lighting fires and         and never put yourself in danger
amount could also lead to                 Councillor Allison Gwynne,          barbecues on our moors will be         tackling a fire.”

 4     GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR JOURNAL SUMMER/AUTUMN 2019                                                                                                                                                                  GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR JOURNAL SUMMER/AUTUMN 2019                              5
GOVERNMENT - Government & Public ...
GPSJ         NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        NEWS        GPSJ

SSCL signs new deal to extend government                                                                                                                  GMP welcomes 152 police officers in their
business services to 2023                                                                                                                                 biggest attestation ceremony to date
Shared Services Connected               services over a 10 year period.       digital technologies, which aligns    the end-user experience with          Greater Manchester Police              and the Mayor of Stockport,           day.”                                Greater Manchester. With a
Limited (SSCL) has announced               For the past six years, on         to the current transformation         investments in new technologies       (GMP) proudly welcomed 152             Councillor Laura Booth.                  The new officers bring a wealth   more representative and diverse
that yesterday it signed a              behalf of the government, SSCL        agenda of government.                 and platforms including robotics,     new officers in their largest             Chief Constable Ian Hopkins        of experience to GMP, from all       workforce, GMP will continue to
three-year contract extension           has been handling over £50bn              John Neilson, CEO Public          intelligent automation and            attestation ceremony to date           said: “I am delighted to welcome      different backgrounds, all with      work to ensure their officers are
worth over £100 million                 of yearly payments, processing        Sector SSCL said: “Our vision         enhancing our self-serve portals,     on the evening of Tuesday 22           the new officers to GMP.              one shared passion; policing the     representative of the communities
with seven government                   almost seven million annual           is to help the UK public sector       and ultimately continuing to enable   October 2019, at Stockport             Attestations are a significant        communities across                   they serve.
departments in collaboration            transactions and ensuring more        save money and enhance quality        the government’s transformation       Town Hall.                             moment when undertaking a
with Government Shared                  than a quarter of a million public    so that it can improve services,      to cloud.”                                                                   career in policing and a day to be
Services (GSS), to continue             servants every month get paid         innovate to enhance the quality of       Andy Helliwell, Executive          In front of family and friends, all    proud of for all involved.
to provide a range of critical          correctly and on time. SSCL is on     life for us all, protect people and   Director, Government Shared           officers partook in the Police            “As a force, we are committed
business services.                      track to deliver savings of up to     the environment and deliver better    Services said, “Our ambition          Oath which is their promise to         to protecting the people of
                                        £400m by end October 2023.            outcomes for UK citizens and          is, above all, to create a future     the Queen in front of a magistrate     Greater Manchester and every
As part of the agreement SSCL              The deal to extend the             businesses.                           where civil servants’ ability to      to uphold the office of constable      day we have a chance to improve
has renewed its partnership with        relationship is focused around a          “We are delighted to confirm      support government priorities and     with fairness, integrity, diligence    people’s lives and I have every
GSS, part of the Cabinet Office, to     renewed commitment to deliver         our contract extension that will      deliver services to the citizen is    and impartiality. The ceremony         confidence our new recruits will be
ensure that SSCL services are fully     efficient, innovative and user-       continue to drive enhancements        enhanced by the shared services       marks the official start of the        a great asset to us here at GMP.
aligned with the objectives within      focused shared services for the       to services with government           they use. Shared services need to     Officers commencing their official        “Police officers serve a very
its Government Shared Services          government. Enhanced user             departments. The extension            be mobile, accessible, intelligent    duties, and is a milestone to be       important purpose of protecting
Strategy, which was refreshed in        experience is at the forefront        builds on the achievements we         and automated, to increasingly        celebrated.                            society and helping keep people
September 2019, and sets out an         of new service developments –         have made over the past six           anticipate what the user needs to        Chief Constable of GMP Ian          safe. As a force we take pride
ambitious vision for transforming       providing government employees        years bringing departments onto       deliver a seamless, secure and        Hopkins was in attendance to           in offering the best possible
delivery of finance and HR              with access to the very latest        a single platform, enhancing          intuitive user experience.”           welcome each and every new             service and reassure the people
                                                                                                                                                          recruit to the force, along with       of Greater Manchester that
                                                                                                                                                          Greater Manchester’s Deputy            keeping communities safe is at the
                                                                                                                                                          Mayor Baroness Beverley Hughes         forefront of the work we do every

Kathleen Kelly appointed Director of                                                                                                                      Landmarc awarded contract extension with
Collaboration to lead new place-based                                                                                                                     the Ministry of Defence
initiative LocalMotion                                                                                                                Kathleen Kelly
                                                                                                                                                          Landmarc Support Services              conservation support, catering,
                                                                                                                                                          (Landmarc) has been awarded            information management,
Kathleen Kelly has been                 partnership funding approach,                                                                                     an extension to its National           administration services, and
appointed the Director of               establishing strategic partnerships                                                                               Training Estate Prime (NTEP)           project and commercial property
Collaboration for LocalMotion           across the charitable, public,                                                                                    Contract with the Ministry             management. There are around
– an initiative which sees six          private and funder sectors.                                                                                       of Defence (MOD) until 31              120 sites, including nearly 9,000
funders work in partnership             More recently she was Assistant                                                                                   October 2021.                          buildings and almost 7,500 pieces
to develop new, radical and             Director of Communities and                                                                                                                              of targetry issued worldwide.
innovative ideas to boost               Social Policy at Greater London                                                                                   The contract covers Landmarc’s            Mark Neill, Managing Director at
communities.                            Authority implementing the            in the context of an increasing       -  City Bridge Trust                  partnership with the Defence           Landmarc said, “For more than 15
                                        Mayor’s strategies on Social          squeeze on their funding.             -  Esmée Fairbairn Foundation         Infrastructure Organisation (DIO)      years, we have partnered with DIO
Central to the initiative, and          Integration and Equalities,              “The six funders supporting this   -  Lankelly Chase                     to manage and operate military         to ensure that the UK Defence
the role of the Director of             Diversity and Inclusion. She was      project have been investing in and    -  Paul Hamlyn Foundation             training facilities across the MOD’s   Training Estate delivers a safe and
Collaboration, is working with local    previously Assistant Director         supporting charities to survive and   -  Tudor Trust                        190,000 hectares of built and          sustainable place to train for our
partners to find solutions to social,   of Policy and Research at the         adapt for years but they know            Kathleen will work with the six    rural UK Defence Training Estate,      armed forces. This extension will
environmental and economic              National Housing Federation for       they can do more to support and       foundations to identify key issues    a position the company has held        enable us to continue the great
issues on their doorstep.               nearly 10 years.                      boost the potential of local people   facing charities and communities      since 2003.                            work we have been doing with
LocalMotion will also see funders          She said: “I’m excited to get      and communities and shake up          and help the foundations                 Supporting around 7 million         our customer to drive innovation
use their collective resources,         started on a project which will       the way we do things.”                better understand existing local      training days per year, services       in the way services are delivered
experience and strengths to help        give local communities a much-           LocalMotion is locally driven      programmes. All six foundations       include the management and             to ensure our military achieves its
shape philanthropic practice.           needed lift. Many communities         and seeks to learn from the           have committed funding for the        operation of training areas and        training mission.”
   Kathleen comes with a wealth         are facing increasingly difficult     charities and communities it is       next 18 months to commence            ranges, explosives safety, built          For more information on
of experience. She led the              circumstances, with the charities     working with. The six funders         work and support the Director of      and rural estate management,           Landmarc’s services, please visit:
development of the National             that support them having to pick      behind the project are:               Collaboration.                        sustainability services      
Lottery Community Fund’s                up the pieces of a broken system      - Lloyds Bank Foundation                                                    including environmental and            services

 6     GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR JOURNAL SUMMER/AUTUMN 2019                                                                                                                                                             GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR JOURNAL SUMMER/AUTUMN 2019                        7
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GPSJ         LOCAL AUTHORITY & COUNCIL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               IT        GPSJ

                                                                                                                                                        Smart cities - from                                                                                                        Phil

                                                                                                                                                        realisation to reality
                                                                                                                                                        Phil Beecher, President of Wi-SUN Alliance

closes the gap in sweeper portfolio,                                                                                                                    UK cities face more and
                                                                                                                                                        more complex issues as
                                                                                                                                                        urban populations continue
                                                                                                                                                        to grow, combined with all of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    distorted images of futuristic
                                                                                                                                                                                                    landscapes straight from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    pages of a Philip K Dick novel;
                                                                                                                                                                                                    many of our cities are undergoing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          progressing deployments.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Looking more closely at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the security concerns, survey
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          respondents point to data
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 network is able to add devices,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 update software and grow as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 requirements dictate, while
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ensuring there are no outages

with launch of the new MC 250                                                                                                                           the infrastructure challenges
                                                                                                                                                        that come with that, such
                                                                                                                                                        as the pressures placed on
                                                                                                                                                        public transport systems, road
                                                                                                                                                                                                    major developments as we speak
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and have all the hallmarks of a
                                                                                                                                                                                                    smart city in progress. With new
                                                                                                                                                                                                    innovations in technology, we will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          privacy as their biggest worry
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          (37 per cent), while attacks
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          on infrastructure (28 per cent)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and network vulnerabilities (24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 that would risk security breaches.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 They must also ensure that all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 devices are interoperable, so they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 are not tied into a single supplier,
                                                                                                                                                        congestion, parking, citizen                see this accelerate over the next     per cent) are also a cause for         thus avoiding vendor lock-in and
Work freely, swiftly and for             The development of the new          made sure that this new sweeper       Everyday machine maintenance         safety and more. Cities will                few years.                            concern. As more and more              helping to reduce costs.
longer with the new MC 250            MC 250 sweeper closes a gap            emits the lowest emissions            is made simple with all service      need to adapt to cope with the                 Smart street lighting, for         Internet of Things (IoT) devices          We are seeing developers,
sweeper from Kärcher.                 in the Kärcher portfolio, with         possible. The MC 250 satisfies the    components easy to reach via         added population growth or                  example, is already being             connect to the network, the            utilities and governments
                                      machines now available in all          requirements of the 2.5 PM class      access points, with the engine       suffer.                                     deployed in many cities, including    opportunity for disruption             increasingly specifying Wi-SUN-
Combining speed with ultimate         classes between 0.5 to 6 cubic         within engine category EURO 6/        also directly accessible thanks to                                               the City of London. Using canopy      through security vulnerabilities       compatible technology as part
operator comfort and outstanding      metres.                                STAGE V in compliance with            the fold-out water tank.             At the same time, we are                    mesh networks, it is not only         is increasing all the time, while      of a robust, resilient and scalable
sweeping performance, Kärcher’s          Sweepers are an essential           current environmental standards.         When it comes to operator         seeing more of buzz around                  helping to improve public safety,     greater IT/OT (operational             wireless communications network
latest addition to the municipal      part of municipal cleaning in             For this new sweeper, fine dust    comfort the MC 250 features          the development of smart                    but also to reduce operational        technology) convergence in the         to support smart city and smart
range is perfectly designed for the   both the city centre and on the        and sand particles pose no more       many upgrades including:             cities: more deployments, more              costs. Such deployments can be        utilities industry will increase the   utility deployments.
cityscape. Featuring a spacious       outskirts of cities, meaning that      of a problem than coarse dirt.        LED lighting in the cab, a USB       interconnectivity and more                  used as the network infrastructure    risk of cyber attacks on critical         There are more than 95
and comfortable two person cab,       vehicles are often required to         The MC 250 delivers unparallelled     charging facility as well as a       collaboration between local                 for additional city services, such    infrastructure.                        million Wi-SUN capable devices
all-wheel steering system for easy    cover long distances between           cleaning results as a result of its   spacious storage area for the        authorities, city developers,               as intelligent transport systems,         Security and interoperability      (Navigant Research) awarded
manoeuvrability and large waste       applications. Frequent journeys        optimised air-flow which further      driver and passenger. The central    utilities companies and technology          smart signalling, parking and         remain the fundamental building        globally as service providers and
container to keep you on the road     to and from work sites lead to         increases the effectiveness of        display and ergonomic operating      providers.                                  electric vehicle charging stations.   blocks of any smart city               city developers deploy new IoT
for longer, this machine enables      ‘lost’ idle-time which is hugely       the sweeper compared to other         panel have been carefully selected      In a recent Wi-SUN Alliance poll            According to our poll, cost is     deployment, and public sector,         applications and services for
users to complete any municipal       inefficient. The MC 250 provides       models. The sweeper’s individually    after rigorous testing and the       on the growth of smart cities, over         seen as the biggest challenge         municipalities and city developers     smart cities and utilities. Wi-SUN
cleaning task with excellence and     a remedy for this ‘lost time’          controlled brush system means         hydro-pneumatic suspension           half of survey respondents believe          currently holding back smart          will need to think carefully about     is the technology behind a number
ease. These new user-friendly         through the combination of a           dirt in different areas can be        on both axles, plus single-wheel     that we will not see widespread             city development, with half of        a network infrastructure that is       of major smart city projects
advancements complement the           60km/h transport speed and             easily reached, while the use         suspension on the front axle         smart city deployments for                  respondents citing lack of funds or   based on open standards to             around the world including City
environmentally-friendly low-         container volume of 2.2m³ which        of the weed brush delivers a          means any bumps or uneven            another 10 years or more, while a           investment in such projects, while    make their fulfilment of smart city    of London, Copenhagen, Paris,
emission EURO Stage 6 or Stage        ensures users are fully set to clean   more precise cleaning result.         ground are comfortably driven        third believe it will be earlier, in five   around a quarter point to security    growth cost effective, secure and      Miami and Glasgow.
V engines and reliability for which   wherever they need to go.              A water recirculation system          over.                                to 10 years.                                and privacy issues. Collaboration,    scalable.
the Kärcher brand is recognised.         With the rise in low-emission       and a separate tank for the                                                   The reality is that smart cities         and a lack of interoperability are        In addition, smart cities and      For more information visit:
                                      zones in cities, Kärcher has           dirtied water are also integrated.                                         are already here. Forget the                also seen as major factors when       utilities will need to ensure any

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GPSJ        GREEN SPACES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GREEN SPACES               GPSJ

                                                Welsh prison wins RHS                                                                                       Living walls, green screens and green
                                                      gardening award                                                                                       roofs: soft landscape options for visual
                                                                                                                                                            impact, security and better air quality
                                                                                                                                                            Mobilane lead the way in                continuing collaborations with        from this May with the installation     Hedera Helix Woerner, variegated
                                                                                                                                                            exterior and interior ready-            The University of Greenwich in        of a 75m living wall from Mobilane.     and non-variegated, and the new
                                                                                                                                                            made green systems.                     their “Activating Biophilic Cities”   The Mobilane Green Screens have         Euonymus Darts Blanket.
                                                                                                                                                            That’s natural, green foliage           and The University of Glasgow         been placed along the length of
                                                                                                                                                            in outdoor and indoor                   for their “Air Quality Research”.     the Woking Train Station’s exterior     Adapting to the lie of the
                                                                                                                                                            environments, giving an extra           The research findings raised          wall as part of the Council’s green     land
                                                                                                                                                            vertical landscaping option to          awareness and drew alarming           commitments.                            Accommodating the natural slope
                                                                                                                                                            a forgotten wall, building or           conclusions. It has particular                                                of the road and walkway,
                                                                                                                                                            boundary.                               relevance for children in our city    Nature and history combined             the screens maintain a straight
                                                                                                                                                                                                    schools whose playground and          Complementing other green               top edge using a mix of screen
                                                                                                                                                            Adding greenery where space             schooltime bears the greatest         initiatives in the transformation       heights from 1 metre to 2.2 metre.
                                                                                                                                                            is at a premium, Mobilane’s             brunt of high traffic volumes,        of the town’s Albion Square, the        Installed in fibreglass containers
                                                                                                                                                            products offer all the benefits         exhaust fumes and noxious             ivy screens now form a naturally        to allow for ease of placement by
                                                                                                                                                            of planting with added visual           particulate matter. Mobilane’s        green frame for the town’s iconic       forklift and potential repositioning
                                                                                                                                                            impact, often creating a privacy,       campaigning this year continues       mural that depicts life along High      at a later date, the screens were
                                                                                                                                                            pollution and security barrier. The     behind their Green My School          Street in Edwardian times.              cut to fit prior to the installation of
• HMP & YOI Parc awarded RHS Windlesham Trophy for the best kept prison garden
                                                                                                                                                            original Mobilane Green Screen          message. Mobilane have been                                                   irrigation by the Mobilane technical
• Grounds used to grow food for the prison kitchen and are a haven for wildlife                                                                             is grown and supplied directly          instrumental in providing their       A blend of colour, foliage and          team. The screens ongoing
• Award recognises the many benefits of gardening in prisons, from rehabilitation to wellbeing                                                              from their UK nursery partner           ivy screens to school projects,       wildlife interest                       maintenance will be managed by
                                                                                                                                                            and can be seen installed in            funded by charitable donations        With a mix of species for interest      Woking Council.
HMP & YOI Parc in Bridgend,           cabbage and tomatoes that are           environmental efforts and impact      and creativity of the prisoners and     domestic, commercial, retail and        or supported because of their         and colour, the wall will not only          The week-long installation took
Wales has been named the best         served in the prison canteen.           on those living and working within    staff who work on the gardening         educational environments across         extremely poor air quality by         attract insects and wildlife to an      place at the end of April 2019 and
kept prison garden in England and     Wildflower borders, a new pond          the walls.                            team and will especially mean a         the UK. Their internationally-tested    government funding schemes,           otherwise grey and urban part of        has already attracted positive local
Wales by the Royal Horticultural      and bird boxes support wildlife            RHS judge Jon Wheatley             lot to the men in our care who          ready-made green systems also           including the Mayor of London Air     town, but the screens will exercise     and regional media and visitor
Society (RHS) and awarded the         and the prison’s resident bee           said: “The quality of horticulture    are working towards horticultural       include: MobiRoof green roof            Quality Fund. Through their Green     their prowess in the improvement        interest.
Windlesham Trophy for its efforts.    colony, as well as providing            in prisons is ever improving and      qualifications.                         cassette system, the WallPlanter        My School installers, Mobilane        of air quality, as their foliage aids
   Now in its 36th year, the annual   tranquil places to relax and reflect,   much of what we’ve seen this year        “As well as improving the            and LivePanel living walls, and         have already supplied over            the trapping and capturing of           To find out more about Mobilane
award was devised by then             while kitchen waste is composted        is of RHS gold medal standard.        environment within the prison, our      the NoiStop sound barrier. The          4000 ivy green screens and the        harmful pollutants from passing         Green Screens and other ready-
Chairman of the Parole Board,         and old pallets and plastic bottles     However, what the team has            gardens provide prisoners with the      LivePicture and LivePicture Go          momentum continues to build.          and stationary traffic in the busy      made green products for indoor
Lord Windlesham, in recognition       are recycled into planters and          achieved at HMP & YOI Parc is         training, skills and confidence to      options offer homeowners or                                                   street.                                 and outdoor landscaping, contact
of the value of gardening within      propagation trays.                      truly outstanding with far reaching   pursue employment in this sector        facilities managers a burst of          A walk on the wild side in               Mobilane UK was appointed  , visit the
prison communities and in                HMP & YOI Parc, run by G4S           benefits across the whole prison      upon release.”                          planted artistry for aesthetic          Woking - the town’s first             to install the ivy screens, which       website
prisoners’ rehabilitation.            and the only privately managed          community, from superb training          The University of Central            beauty at home or in the                green wall                            are watered by an innovative            or call the UK office on
   The modern Category B              prison in Wales competed                and learning opportunities to         Lancashire found that a                 workspace, as does the equally          Residents, customers and visitors     drip line irrigation system. The        0203 741 8049.
prison, which houses 1,700 men        alongside four other finalists          food production and improved          horticultural programme delivered       impressive green backdrop,              to Woking High Street will be         screens offer variety of foliage
and young offenders, fought off       - HMP Hull, HMP Littlehey in            health and wellbeing. This is Lord    in 12 prisons in the North              LiveDivider.                            enjoying a new natural walkway        and floral interest, planted with
competition from 19 others to         Cambridgeshire, HMP Warren Hill         Windlesham’s vision of prison         West had a positive impact on              Mobilane have been the
take the trophy for a second time,    in Suffolk and HMP Whatton in           gardening at its very best.”          prisoners’ mental health and            driving force over the last 10
previously winning in 2017.           Nottingham – which were visited            G4S director of HMP & YOI          wellbeing. This included increased      years with a number of academic
   Its vast grounds burst with        by a trio of RHS judges in July to      Parc, Janet Wallsgrove, said: “This   confidence, social interactions         establishments, funding and
plants and green space with           assess their horticultural displays,    win is testament to the dedication    with staff and other prisoners and      supporting research into the
large areas given over to food                                                                                      the gaining of skills, qualifications   air quality benefits of ivy green
production and wildlife. These                                                                                      and work experience which               screens. Published research
play an important role in training                                                                                  increased the potential for post-       findings from Atkins and
and rehabilitation and are found                                                                                    release employment.1                    Staffordshire University showed
to have positively impacted on                                                                                         Staff and prisoners at HMP &         that the Mobilane Ivy Green
prisoners’ behaviour and staff                                                                                      YOI Parc will today be presented        Screens, superior in plant density
morale.                                                                                                             with the Windlesham Trophy by           and construction than other
   A team of 15 prisoners                                                                                           RHS President Sir Nicholas Bacon        green screen options, removes
learn horticultural skills, gain                                                                                    at an awards ceremony at the            particulate pollution in the order of
qualifications and grow huge                                                                                        prison.                                 between 40-60% in some sample
hauls of crops such as potatoes,                                                                                                                            locations. Mobilane also have

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Integrated Hybrid Cloud
Storage: The WAN Perspective
By David Trossell, CEO and CTO of Bridgeworks

There are no quick wins when           services with existing applications   such as the public or hybrid cloud.   storage. However, the problem           from OEMs. Beyond this,                 in an HSM scenario.                      SD-WAN installation. However,         the WAN. It’s called WAN Data
it comes to cloud storage.             to provide an extension to any        Security concerns have largely        of what to do with data, how            everyone is still talking about it as       In the past, many organisations      as I have already alluded to these    Acceleration.
It’s always best to throw              existing on-premise infrastructure.   dogged the implement of public        to manage and store it equates          new technology, when they should        made use of the cloud gateway            have serious limitations with rich       It does not change nor
caution to the wind to ensure             He explains: “This integrated      and hybrid cloud in these sectors.    to a conundrum that leaves              perhaps be talking more about           concept. The was a device that           file formats that use compression     manipulate the data by
that you understand the                hybrid cloud storage approach         Yet, nowadays the cloud-first         organisations moving the issue          the functionality of hybrid cloud       acted as a cache device with             techniques, as well as encrypted      compressing it or deduping it,
requirements of your public            requires a seamless interface         mantra that first appeared in 2013    down the line – like freeway.           storage.                                local storage that acted as a            data that we all want when we         and it can handle encrypted and
sector organisation by auditing        between the private systems           is swinging the pendulum towards      There will be at some point a                                                   holding point whilst the data was        transfer data over the WAN. In        compressed data equally, as well
what you already have, to a            and public services, with data        a “let’s move everything” policy.     need for more and more storage.         This way or no way                      de-duped. This was then trickle-         fact, many companies are now          as any other format. It accelerates
certain what you may need.             continuously synchronized                It’s a fact of life that data is   Protecting data inflight and at rest,   There is a deep passion that            fed into the cloud. The issue            insisting all data on the LAN and     these across the WAN, whilst
There is also a need to fully          between the two. The goal is to       never in the right place. There is    also costs, yet someone has to          accompanies new technology              with these devices was, whilst           WAN is encrypted.                     mitigating latency and packet loss.
comprehend services such               make the cloud an extension of        often not enough space for it too,    pay the penalty at a time when          that it is “this way” or “no way”       they ingested data quickly, the                                                This uses a mixture of massive
as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and           enterprise capacity and a staging     and there are also cost, location,    practically everything is cloud-        and if you don’t, your competitors      transfer to and from the cloud was       No devolution                         parallelisation of the data stream
Google.                                area for applications to use more     regulatory, and data transfer         based.                                  will leave you behind. The cloud        painfully slow – not what you want       However, using the cloud as part      coupled with AI to constantly tune
                                       advanced cloud databases,             speed concerns to address.               There is therefore a need to         is a prime example of this. After       in a disaster recover situation.         of a hybrid cloud storage strategy    network parameters, achieving
However, Kurt Marko, writing for       data warehouses, analytics, and       As well as all of these issues,       consider cloud security, how to         all the talking and hype, it took           Another major flaw in these          or any strategy that uses the         in some cases 95% bandwidth
TechTarget, says organisations         machine learning services.”           organisations often have too little   expediently back-up data and            about 3-4 years for companies           products was working with                cloud does not devolve you from       utilisation.
“often displace existing storage                                             data duplication. Over the years,     ensure its availability, as some        to start implementing solutions         compressed and encrypted                 the responsibility for ensuring
systems in need of a technology        Innovation                            there have been many attempts         factors such as outages are             and to then find out which of the       files. These are notoriously very        its integrity or safety. The cloud    Cloud win-win
upgrade with an easily-understood      The trouble is that some              to resolve this through tiering,      no longer under your control.           promises it did and did not fulfill.    difficult to dedupe any further,         providers provide the functionality   So, to have a win-win, cloud
service that provides a distributed,   organisations are quick to            hierarchical storage and through      So, there is the potential risk of          Many organisations adopt a          so require transferring as is. The       and the capacity – the rest is        storage can’t sit on its own;
high-availability infrastructure;      innovate, but slow to implement.      information life management. At       upsetting lots of people just a         cloud-only strategy in which every      last and most critical issue with        still down to you. You still need     it needs to have a network
usage-based pricing; and built-in      In some sectors, such as banking      the end of the day, data storage is   bit, or upsetting a small number        aspect of their IT resides in the       these devices was that they were         to have multiple copies of your       infrastructure behind it to operate
security inherent to all cloud         and financial services, they          always a compromise.                  of people a lot. This may occur         cloud. There are enterprises that       very susceptible to latency and          data in multiple places, either       efficiently and effectively – whether
services.” Murko continues by          have traditionally been slow to          Over the years, there has been     by creating your own hyper-             have only put the customer-facing       packet loss on the connection            with the same cloud provider of       for BaaS, DRaaS, PaaS or simply
arguing that the enterprise hybrid     innovate and subsequently slow        an increase in CPU performance,       converged on premises cloud.            aspect in the cloud, and those          to the cloud, further hampering          a completely different one. It is     for applications and data storage.
cloud next stage is to link cloud      to implement new technologies         memory system and in memory           Help to achieve this is available       that have kept everything in-           performance when you really need         always worth remembering that         Hybrid cloud storage therefore
                                                                                                                                                           house, but have created their own       it during recovery of the data from      putting data into the cloud is        has to be integrated, allowing for
                                                                                                                                                           private cloud. Of course, there are     the cloud.                               relatively cheaper than the cost of   more secure data transfer and
   David Trossell, CEO and CTO                                                                                                                             many flavours. Yet, to moderate                                                  getting it out!                       storage, better accessibility by
   of Bridgeworks                                                                                                                                          the all or nothing camp, and to         Data transfer                                                                  the mitigation of latency and the
                                                                                                                                                           overcome some of the limitations        Many of the applications include         Bandwidth costs                       reduction in packet loss with a
                                                                                                                                                           when using the cloud, the concept       backup and archive products,             The last thing to address is          solution such as PORTrockIT.
                                                                                                                                                           of the hybrid cloud storage has         as well as a number of storage           the question of performance.          With a higher level of WAN
                                                                                                                                                           evolved. The whole concept of           devices, and it is now possible to       Bandwidth costs are declining         performance behind it, hybrid
                                                                                                                                                           the hybrid cloud is that it acts        transfer the data directly to the        rapidly (faster would be nicer)       cloud storage becomes more
                                                                                                                                                           as a seamless extension to your         cloud in object form, bypassing          and these are increasing their        robust and more effective
                                                                                                                                                           existing on-premises storage with       the cloud gateways completely.           geographical reach. But unless        – particularly when disaster
                                                                                                                                                           no changes to the applications.         I would like to say that all the         we solve the problem of latency       strikes, when there is a need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   problems were resolved, by               and packet loss, we are never         retrieve data to ensure that an
                                                                                                                                                           Latency and packet loss                 removing the cloud gateways,             going to get a real return on the     organisation like you own can
                                                                                                                                                           One of the issues that many             but it is just like when they build      WAN investment, no matter how         continue to operate. The focus
                                                                                                                                                           implementations face is the failure     a new motorway to bypass a               much bandwidth we throw at the        should be on service continuity,
                                                                                                                                                           to take into account the effects        bottleneck – you move the                problem.                              requiring hybrid cloud storage
                                                                                                                                                           of latency and packet loss on the       problem further down the line to            Go back to the idea of hybrid      to be located in at least three
                                                                                                                                                           performance of the application(s);      another location. In similar fashion,    cloud strategy: it was to have        locations, beyond their own
                                                                                                                                                           be this from the user to the cloud      when you implement a hybrid              a seamless extension of our           circles of disruption to ensure
                                                                                                                                                           or the data centre to the cloud.        Cloud solution , it literally is “down   infrastructure and performance,       that business goes on no matter
                                                                                                                                                           This is especially true when            the line” with our old performance       which has to be a key aspect of       what happens. Data is the new
                                                                                                                                                           organisations look to use the           thieves; packet loss, and latency.       that seamlessness. But how can        gold, and so it’s worth investing in
                                                                                                                                                           cloud as storage facility in such          The “go-to” industry standard         this be done when the current         technologies that make sure it’s
                                                                                                                                                           applications as Disaster-recovery-      in these occasions is WAN                go-to tools only provide a part of    secure and readily available.
                                                                                                                                                           as-a-Service (DRaaS), Archive-as-       Optimisation either as a stand-          the requirements? Well, there is a
                                                                                                                                                           a-Service (AaaS) or as storage tier     alone product or as part of a            new way to transfer data across

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                                                                                                                                                          apT ecology team grows
                                                                                                                                                          after new business wins
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fran                                                    Mark                                               Nicola
                                                                                                                                                                                                Lancaster                                                 Latham                                               Stone

New solution from SWARCO Traffic
to help Cambridgeshire County                                                                                                                             An ecology team at a
                                                                                                                                                          pioneering public sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                 mitigation and licensing, statutory
                                                                                                                                                                                                 planning, specialist air pollution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fran said the team’s local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       authority backgrounds meant they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Local Wildlife Sites represent the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             best quality and most biodiverse

Council reduce congestion and                                                                                                                             planning and development
                                                                                                                                                          consultancy is expanding to
                                                                                                                                                          cope with growing demand.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 assessment and planning policy
                                                                                                                                                                                                 skills which allows us to take on
                                                                                                                                                                                                 complex projects and to provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                 our clients with the best possible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       had specialist skills which other
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       commercial consultancies could
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       not always offer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          “We are particularly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             habitats in the borough and are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             intended to be accessible to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             local communities for recreation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             education and enjoyment.”

improve air quality                                                                                                                                       Telford-based apT’s team of
                                                                                                                                                          ecological experts has trebled in
                                                                                                                                                          two years, partly as a result of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    “The team has statutory roles
                                                                                                                                                                                                 within the planning system and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       experienced in Habitat Regulation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Assessment, both of plans and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       projects, and Nicola brings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The team is also working on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             two grant funded projects with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Shropshire Wildlife Trust to deliver
                                                                                                                                                          winning new consultancy work           in supporting other teams across      significant experience of assessing   wetland habitat works at Apley
SWARCO Traffic Ltd has signed a new agreement                              traffic guidance and parking solution to reduce                                outside their home borough.            the Council but also sits within      aerial emissions associated with      Woods and Dothill in Telford
                                                                                                                                                              The team – made up of              apT and is able to engage in          livestock developments.”              and habitat improvements and
with Cambridgeshire County Council to replace                              congestion and improve air quality in and around the                           ecology and green infrastructure       commercial work.                         The team has been particularly     community engagement schemes
existing traffic technology with an innovative new                         city.                                                                          specialists Mark Latham, Fran             “We are successfully winning       successful in declaring new Local     along the Newport Canal SSSI.
                                                                                                                                                          Lancaster and Nicola Stone – will      commercial survey work outside        Nature Reserves with Telford &            “The council has also allocated
SWARCO will install 17 full colour   sign LED’s and luminance sensor,      number of key benefits to both           Derek Williamson, Head of             expand again later in the year as      the borough and building capacity     Wrekin Council and was now            a further £50,000 of funding to the
RGB Matrix signs at strategic        as well as checking for any power     visitors and the local community:     Sales at SWARCO Traffic, says:           it continues to go from strength to    to continue to grow our local         working to finish an ambitious        200 Green Guarantee sites across
locations across Cambridge and       failure.                                 “We needed to upgrade the          “We pride ourselves on providing         strength.                              authority work and projects.”         programme which will declare          the borough – small local green
the surrounding areas, which             As part of the new solution,      systems in place with a more          the highest quality traffic signs and        Fran, who joined the Council in       Last year the team secured         16 LNRs covering around 520           spaces in Council ownership
can be programmed to display         SWARCO will also install 11 count     flexible and accurate solution        intelligent solutions in the industry,   2013, said the team’s wide range       a series of contracts with both       hectares in the borough – three       which are being protected for
any image and provide traffic        control cabinets at Cambridge’s       with better functionality and         as well as tailoring these to meet       of skills and the innovative way in    private clients and neighbouring      times the recommended standard.       public use. The ecology team
information and guidance for         Park & Ride sites to advise drivers   communications,” explains             the needs of our customers.              which apT was set up to offer its      authority estates departments.        Fran added: “We are actively          is looking at how we deliver
drivers, as well as any upcoming     on availability. The counters slim    Zaneta. “The new signs will enable    We are working closely with              skills commercially whilst being a     These have seen the team              involved in positively managing       that programme of works at the
events.                              design will also reduce on-street     us to ensure that drivers can find    Cambridgeshire County Council            part of Telford & Wrekin Council,      undertake surveys for amphibians,     these sites with our colleagues       moment.”
   The signs are fully UTMC          clutter.                              car parking space availability with   to ensure this new installation          were huge factors in its success.      reptiles, badgers and breeding        in Neighbourhood Services, and            apT is the Midlands’ first public
compatible and will be managed           Zaneta Adamczyk, Real Time        ease, reducing time spent on the      and system creates minimum                   “Having grown from being the       birds to inform schemes ranging       alongside local communities, town     sector commercial planning,
via SWARCO’s intelligent Zephyr      Passenger Information Project         road, which will help us to reduce    disruption for the public, with the      only ecologist in the department       in size and complexity from single    and parish councils and friends       development and environmental
solution, that enables messages      Officer at Cambridgeshire County      congestion and consequently           works due to be completed by             two years ago, our team now            home owner developments, self-        groups.                               consultancy.
to be set from anywhere at any       Council, says the new technology      improve the air quality throughout    December.”                               has a mix of commercial survey         build schemes to large residential       “Our LNRs, alongside Sites             Visit: or
time, remotely, and monitor the      and traffic solution will provide a   the city and surrounding areas.                                                experience, protected species          developments.                         of Special Scientific Interest and    follow @apTgroupuk on Twitter.

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                                                                 GDrive strategic change with integrated
We’re                                                            transport solutions to create more
creating                                                         liveable cities                                     Peter O’Driscoll, Managing Director, RingGo

cleaner,                                                         Local governments are now
                                                                 fully embracing digital services
                                                                 that benefit both their staff
                                                                                                       are often looking for ways to
                                                                                                       make an impact in their part of the
                                                                                                       world. There are multiple ways in
                                                                                                                                              pre-defined emission brackets set
                                                                                                                                              by the council.
                                                                                                                                                  EBP parking schemes are
                                                                                                                                                                                      mobility across the city to increase
                                                                                                                                                                                      efficiencies by, for example,
                                                                                                                                                                                      reducing congestion. The UMCH

                                                                 and constituents, slowly, but         which parking solutions can help       already having an impact.               connects and manages asset
                                                                 surely getting rid of paper and       to minimise the environmental          Westminster City Council saw an         and access models, joining up
                                                                 physical offerings. However,          impact of driving, with the obvious    immediate effect from introducing       information from zones, parking
                                                                 to see the scale of benefits          one being that identifying available   the solution, reporting a 16%           machines, pollution forecasts,

                                                                 that can be realised from             parking spots reduces the amount       reduction in the most polluting         enforcement data, permits and
                                                                 digitising, local governments         of time spent circling around city     vehicles driving and parking in         cashless options. It monitors
                                                                 should be looking to develop          centres in search of the elusive       the city, without any obvious           behaviour in all aspects of mobility
                                                                 new solutions that flow across        spot. This in turn minimises           displacement to nearby parking          and provides ways to improve
                                                                 departmental boundaries. This         congestion, reduces emissions          zones.                                  how people travel around the city.

                                                                 can take many shapes, but             and improves the air quality.              Parking is also about                  The complete digitisation and
                                                                 consider for a moment what               However, there are much more        offering the best ecosystem for         integration of mobility services,
                                                                 this could look like with an          advanced and impactful ways            encouraging use of vehicles that        including vehicle journeys and
                                                                 often forgotten service like          of reducing pollution. Solutions       minimise environmental impact.          parking will increasingly be used

                                                                 parking.                              such as RingGo’s Emissions             Electric vehicles are key to the        to optimise and steer traffic flows.
                                                                                                       Based Parking (EBP), which             future of transport, and with           With quick and easy analysis, local
                                                                 Parking is more than where            significantly helps local councils     increasing uptake RingGo allows         governments can use this data to
                                                                 constituents leave their car. Local   improve air quality, demonstrate       drivers to view a map of over           improve how constituents travel,
                                                                 governments initially developed       environmental benefits and             5,500 EV charging points across         transferring usage to underutilised

and cities
                                                                 smarter parking solutions to          ultimately make UK towns and           the UK, find the closest charging       areas or modes of transport,
                                                                 control and reduce congestion,        cities better places to live. As       point and be directed to the            and ultimately ensuring cities are
                                                                 but that was just the beginning.      most city councils have already        selected destination. Increasing        better places to live. Average
                                                                 Parking has become a leader           migrated the majority of their         awareness of charging points not        parking duration times, high-
                                                                 in the adoption of a cashless         parking payment systems to             only helps existing drivers of EVs      density zones, price sensitivities,
                                                                 way of living and is now being        digital, adding EBP is an easy         but also normalises their usage,        and on-street performance can all
                                                                 used to drive strategic change in     and cost-effective implementation      encouraging greater adoption            be analysed and used to better

How does your                                                    areas as diverse as improving air
                                                                 quality and integrating transport
                                                                                                          The application that drivers are
                                                                                                                                              amongst motorists who may be
                                                                                                                                              concerned about making the shift.
                                                                                                                                                                                      manage the parking ecosystem.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Consumers also benefit. As

parking feature?
                                                                 solutions.                            already using to locate a parking      It also makes the surrounding area      travel and parking information
                                                                                                       spot and pay for parking can           more environmentally friendly.          increasingly converge within
                                                                 Good for the city, good for           easily be adapted to influence                                                 vehicles, motorists are better
                                                                 the environment                       environmental impact. Using            More efficient transport                informed about where to go and
                                                                 As the climate change debate          real-time data, combined with          Along with the enhanced                 how to get there.
                                                                 rages at a national and               the vehicle’s fuel type and year       capabilities being built into unified
                                                                 international level, local Councils   of manufacture, tariffs can be         parking solutions, all mobility         Liveable cities of the future
                                                                                                       automatically varied to match          systems are benefiting from             From improving air pollution to
                                                                                                                                              technological advancements and          creating smart, economic ways to
                                                                                                                                              when harnessed in the right way,        travel through cities, parking has
                                                                 Peter                                                                        this can create amazing results.        a key role to play in helping local
                                                                 O’Driscoll                                                                   Converged mobility systems              councils provide cleaner, healthier
                                                                                                                                              provide data to better understand       and more liveable cities. While it
                                                                                                                                              customers, improve transportation       may be just one part of the overall
                                                                                                                                              efficiency, recognise new trends in     picture, by understanding local
                                                                                                                                              mobility and plan for the future.       parking needs based on intelligent
                                                                                                                                                 PARK NOW, RingGo’s                   data insights, governments can
                                                                                                                                              parent company, has helped to           gain greater understanding and
                                                                                                                                              implement an Urban Mobility             introduce further smart mobility
                                                                                                                                              Control Hub (UMCH) in Paris, a          services supporting a more
                                                                                                                                              perfect example of how digital          sustainable future.
                                                                                                                                              systems are bringing together
The no.1 parking app                                                                                                                          not just parking, but data from
16     GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR JOURNAL SUMMER/AUTUMN 2019                                                                    GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SECTOR JOURNAL SUMMER/AUTUMN 2019                            17
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