Golden Visa Portugal The Complete Guide - GOLDEN VISA PORTUGAL

Page created by Jessica Cannon
Golden Visa Portugal The Complete Guide - GOLDEN VISA PORTUGAL

                 The Complete

                 Learn about the benefits, perks, requirements,
                 and documentation needed to obtain the world’s
                 most desired citizenship-by-investment program!
Golden Visa Portugal The Complete Guide - GOLDEN VISA PORTUGAL
Golden Visa Portugal   Engel & Völkers      Real Estate
The Complete Guide     Portimão                                                          Portugal 2021

                       Fado                                              And it also has an appealing Golden Visa

                                                                         program for those not born in Portuguese
                                                                         lands nor with any Portuguese ancestors.
                                                                         A program for those ready to conquer the
                                                                         right to live in Portugal. The right to invest

                                                                         in a country undergoing economic recovery.
                                                                         The right to protect their assets from an
                                                                         unstable political and economic situation in
                                                                         their country of origin. Or, simply, the right
                                                                         to guarantee residence for their children
                                                                         to continue their studies within a quality
                                                                         education system.
                                                                         Golden Visa is the most requested citizenship

                       Fado, Fátima and Futebol                          program for investment in the world! By the
                                                                         end of the 1st semester of 2021 in Portugal,
                       (Soccer). These are the                           9,767 applicants had already received

                       three Fs that generally                           approval, while 15,792 were awaiting
                                                                         resolution. These numbers leave space for no
                       characterize Portugal.                            doubt: the Golden Visa program in Portugal

                       However, we can also talk                         meets the interest of foreign citizens who wish
                                                                         to obtain a Portuguese passport and have free
                       about safety, tranquility,                        access to the Schengen Area. Citizens who

                       and quality of life. Or                           also want to enjoy all the benefits of living,
                                                                         studying, or working in a European country.
                       access to various health                          Read on to learn more about the Golden

                       services, leisure activities,                     Visa program, how the application process
                                                                         works, what the Golden Visa timeline is, basic
                       and fairy tale landscapes!                        requirements and documentation needed, and

                       And the good weather,                             other information about the Golden Card!

                       the paradisiacal beaches,
                       the excellent gastronomy.
                       In short, everything you
                       may need to live a happy
                                                                                             The Golden Visa program is the
                       life, Portugal has!                     For those who were neither
                                                              born in Portuguese lands nor   most requested citizenship program
                                                                have Portuguese ancestry.    by investment in the world!

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Golden Visa Portugal The Complete Guide - GOLDEN VISA PORTUGAL
Golden Visa Portugal                       Engel & Völkers        Real Estate
The Complete Guide                         Portimão                                                                            Portugal 2021

                       What can you                                                 Who is eligible for Portugal’s Golden Visa?        What is the most advised type of investment?

                                                                                    What are the requirements to obtain a Golden       How much does the Portuguese Golden Visa

                       find in this
                                                                                    Visa?                                              cost?

                                                                                    Documentation needed to apply for a Golden         What is the preferred option for investors?
                                                                                                                                       Portugal’s Golden Visa Fees

                       complete guide
                                                                                    How do I obtain a Tax Identification Number?
                                                                                                                                       How does tax collection work for the investor?
                                                                                    How can I open a bank account in Portugal?
                                                                                                                                       Portugal’s Golden Visa: Timeline

                       about Portugal’s
                                                                                    What happens after the first 5 years of
                                                                                                                                       Step by step towards your Portuguese Golden
                                                                                    Does Portugal’s Golden Visa cover the
                                                                                                                                       Is Portugal still the best destination to invest in

                       Golden Visa?
                                                                                    investor’s family members?
                                                                                                                                       a Golden Visa?
                                                                                    How long does it take to obtain a Golden
                                                                                                                                       Is Portugal still the best country for property
                                                                                    Can I live in Portugal before the Golden Visa is
                                                                                                                                       Benefits of working and living in Portugal
                                                                                                                                       Golden Visa 2022 | What new conditions will
                                                                                    How does Portugal’s Golden Visa work in
                                                                                                                                       be valid starting in January?
                       What is the Golden Visa program?                                                                                Golden Visa in Algarve
                                                                                    Golden Visa through Real Estate investment
                       Portugal’s Golden Visa                                                                                          Benefits of Portugal’s Golden Visa in Algarve
                                                                                    What does the Golden Visa Real Estate
                       Benefits of the Golden Visa for Portugal                     investment option include?                         Real Estate in Algarve
                       and investors
                                                                                    What are the other investment options for the      What are the benefits of buying a house in
                       Schengen Agreement                                           Portuguese Golden Visa?                            Algarve?

                       Can I have a Portuguese Golden Visa                                                                             How can you find good opportunities for
                       and live in another country?                                                                                    property investment in Portugal?

                       What is a Tax Residency?                                                                                        In which property segments can you invest in
                       What are the main benefits of the
                       Non-Habitual Resident Tax Regime?                                                                               Examples of properties available for Golden
                                                                                                                                       Visa investment
                       Benefits of the Golden Visa program
                                                                                                                                       Why should you choose Engel & Völkers
                       Who is the Golden Visa program for?
                                                                                                                                       Portimão to assist you in the process?

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Golden Visa Portugal The Complete Guide - GOLDEN VISA PORTUGAL
Golden Visa Portugal                           Engel & Völkers                   Real Estate
The Complete Guide                             Portimão                                                                                      Portugal 2021

  What is the Golden

                                                                                                   Golden Visa
                                   Visa program?                                                   a residence permit with special
                                                                                                   conditions for foreigners outside
                                                                                                   the European Union.
                                                                                                                                         facilitates Portugal’s contacts
                                                                                                                                         abroad, promoting culture, Real
                                                                                                                                         Estate investment, international
                                                                                                   The investment activity carried out   relations, and, eventually, the
                Created by the      In that sense, acquiring a Golden Visa means getting a         under the scope of the Golden         integration of investor immigrants
                    Portuguese     Residence Permit for Investment Activity (ARI) and having       Visa can be done by the individual    through permanent titles or
           government in 2012      access to several benefits of living in the European Union      or through a Single-Member            nationality requests.
          (Law nº29/2012), the     (EU). Citizens with a Golden Visa card are not obliged to       Limited Liability Company, as         For investors, the Golden Visa
        Golden Visa program        live permanently in Portugal.                                   long as it leads to the realization   is equally profitable! It allows
           offers investors the    Therefore, the Golden Visa is not so much a “visa” but          of at least one of the types of       them to enjoy a series of benefits
           possibility to obtain   a way to guarantee a Residence Permit via Investment.           investment foreseen in the law —      resulting from a residence in
         special international     The program aims to attract resources and investors to          which we will talk about later —      Portugal: living, working, or
      residence authorization      the country by granting a special residence permit to           for a minimum period of 5 years.      studying in a safe country,
       when making qualified       foreigners outside the European Union. In return, these         The Golden Visa program is very       privileged access to territories
                investments in     individuals must have the power to invest in Portugal,          beneficial for Portugal since         with which Portugal has good
         Portuguese territory.     either through Real Estate or job creation.                     the country receives a series of      relations, and, of course, the
                                   Portugal’s Golden Visa is the most attractive citizenship by    resources, later used to incite       possibility to acquire a property in
                                   investment or residency by investment program in Europe!        the local market and applied          different scenarios of the country,
                                   It was created in 2012 to attract resources and investors       in structures directed towards        from the big cities to areas with
                                   to the country, through a bargaining chip: the granting of      the population’s welfare. It also     exuberant beaches like Algarve!

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Golden Visa Portugal The Complete Guide - GOLDEN VISA PORTUGAL
Golden Visa Portugal              Engel & Völkers   Real Estate
The Complete Guide                Portimão                                                                       Portugal 2021

Schengen                                                              Which countries make up the
                                                                      Schengen Area?
                                                                                                                          get the Golden Visa, you are also eligible
                                                                                                                          to become a tax resident in Portugal;

Agreement                                                             Twenty-six countries make up the Schengen
                                                                      Area: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
                                                                      Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
                                                                                                                          that is if you have not been subject to tax
                                                                                                                          as such in the last five years.

                                                                      Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia,            What are the main benefits of the
                                                                      Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,        Non-Habitual Resident Tax Regime?
                                                                      Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,              The Non-Habitual Resident Tax Regime,
                                                                      Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and              approved in 2009, grants tax incentives,
And speaking of privileged                                            Switzerland.                                        for a ten-year period, to people who apply
access to territories with                                            Some countries are part of the European             for tax residence in Portugal and have high
which Portugal has good                                               Union but are not in the treaty, while others are   value-added activities, whether they are of a
relations — and before                                                part of the Schengen Agreement but not part         scientific, artistic, or technical nature. We are
we move further along in                                              of the EU.                                          speaking of a tax rate reduced to only 20%
this complete guide — it is                                                                                               in the case of income from dependent work
necessary to understand                                                                                                   in Portugal. What about income acquired
                                                                      Can I have a Portuguese Golden Visa
that the so-called Schengen                                                                                               abroad? There may be tax exemption. What is
                                                                      and live in another country?
Agreement is the foundation                                                                                               the purpose? To attract high-income earners
                                                                      Yes, you can have a Portuguese Golden
for residence permits, such                                                                                               (working or retired people) to Portugal, of
                                                                      Visa and live in another country. The only
as the visa in question.                                                                                                  course!
                                                                      requirement is to spend an average of 7 days
Created in 1985, the Schengen
                                                                      per year in Portugal to keep your visa. From
Agreement or Schengen                                                                                                     Which professions can benefit from
                                                                      the moment you have your residence permit
Convention defines the                                                                                                    the Non-Habitual Resident Tax Regime
                                                                      in your hands, you will be registered in the
conditions and guarantees to                                                                                              in Portugal?
                                                                      central system of the Schengen Treaty Area
create an area without internal                                                                                           Archaeologists, Architects, Auditors,
                                                                      and benefit from free access to almost all
border controls. The Schengen                                                                                             Biologists, Programmers, Data Processing
                                                                      European countries without the need for an
Area is the sum of 26 out of                                                                                              and Hosting Specialists, Dentists, Designers,
                                                                      additional visa!
27 countries of the European                                                                                              Engineers, Geologists, Investors (Company
Union that have abolished                                                                                                 Directors and Managers), Consultants, IT
                                                                      What is a Tax Residency?
internal border controls and                                                                                              Professionals, and Specialists, Life Science
                                                                      Tax residence is a concept that determines
allow movement as if they                                                                                                 Specialists, Doctors, Musicians, Painters,
                                                                      the taxing power of a country over a person.
were a single country. There,                                                                                             Psychologists, Sculptors, Senior Managers
                                                                      According to the Personal Income Tax (IRS)
European citizens and even                                                                                                (except Company Directors), Singers, Tax
                                                                      Code, tax residents in Portugal are subject
nationals of non-EU countries                                                                                             Consultants, Theater, Ballet, Cinema, Radio,
                                                                      to taxation on all their income, including
can move freely for tourism or                                                                                            and Television Professionals, University
                                                                      income obtained outside that territory. It is
work purposes.                                                                                                            Teachers, Developers and Web Designers.
                                                                      necessary to explain that if you manage to

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Golden Visa Portugal                                Engel & Völkers          Real Estate
The Complete Guide                                  Portimão                                             Portugal 2021

                                                                                                                 •   Golden Visa also exempts foreign
                                                                                                                     retirees from pension tax relief;

Benefits of
                                                                                                                 •   You can choose from different
                                                                                                                     investment options, which
                                                                                                                     are relatively affordable and
                                                                                                                     not subject to any limitations

the Golden
                                                                                                                     regarding subsequent
                                                                                                                     investments or employment

Visa Program
                                                                                                                 •   You can enjoy a second
                                                                                                                     residence in a safe and stable

                                                                                                                 •   Unlike other Golden Visa
                                                                                                                     programs, the Portuguese
                                                                                                                     Golden Visa is compliant with
                                                                                                                     the OECD (Organization for
                                                                                                                     Economic Cooperation and
The Portuguese Golden Visa                 tax payments in Portugal, no

program has many benefits,                 criminal records in Portugal or
including:                                 your home country, and have                                           •   It is easier and more affordable
                                           successfully passed a basic                                               to obtain the Portuguese Golden
•   You can live, work and study

                                           Portuguese language test;                                                 Visa than other European
    in Portugal;
                                                                                                                     Union citizenship programs.
                                       •   Live, work or study in any
•   Have access to all public                                                                                        That is because there are
                                           country of the European
    services, including healthcare                                                                                   few documents needed and
                                           Union, as long as you have a
    and education, if you decide to                                                                                  the process is not long when
                                           Portuguese passport;
    live in Portugal;                                                                                                compared to others;
                                       •   With the Portuguese Golden
•   Start and run your own                                                                                       •   Dependent children and parents
                                           Visa program, you do not have
    business in Portugal;                                                                                            of Golden Visa investors also
                                           to take on any tax liability
                                                                                                                     enjoy the same benefits, with no
•   Travel freely and without a visa       unless you spend more than
                                                                                                                     further investment requirements.
    to the Schengen Area, which            183 days per year in Portugal.
    includes countries like France,        In that case, you will be
    Germany, Denmark, Greece,              considered a Tax Resident;
    Holland, Spain, Sweden, and
                                       •   You can apply for the
    England, among others;
                                           Non-Habitual Resident Tax
•   Apply for Portuguese                   Regime and benefit from a
    citizenship after five years           generous tax and fee reduction
    of the Golden Visa, as long            for ten years;
    as you have no outstanding

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Golden Visa Portugal               Engel & Völkers   Real Estate
The Complete Guide                 Portimão                                                                       Portugal 2021

             Who is the
             Golden Visa
             program for?

             The Golden Visa contemplates
             any citizen who is not part
             of the European Union, the
             European Economic Area, or
             Switzerland, and who is willing
             to make a qualified investment
             in Portugal and keep it for a                              Who is eligible for
             minimum period of 5 years, in                              Portugal’s Golden Visa?
             one of the following situations:
             acquisition of real estate,
             venture capital funds, transfer of                         As we had the opportunity to mention, any         •   Apply the minimum investment required

             nominal capital, creation of jobs,                         non-EU, EEA, or Swiss citizen is eligible for
                                                                        Portugal’s Golden Visa. Still, he has to meet
                                                                                                                              to obtain the Portuguese Golden Visa;

             incorporation of companies,                                some requirements, namely:
                                                                                                                          •   Use funds in the investments that come
                                                                                                                              from a foreign country;
             and donations for scientific                               •   Be 18 years of age or older;                  •   Invest in one of the following categories:
             or technological research and                              •   Not have a criminal record both in your
                                                                                                                              acquisition of real estate, venture capital

             artistic productions.                                          home country or in Portugal;
                                                                                                                              funds, transfer of capital, job creation,
                                                                                                                              company formation, and donations.

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The Complete Guide     Portimão                                                Portugal 2021

                                                            There are different requirements to
                                                            obtain a Golden Visa, but essentially,
                                                            candidates who meet at least one of
                                                            these three conditions are eligible:
                                                            Capital transfers of at least 1 million
                                                            euros, subject to certain conditions;

What are the
                                                            Purchase of real estate with a
                                                            minimum value of half a million

                                                            euros; Creation and maintenance of
                                                            a given number of jobs.
                                                            The funds must be wholly owned

to obtain a                                                 and originated entirely abroad.
                                                            Notwithstanding the investment,

Golden Visa?
                                                            some other requirements or
                                                            conditions must be met for a
                                                            Golden Visa to be granted, namely
                                                            the applicant’s nationality and the
                                                            absence of criminal activity.

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The Complete Guide                                 Portimão                                                Portugal 2021

                                                                                                                   Other information
Documentation                                                                                                      regarding
                                                                                                                   documentation for
needed to                                                                                                          the Portuguese

apply for a                                                                                                        Golden Visa

Golden Visa                                                                                                        Criminal records must be issued no
                                                                                                                   later than 90 days before submitting
                                                                                                                   your application for the Golden Visa.
                                                                                                                   All other certificates have a deadline
                                                                                                                   of 180 days.
Either in the initial application or with each         where you have been residing for more
                                                                                                                   All foreign documents must be
renewal of the Golden Visa, you must submit            than one year;
                                                                                                                   officially translated to Portuguese by
the following documents:
                                                   •   Form authorizing SEF (Foreigners and                        a certified translator and notarized
                                                       Borders Service) to obtain a copy of your                   by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
•   Copy of valid passport;
                                                       Portuguese criminal record;                                 If there are documents to be
•   Declaration of Commitment of Honor                                                                             authenticated, you should go to
                                                   •   Proof of the regularized tax situation
    attesting to the compliance with the                                                                           the Portuguese Consulate in your
                                                       through a declaration of non-debt issued
    requirements relating to the exercise of                                                                       country of origin. And be very aware
                                                       by the Tax and Customs Authority and
    investment activity in Portugal;                                                                               that to make your investment in
                                                       Social Security;
                                                                                                                   national territory and be eligible for
•   Proof of one of the three types of
                                                   •   Receipt confirming payment of the                           a Golden card, you must first ask for
    investment made entirely on national
                                                       application fee for the Golden Visa;                        your Tax Identification Number and
    territory: signed Deed or Promissory
                                                                                                                   subsequently open a bank account
    Contract with confirmation of the deposit      •   Valid Schengen Visa to grant a residence
                                                                                                                   in Portugal.
    payment or statement from your bank in             permit or short-term visa. The Portuguese
    Portugal confirming the transfer of funds;         Consulate in the county of origin can issue
                                                       the mentioned visa;
•   Certificate of health insurance in Portugal;
                                                   •   Proof of legal entry and stay in the national
•   Copy of criminal record, authenticated
    by Portuguese authorities, or similar
    document issued by the responsible             •   Birth certificate (in case of a foreign child).
    entities of the country of origin or country

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Golden Visa Portugal        Engel & Völkers   Real Estate
The Complete Guide          Portimão                             Portugal 2021

                                                                         How can I get a Tax Identification
                                                                         Number without proof of residence?

How do                                                                   If you do not reside in Portugal or do not yet
                                                                         have proof of residence, you must appoint

I obtain a Tax
                                                                         a tax representative with a Tax Identification
                                                                         Number. A tax representative can be any
                                                                         individual or legal entity that accepts the

Identification                                                           role, as long as they reside in Portugal or
                                                                         have their headquarters in Portuguese

                                                                         territory. And from the moment you request
                                                                         your Tax Identification Number, whether
                                                                         you are a resident or not in Portugal, you
                                                                         will be registered in AT’s (Tax Authority —
                                                                         Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira) database!

                                                                         How can I open a bank account in
                                                                         First of all, to open a bank account in
You can obtain your Tax
                                                                         Portugal, you must have a Portuguese Tax
Identification Number
                                                                         Identification Number. Next, you’ll need to
(also known as Taxpayer
                                                                         go to a bank branch (not all banks allow you
Identification Number) by
                                                                         to open an account online) and present the
going to a tax office and
                                                                         following documents:
presenting the following
                                                                         •   Tax Identification Number;
• Valid passport;
                                                                         •   Valid identification document: passport
• Proof of residency from                                                    or ID card from country of origin;
  the country of origin.
                                                                         •   Proof of residence;

                                                                         •   Proof of employment or statement from
                                                                             the employer.

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                       Does Portugal’s
                       Golden Visa
                       cover the
                       investor’s family

                       Yes, your direct
                       family members and                   Who is considered a family member?                  How many people can I add to the
                       other dependents                     Not everyone in your family can be part of your     Golden Visa?
                       receive the same                     Golden Visa. However, you can include:              There is no limit to the number of people
                                                                                                                who can be part of the same Golden Visa
                       benefits as the                      •   Spouse or legal partner;                        application. However, they must belong to the

                       investor with the                    •   Dependent children of legal age provided
                                                                                                                family group and have a direct relationship
                                                                                                                with the investor, bearing the respective
                       Golden Visa Card.                        they are single and enrolled as full-time
                                                                                                                immigration fees.

                                                            •   Children and young people under 18
                                                                years of age, who are under your care or        Can same-sex couples also apply for
                                                                guardianship;                                   the Portuguese Golden Visa Family
                                                            •   Parents of either spouse who are
                                                                                                                Yes, same-sex couples can apply for the
                                                                economically dependent on the investor;
                                                                                                                Portuguese Golden Visa and have the
                                                            •   Siblings of either spouse under the age of      same rights as heterosexual couples. Their
                                                                18 if they are legally responsible for them     children are also eligible to be residents as
                                                                and such responsibility is valid in Portugal.   dependents.

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                       How does
                       Portugal’s                                                How long does it take to obtain a

                       Golden Visa
                                                                                 Golden Visa?
                                                                                 The process is relatively quick! Within three
                                                                                 to six months after applying for the Golden

                       work in reality?                                          Visa, you will have an answer. In case your
                                                                                 application is accepted, a temporary residence
                                                                                 permit is issued. From then on, you can renew
                                                                                 it twice, for two years and one year. From year
                                                                                 five onwards, you can apply for Portuguese

                                                                                 What happens after the first 5 years of
                       It is easy to explain how the                             investment?
                       Portuguese Golden Visa                                    After the first five years of investment foreseen
                                                                                 in the Golden Visa, you are no longer required
                       works. At first, you invest                               to show proof of investment or even maintain

                       in Portugal, through the                                  it. Despite that, you can become a permanent
                                                                                 resident or Portuguese citizen! In other words,
                       purchase of Real Estate,                                  you and your family can apply for permanent

                       for example. After that,                                  residence and Portuguese citizenship with the
                                                                                 right to a Portuguese passport.
                       the Golden Visa program
                       regularizes your situation in
                       the country, granting you a
                       residence permit and even
                       Portuguese citizenship (5
                       years later).

                                                                         The Golden Visa program regulates        But if you prefer, you can live in another
                                                                     your situation in the country by granting    country, as long as you visit Portugal with
                                                                                       you a residence permit.    some frequency during that period.

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Portugal 2021

Golden Visa through
Real Estate investment
The most common, most popular, and most           euros (adding up the acquisition value of the
trusted type of Golden Visa investment is in      property plus the renovation costs, which
Real Estate. Meaning, purchasing one or more      must be borne by a Portuguese construction
than one property in Portugal (of any typology    company). And yet, the value can be reduced
and anywhere): as long as the requirements        to 280 thousand euros if the property is in a
and minimum investment value are respected.       lower-density area.
500 thousand euros is the minimum value of
the investment in Real Estate, within the scope   What does the Golden Visa Real Estate
of the Golden Visa. You can invest in a single    investment option include?
property or in several properties that add up     Residential or Commercial Real Estate.
to this value.                                    Real Estate acquired through co-ownership,
However, the value can be reduced to 400          provided that the investor’s share is the
thousand euros if the property is in a low        minimum amount required; Real Estate
population density area. Under Portuguese         purchased individually or through a Single-
law, a low population density area is any         Member Limited Liability Company in which
territory with less than 100 inhabitants per      the investor is a shareholder with his own
square kilometer, or any territory with a GDP     funds; Real Estate with tenants.
under 75% of the national average, as long
as it is confirmed by the responsible entities    Is it possible to finance the property for
(SEF).                                            the Golden Visa?
You can invest in the renovation of one or        The minimum investment amount can’t be
more eligible properties over 30 years old        obtained through bank financing, but the
or in properties located in designated areas      surplus can! Nothing prevents you from
for urban renewal (ARU). In this case, the        applying for a loan to increase the value of
investment required is at least 350 thousand      your investment.

Golden Visa Portugal                          Engel & Völkers                      Real Estate
The Complete Guide                            Portimão                                                                                           Portugal 2021

                                  What are                                                            Research

                                  the other
                                                                                                      You can invest in research conducted by            What is the most advised type of
                                                                                                      accredited institutions that are part of the       investment?
                                                                                                      Portuguese scientific and technological            While investing in Real Estate is the most

                                  investment                                                          system, with at least 350 thousand euros.          common and safest option, it is your
                                                                                                                                                         particular situation that will determine the

                                  options for the
                                                                                                      Business                                           best investment for you and your loved
                                                                                                      You can invest in a business or company            ones. However, we can’t help but tell you
                                                                                                      registered in Portugal with at least 350           that there are Real Estate investment

                                  Portuguese                                                          thousand euros by incorporating or increasing
                                                                                                      its share capital and creating or maintaining
                                                                                                                                                         options that can be worthwhile, even
                                                                                                                                                         because the possibility of buying one or

                                  Golden Visa?
                                                                                                      at least five permanent full-time jobs for a       more properties and spending 500 thousand
                                                                                                      minimum period of 3 years.                         euros is only one of the options! In Portugal,
                                                                                                                                                         there are many buildings with more than 30
                                                                                                      Capital Funds                                      years that need rehabilitation and in which
                                                                                                      You can invest in mutual funds or venture          you can invest only 350 thousand euros!
                                                                                                      capital funds, transferring a minimum of 350
                                                                                                      thousand euros to establish a commercial
                                                                                                      company with headquarters in Portugal’s
                    Golden Visa   Capital Transfer
                                                                                                      national territory.
              applicants do not   You can transfer at least 1 million euros to a
           only depend on Real    bank account in Portugal.
            Estate investments!
                There are other   Job Creation
            investment options    You can create ten new full-time jobs in a
          to get a Golden card.   Portuguese company in the format of a Single
              Discover the best   Member Limited Liability Company (or eight
                  ones with us!   new positions if you are in a low-density area).

                                  National Patrimony
                                  You can invest (at least) 250 thousand euros in
                                  the conservation of the National Heritage, Arts,
                                  and Culture.

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                                                                       Real Estate Investment in the total of 500          •   Golden Visa approval fee = €5,274.40 per
                                                                       thousand euros; Real Estate Investment in a             visa holder;

How much                                                               low population density area for 400 thousand
                                                                       euros; Rehabilitation of old buildings (must
                                                                                                                           •   Visa renewal fee (at the end of the second
                                                                                                                               and fourth year) = €2,637.20 per visa

does the
                                                                       be over 30 years old) for 350 thousand euros;
                                                                       Rehabilitation of Real Estate in a low-density
                                                                       area for 280 thousand euros; Investment in          •   Legal fees = approximately €2,000 for initial

Portuguese                                                             an existing business for 350 thousand euros;
                                                                       Investing in mutual funds in the amount of
                                                                                                                               application and €1,500 for each renewal
                                                                                                                               per person.

Golden Visa
                                                                       350 thousand euros; Investment in scientific
                                                                       or technological research for 350 thousand
                                                                                                                           What is the tax reduction under the
                                                                       euros; Investment in national artistic heritage,

                                                                                                                           Non-Habitual Resident regime?
                                                                       for 250 thousand euros.
                                                                                                                           The reduction in the amount of taxes and
                                                                                                                           fees for Gold Visa holders residing in Portugal
                                                                       What is the preferred option
                                                                                                                           varies according to the type of income.
                                                                       for investors?
                                                                                                                           As a general rule, income from one of the
                                                                       The preferred option for investors (with 92%
                                                                                                                           professional activities listed in the Non-
                                                                       of applicants) is Real Estate investment. The
                                                                                                                           Habitual Resident requirements is taxed at
                                                                       preferred alternative is the 500 thousand euros
                                                                                                                           the source with a maximum rate of 20%. And
Let’s do the math! The                                                 option (64% of the total), followed by old
                                                                                                                           they also benefit from another tax concession:
Portuguese Golden Visa                                                 properties’ rehabilitation worth 350 thousand
                                                                                                                           since they have decided to reside in Portugal,
can cost at least 250                                                  euros (28% of the total). Capital transfer and
                                                                                                                           investors avoid double taxation as the Non-
thousand euros applied to                                              investing in Mutual Funds account for 4% of
                                                                                                                           Habitual Resident system does not foresee
national assets. Meaning,                                              the total each. Applicants for the Portuguese
                                                                                                                           any taxation on income earned in other
the minimum investment                                                 Golden Visa don’t usually choose the
required to obtain Portuguese                                          remaining types of investments. These pieces
residency is 250 thousand                                              of information come from official Portuguese
                                                                                                                           What is the expiration date of the
euros, but it can reach 1                                              government sources.
                                                                                                                           Non-Habitual Resident regime?
million euros if you opt for
                                                                                                                           The Non-Habitual Resident special regime
a capital transfer. In short,                                          Portugal’s Golden Visa Fees
                                                                                                                           is valid for ten years, and the application for
the Portuguese Golden Visa                                             Our math doesn’t stop just yet, because it is
                                                                                                                           registration must be made by March 31st of
presents several investment                                            also necessary to understand what taxes or
                                                                                                                           the year, following the one in which residence
options, with different prices.                                        fees you will have to pay for the Portuguese
                                                                                                                           in Portugal begins.
                                                                       Golden Visa (figures as of July/2021):

                                                                       •   Initial application fee = €527.60 (€82.30 for
                                                                           the investor and each family member);

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The Complete Guide                            Portimão                                                                                  Portugal 2021

Portugal’s Golden
Visa: Timeline
                                                                    Year 2
                                                                    At the end of year 2,
                                                                    you need to renew your                                          Year 5
                                                                    residence permit for another                                    By the end of year 5, you have three options.

01       Year 0                                            03       two years. You must do so
                                                                    30 to 90 days before the
                                                                                                                            05      You can either apply for permanent residency
                                                                                                                                    in Portugal, apply for Portuguese citizenship,
         Your Golden Visa
                                                                    residence card’s expiration                                     or continue with the Golden Visa temporary
         is issued and valid
                                                                    date by repeating the SEF                                       residency program. If you choose to become
         for two years.
                                                                    appointment and resending                                       a permanent resident or Portuguese citizen,
                                                                    the updated documentation                                       you do not need to maintain the investment
                                                                    (namely the criminal record).                                   previously made for the Golden Visa.

                               02   Years 1 and 2                                                   04   Year 3 and 4                                     06        Year 6
                                    In the first two years, you                                          The residence permit is valid for two                      If you choose to continue
                                    must spend a total of 14 days                                        more years, during which you must                          with the Golden Visa
                                    in Portugal, consecutive or                                          spend at least 14 days in Portugal. At                     temporary residency
                                    non-consecutive.                                                     the end of year 4, you must renew your                     program, you must renew
                                                                                                         residence permit for another year and                      the Golden Visa in year 6.
                                                                                                         spend at least seven days in Portugal.

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                                                                          01   Choose the type of investment

                       Step by step                                            If you are interested in applying for a Golden Visa, you
                                                                               should start by looking at the list of available investment
                                                                               types and choose the most profitable one for you.

                       towards your
                       Portuguese                                         02
                                                                               Gather the necessary documents

                       Golden Visa
                                                                               Once you have chosen the type of investment, it’s time to gather
                                                                               all the necessary documents to obtain the Golden Visa: yours
                                                                               (primary applicant) and those of your family or dependents (if
                                                                               applicable). Step 2 is the most bureaucratic and tiresome because
                                                                               it requires translations, authentications, and certificates. However,
                                                                               you can always ask for help from a professional consultant who
                                                                               can assist you with the Golden Visa program.

                       The step-by-step process                                Obtain a TIN and open a bank account
                       towards the Portuguese
                                                                          03   Have you gathered the necessary documentation for the Golden
                       Gold Visa is split into eight                           Visa application? Great! Now take a day to get your TIN (Taxpayer
                                                                               Identification Number) and then to a bank branch to open a bank
                       steps related to all the                                account in Portugal. If you are not in the country, you can always

                       necessary procedures to                                 assign both tasks to a legal representative.

                       start, carry out, maintain,
                       and conclude your
                       application for residency                               Make the investment
                       or citizenship.                                    04   Carry out the investment in Portugal, starting by
                                                                               transferring the required investment amount to your
                                                                               new bank account.

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               05      Send the pre-application
                       With your investment made and all documentation ready, the
                       investor or their legal representative can send the required pre-
                       application online. In approximately five weeks, the biometric
                       appointment is scheduled. The investor can choose the most
                       convenient date to make it!

                       Present yourself at SEF
                       You must attend the appointment at SEF,
                       accompanied by your family members (if applicable),
                       to leave fingerprints and formalize your application.

                                                                                                          Get your Golden Visa and renew it
                                                                                                          Congratulations! You had to wait about four months between
                                                                                                          the biometric consultation at SEF and the receipt of the Golden
                                                                                                          Visa resident card, but it was worth it! You are near the end of the
                                                                                                          process. However, don’t forget that the card has to be renewed
                                                                                                          after two years and before its’ expiration date.

                                                                                                          Become a Portuguese Citizen
                                                                                                          Have you already renewed your initial Golden Visa card twice?
                                                                                                          That means you have completed the mandatory five years and are
                                                                                                          ready to apply for permanent residence or Portuguese citizenship
                                                                                                          — and also receive a Portuguese passport. If you prefer, you
                                                                                                          can keep renewing the Golden Visa. The request for permanent
                                                                                                          residency or citizenship usually takes between 6 months to 1 year
                                                                                                          to be approved. However, once it is approved, it frees you to carry
                                                                                                          on with your investment in Portugal!

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The Complete Guide                     Portimão                                           Portugal 2021

                       Yes, it is! There is no doubt that
                       Portugal is at the top of investors’
                       preferences, ahead of Greece,
                       Malta, or Cyprus. And do you
                       know why? Because Portugal is a
                       beautiful and safe country? Yes, but
                       not only that! Portugal is one of the
                       most agile, flexible, and quickest

                                                                               Is Portugal still the
                       countries to grant residence visas,
                       allowing investors to travel visa-
                       free to 26 countries in the Schengen
                       Zone. Is that all? No, Portugal
                       also offers the option to apply for                     best destination to
                                                                               invest in a Golden
                       Portuguese citizenship after five
                       years of residence under the Gold

                       Visa. Plus! Portugal provides an
                       attractive tax regime to the so-
                       called Non-Habitual Residents.
                       And if these are not reasons
                       enough, Portugal also guarantees
                       that all dependent members of the
                       investor’s family are eligible for the
                       Golden Visa.

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Golden Visa Portugal                             Engel & Völkers                    Real Estate
The Complete Guide                               Portimão                                                                 Portugal 2021

Is Portugal still                                                                                      Benefits of
the best country                                                                                       working and living
for property                                                                                           in Portugal
                                                                                                       Portugal has a wide-open
                                                                                                       door to Europe! It has
                                                                                                       established ties with the
                                                                                                       countries, has a unique
                                                                                                       strategic geographic
                                                                                                       position, Atlantic centrality,
          It still is! Real estate   According to a survey by British consultant Astons, a total
                                                                                                       the vastest ocean space
               investments are       of 647 million Euros were invested in Portugal through the        in Europe, and access to
          preferred by Golden
      Visa applicants, as they
                                     Golden Visa program in 2020, with an average investment
                                     of around 547,377 Euros in real estate alone! And in the
                                                                                                       routes to the American,
       allow a good return on        first two months of 2021, 85 million Euros have already           African, and Asian
      investment. Applicants
       can even rent out their
                                     been invested, with the average investment per applicant
                                     increasing to 548,387 Euros, which indicates unequivocal
         properties for further      growth and consequently reveals the increasing interest of
          financial benefits, in     the global investors’ community in property investment in
       addition to permanent         Portugal. That is why, at this very moment, Portugal is the
        residency in Portugal.       only country in the European Union that is on the list of the
                                     three best countries to buy a house using the Golden Visa
                                     program, which includes Residence Permit for Investment
                                     or granting of citizenship. And it is the only country in the
                                     European Union where the home buying process does
                                     not suffer delays because of bureaucratic and mobility
                                     difficulties that have recently arisen with Brexit.

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             More benefits
             of working
                                                                                    • Portugal offers numerous possibilities
                                                                                      for investors interested in the real
                                                                                      estate market.

             and living in                                                          • Portugal is one of the world’s top
                                                                                      tourist destinations.

             Portugal                                                               • Portugal has some of the tastiest and
                                                                                      healthiest cuisines.
                                                                                    • Portugal stands out for its acceptance
                                                                                      and hospitality towards people from
                                                                                      other cultures and does not endure
             • Portugal is considered the third                                     • Portugal is on the list of the seven
               safest country worldwide and is the                                    best countries in the world to welcome
               second most peaceful in Europe                                         foreign citizens looking for villas,
               (according to the Global Peace Index                                   apartments, land, and businesses
               2020).                                                                 to settle in Europe (Forbes 2020
             • Portugal has a functioning legal
               system and an effective and                                          Considering that we are just listing the
               measured police force.                                               main benefits of working and living in
                                                                                    Portugal, it is not difficult to understand
             • Portugal offers a high quality of life,
                                                                                    why the Portuguese Golden Visa is
               has a solid education system, and
                                                                                    becoming more and more attractive to
               excellent health services.
                                                                                    foreign investors.
             • Portugal has an extensive
               and diversified transportation
               infrastructure and modern and
               privileged accesses: by land, sea,
               and air.
             • Portugal has its main cities
               connected to major ports, highway
               roads, and airports.

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The Complete Guide          Portimão                                                                          Portugal 2021

                                                                 These changes are related to increased                 Golden Visa 2022 | Capital Transfer
                                                                 minimum capital investment amounts and                 The capital transfer in the amount equal to
                                                                 limitations on the geographic areas of                 or greater than one million euros changes

Visa 2022
                                                                 application for housing investment.                    to a minimum investment of one and a half
                                                                                                                        million euros. The value of the minimum
                                                                 Golden Visa 2022 | Real Estate                         investment in capital transfers for application
                                                                 Investment                                             in research activities, developed by public or
                                                                 The minimum amount of 500 thousand euros               private scientific research institutions, part of
                                                                 for housing purposes will only be allowed              the Portuguese scientific and technological
                                                                 within Portugal, Azores, and Madeira.                  system, is increased from 350 to 500
                                                                 Properties inside licensed developments                thousand Euros.

What new conditions                                              for tourism purposes will not suffer any
                                                                                                                        The minimum investment value in the transfer
                                                                                                                        of capital for investment in Private Equity
will be valid starting in                                        There is a sharp restriction of focus on               Funds increases from 350 to 500 thousand

January? As of January                                           the Municipalities of Lisbon and Porto
                                                                 metropolitan areas (except for the Municipality
                                                                                                                        euros. The minimum investment value
                                                                                                                        for the transfer of capital to incorporate a
1, 2022, the Portuguese                                          of Arouca and the parishes of Arões and                company in Portugal, combined with the

Golden Visa program                                              Junqueira in the Municipality of Vale de
                                                                                                                        creation of 5 permanent jobs, or to increase
                                                                                                                        the share capital of a Portuguese company,
will undergo some                                                The changes are justified by the intense               while creating or maintaining these jobs, is

minor changes, already                                           real estate pressure in major urban centers
                                                                 in recent years due to Golden Visa-related
                                                                                                                        increased from 350 to 500 thousand euros.
                                                                                                                        If the new 2022 Golden Visa conditions are not
published in Decree-                                             investment. However, investors will still be           to your liking, hurry up and apply because, as

Law 14/2021, which                                               able to secure their Golden Visa. How?
                                                                 By purchasing real estate for commercial
                                                                                                                        of January 2022, the new rules will apply.
                                                                                                                        Moreover, it should be noted that despite
amends Law 23/2007,                                              purposes in Lisbon and Porto (among other              the new guidelines, Portugal still offers an

also known as the                                                urban centers). Despite the changes, these
                                                                 areas are still covered by the Golden Visa
                                                                                                                        attractive investment activity, if compared with
                                                                                                                        other countries: real estate investment!
Golden Visa Law.                                                 2022 program.

                                                                                           Despite the new guidelines, Portugal still offers an attractive
                                                                                           investment opportunity, when compared to other countries:
                                                                                                                                real estate investment!

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The Complete Guide                                   Portimão                                              Portugal 2021

                                                                                                                       Benefits of Portugal’s
                                                                                                                       Golden Visa in Algarve

                                                                                                                       From sunny weather to cuisine. From
                                                                                                                       safety to quality of life. From hospitality
                                                                                                                       to tax benefits. There is no shortage of
                                                                                                                       advantages of the Golden Visa program in
                                                                                                                       Algarve! Learn why many foreign citizens
                                                                                                                       decide to invest and live in the south of

Golden Visa
                                                                                                                       Portugal and join them in this private
                                                                                                                       paradise within a country by the sea.

                                                                                                                       Free movement within Europe and

in Algarve
                                                                                                                       friendly countries
                                                                                                                       Farewell borders, see you soon! In Algarve,
                                                                                                                       since the signing of the Maastricht Treaty
                                                                                                                       in 1992, people within the European Union
                                                                                                                       and friendly countries have had freedom
                                                                                                                       of movement and residence. Under the
                                                                                                                       Schengen agreement and the adoption of
                                                                                                                       Directive 2004/38/EC concerning the right
Algarve is a magnet for Golden Visa because          average and have the privilege of enjoying                        of citizens of the European Union to move
it is a region in the south of Portugal, located     the tranquility and luxury of having a house                      and reside freely within the EU, internal
in an area blessed by fortune, of outstanding        with a swimming pool and sea views, just                          borders have gradually been eliminated.
beauty, with paradisiacal beaches, beautiful         a few meters from the beach! Others want
natural landscapes, and a sunny climate              something in return (and why not?) and                            Weather
all year round. Algarve also has one of the          choose Algarve for investments under the                          365 days of sunshine, or almost! The
greatest multicultural diversities in the country.   Golden Visa since the right of permanent                          Algarve’s Mediterranean climate is known
That’s because many foreigners decide to             residence and Portuguese citizenship is                           for having over 300 days of sunshine a
come and live in Portugal, before or after           easier and quicker to obtain. What about                          year, with warm and dry weather in most
retirement, with or without a Golden Card.           you? Are you ready to join this group? To take                    months. In winter, the average temperature
Portimão, Vilamoura, Quarteira, Quinta do            advantage of the Golden Visa to raise your                        ranges from 15 to 20 degrees. On the
Lago, Vale do Lobo, Almancil, and Faro are           family in Portugal? To start a business from                      other hand, during the summer months,
among the most sought-after places for               scratch, to study, live off the profits, or enjoy                 it rises to 30 degrees. Because of the
foreign citizens to buy a house, for permanent       retirement?                                                       warmish temperature, it’s possible to
or temporary residence. Many investors               Discover Algarve, Portugal’s most southern                        schedule outdoor activities all year round,
want to benefit from the fact that property          region, and understand why this little paradise                   day and night!
prices in Algarve are well below the European        is being re-discovered by foreign investors.

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Golden Visa Portugal                               Engel & Völkers                     Real Estate
The Complete Guide                                 Portimão                                                                                         Portugal 2021

Best Beach Destination in Europe                   We remind you that for the World Health                Cost of Living                                    movement within the EU, for newly residing or
Are you up for a quick swim? Algarve is            Organization (WHO), quality of life implies            To enjoy life and be happy without spending       Non-Habitual Residents.
considered Europe’s Best Beach Destination         physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual         too much? Yes, you can! The cost of living in
by the World Travel Awards. The region is          well-being. But that’s not all! Socialization,         Algarve is low compared to other European         Gastronomy
known as an international vacation resort, with    health, and safety are also crucial to guarantee       destinations. In Portugal, the general cost of    Sardines, octopus, clams. Whelk and bean
92 beaches awarded the blue flag!                  a good quality of life. In this sense, Portugal        living is about €800 per person.                  stew, Algarvian-style broad beans, seafood
                                                   occupies first place in all rankings, with                                                               rice, cuttlefish, razor clam rice, convent
Location and Accesses                              Algarve making a considerable contribution!            Healthcare System                                 sweets, what a delight!
All roads lead to Algarve! Located on the                                                                 Portugal has a sound public health system,        Algarve’s gastronomy is one of the best known
Western end of the Iberian Peninsula, the          Hospitality                                            which is considered low cost for both tourists    and respected in the world. And even though
south of Portugal is surrounded by Alentejo on     In a famous popular song entitled “Casa                and European citizens or residents. In addition   the southern region of Portugal is best known
the north side. The Guadiana River separates       Portuguesa,” it is written: “A good Portuguese         to the public healthcare system, Algarve offers   for its quality fish and seafood, it also offers
it from Spain on the east side, while the west     house rhymes with bread and wine on the                excellent hospitals and private clinics of all    fresh vegetables, olive oil, and bread, meat
and south is bathed by the Atlantic Ocean. It      table. And if someone knocks humbly on the             specialties, where most staff and doctors are     and sausages, wines, and desserts to eat and
is easy to get to Algarve from anywhere in the     door, he’s welcomed at the table.” The quote           multilingual.                                     cry over!
world! And that’s because Algarve has a road       is, in fact, a faithful portrait of the hospitality
network composed of highways, major and            of the Portuguese people and the Algarvians            Real Estate Market                                Golf
complementary routes, national and municipal       in particular. These are excellent news since          The Real Estate Market in Algarve is booming.     People say that a golf game is the best cure
roads, as well as railway transport and airport    there are currently almost half a million              Right after Lisbon, Algarve is the second most    for stress, and in Algarve, you can confirm
for those who intend to arrive by plane, among     foreigners living in Portugal, according to the        wanted place to buy a house for permanent         it! The region has some of the best golf
other alternatives to reach paradise!              Immigration, Borders, and Asylum Report.               residence or vacations, and that’s because        courses ever, so much so that it won in 2020,
                                                   A large part of them is in Algarve! The British,       the south of Portugal is very crowded: it has     the best golf destination in the world by the
Safety                                             French, Italians, Brazilians, among others,            a mild climate, incredible beaches, beautiful     International Golf Travel Market.
Safety is an investment that pays off for those    have chosen the south of the country to live           natural landscapes, excellent cuisine, low        The golfing tradition in Algarve began at
who are aware of it. Portugal was elected one      in and are unanimous in their praise of the            crime and, of course, a wide tourist offer.       Penina Hotel & Golf Resort (voted Portugal’s
of the three safest countries worldwide, and       Portuguese people, who are very welcoming              But more than a cost, buying a property in        Leading Golf Resort by the World Travel
within the country, Algarve is considered one      and friendly.                                          Algarve is an investment. And, possibly, that     Awards), with its famous 18-hole Sir Henry
of the most peaceful, both for tourists and                                                               is why the market for luxury homes in Algarve     Cotton Championship Course, 9-hole Penina
residents. The crime rate is reasonably low,       Foreign language fluency                               is growing, with more and more national           Resort, and Penina Academy. Then, the hype
which sharpens the interest of those looking       English is everywhere, and Algarve is no               and foreign families looking for their dream      spread to Pestana Golf Resorts with four
for a calmer pace of life, with direct access to   exception — from restaurant menus to street            property in this privileged area, where nothing   separate but equally fabulous golf courses
the beach and a golf course!                       signs. In addition, English is widely spoken by        is left to chance: privacy, stunning views,       (in Silves, Carvoeiro, and Alvor) and Morgado
                                                   all people working in the tourism industry and         quality finishes, proximity to beaches, and       Golf Country Club in Portimão.
Quality of Life                                    by many residents. But English is not the only         excellent balance between city accessibility      The previously mentioned offers two 18-
Away from the rest of the world, close             language spoken in Algarve. Most residents             and countryside quietness.                        hole courses, among other golf courses,
to nature! In Algarve, you will have the           can speak at least one foreign language, so                                                              providing a wonderful year-round experience
opportunity to work and live surrounded            if you decide to visit the region and drive            Tax Benefits                                      due to Algarve’s excellent standards and mild
by color and light, in a calm and                  through some of its major cities, you will also        Fewer duties and fewer taxes! Portugal offers     climate.
cozy place, suitable for a moment of               hear French, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese,            the possibility to apply for an appealing
excitement and relaxation.                         among many other languages.                            tax regime, with a low tax burden and free

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The Complete Guide     Portimão                                                   Portugal 2021

                                                            Prices do not affect the growing interest
                                                            in buying permanent housing or vacation
                                                            homes in Algarve. On the contrary, they
                                                            are synonymous with the profitability of
                                                            the investment. In fact, more and more
                                                            Portuguese and foreigners are falling
                                                            hopelessly in love with this region and
                                                            adopting it as their home. British citizens,
                                                            for example, were responsible for the
                                                            foreign purchase of 56% of the properties

Real Estate                                                 in Albufeira/Loulé area in the second
                                                            half of 2020. And in a more generalized

in Algarve
                                                            scenario, they continue to be the main
                                                            clients for houses in Algarve resorts,
                                                            with an average ticket of 6,600 euros/m²,
                                                            according to data taken from the study
                                                            Resorts Market in Portugal by Confidencial
                                                            Imobiliária, in partnership with the
                                                            Portuguese Association of Resorts.
                                                            And it’s not only British citizens who show
                                                            interest in the Property Investment in
                                                            Algarve. Foreign citizens from Ireland, the
                                                            Netherlands, or Germany, among other
                                                            countries, have been investing in Algarve
                                                            due to the Golden Visa regime and the
                                                            Non-Habitual Resident status.

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Golden Visa Portugal                                Engel & Völkers                   Real Estate
The Complete Guide                                  Portimão                                             Portugal 2021

What are the benefits of
buying a house in Algarve?                                                                                      In which property segments can you
                                                                                                                invest in Portugal?
                                                                                                                Property investment in Portugal has been
                                                                                                                growing since 2013, thanks to small and large
                                                                                                                foreign and domestic investors. Investors
                                                                                                                who understand that the various possibilities
                                                                                                                of property investment (in Portugal) have one
Algarve is one of the best, if not the best         How can you find good opportunities for
                                                                                                                thing in common: high returns! But of course,
international destination to live:                  property investment in Portugal?
                                                                                                                there are higher and lower risk real estate
Algarve has seen memorable lows in interest         The real question is: how can you find a
                                                                                                                investment opportunities, and that’s why we
rates in the Eurozone. Property prices are          great real estate agency or agent capable of
                                                                                                                want to present you some of the real estate
stable in Algarve. Bank credit approval             finding you the best real estate investment
                                                                                                                segments where you can invest in Portugal:
is faster and easier in Algarve. There is a         opportunities in Portugal? Because before
                                                                                                                • Invest in a property to live in, with
widespread economic recovery in Algarve.            you invest, it is crucial to contact a real
                                                                                                                    valorization prospects in the short/
In Algarve, there is much momentum in new           estate agency capable of guiding you
                                                                                                                    medium term;
housing construction and rehabilitation of          through the process.
                                                                                                                • Invest in the rental market to obtain
buildings. There’s also an increase in foreign      An expert real estate agency with
                                                                                                                    greater profitability;
investment in the luxury sector. In Algarve,        experience in all the legal and bureaucratic
                                                                                                                • Invest in the purchase of apartments and
new trends are emerging in the residential          procedures related to buying and selling
                                                                                                                    houses for rehabilitation to rent them to
and tourist property market, one of which           property in Portugal.
                                                                                                                    liberal professionals, business people,
is the demand (and supply!) for properties          However, it is also necessary to choose an
                                                                                                                    locals, or immigrants;
with outdoor areas and larger indoor areas          agency that treats the properties in the region
                                                                                                                • Invest in the office and commercial space
close to green zones. There are many real           where you want to invest closely. An agency
estate agents in Algarve. In Algarve, you do        that knows the prices and sales conditions
                                                                                                                • Invest in the rehabilitation of urban
not run any relevant financial risks (exchange      by heart; that knows which are the best deals
rate, inflation, interest rates controlled by the   within the features that you value, and uses
European Central Bank). In Algarve, you can         its extensive contacts to find them. And that’s
apply for a Golden Visa and benefit from a tax      not all! To have access to good real estate
reduction under the Non-Habitual Resident           investment opportunities in Portugal, your
status. These reasons, among many others,           real estate agency must also be aware of the
lead thousands of people to choose Portugal         administrative, legal, and financial procedures,
year after year as their preferred location for     licenses, energy certificates, contracts, and
purchasing a second home. Many choose               deeds, among other items required in the
Algarve for permanent residence, either to          process of buying and selling a property. In
enjoy retirement in style or to improve their       short, search for a real estate agency like
quality of life.                                    Engel & Völkers Portimão!

                                                                                                    50                                                          51
Golden Visa Portugal   Engel & Völkers                   Real Estate
The Complete Guide     Portimão                                                                                        Portugal 2021

                                                                                                                             Superb villa near Portimão | Mexilhoeira
                                                                                                                             Would you prefer a villa with five bedrooms,
                                                                                                                             four bathrooms, and four living rooms? We have
                                                                                                                             the ideal property for you! Besides its beautiful

Examples of properties                                                                                                       architectural quality, it has a total surface area of
                                                                                                                             approximately 305 m² and a plot size of nearly

available for Golden Visa
                                                                                                                             1,850 m². It has a garage for two cars, a heating
                                                                                                                             system, air conditioning, swimming pool, terrace,
                                                                                                                             barbecue, garden with borehole and fruit trees

investment                                                                                                                   area, and is prepared for elderly or people with
                                                                                                                             mobility difficulties.
                                                                                                                             This villa is a high-quality family home, in a quiet
                                                                                                                             and peaceful environment, so close to the city of

                          Luxury villa with mountain and river
                          views | Ferragudo

                          This modern villa in excellent condition,
                                                                            Villa with stunning renovation | Portimão
                          with superb areas and privileged views
                          over the hills and the Arade river, could be      This villa, built in 1951, keeps the original moth
                          the right bet to get your golden card! On         with original tile coating and typical doors but
                          top of a hill, this luxury property has three     was renovated in a modern way in 2020 to
                          suites, an office, equipped kitchen and           welcome you and your family under the Golden
                          living room with fireplace, air conditioning,     Visa program!
                          a garage for two cars, a swimming pool, a         We are speaking of a villa with two floors, three
                          jacuzzi, a terrace, and a garden with some        bedrooms, three bathrooms, a built-in kitchen,
                          fruit trees.                                      lounge, rear patio. The equipment, furniture,
                          Location? Ferragudo, very close to the city       and decoration were studied for the estate by
                          of Portimão, and only 5 minutes away from         a recognized artist and interior decorator, the
                          the beach and the nearest golf course!            current owner.
                                                                            In this house, you can live or spend a great
                                                                            vacation surrounded by the highest comfort of
                                                                            modern times. Yet, you can admire the “cage
                                                                            walls,” a construction technique common in
                                                                            Lisbon after the 1755 earthquake.

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Golden Visa Portugal                                Engel & Völkers                 Real Estate
The Complete Guide                                  Portimão                                                                                   Portugal 2021

Villa Torrados - Presa de Moura | Estômbar                                                                                                            Casa Corsino - Marmelete | Monchique

Are you looking for a timeless home that will                                                                                                         This impressive property with over two
become a true family legacy? Villa Torrados                                                                                                           hectares of land, two houses, a helicopter
is a brand new mansion located on top of a                                                                                                            pad, green surroundings, and stunning views
cliff, immersed in the seaside landscape that                                                                                                         is located just 25 minutes from Lagos. The
features many panoramic ocean views. Built in                                                                                                         main house was built in 2006 and features
the traditional Portuguese style with the highest                                                                                                     generous living areas and plenty of natural
quality standards, this unique home features                                                                                                          light. About 50 meters away, the second
five spacious living rooms, four family suites,                                                                                                       house, still under construction, promises to
two guest suites, and one more staff suite with                                                                                                       be an example of modern and contemporary
independent access. Two large swimming pools                                                                                                          architecture. Without a doubt, this is a
(indoor and outdoor), a SPA area, and a cinema                                                                                                        property of unique characteristics, in an idyllic
room — this is the result of an elegant and                                                                                                           location, suitable for either permanent living,
sophisticated design and is the ideal property                                                                                                        restful vacations, or to ensure the profitability
to stay with your family while securing a                                                                                                             of the investment.
golden card.

                                               Vila Nostra - Vale da Pinta | Estômbar                  Penthouse - Praia da Rocha | Portimão

                                               Built in 1999 and recently renovated,                   This three-bedroom penthouse is
                                               this villa offers total privacy through the             undoubtedly the property in Praia da Rocha
                                               extensive gardens surrounding it. Vila Nostra           with the most beautiful views in this area,
                                               has four bedrooms in the main house, five               and it could be your chance to secure a
                                               bathrooms, and a separate studio near                   golden card. Located on the 4th floor of a
                                               the pool. With an excellent location, given             building with a fabulous swimming pool and
                                               the several beaches and golf courses in                 just a few steps away from the beach, this
                                               its surroundings, it also stands out for its            luxury property stands out for its spacious
                                               proximity to the International School of                living room, open to the terrace, which
                                               the Algarve and the water park of Slide &               provides fabulous views. The property has a
                                               Splash attractions, which will delight the              large and functional kitchen, three bedrooms
                                               younger ones. For lovers of the sea, the                with endless views, an office, and a laundry
                                               most beautiful beaches in the Algarve, and              room that completes the penthouse. Come
                                               the challenging Golf courses, this is the ideal         build your life in this penthouse with a
                                               villa to be close to everything you dream of.           dream view!

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