GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...

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GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
The primary source of global securities finance news and analysis          Issue 287 28 September 2021

                                                    GLMX: where
                                                  technology and
                                               liquidity converge

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GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
Lead Story

Securities lending associations establish working group
for global collaboration
Five trade associations representing the          They indicate that all recognised securities     regulators, financial infrastructure entities and
securities lending industry have established a    lending associations, and other financial        standard-setting bodies worldwide.
working group to collaborate on priority issues   market associations with an interest in
in global lending.                                securities lending, are welcome to join the      One of its initial projects is to create a library
                                                  group, which will convene quarterly through      of ESG resources that will bring together the
This includes ESG integration and ongoing         virtual meetings.                                work conducted by the individual member
efforts to promote the benefits of regulated                                                       associations. It will develop ESG guidelines and
and transparent short-selling to liquid and       The group first met in July and will build on    thought leadership around stewardship, voting
sustainable capital markets.                      the momentum generated in developing the         rights, collateral and transparency, taking into
                                                  Global Framework for ESG and Securities          account that regulation of sustainable finance
The founding members of this working              Lending (GFESL), which was published in          and market practice are at different stages in
group are the Canadian Securities Lending         May. It aims to foster a greater collaborative   their evolution in different regions.
Association (CASLA), the International            approach to issues relevant to global
Securities Lending Association (ISLA), the        securities lending by sharing experience,        CASLA president Don D’Eramo says: “With
Pan Asia Securities Lending Association           insights and resources.                          the ongoing globalisation of the securities
(PASLA), the Risk Management Association                                                           lending industry it is undeniable that there
(RMA) and the South African Securities            It will also provide a common front that will    is a need for a harmonised approach to key
Lending Association (SASLA).                      strengthen communication with financial          themes which impact us all across the globe.
                                                                                                                                      Continued on page 6

GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
Inside this issue
                     Lead Story

                     Securities lending associations establish
                     working group for global collaboration

                     Latest News

                     Matrix Applications launch DV Securities

                     on QTIX platform

                     Latest News

                     Banco BICE strengthens Calypso                                                                                                                   Cover Story
                     investment and use of Adenza technology                                                                                                          GLMX: applying technology gains to
                                                                                                                                                                      liquidity access
                     Latest News                                                                                                                                      GLMX’s chief operating officer Sal Giglio tells SFT that the 3–5-year path

                     ICMA’s ERCC publishes preliminary                                                                                                                for financing and other money markets will be driven by the convergence of
                     findings of green repo consultation                                                                                                              liquidity and technology.

                     US Panel
                     US Securities Lending: Tapping into Pockets of Opportunity
                     US lending specialists draw lessons from COVID and the GameStop short squeeze, discuss the

                     demands of sustainable lending and highlight where lenders can drill into new opportunities moving
                     into 2022

                     Seeking a sustainable future
                     Sunil Daswani, Standard Chartered Bank’s global head of securities lending, speaks to Carmella

                     Haswell about the importance of ESG, how to reach a sustainable future and what’s driving demand
                     and supply within the securities lending market

                     Sustainable lending
                     Making lending sustainable
                     Xavier Bouthors, senior portfolio manager, investment solutions, NN Investment Partners, talks to

                     Bob Currie about responsible investment, sustainable lending and the direction of NN IP’s securities
                     finance strategy

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GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
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  Global Investor ISF Survey 2020 – Securities Finance Agency Lending named Most Innovative Lender
GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
News Round-Up


Securities lending associations                   ensure that securities lending increases            State Street’s Collateral+ now
establish working group for                       returns for lenders, supports liquidity and         operational with Acadia
global collaboration                              price discovery, and contributes to more
Continued from page 3                             sustainable financial markets.”                     State Street’s Collateral+ business is now
                                                                                                      operational with Acadia’s Initial Margin
CASLA is pleased to work in closer                “While our respective associations already          Exposure Manager (IMEM) and Margin
collaboration with our global partners as         cooperate in the service of our industry,           Manager (MM) services.
we tackle similar responsibilities, albeit        coordinating in this way will expand the
with regional nuances for the advance             positive impact of our work regarding               This integration provides automated
and sustainability of our market and its          ESG, short selling and other global                 dispute management for initial margin
shareholders.”                                    industry priorities,” says RMA director of          agreements and electronic margin call
                                                  securities lending and market risk                  messaging across multiple products.
ISLA CEO Andrew Dyson comments:                   Fran Garritt.
“The work that we have already done                                                                   It will not only aid clients in complying with
together confirms that cross-association          “Although there is a growing demand                 Uncleared Margin Rule (UMR) regulations,
collaboration will be increasingly important      from investors who recognise that ESG               but also State Street’s clients will avoid
as our members demand common                      disclosure is vital for good investment             and resolve disputes for SIMM/Grid
solutions to global issues. The creation          decisions, there is no agreed international         calculations and increase their operational
of this group provides an ideal platform          framework yet for SLB,” says SASLA                  efficiency by providing standard
to develop and reflect upon how we                chairperson Michael Wright.                         calculation, reconciliation and straight-
want to respond to these challenges and                                                               through margin processes.
opportunities that resonate across all of         “SASLA hopes that the Global Framework
our markets.”                                     for ESG and securities lending is a first step      Staffan Ahlner, global head of Collateral+
                                                  towards the convergence of existing metrics         for State Street, says: “With the pending
“Participants in the securities lending           and standards. Markets do differ, but the           final phases of the Uncleared Margin
market have global reach and global               underlying principles remain the same               rules for over-the-counter (OTC)
priorities,” says Paul Solway, PASLA              and hence collaboration is key to ensure            derivatives, an increasing number of our
director and communications officer.              a sustainable securities lending market in          clients are looking to replace manual
“The industry needs to work together to           accordance with guiding best practices,”            processes with new tools that focus on
advance our shared priorities. We want to         says Wright.                                        workflow automation.

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Securities Finance Times
GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
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GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
News Round-Up


“By maximising low touch operational             has introduced an over-the-counter                      platform and aims to improve liquidity in
processes and speedy resolution of               (OTC) trading platform to support repo                  corporate debt markets.
disputes, we continue to focus on ‘enabling      transactions on corporate debt securities.
the trade’ for current and future clients.”                                                              “Considering the large volumes of fixed
                                                 The Sri Lankan exchange indicates that                  income securities actively traded by market
Matrix Applications launch DV                    this new service will complement trading                participants outside the CSE’s platforms,
Securities on QTIX platform                      services provided for corporate bonds                   the CSE observed the opportunity to play a
                                                 on its automated trading system (ATS)                   role as a facilitator in connecting securities
Matrix Applications, a New York-based
finance technology service bureau,
announces the launch of DV Securities
onto its QTIX platform.

The platform is a securities finance solution
for brokers, dealers, asset managers and
banks in fixed income capital markets.
It is engineered to deliver exceptional
performance for organisations, with functions
including front-office trade entry, settlement
and clearance, reporting and accounting.

Eric Carlino, executive vice president
of fixed income at DV Securities, says:
“We executed our first trades as a Tier-1
netting member of FICC’s Government
Securities Division (GSD). Throughout
the lengthy regulatory and clearing bank
approval processes, the staff at Matrix
Applications showed their professionalism,
personal attention and focus on helping DV
Securities achieve this milestone.”

Stephen Mellert, managing director for
Matrix Applications, adds: “DV is able to              Say goodbye to tedious tasks.
achieve straight-through-processing from
brokers down to DV’s clearing agent and                Say hello to potential.
GSD account at FICC. And the managed
                                                       Wouldn’t Securities Finance be simpler with more integration and automation?
services team lets DV focus on what they               Shouldn’t the day be about opportunities, not mundanities?

do best, trading.”                                     It’s time to change the way we work.

Columbo exchange launches repo
platform for corporate bonds                 

The Columbo Stock Exchange (CSE)

Securities Finance Times
GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
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GLMX: where technology and liquidity converge - Securities ...
News Round-Up


providers with collateral who need to             AxiomSL, announces that Banco BICE                to make long-term investments. Latin
finance their liquidity requirements with         has strengthened its investment in the            America is a strategic market for Adenza,
cash providers,” says the exchange.               firm’s Calypso platform and extended its          with a number of new client signings
                                                  implementation of Adenza Technology.              recently confirming our strong positioning.
The OTC platform provides a matching
facility, ensuring counterparty trade             In 2018, Chilean bank Banco BICE                  “We now operate through three offices in
instructions are aligned prior to execution of    launched a project to replace incumbent           the region where we continue to invest to
the repo transaction, as well as supporting       technology for its capital markets business       provide leading global solutions adapted to
collateral replacement and rollovers.             with a new cross-asset platform.                  local market conditions and conventions.”

On launch, the OTC platform will support          With the first phase of this project completed,   Moscow Exchange to
only repo transactions conducted against          including the implementation of Adenza’s          accept international stocks
CSE-listed corporate debt securities. In          Calypso collateral management and clearing        as collateral
consultation with market participants, CSE        solution, Banco BICE will focus on expanding
will review opportunities for extending the       its transformation programme to front-to-back,    National Clearing Centre (NCC), part of
range of securities that may be financed on       cross asset trading and risk management.          the Moscow Exchange Group, will accept
the platform as the service evolves.                                                                securities of international companies as
                                                  Marcelo Espinoza, treasury director at            collateral for trades made on Moscow
The Securities and Exchange Commission of         Banco BICE, adds: “We are excited about           Exchange markets.
Sri Lanka, the securities market regulator, has   the Adenza’s Calypso implementation
approved necessary changes to trading rules       process since it will allow us to address         The move will allow professional market
and master repurchase agreements prior to         a front-to-back business solution. It is a        participants and their clients more flexibility
the platform going live on 16 September.          technology we can rely on to deliver more         in funding their operations on MOEX and
                                                  efficient, highly developed, and better-          will help facilitate their trading activity.
Banco BICE strengthens                            quality products for our clients.”
Calypso investment and use of                                                                       The firm has listed 18 international stocks
Adenza technology                                 Luis Gustavo Penteado, Adenza’s head of           including Microsoft Corporation, Cisco
                                                  sales for South America, says: “Despite           Systems and Intel Corporation, that will be
Adenza, the company formed by the                 the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, it is         accepted as collateral, with the list set to
merger of Calypso Technology and                  encouraging to see Banco BICE continuing          expand in the future.

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News Round-Up


Earlier this month, NCC was granted the          organisations will need to observe the        grants them the agility necessary to adopt
status of Qualified Derivatives Dealer           central tenets of Global PSSL — as well       best practices. As this draft standard has
(QDD) by the United States Internal              as relevant regional ESG agendas —            identified, fragmentation is one of the
Revenue Service (IRS). This status allows        and demonstrate an active engagement          barriers that increases costs and
Moscow Exchange to facilitate trading in         with stakeholders, according to               inhibits innovation.
US securities for banks and brokers, as          Global PSSL.
well as on the Money Market.                                                                   “Global PSSL brings a broader community
                                                 With an objective to be forward-looking,      of practitioners, also ESG experts, and, in
Professional traders will be able to make        universal, fit for purpose and dynamic, the   turn, increases trust and confidence in
better use of the margin trading mechanism       paper listed a number of challenges to        the markets”.
on MOEX’s equity market for their                delivering these aims, including a limited
retail clients.                                  awareness of ESG, the stigma associated       The consultation will end on 15 November
                                                 with certain aspects of securities lending    2021.
Global PSSL publish                              and the limited participation of beneficial
consultation paper on ESG-                       owners in securities lending programmes.      Fund Recs automates connectivity
driven SBL                                                                                     with DTCC’s GTR service
                                                 The draft was co-authored by
Global Principles for Sustainable Securities     International Finance Corporation’s           The Depository Trust & Clearing
Lending (Global PSSL) have published             (IFC) Oluwatoyin Alake, Stanbic IBTC’s        Corporation (DTCC) has partnered with
a consultation paper on ESG-driven               Babatunde Majiyagbe, Global PSSL              Fund Recs to deliver new automated
securities lending and borrowing in              and University of Exeter Law School’s         reconciliation capabilities in support of the
emerging markets.                                Dr Radek Stech, the South African             European Market Infrastructure Regulation
                                                 Securities Lending Association’s (SASLA)      (EMIR) and the Securities Financing
The draft hinges upon three components           Juanita Taylor, SASLA’s Jean Turner, and      Transactions Regulation (SFTR) trade
that relate to enabling market infrastructure,   Global PSSL College of Advisors’              reporting requirements.
ensuring appropriate tax schemes and             Roy Zimmerhansl.
strengthening supportive legal foundations                                                     Fund Recs’ Velocity service, a no-code,
in various emerging markets.                     The co-authors say: “When compared            cloud-based platform that automates
                                                 with more developed economies, the            reconciliation for the investment
To employ this standard, participating           inherent flexibility of emerging markets      management industry, will connect to

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Securities Finance Times
News Round-Up


DTCC’s Global Trade Repository                   can compare and match trade records                   comments: “Fund managers are under
(GTR) service.                                   submitted to the GTR service with their               increasing pressure to ensure EMIR and
                                                 internal accounting book of record.                   SFTR reporting is timely, accurate and
This will retrieve and analyse trade data for                                                          complete. Our reconciliation modules
accuracy and completion, simplifying and         By doing this, Fund Recs says fund                    provide a streamlined, fully auditable, and
streamlining the reconciliation process,         managers can ensure that trades have been             automated solution for managers, which
explains Fund Recs.                              submitted and are complete as defined                 helps to ensure their governance needs
                                                 by the European Securities and Markets                are met.”
Under EMIR and SFTR, fund managers are           Authority trade reporting requirements.
required to submit their transaction data                                                              Meaney says: “We are delighted to be
to a trade repository in a timely manner.        Additionally, the new connectivity allows             collaborating with DTCC as entering into this
Oversight of this transaction data is critical   Velocity to automatically retrieve clients’           agreement enables us to increase the level
to ensure data quality and adherence to          trade data from GTR, facilitating timely,             of automation we provide to our clients.”
the mandates.                                    efficient, and straight through data quality
                                                 control, eliminating manual processes.                Chris Childs, managing director and head
By leveraging Fund Recs’ Velocity                                                                      of repository and derivatives services,
service and DTCC’s GTR, fund managers            Alan Meaney, CEO of Fund Recs,                        adds: “DTCC is committed to helping

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Securities Finance Times
News Round-Up


establish a robust, comprehensive                                                following a successful prototype pilot with                                        As well as this, it has been designed to
reporting infrastructure for the global                                          market participant firms.                                                          support new features with interoperability
derivatives market.                                                                                                                                                 between the Project Ion platform and
                                                                                 Project Ion is an alternative settlement                                           the classic settlement platforms at The
“We welcome the opportunity to work with                                         platform that leverages distributed                                                Depository Trust Company (DTC), and to
innovative third-party service providers                                         ledger technology (DLT). It is specifically                                        ensure adherence to DTCC’s regulatory
like Fund Recs to build connectivity to our                                      modelled around a netted T+0 settlement                                            standards across resiliency, stability,
repository services and help our mutual                                          cycle, but it is also capable of supporting                                        security, risk, and controls.
clients meet regulatory mandates in Europe                                       T+2, T+1, T+0 or other extended
and beyond.”                                                                     settlement cycles.                                                                 Project Ion’s functionality will be introduced
                                                                                                                                                                    in phases. The first phase of the Project
DTCC’s Project Ion advances                                                      The platform is designed to provide a                                              Ion platform will support bilateral deliver
into development phase                                                           clearance and settlement option for the                                            order transactions that will be initiated
                                                                                 industry leveraging DTCC’s core benefits                                           by pilot participants through client nodes
The Depository Trust & Clearing                                                  of risk management and volume capacity,                                            hosted by DTCC.
Corporation’s (DTCC) Project Ion initiative                                      including netting and the trade guarantee
is set to move into a development phase                                          of the central counterparty (CCP).                                                 Once launched, the transactions will be


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News Round-Up


processed through the Project Ion platform                            For clients, this means that while the general                           success of the platform.
and then passed to DTC’s existing systems                             industry can move ahead to achieve T+1
for settlement processing, DTCC explains.                             accelerated settlement on DTCC’s classic                                 Hillery says: “Project Ion holds the promise
                                                                      systems, those clients ready to integrate                                of new settlement functionality supported
Future phases of Project Ion are expected                             onto the ledger can begin development                                    by robust technical capabilities and is a
to extend the platform’s functionality over                           efforts and start to ready their firms for the                           key part of our ongoing efforts to further
time to realise the reconciliation efficiencies                       future operating model without waiting for                               accelerate settlement and build upon
offered by DLT. Other phases are anticipated                          full-market adoption.                                                    current same-day settlement capabilities.”
to include the provision of access through
a client-hosted node and expanding the                                According to Michele Hillery, general                                    Murray Pozmanter, head of clearing
transaction types processed by the platform.                          manager of equity clearing and DTC                                       agency services and global business
                                                                      settlement service at DTCC, the industry’s                               operations at DTCC, comments: “Project
Meanwhile, DTCC has planned for early                                 primary goal must be to create efficiencies                              Ion has demonstrated that settlement in
and later adoption of the functionality                               without introducing additional risk to                                   a T+1 or T+0 environment are effective
and technology offered by Project Ion, to                             markets, and client participation and                                    use cases for DLT, and we look forward to
ensure the phased roll-out is responsive to                           feedback at every iterative step of this                                 working with our clients and the industry to
clients’ individual development agendas.                              journey will be pivotal to the continued                                 launch the new platform.”

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News Round-Up


ICMA’s ERCC publishes preliminary findings of green repo consultation
The International Capital Markets Association      Asked whether there are other possible              funding goes into green activities but both
(ICMA’s) European Repo and Collateral              intersections between the repo market and           counterparties claim the green collateral as a
Council (ERCC) has released a summary              sustainable finance that are not addressed          commitment to green investment.
report on the role of repo in green and            in the paper, four respondents highlighted
sustainable finance.                               the idea of sustainability-linked repo,             Responding to this point, a number of
                                                   where counterparties need to fulfil certain         respondents underlined the importance of
This publishes preliminary findings of an          environmental, social and governance                maintaining a clear methodology to ensure
ICMA consultation process, which was               (ESG) key performance indicators (KPIs) or          that green investments are only counted
launched on 22 April 2021 with the release         sustainability performance targets to access        once. For example, they should only be
of an ICMA consultation paper and extended         cheaper cash (ie pay lower interest).               considered for the sustainability metrics of
until 4 June 2021.                                                                                     one of the parties to the repo transaction.
                                                   Other respondents highlighted the use
The trade association intends that this            of other green, social, sustainability and          Beyond greenwashing, respondents
should serve as a starting point for promoting     sustainability-linked debt instruments (GSSS)       highlighted the need for clear procedures
broader debate in the repo community around        beyond bonds, including loans, trade finance        to ensure that collateral eligibility criteria
sustainability issues and steps to explore         and letters of credit.                              are applied throughout the lifecycle of the
existing opportunities and potential risks in                                                          repo transaction — and that the ESG quality
this area.                                         The consultation process identified potential       of collateral is not compromised through
                                                   demand for green collateral swaps, where            collateral substitution that replaces ‘green’
The paper examined three potential areas           one party receives high-rated liquid non-           assets by ‘brown’ assets for example.
of intersection between the repo market            GSSS collateral and transfers GSSS
and sustainable finance objectives: repo           collateral to the counterparty for a fee.           Other respondents indicated that collateral
with green and sustainable collateral;                                                                 quality is a potential risk as “green does not
repo with green and sustainable cash               Respondents also identified value in creating       necessarily mean better credit”.
proceeds; and repo between green and               mixed collateral baskets or pools, which
sustainable counterparties.                        may be a mix of different underlying GSSS           In providing guidance on what the ICMA’s
                                                   collateral, or a basket of GSSS collateral mixed    role should be in developing a green and
The summary report is based on                     with a small amount of non-GSSS collateral.         sustainable repo market, the most-popular
20 responses submitted during the                                                                      response was that the association should
consultation period, representing the views        Reflecting on where they identified greatest        provide clear definitions and standardised
of 18 firms. However, the ICMA says that           potential risks to their firms linked to a green    approaches for different types of ‘green
discussion on the topic is ongoing and             and sustainable repo market, 59 per cent            repo’, potentially through a specific
further feedback on these questions is             of respondents identified ‘greenwashing’ as         framework similar to the ICMA’s Green and
still welcome.                                     being their top concern.                            Social Bond Principles.

Asked which of the three intersections             Specifically, they associated greenwashing          The consultation also indicated that the
between repo and sustainability (outlined          with the risks associated with incorrect            ICMA should continue with its regulatory
above) are most relevant to respondent firms,      classification of products as ‘green’ investment,   engagement in developing the foundations for
62 per cent said that ‘green collateral repo’ is   or ‘double counting’ of green collateral repo,      a green repo market, as well as encouraging
most relevant to them and “that it is the most     where no additional green assets are created        debate and working with other trade
straightforward concept to implement”.             through the transaction and no additional           associations and market bodies.

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Repo technology


GLMX: applying technology gains to
liquidity access
                                          GLMX’s chief operating officer Sal Giglio tells SFT that the 3–5-year path for
                           Bob Currie     financing and other money markets will be driven by the convergence of liquidity
                              reports     and technology

The past 24 months has brought major liquidity pressures, with the          systemic liquidity management of the last three decades.
Q4 2019 repo spike followed by the impact of COVID-19 from Q1 2020.
Then it brought massive liquidity injections from central banks. How        It is uncontroversial to say that deep, orderly and accessible financing
has GLMX helped the market manage these liquidity demands through           markets are the cornerstone upon which the capital markets are built.
its trading platform and repo technology?                                   Traders, treasurers, issuers, liquidity managers — both private and
                                                                            public — and regulators need daily access to the markets to complete
The liquidity spikes which occurred in the fall of 2019 and the spring      their essential tasks and to keep supply and demand in balance.
of 2020, while disruptive to both primary and secondary securities          Historically, the Federal Reserve managed excess reserves to an
markets, are explicable and not outsized in the context of the history of   accuracy of billions to tens of billions of US dollars. In today’s era of

Securities Finance Times
Repo technology


“ample reserve management”, excess reserves total in the trillions –           benefit everyone involved, especially in the environment of global zero
above US$3 trillion during 2020.                                               interest rates.

One of the impacts of such significant excess reserves is that, on most        In those early days, we leaned heavily on the encouragement and
days, with all that liquidity in the system, nobody thinks much about          market support of “early adopters” that shared our vision. The fact
its availability as reserve liquidity is in dramatic excess to system          that GLMX has been, to date, a specialist in repo has been quite
demands. On those days in 2019 and 2020 there were external shocks             motivating. At GLMX, we often say, at this point with a smile, that we
to the system – tax-related liquidity demands on top of US Treasury            had no other market to fall back on. Either we became successful
auction settlement in 2019 and fear-based liquidity hoarding due to the        with repo or we failed. We also learned, especially in a world
COVID-19 pandemic explosion in March of 2020.                                  with historically low interest rates, that cost matters. As such, we
                                                                               have used the advantages of a super modern technology stack to
On top of those variables, the Fed’s longstanding, intra-day liquidity         minimise the cost of our technology solution. Combined, these forces
addition tools were long out of practice and regulatory changes made it        have enabled us to provide a world-class technology ecosystem
difficult for liquidity to move from those who had it, mostly banks in their   while maximising value pricing.
Fed accounts, to those who needed it – primarily securities companies,
even many with large bank owners. Unsurprisingly, the result was
                                                                               GLMX’s long standing ambition in the funding markets is not to change
higher financing yields. While GLMX harbours no illusions about telling
                                                                               what is being done, but how it is being done. What are your next
the Fed how to implement its monetary policy, we can help to maximise
                                                                               priorities? In which direction are your clients taking you?
market participant access to liquidity pools in situations such as those
above. GLMX technology maximises liquidity location, negotiation,              That’s an accurate assessment and a great question. GLMX’s top
execution and straight-through processing in near real-time, helping           priority has been — and continues to be — to provide a comprehensive,
market participants to identify and manage their funding needs much            cost-efficient technology solution for the securities finance markets
more quickly than if they communicated via chat, email or voice and            and to provide best-in-class client support. The continuous feedback
booked trades manually.                                                        we receive from our clients is that we are succeeding in doing so
                                                                               every day and that our reputation for excellence is driving new clients
Thus, managing the full trade flow, from inquiry initiation, negotiation,      in our direction. That said, a common theme which we hear from our
execution to straight-through processing, not just part of this process, is    clients is that they would like to extend GLMX’s technology and client
essential for clients to improve their funding not only in times of stress     responsiveness to adjacent money markets.
but as a matter of business as usual. An added benefit of the digitisation
of securities finance execution during the COVID-19 pandemic was the           Having said that, at GLMX we fully appreciate the dangers of
enabling of “virtual trading floors” in a work-from-home environment,          broadening our product set too quickly and without significant and
in which GLMX technology afforded traders, liquidity managers and              active client support. We recognise that each instrument within the
risk managers the ability to monitor and execute liquidity needs in near       global money markets is its own micro-ecosystem with its own unique
real-time.                                                                     challenges. To serve those markets as well as we do in the repo space,
                                                                               it is imperative that we identify the critical pain points and efficiency
                                                                               enhancers that will maximise adoption and value for our current and
What lessons have you learnt during this time as a specialist provider
                                                                               prospective clients. One market which met those criteria, and which we
of repo tech?
                                                                               have actively engaged both from a technology and client perspective, is
In the early days, as GLMX set on the journey to digitise the manual           the fixed income securities lending space.
workflow around securities finance, we regularly ran into the argument
that “this market, while admittedly inefficient and largely manual,            Securities lending is a very close cousin of repo and our technology
has worked fine for many years and therefore needs no efficiency               naturally extends to that market. GLMX’s approach has been
improvement”. GLMX’s view was that enhanced access and efficiency              to identify early adopters – which is exceptionally challenging in
in a market as critical to the overall financial system as repo would          itself – and to use their initial feedback to build essential functionality

Repo technology


for their market needs. We then iterate to perfect our technology to         flexible, customisable and intuitive technology; second, expert
provide comprehensive functionality and maximum value to those               industry-experienced employees; and, third and most importantly, a
clients. This process has been ongoing for more than two years at            deep and broad network of buy-side, sell-side, technology vendors
GLMX and we are well advanced in the process with most major                 and large industry utilities which have grown over several decades.
securities lenders.                                                          We are very clear that no market consists of a single participant. By
                                                                             their nature, markets are at their best with a broad and diverse group
                                                                             of participants. The same is true of technology. While GLMX values
GLMX first came to market in 2010, not long after the global financial
                                                                             its independence, as it allows us to maximise focus and to serve all
crisis had prompted root and branch review of funding markets. As
                                                                             clients equally, we fully appreciate that a growing, interconnected
a specialist in liquidity-seeking technology solutions, how do you see
                                                                             network of partners is integral to our clients and therefore, to
funding markets changing over the coming 3-5 years?
                                                                             GLMX’s success.
Saying that GLMX “came to market in 2010” certainly would elicit
some rolled eyes among our founders. What GLMX really did from               This approach to business is already clearly evident in our
2010 to about 2014 was to learn how NOT to build technology for              connections to numerous mid and back-office systems and
repo and other money markets! In seriousness, that often-frustrating         clearing mechanisms, all to the mutual benefit of those partners
process of identifying what it takes for clients to adopt technologies was   and, ultimately, to our mutual clients. GLMX technology is
instrumental in making GLMX what it is today.                                designed to manage all types of global entities, is agnostic to
                                                                             trade settlement (delivery-versus-payment, tri-party, cleared,
As mentioned above, the prime directive for our clients all along has        DLT), and can send trade information to multiple venues at once
always been liquidity, liquidity, liquidity. In today’s challenging market   (for example, trading firms, tri-party agents, custodians, prime
environment, efficient access to liquidity is paramount. Given regulatory,   brokers, third-party technology vendors and trade repositories).
interest rate and COVID-related challenges, market participants have         We believe that such interconnectivity is the key to the future
opened their minds to new evolutions in securities finance markets. At       we envision.
GLMX, we strive to execute for the present while building technology
capable of serving a future where numerous outcomes are possible.            By way of identifying some GLMX innovations specific to the
                                                                             securities finance market, low-touch trading and automated
At GLMX, we believe that the most likely 3–5-year path for                   execution continue to evolve with several clients already doing so.
financing and other money markets is the convergence of liquidity            The allure of such capabilities is their ability to streamline client
and technology. What such a notion means to us is that market                response times, pricing and trade execution which, when combined
participants will increasingly see, negotiate, execute, process and          with straight-through processing, reduce position management risk
analyse liquidity solutions across an array of global short-term             and trading errors.
markets. The only way to realise that future is through integrated and
highly flexible technology, which maximises access to liquidity and to       Another area, still in its infancy but with interesting potential, is digital
data which support liquidity-related decision making. Whether across         ledger technology — specifically how smart contracts can be used
geographic regions, across individual funding instruments, across            to capture the comprehensive characteristics of securities finance
cleared or non-cleared alternatives or across cash and digital assets,       transactions which include not only trade terms but legal agreements,
market participants increasingly will be drawn to the massive liquidity      settlement locations, delivery instructions and more. Again, we are
available in integrated markets.                                             actively exploring partnerships with leading DLT innovators to the
                                                                             mutual benefit of our mutual clients.
What does GLMX’s technology strategy look like for the next 3-5 years?
How are you applying innovation to enhance the matching, workflow,           At GLMX, we have always emphasised, over everything else, the need
connectivity, and reporting tools that you offer for repo transactions?      to understand our clients’ needs and translate the promise of new
                                                                             technologies to real-world solutions which maximise client outcomes.
Three pillars which differentiate GLMX are: first, ultra-modern,             That is our past and our future.

Securities Finance Times

There’s No Substitute for Certainty.
US Panel


US Securities Lending:
Tapping into Pockets of Opportunity
US lending specialists draw lessons from COVID and the GameStop short squeeze, discuss the demands of
sustainable lending and highlight where lenders can drill into new opportunities moving into 2022

Securities Finance Times
US Panel


                                                                                                                        Justin Aldridge
                                                                                  Senior vice president, head of agency lending
                                                                                                            Fidelity Investments

                                                                                                                              Mark Coker
                                                                                  Head of North America equity agency trading,
                                                                                                             securities finance
                                                                                                                Northern Trust

                                                                                                                       George Rennick
                                                                            Head of agency securities finance – Americas and
                                                                            global head of client relationship management in
                                                                                       agency securities finance, J.P. Morgan

                                                                                                                            Vikas Nigam
                                                                            Director, Head of Agency Securities Lending for
                                                                                                               the Americas
                                                                                                             Deutsche Bank

                                                                                                                                 Tom Ryan
                                                                            Head of asset-liability trading, global securities
                                                                                                       lending solutions group
                                                                                 Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corporation

                                                                                                                                Martin Tell
                                                                            Senior managing director, global head of securities
                                                                                         finance, State Street Global Markets

How do you assess the performance of US securities lending markets      short sellers retrenched to strategise about the new dynamic of crowd
during 2021 to date? What trends have you noted in terms of loan        trading, with investors targeting companies with high short interest.
balances and lending fees? What have been the high earners — and
the weak performers?                                                    IPOs and special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC) IPOs have
                                                                        been key market drivers as well. Special situation opportunities
Justin Aldridge: The year began with one of the largest and highest-    like mergers and tenders have been down this year, compared to
impact short squeezes the markets have seen. This had a wide-ranging    previous years, resulting in a negative impact on lenders’ overall
effect, causing muted demand for fundamental single-stock shorting as   earnings, but there are a few large opportunities on the calendar for

US Panel


Q4 of this year. We have seen strong demand for US fixed income            year from increased balances derived from higher valuations and
issues and clients have been able to realise significant revenues on       increased high-quality liquid asset (HQLA) activity. With a number of
multiple “on the run” issues. The markets have been resilient and          state treasurers and public pension plans as clients, we have also
earnings appear to be on target overall to match or slightly exceed        seen the effects of the American rescue plan, with billions of dollars
last year’s North American totals.                                         added to lendable assets. We anticipate this will be repeated if the
                                                                           infrastructure bill is passed.
Mark Coker: US equity securities lending balances have risen
through 2021, predominantly due to mark-to-market adjustments as           From the broker-dealer perspective, we have seen shifts in borrowing
equity markets continued to rally. This market dynamic, supported by       and funding needs to mirror the reflation trade (go long equities and
Fed stimulus and lower interest rates, has resulted in a softer specials   short fixed income), with broker-dealers taking advantage of excess
space. The rise of retail trading groups has also added borrower           demand for their business to address regulatory requirements like
caution on highly shorted securities. High earners have generally          extending duration and shifting balances to net stable funding ratio
come from new issuances (IPO/SPACs) or the exchanged-traded fund           (NSFR)-friendly clients.
(ETF) sector.
                                                                           Martin Tell: Overall, as always, there have been bright spots and
Strong performance in the US fixed income securities lending space         challenges. Two challenges I would note were: the contraction of
has come with the flight to quality and renewed demand for high-quality    specials trading after the GameStop and Reddit stocks’ short squeezes
liquid assets. Loan balances increased in 2021 relative to the previous    as short sellers de-risked and assessed their positioning to deal with
year, in part due to the abundance of US dollar cash in the market. We     both a new and determined equity investor base; and renewed interest
have seen a general increase in lending spreads, driven in large part      in oversight of short sellers and other market participants.
by lower rebate rates on loans versus cash collateral and demand for
benchmark securities.                                                      The continued low-rate environment is also a challenge for fixed
                                                                           income lending as well as cash reinvestment. The bright side has been
George Rennick: On a year-over-year comparative basis, 2021 is             that, despite a period of de-levering, there has been a resurgence
underperforming 2020, mostly due to an abundance of US dollar cash         of directional specials activity in IPOs, SPACs and, as a general
in the financial system, spread compression and a lack of specials.        statement, small cap securities have garnered good interest from
Loan balances have increased across all asset classes, but relatively      borrowers through the summer.
speaking fees have been compressed, with the exception of a handful
of specific securities. SPACs, ETFs and specific IPO and deal-name         Which regulatory projects will have the greatest impact on your
securities have offered high returns. Cash re-investment yields and        lending programme over the 12 months ahead? What adaptation
general collateral securities have been challenged.                        challenges will these present?

Vikas Nigam: 2021 has been another interesting year from a securities      Rennick: Over the next 12 months, certain European based regulations
lending perspective. Though not quite as dramatic as the 30 per cent       such as the Central Securities Depository Regulation (“CSDR”) will
plus stock market drop of Q1 2020 and subsequent recovery, early 2021      garner focus and support. Adherence to global banking capital rules will
saw securities lending make mainstream news headlines as hedge             also have maximum impact as entities remain focused on balance sheet
funds were caught in massive short squeezes in popular meme stocks         management and optimisation.
like Gamestop and AMC – all the while allowing clients holding these
securities to enjoy bumper revenue.                                        Coker: The most poignant of topics is CSDR, which introduces new
                                                                           measures for the authorisation and supervision of EU Central Security
As with 2020, Q2 onwards has been a different story. With stock            Depositories (CSDs) and sets out to create a common set of prudential,
markets continuing to rise and an ever increasing amount of cash           organisational, and conduct of business standards at a European level.
being made available at the short end, spreads have continued to           CSDR applies to all European CSDs and to all market operators in the
be squeezed at both ends, with revenue only being up year-on-              context of securities settlement — which will need to directly comply

Securities Finance Times
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