Glaukos iStent inject W Supplement 2022 - The Long-Term Data Have Spoken - The Case for iStent inject W for Mild to Moderate Primary Open-Angle ...

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Glaukos iStent inject W Supplement 2022 - The Long-Term Data Have Spoken - The Case for iStent inject W for Mild to Moderate Primary Open-Angle ...
Glaukos iStent inject W        ®

February 2022          Supplement 2022

The Long-Term Data Have Spoken —
The Case for iStent inject® W for
Mild to Moderate Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

             ffecting an estimated 76 million people worldwide in 2020 (1), glaucoma is the leading cause of
             irreversible vision loss and the second leading cause of blindness worldwide (2). Open angle glau-
             coma (OAG) is the most common form, occurring in 74% of diagnosed glaucoma cases (3, 4). It is
    often seen in conjunction with cataract, with approximately one-in-five cataract patients also needing
    glaucoma medication (5).
      These numbers present both a daunting challenge and a major opportunity. Elevated intraocular pressure
    (IOP) remains the major risk factor for glaucoma, and most current treatments, including pharmacological,
    laser and surgical interventions, focus on lowering IOP (6). Yet each have drawbacks.
      Ocular hypotensive medications are reasonably safe and effective, but their pressure-reducing effects
    may wane over time, they can lead to ocular surface disease and conjunctival hyperemia, and adherence
    is notoriously problematic (7-11). Laser trabeculoplasty reliably reduces IOP but can lose effectiveness
    after three to five years (38-40) and some forms may induce inflammation in the intermediate term (12).
    And while incisional surgeries such as trabeculectomy and tube shunt implantation can reduce IOP dra-
    matically, they expose patients to safety risks, including endophthalmitis and hypotony, that can persist
    for the lifespan of treatment (13-15).

    TRABECULAR MICRO-BYPASS RESPONSE                         Institute of Glaucoma Research and honorary senior
    These shortcomings sparked development of mi-            lecturer at the University of Birmingham, UK. He has
    cro-invasive glaucoma surgery, including the original    extensive experience implanting the iStent, iStent
    iStent®, the second generation iStent inject®, and       inject and iStent inject W for patients with OHT and
    the current iStent inject® W. Measuring 360 microns      mild to moderate open-angle glaucoma.
    deep and wide, iStent inject W is one of the small-
    est medical implants now available. In bypassing         REDUCED IOP, MEDICATION NEED
    the trabecular meshwork, which is often the major        Whether combined with cataract surgery or im-
    obstruction to fluid drainage in open-angle glauco-      planted as standalone procedure, studies show
    ma (6), the stent is designed to restore physiological   the iStent and iStent inject devices significantly
    aqueous outflow directly to Schlemm’s canal (16).        reduce intraocular pressure (IOP) as well as the
      Multiple studies out five to eight years have          mean number of topical medications needed to
    shown that in select patients with ocular hyperten-      control IOP. In many cases, trabecular micro-bypass
    sion (OHT) or mild to moderate primary open-angle        stenting eliminates the need for glaucoma medica-
    glaucoma (POAG) these devices reliably reduce IOP        tion entirely (3, 6, 17).
    up to 40% or more while lessening the need for              Reduced reliance on topical medications benefits
    medications (6, 17, 23-25), and spare conjunctival       patients in several ways. Taking fewer drops cuts the
    tissue in the event incisional surgery is later need-    risk of ocular surface irritation, inflammation and tissue
    ed. As a result, they are gaining popularity as an       damage related to long-term exposure to topical
    IOP-lowering option, according to Imran Masood           medications and their preservatives, said Prof Cédric
    Bsc, MB, ChB, MRCS(Ed), FRCOphth.                        Schweitzer MD, of the Bordeaux University Hospital,
      “The use of trabecular micro-bypass has increased      France. Such complications are not only unpleasant
    massively over the last decade. There are over           but can even be debilitating for patients. They can re-
    800,000 patients across the world who have been          duce medication compliance and cut success rates for
    implanted with iStent technologies and it is the         future glaucoma filtering procedures, increasing the
    family of devices that has the largest evidence          risk of glaucoma progression and vision loss (7-11).
    base behind it terms of efficacy and use in various         Trabecular micro-bypass stenting may also
    different scenarios; in combination with cataract        reduce diurnal IOP fluctuation, which may reduce
    surgery and as a standalone procedure (41),” said Mr     progression risk (18). At the same time, physiolog-
    Masood, who is a consultant ophthalmic surgeon           ical episcleral backpressure may minimize the
    and director of glaucoma service at Birmingham           risk of hypotony seen with more invasive glaucoma
    and Midland Eye Centre, director of the Birmingham       procedures including transscleral devices (18, 19).

Placed through a clear corneal incision, iStent      work done on the issue of quality of life and ocular
inject W is straightforward to implant as              surface disease.”
a stand-alone glaucoma procedure or when                 In this supplement we discuss the clinical cas-
combined with cataract surgery. With a wider           es and indications for standalone and combined
base and improved injector, it is more elegant         cataract-iStent inject W surgery in select patients,
to implant than ever. For combined trabecular          including new five-year outcomes data from
micro-bypass stenting with cataract surgery, the       completed and ongoing studies of iStent inject.
procedure requires no additional scheduled             For qualified patients, iStent inject W may provide
follow up appointments over those of cataract          substantial clinical and lifestyle advantages, giving
surgery alone, making it highly compatible with        glaucoma and cataract surgeons a new tool to
established cataract surgery workflow. And stud-       help prevent long-term vision loss while improving
ies show adding iStent technologies to cataract        patient quality of life.
surgery is refractively neutral, with visual out-
comes similar to standalone cataract procedures
(20). They may also improve patients’ quality              “We know from a lot of studies and meta-
of life (21, 22).                                        analyses that the [iStent] is very useful
  “We know from a lot of studies and meta-anal-          in helping reduce medication burden and
yses that the [iStent] is very useful in helping         improve IOP control,” Mr Masood said. “There
reduce medication burden and improve IOP con-            has also been a lot of work done on the issue of
trol,” Mr Masood said. “There has also been a lot of     quality of life and ocular surface disease.”


  PROF HENGERER FINDS                                   histories at a large academic ophthalmology
  SUCCESS IN COMBINED AND                               centre in Heidelberg, Germany (17). It is significant
  STANDALONE PROCEDURES                                 in part because it tracks data from a large cohort
  Germany was the first country in which the            of patients who were implanted with the de-
  iStent inject® was commercially available. As a       vice either in combination with cataract surgery
  result, “we are very happy that we can provide        (combined, 81 eyes) or as a standalone proce-
  you with the insight of our five years’ dataset       dure (standalone, 44 eyes) by the same surgeon,
  because this is one of the longest running and        Prof Hengerer, in the same setting. As such, it
  most robust datasets to date,” said Prof Fritz H      “enables validation of the long-term IOP- and
  Hengerer MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer and           medication-lowering potential of the stents
  Director of Ophthalmology at Bürgerhospital Eye       independent from cataract extraction,” Prof
  Clinic, Frankfurt, Germany.                           Hengerer said. Results of the same cohort have
    The ongoing results of the study were present-      been previously reported (23-25).
  ed by Prof Hengerer during the Glaukos lunch            Demographics of the two groups were large-
  symposium at the 2021 ESCRS Congress, at the          ly similar, though the standalone patients were
  World Glaucoma Congress and the American              more likely to have had previous glaucoma
  Academy of Ophthalmology, were compiled in            surgery than the combined patients, at 84.1% v
  conjunction with colleagues at the International      34.6% respectively. Most of both groups were on
  Vision Correction Research Centre (IVCRC); the        three to four IOP-lowering medications pre-op-
  David J Apple International Laboratory of Oph-        eratively, at 70% v 56% for the standalone and
  thalmic Pathology; and the Dept of Ophthalmolo-       combined groups respectively. Mean age for the
  gy of the University of Heidelberg.                   overall cohort was about 72, varying from 40
    The prospective consecutive case series study       to 88 years. Cup-to-disc ratios were similar at
  evaluated 60-month efficacy and safety fol-           0.8±0.1 for the standalone v 0.7±0.1 for the com-
  lowing iStent inject implantation in 125 glauco-      bined group, with visual fields -6.4±06.9dB for the
  matous eyes with varying severities and surgical      standalone and -8.2.8±6.6dB for the combined.

Mean IOP Over 5 Years — Overall Cohort
                                                                                                    *P < 0.001
                                                                                                                              41% reduction
    IOP in mmHg


                    15,0                    14,9                   14,6                      14,5                14,1               13,9

                              Preop             12M                   24M                      36M                48M                 60M
                             (n=125)          (n=123)               (n=124)                   (n=122)            (n=122)             (n=122)

                                                                    M = months

       Graphic 1. Mean IOP Over 5 Years – Overall Cohort (17)

                    Mean IOP at Preop and 60-Month Visits
                    30,0                                                                     30,0
                                               40%                                                          25,3        reduction
                    25,0                                  *P < 0.001                         25,0                                    *P < 0.001
                                   22,6     reduction
      IOP in mmHg

                                                                               IOP in mmHg

                    20,0                                                                     20,0
                                                              *                                                                         *
                     15,0                                   13,6                             15,0                                     14,6

                     10,0                                                                    10,0

                     5,0                                                                      5,0

                     0,0                                                                     0,0
                                   Preop                   60 M                                            Preop                      60 M
                                   (n=81)                 (n=80)                                           (n=44)                    (n=42)

                                      Combined Group                                                             Standalone Group

         Graphic 2. Mean IOP at Preop and 60-Month Visits by Group (17)

      Mean five-year IOP reduction was similar for both                       works independently of cataract extraction. Fur-
    groups. The combined cohort dropped to 13.9mmHg                           ther, his results in the cataract + iStent inject group
    from 23.5mmHg preoperatively – a reduction of 41%.                        are superior to published studies where only cata-
    The standalone group saw a reduction to 14.6mmHg                          ract extraction was performed.
    from 25.3mmHg, or 42%, while the combined group                             “Importantly, these data were gathered pro-
    fell to 13.6mmHg from 22.6mmHg, or 40%.                                   spectively in consecutive patients from the
      “We can now see that IOP-lowering is not related                        surgeon’s practice, making them broadly appli-
    to the cataract extraction alone; it is also related                      cable in both combined and standalone surgical
    to the iStent technology,” Prof Hengerer said. His                        settings,” Prof Hengerer concluded.
    standalone data demonstrates that iStent inject

“We can now see that IOP-lowering is not                                             “This prospective long-term study
       related to the cataract extraction alone; it                                           demonstrated safe and durable four-
       is also related to the iStent technology.”                                             year IOP and medication reductions after
                                   — Prof Hengerer                                            implantation of second-generation iStent
                                                                                              inject stents in eyes with OAG. Since
DR KLABE SEES REDUCED IOP OUT TO                                                              stent implantation was completed as a
FIVE YEARS IN PRIVATE PRACTICE                                                                standalone procedure, it was possible
Dr Hengerer’s results are mirrored by the experi-                                             to assess the impact of the device alone,
ence of Dr Karsten Klabe MD, of Breyer, Kaymark                                               independent from the IOP-reducing
and Klabe Eye Surgery in Dusseldorf, Germany,                                                 impact of cataract surgery. The study
who is also a partner in the IVCRC. In a retrospec-                                           intervention also included cessation of
tive study of 164 eyes implanted with iStent inject                                           medication postoperatively. Due to these
followed for 2 to 5 years, mean IOP decreased                                                 specifications, the observed 46% reduction
from 18.5mmHg preoperatively to 16mmHg 1 month                                                in medication-free IOP can be attributed to
after surgery and to 15.5mmHg at month six, stabi-                                            the stents alone, without the confounding
lising at that level for the remaining follow up (28).                                        factors of cataract surgery or medication,”
                                                                                              the report said.
DR LINDSTROM SEES MEAN                                                                           “Outcomes were consistent with previous
IOP DROP 46% AT 48 MONTHS                                                                     literature on iStent inject implantation
IN STANDALONE IMPLANTS                                                                        either with or without concomitant cataract
In a prospective interventional study of 57 eyes in                                           surgery,” the study concluded.
57 patients on one pressure-lowering medication
undergoing implantation of iStent inject with-
out cataract surgery, mean IOP dropped 46% to                                              of ≥20% without medication versus preopera-
13.2±1.6 mmHg vs 24.4±1.3 mmHg preoperatively                                              tive washout IOP; and although they had elim-

    A review of 13 published studies involving a total                             from baseline across all studies at 6-12 months
    of 778 eyes by Prof Paul R Healey B(Med)Sc, MBBS                               and 36-60 months post-stent implantation was
    (Hons) MMed (Clin epidemiology), PhD, of the                                   7.01mmHg and 6.59mmHg respectively (3).
    University of Sydney Australia and colleagues, mean                              “The results from these studies support the
    IOP fell 31.1% at 6 to 12 months post-operatively,                             independent effect of the iStent Trabecular
    30.4% at 36 to 48 months, and 32.9% at 60 months.                              Micro-Bypass technology on intraocular pres-
    Eyes received either the first generation iStent or                            sure and medication burden over a duration of
    the second generation iStent inject. The pooled                                follow-up of up to five years,” the study said.
    weighted mean reduction in intraocular pressure


                                           Ahmed 2014/Chang 2017 (n=39)                Ahmed 2019                         Berdahl 2017/2020 (n=53)
                                           Donnenfeld 2015/Saheb 2020 (n=39)           Fea 2014 (n=94)                    Katz 2015/2018 1 stent (n=38)
                                           Katz 2015/2018 2 stent (n=41)               Katz 2015/2018 2 stent (n=41)      Lindstrom 2016/2020 (n=57)
                                           Vold 2016/Fechtner 2019 (n=54)              Voskanyan 2014 (n=99)

       MEAN IOP (MMHG)




                              SCR    BL         M6          M12        M18         M24         M36        M42          M48        M54         M60

              Graphic 4. Mean IOP over time from included studies. BL indicates baseline (postwashout/medication free); IOP, intraocular pressure; M, month;
              SCR, screening (prewashout). Excludes data from 4 studies that did not perform a medication washout at baseline (3)

        The weight of the evidence supporting IOP reduction using iStent technologies from the
      these and other studies simply cannot be ignored. “We have a lot of information on the long-
      term outcomes of iStent inject,” said Prof José M. Martínez de la Casa MD, PhD, who heads the
      glaucoma department at Hospital Clínico San Carlos, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.

    PROF HENGERER FINDS REDUCED                                                      In addition to a 41% reduction in IOP among a
    MEDICATION BURDEN IN COMBINED                                                  mixed cohort of 125 phaco-combined and stand-
    AND STANDALONE CASES                                                           alone recipients of the iStent inject, Germany’s
    In terms of long-term efficacy and improvements in                             Prof Hengerer also observed a 71% reduction in
    patient quality of life, reduction in medication bur-                          the number of IOP-lowering medications re-
    den may be just as important as the IOP reduction                              quired to control IOP. Results were similar in the
    iStent inject and iStent inject W offer. That’s because                        subgroups with mean medication use falling to 0.7
    medication use – and with it, medication efficacy – de-                        from 3.0, a 75% reduction, in the standalone group,
    cline as adherence drops (9-11) and reducing medica-                           and to 0.8 from 2.7 in the combined surgery group,
    tions also may reduce OSD symptoms (8) and improve                             a reduction of 69%.
    quality of life scores (21, 22).

Mean Glaucoma Medication Use Preop vs 60 Months
                          4,0                                                                     *P < 0.001
   Number of Medication

                          3,0    2,7          71%                       69%                        75%
                                           reduction         2,5     reduction                  reduction
                                                   *                        *                         *

                          1,0                    0,8                   0,8                         0,7

                                 Preop       60 M          Preop       60 M           Preop        60 M
                                (n=125)     (n=122)        (n=81)     (n=80)          (n=44)      (n=42)
                                       Overall                   Combined            Standalone Group

                                                        M = Months

Graphic 5. Mean Glaucoma Medication Use Preop v 60 Months (17)

  “Although the cohort had relatively high glaucoma
medication burden preoperatively, nearly half of eyes
were medication-free by 60 months, while mean IOP                     ISTENT TECHNOLOGY IN A TYPICAL CASE
decreased by nearly 10mmHg,” Prof Hengerer said.                      AND AFTER FILTRATION SURGERY
  “So, we can conclude that the iStent inject
implantation resulted in significant and sus-                         PROF BECKERS LOWERS IOP AND
tained reductions in IOP and medication burden                        IMPROVES VISUAL OUTCOMES
through five years. This is something which is                        According to European Glaucoma Society guidelines,
very valuable for both our patients and for me as                     trabeculectomy is still the gold standard for treating
a surgeon, because this gives me the confidence                       open-angle glaucoma, but MIGS are an option at the
that when we implant the iStent device, we are on                     surgeons’ choice. And iStent inject W is among the
a good side to reduce the IOP and can reduce the                      safest, said Prof Henny JM Beckers MD, PhD.
medications which lead to OSD,” Prof Hengerer said.                     “It is a very straightforward procedure to do
                                                                      after a phacoemulsification,” said Prof Beckers,
DR KLABE SEES MEDICATION                                              who heads the glaucoma clinic at the University
USE DROP OUT TO 5 YEARS                                               Eye Clinic, Maastricht Medical Center, Netherlands.
Similarly, Dr Klabe saw a significant reduction in                    Compared with the second generation iStent
medication after implanting iStent inject in 164                      inject, the new injector and wider flange of the
eyes followed from 2 to 5 years. Pressure-reducing                    iStent inject W device improve control during the
medications fell from a mean of 1.47, ranging from 0                  procedure, enhancing the predictability of place-
to 4, before surgery to 0.17 to 0.23 at various points                ment, which may improve results, she added.
after surgery, with no patient requiring more than                      Based on her extensive experience and research,
two medications, Dr Klabe said (28).                                  Prof Beckers said the iStent inject W is most suit-
                                                                      able for patients with mild to moderate stable
DR LINDSTROM SEES MEDICATION USE                                      OAG, and for patients on 2 or more IOP-lowering
DROP TO 0 FROM 1 FOR 57 EYES OF 57 PA-                                medications, particularly if non-adherence or intol-
TIENTS AT FOUR YEARS                                                  erance are problems. Another procedure may be
In their four-year follow up of 57 patients on one                    more suitable for fast progressing patients needing
medication receiving iStent inject as a standalone                    a very low IOP target, or for advanced cases, where
procedure, Dr Lindstrom and colleagues saw 3                          IOP may spike post-op with the iStent, she said.
subjects placed on medication at months 18, 30,
and 32, respectively, but all remaining subjects
remained free of medications (6).

CASE STUDY – PSX GLAUCOMA                                                PIVOTAL STUDY SHOWS OSD
                                                                             AND VISION-RELATED ACTIVITIES
    Prof Martínez de la Casa presented a case he                             IMPROVEMENT AFTER 24 MONTHS
    said was representative of the results he sees                           The reduction in medication commonly seen with
    with iStent inject.                                                      iStent inject implantation may translate into im-
      A 73-year-old man with cataract and mild                               proved quality of life.
    pseudoexfoliation glaucoma and OSD was                                     In fact, a 24-month pivotal study comparing out-
    treated with combined cataract surgery                                   comes of iStent inject plus phaco to phaco alone
    and iStent inject in October 2016. Five                                  by Thomas W Samuelson MD and colleagues found
    years after surgery his IOP was reduced                                  that the combined procedure may improve ocular
    to 18mmHg with one medication from                                       symptoms and vision-related activities more than
    22mmHg with three medications before                                     cataract surgery alone.
    surgery, demonstrating the efficacy of the                                 Involving 505 patients randomised three to one to
    treatment. “He is quite stable and the qual-                             combined or phaco alone surgery, the study found
    ity of life of the patient has improved, too,”                           a higher percentage of responders reporting im-
    Prof Martínez de la Casa said.                                           provement in the combined group on the Visual
                                                                             Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25) and the Ocular
                                                                             Surface Disease Index (OSDI) at 1, 6, 12 and 24
                                                                             months after surgery. Differences in response rates
    PROF HEALEY’S META-ANALYSIS SEES                                         on the VFQ-25 were most pronounced in the Gener-
    REDUCTION OF ABOUT 1.0 MEDICATIONS                                       al Vision, Ocular Pain and Driving subscales. (21)
    FOR ISTENT IMPLANTS                                                        The study also found that 76.5% of combined
    While medication use was not consistently report-                        surgery patients were completely medication free
    ed as an endpoint in the 13 studies of standalone                        at month 24 compared with 62.6% in the phaco alone
    iStent implants conducted by Australia’s Prof                            group. “Topical medication use increases ocular dis-
    Healey, the study nevertheless estimated that                            comfort and fluctuating vision. Improvements may be
    medication use decline by 1.0 medication at 6-18                         attributable to patients’ greater eye comfort from
    months and 1.2 medications at 36-60 months (3).                          being medication-free,” the study concluded (21).


                 Proportion of Responders Measured by VFQ-25                          Proportion of Responders Measured by OSDI
                       58.0% vs. 45.8% over 24 months; *P

      Percentage of Responders for VFQ-25 Questionnaire Sub-Scales at Month 24
        *General Health

        *General Vision

           *Ocular Pain

         Near Activities

    Distance Activities






            Color Vision

      Peripheral Vision

                         0             10            20             30            40             50            60           70         80

WHY ISTENT INJECT® W TRABECULAR                                     iStent inject is the first and only Trabecular Micro-By-
MICRO-BYPASS? AND WHEN?                                           pass device to show significant durable vision-related
                                                                  quality of life improvements in a pivotal trial. The
MR MASOOD DISCUSSES PATIENT SELECTION                             results were consistent with his own observations.
                                                                    After having cataract surgery combined with iStent
For patients requiring treatment to reduce initial IOP of
                                                                  inject, patients were happy they could see better from
25mmHg or less, trabecular micro-bypass using the iS-
                                                                  having the cataracts removed. “But it was more than
tent inject® W is the go-to-choice of Mr Imran Masood
                                                                  that. The patients were talking about the impact the
Bsc, MB, ChB, MRCS(Ed), FRCOphth, for many reasons.
                                                                  surgery was having on their quality of life.” They re-
   Most important, iStent Trabecular Micro-Bypass
                                                                  ported more confidence, less anxiety about glauco-
technology is the least traumatic and has the
                                                                  ma-related sight loss, and greater eye comfort.
highest safety profile – comparable to cataract
                                                                    A prospective study published in 2020 by Dr Justin
surgery alone – of any MIGS procedure, said Mr
                                                                  A Schweitzer OD and colleagues, showed mean OSDI
Masood, of Birmingham and Midland Eye Centre, UK.
                                                                  scores for 47 cataract and OAG patients receiving
It also targets the site of pathology, which is blocked
                                                                  phacoemulsification and iStent or iStent inject fell from
trabecular meshwork. Recovery is rapid, there is no
                                                                  40.1 ± 21.6 (severe) pre-operatively to 17.5 ± 15.3 (mild) at
post-operative intervention required, and it is an
                                                                  3 months (p
“And, this is very important, no eyes underwent              Other selection criteria for iStent inject W include:
traditional glaucoma filtering surgery over the
five-years follow up,” Prof Hengerer said.               ■     Mild to moderate POAG, pseudoexfoliative or
                                                               pigmentary glaucoma
DR LINDSTROM SEES NO COMPLICATIONS                       ■     Cup-to-disc ratio ≤0.8
RELATED TO ISTENT INJECT IMPLANTATION                    ■     Pre-operative IOP up to 30mmHg (medicated)
Similarly, Dr Lindstrom saw no intra-operative           ■     Target post-operative IOP up to 15mmHg
adverse events in his prospective study of 57            ■     Phakic or pseudophakic with posterior chamber
patients on one medication receiving iStent inject             IOLs
as a standalone procedure, though this may be            ■     Difficulty taking medication
due in part to the fact that all the procedures were     ■     Side-effects or complications of medications,
carried out by experienced glaucoma surgeons, ac-              such as dry eye, red eyes, toxic or allergic reac-
cording to the report. Three post-operative ocular             tions
adverse events occurred, though these were all           ■     Poor compliance taking medication
deemed “definitely unrelated” to the study treat-        ■     Would benefit from reduced IOP and/or reduced
ment. They were IOP elevation and loss of more                 medication
than one line of best corrected vision at month 32       ■     Normal angle as determined by gonioscopy;
ultimately resolved by trabeculectomy; and two                 Schaeffer grade 3-4
cases of loss of more than one line of vision due        ■     Absence of peripheral anterior synechiae,
to cataract progression, both of which remained                rubeosis or other angle abnormalities that could
unresolved at month 48.                                        impair proper placement of iStent
  “The positive benefit-to-risk profile supports the
consideration of iStent inject in providing a safe,        Mr Masood also uses trabecular bypass as a bridge
long-term, effective treatment option for patients       to filtration surgery, removing cataract and implant-
with mild to moderate glaucoma,” the study said.         ing the iStent inject W, designed to reduce IOP and
                                                         medication burden, improving the ocular surface
META-ANALYSIS FINDS COMPLICATIONS                        while improving vision. Reduced OSD and inflamma-
NO HIGHER THAN CONTROLS                                  tion improves the odds of success with trabeculec-
In Prof Healey’s meta-analysis involving 778 eyes in     tomy, which is done 9 to 12 months later.
13 studies of standalone iStent implants, adverse
events reported in more than 5% of participants
                                                              CASE STUDY — STABILISING PROGRESSION
were progression of pre-existing cataract/cataract
surgery and loss of best-corrected visual acuity but
                                                              Long-term efficacy is another reason to choose iStent
these rates were no different to those reported in            technology, Mr Masood said. Data from a study he
comparator medical therapy study arms.                        conducted with colleagues of patients receiving
  While the iStent inject has a very strong safety re-        phaco and the iStent inject show reduced need for
cord, the new iStent inject W should be even stronger         eye drops in complex and moderate to advanced
said Prof José M. Martínez de la Casa MD, PhD, who            glaucoma patients, from a mean of 3.2 before surgery
heads the glaucoma department at Hospital Clínico             to 2.1 at 36 months, with reduction in mean IOP to
San Carlos, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.           16.2mmHg from 24.2mmHg. Visual fields were also
“Now we have a new design for enhanced ease of use            stable over the period (26).
to improve the visibility of the implantation.”                 Mr Masood illustrated the benefits of iStent tech-
                                                              nology with a complex case. A 76-year-old monoc-
MR MASOOD’S PERSONAL                                          ular patient with Marfan’s syndrome, a scleral-fixed
                                                              IOL and significant visual field loss had a pre-opera-
                                                              tive IOP of 28mmHg with four medications. After im-
For cataract patients on 2 to 3 IOP-reducing medica-          plantation of two first generation iStent devices his
tions, Mr Masood generally chooses:                           pressure was stable at an acceptable level on three
                                                              medications, and his visual fields were unchanged
■  IOP 35mmHg or patient on systemic carbon-                 of visual field preservation as well,” he said.
   ic anhydrase inhibitors – Gonioscopy-assisted
   transluminal trabeculotomy
 “As the pressure goes up, I tend to go toward
more invasive procedures,” even though they have
more inflammation, bleeding, and complications,
because they may lower IOP more, Mr Masood said.

CASE STUDIES – IOP LOWERING                                       In a study following 20 patients implanted with
AND POST-FILTRATION SURGERY                                    the iStent inject published in 2016 for a mean of
                                                               about four years, Prof Martínez de la Casa and
PROF BECKERS PRESENTED TWO CASES                               colleagues saw a mean IOP reduction of nearly
IN WHICH AN ISTENT INJECT AND ISTENT                           40% from unmedicated values along with a reduc-
INJECT W WERE SUCCESSFULLY PLACED.                             tion in medication use to 0.75 from 1.3 (27). “Now
Case 1 illustrates the benefit of reducing the use of          we have a new device, the iStent inject W, and a
medication to lower IOP.                                       new injector that improve the consistency of the
  A 75-year-old male, slightly myopic had POAG with            procedure and the visibility of the implant after
nuclear cataract and a large glaucoma scotoma in the           implantation,” he said.
right eye and a smaller one in the left. He was intolerant        iStent inject W is shaped like an arrow and
to multiple medications in all classes, suffered from oc-      designed to be pushed through the wall of the
ular surface disease and had tried later trabeculoplasty       trabecular meshwork with the pointed head resid-
unsuccessfully. His pre-operative IOP was 20-21mmHg.           ing in Schlemm’s canal, the flange in the anterior
  He received phaco plus iStent inject in the right eye        chamber, and a narrower thorax held in place by
in 2019, and the left eye in 2020. His IOP fell to 11 and      the trabecular meshwork. It is made of surgical
10mmHg with no medications at 1.5 years and 1 year             grade, nonferromagnetic titanium, and is hep-
after surgery in the right and left eyes respectively. Final   arin coated to promote self-priming. Two stents
visual acuity improved to 20/25 in the right and 20/20         are preloaded into a single use inserter, allowing in-
in the left, Prof Beckers reported.                            sertion about two to three clock hours apart during
                                                               cataract surgery, or as a stand-alone procedure. It
Case 2 was a more daunting, post-filtration surgery            combines elegantly with cataract extraction.
case, Prof Beckers said.                                          The iStent inject W generation has a wider flange
  A 77-year-old male with very deep-set eyes had               than the second generation iStent inject, which helps
pigment dispersion syndrome glaucoma and cataract              ease of use and predictable placement into the
in both eyes, with a very large scotoma in the right eye.      trabecular meshwork. The new injector also has a
He had failed trabeculectomy in 2016 and 2017 and had          narrower tip for easier insertion, and an enhanced
unsuccessful micropulse trans-scleral laser therapy in         retraction button for easier manipulation.
2017 and 2018. His pre-operative IOP was 18-20mmHg on             Prof Beckers concluded that iStent inject W lowers
3 IOP-lowering medications.                                    IOP and reduces the need for IOP-lowering medica-
  He received phaco and iStent inject W in 2020. Six           tions and is suitable for patients with cataract and sta-
months after surgery his IOP fell to 8mmHg on 2 medica-        ble glaucoma. More research and long-term outcomes
tions, and his visual acuity improved to 20/40 from 20/80      are needed to assess its full potential for use after
pre-operatively. “It was a spectacular outcome, and he         filtration surgery or in cases of secondary glaucoma.
was very happy, but of course we need more evidence on
these kinds of patients,” Prof Beckers said.
                                                               THE CASE FOR ISTENT INJECT® W
                                                               PART 5 – FAVOURABLE COST UTILITY
     THE CASE FOR ISTENT INJECT® W                               While complication rates are very low, Prof
     PART 4 — IMPROVED DESIGN                                  Beckers cautioned that IOP spikes and anterior
     AND EASE OF USE                                           chamber bleeding are sometimes seen shortly
                                                               after surgery and recommended follow up at 1 day
     PROF MARTÍNEZ DE LA CASA ON                               and 1 week after surgery. “Good gonioscopy skills
     IMPROVED PREDICTABILITY FROM                              are needed. If you don’t have those, please refrain
     ISTENT INJECT W ENHANCEMENTS                              from this operation,” she added.
     Long-term efficacy, safety, and predictability –          As health services consume an ever-growing slice of
     improved with the iStent inject W model – are top         national income, cutting treatment costs is criti-
     reasons to choose the iStent inject W for IOP and         cal. Several recent studies show that iStent inject’s
     medication reduction in patients with POAG, said          favourable efficacy and safety profile contributes
     Prof José M Martínez de la Casa MD, PhD.                  to reduced need for post-operative medication
       Using iStent inject W also does not compromise          and follow-up. This saves money and time for
     future glaucoma surgeries, said Prof Martínez de la       patients, their families, physicians and society at
     Casa, who, heads the glaucoma department at Hos-          large – making iStent inject a cost-effective treat-
     pital Clínico San Carlos, Universidad Complutense,        ment option for many patients with mild to moder-
     Madrid, Spain. “This is a very important point.”          ate open-angle glaucoma.

A comparison of the costs of cataract surgery           ed, the combined procedure actually reduced overall
alone with combined cataract and iStent inject in         societal costs. “iStent inject translates … provides good
France found the combined procedure improved              value for money in patients with mild-to-moderate
patient quality of life as measured by Quality Ad-        OAG,” The Spanish study concluded. (35)
justed Life Years (QALY) by 0.065 at a cost of €75          iStent inject may also be more cost-effective than
per patient over their lifetimes. That works out to       procedures creating a subconjunctival aqueous chan-
€1,154 per QALY gained, making it a bargain at less       nel in eligible mild to moderate OAG patients. One
than four percent of the ~€30,000 the UK’s Nation-        study found that substituting iStent inject combined
al Health Service considers a reasonable cost per         with cataract surgery for 41 per cent of current Xen
QALY gained.                                              gel stents (Allergan) cataract combined surgeries
  “iStent inject implantation in conjunction with         would save the Spanish National Health System more
cataract surgery offers a mechanism for IOP               than €3 million annually by reducing complications
reduction that is more effective than cataract            and follow up costs. (36)
surgery alone while reducing the need for medi-             Likewise, substituting iStent inject with or with-
cation use and its associated side-effects. … [And]       out cataract surgery for trabeculectomy would
can be considered cost-effective in patients with         save the German statutory health insurance sys-
mild-to-moderate OAG by improving the patient’s           tem about €300 per patient for inpatient iStent
quality-of-life at very low incremental costs,” the       procedures and more than €1,800 for outpatient
French study concluded. (33)                              iStents over a three-year period. Overall, substi-
  A similar comparison in Spain found that combined       tuting iStent inject for 10 per cent of trabeculec-
iStent inject cataract surgery cost the Spanish Nation-   tomies would save German insurers about €17
al Health System an additional €1,002 than cataract       million. (34) Together these studies suggest a
surgery alone, for a cost per QALY gained of €13,077.     compelling economic case can be made for us-
When the cost of informal caregiver time was includ-      ing iStent inject in suitable patients.


Adding iStent inject W at cataract surgery pres-            The disruptions and financial strains creat-
ents a unique opportunity to significantly im-            ed by the COVID-19 pandemic make it even
prove not only clinical and quality-of-life out-          more important to consider procedures that
comes for patients in need of IOP reduction, but          smooth the demand for extra appointments in
also financial pressures for the patient as well as       between routine visits, Ms Crawley said. “For
the efficiency of health services, according to Ms        very many of us our services were completely
Laura Crawley BSC (Hons), MB, CHB (Hons), MRCP,           disrupted, and we were only able to see abso-
FRCOphth, GMC.                                            lute sight-threatening emergencies.” As a result,
  “In the new era of MIGS, if you are inside the eye      large numbers of glaucoma patients had their
already carrying out cataract surgery in a patient        treatment review delayed.
needing pressure lowering treatment, please think           “If we had a better way of ensuring a non-pa-
about what else you might do at the same time to          tient-dependent control of pressure by using these
address the pressure,” said Ms Crawley, who is a          devices, that facilitates better resource allocation
consultant ophthalmic surgeon and honorary senior         in clinical time to see higher risk patients who
lecturer at the Imperial College Healthcare NHS           need us,” Ms Crawley said. As such, Trabecular Mi-
Trust and Imperial College, London, UK.                   cro-Bypass use can benefit the entire population a
  Ms Crawley noted that the cost-utility of the           service manages. Implanting Trabecular Micro-By-
iStent technology is becoming more evident now            pass devices also helps patients who have trouble
than even a few years ago. Long-term outcomes             adhering to medication regimes for a wide variety
data, as reviewed in this supplement, can now justi-      of reasons, even in cases where maximum medi-
fy the cost of Trabecular Micro-Bypass treatments.        ation involves taking just two combined medica-
  Implanting the iStent inject W also fits well in the    tions once or twice a day.
cataract surgery workflow. Ms Crawley suggest-              “It really benefits the whole system if we
ed making an explicit plan for each patient who           as surgeons can consider a way of controlling
is having cataract surgery and is also on pres-           pressure whilst we are already doing cataract
sure-lowering drugs.                                      surgery,” Ms Crawley said.

                                    with iStent inject® W Trabecular Micro-Bypass

                     SOME                                                                     ONE-IN-FIVE
                   GLAUCOMA                                                                   cataract patients
                                                                                              also needing

                    FACTS                                                                     glaucoma
                                                                                                                                                                                                    is the leading cause of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    irreversible vision loss(2)

                      of diagnosed
                                                                                                                                                                                                            is the second leading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                cause of blindness
                      glaucoma cases                                                                                                                                                                                  worldwide (2)
                      are OAG(3, 4)

                                                                                                           million people
                                                                                                           worldwide in 2020

                                                                                                           is affected by
                                                                                                           glaucoma(1)                                                  AG

                                                                                                            Ho                                                                                             AND TUBE SHUNT
                                                                                                                         w t o t re                                                                        IMPLANTATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                           expose patients to safety
                                                                                                                                                                                                           risks, including infection
                                                                                                                                                                                                           and hypotony(12-14)

                                           can lead to ocular surface
                                           disease and conjunctival
                                           inflammation and
                                           adherence is notoriously
                                                                                                                                                                                may induce
                                                                                                                                                                                inflammation in the

                                                                                                                 iStent inject® W
                                                                                                                 Trabecular Micro-Bypass
                                                                                                                 restores physiological
                                                                                                                 aqueous outflow(15)

(1) World report on vision. World Health Organization 2019. (2) Steinmetz JD, Bourne RRA et al. Causes of blindness and vision impairment in 2020 and trends over 30 years, and prevalence of avoidable blindness in relation to VISION 2020: the Right to Sight: an analysis
for the Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet Glob Health 2021;9: e144-60. (3) Healey PR, Clement CI, Kerr NM, Tilden D, Aghajanian L. Standalone iStent trabecular micro-bypass glaucoma surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Glaucoma Published
Ahead of Print 2021. (4) Quigley HA, Broman AT. The number of people with glaucoma worldwide in 2010 and 2020. British Journal of Ophthalmology. 2006;90(3):262-267. (5) Shrivastava A et al. Analysis of US Medicare data. ASCRS presentation, 2017. 6) Baudouin
C, Labbé A, Liang H, Pauly A, Brignole-Baudouin F. Preservatives in eyedrops: the good, the bad and the ugly. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2010;29(4):312–334. (7) Leung EW, Medeiros FA, Weinreb RN. Prevalence of ocular surface disease in glaucoma patients. J Glaucoma.
2008;17(5):350–355. (8) Newman-Casey PA, Robin AL, Blachley T, et al. The most common barriers to glaucoma medication adherence: a cross-sectional survey. Ophthalmology. 2015;122(7):1308–1316. (9) Nordstrom BL, Friedman DS, Mozaffari E, et al. Persistence
and adherence with topical glaucoma therapy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005;140:598–606. (10) Robin AL, Novack GD, Covert DW, Crockett RS, Marcic TS. Adherence in glaucoma: objective measurements of once-daily and adjunctive medication use. Am J Ophthalmol.
2007;144(4):533–540. (11) Glaucoma Laser Trial Research Group. The Glaucoma Laser Trial (GLT) and glaucoma laser trial follow-up study: 7. Results. Am J Ophthalmol. 1995;120:718–731. (12) Gedde SJ, Herndon LW, Brandt JD, Budenz DL, Feuer WJ, Schiffman JC. Tube
versus trabeculectomy study group. Postoperative complications in the Tube Versus Trabeculectomy (TVT) study during five years of follow-up. Am J Ophthalmol. 2012;153:804–814. (13) Rulli E, Biagioli E, Riva I, et al. Efficacy and safety of trabeculectomy vs nonpenetrating
surgical procedures: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013;131 (12):1573–1582. (14) Jampel HD, Musch DC, Gillespie BW, et al. Perioperative complications of trabeculectomy in the collaborative initial glaucoma treatment study (CIGTS). Am J
Ophthalmol. 2005;140(1):16–22. (15) Samuelson TW et al. Randomized evaluation of the trabecular micro-bypass stent in patients with glaucoma and cataracts. Ophthalmology 2011;118:459-467. (16) Lindstrom R, Sarkisian SR, Lewis R, Hovanesian J, Voskanyan L. Four-
Year Outcomes of Two Second-Generation Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stents in Patients with Open-Angle Glaucoma on One Medication. Clin Ophthalmol 2020;14:71-80. (17) Hengerer F, Auffarth G, Conrad-Hengerer I. Five-year outcomes of trabecular micro-bypass stents
(iStent inject) implanted with or without cataract surgery. ESCRS presentation, 2021. (18) Schweitzer JA, Hauser WH, Ibach M, Baartman B, Gollamudi SR, Crothers AW, Linn JE, Berdahl JP. Prospective Interventional Cohort Study of Ocular Surface Disease Changes in Eyes
After Trabecular Micro-Bypass Stent(s) Implantation (iStent or iStent inject) with Phacoemulsification. Ophthalmol Ther. Published online 13 Aug 2020. (19) ) Samuelson TW, Singh IP, Williamson BK, Falvey H, Lee WC, Odom
D, McSorley D, Katz LJ. Quality of Life in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma and Cataract: An Analysis of VFQ-25 and OSDI From the iStent inject Pivotal Trial. Am J Ophthalmol 2021;229:220–229.
The iStent inject ® W is intended to reduce intraocular pressure safely and effectively in patients diagnosed with primary open-angle glaucoma, pseudo-exfoliative glaucoma or pigmentary glaucoma. The iStent inject ® W can deliver two (2) stents on a single pass, through
a single incision. The implant is designed to stent open a passage through the trabecular meshwork to allow for an increase in the facility of outflow and a subsequent reduction in intraocular pressure. The device is safe and effective when implanted in combination with
cataract surgery or as stand-alone procedure in those subjects who require intraocular pressure reduction and/or would benefit from glaucoma medication reduction. The device may also be implanted in patients who continue to have elevated intraocular pressure despite
prior treatment with glaucoma medications and conventional glaucoma surgery.
©2021 Glaukos Corporation. Glaukos, iStent inject® and iStent inject® W are registered trademarks of Glaukos Corporation. PM-EU-0163
iStent inject® W is
       The longest-term real world clinical                                                                the gold standard in
                                                                                                        Trabecular Micro-Bypass
       data of any Trabecular Micro-Bypass procedure                                                      surgery continuing the
       demonstrates significant advantages                                                               legacy of excellence set
       for your patients:                                                                                 throughout 20 years of
                                                                                                              iStent® devices.

       Long-term IOP Reduction                                                                               200+
                                                        Sustained Medication Reduction                        peer-reviewed

         years16   57
                                         reduction in
                                                                                              of eyes
                                                                                                                studies of
                                                                                                             iStent® devices
                                          mean IOP                                           med-free

         years17   125
                                     reduction in
                                                              reduction in mean
                                                                                                                             iStent® devices

                                      mean IOP                   medications


         years3    778
                              reduction in
                                                                                   of eyes
                                                                                                            published studies
                                                                                                            with 4 to 8 years
                                                                                                              of follow-up
                               mean IOP                                           med-free

                                                                                                                                of clinical
       Improved OSD Symptoms                                                                                                   experience

                                                            in the percentage of
                                                                                                              eyes studied
                                                            patients with severe
                                                               OSD symptoms

       Significant Improvement in OSDI Score
                                                                                                         Continue the iStent®
                                                    57,6%                                                legacy of excellence
                                                     Cataract +
                                                    iStent inject
                                                                                                         by making
        months19   505
                   patients                                                                              iStent inject® W
                                       48,9%                                                             your Trabecular
                                           only                                                          Micro-Bypass
                                                                                                         device of choice.

       Improved Quality of Life
a.     General                                            60   %             71,8       %
  e     Vision                                           Cataract            Cataract +
ol.                                                        only             iStent inject
  J    Ocular
                   patients                  47,2%           59,3      %
  r-                                         Cataract        Cataract +
 ts                                            only         iStent inject
m                  months19

                                                          60   %             71,8       %
                                                         Cataract            Cataract +
h                                                          only             iStent inject
     A large and growing body of long-term research, including five-year outcomes data from completed and
     ongoing studies of iStent inject®, show that the iStent® technology reliably reduces IOP and IOP-lowering
     medication need, with an excellent safety profile. For qualified OAG glaucoma patients, iStent inject® W
     may provide substantial clinical and lifestyle advantages, giving glaucoma and cataract surgeons a new
     tool to help prevent long-term vision loss while improving patient quality of life.

     (1) World report on vision. World Health                (15) Jampel HD, Musch DC, Gillespie BW, et al.       (28) K. Klabe. 5- years data with iStent inject® in
     Organization 2019.                                      Perioperative complications of trabeculectomy in     combination with phacoemulsification and IOL
     (2) Steinmetz JD, Bourne RRA et al. Causes              the collaborative initial glaucoma treatment study   implantation. Poster ESCRS 2021.
     of blindness and vision impairment in 2020              (CIGTS). Am J Ophthalmol. 2005;140(1):16–22.         (29) Pisella PJ, Pouliquen P, Baudouin C.
     and trends over 30 years, and prevalence of             (16) Samuelson TW et al. Randomized evaluation       Prevalence of ocular symptoms and signs with
     avoidable blindness in relation to VISION 2020:         of the trabecular micro-bypass stent in patients     preserved and preservative free glaucoma medi-
     the Right to Sight: an analysis for the Global          with glaucoma and cataracts. Ophthalmology           cation. Br J Ophthalmol 2002;86:418-423.
     Burden of Disease Study. Lancet Glob Health             2011;118:459-467.                                    (30) Ammar DA, Kahook MY. Effects of glaucoma
     2021;9: e144-60.                                        (17) Hengerer F, Auffarth G, Conrad-Hengerer I.      medications and preservatives on cultured
     (3) Healey PR, Clement CI, Kerr NM, Tilden D,           Five-year outcomes of trabecular micro-bypass        human trabecular meshwork and non-pigment-
     Aghajanian L. Standalone iStent trabecular              stents (iStent inject) implanted with or without     ed ciliary epithelial cell lines. Br J Ophthalmol
     micro-bypass glaucoma surgery: a systematic             cataract surgery. ESCRS presentation, 2021.          2011;95:1466-1469.
     review and meta-analysis. J Glaucoma Published          (18) Konstas AG et al. Diurnal and 24-h              (31) Nordmann JP, Auzanneau N, Ricard S,
     Ahead of Print 2021.                                    Intraocular Pressures in Glaucoma: Monitor-          Berdeaux G. Vision-related quality of life and
     (4) Quigley HA, Broman AT. The number of                ing Strategies and Impact on Prognosis and           topical glaucoma treatment side effects. Health
     people with glaucoma worldwide in 2010                  Treatment. Adv Ther. 2018; 35(11): 1775–1804.        and Quality of Life Outcomes 2003, 1:75.
     and 2020. British Journal of Ophthalmology.             (19) Rosenquist R et al. Outflow resistance of       (32) Schweitzer JA, Hauser WH, Ibach M,
     2006;90(3):262-267.                                     enucleated human eyes at two different prefu-        Baartman B, Gollamudi SR, Crothers AW, Linn
     (5) Shrivastava A et al. Analysis of US Medicare        sion pressures and different extents of trabecu-     JE, Berdahl JP. Prospective Interventional
     data. ASCRS presentation, 2017.                         laectomy. Curr Eye Res 1989;8:1233-40.               Cohort Study of Ocular Surface Disease
     (6) Lindstrom R, Sarkisian SR, Lewis R, Hova-           (20) PMA P170043: FDA Summary of Safety              Changes in Eyes After Trabecular Micro-By-
     nesian J, Voskanyan L. Four-Year Outcomes of            and Effectiveness. US FDA, June 21, 2018.            pass Stent(s) Implantation (iStent or iStent
     Two Second-Generation Trabecular Micro-By-                inject) with Phacoemulsification. Ophthalmol
     pass Stents in Patients with Open-Angle                 pdf17/P170043b.pdf                                   Ther. Published online 13 Aug 2020. https://
     Glaucoma on One Medication. Clin Ophthalmol             (21) Samuelson TW, Singh IP, Williamson BK,
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     (7) Baudouin C, Labbé A, Liang H, Pauly A, Bri-         LJ. Quality of Life in Primary Open-Angle Glau-      of the iStent inject® trabecular micro-bypass
     gnole-Baudouin F. Preservatives in eyedrops: the        coma and Cataract: An Analysis of VFQ-25 and         system plus cataract surgery in patients with
     good, the bad and the ugly. Prog Retin Eye Res.         OSDI From the iStent inject Pivotal Trial. Am J      mild-to-moderate open-angle glaucoma in
     2010;29(4):312–334.                                     Ophthalmol 2021;229:220–229.                         France. ESCRS presentation, 2019.
     (8) Leung EW, Medeiros FA, Weinreb RN. Prev-            (23) Hengerer FH, Aufarth GU, Riffel C, Con-         (34) Bucholz PM et al. A Budget-impact Analysis
     alence of ocular surface disease in glaucoma            rad-Hengerer I. Prospective, Non-randomized,         of the iStent inject® Trabecular Micro-Bypass
     patients. J Glaucoma. 2008;17(5):350–355.               36-Month Study of Second-Generation Tra-             System vs Trabeculectomy for the Treatment
     (9) Newman-Casey PA, Robin AL, Blachley T,              becular Micro-Bypass Stents with Phacoemul-          of Glaucoma From a German Payer Perspective.
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     2005;140:598–606.                                       ASCRS 2018 Presentation.                             the IStent inject® implant for OPEN ANGLE
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     adjunctive medication use. Am J Ophthalmol.             alone Treatment for Glaucoma: A 36-Month             Voskanyan L, Weinreb RN. Aqueous angio-
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     (13) Gedde SJ, Herndon LW, Brandt JD, Budenz            ate to advanced glaucoma: 3-year outcomes. J         laser trabeculoplasty versus argon laser trabec-
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     (TVT) study during five years of follow-up. Am J        Fernandez-Perez C, Garcia-Fejoo J. Glaukos           Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT) Treatment.
     Ophthalmol. 2012;153:804–814.                           iStent inject trabecular micro-bypass im-            Open Ophthalmol J. 2011; 5: 32–34.
     (14) Rulli E, Biagioli E, Riva I, et al. Efficacy and   plantation associated with cataract surgery          (40) Shingleton BJ et al. Long-term efficacy of
     safety of trabeculectomy vs nonpenetrating              in patients with coexisting cataract and             argon laser trabeculoplasty. A 10-year follow-up
     surgical procedures: a systematic review and            open-angle glaucoma or ocular hyperten-              study. Ophthalmology. 1993 Sep;100(9):1324-9.
     meta-analysis. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2013;131                sion: a long-term study. J Ophthalmol 2016;          (41) Glaukos data on file, 2021.
     (12):1573–1582.                                         2016:1056573.                                        PM-EU-0162

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