Germany in the United Nations

Page created by Jennifer Stevens
Germany in the United Nations
    in the United Nations
Germany in the United Nations
                   in the United Nations

               Contents   »   Germany – a reliable partner                       2

                              Germany’s candidacy for a seat on the
                              Security Council in 2011/12                       4

                              Germany’s contribution to peace and
                              security in the world                             6

                              Civilian measures for peace and security          8

                              Our engagement for peace and security in Africa   10

                              Human rights – the prerequisite
                              for peace and development                         12

                              Poverty and sustainable development:
                              the Millennium Development Goals                  14

                              Climate protection – our special concern          16

                              Distributing water fairly                         18

                              Humanitarian aid: solidarity
                              throughout the world                              20

                              Education gives people prospects                  22

                              Building confidence through disarmament           24

                              Germany – the UN location for sustainability      26

                              Germany at a glance                               28
Germany in the United Nations
2   Germany in the United Nations   Partner for peace                                                                                                                                                            3

             Germany – a reliable partner

    T   he United Nations is more important than ever be-
        fore. No country, no matter how large, can ­manage
    alone in today’s interdependent world. We need a
                                                                policy for many decades. Security and development are
                                                                inextricably linked. In both 2007 and 2008, with 12.3 and
                                                                13.9 billion US dollars respectively – i.e. a total of 26.2 bil-
    strong world organization to provide a binding frame-       lion dollars – Germany was the world’s second-largest
    work for international cooperation and conflict man-        development-aid donor. In all major challenges facing
    agement. As the third largest financial contributor to      humankind, for example crisis prevention and manage-
    the UN, Germany supports the organization’s work in         ment, the protection of human rights, disarmament,
    all fields – in 2009 with over 700 million US dollars.      ­climate protection and the realization of the Millenni-
                                                                um Development Goals, the international community
    The central mandate of the United Nations, safeguard-       can count on us. For we are convinced that conflicts can
    ing peace and security, has been the focus of our foreign   only be resolved through dialogue.

                                                                                                                                                                               Providing assistance in the Congo

                                                                                                                                   » As a global citizen and member
                                                                                                                                      		     		        of the United Nations,
                                                                                                                                           Germany sets an admirable example. «
                                                                                                                                                                                              Kofi Annan
                                                                                                                                                      Nobel Peace Prize winner, UN Secretary-General 1997–2006
Germany in the United Nations
4        Partner für den Frieden   Deutschland in den Vereinten Nationen                                            Germany in the United Nations   Candidacy for a seat on the Security Council 2011/12   5

                                                                                                                                        Germany’s candidacy for a seat
                                                                                                                                        on the Security Council in 2011/12

                                                                           T   he Security Council is the centrepiece of the inter-
                                                                               national peace order. Germany has had a seat in this
                                                                           forum four times. We always strove to make the work
                                                                                                                                         In 2011/12 we would like to continue our past commit-
                                                                                                                                         ment. We would again be a reliable partner accessible
                                                                                                                                         to all, who would live up to its own demands for greater
                                                                           there as effective and transparent as possible, most re-      transparency. We would support initiatives which seek
                                                                           cently in 2003/4, when the Iraq conflict triggered off        lasting solutions with a view to fostering peace and
                                                                           difficult discussions in the Security Council. During         ­security. As we are convinced that only a fair world is a
                                                                           Germany’s Presidency, the Security Council adopted            safe world, we would do everything we can to promote
                                                                           Resolution 1540 with a view to preventing non-state ac-       economic and social equality. This includes mastering
                                                                           tors from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. Fur-         global challenges such as climate change, the scarcity of
                                                                           thermore, we initiated a debate on how a responsible          resources and food crises, tasks to which we are whole-
                                                                           private sector can play a key role in preventing conflicts    heartedly dedicated.
                                                                           and consolidating peace.

United Nations Security Council in New York
Germany in the United Nations
6   Germany in the United Nations   Peace and security                                                                                                                                                                  7

             Germany’s contribution to peace and
             security in the world

    G    ermany has been engaged in United Nations peace
         missions for the last 20 years. Following our success-
    ful first mission in Namibia in 1989 (UNTAG) we quickly
                                                                  UNMIL and UNMIS to build the police forces in Liberia
                                                                  and southern Sudan; within the framework of UNIFIL
                                                                  we have combined our maritime presence with equip-
    became a sought-after and competent partner. Some             ment and training aid.
    6800 German soldiers and about 270 police ­officers are
    currently engaged in peace missions around the world.         The greatest risks today are posed by failing states. In
    With approximately 600 million US dollars in 2010, we         a legal vacuum, there is ever greater rivalry between
    are making an important contribution towards the suc-         communities, and organized crime as well as terrorism
    cess of “blue helmet” missions. We are participating in       can thrive. Global warming and the inequitable distri-
    six of the current eighteen UN missions, on three con-        bution of resources can also heighten tensions in many
    tinents. In addition to making available funding and          places. We are convinced that today’s complex prob-
    personnel, we provide targeted support for UN missions        lems cannot be resolved by military means alone. That
    through projects, thus putting into practice a compre-        is why Germany favours a strategy which grants civilian
    hensive approach. For example, Germany is helping             measures a major role.

                                                                                                                                                     UN mission UNIFIL, two female soldiers on guard duty, Lebanese coast

                                                                                                                                 » Germany has achieved an extraordinary amount
                                                                                                                                        during its 20 years of participation
                                                                                                                                                        in peacekeeping missions. «
                                                                                                                                                                                              Martti Ahtisaari
                                                                                                                                                             Nobel Peace Prize winner, President of Finland 1994–2000
Germany in the United Nations
8       Partner für den Frieden   Deutschland in den Vereinten Nationen                                                                            Germany in the United Nations   Peace and security   9

                                                                                                                      Civilian measures for peace and security

                                                                          C   ivilian measures must be carried out soon after a
                                                                              conflict in order to establish peace and lasting stabil-
                                                                          ity. We want to contribute to this, also in our role as Chair
                                                                                                                                          für Internationale Friedenseinsätze (Center for Inter­
                                                                                                                                          national Peace Operations – ZIF) established in Berlin in
                                                                                                                                          2002 is to provide national and international specialists
                                                                          of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission (PBC).           with practical and psychological training in prepara-
                                                                                                                                          tion for their deployment in peace missions. During the
                                                                          We are promoting the development of rule-of-law                 last few years, 1100 experts have been prepared for the
                                                                          structures, for example in the police, justice and penal        changing demands of international crisis management
                                                                          sectors, and providing advice on overcoming poten-              in 60 courses. Here, too, the emphasis is on bolstering
                                                                          tial conflicts caused by poverty, scarce resources or the       preventative capacities. For identifying and defusing
                                                                          consequences of climate change. And we know that the            conflicts before they flare up and before military inter-
                                                                          success of any mission depends first and foremost on            vention becomes necessary is one of the central aims of
                                                                          the people involved. Therefore, the aim of the Zentrum          our security policy.

Germany’s engagement for education and schools in Afghanistan
Germany in the United Nations
10   Germany in the United Nations   Engagement in Africa                                                                                                                                                        11

              Our engagement for peace
              and security in Africa

     M     oving from reaction to prevention – the German
           Government has adopted this demand originally
     made by Kofi Annan: we are cultivating contacts based
                                                                 the African Union Border Programme as well as in the
                                                                 preparation of African police officers for their deploy-
                                                                 ment in peace missions.
     on trust with the African Union (AU), founded in 2002,
     which we do not only support with know-how.                 Germany is erecting a building in the Ethiopian capital
                                                                 Addis Ababa, the seat of the African Union, which will
     In the longer term, we want to enable our partners in       make it possible to house the entire AU Peace and Secu-
     Africa to assume full responsibility for security on the    rity Department under one roof in future. This will offer
     continent. We are thus supporting the development of        more than just a headquarters which works quickly and
     a functioning police force and fostering civil society in   effectively. The new building will also provide the Afri-
     many African countries through the development of in-       can Union with a highly visible symbol of the independ-
     dependent media. We are also playing a major role in        ence and viability of its policies.

                                                                                                                                                                      German soldiers as UN observers in the Sudan

                                                                                                                             			          » It feels good and it is good
                                                                                                                               when there’s a country like Germany right at the front,
                                                                                                                                                          helping the developing world. «
                                                                                                                                                                                     Wangari Maathai
             Model of the building for the AU Peace and                                                                                                                               Nobel Peace Prize winner
                  Security Department in Addis Ababa
Germany in the United Nations
12       Partner für den Frieden   Deutschland in den Vereinten Nationen                                                                      Germany in the United Nations   Human rights policy   13

                                                                                                                                      Human rights – the prerequisite
                                                                                                                                         for peace and development

                                                                           A   rticle 1 of the Basic Law, Germany’s constitution,
                                                                               states that, “Human dignity shall be inviolable”.
                                                                           Our commitment to human rights around the world is
                                                                                                                                      aimed at strengthening the rights of women and pro-
                                                                                                                                      tecting the interests of children, of disabled people and
                                                                                                                                      of refugees. We are particularly committed to the pro-
                                                                           therefore a cornerstone of Germany’s foreign policy.       motion of the human right to safe drinking water and
                                                                           We are working to protect and promote economic, so-
                                                                           cial and cultural rights worldwide, as well as political   Human rights policy always begins at home: that is the
                                                                           and civil rights. During our EU Presidency in 2007, we     prerequisite for international credibility. We have ac-
                                                                           succeeded in advancing the establishment of the new        ceded to numerous international conventions which
                                                                           UN Human Rights Council. We are pursuing joint ini-        allow the United Nations to examine the observance of
                                                                           tiatives with partners from every part of the world and    human rights in Germany. And we have submitted to
                                                                           ­every culture. The German Government favours ongoing      the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court out
                                                                           dialogue in order to foster the implementation of inter-   of conviction.
                                                                           national human rights standards. We support projects

Federal Foreign Minister Westerwelle at the United Nations in Geneva
Germany in the United Nations
14   Germany in the United Nations   Millennium Goals                                                                                                                                                                                   15

              Poverty and sustainable development:
              the Millennium Development Goals

     T   he German Government fully supports the Millenni-
         um Declaration adopted in New York in 2000, as well
     as the United Nations Millennium Development Goals
                                                                 tion sector. Our contribution to the Global Fund to Fight
                                                                 Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) already totals
                                                                 roughly one billion US dollars; we have pledged an addi-
     developed on the basis of that document. 2010 marks         tional 280 million US dollars for 2010. The aim of Germa-
     an important milestone: Heads of State and Govern-          ny’s development cooperation is always to help people
     ment must make an honest assessment of what has been        to help themselves: we want to create an environment
     achieved to date at the Millennium Development Goals        which allows intellectual potential and entrepreneurial
     Review Summit in September. We will do everything we        energy to develop on the ground. We are promoting
     can to mobilize the necessary resources to achieve our      self-employment and entrepreneurship through micro-
     common goals. In order to halve world poverty by 2015       finance programmes to the tune of 180 million US dol-
     and to make globalization more fair, we have almost         lars in 63 countries which are among the poorest in the
     doubled our development cooperation budget during           world. In the sphere of environment policy, too, we have
     the last ten years. With 13.9 billion US dollars, Germany   opted for innovative financing instruments: since 2008,
     was again the world’s second largest ­donor in the field    for example, revenue from emissions trading has gone
     of development cooperation in 2008. Of that, around         towards enhancing climate protection in developing
     1.6 billion US dollars were channelled into the educa-      countries.

                                                                                                                                                    International day of action “Stand Up Against Poverty”, UN organizations staff in Bonn

                                                                                                                                    » Germany contributes a great deal towards
                                                                                                                                              humanitarian aid, the implementation of the
                                                                                                                              Millennium Development Goals and environment protection. «
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ban Ki-Moon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                UN Secretary-General
Germany in the United Nations
16   Germany in the United Nations     Climate protection                                                                                                                                                                               17

               Climate protection – our special concern

     C     limate change affects each and every one of us.
           When stretches of land sink into the sea, when oth-
      ers fall barren, glaciers melt, fields become infertile and
                                                                       house gases worldwide in the long term. Germany has
                                                                       passed legislation setting far-reaching national emis-
                                                                       sions reductions. With its international climate protec-
      sources dry up, then the international community has             tion initiative, the German Government has embarked
      an obligation to act. The countries affected, especially         on an innovative course to provide financial assistance
      island and desert states, deserve our support. We will           to poor countries for climate protection. We are thus
      only be able to get to grips with the ecological, social and     ­pioneers of an ambitious multilateral climate policy and
     ­political consequences of climate change if we cooperate.         will continue along this path despite the disappointing
                                                                        Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
     Germany is a founding member of the United Nations
     ­Environment Programme (UNEP). Achim Steiner is the               Germany is one of the first signatories of the treaty
      second German to head UNEP. We are aware of the special          ­establishing the International Renewable Energy Agency
      ­situation of emerging economies and developing coun-             (IRENA). We also made a valuable contribution towards
       tries. That is why we have stressed time and again that          lending new momentum to the international efforts
       ­climate protection is a core element in our security policy.    to protect endangered species. Within the framework
                                                                        of the Life Web Initiative, we are providing 663 million
     Back in 2007, Chancellor Merkel was the first Head of              US dollars to protect rainforests and other ecosystems at
     Government of an industrialized country to state her               risk whose loss would make our world uninhabitable.
     commitment to aligning per-capita output of green-

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Chancellor Merkel visits Greenland

                                                                                                                                           » It’s a brilliant, indeed a revolutionary idea,
                                                                                                                                       which should lead to a tectonic shift in climate policy. «
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rajendra K. Pachauri
                                                                                                                                                                                    Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
                                                                                                                                                             on the proposal to align per-capita output of greenhouse gases worldwide
18       Partner für den Frieden   Deutschland in den Vereinten Nationen                                                                             Germany in the United Nations   Water supply    19

                                                                                                                                                       Distributing water fairly

                                                                           W       ater is a basic necessity, but 900 million peo-
                                                                                   ple are without access to clean drinking water,
                                                                           while 2.5 billion do not have adequate sanitation. The
                                                                                                                                       security policy, too, we are committed to fair access to
                                                                                                                                       water. Thanks to Germany’s initiative, water is a key
                                                                                                                                       ­issue in Europe’s Central Asia Strategy.
                                                                           resulting diseases kill more children than malaria, mea-
                                                                           sles and AIDS put together. Life is not possible without    UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon can always count on
                                                                           water, while a shortage of water creates a potential for    our staunch support for his efforts to recognize access
                                                                           conflict. Effective water management, on the other          to clean water as a human right. Back in 2006, we joined
                                                                           hand, boosts prosperity and peace.                          forces with Spain to launch an initiative on this. In 2008,
                                                                                                                                       the Human Rights Council in Geneva issued a mandate
                                                                           The German Government has therefore placed water            for the Independent Expert on the issue of human rights
                                                                           at the top of its political agenda. Germany is one of the   obligations related to access to safe drinking water and
                                                                           three largest bilateral donors to water-related projects.   sanitation and appointed Catarina de Albuquerque.
                                                                           It is the number one donor in Africa. In our foreign and

Boy in the Gaza Strip
20   Germany in the United Nations   Humanitarian aid                                                                                                                                                                                                       21

              Humanitarian aid: solidarity
              throughout the world

     G   ermany’s humanitarian aid is quick, unbureaucratic
         and impartial. That means it is directed at people in
     need as a result of natural disasters, epidemics or wars
                                                                  personnel mines and cluster munitions and played a
                                                                  prominent role in the implementation of the Ottawa
                                                                  Convention (1997) and the Oslo Convention (2009). Since
     and not at governments. It is not a political instrument     the early nineties, we have provided 256 million US dol-
     but, rather, an expression of our global solidarity. Ger-    lars for extensive mine and unexploded ordnance clear-
     many has increased its contribution to the UN Central        ance activities in 42 countries. Furthermore, within the
     Emergency Response Fund to more than 20 million              framework of a resettlement agreement with the UN
     US dollars so that the international community can re-       High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Germany
     act quickly, especially to those crises which receive lit-   has taken in 2500 refugees in need of particular protec-
     tle attention from the international donor community.        tion who cannot return to their home countries. Within
     We have made available a total of almost 400 million         the framework of the Albert Einstein German Academic
     US dollars for emergency measures, stop-gap aid and          Refugee Initiative, Germany is funding higher educa-
     reconstruction in 2010.                                      tion scholarships for refugees. One focus of Germany’s
                                                                  humanitarian aid is disaster reduction: in this sphere, we
     Mine and ordnance clearance is a special priority. We        are concentrating on regions where there is a high risk
     are doing all we can to bring about a global ban on anti-    of disaster, in particular endangered coastal regions.

                                                                                                                                Haiti following the earthquake: seven German mobile water treatment plants provide water for more than 75,000 people per day

                                                                                                                               		                                         » Germany doesn’t make promises
                                                                                                                                                                                               it can’t keep. «
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Singer (U2)
22       Partner für den Frieden   Deutschland in den Vereinten Nationen                                                                               Germany in the United Nations   Education    23

                                                                                                                                 Education gives people prospects

                                                                           E   ducation is a key 21st century issue – we see the
                                                                               promotion of education as a sustainable contribu-
                                                                           tion towards peace, security and development. With
                                                                                                                                      for Lifelong Learning in Hamburg, two UNESCO edu-
                                                                                                                                      cation institutions are based in Germany. 190 project
                                                                                                                                      schools in Germany form part of the UNESCO Associated
                                                                           1.64 billion US dollars, Germany is the world’s second-    Schools Project network, and around 15,000 pupils take
                                                                           largest donor in the field of education. We have tripled   part each year in partnerships and exchange projects
                                                                           our ODA funds for basic education since 2001, and we       with schools in 60 countries across the world.
                                                                           are expressly committed to the Education for All Global
                                                                           Action Plan. Germany is one of the few donors active in    The sooner we realize we are an international learning
                                                                           not only basic education, but also vocational training     community, the more successful we will be in tackling
                                                                           and the promotion of higher education.                     the joint challenges that lie ahead. This applies to our
                                                                                                                                      Aktion Afrika initiative and it is the core idea behind our
                                                                           In March 2009 Germany hosted the World Conference          Schools: Partners for the Future initiative with a total
                                                                           on Education for Sustainable Development – Moving          volume of over 130 million US dollars for 2009/10. This
                                                                           into the Second Half of the UN Decade (2005–2014).         also benefits over 1300 schools in the national education
                                                                           With the International Centre for Technical and Voca-      systems in more than 100 countries, in the form of equip-
                                                                           tional Education and Training in Bonn and the Institute    ment aid, teacher training and youth programmes.

School lesson in Senegal
24   Germany in the United Nations   Disarmament                                                                                                                                       25

              Building confidence through disarmament

     D    isarmament and arms control are about more than
          reducing the world’s stockpiles of weapons. Dis-
     armament is a multilateral process which builds confi-
                                                                   which we introduced to the General Assembly in 2009,
                                                                   were adopted by consensus. Whether it be negotiations
                                                                   on the control of small arms or the management and
     dence between states – and it is one of the UN’s key tasks.   securing of the states’ weapon and ammunition stocks:
     Germany, which has committed itself to far-reaching           we remind the international community time and
     arms control measures beyond the United Nations, is a         again that an effective prevention policy must also ad-
     particularly active member of the international com-          dress paramilitary and terrorist groups. Universal and
     munity in this field, too.                                    effective implementation of Resolution 1540, adopted
                                                                   in 2004 during Germany’s Presidency of the UN Security
     We are pressing for existing arms control agreements          Council, which is intended to prevent non-state actors
     – the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the Comprehensive       from gaining access to weapons of mass destruction, is
     Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), the Biological Weapons        particularly important to us.
     Convention (BWC) and the Chemical Weapons Conven-
     tion (CWC) – to be strengthened and extended. In the          Our commitment to the Oslo Convention on Cluster
     field of conventional arms control we have also made          Munitions and our early unilateral renunciation of this
     our voice heard. The resolutions on conventional am-          kind of weapon have made us a credible champion of
     munition and on transparency in military expenditure,         international humanitarian law.

                                                                                                                                                               United Nations, New York

                                                                                                                             » Germany is an exemplary world citizen. «
                                                                                                                                                      Boutros Boutros-Ghali
                                                                                                                                                      UN Secretary-General 1992–1996
26      Partner für den Frieden   Deutschland in den Vereinten Nationen                                                                          Germany in the United Nations   UN basis Germany   27

                                                                                                           Germany – the UN location for sustainability

                                                                          T   he UN’s decision to base many of its UN institutions
                                                                              in Germany is a demonstration of how our ­steadily
                                                                          growing commitment to the world organization is
                                                                                                                                      tariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on
                                                                                                                                      Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Secretariat of the
                                                                                                                                      United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
                                                                          ­appreciated. We regard the fact that most of the offices   (UNCCD).
                                                                          and secretariats based in Germany deal with sustain-
                                                                          ability and climate protection as recognition of our de-    In order to provide an attractive working environ-
                                                                          termined commitment to these crucial issues.                ment for the 800 UN staff now based in Bonn, the Ger-
                                                                                                                                      man Government decided to establish a UN Campus
                                                                          Alongside Berlin and Hamburg, Germany’s former cap-         with modern offices on the former site of the German
                                                                          ital Bonn, home to 19 UN agencies, is of special impor-     Bundestag. Next door, a conference centre with rooms
                                                                          tance. After the then Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-    for up to 5000 delegates is being developed. The area,
                                                                          Ghali inaugurated the headquarters of United Nations        which once witnessed the rebirth of German democ­
                                                                          Volunteers (UNV) there in 1996, further agencies soon       racy, will thus attain an international flair in keeping
                                                                          followed, including the two Rio Secretariats, the Secre-    with our new role in the world.

The UN Campus in Bonn
28   Germany in the United Nations    Facts about Germany                                                                                                                                         29

              Germany at a glance

     State structure and political system                    Internet-TLD: .de
     »» Democratic, parliamentary federal state              »» One of the ten most frequent top-level domains
     »» Federal structure: consists of 16 states (Länder)     in the world
     »» Capital city: Berlin, 3.4 million inhabitants
     »» National holiday: 3 October                          Geography
                                                             »» Area: 357,021 km2
     German                                                  »» Location: Central Europe, 9 neighbours
     »» German is the mother tongue of 100 million people.
      It is the language with the largest number of native   Population
      speakers in the European Union.                        »» 82 million inhabitants of which 7.2 million come from
                                                              other countries in the world

                                                                                                                        20th anniversary of the fall of the Wall, celebration at the Brandenburg Gate
30       Partner für den Frieden   Deutschland in den Vereinten Nationen                                                                                                         Germany in the United Nations     Facts about Germany   31

                                                                                                                  Economy                                                 Education and study
                                                                                                                  »» Fourth largest economy in the world,                 »» 383 institutes of higher education,
                                                                                                                   largest in Europe                                       103 of them universities
                                                                                                                  »» Export of goods: 1360.95 billion US dollars (2009)   »» 2 million students
                                                                                                                  »» Import of goods: 1180 billion US dollars (2009)      »» Alongside USA and the UK, one of the world’s three
                                                                                                                  »» GDP: 3356 billion US dollars (2009)                   most attractive countries for foreign students
                                                                                                                  »» Per capita GDP: 40,928 US dollars (2009)
                                                                                                                  »» GNI: 3415 billion US dollars (2009)                  Culture
                                                                                                                  »» Foreign direct investment in Germany:                »» Over 5000 museums (of which 500 museums of art)
                                                                                                                   630 billion US dollars (2008)                          »» Over 300 theatres, more than 100 opera houses and
                                                                                                                                                                           musical theatres
                                                                                                                  Science and research                                    »» 130 professional orchestras
                                                                                                                  »» 81 Nobel Prizes, 17 of which have been awarded       »» 7500 libraries
                                                                                                                   to Max Planck Society scientists since 1949
                                                                                                                  »» Other leading research organizations:                For further information go to
                                                                                                                   Fraunhofer Society, Leibniz Association,     
                                                                                                                   Helmholtz Association
                                                                                                                  »» Alongside USA and Japan, one of the world’s
                                                                                                                   three most innovative countries:
                                                                                                                   over 11,000 patent applications per year

Innovation and climate protection in Germany: renewable energies account for more than 10% of energy generation
«   Imprint
© Auswärtiges Amt 2010

Published by
Federal Foreign Office
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Conception, design and layout:
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in addition:
© German National Tourism Board: Page 28
© Shutterstock: Title page and pages 5, 31
© photothek: Page 12 (Thomas Trutschel), page 14 (Thomas Imo)                 climate-neutral

Thanks to Alysa Selene and Wolfgang Blau, “German Dream –                     This brochure was produced in accordance with the latest environmental guidelines on climate neutrality.
                                                                              Climate neutrality requires the offset of emissions released into the atmosphere. In this particular case, that
Träumen für Deutschland”, for permitting us to print the quo-                 meant identifying any unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the production of this brochure
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