Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Mesopotamian Plain, Iraq: A Critical Review

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Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Mesopotamian Plain, Iraq: A Critical Review
ISSN 0016-8521, Geotectonics, 2021, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 135–160. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2021.

                         Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics
                     of the Mesopotamian Plain, Iraq: A Critical Review
                                            V. K. Sissakiana, N. Al-Ansarib, *, and N. Adamoc
                                                  University of Kurdistan Hewler, Erbil, A9422504 Iraq
                                                  Lulea University of Technology, Lulea, 97181 Sweden
                                                c Consultant Dam Engineer, Sweden
                                       Received August 29, 2019; revised April 30, 2020; accepted May 26, 2020

         Abstract—The Mesopotamian Plain is part of the Mesopotamia which extends for vast area bigger than the
         plain. The plain is almost flat and vast lowland, which has clearly defined physiographic boundaries with the
         other surrounding physiographic provinces. The plain is a huge accumulation geomorphologic unit, where
         the fluvial, lacustrine, and the Aeolian landforms prevail; the fluvial units being the abundant among others.
         However, estuarine and marine forms also are developed, but restricted to the extreme southeastern reaches
         of the plain. The Mesopotamian Plain is covered totally by Quaternary sediments among which the fluvial
         origin is the most prevailing and more specifically the flood plain sediments. The flood plain sediments are
         the Holocene in age, whereas the Pleistocene sediments are restricted to alluvial fan sediments and river ter-
         races. The flood plain sediments cover majority of the Mesopotamian Plain, whereas the alluvial sediments
         are restricted to the northern–eastern, western and southern peripheral parts only. Different geomorpholog-
         ical features indicate the Neotectonic activity in the plain, such as migrations of rivers due to growing of sub-
         surface anticlines. The extreme southeastern part is covered by the tidal flat and sabkha sediments. Marshes
         and shallow depressions are also covered by the Holocene sediments which are contaminated by the Aeolian
         sediments. Mesopotamian Plain is a part of the Mesopotamian Foredeep which is a part of the Zagros Fore-
         land Basin including the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. It is large continuously subsiding basin since the Upper
         Miocene (11.62 Ma). The plain shows no structural features on the surface, except the main fault escarpment
         representing the part of Abu Jir Active Fault Zone. However, the rolling topography, in the northern parts of
         the plain indicates subsurface anticlines that are still growing up, such as Balad, Samarra, Tikrit and Baiji
         anticlines indicating the Neotectonic activity. Moreover, many buried subsurface anticlines are present in dif-
         ferent parts of the plain. All of them are growing anticlines and have caused continuous shift to Tigris and
         Euphrates rivers and their distributaries indicating the Neotectonic activities. The minimum and maximum
         subsidence amounts in the plain since the Upper Miocene are zero and –2500 m, respectively.

         Keywords: fluvial sediments, Pleistocene, Holocene, marshes, alluvial fan sediments, aeolian sediments, ter-
         races, subsurface anticlines, river migrations, Neotectonic activities, folds growth
         DOI: 10.1134/S001685212101012X

                          INTRODUCTION                                                   mia and Lower or Southern Mesopotamia [59]. Upper
                                                                                         Mesopotamia, also known as the Jazirah (Al-Jazira
   Mesopotamia is a historical region in West Asia situ-                                 Plain), is the area between the Euphrates and the
ated within the Tigris-Euphrates rivers system. In mod-                                  Tigris from their sources down to Baghdad [20].
ern days, roughly corresponding to most of Iraq,                                         Lower Mesopotamia is the area from Baghdad to the
Kuwait, parts of Northern Saudi Arabia, the eastern                                      Persian Gulf [59]. In modern scientific usage, the
parts of Syria, Southeastern Turkey, and regions along                                   term Mesopotamia often also has a chronological con-
the Turkish–Syrian and Iran–Iraq borders [23] (Fig. 1).                                  notation. In modern Western historiography of the
    Mesopotamia, in modern times, has been more                                          region, the term “Mesopotamia” is usually used to
generally applied to all the lands between the Euphra-                                   designate the area from the beginning of time, until
tes and the Tigris, thereby incorporating not only parts                                 the Muslim conquest in the 630s, with the Arabic
of Syria but also almost all of Iraq and Southeastern                                    names Iraq and Jazirah being used to describe the
Turkey [27]. The neighboring steppes to the west of the                                  region after that event [12, 27, 71].
Euphrates and the western part of the Zagros Moun-                                          The Mesopotamian Plain, however, is different
tains are also often included under the wider term                                       geographically, geologically and historically from the
Mesopotamia [20, 57, 71]. The further distinction is                                     Mesopotamia. The Mesopotamian Plain represents
usually made between Upper or Northern Mesopota-                                         part of the Mesopotamia, and nowadays it represents

Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Mesopotamian Plain, Iraq: A Critical Review
136                                                    SISSAKIAN et al.


                                                       Mosul           Erbil

                                                        As Sutaymaniyah
                   35°                                                                      Iran


                                                   Ar Ramadi

                                  Ar Rutbah
                                                            Karbaia            Al Kut
                                                            An Najaf

                                                                         An Nasiriyah
                                                                                     Al Basrah
                                                                                     Umm Qasr
                   30°                    Saudi
                                                   0 50 100 km
                                                   0   50      100 m
                                  40°                                          45°

   Fig. 1. Location map showing geographic limits of the Mesopotamia (green dash line), and limits of the Mesopotamian Plain
   (red dash line) added by the authors (after [37]).

the existing plain between the Tigris and Euphrates                                 GEOMORPHOLOGY
rivers, which is limited south of Al-Fatha gorge in the                        OF THE MESOPOTAMIAN PLAIN
north. The alluvial plains along the Iraqi–Iranian bor-
ders in the east. From the west (northern part), it is                                   Topography
limited by wadi Al-Tharthar and (southern part) the
eastern limits of the Western Desert; then extending                  The Mesopotamian Plain is mainly the flat and
with the northern limits of the Southern Desert (almost            vast lowland, which has clearly defined physiographic
parallel to the Euphrates River), forming the southern             boundaries with the surrounding physiographic prov-
limits of the plain. From the southeast, it is limited by          inces as follows [10, 51]: The Low Amplitude Moun-
the upper reaches of the Arabian Gulf (Fig. 1).                    tainous Province from the north and east. From the
                                                                   west, it is limited by Al-Jazira Plain and the Western
    The age of the Mesopotamian Plain backs to the                 Desert Province. From the south it is limited by the
Pleistocene (2.558 Ma), and because the alluvial sedi-             Southern Desert Province [68].
ments of the plain are not concerned in oil explora-
tions; therefore, very limited data is available from the              The Mesopotamian Plain is a huge accumulation
drilled oil wells, as well from the water wells; since the         geomorphologic unit, where the fluvial, lacustrine,
water wells very rarely encounter the Pleistocene sedi-            and Aeolian landforms prevail. In the extreme south-
ments. Moreover, there is a large similarity between               eastern reaches of the plain; however, estuarine and
the alluvial sediments of the plain and the underlying             marine forms also are developed. Moreover, some ero-
Pre-Quaternary sediments [74]; especially, when the                sional landforms are developed in different places, but
Bai Hassan Formation (Pliocene-Pleistocene, mainly                 are not well expressed. The geomorphic units are clas-
conglomerate and claystone) underlies the Mesopota-                sified according to origin, geomorphic position, and
mian Plain sediments.                                              lithology. Some of the units involve different geomor-

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                                   40                     42               44                 46

              36                                              Mosul           Arbil                             100 km


                                                                                                       Hor Al-Shuwaicha

                                                 Iskandariya                                               Hor Al-Dalmaj

                                                                                                                   Hor Al-Sanaf
              32                                                                                G

                                                           Saudi Arabia

   Fig. 2. Map showing the rivers’ names and other geographical locations mentioned in the text, the authors added the data in the
   map (after [37]). River names: Al-Hilla (H), Al-Diwaniya (D), Al-Ghar’raf (G), Karoon (K).

phic features, which are described briefly taking in                         ity of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, beside the foot-
consideration their order and importance.                                    hill rivers (wadis) of Himreen Mountain.
    The surface of the Mesopotamia Plain is almost flat                          Seven units of alluvial origin are developed in the
with imperceptible gradient from the northwest to the                        Mesopotamian Plain of alluvial origin. They are
southeast. Its elevation drops southwards with an aver-                      described briefly hereinafter.
age of 1 m/1 km, in its northern sector from Baiji to
Balad towns. From Balad to Baghdad it drops 1 m/ each
3 km, and it decreases to 1 m/20 km south of Baghdad                                                   Fluvial Terraces
to the head of Arabian Gulf (Fig. 2). However, the plain                         The most extensive terraces recorded within the
is sloping down gradually, but more steeply than the                         Mesopotamia Plain are the fluvial terraces of the
slopes southwards from the foothills of Himreen                              Euphrates River, near Falluja town (Fig. 2). They are
Mountain. Along the eastern borders of the plain; it                         developed in two separate levels. The relics of the
slopes towards the flood plain of the Tigris River. In its                   higher terrace level are about 23 m above the recent
western borders, the plain slopes down from the desert                       water level of the river and along its right bank. The
plateaus to the Euphrates River’s flood plain.                               lower terrace level is recorded east of Falluja town and
                                                                             near Iskandariyah town [74] (Fig. 2).
               Geomorphological Units                                            Alongside the courses of the foothill rivers (wadis),
   The landforms of fluvial origin; mainly flood                             fluvial terraces are also developed at the outlets of the
plains are the most common accumulation forms in                             rivers (like Diyala, Galal Al-Nafut, Galal Har’ran,
the Mesopotamia Plain. They are related to the activ-                        Galal Badra, Chab’bab, and Al-Teeb, Note: Galal

   GEOTECTONICS              Vol. 55     No. 1     2021
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138                                                      SISSAKIAN et al.

                                         43.25° E                                                  45.75°

                   34.50°           Salah Al-Din

                                    Tharitar Lake

                                                                                Diyala Diyala Governorate
                                             Ramadi                               3
                                                             5 Baghdad

                              0     25     50 km
                                                             Karbala                               Wasit

   Fig. 3. Satellite image [79] showing different alluvial fans of the Mesopotamian Plain (the authors’ interpretation). Alluvial fans
   (red numbers): 1, Al-Fatha; 2, Al-Adhaim; 3, Diyala; 4, Eastern; 5, Ramadi Fan. Black arrows point to the alluvial fans; black
   dash line refers to the limits of the alluvial fans.

means seasonal river) where they merge into the Mes-                  iments interfinger from east, west and south with Al-
opotamia Plain. Usually, two levels were recorded, the                Fatha alluvial fan and Diyala alluvial fan sediments
surface of the higher level is around (7–18) m, above                 (Fig. 3).
the recent river bed. The lower level occurs few to 6 m                   (iii) Diyala. It is developed by the Diyala River
above the recent water courses. These terraces often                  when it enters the Mesopotamian Plain after living
pass gradually into the alluvial fan sediments, which                 Himreen Mountain. The length and width of the fan is
are very well developed alongside the eastern limits of               about 175 and 85 km, respectively. The fans’ sediments
the Mesopotamian Plain.                                               interfinger with different sediments (Fig. 3).
                                                                          (2) Alluvial fans system in the eastern part of the
                       Alluvial Fans                                  Mesopotamia Plain. This is a complex of alluvial fans
    Four alluvial fan systems occur on the peripheral                 system developed on the eastern margin of the Meso-
parts of the Mesopotamian Plain; these are:                           potamian Plain alongside the foothill slopes in five
                                                                      stages; as maximum (Fig. 3). The fans form continu-
    (1) Alluvial fans system in the northern part of the              ous belt of Bajada, with width exceeding 15 km. Sizes
Mesopotamian Plain. Three main individual alluvial                    and extensions of individual fan varies from few kilo-
fans are developed within this system, besides the fans               meters to more than hundred square kilometers.
which merge laterally together to form Bajada along
the foothills of Himreen Mountain. The individual                         (3) Alluvial fans system in the western part of the
alluvial fans are described briefly hereinafter:                      Mesopotamia Plain. This system of alluvial fans is
                                                                      developed at the outlets of the main valleys draining
    (i) Al-Fatha. The fan is developed by the Tigris River            the Iraqi Western Desert and the one developed by the
starting from Baiji town (Fig. 3). Jassim (1981) [40]                 Euphrates River (Fig. 3). Among these alluvial fans,
considered the gravel body as a fan latter on was proved              only three are very large:
to be a large alluvial fan by Hamza et al. (1990) [34];
Yacoub et al. (1990) [78] and Yacoub (2011a) [74].                        (i) Ramadi Fan developed by the Euphrates River,
    (ii) Al-Adhaim. It is developed by Al-Adhaim                          (ii) Najaf–Karbala Fan developed by Wadi Lisan
River when it enters the Mesopotamian Plain after liv-                and covers the Najaf–Karbala Plateau;
ing Himreen Mountain. The length and width of the                         (iii) Hab’bariyah Fans developed by some of the
fan is about 70 and 50 km, respectively. The fans’ sed-               valleys draining the Iraqi Western Desert.

                                                                                  GEOTECTONICS              Vol. 55   No. 1      2021
Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Mesopotamian Plain, Iraq: A Critical Review
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                                                        4415 E                                                                  4745

                  3315     Al-Habbaniyah                Baghdad
                      N                                                          Al-Shuwaicha                  Ira
                                                  Karbala                               Wasit

                                                  Ab Najar
                                                    uJ      Bahir
                                                      ir                                                    Maysan

                                                           Al-Najaf                                                      Amarah



                                                            Ac                         Sand                                   Al-Huwaiza
                                                              tiv                      Dunes


                                                                   au                                          Central
                  3115                                             lt              Samawah

                                                                          zo                                   Marshes


                                                                             n   e              Dhi Qar


                                                                                                          Hor Al-Hammar


                            0        30 60 km

   Fig. 4. Landsat image [79] showing different features and forms within the Mesopotamian Plain (the authors’ interpretations).
   The red dash line is the boundary between the Southern and Western Iraqi deserts.

   (4) Alluvial fans system in the southern part of the                                        (Fig. 2) is limited between two erosional cliffs of (6–
Mesopotamia Plains. This system of alluvial fans is                                            10) m height, above the surface of the flood plain. The
developed at the outlets of the main valleys draining                                          sediments of the Euphrates River pass gradually into
the Iraqi Southern Desert. Among these alluvial only                                           the sediments of Tigris River. Further downstream,
two are large fans:                                                                            the Euphrates River starts to build its natural levees,
   (i) Dibdibba Fan, which covers the major part of                                            which attain few meters above the normal water level
the Dibdibba Plain [2], and SW of Basra city;                                                  of the river with variable width (1–3 km).
   (ii) Al-Batin Fan, which was originated from Wadi                                               (ii) Tigris River. The flood plain of the Tigris River
Al-Batin.                                                                                      between Baiji town and Tikrit city (Fig. 2) is limited
                                                                                               3 km within its meandering belt, in the northern sector
                                                                                               of the Mesopotamian Plain. Two flood stages with
                   Sheet Run-Off Plain                                                         height difference of (1.5–2) m can be recognized
    This plain is the middle part of the piedmont plain.                                       within the meandering belt. In the central sector of the
It has close connection with the peripheral part of the                                        Mesopotamia Plain (Fig. 2, south of Baghdad–north
alluvial fans and terminates in Hor Al-Shuwaicha; a                                            of Amara), the gradient of the Tigris River is less than
shallow depression located between the eastern allu-                                           5 cm/km. The most expressive morphological features
vial fans and Diyala Alluvial Fan (Fig. 4). The plain is                                       in this plain are the abandoned river troughs, the relics
very flat and gently sloping towards the southwest,                                            of old irrigation canals and hillocks; locally called
with average gradient of 1.1 m/1 km. The sheet run-off                                         “Tells” which were ancient populated areas also called
plain is generally barren land; however, dense natural                                         “Ishan.”
vegetation is grown alongside its boundary with the                                                (iii) Adhaim River. This flood plain occupies the
alluvial fans [74].                                                                            northeastern part of the main f lood basin. Hamza
    Flood plains. The flood plains of Euphrates, Tigris,                                       (1997) [33] considered it as an alluvial fan (Adhaim
Shatt Al-Arab, Diyala, Adhaim rivers, and foothill riv-                                        Fan) and the authors adopted Hamaza’s opinion
ers (wadis) are the major morphologic features of the                                          (Fig. 3). Adhaim River had deposited four stages of
Mesopotamian Plain system and cover the majority of                                            flood plain; the highest (older) stage has only wide
the plain. They differ in aerial extension, surface relief,                                    extensions, whereas the others are restricted inside
and nature of development.                                                                     the valley.
    (i) Euphrates River. The upper reaches of the flood                                            (iv) Diyala River. This flood plain is a flat terrain,
plain of the Euphrates River, near Al-Ramadi city                                              very gently sloping towards south and southwest. Two

   GEOTECTONICS            Vol. 55              No. 1     2021
Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Mesopotamian Plain, Iraq: A Critical Review
140                                             SISSAKIAN et al.

stages of flood plains are developed, the surface of the                    Units of Marine Origin
higher one, which is the most extensive is around 5 m,
whereas the second is around 3 m, above the present            Only two units of marine origin are developed in
river level.                                               the extreme southern parts of the Mesopotamian
                                                           Plain. They are described briefly hereinafter.
   (v) Foothill rivers (wadis). Many foothill rivers           (1) Tidal flat. The coastal muddy shore of the head
form distinct flood plains. They are developed in two      of the Arabian Gulf is the tidal flat, which occupies the
stages:                                                    intertidal zone between the high and low tides, which
    First, the higher stage forms the majority of the      ranges between (1–1.5) m. The active tidal zone
flood plain system; its surface is (6–8 m) above the       extends along the coast from Al-Fao to Um Qasir.
river level. The natural levees laterally pass to the          (2) Tidal channels (creeks). These are one of the
sheet-run off plains.                                      expressive degradational geomorphic features; the
   Second, the flood plains are terminated in form of      tidal channel system of Khor Al-Zubair. This system
small fan shaped deltas at the ends of river courses in    resembles a course of meandering river and system of
shallow depression.                                        dendritic tributaries; some of them suffer from the
                                                           Neotectonic activity where clear differences can be
   (vi) Shatt Al-Arab. Shat Al-Arab is formed from         seen through 50 years (the age differences is between
the joining of both Tigris and Euphrates Rivers after      the two images). The tidal channels are the result of
leaving the marshes at Al-Qurna town (Fig. 2). It is       both lateral and vertical marine water erosion effect into
rimmed by low natural levees of 1 m height above the       unconsolidated sediments, mainly due to tidal action.
water level. Downstream of Basra, the flood plain          However, Neotectonic activity cannot be disregarded
passes into estuarine sabkhas, on the right bank and the   [66, 67] as can be seen from many indications (Fig. 5,
flood plain of Karoon River on the other side (Fig. 2).    Points A-A1, B-B1 and C-C1). The tidal channels are
Two abandoned river troughs west of Shatt Al-Arab          narrow and gradually widen towards the main chan-
flood plain are conspicuous morphologic features           nel, Khor Al-Zubair, which reaches 1 km, in width.
most probably representing the former courses of
Shatt Al-Arab. The width and alignments of both
troughs are good indications for migration of the Shat                    Units of the Aeolian Origin
Al-Arab due to Neotectonic activity [70].
                                                              Only three units of the Aeolian origin are devel-
                                                           oped in the Mesopotamian Plain, especially in dry and
                 Shallow Depressions                       barren lands. These are sand dunes (Fig. 4), sand
                                                           sheets, and nebkhas.
    One of the common morphological features in the
Mesopotamian Plain is the very flat and smooth shal-
low depressions. Their coverage areas vary from few                      Units of Degradational Origin
hundred square meters to many hundreds square kilo-           The units are the result of fluvial or the Aeolian
meters. The more extensive shallow depressions are         deflation; only two units are developed in the Meso-
those situated near the contact between the Mesopo-        potamian Plain. These are fluvial degradational forms
tamian Plain and the Western and Southern deserts          and the Aeolian deflation forms.
following Abu Jir Active Fault Zone; mainly repre-
senting sag depressions indicating Neotectonic activ-
ity. The largest one is Al-Slaibat Depression (Fig. 4).                  Units of Anthropogenic Origin
   Marshes (ahwar) and lakes. In the northern and              The Mesopotamian Plain was the cradle of civiliza-
central sectors of the Mesopotamian Plain, there are       tion. Therefore, a lot of anthropogenic forms are pres-
many individual marshes and lakes (Fig. 4). The            ent because of ancient human’s activities. These geo-
marshes and lakes system of the southeastern part of       morphic forms are: irrigation canals, ancient settle-
the Mesopotamian Plain are rather complicated, and         ments and artificial tells (hillocks). The irrigation canals
might be developed and survived not only due to tec-       often form elongated earth dykes with variable lengths.
tonically active subsiding land [70]. Many researches      An exceptional long and historical irrigation canal is Al-
[49, 64, 76] confirmed that the marshes region has         Nahrawan Canal. It is considered as the longest, deep-
been more influenced by eustatic sea level changes and     est, and largest irrigation canal ever built in the history
deltaic progradation, rather than tectonic events. The     [19, 74]. Many isolated “tells” (hills) are distributed in
marshes are distributed on three main areas, named:        the Mesopotamian Plain. Some of the prominent tells
Hor Al-Huwaizah (east of the Tigris River), Central        reach the height of 10 m and cover an area of few square
Marshes (west of the Tigris River) and Hor Al-Ham-         kilometers. Such tells are concentrated in groups, corre-
mar (south of the Euphrates River) (Fig. 4). The water     sponding to main archeological sites (or buried settle-
depth varies from few decimeters to 2 m, exceptionally     ments), like Babylon, Nippur, Al-Warka, Uruk, and Ur,
reaches (3–4) m, in Al-Hammar Lake.                        Erido [74] (Fig. 6). These settlements may indicate the

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Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Mesopotamian Plain, Iraq: A Critical Review
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                      (a)                                            (b)


                                                   A                                              A1
                                          B                                           B1

                                                                                           2 km

   Fig. 5. Tidal channels system of Khor Al-Zubair. (a) Aerial photograph (after [32]); (b) Satellite image (after [79]). Differences
   due to the Neotectonic activity: points A, B, C, A1, B1, and C1.

extension of the gulf inside the Mesopotamian Plain;                    (2) Dibdibba Formation (Pliocene-Pleistocene).
representing the shore line [71].                                    The formation consists of sand and sandstone;
                                                                     together with gravels. The age of the Dibdibba Forma-
                                                                     tion is not ascertained yet (in Iraq), Sissakian and
                    STRATIGRAPHY                                     Fouad (2012) [68] suggested Pliocene–Pleistocene
                                                                     age depending on the age of the Bai Hassan Formation
   Most of the previously carried out works confirm                  which is it age equivalent in the southern part of Iraq.
that the Stratigraphy of the Mesopotamian Plain is
limited to the Pleistocene Period, among them are:                      (3) Mahmudiya Formation (Pliocene-Pleistocene).
Jassim et al. (1984, 1986 and 1990) [42–44]; Yacoub                  The Mahmudiya Formation consists of alternation of
(2011b) [75] and Sissakian and Fouad (2012) [64].                    sand, silt and clay, with thin intercalations of marsh
However, some of the sediments such as Al-Fatha                      and lake horizons. The maximum thickness of the
Alluvial Fan, Al-Batin Alluvial Fan and other alluvial               Mahmudiya Formation is 54 m, in a borehole drilled in
fans located along the eastern limits of the Mesopota-               Hor Al-Dalmaj area, west of Kut city (Figs. 2 and 7).
mian Plain, and the first stage of terraces of the rivers            The thickness decreases to less than 20 m on the west-
may have sediments older than the Pleistocene and                    ern margin of the Mesopotamia Fluvial Basin.
grade up to Late Pliocene. This assumption is sug-
gested according to the age of the Bai Hassan Forma-
tion (Pliocene–Pleistocene); since the rocks of the                                        Pleistocene Sediments
Bai Hassan Formation are almost equivalent to the
oldest sediments of the above mentioned geological                      The Pleistocene Period, in the Mesopotamia Plain
units. It is worth to mention that due to lack of absolute           was characterized by glacial and inter-glacial phases.
dating technique in Iraq; therefore, the used ages are               The climatic oscillations with the Neotectonic activity
assigned depending on global events. However, some                   played an important role in the development of the
paleontological data are uses in dating, especially ostra-           fluvial sediments in the Mesopotamian Fluvial Basin.
cods [42]. The geological units of the Mesopotamian                  The upper contact with the overlying Holocene sedi-
Plane are presented in Fig. 7, and are described briefly             ments is diachronous and is not always clear. Three
mainly based on Yacoub (2011b) [74].                                 types of Pleistocene Period sediments are developed in
                                                                     the plain. These are briefed hereinafter:
                                                                         Sediments of the Mesopotamian fluvial basin. These
         Pliocene-Early Pleistocene Rock Units                       sediments comprise of pebbly sand and sandy gravels,
   Three rock units are exposed in the Mesopotamian                  sands, silts and silty clay, with prevailing sands fol-
Plain (Fig. 7). These are briefed hereinafter:                       lowed by silts. There is an impressive and traceable layer
                                                                     of brown silty clay which has been considered as the top
   (1) Bai Hassan Formation (Pliocene-Pleistocene).                  of the Pleistocene sediments, across the whole Meso-
The formation consists of alternation of conglomer-                  potamia Fluvial Basin by Yacoub et al. (1981) [76]. The
ate, claystone, pebbly sandstone, and siltstone. The                 thickness of the Pleistocene sediments across the Mes-
exposed thickness of the Bai Hassan Formation is                     opotamia Basin ranges from (40–174 m), the maxi-
highly variable. Hamza et al. (1990) [54] measured                   mum being located in Hor Al-Shuwaicha north of Kut
11.5 and 16 m in northeast of Tikrit city.                           city (Fig. 7).

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142                                                         SISSAKIAN et al.

                                     Samarra           Diyala River

                     Euphrates R.                  Baghdad

                                       2 T. Uqair T. Jemdet Nasr
                         Karbala                            3: Kish
                                                            5: Mashkan-shapir
                           Borsippa                2                               Tigris River
                             Najaf                                         Adab                                  Susa
                                                            4                           Amara
                              Nippur                                    8
                                  Isin                                   Umma
                                                                                                    Karun-Karker R.
                              Shurrupak                           6               9: Girsu
                                         Samawa                                   10: Lagash
                                        7: Uruk                                   11: Nina-Sirara
                                            Larsa                            Nasiriya             Quma
                                            T. ‘Ubaid                 12                    13
                                                                Eridu      Ur T. Lahm
                                                                                                 Shatt al-Arab
                      10     50 100                200 km
                           Modern city                                                                            Arab-
                           Modern watercourse                                                                    Persian
                           Gulf ca. 4000 BCE                                                                       Gulf

   Fig. 6. Major archeological sites of the Mesopotamian Plain showing some archeological sites and hypothetical extent of the Per-
   sian Gulf ca. 4000 B.C. (after [11, 63]).

                  Alluvial Fan Sediments                                    reen Mountain and reaches almost the Tigris River in
                                                                            the south (Fig. 3). The sediments are fine sand and silt
    These sediments are the oldest Quaternary sedi-                         with lenses of fine conglomerate. The thickness of the
ments within the Mesopotamian Plain (Figs. 3 and 7).                        fan sediments is not recorded, but the authors believe
Four alluvial fan systems are developed surrounding                         it ranges from (5–5) m.
the Mesopotamian Plain. They are briefed hereinafter
and some of them are presented in Fig. 7.                                       (iii) Diyala. It is a very large individual alluvial fan
                                                                            deposited by Diyala River after leaving Himreen
    (1) Northern alluvial fan system of the Mesopota-                       Mountain and reaches almost the Tigris River in the
mian Plain. Three main individual alluvial fans are                         south (Fig. 3). The sediments are fine sand and silt
developed within this system, besides the fans which                        with lenses of fine conglomerate. The thickness of the
merge laterally together to form Bajada along the foot-                     fan sediments is not recorded, but the authors believe
hills of Himreen Mountain:                                                  it ranges from (5–25) m.
    (i) Al-Fatha. It is a huge alluvial fan in the north-                       (2) Eastern alluvial fan system of the Mesopota-
ern part of the Mesopotamia Plain (Figs. 3 and 7).                          mian Plain. This fan system includes all fans that are
The sediments are subdivided into two main litho-                           developed alongside the northeastern and eastern
logical units [78]. The lower unit is mostly gravels                        margins of the Mesopotamian Plain (Figs. 3 and 7).
and conglomerate, whereas the upper unit is gypcrete                        These sediments consist of unsorted and massive
and gypsiferous clastics unit. The thickness of these                       gravel beds with sand or mud matrix. The exposed
sediments ranges from (12–20) m, but may reach 40 m,                        thickness of the individual alluvial fan, along the banks
in Abu Dalaf vicinity north of Samarra city (Fig. 7).                       of the foothill rivers, reaches (5–6) m, however, the
The age of Al-Fatha Alluvial Fan is considered as the                       total thickness may reach 10 m and more. The age of
Pleistocene.                                                                the first four stages is considered as Pleistocene,
    (ii) Al-Adhaim. It is a very large individual alluvial                  whereas the fifth stage represents the recent and sub-
fan deposited by Al-Adhaim River after leaving Him-                         recent fan sediments of the Holocene age.

                                                                                        GEOTECTONICS              Vol. 55   No. 1   2021
Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Mesopotamian Plain, Iraq: A Critical Review
GEOMORPHOLOGY, STRATIGRAPHY AND TECTONICS                                                                        143


                       Tikrit                                                     0 17.5 35           70     105      140      175    210 km
                                                  Adaim River

                       Aluvial Fan


                                                                                       Jabbab River

                                     Karbala                               Kut

            320                         Najaf        Diwaniya

            310                                                                                        Qurna

                                                                                                              Aluvl-Batin    Basrah
                                                                                                                   ial F

               430                 440             450                   460                  470                   480

                    Quaternary Sediments                                                         Geological Formations
                           Aeolian                              Tidal Flat                                      Dibdibba
                           Flood Plain                          Inland Sabkina                                  Bai Hassan
                           Crevasse Splay                       Sheet Run-off                                   Mukdadiya
                           Depression Fill                      Gypcrete                                        Injana
                           Active Marsh                         Alluvial Fan                                    Nfayil
                           Dry Marsh                            Al-Fatha Fan Conglomorate                       Fatha
                           Estuarine Sabkina

                                      Fig. 7. Geological map of the Mesopotamian Plain (after [75]).

    (3) Western alluvial fan system of the Mesopota-                           role in the development of these fans by changing the
mian Plain. This system is represented by three main                           gradient of the valleys due to activity of the fault.
alluvial fans; deposited at the peripheral parts of the
Western Desert [73, 77] (Figs. 3 and 7). The fans are                              (4) Southern alluvial fan system of the Mesopota-
Ramadi alluvial fan, Alluvial fan of Karbala-Najaf                             mian Plain. This system is represented by two main
Plateau, and Habbariyah Alluvial Fans.                                         alluvial fans; deposited at the peripheral parts of the
   The tectonic effect of the Abu Jir-Euphrates fault                          Western Desert. The fans are: alluvial fans of Al-Slai-
zone (apart from Ramadi fan) may also has played a                             bat Depression and Al-Batin alluvial fan.

   GEOTECTONICS          Vol. 55       No. 1    2021
Geomorphology, Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Mesopotamian Plain, Iraq: A Critical Review
144                                                          SISSAKIAN et al.

                              0           50 km         Samawah                Nasiriyah
                                                                  Al-Staibat                                              W            E
                      31°                                         Depression
                                                                                     Al-Batin Alluvial Fan                      S

                                          Al-Salman                                                              Basrah

                                                                                           Stag           e1
                                                                                                wa                 Kuwait
                      29°            ud
                                               rab                                         Sa
                                                  ia                                         ud
                                                             B                                            ia

                                  44°                  45°                46°                     47°                     48°

   Fig. 8. Al-Batin alluvial fan (after [70]). Note the transversal fault A–B and the dissected lineaments. Gradient map of the Global
   Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data 2010 (GMTED2010) 7.5arc-second spatial resolutions (after [70], modified).

    The desert valleys which have deposited these fans                                                River Terraces
show no abrupt change in slope and the deposition is                                The river terraces include:
a result of the change in channel width and loss of the
                                                                                    (1) Euphrates River Terraces are well developed
load volume; as the stream flows out over the fan [18].                         along the cliffs bordering the river flood plain; from
However, the tectonic effect of the Abu Jir-Euphrates                           Ramadi to east of Falluja, and further to southeast in
Fault Zone may also play an important role in the                               Iskandariyah vicinity (Fig. 7);
development of these fans. The three main fans are
described hereinafter:                                                              (2) River terraces developed in the eastern margin
                                                                                of the Mesopotamia Plain.
   (i) Alluvial Fans of Al-Slaibat Depression. These                                The lithology of the terraces differs at different parts
are located south of Nasiriya city deposited by differ-                         of the plain. This is attributed to the exposed rocks in
ent valleys such as Al-Qusiar, Sdair, Ghwair valleys                            the catchment area, river size and its location inside the
which drain large parts of the Southern Desert into                             plain. The terraces of the Euphrates River consist of
the Al-Slaibat Depression which is a sag depression                             highly gypsiferous gravely sand. The age is Early Pleis-
along the active Abu Jir Fault Zone (Fig. 4). They                              tocene. The higher terrace of the Diyala River is com-
comprise of fairly cemented gravels rich in carbonate                           posed mainly of carbonates and chert with rare sand-
rock fragments. The age of the sediments is consid-                             stone, igneous and metamorphic rocks. The age is Mid-
ered as Late Pleistocene, according to their geomor-                            dle Pleistocene. The presence of the stages deduces big
phological position.                                                            climatic oscillation during the Pleistocene and associ-
                                                                                ated with continuous subsidence of the Mesopotamia
   (ii) Al-Batin Alluvial Fan. It is an ideal alluvial fan                      fluvial basin [75]. The age estimation depends on global
of a desert plateau with distinct four stages. The                              events and as correlated with the sediments of the Bai
feeder channel of the fan is wadi (valley) Al-Batin                             Hassan Formation of Pliocene–Pleistocene age.
(Fig. 8). The fan consists of gravely sand and gyp-                                 Pleistocene-Holocene sequence. The sedimentary
crete. The coverage area of the fan is about 10842 km2.                         units of this sequence have different origins, such as flu-
The exposed thickness of the fan sediments reaches                              vial, deluvio–fluvial and evaporitic. Three different
up to 10 m, its age is Pleistocene [5]. The four stages                         units are developed; they are mentioned hereinafter.
of the fan (Fig. 9) can be correlated with the four
alluvial fan stages of the Eastern Mesopotamia Plain
Fans System. The western limits of the fan are dis-                                              Sheet Run-off Sediments
sected by a transversal fault which also dissects three                            The sediments consist of alternating of sand, silt
NW-SE trending lineaments indicating the Neotec-                                and silty clay. The thickness of these sediments ranges
tonic activity (Fig. 8).                                                        from (1–15) m. The sheet run-off sediments are con-

                                                                                            GEOTECTONICS                        Vol. 55    No. 1   2021
GEOMORPHOLOGY, STRATIGRAPHY AND TECTONICS                                                     145

                                           44°59′24″    E                                                45°16′48″

                                    S.D.                     Eup
                                                                hra               S.Sh.
                                                                     tes R
            31°19′12″                            Sawa                                                        Samawah
                  N                              Lake


                                                                    Cement Plant

                          0    2.5    5.0 km                                                          S.D.

                        Fig. 9. Satellite image [79] showing creeping of sand dunes (S.D.), sand sheets (S.Sh.)

nected originally with the alluvial fans and foothill flu-                 During the late Holocene, the irrigation artificial
vial system (Fig. 7), in addition to the sheet wash activ-             canal systems have greatly influenced the flood plain
ity [75].                                                              sediments and were contaminated by reworked sands
    (1) Slope sediments. In the eastern margin, the slope              and silts. Both ancient and modern river branches of
sediments consist of gypsiferous sand and loam with                    the Tigris and Euphrates rivers are bifurcated at the
gravels and rock fragments with thickness of (3‒4) m.                  lower parts of the plain, forming extensive deltas/cre-
Whereas in the western margin they consist of pebbly                   vasse splays along the northern and western margins of
coarse grained sands with thin lenses of brown silty clay,             the marshes in the Southern Mesopotamia Plain [75].
and Aeolian admixture; with thickness of (0.5–2) m.                    The flood plains of the main rivers Euphrates, Tigris,
                                                                       and Shat Al-Arab are briefly described hereinafter:
    (2) Gypcrete. The gypcrete is often developed on the                    (i) Euphrates River flood plain. It consists mainly
top of the Pleistocene sediments, such as river terraces               of silty clay with few pebbles. The silty clay is brown
and alluvial fans, or mantling the Late Neogene forma-                 with common massive bedding, and is rich in second-
tions, surrounding the Mesopotamia Plain (Fig. 7).                     ary salts. Marsh deposits also occur indicating the
Gypcrete is highly gypsefoerous soil, well compacted                   presence of shallow depressions which were filled bt
and hard, usually (0.3–4) m in thickness.                              these deposits.
    (3) Holocene sequence. The majorirty of the                            (ii) Tigris River flood plain. It consists of muddy
Mesopotamia Plain is covered by Holocene sedi-                         sand, fine to medium and even coarse grained.
ments (Fig. 8). They represent the uppermost                           Between Baiji and Samarra towns, pebbles occur too.
sequence (about 15–20 m) of the Quaternary sedi-                       Southwards, the sediments are greatly influenced by
ments of the Mesopotamia Basin. The Holocene                           the sediments provided by Adhaim and Diyala, and
started (11700 years ago) after the end of the last plu-               foothill rivers. The crevasse splay sediments are well
vial phase of the Pleistocene, which was marked by a                   developed and cover extensive areas (Fig. 7). The sed-
considerable warming up of the climate. Eight differ-                  iments are composed of fine to medium sand with less
ent lithological units are developed within the Holo-                  silt and mud.
cene Sequence (Fig. 7), they are briefed hereinafter:                      (iii) Shatt Al-Arab flood plain. It consists of silty
    (4) Flood plain sediments. These sediments are the                 clay and clayey silt. Whereas, downstream from Basra,
most widely spread over the Mesopotaimian Plane                        Shatt Al-Arab receives sediments mainly from Karun
(Fig. 7) forming the flood plain sediments of the rivers               River.
Euphrates, Tigris, Diyala, Adhaim and foothills
streams (rivers and or wadis) built up vast flood plains
in the Mesopotamia Plain. The sequence consists of                               Shallow Depression Fill Sediments
alternation of sand, silt and silty clay, which are verti-                These sediments represent the infilled sediments in
cally and horizontally interfingering by gradual to                    shallow depressions in the lower parts of the Meoso-
abrupt boundaries. Marshy horizons exist within the                    potamian Plain [75]. These sediments differ in dimen-
subsurface sequence of the flood sediments. The aver-                  sions and geomorphic position and in origin as well.
age thickness of the sediments is (15–20 m).                           These sediments are generally fine silts and clays,

   GEOTECTONICS           Vol. 55     No. 1    2021
146                                             SISSAKIAN et al.

grayish brown and greenish grey colored. The high          stratigraphic units: lower fluvial sandy unit, estuarine/
biological activity is a characteristic feature repre-     marine unit, and upper fluvial-lacustrine unit.
sented by moderate amount of mollusk shells and                (5) Anthropogenic and irrigation canal sediments.
humificated organic matter. The thickness of these         The main effective human activities on these sediments
sediments does not exceed 1 m and the age is Holo-         in the Mesopotamia Plain are the irrigation canal sys-
cene. Local marshes could be developed in central          tem (both ancient and recent), ancient settlements, and
parts of some depressions, where enough supply of          artificial tells (hillocks). They are mainly concentrated
water is available to keep the growth of marsh vegeta-     in the ancient cities and along the main abandoned river
tion [75].                                                 courses and/or irrigation canals (Fig. 6). The sediments
    (1) Marsh and lake sediments. The modern               consist of fine clastics of different origins, mixed with
marshes and lakes represent significant sedimentary        brick and pottery fragments. The irrigation canal sed-
environments in the southern part of the Mesopota-         iments consist of coarse grains; the thickness does not
mian Plain. They cover vast areas in the southern part     exceed 1 m; but may reach several meters. Since the
of the Mesopotamian Plain (Fig. 7). The thickness of       Old Sumerian (2400–2000 B.C.) or may be back to
the marsh and sub-marsh soil does not exceed one           Early Dynastic Period (3000–2300 B.C.), the irriga-
meter, but locally reaches more than one meter. The        tion canals were existed in the Mesopotamia Plain on
age of the modern marsh sediments is late Holocene         a very primitive stage [39]. The major canal systems
they were developed after the last retreat of the Holo-    were existed with high degree of prosperity during the
cene sea (2900 ± 550 years B.P. [7]). The presnt fauna     Sassanian (226–636 A.D.) and the Abbasid times
in these sediments represent fresh stagnant water, in      (636–1700 A.D.); the bulk of the preserved ancient
shallow aquatic environment. Three types of sedi-          canals in the Mesopotamia Plain belong to more
ments are developed, these are marsh sediments, fresh      recent time interval.
water lake sediments, and salt water lake sediments.           (6) Aeolian sediments. The Aeolian sediments of
    (2) Inland Sabkha. The main inland sabkhas are         different forms are characteristic of the arid and semi-
restricted to the shallow depressions; especially those    arid climatic conditions, which were prevailed during
located along the western and southern margins of the      Holocene Epoch. Their influences have increased,
Mesopotamian Plain (Fig. 7). Generally, most of sab-       especially during the Late Holocene, and recently
khas are rich in sulfates, mainly gypsum. The sabkha       became more effective. The Aeolian sediments are
consists of vary-colored fine clastics dominated by        widely spread in the Mesopotamian Plain; as a thin
reddish brown silty clay with powdered gypsum layers       discontinuous sand sheet, Nabkhas and as large sand
(5–10 cm thick). The thickness of Sabkha sediments is      dune fields. In the Mesopotamia Plain, three Aeolian
less then 0.5 m and may reach to more than 1 m [75].       fields are developed (Figs. 7 and 9). The thickness of
                                                           the sand sheets does not exceed one meter. Whereas,
   (3) Estuarine and marine sediments. The extremely       the thickness of Barchan fields reaches 5 m, and
southeastern part of the Mesopotamia Plain (Fig. 7)        exceptionally may attain (25–30) m, in southwest of
represents the coastal region at the head of the Ara-      Samawa city (Figs. 4 and 9). The bulk of the Aeolian
bian Gulf. It is characterized by three main sedimen-      sediments are accumulated during the late Holocene,
tary environments, these are: f luvial plain of Shat Al-   and may be slightly earlier. The influences of the wind
Arab and Karun River sabkha, estuarine sabkha, and         activities are intensively increased during the last four
tidal f lat.                                               decades. Accordingly, large rural and agricultural lands
   The age of these sediments is probably late Holo-       were effected (Fig. 9) causing one of the serious desert-
cene and continue to recent time; as indicated from        ification problems in the whole Mesopotamian Plain.
scattered marine fauna and brackish water mollusks
and small oysters [75].
                                                               TECTONICS, STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY
   (4) Subsurface estuarine/marine sediments. The                    AND NEOTECTONICS
complete Holocene sequence of sediments is pre-                  OF THE MESOPOTAMIAN PLAIN
served in Amara, Nasiriyah and Basra areas (Fig. 7).
The contact between the Holocene and Pleistocene                      Tectonics and Structural Geology
sediments is based on a brown silty clay with coarse           Mesopotamian Plain is a part of The Mesopota-
crystalline gypsum of f luvial origin [75]. These sedi-    mian Foredeep which is a part of Zagros Foreland
ments consist of fine to medium grey; alternated with      Basin including the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. The
brownish and greenish grey silty clay and clayey silt.     plain is a large continuously subsiding basin since the
The thickness of these sediments is (5–12) m. The          Upper Miocene (11.62 Ma), it is covered by thick Qua-
age of these sediments is the Holocene, depending          ternary sediments [50, 68]. Therefore, the plain shows
on the faunal assemblages [35]. However, Aqrawi            no structural features on the surface, except a main
(1993 and 2001) [7, 8] using C14 dating determined         fault escarpment that extends from south of Al-Najaf
8350 ± 230 years B.P., which means Middle Holocene.        city to south of Nasiriya city [67, 68]. However, the
The Holocene sediments are divided into three litho-       rolling topography, in the northern parts of the plain

                                                                     GEOTECTONICS         Vol. 55   No. 1   2021
GEOMORPHOLOGY, STRATIGRAPHY AND TECTONICS                                                 147

indicates subsurface anticlines that are still rising up,    tonic divisions of Iraq, and considered the present day
such as Balad, Samarra, Tikrit, and Baiji anticlines [2].    “Mesopotamia Plain” as the entire Mesopotamian
    The Mesopotamian Plain forms the central and the         Basin. Actually, the Mesopotamia Foredeep (Basin) is
southern parts of Iraq (Fig. 1). Many researchers like       larger than that of the Mesopotamian Plain, which
Dunnington (1958) [25]; Ditmar (1971) [24]; Iraqi–           forms only a part of the basin. The present day Meso-
Soviet Team (1979) [38], and Buday (1980) [15] con-          potamia Foredeep (Basin) extends from northeast
sidered the plain as a part of the Unstable Shelf of the     Syria to the Straits of Hormuz. It consists of two
Arabian Platform. Buday and Jassim (1984 and 1987)           domains, the first is terrestrial and covers parts of
[16, 17] referred to this area as the Mesopotamian           northeast of Syria, Iraq, and parts of Kuwait and the
Zone considering it as a separate structural unit within     coastal plains of Iran. The marine is represented by the
the Unstable Shelf (Fig. 10a). Al-Kadhimi et al. (1996)      Arabian/Persian Gulf Basin (Berberian, 1995 [6];
[3] followed almost Buday and Jassim (1987) [17] in          Alshrhan and Nairn, 1997 [12]; Brew, 2001 [14]; Shar-
their tectonic divisions of Iraq (Fig. 10b). Jassim and      land et al., 2001 [65]; Alavi, 2004 [1] and Fouad and
Goff (2006) [41] considered the Mesopotamian Zone            Nasir, 2009 [30]). The current authors would like to
as a part of the Stable Shelf of the Arabian Platform        clarify the statement of Fouad (2012) [29] by referring
(Fig. 10c). However, Fouad (2012) [29] considered the        to Figure 1 from our research that illustrates the Mes-
Mesopotamian Plain within the Outer Platform                 opotamia Foredeep and the Mesopotamian Plain
(Unstable Shelf) of the Arabian Plate (Fig. 10d). It is      (Fig. 1).
worth to mention that in all considered tectonic divi-
sions of Iraq the Mesopotamian Plain is considered to                                Neotectonics
represent the entire Mesopotamia Basin (or foredeep)
(Fig. 10). We adopted the opinion of Fouad (2012) [29]           Generally, in Iraq the concept of Obruchev (1948)
in considering of the Mesopotamian Plain (Fig. 10d)          [60]; Pavlides (1989) [61], and Koster (2005) [47] is
as a portion of the major Mesopotamia Foredeep               considered in defining the Neotectonic movements.
(Figs. 1 and 10).                                            Sissakian and Deikran (1998) [67] adopted the opin-
                                                             ion of Obruchev (1948) [60] and constructed the Neo-
    Mesopotamian Plain is a part of the Mesopota-            tectonic Map of Iraq. The constructed map shows that
mian Foredeep which is a part of Zagros Foreland             the Mesopotamian Plain is a subsiding basin. The
Basin including the Zagros Fold–Thrust Belt [28],            basin has NW-SE trend with oval shape. The maxi-
which is the product of the structural deformation of        mum subsidence in the basin is about 3000 m as mea-
the Zagros Foreland Basin, whose present day rem-            sured on the top of the Fatha Formation (Middle Mio-
nant is the continental Mesopotamia and the Marine           cene). The subsiding basin extends from east of Al-
Persian Gulf Basin [6, 12, 28, 29]. The Mesopotamia          Khalis town, for about 30 km, to west of Badra town,
Foredeep is a continental basin which lies between the       for about 10 km (Fig. 11).
Zagros deformational front fro and the stable interior
part of the Arabian Platform [28]. The Mesopotamia               The basin is asymmetrical with very steep eastern
Plain occupies the central and the southern parts of         rim. This asymmetry is a typical of foreland basins
the Mesopotamia Foredeep within Iraq. It is a depo-          formed due to the plate collision manifesting the shape
center due to subsidence in the Neogene, and a signif-       of the subsiding foreland basin formed due to the colli-
icant basin of alluvial sediment accumulation in the         sion of Arabian and Eurasian Plates in front of the rising
Quaternary, with maximum estimated subsidence to             Zagros Mountain. Such asymmetry also indicates tec-
be about 3000 m [67].                                        tonic tilting of the basin [62]. The length of the basin, in
                                                             Iraq is about 540 km, whereas the width is variable; it is
    Three genetic types of folds (which are developed        80 km, in the extreme northern part, 200 km between
in the extreme southern part of Mesopotamia Plain)           Hilla city and Badra town, 230 km between Samawa
occur in the Mesopotamia Plain [28], these are fault-        city and Ali Al-Gharbi town, and 40 km near Basra city
related folds, simple buckle folds, and north–south          (only the included part in Iraq) (Fig. 11).
trending folds.
                                                                 There are many uplifted areas within this huge con-
    These folds are following the old inherited fractures    tinuously subsiding Mesopotamian Basin which are
of N-S Arabian trend. They are long, broad and with          still active indicating the Neotectonic movements.
low amplitudes; such as Zubair and Rumaila structures.       However, these areas are not shown in Fig. 11 due to
However, according to Colman-Saad (1978) [22], the           the scale limitations. These areas are evidenced by
folds are related to the movement of salt substratum.        many Quaternary landforms, like topographic indica-
    No surface indication exists to indicate faults in the   tions, abandoned river channels, shifting of river
Mesopotamia Plain. However, the network of NW–               courses, active and inactive alluvial fans. Such features
SE trending faults were developed in south of Bagh-          are evidences for Neotectonic activities (Al-Sakini,
dad. These faults are of normal type and forming a           1993 [4]; Markovic et al., 1996 [52]; Mello et al., 1999
complex set of grabens; some of them were partially          [58]; Kumanan, 2001 [48]; Bhattacharya et al., 2005
inverted, forming anticlinal folds [31]. Fouad (2012)        [13]; Jones and Arzani, 2005 [45]; Philip and Virdi,
[29] relied upon that almost all of the mentioned tec-       2007 [62], and Woldai and Dorjsuren, 2008 [72]). The

   GEOTECTONICS        Vol. 55   No. 1   2021
148                                                                   SISSAKIAN et al.

                      39                       43               47                          39                          43                    47

                (a)                             Turkey                                   (b)                                Turkey
         37                                                                      37

                         Syria                                                                   Syria

                                                                 Iran                                                                           Iran
         33                                          Baghdad                     33

                              Sa                                                                        Sa
                                 ud                                                                          ud
                                      ia                                                                       ia
                                           Ar                                                                       Ar
                                             ab                                                                         ab
                                                 ia                   K                    0 100 km                          ia                      K
                   0 100 km                                            uw
                                                                         ai                                                                             ai
                                                                              t                                                                              t
               Eugeosyncline                      Miogeosyncline                        Geosyncline/Thrust Region
                   Eugeosyncline                        Miogeosyncline                      Eugeosyncline     Unstable Shelf
               Unstable Shelf                     Stable Shelf                                 Miogeosyncline                           High Folder zone
                   High Folder zone                     Salman zone                     Stable Shelf                                     Foothill zone
                   Foothill zone                        Rutba-Jezira zone                      Salman-Hadhar zone                       Mesopotamian zone
                                                                                               Maaniya-Rutba zone
                   Mesopotamian zone
                       39                      43                47                         39                          43                    47

                (c)                             Turkey                                   (d)                                Turkey
         37                                                                      37


                                                                   Iran                                                                            Iran
                                                       Baghdad                    33                                         Baghdad

                              Sa                                                                         Sa
                                 ud                                                                          ud
                                      ia                                                                          ia
                                           Ar                                                                          Ar
                                             ab                                                                          ab
                                                 ia                   K                    0 100 km                          ia                      K
                   0 100 km                                            uw
                                                                                  29                                                                 uw
                                                                         ai                                                                             ai
                                                                            t                                                                             t

               Unstable Shelf                     Stable Shelf                          Arabian Plate
                      Zagros Suture zone                Mesopotamian zone               Outer Platform                            Inner Platform
                                                                                        Mesopotamian Fore deep                         Western Desert Subzone
                      Imbricate zone                    Salman zone                         Basra Subzone                             Southera Desert Subzone
                      High Folder zone                  Rutba-Jezira zone                   Al-Jazira Subzone
                                                                                                                                              Eurasian Plate
                      Foothill zone                                                     Western Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt                           Shalair
                                                                                            Low Folder zone                        Imbricat zone    (Sanandaj-
                                                                                            High Folder zone                       Stature zone     Terance

   Fig. 10. Main tectonic division zones of Iraq. Fragments: (а) (after [16]), (b) (after [3]), (c) (after [61]), and (d) (after [4]), mod-
   ified from [70].

majority of the uplifted areas, within the Mesopota-                                trend changes to NW-SE. Another fact is that the distal
mian Plain represent nowadays oil fields. Their trends                              parts of the majority of the alluvial fans, both active and
differ in the plain, in the southern part they have N-S                             inactive, which are developed in the eastern margin of
trend, whereas in the central and northern parts the                                the plain, are parallel to those uplifted areas [31].

                                                                                                     GEOTECTONICS                        Vol. 55         No. 1   2021
GEOMORPHOLOGY, STRATIGRAPHY AND TECTONICS                                                                                149

                              43                 44                45                             46         47                     48






                                                                                     2              B
                                                                                        5   00
                       Ramadi                                                        2
                                                        Baghdad      Ti                 000
                                                                                 Ri                                                              33
                                                                                   ve 150
                                                                                     r 0

                                     Karbala                                                     Kut


                                                                                                                       1 2         D

                                                                                                                         50   00

                                                           2                                                               0    0

                                                                   Diwantiya                                                                      32
                       500         Contour lines of
                                    Subsided areas
                                    Middle-Late Miocen                        Ze
                                                                                ro                                                                31
                                    Sea Level                                                         Nasiriya
                                    Thrust fault
                                    Abu Lir-Euphrates fault
                                                                                   100 km

                A                                                   B                            C                                                  D
                                                                          500 m

                                     100                   200 km                                                100                     200 km

          Fig. 11. Neotectonic map of the Mesopotamian Plane and two cross sections A–B, C–D (after [67], modified).

          Rate of the Neotectonic Movements                                                      Mesopotamian Plain (Fig. 11), we divided the plain
             in the Mesopotamian Plane                                                           into five parts:
                                                                                                     (1) the Eastern Edge which extends along the Iraqi-
    Sissakian and Deikran (1998) [67] have calculated                                            Iranian borders until the latitude 31° N;
the rate of the subsidence and uplift During the Neo-                                                (2) the Northern Edge which extends few kilome-
tectonic period (11.62 Ma) in the whole Iraqi terri-                                             ters north of the latitude 34° N;
tory depending on the constructed Neotectonic Map
of Iraq. The rate of subsidence in the Mesopotamian                                                  (3) the Western Edge which extends almost along
Plain was calculated by dividing the amount of the                                               the Euphrates River until the latitude 31° N;
subsidence by the values of the maximum and mini-                                                    (4) the Southern Edge which extends south of the
mum contour values by 11.62 Ma (The age of the                                                   latitude 31° N;
Upper Miocene, I.C.S., 2012 [36]). In order to calcu-                                                (5) central part which covers the area between the
late the rate of the subsidence in different parts of the                                        Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

   GEOTECTONICS         Vol. 55            No. 1        2021
150                                                   SISSAKIAN et al.

Table 1. Amounts and rates of subsidence in the Mesopotamian Plain
                                                      Subsidence amounts and rates during
                       Neotectonic (11.62 Ma)               Pleistocene (2.588 Ma)               Holocene (0.0117 Ma)
                           subsidence (‒m)                     subsidence (‒m)                     subsidence (‒m)
  Plain parts
                        min                 max                      amount                             amount
                               rate, mm/ years               min                max              min                max
                     750                2500
        1                                                   167.04            555.36             1.14             2.52
                       0.000635            0.000315
                           0            2000
        2                                                     0               445.44              0              15.2
                           0               0.000161
                           0             250
        3                                                     0                55.68              0               1.90
                           0               0.000215
                           0             250
        4                                                     0                55.68              0               1.90
                           0               0.000215
                           0            1000
        5                                                     0               222.72              0               7.60
                           0               0.000806
1—Eastern Edge, 2—Northern Edge, 3—Western Edge, 4—Sothern Edge, 5—Central part, (after [67]).

   The minimum and maximum subsidence amounts                     are related to huge floods which back to tens of centu-
are recorder in the five parts of the Mesopotamian                ries when the course (channel) of the river is changed,
Plain (Fig. 11 and Table 1). The minimum and maxi-                especially in meandering areas. Another case is con-
mum rates of the subsidence during the Pleistocene and            struction of irrigation channels during ancient civiliza-
Holocene periods are also calculated by dividing the              tions (Ellison, 1978) [26].
subsidence amounts by the 2.588 and 0.0117 Ma which
are the durations of Pleistocene and Holocene,                        Among the main abandoned channels, is the chan-
respectively (I.C.S., 2012) [36] (Table 1). The Zero              nel between the Tigris and Al-Ghar’raf rivers (Fig. 13).
line which represents the Middle Miocene level runs               This abandoned channel is either the old course of the
almost along the Western Edge of the plain (Fig. 11).             Tigris River or that of Al-Ghar’raf River. The authors
                                                                  believe that the growing of the subsurface Ahdab anti-
                                                                  cline was the main reason for abandoning of the chan-
                 Neotectonic Indications                          nel. Many authors (Al-Sakini, 1993 [4]; Mello et al.,
    The following Neotectonic indications are recorded            1999 [58]; Bhattacharya et al., 2005 [13], and Philip
in the Mesopotamia Plain.                                         and Virdi, 2007 [62]) recorded such cases as the Neo-
    (1) Topographic indications. Samarra subsurface               tectonic activity.
anticline (Fig. 12) is the most obvious topographic
indication in the Mesopotamian Plain for the pres-                    The Euphrates River also had abandoned its course
ence of a growing subsurface anticline. The area is               in different places and more than once (Al-Sakini,
covered by Quaternary sediments (Sissakian and                    1993) [4], he claimed two abandoned courses. The
Fouad, 2012) [88], but the presence of the anticline is           first one is west and south of the present course.
proved by geophysical studies (C.E.S.A., 1992 [21]                Whereas, the second one runs east of the present
and Al-Kadhimi et al., 1996 [3]). The morphology of               course. For the former course, only small part is clear
the area indicates a double plunging anticline (Fig. 12).         (Fig. 14). The authors found many indications for this
Such Quaternary landform is clear indication for the              course (Fig. 14) which are far from the locations of
Neotectonic activity (Markovic et al., 1996) [52].                Erido and Ur archeological sites (Fig. 14). But, they
    (2) Abandoned river channels. Abandoned chan-                 are supposed to be located along an ancient river (Elli-
nels of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers can be seen in            son, 1978) [26]. However, no clear indication can be
different places within the Mesopotamian Plain. The               seen from the satellite images for this course, because
reason for abandoning the rivers their channels is a mat-         the supposed course is either vanished by cultivation
ter of debate. In the Neotectonic view, it is attributed to       or covered by the active sand dune fields, between
the growing of subsurface anticlines. However, some               Diwaniyah and Nasiriya cities.

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                                        43.36°      E                                      43.54°




                                             0          5      10 km

   Fig. 12. Satellite image [79] showing Samarra subsurface growing anticline. Black dash line with rombus is the axis of Samarra
   anticline; number 1 in rectangle is the High way number; red cross is the center of the image.

              Changing of the River Courses                            Figure 17 represents abandoned ancient courses. It
                                                                   is very difficult to decide whether it belongs to the Tigris
    The Tigris and Euphrates and their distributaries              River or the Euphrates River, because it is almost in half
have changed their courses within the Mesopotamian                 distance between the present river courses. We believe;
Plain; the most significant changes were during the                however, it most probably belongs to the Tigris River.
Holocene (0.0117 Ma). This is attributed to the fact               The change in the course is due to the growth of the
that the indications for the changes of the courses                subsurface Rafidain, Gharaf and Al-Nasiriya anticlines
during Pleistocene (2.558 Ma) are almost vanished                  (Fig. 15). Gharaf and Al-Nasiriya subsurface anticlines
due to weathering and erosional process, and man                   are south (out) of Fig. 17. Another possibility is the old
activities.                                                        course of Al-Gharaf River.
    Many authors (mentioned above) have assumed                        Figure 18 represents abandoned ancient courses of
different changes in river courses; each postulated own            the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Those which are east
opinion in reconstructing of ancient courses. Some of              of the Longitude 45○18′ belong to the Tigris River,
them even presented the ancient courses. However,                  whereas those to the west belong to the Euphrates
Al-Sakini (1993) [4] presented excellent maps for the              River. The change in the course of the Euphrates River
ancient courses of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. He             is due to the growth of Al-Samawa subsurface anti-
assumed that all changes in the river courses are                  cline (Fig. 15) and active Abu Jir Fault Zone. Those of
attributed to the growing of subsurface anticlines in              the Tigris River is not related to Neotectonic activities,
the Mesopotamian Plain which are shown in Fig. 15.                 since no subsurface anticline is recorded in the area
    We have selected many examples from the ancient                (Fig. 15). It may be an ancient irrigation channel, part
courses within the Mesopotamian Plain. However,                    of it is covered by active sand dunes field.
some of the abandoned river courses may represent                      Figure 19 represents abandoned ancient courses of
artificial irrigation channels constructed during                  Shat Al-Arab (the conflict of the Tigris and Euphrates
ancient civilizations (Ellison, 1978) [26].                        rivers). Two main abandoned courses can be seen
    Figure 16 represents abandoned ancient courses of              indicating that Shat Al-Arab is moving eastwards. We
the Tigris River and its distributaries. We believe the            believe it is due to the growth of the Siba subsurface
change in the course is due to the growth of the sub-              anticline (Fig. 15). Sissakian et al. (2017) [70] also
surface Al-Dujail and Kumait anticlines (Fig. 15). The             confirmed Neotectonic activity from the concerned
Kumait subsurface anticline is south (out) of Fig. 16.             area as related to the upper reaches of the Persian Gulf.

   GEOTECTONICS          Vol. 55    No. 1    2021
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