Page created by Marilyn Lambert
Working Documents
Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark)
                           7 April 2017
Working Documents
Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

Council Members
Patrick Baumann, President
Raffaele Chiulli, First Vice President
Stephan Fox, Vice President
Marisol Casado, Treasurer
Gian Franco Kasper, Member
Riccardo Fraccari, Member
Kate Caithness, Member
Nenad Lalovic, Member
Jose Perurena, Member

Membership Commission
Antonio Espinos, Chairman
Raffaele Chiulli, Member
Stephan Fox, Member

Multi-Sport Games Working Groups
Combat Games: Stephan Fox, Chairman
Mind Games: Geoffrey Borg, Chairman
Urban Games: Sabatino Aracu, Chairman
01 — Opening of the Statutory General Assembly             5

02 — Roll call                                             5

03 — Adoption of the agenda                                5

04 — Nomination of the steward and two scrutineers         5

05 — Approval of the Minutes of the Previous
     general assembly                                       7

06 — President’s address                                  15

07 — Financial Matters: treasurer’s report                19

08 — Statutory Changes                                     29

09 — membership                                           49

10 — Report of the administration                         63

11 — Items Brought Forward from meetings among Members 73

12 — Items presented for information                       75

13 — Date and Place of the Next Statutory General Assembly 77

14 — Closing of the Statutory General Assembly             77
01 — Opening of
     the Statutory
     General Assembly

02 — Roll call

03 — Adoption of
     the agenda

04 — Nomination of
     the steward and
     two scrutineers
05 — Approval of
     the Minutes
     of the Previous
     general assembly
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

    SwissTech Convention Centre, Lausanne,
    22 April, 2016, 9.00 a.m.

    SportAccord Council Members                               1. Opening of the Statutory
    Mr Gian Franco Kasper,                                       General Assembly
    Chairman of the SportAccord Council
    Mr Raffaele Chiulli, Vice-President                       The Chairman ofthe SportAccord Council, Mr Gian Franco
    Mrs Marisol Casado                                        Kasper, welcomed delegates to the SportAccord General
    Mr Ricardo Fraccari
    Mr Patrick Baumann, Treasurer
8   Mr Stephan Fox                                            2. ROLL CALL

                                                              Mr Kasper announced that 79 Members were present,
    Guests                                                    which meant that a simple majority required 40 votes and
    Mr Ron Froehlich (Financial Administrator)                a two-thirds majority 53 votes.
    Mr François Carrard (Legal Advisor)
    Mr Nis Hatt (Managing Director, SportAccord Convention)
                                                              3. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA

                                                              Approved unanimously.
    General Assembly
    SportAccord members and observers
                                                              4. NOMINATION OF THE STEWARD AND
                                                                 TWO SCRUTINEERS

                                                              Mr Kasper informed delegates that the Council proposed
                                                              appointing Mr Jan Fransoo (International Korfball Federation
                                                              – IKF) as steward, with Ms Sophie Gerard (International
                                                              Climbing and Mountaineering Federation – UIAA) and Ms Clare
                                                              Briegal (International Federation of Netball Associations - IFNA)
                                                              as scrutineers.

                                                              Approved unanimously.

                                                              5. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE
                                                                 PREVIOUS GENERAL ASSEMBLY

                                                              There being no comments, the minutes of the SportAccord
                                                              General Assembly of 20 April 2015 in Sochi, Russia and
                                                              the SportAccord Extraordinary General Assembly of 11
                                                              November 2015 in Lausanne, Switzerland were declared

6. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS (CHAIRMAN OF                               c) upon request from and in agreement with its Members,
   THE SPORTACCORD COUNCIL)                                          to develop’ specific services for its Members in unique
                                                                     areas which avoid duplication and overlap;
Mr Kasper began by apologizing for the way the IOC had            d) to organise and coordinate multi-sports events and
been treated at the last SportAccord General Assembly.               support the organisation of multi-sports games by its
Now that this incident was behind them, he hoped they                Members in agreement and cooperation with its Members.
could look forward to a new and bright future.
                                                                Mr Kasper thanked the Council Members for their construc-
He and his colleagues on the Council believed that              tive approach to resolving the difficulties. In the second
SportAccord had an important role to play as the voice of all   half of 2015 the administration had been streamlined to an
International Federations across the entire spectrum: small     appropriate staffing size; the offices had been merged with
and large, Olympic and nonOiympic, winter and summer.           those ofthe SportAccord Convention and consolidated at
SportAccord provided a forum where they could interact,         the Maison du Sport International. The Doping-Free Sport
discuss, exchange views, and share problems and solutions.      Unit (DFSU) had remained intact, however, and its activities
This week’s SportAccord Convention was proof of the             had even increased. He wished to thank the IOC and WADA
validity of this approach. He congratulated the President of    for their financial support, which underlined their shared
the SportAccord Convention, Mr Francesco Ricci Bitti, on its    commitment to protecting clean athletes and promoting           9
success, and thanked the city of Lausanne and the canton        clean sport.
of Vaud for agreeing to host it.
                                                                Mr Kasper said he would be able to stand down as
The SportAccord Council had met on 26 January and               Chairman of the SportAccord Council secure in the knowl-
again on 21 April to prepare for this meeting. In January       edge that he was handing over a stable platform to the
the Council had evaluated the feedback received from the        incoming President and Council. He had not chosen to take
Members after the Extraordinary General Assembly. The           on this role after the resignation of the previous president,
main issues raised were the proposed structure of SA and        but he felt he had fulfilled his moral responsibility towards
the proposed merger with the SA Convention.                     SportAccord, which was now back on track.

After careful consideration, the Council had proposed           Finally, he thanked Sarah Lewis and Andrew Ryan, who had
the Members to recommend keeping SportAccord as a               carried out all the hard work behind the scenes.
stand alone organisation with individual Members for the
time being, rather than merging with the SportAccord
Convention and changing the structure to have just the          7. FINANCIAL MATTERS
associations as Members. The Council believed that a
merger was the right way forward, but for now they needed       7.1. TREASURER’S REPORT
to focus on governance. In consequence, the Council had
made minimal adjustments to the Statutes, which the             Mr Patrick Baumann noted that the Members had
SportAccord Membership would be asked to consider               already received information on SportAccord’s finances
today. The main change was to set a four-year one-term          at the Extraordinary General Assembly in November.
limit for the SportAccord presidency.                           Nevertheless, he pointed out that the structural changes
                                                                had had an impact on the organisation’s finances, and
The Council had also reviewed SportAccord’s activities,         these were reflected in the 2016 budget. 2015 had gone
and come to the conclusion that they now needed to focus        smoothly; the staff had been treated generously and in
on the organisation’s core mission, also reflected in the       accordance with Swiss law, and the handover from the
Statutes:                                                       previous management had been handled professionally
  a) to facilitate and promote knowledge-sharing and            and in a positive manner. During the transition, BOO had
     exchange of information between its Members;               conducted a review to secure an overview of the organisa-
  b) to support the organisation of the annual SportAccord      tion’s commitments for the remainder of 2015. He wished to
     Convention and IF Forum;                                   thank Mr Ron Froehlich for his continued assistance during
                                                                this time, despite his health issues.
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     7.2. 2015 BALANCE SHEET & ACCOUNTS                              Mr Kasper asked if the Members approved the balance sheet
                                                                     and accounts for 2015 and agreed to discharge the Council
     Mr Ron Froehlich referred the Members to the document in        Members of liability.
     their files. He noted that at 31 December 2015 SportAccord
     had total assets of just over CHF 3 million. Current income     The motion was passed with one abstention.
     for 2015 came to almost CHF 3.6 million, including DFSU rev-
     enues of CHF 700,000 and payments from the SportAccord          7.4. APPOINTMENT OF THE AUDITORS
     Convention of CHF 1.5 million. The “Partnerships” item
     represented sponsorship from Taishan Sports, which              The SportAccord Council proposed renewing the appoint-
     had been split between 2014 and 2015. Under Expenses,           ment of BDO for a further two years, in accordance with
     some of SportAccord’s departments had now closed: this          the SportAccord Statutes.
     included the SportAccord Academy and the Sports Social
     Responsibility Unit. The Multi-Sport Games Unit showed          Approved unanimously.
     no income because no events were currently planned. In
     terms of payroll expenses, the benefits of having cut the       7.5. 2015/2016 PROVISIONAL BUDGET
     SportAccord staff from 21 to 7 would become apparent in
10   2016. The expense item under “Support for IF development”       Mr Ron Froehlich commented on the revised budget for
     represented a payment to the International Federation Ice       2015 and the provisional budget for 2016. He noted that
     Stock Sport. Expenses also included some exchange rate          Human Resources expenses would fall from just over CHF
     losses due to the Swiss National Bank’s decision to remove      2 million in 2015 to just under CHF 800,000 in 2016. The
     the cap on the exchange rate between the Swiss franc and        DFSU was expected to show a small profit for the first time
     the Euro.                                                       in 2016, after having operated at a loss for many years, and
                                                                     he felt it would be prudent for the new Council to consider
     Mr Antonio Espinós (World Karate Federation - WKF) had          setting up a reserve account. The 2016 budget forecasted
     a comment regarding the income from the DFSU. The IFs           a loss of CHF 165,000, but given that it was a conservative
     contributed to the unit via a fixed fee established by the      budget he hoped to see an improvement in this before the
     SportAccord administration. He felt that the aim of the         end of the year.
     DFSU should be to produce neither a profit nor a loss, but
     to break even. If more IFs began using the service, it might    The 2015/2016 provisional budget was approved with one
     be possible to reduce the fee to the federations.               abstention.

     Mr Kasper said that this was something for the new Council
     to discuss. lt was currently unclear what would happen to       8. STATUTORY CHANGES
     the DFSU, but the Olympic Summit had decided that dop-
     ing controls in future should be handled by an independent      Mr Kasper explained that since a merger between
     body. WADA was in the process of discussing the matter,         SportAccord and the SportAccord Convention was no
     and he believed the DFSU could be a part of the new system.     longer imminent, only minor changes were being proposed
                                                                     to the Statutes. He asked SportAccord’s Legal Advisor,
     7.3. AUDITOR’S REPORT                                           Mr François Carrard, to explain the modifications.

     Mr Adham Sharara (International Table Tennis Federation         Mr Carrard summed up the statute changes proposed by
     – ITTF) suggested that, under “Audits” in the Treasurer’s       the Council. The main changes were intended to broaden
     Report on p.32, the words “audited by BDO” be changed to        the definition of non-discrimination; to specify a single four-
     “reviewed by BDO”.                                              year term of office for the SportAccord President; to set the
                                                                     number of Council Members at 9, including the President;
     Mr Baumann thanked Mr Sharara for this observation, and         and to specify that Council Members were designated by
     noted that the scope of the review conducted in 2015 had        their respective organisations.
     been different. BDO’s report on the 2015 financial statements
     did indeed state that, “We have not performed an audit and,     Mr Fernando Lima (Federation lnternationale de Volleyball -
     accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.”               FIVB) thought they should consider rewording the heading of
                                                                     Article 3, “Non-discrimination, representation of women”,

and change it to “Non-discrimination”, since it made no          for their understanding. The new Council would be able to
reference to women’s representation.                             discuss the Membership criteria and applications.

Mr Gerhard Zimmermann (World Minigolf Sport Federation           Approved unanimously.
– WMF) suggested that the fourth bullet of 29.2 should
be modified to reflect the new name of AIMS: Alliance of
Independent recognised Members of Sport.                         10. REPORT OF THE ADMINISTRATION

Mr Robert Keller (International Powerlifting Federation - IPF)   Approved.
proposed that in article 29.2 ASOIF, AIOWF, ARISF and AIMS
each be granted two Members on the SportAccord Council,
with one representative for the Associate Members.               11. REPORT FROM THE SPORT ACCORD
                                                                     CONVENTION LAUSANNE 2016
In response to the comments, Mr Carrard replied that it
made sense to delete “representation of women” from the          Mr Nis Hatt, Managing Director of the SportAccord
heading of Article 3. In terms of increasing the number of       Convention, shared some statistics from the 2016
AIMS Members to 2, he could see no legal objection, but this     SportAccord Convention. He noted that the programme            11
must be a policy decision.                                       had been expanded to four days, and enriched with the
                                                                 addition of LawAccord, MediaAccord, the City Forum and
Mr Kasper asked those Members who were in favour of              Digital Summit. He announced that the 2017 SportAccord
accepting the new Statutes as proposed by the SportAccord        Convention would take place in Aarhus, Denmark, and
Council to raise their green cards.                              thanked the Members for their continued support.

Mr Keller asked for a revote, as he felt many of the Members     Mr Kasper congratulated Mr Hatt on an excellent
were unclear as to what they were voting on.                     Convention.

Mr Kasper asked those Members who were in favour of
the Council Membership numbers proposed by Mr Keller             12. ITEMS BROUGHT FORWARD FROM
to raise their green cards.                                          MEETINGS AMONG MEMBERS

There were 21 votes in favour. The proposal was therefore        None.

Mr Kasper asked those in favour of accepting the new             13. ITEMS PRESENTED FOR INFORMATION
Statutes as presented to raise their green cards.
There were 67 votes in favour. The proposal was therefore
                                                                 14. ELECTION OF THE NEW PRESIDENT

9. MEMBERSHIP                                                    Mr Kasper announced that there were two candidates
                                                                 for the position of SportAccord President: Mr Patrick
Mr Kasper reported that the Council had discussed                Baumann (Federation International de Basketball – FIBA)
Membership at its meeting the previous day, and concluded        and Mrs Anna Arzhanova (Confederation Mondiale des
that the text in the Working Document was incorrect. In fact,    Activites Subaquatiques – CMAS).
given that the Council had not discussed any of the appli-
cations from new Members, the Council proposed that all          The candidates were invited to make a 10-minute presenta-
requests for Membership of SportAccord be postponed to           tion to the Members. The Council had determined the order
the next General Assembly. The three candidates affected         of the presentations by drawing of lots. Votes would be cast
by this decision had been informed, and he thanked them          in writing.
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     Mr Baumann briefly described his personal and professional        15. DATE AND PLACE OF THE NEXT
     background. He said he was standing for President not for             STATUTORY GENERAL ASSEMBLY
     political reasons but because, having sat on the Council, he
     felt a sense of responsibility to rebuild SportAccord and drive   The next General Assembly was scheduled to take place on
     change. For him, SportAccord was about dialogue, sharing,         7 April 2017 in Aarhus, Denmark.
     providing a test ground for innovation and acting as the
     voice of sport. If elected, he would bring his experience as
     a sports administrator, and the Swiss qualities of neutrality,    16. CLOSING OF THE STATUTORY GENERAL
     efficiency and precision. He saw the role as being similar            ASSEMBLY
     to that of a referee: the position was necessary, but it was
     the teams that were remembered once the game was over.            Mr Kasper thanked all the delegates for their collaboration.
     He hoped to work with all the Federations in a climate of
     transparency, sustainability and unity. The SportAccord
     Convention existed to work for the Federations in the way         17. FAREWELL AND WELCOME RECEPTION,
     they wanted it to, each member having its role and voice.             PRESIDENT OF SPORT ACCORD
     Just like a watch, every wheel was necessary, however small.
     Mrs Arzhanova acknowledged that she was not a well-
     known figure within SportAccord, but said that she wanted
     to work with the Members to maintain and improve this
     fantastic platform. They could help all the sports to grow,
     with the aid of multi-sports games, and in harmony with
     Olympic Agenda 2020. They would work together to fight
     against fraud, tear down barriers, banish discrimination and
     make SportAccord a place where Olympic and non-Olympic
     sports were united. She was in favour of maintaining indi-
     vidual Membership, and cooperating with the IOC in an
     open and effective way. SportAccord was the home of the
     International Federations: it was up to them to maintain it.
     Sport had taught her never to give up, and she hoped to
     show her commitment by working hard.

     The SportAccord Members were invited individually to cast
     their votes.

     Mr Patrick Baumann was elected President of SportAccord
     with 55 votes. Mrs Arzhanova secured 25 votes.

     Mr Baumann thanked all the Members for their support,
     and for entrusting him with this challenge. He thanked
     Mrs Arzhanova and her supporters for a fair race.

     Mrs Arzhanova thanked Mr Baumann and invited him to
     take up some of her ideas. She hoped they could work
     together to take SportAccord into a positive future.

     Mr Kasper congratulated Mr Baumann, and said he hoped
     he would be effective and successful in his work with the
     new Council.
06 — President’s address
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017


     “… initiative to discuss the grouping
      of all International sporting bodies
        into one Union des Fédérations
           Internationales Sportives”

            “Secure for each international federation
      the assistance of all the others and to create bonds
of lasting friendship between all, thereby facilitating, amongst
  other things, a discussion of international relations from a
                     general point of view.”

               “… the new body should not interfere with
          the interior management of the af filiated bodies…”                                                        17

             “Its essential purpose would be an assertion
        of the general Community of our aims and interests.”

     “It may be presumed that the cause of sport throughout
      the world would, by the institution of such an union,
                     be greatly benefited.”

The following are the federations before which the question has been laid:

›› Fédération Aéronautique Internationale                      ›› Fédération Internationale de Lutte
›› International Amateurs Athletic Federation                  ›› International Federation of «Catch As Catch Can»
›› Association Internationale                                     Amateur Wrestling (Lutte Libre)
   des Automobiles-Clubs Reconnus                              ›› Fédération Internationale de Natation Amateur
›› Fédération Internationale d’Aviron                          ›› Fédération Internationale de Patinage
›› Fédération Internationale de Boxe Amateur                   ›› Fédération Internationale des Poids et Haltères
›› International Boxing Union                                  ›› International Board of Rugby
›› Fédération Internationale d’Escrime                         ›› Union Internationale de Ski
›› Fédération Internationale de Football Association           ›› Fédération Internationale de Tennis
›› Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St-Andrews                   ›› Union Internationale de Tir
›› Entente des Fédérations Europeennes de Gymnastique          ›› Union Internationale de Yachting de Course
›› Ligue Internationale de Hockey sur Glace                    ›› Union Cycliste Internationale
07 — Financial matters
    07.1 — Treasurer’s Report                20

    07.2 — 2
            016 balance sheet & accounts     21

    07.3 — a
            uditor’s report                  25

    07.4 — 2
            016 / 2017 Provisional budget    26
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     07.1 — treasurer’s Report

     Introduction                                                      BUDGET 2017

     After significant structural changes in the last years, the       The revised budget for 2017 presents an operational profit
     association has been able to stabilize its activities and, as a   for the year estimated at CHF 237,500. However, this may
     consequence, its financial situation.                             change, depending on the need to invest in additional
     Currently, two (2) staff members are running the admin-           resources and to improve the structure to set up further ser-
     istration supported by a part-time adviser. Four (4) staff        vices for members during the year.
     members are responsible for the Doping Free Sports Unit,
     which continues to be financially supported by the IOC and
     WADA. Further, in view of the increasing demand for anti-         AUDITS
     doping services, the unit has contracted some external con-
20   sultants and is now looking to increase the core-team in          BDO has conducted the statutory audit whose result is pub-
     Lausanne to meet the expectations and strict deadlines of         lished hereafter and submitted to your approval.
     its contractual commitments. As a consequence of this posi-
     tive development, operational expenses have been slightly
     increased, the full extent of which is visible with the 2017      ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
     revised budget.
                                                                       I would like to thank the previous treasurer, the SportAccord
                                                                       staff, BDO and Ms Nicole Schnegg, who now provides the
     SITUATION OF THE 2016 ACCOUNTS                                    accounting services for SportAccord.

     The accounts showed a net profit of CHF 348,596.
     Total equity amounted to CHF 3,233,863.                           RECOMMENDATIONS
     The contributions of IOC, WADA and SportAccord Convention
     are crucial to the positive financial results.                    I respectfully ask the General Assembly gathered in Aarhus
                                                                       to approve the audited 2016 Financial Statements and dis-
                                                                       charge the Council Members from any liability.

                                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                                       Marisol Casado

                                                                       23 March 2017

07.2 — 2016 Balance Sheet & Accounts
SportAccord, Lausanne


ASSETS                                 31.12.2016      31.12.2015
                                              CHF             CHF

Current assets                        3’264’546.08   2’823’672.91
Cash                                  2’640’041.48   2’553’7 44.43
Securities                              100’000.00            0.00
Debtors                                 518’253.09     205’067.22
Prepaid tax                               2’034.91       9’477.94
Prepaid expenses & accrued income         4’216.60      55’383.32               21

Long term assets                       145’871.15      223’145.15
Securities                             145’871.15      223’145.15

TOTAL ASSETS                          3’410’417.23   3’046’818.06

LIABILITY AND EQUITY                   31.12.2016      31.12.2015
                                              CHF             CHF

Liabilities                            176’554.54      161’551.10
Accounts payable                        62’920.39      132’591.78
Federal Tax administration, VAT         55’727.14       14’575.88
Accrued income & expenses               57’907.01       14’383.44

Equity                                3’233’862.69   2’885’266.96
Restricted fund for MSGU event risk     283’020.00     283’020.00
Capital                               2’602’246.96   2’416’272. 93
Profit of the year                      348’595.73     185’974.03

TOTAL LIABILITIES                     3’410’417.23   3’046’818.06
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     SportAccord, Lausanne


     INCOME                                                2016                         2015
                                                            CHF                          CHF

     Current income                            2’480’403.92 3’585’749.06
     SportAccord Convention                      180’000.00 1‘517’984.64
     Membership fees                             400’003.46   418’909.58
     MSG revenues – Multi·Sport Games Unit             0.00    49’504.37
     Revenues Doping Free Sports Unit          1’548’292.15   742’086.28
     WADA Contribution                           160’000.00   160’000.00
     IOC subsidy                                 160’000.00   160’000.00
     SSRD – Sports’ Social Responsibility Unit         0.00    33’209.73
22   Digital Media Projects Unit                  19’812.66    30’382.09
     Marketing & Communication                       295.65         0.00
     Partnerships                                      0.00   411’380.00
     Miscellaneous                                12’000.00    62’292.37

     Financial income                                  0.00         0.00
     Exceptional income                                0.00         0.00

     TOTAL INCOME                                   2’480’403.92                3’585’749.06

     EXPENSES                                              2016                         2015
                                                            CHF                          CHF

     Digital Media Projects Unit                       66’873.66                   54’812.24

     SportAccord Academy                                    0.00                  114’239.86

     SSRD – Sports’ Social Responsibility Unit              0.00                  492’078.82
     Sports lntegrity Unit                                  0.00                   94’692.31
     Special Project Unit IOC                               0.00                  397’386.51

     DSFU – Doping Free Sports Unit                   972’215.46                  422’979.74

     Multi-Sport Games Unit                                 0.00                  156’892.19
     Coordination-management-future events                  0.00                  156’892.19

     Marketing & Communication                         62’385.13                  266’107.16

     Payroll expenses and fees                        866’929.38                2’220’140.95
     Salaries and social security contributions       833’176.45                2’064’011.65
     Human Resources and training expenses              4’609.88                   26’400.43
     External consultants                              29’143.05                        0.00
     Professional fees – Accounting                         0.00                  129’728.87
     and legal expenses, internet

                                                      2016              2015
                                                       CHF               CHF

Travelling expenses                               52’345.47        377’514.50

Council and General assembly expenses             27’164.56        304’087.93

Administration expenses                          131’480.60        207’526.42
Office rent and expenses                          71’195.53        121’486.77
Telephone and postage expenses                    12’907.37         24’289.93
Office equipment                                  27’111.24         52’180.19
Insurance                                         13’332.90          4’173.53               23
Miscellaneous                                      6’933.56          5’396.00

Support for IF development                             0.00         52’645.00

Depreciation                                           0.00            234.53

TOTAL EXPENSES                                 2’179’394.26      4’669’259.34

Financial income (expenses)                       40’495.17       -181’997.65
Financial income                                   5’000.00         13’227.79
Exchange realised profit                          32’930.43          2’717.94
Exchange unrealised profit                             0.00         51’233.92
Realised gain on securities                            0.00         11’653.00
Unrealised gain on securities                     22’726.00              0.00
Financial expenses                                -8’799.90        -22’863.16
Exchange realised loss                           -11’361.36        -21’171.78
Exchange unrealised loss                               0.00       -197’434.36
Unrealised loss on securities                          0.00        -19’361.00

Exceptional expenses (–) / income                  7’090.90       -248’518.04
or out of period
Exceptional expenses (–) or out of period              0.00       -272’763.78
Exceptional income or out of period                7’090.90         24’245.74

Allocation (–) / use of funds                          0.00      1‘700’000.00
Dissolution of reserve – sponsorship                   0.00      1‘500’000.00
Dissolution of reserve – MSGU Risk                     0.00        200’000.00

PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                         CHF  348’595.73   CHF  185’974.03
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     SportAccord, Lausanne

     Appendix to the 2016 financial statements

     SportAccord is an association under Swiss law, govened by the provisions Article 60 and following of the Civil Code.

     These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the principles of Swiss law, particulary the articles on
     commercial accounting and on presentation of the accounts (art. 957-962 CO).


     1. Exchange rate
     At the closing of the accounts, the                      USD/CHF                           1.016350
     following exchange rates were                            EUR/CHF                           1.072126
     used:                                                    GBP/CHF                                 ---
24                                                            RUB/CHF                                 ---
                                                              CNY/CHF                                 ---

     2. Securities
     At the balance sheet date, the securities are valued
     at market price.

     3. Number of employees
     The number of full-time employees on an annual average
     is less than 50.

     4. Rental lease
     The lease agreement for business premises ends on
     30 September 2020. The outstanding amount to date is:		                                     234’540

     5. Explanation regarding exceptional items
     Exceptional expenses / out of period
     Compensation Yan Shi case resolution		                                                             0
     Expenses WMG 2014 / WCG 2017		                                                                     0
     WXF - Xiangqui - Prize money WMG 2014		                                                            0
     Other prior year expenses		                                                                        0


     Exceptional income / out of period
     Office old furniture sales		                                                                       0
     Other exceptional income		                                                                         0
     Prior year revenues		                                                                          7’091

07.3 — Auditors’ Report

— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     07.4 — 2016-2017 Provisional Budget

                                                                                         REVISED                      REVISED
                                                                                     BUDGET 2016                  BUDGET 2017
                                                                     EXPENDITURES         RECEIPTS    EXPENDITURES     RECEIPTS

                                             Human Resources              781’768                0         846’000            0
              Salaries & social charges employees of SportAccord          765’768                          800’000
                       Training, professional fees, extra costs HR         16’000                           46’000

                                      Administration & Office             122’000                0         124’000            0
                                   Swiss Office rental & charges           77’000                           72’000
              Office, IT equipment, consumables, communication             45’000                           52’000

                 SportAccord Convention/General Assembly                  134’000          360’000          50’000      360’000
26                            SportAccord Convention Revenue                               360’000                      360’000
                            Costs during Convention & IF Forum             40’000                           30’000
                        ARISF/AIMS contribution to convention              54’000
                      General Assembly - publication & material            40’000                           20’000
                                          Travel and Expenses              20’000                0          20’000            0

                                                         Council           53’000                0          55’000            0

                                                       Financial            6’000            5’000          13’500        9’000

                                 Membership & Legal Affairs                20’000          400’000          40’000      400’000
                              IF recognition & Membership Fees                  0          400’000               0      400’000
                                                     Legal Affairs         20’000                0          10’000            0
                                                        IT Project              0                           30’000

                           Marketing & Communication Unit                  46’500                0          54’000            0
                                    Website - Digital Newsletter           26’500                0          27’000            0
                                           Branding - Trademark            20’000                0          27’000            0

                                      Multi-Sport Games Unit                    0                0         100’000            0
                                           MSGU developpment                    0                0         100’000            0
                                   Digital Media Projects’Unit             68’000           30’000          51’000       30’000

                                      Doping Free Sports Unit             428’000         1’060’000        528’000     1’320’000
                                                          WADA                             160’000                      160’000
                                                              IOC                          160’000                      160’000
                                    Services - Adminitration fees                          340’000                      600’000
                                           Antidpoing tests fees          400’000          400’000         400’000      400’000
                                                  Misc. expenses           28’000                           28’000
                                                     Outsourcing                                            80’000
                                             IT project invoicing                                           20’000

                                    SportAccord Total Budget             1’679’268        1’855’000       1’881’500    2’119’000
                                                Overall balance           175’732                0         237’500
08 — Statutory Changes
    08.1 — Statutory Changes        30

    08.2 — sportaccord statutes    37
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     Proposed amendments to SportAccord Statutes
     (2017 General Assembly)

     1. Change of Name of the Association

     The name of SportAccord does not necessarily reflect what the Association is. First and foremost, it is an Association composed
     of autonomous and independent sports federations (Art. 1.1) and organisations at a worldwide level.

     It is the opinion of the Council that a name that reflects this, like “Global Association of International Sports Federations”
     (GAISF) would better represent the nature of the organisation. It would also make a clear distinction with the commercial
     activities held under the patronage of the Association, such as the SportAccord Convention/IF Forum or the Multiple Sport
30   Games which shall also in the future retain the name and brand “SportAccord”, which is a protected mark of the Association.

     Current Version                                                               Proposed Amendments 1

     Article 1.          Name and headquarters                                     Article 1.          Name and headquarters

     1.1       SportAccord (previously known as GAISF, the General                 1.1     The Global Association of International Sports Federations
               Association of International Sports Federations) is a                       (GAISF) is a not-for-profit association, composed of
               not-for-profit association, composed of autonomous                          autonomous and independent international sports
               and independent international sports federations and                        federations and other international organisations
               other international organisations contributing to sport                     contributing to sport in various fields.
               in various fields.

     1.2       SportAccord is constituted according to article 60ff of             1.2     The GAISF is constituted according to article 60ff of
               the Swiss Civil Code, is governed by Swiss law and is                       the Swiss Civil Code, is governed by Swiss law and is
               formed for an unlimited period of time.                                     formed for an unlimited period of time.

     1.3       The registered office of SportAccord is located in                  1.3     The registered office of GAISF is located in Lausanne,
               Lausanne, Switzerland.                                                      Switzerland.

         The name of the Association will be updated throughout the Statutes if the General Assembly
         approves the proposed amendment to Article 1.

2. Addition of Observer status for applicants to membership

There are currently around 29 applications for membership pending with SportAccord. Many do not fulfil yet the strict criteria
enumerated under 7.A and 7.B.

As an example, applicants have a practical difficulty to achieve the required number of Member National Federations with the
appropriate recognition certificates by the National Olympic Committees and/or National Sports Authorities.

Including such applicants – subject to there being no rivalry issues whatsoever – into a newly created category with Observer
status, which only grants the right to attend as observers the General Assembly and confirms formally their candidature status,
would help accelerate their efforts to become a member of SportAccord and allow the administration to assist them in the
process. This status would have a limit in time.

Proposed New Article

Article 7.C Observer status of applicants                                                                                         31

7.C.1 Upon request, the Council may in its sole discretion
      grant (and revoke at any time) Observer status to an
      organisation which
      a) Has filed an application for membership
		 under Article 7.A or 7.B; and
      b) Has, according to the sole opition of the Council,
		 no reasonable rivalry issues with an existing Member.

7.C.2 The Observer status does not confer any right other
      than the right to attend the General Assembly in the
      capacity of observer. The Council is competent to
      define guidelines governing the status of Observers.

7.C.3 Subject to a revocation decided as provided under
      Article 7.C.1 above, the Observer status is valid for two
      (2) years, renewable once.
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     3. Change of rules on Presidency

     Currently, any candidate, from a fully paid-up member, can become President of SportAccord. Experience has indicated that
     this process may lead to intense debates dividing the membership, creating instability for the organisation in terms of mission,
     vision and objectives and alienating the support of other key stakeholders. The Council considers therefore that it would be
     more pragmatic and democratic to install a rotation system amongst the respective stakeholders/Umbrella Organisations

     Should this proposal be accepted, in 2020, at the end of this cycle, ARISF would present to the assembly a candidate for
     Presidency, followed in the next two cycles by AIOWF and by AIMS. In 2026, it would again be ASOIF’s turn to present a
     candidate for the following two years, etc…

     Current Version                                                   Proposed Amendments 2

     29.4 The Council elects 2 (two) Vice-Presidents and 1 (one)       29.4 The Council elects 1 (one) First Vice-President and
32        Treasurer from among the members of the Council.                  1 (one) Treasurer from among the members of the

     29.5 The Senior Vice-President shall be determined by sen-        29.5 The First Vice-President shall be elected from the
          iority (member with the longest service on the Council)           organization that will take over the Presidency at the
          and, in case of equal seniority, by age.                          next cycle.

     30.2 Council members are appointed for a term of 4 (four)         30.2 Council members are appointed for a term of 2 (two)
          years corresponding to the term of the President. They            years corresponding to the term of the President. They
          may be reappointed.                                               may be reappointed.

     Article 31. Presidential election                                 Article 31. Presidential election

                                                                       31.1 The President of SportAccord is elected by the General
                                                                            Assembly for one (1) single two (2) year term of office.
                                                                            He/she shall come from a Member within the respec-
                                                                            tive organisations in the following order:
                                                                            - ARISF (2020-2022)
                                                                            - AIOWF (2022-2024)
                                                                            - AIMS (2024-2026)
                                                                            - ASOIF (2026-2028)
                                                                            The same cycle of four (4) successive two (2) years
                                                                            terms of office will continue by rotation in the same
                                                                            order (ARISF; AIOWF; AIMS; ASOIF) after 2028.

     31.1 Nominations for the Presidency must be notified in           31.2 Nominations for the Presidency must be notified in
          writing to the Administration at the latest 30 (thirty)           writing to the Administration at the latest 30 (thirty)
          days before the beginning of the General Assembly                 days before the beginning of the General Assembly
          meeting at which the elections will take place. The               meeting at which the elections will take place. The
          Director will issue a note indicating the deadline to be          Director will issue a note indicating the deadline to be
          observed at least sixty (60) days before the meeting at           observed at least sixty (60) days before the meeting at
          which the elections will take place.                              which the elections will take place.

31.2 Candidates must be nominated by a fully paid-up                          31.3 Candidates must be nominated by a fully paid-up
     Member. Candidates must, on the date of the election                          Member from the respective organisation (cf. 31.1.
     be, or must have been for at least one full term, a                           above). Candidates must, on the date of the election
     member of the Council or similar executive organ of                           be, or must have been for at least one full term, a
     a Member. They must be nominated by the Member                                member of the Council or similar executive organ of
     concerned.                                                                    the Member that nominated them. They must be nom-
                                                                                   inated by the Member concerned. While it is recom-
                                                                                   mended to submit the candidature of the President of
                                                                                   the organization entitled to take over the Presidency,
                                                                                   candidates must in any case be a member of that
                                                                                   organisation’s executive organ and have the formal
                                                                                   endorsement thereof.

31.3 Candidates must have reached the age of 18 (eighteen)                    31.4 Candidates must have reached the age of 18 (eighteen)
     at the date of the election and be in full possession of                      at the date of the election and be in full possession of    33
     their civil rights.                                                           their civil rights.

31.4 Nominations that arrive after the deadline shall not                     31.5 Nominations that arrive after the deadline shall not
     be taken into consideration. If no candidate has                              be taken into consideration. If no candidate has been
     been nominated within the deadline or if a nominee                            nominated within the deadline or if a nominee is no
     is no longer a candidate on the day of the General                            longer a candidate on the day of the General Assembly,
     Assembly, candidates may be nominated at the                                  the First Vice-President elected by the Council shall act
     General Assembly. If there is no candidate, the senior Vice-                  as President ad interim until the next General Assembly.
     President elected by the Council shall act as Chair
     until the next General Assembly.

31.5 After the deadline for receiving nominations has been                    31.6 After the deadline for receiving nominations has been
     reached, the list of nominees for President will be                           reached, the list of nominees for President will be
     distributed to the Members at least 15 (fifteen) days                         distributed to the Members at least 15 (fifteen) days
     before the meeting at which the elections will take                           before the meeting at which the elections will take
     place.                                                                        place.

31.6 The General Assembly elects the President for one four                   31.7 The General Assembly elects the President for one
     (4) year term. He/she is not eligible for re-election.                        (1) single two (2) year term. He/she is not eligible for

40.      The authority for settling any dispute arising out of                40.    The authority for settling any dispute arising out of
         the interpretation of these Statutes shall reside with                      the interpretation of these Statutes shall reside with
         the President, or Chair pro tempore, who shall seek                         the President, or President ad interim, who shall seek
         the advice of the Council or General Assembly before                        the advice of the Council or General Assembly before
         making a final decision.                                                    making a final decision.

    The name of the Association will be updated throughout the Statutes if the General Assembly
    approves the proposed amendment to Article 1.
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     4. Other Proposed Amendments to the SportAccord Statutes

     a) Codification of the membership groups

     Considering that the exercise of essential membership rights (right to be elected on the Council and the Presidency)
     is connected to the members’ affiliation in one of the groups/divisions 3 (ASOIF, AIOWF, ARISF, Associate Members), it is
     important to reflect this relationship in the Statutes:

     Current Version                                                              Proposed Amendments 4

     Article 5.         Categories of Members                                     Article 5.       Categories of Members

     5.       The Members of SportAccord are:                                     5.1     The Members of SportAccord are:
              a) the Full Members;                                                        a) the Full Members;
              b) the Associate Members,                                                   b) the Associate Members,
34            whose admission has been approved by the General                            whose admission has been approved by the General
              Assembly.                                                                   Assembly.
              Unless the context otherwise indicates, the term                            Unless the context otherwise indicates, the term
              Member(s) comprises both Full Members and Associate                         Member(s) comprises both Full Members and Associate
              Members.                                                                    Members.

                                                                                  5.2     SportAccord Members are also categorised according
                                                                                          to the following divisions:
                                                                                          a) ASOIF members;
                                                                                          b) AIOWF members;
                                                                                          c) ARISF members;
                                                                                          d) AIMS members
                                                                                          e) Associate Members.

         The term “division” will replace the term “groups” or “organisations” for reasons of consistency in the Statutes,
         depending on the General Assembly´s decision regarding the amendment to Article 5.
         The name of the Association will be updated depending on the General Assembly´s decision regarding the amendment to Article 1.

b) Clarification in the CAS clause:

Current Version                                                  Proposed Amendments 5

Article 39. Dispute resolution                                   Article 39. Dispute resolution

39.1 Any dispute arising from, or related to the Statutes,       39.1 Any dispute arising from, or related to the Statutes,
     regulations, directives and decisions of SportAccord,            regulations, directives and decisions of SportAccord,
     other than a dispute arising out of the interpretation           (including without limitation a dispute arising out of
     of the Statutes that is to be resolved in the manner             the interpretation of the Statutes that is to be resolved
     described in Article 40 or a dispute that can be resolved        in the manner described in Article 40 or a dispute
     by a competent internal body of SportAccord, will be             that can be resolved by a competent internal body
     submitted exclusively to the Court of Arbitration for            of SportAccord), shall be submitted exclusively to the      35
     Sport (CAS), in Lausanne, Switzerland, applying its              Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), in Lausanne,
     own procedural rules. Where a dispute is so submitted            Switzerland, to the exclusion of any ordinary court
     to the CAS, the decision of the CAS in that dispute will         or other tribunal. Where a dispute is so submitted to
     be final.                                                        the CAS, the Code of Sport-Related Arbitration shall
                                                                      be applicable, the language of the procedure will be
                                                                      English or French and the decision of the CAS in that
                                                                      dispute shall be final.

39.2 Any appeal against a final and binding decision from        39.2 deleted (merged in 39.1)
     any SportAccord organ shall exclusively be submitted
     to the CAS, to the exclusion of any ordinary court of
     any country.

    The name of the Association will be updated depending on the General Assembly’s
    decision regarding the amendment to Article 1.
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     c) Clarification of the implementation of absolute majority

     Current Version                                                  Proposed Amendments

     Article 20. Quorums                                              Article 20. Quorums

     20.1 In order for the General Assembly to be validly convened,   39.1 In order for the General Assembly to be validly convened,
          a majority (at least 50 % + 1) of the Members having             more than 50 % of the Members having voting rights
          voting rights must be present.                                   must be present.

     Article 21. Voting                                               Article 21. Voting

36   […]                                                              […]
     21.4 Save any indication to the contrary in these Statutes,      21.4 Save any indication to the contrary in these Statutes,
          all decisions shall be made by the majority (50 % + 1)           all decisions shall be made by more than 50 % of votes
          of votes validly cast.                                           validly cast.

08.2 —  sportaccord statutes

I. GENERAL PROVISIONS                                            C. ADMINISTRATION
   Article 1. Name and headquarters                              Article 34. Mission
   Article 2. Objectives                                         Article 35. Director
   Article 3. Non-discrimination, representation of women
   Article 4. Official languages                                IV. FINANCES
                                                                  Article 36. Subscriptions
II. MEMBERSHIP                                                    Article 37. Finances, liability
   Article 5. Categories of Members                               Article 38. Auditors
   Article 6. Conditions for Membership
   Article 7A. Application Procedure for Full Membership        V. FINAL PROVISIONS
   Article 7B. Application Procedure for Associate Membership    Article 39. Dispute resolution
   Article 8. Honorary Members                                   Article 40. Interpretation                       37
   Article 9. Members’ rights                                    Article 41. Modification of the Statutes
   Article 10. Members’ obligations                              Article 42. Dissolution
   Article 11. Resignation                                       Article 43. Independence of Members
   Article 12. Revision of Membership                            Article 44. Enforcement
   Article 13. Suspension
   Article 14. Expulsion
   Article 15. Notices

   Article 16. Organs
   Article 17. Definition, organisation
   Article 18. Powers of the General Assembly
   Article 19. Delegates
   Article 20. Quorums
   Article 21. Voting
   Article 22. Elections
   Article 23. Election of the President
   Article 24. Ordinary General Assembly
   Article 25. Agenda for Ordinary General Assembly
   Article 26. Extraordinary General Assembly
   Article 27. Conduct of meetings
   Article 28. Minutes
   Article 29. Composition and election
   Article 30. Eligibility, term of office
   Article 31. Presidential election
   Article 32. Meetings, quorums
   Article 33. Powers of the Council
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

     I.    GENERAL PROVISIONS                                         II. CHAPTER II. MEMBERSHIP

     Article 1.     Name and headquarters                             Article 5.     Categories of Members

     1.1    SportAccord (previously known as GAISF, the General       5.1    5.1The Members of SportAccord are:
            Association of International Sports Federations) is a            a) the Full Members;
            not-for-profit association, composed of autonomous               b) the Associate Members,
            and independent international sports federations and             whose admission has been approved by the General
            other international organisations contributing to sport          Assembly.
            in various fields.                                               Unless the context otherwise indicates, the term
     1.2    SportAccord is constituted according to article 60ff of          Member(s) comprises both Full Members and Associate
            the Swiss Civil Code, is governed by Swiss law and is            Members.
            formed for an unlimited period of time.
     1.3    The registered office of SportAccord is located in        Article 6.     Conditions for Membership
            Lausanne, Switzerland.
                                                                      6.1    May become:
38   Article 2.     Objectives                                               a) a Member any sport organisation (generally known
                                                                             as International Federations) which groups together
     2.1    The objectives of SportAccord are:                               the majority of the National Federations (or organisa-
            a) to facilitate and promote knowledge-sharing and               tions) throughout the world practising its sport and
            exchange of information between its members;                     regularly holding international competitions; or
            b) to support the organisation of the annual                     b) an Associate Member any sport organisation which
            SportAccord Convention and IF Forum;                             groups together the activities of several Members gen-
            c) upon request from and in agreement with its                   erally for the purpose of organising competitions.
            Members, to develop specific services for its Members
            in unique areas which avoid duplication and overlap;      Article 7.A Application Procedure for Full
            d) to organise and coordinate multi-sports events and                 Membership
            support the organisation of multi-sports games by
            its Members in agreement and cooperation with its         7.A.1 The Administration shall conduct investigations as to
            Members.                                                        the bona fides of any applicant organisation, under
                                                                            the direction of the Council. No commitment as to the
     Article 3.     Non-discrimination, representation                      outcome of such application may be made by anyone
                    of women                                                on behalf of the General Assembly.
                                                                      7.A.2 An ad hoc Commission may be appointed by the
     3.1    SportAccord rejects all forms and means of discrimi-            SportAccord Council to examine the new membership
            nation against individuals, groups of people, organisa-         applications in respect to the justification of the exist-
            tions or countries on grounds of ethnic origin, gender,         ence of the sport and to the existence of rivalry issues
            language, religion, politics and on any other grounds.          with SportAccord Members.
                                                                      7.A.3 On the basis of the investigations and the report
     Article 4.     Official languages                                      of the Commission as per 7.A.2 above, and if the
                                                                            SportAccord Council finds the application compliant
     4.1    The official languages of SportAccord are English and           with SportAccord requirements, the Council shall issue
            French.                                                         recommendations for the General Assembly.
     4.2    Only English or French shall be used by SportAccord       7.A.4 Any organisation willing to apply for membership must
            and by its Members in their relation with SportAccord.          submit its application at least 9 (nine) months prior
            In the event of a dispute between English and French            to the commencement date of the General Assembly
            texts, the English text shall prevail.                          at which the application is to be considered, together
                                                                            1. a written declaration justifying that the sport or
                                                                                 activity which they control does not conflict with

    or is not in rivalry with an already existing Member                  certification signed and stamped by the NOC
    of SportAccord;                                                       and/or NSA must be enclosed within the mem-
2. a written declaration justifying that the IF is the                    bership application for SportAccord;
    only federation governing its sport on a world                  12. a list of its national federations having partici-
    level. Provide, if any, the name of dissident organ-                  pated in men’s and women’s qualifying events
    isations and explain how and which solutions                          (where applicable) and in the last two major
    were arranged;                                                        Events/World Championships of their discipline;
3. a confirmation that the candidate is a not-for-profit            13. a document presenting its event, explaining in
    organisation;                                                         particular:
4. a copy of its constitution/statutes, regulations                      • the procedures implemented by the candidate
    and directives which must comply with the                               in order to ensure a high level of fairness and
    World Anti-Doping Code (incl. detailed statistics                       objectivity to its competitions (including selec-
    on the tests conducted and the number of anti-                          tion, training, evaluation of judges);
    doping rules violations having led to sanctions).                    • the steps taken to present its sport in an inter-
    The constitution/statute of the candidate must                          esting and attractive manner;
    also contain a specific provision recognising the                    • concrete examples of its ways of ensuring non-
    exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration                      discrimination, fair play and solidarity in all of   39
    for Sport, in Lausanne, Switzerland;                                    its activities;
5. a chart of its organisational structure (including               14. copies of audited financial statements, together
    staff), with detailed explanations and highlighting                   with a detailed description of sources of income
    the gender representation within its governing                        and a transparent report on expenses;
    elected bodies (men/women comparison);                          15. a strategic plan approved by the candidate’s
6. the minutes of the last 2 (two) General Assemblies;                    board meeting, covering the mid/long term;
7. the list of the last 5 (five) General Assemblies, and            16. a document describing the main achievements of
    the list of their attendees;                                          the candidate over the last three years, and its
8. a list of its Member National Federations (where                       fields of priorities, among the following list:
    applicable), grouped by continents, which must                       • athletes
    count:                                                               • coaches
    • for summer sports, at least 40 (forty) active                      • anti-doping / medical
       Member Federations from at least 3 (three)                        • promotion of women
       continents;                                                       • sport administration
    • for winter sports, at least 25 (twenty-five) active                • communication / marketing.
       Member Federations from at least 2 (two) conti-      7.A.5   A National Federation is a body representing a sport
       nents. Only those sports which are practised on              or a number of sports in a country that is recognised
       snow and ice are considered as winter sports;                by the NOC and/or the highest sporting authority of
9. a membership certification signed and stamped                    the country.
    by each member NF must be enclosed within the           7.A.6   A country, to be defined as such, must comply with at
    membership application for SportAccord; there                   least one of the two following conditions:
    will be no more than 1 (one) National Federation                1. To be an independent state recognised by the
    per sport and per country;                                            International Community
10. at the national level, the sport – represented by               2. To have a National Olympic Committee recognized
    the IF applying for SportAccord membership –                          by the IOC.
    must include one of the disciplines recognised by       7.A.7   Membership applications are to be accompanied by a
    the member NF. The National Federation must be                  proof of payment, made out in Swiss francs, equivalent
    a full member of the corresponding International                to the membership application fee determined by the
    Federation applying for SportAccord membership.                 Council. This payment does not cover the first mem-
    No categories other than the full membership to                 bership subscription due after the candidate joins the
    the IF will be taken into account;                              Association.
11. a list of the National Olympic Committees (NOCs)        7.A.8   In addition to the above rules, the Council is competent
    or National Sport Authorities (NSAs) recognising                to enact guidelines implementing the provisions on
    its Member National Federations; A recognition
— General Assembly — Scandinavian Center, Aarhus (Denmark) — 7 April 2017

            admission, and to determine transparent and objective       6.    the minutes of the last 2 (two) General Assemblies;
            criteria for admission into SportAccord.                    7.    the list of the last 5 (five) General Assemblies, and
                                                                              the list of their attendees;
     Article 7.B Application Procedure for Associate                    8.    a list of its Member National Federations or
                 Membership                                                   International Federations or National Olympic
                                                                              Committees (where applicable), grouped by
     7.B.1 The Administration shall conduct investigations as to              continents;
           the bona fides of any applicant organisation, under          9.    a membership certification signed and stamped
           the direction of the Council. No commitment as to the              by each member NF or IF or NOC must be
           outcome of such application may be made by anyone                  enclosed within the membership application
           on behalf of the General Assembly.                                 for SportAccord; there will be no more than 1
     7.B.2 An ad hoc Commission may be appointed by the                       (one) National Federation per sport or NOC per
           SportAccord Council to examine the new membership                  country;
           applications in respect to the justification of the exist-   10.   at the national level, the sport – represented by
           ence of the sport and to the existence of rivalry issues           the IF applying for SportAccord membership –
           with SportAccord Members or Associate Members.                     must include one of the disciplines recognised by
40   7.B.3 On the basis of the investigations and the report as               the member NF. The National Federation must be
           per 7.B.2 above, and if the SportAccord Council finds              a full member of the corresponding International
           the application compliant with SportAccord require-                Federation applying for SportAccord member-
           ments, the Council shall issue recommendations for                 ship. No categories other than the full member-
           the General Assembly.                                              ship to the IF will be taken into account;
     7.B.4 Any organisation willing to apply for membership must        11.   if the applicant organisation organises sports
           submit its application at least 9 (nine) months prior              events, a list should be provided of the National
           to the commencement date of the General Assembly                   Federations or National Olympic Committees rep-
           at which the application is to be considered, together             resented in its three most recent events. If the
           with:                                                              number of events is less than three, the organi-
           1. a written declaration justifying that the sport or              sation is not eligible for associate membership;
                activity which they control does not conflict with      12.   if the applicant organisation organises sports
                or is not in rivalry with an already existing Member          events, a document presenting its event, explain-
                of SportAccord;                                               ing in particular:
           2. a written declaration justifying that the IF is the             • the procedures implemented by the candidate
                only federation governing its sport on a world                   in order to ensure a high level of fairness and
                level. Provide, if any, the name of dissident organ-             objectivity to its competitions (including selec-
                isations and explain how and which solutions                     tion, training, evaluation of judges):
                were arranged;                                                • the steps taken to present its sport in an inter-
           3. a confirmation that the candidate is a not-for-profit              esting and attractive manner;
                organisation;                                                 • concrete examples of its ways of ensuring non-
           4. a copy of its constitution/statutes, regulations                   discrimination, fair play and solidarity in all of
                and directives which must comply with the World                  its activities;
                Anti-Doping Code (incl. detailed statistics on the            • a list of all International Sports Federations
                tests conducted and the number of anti-doping                    that are involved in the organisation of the
                rules violations having led to sanctions) if the                 events. If any of these IFs are not Members of
                applicant organisation organises sports events.                  SportAccord, they should not be any rival
                The constitution/statute of the candidate must                   federation to any of SportAccord Members;
                also contain a specific provision recognising the       13.   if the applicant organisation does not organise
                exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Arbitration            sports events, a document presenting its events
                for Sport, in Lausanne, Switzerland;                          or profession, explaining in particular the benefit
           5. a chart of its organisational structure (including              of the organisation’s activities for the members
                staff), with detailed explanations and highlight-             of SportAccord;
                ing the gender representation within its govern-
                ing elected bodies (men/women comparison);
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