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(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
                                                                                            Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.

                Assistant Professor Dr. Leah C. Roue, Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA
                                                                                   Received: October, 04.2014.
                                                                                 Accepted: November, 02.2014.
                                                                                              Original Article
                                                                                       UDK 159.954/.956.072

         Abstract. This study examines whether the           currently least engaged, be attracted into these
shortage of females in science and engineering pos-          fields. During this time of significant shortage,
sible gender-based differences in school-aged children’s     women are underrepresented in science and
divergent thinking. Divergent thinking is a direct measure   engineering, and constitute a large untapped
of creativity and an important characteristic in science     resource that has the potential to ease the
and engineering. A survey instrument designed to mea-        urgent need for skilled.
sure divergent thinking was administered to 8th and 11th            History reflects a gender difference in
graders in a mid-western United States school district.      significant creative accomplishments. There
Results showed that there were no difference between         have been far more accomplishments, particu-
girls and boys on measures of divergent thinking: flu-       larly at the highest level, by males in science,
ency, flexibility, and originality. These results indicate   literature, arts, music, and technical develop-
little reason as to why participation in science and engi-   ment than females (Eysenck, 1995). Research-
neering is male dominated, and support the notion that       ers have determined factors that influence cre-
additional exposure to science and engineering through       ativity but the inconclusive nature of the cur-
divergent-thinking activities will provide girls with the    rent collection of research emphasizes the fact
self-knowledge that they are capable of solving open-        that more research is needed to understand
ended problems and engineering tasks.                        gender differences in creativity.
         Keywords: Divergent thinking, Gender, Creativity,          Divergent thinking is defined as an idea-
Science and engineering, Wallach and Kogan Creativity        generating process wherein an individual is
Test (WKCT)                                                  faced with problems or questions for which
                                                             there is not just one answer (Guilford, 1950;
                                                             Runco, Dow, Smith, 2006).
            1. INTRODUCTION                                         The majority of creativity tests diver-
                                                             gent thinking, a key component of creativity
       The topic of this paper the shortage of               (Clapham, 2004). Tests of divergent thinking
females in science and engineering is linked to              evaluate the test taker’s quality and quantity
possible gender-based differences in school-                 of creative ideas.
aged children’s divergent thinking. Creativ-                        The Wallach and Kogan Creativity
ity is associated with the highest levels of                 Test (WKCT) is one of the most widely used
achievement in many fields, and certainly                    divergent thinking tests (Cheung, Lau, Chan,
this is true in science and engineering. New                 Wu, 2004). The WKCT has been in use over
systems, tools, processes, and equipment are                 many decades, and researchers within the
the concrete result of creative acts (Tornkvist,             field of creativity have recognized and accept
1998). In science and engineering, creativ-                  this test as generally reliable and valid. The
ity can result in new predictive theories, new               WKCT is thought to effectively test abilities
materials, more efficient energy sources, and                attributed to creative persons. The WKCT has
safer products. The list is endless.                         been noted as cross-culturally fair in the mea-
       Today the shortage of skilled workers                 surement of divergent thinking because of its
in science and engineering makes it impera-                  use of common daily objects familiar to most
tive that young students from all segments of                people.
our diverse society, particularly those who are                     Society has a general idea of gender dif-
                                                             ferences in educational trends, work, and cog-
Corresponding Author                                         nitive functioning and an awareness of varia-
Assistant Professor Dr. Leah C. Roue, Minnesota State        tions in performance, annual salary, and gen-
University, Mankato, USA                                     eral aptitudes. However, little is known about
E-mail:                                   gender differences in creativity and original
(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.

thinking. Research in these areas has devel-           of responses), and flexibility (the ease with
oped over the years but is still fairly limited        which mindset changes).
with respect to gender.                                       Measures of fluency, flexibility, and
      Today’s homogeneous male engineer-               originality were applied in scoring the WKCT
ing teams may no longer the increasingly               questions. Fluency is defined as the total
diverse needs of the customers (Ihsen, 2005).          number of responses given by a participant to
The lack of diversity and the issue of women           a particular item. The participant’s responses
in engineering holds more and more political           were totaled, which became the participant’s
and economic relevance worldwide. A diverse            fluency score for a particular question.
workforce blending genders, cultures, and                     Flexibility is the number of categories
ages has the advantage of representing a wider         into which the responses could be grouped. As
customer base in order to translate customer           a flexibility scoring example, if a participant
requirements into new and useful products.             is asked to name things with wheels and the
      Women comprise approximately 50%                 responses are a car, a truck, a bike, and your
of the population, yet according to Science            mind, the participant would get a flexibility
and Engineering Indicators (2014), women               score of two points. One point is awarded for
held only 28% of non-academic science and              the response in the category of transportation
engineering occupations in 2010. DeBartolo             and the other point for the non-transporta-
and Bailey (2007) point out that women com-            tion response of “your mind.” Originality or
prise fewer than 20% of engineering majors             uniqueness can be defined as one’s capacity
and stress that it is essential for our nation’s       to think independently or be inventive. Based
high-tech industries to increase the diversity         on this definition, an answer is dubbed origi-
of engineering graduates. As business lead-            nal as determined by the three judges. As an
ers and policy-makers seek to address talent           example, a participant may all the ways in
shortages, it is becoming increasingly urgent          which an orange can be used. A rare response
to close this gap and leverage the talents of          like “as ammo for a slingshot or catapult”
both men and women.                                    would receive a higher originality score than
                                                       a common response like “to eat.” Again, an
                                                       average of the judges’ scores was calculated to
 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS                              obtain the participant’s originality score.
                                                              Multiple judges were selected from
      The survey instrument study is based             various backgrounds, and their individual
on the Wallach and Kogan Creativity Test               scores were averaged to reduce subjectivity
(WKCT), and examines divergent thinking                and increase validity. Each of the three judges
characteristics in the study’s participants. The       went through the same scoring process: the
general instructions for administering these           three scores were averaged to become the par-
tests were based upon instructions provided            ticipant’s flexibility score for that question.
by Wallach and Kogan (1965).                                  The population for this study was 8th
      This research questioned whether                 and 11th grade students from middle and
there are gender differences in the solution           high school classrooms within a mid-western
of creativity tasks with respect to fluency of         United States school district. The average age
responses, flexibility of responses, and origi-        of the 8th grade students who participated was
nality of responses. Quantitative analysis there       14.17 years and the average age of the 11th
are gender differences in divergent think-             grade students was 16.92 years. (See Table 1.)
ing among 8th and 11th grade students. The                    Table 1. Gender and Grade Level of
researcher used a framework developed by               Participants
Wallach and Kogan (1965) to measure diver-
gent thinking within the sample. The instru-
ment was comprised of three sections: uses,
similarities, and instances. Each of the three
sections contained three questions.
      The WKCT is available in both verbal
and figural components (Wallach and Kogan
(1965); this research implemented the verbal
      Responses for each of the three sec-
tions were measured for originality (an atypi-
cal or novel response), fluency (total number
(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
                                                                                         Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.

                3. RESULTS                            a relationship exists between originality on an
                                                      individual question and gender. The analyses
       Results were presented in two catego-          revealed a relationship between originality and
ries: The first was ANOVA (analysis of vari-          gender for the question “uses of a brick,” for
ance) and the second was mean scores.                 which males provided more original responses
       Three one-way ANOVAs were com-                 than females.
puted to answer the research question                        The remainder of this section presents
“are there gender differences in fluency of           the second category of findings: mean scores.
responses, flexibility of responses, or original-     Mean scores were calculated for each of the
ity of responses?” No gender differences these        survey’s measures (fluency, flexibility, and
three measures: Between-subjects effects of           originality), and those measures were further
fluency and gender, between-subjects effects          broken down by each of the survey’s sections
of gender and flexibility, and between-subjects       (uses, similarities, and instances). Overall
effects of gender and originality.                    survey scores, when broken down by grade
       To further analyze the research ques-          level and gender, showed that fluency and flex-
tion, separate ANOVAs were run based on the           ibility increased from 8th grade to 11th grade
fluency, flexibility, and originality scores in       for both males and females, while the mean
each of the three sections of the survey (uses,       originality score in 11th grade students was
similarities and instances). There were no sig-       less than that of 8th grade students. Fluency
nificant relationships in the average scores          is higher among 8th grade females than 8th
between gender and fluency in the uses sec-           grade males; this is reversed in the 11th grade,
tion, the similarities section, or the instances      where males are more fluent than females.
section of the survey.                                       To further describe the data, fluency
       The same procedure was used for                has been broken down by the three survey
flexibility scores. Three separate ANOVAs             sections (uses, similarities, and instances).
were computed for flexibility in each of the          In the uses category, both males and females
three survey sections (uses, similarities and         increased their fluency from 8th to 11th grade.
instances). There were no significant relation-       Males showed a larger increase (7.20 to 8.46)
ships in the average flexibility scores between       than females (8.00 to 8.33). Males in 11th
gender and flexibility in the uses section, the       grade scored higher than females, whereas
similarities section or the instances section of      for 8th grade the opposite is true, so females
the survey.                                           scored higher than males. Overall in the simi-
       Originality scores were also broken            larities category, females (5.97 to 6.00) scored
down into the three survey sections (uses,            higher than males (5.18 to 5.70). Eighth grade
similarities, and instances) and ANOVAs               females (5.97) had a higher mean score than
computed. Again, there were no significant            11th grade males (5.7). In the instances cate-
relationships in the average originality scores       gory for there is little difference in the mean
between gender and originality in the uses sec-       score between 8th grade females (10.61) and
tion, the similarities section, or the instances      males (10.67). The same is true for the 11th
section.                                              grade females (10.54) and males (10.70).
       Further analyses were conducted to                    Flexibility has also been broken down
determine if individual survey questions              by the three survey sections (uses, similarities,
revealed a relationship between gender and            and instances). Flexibility scores in the uses
fluency, flexibility, and originality scores. Sep-    section reported that 8th grade females (2.85)
arate ANOVAs were computed based on the               had a higher mean score than did 8th grade
fluency, flexibility, and originality of individ-     males (2.63); the opposite was true for 11th
ual questions to test the effect of gender. After     graders. In the similarities section, the flexibil-
running separate ANOVAs for fluency of each           ity scores were slightly higher among females
question, results showed there is a relation-         at the 11th grade level than females at the 8th
ship between gender and fluency on the ques-          grade level. The instances section showed very
tion “name all the uses you can think of for an       little difference between 11th grade females
orange.” The females had a higher mean score          (2.85) and 11th grade males (2.86); whereas
(7.2556) than did the males (6.2468). The             in the 8th grade, females (2.96) scored higher
analyses determined that there were no effects        than 8th grade males (2.72).
between flexibility of a particular question and             Originality has also been broken down
gender.                                               according to the three survey sections (uses,
       ANOVAs were conducted for originality          similarities, and instances). Originality scores
scores for each survey question to determine if       in the uses section recorded 8th grade females
(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.

(2.53) had a higher mean score than 8th grade          Hyde (1989) may have been correct in stating
males (2.16), where the opposite was true in           that gender differences are not general but spe-
11th grade when males (2.19) had a higher              cific to situational and cultural frameworks.
mean score than females (2.01). In the simi-                  It is important to note that the accuracy
larities section, 8th grade females (2.25) scored      of measurements of creativity and the diver-
higher than did 8th grade males (1.93). The 11th       gent thinking process, even after years of
grade originality scores in the similarities sec-      research, is still open to differing opinions.
tion reflected only a small difference between         The tests reviewed above are still scrutinized.
male (1.90) and female (1.86) mean scores. In          Many critics propose that these tests have noth-
the instances section, 8th grade females (2.40)        ing in place to account for the many factors
scored higher than 8th grade males (2.27); there       that cause variation within a person’s creative
was little difference between males (2.04) and         production, nor for the variation within and
females (2.03) in the 11th grade.                      between tests of creativity. They also question
                                                       whether domain-specific questions impact the
                                                       measurement of creativity (Brown, 1990).
               4. DISCUSSIONS

                                                                      5. CONCLUSIONS
       Students in 8th and 11th grade from a
mid-western school district were surveyed to
examine whether the shortage of females in                    The major finding that came forth
science and engineering is linked to possible          from this body of research is that there are
gender-based differences in school-aged chil-          no gender differences in divergent thinking.
dren’s divergent thinking.                             These results indicate little reason as to why
       Based on the results of this research, the      participation in science and engineering is
most important finding of this study is that           male dominated. It should be of key concern
there is no difference between girls and boys          for science and engineering educators to con-
on the three measures of divergent thinking            tinue to focus professional development and
(fluency, flexibility, and originality).               curriculum on attracting all potential talent.
       Studies of gender and divergent think-          As educators become more informed as to
ing have provided mixed results. Klausmeier            the diverse jobs of today’s scientists and engi-
and Wiersma (1964) found gender to be of               neers they will be better equipped to develop
major influence on divergent thinking tests.           engaging curriculum.
The results of their research on 320 fifth and                In view of the fact that women are less
sixth graders showed that the mean divergent           likely than men to enroll in engineering related
thinking test scores for girls were higher than        courses, this finding supports the notion that
for boys. Reese et all. (2001) found negligible        additional exposure to science and engineer-
results in establishing a connection between           ing through divergent-thinking activities will
gender and divergent thinking after studying           provide girls with the self-knowledge that
400 adults ranging in age from 17 and older.           they are capable of solving open-ended prob-
Thomas and Berk (1981) that gender differ-             lems and engineering tasks.
ences were predictive in their study on the                   In addition to providing more opportu-
effects of school environment on the develop-          nities in order to attract a more diverse popu-
ment of creativity.                                    lation, it would be beneficial for science and
       This paper’s findings contradict Klaus-         engineering curriculum to stress non-technical
meier and Wiersma (1964) study of 320 fifth            competencies, such as creativity skills and
and seventh graders of high IQ that revealed           communication skills (Linn and Hyde (1989).
girls generally scored higher on tests of diver-              Stereotypes that girls do not have the
gent thinking. Dudek et all. (1993) tested             divergent thinking skills required in science
1,445 children from grades 5 and 6, using the          and engineering professions are not supported
Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT)             by the findings in this paper. During a visit
in agreement with Klausmeier and Wiersma’s             with my high school guidance I was informed
findings; girls in general scored higher than          about a trip to the local cosmetology school
males on tests of divergent thinking. Another          for all the girls. This gender-based stereotype
study in Hong Kong that used the WKCT                  led some of my girlfriends to select cosmetol-
found that boys had higher fluency scores              ogy training without hearing other options.
(Chan et all., 2000-2001). Overall, Linn and           The good thing is they got an education. The
(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
                                                                                            Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.

bad thing is that stereotypes set their course         M. (2001). Effects of intellectual variables, age,
for life. Educators, guidance counselors and           and gender on divergent thinking in adulthood.
principals must know that creativity (divergent        International Journal of Behavioral Develop-
thinking) is not gender specific, and should           ment, 25(6), 491-500.
not set artificial limits to girl’s opportunities Runco, M. A., Dow, G., & Smith, W. R. (2006).
as future scientists and engineers.                    Information,     experience,       and     diver-
                                                                   gent thinking: An empirical test. Creativ-
                                                                   ity Research Journal, 18(3), 269-277.
       Conflict of interests                                 Science and engineering indicators (2014). Retrieved
       Author declares no conflict of interest.                    December 10, 2014, from
                                                             Thomas, N. G., & Berk, L. E. (1981). Effects of
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(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education
Vol. 2, No.2, 2014.

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