GAN-argcPredNet v1.0: a generative adversarial model for radar echo extrapolation based on convolutional recurrent units
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Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 1467–1475, 2022 © Author(s) 2022. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. GAN–argcPredNet v1.0: a generative adversarial model for radar echo extrapolation based on convolutional recurrent units Kun Zheng1 , Yan Liu1 , Jinbiao Zhang2 , Cong Luo3 , Siyu Tang3 , Huihua Ruan2 , Qiya Tan1 , Yunlei Yi4 , and Xiutao Ran4 1 Schoolof Geography and Information Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China 2 Guangdong Meteorological Observation Data center, Guangzhou 510080, China 3 Guangdong Meteorological Observatory, Guangdong 510080, China 4 Wuhan Zhaotu Technology Co. Ltd., Wuhan 430074, China Correspondence: Kun Zheng ( and Yan Liu ( Received: 24 May 2021 – Discussion started: 6 July 2021 Revised: 25 December 2021 – Accepted: 13 January 2022 – Published: 18 February 2022 Abstract. Precipitation nowcasting plays a vital role in pre- of the result graph and the evaluation index. The recursive venting meteorological disasters, and Doppler radar data act prediction method will produce the phenomenon that the pre- as an important input for nowcasting models. When using the diction result will gradually deviate from the true value over traditional extrapolation method it is difficult to model highly time. In addition, the accuracy of high-intensity echo extrap- nonlinear echo movements. The key challenge of the now- olation is relatively low. This is a question worthy of further casting mission lies in achieving high-precision radar echo investigation. In the future, we will continue to conduct re- extrapolation. In recent years, machine learning has made search from these two directions. great progress in the extrapolation of weather radar echoes. However, most of models neglect the multi-modal character- istics of radar echo data, resulting in blurred and unrealis- tic prediction images. This paper aims to solve this problem 1 Introduction by utilizing the features of a generative adversarial network (GAN), which can enhance multi-modal distribution mod- Precipitation nowcasting refers to the prediction and analysis eling, and design the radar echo extrapolation model GAN– of rainfall in the target area over a short period of time (0–6 h) argcPredNet v1.0. The model is composed of an argcPredNet (Bihlo, 2019; Luo et al., 2020). The important data needed generator and a convolutional neural network discriminator. for this work come from Doppler weather radar with high In the generator, a gate controlling the memory and output is temporal and spatial resolution (Wang et al., 2007). Relevant designed in the rgcLSTM component, thereby reducing the departments can issue early warning information through ac- loss of spatiotemporal information. In the discriminator, the curate nowcasting to avoid loss of life and destruction of model uses a dual-channel input method, which enables it infrastructure (Luo et al., 2021). However, this task is ex- to strictly score according to the true echo distribution, and tremely challenging due to its very low tolerance for time it thus has a more powerful discrimination ability. Through and position errors (Sun et al., 2014). experiments on a radar dataset from Shenzhen, China, the The existing nowcasting systems mainly include two results show that the radar echo hit rate (probability of de- types, numerical weather prediction (NWP) and radar echo tection; POD) and critical success index (CSI) have an av- extrapolation (Chen et al., 2020). The widely used optical erage increase of 21.4 % and 19 %, respectively, compared flow method several problems, such as its poor capture qual- with rgcPredNet under different intensity rainfall thresholds, ity in fast echo change regions, the high complexity of the al- and the false alarm rate (FAR) has decreased by an average gorithm and its low efficiency (Shangzan et al., 2017). Since of 17.9 %. We also found a problem during the comparison echo extrapolation can be considered a time series image- prediction problem, these shortcomings of the optical flow Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
1468 K. Zheng et al.: GAN–argcPredNet v1.0 method are expected to be solved by using a recurrent neural movement and evolution of radar echo based on the U-NET network (RNN) (Giles et al., 1994). convolutional network for extrapolation prediction (Ayzel et With the continuous development of deep learning, more al., 2020). PredNet is based on a deep coding framework and and more neural networks have been applied to the field adds error units to each network layer that can transmit error of nowcasting. Forecast models such as ConvLSTM and signals like the human brain structure (Lotter et al., 2016). EBGAN-Forecaster show that this new method’s extrapo- In order to increase the depth of the network and the connec- lation effect is better than that of optical flow method (Shi tions between modules, Skip-PredNet further introduces skip et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2019). However, these models still connections and uses ConvGRU as the core prediction unit. have the problem of blurred and unrealistic prediction im- Experiments show that its effect is better than the TrajGRU ages (Tian et al., 2020; Xie et al., 2020; Jing et al., 2019). benchmark (Sato et al., 2018). Although these networks can One of the main reasons is that radar echo maps are typically achieve echo prediction, they have problems with both blur- multi-modal data acquired by multiple sensors and different ring and producing unrealistic extrapolated images. stations; some algorithms ignore this feature of radar echo maps, using the mean square error and mean absolute error 2.2 GAN-based radar echo extrapolation as the loss function, which is better suited to a unimodal dis- tribution. The generative adversarial network (GAN) consists of two The paper proposes a generative adversarial network- parts: a generator and a discriminator (Goodfellow et al., argcPredNet (GAN–argcPredNet) network model, which 2014). GAN can be an effective model for generating images. aims to solve this problem through GAN’s ability to Using an additional GAN loss, a model can better achieve strengthen the characteristics of multi-modal data model- multi-modal data modeling and each of its outputs will be ing. The generator adopts the same deep coding–decoding clearer and more realistic (Lotter et al., 2016). Multiple com- method as PredNet to establish a prediction model, and uses plementary learning strategies show that generative adversar- a new structure of convolutional long short-term memory ial training can maintain the sharpness of future frames and (LSTM) as a predictive neuron, which can effectively re- solve the problem of lack of clarity in prediction (Michael et duce the loss of spatiotemporal information compared with al., 2015). In this regard, the extrapolators built a generative rgcLSTM. The deep convolutional network is used as the dis- adversarial network to solve the problem of extrapolated im- criminator to classify the distribution, and the dual-channel age blur by trying to use this adversarial training to extrapo- input mechanism is used to strictly judge the distribution of late more detailed radar echo maps (Singh et al., 2017). Sim- real radar echo images. Finally, based on the weather radar ilarly, an adversarial network with ConvGRU as the core was echo dataset, the generator and the discriminator are alter- proposed, mainly to solve the problem of ConvGRU’s inabil- nately trained to make the extrapolated radar echo map more ity to achieve multi-modal data modeling (Tian et al., 2020). real and precise. There are also researchers working on the idea of a four- level pyramid convolution structure that propose four pairs of models to generate an adversarial network for radar echo prediction (Chen et al., 2019). It should be noted that the tra- 2 Related work ditional GAN network has the problem that it uses unstable 2.1 Sequence prediction networks training, which will cause the model unable to learn. There- fore, the design of the nowcasting model should be based on The essence of radar echo image extrapolation is the prob- a stable and optimized GAN network. lem of sequence image prediction, which can be solved by implementing an end-to-end sequence learning method (Shi 3 Model et al., 2015; Sutskever et al., 2014). ConvLSTM introduces a convolution operation into the conversion of the internal In this section, we describe the model both overall and in de- data state of the LSTM, effectively utilizing the spatial in- tail. Section 3.1 introduces the overall structure and training formation of the radar echo data (Shi et al., 2015). However, process of the model. In Sect. 3.2, we describe the structure the trajectory gated recurrent unit (TraijGRU) has also been of the argcPredNet generator and focus on the argcLSTM proposed as a solution (Shi et al. 2017) since the location- neuron. In Sect. 3.3, we introduce the design of the discrimi- invariant nature of the convolutional recursive structure is in- nator and the loss function of the model. consistent with the natural change motion. A GRU (gated re- current unit), as a kind of recurrent neural network, performs 3.1 GAN–argcPredNet model overview a similar function to LSTM but is computationally cheaper (Group, 2017). Similarly, ConvGRU introduces convolution Radar echo extrapolation refers to the prediction of the dis- operations inside the GRU to enhance the sparse connectivity sipation and distribution of future echoes based on the exist- of the model unit and is used to learn video spatiotemporal ing radar echo sequence diagram. If the problem is formu- features (Ballas et al., 2015). The RainNet network learns the lated, then each echo map can be regarded as a tensor, i.e., Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 1467–1475, 2022
K. Zheng et al.: GAN–argcPredNet v1.0 1469 x ∈ R W×H×C , where W, H and C represent the width, height In Eqs. (2)–(6), ∗ represents convolution operation; ◦ rep- and number of channels, respectively, and R represents the resents the Hadamard product; σ represents sigmoid nonlin- feature area. If M represents a given sequence of echo maps ear activation function’ f (t) and g (t) represent the forget gate and N is used to predict the most likely changes in the fu- and update gate, respectively; and x (t) , h(t) , and C (t) repre- ture, this problem can be expressed as Eq. (1). This paper sent the input, hidden state, and unit state at time t, respec- sets the input sequence M and output sequence N to 5 and 7, tively. respectively. 3.2.2 argcPredNet t+1 t+N argmax x̂ , . . ., x̂ = t+1 x , . . ., x t+N The argcPredNet generator has the same structure as Pred- t+1 t+N t−M+1 t Net, which is composed of a series of repeatedly stacked p(x , . . ., x |x , . . ., x ) (1) modules, with a total of three layers. The difference is Unlike other forecasting models, GAN–argcPredNet uses that argcPredNet uses argcLSTM as the prediction unit. As WGAN-gp (Wasserstein generative adversarial network with shown in Fig. 3, each layer of the module contains the follow- gradient penalty) as a predictive framework. The model ing four units: the input convolutional layer (Al ), the recur- solves the problem of training instability through gradient rent representation layer (Rl ), the prediction convolutional penalty measures (Gulrajani et al., 2017). Our model mainly layer (Âl ) and the error representation layer (El ). includes two parts: generator and discriminator. As shown The recursive prediction layer uses the argcLSTM loop in Fig. 1, the generator is composed of argcPredNet, which unit, which is used to generate the prediction of the next is responsible for learning the potential features of the data frame and the input of Âl and Al+1 . The network uses error and simulating the data distribution to generate prediction calculation, where El will output an error representation, and samples. Following this, the predicted samples and the real the error representation is passed forward through the convo- samples are input into the discriminator to make a judgment, lutional layer to become the input of the next layer Al+1 . The where the real data are judged to be true, and thus the pre- hidden state of the recurrent unit Rlt is updated according to dicted data are judged to be false. Finally, we use the Adam the output of Elt−1 , Rlt−1 and the up-sampled Rl+1 t . For A , l optimizer for training the adversarial loss and then update the input of the lowest target, namely A0 , is set to the actual the parameters of the discriminator, optimize the loss func- sequence itself. When l > 0, the input of Al is the lower er- tion of the generator once every five updates and complete ror signal El−1 , which results from convolution calculation, the update of the generator parameters. The algorithm flow linear rectification function (RELU) activation and the max- is shown in Table 1 (Gulrajani et al., 2017). imum pooling layer. The complete update rules are shown in Eqs. (7) to (10). The specific parameter settings of the gener- 3.2 argcPredNet generator ator are shown in Table 2. The numbers 1, 128, 128 and 256 represent the number of filters used from the first layer to the 3.2.1 argcLSTM fourth layer. The internal structure of the argcLSTM neuron used in the t xt Al = t model is shown in Fig. 2. In order to provide better feature- MAXPOOL RELU CONV El−1 extraction capabilities, the structure contains two trainable if l = 0 gating units: the forget gate f (t) and the input gate g (t) . The (7) 0
1470 K. Zheng et al.: GAN–argcPredNet v1.0 Figure 1. The schematic of the GAN–argcPredNet architecture. Table 1. GAN–argcPredNet training algorithm flow. Algorithm Model uses default values of λ = 10, ncritic = 5, α = 0.0001, β1 = 0.5, β2 = 0.9. Parameters: The gradient penalty coefficient λ, the number of critic iterations per generator iteration ncritic , the batch size m, Adam hyperparameters α, β1 , β2 , initial critic parameters ω0 , initial generator parameters θ0 . 1. for i = 1, · · ·epoch do 2. for t = 1· · ·ncritic do 3. for j = 1· · ·m do 4. Sample real data x ∼ Pr , latent variable z ∼ pz , a random number ∼ ∪ [0, 1] 5. x̃ ← Gθ (z) 6. x̂ ← x + (1 − ) x̃ 2 L(j ) = Dω (x̃) − Dω (x) + λ ∇x̂ Dω x̂ 2 − 1 7. 8. end for m 9. ω ← Adam(∇ω m 1 P L(j ) , ωαβ β ) 1 2 j =1 10. end for n om 11. Sample a batch of latent variables zj ∼ Pz s j =1 m 12. 1 θ ← Adam(∇θ m P −Dω (Gθ (z)), θαβ1 β2 ) j =1 13. end for Table 2. Generator parameter settings. Components Name Filter size No. of filters Module A Convolution layer 3×3 (1, 128, 128, 256) Max pool 3×3 / Unit Âtl Convolution layer 3×3 (1, 128, 128, 256) Module R Up-sampled 3×3 / argcLSTM 3×3 (1, 128, 128, 256) argcPredNet model, a double-channel convolutional neural network (DC-CNN) network is designed for discrimination. The process is shown in Fig. 4. It is a four-layer convolution Figure 2. The internal structure of argcLSTM. model with a dual-channel input method. The DC-CNN network extracts a pair of images from the three pairs of images, inputs them to the fully connected layer Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 1467–1475, 2022
K. Zheng et al.: GAN–argcPredNet v1.0 1471 Table 3. Discriminator parameter settings. Name Filter size Stride No. of filters Output size Convolution_1 3×3 2×2 32 48 × 48 Convolution_2 3×3 2×2 64 24 × 24 Convolution_3 3×3 2×2 128 12 × 12 Convolution_4 3×3 2×2 256 6×6 The model has the following maximum–minimum loss func- tion (Eq. 13): min max V (D, G) = Ex̃∼Pg D (x̃) − Ex∼Pr [D (x)] G D 2 + λEx̂∼Px̂ ∇x̂ D x̂ 2 − 1 , (13) where x̃ represents the distribution of generated samples, Pg Figure 3. Module expansion diagram of layer l at time t. represents the set of generated sample distributions, x repre- sents the distribution of real samples and Pr represents the set of real sample distributions. The third term is the penalty item of the gradient penalty mechanism. In the penalty term, x̂ represents the actual data and generation of a new sample formed by random sampling between data. Px̂ represents a set of randomly sampled samples. λ is a hyperparameter that represents the coefficient of the penalty term, and the value in the model is set to 10. Figure 4. The DC-CNN structure. 4 Experiments In order to verify the effectiveness of the model, the pa- through a four-layer convolution transformation and finally per uses the radar echo data from January to July 2020 generates a probability output through the Sigmoid function, in Shenzhen, China, to conduct experiments on the four indicating the possibility that the input image is from a real models of ConvGRU, rgcPredNet, argcPredNet, and GAN– image. When the input is a real image, the discriminator will argcPredNet. All experiments are implemented in Python maximize the probability, and thus the value will approach and based on the Keras deep-learning library with Tensor- 1. If the input is a generator-synthesized image, the discrim- Flow as the back end for model training and testing. inator will minimize the probability, and thus the value will approach −1. The specific parameter settings of the discrim- 4.1 Dataset description inator are shown in Table 3. This experiment uses the radar echo data of Shenzhen, China. The dataset is made up of rain images after quality control. 3.3.2 Loss function The reflectivity range is 0–80 dBZ, the amplitude limit is be- tween 0 and 255, and the data are collected every 6 min, with The generative adversarial network relies on the distribution a total of one layer. The height above sea level is 3 km. A to- of simulated data to generate images. It can retain more echo tal of 600 000 echo images were collected, of which 550 000 details, thereby realizing the modeling of multi-modal data. were used as the training set and 50 000 were used as the test A gradient penalty term is added to GAN–argcPredNet, and set. Each set of data contained 12 consecutive images. The the loss function of the discriminator is shown in Eq. (11). horizontal resolution of the radar echo maps is 0.01◦ (about 1 km), the number of grids is 501×501 (i.e., an area of about 2 500 km × 500 km) and the image resolution is 96×96 pixels. LD = D (x̃) − D (x) + λ ∇x̂ D x̂ 2 −1 (11) 4.2 Evaluation metrics The generator has the following loss function (Eq. 12): In order to evaluate the accuracy of the model for precipita- tion nowcasting, the experiment uses three evaluation indica- LG = Ex̃∼Pg D (x̃) − Ex∼Pr [D (x)] . (12) tors to evaluate the prediction precision of the model, critical Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 1467–1475, 2022
1472 K. Zheng et al.: GAN–argcPredNet v1.0 Figure 5. CSI index score. Figure 7. FAR index score. Table 4. Rain level Rain rate (mm h−1 ) Rainfall level 0 ≤ R < 0.5 None or hardly noticeable 0.5 ≤ R < 2 Light 2≤ R
K. Zheng et al.: GAN–argcPredNet v1.0 1473 Figure 8. Four prediction examples for the precipitation nowcasting problem. From top to bottom: ground truth frames, prediction by GAN– argcPredNet, prediction by argcPredNet, prediction by rgcPredNet, prediction by ConvGRU. rainfall level is 30 ≤ R, its leading advantage is the weak- Table 5. MSE and MSSIM index scores of each model. est. ArgcPredNet only leads rgcPredNet by a slight mar- gin, and its performance with rgcPredNet is not as good as Name MSE × 102 ↓ MSSIM ↑ ConvGRU in the range of 2–5 mm h−1 . For POD indicators, ConvGRU 0.950 0.705 GAN–argcPredNet performs best, and its leading advantage rgcPredNet 0.496 0.724 is more prominent. The performance of argcPredNet is not argcPredNet 0.476 0.790 so outstanding as it is almost the same as argcPredNet, but GAN–argcPredNet 0.451 0.833 the index of the two is always better than ConvGRU. For the FAR score, the performance of GAN–argcPredNet is still the best, while argcPredNet and rgcPredNet are worse than In order to compare the prediction results more specif- ConvGRU in the range of 2–5 mm h−1 , and the score for the ically, the experiment uses mean square error (MSE) and rain rate 0.5–10 mm h−1 interval is slightly lower than that of mean structural similarity (MSSIM) to evaluate the quality GAN–argcPredNet. of the generated images (Wang et al., 2004). The MSE and To compare the three methods more intuitively, Fig. 8 MSSIM index scores of the images generated by each model shows the image prediction results of the three models on are shown in Table 5. ConvGRU has the lowest two indexes. the same piece of test data. Although the MSE index of rgcPredNet is slightly lower than Compared with the other three models, GAN–argcPredNet that of the argcPredNet and GAN–argcPredNet models, the generates better image clarity and shows more detailed fea- MSSIM index of the argcPredNet and GAN–argcPredNet tures on a small scale. The contrast between the areas models is 0.066 and 0.109 higher than that of the rgcPred- marked by the red circle in Fig. 8 is more obvious. GAN– Net network model, respectively. argcPredNet made the best prediction of the shape and in- tensity of the echo. The area selected by the rectangle mainly shows the echo changes in the northern region within 30 min. 5 Conclusions Both models correctly predict the movement of the echo to a certain extent, and the prediction process shown by GAN– This study demonstrated a radar echo extrapolation model. argcPredNet is the most complete. In some mixed intensity The main innovations are summarized as follows. First, the and edge areas, our model clearly predicts the echo intensity argcPredNet generator is established based on the time and information, which clearly shows the effect of the confronta- space characteristics of radar data. The argcPredNet genera- tion training. tor can predict future echo changes based on historical echo observations. Second, our model uses adversarial training methods to try to solve the problem of blurry predictions. Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 1467–1475, 2022
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