Galaxy InteractoMIX: An Integrated Computational Platform for the Study of Protein-Protein Interaction Data

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Galaxy InteractoMIX: An Integrated Computational Platform for the Study of Protein-Protein Interaction Data

                             Galaxy InteractoMIX: An Integrated
                             Computational Platform for the
                             Study of Protein–Protein
                             Interaction Data

Patricia Mirela-Bota 1,2, Joaquim Aguirre-Plans 2, Alberto Meseguer 2,
Cristiano Galletti 1, Joan Segura 3, Joan Planas-Iglesias 4, Javi Garcia-Garcia 2,
Emre Guney 5, Baldo Oliva 2,⇑ and Narcis Fernandez-Fuentes 1,6,⇑⇑

1 - Department of Biosciences, U Science Tech, Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, Vic, Catalonia 08500, Spain
2 - Structural Bioinformatics Group, Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics, Department of Experimental and Health
Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Catalonia 08003, Spain
3 - Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics, Protein Data Bank, San Diego Supercomputer Center, University
of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
4 - Loschmidt Laboratories, Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5/a13, 625
00 Brno, Czech Republic
5 - Integrative Biomedical Informatics Group, Research Programme on Biomedical Informatics, Hospital del Mar
Medical Research Institute, Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona,
Catalonia 08003, Spain
6 - Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth University, SY233EB Aberystwyth, United Kingdom

Correspondence to Baldo Oliva and Narcis Fernandez-uentes: Department of Biosciences, U Science Tech,
Universitat de Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya, Vic, Catalonia 08500, Spain., narcis.
Edited by Michael Sternberg

Protein interactions play a crucial role among the different functions of a cell and are central to our under-
standing of cellular processes both in health and disease. Here we present Galaxy InteractoMIX (http://ga-, a platform composed of 13 different computational tools each addressing specific
aspects of the study of protein–protein interactions, ranging from large-scale cross-species protein-wide
interactomes to atomic resolution level of protein complexes. Galaxy InteractoMIX provides an intuitive
interface where users can retrieve consolidated interactomics data distributed across several databases
or uncover links between diseases and genes by analyzing the interactomes underlying these diseases.
The platform makes possible large-scale prediction and curation protein interactions using the conserva-
tion of motifs, interology, or presence or absence of key sequence signatures. The range of structure-
based tools includes modeling and analysis of protein complexes, delineation of interfaces and the mod-
eling of peptides acting as inhibitors of protein–protein interactions. Galaxy InteractoMIX includes a range
of ready-to-use workflows to run complex analyses requiring minimal intervention by users. The potential
range of applications of the platform covers different aspects of life science, biomedicine, biotechnology
and drug discovery where protein associations are studied.
                                                                                   Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction                                                     humans, or protein–protein interactions (PPIs) in
                                                                 cells at molecular level. Indeed, PPIs are central
  Interactions are the basis of life, be it gravitational        to all cellular processes and so the charting and
forces in the universe, social interactions between              description of the network of PPIs, or the

0022-2836/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.                                 Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (2021) 166656
Galaxy InteractoMIX: An Integrated Computational Platform for the Study of Protein-Protein Interaction Data
P. Mirela-Bota, J. Aguirre-Plans, A. Meseguer, et al.                Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (2021) 166656

interactome, is a key aspect to fully understand the           that Galaxy InteractoMIX will be of interest to a wide
inner workings of cells. The so-called post-genomic            target audience in life science and biomedicine but
era was ushered by the advent of high-throughput               also in biotechnology and drug discovery.
technologies that represented an exponential
increase of experimental information on PPIs, or
interactomics, but computational tools have still an           Results and Discussion
important role to play at different levels.
   At the level of data management and integration,            Galaxy, a common framework to interface
                                                               computational tools and resources
multiple large-scale projects aimed at the discovery
of PPIs in mainly model organisms, sparkled the                   The types of computational analyses that can be
development of range databases to archive the                  performed on interactomics data are very wide,
growing body of interactomics data [1–7]. This fact            thus requiring access to a range of different
presents the problem of data integration and cura-             tools. From a user point of view, and particularly
tion among the different databases. Experimental               non-expert       users,    access    and    use     of
data are also intrinsically noisy, having high error           computational tools can present a number of
rates [8], and finally the completeness of the human           challenges. Tools might be distributed in different
interactome to date is still low; i.e. there are still a       forms: source code, stand-alone applications or
large number of PPIs that are predicted to exist               web servers and having different interfaces, i.e.
and have not been identified experimentally [9].               web-based, command line or through a GUI.
These limitations together with the need of holistic           Issues of reproducibility, reusability and sharing
and multiscale analyses of protein networks justi-             become complicated when requiring complex
fied the use of the computational platform pre-                analyses and combinations of different tools
sented here: Galaxy InteractoMIX.                              (discussed later on).
   Galaxy InteractoMIX currently comprises 13                     The Galaxy Project, an open source, web-based
different computational tools each addressing a                platform for data intensive biomedical research
specific aspect of the study of interactomics data.            represents a convenient solution to tackle these
From a very high-level, Galaxy InteractoMIX                    problems [10]. The overarching goals of Galaxy
addresses the integration and consolidation of                 project are to provide accessible data analyses
interactomics      information    shared      between          serving all scientists regardless of their expertise
databases or in understanding the links between                as well as a platform for developers to make tools
diseases and genes, or genotype-to-phenotype                   available to the wider audience. Firstly, the interac-
associations, by studying underlying protein–                  tion with any tool implemented in Galaxy is through
protein interactomes. For the prediction of PPIs at            the web with underlying computational infrastruc-
genome-wide level Galaxy InteractoMIX uses                     ture being transparent to users. Galaxy allows
different approaches: conservation of motifs,                  uploading and storing data, and thus, its handling,
interology or presence/absence of key signatures.              exchange and use/reuse between tools are more
Galaxy InteractoMIX provides a range of                        flexible and easier from a user point of view. Repro-
structure-based tools as well as structure                     ducibility is also a strong aspect of Galaxy platform
modeling capabilities either by comparative                    as job runs get archived in users’ history and can be
homology or docking. Finally, structural-based                 shared and reused as needed.
modeling of peptide inhibitors to target PPIs is                  Over the years, we developed a range of tools,
also among the repertoire offered by Galaxy                    which will be described briefly below, that were
InteractoMIX.                                                  compiled in a single portal: InteractoMIX [11].
   Besides the wide range and breadth of the tools             Albeit valuable as a common portal, tools
included in Galaxy InteractoMIX, the unique and                remained disconnected, only working as individual
key point is its integration within the Galaxy                 applications. We have now integrated the various
platform [10]. Running under a common framework                tools of InteractoMIX within the Galaxy Project
such Galaxy facilitates the use in a truly integrated,         framework creating the Galaxy InteractoMIX plat-
one stop, manner. Galaxy uncouples data and                    form. The current Galaxy InteractoMIX platform
applications in the way that users can upload and              is composed of 13 different tools allowing network,
store data, and thus, the exchange and use/reuse               sequence- and structure-based data analyses
of data between tools are more agile, transparent              (Figure 1). Moreover, these tools can be con-
and flexible (e.g. some tools outputs can be used              nected between themselves as the type of analy-
as inputs for others and vice versa). Galaxy Inter-            sis performed individually can be complemented
actoMIX also features a range of workflows each                or because inputs and outputs are related (Fig-
addressing a different set of analyses that otherwise          ure 1). This interdependence between the different
would need to be done manually and individually.               computational tools highlights the strong and key
Besides, these tools being part of Galaxy, users               aspect of Galaxy InteractoMIX as a coherent plat-
can easily develop their own workflows using a sim-            form for integration. Thus, Galaxy InteractoMIX
ple graphical interface (drag-and-drop). We foresee            provides a single-stop portal to access these tools

Galaxy InteractoMIX: An Integrated Computational Platform for the Study of Protein-Protein Interaction Data
P. Mirela-Bota, J. Aguirre-Plans, A. Meseguer, et al.              Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (2021) 166656

  Figure 1. Schematic depiction of the different tools implemented in Galaxy InteractoMIX. Tools are color coded as
follow: network-, sequence-, and structure-based analyses are shown in orange, green and light blue, respectively.
The CIRCOS plot shown in the center illustrates the different interrelationships between the different tools.

but also a platform for their integration. Moreover,         BIANA: integration of biological entities
we capitalize on all different advantages that
Galaxy Project offers as a platform.                            BIANA is a platform to integrate biological
                                                             interaction data into a unique knowledge database
                                                             [12]. The platform facilitates the integration of bio-
                                                             logical elements (e.g. genes, proteins, drugs, dis-
Tools in Galaxy InteractoMIX: integration of
                                                             eases, phenotypes, etc.) gathered from different
interactomics data and network-based
                                                             databases and assigned with distinct identifiers into
                                                             a database where they are assigned a unique
  At the genome-wide level, Galaxy InteractoMIX              BIANA identifier. BIANA provides solutions to com-
provides the resources to handle both the                    mon annotation errors due to human and experi-
integration of interactomics information, BIANA              mental slips. BIANA presents a unification
[12], and a network-based tool to predict genes              protocol, allowing for crosschecking and
associated with diseases, GUILDify [13,14].                  traceability.
P. Mirela-Bota, J. Aguirre-Plans, A. Meseguer, et al.                           Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (2021) 166656

  Within the Galaxy InteractoMIX platform, BIANA                       Tools in Galaxy InteractoMIX: sequence-based
can be accessed to retrieve PPIs associated with                       tools included in InteractoMIX galaxy
specific species. Currently, BIANA contains the
interactomes of seven model species: Homo                                There are currently three different sequence-
sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus novergicus, Danio                        based tools in Galaxy InteractoMIX (Table 1). The
renio, Drosophila melanogaster, Saccharomyces                          goal of these tools is the prediction of PPIs each
cerevisiae     and     Arabidopsis thaliana.     Upon                  presenting their unique features complimenting
selecting the protein targets of interest, specie and                  each other; while iLoops [15,16] and BIPS [17] pre-
the radius of expansion (e.g. 1 would imply a                          dict PPIs by pairs or within proteomes, i.e. a yes/no
direct interaction to any targets of interest), BIANA                  answer based on quantitative scores; iFrag [18] pre-
will return the associated subnetwork in the format                    dicts the likely binding region(s), i.e. interface, in the
of choice.                                                             sequences.

                                                                       BIPS: prediction of PPIs based on interologs
GUILDify: network-based prioritization of                                 BIPS is a sequence-based predictor of PPI based
genes associated with diseases                                         on interologs [17]. Interolog predictions use the con-
                                                                       cept of conservation of PPIs across organisms by
  GUILDify is a method to extend the information of                    which two proteins in an organism are predicted to
sets of proteins through the PPI network compiled in                   interact if their corresponding close homologs in a
BIANA (Figure 1) [13,14]. GUILDify scores proteins                     different organism are known to interact. BIPS is
according to their proximity with proteins encoded                     able to handle entire proteomes by comparing to
by genes associated with a phenotype (called                           the existing interactomes compiled in BIANA [12].
seeds). GUILDify uses four different network-                          Within Galaxy InteractoMIX, the requirements to
based prioritization algorithms: NetShort, NetZcore,                   execute the applications are a text file with a list of
NetScore and NetCombo. The top-scoring proteins                        proteins in different formats (FASTA, Uniprot acces-
are predicted to have the same phenotype or dis-                       sion or gene symbols) and the taxonomy identifica-
ease than the seeds.                                                   tion code for the target organism.
  Within the Galaxy InteractoMIX platform,
GUILDify has been adapted so that it can be
                                                                       iLoops: prediction of PPIs based on local
easily used and integrated with the rest of the
tools. The user has to provide as input the list of
proteins associated with a phenotype (seeds). The                        iLoops is a machine-learning predictor of PPIs
user can also specify the species associated with                      based on the presence of domains and local
the set of proteins, the type of scoring function                      structural features [19] of paired proteins in the sets
and the cutoff threshold used to define the top-                       of known interactions [12] and in confirmed non-
scoring proteins. In the output, the Galaxy version                    interactions [20]. A random forest (RF) yields a bin-
of GUILDify returns the scores of all the                              ary prediction based on the majority class and in
interactome      proteins    computed     by    their                  scores of the statistical prevalence of domains (or
association with the seeds and the subnetwork of                       local structures) based on information entropy. Sev-
top-scoring proteins.                                                  eral RFs were trained and independently validated

Table 1 List of sequence-based tools in Galaxy InteractoMIX
  App      Purpose                      Expected inputs        Expected outputs                           Throughput

  iLoops   A motif-based predictor of   A FASTA file with      A file in XML format including all the     No limit on the number of pairs
           PPIs                         the sequences of       prediction and accessory                   to predict Recommended not
                                        all proteins           information                                more than 100 pairs per round

                                        A text file defining
                                        the pair of
                                        proteins to test
  iFrag    A predictor of protein       The sequences of       A text file containing a matrix with all   No limit on the number of pairs
           binding site based on        two proteins in        pairs of residues and corresponding        to predict
           conserved sequence           FASTA format           scores                                     Recommended not more than
           fragments                                           A link to an external server to            10 pairs per round
                                                               visualize the results in a graphic
  BIPS     An interolog-based           A FASTA file with      A link to an external server to            No limit on the number of pairs
           predictor of PPIs            the sequences of       visualize the results in a graphic         to predict including whole
                                        all proteins           interface with the predicted               proteomes

P. Mirela-Bota, J. Aguirre-Plans, A. Meseguer, et al.                 Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (2021) 166656

on sets with different ratios of interacting and non-          M4T: comparative modeling of proteins
interacting pairs (unbalance ratio), providing the
user with the probability that the output prediction             M4T is a structure prediction method based on
is true given a ratio of expected interactions that            comparative modeling [24,25]. M4T provides struc-
can be acquired or deduced from experimental                   tural modeling capabilities to the platform, so pro-
knowledge (i.e. by the percentage of expected inter-           tein structures can be used to study features of
actions in the same cellular compartment). Further-            interest, e.g. mapping of mutations. M4T is also rel-
more, the relative cost of false predictions in the RF         evant to other tools on the platform such as
can be adjusted, so more comprehensive (low                    BADOCK or V-D2OCK (see Figure 1). To execute
costs) or more precise (high costs) predictions can            M4T, the only requirement is the sequence of the
be requested. It has to be noted that the binding out-         query protein in raw format. M4T uses multiple tem-
put of previously proposed protein design strategies           plates and thus several models can be obtained
based on loop-grafting [21] can uniquely be                    depending on the number of templates used to
assessed by this method. The current implementa-               derive the alignment and the coverage between
tion in Galaxy Interactomix requires the list of pro-          the query sequence and the templates.
tein pairs to be tested, the sequences of all
proteins in the list, the desired cost for false predic-
tions, and two parameters defining the kind of                 MODPIN: comparative modeling of protein
domains and groups of structural features to                   complexes
consider.                                                        MODPIN is a tool designed to model the structure
                                                               of PPIs and derive a range of statistics on the
                                                               scores of the interaction [26]. MODPIN uses com-
iFrag: prediction of PPIs based on local                       parative modeling to obtain an ensemble of confor-
conservation                                                   mations of two interacting proteins by using different
                                                               templates. The poses are clustered according to
  iFrag is a sequence-based predictor of protein–              their common interfaces and scored subsequently
protein interfaces [18]. The basis of iFrag prediction         using a range state-of-the-art scoring functions
is the presence of similar local regions shared                such as ZRANK [33], FoldX [34], Rosetta [35] and
between the two query proteins and other similar               the in-house statistic potentials SSP [36], currently
protein-pairs retrieved by a BLAST [22] search of              used to analyze docking poses.
each partner. Rather than relying on the presence                There are two different ways to execute MODPIN
of conserved motifs (such iLoops above) or protein             within Galaxy InteractoMIX. The first is the
domains [23], iFrag relies on the fragments of com-            modeling mode where given a list of protein
mon local alignments. The requirements to use                  sequences in FASTA format and a list of pairs it
iFrag in Galaxy Interactomix are two files: one with           returns the all structural models of the list (when
the sequence in FASTA format and the other with                this is possible). In the second mode, MODPIN
the IDs of pairs of proteins to predict in text format.        analyses the energies of the complexes produced
The sequence coverage, sequence identity and e-                and offers a range of statistics comparing the
value of the BLAST search are adjustable                       distribution of these scores, which may be useful
parameters.                                                    for the study of mutations in interfaces.

Tools in Galaxy InteractoMIX: structure-based                  BADOCK: prediction binding affinity of
tools included in InteractoMIX galaxy                          complexes
   There is a total of eight tools within Galaxy                 BADOCK [27] is a method that predicts the bind-
InteractoMIX that are structure-based (Table 2).               ing energy of protein complexes using the structure
Two of them, M4T [24,25] and MODPIN [26], are                  of the unbound monomers, i.e. useful when the
actually structure prediction methods based on                 structure of the protein complex is unknown but
comparative homology for proteins and protein                  the individual monomers is. BADOCK relies on the
complexes, respectively. BADOCK [27] predicts                  study of the docking space of proteins as a proxy
the binding affinity of complexes based on unbound             for the study of the formation of the protein complex
protein structures. VORFFIP [28] and M-VORFFIP                 [37]. Because the structure of the protein complex is
[29] are structure-based methods to predict func-              not required to estimate the binding affinity with this
tional sites in proteins. V-D2OCK [30] is a data-              method, the range of applicability is largely
driven docking method that includes a clustering               expanded. BADOCK is based on a scikit-learn
step to reduce the size of the docking space while             regression-based predictor [38] trained on the dock-
preserving the conformational richness. Finally,               ing affinity benchmark 2 [39]. The use of BADOCK
PCRPi [31] and PiPreD [32] are methods to predict              in Galaxy InteractoMIX is straightforward being
critical residues, or hot spots, in protein interface          the only requirement for the coordinates of the two
and to model orthosteric peptides to modulate PPIs,            proteins of interest. Its sole output is the predicted
respectively.                                                  binding affinity, provided in an XML file.
P. Mirela-Bota, J. Aguirre-Plans, A. Meseguer, et al.                           Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (2021) 166656

Table 2 List of structure-based tools include in Galaxy InteractoMIX
  App              Purpose                   Expected inputs            Expected outputs                                    Throughput

  BADOCK           Estimation of binding     Coordinates of both        A file in XML format with the predicted             A single protein
                   energy between two        proteins in standard       binding energy                                      complex per
                   proteins                  PDB format                                                                     round
  M4T              Comparative               Sequence of query          Coordinates of structural model of the target       A single
                   modeling of proteins      protein in FASTA           sequence in standard PDB format                     sequence per
                                             format                                                                         round
  MODPIN           Comparative               Sequences of query         Coordinates of structural models of                 No limit on the
                   modeling of protein       proteins in FASTA          complexes                                           number of pairs
                   complexes                 format                     Energy-based statistics including several           to predict
                                                                        plots                                               Recommended
                                             A text file defining the                                                       not more than
                                             pair of proteins                                                               10 pairs per
                                             sequences to model                                                             round
  VORFFIP          Structure-based           Coordinates of the         Table with scores in tab-delimited format           A single protein
                   predictor of protein      protein of interest in                                                         structure per
                   interfaces                standard PDB format        Original coordinates where B-factor fields          round
                                                                        are substituted by prediction scores
  M-VORFFIP        Structure-based           Coordinates of the         4 different text files in tab delimited from with   A single protein
                   predictor of functional   proteins of interest in    prediction for DNA, RNA, protein and                structure per
                   sites                     standard PDB format        peptide sites                                       round

                                                                        4 different files including the original
                                                                        coordinates where B-factor fields are
                                                                        substituted by prediction scores (DNA,
                                                                        RNA, protein and peptide)
  V-D2OCK          Biased protein–           Coordinates of             A tar-compressed file containing                    A single pair of
                   protein docking           proteins to dock in        coordinates docking poses.                          protein
                                             standard PDB format        Text file with tab-delimited docking scores         structures per
  PCPRi            Structure-based           Coordinate of protein      A tab-delimited text file with prediction           A single protein
                   predictor of hot spot     complex of interest in     scores.                                             structure
                   residues in protein       standard PDB format        A tab-delimited text file with the atomic           complex per
                   interfaces                                           interaction at the interface.                       round
                                                                        A file with remediated coordinates where B-
                                                                        factor fields are substituted by prediction
  PiPreD           Structure-based           Coordinate of protein      A tar-compressed file containing                    A single protein
                   modeling of               complex of interest in     coordinates of modeled orthosteric peptides         structure
                   orthosteric peptides      standard PDB format                                                            complex per

VORFFIP AND M-VORFFIP: prediction of                                    V-D2OCK: prediction of complexes using
functional sites in proteins                                            biased docking
  VORFFIP and M-VORFFIP [28,29] are methods                               Protein docking can be used to derive structural
that predict functional sites in proteins. While                        models of protein complexes, and this the
VORFFIP predicts protein interfaces, M-                                 functionality of V-D2OCK [30] on the platform. V-
VORFFIP also predicts peptide-, DNA-, and                               D2OCK is a data-driven protein-docking algorithm.
RNA-binding sites. VORFFIP is also used by V-                           On the first stage, V-D2COK invokes VORFFIP to
D2OCK, another of the tools present in Galaxy                           delineate the binding sites in unbound proteins;
InteractoMIX, as the predicted interface(s) is                          information that is subsequently used to drive the
(are) used to guide and bias the protein docking                        docking exploration. Resulting docking decoys are
(see next section). The use of both tools within                        then clustered to reduce the size of the docking
the platform is very simple, as only the coordi-                        space while preserving conformational diversity.
nates of the protein of interest are needed. The                        Several scoring functions are available to users to
coordinates can be downloaded from the PDB                              rank the docking models. Within Galaxy Inter-
databank or local repository, but also obtained                         actoMIX, users need to upload the coordinates for
with M4T or MODPIN, thus highlighting the inte-                         the proteins to dock and define clustering tolerance
gration offered by the platform (Figure 1).                             and the scoring function for ranking. The structural

P. Mirela-Bota, J. Aguirre-Plans, A. Meseguer, et al.               Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (2021) 166656

models derived from M4T can be also used as                   provides an online repository to upload several
inputs (Figure 1).                                            workflows.
                                                                Beside tailored and user-made, we have
PCRPi: prediction of critical residues in                     developed seven ready-to-use workflows each
interfaces                                                    addressing a set of analyses that otherwise would
                                                              need to be done manually by running individual
  Not all residues of protein interfaces contribute           tools and combining their respective outputs.
equally to the binding energy of a complex, where             While the use of individual tools is open, in order
some of them, i.e. hot-spot residues, have the                to access the workflow users will need to create
largest contribution [40]. The identification of hot          an account in the platform. To do so, users will
spots or critical residues in interfaces is a relevant        have to register on the email address provided in
and critical question particularly in drug discovery          the main webpage. No personal data are required
and biotechnological applications dealing with PPIs.          besides an email address where details on the
PCRPi [31,41] uses a machine-learning classifier              username and password will be emailed.
integrating a range of features (conservation, struc-         Registered users will have both longer running
tural determinant and energy-based terms) to pre-             times and larger disk space quotas in line with the
dict hot spots in protein interfaces. Users need to           usual requirement workflows as compare to
provide the coordinates of the protein complex,               individual tools. Moreover, users will be able to
the chain identifier of the protein of interest and           access the historical record on the platform, such
the type of Bayesian network to execute PCRPi.                previous results that are not kept for more than a
As of other tools in the platform, the coordinates            week in the case of individual tools.
can be uploaded or re-used from structural models               The workflows currently available in in Galaxy
derived by MODPIN, allowing for the discovery of              InteractoMIX include those to retrieve information
critical regions in protein interfaces or to understand       on explicit pathways and eventually model the
the potential impact of mutations.                            structure of associated protein complexes;
                                                              combined prediction of protein interfaces by
PiPreD: modeling of orthosteric peptides                      sequence-,      structure-based     or    combined;
  PiPreD [32] is a structure- and knowledge-based             modeling of protein complexes either by
approach to model the conformation of peptides tar-           comparative modeling or docking; structural
geting protein interfaces. The modulation of PPIs is          modeling of protein complexes linked to diseases
a very active field where peptides are posed to play          including analyses of protein interfaces and
an important role. Given its nature, PiPreD is a fast         mutations (with their potential effects); and
method that ensures a systematic and comprehen-               eventually the de novo modeling of orthosteric
sive exploration of the entire interface in an unbi-          peptides to target a particular PPI. Each of the
ased manner from the point of view of the                     workflows in Galaxy InteractoMIX is fully
conformation of peptides. PiPreD requires the coor-           documented including a tutorial with a step-by-
dinates of a protein complex and specifying the               step explanation and test data. These tutorials can
chain IDs of the target (i.e. the specific protein to         be accessed through the main web page on the
be targeted by peptides) and mirror protein(s) (i.e.          galaxy platform.
other protein(s) of the complex whose native ele-               As an example of a workflow, we present a
ments are used to drive the modeling of peptides).            combined structure-based analysis of protein
As in other cases, the coordinates of the protein             complexes. This workflow utilizes eight tools
complexes can be uploaded or re-used from other               included in Galaxy InteractoMIX platform
tools, e.g. V-D2OCK or MODPIN (Figure 1).                     (Figure 2). The workflow starts with a list of
                                                              protein pairs and their sequences in FASTA
                                                              format. On the first step, it attempts to model the
InteractoMIX galaxy provides ready-to-use
                                                              structure of the complexes based on homology
workflows for complex analyses
                                                              modeling using MODPIN. For the successful
   An obvious advantage of integrating the different          complexes, i.e. with at least one suitable template
tools described above in the Galaxy framework is              to model the structure of the complex; the
the option of developing computational workflows              workflow submits the complexes to both PCRPi
by linking together the tools of the platform.                and PiPreD. The former will assess the hot spots
Galaxy provides a simple graphical interface that             in protein interfaces, while the latter will model
allows users to combine the different tools using a           peptides to target such interfaces.
“drag-and-drop” approach. The tools can be linked               For the remaining unmodeled interactions, the
by either reusing the same inputs or by using the             workflow attempts to model the individual,
output of one as input for another, which may be              unbound, structures using M4T. A range of tools
used as downstream analysis. Once a pipeline is               will use these structures as inputs. VORFFIP and
created within Galaxy InteractoMIX, this can be               M-VORFFIP are used to predict the interfaces and
reused, shared or modified by the user at any                 functional sites at the proteins. Paired structures
time. Moreover, the Galaxy Project as a whole                 are used as inputs to V-D2OCK, to run a data-
P. Mirela-Bota, J. Aguirre-Plans, A. Meseguer, et al.              Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (2021) 166656

  Figure 2. Schematic representation of one for the workflows implemented in Galaxy InteractoMIX. The different
tools and associations between them are shown as presented in the Galaxy workflow engine. Each box represents a
tool with a number of inputs and outputs that can be connected for other tools and/or parsed.

driven docking and obtain structural models of the           Materials and Methods
interaction, and to BADock, for predicting the
binding affinity of the complex based on the                 Galaxy platform
unbound monomers.
   Overall the workflow will deliver the structure of          Galaxy InteractoMIX instance is running on a
protein complexes obtained by either comparative             Linux operating system using the January 2020
modeling or protein docking, together with several           Galaxy Release (v 20.01) and an external MySQL
downstream analyses such as the prediction of                database. The featured tools were integrated
functional sites, peptides and estimation of binding         using Python 2.7.5 and bash. The different tools
affinities. This example illustrates the possibilities       are implemented in different languages including
and versatility of the Galaxy InteractoMIX platform          Python 2.7.5, Perl, C++ and C. An OVA image of
and how the implementation on the Galaxy                     a virtual machine running the Galaxy InteractoMIX
framework facilitates such complex analyses.                 platform is available upon request to the authors.

P. Mirela-Bota, J. Aguirre-Plans, A. Meseguer, et al.              Journal of Molecular Biology 433 (2021) 166656

Databases and accessory bioinformatics tools                 DECLARATION OF COMPETING INTEREST
   Several tools rely on external databases. BIANA            None declared.
uses data from IntAct [1], BioGRID [2], DIP [3], HIP-
PIE [4], InBio_Map [5], ConsensusPathDB [6], I2D
[7]and STRING [42]. GUILDIFY uses PPI networks
from six species (human, mouse, yeast, worm, fly,
and plant) that are computed from the consensus
BIANA databases above. These databases are                  The authors received support from the following: the
updated every time new consensus interactomes               Spanish Ministry of Sci (MINECO; BIO2017-85329-R,
are derived. MODPIN and M4T rely on the PDB                 RYC2015-17519, BIO2017-83591-R); the Marı́a de
[43], 3DiD [44], and BLAST preformatted databases           Maeztu Programme for Units of Excellence in R&D
(NR and PDBaa) that are updated on a regular                (award AEI CEX2018-000792-M), IMI-JU under grants
basis. The BLAST preformatted PDBaa set is also             agreements no. 116030 (TransQST) resources of
used by PCPRi to derive sequence profiles. iLoops           which are composed of financial contribution from the
make use of the ArchDB database as well as the              EU-FP7 (FP7/2007-2013) and EFPIA companies in
definition of SCOP [45] and PFAM [46] databases.            kind contribution. J.P.I. is supported by the grant
Finally, PiPreD relies on the iMotifsDB that is pre-        MSCAfellow@MUNI (CZ.02.2.69/0.0/16_027/0008360).
computed using the biounit complexes from the
PDB databank [43].                                                                            Received 29 May 2020;
   In term of accessory bioinformatics tools, there                                     Accepted 16 September 2020;
are several methods in Galaxy InteractoMIX that                                   Available online 23 September 2020
use BLAST [22] to perform sequence searches
and this include BIPS, iFrag, iLoops, MODPIN,                                                                   Keywords:
M4T, and PCRPi. MODPIN and M4T both use Mod-                                                                 interactomics;
eller [47] for comparative modeling as well as                                                           network analyses;
PROSA2 [48] (M4T only), Zrank [33], FoldX [34]                                                                  integration;
and InterfaceAnalyzer [49] to score structural mod-                                                       Galaxy platform;
els. M4T also uses CD-HIT [50] and ClustalW [51].                                                                 workflows
VORFFIP and M-VORFFIP require QHULL [52],
PSAIA [53] and NACCESS [54]. V-D2OCK requires
PatchDock [55], as does BADOCK, and GroMACS                                                           Abbreviations:
[56] to perform the clustering of docking poses.                  PPI, protein–protein interaction; RF, random forest
BADOCK also utilizes FiberDOCK [57] to refine
docking poses. PCRPi makes use of CSU [58],                 References
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