Keshav Parajuly, Ruediger Kuehr, Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Colin Fitzpatrick,
Josh Lepawsky, Elisabeth Smith, Rolf Widmer, Xianlai Zeng
FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                 AUTHORS

             This paper is published by the StEP Initiative, UNU ViE-SCYCLE, and UNEP IETC.           Keshav Parajuly (United Nations University ViE-SCYCLE, Germany and University
                                                                                                      of Limerick, Ireland)
             The Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative is a network of e-waste experts and    Ruediger Kuehr (United Nations University ViE-SCYCLE, Germany)
             a multi-stakeholder platform for designing strategies that address all dimensions of
             electronics in an increasingly digitized world. The independent Initiative applies an    Abhishek Kumar Awasthi (Tsinghua University, China)
             integrated and science-rooted approach to create salient solutions to global e-waste
             challenges throughout the entire lifecycle of electronics.                               Colin Fitzpatrick (University of Limerick, Ireland)

             UNU ViE-SCYCLE                                                                           Josh Lepawsky (Memorial University, Canada)
             The Sustainable Cycles (SCYCLE) Programme is hosted by the United Nations
             University Vice Rectorate (UNU ViE) in Europe in Bonn, Germany. SCYCLE’s mission is      Elisabeth Smith (Solving the E-waste Problem Initiative)
             to promote sustainable societies, and focuses its activities on the development
             of sustainable production, consumption, and disposal patterns for electrical and         Rolf Widmer (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology,
             electronic equipment (EEE), as well as for other ubiquitous goods. SCYCLE leads the      Switzerland)
             global e-waste discussion and advances sustainable e-waste management strategies
             based on life-cycle thinking.                                                            Xianlai Zeng (Tsinghua University, China)

             UNEP IETC                                                                                Please cite this document as: Future E-waste Scenarios; Parajuly, K.; Kuehr, R.;
             The International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) is a branch of the United       Awasthi, A. K.; Fitzpatrick, C.; Lepawsky, J.; Smith E.; Widmer, R.; Zeng, X. (2019).
             Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), located in Osaka, Japan, and works with the        StEP (Bonn), UNU ViE-SCYCLE (Bonn) & UNEP IETC (Osaka).
             collection and dissemination of information on environmentally sound technologies with
             a focus on waste management.

                                                                                                      Photo credits
                                                                                                      Page 1, Page 36: close-up of silicon wafer, @iStock.com/c1a1p1c1o1m1; Page 6-7: Vintage gramophone, @iStock.com/jakka-
                                                                                                      pan21; Old washing machine, @iStock.com/dja65; Antique refrigerator, @istock/jgroup; The black-blue vacuum cleaner, @iStock.
                                                                                                      com/OlegPhotoR; Old chrome bread toaster, @iStock.com/DutchScenery; White old vintage retro kitchen stove, @iStock.com/
                                                                                                      arogant; A vintage console radio circa 1936, @iStock.com/diane39; Vintage television…, @iStock.com/Nastco; Vintage commu-
                                                                                                      nication and media (Vintage telephone, microphone), @iStock.com/lumpynoodles; Vinyl player on an old leather suitcase, @iStock.
                                                                                                      com/Vladimir Sukhachev; Classic fridge, @iStock.com/vorminbeeld; Vintage radio and vintage portable radio, @alder creation; Set
                                                                                                      of home appliances… (Mixer, Coffee machine, fridge, stove, microwave…), @iStock.com/george tsartsianidis; Old mobile phones
                                                                                                      from past…, @iStock.com/yktr; Analog stereo open reel tape deck recorder player, @iStock.com/Viktorus; Old video cassette
                                                                                                      recorder…, @iStock.com/StockPhotosArt; Polaroid camera and alarm clock, @alder creation; Studio shot on white (typewriter),
                                                                                                      @iStock.com/clu; Retro ghetto blaster isolated…, @iStock.com/valio84sl; Cassette and compact disc player…, @iStock.com/
                                                                                                      Gudella; It was my first pc.... @iStock.com/clu; Home appliances (Fridge, Dish washer, stove…), @iStock.com/3alexd; First
                                                                                                      image from serie of „audio recorder“, @iStock.com/mygueart; Closeup of blank laptop screen…, @iStock.com/peshkov; Digital
                                                                                                      tablets…, @iStock.com/loops7; TV flat screen lcd… @iStock.com/AlexandrBognat; Digital camera, @iStock.com/artisteer; Mini-
                                                                                                      DV camcorder…, @iStock.com/gilotyna; Multifunction printer…, @iStock.com/wabeno; Smartphone, handy…, @iStock.com/
                                                                                                      yulla; Bluetooth mini speaker…, @iStock.com/yourbordo; Self balancing scooter, @iStock.com/MileA; Closeup of modern kitchen
                                                                                                      equipment…, @iStock.com/DingaLT; Page 8: Eiffel tower isolated, @iStock.com/Denyshutter; Page10: E-waste, @R.Kuehr;
                                                                                                      Page 30: Smartphone, handy…, @iStock.com/yulla; Page 35: Electronic waste ready for recycling…, @iStock.com/grafvision;

2 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                                                    FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 3
DISCLAIMER                                                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS

             United Nations University (UNU) is an autonomous organ of the UN General Assembly
                                                                                                               1. BACKGROUND                                   6
             dedicated to generating and transferring knowledge and strengthening capacities
             relevant to global issues of human security, development, and welfare. The University               1.1 E-WASTE                                   8
             operates through a worldwide network of research and training centres and programmes,             		1.2 OBJECTIVES                                9
             coordinated by UNU Centre in Tokyo. www.unu.edu
                                                                                                               2. E-WASTE ELEMENTS                            10
             International Environmental Technology Centre (IETC) is part of the UN Environment                  2.1   TECHNOLOGY                             12
             Program (UNEP) and its vision is for countries to implement sustainable solutions                 		2.2   IMPACTS                                13
             to environmental challenges, with focus on holistic waste management. In order to                 		2.3   MANAGEMENT                             14
             realize this vision, they provide technical and advisory support to national and local            		2.4   POLICIES                               15
             governments to enhance their use of environmentally sound strategies and approaches.                2.5   BUSINESSES                             16
             www.unenvironment.org/ietc                                                                        		2.6   USERS                                  17

             The Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative an independent, multi-stakeholder
                                                                                                               3. OUTLOOK                                     18
             platform for designing strategies that address all dimensions of electronics in an
             increasingly digitized world. www.step-initiative.org                                               3.1 SCENARIO 1: LINEAR GROWTH                24
                                                                                                               		3.2 SCENARIO 2: REACTIVE APPROACH            26
             The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication                		3.3 SCENARIO 3: PROACTIVE PATH               28
             do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the United
             Nations University (UNU) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) concerning               4. OPPORTUNITIES                               32
             the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning
             delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Moreover, the views expressed do not                 5. REFERENCES                                  34
             necessarily represent those of the UNU or UNEP, nor does citing of trade names,
             companies, schemes, or commercial processes constitute endorsement.

             This publication is licensed by the United Nations University and UNEP-IETC under
             a Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0 IGO License.
             Please take the time to learn more about Creative Commons.

             Your fair use and other rights are in no way affected by the above.

             © UNU and UNEP-IETC 2019

             ISBN – Print: 978-92-808-9106-5
             ISBN – Digital: 978-92-808-9107-2

4 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                           FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 5
                                                                                                                 FIGURE 1 Technological advancement and evolution of
                                                                                                                 e-products over the last century has been unpredictable

              StEP, UNU, and UNEP IETC have been           We cannot expect immediate success with
              working extensively on e-waste issues        these concepts without an active search
              and made an attempt to look into the         solutions. The complicated nature of
              future of the problem in order to initiate   production, use, and disposal of electronics
              policy level discussions on the challenges   require significant changes in order for the
              and opportunities ahead. Having insight      processes to become sustainable.
              into the future will help policymakers and
              industries, as well as other stakeholders,
              to make better strategic decisions.
              Forecasting is also necessary vis-à-vis
              strategic concepts towards sustainable
              development, such as circular economy
              and the UN’s Agenda 2030.

1900                               1920                                   1940                            1960             1980                    2000                       2020
 6 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 7
FIGURE 2 The amount of e-waste generated every year is
             E-WASTE                                                                                              equivalent to the weight of 5,000 Eiffel Towers 2,3

             Electrical and electronic products (e-        Around 50 million metric tons of e-waste
             products) are defined as any household or     is generated globally per year, with an                Million tonnes
             business item with circuitry, or electrical   average of more than 6 kg per person2.
             components with power or battery              Not surprisingly, this distribution is uneven:         80
             supply1. This includes products from          richer countries produce more. Norway,                                       e-products                                                                  5,000
             basic kitchen appliances to computers to      for example, produces 28.5 kg per                                            e-waste                                                                 Eiffel Towers
             cellphones. Besides everyday household        person per year, compared to an average
             use, e-products are also becoming             of less than 2 kg in African countries.
             increasingly integrated in transport,                                                                40
             energy supply, health, and security           Often referred to as the fastest growing
             systems, making them a major part of          solid waste stream, the growth of e-waste
             modern society. These gadgets make            is not surprising given the rising demand              20
             lives more convenient and work more           and use of e-products. The management
             efficient.                                    of e-waste, however, has proven to be
                                                           unbelievably challenging. Even industria-
             Nevertheless, all e-products come with        lized nations with well-established waste                             1990                   2000                 2010                    2015
             a life expectancy, and once they stop         management systems are struggling with
             functioning or new technology makes           the complex nature of e-waste. And for
             them obsolete, they must be discarded.        less-developed countries with little to no
             Electronic waste (e-waste) is a term used     policies or infrastructure, e-waste has
             for all types of e-products, and their        added challenges to the already existing         1.2
             parts, that have been discarded as waste      waste-management crisis.                               OBJECTIVES
             without the intention of reuse1.

                                                                                                                  This paper maps several dimensions            of the problem given possible future
                                                                                                                  of the e-waste problem and provides a         scenarios. Given the unpredictable nature
                                                                                                                  snapshot into future challenges. It looks     of technological development, it is
                                                                                                                  into what we can anticipate in terms of how   impossible to precisely quantify the
                                                                                                                  the use of e-products and management          future of e-waste. However, based on the
                                                                                                                  of e-waste could evolve. The goal is          global trends of growth and regulatory
                                                                                                                  to initiate public discussions on these       initiatives, tentative projections can be
                                                                                                                  unforeseen challenges and opportunities,      drawn at a macro level. This paper uses
                                                                                                                  in order for the political agendas of         a qualitative approach and intuitive logics
                                                                                                                  governments and businesses to address         to conceptualize future scenarios. It is
                                                                                                                  such issues early on.                         meant to be a thought-provoking exercise
                                                                                                                                                                for all actors in the e-waste arena including
                                                                                                                  This is done based on a) a comprehensive      researchers, policy makers, businesses,
                                                                                                                  understanding of the elements linked to       e-waste managers, non-profit organizations,
                                                                                                                  the e-waste problem and b) an outlook         and everyday consumers of e-products.

8 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                                  FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 9
                                                                                                             FIGURE 3 Elements of the e-waste problem

               Several elements are linked to the global   therefore necessary to speculate about
               e-waste problem and must not be             the future of the e-waste problem and to
               addressed in isolation. A comprehensive     find possible solutions.
               understanding of these elements is                                                                                                      Sector-based
                                                                                                                                            New          Growth
                                                                                                                                          Materials                   Innovation

                                                                                                                         Demand                                                          Resource
                                                                                                                         Growth                                                            Use

                                                                                                         Environmental                                 TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                          Awareness                                                                                Damage

                                                                                                                                  USERS                                            IMPACTS                Toxicity


                                                                                                      Resource                                                                                           Collection
                                                                                                      Recovery                                                                                            Targets

                                                                                                                               BUSINESS                                       MANAGE

                                                                                                            Linear                                                                                    Waste
                                                                                                            Model                                                                                   Shipments


                                                                                                                     Design for                                                          Resource
                                                                                                                       EoL                                                                Losses

                                                                                                                                          WEE, RoHS,
                                                                                                                                          Ecodesign       Basel        SDGs

 10 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                   FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 11
2.1                                                                                                               2.2
              TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                      IMPACTS

              Aside from stand-alone equipment in            functionalities and quality. For example,                        The environmental impacts of the first         The toxicants used in manufacturing (as
              households and businesses, e-products          more than 70 stable metals (out of 83)                           e-products (mainly energy-intensive            intermediate inputs) can also leave a long
              are increasingly used in buildings             from the periodic table can be found in                          household appliances) with longer              trail of toxicity. For example, fluorinated
              (lightning, temperature control, security      a modern smartphone4. On the other                               lifetimes were mostly linked to the ‘use’      greenhouse gases, used in manufacturing
              system, etc.) and transport systems            hand, product lifespans are shortening.                          phase of the products. But as e-products       of LCD flat-panel displays, involves
              (displays, connectivity, etc.). Use of         E-products come to their end-of-life                             become more advanced, and use an               chemicals with atmospheric lifetimes
              technologies such as wearables,                (EoL) due to technological advancement                           increasing number of resources, the            beyond 3,000 years and thousands of
              including for medical monitoring and           (that renders the current gadget obsolete),                      environmental impacts are now shifting         times more global warming potential
              electronics integrated in clothing (known      planned obsolescence, inability to repair,                       from ‘use’ to the ‘production’ and ‘material   than CO28. Manufacturing of chips
              as e-textile), is also increasing, which       or software compatibility issues. For                            extraction’ stages. Given the challenges       and semiconductors uses a variety of
              results in so-called “cross-over products.”    energy-intense appliances, the availability                      of resource extraction, manufacturing          chemicals, including volatile organic
              Moreover, the growing use of clean             of more energy-efficient technology                              and EoL resource recovery, the energy          compounds. In the lack of guiding
              technology means increasing demand             encourages replacement of old items,                             use is no longer the most crucial factor       policies and proper processing infra-
              for e-products such as photovoltaic            which also contributes to e-waste                                in the lifecycle of modern products such       structure, rudimentary e-waste recycling
              panels and large batteries. Digitization may   generation.                                                      as smartphones5. Generally, the lifecycle      practices can lead to serious damage.
              contribute to lowering product use in the                                                                       impact of bulk metals per unit is smaller      The infamous e-waste ‘recycling’ sites in
              future with virtual services (streaming,                                                                        than that of special metals (e.g. gold,        Agbogbloshie, Ghana and Guiyu, China
              cloud computing, and purchasing                                                                                 palladium, and cobalt)6. The mining of         are extreme examples of improper
              services instead of products), requiring                                                                        critical resources often requires more         e-waste recycling that result in severe air,
                                                                   New               Growth
              less hardware (in particular ICT equipment)        Materials                                 Innovation         effort than for bulk metals. This translates   water, and soil pollution9,10.
              to be used in households. Nevertheless,                                                                         into use of more land, water, and energy,
              with the total number of users set to                                                                           as well as other socioecnomic issues
              increase, the total use of e-products, and                                                                      including health hazards, human rights,                                          Use
              thus e-waste quantities, has only one                                                                           and conflicts linked to the mining
              direction: up.                                                                                                  process7.

              As products continue to miniaturize and                                                                                                                                                                  Environmental
              become sophisticated, several materials                             TECHNOLOGY                                                                                                                              Damage
              in the form of metals, alloys, and
              polymers are needed to achieve multiple

                                                                                                                                                                                                   IMPACTS                     Toxicity


12 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                                             FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 13
2.3                                                                                                       2.4
              MANAGEMENT                                                                                              POLICIES

              Many industrialized countries have            The issue of e-waste management is                        The European Waste Electrical and
              established      e-waste     management       even more pressing for less industrialized                Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive
              systems based on the principle of             countries that lack proper waste                          was the first comprehensive legislation to
              Extended Producer Responsibility. The         management infrastructure. Informal                       exclusively cover e-products with
              EoL management and material recovery          recyclers, who operate in subpar working                  technical details on collection targets for
              involves three main steps: collection,        conditions, are the major player in many                  e-waste and its subsequent recycling14.
              pre-processing, and end processing.           developing countries. Rudimentary                         Based on the principle of Extended
              In general, base metals such as               techniques for material recovery, mainly                  Producer Responsibility, the 2003 WEEE
              copper, steel, and aluminum are               used by informal recyclers, are not                       Directive mandates that producers be
              recovered efficiently because of the          effective because a) such processes lead                  in charge of their respective e-waste.
              available recycling infrastructure, but       to loss of valuable resources and b) they                 Linked with the WEEE Directive,
              critical resources, including rare earth      target valuables but do not necessarily                   Restriction of Hazardous Substances
              elements do not have very high recycling      take care of less valuable fractions such                 Directive (2003) prohibits the use of
              rates11. While technically possible, it is    as plastics. More importantly, it leads                   select chemicals in the manufacturing
              not economically feasible to recover all      to localized environmental pollution and                  of e-products.
              resources in e-waste. This is mainly due to   health-hazards. Unfortunately, the e-waste                                                                           E-waste
              the low concentration of these elements       challenge is partly being exported from                   On a broader level, the European
              in e-products, complex product design,        industrialized countries to less developed                Commission’s ‘Flagship’ Resource-
              and higher cost of recycling compared         regions12,13. This is linked to the low                   Efficient Europe Initiative (2011) and
              to lower potential revenue from the           e-waste collection rate under the official                Action Plan for the Circular Economy
              recovered resources. Although concepts        management system (European countries,                    (2015) address the challenges of, among
              such as ‘design for recycling’ to address     for instance, collect 35% of their                        others, resource use in e-products. And
              these challenges have been around             generated e-waste whereas the collection                  finally, the UN’s global Agenda 2030 has
              for more than two decades, their              rate of the USA is only 22%2 ). Pollution                 a goal (SDG 12) to Ensure Sustainable
              implementation in e-products’ design is       outsourcing from developed to less                        Production and Consumption, which
              not fully materialized.                       developed countries is not only prohibited,               targets sound management of wastes,
                                                            but also inefficient in terms of resource                 ‘substantial’ reduction of chemical                         POLICIES
                                                            recovery.                                                 pollutions, and more importantly,
                                                                                                                      prevention of waste through reuse and
                                     E-waste                                                                          recycling — all relevant to the issue of

                                                                                                                                                                    WEE, RoHS,
                                                                                                   Collection                                                                                     Economy
                                                                                                                                                                    Ecodesign       Basel
                                                                                                    Targets                                                                                        SDGs


14 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                      FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 15
2.5                                                                                                    2.6
              BUSINESSES                                                                                           USERS

              The production and consumption of                 reported to have taken action against              Finally, end users play an important role in   As the price of new products decreases
              e-products today are based on economic            standards that, for example, facilitate            the consumption patterns of e-products         and labor costs increases, repair becomes
              incentives. Minimizing production cost            repair and reuse of products that can              and the management of e-waste.                 less desirable for users, compared to
              and increasing revenues have been a               help prevent e-waste 15. At the same               Although disposal and management of            the cheaper option of simply replacing
              priority in the global manufacturing and          time, businesses operating at the                  household waste have become social             broken e-products. On the bright side,
              supply chains that do not necessarily             product EoL face challenges. Recyclers,            norms in many industrialized countries,        environmental awareness is growing among
              consider the lifecycle impacts of                 for example, are struggling because of             the e-waste stream is not perceived in the     certain consumer groups. Grassroots
              products. Given the vast differences              the lowering concentrations of valuable            same way. Among other factors, the             initiatives, such as repair cafés, are
              in environmental standards across the             metals in e-products and in miniaturized           lack of awareness of the e-waste issues        gaining popularity in many developed and
              globe, environmental externalities caused         products that are more difficult to                is leading to EoL appliance stockpiling        developing countries. Although limited,
              by production and EoL management are              recycle. And the reuse sector is under             in households. EoL products are thus           there is a demand for ‘greener’ and more
              not reflected in the price of modern              constant pressure because warranty                 unavailable for collection and subsequent      ‘ethical’ products, but unlike organic food
              e-products. This so-called ‘linear’ business      arrangements encourage consumers to                resource recovery.                             products, for example, there are no labels
              model is partly responsible for the               purchase brand-new products over reuse                                                            for e-products to show their lifecycle
              growing e-waste problem.                          (i.e., reused products shall meet the same                                                        environmental impacts. More action
                                                                standards as new products, depreciation                                                           needs to be taken in regard to making
              Even though there are legislations,               systems favoring new products only,                                                               information available for users that will
              businesses often only do the required             etc.).                                                                                            guide them in choosing better products.
              minimum. Apart from a few exceptions,
              manufacturers are not looking beyond
              compliance. Ever more so, they are                                                                                           Growth

                                                                                                 E-waste                    Awareness


                                                Linear                                                                                                                        E-waste

                                                             Design for

16 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                                  FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 17

               As technological advances continue,        precisely, speculations can be made       Among      these    speculations    and                      estimate shows the global amount of
               the use of e-products in people’s daily    based on past experiences and current     uncertainties, one simplified approach                       e-waste will be 75 million tonnes by 2030
               lives will only grow. Although future      trends in this sector.                    to forecasting e-waste quantities is                         and grow to 111 million tonnes by 2050
               developments are impossible to predict                                               based on the GDP. There is a modest                          (see Figure 4).
                                                                                                    correlation between the weight of
                                                                                                    e-waste generated per person and                             The Middle East and Africa (MAF) and
                                                                                                    GDP per person (R2 = 0.71), based on                         Asia (ASIA) will see more than three-fold
                                                                                                    data from 168 countries in 2015 2. This                      increase by 2050 compared to the
               BOX 1                                                                                correlation was combined with the                            e-waste generated in 2010. The OECD
                                                                                                    population and GDP-growth forecast                           will be the second largest generator of
               SPECULATIONS                                                                         under the Shared Socioeconomic                               e-waste with less than double quantity for
                                                                                                    Pathway 2 Baseline Scenario*16 to                            the same period.
                                                                                                    estimate future e-waste generation. This
               DEMAND: As a combined result of population growth, higher purchasing
               power, and availability, the demand of e-products will increase. However, with
               more efficient technologies, the total number of devices used on average may
               not rise in the same proportion. Smartphones are an example of how one
               product can replace several others (e.g., GPS, camera, and music player).            BOX 2
                                                                                                    LIMITATIONS OF OUR ESTIMATES
               USE: Along with stand-alone appliances, e-products and e-components will
               be an integrated part of furniture, vehicles, buildings, and other infrastructure.
                                                                                                    We must acknowledge that these estimates for future e-waste quantities,
               DESIGN: Products will get smarter, more powerful, and more complex
                                                                                                    based on population and GDP, come with some degree of uncertainty and
               in terms of design and materials, making the recovery of materials from
                                                                                                    are subject to socio-economic and technological changes (summarized in
               e-waste even more difficult. However, new technologies may also result in
                                                                                                    Box 1). A more comprehensive effort and robust methodological approach
               less resource-intensive products, lowering the overall lifecycle impact of
                                                                                                    are needed to determine better estimates for future scenarios that address
                                                                                                    these uncertainties.

               SECTORAL GROWTH: Specific product categories (displays, solar
               panels, batteries, lighting equipment) will be more frequently used. In another
               example, higher summer temperatures and pervasive heat waves, which
               can be expected to grow in the future, have resulted in increased sales of air
               conditioning and cooling equipment, even in northern European countries.

               MATERIAL COMPOSITION: As technology develops, new and advanced
               materials will be used in e-products. This could include, for example,               * The Shared Socioeconomic Pathways are part of a new scenario framework, established by the climate
               substitution of critical resources and the introduction of more recycling-           change research community in order to facilitate the integrated analysis of future climate impacts, vulnerabilities,
                                                                                                    adaptation, and mitigation.
               friendly and biodegradable materials. Innovation and geopolitical issues will
               play a role in this, which would affect EoL material recovery effort.

 18 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                                       FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 19
FIGURE 4 Forecast of e-waste quantities per region based
   on population and GDP growth

                                                                                                                 The growing quantities of e-waste alone,     producers. In the globalized market
   Million tonnes                                                                                                however, do not tell the entire story. The   of products as well as secondary
                                                                                                                 size and severity of the future e-waste      resources, businesses and governments
                                                                                                                 problem will ultimately depend on our        will play crucial roles in facilitating such
                                                                                                                 production and consumption models.           transitions towards more ‘Responsible
                                                                                                          REF    Technological innovation and growing         Consumption and Production’, as
                                                                                                          LAM    use of e-products are inevitable, and the    envisioned by SDG 12. Considering
                                                                                                                 way in which these products will evolve      business      practices      and       policy
                                                                                                                 cannot be controlled. However, better        instruments as the two key drivers in
    80                                                                                                           practices can be adopted throughout          shaping the future, three scenarios can
                                                                                                                 the product lifecycle, including their       be imagined:
                                                                                                          OECD   design, manufacturing, use, and EoL
    60                                                                                                           management.                                  1. Linear Growth,
                                                                                                                                                              2. Reactive Approach,
                                                                                                                 The framework for optimizing the             3. Proactive Pathway.
                                                                                                                 “technical cycle”, laid out by the concept
                                                                                                          ASIA   of circular economy, is of high relevance    As the quantity of e-waste will inevitably
                                                                                                                 in tackling the e-waste problem. This        increase, the severity of the problem
                                                                                                                 includes better product design in order to   under these scenarios will be defined
                                                                                                                 facilitate a) lifetime extension through     by how businesses operate and what
     0                                                                                                           repair and reuse of products and             regulatory frameworks are available
                                                                                                                 components and b) better recovery of         to drive transformative changes in
         2010       2015        2020        2025       2030        2035       2040       2045        2050        valuable resources by making products        production and consumption practices.
                                                                                                                 easily recyclable. On the consumption
                                                                                                                 side, the adoption of business models
         REF:    countries from the Reforming Economies of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
                                                                                                                 based on sharing and product-service
         LAM:    countries of Latin America and the Caribbean
                                                                                                                 systems could mean less consumer
         MAF:    countries of the Middle East and Africa
                                                                                                                 ownership of products. This could help
         OECD:   OECD 90 and EU member states and candidates
                                                                                                                 reduce the amount of e-waste and
         ASIA:   Asian countries with the exception of the Middle East, Japan and Former Soviet Union states
                                                                                                                 streamline end-of-life management for

20 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                               FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 21
FIGURE 5 A depiction of the future of e-waste problem
   within the axes of consumption patterns and business
   practices under three imagined scenarios


                      Linear Growth
                                                                                                       The following provides detailed accounts of three
                                                                                                       scenarios and how the elements linked to the
                                        Reacve Approach
                                                                                                       e-waste problem will evolve under each scenario.

                                               Proacve Pathway

                                                                       Circular business practices

   The size of bubbles qualitatively illustrates the scale of the problem, which depends not only on
   the quantities of e-waste produced, but also (more importantly) on consumption and production

22 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                   FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 23
              LINEAR GROWTH

              The business-as-usual scenario, where a            with only a few exceptions. E-waste
              standard growth-based economic agenda              management capacities are also lagging
              is the priority, continues, resulting in a         behind.
              Linear Growth scenario. The consumption
              of e-products and the amount of e-waste            All these factors combined result in an
              grow at the usual rates. Conventional              increased consumption and a severe
              business models remain dominant                    e-waste problem.

                          • The pace of e-product technological innovation continues but little is achieved in                 • No significant changes in e-waste policies, product design, or circular economic
                            terms of breakthroughs for making e-products’ lifecycle more sustainable                             policy
                          • Ongoing market segmentation results in less wealthy markets, allowing lower-tier                   • Although the existing regulations have set targets for collection and reporting for
                            manufacturing of low-quality products (with consequences for resource use and                        EoL products, they are not strictly implemented
                            toxicity)                                                                                          • Product design does not improve because Eco-Design initiatives are not
      TECHNOLOGY          • Products are designed and built for demand in growing economies, which results         POLICIES      implemented effectively
                            in cheaper but low-quality products with shorter life                                              • Robust implementation of export bans is lacking, resulting in illegal flows of e-waste
                          • Consumer e-products increasingly become disposable, ‘single-use’ quality, but                      • Toxicants in new products decline as manufacturers conform to RoHS-like
                            e-waste recycling is limited due to a combination of material heterogeneity and                      legislations, but aggregate toxicity never fully dissipates as global demand for
                            cost of recycling                                                                                    EEE rises

                          • The growing use of critical resources and fossil-based polymers increases                          • Market is flooded with several cheaper options for e-products that do not reflect
                            environmental footprint of e-products                                                                the true/environmental cost of production
                          • Toxicants are still used in manufacturing processes, which are occasionally                        • The core idea of EPR system is limited to sales and collection data reporting; no
                            released to local environments, and the toxic substances also pose challenges                        physical ‘take-back’ takes place, hence no feedback loop for improving product
                            at the product EoL                                                                                   design
        IMPACTS           • The development inequality between rich and poor countries makes it even more         BUSINESSES   • Reuse, lifetime extension, and alternative business models (e.g., leasing) are tried
                            difficult to control e-waste exports to places without proper management systems                     only by a few companies for select product types (that are profitable)
                                                                                                                               • Conventional consumption models that continue to dominate are sales-driven with
                                                                                                                                 no consideration for lifecycle impacts of e-products or recyclability
                          • EoL systems are designed mainly to minimize costs but they fail to improve
                            e-waste collection and subsequent recycling
                          • The potential for reuse of products and components are not utilized                                • Users are unaware of impacts linked to production, use, and EoL management
                          • Material recycling is driven by economic interests, in both informal and formalized                  of e-products
                            settings                                                                                           • Not many users know how they can help improve the situation, for example by
       MANAGEMENT                                                                                                   USERS
                          • ‘Cherry-picking’ of valuables and disposal of unrecyclable items and hazardous                       purchasing better-designed products and facilitating e-waste collection and
                            substances continues despite formalization of e-waste recycling in developing 		                     recycling
                            countries                                                                               USERS      • Reuse and repair are not mainstream options, and many users are buying new items
                          • Lack of collaboration among stakeholders hinders possible optimization of                          • Even informed people fail to act due to technological, social, and economic barriers
                            resource use

24 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                           FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 25

              Strong regulations and monitoring                  issues linked to manufacturing and e-
              frameworks are in place. Businesses                waste management, mainly in developed
              are reluctantly taking the Reactive                countries.
              Approach to comply with the new set of
              legislations. As a result, some changes            But the changes in the global practices
              appear in the production and consumption           of production and EoL management of
              patterns. This helps to tackle the localized       e-products are slower.

                          • The technological development and use of e-products continue to grow with                         • A patchwork of EPR regulations have arisen across the world. Policy response
                            little change                                                                                       continues along the same line but in a more extreme direction for collection &
                          • ‘End-of-pipe’ recycling technologies develop, driven mainly by the value of                         resource recovery targets
                            secondary resources                                                                               • E-products are required to have longer warranty period, which has forced
                          • Advanced sorting and material recycling techniques make it possible to recirculate                  producers to design products for durability and easy repair
      TECHNOLOGY            resources, creating closed-loop supply chains                                         POLICIES    • Green Public Procurement is now mandatory for all public purchases in Europe
                          • As the demand and price of some critical resources increase, material substitution                  and further incremental changes to the criteria are being incorporated
                            is a priority for producers                                                                       • WEEE, EcoDesign, RoHS, and associate policies are de facto regulatory
                                                                                                                                frameworks globally

                          • Strict policies improve the situation in leading economies but the issues linked
                            to EoL management (informal handling, material losses, and pollution) in emerging                 • Producers adapt, more or less grudgingly, to policy frameworks shifting. This
                            markets persist                                                                                     helps to improve the consumption pattern and encourages businesses to adopt
                          • Regulatory push for substantial reduction and elimination of toxicants, in                          more circular models.
                            manufacturing and in final products, helps to achieve per unit improvements.                      • Specific legal requirements (e.g. spare parts and software updates, ease of repair,
        IMPACTS             However, the aggregated risk of toxicity persists with the growing demands                          replaceable batteries, and standardized components) are incorporated into
                            of e-product                                                                         BUSINESSES     e-products
                                                                                                                              • Businesses are obliged to be responsible for their EoL products in countries with
                                                                                                                                no EPR legislations
                          • Higher e-waste collection and reuse targets for all product groups are set and are
                            being slowly implemented
                          • Material recovery targets for critical resources from e-waste are also introduced                 • The cost of compliance to these measures forces companies pass those costs
                          • The EU has begun to issue fines to member states who fail to achieve these                          to users, and thus depresses sales in established markets and delays launches
                            targets, which puts pressure on businesses operating in the region                                  in emerging markets
       MANAGEMENT                                                                                                             • Users are still not ready to change their consumption habits mainly because
                          • The implementation of EPR-based e-waste management is not yet effective in
                            countries with newly introduced EPR legislations                                                    of lacking awareness and little financial motivation
                                                                                                                   USERS      • Hoarding used products in people’s homes and incorrect disposal remains
                                                                                                                                frustratingly high and makes EoL targets more expensive to achieve

26 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                            FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 27
              PROACTIVE PATH

              This utopian world envisions a drastic            chain, which are supported by
              reduction in consumption in which                 governments and accepted by users.
              businesses are choosing the Proactive             All stakeholders, including economic
              Path towards sustainable production               actors, are supporting the commitment
              and consumption practices. Businesses             from producers to take a lifecycle
              develop more sustainable consumption              approach in manufacturing and EoL
              practices along the e-products’ supply            management of e-products.

                        • With a shift towards renewable energy and use of batteries, there is a growing                      • Policies are based on ambitious goals of achieving truly circular systems and
                          demand of some resources (e.g. Lithium and Cobalt)                                                    businesses are leading the process of drafting and implementing progressive
                        • Products are designed to last longer, to facilitate easy maintenance during use, and                  legislation
                          for the ease of dismantling and recycling at the EoL                                                • Regulations function as a guidance rather than a compliance instrument
                        • Technologies like 3D printing help product-lifetime extension by making it possible                 • Less resource-intensive products and consumption models are encouraged
      TECHNOLOGY          for users to create spare parts                                                         POLICIES      through rewards and recognition
                        • The EoL resource-recovery technologies better meet the need of e-waste                              • All countries are covered by legislation that addresses all lifecycle stages of
                                                                                                                                e-products, including e-waste management

                        • Although the amount of e-waste generated increases, the management capacity
                          ensures environmentally-sound practices with little impacts                                         • Businesses are the leaders of a shift towards sustainable production and
                        • Reuse of e-products and their components, along with recycling of e-waste, helps                      consumption practices with due diligence
                          to control the demand of virgin resources                                                           • Products, services, and supply chains are designed to facilitate a closed loop
                        • Responsible mining practices are more common with less social and environmental                       of materials
        IMPACTS           issues                                                                                              • Businesses also enjoy the potential savings from resource reuse
                        • Significant reductions in toxicants entering the environment from e-products           BUSINESSES   • New technology and innovation make this possible, along with the growing
                          manufacturing                                                                                         acceptance of business models that discourage consumers to privately own
                                                                                                                                several e-products
                                                                                                                              • Thanks to information campaigns led by grassroots initiatives, businesses, and
                        • EoL management is an integral part of product development and concepts such                           governments, users are aware of the e-waste problem and the environmental
                          as ‘design for recycling’ are part of design checklist                                                footprints of e-products
                        • Producers and EoL managers (e.g., collectors, repair shops, recyclers) are
                          working together to optimize EoL resource recovery from consumer products
                        • Following circular economy principles, priorities are put in place to facilitate the                • User behavior is considered when designing e-waste collection systems to
                          reuse of products and components before material recycling                                            create more functional infrastructure and achieve higher collection and recycling
                                                                                                                              • Alternative business models (e.g., leasing and product-service systems) are
                                                                                                                                becoming ‘mainstream’, which is made possible by the proactive industries
                                                                                                                   USERS      • More people are opting to repair broken products — thanks to repair businesses
                                                                                                                                and grassroots initiatives

28 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                          FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 29
              R O D U C T U N D E R T H REE SCENARIOS
           AP                                                                                                                                            sc re en s)   are available as spar
                                                                                                                                                                                                     e parts;
                                                                                                                                         rie s   an  d
                                                                                                                chances (e.g. batte                         Eo  L co llection is still a logistica
                                                                                                                                                                                                   l challenge
                                                                                                   s seen                                re m   ain  hig h.
                                              ar tp ho  ne  s,  th e m  obile phone industry ha                 however, repair costs                         an cially viable, though
                                      of   sm                                                                                                       no t  fin
            Since the introduction                      l  ev  olu tion. Today there are m
                                                                                              ore mobile        and material re   cy cli ng    is
                                                                                                                                                                         ar tp hone. A large numbe
                                                                                                                                                                                                           r of
                                   d  te  ch no log ica                                                                                    ents      us ed   in   a  sm
            incredible growth an                         ,  an d most of the metals
                                                                                          in the periodic       possible, for all elem                                  er s, as there are no pr
                                le  liv ing  on  ea  rth                                                de                                   ed    in  us er s’  dr aw
            phones than peop                               tp ho ne  . Du rin g the last decade, a wi            EoL phones are stock
                                       a single   sm   ar                                                                                  collection rates.
             table can be found in                        ha  ve  be  co me available. Further inc
                                                                                                     rease       incentives to increase
                                        s an d pr ice  s
             range of phone feature                        vit ab le,  but a sustainable mob
                                                                                                ile phone
                                       ph  on es  is  ine                                                                           IVE PATH
             in demand for mobile                                                                                SCENARIO 3: PROACT
              has yet to be designe                                                                                                                                                                   e best choice
                                                                                                                                      e   be  co   m   ing    po  pu  lar  , giving consumers th
                                                                                                                 Modular phones ar                                                                 e also available
                               R GROWTH                                                                                                            ed   .   Ne  w    operating systems ar
             SCENARIO 1: LINEA                                                                                   for the feature s   th ey    ne
                                                                                                                                                                              m  ak  es   and models, giving
                                                                                                                                              acro     ss     differ  en   t
                                                                                           es with shorter       for previous models                                                  artphone services, ins
                                                                                                                                                                                                             tead of
                                   su al   ap  pr oa ch    wi  ll only result in phon                                                                ion   ,  pu rc  ha  sin  g  sm
             The business-as    -u                                                                    rough      phones a new life. In
                                                                                                                                            ad dit
                                                  su ita ble     fo r  life tim e extension (e.g. th                                                               lar .   Users pay for the da
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ta and phone
                                        ither                                                                                                         is   po  pu
             lifespans that are ne                         at  er ial   re covery. In the race
                                                                                                 of selling       simply the produc    t  its elf ,
                                                                                                                                                                                ad es   at no  extra fee. Producers
                                       r   effi cie nt  m                                                                                     ed hard         wa  re   up    gr
             repair and reuse) no                           ile    ph ones, environmental
                                                                                                and social        services, and are offer                                      k  an  d  eventual EoL managem
                                     ch   ea  pe r   m  ob                                                                                        m    ak  es   ta ke  -b   ac
              more, better, and                                                           anufacturing are        retain ownership, which                                         e old phones they no lon
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ger use,
                               to   so ur  cin g   of    m  etals and product m                        mum                                     en   tiv  ize d  to  re tu   rn th
              issues linked
                                                     wh   o    ar e   no   t  ev en taking their mini             smoother. Users are inc                            te  r  the proper EoL manag
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ement system.
                                         ucer   s,                                                                                                      on   es  en
              ignored by the prod                              nc  e,  pr  od ucers are unable to ta
                                                                                                     ke their      which ensures that    m  os t  ph
                                                                                                                                                                                 cli ng an d reuse of phones, as we
                                         y  se rio us ly. He                                                                                  ation, inc       lud  ing    re cy
               legislative responsibilit                              are also not demandin
                                                                                              g large-scale        EoL management oper                                                          considerations.
                                     Eo  L,   bu t co  ns um    er s                                                                                o   ea   se d due to better design
               phones back at the                                                                                  their compo ne nt s,  ar e als
                                            lacking awareness.
                recovery, mainly due to

                                   E APPROACH
               SCENARIO 2: REACTIV
                                                                                   responsibility in
                                     s fo rc e  pr od uc ers to take more
                Stricter regulat ion                                                           repair
                                             es an  d de sig nin g ha  rdware to support easy
                providing software up                   m  po ne  nt s with higher and fas
                                                                                           ter failure
                                       pu rc ha se . Co
                for a few years after

30 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                                                          FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 31

               Although there are uncertainties about         offered as a service or leased instead         for EoL’ solutions. And at the very
               how future technology will evolve,             of selling products. Such business             fundamental level, lack of public
               the use of e-products — and thus the           models can provide better opportunities        awareness has also been an issue in
               generation of e-waste — will almost            for product lifetime extension and             e-waste management, which may be
               certainly grow, at least during the next few   smoother take-back at the EoL.                 addressed by policy-level actions.
               decades. It is especially true for rapidly
               growing economies that are yet to be           Exercising due diligence, businesses           Today, many developing countries lack
               flooded with the myriad of e-products that     can minimize the potential challenges of       effective policies and proper infrastructure
               come with economic prosperity. It means        critical resources and stricter legal          for the management of not only e-waste,
               more challenges, as well as opportunities,     requirements. Some big brands are              but also for other streams including
               for all players in the global e-waste          hitting the limits of business models that     municipal solid waste. This situation
               arena: producers, users, e-waste               rely on sales of new products, whereas         offers a great opportunity for countries
               collectors, recyclers, and policy makers.      others who prioritize product longevity        in Asia, Africa, and South America where
               Regardless of which direction the future       are gaining popularity. There is also          more rapid technological growth is
               evolves, ensuring a sustainable production     demand for more sustainable products,          expected.       Institutionalizing  informal
               and consumption system for e-products          which can be attributed to growing             recycling activities can help create safer
               will require significant efforts from all      consumer awareness. Businesses will            working environment for waste workers,
               stakeholders.                                  be better off by proactively addressing        less environmental impact, and a more
                                                              users’ demand.                                 sustainable recycling industry. The lessons
               With insights into the future, producers                                                      learned during the last two decades from
               probably have the best opportunity to          There is also an opportunity for policy        the European Union in developing and
               design a future-proof electronics sector       makers (local as well as global) to            implementing e-waste regulations and
               that is sustainable economically as            facilitate the transition towards a more       setting up management systems can be
               well    as    environmentally.   Besides       circular system. The EPR-based take-           of value in this process.
               manufacturing and recycling, innovative        back system has been a noteworthy
               businesses can also tap into the huge          milestone in e-waste management. How-
               product and component reuse potential.         ever, the current e-waste management
               This can create local businesses and           systems have not been able to fully
               help countries, especially those with          capture the functional and material value
               no reserves for primary resources or           of EoL products. In part, this is also
               e-products manufacturing, to utilize the       linked to a lack of incentives for actors in
               functional value of products for a longer      the value chain, which could promote the
               period, avoiding the import of new items.      best possible (both environmentally and
               Many products ranging from household           financially) EoL solutions. Similarly, lack
               appliances (washing machine and                of collaboration among stakeholders in
               lighting equipment) to ICT equipment           the product lifecycle has been an issue
               (mobile phones and computers) can be           when it comes to implementing ‘design

 32 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                                                                FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 33

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 34 FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS                                                                                FUTURE E-WASTE SCENARIOS 35
  Keshav Parajuly, Ruediger Kuehr, Abhishek Kumar Awasthi, Colin Fitzpatrick,
  Josh Lepawsky, Elisabeth Smith, Rolf Widmer, Xianlai Zeng

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