From the Principal's Desk - Elizabeth Macarthur High School
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JuLy 2019 Issue 4 From the Principal’s Desk We are heading towards the end of this term and there have been so many achievements across a range of areas. The Agriculture team represent the school well and the students are developing strong communication, team work, problem solving, presentation and leadership skills through their engagement with the farm club and Agriculture shows. We have two students in Year 7 and 8 that will be leaving Australia for Alabama USA on the 5th July for a one week Space Camp. The two students are part of a group of eight students from Australia that will be joining students from other countries and the USA. The event has been fully funded by Northrop Grumman Foundation. I enjoyed meeting up with students and their parents at Friday's Principal's morning tea for Gold Award recipients. These students are to be congratulated on their efforts and achievements this term. On Friday 21st June Sue Thomas and a group of EMHS students mentors worked with 50 students from Narellan and Narellan Vale Public Schools. They identified problems within their communities and then using a design thinking process developed and pitched the prototyped or solving an identified problem. The program was well received by the students with positive feedback given by the Primary School staff. Peter Gleeson of Year 11 has achieved the Quota “Student of the Year” award for 2019, he is an intelligent young man who is heavily involved in advocating for and addressing student needs through the Student Representative Council at EMHS. Funds have been committed to purchasing more lap tops for the senior study area based in the library. Senior students that have study periods are provided with supervised teacher learning assistance in the library along with planning support where incomplete assessment issues exist. Effective and optimal use of student time to cope with the demands and rigour of Years 11 and 12 are critical to student success. We are currently planning a maker space room where Teachers and smaller groups of students can plan, design and prototype their creative ideas. At the P&C meeting we discussed funding gained for additional shade structures. The land between the Science and English block has been cleared for a yarning circle to be constructed. Six Year 12 female students have been busy consulting with the Aboriginal student community at EMHS, local elders and the AECG. Year 12 are currently sitting their trial examinations and I observed Year 10 students being interviewed by teaching staff in the library last Monday as part of a job interview and preparation simulation. The Year 10 students had their taster lessons last Friday to inform their subject selection decisions for 2020. A Year 10 into 11 and Year 8 into 9 subject selection evening has been organised for Monday 1st July from 6pm and 7pm respectively. 38 Waterworth Drive, EMAIL: NARELLAN VALE NSW 2567 WEB: PH: 4646 1899 FAX: 4647 1569
Page 2 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 … .. It has been both a busy and productive term. Students will receive their reports at the end of this term. Parents will be able to gain further teacher feedback at the parent Teacher night next term on Monday weeks 2 and 3. I look forward to catching up with you at this important school event. Martin Toaetolu Relieving Principal JULY– AUGUST 2019 MON TUE WED THU FRI Jul 1Homework Club 2 3 4 AEEP Farm Club 5 Year 12 Trials Year 12 Trials Year 12 Trials Year 12 Trials Year 12 Trials Assembly Snow Excursion Pay- Term 2 ends 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 School 17 Holidays 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 Staff Development Day Students return AEEP Farm Club Japanese Exchange Program 29 Breakfast club 30 31 1 Aug 2 restarts Japanese Exchange Japanese Exchange Japanese Exchange Japanese Exchange Program Program Program Program Maths Olympiad Australian Mathemat- Parent Teacher Inter- ics Competition (Year views (Bookings 7-12) online) AEEP Farm Club 5 Education Week 6 7 8 9 Parent Teacher Inter- AEEP Farm Club views (Bookings online)
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 3 Year 7 and 9 Deputy Report Year 7 have experienced their first of many events at high school with a strong representation at the Athletics Carnivals and excellent behaviour at our NAIDOC and ANZAC Day assemblies. Year 7 have begun their second trimester of learning where they rotate through Art, Industrial Arts and Life Tech Subjects. I was really excited to see the products that students were able to create in their first rotations as they applied the design process to their learning. As report cards are proof read in preparation to send home later this term I was proud to see that so many of our Year 7 and 9 students are achieving to their personal best, and I was particularly happy to see that, overwhelmingly, students are prepared for learning and putting in effort. Year 9 are half way through their 100 hour elective courses and should begin to think about what they might like to choose for their 100 hour course for next year. These choices will be made late in term 3/ early term 4. A reminder that if your child requires extra learning and/or wellbeing assistance, contact your Year Advisor or Ms De Freitas, HT Teaching and Learning to access the many supports available to them. Rebecca Turnbull
Page 4 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Year 10 As we near the end of Term 2, Year 10 have been participating in a Future Pathways Program. This program consists of several aspects designed to assist the students in making meaningful choices regarding their future as they head into their senior years. Throughout their Careers lessons, students have completed a Career Profiling Survey. This information provides insight for the students around the types of occupations and industries they may wish to consider. Following this students were provided with their subject selection information and participation in mentor meetings supported by staff. Each student met with a member of staff to discuss the activities and subjects they enjoy, skills and personal qualities and strengths, the results from their career profiling as well as their options for 2020 and beyond. This involved conversations about subjects, ATAR, HSC, TAFE and school to work. Feedback from both the students and the staff was that is was a highly successful day. Thank you Megan Jackson for your coordination of this event. Further to this students participated in a series of taster lessons. These provided a practical hands on look into the nature of the subject, enhancing their understanding and assisting them in making informed choices. The Future Pathways programme will conclude with Subject Selection night. Parents and students will have the opportunity to hear about all of the requirements including NESA, HSC Minimum Standards, the ATAR and the HSC as well as visit faculties and speak to teachers regarding subjects. At this time on the students learning journey, they can become quite stressed about the need to make decisions and how these decision may im- pact them. All students are encouraged to ask lots of questions and there is a suite of people available to assist from classroom teachers, Head Teachers, Year Advisors, Careers Advisors, Counsellors and school executive. Please spend time with your child discussing their options and supporting them through this time. Year 12 Year 12 have concluded the Term with their Trial HSC. The Trial HSC is an important period in the students schooling as they continue to satisfy their school based assessment requirements, but also take advantage of the opportunity to practice under examination conditions. During this period, students have been able to take advantage of additional revision time. Seeking out teachers for feedback and assistance as well as utilising the senior study space. HSC Rules and Procedures Guide for students It's important to be well prepared for your exams. Each year there are some students whose results are not as good as they could be because of simple, easily avoidable factors. Visit http:// On this page you can find important information to help you prepare, including: Preparing for your exams Things to remember in the exam What to expect in the exam paper Where to write your answers Andrew Ellis Relieving Deputy Principal
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 5 Up Coming Events Parent Teacher Night Term 3 Monday Week 2 & 3 29th July & 5th August Bookings online from 9am Friday 5 July Use code: 7q57d
Page 6 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Such exciting opportunities are being offered here in the Creative and Performing Arts faculty. In the past month our highly talented students have participated in events such as the: Dancers, Band, Singers - VetsteadFOOD 29 May rehearsal and 31 May the performance at Camden Civic Centre School Band – Make Music Day – 21June Dancers and Compares - In the Spot Light Dance Festival – 17, 24 and 26June. School Choir and Aboriginal Dance Ensemble – Naidoc Day Assembly – 19 June Choir – Performing at Currans Hill Primary School’s Naidoc Day – 2July Chelsea Nagel – Talent Development Program – 1 and 2 July Visual Artists - Ceramics Workshop – 29 May Selected Visual Arts Students – 2567 Visual Arts Initiative at Yandelora School, Narellan Vale Primary School and Narellan Primary School – 24, 25, 26 June. As you can see from the above events, within the CAPA faculty we never stop providing boundless opportunities to produce excellence and see our students succeed and thrive. Our Year 10 students on the 28 June experienced a plethora of taster lessons delivered by Miss Mulley, Mr Dawson and Miss South. These lessons were highly engaging and gave Year 10 students an insight into the Creative and Performing Arts Faculty. We encourage all students to choose our subjects as this is a wonderful outlet for students to connect, succeed and thrive in an environment which encourages collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity, catering our lessons and programs for the 21st Century learners. If Year 8 into 9 or 10 into 11 students have any further questions regarding our subject areas please do not hesitate to come and knock on the CAPA staffroom door. We are a very friendly bunch and are happy to help answer any questions you may have regarding your subject selection choices. I have had the pleasure of visiting many classrooms and seeing very engaged students who are listening attentively or participating in hands on practical activities. Students have many opportunities that stem from their CAPA subjects that our amaz- ing staff run. Please encourage your children to get involved and have a go at the variety of programs we have running to expand and strengthen their skills across all the arts. We aim for extraordinary results with all of our students in the Creative and Performing Arts Faculty. To assist us developing your sons and daughters, it is essential that each student in our classes has the appropriate equipment for each lesson. The basic required materials for each subject can be found on our website and include such things as workbooks, pens, pencils, erasers, a USB drive etc.
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 7 …. It is vital that students who are studying Photography, Video & Digital Imaging and Visual Design bring their own personal External Hard Drive or USB to school as the student files, and school network do not support large PSD or video files. We also encourage that all subject contribution fee’s be paid and up to date. This enables us to purchase the finest recourses to support your child’s learning and development. Miss Jamie-Leigh Russell Acting Head Teacher of Creative and Performing Arts VISUAL ARTS Year 7 Visual Art students have been moving steadily though their introduction into Visual Arts using Tone and Colour in the genre of Portraits. Students have completed a Picasso inspired self-portrait that replicates his blue and rose period, allowing them to learn to create different tones of one colour. The results being very expressive artworks that are a wonderful first task by these students. Following this task students learnt how we associate colour with feeling and they completed a watercolour painting exploring colour and emotion, choosing colour to express their own feelings. Miss Nestler.
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 8 …. Year 8 Visual Arts students have been continuing their exterior artworks learning about appropriation, using a Jeffery Smart artwork along with an Australian Landscape. This is the second year I have used this unit and I am still astounded how different the works are completed with the student’s individual approach to their compositions. Miss Nestler.
Page 9 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 …. Year 9 Photography have completed the Pop Art unit with the fun face painting task, that is still an absolute blast for the students becoming a Pop Art painting come to life. We invited Miss Turnbull in to join in the positive learning activity helping us with inspiring posing and story lines for the students work. Miss Nestler. Year 9 Visual Arts students have worked consistently throughout this semester to produce an impressive body of work. This has included their Impressionism and Surrealism studies as well as their ceramic works. Students have pushed themselves to experiment with a range of different mediums that will al- low them to make informed decisions about their art making practice as they progress to their HSC. This term we have experimented with slip casting using plaster moulds where the moisture in the liquid clay is absorbed by the plaster leaving behind an even layer of hardened clay. This technique has applica- tions beyond Visual Arts as students could 3D print an object and create moulds to enable the creation of complex ceramic forms or models. Ms South
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 10 …. Ceramic Workshop Incursion Earlier this month some students from year 9 and 10 Visual Arts classes attended the Ceramic Workshop incursion. Students were given the opportunity to extend their artmaking practice during the day long workshop. Students experimented with leaf imprints, templates, different clays, coil and slab building as well as getting a chance to learn how to use a pottery wheel. The students were incredibly successful on the wheel with all students creating a vessel. This incursion allowed students to reflect on their ceramic experience in their classes and apply it to their own self-directed projects. Look out for pictures of the glazed ceramic works in the next issue of Mac Chat. Ms South
Page 11 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 …. This term in Art Club students have worked to fill their own Japanese bound sketchbooks with imagery that they have been inspired by. This has included poems, Dr Phil, Sherlock Holmes (pictured), desserts and student created characters. Students have continually impressed me with their commitment and drive to complete this project in their own time. Keep an eye out for these sketchbooks and other Art Club projects at the end of year CAPA Showcase. Art Club has now moved on to creating educational posters for the English faculty. Some of these have been informed by popular culture, our favourite books, and Shakespeare quotes. Students also discussed the types of posters that would assist their writing and understanding of texts. This has led to the creation of additional posters on punctuation and synonyms.
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 12 …. Ms South Dance Campbelltown Arts Centre & NAISDA Dance Workshop On Tuesday 28th May some of our Aboriginal students participated in a dance workshop with Campbelltown Arts Centre and NAISDA alumni Natasha Rogers. Students learnt some Contemporary Indigenous movement sequences, as well as engaged in a range of choreographic exercises, where they developed their own sequences based on their understanding of culture. It was so great to see the students working together and really delving deeper into their understanding of Aboriginal culture and movement. Thank you to Miss Burgess and Adam and Luke form Clontarf for their assistance on the day and in the lead up to the work- shop.
Page 13 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 …. NAIDOC – Aboriginal Dance Ensemble Congratulations to our wonderful dancers who gave an exceptional performance at our recent NAIDOC Assembly. Aboriginal students from Years 7 to 11 performed a dance that was composed of a series of sequences learnt at workshops throughout the year including Bangarra Dance Theatre, Campbelltown Arts Centre and NAISDA. A huge thank you to Miss Burgess for her co-ordination of the ensemble throughout the year and in the lead up to this performance and Luke from Clontarf for stepping up to perform with the boys. So great to see you all sharing your culture with our school community.
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 14 …. In the Spotlight Dance Festival – Comperes This year, 4 students from Elizabeth Macarthur High School auditioned to be comperes at the In the Spotlight Dance Festival. Zahra Pope and Cassie Stein were successful in gaining a position and were comperes for 2 shows on Monday 17th July. We had excellent feedback on their behaviour, articulation, confidence and overall professionalism from both the Dance Festival staff and general audience members. Congratulations and well done on an excellent job girls! Make Music Day Friday June 21st saw the EMHS School Band take part in Make Music Day. Fresh of their latest performance at the Camden Civic centre for the VETstedFOOD the band made their mark on the international celebration with a live performance in the Quad during lunch 2. Students were treated to the bands rocking renditions of an eclectic mixture of Video Game Soundtracks and Popular Music. Performing hits such as Imagine Dragons’ ‘Radioactive’ and their very own progressive -rock composition ‘The Random Generator’ the event was such a raging success we could barely make it close enough to take a picture. The band is pumping out their energetic brand of rock music both inside and outside the school with style! M Dawson
Page 15 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 …. In the Spotlight Dance Festival: This year 2 of our dance ensembles were successful in being selected to perform at In the Spotlight Dance Festival. Our Junior Dance Company performed “Torn” and Senior Dance Company performed “Layered”. As part of the festival, students also got to take place in a Commercial Jazz workshop with choreographer Pete Evans. It was so great to see the students working hard to develop their skills in a different style and they all learnt so much throughout the day. After a break and some shopping students performed in the evening show and displayed excellent commitment and performance quality throughout. Congratulations to all performers on a wonderful week at In the Spotlight Dance Festival. Miss Mulley
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 16 …. Drama Year 12 Drama Year 12 Drama have been working hard preparing for their upcoming HSC trial exams. Students will be completing a written examination based on four plays they have studied throughout the year. They will also have a practical examination where they will present their Individual Performances/Projects and their Group Performances. We are looking forward to seeing what they have come up with. Below are some photos from rehearsals for the Group Performances as well as Aliyah’s filming for her Video Drama IP.
Page 17 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 …. Music School Choir On the 19 June our beautiful choir sang the national anthem in English and in Traditional Dharawal language for the school Naidoc assembly. This is their first ever in school performance and they sang wonderfully. They have been invited to Currans Hill Primary school on the 2nd of July to perform at their Naidoc Day assembly, which is an honour. Our school choir was successful in their audition to the 2019 School Spectacular. The School Spectacular is a show case of 5,500 talented performers where they take to the stage so proudly to demonstrate their talents, their beliefs and their identity. Their faces light up with pride and achievement. The School Spectacular celebrates their uniqueness in the universe, as they each have their moment to shine. Whilst each has their own strength, it is together that they shine the brightest and have the biggest impact. The Arena Spectacular, featuring over 370 schools is a world-class production that blows the audience’s minds about the value of our kids, the arts and public education. The School Spectacular is excited to honor these incredible students, and announce STARS as the 2019 Schools Spectacular theme! Students will receive a permission note of the extensive rehearsals that will take place and will need to sign a permission note noting that you and your parents accept to the terms and conditions for participating in such a prestigious events. Tickets can be purchased from: We will update you with more information as we receive it. J.Russell
Page 18 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 As we near the close of Term 2, here’s an update on what’s been happening in Life Technology over the course of the Semester. Our Year 7 students completed their first Trimester rotation and developed some exceptionally well designed and innovative tasks for their Innovative Design assessment task. Year 10 Food Technology completed their Food Service and Catering practical of Chocolate mousse. Some excellent presentation and development of their delicious desserts. MWLP VETsteddFood Year 11 Hospitality commenced their first workplacement at the MWLP VETsteddFood as half of their 70 hours workplacement over two years. It was wonderful they could work together and participate in a positive team building experience and opportunity to have experienced a full service and to develop positive relationships with other schools and members of the community.
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Page 20 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 …. Year 12 Food Technology recently completed the unit of work on studying how the Australian Food Industry impacts us all. Their practical lessons all linked in to part of the food industry, developing their understanding of where our food comes from and how it is manufactured. Year 12 Hospitality launched the first Elizabeth Macarthur High School student café, preparing and serving espresso coffees to staff as a part of achieving their competencies. The experience has been extremely rewarding for students and we would like to thank the staff so far for their continued support in this venture. We will be roasting and brewing again next term.
Page 21 Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 …. Year 12 Community and Family Studies, Food Technology and Hospitality have also been preparing for their Trial HSC examinations and we wish them every success during the next 2 weeks. Mrs Robilliard and Life Technology Faculty Teachers
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 22 It's been a great start to 2019 for Social Science. Students have settled into their classes and participated in several enjoyable introductory lessons. In particular, year 10 Geography created their very own labelled and colour coded world maps which touched on the mapping skills component of physical geography and reviewed basic concepts from year 8. Students found this activity extremely helpful for memory retention as it allowed them to recap on concepts and skills previously learnt and enabled them to use their creativity and imagination in the process. Students also had the opportunity to conduct primary inquiry and fieldwork through soil testing conducted in different parts of the school. It's been a positive start and Social Science look forward to a prosperous and successful year. Ms Arti Maharaj-Sciberras EVATT UN Security Council Model Competition Several students participated in the EVATT UN Security Council Model Competition this term. This is where students are provided with a country to represent in teams and required to actively debate and amend various resolutions about contemporary global conflicts. The skills students develop through the competition include diplomacy, negotiation, team work, public speaking and problem solving. Every year that we have entered the competition, we have made it to semi-state finals; this means our school usually comes in the top 30 teams out of approximately 500. This year, Ashley Burgess and Neeraj Subbanna are representing Elizabeth Macathur in the semi-state finals. Good luck boys!
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 23 NAIDOC Week 2019 @ EMHS Last week Elizabeth Macarthur High School celebrated NAIDOC Week with a whole school assembly on Wednesday 19th June 2019 which included a range of performances from our amazing School Choir, our Aboriginal Dance Ensemble and a special guest performance by the Guringai Culture Group. We acknowledged and commended award recipients in areas of cultural engagement, academic achievement, Kirra and Clontarf Academy excellence, respect and diligence and school attendance. Years 7-10 engaged in a lesson about the importance of Treaty and were asked to either write a letter to the government asking for a Treaty for Indigenous people or collaborate a rap song. At lunch 1 our staff organised a community BBQ for all providing Kangaroo, Emu and Crocodile sausages for a gold coin donation. At lunch 2 our PDHPE faculty hosted Indigenous games for all students to join and participate. NAIDOC week is an important part of our EMHS community and was a success for 2019. EMHS Aboriginal Education Committee
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 24 , On Friday 22nd of March our Opens Boys Basketball team ventured out to Bankstown Basketball stadium to take on the best of the best in the region. Our first game was against Mount Annan High School and we started slowly, letting them skip out to a 10 point lead. However, after a motivational speech for the ages from Mr White, the team rallied and soon began to assert their dominance. 3 pointers soon began to rain from our players and our quick transitional play became too much for Mount Annan to contain and we won convincingly 64 – 51. We came up against Fairvale High School in our second match and it soon became apparent that this was going to be no easy task. Our opposition was a well-oiled machine, resembling a 1990’s Chicago bulls with their slick passing and dribbling. Our players were gallant in de- feat, going down 53 – 40. Team Jacob Jeffrey Cameron Waights Jay Weeks Dylan Woods Dylan Anderson Isaiah Tuiaki Alexander Guerrero Junior Tomas Arrieta Braydin Good Samuel Pape Ryan Sanerivi TRAMPOLINING For the past 5 years Troy has attended the Australian National Gymnastic Championships in the sport of trampolining. This year was the last year the event was held in Melbourne before it is moved to a different state. At this year’s championships, Troy was trying out for selection in the Australian team picked for the World Championships in Tokyo, Japan. To qualify, gymnasts had to reach a certain score and be in the highest top four. Troy achieved both of these requirements in Melbourne. There is one more opportunity for gymnasts, Troy included, to compete for qualifying. We wish Troy all the luck in the world that he is selected to represent Australia and compete in the upcoming World Championships in trampolining in Japan. Ms Bowring PD/H/PE Teacher
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 25 , On Wednesday 20th June, Mr White took away our U13's and U15's Rugby League teams to compete in the first round of the Wests League Cup competition. Whilst our teams went down in both games to much BIGGER Ashcroft sides, Mr White was extremely proud of the boys effort and sportsmanship. We wish the players the best of luck in their 2nd round games.
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 26 It has been another successful term with our school Breakfast Club. It will recommence in Week 2 Term 3. We encourage students to attend to receive a free breakfast and social connections in the library from 8:10am- 8:40am on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. We would like to thank our sponsors; John Fairley at Country Valley Milk, Picton for supplying the milk and yoghurt and Eat Up for our supply of sandwiches and Miss Tagg for her terrific Tuesday toasties. On Monday 3rd June Mackenzie from Big Yellow Umbrella attended EMHS with our new School Police Liaison Officer to host a girls lunch for selected female students in Years 8-10. This provided them with an opportunity to enjoy a yummy lunch, access a range of female products and chat with these ladies about current issues they are facing. We would like to thank Amanda Kelly from Catermaid for the catering on the day. Mackenzie and Melanie have also been busy working with a group of Year 10 students in the Love Bites program. It aims to provide young people with a safe environment to examine, discuss and explore respectful relationships. We would like to thank Mackenzie and Melanie for presenting tis wonderful program at our school and their support of our students. Selected Year 8 female students are coming to the end of a program they have been participating in during Semester One called ‘Links to Learning’. The students have spent time every Tuesday completing numerous workshops and activities involving a range of different life skills as well as individual mentoring by our youth workers Alicia and Jay. Selected Year 8 male students have been invited to participate in the program in Semester Two and we encourage them to take advantage of everything the program has to offer them. We would like to thank our hard working Year Advisers for their Welfare Matters sessions and Year Assemblies that have taken place this term. These are a fantastic opportunity to recognise student success and achievements and deliver important announcements to the year group. The delivery of our whole year group Welfare Matters sessions in the hall with Year 8, 9 and 10 were highly successful and we want to thank Mrs Cuervo, Ms Cox and Mr Denmeade for the interactive presentations they engaged the students with. Junior reports will be distributed in Week 10 and we encourage you to have reflective conversations with your child/ren about their progress and where improvements can be made in Semester Two. More information to follow about Parent Teacher night which is early next term. As always if you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing at school, please do not hesitate to contact the Year Adviser of their respective year group. Please see below year group reports. Mrs Simms and Ms Houghton Head Teachers Welfare
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 27 …. Year 8 Firstly, I would like to congratulate our two winners of Year 8 student of the semester: Emily Rain and Jake Hines. Both students were selected due to their commitment to learning, being a responsible and well-mannered student, and taking pride in their work. It is always enjoyable to celebrate the hard work and progression of our students. A reminder that students will have the opportunity to discuss their Year 9 subject selections with teachers at the Subject Selection Evening. There are many new and exciting electives being offered in 2020. If any students are interested in Minecraft or Tinkering, there are school clubs that you can join. These clubs are run by Mr. Parkes. It has been great to see so many friendship formations between students who attend these lunchtime activities. Often, the memories that we cherish most are those we shared with our peers during attendance of extra-curricular activities. Mrs. Cuervo and Ms. Flintoft Year 9 Term 2 has been a busy one for Year 9 students. We have had many examinations this term, beginning with NAPLAN in the early weeks of the term and continued with mid semester examinations for Mathematics and a range of Term 2 assessment tasks. Year 9 students’ dedication and mature participation in these tasks showed their responsible behaviour and engagement in their learning. Student of the Semester awards were presented this term to Lucas Taylor and Saraa Islam who have consistently displayed a diligent attitude to their learning and positively engaged in all aspects of school this semester. Year 9 Boys Program completed a lovely project this term where they were restoring relationships with staff. By building and presenting staff with bread boards, Year 9 Boys Program students demonstrated great maturity and respect for staff members and their developing abilities to communicate and acknowledge their actions. Agriculture students have also been completing many farm and school improving tasks in Farm Club, demonstrating their care for their environment and the animals that share it. Ms Cox and Mr Huynh Year 11 Year 11 have been working hard to complete their assessment task and homework during Term 2. It is really important for Year 11 make sure they are organised, keeping up with their school work and focusing on looking after their mental health. Ensuring they are staying active, sleeping well, connecting with others and eating a balanced diet. If any students are feeling overwhelmed in this busy period there is many support networks available to them at the school. If you are worried about a student please contact Ms Murphy, Ms Tagg or Ms Houghton. There will be a camp to begin Year 12 there is going to be a camp during the first week back on the 16 Oc-
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 28 …. tober—18 October before classes commence week 2. Notes are now due to the year adviser along with their deposit to secure their position. If you have any inquiries about this camp please call the school and ask to speak to Ms Murphy or Ms Tagg. This will be a great opportunity for students create memories they will never forget and to get in the right frame of mind at the beginning of their journey in completing their HSC. Ms Murphy and Ms Tagg. …. QUOTA International Macarthur. Peter Gleeson participated in the Quota International ‘Student of the Year’ competition on Monday 17 July. This completion involves a panel interview as well as a 4 minute prepared speech and a 1 minute impromptu speech. Peter’s speech and the Virtues of Youth Today was inspiring and won the adjudicators over with his grace and humility. Peter was names the ‘Student of the Year’ for 2019. Also in an amazing week for Peter, he was also successful in his application for ‘Secretary for a Day’ where he is spend a day in the Phillip Street office of the Department and participate in leadership and network building activities. This is a wonderful achievement as each school in the state was able to submit two applications and only 42 students were chosen state-wide. An amazing effort for an outstanding student. Congratulations to all the students who participate in the extra- curricular opportunities offered at Elizabeth Macarthur High School. We are truly demonstrating our values of respect, responsibility and pride. Ms Houghton Senior Debating and Public Speaking coach.
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 29 Public Speaking and Debating News The senior debater have been extremely busy over the last term with a total of 9 debates being com- pleted by 3 teams. Our A team were the Zone Champions and narrowly missed out on an ex- tremely close debate for a semi- final position de- bating the topic ‘That social media influencers should be liable for damages that arise from the products that they promote’ amazing skills demon- strated by Ashley, Neeraj, Rongon Nathanial and Larissa. Year 11 were also involved in the Metro round which is just for Yr 11 students. We have has one successful debate against Sarah Redfern and one loss to Hurlstone. Excellent work by all member of the team- Rongon, Anteneth, Larissa, Peter. Plain English Public Speaking Neeraj was also a successful speaker in the Plain English Public speaking competition at Elderslie High School. He then competed in the Regional Final at The Art Unit in Lewisham. Continued on Page 26
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 30 Year 7 – 10 School Voluntary Fees $52.00 Year 7 – 10 Site Contribution Fees $50.00 P & C Levy $20 per Student (3 or more siblings $50 per Family) SUBJECT FEE 7 Agriculture $15.00 English $20.00 History $20.00 Industrial Arts $30.00 Languages $15.00 Life Technology – Mandatory $30.00 Mathematics $30.00 Music $30.00 PD/H/PE $15.00 Science $25.00 Visual Arts $40.00 8 Agriculture $30.00 English $20.00 Geography $20.00 Mathematics $30.00 Music $30.00 PDHPE $15.00 Science $25.00 Industrial Arts – Technology Mandatory $30.00 Life Technology – Technology Mandatory $30.00 Visual Arts $45.00 9 Physical Activities and Sports Studies (PASS) $50.00 Agriculture 100 Hr & 200 Hr $60.00 Child Studies $40.00 Commerce $40.00 English $20.00 Food Technology $80.00 History $20.00 History Elective200HR $20.00 Industrial Technology Metal 100HR (min fee + design project materials) $50.00 Industrial Technology Multi Media 200HR $30.00 Industrial Technology Timber 200HR $50.00 Information Software & Tech 100HR $30.00 Investigating Science $30.00 Mathematics Ext 2 100HR $30.00 Mathematics $30.00 Music $40.00 PD/H/PE $15.00 Photographic and Digital Media $60.00 Photography Soc Med $60.00 Visual Arts $50.00 Science $25.00 Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR) $50.00
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 31 …. Year 7 – 10 School Voluntary Fees $52.00 Year 7 – 10 Site Contribution Fees $50.00 P & C Levy $20 per Student (3 or more siblings $50 per Family) SUBJECT FEE 10 Physical Activities and Sports Studies (PASS) $50.00 Agriculture $60.00 Building & Construction 100HR (min fee + design project materials) $50.00 Commerce $40.00 Dance 200HR $55.00 Duke Of Ed $30.00 English $20.00 French $15.00 Food Tech $80.00 Geography $20.00 History Elective 100HR $10.00 Industrial Tech Multi Med 200HR $30.00 Industrial Tech Timber 200HR (min fee + design project materials) $60.00 Information Software Technology 100HR $50.00 Mathematics $30.00 Mathematics Extension $30.00 Music 100HR $40.00 PD/H/PE $15.00 Photography Dig Med 200HR $60.00 Science $25.00 Sport Studies $50.00 Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR) $50.00 Visual Arts 200HR $50.00 Deadly Homework Centre Monday afternoons Location: Elizabeth Macarthur High School Library. Time: 3.15pm-4.45pm Permission note at back of newsletter— page 32
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 32 …. Year 11-12 School Voluntary Fees $85.00 Year 11-12 Site Contribution Fees $50.00 P & C Levy $20 per Student (3 or more siblings $50 per Family) SUBJECT FEE 11 Agriculture $50.00 Ancient History $20.00 Biology $60.00 Business Studies $20.00 Chemistry $60.00 Community & Family Studies $30.00 Dance $45.00 Design & Tech (min fee + design project materials) $50.00 Drama $45.00 Economics $20.00 English Standard $35.00 English Advanced $35.00 English Studies $35.00 Food Tech $80.00 French $20.00 Geography $20.00 Hospitality Food & Bev $80.00 Hospitality Tool Kit Hire (2yrs 11-12) $20.00 Hospitality Uniform Hire (2yrs 11-12) $20.00 Industrial Tech Multi Med $50.00 Industrial Tech Timber (min fee + design project materials) $100.00 Info, Process & Tech $50.00 Investigating Science $60.00 Languages $15.00 Legal Studies $20.00 Maths Extension $40.00 Mathematics $40.00 Mathematics Standard $40.00 Modern History $20.00 Music 1 $50.00 PD/H/PE $30.00 Physics $60.00 Primary Industries $50.00 Society & Culture $20.00 Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation (SLR) $50.00 Studies of Religion $10.00 VET Construction – Elderslie $100.00 Video Photography & Digital Media $80.00 Visual Arts $80.00
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 33 …. Year 11-12 School Voluntary Fees $85.00 Year 11-12 Site Contribution Fees $50.00 P & C Levy $20 per Student (3 or more siblings $50 per Family) SUBJECT FEE 12 Agriculture $50.00 Ancient History $30.00 Biology $60.00 Business Studies $25.00 Chemistry $60.00 Community & Family Studies $30.00 Dance $45.00 Drama $45.00 Economics $25.00 English Standard $35.00 English Advanced $35.00 English Studies $35.00 Food Tech $60.00 Geography $25.00 History Extension $15.00 Hospitality Food & Bev $80.00 Industrial Tech Multi Media $50.00 Industrial Tech – Timber $50.00 Information, Process & Tech $50.00 Legal Studies $25.00 Math Ext 2 $40.00 Maths Advanced $40.00 Maths Std 1 $40.00 Maths Std 2 $40.00 Maths Ext 1 $40.00 Mathematics $40.00 Modern History $30.00 PDHPE $35.00 Physics $60.00 Society & Culture $25.00 Sport & Rec $50.00 Studies of Religion $15.00 Video, Photo & Digital Med $80.00 Visual Arts $80.00
Mac Chat Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 34
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