From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems - Trend 5 - Accenture

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From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems - Trend 5 - Accenture
Trend 5

From Me
to We:
Take the mission further
with multiparty systems


Accenture Federal Services
From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems - Trend 5 - Accenture
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              Federal agencies have long collaborated with
              stakeholders and outside partners to achieve
              specific mission or business outcomes, whether
              to ensure quality in supply chains, share health
              records, administer benefits, exchange data, or
              track funds, just to name a few.

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From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems - Trend 5 - Accenture
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              Agencies typically approach these collaborations                    would otherwise be unattainable or attainable only
              as the authority, responsible for everything from                   at great expense require the combined capabilities
              collecting, managing, and maintaining the necessary                 and expertise of multiple organizations working
              data to issuing regulations and policy and enforcing                in collaboration on a basis of trust. This trend is
              compliance among all stakeholders. Today, however,                  occurring in great haste across many commercial
              we are beginning to see this paradigm give way to a                 sectors, such as banking and finance, supply chain
              new model in which multiparty collaborations achieve                management, healthcare, and real estate, among
              their objectives by relying upon an underpinning                    others. But we also see many federal agencies
              of mutual trust in shared data and a shared data                    exploring multiparty system (MPS) approaches
              infrastructure whose immutability and transparency                  and putting them into practice as a way to bring
              are assured.                                                        greater efficiency, transparency, accountability,
                                                                                  security, interoperability, and confidence to their
              The advancing state of blockchain, distributed                      transactions and processes.
              ledger, distributed database, tokenization, and other
              similar technologies and capabilities make this pivot               There are countless use cases where federal agencies
              possible. But at the core of MPS is the realization                 can employ MPS approaches to deliver significant
              that the capabilities of a single agency can only                   benefits. But to do so, agency leaders will need to re-
              stretch so far—business and mission outcomes that                   examine their traditional practices and approaches.

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Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              The power of multiparty systems in an era of epic disruption
              At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore                   This isn’t an isolated story. From contact tracing to
              introduced a blockchain-based medical record                        frictionless payments, governments and companies
              system.1 The “Digital Health Passport” let individuals              around the world have doubled down in exploring
              store medical documents in a secure digital wallet.                 and investing in MPS approaches. With the benefit
              At a time when monitoring the spread of the virus                   of hindsight, the rapid adoption of multiparty
              was crucial, the system allowed the government to                   systems isn’t all that surprising. COVID-19 made
              easily track the levels of infection and eliminated                 it clear that organizations can’t navigate through
              the need for paper records—all while maintaining                    disruption and uncertainty alone. One of the biggest
              individuals’ privacy. It also gave people verifiable                impacts of the pandemic was how it unveiled
              test results and the hospital discharge papers they                 global enterprise fragility, leaving companies
              needed in order to be cleared for work. In other                    and government agencies alike cut off from their
              words, it put a clean and trusted bill of health right              partners, scrambling for answers, and needing to
              at everyone’s fingertips—and was used more than                     build new, trustworthy relationships.
              1.5 million times in its first four months alone.

                                                                                      75%        of federal executives
                                                                                      reported their organization faced
                                                                                      a moderate to complete supply
                                                                                      chain disruption due to COVID-19.

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Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              For instance, the pandemic demanded that
              enterprises develop deeper insight into how people
                                                                                  agents still need to check these paper documents.
                                                                                  And that’s what we are really trying to solve with this
                                                                                                                                            The pandemic demanded
              and things were moving, without sacrificing privacy                 solution,” Hayden said in an interview published in       that enterprises develop
              or efficiency—a capability that existing systems were               Future Travel Experience.2
              not ready to meet. Across many areas, multiparty                                                                              deeper insight into how
              systems quickly shifted from ambitious undertakings                 The IATA Travel Pass, which employs blockchain
              to desperately needed solutions.                                    technology, is a tool for travelers, but—because it       people and things were
              Take, for example, the global airline industry, which
                                                                                  relies upon open standards, an important ingredient
                                                                                  for MPS interoperability—it also communicates with        moving, without sacrificing
              has the common goal of resuming airline travel in
              a safe, controlled, streamlined way as more people
                                                                                  governments, airlines, test centers, and vaccination
                                                                                  providers to get verified information to those who
                                                                                                                                            privacy or efficiency.
              get vaccinated against COVID-19. To accomplish                      need it in a safe and secure manner. “This is the
              this, the International Air Transport Association                   beauty of the technology we’re using; it puts the
              (IATA), representing almost 300 airlines around the                 passenger in complete control of their data. There’s
              world, launched the IATA Travel Pass, a mobile app                  no central database and nobody can hack it. The
              that enables travelers to store and manage verified                 passenger owns their data and they share it with
              information on their COVID-19 tests and vaccines.                   the airline,” Hayden said. IATA hopes the new app
              Alan Murray Hayden, IATA’s head of airport, passenger,              will help mitigate bottlenecks that may arise once
              and security products, noted that there are two main                passenger numbers bounce back. “Replacing the
              issues with confirming whether people wanting                       paper documents with electronic version[s] and
              to fly have been tested or vaccinated: confidence                   using the verifiable credential will allow airlines to
              and scalability. “When people do get tested, they                   push all of this off airport[s], so passengers arrive
              turn up with a piece of paper and people don’t have                 completely documented,” Hayden added.3
              confidence in that. And the second point is that

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From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems - Trend 5 - Accenture
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

                                                                                  Trials with the IATA Travel Pass demonstrates a key      is authorized to travel. That verification can then
                                                                                  value of multiparty systems, which is that each party    be presented to the airline upon arrival at the
                                                                                  to the arrangement is responsible for a function for     airport. Each participating party—the passenger,
                                                                                  which it is highly qualified, either because it alone    the passport, the lab, IATA, and the airline carrying
                                                                                  possesses authoritative data critical to the MPS         the passenger—engages in an interoperable,
                                                                                  functionality or it has needed domain expertise          decentralized trust framework that revolves
                                                                                  or both. The result is a capability and value that       around a secure data foundation.
                                                                                  would be very difficult, if not impossible, for one
                                                                                  organization to achieve on its own.                      In the post-COVID era, government and commercial
                                                                                                                                           enterprises face an imperative to forge a resilient,
                                                                                  For example, an individual passenger with the Travel     adaptable, and trustworthy foundation for their
                                                                                  Pass app would scan the chip on their passport           existing and future partnerships. There’s opportunity
                                                                                  to retrieve passport information, enter their flight     here: Disruption has upended our expectations for
                                                                                  information, and be provided a list of nearby verified   ecosystems and ambitious enterprises are creating
                                                                                  lab centers where they can get a COVID test. Those       new standards for industry. Coordinated, strategic
                                                                                  test results are then uploaded to the app by the         ecosystem partnerships will set government
                                                                                  lab. IATA’s Timatic database and rules engine then       agencies and companies up to address today’s
                                                                                  automatically correlates that information with the       disruptions and be better prepared to weather new
                                                                                  COVID travel restrictions in place at the traveler’s     ones, but they’ll also enable ways to create new
                                                                                  destination and verifies whether that passenger          interactions and tackle complex problems.

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Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              Multiparty systems: Combining trust and collaboration to reformulate federal operations
              It takes a lot of time, energy, and resources to                    Take, for example, the Defense Logistics Agency,         in Warren, Ohio; a test laboratory team responsible
              manage something as complex as, say, a supply                       which has a need to counter the threat of counterfeit    for inspecting electronic microcircuits received
              chain for electronic components for military                        and nonconforming parts entering the Defense             through the CDAP process; original equipment
              weapons systems.                                                    Department’s supply chain. For this purpose, DLA         manufacturers (OEMs) and original component
                                                                                  created the Counterfeit Detection & Avoidance            manufacturers (OCMs); and distributors and
              It requires dedicated staff, IT resources, and budgets.             Program (CDAP), which aims to ensure that critical       resellers. Together, these organizations formed
              The data at the center of it must be continuously                   electronic components are procured from reputable        a Trusted Working Group, which drafted a vision
              updated, reconciled, backed up, and verified. Even then,            vendors and manufacturers. To do this, the program       for an improved, more efficient method of
              it can be hard to trust the data due to gaps, irregularities,       relies upon a pre-qualification of vendors and a         collaborating to complete CDAP requirements.4
              human error, or even outright tampering. Visibility into            post-award review process to inform decisions about
              that data can also be challenging—stakeholders may                  whether components are safe to procure. These
              have to synchronize their data to make sure they are                processes are highly manual and require a great
              all tracking accurate, up-to-date information.                      deal of correspondence with vendors.

              Multiparty systems offer federal agencies a way                     In 2019, DLA saw the potential to achieve these
              to achieve business and mission outcomes that                       same goals using digital processes that would
              would otherwise be unattainable or attainable only                  deliver greater automation, efficiency, and anti-fraud
              through great expense in staff, budget, and time                    protections. But to do this, DLA leaders realized they
              resources. While the benefits of MPS arrangements                   needed to start by assembling a larger ecosystem
              can be significant, it’s important to understand that               of organizations that have a mutual stake in the
              they begin with the core understanding that those                   outcome and obtain their participation. A diverse
              benefits are attainable only by pooling the resources               stakeholder group was formed that included
              and contributions of many organizations.                            CDAP representatives; DLA’s warehousing team

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From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems - Trend 5 - Accenture
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              As with the DLA example, any MPS arrangement                        from several days down to a few seconds—to identify     Detection and Avoidance, that enabled CDAP and
              begins first with a focus on thinking outside of one’s              an impacted product, whether tainted lettuce or         its vendors to collaborate closely on the same
              organizational boundaries for solutions to thorny,                  a recalled drug, and alert downstream partners.5        platform. The application included several novel
              complex challenges. It’s about asking, “where do I fit              For supply chain integrity, it improves safety and      features, including: a near real-time credential
              in the ecosystem of my mission outcomes, where do                   security.6 For grants management, benefits include      verification button; immutable records of vendor
              I contribute to other organizations’ mission outcomes,              greater transparency, reduced financial burden, and     qualifications and related documentation; and a
              and how do I form those partnerships to get needed                  improved customer experience.7                          process for onboarding vendors with a blockchain-
              efficiencies to deliver better value to my constituents?”                                                                   based decentralized identifier. These features, along
              It is these partnerships and assembled ecosystems                   MPSs accomplish all this by enabling federal            with several other quality of life improvements such
              that will allow agencies to make challenging business               agencies to shift their approach from managing the      as automated email services, field-level validations,
              and mission outcomes more easily and quickly                        complex process by themselves to orchestrating an       and help text provided the CDAP stakeholders with
              attainable with less expense. But there are other key               ecosystem that manages the process together as a        a greatly enhanced digital process compared to
              benefits that come from MPS approaches as well:                     shared, trusted, transparent undertaking. Put simply,   the current state.8
                                                                                  MPS helps us trust the data we rely on and trust the
             • They institutionalize trust in their data and                      transactions we conduct without having to centralize    As with all MPS arrangements, once all of the
               processes, presenting all parties involved a                       it all into one big system that we manage ourselves.    participating parties contribute their respective
               single source of truth; and                                                                                                domain expertise and data, much of which is
                                                                                  The appeal is pretty clear: Orchestrating an            done automatically, the MPS uses data analytics to
             • They spread the burden of collecting, validating,                  ecosystem—especially when using automation              automate the intended outcomes. Those outcomes
               storing, managing, adjudicating, and maintaining                   and artificial intelligence—takes a lot less time,      could include spotting an anomalous component
               all the data required to manage a complex process.                 energy, and resources than managing the whole           in a supply chain, streamlining an administrative
                                                                                  process and all of the underlying systems and           process, or verifying someone’s eligibility for benefits.
              There are myriad other benefits as well, depending on               data. For example, DLA ultimately designed and          Moreover, the result is more trustworthy, transparent,
              the use case involved. For supply chain traceability,               implemented a prototype application, called             and accountable than with traditional approaches.
              for example, it dramatically accelerates the time—                  Blockchain Traceability for the Counterfeit

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From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems - Trend 5 - Accenture
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              Those features—trust, transparency, accountability—                 intrinsically a highly secure architecture. Each data   In broad terms, MPS arrangements excel at tracking
              are a byproduct of the technology underlying                        entry creates one block within a chain of blocks, and   assets, exchanging data, and automating processes.
              any MPS. These technologies include distributed                     each block is hashed by a set of unique characters      Consequently, we see them in practice most
              databases, distributed ledgers, and digital tokens.                 derived from information contained inside that block.   frequently with use cases that involve many federal
              Of these, blockchain—a type of distributed ledger                   Every block of data added to the chain has its own      tasks and functions: accounting, auditing, data
              technology—is by far the most widely used. While                    unique hash. If any unauthorized changes to the data    provenance, supply chain management, finance,
              there are many varieties of blockchain, it is, at its               are made, it becomes immediately apparent to all        titling, Internet of Things (IoT) management, and
              core, an immutable and encrypted ledger system                      participating parties.                                  digital identity, among others.
              that is distributed across a decentralized network of
              independent computers which can update in near                      Many federal experts see tremendous promise in
              real time. The beauty of a distributed ledger system                blockchain and other MPS technologies as a tool
              is that it allows any participating user to prove the               to advance government business and mission
              record is uncorrupted. Think of it as a strongly
              encrypted, verified, shared Google Document in
                                                                                  needs. “Data sharing through a blockchain can
                                                                                  increase trust in detailed accounts, improve seamless     18%       of federal executives
              which data can be added but never changed                           communication, reduce data variation and mitigate         report their organizations are
              and in which each entry depends on a logical                        friction points when information transfer needs to        scaling their multiparty systems
              relationship to all preceding entries and is agreed                 be timely and actionable,” wrote Brig. Gen. Mark
                                                                                                                                            this year with another 15%
              upon by everyone who has access to it.                              Simerly, commander of the Defense Logistics
                                                                                  Agency Troop Support in Philadelphia, and Dan             beginning to experiment.
              Because it operates as a shared, synchronized                       Keenaghan, then-process compliance director
              and geographically disbursed database with no                       for audit and process improvement at DLA Troop
              centralized data storage, the system is designed                    Support, Philadelphia, in an article about the value
              to remove the “single point of failure” risk present                of blockchain in military logistics.9
              in many other systems. Plus, blockchain is

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From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems - Trend 5 - Accenture
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

            Many agencies are already exploring multiparty systems
            Given the many benefits of MPS approaches, it’s                     Similarly, the Treasury Department has been working       operate a blockchain- and AI-powered tool called
            easy to see why so many organizations are exploring                 since 2017 on a project to test how blockchain can        HHS Accelerate. The tool uses blockchain to link
            their use in addressing a wide array of complex                     improve the grants payment process. Treasury has          together and affirm the integrity of current data
            challenges. For example, Customs and Border                         been working with the National Science Foundation,        from multiple contract-writing systems and about
            Protection (CBP) conducted a successful proof-                      which has a large research grant portfolio, San Diego     100,000 contracts that represent nearly $25 billion
            of-concept to demonstrate blockchain’s ability                      State University, and Duke University. In this project,   in annual spend and updates that data every 24
            to help border agents rapidly and cost-effectively                  Treasury creates a digital asset (or token) that is       hours. The tool’s purpose is to create full visibility
            determine whether imported products are infringing                  embedded in a blockchain that contains the details        into the prices the department pays vendors for
            on the intellectual property rights (IPR) of American               and payments found in letters of credit that are sent     products and services so it has greater negotiating
            companies.10 The proof-of-concept showed that                       to grantees. So rather than having to rely on regular     power to reduce its procurement spend. Pulling
            blockchain connected product data correctly to the                  reporting from the prime and sub-grantee recipients,      together and analyzing the data needed to negotiate
            product and to the product license, resulting in fewer              NSF can use the blockchain to track the grant             a department-wide strategic sourcing procurement
            physical examinations of products being imported,                   payments and ensure that the terms of the grant           used to take months of work—with Accelerate, it
            according to CBP. Seven companies participated in                   are being followed and that the whole transaction is      takes seconds.12 By 2020, the Accelerate tool had
            the test and were able to communicate with other                    more secure. This frees up grantees of some of their      saved the department an estimated $30 million
            participants using their unique blockchain, regardless              reporting requirements.11                                 over five years with just one large procurement
            of different software used by each party, due to the                                                                          and more savings were anticipated with other
            program’s open global standards and approaches.                     The Health and Human Services Department                  large procurement deals in the works.13
            This demonstration may offer new tools in CBP’s                     pioneered the federal government’s first use of
            fight against imported counterfeit goods.                           blockchain in 2018 when it received an authority to

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Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              These are just a few examples. But many other                       • The Centers for Disease Control and
              agencies are also incorporating blockchain and other                  Prevention (CDC) has been exploring the use of
              MPS technologies for various use cases. To list a few:                blockchain to simplify information sharing about
                                                                                    public health events between the CDC and state
              • The U.S. Air Force is testing blockchain’s ability to               and local health departments.17
                secure industrial IoT networks from unauthorized
                tampering or cyber attacks.14                                     • The Federal Emergency Management Agency
                                                                                    (FEMA) is exploring the use of blockchain to
              • CBP is exploring whether blockchain can ensure                      expedite insurance payouts in the event of
                that the data coming from cameras and sensors                       a disaster.18
                posted along the border has not been spoofed or
                tampered with in any way.15

              • The Naval Air Warfare Center in San Diego is
                deploying a blockchain-based messaging and
                transaction platform that will be used to share
                technical and provenance information between
                stakeholders—whether on land, at sea, or air-
                based—in a trusted and secure environment.16

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Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

                 Explore further

              When clouds collide
                             Rapid digitalization during the pandemic has paved
                             the way for enterprises to rethink partnerships. The
                             intrinsic capabilities of the cloud—the scale, the API-
                             enabled connectedness, the advanced cloud-native
                             applications—have long been gateways to deep
                             collaboration, and now that enterprises of all stripes
                             have accelerated their cloud transformations all at
                             once, there is an abundance of potential partners.

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems   12
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              Simultaneous and accelerated change is creating                     technology can be implemented in a U.S. customs         That spadework was critical because the integration
              a network effect that will lead to new services,                    environment, improve the processing and tracking        challenge to make the POC possible was considerable:
              business models, and value generation. As                           of trade documents, facilitate interaction with         The resulting blockchain integrated with 10 different
              organizations interconnect their cloud assets in                    multiple entities, enable better auditability, reduce   systems and three different types of blockchain
              exciting new ways, new partnerships will be forged                  paperwork, and expedite processing.19                   software. In addition, trading partners participating
              and traditional boundaries challenged. The most                                                                             in the POC relied upon different operational
              immediate step federal agencies need to take is                      But that success—and the success of numerous           environments—some ran their systems on Amazon
              to make sure they have the foundation needed to                      other MPS proof of concepts to follow—owes             Web Services, others in the IBM Cloud, others in
              participate in and lead the new digital ecosystems                   itself to DHS laying the needed groundwork with        custom Docker environments, and still others in
              that are already emerging.                                           a capable, flexible cloud foundation; open, pre-       Open Stack environments. Engineers with DHS’
                                                                                   defined standards for easier integration; and needed   Digital Bazaar worked through these challenges
              A good example of this can be found at the                           in-house and contracted technical expertise.           and achieved interoperability using HTTP
              Homeland Security Department. The department’s                      “Historically, when new technologies or solutions       API connections.21
              first blockchain proof-of-concept (POC) was                          are incorporated into legacy systems, there are
              conducted in 2018 by CBP, which tested whether                       obstacles that create slowdowns as workarounds         After CBP’s successful demonstration, S&T helped
              the technology could assist border agents as                         are developed so that the systems mesh properly,”      the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services test
              they process imported goods subject to the                           said Anil John, technical director at DHS’ Silicon     blockchain’s ability to improve the way it issues
              North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)                          Valley Innovation Program, which is part of the        citizenship, immigration, and employment work-status
              and Central America Free Trade Agreement                             department’s Science and Technology Directorate        authorization documents to be faster, more accurate,
              (CAFTA). The POC was a joint effort that also                        (S&T). “However, through the use of globally           and more secure. It also helped the Transportation
              had significant participation from importers, CBP                    acceptable and implemented specifications and          Security Administration explore whether blockchain
              auditors, import and entry specialists, CBP legal                    standards, we are addressing and removing those        could help secure, automate, and speed up the
              and policy personnel, technology companies,                          interoperability hurdles before deployment. That way   credential validation process at checkpoints.22
              and suppliers. The POC proved 100 percent                            our industry partners and government components
              successful, demonstrating that blockchain                            can hit the ground running.”20

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Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              In general, commercial sectors are outpacing                        In addition to the growing number of blockchain
              federal adoption of MPS technologies such as                        platforms emerging in the marketplace, many of
              blockchain—but not in every case. CBP noted
              in its after-action report following the POC that
                                                                                  the larger federal cloud services, including AWS,
                                                                                  Microsoft, and Google, offer blockchain services.          91%       of federal executives
              many trading companies had not yet adopted                          Also, many of the major enterprise resource planning       agree that to be agile and resilient,
              blockchain, which “may prevent rapid adoption of                    (ERP) vendors have begun adding blockchain                 their organizations need to fast
              this technology.”23 But this relative immaturity of                 capabilities to their offerings.
                                                                                                                                             forward their digital transformation
              the marketplace presents federal agencies with
              a golden opportunity. “If government entities join                  The Defense Department’s Defense Information               with cloud at its core.
              the blockchain revolution early on, they have an                    Systems Agency (DISA) is going even further by
              opportunity to drive the change, rather than to                     creating a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BlaaS) offering
              react and adapt to systems established by others,”                  that can be used by DoD support agencies and
              wrote Svetlana Angert in her 2019 thesis examining                  military services to streamline the path to production
              the lessons learned of the CBP proof of concept                     for blockchain systems in the future.25
              while at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey,
              Calif. She noted that DHS’ early effort to set the                  As partners combine their digital efforts, the resulting
              interoperability specifications and standards for                   ecosystems are generating novel solutions, just as
              blockchain was critical to success, and she urged                   we saw with CBP’s free trade agreement blockchain
              other agencies to take the initiative in doing this                 demonstration. Successful leaders are adopting an
              as well. “CBP can facilitate future coordination,                   ecosystem mindset that feeds through business
              implementation, and creation of global blockchain                   and technology strategy, eschewing the traditional
              standards necessary in international trade,”                        organizational boundaries of the past. MPS makes
              she wrote. 24                                                       clear that technology-based ecosystems are the
                                                                                  foundation for future growth and leadership, and
              As the DHS example demonstrates, the cloud                          agencies will need to invest in the needed platforms
              is fundamental to unlocking the power of MPS.                       to set those ecosystems motion.                             The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense
                                                                                                                                              (DoD) visual information does not imply or
                                                                                                                                              constitute DoD endorsement.

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Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              Natural federal use cases for multiparty systems
                             Having a cloud foundation is key to benefiting from
                             the value of MPS approaches, but so is the need
                             to shift one’s thinking to better envision the vast
                             possibilities MPS can bring to federal mission and
                             business operations.

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              Again, DHS offers a good example here. Technologists                response and assistance, industry regulation and           monitoring third party delivery and in-transit visibility
              there had been tracking the progress of distributed                 inspection, transportation, research and development,      timelines, compliance with regulatory demands, and
              ledger technology for years and saw significant                     and more. Numerous agencies are already exploring          transparency for audit. Cost reductions are anticipated
              promise in its applications for many DHS business and               whether MPS arrangements can help them prevent             in regards [to] information lags, duplication, personnel,
              mission operations. “Throughout the HSE [Homeland                   counterfeit components in supply chains, secure            movement times, storage, and inventory losses. These
              Security Enterprise], agencies issue entitlements,                  military communications, accelerate recalls of tainted     efficiencies enabled through blockchain technology
              attestations and certifications,” said a July 2019                  food and pharmaceuticals, and dispense disaster            would provide real, measurable savings and increase
              press release issued by the department’s Science                    assistance more rapidly.27                                 the efficacy of life-saving and recovery efforts.”28
              and Technology Directorate. “The holders of those
              credentials might be an individual, organization or                 “More than 62 million power grid items were                Another example of how MPS approaches fit naturally
              product, but from the HSE perspective, they all have at              provided to Puerto Rico in the wake of the Category       into many existing ecosystems can be found in the
              least one thing in common—the documentation must                     5 Hurricane Maria,” said DLA’s Simerly and Keenaghan      world of unmanned aerial systems, or UASs. The
              be quickly verified, extremely robust and resistant to               of DLA Troop Support in Philadelphia in their             commercialization of UASes is exploding—there are
              tampering. Paper-based, manual verification solutions                October – December 2019 issue of Army Sustainment.        already nearly four times as many UAS as registered
              are slow, non-centralized and pose [a] greater risk of               DLA supports FEMA and the U.S. Army Corps of              manned aircraft. And many federal agencies, along
              forgery and counterfeiting. Blockchain is tailor-made                Engineers by leveraging hundreds of contracts to          with the fast-growing UAS industry, are aggressively
              to address and mitigate these security and speed                     mobilize millions of equipment pieces that support        exploring how blockchain and other MPS technologies
              issues.”26 It was this insight that drove the department             humanitarian assistance and disaster relief efforts.      can address the many challenges being anticipated
              to launch a string of proof of concepts with blockchain.            “Although the mission was a success, an assessment of      with the rapid growth in commercial UAS operations.
                                                                                   the end-to-end processes uncovered multiple delays,
              Perhaps the broadest category of MPS use cases can                   miscommunications, excessive travel costs, a lack of
              be found where federal agencies are already engaged                  comprehensive end-to-end visibility, and many wasted
              in collaborations, networks, and consortiums, either                 hours for manual corrections. Research suggested
              with external organizations or other agencies or both.               the possibilities for adaptation and innovation through
              These can include ecosystems that revolve around                     blockchain could increase effective communication
              supply chains and logistics, financial services, disaster            of requirements, planning movement and flexibility,

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems                                                                                                         16
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

                                                                                  According to a 2020 Department of Transportation       In short, areas where policy, regulatory, and
                                                                                  report, companies and federal agencies are             governance frameworks cross over federal
                                                                                  considering embedding blockchain and other             organizations and commercial industries are prime
                                                                                  distributed ledger technologies into a wide            venues for MPS applications. A big part of getting
                                                                                  assortment of UAS functions and activities to make     MPS off the ground is having disparate organizations
                                                                                  them secure, transparent, trackable, authenticated,    agree upon a governance framework on how things
                                                                                  and trusted. These include identity management,        will operate; but, in many cases, those already exist
                                                                                  traffic management, conflict management, flight        in many federal environments, which gives federal
                                                                                  authorization, flight data recorders, insurance,       agencies a distinct advantage in getting started,
                                                                                  regulation compliance, fleet security, and             finding common ground, and bringing
                                                                                  cybersecurity.29 “Blockchain is poised to transform    those ecosystems together.
                                                                                  the way we think about and analyze safety data,”
                                                                                  said Regina Houston, Chief of the Aviation Safety
                                                                                  Management Systems Division, U.S. DOT Volpe
                                                                                  National Transportation Systems Center. “This is
                                                                                  particularly exciting for unmanned aerial vehicles.
                                                                                  Blockchain can be part of the solution to collecting     91%        of federal executives
                                                                                  and sharing reliable data about drones. When you         say multiparty systems will enable
                                                                                  combine machine learning with the data blockchain        their ecosystems to forge a more
                                                                                  can provide on UAS registration, accountability,
                                                                                                                                           resilient and adaptable foundation
                                                                                  and tracking, an entire world becomes available
                                                                                  for drone safety analysis, decision making, and          to create new value with their
                                                                                  even regulation.”30                                      organization’s partners.

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems                                                                                                 17
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              A new perspective on value
                             It helps when enterprises embarking on MPS
                             undertakings have a fuller sense of the value that
                             partnership can bring. Consider an area where
                             MPS is having extraordinary impact: money.

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems   18
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              The first large-scale popular implementation of an                  procedures and exploring solutions that can help        to a report by the Bank of International Settlements
              MPS technology was Bitcoin in 2009. A decentralized                 them track digital currency transactions that involve   (BIS).34 A CBDC is a digital form of a country’s fiat
              digital currency that is not controlled by a central bank,          individuals, entities, and organizations that are       currency; instead of printing money, the central bank
              Bitcoin can be exchanged from one user to another                   blocked from conducting business with Americans         issues electronic coins or accounts backed by the full
              through a peer-to-peer network without the need for                 or that are potentially criminal in nature.32           faith and credit of the government. Because CBDCs
              intermediaries. Bitcoin transactions are verified by                                                                        are the liability of the central bank, the government
              network nodes through cryptography and recorded                     In addition, the Energy Department is looking for       must maintain reserves and deposits to back it up.
              in a blockchain. Its success has touched off a wave                 ways to detect hidden malware that enlists infected
              of similar cryptocurrencies, all built on decentralized             computers to mine for digital currencies. Bitcoin       CBDCs are attractive to central banks for many
              peer-to-peer networks—today, there are more than                    mining is the process by which new bitcoins             reasons. First, being digital, the maintenance and
              4,000 cryptocurrencies in existence, including                      are entered into circulation, and it requires very      handling expenses of CBDCs—printing, managing,
              Ethereum, Litecoin, Cardano, Polkadot, Bitcoin Cash,                sophisticated computers that can solve highly           and transferring, for example—are far less than
              and Stellar, to name a few.31 While many of them                    complex math problems. If successful, mining            for hard currencies. Also, people can have access
              have little to no following or trading volume, some                 can reap cryptocurrency tokens without having to        to money on their smart phones, making it more
              are immensely popular among dedicated user                          pay for them. Cryptocurrency mining malware is          accessible and safer. And because there is a digital
              communities and investors.                                          a growing problem for the department’s National         track record for every unit of currency, there is
                                                                                  Labs, which use High-Performance Computing              greater transparency and more checks on illicit
              This brave new world of cryptocurrencies is                         (HPC) applications to conduct complex research.33       activity.35 But there are risks as well: our regulatory
              prompting many federal agencies to study the                                                                                processes, financial transaction systems, and
              potential ramifications they may have on their                       But the flood of new cryptocurrencies has also         payment systems are not updated to deal with these
              missions and business operations. For example,                       catalyzed many governments and central banks           new forms of money. Also, the proliferation of digital
              numerous federal investigative organizations—                        around the world to think anew about the need to       currencies could hamper the ability of policymakers
              including the Treasury Department’s Office of Global                 update their government-backed currencies for          to track cross-border monetary flows, presenting
              Targeting, the IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS-CI), the              the digital age. As of January 2021, 86 percent of     challenges concerning the use of sanctions and
              Postal Inspection Service, and the Army Criminal                     the world’s central banks were considering issuing     economic policy tools.
              Investigation Command—are reviewing their                           “Central Bank Digital Currencies” (CBDCs), according

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems                                                                                                    19
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

                                                                                  In October 2020, the International Monetary Fund               needs to support their ambitions—not overshadow
                                                                                  (IMF) began working with the Group of 20 to                    them. Recognizing this, the World Economic
                                                                                  establish a set of standards for CBDCs.36 Accenture            Forum, along with Accenture, established a set
                                                                                  has been working with central banks across the                 of guidelines called the Presidio Principles to help
                                                                                  globe as they explore their digital programs and it is         guide experimentation with multiparty systems.39
                                                                                  likely we will see the first CBDCs come to fruition in         The guidelines span four categories and include the
                                                                                  the next 12 to 24 months.37 For instance, The Digital          principles that every participant should have rights to
                                                                                  Dollar Project—a non-profit partnership between                information about the system; that individuals should
                                                                                  Accenture and the Digital Dollar Foundation—is                 be able to own and manage their data, and have
                                                                                  advancing a collaborative framework for developing             their data protected in accordance with recognized
                                                                                  a CBDC in the United States, and the central bank in           technical security standards; and that participants
                                                                                  Sweden, the Riksbank, is piloting the e-krona to test          should have the information they need in order
                                                                                  its viability.38 The project will launch at least five pilot   to pursue effective recourse. The goal of these
                                                                                  programs over the next 12 months with interested               principles is to ensure that multiparty systems are
                                                                                  stakeholders and DDP participants to measure the               providing for a more equitable and inclusive future.
                                                                                  value of and inform the future design of a U.S. CBDC,
                                                                                  or “digital dollar.”                                           At their zenith, MPSs will transform the world.
                                                                                                                                                 If you’ve hesitated to explore a full ecosystem
                                                                                  CBDC efforts worldwide demonstrate why                         approach, now is the time to recognize the
                                                                                  businesses need to have multiparty systems at                  opportunity; if you’ve already been exploring, it’s
                                                                                  the forefront of their innovation agenda—and                   time to move beyond small-scale implementation
                                                                                  also why leaders need to take a considered                     and become a leading partner in shaping
                                                                                  approach with their efforts. People are at the                 tomorrow’s government operations.
                                                                                  center of these ecosystems, and the technology

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems                                                                                                           20
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We

              Decision points
              Fortify: How are digitally led                                           Extend: Is your agency ready to                   Reinvent: Which business
              partnerships driving value for                                           participate in multiparty systems?                relationships will be transformed by
              your enterprise?                                                                                                           the growth of multiparty systems?
                                                                                       • Multiparty
                                                                                         	          systems are steadily growing
                                                                                         in adoption. Designate a team to scan
              • 	2020 saw a surge of federal agencies                                                                                   • Think
                                                                                                                                           	     beyond the walls of the enterprise.
                                                                                         prominent MPSs emerging in your mission or
                expanding their embrace of digital                                                                                         Interview strategic partners to understand
                                                                                         business area, assess their current and long-
                platforms to accelerate business and                                                                                       their exposure to multiparty systems.
                                                                                         term impacts, and gauge your enterprise’s
                mission operations. Review what platforms                                                                                  Consider running strategic foresight
                                                                                         relative preparedness to engage them. Make
                your agency—and its stakeholders—leaned                                                                                    exercises with these partners to evaluate
                                                                                         understanding the technology, identifying
                on most in the last year.                                                                                                  the need and impact of a multiparty system.
                                                                                         technical partners and providers, and
              • 	Take advantage of cloud solutions and                                  addressing skills gaps a priority.              • 	Consider joining industry consortiums
                have a strategy for using these solutions                                                                                  or establishing a working group of inter-
                                                                                       • MPS
                                                                                         	    is more than technology—it reshapes
                to enhance ecosystem collaboration. Find                                                                                   enterprise partners. Create the process
                                                                                         business practices and models. Determine
                other agency, industry, commercial, and                                                                                    for assessing the value of any MPS strategy
                                                                                         if MPS is the right solution by evaluating
                academic partners that have shared interests                                                                               against the benefit to all participants, not
                                                                                         the business case that will drive your
                that overlap with your mission or business                                                                                 just the enterprise in isolation.
                                                                                         participation. This could include areas where
                and explore collaborating to bring greater
                                                                                         transactional data has yet to be digitized or
                value and security to your operations.
                                                                                         complex networks that would benefit from a
                                                                                         common and trusted platform.

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems                                                                                          21
Introduction       1       2       3       4          5 From Me to We


                                          Randy Gowat                                              Aaron Faulkner
                                          Blockchain Lead                                          Managing Director
                                          Accenture Federal Services                               Cybersecurity Lead
                                                                                                   Accenture Federal Services

                                          Radica Sipcic, PhD                                       Marty Hebeler
                                          Senior Digital Transformation Architect                  Managing Director
                                          Accenture Federal Services                               Armed Forces Technology Lead
                                                                                                   Accenture Federal Services

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems                                  22
Introduction       1       2       3       4       5           Exploring Tech Vision

              Exploring Tech Vision
              For over twenty years, the Accenture Technology                      This year’s global report, Leaders Wanted,       challenges facing the U.S. federal government.
              Vision has identified the most important emerging                    examines how the world responded to the          It builds upon insight from more than 50 Accenture
              technology trends impacting businesses, governments,                 unprecedented stresses and challenges            Federal Services experts as well as survey data from
              and society over the next three years. What sets it                  created by the COVID-19 pandemic. What           two hundred federal program, business and
              apart is its focus on the underlying forces behind                   we learned is that many enterprises are far      IT leaders.
              each trend as well as the frank advice it offers on                  more agile than they thought. Their challenge
              how enterprises should respond. The Accenture                        going forward is accelerating their digital      Readers can assess the accuracy and relevancy of our
              Technology Vision is produced by Accenture Labs                      transformation to meet the new expectations      predictions for the federal government by reviewing
              and Accenture Research with input from over one                      left in the pandemic’s wake.                     last year’s report. Key trends in the Accenture Federal
              hundred Accenture leaders and more than two dozen                                                                     Technology Vision 2020 included the I in Experience,
              external experts. It also incorporates the findings of               The Accenture Federal Technology Vision 2021     AI and Me, the Dilemma of Smart Things, Robots in
              a global survey of over 6,000 enterprise leaders.                    applies these trends to the unique demands and   the Wild, and Innovation DNA.

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems                                                                                              23
Introduction        1        2       3        4        5         References

              1   11
                   covid-19-data-management/                                               grants-tracking.aspx
                   pass-is-using-blockchain-technology-to-keep-passengers-in-              payments.aspx
                   control-of-their-data/                                                  update.html

              4                       12
              5            acquisition-data/
                   content=000020YK&utm_term=10005803&utm_id=How-the-                 13
                   FDA-is-piloting-blockchain-for-the-pharmaceutical-supply-chain-         first-accelerate-contract/
                   mmca1=000020YK&cm_mmca2=10005803                                   15

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems                                                              24
Introduction        1        2       3        4        5         References

              20             30
              21             cryptocurrencies-other-than-bitcoin/
              22                seeks-tools-trace-cryptocurrency-linked-sanctions-list/173894/
              23               review-how-postal-inspectors-handle-cryptocurrency/172983/
              24 Angert, S. (2019). Blockchain Technology Implementation in the U.S.          investigative-unit-looks-detect-and-trace-cryptocurrency-
                 Customs Environment [Master’s thesis, Naval Postgraduate School].            transactions/166844/
                 Homeland Security Digital Library.
              25                 able-trace-untraceable-digital-currencies/168305/
              26                lab-creates-technology-detect-cryptocurrency-mining-
                 snapshot-blockchain-and-dhs                                                malware/172304/
              27            34
                   logistics-coronavirus.aspx                                               oversightof-global-stablecoin-arrangements/

Federal Technology Vision 2021 | From Me to We: Take the mission further with multiparty systems                                                               25
About Accenture                                                  About Accenture Federal Services
Accenture is a global professional services company with         Accenture Federal Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of
leading capabilities in digital, cloud and security. Combining   Accenture, brings together mission expertise with proven
unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than     innovation and leading practices to help the federal
40 industries, we offer Strategy and Consulting, Interactive,    government do the extraordinary things it takes to create a
Technology and Operations services—all powered by the            better future for all of us. We are passionate about partnering
world’s largest network of Advanced Technology and               with clients, going beyond the bold future we collectively
Intelligent Operations centers. Our 569,000 people deliver       imagine, to create real and enduring change for our country
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John Conley
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About Accenture Labs                                                               About Accenture Research
Accenture Labs incubates and prototypes new concepts                               Accenture Research shapes trends and creates data-driven
through applied R&D projects that are expected to have a                           insights about the most pressing issues global organizations
significant impact on business and society. Our dedicated                          face. Combining the power of innovative research techniques
team of technologists and researchers work with leaders                            with a deep understanding of our clients’ industries, our team of
across the company and external partners to imagine                                300 researchers and analysts spans 20 countries and publishes
and invent the future. Accenture Labs is located in seven                          hundreds of reports, articles and points of view every year. Our
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Labs across the globe. The Labs collaborates extensively with                      theories and fresh ideas into real-world solutions for our clients.
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