Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan - BMVI

Page created by Suzanne Hayes
Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan - BMVI
Freight Transport and Logistics
Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan - BMVI

    Freight Transport and Logistics
Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan - BMVI
                                                                                                        Con t en t s   Con t en t s                                                                                             

I.    Introduction                                                                                                 7         C    Shifting more traffic to the railways and inland waterways                                     47
                                                                                                                                  C1   Review the regulatory framework for freight transport in intermodal competition           48
      1.   Freight transport and logistics – the key to a sustainable transport policy                             7
                                                                                                                                  C2   Increase funding for combined transport                                                   49
      2.   The importance of freight transport and logistics                                                       8              C3   Evolve handling technologies and organization in combined transport                       50
                                                                                                                                  C4   Internalize external costs                                                                51
           a)   Mobility as the basis of personal freedom and social inclusion                                     8
           b)   Mobility as a driver of economic growth and job creation                                           8         D    Upgrading more transport arteries and hubs                                                     53
      3.   Freight transport and logistics at the centre of social change – new challenges                        11              D 1 Segregate freight and passenger traffic                                                    54
           for transport policy                                                                                                   D 2 Review the requirement plans                                                               56
                                                                                                                                  D 3 Press ahead with the implementation of PPP solutions for the speedy and efficient          57
           a)   Traffic growth as a result of globalization and an increasing division of labour                  11
                                                                                                                                      delivery of motorway widening and motorway maintenance projects
           b)   Climate change and environmental protection                                                       12
           c)   Demographic change                                                                                12         E    Environmentally friendly, climate-friendly, quiet and safe transport                           59
           d)   Changed conditions of work and skills requirements                                                13
                                                                                                                                  E1   Develop a strategy to vary toll rates according to the route driven and the time of day   60
           e)   More exacting safety and security requirements                                                    14
                                                                                                                                  E2   Mitigate noise on the railways                                                            61
      4.   Sustainability as a benchmark of transport policy                                                      15              E3   Establish a financial assistance programme to encourage the use of modern technologies    62
                                                                                                                                       to reduce the noise caused by rolling stock
      5.   Transport policy in social dialogue                                                                    16
                                                                                                                                  E4   Optimize processes in the logistics chain taking greater account of environmental         63
      6.   Objectives of the Masterplan                                                                           18                   concerns
           A    Making optimum use of transport infrastructure – shaping transport                                18              E5   Further tighten environmental and safety standards (emissions reduction, noise            64
                to make it more efficient                                                                                              mitigation, safety technology)
           B    Avoiding unnecessary journeys – ensuring mobility                                                 19         F    Good working conditions and good training in the freight transport industry                    65
           C    Shifting more traffic to the railways and inland waterways                                        20
                                                                                                                                  F1   Step up the enforcement of social legislation in the road haulage sector to improve       66
           D    Upgrading more transport arteries and hubs                                                        21
                                                                                                                                       road safety
           E    Environmentally friendly and climate-friendly transport                                           23
                                                                                                                                  F2   Launch a basic and further training initiative                                            67
           F    Good working conditions and good training in the freight transport industry                       24
                                                                                                                                  F3   Hold regular summits on the subject of work and training in the freight transport         69
      7.   Implementation                                                                                         26                   and logistics sector
                                                                                                                                  F4   Launch a lighthouse project to improve the international profile of logistics courses     70
II.   Measures                                                                                                    27                   in higher education
                                                                                                                                  F5   Monitor the working conditions in the freight transport and logistics sector as part      71
      A    Making optimum use of transport infrastructure – shaping transport to make                             27                   of the market observation activities of the Federal Office for Goods Transport
           it more efficient                                                                                                      F6   Improve seafarers‘ working and living conditions                                          72
           A 1 Develop and deploy more traffic management systems on busy sections of                             28         G    Further measures to make Germany even more attractive as a centre for logistics                73
                federal motorway
                                                                                                                                  G 1 Establish a freight transport and logistics network                                        74
           A 2 Standardize and link up the traffic management systems on federal                                  29
                                                                                                                                  G 2 Implement a marketing strategy to promote Germany as a centre for logistics                75
                motorways nationwide
                                                                                                                                  G 3 Security strategy for the freight transport and logistics industry                         76
           A 3 Speed up implementation of the “Development programme to increase the                              30
                number of parking areas at service stations and rest areas on federal motorways”
                                                                                                                        Glossary of abbreviations                                                                                77
           A 4 Continue and intensify the measures to tackle congestion by optimizing                             31
                roadworks management
           A 5 Provide traffic information and communications services for heavy goods vehicles                   32
                on the motorway network by using toll information (value-added services)
           A 6 Develop a strategy to speed up introduction of the European Train Control System (ETCS)            33
                on freight corridors in Germany
           A 7 Develop a national ports strategy                                                                  34
           A 8 Develop a national airports strategy                                                               36
           A 9 Take concerted action with shippers and the freight transport sector to stagger                    38
                freight traffic (extending ramp times)
           A 10 Create a focal point – the Federal Government Commissioner for Freight                            39
                Transport and Logistics
      B    Avoiding unnecessary journeys – ensuring mobility                                                      41
           B1   Urban Logistics Initiative                                                                        42
           B2   Step up investment in innovative and capacity-enhancing technologies                              43
           B3   Optimize transit traffic                                                                          44
           B4   Short sea shipping                                                                                45
Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan - BMVI
   In t roduc t ion                                                                                 

    I. Introduction

    1. Freight transport and logistics – the key to a sustainable transport policy

    The future shape of freight transport will also   and the environment. That is why the Freight
    decide what the transport system as a whole       Transport and Logistics Masterplan is a docu-
    in Germany will look like. At the same time,      ment that sets the direction for transport po-
    it will also be crucial in deciding whether, in   licy as a whole. Because passenger and freight
    twenty years’ time, we have a transport system    transport are closely interlinked. People and
    that ensures mobility, prosperity and jobs whi-   goods use largely the same infrastructure.
    le reflecting environmental concerns. And the     If goods get stuck in a traffic jam, people get
    future shape of freight transport will also de-   held up as well. Freight transport and logistics
    cide whether transport contributes to a better    thus play a key role in our efforts to shape our
    quality of life or becomes a burden on humans     overall transport system.
Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan - BMVI
                                                                                    I n t roduc t ion   In t roduc t ion                                                                                   

. The importance of freight transport and logistics                                                     punctual transport operations. This becomes       around three percent. Exports are thus the
                                                                                                         apparent in particular when the freight trans-    crucial growth engine of the German eco-
a)   Mobility as the basis of personal             same time, mobility facilitates social inclusion,     port and supply chain fails to operate smooth-    nomy. The import of intermediate products
     freedom and social inclusion                  because it is absolutely essential if people are      ly. The result is not infrequently a loss of      – likewise on the rise – also makes a contri-
                                                   to participate fully in working life, in educa-       production within a very short period of time,    bution to this. Germany is a high-technology
     Freight transport and passenger transport     tion and culture, and in social life as a whole.      and people become aware of something that         location. As such, it is becoming increasingly
serve different expectations that citizens have    Conversely, this also applies to the transport        has been largely forgotten, given the fact that   dependent, within the framework of a glo-
of their transport system. But it is not only      of goods. Freight transport and logistics move        the transport and logistics system in Germany     bal division of labour, on imported inputs,
passenger transport that is about people. The      goods to where people need them. In doing so,         usually operates so well. Namely that almost      whose processing and final assembly in
same applies to freight transport and logistics:   they create the material conditions for people        every job in trade and industry depends di-       Germany creates jobs and safeguards the
be it as someone who dispatches or orders con-     to develop and for social exchange, which             rectly or indirectly on a properly functioning    competitiveness of German companies.
signments, be it as an operator or an employee     manifests itself in the trade in goods and pro-       logistics and transport system.
in the supply chain, be it as a consumer of the    ducts. And there is another social element in-                                                               However, this dynamism would not be
delivered products.                                volved. Freight transport and logistics services            One of the main reasons why transport       possible without a properly functioning
                                                   are provided by people for people. That is why        is of such tremendous importance is that          freight transport and logistics system. This
                                                   the present Masterplan addresses not only the         the German economy is dependent on ex-            transport system represents a significant
                                                   transport system as such, but also the compa-         ports. The contribution made by exports to        locational advantage in global competition.
                                                   nies that operate in the freight transport and        German gross domestic product rose shar-          It makes Germany a more attractive place for
                                                   logistics sector and their employees, without         ply from 16 % to over 23 % between 1995 and       foreign investors and helps to create new jobs
                                                   whose work freight transport and logistics            2006. This trend will continue in the future,     in trade and industry. This means that freight
                                                   would not function in the first place.                with a forecast annual growth in exports of       transport and logistics are a major prerequi-

                                                   b)   Mobility as a driver of economic
                                                        growth and job creation

                                                         Mobility – be it the mobility of people
                                                   themselves or the transport of goods – is a
                                                   major basis of prosperity and employment.
                                                   Because these are based on production cha-
                                                   racterized by the division of labour and on
                                                   the exchange of products and services. For a
    Freight transport can only be viewed as        modern industrial and service economy based
part of mobility as a whole. The transport and     on the division of labour, transport – which, as
supply of goods is an essential basis of our       commercial transport, comprises both freight
quality of life and self-development, while        transport and passenger transport services
forming a major prerequisite of social interac-    – is thus an indispensable prerequisite.
tion. Mobility educates us by providing us with
freedom of movement, a basic condition of our          Freight transport and logistics are the
personal freedom. Without mobility, neither        linchpin of our economy, which is based on
personal self-development nor direct commu-        a division of labour. Companies engaged in
nication with other people is possible. At the     trade and industry depend on reliable and
Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan - BMVI
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site for ensuring the competitiveness of the                          transport system as a whole more efficient for                      . Freight transport and logistics at the centre of social
German economy on a long-term basis.                                  freight transport and to optimize utilization of                       change – new challenges for transport policy
                                                                      the transport infrastructure.”
     As a result of this economic importance,                                                                                                  Germany has one of the most modern                         responding with this Masterplan is the drastic
the logistics sector itself has grown steadily in                           On this basis, the Federal Minister of                        transport infrastructures in the world, with a                  rise in the level of freight traffic that is likely
recent years:                                                         Transport, Building and Urban Affairs seized                        dense and efficient network of roads, railways,                 as a result of globalization and increasing
                                                                      the initiative for the development of a Freight                     waterways, ports and airports. The logistics                    division of labour in the economy. Increasing
•    The logistics sector, which today directly                       Transport and Logistics Masterplan covering                         systems have been developed to a very high                      specialization and division of labour will lead
     employs over 2.6 million people, is one of                       a wide cross-section of society. The fact that                      standard. The Federal Government’s objec-                       to a further rise in international trade. The
     the largest and most dynamically develo-                         this initiative has attracted great participation                   tive is to lastingly secure the leading position                result will be that more and more goods are
     ping labour markets in Germany.                                  from industry, academia and non-governmen-                          that Germany enjoys in freight transport and                    transported over increasingly long distances.
                                                                      tal organizations illustrates that the shaping                      logistics and in transport infrastructure. To                   This means that there is likely to be a sharp in-
•    With an estimated turnover of around                             of our freight transport and logistics system                       achieve this goal, both the public and private                  crease in the demand for logistics and freight
     836 billion euros (EU 27 plus Norway and                         is a key issue of sustainable societal moderni-                     sectors have to address the economic, social                    transport services.
     Switzerland, 2006 figures), the logistics                        zation, and that people believe there is a great                    and ecological challenges.
     industry occupies third position in the                          need for action in this sphere.                                                                                                          If we do not react to this, the result will be
     league table of major European economic                                                                                                                                                              that tonne-kilometres in Germany are likely
     sectors, only just behind the construction                           Thanks to its technology-oriented                                                                                               to rise by 71 % between 2004 and 2025. In the
     and food industries and way ahead of the                         measures, in particular, the Freight Transport                                                                                      road haulage sector, this rise will be higher
     metalworking and automotive industries.                          and Logistics Masterplan makes a contributi-                                                                                        (79 %) and in long-distance road haulage it
                                                                      on to the innovation policy objectives of the                                                                                       will be as high as 84 % . 2 Moreover, since this
•    With a turnover of 189 billion euros and                         Federal Government’s high-tech strategy in                                                                                          rise will differ from one region to the next, it is
     a 21 % share, Germany is by far the most                         the “vehicle and transport technology” field of                                                                                     likely that freight traffic levels will almost dou-
     important European logistics market. 1                           innovation.                                                                                                                         ble on some trunk roads. If this forecast rise
                                                                                                                                                                                                          were to become reality, it would mean: where
    Freight transport and logistics thus form                                                                                                                                                             today one lane of a motorway is used by heavy
an important – and often underestimated                                                                                                                                                                   goods vehicles, in just under twenty years two
– basis of our prosperity. They are drivers of                                                                                                                                                            lanes would be necessary to cope with the
economic growth and employment.                                                                                                                                                                           increased volume of freight traffic. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          passenger traffic will also increase, although
     The political parties that make up the                                                                                                                                                               at a much lower rate (19 %).
Federal Government have recognized this
importance. In the coalition agreement of                                                                                                                                                                      It is obvious that such growth presents
11 November 2005, they agreed to continue to                                                                                              a)   Traffic growth as a result of globalization                transport policymakers with great challenges.
consolidate “Germany’s leading position as a                                                                                                   and an increasing division of labour                       They have to ensure that economic growth
logistics hub”, to promote “an international-                                                                                                                                                             and jobs, on which we depend to secure our
ly competitive framework for Germany as a                                                                                                     The first and, at the same time, key chal-                  prosperity, are not constricted by bottlenecks
logistics hub” and “in particular, to make the                                                                                            lenge to which the Federal Government is                        in the transport system. Inadequate transport

1                                                                                                                                         2
     Data from Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits – Working Group for Technologies in the Logistics Services Industry (2005):        Intraplan Consult GmbH and BVU Beratergruppe Verkehr + Umwelt GmbH (2007): Prognose der deutschlandweiten Verkehrsver-
     Logistikstandort Deutschland; Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits – Working Group for Technologies in Logistics Ser-             flechtungen 2025, R&D No 96.0857/2005, commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.
     vices (2007): TOP 100 in European Transport and Logistics Services.
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infrastructure would have an adverse impact                                                                decline from its present figure of 82.5 million           and logistics industry with an opportunity
not only on the German economy but on our                                                                  to around 74 million by 2050. 3                           to develop new logistics products and tap
mobility as a whole. Because congestion af-                                                                      However, because of the aforementioned              into new markets. The rising proportion of
fects goods and people alike. This means that                                                              impacts of greater specialization and division            elderly consumers calls for a rethink not only
increasing levels of freight traffic will aggra-                                                           of labour, this decline will not, in the medium           in product development and marketing, but
vate the conflicts with passenger traffic. Thus,                                                           term, result in a drop in freight traffic levels.         also in logistics services. This could result in a
it is not just a question of ensuring the proper                                                           However, demographic change does present                  widening of the range of logistics services, for
functioning of our freight transport system                                                                transport policymakers with significant                   instance by the establishment of special deli-
as a basis of competitiveness and economic                                                                 challenges in that the population trends will             very and transport services. Thus, the rising
growth. The challenge also involves organi-                                                                differ widely from one region to the next and,            average age of the population will also not
zing freight transport in such a way that it has                                                           as a result, there will be regional differences in        result in less traffic. Rather, there is likely to
as little adverse impact as possible on people’s                                                           the way in which the growth of freight traffic            be a rise in the number of delivery, home and
mobility – more specifically on passenger                                                                  flows evolves. Whereas in some regions there              health care services. This is yet another reason
transport.                                                                                                 is likely to be only a moderate rise in the level         why, despite a declining population, there will
                                                                                                           of freight traffic, there will be much more               be a further increase in passenger and tonne
b)   Climate change and environmental                                                                      pronounced growth in the volume of freight                kilometres.
     protection                                                                                            traffic on the main transport arteries leading
                                                                                                           to and from seaports and between the major                d)   Changed conditions of work and
     More traffic, if it is not organized more ef-                                                         conurbations. These regionally differentiated                  skills requirements
ficiently, also means more emissions of pollut-                                                            trends mean that the freight transport in-
ants and CO , more noise and more land take.                                                               dustry will have to make major adjustments.                   It is true that operators in the freight
In addition, the energy consumed by transport                                                              But it is up to transport policymakers, more              transport and logistics sector benefit from
causes problems, because 71 % of all transport           This brings us to the second major challen-       than anyone else, to establish infrastructure             the rising demand for freight transport that
in the European Union is dependent on pe-            ge addressed by this Masterplan. We have to           investment priorities that reflect the different          increasing globalization and spatial and
troleum, and in the road transport sector this       make transport environmentally acceptable             requirements. Investment in the foreseeable               functional division of labour involve. But they
figure rises to 97 %. Moreover, transport is re-     and climate-friendly and shape it in such a way       pinch points in the transport system on the
sponsible for around 20 % of all CO emissions        that it has as little adverse impact as possible      main arteries will thus be of key importance.
in the EU. Road haulage accounts for around          on our quality of life. This means that trans-        This will also benefit the population in less
one third of all CO emissions from road trans-       port has to consume less energy and become            favoured areas, because regions with a decli-
port. As CO emissions from private transport         more efficient, cleaner and, not least, quieter.      ning population and lower traffic growth are
continue to decline and the volume of road           This is also in the freight transport sector’s        also dependent on the supply of goods via the
haulage increases as predicted, this ratio will      own interests, and they realize this. Because         busy main supply arteries being secure.
increasingly deteriorate to the disadvantage of      noise, environmental pressures and health ha-
road haulage. And there is another factor here.      zards caused by freight traffic will, in the long          Demographic change impacts on the
Given the fact that the cost and energy effi-        run, mean that the population is less willing to      freight transport and logistics system in ano-
ciency of large diesel engines is already high       accept freight transport.                             ther respect. It entails changed logistics and
today, the technological scope for conceivable                                                             mobility requirements of an ageing popula-
further savings in heavy goods vehicle engines       c)   Demographic change                               tion and, as a result, presents the transport
is limited – unlike passenger car engines – and,
moreover, these savings will not be possible in           According to forecasts by the Federal Sta-       3
                                                                                                               Federal Statistical Office (2006): 11th coordinated
the short term.                                      tistical office, the population of Germany will           population projection.
Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan - BMVI
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also face increasing challenges in that they are                     industry and its workforce operate. Logistics                     required for enhancing safety and security in      that the financial and administrative burdens
confronted with a growing demand for labour                          takes place worldwide and around the clock.                       such a way that they have as little adverse im-    on operators and the public authorities are mi-
while the workforce itself is shrinking. Today,                      Operators and their workforce will face increa-                   pact as possible on the ability of the transport   nimized, while ensuring that the population is
already, many fields of the freight transport                        sing pressure to meet tight delivery deadlines.                   system to operate efficiently and speedily and     supplied in an optimum manner.
and logistics sector are experiencing difficulty                     In addition to staff training, therefore, the
in recruiting skilled personnel. An ageing and                       creation of good working conditions is a key
declining population will make it even more                          task that operators have to address. It is the re-
difficult to meet the demand for skilled labour                      sponsibility of the government to enact effec-                    . Sustainability as a benchmark of transport policy
in the decades ahead. Thus, the logistics sec-                       tive social legislation and monitor compliance
tor, like German industry as a whole, faces the                      with it.                                                                In a changing environment, preserving        means, first and foremost, that transport po-
challenge of preventing a slowdown in growth                                                                                           mobility means reshaping transport. This is        licy is there to serve people, and that includes
caused by lower manpower resources resul-                            e)    More exacting safety and security                           the responsibility of government, industry and     future generations. Transport policy must be
ting from demographic change.                                              requirements                                                civil society.                                     fashioned in such a way that mobility remains
                                                                                                                                                                                          possible, as the basis of individual develop-
     At the same time, advancing specializa-                              Rising levels of freight traffic, the incre-                     In this context, the Federal Government is     ment and social exchange, and that the foun-
tion, technological innovations and increa-                          asing workload of people employed in the                          guided by the principle of sustainability. This    dations of our prosperity are preserved. To put
sing international competition are radically                         freight transport industry, plus the higher
changing the conditions of work and the skills                       average age of road users resulting from de-
requirements for people employed in the                              mographic change and the threat of natural
freight transport and logistics sector, 44 % of                      disasters mean that transport policymakers
whom were without vocational training as                             are having to focus more on questions of
recently as 2004. 4 Rising skills requirements                       transport safety. In addition, there is a need for
could mean that the shortage of skilled labour                       transport security to protect the supply chains
becomes a problem for logistics operators in                         against the threat posed by terrorists.
the medium term. The workforce is becoming
a key factor for the successful development                                Globalization and the associated interde-
of the logistics and transport industry. In the                      pendence between national economies have
future, therefore, its competitiveness will de-                      made freight transport and logistics more
pend primarily on whether operators succeed                          vulnerable. The Federal Government considers
in training their employees to give them the                         it to be a joint task to enhance the security of
skills they require and – given that their work                      the supply chains and thus also of the people
will become more demanding – in motivating                           employed in the freight transport industry.
them. Here, in-company basic and further                             What is needed is continuous international
training will play a key role.                                       agreement on how to ensure security for
                                                                     transport and trade flows. Lasting safety and
    At the same time, increasing global                              security in cross-border transport is only pos-
competition will intensify the competitive                           sible through international cooperation. The
environment in which the freight transport                           challenge consists of organizing the measures

     Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits – Working Group for Technologies in the Logistics Services Industry (2006): Stand
     und Entwicklung der Logistik in Deutschland, commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.
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it another way, the mobility we enjoy today               resources and thus also the quality of life
and the way in which we shape our transport               of the present and future generations are
system and its infrastructure must not be at              preserved.
the expense of the mobility and quality of life
of our children and grandchildren.                   3.   The social benchmark – transport is to en-
                                                          able everyone to participate in public life.
     The Federal Government’s transport po-               Transport policy thus has a social respon-
licy is thus based on the three benchmarks of             sibility – for affordable mobility, for safety
sustainable action:                                       and fairness in transport and for good
                                                          working conditions for people employed
1.   The economic benchmark – transport is to             in the freight transport industry.
     make a lasting contribution to prosperity,
     employment and the competitiveness of               The Federal Government has thus adopted
     the German economy, without impacting           an integral approach in this Masterplan. The
     excessively on other land uses. Competiti-      aims of the measures contained in the Master-
     on, as a driver of quality and efficiency, is   plan are economic efficiency, environmental
     of great importance here.                       friendliness and social responsibility.

2.   The ecological benchmark – transport is
     to be shaped in such a way that natural

. Transport policy in social dialogue

     Sustainability, as the combination of                A total of over 700 participants contribut-
economic, ecological and social requirements,        ed their expertise and experience. The results
cannot be achieved unless all stakeholders are       of this dialogue process have been drawn                 for action resulting from the dialogue pro-      tization, which will be continuously reviewed
involved. Thus, from the outset, the process of      together in a list with proposed measures.               cess in the “Transport Policy Guidance for a     and updated in accordance with the criteria of
developing the Masterplan aimed to link up           This Masterplan is the outcome of a process              Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan”.     sustainability (including the financial criteria).
players from industry, academia, government          in which the federal states, associations and            In line with this guidance, and as a result of
and civil society on a broad basis and to over-      Federal Government departments were invol-               the consultations between the government              Responsibility for implementing the
come structures of thinking and working that         ved. This was followed by a process of assess-           departments, with the federal states and         measures enumerated in this Masterplan
are “set in stone”. To launch such a joint pro-      ment by the Federal Ministry of Transport,               stakeholders from industry, academia and         lies with the different players. Thus, for each
cess of development and learning, the Federal        Building and Urban Affairs, during which the             associations, the present Masterplan of the      measure, the Masterplan states who is respon-
Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban            other government departments had an oppor-               Federal Government has been developed for        sible for its implementation. And the same ap-
Affairs staged a number of thematic work-            tunity to provide comments.                              the future direction of freight transport in     plies to implementation as applied to the pro-
shops with experts from industry, academia,                                                                   Germany. Given the large number of envi-         cess of developing the Masterplan. It will not
authorities of the federal states and associa-            In September 2007, the Federal Minister             saged targets and proposed measures, not         be a success unless all sides continue to be wil-
tions (including unions, trade associations and      of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs set             all of which were convergent, the aim of the     ling to engage in a dialogue and to cooperate.
environmentalist groups).                            out his benchmark for assessing the proposals            Masterplan was to carry out an initial priori-
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    As the European Union grows more closely     Plan for Freight Transport Logistics, which was         ltural production and to prevent any further       traffic flows, which in turn will spread the load
together, transport policy has to be conceived   presented in the autumn of 2007, are seam-              deterioration in the quality of life of people     on transport infrastructure more evenly and
and planned in European terms. There was         lessly linked and complement each other. It is          living along transport routes, it is imperative    enhance the capacity of the infrastructure.
an intensive exchange of views between the       now imperative that we continue this dialogue           that optimum use be made of the existing           In the federal trunk roads sector, the aim is to
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and      with the greater involvement of our European            infrastructure in order to limit upgrading and     significantly reduce congestion by installing
Urban Affairs and the European Commission.       neighbours, some of whom have likewise star-            new construction to that which is absolutely       further active and strategic traffic manage-
That is the reason why the Freight Transport     ted to develop masterplans.                             essential and to focus such work primarily on      ment systems, by allowing moving traffic to
and Logistics Masterplan and the EU’s Action                                                             removing bottlenecks in the transport system.      use the hard shoulder at certain times and
                                                                                                                                                            by introducing a roadworks management
                                                                                                              The Federal Government’s aim is thus          system that minimizes congestion. On the
                                                                                                         to better interlink the individual modes of        railways and waterways, latent capacity is to
. Objectives of the Masterplan                                                                          transport as part of an integrated transport       be systematically unlocked by using modern
                                                                                                         system in order to make optimum use of the         telematics technologies. At the same time, all
A    Making optimum use of transport             optimum use of the existing capacity inherent           strengths inherent in each mode and enhance        these measures will help to enhance transport
     infrastructure – shaping transport          in our transport system. It will not be possible        the capacity of the system as a whole. Within      safety.
     to make it more efficient                   to cope with the expected additional traffic            the framework of such an integrated transport
                                                 volume by simply constructing new and up-               strategy, the Federal Government attaches                If an integrated, high-capacity transport
     In view of the considerable growth in       grading existing transport infrastructure. For          great importance to seaports, inland ports and     system is to be preserved on a permanent ba-
traffic and the tight constraints on public      financial and economic reasons, for reasons             airports as key points of interchange between      sis, it is absolutely essential that the long-term
funding, the Federal Government’s foremost       of nature conservation and landscape protec-            the different modes of transport. The Federal      functionality of transport infrastructure be
objective is to enhance efficiency and to make   tion, to ensure that land is available for agricu-      Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Af-      ensured in the face of the foreseeable impacts
                                                                                                         fairs will therefore present a National Airports   of climate change. The Federal Ministry of
                                                                                                         Strategy and a National Ports Strategy in order    Transport, Building and Urban Affairs will the-
                                                                                                         to enhance the competitiveness of German           refore review the potential inherent in inland
                                                                                                         ports and airports and improve the links           waterways in a research programme, against
                                                                                                         between these transport hubs and the inter-ur-     the background of climate change, and deve-
                                                                                                         ban transport network. In the future, it will be   lop adaptation strategies in order to ensure the
                                                                                                         important not only to make greater use of the      long-term future of inland navigation in Ger-
                                                                                                         environmentally friendly inland waterways          many as an environmentally friendly mode of
                                                                                                         but also to make greater use of the potential      transport.
                                                                                                         inherent in maritime shipping over medium
                                                                                                         distances (short sea shipping). By doing so, it    B   Avoiding unnecessary journeys –
                                                                                                         will be possible to reduce the level of freight        ensuring mobility
                                                                                                         carried by road and rail and free up additional
                                                                                                         capacity in those modes.                                In addition to making better use of exis-
                                                                                                                                                            ting transport infrastructure, another overri-
                                                                                                              In addition, the Federal Government will      ding objective of the Federal Government is to
                                                                                                         significantly expand the use of electronic         avoid unnecessary freight mileage wherever
                                                                                                         traffic control and management systems in          this is possible without having an adverse
                                                                                                         all modes in order to achieve better control of    impact on the economy. Without proactive
0                                                                                     I n t roduc t ion                                                                                                     1

transport policy measures, the rising levels of      number of empty journeys. It is up to opera-
freight traffic would not only have a signifi-       tors to step up their investment in innovative
cant impact on the environment and people’s          technologies and make their contribution to
quality of life. They would also entail the risk     avoiding unnecessary journeys.
of our mobility coming to a standstill in total
gridlock on certain transport arteries. This has         In addition, the Federal Government will
to be prevented.                                     vigorously lobby at European level to ensure
                                                     that transit traffic in and through Europe
     With regard to freight transport, the Fede-     moves efficiently and sustainably. Germany re-
ral Government thus believes that maximum            cognizes its European responsibility as a trans-
efficiency in traffic management, optimized          port hub and transit country. That is why it is
control of logistics processes and the removal       necessary, in Europe, to find ways of strengthe-
of bottlenecks in the transport system are           ning the Lisbon process and minimizing the
absolutely essential to ensure that avoidable        impact of transit traffic on the environment
journeys do not actually take place. Avoiding        and quality of life.

                                                     C   Shifting more traffic to the railways
                                                         and inland waterways
                                                                                                           ral Government’s aim is that, within an inte-        D   Upgrading more transport arteries
                                                          The Federal Government is pursuing the           grated transport system, the individual modes            and hubs
                                                     objective of shifting much more traffic to the        should be used and interlinked in such a way
                                                     railways and waterways. For this reason, it will      that they can deploy their inherent strengths             Avoiding unnecessary journeys, efficient
                                                     establish a regulatory framework and invest-          in an optimum manner.                                traffic management and a modal shift will not,
                                                     ment priorities that will enable the rail mode                                                             by themselves, be sufficient to secure our mo-
                                                     to increase and sustain its share of freight               The Federal Government supports                 bility in the long term. There are already noti-
                                                     traffic by 2025. The measures designed to             measures that will result in more competition        ceable bottlenecks in our transport infrastruc-
                                                     strengthen rail freight may at the same time          in rail transport. European integration, with        ture, and the volume of traffic is forecast to
                                                     help to enhance the capacity of the railways in       the opening-up of the market for international       rise significantly. Against this background,
                                                     the passenger sector.                                 rail freight, is thus viewed positively. The Fede-   the Federal Government will step up its efforts
                                                                                                           ral Government supports the continuation of          to upgrade the transport infrastructure on a
                                                         Strengthening the railways and water-             European liberalization efforts. The fact that       human scale and in an environmentally sound
                                                     ways is a major contribution towards making           there is still a lack of harmonization must not      manner. In doing so, it will take account of
                                                     our transport system more climate-friendly            be used as an excuse by individual countries         noise mitigation as well as the other aspects
                                                     and more environmentally friendly. In addi-           to back-pedal on liberalization or suspend it.       of environmental protection and nature
unnecessary journeys by means of greater ef-         tion, shifting traffic to the railways and wa-        Enhancing competition in rail transport will         conservation, plus the interests of agriculture
ficiency will cut operators’ costs and thus also     terways will also help to free up capacity on         improve its competitiveness vis-à-vis the other      and forestry. Plans are to be geared to an even
benefit the industry. Logistics strategies have      the roads and tackle congestion. Thus, road           modes of transport. A start should be made           greater extent to the needs of the people in the
to be evolved so that freight transport opera-       transport will also benefit from a strengthe-         by evolving the regulatory framework. The            local communities.
tions can be consolidated wherever possible          ning of the railways and waterways. It is thus        Federal Government will also lobby at Euro-
(e.g. in city logistics) and incentives have to be   in no way a question of playing the individual        pean level for fair conditions of competition           In order to take account of the future
created for an ever greater reduction in the         modes off against each other. Rather, the Fede-       between the modes of transport.                      upgrading requirements as well as the rising
                                                                                                           I n t roduc t ion   In t roduc t ion                                                                                      

expenditure necessary for the maintenance                                  Despite rising levels of investment, it is            tes, which have almost reached their capacity         port Infrastructure Plan as being essential
of existing networks resulting from the in-                          still necessary to define priorities in upgra-              limits today and will have to cope with a dis-        for an effective segregation of long-distance
creasing wear and tear on the transport                              ding infrastructure. Here, it is necessary to               proportionately high growth in traffic levels in      passenger services and freight services.
infrastructure, which today already consu-                           take account of the considerable differences                the future. Upgrading these bottlenecks in our
mes almost two thirds of total investment                            in traffic trends. For this reason, the Federal             transport system will also benefit the provi-         E   Environmentally friendly and
in transport infrastructur 5, the Federal                            Government will give priority to upgrading                  sion of links to rural areas – including those a          climate-friendly transport
Government has increased the federal fun-                            those transport arteries and hubs where there               long way away from the actual construction
ding available for investment in transport                           are already capacity constraints today or                   works. Because the creation of adequate ca-                Tomorrow’s transport is to be quiet, clean,
infrastructure. It calls on the federal states                       where such constraints are likely in the medi-              pacity for freight and passenger traffic on the       efficient and climate-friendly. As part of the
and local authorities to likewise significantly                      um term because traffic volumes are rising at a             busiest main transport arteries is absolutely         efforts to combat climate change, there has to
increase transport investment in their areas of                      disproportionately high rate, and those arte-               essential if people and goods are to be able, in      be a further reduction in the specific CO emis-
responsibility. Despite rising expenditure on                        ries and hubs where an appropriate adaptation               the future, to reach every corner of our coun-        sions from transport. The objective of redu-
maintenance, the financial scope for a targe-                        of the transport system would make it possible              try quickly and punctually. At the same time,         cing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 % by 2020
ted upgrading of the transport infrastructure                        to better exploit existing spare capacity. This             prioritization also has to consider the objec-        compared with 1990 levels, which was reaf-
is to be ensured in the future, giving due                           applies, for instance, to the some of the routes            tives of structural policy, which aim to ensure       firmed in the Integrated Energy and Climate
consideration to budgetary requirements.                             to and from ports and some north-south rou-                 balanced development throughout Germany.              Change Programme, means that the transport
                                                                                                                                                                                       sector will also have to make a substantial
                                                                                                                                      Against the background of the rising             contribution. In this programme, the Federal
                                                                                                                                 levels of freight traffic, but also the widely dif-   Government has already reached agreement
                                                                                                                                 fering levels of traffic on individual routes, the    on a number of measures affecting the trans-
                                                                                                                                 Federal Government will consider whether,             port sector. They include the introduction of
                                                                                                                                 and if so how, the requirement plans and              mandatory CO limits for passenger cars at EU
                                                                                                                                 capital budgeting for the roads, railways and         level, increasing the share of biofuels – prefer-
                                                                                                                                 waterways have to be adapted to the changed           ably second-generation biofuels – in fuel con-
                                                                                                                                 traffic trends and economic developments.             sumption to 20 % by 2020, the climate passport
                                                                                                                                                                                       for passenger cars, the introduction of a
                                                                                                                                      In order to enhance the efficiency of the        carbon- and pollutant-based motor vehicle tax
                                                                                                                                 main transport arteries, the Federal Govern-          for newly registered passenger cars and the
                                                                                                                                 ment is seeking a greater separation (“segre-         inclusion of aviation and shipping in emissions
                                                                                                                                 gation”) of slower freight traffic and faster         trading. However, given the forecast growth in
                                                                                                                                 passenger traffic, for instance by means of           traffic levels, it is obvious that reducing speci-
                                                                                                                                 lane management based on traffic volumes on           fic energy consumption and CO emissions by
                                                                                                                                 motorways and a greater separation, in terms          technological means alone will not be suffici-
                                                                                                                                 of space and time, of freight and passenger           ent. The measures set out in this Masterplan to
                                                                                                                                 services on the railways. Here, too, this will        optimize the transport system, to shift traffic
                                                                                                                                 not be possible unless the busiest routes are         to the railways and waterways, to make freight
                                                                                                                                 upgraded in a targeted manner. In the case            transport operations more efficient, to opti-
                                                                                                                                 of the motorways, this means systematically           mize use of existing transport infrastructure,
                                                                                                                                 widening them to six lanes. In the case of the        and the other measures to relieve congestion
5                                                                                                                                railways, it means the speedy delivery of those       on the roads, especially extending the range
     Cf. Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (2007): Investitionsrahmenplan bis 2010
     für die Verkehrsinfrastruktur des Bundes.                                                                                   projects identified in the 2003 Federal Trans-        of public transport services, thus also serve the
                                                                                        I n t roduc t ion   In t roduc t ion                                                                                     

purpose of further reducing energy consump-            charges based on noise emissions, in order to          same time, they represent the key factor in en-
tion and CO emissions in the transport sector.         create an economic incentive to speed up the           suring that the German logistics and transport
In addition, action is also to be taken to mi-         retrofitting of the freight wagon fleet. At Euro-      industry enjoys a development that is success-
nimize the use of agricultural and woodland            pean level, it will lobby vigorously for concrete      ful in the long term. Investment in the training
areas and nature conservation and landscape            agreements on improved noise mitigation                of their workforce is thus just as important for
protection sites, including the land needed in         measures in the wagon fleet.                           the competitiveness of operators as invest-
compensation.                                                                                                 ment in technology and their vehicle fleet. It
                                                            However, protection against traffic noi-          is already becoming apparent that there will
     One of the Federal Government’s major             se is not solely a responsibility of the state.        be a shortage of skilled labour. To counter this,
objectives is to reduce the noise associated           The Federal Government therefore believes              the basic and further training systems have to
with freight transport. The Federal Ministry           that operators themselves are responsible              be strengthened and evolved to meet the more
of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs has           for perceptibly reducing freight traffic noise         exacting requirements.
                                                       by purchasing low-noise vehicles in the road
                                                       haulage sector and by retrofitting the wagon                The Federal Government, together with
                                                       fleet in the rail freight sector. This is in the       operators, trade associations, chambers of
                                                       operators’ own interests, and they realize this,       industry and commerce, and unions, will
                                                       because the noise caused by freight traffic            thus launch a basic and further training drive
                                                       and the associated impairment of people’s              before the end of 2008 and incorporate it            internationally operating companies in the
                                                       quality of life will, in the long run, mean that       into the skills initiative for Germany. Regu-        sector and the leading research institutions.
                                                       the population is less willing to accept freight       lar industry summits, to which the Federal
                                                       transport, thereby jeopardizing the economic           Government will invite the aforementioned                 In addition, the Federal Government will
                                                       foundation of operators.                               players, will be held to achieve continuous          task the Federal Office for Goods Transport
                                                                                                              collaboration to improve the basic and further       with evaluating the working conditions in the
                                                       F   Good working conditions and                        training situation on the logistics market.          freight transport and logistics sector annually
                                                           good training in the freight                       The Federal Government also believes that            as part of its observation of the freight trans-
                                                           transport industry                                 operators should create additional apprenti-         port market. In order to ensure good working
                                                                                                              ceships, as they pledged to do in the National       conditions in view of the increasing pressure
                                                            The Federal Government is firmly commit-          Pact for Training and Young Skilled Workers          to meet tight delivery deadlines that those
launched a National Traffic Noise Mitigation           ted to improving basic and further training            in Germany of 5 March 2007, and improve              employed in the sector are facing, it is abso-
Package, which addresses noise mitigation              and ensuring good working conditions in the            job skills in order to lay the foundations on        lutely essential that operators comply with
measures in all modes of transport. In particu-        freight transport and logistics sector. To this        which they will be able meet their rising            social legislation and provisions governing
lar, the desire to attract more traffic to the rail-   end, it will launch continuous collaboration           demand for skilled labour in the future.             health and safety at work, road safety and the
ways is linked to the objective of significantly       between all the major stakeholders – not only                                                               carriage of dangerous goods. Unless there is
reducing the noise caused by rail freight. In          government bodies but also, and in particular,              Logistics courses in higher education,          significant progress here, the Federal Govern-
addition to structural measures such as noise          operators, the appropriate trade associations          despite being of outstanding quality, have so        ment, in cooperation with the federal states,
barriers, the Federal Government has laun-             and the unions.                                        far tended to receive little attention. In order     will step up checks to prevent social dumping
ched a pilot project to promote the retrofit-                                                                 to improve the profile of this subject, the Fede-    and non-compliance with legislation. It is in
ting of freight wagons with composite brake                The people employed in the freight trans-          ral Government will lobby for the creation of        the interests of every operator to comply with
blocks, which will result in a lasting reduc-          port and logistics sector are especially affected      an internationally recognized course of study        the appropriate rules and regulations. Because
tion of the noise caused by freight trains. It is      by the changes in the transport sector descri-         that provides basic and further training in the      satisfied, motivated and healthy workers from
also seeking a differentiation of track access         bed at the beginning of this document. At the          field of logistics and that is closely linked with   the basis of all long-term economic success.
                                                                                        I n t roduc t ion   M e a su r es: M a k ing op t im u m use of t r a nsport i n f r a s t ruc t u r e –   
                                                                                                              sh a ping t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f icien t

                                                                                                              II. Measures

. Implementation                                                                                             A    Making optimum use of transport infrastructure –
                                                                                                                   shaping transport to make it more efficient
     In order to make Germany even more               activity, the trade associations and unions plus
attractive as a centre for logistics, all stakehol-   civil society groups as representatives of the
ders can, and must, make a contribution, each         various societal interests. One of the objec-
in their own area of responsibility. The Federal      tives of this Masterplan is to arrive at lasting
Government, federal states and local authori-         collaboration between all the stakeholders,
ties are responsible for creating the regulatory      to coordinate interests and represent them at
framework and preparing the infrastructure            European level, thereby jointly ensuring that
for the tremendous growth that lies ahead.            Germany remains the number one location for
                                                      freight transport and logistics in Europe.
     The Masterplan describes the framework
of freight transport policies that the Federal            The Federal Ministry of Transport, Buil-
Government believes should have priority.             ding and Urban Affairs will conduct an initial
Substantial funding is available in the finan-        evaluation of the measures and their impacts.
cial planning to 2012 for those measures that
are in the area of responsibility of the Federal           It is important that all stakeholders inter-
Government. Thus, for 2009, around 10.2 bil-          act in implementing the measures – depen-
lion euros has been earmarked for investment          ding on their responsibility and acknowled-
in the classic road, waterway and rail modes          ging the fact that the only way to effectively
plus combined transport. That is around 1 bil-        address all the challenges is by collaborating,
lion euros more than in the current financial         and that this is the only way to meet the eco-
plan. Transport investment will be sustained          nomic, ecological and social requirements in
at a high level in the period from 2010 to 2012.      transport policy.
This increase in transport investment will
be made possible by increasing, and making                It is now imperative that we continue the
more ecological, the tolls that are imposed           social dialogue on transport policy, which has
on heavy goods vehicles for the use of federal        been intensified by the Masterplan process,
motorways, based on the “user pays” principle.        and that we make further use of the valu-
All the additional toll revenue will be invested      able pool of expertise, experience, contacts
in the transport sector. In addition, proceeds        and creativity. The network of players from
from the privatization of the railways will in-       industry, academia, government and civil
crease the level of investment that is available      society, which emerged during the process of
for transport infrastructure. And – provided          developing the Masterplan, forms an excellent
that it offers value for money – there is to be a     basis for this.
greater involvement of private sector capital
in the provision of transport infrastructure by
means of PPP projects.

    But action is also required on the part of
the operators, as the actual agents of economic
                                     Me a su r es: M a k i ng op t i m u m use of t r a nsport i n f r a s t ruc t u r e –   M e a su r es: M a k ing op t i m u m use of t r a nsport in f r a s t ruc t u r e –                                
                                                               sh a pi ng t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f ici en t     sh a ping t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f icien t

A 1 Develop and deploy more traffic management systems                                                                         A 2 Standardize and link up the traffic management systems
    on busy sections of federal motorway                                                                                           on federal motorways nationwide

Current situation                                           EU relevance                                                       Current situation                                                    Responsibility
In many areas, traffic management systems                   This measure is consistent with EU transport                       On the German motorway network, the cap-                             The federal states, in cooperation with the
can help to improve traffic conditions. By                  policy.                                                            ture and analysis of traffic data and the control                    Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and
means of active control measures, they make it                                                                                 of traffic using traffic management systems is                       Urban Affairs, are responsible for developing
possible for road users to adapt their behaviour            Implementation period                                              performed by the infrastructure operators at                         and implementing the strategy.
to the traffic situation at any given time. Dyna-           This measure is due to be launched in 2008.                        federal state level. At present, there is no nati-
mic displays such as maximum speeds, bans                   The aim is to have the equipment installed on                      onwide link-up of these traffic management                           Budgetary relevance
on overtaking or lane control signals make                  all busy sections by 2015.                                         systems. Nor is there any coordination or co-                        This measure will be funded from the Federal
traffic flow more smoothly, thereby avoiding                                                                                   operation between the operators on the scale                         Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban
driver behaviour that could result in congesti-                                                                                required. This means that it is not possible to                      Affairs’ budget.
on or accidents. This modern telematics equip-                                                                                 exploit the potential for making more efficient
ment has not yet been installed on many busy                                                                                   use of the federal motorway network.                                 EU relevance
sections of the German motorway network.                                                                                                                                                            This measure is consistent with EU transport
                                                                                                                               Description of the measure                                           policy.
Description of the measure                                                                                                     Taking account of existing traffic manage-
Busy sections of motorway on which telema-                                                                                     ment systems, the authorities of the federal                         Implementation period
tics equipment has not yet been installed are                                                                                  states, in cooperation with the Federal Mi-                          This measure is due to be launched in 2008.
to be equipped with such systems at a faster                                                                                   nistry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs                      The strategy is due to be finalized by the end of
rate than in the past. Systems already installed                                                                               and the industry, are to develop a strategy                          2009 and implemented in its entirety by 2015.
are to be optimized and, if necessary, up-                                                                                     for linking up existing traffic management
graded to reflect the state of the art.                                                                                        systems. The aim of the strategy is to facilitate
                                                                                                                               responsive and efficient traffic management
Impact                                                                                                                         on federal motorways. This will involve, for
This measure will enhance the capacity of the                                                                                  instance, predictive information on conges-
corresponding sections. It will enhance the                                                                                    tion, available parking spaces plus measures
efficiency of the entire motorway network                                                                                      that impact on the flow of traffic, such as speed
and help to avoid congestion and improve                                                                                       limits or bans on overtaking.
road safety. This is likely to result in additional
positive effects with regard to climate change                                                                                 Impact
mitigation and environmental protection, for                                                                                   By providing intelligent traffic informa-
instance by reducing CO emissions.                                                                                             tion and control, this measure will make
                                                                                                                               it possible to enhance capacity on federal
Responsibility                                                                                                                 motorways throughout the country. By
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and                                                                                    means of better route planning and the
Urban Affairs in cooperation with the federal                                                                                  ability to react at short notice to evolving
states affected.                                                                                                               traffic situations, it will be possible to ma-
                                                                                                                               nage transport movements more reliably.
Budgetary relevance                                                                                                            This will also have a positive impact on the
This measure will be funded from the Federal                                                                                   environmental acceptability of transport
Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban                                                                                      and reduce its climate change impact. The
Affairs’ budget.                                                                                                               measure will also improve road safety.
0                                   Me a su r es: M a k i ng op t i m u m use of t r a nsport i n f r a s t ruc t u r e –   M e a su r es: M a k ing op t i m u m use of t r a nsport in f r a s t ruc t u r e –                                   1
                                                             sh a pi ng t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f ici en t     sh a ping t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f icien t

A  Speed up implementation of the “Development programme to increase the number                                             A 4 Continue and intensify the measures to tackle congestion by optimizing
    of parking areas at service stations and rest areas on federal motorways”                                                    roadworks management

Current situation                                         mate change impact, and to improve working                         Current situation                                                    Impact
There are insufficient parking areas for heavy            conditions.                                                        Congestion causes economic damage and                                This measure is designed to result in a smoo-
goods vehicles on and in the vicinity of the                                                                                 harms the climate and the environment                                ther flow of traffic at roadworks sites. This will
federal motorways. This may increasingly                  Responsibility                                                     through an unproductive increase in emissi-                          reduce congestion and minimize the econo-
result in HGVs being improperly parked,                   Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and                        ons. Experts have estimated that congestion                          mic damage it causes.
additional traffic searching for parking spaces           Urban Affairs, highway authorities of the fede-                    on our motorways costs the economy at least
and even in the permissible driving periods               ral states (delegation of administrative pow-                      ten billion euros and is responsible for billions                    Responsibility
being exceeded, which would lead to a greater             ers), local authorities. Plus freight forwarders                   of litres of fuel being consumed unnecessa-                          The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
risk of accidents. The forecast rise in the level         associations, Autobahn Tank & Rast Holding                         rily. The growth in traffic levels predicted by                      and Urban Affairs, in cooperation with the
of freight traffic, combined with the new rules           GmbH, Association of German Truck Stops                            current forecasts could seriously exacerbate                         federal states, is responsible for implementing
governing driving hours and rest periods, will            (VEDA).                                                            this situation.                                                      the measures.
result in even greater demand. The greatest                                                                                  In many cases, roadworks on motorways
demand is at the border-crossing points on the            Budgetary relevance                                                impede the flow of traffic, increase the risk                        Budgetary relevance
routes to Eastern Europe. The Federal Minister            This measure will be funded from the Federal                       of congestion and reduce road safety. Today,                         Implementing the measures will result in
of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs has              Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban                          an average of 200 to 280 roadworks sites are                         additional costs for roadworks. However,
recognized this urgent need. In the autumn of             Affairs’ budget. A total of € 250 million will                     in place every day for the maintenance and                           these additional costs will be more than offset
2007, he set up an “HGV Parking Facilities on             be available for the development programme                         operation of the federal motorways. Experts                          by substantial economic gains. The funds
Motorways” Project Group to address the issue             over the period to 2015. Of this sum, € 35 milli-                  assume that these roadworks are responsible                          required will be included in the budget esti-
of enhancing capacity.                                    on is to be invested in 2008.                                      for more than one third of all congestion on                         mates of the Federal Ministry of Transport,
                                                                                                                             motorways.                                                           Building and Urban Affairs.
Description of the measure                                EU relevance
An additional 11,000 parking spaces are to be             The European Commission (DG TREN) has                              Description of the measure                                           EU relevance
created. The activities of the Federal Ministry           launched a pilot project aimed at creating a                       Roadworks management is to be optimized to                           The measures are consistent with the objec-
of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs                  network of secure HGV parking areas in the                         avoid congestion. This involves:                                     tives of EU transport policy, especially regar-
Working Group to identify requirements and                EU. The project has initial funding of € 11                        • reducing the time for which a roadworks                            ding an increase in road safety, an improve-
construct additional HGV parking areas cover              million to 2009 and is currently occupied with                        site is in place by wording tender docu-                          ment of the flow of traffic in Europe and a
the entire federal motorway network. Because              definition tasks.                                                     ments and contracts appropriately and by                          reduction in emissions from transport.
of the pressing problems at the border-cros-                                                                                    performing work outside normal working
sing points on the routes to Eastern Europe,              Implementation period                                                 hours, if necessary on Sundays or at night;                       Implementation period
the identification of requirements and cons-              Creation of 11,000 additional parking spaces                       • avoiding cumulative congestion by means                            The measures are to be launched in 2008.
truction for these areas are to be brought for-           by 2012.                                                              of better nationwide coordination of road-
ward. Account will be taken of the guidelines                                                                                   works;
governing service stations and rest areas of the                                                                             • facilitating a smoother flow of traffic at
federal states.                                                                                                                 the roadworks site by better adapting the
                                                                                                                                measures taken (e.g. number and width
Impact                                                                                                                          of lanes) to the traffic situation and ma-
This measure will help to make optimum                                                                                          king greater use of dynamic traffic control
use of the transport infrastructure, to avoid                                                                                   measures (e.g. display of speed limits and
unnecessary journeys, to make transport more                                                                                    bans on overtaking).
environmentally friendly and reduce its cli-
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