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Cover photo: Gjakova, Kosovo, 2000. The community celebrates in a ceremony to kick off the rebuilding of the historic old town, which burned down during the war. USAID, Office of Transition Initiatives.
FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY U.S. Agency for International Development
Contents Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v A New Vision for Strengthening Fragile States . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A Strategic Approach to Fragile States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Analyzing and Monitoring Fragile States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Strategic Priorities in Fragile States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Strategic Programming in Fragile States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 A Fragile States Business Model: From Vision to Action . . . . . . 9 Integrate and Sharpen USAID Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Exercise Leadership and Advance Partnerships in the U.S. Government and Donor Community . . . . . . . . . . 10 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Annex 1. USAID Experience in Fragile States . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Annex 2. Lessons and Current Gaps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY iii
Foreword E vents of the last few years have gage in a coordinated and strategic man- tragically brought home the ner to address the core issues of poverty reality that situations unfolding and underdevelopment. on the other side of the world—gov- The United States has a long history of ernments collapsing, criminal and providing assistance to other nations terrorist networks, humanitarian crises, and advancing development. Fragile and grinding poverty—can have global states, however, pose a particularly ramifications. Weak states tend to be thorny development challenge due to the vector for these destabilizing forces, their overall weaknesses, particularly of manifesting the dark side of globaliza- their governance institutions. For devel- tion, and pose a very difficult kind of opment to succeed—in almost any con- national security challenge. text—we know we need to take the long view and stay engaged for the long haul. “When development and governance fail in a country, There are no quick fixes to strengthen the consequences engulf entire regions and leap around governance or build a country’s ability to improve the lives of its citizens. the world.” While USAID has had a long and suc- USAID, Foreign Aid in the National Interest, 2002 cessful record of responding to humani- tarian crises, postconflict situations, and The phenomenon of weak or fragile advancing long-term development, we states is not new, but the need to ad- can and must do better. This strategy dress their weakness is more critical than outlines our vision of how the Agency can more effectively respond to the ever. The President’s 2002 National Se- far-reaching challenges posed by fragile curity Strategy made that clear when he states in the 21st century. It is guided by elevated development to be the “third the overarching principle that we need pillar” of our foreign policy—on a par to engage carefully and selectively. It with defense and diplomacy. The strat- recognizes that there are countries where egy recognizes that a root of the national our assistance may not be able to make security threat to the United States and a difference, and it directs us to focus the broader international community our efforts on those countries where will is the lack of development, which can’t be able to have the greatest impact. be addressed by military or diplomatic means alone. In countries that lack the The strategy also clearly recognizes that ability, or will, to provide basic services we are only part of the U.S. Govern- or protection, we can no longer choose ment and that effective response will to look the other way. We need to en- require close coordination between FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY v
a broad range of agencies and actors. are not revolutionary ideas, but taken The recent creation of the Office of the together they have the potential to revo- Coordinator for Reconstruction and lutionize USAID’s work on the ground. Stabilization at the State Department, Much has been learned over the past and its mandate to improve and coor- 50 years of foreign assistance, but we dinate the civilian response, is a strong need to adapt and tailor those lessons to step in the right direction. today’s challenges. Fortunately, there is USAID’s strategy outlines four major great momentum now focused on the elements to meet the unique demands challenges of fragile states, both within of fragile states: better monitoring and the United States and internationally. analysis, priorities responding to the re- I hope that USAID’s strategy contrib- alities on the ground, programs focused utes to the critical debate as we move to on the sources of fragility, and stream- making development—including the lined operational procedures to support stabilization and development of fragile rapid and effective response. Achieving states—a central component of our success in fragile states requires a clear national security strategy. understanding of the problems which, in turn, points to priorities—such as stability, security, reform, and institu- tional capacity—and programs more Andrew Natsios closely targeted on the causes of the fra- USAID Administrator gility rather than the symptoms. These December 2004 vi FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY
A New Vision for Strengthening Fragile States F ragile states have posed a grow- and humanitarian challenge. As a ing problem since the end of result, the overall level of assistance to the Cold War, but they are now fragile states has increased since the recognized as a source of our nation’s end of the Cold War so that in 2003, most pressing security threats. There is excluding Iraq, almost one-fifth of perhaps no more urgent matter facing USAID’s overall resources were spent USAID than fragile states, yet no set of in such settings. problems is more difficult and intrac- Driven by several key factors, the imper- table. Twenty-first century realities ative to improve our response in fragile demonstrate that ignoring these states states has taken on a new urgency: can pose great risks and increase the likelihood of terrorism taking root. At • First, the events of September 11, least a third of the world’s population 2001, profoundly demonstrated now lives in areas that are unstable or the global reach of state failure and fragile. This poses not only a national focused attention on their drivers and security challenge but a development products—weak governance, poverty, and violent conflict. USAID’s Foreign Aid in the National Interest summa- Definitions rized this dynamic: “When develop- • USAID uses the term fragile states to refer generally to a broad range of ment and governance fail in a coun- failing, failed, and recovering states. However, the distinction among them is try, the consequences engulf entire not always clear in practice, as fragile states rarely travel a predictable path of regions and leap around the world.” failure and recovery, and the labels may mask substate and regional conditions The September 11 events prompted (insurgencies, factions, etc.) that may be important factors in conflict and a reassessment of the role of develop- fragility. It is more important to understand how far and quickly a country is ment which, along with diplomacy moving from or toward stability than it is to categorize a state as failed or not. Therefore, the strategy distinguishes between fragile states that are vulnerable and defense, is now recognized as a from those that are already in crisis. core U.S. national security objective.1 • USAID is using vulnerable to refer to those states unable or unwilling to • Second, the United States has an adequately assure the provision of security and basic services to significant interest in reducing poverty and portions of their populations and where the legitimacy of the government is in advancing development. Fragile states question. This includes states that are failing or recovering from crisis. pose a special challenge because they • USAID is using crisis to refer to those states where the central government are frequently unable to achieve any does not exert effective control over its own territory or is unable or unwilling forward development momentum to assure the provision of vital services to significant parts of its territory, and can generate enormous human where legitimacy of the government is weak or nonexistent, and where violent conflict is a reality or a great risk. 1 The National Security Strategy of the United States of America (The White House: Washington, D.C., 2002). FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY 1
suffering. The most significant short- falls in meeting the widely supported The strategy’s overall goal is to guide USAID’s efforts Development Goals of the Millen- in reversing decline in fragile states and advancing their nium Declaration will likely be in fragile states. recovery to a stage where transformational development progress is possible. • Third, there is a clear recognition that foreign assistance in the twenty- first century needs to be more effec- policies to address conflict and in- support the new office with staff and tively tailored to the context in which ternally displaced persons (IDPs). technical expertise; the Agency is likely it is being used, and that maximizing Although conflict is not limited to to serve as a principal operational arm effectiveness of assistance in fragile fragile states, the propensity for a fragile for the office and is also providing input states is an urgent challenge.2 state to experience violent conflict is to its monitoring efforts. However, This strategy lays out a vision for how high. For that reason, the new conflict USAID will continue to focus on a USAID can most effectively respond to policy, and its accompanying tools, much broader spectrum of fragile states. fragile states. The strategy’s overall goal is will be a critical part of this effort. In addition to stronger U.S. Govern- to guide USAID’s efforts in reversing de- ment coordination, close partnerships Effectively addressing the complex cline in fragile states and advancing their and coordination with other donors and challenges of fragile states clearly goes recovery to a stage where transformational international organizations are essential far beyond USAID. It will require a co- development progress is possible. for successfully responding to fragile ordinated U.S. Government approach, The strategy identifies the ways that particularly in conflict situations, to states. The United Nations and its spe- fragile states differ from those that are ensure that diplomatic, security, and cialized agencies, the World Bank, other stable and able to pursue long-term military efforts are mutually reinforcing international organizations, and donors development. It also identifies strategic and that USAID’s assets are integrated all bring critical resources and perspec- priorities for fragile states and initial with those of the departments of State, tives to bear on the challenges facing directions for USAID programming. Defense, Treasury, Justice, and others. fragile states. When paired with the Finally, the strategy focuses on man- The recent creation of the Office of the commitment of local actors to address agement and administrative changes Coordinator for Reconstruction and the sources of fragility, this coordinated needed and outlines a new business Stabilization (S/CRS) at the Depart- approach stands the greatest chance of model for USAID’s operations in ment of State is a strong indicator of the moving states forward and improving fragile states. increased understanding of the need for prospects for long-term development. a more coordinated U.S. Government Due to the increasing importance of response to postconflict and stabiliza- improving our approach to fragile tion efforts. states, USAID is issuing two related S/CRS was established to coordinate the U.S. civilian response to countries 2 See USAID’s White Paper: U.S. Foreign Aid: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century in conflict or civil strife. The office will (Washington, D.C., 2004). PD-ABZ-322. This focus on improving civilian response paper identifies five core operational goals for foreign aid: promote transformational develop- capability and leading interagency teams ment, strengthen fragile states, provide humani- to initiate planning and response efforts tarian relief, support strategic states, and address global and transnational issues and other special, in a limited number of crisis and post- self-standing concerns. It calls for resources, conflict countries of national strategic results, and measures of aid effectiveness to be differentiated for each of these goals. interest. USAID is working closely to 2 FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY
A Strategic Approach to Fragile States T o guide USAID in its efforts design programs for optimal impact in to move fragile states to a stage both vulnerable and crisis situations. where transformational de- Research indicates that the instability velopment is possible, the Agency can associated with fragile states is the product turn to its extensive experience—and of ineffective and illegitimate governance.3 that of other donors—in crisis, con- Effectiveness refers to the capability of flict-ridden and postconflict situations the government to work with society (see Annexes 1 and 2). Analysis of that to assure the provision of order and experience and identification of gaps public goods and services. Legitimacy in current responses to the large and refers to the perception by important complex challenges posed by fragile segments of society that the government states make clear that a different and is exercising state power in ways that more strategic approach is needed and are reasonably fair and in the interests will require of the nation as a whole.4 Where both effectiveness and legitimacy are weak, • analysis and monitoring of the inter- conflict or state failure is likely to result. nal dynamics of fragile states Legitimacy and effectiveness are most • priorities reflecting the realities of affected by perceptions of governance fragile states in the security, political, economic, and • programs focused on those priorities social domains. The criteria of effective- and the sources of fragility ness and legitimacy and their relation- • an Agency business model that al- 3 USAID’s research experts include Jack Gold- lows for timely, rapid, and effective stone, George Mason University; Robert Bates, Harvard University; Jonathan Haughton, Suffolk response University; and Karol Sultan, Clifford Zinnes, and Dennis Woods, University of Maryland. The work was conducted with the support of USAID/PPC under the University of Maryland’s Analyzing and Monitoring IDEAS contract and was summarized in A Strategy Framework for the Assessment and Treatment of Fragile States Fragile States. Timely, strategic, and integrated analy- 4 The use of the term legitimacy in this document sis is vital in responding to fragile states. is in no way intended to imply any conclusions with regard to the question of whether the It enables an informed assessment of United States recognizes a particular govern- ment as the legitimate government of a country. risk, strategic priority-setting among That conclusion is made by the Department of and within countries, and targeting as- State, as warranted by facts and circumstances in a particular country, and the president offers sistance on the sources of fragility. Such diplomatic recognition of and to a government analysis also improves USAID’s ability according to certain well-developed criteria of public international law that are not addressed in to respond early to vulnerability and this document. FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY 3
Table 1. Analyzing Governance in Fragile States: The Fragility Framework Effectiveness Legitimacy Security Military and police services that secure borders and Military and police services that are provided reason- limit crime ably, equitably, and without major violation of human rights Political Political institutions and processes that adequately Political processes, norms, and leaders that are ac- ensure response to citizen needs ceptable to the citizenry Economic Economic and financial institutions and infrastructure Economic institutions, financial services, and income- that support economic growth (including jobs), adapt generating opportunities that are widely accessible to economic change, and manage natural resources and reasonably transparent, particularly related to access to and governance of natural resources Social Provision of basic services that generally meet Tolerance of diverse customs, cultures, and beliefs demand, including that of vulnerable and minority groups, is assured Note. The illustrations of effectiveness and legitimacy are indicative and will be refined based on pilot testing in the field. ship to these four areas are presented in education. Domestic triggering events • democratic collapse (e.g., Nigeria a “Fragility Framework” (table 1). include succession crises and contested in 1983) elections. Externally generated shocks, In addition, a number of other im- • succession or reform crisis in authori- such as a sudden fall in primary com- tarian states (e.g., Soviet Union in portant factors need to be monitored. Of particular concern is anticipating modity prices or a natural disaster, can 1991) and ameliorating economic instability, be equally culpable in undermining stability. Ironically, the sudden inflow • high levels of state-sponsored corrup- food insecurity, and violent conflict, all of external revenues that distorts market tion (e.g., Philippines in 1996) of which are usually symptoms of the failure of governance in fragile states. signals can be just as unsettling, unless • regional or guerilla rebellion (e.g., Likewise, differentiating the impact of actions are taken to manage and invest Colombia in 2000) fragility on women and men is central these windfalls wisely. • violent ethnic conflict or genocide to our understanding, as data show a When deterioration in effectiveness (e.g., Rwanda in 1994) strong correlation between state fragility and legitimacy combine with violent and inequitable treatment of women. • economic collapse (e.g., Zaire in the conflict, protracted state failure is early 1990s) or hyperinflation (e.g., Other areas to examine include the highly likely. Avoiding this scenario is a Argentina in the early 1980s) degree of trust and social capital in high priority because these states often society, demographics (such as the become trapped in a deadly cycle of USAID will continue to refine its un- size of the youth population), regional repeated failure and recovery. derstanding of fragile states through im- and substate conflict, polarization and proved analytical frameworks that pro- splintering of societies, environmental While in many fragile states more than vide integrated analysis across sectors, degradation, limited or exclusive access one pathway of failure is evident, com- including further development of the to natural resources, and extremist mon pathways include Fragility Framework. Relevant elements 4 FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY
from other assessment frameworks— the political, economic, and social of the specific situation to determine the e.g., those for conflict and democracy spheres. In some cases, lack of politi- most appropriate combination of strate- and governance—will be integrated cal will to foster greater effectiveness gies for averting crisis and mitigating the in this process. The analysis will aid and legitimacy of government institu- impact of conflict and crisis. in identifying fragile states, sources of tions may be driving fragility. Sup- fragility and recovery, and strategic porting reformers outside the gov- and program priorities. It will also ernment may contribute to political Strategic Programming in assist in evaluating the effectiveness of instability in the short term, but may, Fragile States in the medium to long term, avoid Programming in fragile states will response. USAID’s Conflict Mitiga- tion and Management Office (CMM)5 violent conflict and state failure. be governed by the following four will be integral to this initiative. In Support for economic activities that principles: each instance, external sources of lead to job creation, improved fam- • Engage strategically. Not all fragile information will guide this analysis. ily incomes, and better functioning states provide opportunities for con- markets can, in most cases, contribute structive USAID engagement. This To improve monitoring, USAID/CMM to greater economic stability. is also developing a strategic tracking is particularly true of those regimes system for fragile states that will provide • Improve security, providing an en- that lack international legitimacy. for the timely identification of states: 1) vironment that enhances personal Outsiders are far better equipped to showing initial signs of vulnerability to safety, but also establishes the condi- address effectiveness deficits than to failure; 2) transitioning between vulner- tions under which serious outbreaks promote legitimacy. The decision to able and crisis stages; and 3) exhibiting of generalized violence are averted. engage will be based upon a country’s susceptibility to violent conflict, food importance to U.S. foreign policy, • Encourage reform related to the condi- as well as the ability of assistance to insecurity, and other particularly perni- tions that are driving fragility and affect constructive change. Strong cious symptoms of fragility. While the that will increase the likelihood of donor coordination is particularly system will be grounded in the Fragil- long-term stability. While governance critical in these situations. Multilat- ity Framework, it will rely on multiple is clearly a linchpin to recovery, eral or other bilateral agencies may be sources. USAID’s strategic tracking reforms may well be required early on better positioned to advance stabili- system will also provide results that can in multiple sectors, such as the critical zation or governance reforms in the be shared with other agencies within social and economic areas. early stages. Once USAID is engaged the U.S. Government and the broader NGO and donor community. As such, • Develop the capacity of institutions that in a fragile state, assistance must be it can serve as the foundation for more are fundamental to lasting recovery strategic in terms of sequencing and effective coordination of activities in and transformational development. programmatic mix. fragile states. Building the capacity of institutions • Focus on sources of fragility. To the that serve key social and economic extent possible, programming in sectors—such as those providing Strategic Priorities in fragile states should focus on the healthcare, education, and finan- Fragile States cial services—will reduce stress and underlying sources of fragility—the USAID will pursue four interrelated governing arrangements that lack vulnerability, especially among poorer priorities to strengthen fragile states: effectiveness and legitimacy—rather populations. Viable institutions will than the symptoms. It is important • Enhance stability, addressing the also speed recovery from conflict. to take into account issues such as sources of stress and conflict in Given the uniqueness and inherent ethnic and religious tensions that 5 See . fragile state will require careful analysis only by addressing these dysfunc- FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY 5
tional arrangements that conditions with related U.S. Government policy effective diplomatic initiatives and will be established for stable, long- and program initiatives. donor coordination will be essential term growth. The different impact to send unified messages and coor- • Opportunities will likely be great- of fragility on women and men dinate approaches. est where effectiveness deficits are should also be taken into account. paramount. In many cases, USAID Table 2 presents illustrative pro- • Seek short-term impact linked to may want to focus on bolstering grammatic options for responding longer-term structural reform. Expe- institutions, providing essential to effectiveness and legitimacy is- rience demonstrates that without social services, security,6 and the sues in states that are vulnerable and short-term, visible impact, a fragile rule of law. Strengthening health highlights political, economic, social, situation is likely to continue to and education systems, expanding and security priorities. Because these deteriorate. Because those living in markets and economic opportuni- states are not yet in crisis, the range fragile states cope with instability and ties, and improving legal systems of program options may look similar uncertainty by focusing on the near are examples of areas where USAID to those applied in transformational term, short-term measures are critical has significant experience. Security development situations. However, to meeting their immediate needs deficits require engaging a broad these programs are clearly directed to and promoting an environment of range of host-country government the sources of fragility and preventing security. At the same time, the urgent institutions—including the executive, a slide into crisis. need for short-term measures should legislative, and judicial branches—as also be considered in the context well as civil society actors and, in When a state is in crisis, if USAID de- of longer-term efforts required to some cases, the security forces. cides to engage, the strategic focus will advance stability, reform, and institu- be on stabilizing the situation, miti- • Where legitimacy is an issue, options gating the impact of conflict where it tional capacity. generally narrow, and programs often exists, and targeting key local actors • Establish appropriate measurement shift to nongovernmental and private to support reforms oriented to what systems. Expectations are often set sector actors. Indeed, efforts at boost- is driving the crisis. Many postconflict too high for what can be accom- ing effectiveness are unlikely to suc- countries are within the crisis range, due plished in fragile states, and are ceed without legitimacy. Where local to their likelihood for returning to con- geared more toward traditional political will to address legitimacy flict. When appropriate, USAID will development situations. Accurate problems is lacking, assertive and coordinate closely with S/CRS in these assessment of progress and effective- settings. If U.S. military forces are ness in fragile states must be based engaged, close coordination between on appropriate goals and targets, 6 The security sector includes the armed forces, the police, judicial and penal institutions, civil ser- civilian and military actors is essential. reflecting realities on the ground. vants, and elected and appointed civil authorities with responsibility for control and oversight (e.g., Lack of security plays a particularly These principles will take different legislative bodies, the executive branch, and civil servants). The sector also includes civil society critical role in crisis and postconflict shapes, depending on whether a state is actors engaged in security issues—such as the settings. Achieving some basic level vulnerable or in crisis. media, watchdog groups, academia, special com- missions, community policing, and human rights of stability is often a prerequisite to groups and research institutes. Security sector When a state is vulnerable, the strategic reform describes the transformation of the further stabilization and reconstruc- focus will be to prevent crisis and ad- security sector to include all these actors work- tion efforts and requires coordina- ing together to manage and operate the sector vance recovery to a stage where trans- in a manner more consistent with democratic tion among all relevant parts of the formational development is possible. norms and sound principles of good governance. U.S. Government. USAID will work This contributes to a well-functioning security Addressing effectiveness and legitimacy framework. The definition is taken primarily from within the broader U.S. Govern- issues will be a priority. These ap- the OECD/DAC’s Security System Reform and ment effort, focusing particularly Governance: Policy and Good Practice . on supporting community policing 6 FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY
Table 2. Illustrative Programmatic Options for Vulnerable States Political • Where possible, support reforms within government institutions, particularly those responsible for the rule of law, core social services, and food security. • Support reformers outside government, particularly those advocating improvements in security, human rights, core services, food security, natural resource management, and anticorruption. • Strengthen oversight institutions, such as legislative and parliamentary committees. • Encourage formal means of political competition, for example, by supporting free and fair elections and other political processes. • Encourage private sector/NGO/political party reform alliances that include the perspectives of tradi- tional identity groups. • Develop the professionalism of the media, particularly in investigative journalism, and expand access to information. Economic • Foster institutional and policy development that promotes economic growth and effective manage- ment of natural resources. • Improve revenue generation/tax systems and expenditure. Social • Reform and build the technical and administrative capacity of those parts of the civil service respon- sible for economic management, core services, and food security. • Assist the government to ensure the provision of public health and basic education. Security • Develop and strengthen civilian control of the military. • Establish a capable police force, particularly at the community level.* • Strengthen courts and other forums for resolving disputes. * According to FAA Sec. 660 (b) (6), USAID may only do this type of work in a postconflict environment for the restoration of host-nation infrastructure. Other exceptions to 660 are fairly limited. and building local institutions with • In postconflict settings, USAID may Key elements affecting successful state a role in promoting security, such as implement concurrently a broad recovery from crisis, particularly due strengthening civilian oversight of the range of humanitarian, transition, to armed conflict either before or after military and working with legislative and development interventions. Spe- complete failure, include the following: and executive branches, media out- cific program choices will be made • The nature and length of the fail- lets, and civil society organizations. based on what is driving fragility ure and the degree of physical and and conflict. As in vulnerable states, • In crisis and conflict cases, programs institutional damage, for example, the rapid response and short-term, visible will focus on providing basic humani- extent of ethnoreligious partitioning impacts will be central. tarian assistance, establishing security, or cleansing, exodus of the educated supporting rapid job creation and Table 3 presents illustrative program- citizenry and middle class, and exist- income generation, and returning matic options for states in crisis and in ing resources from which local actors children to school. postconflict situations. can currently draw. Perceptions of FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY 7
Table 3. Illustrative Programmatic Options for States in Crisis In crisis and • Deliver humanitarian assistance that responds to basic needs, focuses aid on victims, and does not conflict undercut local capacity or distort the local economy. • Establish basic security and protect human rights. • Support job creation, income generation, and school enrollment where possible, but with a special focus on underserved populations and IDPs. • Increase governance and peacemaking capacity within key groups to strengthen the likelihood of a shorter, more lasting recovery period. In early recovery Political and postconflict* • Support transitional justice and transitional governance arrangements at all levels, as well as transi- tional elections and political processes. • Advance a national dialogue and tangible progress toward the country’s future, the reconstitution of society, and implications for the future (new constitutions, legal reform, structure of government, symbols of national unity). • Support the establishment of a functional national government, as well as subnational and local-level governance entities. • Assist independent indigenous media outlets to provide unbiased reporting, expand access to infor- mation, and reinforce messages of peace and reconciliation. Economic • Focus on reviving the economy, with particular attention to basic infrastructure, job creation, income generation, early market reform, natural resource management, independent central banks, and tax codes. • Distribute seeds, fertilizers, and tools, provide related training, and rehabilitate farm-to-market roads. • Advance transparency of resources, particularly in countries rich in natural resources and where prof- its from these resources are used to fuel conflict. Social • Reintegrate or resettle IDPs into viable communities, provide protection and care for children sepa- rated from their families, and reunite such families. • Establish basic health and education services, with particular attention to previously underserved populations. Security • Focus on the establishment of public security and security sector reform, including demobilizing and reintegrating ex-combatants and establishing civilian oversight and community-level policing. • Monitor respect for human rights and support abuse-prevention initiatives. * The Center for Strategic International Studies’ publication Winning the Peace provides a comprehensive framework of programmatic priorities and options for postconflict reconstruction. Robert C. Orr, ed., Winning the Peace : An American Strategy for Post-conflict Reconstruction (Washing- ton, D.C.: CSIS Press, 2004). 8 FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY
Integrate and Sharpen USAID Responses For lasting recovery to take hold, a number of key Responding effectively to fragile states factors must be in place, which, in turn, have important will require concerted, coordinated, implications for how to sequence assistance. and sustained efforts by all parts of the Agency. This will necessitate inte- grating analysis, strategy development, unfair control of natural resources are natural resources, are integral to eco- and implementation perspectives; and often an exacerbating factor. ensuring that the broadest range of nomic recovery. flexible instruments is made available • In postconflict situations, the na- to USAID staff implementing programs ture of the settlement is pivotal, for A Fragile States Business in fragile states. example, whether there is a victor, Model: From Vision to As an important first step, the Agency stalemate, or formal peace accord. Action has created a Fragile States Council, • The influence of neighboring coun- To bring this vision to reality and chaired by the Agency counselor and tries and other international actors achieve greater strategic coherence and composed of senior managers from all (e.g., the level of international com- precision in USAID’s response will bureaus. The council will play a facili- mitment to speed recovery). require important operational changes. tative role, reviewing and monitoring While USAID has substantial experi- the strategic tracking system, provid- • Potentially volatile recovery issues ing recommendations on the Agency’s ence in complex emergencies and post- (e.g., treatment of past crimes and response in fragile states, identifying abuses and access to natural resource conflict response that will inform these resources, and ensuring that implemen- wealth and commodities). changes, the Agency will need to expand tation is timely and well coordinated. its capabilities to engage with fragile For lasting recovery to take hold, a The council will also provide a critical states and with other U.S. Government coordination link to broader interagency number of key factors must be in place, agencies and the donor community. efforts on fragile states. which, in turn, have important implica- tions for how to sequence assistance. At the core of this strategy is a new For strategic planning, reporting, and The central factor is physical security Agency business model for fragile budgeting, some of the key steps re- that allows for movement of people and states response, which will be further quired to increase flexibility include the commerce. A sufficiently acceptable elaborated in subsequent guidance. Its following: form of national government must also main features include better integrating • Adopting strategic priorities con- be in place, one that includes a work- and sharpening USAID’s response in sistent with the situation in crisis ing relationship between civilian and strategic planning, reporting, budgeting, countries. military leadership. There must also be operational response, and administrative agreement on a process that will result • Encouraging shorter planning procedures; as well as exercising greater in the formulation and ratification of horizons and adapting programs to leadership within the U.S. Government a basic law or constitution. A certain changing environments and targets of level of economic predictability is also and broader donor community. A few opportunity.7 important, including a central banking elements of the strategy are already un- authority, government agencies able derway. Ultimately, the business model to collect and distribute revenue, and will ensure that all Agency functions are 7 While current USAID interim strategic guidance macroeconomic stability. Clear rights appropriate to the realities and chal- does not require specific planning timeframes, there remains a tendency to adopt longer-term to property, including land and other lenges of operating in fragile states. traditional development planning horizons. FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY 9
• Modifying reporting requirements so lish an immediate and robust field Exercise Leadership and they are appropriate for conditions in presence in response to a major crisis, Advance Partnerships in the crisis countries. and 2) missions require additional U.S. Government and Donor support to respond to fragility. These Community • Increasing flexibility within the teams would ensure that situations Within the U.S. Government, a system- overall budget to move funds to are analyzed and strategies developed atic plan and processes for monitor- respond to changing priorities within to address the political, security, ing fragility and developing effective and across countries. Consistent with economic, and social deficiencies that strategies are currently being developed the goal of aligning funding sources contribute to a state’s fragility. by S/CRS. USAID is a key participant with foreign assistance goals as a in these interagency efforts focused on country shifts from being a trans- Critical reforms are also needed in the monitoring and contingency planning. formational development country Agency’s management and administrative In addition, USAID will also likely to a more fragile status, the Agency functions, especially procurement and play a major operational role for S/CRS could shift to funds designated human resources. Options include once it actively engages in coordinat- for fragile states. USAID will seek • tailoring procurement systems such ing postconflict response in a limited both to improve the use of exist- as contracting mechanisms to the number of high-priority countries. ing resources in fragile states and demands of fragile state environments USAID is also exploring the use of the greater flexibility for those funds, and enhancing the flexibility to con- Joint State-USAID Policy Council as a for example, removing restrictions tract regionally and locally forum for coordinating assistance in the such as earmarks and expanding the broader range of countries where S/CRS timeframe available to obligate funds. • seeking “notwithstanding” authority is not engaged. More broadly, USAID in specific, limited cases to expedite To improve the implementation of is working closely with the Department implementation programs overseas, actions include the of State on the reform agenda for fragile following: Within the personnel system, a number states, and with both the departments of initiatives are currently underway: of State and Defense on security sector • Increasing the capacity of regional matters. USAID will also consult more missions to service nearby fragile • USAID has just established a new closely with the Department of Trea- states, especially those with diffi- foreign service backstop for work sury on fragile states concerns related cult environments. These regional in conflict situations, and will need to trade, debt relief, and international platforms would allow staff to get to aggressively expand its efforts to financial institutions. closer to problem areas without being recruit, assign, and promote officers subjected to the hardships of living in working in these challenging situa- Within the donor community, a clear insecure environments fulltime. tions. Providing appropriate training consensus has emerged around the and incentives for working in fragile necessity to respond more effectively to • Developing the capacity to deploy states will be critical to this effort. fragile states. Doing so requires donors and support Fragile States Quick Re- sponse Teams8 for those few instances to better understand what is required • The Agency is expanding its on-call when 1) USAID will need to estab- to arrest negative trends, the limits of reserve capacity of experts on con- absorptive capacity, and the necessity tract to bring the requisite technical, of harmonizing policies and sequencing 8 Fragile States Quick Response Teams are not country, and language skills necessary intended to supplant Disaster Assistance Teams interventions. The Development As- (DARTs) or other mechanisms designed to for both rapid and effective response. sistance Committee of the Organisation respond to humanitarian crises. Of course, there may be occasions when a fragile state is also • USAID is examining means for for Economic Co-operation and De- facing a humanitarian crisis. In those instances, it deploying its talented foreign service velopment (OECD/DAC) has played a is expected that these teams will work together closely, if not merge. national staff to fragile states. lead role in bringing together interested 10 FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY
bilateral and multilateral donors, includ- ing the United Nations and World This new strategy responds to the challenge posed to U.S. Bank, to develop better policies and responses to fragile states. The DAC national security by acknowledging the importance and has also been leading an effort to forge difficulties of addressing the problems posed by fragile international consensus on an approach states and offering a vision for meeting those challenges. to security sector reform. USAID has been closely involved in these efforts, and will continue to seek partnerships sources of fragility and for setting pri- and position itself to provide leadership orities—stability, security reform, and among donors to accelerate research on capacity— appropriate to the realities assistance strategies to advance lasting of fragile states. It calls for early action recovery in fragile states. when fragile states show vulnerabil- ity. It also calls for a focused response with programs strategically oriented to Conclusion the sources and symptoms of fragility. Fragile states have long posed a prob- Finally, the strategy offers an opera- lem for the United States and are now tional approach—a fragile states busi- recognized as a source of our nation’s ness model—that provides for rational most pressing security threats. Driven strategic planning, budgetary flexibility, by a dramatically changed landscape, responsive administrative systems, and responding more effectively to fragile greater staff expertise. Guided by com- states has moved to the center of the mitted leadership, the strategy provides foreign aid agenda. a roadmap for USAID, as part of a USAID has extensive experience in broader U.S. Government effort, to re- fragile states, but clearly a more strategic spond more effectively to the enormous approach is necessary. This strategy sets challenges posed by fragile states. out a vision for USAID’s response to fragile states, including those in post- conflict situations where conditions do not provide sufficient foundation for long-term development. Given their clear differences from stable develop- ing countries, fragile states require new ways of conceptualizing, delivering, and evaluating the impact of assistance. This new strategy responds to the chal- lenge posed to U.S. national security by acknowledging the importance and difficulty of addressing the problems posed by fragile states and offering a vision for meeting those challenges. It calls for a better understanding of the FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY 11
Annex 1. USAID Experience in Fragile States S ince its inception, USAID has running civil war has been the worked in fragile states. The north-south divide, but this conflict Agency has been a leader in hu- has, over time, fueled a series of manitarian and postconflict response, ethnic and racial conflicts. USAID and has drawn from the lessons of continues to be at the forefront this work to innovate programmati- of sustained international engage- cally and, in particular, fill the breach ment to end Sudan’s long civil between relief and development. The war. Notably, USAID has worked overall level of assistance to fragile intensively with the Department of states has increased since the end of State, other donors, and the United the Cold War so that in 2003, exclud- Nations to bring an immediate ing Iraq, almost one-fifth of USAID’s humanitarian ceasefire and politi- cal solution to the new conflict in western Sudan. With a north-south The Agency has been a leader in humanitarian and peace agreement concluded, USAID postconflict response, and has drawn from the lessons of and other donors are poised to help this work to innovate programmatically and, in particular, southern Sudan begin the recovery fill the breach between relief and development. process with programs that build on many years of USAID humanitar- ian assistance and capacity building overall resources were spent in such initiatives in conflict resolution, gov- settings. Recent examples of USAID ernance, and social service delivery. programs include support to Indonesia • Afghanistan. Approximately 35 per- and Peru, as they moved through vul- cent of Afghanistan’s population— nerable political transitions; to Sudan, much of it agrarian and rural—lives with ongoing crisis; and to Afghanistan within 50 km of the Kabul to Kanda- and Iraq, as they embark on highly har highway. USAID’s signal achieve- fragile recoveries. While these are ment in 2003 was the rebuilding promising examples, significant chal- of the 389 km road. Plans are now lenges remain. being implemented to extend the highway to Herat, where it will then Illustrative Cases arc back and reconnect with Kabul in one complete circuit. Restoration Crisis States of the road has been one of President • Sudan. Sudan has been torn by Harmid Karzai’s overriding priori- conflict for all but 10 of its years as an ties. Without it, Afghanistan’s civil independent nation. The longest- society and economy would remain FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY 13
moribund. The internal development Republic of Congo, and Angola. strikes, the Asia-wide economic crisis, of the country that the road makes Smuggling these diamonds drains and the highest levels of ethnic and possible will contribute to unity and a significant revenue stream from religious strife in decades. Against this security in Afghanistan. governments that could be used to backdrop, the P.L. 480 Title II food finance development programs. It aid-supported Transitional Authority • El Salvador. The Government of El also encourages and feeds widespread Program (TAP) served as an effec- Salvador and the representatives of corruption. In 1998, USAID’s Of- tive entry point for promoting peace, the Farabundo Marti National Lib- fice of Transition Initiatives and the especially among Indonesia’s urban eration Front signed comprehensive Department of State developed a poor, who are often recruited by peace accords in January 1992, end- strategy for dealing with this scenario extremist groups using cash payments ing 12 years of civil war that caused in Sierra Leone. The strategy called to encourage participation in street enormous loss of life, destroyed a for USAID to provide technical assis- protests. The TAP undermined ef- significant portion of the country’s tance to the government to evaluate forts to recruit for radical purposes by infrastructure, and halted productive activity in and substantially depopu- its mineral resources (particularly dia- providing job opportunities for the lated a major portion of the country’s monds, gold, and rutile) and improve unemployed through food-for-work land area. USAID helped sow the systems for gaining maximum fiscal projects. In Java, in an area prone to seeds of future growth by reconstruct- benefit for the government from the sectarian conflict, interfaith commit- ing damaged infrastructure, financing legitimate exploitation of minerals. tees used the project’s resources to land and titling for ex-combatants In late 1999, USAID began working rehabilitate markets, athletic centers, and civilian refugees, providing with the Government of Sierra Leone and other community sites. training and credit, increasing civic to develop new diamond policies and • Macedonia. Fighting broke out be- participation in the identification of establish new mining and exporting tween the Macedonian military and priority infrastructure needs, broad- operations, with special attention a newly formed Albanian insurgent ening the role of NGOs in service paid to the problem of conflict dia- group in late February 2001. Six delivery to rural communities, and monds. The two primary objectives months later, an estimated 30,000 attending to the special medical of USAID diamond-related activities civilians were displaced, a once ex- needs of the war disabled. In addi- in Sierra Leone have remained fairly panding economy was in decline, and tion, USAID was engaged in a wide constant over the years: 1) bring ethnic tensions remained high. In range of other programs—promoting diamonds (and other valuable min- August 2001, parties signed a peace macroeconomic reforms; strengthen- eral resources) under Government agreement, ending hostilities and ing municipal governments; reform- of Sierra Leone control so that the promising political reform. However, ing the judicial system, electoral government and people could benefit socioeconomic pressures for violence processes, and institutions—that from the revenues that a greater legal persisted, with unemployed youth played an important and comple- trade would generate, and 2) cut the part of the problem. USAID created mentary role in supporting the trade in conflict diamonds to dimin- short-term employment opportuni- reconstruction process. This support ish the financing of warfare. ties for 2,000 of Macedonia’s youth is broadly credited with playing a that focused on repairing public critical role in assisting the success- Vulnerable States works in all 124 municipalities. The ful transition from war to peace. • Indonesia. In May 1998, Indonesia’s program increased economic security • Sierra Leone. It has been well docu- prospects for a peaceful transition for returnees, the internally displaced, mented that illegal diamonds have to democratic rule appeared tenu- and others affected by conflict. Eth- helped finance warfare in Sierra ous in the face of widespread rioting, nic tensions were reduced, and confi- Leone, Liberia, the Democratic divisions among opposition groups, dence in the peace process was raised. 14 FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY
• Serbia-Montenegro. Former President and other fledgling organizations en- Slobodan Milosevic’s policies of stir- abled them to contest rigged election ring ethnic hatred, and his assault on results, forcing Milosevic from office Kosovo and failure to submit to the and handing him over to the UN terms of the Rambouillet Accords led War Crimes Tribunal. Moreover, to NATO air strikes that lasted until Milosevic’s allies were increasingly mid-June 1999. Even though USAID marginalized by the broadly inclusive had to evacuate, high-impact activi- 18-party coalition of the Democratic ties oriented to the November 2000 Opposition of Serbia. elections were still supported from outside the country. Massive get-out- the-vote campaigns, an independent parallel vote count, and support to parties and independent media helped check the election’s massive fraud. Critical USAID assistance pro- vided to student youth group Otpor FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY 15
Annex 2. Lessons and Current Gaps O ver the years of working in from one political system to another fragile states, USAID recog- (e.g., autocracy to democracy), is usu- nized that its traditional ways ally at the heart of fragility.9 Howev- of doing business were not adequate er, Agency resources going to fragile to the challenges and needs of frag- states mostly address the symptoms of ile states. The Agency implemented fragility (such as famine and humani- important internal reforms, including tarian crises), instead of the sources 1) creating the Office of Transition (such as weak governance). Initiatives and the Office of Conflict • Weak institutions with limited capac- Management and Mitigation and inte- ity to perform their core functions grating them (along with the Agency’s contribute to weak governance in disaster and food assistance opera- many fragile states. USAID’s gov- tions and democracy and governance ernance work, however, tends to be programs) into one cohesive bureau; oriented to policy reform rather than and 2) setting up, as needed, field and institution building.10 Washington multidisciplinary response teams to integrate USAID’s response • More needs to be understood about to crisis. strategies for arresting negative trends in these contexts.11 USAID should Despite these reforms, the magnitude lead the call for more thorough and complexity of fragile states, les- analysis of what advances turnaround sons from past experience, and analysis in fragile states and the most catalytic of remaining gaps in USAID’s current role for donors in this process. response make clear that a different ap- proach is needed. Key lessons and gaps 9 Jack A. Goldstone, Ted Robert Gurr, and include the following: Jay Ulfelder, It’s All about State Structure—New Findings on Revolutionary Origins from Global Data (Arlington, Va.: George Mason University Insti- • Security is a sine qua non for progress tute for Humane Studies, 2004) and Robert Bates, Prosperity and Violence (New York: W.W. Currently, USAID is constrained in Norton, 2001). working on a range of security-related 10 Limited institutional capacity, within as well as issues that are central to fragile states. outside government, is a key issue. There are areas, however, where only government can be These issues include demobilization, responsible, such as defense, provision of internal protection and reintegration of IDPs, security, certain legal functions, and the enabling environment for economic stability. community-level policing, and civil- 11 It is known that assistance effectiveness is ian oversight of the military. dependent upon commitment of interest groups within fragile states, better targeting of assistance • Weak governance, particularly in the programs at these groups, and integration of poli- cies within the U.S. Government and across the context of a country in transition donor community aimed at these concerns. FRAGILE STATES STRATEGY 17
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