For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm

Page created by Angel Lewis
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm
for Brands
How to succeed in 2022
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm
About Team5pm                                                               About the authors

    Team5pm is the YouTube                 We work for some excellent
    agency for publishers,                 brands like Amazon Prime
    advertisers and brands. As a           Video, PlayStation, Heineken,
    full-service YouTube Agency            Unilever, Canon, Samsung
    specializing in strategy, content,     and more!
    production, channel growth,
    advertising and data research,         And are you curious to know                Peter Minkjan
    we know how YouTube works              where our name comes from?                Co-Founder &
2   and how best to implement              Research done a few years              Chief Product Officer
    it for our clients. We do this         ago revealed that 5pm is the   
    by combining our years of              best time to upload videos on
    experience with data-driven            YouTube. Plus, it’s also a great
    consultancy and algorithm-             time to end the workday! ;)
    friendly content creation that
    help clients achieve success at
    every stage of the marketing
    funnel. We translate all of this
    into a clear strategy that leads
                                                                                       Ronen Wolf
    to better results.
                                                                                      Co-Founder &
                                                                                 Chief Commercial Officer
        For more information about our services and process, please visit our
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm
    With more than 2 billion users        people click on, watch for longer      You understand the platform and         #4 H
                                                                                                                             ow can I increase my brand
    worldwide, YouTube has become         periods of time and that live up       viewing behavior. What now? How            preference? Read more.
    indispensable in the lives of         to the viewers’ expectations.          can your brand effectively utilize
    today’s consumers. The popular                                               all this knowledge about YouTube?       #5 H
                                                                                                                             ow can I advertise effectively
    video platform is also the largest     It is also good to understand         This is a question many marketers          on YouTube? Read more.
    database of organic viewing            viewing behavior on YouTube.          ask. This is precisely why we created
    behavior in the world. Regrettably,    Millions of Dutch people use          this white paper: to thoroughly         After tackling the above challenges,
    most brands do not tap into            the platform as a source of           answer the most commonly asked          one question remains: “Does
    this massive database enough.          information. Whether it’s to          questions. Topics like:                 YouTube’s impact go beyond
    Instead, most of them focus only       research a future mortgage,                                                   just views, watch time and
    on uploading their existing TV         discover a new recipe or get          #1 H
                                                                                     ow do I claim a domain             subscribers?” In chapter 3, we will
    commercials or running influencer      tips for their next gardening            on YouTube and Google?               discuss the large-scale research
    campaigns. This could be better.       project, people use YouTube              Read more.                           that goes into answering this.
    This should be better. But how?        videos collectively as a resource                                             Spoiler alert: YouTube does have
                                           for information. And the best         #2 W
                                                                                     hat content should I create?       a positive impact on brands’
    It begins with understanding the       advantage is that this educational,      Read more.                           KPIs at every phase of the online
    platform. Until 2012 YouTube’s         ‘evergreen’ content is not time-                                              customer journey. Is your curiosity
    focus was on clicks, but now user      sensitive and remains relevant for    #3 H
                                                                                     ow can I generate more             piqued yet? Then read on.
    satisfaction is the primary driver for long periods of time. This gives         views for my existing content?
    YouTube’s algorithm. This means:       brands the greatest opportunity          Read more.
    YouTube rewards videos which           for success.
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm
    YouTube has become an                as well-known is that YouTube        influencers to promote their         We help brands, publishers and
    indispensable part of the            is assuming an increasingly          brand, but a selection of these      advertisers achieve success on
    lives of today’s consumers.          more important role in the           influencers is usually based on      YouTube. From our combined
    More than 2 billion people           online orientation phase for the     subscriber count rather than         years of experience (we have
    worldwide use the video platform     consumer. When it comes to           relevance or impact. This could      been working with YouTube since
    every month. After Google,           researching future purchases,        be better. This should be better.    2014), data usage, research
    YouTube has the greatest reach       YouTube is the most widely-used(2)   YouTube can offer so many            and continuous testing, we
    of all other sites, making it even   platform with more than 90% of       more opportunities for brands        know exactly what works on
    larger than Facebook. Here           viewers saying they discover new     beyond simply uploading              YouTube. Besides ensuring
    in the Netherlands its reach         brands on YouTube.(3)                short advertisements or using        more views and watch time, we
    is enormous and continues                                                 influencers. Despite this though,    also increase brand awareness,
    to steadily grow, with more          YouTube offers huge                  very few brands actually take        brand preference, and purchase
    than 12 million Dutch(1) users       opportunities for brands             advantage of the full range of       intent. With YouTube we
    each month.                          Because YouTube’s popularity         opportunities YouTube offers.        capture mental market share
                                         continues to grow, brands are        In this white paper we will show     and therefore influence buying
    YouTube is more than                 adding it to their marketing mix.    you how you can change this          behavior. We work with national
    just entertainment                   However, many brands that do         for your brand.                      and international publishers,
    Most people know that Google         use YouTube focus mainly on                                               brands and advertisers including
    and YouTube are the two most         large-scale advertising of their     We utilize these opportunities       Volkswagen, Amazon Prime
    popular websites in the world        existing TV commercials. Or          With that insight as our foundation, Video, Hyundai, GAMMA,
    today. But what might not be         they partner with well-known         in 2018 we started Team5pm.          Heineken, Castrol, and ANWB.
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm
Table of contents
    1. Why YouTube?
    		1.1   How people use YouTube
    		1.2   How does YouTube’s algorithm work?
    		1.3   YouTube in the marketing funnel

    2. How to use YouTube effectively as a brand?

       Does YouTube’s impact extend beyond views,
       watch time and subscribers?

    4. Conclusion
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm
01. Why YouTube?
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm
6 facts
     about                    2nd                                 2nd                             #1
                              YouTube is the second               YouTube is the second largest   YouTube is the most visible
                              largest website in the              search engine after Google.     domain within Google Search.
                              world after Google.                                                 26% of search results
                                                                                                  display a YouTube video.
           Why should you
         focus on YouTube
     anyway? Here are six     Source: Alexa top 50 global sites   Source: YouTube, 2021           Source: Milestone Internet, 2020
    insights to think about
7       before reading on.

                              #1                                  90%                             55%
                              YouTube is the most                 90% of people say that          55% of people search for a
                              shared domain on                    they discover new brands        product on Google then use
                              Facebook and Twitter.               or products on YouTube.         YouTube to learn more about
                                                                                                  it before making a purchase.

                              Source: BuzzSumo, 2021              Source: Ipsos, 2018             Source: Thinkwithgoogle, 2019
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm
1.1 How people use YouTube
    The first step to successfully      In practice, this translates to
    deploying YouTube is to             hundreds of millions of people
    understand exactly how and          who use YouTube as a source
    why the platform is used.           of information. This large need
    Many marketers associate            for information is one of the
    YouTube only with entertainment.    distinguishing factors YouTube
    While the majority of visitors do   has when compared to other
    indeed come for entertainment,      video platforms. Video-on-demand
    there is another vital reason       (VOD) platforms such as Netflix
    people use YouTube: it’s an         and Videoland, are used almost
    important source of information     exclusively for entertainment.
    for users. Industry research(4)     And social media platforms such
    shows that more than 30%            as Facebook, Instagram and
    of YouTube visits are driven by     Twitter, are used much more
    this desire for information.        for self-expression than for self-
                                        development. YouTube is different
                                        than this. Each platform has its
                                        own purpose.
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm
Reasons why people use YouTube
    Additional research by Google(5) confirms the notion
    of YouTube as a source of information. The primary
    reasons people use YouTube are to fix things, to learn
    new things, and to solve problems. From all of the
    answers, more than half of the respondents indicated
    that they use the platform for these reasons.


                                                             YouTube’s even greater focus on educational content
                                                             Educational content is already very popular with the platform’s
                                                             users, therefore since early 2021 YouTube has made doubling the
                                                             number of users interacting with educational content a priority.
                                                             This was evident from the speech(6) given by YouTube CEO Susan
                                                             Wojcicki last New Year Eve’s.
For Brands How to succeed in 2022 - Team5pm

      is the largest
     search engine

       in the world
     after Google.
YouTube as a search engine            Why does Google encourage
     As you read in the overview,          this? Because they want to
     YouTube is also the largest search    give users the best answers. In
     engine in the world after Google.     increasingly more cases the best
     With more than three billion          answer is in the form of a video.
     searches per month, YouTube’s         For brands, this means a whole
     search volume is greater than         new range of SEO opportunities.
     that of Bing and Yahoo combined.
     In the Netherlands alone,             Now you know how people
     hundreds of thousands of              use YouTube; it’s time for the
     people search for videos within       next step: understanding how
11   the video platform every day.         the platform works.

     And the largest search engine in
     the world (Google) is also giving     "26% of all Google
     YouTube videos increasingly higher      search results show
     placements in searches. Research
     by Milestone Internet(7) shows that     a video and these
     in 2020 more than a quarter of          videos generate more
     Google search results contained
                                             than 61.6% CTR"
     videos. These videos generate over
     61.6% CTR.
1.2 How does the YouTube algorithm work?
     YouTube’s goal is to maximize interaction with and satisfaction of its users with the end goal of making people use their service
     as often as possible. To achieve this, they use artificial intelligence, machine learning and algorithms to predict which videos people
     want to see. The algorithms, which determine which videos are presented and which are not, have evolved over the years.

     UNTIL 2012                                              2012 - 2018                                              SINCE 2018
     FOCUS ON CTR                                            FOCUS ON                                                 FOCUS ON VIEWER
     Until 2012, the algorithm’s primary focus
     was on CTR (click-through rate). Regardless
                                                             WATCH TIME                                               SATISFACTION
                                                             Instead of focusing on clicks and views,                 But only focusing on watch time had one
     of how long a video was viewed, it would
                                                             in 2012 the focus shifted to watch time.                 important negative outcome. If you only
     be recommended increasingly more if
                                                             Overnight(8) that resulted in 20% less                   promote videos that generate longer
     users clicked on the video and started
                                                             views but internal figures soon showed                   watch time, this will lead to the emergence
     watching. This focus resulted in “clickbait”
                                                             that the new algorithm was doing its                     of extreme and misleading videos. To
     videos that failed to live up to the viewers’
                                                             job. The total watch time increased                      counter this, the focus is not only on
     expectations. The result: many clicks
                                                             significantly and the platform was visited               watch time, but also on ‘user satisfaction’.
     and views, but also many frustrated
                                                             just as much as before.                                  User satisfaction consists of a variety of
     users who did not find the best videos,
                                                                                                                      signals that the recommendation system
     but mostly videos with attractive though
                                                                                                                      uses to determine which content viewers
     often misleading thumbnails and titles.
                                                                                                                      will find satisfying: clicks, watch time,
                                                                                                                      comments, shares, likes and dislikes.
                  Talking about algorithms can scare some marketers.
                  We could give entire lectures on the subject, but the

                  formula is actually very simple:

           in a
                  "YouTube rewards videos which
                    people click on, watch for longer

                    periods of time and that live up
                    to the viewers’ expectations."

                  Now that you know that, it is important to focus
                  on the next step: What role does YouTube play in
                  the marketing funnel?
1.3 YouTube’s role in
       the marketing funnel
          YouTube plays an increasingly more
            important role in all phases of the
       marketing funnel - from Awareness to
     Consideration and Conversion. YouTube

          can not only generate demand, but
       also fulfill it. Yet despite the enormous     More than 90% of
     popularity of YouTube, few brands really
        take advantage of all the possibilities
                                                     users indicate that
     the platform offers. This is in contrast to
       other online channels, such as search
                                                     they discover new
           and social media. This offers huge
      potential for brands that now decide to
                                                     brands and products
                        seize these opportunities.   on YouTube.
Marketing Funnel
     Below you can see YouTube’s role in all phases of the marketing funnel. From discovery of new brands to the purchasing of products displayed in
     live streams, YouTube plays a role in each phase of the funnel. In the next chapter, we’ll take you through how you can now use this YouTube knowledge
     effectively for your brand.

                                                                      Awareness                                       Conversion
                                                                      YouTube plays a crucial role in the discovery   More than 40% of shoppers worldwide say
                                                                      of new brands and products. 90% of users        that they have purchased products they
                                                                      say that they have discovered new brands        discovered on YouTube. Additionally YouTube
                                                                      and products on YouTube.(9) By actively using   offers even more opportunities to generate
                                              Awareness               YouTube, you increase your brand’s chances      leads and conversions with YouTube ads.
                                                                      of being discovered by your target audience.    As a result, it also plays an increasingly
15                                                                                                                    important role in the conversion phase of the
                                            Consideration             Consideration                                   funnel, close to the purchase. Finally, with
                                                                      More than half of shoppers say that             the announced integration of e-commerce in
                                                                      online videos have helped to decide             videos and live streams, it is also becoming
                                                                      which specific brand or product to buy.         easier to purchase featured products.
                                                                      Therefore video plays an increasingly larger
                                                                      role in the consideration phase. This is a      Service
                                                                      great opportunity to convince your target       One of the most important reasons to use
                                                                      audience of your brand.                         YouTube is to find answers and instructions.
                                                                                                                      Proactively using YouTube to answer
                                                                                                                      these questions can lead to significant
                                                                                                                      cost reduction and increased customer
     *Sources: Think with Google, YouTube brand discovery data &
       Search Engine Journal, YouTube Shopping Influence, 2019
02. H
          ow to use YouTube
         effectively as a brand?
Most common questions brands have:

                         YouTube has a lot of
                   potential and possibilities.    #1     How do I claim a domain on YouTube and Google?
         But how do you actually use YouTube
              for your brand? Every brand has
     different and unique goals, and therefore    #2      What content should I create?
     different challenges. We’ve gathered the
        most common questions brands have
      and would like to help you achieve your     #3      How can I generate more views for my existing content?
               brand’s KPI goals with YouTube.

                                                  #4      How can I increase brand preference?

                                                  #5      How can I advertise effectively on YouTube?
q u e s t i o n

     How do I claim a domain
     on YouTube and Google?
#1      How do I claim a domain on YouTube and Google?

              Top ranking on YouTube and Google

                                                                                                            video content while creating        domain is therefore crucial
                                                                                                            a positive brand experience.        if your goal is to dominate
                                                                                                            YouTube’s impact goes much          YouTube with your content.
                                                                                                            further than just views, watch
                                                                                                            time and subscriptions. Read        Begin with data research
                                                                                                            more about this in chapter 3.       To gain insight into where the
                                                                                                                                                consumer is oriented within this
                                                                                                            How do you claim a domain?          domain, you need data research.
                                                                                                            You begin with a clear              In addition to data-driven
                                                                                                            delineation of your domain’s        insights, you then need to map
19                                                                                                          boundaries with one very            out which content structure is
                                                                                                            important rule: the more            most suitable for your specific
                                                                                                            specific, the better. The pitfall   domain. With this you create
                                                                                                            here is that most people            videos that are attractive to
     As a brand, why do you            domain within Google Search.      you answer the consumer’s          try to claim too general of a       your consumer and rank high
     want to claim a domain?           Additionally, Google is displaying specific question and therefore   domain which likely contains        in both YouTube and Google.
     Today’s crowded media             more and more videos in search you, as a brand, respond              many subtopics within that
     landscape is making it            results because Google wants      to their intrinsic motivation.     one domain. A domain that is        A good example of this is
     increasingly more difficult for   to give the user the best answer And you do this just at the right   too large simply contains too       reflected in our case for KPN.
     your target audience to see       and in increasingly more cases    moment: when consumers             many possible search queries,       See the next page.
     you. YouTube can help you with    that answer is in the form of a   themselves are looking.            causing you to compete with
     this. As covered in chapter 1,    video. And what sort of video?    In this way you build a lasting    too wide of a range of content.
     YouTube is the most visible       Help content! With help content   customer relationship with your    Determining a good, specific
#1      How do I claim a domain on YouTube and Google?

             Top ranking on YouTube and Google

          Case: KPN
          KPN’s goal was to dominate the domain ‘Wi-Fi’ on
          YouTube. On the popular video platform, this is
          reflected in a growth in market share (based on)
          views and the high organic ranking on selected
          keywords. The first step was to conduct data-
          driven research in order to map out the search and
          viewing behavior of consumers regarding ‘Wi-Fi’.
          The next logical step was to provide insight into
          the competition’s video content within this domain.
          As a full-service YouTube agency, Team5pm handled
          the entire process from data analysis to content
          strategy and production to well-planned distribution.
          The results? A growth in market share from 3 to 30%
          within the ‘Wi-Fi’ domain. In addition, all six videos rank
          in the top 3 for selected keywords.

                                                                            The results:
                                                                           A growth in market share
                                                                         from 3 to 30%. In addition,
                                                                        all six videos rank in the top 3
                 Want to know more about how to claim your domain?
                                                  for selected keywords.
#1     How do I claim a domain on YouTube and Google?

            Top ranking on YouTube and Google

          Case: Canon
          Another example is Canon’s YouTube strategy. As the
          main sponsor of the highly successful TV program
          ‘Het Perfecte Plaatje’, Canon helps viewers and novice
          photographers with useful content during and after the
          program to take better photos themselves. The results
          of our data-driven topic research and competitive
          analysis were aggregated into an always-on YouTube
          strategy that consists of photography-related how-to
          videos. These videos can be viewed by (beginning)
          photography enthusiasts during and particularly long
          after the TV show’s broadcast. With this, Canon now
          dominates the ‘photography for beginners’ domain
          on YouTube - with number 1 ranking in Google and
          YouTube search, 50,000 organic views and a CTR of
          5.1% as indisputable proof.

                                                                   * Data from table retrieved on 2021-01-06
q u e s t i o n

     What content
     should I make?
#2   What content should I make?

          The secret to a successful content strategy

                                           "A successful content
23                                           strategy directly or
                                           indirectly influences the
                                             buying behavior."
#2     What content should I make?

            The secret to a successful content strategy

          A successful content strategy for      1) Instructional tutorials           a product, then go to YouTube to      of views and hours of watch time
          brands must meet one condition:       and how-to videos                     learn more about it before buying it. years on end. This is something
          it must directly or indirectly        Who hasn’t looked up and watched                                            that is nearly impossible on other
          influence purchasing behavior.        an instructional video on YouTube?    3) Inspiration                        social media platforms where the
                                                One out of every ten searches         In addition to instructions and       lifespan of a video is often only a
          You want your brand to have a         on YouTube is for a how-to video.     purchasing advice, people also        few hours.
          positive impact on the correct        Research done by Google and           use YouTube for inspiration. In fact,
          target group. Later in this           Ipsos revealed that of all the        the number of YouTube searches
          white paper we’ll go into more        categories of videos, how-to videos   containing ‘ideas’ has tripled in the
                                                                                                                            “Focusing on
          detail about the impact that the      generate the most attention.(10)      past three years.(13)                   educational and
          previously mentioned content          For example: the views for beauty
          strategies can generate. But first,   tutorials and videos with the         For most brands, this attention to
                                                                                                                              evergreen content
          let’s answer another important        variation ‘for beginners’ increased   educational and evergreen content       gives brands
          question: What type of content        50% in 2021.(11)                      offers the best possibilities for
          is the best for my brand? Here                                              success. The greatest advantage
                                                                                                                              the greatest
          are the answers.                      2) Purchase advice and                of these types of videos is that        opportunities
                                                help with decision making             they almost never expire and they
          Three very compelling                 YouTube is also used extensively      remain relevant and popular for a
                                                                                                                              for success.”
          types of videos for brands            by people who want to learn           long time.
          Earlier you read about how            more about products and brands
          consumers use YouTube. This           they are interested in buying.        We have actually seen this with
          can be broken down into three         The aforementioned research(12)       many of our clients, where these
          types of videos that are relevant     discovered that 55% of online         types of instructional videos
          to most brands:                       shoppers first search Google for      continue to generate thousands
#2   What content should I make?

          The secret to a successful content strategy

                                                        Create content based on data,        on which video content has the
                                                        not gut feeling                      greatest potential for generating
                                                        When brands do decide to invest      views and watch time. This
                                                        in video content, all too often      advice is based on thorough
                                                        they decide on topics based on       data research and our own
                                                        opinions or gut feelings. But this   proprietary methodology that we

            “OK, but what                               leaves you with an endless list of
                                                        possible topics and any random
                                                                                             call ‘Data-Driven Content Creation’.
                                                                                             Interested in hearing more about

             topic should I
                                                        brand can choose from dozens or      this? Please contact us, we would
                                                        hundreds of possible subjects.       be happy to discuss further.

               focus on?                                But what if you could better
                                                        estimate which content has the
                                                                                             This Data-Driven Content Creation
                                                                                             approach helps brands create

          There are so many”
                                                        greatest potential for success?      content that is in demand. Let’s
                                                        And what if you knew exactly how     take our case of GAMMA as an
                                                        many videos to create and the        example. Please see the next page.
                                                        best times to publish them? You
                                                        can do this by allowing data and
                                                        insights to guide you. At Team5pm
                                                        we give solid recommendations
#2     What content should I make?

            The secret to a successful content strategy

          Case: GAMMA
          GAMMA’s goal was to dominate the relevant domains
          within the do-it-yourself (DIY) market on YouTube, such as
          insulation and gardening. Within these domains GAMMA
          could have covered hundreds of different topics, but with
          data research we had a clear insight into which topics                                deurdranger monteren

          would have the greatest potential for success.

26        Therefore, a data-driven video topic research was carried
          out in order to map out topics that had the most potential.
          The channels and videos of the competition were also
          analyzed. As a result of our research, we knew exactly
          what our target group of DIY’ers really wanted to see.
          We then developed a blueprint of the perfect how-to
          series in order to establish the right content structure to
          match GAMMA’s goals. In this way, the videos kept the
          viewers’ attention fixed and watch time was maximized.
                                                                                  The results:
                                                                            #1 ranking in Google & YouTube
                                                                                   91% of GAMMA’s
                Want to know more about our Data-Driven Content Creation?
                                                      how-to video’s rank in
                                                                               the top 3 search results.
q u e s t i o n

     How can I generate more
     views for my existing content?
#3        How can I generate more views for my existing content?

               The importance of optimization and distribution

     Recommendations - or suggested         The algorithm works much the same
     videos - play an important role in     as it does for paid content. YouTube
     growing your content’s views on        recommends ads that generate
     YouTube. As mentioned earlier,         more clicks, views and watch time
     the YouTube algorithm focuses          more often and at lower costs.
     on ‘user satisfaction’, hence all
     recommendations within YouTube         All too often, most brands
     are personalized and aimed             fail with the first component:
     specifically at the viewer.            context. Without adequate titles,
                                            descriptions, subtitles and playlist
     To make good recommendations,          arrangement, YouTube does not
     YouTube uses three main components: have enough context to properly
                                            determine what the video is about.      By optimizing channels and videos
     1)	Context: what exactly is the       And if the videos lack attractive       we have generated an increase
        video about?                        thumbnails, the second component        of between 50% and 500% in
                                            (clicks, views, watch time) will be     organic views.
     2) 	Presentation: how many clicks,    negatively affected. For videos you
        views and watch time does           may have already published, it’s        A good example of this can be
        the video generate?                 advisable to provide more context and   found in our case for Tuinmanieren.
                                            better design for these videos.         See the next page.
     3) 	Personalization: based on
        previous viewing behavior
#3     How can I generate more views for my existing content?

            The importance of optimization and distribution

          Tuinmanieren’s goals were to be found more easily
          and to show up in the suggested videos more often.
          Tuinmanieren also wanted to rank at the top of
          YouTube for keywords related to ‘gardening’. Through
29        a comprehensive YouTube review, Team5pm mapped
          out their entire channel. From this review, we identified
          50 videos which had the greatest potential of ranking
          higher on YouTube. These 50 videos - along with the
          channel itself, the playlists and entire design (banner,
          end cards and thumbnails) - were then optimized for SEO.

                                                                                  The results:
                                                                                   100% increase in
                                                                                   suggested videos,
                                                                                    68% increase in
               Want to know more about what optimization can do for your brand?   YouTube Search and
                                                                                  an increase of 74%
                                                                                     in watch time.
#3     How can I generate more views for my existing content?

            The importance of optimization and distribution

          Distribution                            Not only does this link building
          Still, having a good video alone        provide visibility but it also results
          is not enough. Even on YouTube          in higher channel authority as
          content can disappear quickly. In       YouTube promotes you more
          fact, 80.2% of all Dutch videos on      within the platform. When you
          YouTube get less than 5,000 views.      combine all the organic distribution
          How do you ensure that you are in       options with paid distribution, you
          the 19.8%? The answer is smart          can achieve maximum success.
          distribution.                           How? By combining the right
                                                  content with precise targeting.
30        Distribution is a component that        Not everyone can be reached with
          most brands forget. And that’s          organic content. But with paid
          unfortunate since distribution is       distribution, you create maximum
          what provides visibility. In addition   visibility within the perfect target
          to all the optimization opportunities   group. In short: distributing content
          on the platform itself, community       both organically and paid will lead      “80,2% of all Dutch videos on
          management and cross-promotion          to the greatest impact.
          to/from other channels and
                                                                                             YouTube get less than 5,000 views.”
          platforms are also essential to
          your distribution strategy.
q u e s t i o n

     How can I
     increase brand preference?
#4     How can I increase brand preference?

            The impact of spot-on branded content

          For insights into the impact           between the target group that had
          YouTube can have on your               seen the videos and the target
          brand, we perform brand effect         group that had not seen any videos.
          measurements based on the              The results of this can be found on
          preference of your brand and other     the next page.
          brand KPIs. With this, we measure
          the effectiveness of your video        Conducting brand effect
          content. The results will show not     measurements allows you to
          only if your content increases brand   quantify brand KPIs results - such
          preference, but you will also have     as brand preference - for YouTube
32        insights that will help increase       as one channel, and compare
          brand preference in the future.        them with the results from your
                                                 other media channels. This makes
          An example of this is the research     YouTube a full-fledged channel
          we conducted on the effect             within your total media mix.
          Hyundai’s IONIQ 5 YouTube videos
          had on key brand KPIs - including      In chapter 3 you can read more about
          brand recognition, brand preference    a large-scale study into the impact
          and purchase intent. Our research      YouTube can have on your brand,
          showed that on all brand KPIs there    including brand preference. See the
          was a significant difference           next page for the Hyundai case.
#4     How can I increase brand preference?

            The impact of spot-on branded content

          Case: Hyundai
          Hyundai wanted to introduce their new electric
          model, the IONIQ 5, in an innovative way. They also
          wanted to respond to the changing purchase behavior,
          better match their content with the needs of their
          target group and utilize YouTube and its possibilities
          more effectively.

33        Through a combined approach of research, production,
          distribution and measurement, we not only created
          SEO-optimized and high-ranking videos, but also
          generated an impact on the (indirect) buying behavior
          of the target group. This campaign, which focused on
          consumers’ behaviors and wishes, validated the crucial
          value YouTube has in the middle phase of the funnel:
          the consideration phase.
                                                                                        The results:
                                                                                An increase in brand recall of +231%,
                                                                                  brand preference +650% and an
               Want to know more about growing brand preference with YouTube?
                                                                                increase of +256% in the inclusion of
                                                      the IONIQ 5 in the consideration set.
q u e s t i o n

     How can I advertise
     effectively on YouTube?
#5     How can I advertise effectively on YouTube?

            Make an impact with the right creative and targeting

          5.1: Rethink your definition          As long as they:
          of a video ad
          YouTube is more than just organic     1) stand out
          content for brands; advertising       2) generate attention
          is another important element          3) impact the viewer’s memory
          of the arsenal to help achieve
                                                                                       Media spend alone can’t impact memory.
          success on YouTube. But as a          This summation leaves lots of
          brand, how can you advertise          space for creative interpretation.     Great creative alone won’t get noticed.
          more successfully on YouTube?         Craig Davis, former top creative
          To answer this question we will       at JWT once said, “We need to
                                                                                       Ad Effectiveness Model
35        share three recommendations.          stop interrupting what people
                                                are interested in and be what
          The traditional idea of video         people are interested in.” This
          ads is that they should be a 30,      is an excellent starting point for
          15, or 6-second spot - carrying       effective advertising on YouTube.
          with it high production costs.
          Although many large advertisers       On the following pages you will find
                                                                                       *Based on the Attention Pathway, developed by ANA in cooperation with U.S. market research agencies
          use YouTube in this way, this         examples of how we have applied
          ‘linear TV mindset’ simply does       this principle for Amazon Prime
          not apply here. Effective ads can     Video, GAMMA and Hyundai.
          take many forms.
#5     How can I advertise effectively on YouTube?

            Make an impact with the right creative and targeting

                                  In our Amazon Prime Video case,                          For GAMMA our approach was based
                                  the ads weren’t the usual short                          on the idea to help Dutch DIYers.
                                  videos or typical commercials         YouTube is widely used for DIY advice and explanation
          people were used to. Rather, these ads (created by            videos. The how-to videos resulting from our data-driven
          our in-house creative studio) were funny special edits,       research not only generated enormous organic reach
          memes and popular clips that led to a massive spike           and attention, but they are also distributed among DIY
          in the channel’s popularity. Viewers weren’t used to seeing   consumers through paid distribution. We identified these as
          these funny, custom ads, but they absolutely loved the        such on the basis of intent signals. The results? Not only
          campaign (and the customer was also happy about the           did we achieve 2.1 million views and 88,000 hours of watch
          reach and effect the videos had on brand awareness and        time, we also achieved an 88% increase in purchase intent
          preference).                                                  among viewers.

          The results: more than 2 million hours of watch time,         The results: 2.1 million views, 88,000 hours of watch time,
          650 million impressions and a subscriber growth of 85,000.    88% increase in purchase intent.

                                                                                                            deurdranger monteren
#5     How can I advertise effectively on YouTube?

            Make an impact with the right creative and targeting
                                                                   There are even more great examples from around
                                                                   the globe, including the deployment of a mini-
                                                                   docuseries, an undercover operation and an anime
                                                                   series (by a Japanese brand, of course) where the
                                      The previously
                                                                   product is the hero, and sales increased by more than
                                      illustrated case for
                                                                   100% in a year’s time. Don’t be guided by formats
          Hyundai proves that you can also generate
                                                                   and lengths from the past, but rather by the effect you
          impact with product reviews in the form of
                                                                   want to achieve.
          advertising. For the introduction of the IONIQ 5,
          Hyundai wanted to reach, engage and convert
          the exploratory electric car buyer on YouTube.
          And it worked.

37        The results: an increase in brand recall (+231%),
          brand preference (+650%) and an increase in
          inclusion of the IONIQ 5 in the consideration set
          of 256%.
#5     How can I advertise effectively on YouTube?

            Make an impact with the right creative and targeting

          5.2: Optimize your creative           recommend reserving a (small)
          Creatives have the greatest           part of your advertising budget
          impact on the effectiveness of        for pre-testing and optimization.
          ad campaigns. Research shows
          that 55% of the effectiveness of      At Team5pm we use a combination
          digital campaigns is determined       of watch time data analysis at the
          by the creatives deployed(14).        second level (where do or don’t
                                                viewers drop off?), AI-based eye
          Generating attention and              tracking (where does the viewer’s
          emotion are essential for ads         attention go?) and neuromarketing
38        to be effective. Until recently,      research (what emotions does the
          to adequately measure this you        content generate?). This is to test
          would need a laboratory of brain      and optimize creatives quickly and
          scans, measuring equipment or         in a scalable way.
          use expensive consumer panels,
          but with the advance of artificial
                                                      Want to know more about
          intelligence and cutting-edge               pre-testing and optimization
                                                      possibilities for your brand?
          technologies, this is now much    
          more affordable. We therefore
#5     How can I advertise effectively on YouTube?

            Make an impact with the right creative and targeting

          5.3: Go beyond demographic              Google Chrome and Google Play!
          targeting                               Put the focus on the consumer. By
          In addition to effective ads, you       responding to what really interests
          also want to show them to the           the viewer and combining that
          right target group at the right time:   with the information from entities
          but how and where do you find           in the Google Ecosystem, you can
          the right target group?                 create targeting that is rock solid.
                                                  The result? Qualitative targeting
          The Google Ecosystem is a               with minimal budget waste!
          massive database with information
          about your target group and future      We have successfully implemented
          consumers at your fingertips. This      this intent targeting strategy for
          insight allows you to advertise         OOT Granola. See the next page.
          based on consumer interests and
          to strategically use the consumers’
          intentions and what they would
          like to see. Combine the signals
          from YouTube, Google Search,

                                                                                         The Google Ecosystem
#5     How can I advertise effectively on YouTube?

            Make an impact with the right creative and targeting

          Case: OOT Granola
          The OOT Granola brand focuses on subscription-based
          ‘breakfast-in-your-mailbox’. The customer asked if we could
          help advertise their brand story. Although OOT Granola already
          had several commercials available, we first carefully researched
          the ideal target group. Our research revealed that this group
          consisted of foodies, value shoppers and aspiring chefs,
          among others. We then combined the target groups with the
          correct interests and search behavior.

          By monitoring and optimizing the campaigns, we have found
          the standard target group (affinity/in-market) that converts
          and have supplemented it with custom target groups that
          have an above-average interest in a healthier lifestyle. The
          result? More quantitative and qualitative traffic to the website,
          significant growth in subscriptions and a reduction of SEA
          (search engine advertising) budgets due to a growth of 270%

                                                                                   The results:
          branded search. This method of advertising makes telling your
          brand story possible, engages the target group in this story
          and lets people visit your website to order your product.              More than 30.000 clicks,
                                                                              530 conversions, +270% growth
                                                                                    in branded search.
                Want to learn more about how to get a better return on
                your YouTube advertising budget?
03. Does YouTube’s
         impact extend beyond
         views, watch time

         and subscribers?
To determine whether               Insight into total brand impact     international brands, publishers
     YouTube has an actual impact       How do you determine the impact     and advertisers (the test group)
     on your brand, statistics such     and effectiveness of YouTube?       such as GAMMA, ANWB, HP,
     as views and watch time alone      To measure the impact and           Pokerstars, De Telegraaf and
     are not enough.                    effectiveness of YouTube on key     the car brands Hyundai and
                                        brand KPIs, like brand awareness,   Volkswagen.
     These statistics say a lot but     brand preference and purchase
     are inefficient in determining     intent, we conducted a large-       We compared the results with
     the actual impact on your brand.   scale brand effect study with       the control group: respondents
     The fact that your videos are      Team5pm Labs. This study was        with similar demographics and
     widely viewed doesn’t say much     done in collaboration with Erik     affinities as the participants
     about whether your message         Kostelijk, Associate Professor      in the test group, however the
     is actually getting across,        of Marketing at the Amsterdam       control group participants had
     how it’s being received by         University of Applied Sciences      not seen any YouTube videos
     your target group or what the      and author of several market        from the campaign. The results
     effects on your brand are. This    research and marketing books.       were measured quantitatively
     requires additional research -                                         through online surveys. A total
     research that we have recently     Research outline                    of 3,790 participants took part in
     conducted. Below you will find a   To gain insight into the impact     this survey.
     short summary of our findings.     across different brands, content
     Interested in the entire report?   categories and countries, we
     Feel free to send a message.       conducted the study among
                                        viewers of national and
     We use the Mind-Heart-Market share model to measure brand effects on YouTube. This model is based on the branding theory from the book
     Brand Positioning (Alsem & Kostelijk, 2016). The model provides a representation of the online marketing funnel: it describes the different
     phases that customers go through during their customer journey and shows how the YouTube strategy has an impact on this customer journey.
     At each stage of the funnel, we determine the relevant brand KPIs to measure the effect of the YouTube strategy.

                                                                                                        Leads to
                                                Stimulates                                             change of

                    MIND                                               HEART                                              MARKET
43                → Recall                                             → Preference                                   → Consideration
                  → Top-of-mind                                        → Love                                         → Purchase intent
                  → Recognition                                        → Values                                       → Ambassadorship/NPS

            MIND is about the knowledge                         HEART is about the feeling that                       MARKET concerns the behavior
          potential customers have of your                   (potential) customers develop for the                   of (potential) customers, such as
          brand, measured with awareness                       brand, for example think of brand                    purchase intention, inclusion of the
         standards such as brand recall and                     preference and their perception                    brand in the consideration set or the
           brand recognition. In this phase,                 of your brand’s values. In this phase,                willingness to recommend your brand
        the goal is to increase the knowledge                the aim is to get (potential) customers                to others (measured with the NPS).
             and familiarity of the brand.                    to adopt a positive attitude towards                 In this phase, the aim is to encourage
                                                                          your brand.                              (potential) customers to purchase and
                                                                                                                       to generate customer loyalty.
Brand awareness
                                                         We see an average of 195% more brand awareness among the YouTube campaign viewers.

      Positive effect                                  Brand preference
                                                       Among the participants who saw one or more videos from the YouTube campaign,

      at every stage                                   the brand preference was on average 297% higher than among the non-viewers.

44      of the funnel
                    The research found that
           YouTube has a positive effect on          Brand Ambassadors
              key brand KPIs at every stage          In the test group, i.e. among the YouTube campaign viewers, there are on average
         of the funnel. All results described        220% more brand ambassadors than in the control group (the non-viewers).
     to the right are statistically significant.

                                                   Purchase intent
                                                   Average purchase intent is 349% higher among the YouTube campaign viewers.
Effect on non-customers
     This study also looked into possible
                                            Two important conclusions are:
     differences in brand effects
     between brand users and non-
                                            #1 YouTube validates and
                                            generates customer loyalty              YouTube has a
     users. It makes sense that people
     who enjoy buying a particular brand
                                            In general, YouTube videos are
                                            viewed more often by brand users        positive impact
     also watch that brand’s YouTube
     videos more often, but the research
     shows that YouTube also has an
                                            than by non-users. That means
                                            YouTube can play an important
                                            role in driving and fostering
                                                                                    on brand values
     impact on non-customers.               customer loyalty.                       Our research shows that YouTube has a
                                                                                    positive effect on brand KPIs at every stage
                                            #2 YouTube helps with acquisition       of the online customer journey and that it
45                                          Non-users who watch YouTube             generates customer loyalty and can be used
                                            videos of a brand score                 for acquisition.
                                            significantly higher on brand recall,
                                            brand preference and purchase           Are you interested in receiving more
                                            intent. YouTube thus stimulates         information about the aforementioned brand
                                            (hot) prospects which in turn makes     effect measurements? Please contact us.
                                            YouTube vital for acquisition.

                                                                                         Want to know more about the positive impact
                                                                                         of YouTube on your brand values?
04. Conclusion:
         This is how you
         succeed as a brand

         on YouTube in 2022
Brands can and should make better use of YouTube.

     YouTube offers so many opportunities - opportunities
     that many brands leave behind. At Team5pm, we think
     this should be better. In this white paper we’ve shown
     you how you can take advantage of these opportunities.
     To succeed on YouTube as a brand, you must:

     1		 Understand the platform.

47   2		 Help your target audience.

     3		In order to influence
         purchase behavior.
Let’s talk!

     Ready to take
     your success              Peter Minkjan
                              Co-Founder &
                           Chief Product Officer

     on YouTube    

     to the next level?
                                Ronen Wolf
                               Co-Founder &
                          Chief Commercial Officer

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          Exploitanten (VINEX) en Stichting KijkOnderzoek (SKO), maart 2021             Business Insider, juli 2015
     2: How Shoppers Are Using Social Media, Forbes, augustus 2021                   9: A new way to think about online video’s role in the purchase funnel, Debbie
     3: Google/Talk Shoppe, Juli 2020                                                   Weinstein, January 2019
     4: YouTube Needs: Understanding User’s Motivations to Watch Videos on Mobile   10: Video Mobile Diary (n of 18,219 total video occasions), Google/Ipsos, U.S., 2017
49        Devices, Rodrigo de Oliveira/Christopher Pentoney/Mika Pritchard-Berman,   11: Tubular Labs, 2021
          September 2018                                                             12: Google/Magid Advisors, Global (U.S., CA, BR, U.K., DE, FR, JP, IN, KR, AU),
     5: “The Values of YouTube” Study, n=1006, 2and2/Google, Oktober 2016              “The Role of Digital Video in People’s Lives”, n=20,000, A18–64 general online
     6:, January 2021 Community            population, Augustus 2018.
          Letter, Susan Wojcicki                                                     13: YouTube Search Volume on ‘ideas’, Google Trends, 2018-2021
     7: Click Curve Data, Milestone Internet, Oktober 2020                           14: Five Keys To Advertising Effectiveness, Nielsen CS, 2017
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