Fiscal Period Ended August 31, 2021 - Asset Management Company October 15, 2021 Securities Code 3481
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Table of Contents 1. Financial Results and Forecasts 4 2. Growth Strategy 7 3. ESG Initiatives 14 4. Mid-to Long-Term Growth Strategy 20 Features of Mitsubishi Estate Group’s 5. 22 Logistic Facilities Business 6. Logistics Market Overview 27 7. Appendix 30 Logicross Osaka
Highlights for the 10th Fiscal Period (Ended August 31, 2021) Hybrid External Growth ●Successfully completed follow-on offering for 2 consecutive periods and acquired 5 properties at the beginning of the period (3 sponsor-developed properties and 2 asset management company-sourced properties), and expanded the asset size to 170.4 bn yen with 22 properties (Note 1) ●Record high DPU of 6,764 yen (vs 9th Fiscal Period: +145 yen, vs Forecast : +79 yen) Hybrid Internal Growth ●Achieved steady rent growth for 7 consecutive periods and maintained the upward trend despite COVID-19 Average rent growth (Note 2) 10th period +13.9% 11th period +4.5% ●Built track record in property management consignment and accumulated knowledge through utilization of technology at Mitsubishi Estate Group Financial Strategy ●Achieved diversification of financing method and extension of debt duration through MEL’s first issuance of Green Bond ●Maintained stable financial operation and low level of LTV at 32.3% ESG ●Awarded the prestigious 5 Stars for 2nd consecutive year in GRESB Real Estate Assessment in 2021 ●Launched the discussion in preparation for supporting the recommendation by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the process of setting KPIs at MJIA Note 1: Forecast announced on Apr. 15, 2021 Note 2: Average rent growth for the leases that expired or will expire during the relevant period, and lease contracts that are not yet contracted are assumed to be unchanged for the calculation 2
Management Policy based on “Three Pillars” (Amended in Oct. 2021) Maximization of Unitholders’ Value in Mid-to Long-term Alignment Discipline Hybrid Enhance MEL’s unique strategy Align interest with unitholders Achieve disciplined growth Measures continued from the past and Hybrid Model New Launch of discussion on the Hybrid external growth to be taken in the future TCFD recommendations External growth utilizing LTV (Supply of properties from both ESG and KPI setting Sponsor and MJIA) New Hybrid internal growth Promotion of efforts for Property acquisition with attention to (Utilizing management capability of ESG Low-Carbon portfolio yield and implied cap rate MJIA and leasing capacity of Sponsor) Further inclusion in major indices Flexible property acquisition strategy utilizing bridge funds and improvement in liquidity New ESG Expanding pipelines through utilizing More in-depth ESG commitment and MJIA’s various sourcing methods, ESG diversification of financing methods through green financing such as CRE proposals and PDP ESG Support from Sponsor and New Track record in PM consignment Flexible financing carefully watching and built-up knowledge through continued same-boat investment the market conditions utilization of technology at Sponsor Group ESG Acquisition of 5 Stars rating for the second consecutive year (Oct. 2021) executed and Measures ESG Introduction of cumulative investment for employees of Sponsor and MJIA (Mar. 2021) achieved Continued growth through execution of public offerings based on “Three Pillars” (Feb. 2021, Aug. 2020 and Sept. 2019) Inclusion in the FTSE EPRA Nareit Global Real Estate Index Series (Jun. 2020) ESG Introduction of the asset management fee structure fully linked to unit price performance, first among J-REITs (May 2019) 3
Financial Results for the Fiscal Period Ended Aug. 2021 Main Factors of Variance FP Ended Aug. 9th FP Actual vs. 10th FP Actual FP Ended Feb. FP Ended Aug. (Contribution to Net Income) Difference 2021 Forecast Operating Results (mn yen) 2021 Actual 2021 Actual (B)-(A) (As of Apr. 15, 1 (9th FP)(A) (10th FP)(B) ・Increase in revenue from properties 2021)(10th FP) +725mn yen acquired in 10th FP Operating Revenues 4,203 4,953 1 +749 4,941 ・Rent increase and others from existing +23mn yen Operating Rental Revenues 4,203 4,953 +749 4,941 properties Increase in rent +8mn yen Operating Rental Expenses (excluding depreciation) 723 920 +196 940 Increase in utility cost +8mn yen Increase in solar power income(seasonal variation) +7mn yen NOI 3,479 4,032 +553 4,001 2 Depreciation 773 881 +107 880 ・Increase in expenses from -214mn yen properties acquired in 10th FP Operating Income 2,204 2,555 2 +351 2,521 Increase in depreciation -103mn yen Increase in G&A expenses -77mn yen Ordinary Income 2,074 2,382 +308 2,336 Increase in facility management fee, etc. -33mn yen Net Income 2,073 2,381 3 +308 2,335 ・Increase in expenses from -184mn yen existing properties Distributions Per Unit (yen) Property tax for properties acquired in 9th FP -94mn yen Increase in repair and maintenance expense ‐60mn yen Distributions Per Unit (including SCD) 6,619 6,764 +145 6,685 Increase in G&A expenses -16mn yen Increase in utility cost -8mn yen Distributions Per Unit (excluding SCD) 5,953 6,089 +136 5,969 3 Surplus Cash Distributions (SCD) Per Unit 666 675 +9 716 ・Increase in non-operating expenses -45mn yen Number of investment units issued Increase in interest expenses from debt in 10th FP -30mn yen and outstanding (units) 348,237 391,135 +42,898 391,135 Investment corporation bond issuance expenses -16mn yen Other Statistics Logicross Narashino Logicross Osaka (Note) Logicross Nagoya Kasadera (Note) AFFO (mn yen) 2,733 3,098 +365 2,974 AFFO payout ratio 84.3% 85.4% +1.1% 87.9% LTV 31.4% 32.7% +1.3% 32.7% MJ Industrial Park Kobe (Land) MJ Industrial Park Properties Acquired Chiba-Kita(Land) NAV per unit (yen) 323,737 343,818 +20,081 - in 10th FP Total Acquisition Average Occupancy 99.7% 99.8% +0.1% 99.7% Price 28.2 bn yen Note:40% additional co-beneficiary interest 5
Forecasts for the Fiscal Periods Ending Feb. 2022 and Aug. 2022 Main Factors of Variance FP Ended Aug. FP Ending Feb. (Reference) 10th FP Actual vs. 11th FP Forecast Difference FP Ending Aug. Operating Results (mn yen) 2021 Actual 2022 Forecast 1 (Contribution to Net Income) (B)-(A) 2022 Forecast (10th FP)(A) (11th FP)(B) (12th FP) ・Full contribution from properties +38mn yen acquired in 10th FP Operating Revenues 4,953 5,028 1 +74 5,059 ・Rent increase and others from existing Operating Rental Revenues 4,953 5,028 +74 5,059 +36mn yen properties Operating Rental Expenses 2 (excluding depreciation) 920 864 ー55 964 ・Decrease in expenses from +2mn yen NOI 4,032 4,163 +130 4,094 properties acquired in 10th FP ・Increase in expenses from Depreciation 881 896 +15 912 -4mn yen existing properties Decrease in repair and maintenance expenses, etc. +61mn yen Operating Income 2,555 2,628 2 +72 1 2,551 Increase in G&A expenses -50mn yen Increase in depreciation -14mn yen Ordinary Income 2,382 2,509 +126 2,430 Net Income 2,381 2,508 3 +126 2 2,429 3 ・Decrease in non-operating expenses +54mn yen Distributions Per Unit (yen) No temporary expense from offering in Feb. 2021 and +51mn yen issuance of investment corporation bonds Distributions Per Unit (including SCD) 6,764 7,099 +335 6,910 Completion of amortization of organization expenses +4mn yen Distributions Per Unit (excluding SCD) 6,089 6,412 +323 6,210 Main Factors of Variance Surplus Cash Distributions (SCD) Per Unit 675 687 +12 700 11th FP Forecast vs. 12th FP Forecast (Contribution to Net Income) Number of investment units issued 391,135 391,135 ±0 391,135 1 and outstanding (units) ・Rent increase and reduction of vacancy, Other Statistics +31mn yen etc. AFFO (mn yen) 3,098 3,151 +52 3,137 AFFO payout ratio 85.4% 88.1% +2.7% 86.2% 2 LTV 32.7% 32.3% -0.4% 32.4% ・Increase in expenses such as property tax -108mn yen for properties acquired in 10th FP Average Occupancy 99.8% 99.8% ±0% 99.9% 6
Features of Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation Stable Growth Strategy with Hybrid Model “Developer × Real Estate Asset Manager” Sponsor-developed No. of Properties / Properties / Asset Asset Size Management Average Appraisal Forecasted LTV Credit Rating Company-sourced Occupancy NOI Yield (FP 2022/2) (JCR) 22 properties/ Properties 32.3% 61.1%/ 99.8% 4.9% AA- 170.4bn yen (Stable) 38.9% Sponsor Asset Management Company Development / Investment / Facilities Management Asset Management ● Dedicated to city development in the Marunouchi area (Tokyo) for ● Established in 2001, when the scheme of real estate over 120 years securitization was emerging in Japan ● Contributing to the society through a variety of business activities as Overview Overview ● Track record including structuring and management of various types one of the largest comprehensive real estate of real estate funds, such as the largest private REIT in Japan developers ● Proven track records in a variety of asset types in investment and ● Promoting the logistic facility business as a growth area asset management ● Constant supply of pipeline properties from Sponsor through development of advanced logistics facilities Refer to P.9 ● Flexible and diverse acquisition strategies, using a ● Utilization of Sponsor’s know-how and corporate customer relations wide range of schemes, such as bridge funds including value- in the leasing activities Refer to P.11, 24 up, PDP and CRE Refer to P.9, 26 Support Support ● Promotion of capital recycling business in domestic ● Internal growth leveraging unique know-how in addition to asset business and consistent expansion of AUM and DX rent revision, such as installation of LED lighting and solar promotion in non-asset business Refer to P.23, 25 panels Refer to P.11 Note: As of Aug. 31, 2021 8
External Growth Strategy 16 properties / Total floor area: 1,136,000m2 (preferential negotiation rights) Sponsor-Developed Properties Asset Management Company-Sourced Properties Capability to develop logistics facilities independently Capability to assess properties backed by experience in based on extensive land information continuous acquisitions of properties since 2001 Capability to co-develop facilities backed by MEC’s ability Logicross MJ Logipark Flexible and diversified property acquisition strategy and credibility for development Brand of logistics facilities Properties which MEL acquired or leveraging the capability to manage real estate funds MEC develops throughout Japan intends to acquire from the 3rd parties Asset Management Company-Sourced properties with Sponsor-Developed properties with expected preferential negotiation right expected preferential negotiation right Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy Occupancy PDP 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Occupancy 100% Logicross Yokohama Logicross Hasuda Logista・Logicross LOGIPORT Kawasaki Bay Logicross Atsugi II MJ Logipark Takatsuki 1* Kohoku(16,000m2) (79,000m2) Ibaraki Saito (B) (31,000m2) (296,000m2) (35,000m2) (19,000m2) Completed in 2019 Completed in 2021 Completed in 2019 Completed in 2019 Completed in 2021 Completed in 2021 Occupancy Pre-leased 100% PDP PDP (Partnership Development Program) 100% Pre-leased Development bridge scheme in which the Asset 100% Manager takes the initiative Asset Management Company leads the project in a manner that compensates the needs of partner companies such as developers, construction companies and real estate brokers each other Logista・Logicross Logicross Kasukabe Logicross Funabashi MJ Logipark Kakogawa 1* MEL can preferentially consider acquisition after the Ibaraki Saito (A) (115,000m2) (39,000m2) (23,000m2) (33,000m2) building is completed and leased up Completed in 2021 To be completed in 2021 To be completed in 2022 Completed in 2021 New PDP PDP PDP Occupancy Pre-leased Pre-leased 100% 100% 100% Logicross Zama Komatsubara Logicross Zama* Sagamihara Chuo MJ Logipark Inzai 1* MJ Logipark Aisai 1* MJ Logipark Daito 1* (44,000m2) (183,000m2) Fuchinobe Project* (22,000m2) (10,000m2) (11,000m2) To be completed in 2022 To be completed in 2023 (173,000m2) Completed in 2021 To be completed in 2022 To be completed in 2022 To be completed in 2023 * Tentative Name Note: As of Oct. 15, 2021 Other Projects 9
Portfolio Map Note 1: As of Oct. 15, 2021 10
Internal Growth Strategy ① Rent Revision Achieved rent growth for 7 consecutive periods and upward trend is expected to continue for 11th FP (Based on leased area of the Average Rent Growth Upward rent revision Rent unchanged Undecided Average Rent Growth warehouse portion) of Increased Portion FP 2018/8 (4th FP) 57% 43% 11,000㎡ +1.8% +3.0% FP 2019/2 (5th FP) 4% 96% 62,000㎡ +0.2% +3.4% FP 2019/8 (6th FP) 40% 60% 40,000㎡ +3.1% +6.8% FP 2020/2 (7th FP) 88% 12% 19,000㎡ +2.2% +2.5% FP 2020/8 (8th FP) 93% 7% 21,000㎡ +9.5% +10.4% FP 2021/2 (9th FP) (Note) 88% 6%6% 24,000㎡ +8.5% +9.7% FP 2021/8 (10th FP) 95% 5% 33,000㎡ +13.9% +14.9% FP 2022/2 (11th FP) 86% 14% 59,000㎡ +4.5% +5.4% (Forecasted)(Note) 0㎡ 86% contracted 30,000㎡ 45,000㎡ 60,000㎡ Steady Growth Unique Initiatives by Asset Management Company Achieved internal growth since stock listing and expect steady growth in the future. Revenue growth through installation of LED lighting (mn yen) MJ Logipark Fukuoka 1, LOGIPORT Sagamihara, LOGIPORT Hashimoto 120 Achieved income increase by Solar Panels MJ Logipark Fukuoka 1, MJ Logipark Atsugi 1 80 Improved tenant satisfaction and profitability by increasing parking space MJ Logipark Fukuoka 1 40 LOGIPORT Osaka Taisho, MJ Logipark Sendai 1 0 Reduced property tax due to review in asset 2022/2 2022/8 FP2019/2 2019年2月期 2019/8 2020/2 2020/8 2020年8月期 2021/2 2021/8 2022年2月期 (11th FP) (12th FP) valuation (5th FP) (6th FP) (7th FP) (8th FP) (9th FP) (10th FP) (Forecasted) (Forecasted) MJ Logipark Funabashi 1、LOGIPORT Sagamihara、 Rent revision Initiatives other than Refund of property tax due MJ Logipark Kazo 1、Logicross Atsugi、LOGIPORT rent revision to review in asset valuation Osaka Taisho MJ Logipark Atsugi 1 Note: As of Sept. 30, 2021. Lease contracts that are not yet contracted are assumed to be unchanged for the calculation 11
Internal Growth Strategy ② Tenant Data Type of Cargo Tenant Diversification (Based on leased area) (Based on leased area) Delivery Destination (Based on leased area) R Cargo for EC Daily Necessities 株式会社IHIインフラシステム IHI Infrastructure Systems 23.6% 1.1% 58.1% e 3PL 67.0% 10.9% 株式会社日本リアリスト Nihon Realest 2.7% 5.7% 日用品 Household Goods Food and Beverage 12.9% t 山九株式会社 Sankyu 食品・飲料 3PL a 8.5% 3PL 4.9% BtoC 29.6% 5.0% Pharmaceuticals and オリックス自動車株式会社 ORIX Auto 医薬品・医療用機器 4.9% 83.5% Medical Devices 卸売 5.6% Wholesale il キムラユニティー株式会社 5.5% Kimura Unity 4.0% PC/Communications, パソコン・通信機器 株式会社三鷹倉庫 MITAKA SOKO Home Appliance etc 製造 3.9% Retail 53.6% 9.5% 3.7% 福岡ロジテム株式会社 Fukuoka Logistics System サン都市建物株式会社 Sun City Building 18.5% カジュアル衣料 Casual Clothing 原材料・部材 Raw / Component Materials 67.0% M 小売 Manufacture 3.7% 3.5% ホンダロジコム株式会社 Honda Logicom Cargo with Strong Demand 5.0% 23.6% 家具・雑貨 Furniture and Home Goods a その他 Others 3.4% 株式会社 AXions n AXions 82.0% Electronic devices and 3.4% 家電等 Components for Business use その他 Others その他 Others Average Occupancy Rate and Lease Agreement Expiration Schedule (Note 2) Lease Agreements (㎡) Lease agreements that expired 契約満了予定面積 Contracted 契約済み面積 lease Rent 賃料比 ratio (right axis) (%) Average agreements 99.8% 150,000 20 Occupancy Rate 15 100,000 Fixed-term 100.0% 10 Lease 50,000 5 Weighted Average 0 0 7.0 years Remaining Expiry 2022/2 2023/2 2024/2 2025/2 2026/2 2027/2 2028/2 2029/2 2030/2 2038/8 2047/8 2048/8 (FP) 2022/8 2023/8 2024/8 2025/8 2026/8 2027/8 2028/8 2029/8 Note 1: As of Aug. 31, 2021. Note 2: As of Sept. 1, 2021.Excludes land 12
Financial Strategy Financial Highlight Long-term Debt Ratio Average Remaining Fixed Interest Rate Ratio Average Debt Cost Debt Duration (all / excluding short-term) (all / excluding short-term) 98.5% 98.5% 5.6 years /5.7 years 0.40%/0.41% Credit Rating (JCR) Forecasted LTV Debt Capacity Debt Capacity (FP 2022/2) (LTV up to 40%) (LTV up to 50%) AA-( Stable ) 32.3% Approx. 23 bn yen Approx. 63 bn yen Lenders Debt Maturity Schedule 三菱UFJ銀行 MUFG Bank, Ltd. 25.6% Long-term borrowings Short-term borrowings (mn yen) みずほ銀行 Mizuho Bank, Ltd. 16.6% Investment Corporation Bonds Green Finance 三井住友銀行 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation 15.6% 10,000 福岡銀行 The Bank of Fukuoka, Ltd. 7.3% 農林中央金庫 The Norinchukin Bank 7.2% 信金中央金庫 Shinkin Central BankThe 4.9% 8,000 全国信用協同組合連合会 Shinkumi Federation Bank 4.6% Total Debt 新生銀行 Shinsei Bank, Limited 3.0% Balance 山口銀行 6,000 The Yamaguchi Bank, Ltd. 2.5% 59,274 日本政策投資銀行 Development Bank of Japan 2.5% mn yen 七十七銀行 The 77 Bank, Ltd. 2.4% 4,000 千葉銀行 The Chiba Bank, Ltd. 1.3% 三井住友信託銀行 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited 0.8% 山梨中央銀行 The Yamanashi Chuo Bank, Ltd. 0.8% 2,000 西日本シティ銀行 The Nishi-Nippon City Bank, Ltd. 0.8% 富山銀行 The Bank of Toyama, Ltd. 0.5% 投資法人債 Investment Corporation Bonds 3.4% 0 Green Finance 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036(year) Note: As of Oct. 15, 2021 13
ESG Initiatives
ESG Initiatives GRESB Assessment Mitsubishi Estate Group’s Initiatives for ESG For 2021 GRESB Real Estate Mitsubishi Estate Group 2030 Goals for SDGs Assessment, MEL was awarded the (Long-term Business Plan) prestigious “5 Stars” for the second consecutive year based on a 1.Environment comparative assessment by overall Sustainable urban development score, and “Green Star” for third that proactively addresses climate consecutive year. change and environmental issues In addition, in the “GRESB Public 2.Diversity & Inclusion Disclosure” (5-level rating) that Urban development that responds to measures the level of ESG information lifestyle and human resources trends and disclosure, MEL’s effort to disclose ESG facilitates active participation for all information was highly evaluated and awarded the highest rank “A Level” for 3.Innovation Innovative urban development that the second consecutive year. continuously renews society Signing of PRI 4.Resilience Asset Management Company became Dynamic, flexible urban development that a signatory of PRI, the Principles for builds disaster-resilient communities and Reasonable Investment in March 2020. prioritizes safety and security PRI encourages the incorporation of Environment, Social and Governance issues into investment decision- Participate in United Nations Global Compact making processes, with the aim to (UNGC) help companies enhance long-term investment performance and better UNGC is a voluntary, global initiative supporting a fulfill their fiduciary duty. global framework for sustainable growth through the Preparing for supporting the recommendation by the demonstration of creative, responsible leadership by the respective corporations and organizations as “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures principled members of society. (TCFD)” Mitsubishi Estate became a signatory of the UNGC In order to express our support the and Mitsubishi Estate Group was registered as recommendation by the TCFD, preparing participants in April 2018. Along with this, the Asset to expand information disclosure such as Management Company has participated in this MEL's climate change policy and KPIs. initiative as a member of Mitsubishi Estate Group. 15
ESG Initiatives (Environment) Environment Promotion of Green Portfolio Ratio of Green Properties in Portfolio(Total Floor Area basis) 79.1 % Certification System # of properties Property Name Evaluation Logicross Fukuoka Hisayama DBJ Green Building Certification:★★★★ Building-Housing Energy-Efficiency 9 Logicross Atsugi BELS:★★★★★ / CASBEE S Rank for Real Estate Labeling System (BELS) Logicross Kobe Sanda BELS:★★★★ / CASBEE A Rank for Real Estate Logicross Osaka BELS:★★★★★ / CASBEE S Rank for Real Estate Logicross Nagoya Kasadera BELS:★★★★★ / CASBEE S Rank for Real Estate Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE) 9 Logicross Narashino LOGIPORT Sagamihara BELS:★★★★★ / CASBEE S Rank for Real Estate BELS:★★★★ / CASBEE S Rank for Real Estate LOGIPORT Hashimoto BELS:★★ / CASBEE S Rank for Real Estate LOGIPORT Osaka Taisho BELS:★★★★★ / ZEB Ready / CASBEE S Rank for Real Estate DBJ Green Building Certification 1 MJ Logipark Kasugai 1 CASBEE A Rank for New Construction Aichi MJ Logipark Kazo1 BELS:★★★★★ Examples of Initiatives Energy Saving Initiatives Insulated sandwich panels Installation of Reuse of OA floor panels of Renovation with LED installation for exterior walls motion-detection sensors office buildings in Marunouchi based on Green Lease contract Use of Renewable Energy /BCP Initiatives Installation of solar panels Seismic isolators Installation of emergency Measures against infectious diseases power generators (acrylic plate, hand sanitizer) 16
ESG Initiatives (Social) Social Proactive Participation in CSR Activities Tenant Satisfaction Survey Participation in flower bed Register for Disaster Cooperation Conducted a tenant satisfaction survey in collaboration with a third party maintenance activities of Building (LOGIPORT Sagamihara, agency to improve facility management. The survey included hardware / community near Logicross Atsugi LOGIPORT Hashimoto) software aspects and tenants’ opinions on the facilities. During the 10th FP, the survey results were utilized in improvement in day-to- day service through installation of thermos cameras and AEDs, and measures to ease bird damages. Logicross Nagoya Kasadera Logicross Nagoya Kasadera MJ Logipark Sendai 1 Collaboration with Local Educational Institute and Lawn-mowing at greenery areas Designation as a Tsunami Evacuation in MJ Logipark Atsugi 1 Building (Logicross Nagoya Kasadera) Improvement in Tenant Satisfaction Conducted a survey to employees and reflected the result on the renovation of the employee lounge. Also, a wall design contest involving local universities and vocational schools was held and the design of the winner is used for the lounge’s wall design of MJ Logipark Fukuoka 1 Before After Securing reserves in case of Free salt candy service for tenants in Measures for Employees’ Comfort properties as a heatstroke measure emergency (food, beverage & (for all properties held as of Aug. 2021) portable toilet) Offering Comfortable Working Environment Donation of 1,900 unused surgical masks stored to the Chiyoda Ward Health Center Examples in the Asset Management Company Donation of unused calendars to elementary Introduction of flexible working hour schools in developing countries through Installation of community spaces within office area support organizations as a substitute for Invitation of personnel from group companies and notebooks outside professionals Specialized training for skill improvement Donation of disaster prevention supplies Annual employee satisfaction survey that are no longer needed to volunteer firefighters and rescue teams in developing These initiatives are intended to maximize asset management performance by improving productivity, countries through support organizations skills and motivation of employees 17
ESG Initiatives (Governance) Governance Asset Management Fee Structure Measures to Address Conflict of Interests Introduced an asset management fee structure reflecting the in Asset Management performance of investment unit price for the purpose of aligning Any asset acquisition from or sale to stakeholders of MEL is determined interest with unitholders through a transparent decision-making process at MJIA Asset management Total assets as of the end of the previous period × 0.2% (upper fee I (AUM-linked) limit) Drafting by Logistics REIT Management Department Asset management fee Ⅱ (Real estate Adjusted NOI × 5.0% (upper limit) profit-linked) Adjusted net income before tax × net income before tax per unit × 0.001% (upper limit) 1st in J-REITs Asset management Examination by Compliance Department “Fee linked to Investment Unit Price” fee Ⅲ (unitholder Performance against TSE REIT Index ((a)-(b)) × market cap interest-linked) (for fiscal period of each term) × 0.1% (upper limit) (a): Fluctuations in MEL’s investment unit price (incl. dividends) (b): Fluctuations in the TSE REIT Index (incl. dividends) Deliberation by Executive Committee MJIA (If voted down) ※Need to be attended by a third party appraiser Investment unit price of MEL TSE REIT Index (incl. dividends) If MEL’s growth rate is greater X + DPU Y Increase fee Deliberation by Compliance & Risk Management Committee ※Need to be attended by an external expert (legal counsel) If MEL’s growth rate is Y lower X + DPU Decrease fee Reference date (Previous period) Reference date (Present period) Deliberation by Board of Directors if necessary Pursuant to Company’s Regulations Ratio of same-boat investment by Mitsubishi Estate c. 4.1% (as of Oct. 15, 2021) MEL Approval by MEL’s Board of Directors Cumulative Investment for Employees Note: An example of the decision-making flow in cases that fall under the category of transactions with Introduced cumulative investment for employees of Sponsor and MJIA stakeholders, etc. requiring approval of the board of directors of the investment corporation pursuant to Article 201-2 of the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations with the aim of continued increase in unitholders’ value and provision of benefits to employees 18
Green Finance Initiatives for Financing utilizing ESG Assessments evaluated by External Organizations Green Bond MEL issued Green Bonds on Apr. 14, 2021, with the terms described below in order to promote efforts to improve sustainability and to further strengthen our financial base Name Investment Corporation 1st Series Unsecured Green Eligible Assets for Investment(Note 1) Bonds (Green Bonds) Total Amount 2,000 mn yen /15 years Issued / Term Interest Rate 0.700% per annum Credit Rating AA- (JCR) Evaluation LOGIPORT Osaka Taisho Logicross Osaka Logicross Nagoya Kasadera “Green 1(F)” (highest for JCR Green Finance by Third-Party BELS: ★★★★★(ZEB Ready) BELS: ★★★★★ BELS: ★★★★★ Evaluation) rating in Green Finance Framework CASBEE: S Rank for Real Estate CASBEE: S Rank for Real Estate Entities CASBEE: S Rank for Real Estate Upper Limit of Green Finance Other ESG Finance Repayment / Funds Procurement Allocation MEL received the highest rank of Redemption (mn yen) Date Status Date "S" in "MUFG ESG Rating Certificate Mar. 9, Mar. 9, for J-REIT supported by JCR" and Green Loan 1,350 Allocated 2021 2025 borrowed "MUFG ESG Loan for J- Sept. 14, Sept. 14, REIT" from MUFG Bank for the first Green Loan 720 Allocated 2021 2028 case Apr. 14, Apr. 14, Green Bond 2,000 Allocated 2021 2036 First case in J-REIT financed by Total Green Finance 4,070 ― ― ― SMBC with “Funding to promote SDG’s” Upper Limit of Green Finance(Note 2) 38,964 ― ― ― Note 1: The proceeds from the Green Bonds issuance have been allocated to the prepayment of a portion of the short-term loans which were borrowed for the acquisition of three properties described above Note 2: The Upper Limit of Green Finance = Total Acquisition Price of Green Eligible Assets × Total Asset. LTV is calculated based on Aug. 31, 2021 19
Mid-to Long-Term Growth Strategy
Mid-to Long-Term Growth Strategy Asset size target and transition of key financial figures Asset Size Sponsor-Developed Asset Management Company-Sourced Target 170.4 bn yen 300 bn yen 142.1 bn yen Asset Size Aim for Further 113.7 bn yen 113.7 bn yen Growth in 83.2 bn yen 83.2 bn yen Asset Size 70.8 bn yen 2nd 3rd 4th Aim for further 1st Follow-on Follow-on Follow-on Follow-on inclusion in major Offering Offering Offering Offering indices Continue to carefully 32.7% Stabilized LTV monitor the market LTV 30.0% 29.4% 31.4% 32.3% 32.4% and acquire properties 27.0% 27.0% 40%~50% 25.0% through equity offerings and flexible use of LTV, which is the lowest level among all J-REITs 6,764 7,099 6,910 6,003 6,520 yen yen yen 5,492 5,524 5,907 yen 5,292 yen yen Aim to increase DPU DPU yen yen yen Aim for continued through disciplined growth growth Aim to steadily grow NAV per unit and 343,818 maximize unitholder 323,737 yen value yen 293,133 298,032 NAV Per yen yen Aim for continued Unit 269,217 270,016 275,236 growth yen yen yen FP 2018/8 FP 2019/2 FP 2019/8 FP 2020/2 FP 2020/8 FP 2021/2 FP 2021/8 FP 2022/2 FP 2022/8 (4th FP) (5th FP) (6th FP) (7th FP) (8th FP) (9th FP) (10th FP) (11th FP) (12th FP) Note: As of Oct. 15, 2021 21
Features of Mitsubishi Estate Group’s Logistic Facilities Business
Projects in Mitsubishi Estate Group’s Logistics Facilities Business History of Logistics Facility Business in Mitsubishi Estate Group MEC Group has developed safe and secure logistics facilities proactively and consistently, since the commencement of the business in 1967, and strengthened capacity with the establishment of Logistics Facilities Development Office within Urban Project Development Department in 2012 MEC Group aims to enhance social infrastructure and quality of life through this high-growth business, leveraging expertise and relations cultivated as a comprehensive real estate developer Invested in Tokyo Completed LOGIPORT Completed Logicross Completed LOGIPORT Completed rebuilding of Completed Logicross Completed 4 properties incl. Completed (planned) 5 properties Ryutsu Center (TRC) Sagamihara Fukuoka Hisayama Hashimoto TRC Building B Narashino Logicross Nagoya Kasadera incl. Logicross Hasuda Completed Tatsumi Scheduled Logistics Center completion of (former Nakano Made TRC a Logicross series Shokai Tatsumi consolidated and other Center) subsidiary properties 1967 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 and after Outline of Tokyo Ryutsu Center (TRC) Strengthened Efforts in Logistics Facilities Established in 1967 under the support from the government and economic Development at MEC circles, for the purpose of streamline commercial distribution that faced Medium-term Management Plan (2017) Completed Logicross Scheduled completion challenges due to population concentration, etc. caused by the rapid MEC announced its plan to accelerate “capital Atsugi and Logicross Completed LOGIPORT of rebuilding of TRC economic growth, through operating a large-scale distribution center Kobe Sanda Kawasaki Bay Building A recycling investment” to enhance the logistics facilities Operating logistics facilities business for more than five decades at ideal business through development, ownership and locations near central Tokyo, adjacent to Oi Container Terminal and operation and management of facilities Haneda Airport, which are convenient for land-sea-and-air transportation Long-Term Management Plan 2030 (2020) Promoting new projects (PM business and use of logistics technology, etc.) MEC indicated its plan to enhance “capital recycling in recent years to meet diversified needs by leveraging know-how of business” in the Domestic Asset Business and to property management increase AUM and utilize new technologies in the Non- asset Business Characteristics of Logicross Series, Logistics Facilities Offered by Mitsubishi Estate SAFETY AMENITY MOVING TOMORROW Logistics facilities moving the future BCP Measures Large-scale Common Manpower- emergency generator space saving Logicross, the brand of logistics facilities offered by FUNCTIONALITY measures Mitsubishi Estate, is developed under the vision of FLEXIBILITY • Effective height under beam of 5.5m creating the future of logistics by integrating values of or more the new era into logistics facilities. • Pillar interval of 10m×10m or wider • Floor weight capacity of 1.5t/㎡ or more Our aim is to move the future, let alone things. Mitsubishi Estate will continue efforts for non-stop evolution in logistics facilities for a sustainable and Thinning-out Sufficient power Potential enriched society. of pillars at capacity floor slab Vertical conveying the top floor opening Warehouse Truck berth capacity 23
Features of MEC Group’s Logistics Facilities Business Strengths of MEC Group Land Acquisition Development Operation & Management 1 Obtaining of a variety of land Diversified business portfolio information Management of development cost Advanced development 2 Consolidation of plots of land from 3 Coordination among stakeholders capabilities multiple landowners and the administration Strengths as a 4 comprehensive Corporate customer relations Collection of land information utilizing relations and land development Group-wide leasing developer 5 Customer network Exploration of land information Exploration of tenants’ needs at supported by branches on site various locations Numerous joint project Experiences of joint projects requiring coordination between stakeholders with different interests experiences Strengthening of value chain Reflection of tenants’ needs Understanding of tenants’ needs for Understanding of tenants’ through in-house PM in land acquisition facility specifications usage needs Strengths of 6 the Logistics Capturing of information from tenants Utilization of relations with tenants of Collaboration with TRC Facilities of facilities in operation facilities in operation Business 7 Logistics solutions utilizing Efforts to improve operational technologies efficiency and meet tenants’ needs 1 Obtaining of a variety of land information 3 Coordination among stakeholders and 5 Customer network supported by 6 Collaboration with TRC the administration branches Obtaining a variety of land information through MEL’s ability to respond to complex Promotion of accumulation of know-how Use of the regional network mainly in group-wide information sharing schemes for ownership interest swaps through personnel exchange the areas where MEC’s head office were highly rated Floor area of 1,000k㎡ under PM and branches are located to achieve consignment tenant-leasing activities TRC’s Track Record in PM Consignment Logicross Nagoya Logicross Logicross Kobe Sanda (#) (10k㎡) Kasadera Hasuda 30 150 2 Consolidation of plots of land from multiple 4 Corporate customer relations Needs of logistics bases 20 100 landowners Kansai Branch Efforts such as acquiring development lands through Collaborative project making full use of 10 50 land consolidation of multiple owners relation with office tenant in Otemachi, Provide BTS Marunouchi and Provision of Logistic 0 0 Yurakucho area Information Facilities 2018/3 2019/3 2020/3 2021/3 2021/9 Logicross Kobe Sanda LOGIPORT Area (Right Axis) 面積(右軸) No. 物件数 of Logistics Facility Business Kawasaki Bay properties Logicross Kasukabe 24
7 Challenges for Logistics Solutions through Use of Technologies Launch of a co-working showroom that aims to solve problems through logistics tech (TRC) Introduction of AI robot cleaner ● The “TRC LODGE”, a permanent ● “Whiz”, an AI robot cleaner is introduced at exhibition space where visitors can Logicross Ebina learn the latest logistics tech to help ● Part of the janitorial services that used to be man- solve problems of all sizes faced by power labor is covered by the robot logistics companies is launched ● Introduction of the robot in Logicross properties to ● A “Seminar and Co-working Space” is be completed is under review, with an aim to available for exhibiting companies to establish a new method of property management “TRC LODGE”, a permanent exhibition space hold seminars, etc. in the era of labor shortage and the trend of contactless services under the COVID-19 pandemic ©SoftBank Robotics ● The “Time Share Warehouse” is an experimental space where companies Introduction of “ELE-CINEMA”, in-elevator projection-type media can rent the entire latest warehouse for (TRC) an hour or more to test and Time Share Warehouse Seminar and Co-working Space demonstrate new products. It can be ● “ELE-CINEMA”, an in-elevator projection used not only for the display of existing media offered by a MEC subsidiary, is products, but also for new product introduced for the purpose of enhancing development and demonstration convenience of facility users ● ”Machi-Pass”, a shared identification system developed by MEC, is used for ● The media publishes in-building management of visitors. MEC Group is now expanding the scope of services to announcement and disaster prevention which “Machi-Pass” is linked, with an aim to improve QOL of each user through a information, in addition to news and rich and better user experience (UX) based on accumulated and optimized data of weather forecast, gourmet and other experiences tips for daily life Consulting Services for Tenants’ Warehouse Operation Utilizing AI-based Analytics Development of Facility Management Service Using Drones (TRC) ● A demonstration test of consulting services for warehouse operation has been started, in collaboration with a ● The joint development of an advanced and provider of AI-based image analysis services efficient operation/management method was started, utilizing TRC’s ● Analyses of traffic lines and operation within a warehouse operational/management know-how are summarized into a report, based on which consulting services are offered to solve issues and improve facility ● The MEC Group promotes digital services transformation unbound by the traditional ● High value-added services, including AI and other state- Real Estate Business, through the fusion of of-the-art technologies, are to be offered to tenants Real Estate Assets and digital technology 25
Progress in MJIA(the Asset Management Company)’s Sourcing Bridge Scheme PDP Partner 3rd Party Bridge Seller PDP Scheme Based on the track record MJIA leads the project in a and credibility of the Broker manner that compensates the MEL established real estate AM Tenant needs of partners each other MEL can preferentially consider Constructor acquisition after the building is MJIA arrange whole development project by completed and leased up Developer matching each partners’ need Bridge Fund Based on the relations MJ Logipark Takatsuki 1* MJ Logipark Kakogawa 1* MJ Logipark Inzai 1* MJ Logipark Aisai 1* MJ Logipark Daito 1* with a number of investors The optimal method will be chosen in consideration of the timing and size of acquisition, and information sources, etc. MEL will acquire a property when Value-up conditions for acquisition, including the timing and price, are set out Installation of the vertical machinery MJ Logipark Kasugai 1 MJIA’s leasing capacity MJ Logipark Sendai 1 has improved tenants’ convenience helped the property and resulted in rent increase Reduction in Book Value achieve early lease-up Increase rate +10.7% The occupancy rate of Floor area covered c.5,000㎡ 46% as of the acquisition by the bridge fund Installation of toilets outside the 1,200 Book improved to 100% by the Improved building for drivers has also Improved value 1,000 occupancy rate time of acquisition earnings improved the convenience Anticipated 800 acquisition 600 price Anticipated acquisition CRE price Anticipated 400 acquisition price Anticipated Properties are acquired based on strategic proposals tailored to the portfolio of the seller, leveraging the credibility of MEC acquisition 200 price Group and network of MJIA 0 MJ Logipark Kazo 1 MJ Logipark Tsuchiura 1 MJ Industrial Park Sakai MJ Industrial Park Kobe MJ Industrial Park Inclusion into (Land) (Land) Chiba-Kita (Land) Term bridge fund Timing of acquisition is adjusted and the acquisition price can be reduced along with the reduction in book value at the bridge fund * Tentative name 26
Logistics Market Overview
Logistics Market Overview ① Tokyo Metropolitan Area Osaka Metropolitan Area New supply (left axis) Forecast new supply (left axis) New demand (left axis) New supply (left axis) Forecast new supply (left axis) New demand (left axis) Vacancy rate (right axis) Vacancy rate of one year Vacancy rate (right axis) Vacancy rate of one year (Thousand ㎡) after completion (right axis) (%) (Thousand ㎡) after completion (right axis) (%) 3,000 10 1,400 15 2,500 1,200 8 1,000 2,000 10 6 800 1,500 4 600 1,000 5 400 500 2 200 0 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022(year) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022(year) Q1-Q2 Q1-Q2 Forecast Forecast Nagoya Metropolitan Area Kyushu Area New supply (left axis) Forecast new supply (left axis) New demand (left axis) New supply (left axis) New demand (left axis) Vacancy rate (right axis) Vacancy rate (right axis) Vacancy rate of one year after completion (right axis) (Thousand ㎡) (%) (Thousand ㎡) (%) 600 50 160 16 500 140 14 40 120 12 400 30 100 10 300 80 8 200 20 60 6 100 40 4 10 0 20 2 (100) 0 0 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022(year) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021(year) Q1-Q2 Forecast Q1-Q2 Source: CBRE Note1: “Tokyo Metropolitan Area” refers to Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa and Ibaraki. “Osaka Metropolitan Area” refers to Osaka, Hyogo and Kyoto. “Nagoya Metropolitan Area” refers to Aichi, Mie and Gifu. “Kyushu Area” refers to Fukuoka and Saga. Note2: “New supply” refers to the total leasable area of newly constructed logistics facilities for lease. “New demand” refers to an increase or decrease in occupied floor space. An increase or decrease in occupied floor space is newly contracted floor space minus vacated floor space. Note3: The survey covers logistics facilities for lease with a total floor area of 5,000㎡ or more, which are owned by real estate investment companies and real estate development companies, etc. The survey does not include logistics facilities for lease owned by logistics companies, etc., and does not cover all logistics facilities for lease with a total floor space of 5,000㎡ or more. 28
Logistics Market Overview ② Expansion of E-commerce Market(Goods Sales) 3PL Market Size 3PL market size (100 bn yen) Sales of E-commerce(Goods Sales) (100 bn yen) 150 40 30 100 20 50 10 0 0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 (year) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020(FY) Note: “Sales of E-commerce(Goods Sales)” in the chart above is an estimate of the value of transactions on the Internet between Note: Each fiscal year is the period beginning on April 1 and ending on March 31 of the following year. It does not coincide with the fiscal companies and consumers (BtoC). The figures are for all goods consumed by individuals. Market estimates are calculated and totaled period of MEL for goods sales sector Source: Data compiled by the Asset Management Company based on "Monthly Logistics Business Sep. 2021“ Source: Data compiled by the Asset Management Company based on data from "FY2020 Industrial Economic Research Commissioned Project (E-Commerce Market Survey)" (July 2021) by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry E-commerce Penetration Rate Retail Market Size Department store Super market (%) Japan U.S. UK (100 bn yen) Convenience store Drug Store 32 Online shop(Goods Sales) 180 26.7 24 150 16 120 8.5 13.5 90 8 4.4 8.1 60 2.8 0 30 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021(year) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020(year) 2Q Source: Data compiled by the Asset Management Company based on data from “Monthly Report on the Current Survey of Commerce April Source: Data compiled by the Asset Management Company based on data from “FY2020 International Economic Research Project for 2021” (March 2021) by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and "FY2020 Industrial Economic Research Commissioned Establishing a Domestic and Foreign Economic Growth Strategy” (July 2021) by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan), Project (E-Commerce Market Survey)" (July 2021) by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Office for National Statistics(UK) and U.S. Census Bureau (USA). Refer to press release disclosed information until 2Q 2020 for U.S. and UK, while until 2020 for Japan The Percentage of Households Using Online Shopping Monthly Trends in Cargo delivery (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, (%) 2019 2020 2021 Transport and Tourism) (Items, mn) Cargo delivery (left axis) Growth vs same month 2019 (right axis) (%) 60 500 50 55 50 400 40 45 300 30 40 200 20 35 100 10 30 0 0 Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 2021 Source: Data compiled by the Asset Management Company based on data from “Monthly Report on the Survey of Household Economy" (July Source: Data compiled by the Asset Management Company based on data from “Transportation 2021) by Statistics Bureau of Japan by truck“ (June 2021) by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism 29
Overview of 4th Follow-On Offering and New Acquisition Domestic Public Offering Offering format No. of Properties / Total (with Extraordinary Report) Total Acquisition Price Appraisal Value Launch date Feb. 18, 2021 (Thursday) Pricing date Mar. 1, 2021 (Monday) 5 properties/ 28.2 bn yen 30.4 bn yen Issue price 403,650 yen per unit Units issued:41,000 units Average Appraisal Average Total number of (Designated Purchaser 1,750 units) NOI Yield Property Age issued units Overallotment:1,898 units Total amount issued 17.3 bn yen 4.6 % 2.4 years Logicross Narashino (Narashino, Chiba) Occupancy Acquisition Price 11,851 mn yen 100% Appraisal Value 12,400 mn yen MJ Industrial Park Kobe (Land) (Kobe, Hyogo) CRE Appraisal Acquisition Price 4,970 mn yen 4.3% NOI Yield Occupancy Appraisal Value 5,670 mn yen 100% Total Floor Area 36,437.92m2 Appraisal Main Tenant Nihon Realest Co., Ltd. 5.1% NOI Yield Total Floor Area 40,050.71m2 Logicross Osaka (40% additional co-beneficiary interest) (Osaka, Osaka) Acquisition Price 3,868 mn yen Occupancy Main Tenant ORIX Auto Corporation 100% Appraisal Value 4,000 mn yen Appraisal 4.3% NOI Yield MJ Industrial Park Chiba-Kita (Land) (Chiba, Chiba) Total Floor Area 36,619.48m2 CRE Acquisition Price 1,800 mn yen Main Tenant e-LogiT Co., Ltd., other Appraisal Value 1,950 mn yen Occupancy 100% Appraisal Logicross Nagoya Kasadera (40% additional co-beneficiary interest) (Nagoya, Aichi) 4.4% NOI Yield Acquisition Price 5,719 mn yen Occupancy 100% Total Floor Area 14,986.64m2 Appraisal Value 6,400 mn yen Kinugawa Rubber Main Tenant Industrial Co., Ltd. Appraisal 5.0% NOI Yield Total Floor Area 72,376.03m2 Main Tenant YAGAMI Co., Ltd., others Note: Data at the time of 4th follow-on offering 31
Effect through 4th Follow-On Offering Asset Size DPU (Stabilized basis) Property tax 2,000 expensed +28.2 bn yen 7,500 +7.3% 1,704億円 170.4 bn yen 7,000 6,910円 yen 28.4 bn yen +8.3% + 6,500 6,438円 yen 1,500 142.1 bn yen 1,421億円 6,000 5,947円 yen 1,137億円 113.7 bn yen 5,500 1,000 5,000 4,500 0 500 0 4,000 FP 2020/8 2020年8月期(第8期) Post-3rd 第3回公募増資後 Post-4th 第4回公募増資後 Pre-3rd 第3回公募増資前 Post-3rd 第3回公募増資後 Post-4th 第4回公募増資後 (9th FP) Follow-on Offering Follow-on Offering Follow-on Offering Follow-on Offering Follow-on Offering NAV per Unit LTV・Debt Capacity Forecasted LTV LTV Forecasted LTV post-3rd 340,000 +4.1% FP 2020/8 (9th FP) follow-on offering FP 2022/2 (11th FP) 329,777円 yen 330,000 + 6.3% 29.4% 30.9% 32.3% 320,000 316,918円 yen 310,000 Debt capacity Debt capacity 300,000 298,032 yen (up to 40%) (up to 50%) 290,000 0 280,000 23 bn yen 63 bn yen FP 2020/8 2020年8月期(第8期) Post-3rd 第3回公募増資後 Post-4th 第4回公募増資後 (9th FP) Follow-on Offering Follow-on Offering Note: Data at the time of 4th follow-on offering. Forecasted LTV and debt capacity are as of Oct. 15, 2021 32
Properties Acquired during the 10th Fiscal Period ① Logicross Narashino Sponsor- Multi Developed ■High-spec multi-tenant facility located in Chiba Bay area near central Tokyo ■Advantage in securing labor with 5-minute walk to the nearest station Convenient Location close to Shin-Narashino Station Located proximity to residential areas, Residential Area which is advantageous in securing labor force The latest hub for the Shin-Narashino tenant, Nihon Realest Station Co. Ltd., a 3PL company Expect stable cash flow with 4 tenants including major Logicross Narashino logistics company Industrial / Logistics Area Acquisition Price 11,851 mn yen Property Characteristics ■4-story box-type with 2 entrances, and truck berths on both north and south sides of the 1st floor. Equipped with both luggage and Appraisal Value 12,400 mn yen vertical conveyor (4 of each in total) ■Floor weight capacity of 1.5t/m2, effective ceiling height of 5.5m, pillar span of 10.45m x 10.4m, making it a highly versatile, easy-to- Appraisal NOI use logistics facility 4.3% Yield Main Highway Location Narashino, Chiba ■Approx. 2km from “Yatsu Funabashi IC” on Higashi-Kanto Expressway Year Built Mar. 2018 ■Approx. 3km from “Hanawa IC” on Keiyo Expressway ■Approx. 400m from National Route 357 Total Floor Area 36,437.92m2 Location Characteristics Land Area 19,386.40m2 ■Located in Akanehama, Narashino in Chiba Bay area. Surrounding area is concentrated with factories, logistics facilities, retails and No. of Tenants 1 universities. Also, there are many logistics facilities in the neighboring Shibazono area, and Keiyo Food Industrial Complex in Takase, Funabashi, where food-related factories are concentrated Main Tenant Nihon Realest Co., Ltd. ■Relatively good access to ports and airports (approx. 30km from Port of Tokyo, approx. 40km from Narita and Haneda Airport) Note: Data at the time of 4th follow-on offering 33
Properties Acquired during the 10th Fiscal Period ② Logicross Osaka (40% additional co-beneficiary interest) Sponsor- Multi Developed ■High-performance multi-tenant facility with accessible to major consumption areas (Osaka and Kobe) CASBEE BELS ■Advantage in securing labor with walking distance from two train stations Capturing Strong E-commerce Demand A 3PL company specialized in E-commerce Leased to e-LogiT Co., Ltd., a company which provides comprehensive mail-order services e-LogiT Co., Ltd. uses the facility as the first fulfillment center in Kansai region, and plans to expand its business in the near future The tenant values its high potential location with good access to major consumption areas in Osaka and Kobe Acquisition Price Property Characteristics 3,868 mn yen ■4 story box-type with 2 truck berths, equipped with luggage elevators and vertical conveyors (4 in each section), making it easy to Appraisal Value 4,000 mn yen rent the facility in sections ■Each floor has an effective ceiling height of 5.5m and a floor weight capacity of 1.5t/m2, making it a highly versatile, easy-to-use Appraisal NOI logistics facility 4.3% Yield Main Highway Location Osaka, Osaka ■Approx. 1.5km from “Amagasaki Higashi IC” on Hanshin Expressway No.3 Kobe Line, Year Built Sept. 2018 and approx. 4km from “Nakajima IC” on Hanshin Expressway No. 5 Wangan Line ■Approx. 200m from National Route 43 Total Floor Area 36,619.48m2 Location Characteristics Land Area 18,176.07m2 ■Located 7.5km from the center of Osaka (Umeda Station) and 24km from Kobe City (Sannomiya Station). Easy access to Port of No. of Tenants 2 Hanshin (Port of Osaka and Kobe) and to a wide area via Hanshin Expressway No.3 Kobe Line and No.5 Wangan Line, and proximity to National Route 43 leads to high potential location Main Tenant e-LogiT Co., Ltd., other ■It is possible to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year Note: Data at the time of 4th follow-on offering 34
Properties Acquired during the 10th Fiscal Period ③ Logicross Nagoya Kasadera (40% additional co-beneficiary interest) Sponsor- Multi Developed ■Proximity to central Nagoya and can cover a wide area in Chubu CASBEE BELS ■Advantage in securing labor with walking distance from a station serving 2 train lines Acquired Land Information as a Comprehensive Developer The Sponsor has collected a wide range of land information as a comprehensive developer and developed the facility for the most effective use Collection of a wide range of land information Group Hotel / Offices Retails Residences Logistics Airport Consideration of Environment / Society Reuse of Material Tsunami Evacuation Facility Designation Reuse of OA floor panels used Facility can be used as a temporary shelter for in Marunouchi area office space local residents in the event of major tsunami warning. Equipped with emergency generators and emergency storage for employees Acquisition Price 5,719 mn yen Property Characteristics ■Direct access to each floor with spiral rampway, floor weight capacity of 1.5t/m2, an effective ceiling height of at least 5.5m, a pillar Appraisal Value 6,400 mn yen span of at least 10m and equipped with LED lighting ■Installed emergency generators and storage for employees to support tenants’ BCP Appraisal NOI 5.0% Main Highway Yield Location Nagoya, Aichi ■Located approx. 1.2km from “Kasadera IC” on Nagoya Expressway No.3 Odaka Line, approx. 3.0km from “Kiba IC” on Nagoya Expressway No.4 Tokai Line, and approx. 6km from “Tokai IC” on Isewangan Expressway Year Built Jan. 2019 ■Located approx. 0.5km from National Route 23, approx. 1.5km from National Route 247 and approx. 0.5km from National Route 1 Total Floor Area 72,376.03m2 Location Characteristics Land Area 33,224.00m2 ■Located near “Kasadera IC”, allows easy access to Nagoya Highway No.4 Tokai Line and Isewangan Expressway. Proximity to National Route 23, which crosses the Nagoya Port area, and National Route 247, which crosses from Nagoya City to Tokai City, making it a No. of Tenants 10 convenient transportation ■Easy access to Nagoya Port, Japan's largest port in terms of total cargo handled, and Chubu Centrair International Airport can be Main Tenant YAGAMI Co., Ltd., others reached in 35 minutes, making it possible to use the major logistics infrastructure of Aichi Prefecture Note: Data at the time of 4th follow-on offering 35
Properties Acquired during the 10th Fiscal Period ④ MJ Industrial Park Kobe (Land) CRE MJ Industrial Park Chiba-Kita (Land) CRE ■CRE project in Hanshin bay area capturing Asset Management ■CRE project proximity to National Route 16 Asset Management Company-Sourced Company-Sourced seller’s business restructuring needs capturing tenant’s off-balance sheet needs Property Characteristics Property Characteristics ■Newly developed base for tenant (major car leasing company), covering the Kinki, ■Production base with headquarters functions Chugoku and Shikoku areas of an automotive parts manufacturer Main Highway Main Highway ■Approx. 1.4km from “Sumiyoshihama ■Approx. 2.1km from “Chiba-Kita IC” on IC” on Hanshin Expressway No.5 Higashi-Kanto Expressway Wangan Line ■Approx. 300m from National Route 16 ■Approx. 2.4km from “Uozaki IC” on Hanshin Expressway No.3 Kobe Line Location Characteristics Acquisition Price 4,970 mn yen Location Characteristics Acquisition Price 1,800 mn yen ■Easy access to “Chiba-Kita IC” and National Route 16. Competitive business ■Proximity to IC which gives excellent Appraisal Value 5,670 mn yen Appraisal Value 1,950 mn yen site due to advantage of securing labor as access to central Osaka and Kobe. surrounded by residential area Advantage in securing labor with Appraisal NOI walking distance from nearest train Appraisal NOI ■High potential to be a highly versatile 5.1% 4.4% location that can be converted to logistics Yield station Yield facility with excellent access to Higashi- ■High potential for redevelopment to Location Kobe, Hyogo Location Chiba, Chiba Kanto Expressway, Keiyo Expressway, logistics facilities National Route 14, National Route 16, ■Expected further improvements in National Route 126, providing connection Land Area 40,050.71m2 transportation convenience following the Land Area 14,986.64m2 to central Tokyo, access to Narita Airport construction of Hanshin Expressway and Tokyo Bay area Osaka Wangan Line (Rokko Island North Kinugawa Rubber Main Tenant ORIX Auto Corporation Main Tenant to Komasakae) commenced in 2016 Industrial Co., Ltd. Ensuring long-term stable income through CRE proposal Property acquisition through CRE strategy Capturing seller’s selling needs and securing stable income through long-term lease Acquisition that captures the seller’s demand for sale-and-leaseback Building owner & Tenant Building owner & Tenant Seller Construction/Ownership Ownership Sale of land Sale of land Land lease Building Building Land lease Land Land Land owner Land owner Note: Data at the time of 4th follow-on offering 36
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