First insights into past biodiversity of giraff es based on mitochondrial sequences from museum specimens

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First insights into past biodiversity of giraff es based on mitochondrial sequences from museum specimens
European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33                                               ISSN 2118-9773                      
                                                                                      2020 · Petzold A. et al.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0).

                                             Research article

                First insights into past biodiversity of giraffes
         based on mitochondrial sequences from museum specimens

               Alice PETZOLD 1, Anne-Sophie MAGNANT 2, David EDDERAI 3,
         Bertrand CHARDONNET 4, Jacques RIGOULET 5, Michel SAINT-JALME 6 &
                                 Alexandre HASSANIN 7,*
               Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB), Sorbonne Université,

                     MNHN, CNRS, EPHE, UA, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle,
                                 55 rue Buffon - CP 51 - 75005 Paris, France.
                              5 chemin du bas d’Anville - 17750 Etaules, France.
                                           92210 Saint Cloud, France.
            Deceased [18 May 2020]. Former address: Direction Générale Déléguée aux Musées,
                 Jardins Botaniques et Zoologiques, Muséum national d’histoire naturelle,
                                     57 rue Cuvier - 75005 Paris, France.
         Centre d’Ecologie et des Sciences de la Conservation, UMR 7204 MNHN CNRS-UPMC,
                         Muséum national d’histoire naturelle - 75005 Paris, France.
                                Corresponding author:

This paper is dedicated to the memory of our colleague and friend, Dr. Jacques Rigoulet, who
passed away on 18 May 2020.

Abstract. Intensified exploration of sub-Saharan Africa during the 18th and 19th centuries led to many
newly described giraffe subspecies. Several populations described at that time are now extinct, which
is problematic for a full understanding of giraffe taxonomy. In this study, we provide mitochondrial
sequences for 41 giraffes, including 19 museum specimens of high importance to resolve giraffe
taxonomy, such as Zarafa from Sennar and two giraffes from Abyssinia (subspecies camelopardalis),
three of the first southern individuals collected by Levaillant and Delalande (subspecies capensis),

First insights into past biodiversity of giraff es based on mitochondrial sequences from museum specimens
European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33 (2020)

topotypes of the former subspecies congoensis and cottoni, and giraffes from an extinct population
in Senegal. Our phylogeographic analysis shows that no representative of the nominate subspecies
camelopardalis was included in previous molecular studies, as Zarafa and two other specimens assigned
to this taxon are characterized by a divergent haplogroup, that the former subspecies congoensis and
cottoni should be treated as synonyms of antiquorum, and that the subspecies angolensis and capensis
should be synonymized with giraffa, whereas the subspecies wardi should be rehabilitated. In addition,
we found evidence for the existence of a previously unknown subspecies from Senegal (newly described
in this study), which is now extinct. Based on these results, we propose a new classification of giraffes
recognizing three species and 10 subspecies. According to our molecular dating estimates, the divergence
among these taxa has been promoted by Pleistocene climatic changes resulting in either savannah
expansion or the development of hydrographical networks (Zambezi, Nile, Lake Chad, Lake Victoria).

Keywords. Giraffa, ancient DNA, Zarafa, conservation genetics, Pleistocene.

Petzold A., Magnant A.-S., Edderai D., Chardonnet B., Rigoulet J., Saint-Jalme M. & Hassanin A. 2020. First
insights into past biodiversity of giraffes based on mitochondrial sequences from museum specimens. European
Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33.

The Europeans saw for the first time a living giraffe in Roman times when Julius Caesar returned with
a menagerie of exotic animals from Africa in 46 BC. The Romans named this extraordinary animal
ʻCameleopardʼ, due to its head and tail like a camel and coat like a leopard (Pliny the Elder AD 64
translated by Bostock & Riley 1855). Based on the illustration of a living giraffe made by Belon du
Mans (1553) and descriptions provided by subsequent authors (Ray 1653; Hasselquist 1757), Linnaeus
(1758) classified the giraffe as Cervus camelopardalis Linnaeus, 1758 (type locality: Sennar and
Ethiopia), because its horns were supposed to be similar to deer antlers. A few years later, Brisson (1762)
emphasised the permanence of the horns and assigned giraffes to their own genus Giraffa Brisson, 1762.
However, neither Brisson nor Linnaeus had ever seen a living giraffe.

During the years 1780–1785, the French explorer François Levaillant undertook two expeditions in the
Cape of Good Hope (western part of present South Africa). During his second journey (1783–1785), he
encountered several giraffes close to the Orange River (Levaillant 1797), of which he sent a skin to the
Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (MNHN) in Paris (illustrated by von Schreber 1784) and a skeleton
to the collection of the governor of Netherlands, Guillaume V, in The Hague, which was transferred to
the MNHN in 1795 (Schickh 1828). Pierre-Antoine Delalande (1822) enriched the giraffe collection of
the MNHN with three additional skulls and a skin from giraffes of the Cape Colony.

In 1824, two young giraffes were caught “eight to ten days’ caravan south of Sennaar” (Salze 1827),
the former capital of the Sennar region located in present Sudan. The giraffes were offered by Mehmet
Ali, the Pasha of Egypt, to Charles X, King of France, and George IV, King of the United Kingdom
(Allin 1999). Only the giraffe of Charles X, later named Zarafa, reached Europe in good health, entering
France via Marseille in 1826 (Allin 1999). After some weeks of quarantine, Zarafa continued its journey
by foot towards Paris, accompanied by Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1827).
It lived 18 years at the Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes of the MNHN (Rigoulet 2012). By comparing
Zarafa with southern giraffes collected by Levaillant (1797) and Delalande (1822), Geoffroy Saint-
Hilaire was the first zoologist to distinguish two giraffe species: Giraffa camelopardalis (Linnaeus,
1758) from Sennar and Ethiopia and the “Girafe du Cap” from the Cape Region (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
1827). Some years later, Lesson (1842) classified the southern species under the name Giraffa capensis
(Lesson, 1842). With the exploration of Africa during the 19th century, many giraffes were collected

First insights into past biodiversity of giraff es based on mitochondrial sequences from museum specimens
PETZOLD A. et al., Past biodiversity of giraffes

for European natural history museums, which led to the description of several subspecies, primarily
based on differences in coat pattern and colouration (see Table 1). Lydekker (1914) recognized two
giraffe species and 14 subspecies: Giraffa camelopardalis, represented by six subspecies in northern
sub-Saharan Africa (G. c. camelopardalis, G. c. antiquorum (Jardine, 1835), G. c. congoensis Lydekker,
1903, G. c. cottoni Lydekker, 1904, G. c. peralta Thomas, 1898 and G. c. rothschildi Lydekker, 1903),
two subspecies in East Africa (G. c. thornicrofti Lydekker, 1911 and G. c. tippelskirchi Matschie, 1898)
and four subspecies in southern Africa (G. c. angolensis Lydekker, 1903, G. c. capensis (Lesson, 1842),
G. c. infumata Noack, 1908 and G. c. wardi Lydekker, 1904); and Giraffa reticulata Thomas, 1901,
including two subspecies from Kenya (G. r. reticulata de Winton, 1899 and G. r. nigrescens Lydekker,
1911). This classification was adopted by most scientists over the next decades, until Dagg (1962)
proposed a new classification recognizing only the single species Giraffa camelopardalis, including 13
subspecies (see Fig. 1A). Ansell (1968) agreed with the existence of a single species, but recognized only
nine subspecies: G. c. camelopardalis, G. c. angolensis, G. c. antiquorum, G. c. peralta, G. c. giraffa
(Boddaert, 1784), G. c. reticulata, G. c. rothschildi, G. c. thornicrofti and G. c. tippelskirchi (Fig. 1B, see
Table 1 for synonymized subspecies). This view was adopted (sometimes with minor changes) in most
subsequent classifications (e.g., Dagg & Foster 1976; Wilson & Mittermeier 2011; Ciofolo & Le Pendu
2013; Muller et al. 2018).

A mitochondrial fragment, covering the cytochrome b gene (Cytb), tRNA genes for Threonine and
Proline, and the 5′ region of the control region (CR) (length = 1764 base pairs (bp)), was sequenced for
giraffes of seven of the nine recognized subspecies (n = 23; G. c. camelopardalis and G. c. thornicrofti
missing) in the molecular study of Hassanin et al. (2007). Their phylogenetic analyses have indicated
that northern giraffes constitute a monophyletic group, distinct from that of southern giraffes. Brown
et al. (2007) analysed two mitochondrial fragments (cytochrome b, tRNA genes for Threonine and
Proline, and 5′ region of the CR; length = 1705 bp) and 14 nuclear microsatellite loci for many wild

Fig. 1. Distribution range of giraffe subspecies. A. Within historic times (after Dagg 1962). B. At
present (after Muller et al. 2018). The subspecies are distinguished by different colours on both maps,
whereby the assignment of colours for the nine currently recognized subspecies (B) was modified from The type locality for each subspecies is indicated by a
triangle in map A and detailed in Table 1.

First insights into past biodiversity of giraff es based on mitochondrial sequences from museum specimens
Table 1. Currently accepted giraffe subspecies (Muller et al. 2018) with their synonyms (modified after Shorrocks 2016).

    Subspecies      Description       Type specimen                    Type locality                  Synonyms
                                      Living giraffe illustrated by Belon                              Camelopardalis biturigum Duvernoy, 1844
    camelopardalis Linnaeus 1758      du Mans (1553), never deposited Sennar (Sudan) and Ethiopia     Camelopardalis aethiopica Ogilby, 1837
                                      in a museum collection.                                         Giraffa camelopardalis typica Bryden, 1899
                                      Specimens of the Prince of                                      Camelopardalis capensis Lesson, 1842
                                      Orange Museum (The Hague)        Cape of Good Hope, South       Camelopardalis australis Swainson, 1835
    giraffa          Boddaert 1784
                                      and of Vosmaer (1787) (Museum    Africa                         Camelopardalis maculata Weinland, 1863
                                      Leiden), Netherlands.                                           Giraffa camelopardalis wardi Lydekker, 1904
                                      SMF-498: unspec. type                                           Giraffa camelopardalis senaariensis Trouessart, 1898
    antiquorum      Jardine 1835                                       South of Darfour, Sudan
                                      and SMF-497: paratype                                           Giraffa camelopardalis congoensis Lydekker, 1903
                                                                       Lokoja junction Niger and
    peralta         Thomas 1898       NHMUK-1898.2.18.1                                               –
                                                                       Benue rivers, Nigeria
                                      ZMB-084951 (syntype); second
    tippelskirchi   Matschie 1898                                       Lake Eyasi, Tanzania          Giraffa schillingsi Matschie, 1898
                                                                                                                                                            European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33 (2020)

                                      specimen might be considered lost

                                                                                                      Giraffa hagenbecki Knottnerus-Meyer, 1910
    reticulata      de Winton 1899    NHMUK-18971.30.1                 Loroghi Mountains, Kenya       Giraffa reticulata nigrescens Lydekker, 1911
                                                                                                      Giraffa camelopardalis australis Rhoads, 1896
                                                                       Guasin-gisha Plateau east of
    rothschildi     Lydekker 1903     NHMUK-1903.4.15.1                                               Giraffa camelopardalis cottoni Lydekker, 1904
                                                                       Mount Elgon, Kenya
    angolensis      Lydekker 1903     NHMUK- 1939.480                  Cunene River, Angola           Giraffa camelopardalis infumata Noack, 1908
    thornicrofti    Lydekker 1911     NHMUK-1910.10.17.1               Petauke district, Zambia       –
First insights into past biodiversity of giraff es based on mitochondrial sequences from museum specimens
PETZOLD A. et al., Past biodiversity of giraffes

individuals (n = 266 and 381, respectively) from six subspecies (G. c. camelopardalis, G. c. antiquorum
and G. c. thornicrofti missing). They suggested the existence of at least six species, corresponding
to Giraffa angolensis, G. giraffa, G. peralta, G. reticulata, G. rothschildi and G. tippelskirchi. Bock
et al. (2014) analysed a similar mitochondrial fragment of 102 giraffes (cytochrome b + 5′ region
of the CR; length = 1555 bp) and proposed to synonymize the two subspecies G. c. thornicrofti and
G. c. tippelskirchi, because they have very similar mitochondrial haplotypes. Fennessy et al. (2016) and
Winter et al. (2018b) recognized four giraffe species based on the analyses of a mitochondrial fragment
(cytochrome b + 5′ region of the CR; length = 1556 bp) and several nuclear introns (7 and 21, respectively):
G. camelopardalis (northern giraffe), G. giraffa (southern giraffe), G. reticulata (reticulated giraffe) and
G. tippelskirchi (Masai giraffe). More recently, Petzold & Hassanin (2020) re-examined all available
molecular data using different methods of species delimitation that rely on different species concepts,
i.e., multispecies coalescent (Genealogical species concept, Baum & Shaw 1995), population genetic
(Genetic species concept, Baker & Bradley 2006) and phylogenetic (Phylogenetic species concept,
Donoghue 1985) methods. Their results provided strong support for the distinction of three species only,
corresponding to G. camelopardalis (including reticulata), G. giraffa and G. tippelskirchi. This species
classification is the one adopted herein. For convenience, we will use the following subspecies names:
G. camelopardalis camelopardalis, G. c. antiquorum, G. c. congoensis, G. c. cottoni, G. c. peralta,
G. c. reticulata, G. c. rothschildi, G. giraffa giraffa, G. g. angolensis, G. g. capensis, G. g. wardi,
G. tippelskirchi tippelskirchi and G. t. thornicrofti.

The present study provides further insights on the genetic diversity among giraffe subspecies. It
is important to note that most subspecies previously identified using phenotypic features were
found monophyletic with mitochondrial data, i.e., G. c. antiquorum, G. c. peralta, G. c. rothschildi,
G. g. giraffa, G. g. angolensis, and G. t. thornicrofti. This does not mean that subspecies are fully
isolated taxa, as gene flow between subspecies can be maintained through dispersing males, at least
occasionally. However, the philopatry of females is apparently at the origin of some morphological
characteristics. In this perspective, we report herein the first mitochondrial sequences for several key
museum specimens. These include the famous giraffe Zarafa from Sennar, which is assumed to belong
to the type population of G. c. camelopardalis, two giraffes from Abyssinia, several historical specimens
collected by Levaillant and Delalande, which were described as G. g. capensis by Lesson (1842), as
well as topotypes of the subspecies G. c. congoensis and G. c. cottoni, and two giraffes collected in
Senegal during the 19th century (see Material and methods for more details). Our three main objectives
were: (1) to compare for the first time past giraffe populations with current biodiversity; (2) to include
in the phylogenetic analyses some subspecies described in former classifications in order to re-evaluate
their taxonomic status; and (3) to estimate divergence times among giraffes in order to provide a more
comprehensive phylogeographic scenario.

Material and methods
Museum specimens
Bone, tooth, faeces or skin samples were obtained from 41 giraffes, comprising samples from 19 museum
specimens (Table 2, illustrated in Fig. 2, sample localities shown in Fig. 3). Among the most important
samples are three specimens of the subspecies G. g. capensis (Lesson, 1842) collected by Levaillant
(1797) and Delalande (1822), the first southern taxon investigated by the scientific community, with
populations formerly found north of the Orange River (Levaillant 1797; see Fig. 3), a topotype of the
subspecies G. c. cottoni Lydekker, 1904 collected by Powell-Cotton in the Lado enclave (left bank of
the White Nile) in northwest Uganda and South Sudan, five specimens from the Haut-Uele Province
in Democratic Republic of the Congo, which may be representatives of the type population of the
subspecies G. c. congoensis described from the type locality Dungu (Lydekker 1903), two giraffes
collected in Bakel (Senegal) by Girardin in 1830, which according to Dagg (1962) may represent the
most western distribution point of G. c. peralta (Fig. 1A), and three specimens from the type locality
of the nominate subspecies G. c. camelopardalis, i.e., the famous Zarafa from Sennar and two giraffes
from Abyssinia (Ethiopia).

First insights into past biodiversity of giraff es based on mitochondrial sequences from museum specimens
European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33 (2020)

Fig. 2. Illustrations of historical giraffe specimens. A. The ʻGiraffe of Levaillantʼ, anonymous
painting made in the late 18th century and early 19th century, exhibited in ʻhôtel de Magnyʼ, Jardin
des Plantes in Paris (France). B. The ʻGiraffe from Sennaarʼ, representing a lithography of Zarafa
(MNHN-1845-211) and the skull of a giraffe from the Cape region (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1827). C.
Drawing of the holotype of Giraffa camelopardalis congoensis Lydekker, 1903 (RMCA-452), housed
in the Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren (Belgium) (Lydekker 1904). D. Head drawings of the
holotypes of G. c. cottoni Lydekker, 1904 (NHMUK-1904.1.21.1, left) and G. g. wardi Lydekker, 1904
(NHMUK-1903.11.18.1, right) (Lydekker 1914).

PETZOLD A. et al., Past biodiversity of giraffes

Table 2. Museum specimens sequenced in this study (subspecies assignations have been made by
morphological characters or distribution range). DRC = Democratic Republic of the Congo; SA = South

Voucher              Subspecies       Collector, Date            Locality                  N° Accession
                                                                 Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
IRSNB-IG19076        ?                Unknown, 1953                                        MT542052
                                                                 (Sudan / South Sudan)
MNHN-A10753          peralta?         Gérardin, 1830             Bakel, Senegal            MT542037
MNHN-A10617          peralta?         Gérardin, 1830             Bakel, Senegal            MT542038
MNHN-1896-45         capensis         Delalande, 1818–1820       Cape of Good Hope (SA)    MT542039
MNHN-A10749          capensis         Delalande, 1818–1820       Cape of Good Hope (SA)    MT542040
MNHN-A7977           capensis         Levaillant, 1783–1785      Cape of Good Hope (SA)    MT542041
MNHN-1845-211        camelopardalis   Mouker Bey, 1824           Sennar (Sudan)            MT542042
MNHN-A8012           camelopardalis   Clot Bey, 1843             Abyssinia (Ethiopia)      MT542043
MNHN-1913-523        tippelskirchi?   Babault, 1912–1913         Kenya                     MT542054
MHNT-1996.121.2      camelopardalis   Unknown, 1843              Abyssinia (Ethiopia)      MT542044
RMCA-21645M          antiquorum       Huese, 1953                Sarh, Chad                MT542046
RMCA-25672M          congoensis       Poll, 1959                 Gangala, DRC              MT542047
RMCA-25673M          congoensis       Poll, 1959                 Gangala, DRC              MT542048
                     congoensis       Colyn, 1946                Garamba Park, DRC         MT542049
RMCA-3748M           congoensis       De Calonne, 1914           Kapili, DRC               MT542050
                                                                 Lado enclave, northwest
RMCA-767M            cottoni          Powell-Cotton, 1908                                  MT542051
                                                                 Uganda and South Sudan
RMCA-5956M           congoensis       Pilette, 1923              North-East Uele, DRC      MT542053
RMCA-2128M           tippelskirchi    Bayer, 1913                Serengeti-Mara, Kenya     MT542055
ZMB-48222            ?                Unknown                    Dikoa, Nigeria            MT542045

IRSNB     =    Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium
NHMUK     =    Natural History Museum London, United Kingdom
MHNT      =    Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Toulouse, France
MNHN      =    Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, France
RMCA      =    Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium
SMF       =    Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt, Germany
ZMB       =    Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Germany

DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing
Total genomic DNA was extracted from 30–50 mg of bone or teeth powder for each sample, using two
commercial kits (PrepFiler BTA Forensic DNA Extraction and QIAamp DNA Micro). In agreement
with the protocol provided by Rohland & Hofreiter (2007), DNA extractions from museum samples
were performed in a room dedicated to ancient DNA procedure, and multiple negative controls were
used during DNA extractions and PCR reactions. We also extracted DNA from 22 extant giraffes from

European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33 (2020)

Cameroon, Chad, Kenya, South Africa and zoos (Beauval in France and Al Ain in the United Arab
Emirates) (Supplementary file 1) using 0.2 g per faecal sample, following the instructions of the QIAamp
DNA Stool Mini Kit (QIAGEN).

A mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragment, covering the complete cytochrome b gene, two tRNA genes
(Threonine and Proline) and the 5′ part of the control region (D-Loop), was amplified by polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) using 15 primer sets, which generate overlapping fragments (detailed in
Supplementary file 2). Amplifications were performed on a total volume of 19 μl, comprising 10 μl
of SYBR® Green Supermix (BioRAD), 6.8 μl H2O, 0.6 μl of each primer (10 μM) and 1 μl of giraffe
DNA per sample, using a CFX Connect Real-Time PCR Detection System thermocycler under the
following conditions: 4 min at 94°C, followed by 94°C for 30 s, then 1 min at 45–55°C followed by
1 min at 72°C, ending with a single extension of 72°C for 7 min (40 cycles). The PCR products were
sent to Eurofins Genomics (Ebersberg, Germany) for forward and reverse direction Sanger sequencing.
The electropherograms were edited and assembled to a reference sequence using Sequencher ver. 5.1.
( All mitochondrial sequences generated for this study were deposited in
GenBank (see accession numbers in Table 2 and Supplementary file 1).

Haplotype network
The 41 newly generated sequences were aligned in Geneious R10 (Biomatters, Auckland, New Zealand)
with published mitochondrial sequences available in NCBI. The final alignment of 548 giraffe samples
(length = 1742 bp) was used to construct a median-joining network (Bandelt et al. 1999) with PopArt
1.7 (Leigh & Bryant 2015). Since PopArt does not consider sites with missing data, the two regions
corresponding to tRNA-Thr and tRNA-Pro genes, and the last 35 bp of the D-loop were removed from
our alignment because they were not sequenced in most previous studies (Brown et al. 2007; Fennessy
et al. 2013, 2016; Bock et al. 2014; Winter et al. 2018a, 2018b).

Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial and nuclear datasets
The nuclear DNA (nuDNA) dataset of 21 introns published by Fennessy et al. (2016) and Winter et al.
(2018b) (accession numbers LT596685–LT598170, MG257969–MG262280) was used to select the 75
sequenced giraffes fulfilling the following three criteria: (1) all the 21 nuclear introns are available; (2)
each individual represents a unique nuclear haplotype; and (3) the mitochondrial fragment, including the
cytochrome b gene and 5′ region of the control region, is also available (individuals in compliance with
the criteria are listed in Supplementary file 3). Heterozygous sites (double peaks) were coded according
to the IUPAC code. The mtDNA dataset contains the same 75 individuals and the 13 new haplotypes
detected for past populations in this study (see museum specimens indicated in Fig. 4A). Three outgroup
species were used to root the giraffe tree: Bos taurus Linnaeus, 1758, Ovis canadensis Shaw, 1804 and
Okapia johnstoni Sclater, 1901 (for more details, see Petzold & Hassanin 2020).

The nuDNA dataset (named nuDNA-78T; length = 17 275 bp) and mtDNA dataset (named mtDNA-91T;
length = 1776 bp) were analysed with probabilistic methods, using the GTR + I + G substitution model, as
selected in jModeltest ver. 2.1.10 (Darriba et al. 2012) with the Akaike information criterion. Bayesian
inferences were conducted in MrBayes ver. 3.2.6 (Ronquist et al. 2012) by calculating the posterior
probabilities (PP) after 107 Metropolis-coupled MCMC generations, with tree sampling every 1000
generations and a burn-in of 25%. Maximum Likelihood (ML) analyses were performed with PhyML
ver. 3.1 (Guindon et al. 2010) and Bootstrap percentages (BP) were calculated after 1000 replicates.

Multispecies coalescent analyses of the nuclear dataset
The phased alleles of the 21 introns of the nuDNA-78T dataset (see above) were analysed under
BEAST ver. 2.4.8 (Bouckaert et al. 2014) to infer a multispecies coalescent (MSC) tree phylogeny. As
in Petzold & Hassanin (2020), the two alleles of the 21 introns were assigned at the level of individuals,

PETZOLD A. et al., Past biodiversity of giraffes

i.e., for each of the 75 giraffes and the three outgroup taxa. For each of the 21 introns, the substitution
model was selected in jModeltest: K80 for OTOF; K80+I for RASSF4; F81 for C1orf74, NOTCH2,
SOS1 and UBN2; F81+G for ACP5; HKY for CCT2, COL5A2, CTAGE5, CWF19L1, DDX1, DHX36,
MACF1, NUP155, PLCE1 and USP54; HKY + I for IGF2B1, RFC5 and SAP130; HKY + G for USP33.
Analyses were run under the Yule species tree prior for 109 generations, sampling trees every 20 000

The .log files were analysed with Tracer ver. 1.7 (Rambaut et al. 2018) to verify the convergence of
model parameters (effective sample size (ESS) > 200). The species tree was summarised as a Maximum
Clade Credibility tree in TreeAnnotator ver. 1.10 (Rambaut & Drummond 2007) discarding 50% as
burn-in and subsequently displayed with Figtree ver. 1.4.4 (

Estimation of mitochondrial and nuclear divergence times
Divergence times among giraffe subspecies were estimated with the nuDNA-78T and mtDNA-91T
datasets using the Bayesian approach implemented in BEAST ver. 1.8.4 (Drummond et al. 2012) under
the GTR + G + I model and assuming a relaxed clock following a lognormal distribution. The Birth–
Death speciation process was specified as tree prior and the most recent common ancestor (MRCA)
of Giraffa was used as a calibration point, set at 1.1 ± 0.1 Mya in agreement with the molecular study
of Hassanin et al. (2012) and the fossil record (Harris 1991). Analyses were run with random starting
seeds for 108 generations, sampling trees every 10 000 steps. Tracer ver. 1.7 (Rambaut et al. 2018) was
used to visualise the posterior distribution to assess the convergence of model parameters (effective
sample size (ESS) > 200). The chronograms were summarised in TreeAnnotator ver. 1.10 (Rambaut &
Drummond 2007) discarding 25% as burn-in and subsequently displayed with Figtree ver. 1.4.4

Mitochondrial and nuclear pairwise distances
The 88 giraffe sequences of the mtDNA-91T dataset were analysed in PAUP* ver. 4.0b10 (Swofford 2003)
to calculate nucleotide pairwise distances (p-distances) within and among haplogroups revealed in
the haplotype network of Fig. 3. Nucleotide pairwise distances were also calculated for the 75 giraffe
sequences of the nuDNA-78T dataset.

BP       =   bootstrap percentages
CR       =   control region
DRC      =   Democratic Republic of the Congo
ES       =   exclusive synapomorphies
ESS      =   effective sample size
ML       =   maximum likelihood
MRCA     =   most recent common ancestor
MSC      =   multispecies coalescent
PP       =   posterior probabilities
SA       =   South Africa

Haplotype network
The haplotype network built from the mtDNA sequences of 548 giraffes is shown in Fig. 3. The network
reveals three divergent geographic haplogroups separated by more than 30 mutations, named northern
(N), southeastern (SE) and southwestern (SW). The northern and southeastern haplogroups can be
further divided into subgroups that are separated by at least 10 mutations.

European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33 (2020)

Fig. 3. Median-joining network of mitochondrial haplotypes. The network was constructed in PopART
1.7 (Leigh & Bryant 2015) based on the mitochondrial sequences of 548 giraffes. The number of
mutations between haplotypes is indicated by perpendicular lines on the branches and is specified if
greater than 10. The size of the circles is proportional to the number of individuals sharing a certain
haplotype with colours assigned by subspecies. The sample locations are indicated by triangles in the
map and highlighted in bold capital letters for museum specimens. The subspecies marked with an
asterisk represent formerly recognized subspecies, which were synonymized in recent classifications
(e.g., Shorrocks 2016). Historical key specimens are highlighted by the respective abbreviation of the
museum and the catalogue number.

PETZOLD A. et al., Past biodiversity of giraffes

The northern (N) haplogroup includes all giraffes from northern sub-Saharan Africa belonging to the
subspecies G. c. camelopardalis, G. c. antiquorum, G. c. peralta, G. c. reticulata and G. c. rothschildi.
Within this group, several subspecies do not form clusters, but nine haplogroups separated by at
least 10 mutations can be defined: (1) the haplogroup named ʻSenegalʼ is represented by two giraffes
collected in Senegal in the 19th century (MNHN-A10753, MNHN-A10617); (2) the haplogroup named
ʻNigerʼ comprises the four haplotypes detected in 44 individuals of the subspecies G. c. peralta; (3) the
haplogroup named ʻNubiaʼ includes three museum specimens of the subspecies G. c. camelopardalis
collected during the 19th century, i.e., Zarafa from Sennar (MNHN-1845-211) and the two giraffes from
Abyssinia (MNHN-A8012 and MHNT-1996.121.2); (4) the haplogroup named ʻKordofan Iʼ contains
28 extant giraffes of the subspecies G. c. antiquorum from Cameroon (Bouba Njida NP, Waza NP),
Chad (Zakouma NP) and the DRC (Garamba NP), as well as two giraffes assigned to the subspecies
G. c. camelopardalis (SNR1, SNR2) by Fennessy et al. (2016) from the Shambe Nature Reserve in
South Sudan, three museum specimens collected in southern Chad (RMCA-21645M; locality: Sarh),
Sudan (IRSNB-IG19076) and northeastern Nigeria (ZMB-48222; locality: Dikoa), as well as all
the five museum specimens assigned to the former subspecies G. c. congoensis (RMCA-25672M,
RMCA-25673M, RMCA-3748M, RMCA-5956M, RMCA-83.006-M0553) and the single individual
of G. c. cottoni (RMCA-767M); (5) the haplogroup named ʻKordofan IIʼ includes two individuals
of the subspecies G. c. antiquorum from Zakouma NP (Chad) sequenced by two independent teams
(HG97528: Bock et al. 2014; ZED810: this study); (6) the haplogroup named ʻRothschildʼ comprises
all 75 giraffes assigned to the subspecies G. c. rothschildi (three haplotypes), as well as three reticulated
giraffes (subspecies G. c. reticulata) (LWC01 from central Kenya; RET5 and RETRot3 from a German
zoo), and five individuals assigned to the subspecies G. c. camelopardalis by Fennessy et al. (2016)
(BaNP3, BaNP4, ETH1, ETH2, ETH3); (7) the haplogroup named ʻReticulated Iʼ includes 11 haplotypes
detected in 66 individuals of the subspecies G. c. reticulata from Kenya and European zoos; (8) the
haplogroup named ʻReticulated IIʼ is only represented by a single haplotype (EU088321) sequenced by
Brown et al. (2007) for one giraffe from central Kenya; and (9) the haplogroup named ʻMasai IIIʼ is only
represented by a single haplotype (EU088334) sequenced by Brown et al. (2007) for nine individuals of
the subspecies G. t. tippelskirchi from the Athi River (Kenya).

The southeastern (SE) haplogroup comprises giraffes from southeastern Africa belonging to the
subspecies G. g. giraffa, G. t. tippelskirchi and G. t. thornicrofti. Three subgroups are separated by more
than 10 mutations: (1) the haplogroup named ʻSoutheast Africaʼ is represented by 13 haplotypes and 83
individuals found exclusively among members of the subspecies G. g. giraffa; (2) the haplogroup named
ʻMasai Iʼ includes the single haplotype shared by all 34 representatives of the subspecies G. t. thornicrofti
and three haplotypes of G. t. tippelskirchi giraffes, comprising 24 extant individuals sampled in northern
Tanzania (Serengeti National Park (NP); Manyara NP) and a museum specimen (MNHN-1913-523)
collected in Kenya; and (3) the haplogroup named ʻMasai IIʼ includes eight haplotypes of the subspecies
G. t. tippelskirchi detected in 58 extant individuals collected over the whole sampling area and a museum
specimen (RMCA-2128M) sampled in the Serengeti-Mara in southern Kenya.

The southwestern (SW) haplogroup contains only giraffes from southwestern Africa, i.e., the 21
haplotypes of 95 individuals assigned to the subspecies G. g. angolensis and the three specimens of the
former subspecies G. g. capensis collected by Levaillant (1797) and Delalande (1822) from the Cape
Region: one represents a formerly unknown haplotype (MNHN-A7977), and the two others (MNHN-
1896-45, MNHN-A10749) are identical with haplotypes of giraffes currently found in the Central
Kalahari Game Reserve (Botswana).

Comparison between mtDNA and nuDNA phylogenetic trees
The Bayesian trees, ML trees and BEAST chronograms reconstructed from the mtDNA-91T and nuDNA-
78T datasets are available in the Supplementary files 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. Note that the northern haplogroups

European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33 (2020)

ʻReticulated IIʼ and ʻMasai IIʼ (Fig. 3) were excluded from the analyses because nuclear introns are not
available. In Fig. 4, the chronogram inferred from the mtDNA-91T dataset (Fig. 4A) is compared to the
MSC species-tree reconstructed from the nuDNA-78T dataset (Fig. 4B). The divergence times estimated
with the nuDNA-78T dataset under BEAST were reported for the main nodes of the MSC species-tree.

The monophyly of Giraffa obtained maximal support (PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 100) in all analyses, and the
genus can be diagnosed by 65 exclusive synapomorphies (ES) in the mtDNA-91T dataset and 164 ES
in the nuDNA-78T dataset.

All phylogenetic analyses of the mtDNA-91T dataset show a dichotomy separating northern giraffes
(G. camelopardalis) (PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 98) from southern giraffes (G. giraffa + G. tippelskirchi)
(PPBayes = 0.98; PPBEAST = 0.99; BP = 77). Molecular dating estimates calculated from the mtDNA-91T

Fig. 4. Comparison of mitochondrial and nuclear divergence time estimates. A. Chronogram inferred
from the mtDNA dataset using BEAST ver. 1.8.4 (Drummond et al. 2012). The mean divergence times
are reported on the nodes, and the horizontal grey bars show 95% confidence intervals. B. Phylogram
reconstructed from the multispecies coalescent analysis of the nuDNA dataset using *BEAST ver. 2.4.8
(Bouckaert et al. 2014). Divergence times estimated in BEAST ver. 1.8.4 (Drummond et al. 2012) are
reported on the nodes to allow comparison with the mtDNA chronogram (Supplementary file 8). Nodes
with a white circle were supported by PPBEAST ≥ 0.95, whereas nodes with a black circle were supported
by both PPBEAST ≥ 0.95 and BPML ≥ 80.

PETZOLD A. et al., Past biodiversity of giraffes

dataset suggest 780 ± 260 kya for the MRCA of southern giraffes and 445 ± 155 kya for the MRCA
of northern giraffes. All mitochondrial haplogroups identified in the network of Fig. 3 are found to
be monophyletic and can be diagnosed by several ES (Supplementary file 9). The haplogroup N
(PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 98; six ES) contains seven subgroups corresponding to ʻNubiaʼ (PPBayes / BEAST =
1; BP = 99), ʻKordofan Iʼ (PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 80; one ES), its sister-group, i.e., ʻKordofan IIʼ
(PPBayes = 0.97; PPBEAST = 0.81; BP = 48; two ES), ʻNigerʼ (PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 100; three ES),
ʻRothschildʼ (PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 99; one ES), ʻReticulated Iʼ (PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 100; two ES)
and ʻSenegalʼ, which is represented by a single haplotype (five ES). Southern giraffes can be further
separated in two main geographic haplogroups, SE and SW. The MRCA of haplogroup SE was dated at
315 ± 135 kya (PPBayes = 0.99; PPBEAST = 1; BP = 77; one ES). It comprises the three subgroups ʻSoutheast
Africaʼ (PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 99; two ES), ʻMasai Iʼ (PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 92; three ES) and ʻMasai IIʼ
(PPBayes / BEAST = 1; BP = 98; one ES). The MRCA of haplogroup SW was dated at 140 ± 80 kya. It was
highly supported in the BEAST analysis (PPBEAST = 1), but less supported in the two other analyses
(PPBayes = 0.44; BP = 36). It can be diagnosed by three ES.

In agreement with the mtDNA analyses, all nuDNA analyses support the separation of northern giraffes
(G. camelopardalis = haplogroup N) (PPBayes / BEAST / *BEAST = 1; BP = 100; eight ES) from southern giraffes
(G. giraffa + G. tippelskirchi) (PPBayes / BEAST / *BEAST = 1; BP = 56; four ES) (see Supplementary file 10 for
ES). The MRCA of G. camelopardalis was dated at 445 ± 245 kya. The nuDNA-78T dataset does not
provide strong signals for relationships within haplogroup N. However, the subspecies G. c. reticulata
is found to be monophyletic (PPBayes / BEAST / *BEAST = 1; BP = 38), as it includes all individuals of the
mitochondrial haplogroup ʻReticulated Iʼ, as well as the three individuals of the mitochondrial haplogroup
ʻRothschildʼ morphologically assigned to G. c. reticulata (RET5, RETRot3, LWC01). Other subspecies
of G. camelopardalis are grouped together (PPBayes / BEAST / *BEAST = 1; BP = 96). Within this group, the
subspecies G. c. peralta (= mitochondrial haplogroup ʻNigerʼ) is found monophyletic in the ML tree (BP =
66) and MSC species-tree (PP*BEAST = 0.98), but polyphyletic in other Bayesian trees, as two individuals
(WA026, WA708) cluster with individuals of the subspecies G. c. antiquorum and G. c. rothschildi
(PPBEAST = 0.63; PPBayes = 0.59). In the MSC species-tree (Fig. 4B), the subspecies G. c. rothschildi
can be considered as monophyletic (PP*BEAST = 1) if three giraffes from western Ethiopia (ETH1–3),
geographically assigned to G. c. camelopardalis in a previous study, are included into this taxon. Similarly,
the subspecies G. c. antiquorum can be considered as monophyletic (PP*BEAST = 0.92) if two giraffes
from Shambe NP – South Sudan (SNR1 and SNR2), previously assigned to G. c. camelopardalis, are
included into this taxon. The MRCA of southern giraffes was dated at 645± 315 kya. This group can be
further divided into two taxa corresponding to the species G. giraffa (PPBayes / BEAST / *BEAST = 1; BP = 100;
14 ES) and G. tippelskirchi (PPBayes / BEAST / *BEAST = 1; BP = 100; seven ES). The species G. giraffa includes
individuals from the mitochondrial haplogroups ʻSWʼ and ʻSoutheast Africaʼ. The MRCA of G. giraffa
was dated at 205 ± 125 kya. The species G. tippelskirchi contains individuals of the mitochondrial
haplogroups ʻMasai Iʼ and ʻMasai IIʼ, which are found to be reciprocally monophyletic in the BEAST
trees, but with low support (PPBEAST / *BEAST = 0.45 / 0.53 and PPBEAST / *BEAST = 0.74 / 0.53, respectively). The
MRCA of G. tippelskirchi was dated at 120 ± 90 kya.

Mitochondrial and nuclear pairwise distances
The mtDNA-91T and nuDNA-78T datasets were used to calculate nucleotide pairwise distances (Table 3
and Table 4, respectively).

The mean mitochondrial distances between the three main haplogroups N, SE and SW range from 2.80%
(SE vs SW) to 4.51% (SE vs N). Within haplogroup N, mean distances between the seven subgroups
are comprised between 0.96% (ʻKordofan Iʼ vs ʻNubiaʼ) and 1.99% (ʻKordofan IIʼ vs ʻSenegalʼ). The
genetic distances between the West African subgroups ʻNigerʼ and ʻSenegalʼ are comprised between
1.74% (WA708 vs MNHN-A10617) and 1.93% (WA036 vs MNHN-A10617). The distances between

Table 3. Minimum and maximum pairwise distances (in %), as well as mean distance (between brackets), calculated using the mtDNA-91T dataset
     both within and between haplogroups (Fig. 3). Boldface = maximal intrapopulational variation.

     Taxa                  I.            II.          III.          IV.          V.         VI.          VII.      VIII.     IX.          X.          XI.

     I. Nubia                   0.17
                           1.38 – 1.5
     II. Senegal                                0
                           1.09 – 1.47 1.74 – 1.93
     III. Niger                                              0.26
                              (1.24)      (1.82)
                           0.75 – 1.14 1.67 – 1.78 1.28 – 1.67
     IV. Kordofan I                                                       0.52
                              (0.96)      (1.7)       (1.41)
                           1.22 – 1.41                1.67 – 1.86 0.9 – 1.15
     V. Kordofan II                            1.99                                   0
                              (1.32)                     (1.75)     (0.98)
                           1.15 – 1.73    1.49 – 2    1.21 – 1.67 1.21 – 1.67 1.48 – 1.67
     VI. Rothschild                                                                               0.58
                              (1.35)       (1.68)        (1.35)      (1.48)      (1.58)
                                                                                                                                                                   European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33 (2020)

                           1.54 – 1.99 1.55 – 1.87 1.48 – 2.19 1.48 – 2.12 1.8 – 2.06 1.35 – 1.99

     VII. Reticulated I                                                                                     1.16
                              (1.69)      (1.75)      (1.74)      (1.68)     (1.89)      (1.60)
                           3.75 – 3.87 4.13 – 4.13 3.99 – 4.13 3.68 – 3.93 4.12 – 4.12 3.81 – 4.26 3.81 – 4.07
     VIII. Masai I                                                                                                     0
                              (3.82)      (4.13)      (4.05)      (3.80)      (4.12)      (4.01)      (4.00)
                           3.73 – 3.99 4.08 – 4.26 3.92 – 4.25 3.50 – 3.91 4.05 – 4.24 3.85 – 4.37 3.86 – 4.31 0.31 – 0.94
     IX. Masai II                                                                                                                  0.98
                              (3.85)      (4.17)      (4.04)      (3.74)      (4.11)      (4.03)      (4.03)      (076)
                           4.12 – 4.31 4.26 – 4.45 4.31 – 4.69 4.18 – 4.63 4.44 – 4.63 4.18 – 4.63 4.12 – 4.57 1.35 – 1.54 1.29 – 1.56
     X. Southeast Africa                                                                                                                       0.32
                              (4.21)      (4.34)      (4.46)      (4.32)      (4.51)      (4.35)      (4.37)      (1.43)      (1.40)
                           3.13 – 3.73 3.49 – 4.12 3.53 – 4.11 3.07 – 3.86 3.66 – 4.11 3.54 – 4.31 3.73 – 4.24 2.64 – 2.9 2.48 – 3.09 3.02 – 3.41
     XI. Southwestern                                                                                                                                       0.65
                              (3.52)      (3.95)      (3.80)      (3.58)      (3.91)      (3.94)      (3.95)     (2.78)      (2.80)      (3.16)
Table 4. Minimum and maximum pairwise distances (in %), as well as mean distance (between brackets), calculated using the nuDNA-78T dataset
     both within and between haplogroups (Fig. 3). Boldface = maximal intrapopulational variation.

     Taxa                     I.                II.            III.           IV.            V.             VI.            VII.           VIII.        IX.

     I. Niger                        0.09
                               0.03 – 0.11
     II. Kordofan I                                   0.04
                               0.08 – 0.12       0.04 – 0.05
     III. Kordofan II                                                 0
                                  (0.1)             (0.04)
                               0.04 – 0.21       0.02 – 0.17     0.05 – 0.2
     IV. Rothschild                                                                 0.2
                                  (0.08)            (0.07)         (0.09)
                               0.05 – 0.27       0.02 – 0.21    0.08 – 0.23     0 – 0.25
     V. Reticulated I                                                                             0.12
                                  (0.15)            (0.14)         (0.18)        (0.13)
                               0.40 – 0.47       0.40 – 0.49    0.46 – 0.48    0.38 – 0.5     0.32 – 0.47
     VI. Masai I                                                                                                  0
                                  (0.44)            (0.44)         (0.47)        (0.44)          (0.41)

                                   0.4 – 0.46    0.44 – 0.47    0.46 – 0.46    0.38 – 0.49    0.32 – 0.46    0.02 – 0.06
     VII. Masai II                                                                                                                0.04
                                     (0.44)         (0.45)         (0.46)         (0.44)         (0.40)         (0.04)
                               0.44 – 0.56       0.46 – 0.58    0.52 – 0.57    0.44 – 0.59    0.36 – 0.54    0.28 – 0.4     0.28 – 0.38
     VIII. Southeast Africa                                                                                                                   0.08
                                  (0.51)            (0.51)         (0.54)         (0.51)         (0.46)        (0.35)          (0.34)
                               0.43 – 0.57       0.45 – 0.59     0.5 – 0.59    0.42 – 0.6     0.35 – 0.55    0.27 – 0.41    0.27 – 0.39     0 – 0.12
     IX. Southwestern                                                                                                                                        0.14
                                  (0.51)            (0.52)         (0.55)        (0.52)          (0.47)         (0.34)         (0.34)        (0.05)
                                                                                                                                                                    PETZOLD A. et al., Past biodiversity of giraffes
European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33 (2020)

museum specimens of G. c. camelopardalis (subgroup ʻNubiaʼ) and the five individuals previously
assigned to G. c. camelopardalis (Fennessy et al. 2016; Winter et al. 2018b) range from 0.89% (MNHN-
1845-211 vs SNR1) to 1.73% (MNHN-A8012 vs ETH1). The three reticulated giraffes (RET5, RETRot3,
LWC01) from the mitochondrial subgroup ʻRothschildʼ are highly divergent from reticulated giraffes of
the subgroup ʻReticulated Iʼ, i.e., between 1.35% (RETWil vs LWC01) and 1.67% (ISC08 vs RETRot3).
Within haplogroup SE, similar distances were found between members of the three subgroups ʻMasai Iʼ,
ʻMasai IIʼ and ʻSoutheast Africaʼ: from 0.31% (MNHN-1913-523 vs LVNP20) to 0.94% (RMCA-
2128M vs LVNP36) for ʻMasai Iʼ vs ʻMasai IIʼ; from 1.35% (KKR01 vs LVNP20) to 1.54% (BNP03
vs LVNP36) for ʻMasai Iʼ vs ʻSoutheast Africaʼ; from 1.29% (KKR01 vs SGR01) to 1.56% (MGR04 vs
RMCA-2128M) for ʻMasai IIʼ vs ʻSoutheast Africaʼ. Within haplogroup SW, the distances range from
0% (ENP11 vs ENP08) to 0.65% (ENP11 vs MNHN-A7977).

The mean nuclear distances between the three species of Giraffa are comprised between 0.35%
(G. giraffa vs G. tippelskirchi) and 0.5% (G. giraffa and G. camelopardalis). Within G. camelopardalis,
minimal distances between subspecies range from 0.01% between the subspecies G. c. antiquorum and
G. c. rothschildi (GNP01 vs ETH3) to 0.03% between G. c. antiquorum and G. c. peralta (SNR1 vs
WA036), between G. c. reticulata and G. c. rothschildi (RET3 vs ETH2) or between G. c. peralta and
G. c. rothschildi (WA036 vs MF03). The highest distances between subspecies range from 0.1% between
G. c. antiquorum and G. c. peralta (ZNP01 vs WA621) or between G. c. peralta and G. c. rothschildi
(WA708 vs MF07) to 0.2% between G. c. reticulata and G. c. rothschildi (ISC04 vs WA708), between
G. c. peralta and G. c. reticulata (WA708 vs ISC04) or between G. c. antiquorum and G. c. reticulata
(ZNP01 vs ISC04). Within G. tippelskirchi, distances between the two subgroups Masai I and Masai II
range from 0.02% (LVNP36 vs SGR14) to 0.06% (LVNP31 vs SGR01). Within G. giraffa, intraspecific
distances range from 0% (ENP04 vs ENP11) to 0.12% (CKGR03 vs ENP08).

Diversification of giraffes during the Pleistocene epoch
The first fossil remains related to extant giraffes date back to 1 Mya and were found in West Turkana
(East Africa) (Harris 1991), which is in agreement with molecular dating estimates of the MRCA of
Giraffa based on complete mitochondrial genomes (Hassanin et al. 2012: 1.1 Mya). This corresponds to
one of the most arid periods of the Pleistocene epoch (de Menocal 2004), suggesting that the associated
expansion of the savannah may have promoted the split between northern and southern giraffes.

Among southern giraffes, the subsequent divergence between the species G. giraffa and G. tippelskirchi
took place at 645 ± 315 kya with nuclear data or 780 ± 260 kya with mtDNA data. Around 800 kya, the
landscape was shaped by a strongly humid interglacial period, which caused in southwestern Africa the
development of a complex hydrographical network nourished by the Okavango and the Zambezi Basin,
culminating in the evolution of the Paleo-lake Makgadikgadi (Goudie 2005; Moore et al. 2012). These
newly formed physical barriers may have impeded gene flow between giraffes separated by the Zambezi
River, with G. tippelskirchi in the North and G. giraffa in the South.

The rapid diversification of the northern species G. camelopardalis into several subspecies was dated
at 445 ± 155 kya with the mtDNA dataset and 445 ± 245 kya with the nuDNA dataset. These estimates
fall into an unusually long interglacial period, which might have been associated with milder savannah
conditions (Yin & Guo 2007), favouring the radiation of northern subspecies. The humid conditions led
further to the development of a hydrographical network in Niger, with the rise of water levels of Mega
Lake Chad, but also in East Africa, with the extension of the White Nile to the proportion of a Paleo-
lake (Williams et al. 2003) and the origin of Lake Victoria at around 400 kya (Johnson et al. 2000). The

PETZOLD A. et al., Past biodiversity of giraffes

establishment of this drainage system in East Africa may have isolated (at least temporarily) several
giraffe populations, favouring their subsequent diversification at the subspecies level.

The giraffes of the Nile: G. c. camelopardalis, G. c. antiquorum and G. c. rothschildi
Linnaeus (1758) described the species Cervus camelopardalis based on the description published by
Belon du Mans (1553), who saw several living giraffes in the “castle of Cairo”, Ray (1693), who refers
to Belon du Mans, and Hasselquist (1757), who examined a skin and wrote that giraffes live “in the
forests” of Sennar and Ethiopia (indicated as type localities by Linnaeus). Around 1750, the Sultanate
of Sennar was located in the current Sudan and covered the regions surrounding the cities of Khartoum
and Sennar in the northern parts of the White and Blue Niles. At that time, Ethiopia was smaller than
today: bordering southeastern Sennar, it included the regions surrounding the city of Gondar and
southern parts of the Blue Nile and its source, the Lake Tana. All first reports on giraffes were based
on animals captured by Egyptians, including the giraffes offered to Frederick II (1245), Lorenzo de
Medici (1487), and Charles X (1827), as well as the giraffes held captive in Cairo described by Belon
du Mans (1553) and the skins studied by Hasselquist (1757). All these giraffes have been collected by
exploring the southern regions close to the borders of the Blue and White Niles. Today, the countries
crossed by the two main tributaries of the Nile are, from north to south, Sudan, Ethiopia, South Sudan,
northeastern DRC and Uganda. In this area, Lydekker (1914) recognized the five following subspecies:
G. c. camelopardalis, G. c. antiquorum, G. c. congoensis, G. c. cottoni and G. c. rothschildi (Fig. 1A).
Several of these subspecies were, however, synonymized in subsequent classifications: G. c. rothschildi
was treated as a synonym of G. c. camelopardalis (East 1998); G. c. congoensis was considered as
the synonym of G. c. camelopardalis (Ansell 1968; Dagg 1971) or G. c. antiquorum (Ciofolo & Le
Pendu 2013; Dagg 2014; Shorrocks 2016; Fennessy & Marais 2018); and G. c. cottoni was ranged
into G. c. rothschildi (Ansell 1968). To better understand the taxonomy of giraffes, we included in this
study several museum specimens of the 18th and 19th centuries collected within the type localities of the
subspecies G. c. camelopardalis, G. c. congoensis and G. c. cottoni.

Fennessy et al. (2016) and Winter et al. (2018b) analysed seven giraffe samples supposed to belong to
the nominate subspecies G. c. camelopardalis (Linnaeus 1758), because they were collected in South
Sudan and Ethiopia, two countries where the subspecies is still possibly present according to the IUCN
(Wube et al. 2018). These samples include SNR1 and SNR2, which were collected on the left bank of the
White Nile in South Sudan (Shambe NP), BaNP3 and BaNP4, which were collected on the right bank of
the White Nile in South Sudan (Bandingilo NP), and ETH1, ETH2 and ETH3, which were collected in
western Ethiopia (Gambella NP), far from both White and Blue Nile rivers (see Figs 3, 5). Our network
and phylogenetic analyses based on the mitochondrial sequences of giraffes (Figs 3, 4A) show that
SNR giraffes belong to the haplogroup ʻKordofan Iʼ, whereas BaNP and ETH giraffes belong to the
haplogroup ʻRothschildʼ. In agreement with mtDNA results, our analyses of nuclear introns confirm that
SNR giraffes belong to the subspecies G. c. antiquorum, whereas ETH giraffes belong to the subspecies
G. c. rothschildi. Based on similar phylogenetic results, Fennessy et al. (2016) have, however, concluded
that the subspecies G. c. rothschildi should be synonymized with G. c. camelopardalis, as previously
suggested by some authors (Kingdon 1997; East 1998). Our analyses of museum specimens, however,
support another taxonomic interpretation. Indeed, the two mtDNA haplotypes sequenced from three
specimens of the 19th century assigned to G. c. camelopardalis (haplogroup Nubia, Figs 3, 4) form a
well-supported monophyletic group (PP = 1; BP = 99), distinct from all other haplogroups previously
identified (nucleotide distance > 0.75% from Kordofan I; 1.22% from Kordofan II; > 1.15% from
Rothschild): the first haplotype was obtained from the famous Zarafa (MNHN 1845-211), which was
captured in 1824 near the mountains located south of the city of Sennar (Salze 1827), probably close to
the boundary between Sudan and Ethiopia; the second haplotype was sequenced in two giraffes collected
in ʻAbyssiniaʼ (Ethiopian Empire), which both arrived in France in 1843 (MNHN-A8012 and MNHT-
1996.121.2). Zarafa was collected near the Blue Nile, but we do not know if it was captured on the left

European Journal of Taxonomy 703: 1–33 (2020)

bank or on the right bank of the river. During the 19th century, several explorers have mentioned the
presence of many giraffes in the region between the Blue Nile and Tekezé / Atbara rivers in southeastern
Sudan (eastern Sennar) and northern Ethiopia (Abyssinia) (Combes & Tamisier 1838; Baker 1880).
Since the haplotype from Sennar is highly similar to the haplotype from Abyssinia (1 mutation), we
suggest that the subspecies G. c. camelopardalis was endemic to this region. However, we cannot
completely exclude that G. c. camelopardalis was also present in the region of western Sennar between
the White Nile and Blue Nile, delimited in the south by the Sobat River in the west, followed in the east
by the Baro River and Ethiopian Highlands (Fig. 5).

The taxonomic status of other subspecies related to the Nile was problematic. For instance, some
authors have treated G. c. rothschildi as a synonym of G. c. camelopardalis (Ciofolo & Le Pendu 2013;
Fennessy et al. 2016). However, our phylogeographic analyses support that G. c. camelopardalis and
G. c. rothschildi are two distinct subspecies, and that populations of G. c. rothschildi are found in eastern
South Sudan, western Ethiopia, northeastern Uganda and northwestern Kenya, a biogeographical region
delimited by the White Nile river in the west, by the Sobat River (or alternatively the Blue Nile) in
the north, Ethiopian Highlands in the east and a discontinuous barrier in the south, including Lake
Victoria (Fig. 5). Our results therefore corroborate previous hypotheses that giraffes avoid to cross

Fig. 5. Giraffe subspecies of the Nile region. The map (extracted from Google Earth; shows the geographical barriers (rivers and mountains) that may
have isolated (at least temporarily) the subspecies Giraffa camelopardalis camelopardalis (Linnaeus,
1758) (red), G. c. antiquorum (Jardine, 1835) (yellow), G. c. rothschildi Lydekker, 1903 (green) and
G. c. reticulata de Winton, 1899 (magenta). The question mark refers to the uncertain geographic origin
of Zarafa (left) and the two specimens from Abyssinia (right) (see Discussion for more details).

PETZOLD A. et al., Past biodiversity of giraffes

high mountains (Happold 1978; Dagg 2014) and large rivers (MacClintock 1973; Henderson & Naish
2010). This might concern in particular females living in nursery herds with their calves (Bercovitch &
Berry 2010), which tend to avoid the potential risk of overcoming biogeographic barriers (Petzold &
Hassanin 2020). In eastern central Kenya, populations of G. c. rothschildi and G. c. reticulata can be
found in sympatry (Kingdon 1997) and field observations of intermediate phenotypes have suggested
occasional gene flow between these two subspecies (Stott & Selsor 1981; Kingdon 1997). In the mtDNA
tree, three individuals of G. c. reticulata (RET5, RETRot3, LWC01) cluster within the haplogroup
ʻRothschildʼ (Fig. 4A), whereas they are related to other individuals of G. c. reticulata in the nuDNA
tree (Fig. 4B). This mito-nuclear discordance suggests that a mitochondrial introgression occurred from
G. c. rothschildi to G. c. reticulata at 96 ± 55 kya (Fig. 4B).

Our phylogeographic analyses based on mtDNA sequences suggest that all populations located on the
left bank of the White Nile belong to the subspecies G. c. antiquorum. Indeed, the topotype specimens of
G. c. congoensis from the Haut-Uele Province in northeastern DRC (RMCA-25672M, RMCA-25673M,
RMCA-3748M, RMCA-5956M, RMCA-83.006-M0553) and G. c. cottoni from the Lado enclave in
northwest Uganda and South Sudan (RMCA-767M) cluster within the haplogroup ʻKordofan Iʼ,
suggesting that the two subspecies G. c. congoensis and G. c. cottoni should be synonymized with
G. c. antiquorum.

A new subspecies from Senegal
In 1898, Lieutenant R.H. McCorquodale shot the first ever recorded giraffe in Nigeria (McCorquodale
1898; Fig. 1A). He sent the skull to Mr. Oldfield Thomas at the British Museum in London, who described
the subspecies G. c. peralta based on the “elongation of the face […] with a very large spatulate nasal
opening […] and a more vertically upright direction of the ossicones” compared to other northern and
southern races (Thomas 1898). The type locality is indicated as “southeast of the junction of the Benue
and Niger” (Thomas 1898). However, we agree with Lydekker (1904) that Lokoja (Nigeria), which
is located in the V-shaped area to the north of the confluence of the Niger and Benue rivers, is a more
probable type locality, because the Benue and Niger rivers may have acted as barriers against giraffe
dispersal towards the south of Nigeria (Happold 1969).

During the 20th century, giraffes were then recorded in other countries of West Africa, such as Senegal,
Gambia, Mali, Ghana, and Niger (Sidney 1965; Happold 1969, 1978; Nežerková et al. 2004).
Consequently, the distribution of G. c. peralta was supposed to cover a large area from Senegal in the
west towards the western part of the Central African Republic in the east (Fig. 1A; Dagg 1962; Happold
1969). However, populations have severely decreased over the last decades, because of poaching, habitat
loss, increasing aridity (Dagg & Foster 1976) and outbreaks of rinderpest (Roeder et al. 2013), and the
West African giraffe is now considered regionally extinct in Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania
and Senegal (Fennessy et al. 2018). The mitochondrial study of Hassanin et al. (2007) suggested that
giraffes found in Cameroon, Chad and the Central African Republic rather belong to the subspecies
G. c. antiquorum. At present, G. c. peralta is listed as endangered, only represented by 607 individuals
in Niger (Zabeirou 2017).

Our results show that the past diversity of West African giraffes was greater than previously assumed, as
the mtDNA haplotype sequenced from two museum specimens (MNHN-A10617 and MNHN-A10753)
collected in Senegal (Bakel) by Girardin in 1830 (Malte-Brun & Malte-Brun 1839) is distinct from other
subspecies of the haplogroup N by at least 1.38% and can be diagnosed by five ES (Supplementary file 9).
We assume that the Sahara Desert in the north, rainforests in the south and the Niger River in the east
may have acted as physical barriers limiting gene flow between giraffes from Senegal and those from
Niger and Nigeria (G. c. peralta). Both differ considerably in the colouration and pattern of the coat.
The Niger giraffe can be recognized by its pale almond coat covered with numerous light brown spots

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