Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes

Page created by Rene Hopkins
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes
F o r   W o m e n ’ s          H e a l t h

          Find your
           How to boost your
            energy cycles

            PELVIC PAIN         BOOZE BUST
             What to know,      Rethinking your
              what to do           drinking
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes
Contents      VOLUME 1 2019

03                   12                 22
Jean Hailes          Last drinks        Ask Dr Jean
welcome              Time to say        Your health
A message            ‘adiós’ to         questions
from our Chief       alcohol?           answered by
Executive                               our experts
Officer              15
                     Finding     23
04                   your energy Recipe
Jean Hailes          How to harness Our easy-as                                                      15
news                 your ‘power’   Breakfast in                                     Rhythm of life
Latest news,         times to work  a jar
book review          for you
                                                                                          “It’s all about
06                   19                                                                    finding your
Small                Spotlight on                                                         own pattern.”
wonders              Jean Hailes
The trillions        Endocrinologist,
hard at work         Dr Yvonne
in your gut          Chow

08                   20
Pelvic pain          Research
Chronic pain         Key insights
and how to           from our 2018                                       12
treat it             Women’s                                 Last drinks
                     Health Survey

                                                        “A lot of women
                                                  report how wonderful
                                                     they feel once they
Cover illustration
by Luci Everett
                                                    reduce their intake.”

 Our Commitment             Acknowledgement                  Connect with Jean Hailes
 Jean Hailes is             Jean Hailes for Women’s          Subscribe to our email update and receive
 committed to bringing      Health gratefully acknowledges   the latest women’s health news at
 you the most recent        the support of the Australian
 evidence-based             Government.
 All articles go through    Every donation counts      
 rigorous review with       Secure donations can be made
 experts. References are    online at
                            or call toll free on       
 available upon request.
                            1800 JEANHAILES (532 642)  

2 VOLUME 1 2019
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes

                    Former CEO Janet Michelmore AO and
                    new CEO David Lloyd chat about the
                    future of Jean Hailes.
   “My vision       JM: It’s great to have you on board, David. I’m proud and honoured
     is to keep     to have been appointed to my new role as Patron, spreading the Jean
                    Hailes word across the country. How are you settling in?
   building on      DL: You’ve built this house on very firm foundations, so it makes my goal
 what’s already     of growing the organisation relatively easy. My vision is to keep building
        here ...”   on what’s already here – providing women with a first-class clinical
                    service, ensuring all women are as well informed as possible and that all
                    our work is backed by the most recent and relevant research.

                    JM: What led you to become CEO of Jean Hailes?
                    DL: A long and winding road, through the public service in New Zealand,
                    higher education management, and a long stint in medical research.
                    All these experiences are in use now in this job. My wife and I have three
                    adult daughters, so I have seen first-hand the truth of what Dr Jean
                    Hailes said – ‘if a woman is in good health, her family, community and
                    the society around her also benefit’. That really resonated with me.

                    JM: What are your plans for growth?
                    DL: Responding to the diverse needs of women across the country
                    demands a nationwide network of clinics based on our two Melbourne
                    models. We’re also developing a research network that I hope one
                    day will link into every university and medical research institute that
                    is conducting relevant research. And of course our public health
                    information program will continue to be the most sought-after source
                    of information for patients and health practitioners in all aspects of
                    women’s health. This underpins everything that we do.

                    JM: Thanks David, we all have so much to contribute here at Jean
                    Hailes to help women live healthy and happy lives.

                    Janet Michelmore AO                     David Lloyd
                    Patron                                  Chief Executive Officer

                                                                                 JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 3
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes
Jean Hailes

                                                      Women’s Health Week
                                                      This year’s Women’s Health Week is shaping
                                                      up to be another fun-filled and informative
                                                      week for women all around Australia. From
                                                      2-6 September, 2019, Women’s Health Week
                                                      encourages all women to put themselves
                                                      – and their own good health – first.
Persistent Pelvic Pain Service                            An annual Australia-wide event since 2013,
now open                                              it has grown hugely in six years. In 2018, not
Jean Hailes for Women’s Health has opened a           only did more than 100,000 women take part
dedicated persistent pelvic pain management           in the week, but 92% of these women said they
service at our East Melbourne clinic.                 were making positive health changes because
   Persistent pelvic pain (also known as chronic      of the information they
pelvic pain) is defined as pain felt on most days     received during the
for six months or more, in the area below the         week.                               “Than
                                                                                     the botto k you from
belly button and above the legs. Though it affects        In 2018,            investing        m of my
                                                                                           in wome heart for
around 15% of all women, the condition remains        more than              annual e                 n
                                                                                         vent is m ’s health. This
poorly understood and underdiagnosed.                 2100 events           d if fe renc            a k ing a ge
                                                                         women li e in the lives of               nuine
   Director of the new service, Jean Hailes           – including                      ke me. B              countles
                                                                          changes               y encou                 s
                                                                                       in daily            rag
gynaecologist Dr Janine Manwaring (above),            morning              to signif            activitie ing small
                                                                                       icant im            s, it has le
said women with persistent pelvic pain had often      teas, health      life and                p                       d
                                                                                    the lives rovements in my
faced long waiting periods and disjointed care.       checks                network           of my fa
                                                                                        within th         mily and
                                                                                                  e comm             our
“We want to change that,” she said.                   and group                                              unity.”
   Dr Manwaring said research showed a                training                            Cheree
                                                                                        (aged 35
multidisciplinary approach was the best way           sessions – were                             -44)
to treat persistent pelvic pain.                      held around the
   “This means that women suffering from pelvic       country. Around
pain can reduce their symptoms and improve            25,000 women also signed
their quality of life if surrounded by a supportive   up to receive free daily health-related emails
medical team,” she said.                              during Women’s Health Week.
   The new team includes women’s health GPs,              This year, Women’s Health Week will reflect
physiotherapists, clinic nurses, a psychologist,      our commitment to caring about women and
a naturopath, an acupuncturist, a gynaecologist       the communities they live in. We will reduce
and a pain physician. For more information            our carbon footprint by removing single-use
about the service, call 03 9562 7555 or email         promotional material. We look forward to                              your support.

         Turn to page 8 to read our story
                                                              Sign up at
         about pelvic pain

4 VOLUME 1 2019
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes
   Webinar update
   New webinars available on the Jean Hailes
   website for professional development:

   ‘Why ask about vulval health?’
   Specialist women’s health GP Dr Felicity Dent
   discusses a range of vulval presentations
   often seen in clinical practice.

   ‘Endometriosis: an overview’                                  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) update
   Jean Hailes gynaecologist Dr Neelam Bhardwaj                  In line with the new polycystic ovary syndrome
   presents an informative overview of endometriosis,            (PCOS) treatment guidelines, we have updated
   including diagnosis, pathogenesis and impacts on              the PCOS active learning module (ALM) and
   mental health.                                                PCOS health professional tool. Both are designed
                                                                 to help health professionals improve care and
   ‘An introduction to family violence’                          management of women with PCOS. New PCOS
   Karen Bentley from WESNET presents an                         consumer booklets are also coming soon.
   introduction to addressing family violence
   in clinical practice, from how to ask your
   patients, safety planning and referral pathways.                      For more details, visit

                                        Every day, each of us    instead make the most      demonstrates that the
                                        is getting older. But    of our longer lives. To    old model of learning

                                        rather than lament the   that end, he offers up     in early life, working in
                                        accumulating years,      example after example      the middle years and
                                        why not view ageing as   of individuals who         retirement at the end is
                                        “a bonus rather than a   some may say are           obsolete. Instead, we
                                        burden”, says Bolder,    defying their age with     can learn, work, rest,
                                        the new book from        their later-life feats,    care, create and have
                                        award-winning writer     but who Honoré             fun throughout our
                                        and broadcaster          believes can signify       entire lives.
                                        Carl Honoré.             the new norm.                 Bolder is an inspiring
                                           In this thoroughly       Honoré travelled        re-think of ageing’s
              Bolder: making            researched and           the globe to interview     place in every facet
              the most of our           entertaining book,       pioneers who are           of our lives, from
                 longer lives           Honoré calls out         redefining ageing,         education, healthcare,
                                        ageism in our society.   and explores the           and work, to design,
                      By Carl Honoré
                                        He argues that we now    cultural, medical          relationships and
               Simon & Schuster, 2019
                                  $45   have the potential to    and technological          politics. Older is fine,
                                        age better than ever     trends that will help      but older and bolder
                                        before and that we       us to improve and          is better.
                                        shouldn’t subscribe      enjoy our longer           View stockists at
                                        to a set formula, but    lives. Importantly, he

                                                                                                  JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 5
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes
Small wonders
How to nourish your gut bacteria, and why it can benefit your whole health.

        eeming with life, your         fibre (also known as roughage).
        digestive system is home       This type of fibre – found in
        to trillions of bacteria and   wheat bran, high-fibre cereals,
other microorganisms. Known            brown rice, wholemeal products
as the gut microbiome, this            and fruit and vegies – helps to
collection of ‘small wonders’          keep your bowels regular.
is driving a rapidly expanding            “This is great news,” says
body of research.                      Jean Hailes naturopath Sandra
   Linked to many areas of             Villella, “but what we need more
human health – from obesity            of are fermentable fibres such as
and immunity, to inflammation,         resistant starch.”                   eaten, resistant starch is created,
allergies, mental health and                                                explains accredited practising
metabolism – research in the                    Bonus recipe                dietitian Kim Menzies.
past decade has revealed the              Get our gut-nourishing               “As it avoids digestion, it
gut microbiome’s crucial role in                                            makes its way to the large
                                         Aduki bean salad recipe.
our overall health and happiness.                                           intestine where it can be
   With so much still to be             It’s rich in resistant starch.      fermented [or eaten up] by
explored, now’s the time to learn              the good gut bacteria,” says
how to take care of your gut’s                                              Ms Menzies.
greatest allies.                          Resistant starch is what’s           The end products of
                                       known as a prebiotic – a type        fermentation, short chain fatty
A menu for your                        of carbohydrate that can’t be        acids, are “excellent for the
microbiome                             digested by your own body,           health of your intestinal cells”,
Science tells us that fibre is         but is food for your gut’s           fuelling the ‘good’ gut bacteria
your gut’s best friend. But when       ‘good’ bacteria.                     and helping to reduce gut
it comes to nourishing your               “Having a healthy balance of      inflammation.
gut bacteria, not all fibre is         gut bacteria is all about being a
created equal.                         good host; keep the ‘good guys’      Add and subtract
    The CSIRO says that                happy by feeding them the food       The key to a healthy microbiome
Australians generally do a good        that they love,” says Ms Villella.   may not only be what you put
job of eating enough insoluble            Foods rich in resistant starch    on your plate, but what you
                                       include lentils, peas, beans, firm   leave off it.
                                       bananas, some wholegrain foods,         Researchers are finding that
                                       cooked and cooled potato and         certain food additives, common
                                       rice, and cold pasta salad.          in packaged and processed
                                          When potato, rice or pasta        foods, may harm gut bacteria
                                       are cooked, then cooled and          and, in turn, your overall health.
                                                                               Two common emulsifiers
                                                                            (chemical agents used to give
                                                                            processed foods a smooth
                                                                            texture or extend their shelf life)
                                                                            were tested on mice and found
                                                                            to not only reduce levels of
                                                                            healthy gut bacteria and increase
                                                                            levels of inflammatory gut
                                                                            microbes, but also put them at
                                                                            increased risk of chronic disease.

6 VOLUME 1 2019
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes
Artificial sweeteners may
also be a cause for concern.
Often used in ‘diet’ or ‘sugar-
free’ products, animal studies
have shown that these additives
disrupt the balance and
diversity of gut bacteria.           Serves: 30
   However, as Ms Villella           Prep: 20 minutes,
                                     then 10 days to ferment
explains, the key to knowing
what’s in your food is to use        Vegan, gluten free,
less packaged foods and              dairy free, nut free
build your diet around natural
whole foods.
   “Keep ‘sometimes’ foods           Ingredients                                by liquid throughout the
to sometimes only, check             1 medium green or red cabbage              fermentation process.
food labels for numbers and          1 ½ tbsp sea salt                          If it is not, mix 1 tbsp salt
additives, and where possible,       1 tbsp mix of fennel, cumin
                                                                                with 2 tbsp water, add to jar
use simple natural ingredients       and coriander seeds                        and press mixture down firmly.
and make your meals from                                                        Repeat as necessary.
                                     and/or 1 small birdseye chilli,
scratch,” she says.                                                                 Cover jar top with fabric,
                                     finely diced (if you like spicy)
                                                                                secure with elastic band/string.
The right types                      Utensils                                       Store in pantry, out of direct
Fermented foods, such as             1 litre glass jar (or 2 or 3 large jars)   sunlight, and allow to ferment
sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir and        Small piece of fabric to                   for 10 days. Then, move it to
yoghurt contain good bacteria        cover jar top                              the fridge and enjoy!
as an ingredient. Plus, if you       Elastic band or string
learn how to ferment these                                                      Nutritional information
                                     Large mixing bowl
foods at home, there’s the                                                      Traditionally-made sauerkraut
bonus of one less food label                                                    has had a long journey
to read.                             Method                                     throughout human history and
   “We cannot always be sure         Clean and rinse jar and bowl               can be traced back to 400 BC.
just how many good bacteria          thoroughly. Remove and                        Sauerkraut can be used
are present in home-fermented        discard cabbage’s wilted                   in many ways. Add it to salads,
foods, but provided you              outer leaves and core. Thinly              sandwiches, wraps and burgers,
prepare them safely and follow       slice remaining cabbage,                   or serve as a side for roasts,
instructions, it certainly does no   then combine with salt in                  vegies, curries, casseroles
harm,” says Ms Villella.             mixing bowl.                               and stir-fries.
   So eating these foods                Squeeze and massage                        It contains vitamins A, B,
regularly may help to bring the      cabbage with your hands                    C and K, various minerals,
right types of bacteria to your      for 10-15 minutes, until you               live lactobacilli (beneficial
gut, and, most importantly,          have a very wet mixture. Add               gut bacteria, also known as
including a wide variety of          your chosen seasonings and                 probiotics) and a large amount
resistant starches and fibres        mix through.                               of lactic acid.
in your diet will keep the              Pack the mixture into the                  It is best eaten uncooked
populations happy.                   jars as tightly as possible,               to preserve this good bacteria.
   It’s an exciting time in the      pressing down as you go. For               Cabbage is also a prebiotic,
world of gut microbiome              food safety, the cabbage needs             feeding existing healthy gut
exploration, so watch this           to be completely covered                   bacteria.
space for more developments.
In the meantime, give your
gut a head-start with our easy             Find this recipe online at
Sauerkraut recipe. 

                                                                                               JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 7
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes
                    and the pelvis
          With the opening of our first persistent pelvic pain service,
          we talk to Jean Hailes gynaecologist Dr Janine Manwaring
                          about pelvic pain treatment.

       ersistent pelvic pain, also known as chronic   muscles, bones and nerves, chronic pelvic pain
       pelvic pain, is a common condition that        is a complicated condition. Its symptoms can
       affects around 15% of women worldwide.         vary, and it can have many causes. It may even
    Chronic pelvic pain has been described as a       be a symptom of another disease.
‘silent epidemic’ because it’s poorly understood         One of the most common types of pelvic
and underdiagnosed. The condition is also             pain is due to a condition called endometriosis,
often overlooked because of the incorrect belief      which occurs when cells similar to those that line
that period pain is normal                            the uterus are found in other parts of the body.
and a natural part of being a woman.
    However, the impact of chronic pelvic pain is
large. It is the most common cause of days off               Chronic pelvic pain has been
work for women of child-bearing age and costs
                                                            described as a ‘silent epidemic’
Australia around $6 billion annually.
    The good news is, recent research shows that            because it is poorly understood
women suffering from pelvic pain can reduce                     and underdiagnosed.
their symptoms and improve their quality of
life – particularly if surrounded by a supportive        Some women with endometriosis have painful
medical team.                                         periods, while others have symptoms associated
                                                      with the bladder, bowel and/or pelvic muscles.
About chronic pelvic pain                             It can also affect psychological health (eg, low
A chronic condition is when an illness persists       mood, anxiety) and can be associated with
for a long time or keeps coming back. Chronic         headaches.
pelvic pain occurs in the area below the belly
button and above the legs, and is defined as          Science behind pain
pain felt on most days for six months or more.        There has been an increasing amount of
   As the pelvic area is home to the bowel,           research into pain science in the past decade,
bladder and reproductive organs, as well as           particularly in Australia. Brain imaging studies

8 VOLUME 1 2019
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes
When something painful
happens, the nerves in the
affected area send pain
signals to the spinal cord
and then up to our brain.
There are two types of pain:
short-term pain, and long-
term (chronic) pain.

Short-term pain
Short-term pain is how our
body tells us something is
wrong and to react to protect
ourselves (eg, pulling our
hand away from the touch of
a hot pan). Short-term pain
goes away after a time.

Chronic pain
Chronic pain is when the
pain doesn’t go away. The
original cause of the pain
may no longer be there, but
the nerves start sending
pain impulses to the brain at
any time, not just when there
is pain.

With chronic pelvic pain,
the pain pathways from the
pelvis to the brain change.
This is called ‘central
sensitisation’ and once this
happens, pain in the pelvis
becomes complex. Things
that weren’t painful can
become painful (eg, wearing
tight jeans), and the pain
can spread to a larger area.
Central sensitisation is also
common after shingles,
sporting injuries or other
conditions with long-term
pain. Phantom limb pain
– the pain that is felt after
a limb amputation – is
another example of central

            JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 9
Find your rhythm F o r - Jean Hailes
“For women suffering from
      chronic pelvic pain, I would
      urge them to seek out, and
       be actively involved with,
      their treatment team. You’re
      not alone, and we’re here to
              support you.”

have shown that chronic pain patients respond              There can be some trial-and-error, and pain
to pain in a different way to healthy patients.         flare-ups along the way. However, management
   “Chronic pain patients appear to have                becomes part of the process, says Dr Manwaring.
altered brain function and structure,” says                “For women suffering from chronic pelvic pain,
Dr Manwaring. “They can become ‘hardwired’              I would urge them to seek out, and be actively
to pain and their body may start to feel pain           involved with, their treatment team. You’re not
even without a trigger or cause.”                       alone, and we’re here to support you.” 
   Yet promisingly, says Dr Manwaring, there
is evidence to show that such brain changes
can be reversed with the right individualised
                                                            3 THINGS TO KNOW:
treatment.                                               1. Chronic pelvic pain occurs in the area
                                                            below the belly button and above the
Chronic pain management                                     legs, and is defined as pain felt on most
Managing chronic pain is about recognising the              days for six months or more.
condition, and then creating a treatment plan            2. With chronic pelvic pain, the pain
to manage symptoms. The aim is not for a cure;              pathways from the pelvis to the
rather, it is for the patient to be able to live with       brain change. This is called ‘central
the condition in a manageable way and have a                sensitisation’. Once this happens, the
good quality of life.                                       pelvic pain becomes complex.
                                                         3. Chronic pelvic pain is best managed
Team approach                                               by a team of specialists. This is known
Chronic pelvic pain is best managed by a team               as a multidisciplinary approach.
of specialists. This is known as a multidisciplinary
approach. The team may include a
gynaecologist, pain specialist, GP, psychologist,           Need help?
pelvic physiotherapist, dietitian and nurses.
                                                            Call Jean Hailes to hear more about
    Specific treatment may include surgery or
                                                            our Persistent Pelvic Pain Service
physiotherapy. Overall physical health will also
                                                            Toll free 1800 JEAN HAILES (532 642)
be addressed, for example, through nutrition
and exercise. The team provides a medical                   The Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia
pain management plan, in addition to teaching     
patients how to manage the pain themselves
(eg, pain science, triggers and management).
    “We treat underlying mood issues, as well
as teaching mindfulness – both of which can                      For more information, visit
significantly improve the woman’s quality of           
life,” Dr Manwaring says.

10 VOLUME 1 2019
Women’s Health Week                              “Women’s Health Week has been
                                                fantastic. I’ve loved reading all the
2–6 September 2019                               interesting facts and how making
                                                  positive changes can help me to
                                                navigate my way through this new
                                                         chapter in my life.”

                                                          I’m a busy working mum and
                                                        don’t get to talk to many friends
                                                         about women’s stuff. It’s good
                                                        for me to know I’m not alone and
                                                         helps me to look after myself.”

                                                      “The women in my rural
                                                  community are becoming more
                                                  aware of the need to make their
                                                   health and wellbeing a priority
Women’s Health Week is a week for every              and to lead by example for
woman in Australia. How can you join in?                  their daughters.”

Sign up now:
                                       Jean Hailes is supported by funding from the Australian Government.
                                                       Yet the recent headlines about alcohol have
                                                    been … well … rather sobering.
                                                       The largest ever study to assess alcohol and

                                                    disease has concluded that there is no safe
                                                    level of drinking alcohol.
                                                       This news is especially worrying for women,
                                                    given that alcohol is more toxic to women
                                                    than men, and takes longer to process. This
As more research links                              is due to the smaller percentage of water in a
alcohol with ill-health, is it                      woman’s body, and because the protein that
                                                    breaks down alcohol is produced in smaller
closing time on Australia’s                         quantities in smaller livers.
love affair with booze?                                The study, published in the international
                                                    medical journal The Lancet, showed that three
                                                    million deaths globally were due to alcohol

                                                    use in 2016. The findings mirror other studies
        uring Australia’s penal era, more alcohol   which link alcohol with premature death, heart
        was consumed per person than at any         disease, and cancer, particularly breast cancer.
        other time in history. Rum was even         In Australia alone, more than 5500 lives are lost
used as currency.                                   every year due to alcohol use.
  Today things are different. The Australian           Jean Hailes endocrinologist Dr Sonia
Bureau of Statistics says that Australians          Davison says there is a lot of debate about
are drinking at the lowest level in 50 years,       what is ‘safe’ alcohol use and the study
amounting to around 2.6 standard drinks per         reinforces the overall message “that zero
person per day.                                     alcohol intake is safest”.

          The 2018 Jean Hailes women’s health survey, which surveyed more than
          15,200 women across Australia about their health, revealed that 9.5% of
           women drink alcohol every day. Of this, 13.7% of women aged over 50
         reported drinking alcohol daily, compared to 2.2% of women aged 18-35.

12 VOLUME 1 2019
Attitudes to alcohol                                            Cancer risk
A 2018 poll by the Foundation for Alcohol                       Alcoholic beverages are a group 1 carcinogen,
Research and Education found 45% of Australian                  meaning they’re as dangerous as smoking.
drinkers consume alcohol to get drunk, and –                    Alcohol causes seven different types of cancer
not surprisingly – that 73% of people believe                   – mouth, throat, oesophageal, liver, stomach,
that excess drinking is a problem in Australia.                 bowel and female breast.
                                                                   Cancer Council Victoria’s Alcohol Legal
Guidelines                                                      Policy Adviser Sarah Jackson says that
Dr Davison believes that despite the potential                  most Australians are unaware that alcohol
harm, it’s not realistic to advise women to stop                causes cancer.
drinking entirely. Instead, she says “we should                    “Cancer Council Victoria recommends that
educate about responsible alcohol consumption                   to minimise the risk, people should avoid
– drinking within the recommended limits.”                      alcohol altogether,” she says.
   Guidelines and standard drinks vary around                      “But if people do choose to drink, then limit
the world. A standard drink in Australia is                     to within the guidelines,” she says.
defined as 10g of alcohol. This equates to a
100mL glass of wine. However, many restaurants                  Breast cancer and alcohol
and pubs will pour at least 150mL in a regular                  While drinking alcohol doesn’t automatically
serve, making it more difficult to keep track.                  mean you will get breast cancer, research
   In the UK, a standard drink is 8g of alcohol.                shows that the more you drink, the greater
The UK’s guidelines are now set at six glasses                  your risk. Women who drink one standard
per week, while the recommended limits in Italy,                glass of alcohol each day have a 7% greater
Portugal, and Spain are about 50% higher.                       risk of breast cancer when compared to
   The 2009 Australian Alcohol Guidelines                       women who don’t drink.
are currently under review by the Australian                       Alcohol use is believed to cause 6% of breast
Government’s National Health and Medical                        cancer cases each year in Australia.
Research Council (NHMRC) and due for                               Although the exact link is not fully
release in 2020.                                                understood, it is known that:
                                                                  • alcohol increases the levels of the hormone
The current guidelines advise:                                      oestrogen. High levels of oestrogen can
 • drinking no more than two standard                               cause a cancer cell to multiply out of
   drinks on any day                                                control
 • drinking no more than four standard                            • alcohol is broken down by the body into a
   drinks on a single occasion                                      substance called acetaldehyde, which can
 • no drinking for women who are pregnant,                          cause changes in our DNA. This can cause
   planning a pregnancy, or breastfeeding                           cancerous cells to grow.
 • no drinking for the under 15 age group

How many standard drinks in a regular serve?
      Red                White          Full-strength       Low-strength       High-strength Full strength
      wine               wine               beer               beer              spirit nip  pre-mix spirits

        1                 0.9                 1.1                 0.6                  1                 1.5
     100ml                100ml              285ml               285ml              30ml                 375ml
  13% alcoholic      11.5% alcoholic     4.8% alcoholic      2.7% alcoholic      40% alcoholic        5% alcoholic
    volume               volume             volume              volume             volume               volume

The above shows an approximate number of standard drinks only. Always check the label for the exact number
of standard drinks. For further information and resources about alcohol consumption, visit

                                                                                              JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 13
How to reduce home drinking                          Gillian’s tip
“Drinking is woven into the fabric of society        Segment the week. Keep your weekdays
in Australia,” says Jean Hailes psychologist         alcohol-free, so that you can enjoy a
Gillian Needleman.
   “Home drinking, in particular, is both a
                                                     couple of drinks on the weekend.
common occurrence and a challenging habit to
change – especially if it is the ‘circuit breaker’
or daily ritual used to transition from work to
relaxation mode,” she says. “If you would like
to curb your drinking, however, you should feel
confident you can make it happen.”

Getting started
Anyone concerned about their drinking
can talk to their local GP or other health
professional for support. Ms Needleman also
asks her clients to consider the following when
planning for change:

Assess why you’re drinking in the first
place – this helps to identify the ‘cause’.

Goal setting                                         Feeling good
Make a plan – set an overall goal and then           Ms Needleman says those wishing to reduce
segment in to smaller, measurable targets.           their drinking may feel a bit fearful. But it doesn’t
                                                     need to be that way, she says.
Plan                                                    “A lot of women report how wonderful
Substitute drinking with another activity, eg,       they feel once they reduce their intake,”
walking, yoga, reading. Identify which days of       says Ms Needleman.
the week you find it more difficult to abstain          “Many will have been unaware of the
and think of an alternative activity.                pervasive effect alcohol has been having on
                                                     their mood, weight, motivation, and overall
Set new rituals                                      functioning.”
At home, don’t sit in the same chair that you           “It may be hard at first, but if you make it fun
would normally drink in. Add cucumber and            and reward yourself in other ways, in time you’ll
lemon to soda water. Make it interesting/tasty.      find your new routine and a new lease of life.”

Monitor self-talk
Combat negative self-talk with                            3 THINGS TO KNOW
some positive thoughts or affirmations.
                                                       1. Largest-ever study confirms no safe level
Respect the process of change                             of drinking alcohol.
If you don’t meet your targets one week,               2. Alcohol is more harmful for women
acknowledge it, and then put it behind you.               than men, and increases the risk of breast
Look ahead to what you can do differently                 and other cancers, heart disease and
next week.                                                early death.
                                                       3. Women can enjoy improved health and
You’re not the only one                                   wellbeing by reducing alcohol intake.
Use websites such as Hello Sunday Morning,
which frame alcohol-free living in a positive
light and help to remind you that many others                 For more details, visit
are trying to change too.                           

14 VOLUME 1 2019
energ y
Is there a hidden
pattern to our energy
levels? If so, how
can we use it to our

                                                           “The demands can become
                                                               Dr Davison says that early

                                                           motherhood, having multiple
                              rom a bouncing buzz to       or challenging dependents,
                              drop-dead fatigue – the      and midlife are common phases
                              highs and lows of everyday   when fatigue can be a real issue.
                        energy are tricky to navigate.         But within and beyond these
                           And if you feel like you’re     life stages, if your fatigue is
                        always running on empty, you’re    greater than would be expected
                        not alone. Dr Sonia Davison,       or you’re worried about it, see
                        endocrinologist (hormone           your doctor, says Dr Davison.
                        specialist) at Jean Hailes for         “Iron deficiency and anaemia
                        Women’s Health, says fatigue       [common causes of fatigue
                        is common among women,             in women] should be ruled
                        moreso at certain life stages.     out,” she says. “Your GP may
                           “Women often take on many       also need to test your thyroid
                        roles – carer, worker, parent,     function, blood glucose and
                        partner, volunteer,” she says.     vitamin B12 levels.”

                                                                        JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 15
It comes in waves                      A secret map of the                     “In the same way that these
On top of all the external factors,    month                                hormones are responsible
your hormones can also affect          As well as dancing to a daily        for reproductive health, they
how much spring you have in            rhythm, other hormones have us       are also very, very potent in
your step. At different times          moving to a monthly one.             determining things like mood,
in the day, we can feel more              Research in the past five         drive, motivation and energy.”
energetic than others; it’s all        years has revealed that female
about finding your own pattern,        hormones may be writing a            Oestrogen & energy
says Dr Davison.                       secret map of the month ahead,       In terms of energy levels,
   “Each morning, our body             telling you which days you’re        oestrogen, put simply, is the
kicks into gear with a peak of         more likely to be bursting with      “good” hormone, says Prof
hormones, probably because             bounce, and which days you’ll be     Kulkarni. “It’s protective to
we’re designed to be physically        best off taking it easy.             the brain and a natural, mild
active then and gather food,”             Jayashri Kulkarni, Professor      antidepressant.”
she says.                              of Psychiatry at Monash                 At day 1 of the menstrual
   For many women, these               University, says that for women      cycle (the first day of your bleed),
peaking hormones align with            having periods who aren’t on         oestrogen levels are low. They
the time of day they feel most         hormonal contraception, the          begin to pick up around week
productive. Later in the day our       pattern of monthly hormones          2, and peak sharply in the days
hormones dip, making us less           can be “absolutely connected”        before ovulation (egg release).
energetic and more prone to            to the levels of energy they feel.   This means that, in a 28-day
fatigue. “I call it the ‘3pm lull’,”      “Hormones such as                 menstrual cycle, it’s common for
says Dr Davison.                       oestrogens, progesterones            women to feel more energetic
   However, she says, every            and testosterone have an             around days 12-14.
                                       impact obviously on the female
   For many women …                    reproductive system, but they
                                       also have a major impact
 peaking hormones align
                                       on brain chemistry,”
 with the time of day they             Prof Kulkarni says.
  feel most productive.

woman is different and while
many women operate better in
the first half of the day, other
women find they function
better at night, irrespective of
their hormone levels. The key
is to observe your own natural
rhythms, and find what works
for you.

16 VOLUME 1 2019
natural energy levels around
                                                                         week 3 of your cycle.
                                                                            Tiredness is a hallmark of both
                                                                         PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
                                                                         and PMDD (premenstrual
                                                                         dysphoric disorder, a severe form
                                                                         of PMS), says Prof Kulkarni.
                                                                            “The tiredness comes on all
                                                                         of a sudden,” she says. “Some
                                                                         women say ‘it’s like someone
                                                                         pulled the power socket out of
                                                                         the wall’; a sudden change tends
                                                                         to suggest a hormone issue.”

                                                                         What about ‘the Pill’?
                                                                         The effect that the Pill, or
                                     What goes up must                   other forms of hormonal
                                     come down                           contraception, have on fatigue
                                     If pregnancy hasn’t occurred,       can vary, says Prof Kulkarni.
                                     after ovulation oestrogen levels    She says women need to
   In this way, being more in tune   drop, the other major female        find the right Pill for them,
with your cycle can take forward-    hormone, progesterone,              as different types can affect
planning to the next level. Big      begins to rise.                     women differently.
presentation at work? Training          Progesterone, according to          “Some types of progesterone
for a half-marathon? When            Prof Kulkarni, can be a draining    in different Pills can be energy-
possible, it may pay to schedule     and depressive hormone in           sapping for some women,”
those big life events mid-cycle,     some women. So these changing       she says. “But for women who
when oestrogen is up.                hormones can start to affect your   experience huge surges and


With fatigue being a common          Energy
and constant experience for          Energy is a balancing act;
many women, it begs the              some things give you energy,
question: are we taking too          some things take it away, says        She also recommends that
much on?                             Ms Needleman.                       women see themselves as
   Jean Hailes psychologist             “Exercise is a giver of          the ‘gatekeepers’ of their
Gillian Needleman says               energy, as is eating nutritious     own time and routines.
overcommitment is common             food,” she says. “Spending            “Cast your mind over
among women she sees.                time with family and friends,       the whole week and ask
   “From Monday through to           generally, gives you energy.”       yourself, ‘how much time
Sunday night, they know what                                             am I dedicating to work,
they’ll be doing for every           Time times 2                        errands, family, friends and
minute,” she says. “While            Ms Needleman recommends             self?’. Then break it down to
that’s a good feature of being       ‘doubling-up’ tasks for time-       what can be changed and
organised, it’s important to slot    poor women. “Going for a walk       what can’t be,” she says.
in times which are blank and         with a friend ticks two boxes         “This can help you to free
dedicate these to down-time.         – blending your social needs        up some spare time,or work
If you don’t block out time for      with getting some exercise          out how you can do things
yourself, it just won’t come.”       for yourself.”                      differently.”

                                                                                      JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 17
lows in energy across the month,        (MHT, also known as hormone
                                                                                  3 THINGS TO
the Pill can help to stabilise this.”   replacement therapy, HRT) can
                                        hold real benefit.
Ch-ch-ch changes                           “A lot of these changes are         1. Fatigue is common,
In midlife the natural rhythms          due to the decreasing levels              but if it’s greater than you
of the monthly hormones, and            of oestrogen in the brain –               would normally expect, or
all the follow-on effects, begin        the same principle we see in              if it worries you, see your
to shift as women approach the          premenstrual depression.”                 doctor.
menopause.                                                                     2. Female hormones can
    Prof Kulkarni says menopause        Keeping track                             influence brain chemistry
in the brain starts about four to       If you’re keen to work out your           and fatigue levels.
five years before menopause in          own monthly rhythms, Prof              3. Observe and track/write
the body, but because there are         Kulkarni suggests keeping track           down your own energy
no physical signs, a woman may          by writing it down, or using a            rhythms, to find what
not know what is going on.              period tracking app.                      works for you.
    “Preceding the hot flushes              “But what’s really important is
and so on, there can be mood            to validate,” she says. “If severe
swings and, particularly, there         symptoms are happening to                    For more information
                                                                                     about sleep and fatigue,
can be a sudden loss of energy,”        you on a regular basis then it is
she says. “Many women say ‘it’s         happening, it’s valid, it’s real and
taking me all day to do half of         deserves attention.”
what I normally would do’.                  Because life doesn’t just stop,
    “If a woman has no new              there will be times when you
stressors in her life, particularly     have to push through low energy
if she is around 45 years old, we       days. But if we can hear the beat
need to think that maybe this is        of our own internal rhythms, then
the first sign of perimenopausal        we can ride the waves of high
changes.”                               energy and plan for calmer
    The good news is that, over         seas ahead. 
time, the energy returns, says
Prof Kulkarni. In the meantime,
if the fatigue is affecting a
woman’s quality of life, she says
menopause hormone therapies

18 VOLUME 1 2019
Spotlight                     on...

                                    Jean Hailes for Women’s Health Endocrinologist
                                    Dr Yvonne Chow

                                    We talk to Jean Hailes endocrinologist Dr Yvonne Chow
                                    about her fascination for hormones, passion for public
                                    health, and love for her baby daughter.

What does an                        What are some of the                 For example, I can see around
endocrinologist do?                 common conditions you                20 patients per day and help
An endocrinologist is a doctor      see in your patients?                the health of those 20 people.
who is trained to diagnose and      The most common conditions I         A good public health policy can
manage diseases that affect the     see are diabetes, thyroid disease,   change the health of thousands
glands and hormones within          osteoporosis, polycystic ovary       or millions of people. We need
the body. Our aim is to help        syndrome, menopause, adrenal         good policy for good health.
the patient to restore hormone      disorders, and neuroendocrine           I also learnt a lot about
balance.                            conditions.                          different healthcare systems,
                                                                         which has helped me to
What drew you into the              How do you treat hormone             appreciate the Australian
field of endocrinology?             issues?                              healthcare system.
I find hormones fascinating.        Most hormone problems are very
Hormones are how the body           manageable. For example, if your     What advice would you give
communicates. The endocrine         thyroid does not produce enough      to women today in relation
system’s glands and organs          hormone, we can supplement           to their health?
secrete hormones, which are         with thyroid hormone.                In a very busy, modern lifestyle,
the chemical messengers that                                             women often do not prioritise
help various parts of the body      How has being bilingual              their own physical and emotional
to function. I love the fact that   (English, Cantonese) helped          wellbeing. My advice for women
we can measure the quantity of      you with patient care?               is to ensure they make time to
hormones in the body as this can    Being able to reach people in        eat well, do regular physical
really help us treat the hormone    a language other than English        activity and of course, spend
imbalance of various conditions     means that I can immediately         time doing things they enjoy.
in a very targeted way.             improve the rapport with             Maintaining a healthy body
                                    Cantonese-speaking patients.         weight is particularly important
What are some signs                 My background also helps me          for hormonal conditions such as
that your hormones are              to relate to women from migrant      type 2 diabetes and polycystic
out of sync?                        backgrounds generally.               ovary syndrome.
Fluctuations in weight and
irregular periods may point         You recently completed               What do you like doing
to a hormone imbalance.             a Master of Public Health            when you are not at work?
Other signs may include             from Tufts University School         If I’m not at work, I’m with my
persistent problems with            of Medicine in Boston,               nine-month-old daughter, Emily.
acne as an adult, excessive         US. What were some key               Seeing the world through her
hair growth on the face, jawline,   learnings from this course?          eyes is amazing.
upper back, chest, as well as       At a broad level, I see the value    Find more information about
unexplained irritability, and       in having good public health         hormones here:
mood fluctuations.                  policy and systems in place.

                                                                                      JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 19

Women’s Health
    Survey                                                        Exploring women’s
                                                                  health issues and

                   Our fourth annual Women’s Health Survey reveals the health needs and
                   behaviours of women across the country. More than 15,200 women aged
                   18 or older and living in Australia responded to our 2018 survey.

         Physical health

                                                    Staying active, eating nutritious food, limiting
                                                    alcohol and not smoking are four key ways
                                                    to maintain good physical health. To stay
of women described their overall                    more active, increase your daily incidental
health as very good or excellent                    exercise (eg, take the stairs instead of the lift)
                                                    and exercise with friends to keep it fun. Try a
   90.5%                    9.5%                    weekly meal plan, buying only the ingredients
                                                    you need. This will not only make it easier to
   had not smoked           reported daily          eat healthily, but will reduce waste.
   in the past year         drinking

         Health needs
                                                     one in five
While more than 50% of women were totally
confident asking their doctor questions,
and discussing health issues that concerned
                                                     women (21.5%)
                                                     reported that there were issues/questions that
them, one in five had questions they avoided         they avoided discussing with their doctor
discussing. To improve your confidence when
seeing your doctor, read up on a topic from a                More than
trusted health website (eg,, Write questions down               one in four
before you visit your doctor to get the answers
you need. And don’t be afraid to ask a question
                                                             women (25.5%)
more than once to make sure you understand.                  have discussed or need to discuss 
                                                             with their doctor a lack of interest
                                                             in sex in the past 12 months

20 VOLUME 1 2019
Mental and
         emotional health


half of                                                          Health information

women (46.1%)
who responded to the survey had been
                                                      Top 5 health topics women
                                                      want to know about
diagnosed with depression or anxiety
by a doctor or psychologist                           1. Weight
                                                         management (34.9%)
  More than
                                                      2. Healthy eating
  a third of                                             /nutrition (31.7%)
  women (34.3%)
  reported not getting time to
                                                      3. Mental and
  themselves on a weekly basis                          emotional health (29.3%)
                                                      4. Anxiety (28.3%)
       reported feeling nervous,                      5. Menopause (24.9%)
       anxious or on edge nearly
       every day or on more than
       seven days in the past                        It’s important to discuss any concerns with your
       four weeks                                    doctor. Regular health checks and screenings
                                                     are also an important part of maintaining good
                                                     health. Talk to your doctor about health checks
Life is busy! That’s why it’s important for you      appropriate for your age and family history of
to notice how you’re feeling and seek help if        illness. For more information, go to
required. Looking after your physical health
will help to look after your emotional health,
as physical activity has been shown to reduce
anxiety and depression. More research is also
linking what we eat to how we feel, so balanced
eating is important too. Meditation and
mindfulness can help to calm the mind,
but see what works for you

      Want to know more?
      For more information on topics covered here:

      Physical health:         Looking after yourself:
      Confidence:                 Weight management:

                                                                                JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 21
     Dr Jean                                         Your women’s health questions
                                                     answered by our experts.

When it comes to women’s health, there is no such thing as a silly question.
Answering your questions for this edition of ‘Ask Dr Jean’ is Jean Hailes
endocrinologist (hormone specialist) Dr Sonia Davison.

                                                    undergo. In particular, the progestogens in
                                                    these products do not guarantee womb lining
                                                    protection and the Medical Journal of Australia
                                                    previously had a report of some Australian
                                                    women who had womb lining cancer after
                                                    having bioidentical hormone treatment.
                                                       It’s possible, however, to have ‘body-
                                                    identical’ hormone therapy, which has been
                                                    rigorously tested and is identical to the
                                                    hormones previously produced by your ovaries.
                                                    This is prescribed treatment manufactured
                                                    by pharmaceutical companies under strict
 Dr Sonia Davison                                   conditions, and the safety profile (and risks) have
                                                    been well established. I recommend looking
Q. Hi. Bioidentical hormones have been              at the Australasian Menopause Society (AMS)
recommended for me to treat hot flushes,            website, under the Find an AMS Doctor page,
anxiety and depression. Is there a blood            to seek a menopause expert GP in your area
test that I can do that could show what I           who can guide you. Our website (and the AMS
am lacking in and what I am needing?                website) have more excellent information about
A. Without knowing any further details I’m          bioidentical and other hormone therapy and
assuming you’re either perimenopausal               menopause/perimenopause management in
or postmenopausal and have bothersome               general.
symptoms. Blood tests aren’t useful in this         For more information on managing menopausal
situation if you’re of typical age (40s to 50s)     symptoms, go to or visit the
and have typical symptoms that women have           Australian Menopause Society at
around menopause, mainly because the                For more information on bioidentical hormones,
                                                    read our article here:
hormone levels fluctuate considerably during
perimenopause, and the oestrogen levels just
remain low after menopause.                         Q. Hello. Periodically I experience icy flushes,
   What will be useful is for you to see a health   similar to hot flushes in menopause. When it
practitioner who has expertise in managing          passes, I need to urinate. I am 72 and this has
perimenopause and menopause. They can               only been happening in the last 12 months or
guide you as to the best evidence-based             so. My GP doesn’t have an answer.
treatment for your symptoms and also consider       A. These aren’t typical symptoms and I would
other factors like your general health, your        recommend referral to an endocrinologist
bone health and your cardiovascular risks.          who specialises in women’s health and can
   Bioidentical hormone therapy is often a          investigate for causes of these flushes.
custom-compounded treatment that hasn’t             For more information on menopausal symptoms,
been tested for safety. There are concerns that     go to:
women may be at risk due to this lack of safety
and effectiveness testing that other types of               Have a question for Dr Jean?
prescribed hormone therapy products must                    Visit

22 VOLUME 1 2019
This easy-to-
                                           prepare breakfast
                                           can be a delicious
                                           friend in the fight
Recipe                                     against pelvic pain.

Breakfast jar
By Sandra Villella
Jean Hailes naturopath
Serves: 1
Prep: 5-10 mins, then overnight
to set
Dairy free, gluten free, vegan

Ingredients                           is that a diet higher in the ‘good’   Aromatic spices, including
2 dessertspoons linseeds,             fats and lower in the ‘bad’ fats      cinnamon and cardamom (also in
freshly ground                        may help to lower a woman’s risk      this recipe), contain oils that not
                                      of developing endometriosis, or,      only provide the sweet-smelling
2 dessertspoons hemp seeds
                                      for a woman with ‘endo’, help         flavour and scent, but are also
2 dessertspoons chia seeds            ease the abdominal pain.              traditionally used in herbal
½ teaspoon each of cardamom                                                 medicine to calm potentially
and cinnamon                          Avoiding trans fatty acids – often    painful gut spasms.
3 fresh walnuts, broken into pieces   found in commercial baked
                                      goods like cakes and pastries –       For those who struggle to have
½ cup coconut-almond milk
                                      also has been shown to reduce         breakfast before leaving the
1 tablespoon maple syrup              the risk of endometriosis.            house, this easy five minutes
3-4 strawberries to serve                                                   of preparation the night
                                      Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty         before makes this breakfast jar
                                      acids (PUFAs) are known as            convenient to take to work, and
Method                                ‘good’ fats. Of the three main        is perfect for those who exercise
Prepare the night before.             omega-3s, two are found in fish,      before work. If coconut-almond
Combine seeds, spices and             while one – alpha-Linolenic acid      milk isn’t to your taste, you can
walnuts in the jar. Add coconut-      (ALA) – is found in plants.           swap it for another milk. Just note
almond milk, then maple                                                     that the recipe may no longer be
syrup and stir well to combine,       Hemp seeds, linseeds, chia            dairy or gluten free.
ensuring any seeds at the base        seeds and walnuts are the best
of the jar are not left dry. The      sources of ALA and are all in this    I like this combination for the
mixture should be quite runny,        breakfast jar for a great serve of    warmer months. In the cooler
as the high-fibre seeds will then     omega-3 PUFAs. These omega-3          months, the ground seeds
absorb the liquid. Refrigerate        fats can also help to fight           and spices can be used to top
overnight. In the morning, serve      substances in the body that cause     porridge.
with chopped strawberries. Yes,       inflammation, working much like
it’s that easy!                       how drugs such as aspirin and         This recipe is an example of
                                      naprogesics do to reduce pain.        choosing healthy fats over
Nutritional information                                                     unhealthy fats, to help reduce
While there may be many causes        The seeds are also high in            inflammation and pain one
of persistent pelvic pain (PPP),      fibre, which is important for         spoonful at a time.
endometriosis and irritable bowel     managing symptoms of IBS such
syndrome (IBS) are common             as constipation and diarrhoea,
causes and/or contributors. There     and may ease painful bloating.                To watch the video and
is little research so far on the      Fibre also provides fuel for the              download the recipe visit
connection between diet and           gut microbiome, encouraging a       
endometriosis, but what is known      healthier gut.

                                                                                         JEANHAILES.ORG.AU 23
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                                                                                   We’d love to hear from you. Please email
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For further information, please contact                       About Jean Hailes

Jean Hailes for Women’s Health Head Office                    Founded in 1992 in honour of an extraordinary medical
Toll free: 1800 JEAN HAILES (532 642)                         practitioner, Dr Jean Hailes, Jean Hailes for Women’s
Email:                            Health reflects the enduring legacy that Jean made
                                                              to women’s health. She had a far-sighted vision to
The Jean Hailes Medical Centres for Women                     improve the quality of women’s lives and give them
Phone: 03 9562 7555                                           practical information based on the best available
Email:                               evidence. She is credited with being the pioneer
                                                              of menopause management in Australia.
Magazine inquiries                                               Today, Jean Hailes is Australia’s leading and most
Jo Roberts                                                    trusted women’s health organisation, combining
Phone: 03 9453 8999                                           clinical care, evidence-based research and practical
Email:                           education for women and health professionals. We aim
                                                              to translate the latest scientific and medical evidence
                                                              in order to inspire positive change in women by                                             improving their physical health and wellbeing.

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If you wish to be removed from our mailing list
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please contact us on 1800 JEAN HAILES (532 642).              This magazine is environmentally sustainable.
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advice or replace advice from your health practitioner.
© 2019 Jean Hailes
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