FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean

Page created by Leroy Woods
FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
In-Person | Virtual | OnDemand |

Advancing Worker Health & Safety
               MAY 23–25 | Nashville, TN
      Professional Development Courses May 21, 22, and 26

               FINAL PROGRAM
          The premier conference and exposition for occupational
            and environmental health and safety professionals
FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
General Information
Conference events are held at the Music City Center                                 Should you lose or misplace your badge, we are happy              • Disruption of presentations at sessions, in the exhibit
(MCC) unless otherwise noted. This includes education                            to reprint it for you. After one initial reprint, there is a $5.00     hall, or at other events organized by AIHA
sessions, the Expo, Pop-ups and Health & Wellness                                charge for a lost badge or ticket re-placement.
education, Speaker Ready Room, and the Career                                                                                                         AIHA has zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination
Advantage Fair. Volunteer groups and committee meetings                                                                                               or harassment, including, but not limited to, sexual
and social events will be held at the Omni Nashville                             Lanyards sponsored by Casella                                        harassment by participants or staff at conferences.
as noted. A full listing of events may be found in the                                                                                                If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents
Schedule-at-a-Glance in the Final Program and on the                                                                                                  of unacceptable behavior, AIHA asks that you email
AIHce EXP 2022 Mobile App/Virtual Platform.                                      N95 masks provided by Draeger – Limit 3 per person                   Larry Sloan, CEO or Franky Spangler, Director, Human
                                                                                                                                                      Resources, or call 703-849-8888 so we can take the
Badges                                                                           Behavior Standards                                                   appropriate action. For more information on AIHA’s
                                                                                                                                                      Member Code of Conduct and Reporting Form, visit
Registration Lobby, 2nd Floor                                                    AIHce EXP is a professional conference. AIHA reserves       and search AIHA Code of
Friday, May 20.............................................5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.   the right to take any action deemed necessary and                    Conduct Acknowledgement.
Saturday, May 21......................................... 6:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.    appropriate, including immediate removal from the
Sunday, May 22.......................................... 6:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m.     meeting without warning or refund, in response to any                Virtual participants agree additionally they will not
Monday, May 23......................................... 7:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.      incident of unacceptable behavior, and AIHA reserves                 record, copy, or take screen shots of Q&A or any chat
Tuesday, May 24......................................... 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.     the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting.              room activities taking place in the Virtual AIHce EXP
Wednesday, May 25.................................. 7:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m.          Examples of unacceptable behavior include, but are not               environment.
Thursday, May 26......................................6:30 a.m.–10:00 a.m.       limited to:
                                                                                 • Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form
                                                                                                                                                      CIH Requirements
In-person participants MUST be COVID-cleared to enter                            • Physical or verbal abuse of any attendee, speaker,
the MCC to pick up their name badge credentials and                                                                                                   For detailed information about CIH requirements, contact
                                                                                   volunteer, exhibitors, AIHA staff member, service
MUST wear a name badge to be admitted to all AIHce                                                                                                    the Board for Global EHS Credentialing (BGC) directly or
                                                                                   provider, or other meeting guest
EXP sessions and events, including social activities.                                                                                                 visit the BGC Booth 1406 while on-site.
                                                                                 • Verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation,
AIHF activities and selected social activities may also
                                                                                   disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion,
require a ticket. Once tickets are purchased, fees are
                                                                                   national origin, inappropriate use of nudity and/or                Children
nonrefundable; however, ticket exchanges may be                                                                                                       Children and young adults 18 and under are not permitted
                                                                                   sexual images in public spaces or in presentations, or
permitted pending availability.                                                                                                                       at any AIHce EXP 2022 events (including courses,
                                                                                   threatening or stalking any attendee, speaker, volunteer,
                                                                                   exhibitor, AIHA staff member, service provider, or other           sessions, socials, or in the Expo).
                                                                                   meeting guest
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FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
General Information
Education Credits
AIHce EXP 2022 attendees can earn up to 18 contact            Going Green!                                               water management, waste
                                                                                                                         reduction, and a green roof
hours by attending one session in every time block,           To help reduce waste and our footprint on the
Monday through Wednesday. Additional CM contact hours                                                                  • Food and beverages at
                                                              environment, AIHA and our suppliers have partnered
may be earned from mid-June through December 31,                                                                         the MCC are made with
                                                              on the following initiatives:
2022, by viewing sessions OnDemand.                                                                                      regionally and locally farmed
                                                              • Transitioning the printed Advance Program and            products through their Pick
   AIHce EXP OnDemand recordings bring conference
                                                                Final Program to fully digital, eliminating paper        Tennessee Products partnership
sessions right to your doorstep. All full conference
                                                                product, fuel, and emissions used to transport
registrations receive free access; one-day registrants
                                                                programs via mail                                      To help us “green” the conference, we encourage
receive free access to the OnDemand sessions recorded
on the day of their registration. Recordings will be          • Reducing the final program page count by listing       you to:
available mid-June through December 31, 2022, and you           session descriptions and exhibitor company             • Go digital (rather than print). Download to your
will receive an email with access and credit instructions       descriptions online                                      computer any presentations and handouts and take
once the recordings are finalized.                            • Ticketless registration                                  notes digitally
                                                              • Digital Pathway Passport game                          • Consider donating to a carbon offset program of
Emergencies, First Aid, and                                   • Digital signage outside meeting rooms                    your choice (or your company’s) to balance your
                                                                                                                         AIHce carbon footprint
Assistance                                                    • Badges made from recycled materials, which can
                                                                also be recycled                                       • Use public transportation or ride share
The safety and security of on-site attendees and staff
is the first priority of AIHA and the MCC. If a medical       • Signs made of eco-board                                • Recycle your paper, plastic, and glass in the
emergency occurs in the MCC, contact the Music City                                                                      receptacles provided throughout the convention
                                                              • Recycle stations for paper, cans and bottles, and
Center Security Command Center at 615-401-1300 or pick                                                                   center
                                                                other items located throughout the MCC meeting
up any black house phone, which automatically connects          space                                                  • Bring a reusable water bottle to refill at water
to the Command Center. We respectfully request that you                                                                  stations throughout the convention center
                                                              • MCC is a LEED Gold Certified Facility with
do not call 911 directly.
                                                                initiatives that prioritize energy conservation,
    Saturday, May 21 through Thursday, May 26 – A first aid
station staffed daily by an EMT is located outside Exhibit
Hall B on Level 3.
                                                                      The viewpoints and opinions expressed in the presentations, sessions, and discussions at
                                                                      AIHce EXP have not necessarily been approved or endorsed by AIHA.
AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                              4
FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
General Information
Evaluations                                                                            Mother’s Room                                                     Speaker Ready Room
PDC and education session evaluations can be accessed                                  The MCC offers two suites for nursing mothers: one on             Meeting Room 201 A
via the AIHce EXP mobile app/virtual platform. Your                                    level 1 around the corner from Meeting Room 101 and one           Schedule:
feedback is appreciated and will be used to improve                                    on level 3 outside Hall D.                                        Friday, May 20.............................................. 5:15 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
AIHce EXP.                                                                                                                                               Saturday–Sunday, May 21–22................ 7:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
   All participants will receive a final conference evaluation
via email on Thursday, May 26.
                                                                                       Proof of Attendance and PDC                                       Monday, May 23.........................................8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
                                                                                       Completion                                                        Tuesday, May 24.......................................... 7:00 a.m.–5:15 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                         Wednesday, May 25..................................8:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Expo                                                                                   Transcripts will be updated no later than June 24, 2022.          Thursday, May 26....................................... 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
                                                                                       For the main conference, in-person attendees will receive
Exhibit Halls A and B                                                                  a transcript update indicating their verified participation for   Check-in is mandatory at least 60 minutes prior to the start
Monday......................................................... 9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.    up to 18 contact hours (not verified by individual session);      of the session.
Tuesday......................................................... 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.   virtual attendees will receive a transcript update indicating
Wednesday...................................................9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.        their verified participation in each virtual session. For
                                                                                       each PDC, in-person and virtual attendees will receive a          WIFI
Final Program                                                                          transcript update indicating the total number of contact
                                                                                       hours for that specific PDC.
                                                                                                                                                         Wireless Internet access is available throughout the MCC.
                                                                                                                                                         • Network: AIHce2022
Descriptions of individual sessions may be found in the
AIHce EXP 2022 mobile app/virtual platform.                                                                                                              • Passcode: iamIH2022
Lost and Found                                                                         AIHce EXP OnDemand is the package of session
                                                                                       recordings included with full conference registrations
Registration Lobby, 2nd Floor                                                          (one-day registrations receive OnDemand for that day’s                 Schedule Changes
Lost and found items may be taken to/requested from the                                sessions only). Sessions scheduled to be part of the                   The AIHce EXP 2022 schedule is correct at the
Information Desk located in the Registration Lobby on the                              OnDemand package are noted with : in the Final                         time of publication. AIHce reserves the right to
2nd floor. AIHce will turn items into MCC security each                                Program but are subject to change. Recordings will be                  change or cancel sessions, presentations, or
evening.                                                                               available in mid-June through December 31, 2022. Credit                speakers without notice due to circumstances
                                                                                       is available for viewing the recordings. Once available,               beyond its control. For the most up-to-date
                                                                                       you will receive an email with access and detailed credit              schedule, check the mobile app/virtual platform.

AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5
FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
Special Events
First-Timers’ Meet and Greet                                    36th Annual AIHF Fun Run/Walk                              Health & Wellness Activities
Monday, May 23 | 6:30 a.m.–7:30 a.m.                            Tuesday, May 24 | 6:30 a.m.–8:00 a.m.                      Monday, May 23–Wednesday, May 25
Omni, Legends Ballroom D                                           Lace up your shoes and get ready to                     Times noted throughout program
  Network, get tips from seasoned pros, and plot your           run 5K or walk 2K in support of future                     Behind the main escalator at the 5th Avenue entrance
conference activities at the First-Timers’ Meet and Greet!      OEHS professionals through your                               Take some time for self-care with daily morning yoga
                                                                donation to the AIH Foundation. Sleep-in                   and interactive, 25-minute sessions on staying healthy,
Sponsored by                                                    donations are also welcome!                                calming your mind, and staying fit.
                                                                   All in-person participants (individual
Nexus Lounge for Students and                                   runners, team runners, and sleep-in entries) must check-   Namaste With AIHA (yoga)
                                                                in at the Fun Run Desk (2nd Floor, MCC). Hours: Sunday,
Early Career Professionals                                      12:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. and Monday, 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                           Monday, May 23 | 6:30 a.m.–7:15 a.m.
                                                                                                                           Tuesday, May 24 | 6:00 p.m.–6:45 p.m.
Monday, May 23 | 10:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.                           Shuttles for the Fun Run course depart the MCC beginning   Wednesday, May 25 | 6:30 a.m.–7:15 a.m.
Tuesday, May 24 | 8:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.                           at 6:00 a.m. Tuesday.                                      Omni, Music Row 2
Wednesday, May 25 | 8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.                                                                                      Mats and blocks provided.
Meeting Room 208 A                                              Sponsored by
   The Nexus Lounge is your go-to destination to network,
recharge, and meet respected leaders in the OEHS                  Premier                                                  Pop-Up Education Sessions
profession. Enjoy our “Lessons in Leadership” series                                                                       Monday, May 23–Wednesday, May 25
featuring opening keynote, Capt. Chris Cassidy, and               Silver 									Bronze                                   Times noted throughout program
closing keynote, James Frederick, AIHA award winners,                                                                      Under the grand staircase on Level 1 across from
and other OEHS leaders.                                                                                                    Room 102
                                                                                                                              These interactive, 25-minute sessions deliver timely
Expo Hall Networking Reception                                                                                             information on issues affecting OEHS professionals today.

Monday, May 23 | 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Exhibit Halls A and B
   Link up with friends and start your first night right with
this annual networking tradition! Hors d’oeuvres will be
served, and in-person attendees will receive one drink
ticket with your registration.

AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                       7
FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
Special Events
Learning Pavilions
                                                                                   Pathway                                  Pathway Passport Sponsors
                                                                                                                                                 Booth #

Monday, May 23–Wednesday, May 25
Times noted throughout program
                                                                                   Passport                                                      925       AIHA

Show Office B, Level 3M outside Exhibit Hall B                                                                                                   1111      Casella
  Looking for even more educational content?
Grab a refreshment and join us for these sponsored                                                                                               616       Draeger, Inc.
sessions addressing timely topics within OEHS.
                                                              This year’s Pathway Passport game is built right into                              502       Kinetics Noise Control
Innovation Stations

                                                              the AIHce EXP mobile app. Virtual players take part
Monday, May 23–Wednesday, May 25                              by answering questions and completing missions in                                  625       Magid
Times noted throughout program                                the app. On-site players take part by visiting each
Exhibit Hall, Aisle 400                                       participating sponsors’ booth and scanning a page
                                                              within the app. When the game ends at 12:00 p.m.                                   1533 MilliporeSigma
   Bring new innovations back to your team with these
short, impactful 25-minute presentations from our             CT on Wednesday, May 25, attendees who have
                                                              visited every participating booth w ill be awarded an                             731       Raeco Rents
exhibitor partners. You’ll learn about new equipment,
instrumentation, technology, services, and more!              additional 1,000 points. Winners will be announced
                                                              that a
                                                                    fternoon. The top four on-site players and top                              730       S.E. International, Inc.
                                                              virtual player will receive $
                                                                                           500 American Express gift
Main Stage Presentations                                      cards!*
                                                                                                                                                 1316      Scientific Analytical Institute, Inc.
Monday, May 23–Wednesday, May 25
Times noted on pages 23, 34, and 46.                          The Pathway Passport leaderboard will be available
Exhibit Hall, AIHA Booth 925                                  on the app during the conference. Keep an eye on it                                825       TSI Inc.
   AIHA highlights topics of interest to OEHS professionals   to gauge your progress and track your competition,
including career advancement, effective communication,        but beware: scores can change dramatically when                                    604       Uniphos Envirotronic
getting published, and Association initiatives such as        completion bonuses are added.
Commit to CARE, government relations, grand challenges,                                                                                          1502 VelocityEHS
and more.                                                     *Only attendees with full conference badges can qualify for
                                                              prizes. AIHA staff and exhibitors are not eligible.

AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                                 8
FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
FINAL PROGRAM MAY 23-25 | Nashville, TN - DigitalOcean
AIHA Fellows and AIHA Named Awards

2022 AIHA Fellows                                              terms of evaluating chemical exposures and bigger-picture                   Thomas Peters, PhD, CIH, FAIHA
                                                               methodological research. Notably, her range involves                        Nominated by Kent A. Candee, MS, CIH,
The AIHA Fellow designation recognizes AIHA members
                                                               both chemical and physical hazards, and her collaborators                   CSP, ARM, CPCU, on behalf of the AIHA
in good standing with 15 years of continuous Full
                                                               include peers in private industry, academia, and other                      Iowa/Illinois Local Section
membership who have made recognized contributions
to industrial hygiene or related disciplines, either through
research, leadership, publications, education, or service                                                                       Peters’ career has included evaluating real-time aerosol
to AIHA. Fellows are nominated by an AIHA local section,                      Kathleen S. Murphy, CIH, FAIHA                measurement devices, investigating turbulence effects on
special interest group, committee, or peers. The Fellow                       Nominated by Jennifer Sahmel, MPH,            coarse filters, analyzing size selectors used in chemical
designation is limited to no more than five percent of the                    CIH, CSP, FAIHA, on behalf of the Fellows     speciation samplers, and developing aerosol generators
membership.                                                                   Special Interest Group                        for use in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s
                                                                                                                            human exposure facilities. During his time with the EPA, he
                                                                  Kathleen Murphy, the director of Global Regulatory        contributed to the development of the agency’s National
                Shannon H. Gaffney, PhD, MHS,                  Affairs at Sherwin Williams in Cleveland, Ohio, has been     Ambient Air Quality Standard for particulate matter under
                                                               an AIHA member since 1998. A graduate of Case Western        2.5 micrometers in diameter (PM2.5). In the process of
                CIH, FAIHA
                                                               Reserve University, Murphy has professional experience       creating the standard, he was responsible for developing
                Nominated by Anders Abelmann, MS, PhD,         in business, government, and consulting. Prior to joining    and testing PM2.5 sampling hardware, conducting field
                CIH; Dana Hollins, MPH, CIH; and Jennifer      Sherwin Williams, Murphy brought her experience to           tests, and drafting portions of the U.S. Code of Federal
                Sahmel, MPH, CIH, CSP, FAIHA                   national organizations and global corporations such          Regulations. Peters also collaborated in the development
                                                               as OSHA, PolyOne, ExxonMobil, and Honeywell. Her             of novel methods to assess the spatial, temporal, and
   Shannon Gaffney has devoted her professional career         leadership and strategic vision have been instrumental to    compositional variability in atmospheric particulate matter
to the field of occupational and environmental health and      guiding AIHA’s continued evolution in inclusive, modern,     in further EPA-funded work. His key role in this work
safety. Her experience and expertise include evaluating        forward-thinking ways that expand the Association’s reach    has been to develop and standardize low-cost passive
various aspects of community and worker health. As a           beyond industrial hygiene. She was president of AIHA’s       sampling methods with analysis by computer-controlled
principal investigator with Cardno ChemRisk, Gaffney has       Board of Directors from 2019 to 2020 and has also served     scanning electron microscopy to determine concentrations
designed and executed several comprehensive research           on the American Industrial Hygiene Foundation Board          of coarse particulates and their compositional makeups.
studies focused on evaluating current or historical            of Trustees, the AIHA Finance Committee, the Product
worker exposures. She has also evaluated methods for           Stewardship Society, the Analytical Accreditation Board,
occupational exposure limit development for several            the Standards Advisory Panel, several AIHA local sections,
chemicals and reconstructed worker and community               and the International Strategy Task Force (as Board
exposures in a variety of settings and industries. Her         Liaison).
breadth and depth of technical skills is impressive, both in

AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                      10
AIHA Fellows and AIHA Named Awards

               Philip Platcow, CIH, BS, MS,                   2022 AIHA Named Award                                            This award, the highest tribute paid to an AIHA member,
               FAIHA                                                                                                        recognizes distinguished and exemplary service in the
                                                              Recipients                                                    advancement of the OEHS profession and the unique
               Nominated by Bart Ellingsen, CIH, on behalf
                                                                 AIHA values the profession and our members by              technical and professional contributions made in the
               of the AIHA New England Local Section
                                                              providing opportunities and resources to share their          support of AIHA’s mission and vision.
                                                              work and recognize those who exemplify excellence and
    As senior vice president of health and safety at The
                                                              leadership. AIHA Named Awards are given to industrial                        Alice Hamilton Award for Social
Vertex Companies, Platcow leads monthly health and
                                                              hygienists and other occupational and environmental                          Responsibility
safety webinars open to all his Vertex colleagues, which
cover subjects such as industrial hygiene and safety and
                                                              health and safety professionals whose efforts significantly                  Pamela R. D. Williams, MS, ScD, CIH
                                                              strengthen IH/OEHS professionals’ capabilities and
on-air monitoring practices and instruments. Platcow                                                                                       Nominated by Alan Rossner, PhD, CIH,
                                                              improve the health and safety of workers around the
also conducts in-house Hazardous Waste Operations                                                                                          FAIHA
and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) refreshers,
respiratory protection seminars, and industrial hygiene                                                                        Williams’ efforts with the Society for Risk Analysis and
                                                                             President’s Distinguished Service to
exposure assessments, to ensure the highest standards                                                                       AIHA’s Risk Committee have brought a cross disciplinary
                                                                             AIHA Award
of learning and ultimate performance. He has teamed up                                                                      element (along with others) to AIHA and is regarded
with The Vertex Companies’ president and chief operating                     Paul Hewett, PhD, CIH, FAIHA                   as high quality and influential work. However, her work
officer for periodic recorded messages, health and safety                    Selected by John Mulhausen, PhD, CIH,          involving low and middle-income countries defines high
webinars, and briefings. Platcow also understands his                        CSP, FAIHA                                     impact and follows in the footsteps of Alice Hamilton.
role as requiring him to excel in explaining health topics,                                                                 Land-based pollution from a variety of industries results
including those related SARS-CoV-2, to his company.              Hewett has made extensive contributions to AIHA,           in significant adverse public and occupational health
Thanks to Platcow’s ability to teach technical subjects       the profession, and the protection of workers through         outcomes and may affect the long-term economic growth
in language accessible to non-experts, his colleagues         important scientific advancements in our techniques           of developing countries. Pamela’s application of risk
routinely say that they consider The Vertex Companies to      and tools to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of      analysis approaches to these personal and community
be a trusted source for news and information on SARS-         exposure assessment strategies. These include research,       exposures allows for an effective decision-making process.
CoV-2. Additionally, Platcow led the development of           publications, and presentations on the analysis of               This award distinguishes individuals who recognized
Vertex’s mentoring program and currently serves on the        censored datasets, exposure modeling, and the statistical     and addressed the diverse needs of the workforce by
company’s Mentoring Leadership Committee and Diversity,       analysis of exposure data—including seminal work on           developing and advancing the practice of social welfare
Equity, and Inclusion Council.                                Bayesian Decision Analysis. Tool contributions include        and responsibility through public service, community
                                                              freeware versions of IHDataAnalyst for Bayesian statistical   service, and non-traditional social reform, thereby making
                                                              analysis of exposure data and programs for demonstrating      a major impact on, and improvement of, public welfare.
                                                              the performance of various exposure assessment
AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                      11
AIHA Fellows and AIHA Named Awards

               The Donald E. Cummings Memorial Award                           The Edward J. Baier Technical                                 The Kusnetz Award for Outstanding
               for Outstanding OEHS Practice                                   Achievement Award                                             Achievement by an Early Career
               Howard B. Spielman, CIH, CSP,                                   Charles “Gus” Manning, PhD, CIH,                              Professional
               SMS, REHS (ret), FAIHA                                          FAIHA                                                         Beauregard M. Middaugh, PhD,
              Nominated by Joel I. Berman, CIH, CSP,                           Nominated by Richard Mark O’Mara MS,                          MS, CIH, CSP
CIAQM; Kathy S. Jones, CIH; and Mary Anne Messiha, MPH,         CIH, CIHC, FAIHA                                              Nominated by Neil Zimmerman, PhD, PE, CIH, FAIHA
                                                                    Manning did not invent the passive dosimeter badge,          Known for a fantastic work ethic, Middaugh not only
    Spielman, who started Health Science Associates (HSA)       but with the company he founded, Assay Technology, he         was a full-time student earning two BS, an MS, and
in 1970, has been a mentor a multitude of people who have       has delivered more IH passive sampling solutions to our       PhD degrees, he was also the EHS Specialist at a large,
become CIHs and have had important careers in industrial        field of science than any other individual. Throughout        regional construction company from his sophomore year
hygiene. He has continued to play an active role with           his more than 40-year career in industrial hygiene, he        through the completion of his PhD, rising to Corporate EHS
AIHA (both National and local sections). He was also the        has authored and presented many technical papers and          Specialist during his tenure. His accolades include awards
founder, founding President, and served additional terms        lectures on his area of expertise. He has served on several   and scholarships. During this time, he was awarded 13
as President of the California Industrial Hygiene Council       AIHA Committees as both a member and as a leader. He          research, service, and recognition awards at campus,
(CIHC), a preeminent leader within National and other State     also has served on other related organizations as both a      regional, and national levels including the National Safety
and Local sections. CIHC, with Spielman as a consistent         member and a leader. He seemingly has never learned to        Council’s prestigious Rising Star of Safety award as one
board member through the years, has promoted the field          say no when asked for help on a project.                      of the nationwide, top 40 safety and health professionals
of industrial hygiene within the legislative process, working       This award recognizes an individual or individuals        under the age of 40 in 2010. He also received eight
with Cal/OSHA, as well as servicing and assisting the varied    whose technical accomplishments have made substantial,        scholarship awards, including the two most prestigious
clients of HSA, which include manufacturers, commercial         leading-edge contributions to the field of OEHS through       national industrial hygiene student awards: the 3M
building owners, construction firms, and educational            technical expertise, innovation, research, scientific         Industrial Hygiene Graduate Scholarship Award and the
organizations in adopting, developing, servicing, improving,    advancements, and interaction with or influence on other      American Industrial Hygiene Foundation Scholarship. More
and promoting industrial hygiene programs.                      scientific disciplines.                                       recently, he was recognized by his current employer with a
    This award recognizes individuals who make                                                                                Dedicated Service Award in 2017, and he was the recipient
outstanding contributions to the knowledge and practice                                                                       of the Purdue University School of Health Sciences
of the OEHS profession through demonstrating practical                                                                        Outstanding Young Alumni Award in 2020.
application of OEHS knowledge, advancing the practice                                                                            This award honors an industrial hygienist under the
of Total Worker Health, expanding the profession through                                                                      age of 40 and currently employed in the private sector
active collaboration via alliances and partnerships, and                                                                      who shows promise for leadership in the profession. The
creating tools applicable beyond the OEHS profession.                                                                         Kusnetz Award is sponsored by Florence Kusnetz.
AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                       12
AIHA Volunteer Groups Named Awards

Lila Albin Award                                             Rachel Carson Award                                          Fellows SIG Mid-Year Career
Since 1997, the AIHA Indoor Environmental Quality                             The AIHA Environmental Issues Committee     Award
Committee has recognized a peer reviewed article in the                       awards this honor in recognition of their                    The Fellows SIG awards the Fellows SIG
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. The                         environmental advocacy in the spirit of                      Mid-Year Career Professionals Award to
article must: (a) provide practical information and expand                    Rachel Carson. This award is bestowed                        recognize an industrial hygienist with 10
the knowledge base of IEQ professionals; (b) address a                        upon an environmental health and safety                      to 25 years of industrial hygiene work
critical IEQ issue; and (c) present the topic clearly and                     (EH&S) professional who has attained                         experience who exhibits outstanding
engagingly. The award goes to Jeff Wagner, Tamara L.         outstanding success and distinction in their environmental                    leadership and/or technical capabilities, has
Sparks, Shelly Miller, Wenhao Chen, Janet M. Macher,         and industrial health and safety business, profession, or    worked as a volunteer for AIHA committees, project task
and Jed M. Waldman for the article, Modeling the Impacts     life’s work. This year’s recipient is Timothy Paz, CIH.      forces and/or SIGs, and has exhibited a commitment to
of Physical Distancing and Other Exposure Determinants                                                                    contribute to the industrial hygiene profession throughout
on Aerosol Transmission, published in the Journal of
Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, volume 18,
                                                             Chaffin Award                                                their career. This year’s recipient is Michael D. Larranaga,
                                                                             By encouraging conference participation      PhD, CIH, PE, FAIHA.
2021, issue 10-11, pages 405-509, published online 13
September 2021.                                                              and recognizing excellence in the field
                                                                             of ergonomics, the AIHA Ergonomics           Rochelle Crew Memorial Award
                                                                             Committee presents the Chaffin Award
Birkner Leadership Award                                                     to the best ergonomic-related technical
                                                                                                                                          This award is given by the AIHA
                                                                                                                                          Construction Committee to honor the
                The AIHA Leadership and Management                           session at AIHce EXP. Established in                         memory of Rochelle Crew, a long-time
                Committee presents this award to honor       2008, the award honors Dr. Donald B. Chaffin’s many                          construction safety PDC presenter and
                the legacy of Ruth McIntyre-Birkner and      contributions to the field of ergonomics and to AIHA. This                   former member of the committee. The
                Larry Birkner and is proudly awarded to      year’s recipient is Ryan Butler, CIH, CSP for Whole-Body                     award is given to the best construction-
                an individual exemplifying extraordinary     Vibration Exposure Onboard Coast Guard Small Boats.          related paper, technical session, or PDC presentation at
                leadership and management. This year’s                                                                    the previous year’s AIHce. This year’s recipient is Anthony
recipient is Bernard Fontaine, Jr., CIH, CSP, FAIHA.                                                                      Oliveri, CIH for Lessons Learned From Fatality Assessment
                                                                                                                          and Control Evaluations (FACE) Investigations in Michigan.

AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                      13
AIHA Volunteer Groups Named Awards

H. Kenneth Dillon Memorial Award                                Donna Doganiero Award                                        John A. Leonowich Award
This award is presented by the AIHA Biosafety and                               The AIHA Safety Committee presents this      This award is given by the AIHA Non-Ionizing Radiation
Environmental Microbiology Committee to honor the                               award to the presenter of the best safety-   Committee for educational excellence in nonionizing
memory of Dr. Ken Dillon, a former AIHA Fellow and the                          related crossover education session at       radiation, honors students who are actively pursuing NIR
principal instructor for several years of the popular PDC,                      AIHce EXP. The award honors a truly          initiatives through research or education, and recognizes
Prevention, Determination, and Remediation of Biological                        outstanding individual whose achievements    the achievements made by current students in advancing
Contamination in Indoor Environments. The award is given                        and vision continues to move the field of    both theirs and the profession’s understanding of
to the recipient of the best student poster on biosafety or     industrial hygiene and safety forward, Donna Doganiero,      nonionizing radiation.
microbiology at AIHce EXP.                                      CIH, FAIHA. This year’s recipient is Steve Eversmeyer,
                                                                CIH, CSP for FR Clothing Selection.
                                                                                                                             The Randy Ogle/Paul Baron
Cannabis Industry Health and                                                                                                 Award
Safety Best Student Poster                                      OEHS Career Professional Award
                                                                                                                             This award is presented by the AIHA Nano and Advanced
                                                                                This award is presented to an individual
This award is presented by the AIHA Cannabis Industry                                                                        Materials Working Group to recognize excellence in
                                                                                or individuals (up to two) who have
Health and Safety Committee to the best student poster at                                                                    a peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of
                                                                                made significant contributions to
AIHce that focuses on the OEHS aspects of this industry.                                                                     Occupational and Environmental Health (JOEH), which best
                                                                                OEHS above and beyond their typical          advances knowledge and practice in our field. This award
                                                                                job responsibilities. This can include
Health and Safety Virtual Exhibit                                               contributions in student development,
                                                                                                                             honors the work of Mr. Randy Ogle and Dr. Paul Baron who
                                                                                                                             led the way in providing the management tools and data
of the Year Award                                               mentoring, or early career guidance. Nominees must have      that laid the groundwork for future generations of EHS
                                                                demonstrated a commitment to promoting the profession
The Health and Safety Virtual Exhibit of the Year Award                                                                      professionals working in the field of Nano Technology and
                                                                of OEHS, advancing the profession among students and
acknowledges the power of an instructive, visually                                                                           Advanced Materials. The award goes to Gavin H. West,
                                                                early career professionals, and/or providing guidance and
appealing, virtual exhibit to tell a story about occupational                                                                Fatima I. Castaneda, Leonard G. Burrelli, Daniel Dresser,
                                                                mentorship to students or early-career professionals. This
and environmental health and safety issues. Through this                                                                     Michael R. Cooper, Sara B. Brooks, and Bruce E. Lippy for
                                                                award is presented by the AIHA Academic Advisory Group       the article Occupational Exposure Risk During Spraying of
award, the AIHA Museum and Cultural Heritage Working
                                                                and the AIHA Student and Early Career Professionals
Group seeks to encourage others to identify or develop                                                                       Biocidal Paint Containing Silver Nanoparticles published in
                                                                Committee. This year’s recipient is Georgi Popov, PhD,
other health and safety-related virtual exhibits. This                                                                       the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,
                                                                QEP, CSP, ARM, SMS, CMC, FAIHA.
year’s recipient is Cornell University School of Industrial                                                                  volume 18, 2021, issue 6, pages 237-249, published online
Labor and Relations for their compelling exhibit “The 1911                                                                   14 May 2021.
Triangle Factory Fire”.

AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                      14
AIHA Volunteer Groups Named Awards

Cultural Heritage Health and                                   David L. Swift Award Memorial                                 Upton Sinclair Lecture Award
Safety Advocate Award                                          Award                                                         The Upton Sinclair Memorial Lecture on EHS Investigative
                                                                                                                             Reporting is hosted by the AIHA Social Concerns
The 2021 inaugural award is presented by the AIHA Museum       This award honors the memory of Dr. David L. Swift for his
                                                                                                                             Committee. This year’s lecture, Hot Day: How Data and
and Cultural Heritage Working Group to Eryl P. Wentworth,      outstanding contributions to aerosol and industrial hygiene
                                                                                                                             Documents Shined a Light on Heat’s Mounting Death
former Executive Director of the American Institute for        research. Aerosol research papers published during
                                                                                                                             Toll on Workers in the US will be delivered by Kristen
Conservation (AIC), whose significant work transformed the     the previous year in the Journal of Occupational and
                                                                                                                             Lombardi, Columbia Journalism School at AIHce EXP
occupational health and safety landscape for the cultural      Environmental Hygiene are reviewed by the AIHA Aerosol
                                                                                                                             on Monday, May 23 at 3:15 p.m. CT. This lecture will
heritage industry. Her emphasis on allied professional         Technology Committee.
                                                                                                                             walk conference attendees through the “Hot Days”
collaborations, including her 2016 proposal to establish a
                                                                                                                             investigation, outlining the main findings and providing a
partnership between AIHA and AIC, led to the creation of
the Museum and Cultural Heritage Industry Working Group.
                                                               Joselito Ignacio OEHS Emergency                               window into the labor-intensive reporting process.
Her organizational support for the 30+ year old AIC Safety     Preparedness and Response
and Health Network resulted in AIC being a major resource      Award                                                         John M. White Award
for health and safety training, guidelines, and workshops                                                                    The John M. White Award was established by the AIHA
                                                               The Incident Preparedness and Response Working Group
for its members, many of whom are in private practice or                                                                     Respiratory Protection Committee to encourage scientific
                                                               will evaluate posters and education sessions based on
small businesses. Ms. Wentworth ensured that AIHA senior                                                                     and application-oriented research in respiratory protection.
                                                               a scoring system including presentation, applicability to
leadership would be included on the Advisory Council and                                                                     This year’s award is presented to William G. Lindsley,
                                                               emergency response, and originality. Select workgroup
Steering Committee of the new 2020 Held in Trust Initiative                                                                  Donald H. Beezhold, Jayme Coyle, Raymond C. Derk,
                                                               members will review the conference agenda and identify
between AIC’s Foundation and the National Endowment for                                                                      Francoise M. Blachere, Theresa Boots, Jeffrey S.
                                                               candidate posters or educational sessions. The review
the Humanities, thus guaranteeing the inclusion of safety                                                                    Reynolds, Walter G. McKinney, Erik Sinsel, and John D.
                                                               workgroup scores criteria for each domain based on
and health into all aspects of the conservation and cultural                                                                 Noti for the article Efficacy of Universal Masking for Source
                                                               applicability to OEHS-related preparedness and response
heritage professions.                                                                                                        Control and Personal Protection from Simulated Cough
                                                                                                                             and Exhaled Aerosols in a Room published in the Journal
Margaret Samways Memorial                                                                                                    of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, volume 18,
Student Poster Award                                                                                                         2021, issue 8, pages 409-422, published online: 21 July
This award honors the memory of Margaret Samways, past
chair and long-time member of the AIHA Communication
and Training Methods Committee. The award will be
given to the best student poster at AIHce that focuses on
communication and training methods.
AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                        15
AIHA Volunteer Groups Named Awards

Aileen Yankowski Outstanding                                  2021 Critics’ Choice Award                                        Construction Committee—Chair Daniel T. Woody, CIH;
                                                                                                                                Vice Chair Shelley R. Shortes, CIH, CSP; and Secretary
Leader of the Year Award                                                     The Critic’s Choice Award honors a
                                                                                                                                Shelley R. Shortes, CIH, CSP; and Past Char Janet L. Keyes,
                                                                             publication completed in 2021. The
                The Aileen Yankowski Outstanding                                                                                CIH, FAIHA. AIHA Green Color Council Committee.
                                                                             Content Portfolio Advisory Group (CPAG)
                Leader of the Year Award, presented
                                                                             evaluates all publications and selects
                by the AIHA Women in IH Committee, is                                                                           Ergonomics Committee—Chair Penney M. Stanch, CIH,
                                                                             one to recognize for their impact on the
                awarded annually to an individual who,                                                                          CSP, CPE; Vice Chair Emily Macomber Driggers, ASP, AEP;
                                                                             profession, originality, and quality of writing.
                through volunteerism, supports the career                                                                       Secretary Albert W. Moore, CIH, CPE; and Past Chair Gary
                                                                             This year’s recipient is The Role of the
                development of professional women,                                                                              Downey. AIHA Yellow Color Council Committee.
                                                                             Industrial Hygienist in a Pandemic, 2nd
promotes leadership skills and disseminates critical
                                                                             edition, edited by Roger D. Lewis, PhD,
information relevant to women working in industrial                                                                             Fellow SIGs—Chair Jennifer Sahmel, PhD, CIH, CSP,
                                                                             CIH, FAIHA and Robert D. Strode, MS,
hygiene. This year’s recipient is Nancy E. Wilk, HBSc,                                                                          FAIHA; Vice Chair Martin L. Jones, Ph.D., CIH, CSP, FAIHA;
                                                                             CIH, FAIHA.
MHSc, CIH.                                                                                                                      Secretary David S. Abrams, CIH, FAIHA; and Past Chair
                                                                                                                                John “Jack” P. Springston, CIH, CSP, MS, FAIHA. AIHA Teal
               2021 AIHA Bestseller                           AIHA Outstanding Volunteer                                        Color Council Committee.
                This award is presented to the editor(s) of   Groups (2021)                                                     Incident Preparedness and Response Working Group—
                the publication that sold the most copies                                                                       Chair Patrick Sean Wallace, CIH; Vice Chair Eugene A.
                during the year. The 2021 best seller is      Cannabis Industry Health and Safety Committee—Chair               Satrun, CIH, CSP, FAIHA; Secretary Beth A. Osterink, MPH,
                presented to Carter B. Ficklen, III, CIH,     Mary Malendia Maccree, BS, CIH, CSP; Vice Chair Sylvia            REHS, CIH, CSP; and Past Chair Laura H. Weems, CIH, CSP,
CSP for Industrial Hygiene Reference and Study Guide,         Shiner Fontes, CIH; Secretary Angela Wheeler, CIH, CRSP,          CHMM. AIHA Orange Color Council Committee.
4th edition.                                                  SDS Author; and Past Chair Robert S. Kleinerman, CIH.
                                                              AIHA Orange Color Council Committee.                              International Affairs Committee—Chair Steven Verpaele;
                                                                                                                                Vice Chair Laurence Svirchev, MA, BSc, CIH; Steven
                                                              Confined Spaces Committee—Chair Caroline Switzer,                 Verpaele; Secretary Maharshi P. Mehta, CIH, CSP, FAIHA;
                                                              CIH, CSP; Vice Chair Janet L. Keyes, CIH, FAIHA; Secretary        Past Chair Lydia N. Renton, B. Sc., CIH, ROH, FAIHA. AIHA
                                                              Kenneth C. Eck, CIH, CSP, CFPS, DABFE, FACFE; and Past            Yellow Color Council Committee.
                                                              Chair Bonnie J. Lockhart, CIH. AIHA Green Color Council

AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                         16
AIHA Volunteer Groups Named Awards

Laboratory Health and Safety Committee—Chair Marian          Protective Clothing and Equipment Committee—Chair             AIHA Local Section Awards
Lee Poore; Vice Chair David A. Acker, CIH; Secretary         John J. Hill, CIH, CSP; Vice Chair Paul E. Allen, CIH, CSP,
Ashwani Shukla, CIH, CSP, SMS; Secretary-Elect Angela        ARM CSP; Secretary Kevin Joseph Mahoney, Jr., CIH,
Dartt, Ph.D., CIH; Past Chair Garth Graham, CIH. AIHA Blue   CSP; Secretary-Elect Christopher C. Brennan; and Past         The Jim D’Arcy JOEH Original Article Award
Color Council Committee.                                     Chair Cheryl K. S. DuBois, CIH. AIHA Red Color Council        The Michigan Industrial Hygiene Society (MIHS) Best Paper
                                                             Committee.                                                    Award is awarded to the authors of an original article from
Leadership and Management Committee—Chair Celia                                                                            the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
A. Booth, CIH, CSP; Vice Chair Eltaneice V. Bolden, CIH,     Sampling and Laboratory Analysis Committee—Chair Dru          (JOEH). With the passing of long-time selection committee
CHMM; Secretary Steven D. Jahn, MBA, CIH, FAIHA; Past        A. Burns, MSc; Vice Chair Derek J. Popp; Secretary Anand      chair, Dr. Jim D’Arcy, in June 2021, MIHS renamed the
Chair Bradley W. Rodgers, MS, CIH, CSP. AIHA Violet Color    Ranpara; Past Chair Evan Floyd, PhD, CIH. AIHA Blue Color     award the Jim D’Arcy JOEH Original Article Award. This
Council Committee.                                           Council Committee.                                            year’s award is presented to Ashley Newton, Karin
                                                                                                                           Adams, PhD, CIH, Berrin Serdar, L. Miriam Dickinson,
Mentoring and Professional Development Committee—            Stewardship and Sustainability Committee—Chair Alison         and Kristen Koehler for the article Personal and Area
Chair Justin D. Hoover, MS, CSP; Vice Chair Anthony          M. Gauthier; Vice Chair Mary O’Reilly, CIH, PhD, CPE,         Exposure Assessment at a Stainless-Steel Fabrication
Uliano, Jr., CIH, CHMM; Past Chair Melanie D. Nembhard,      FAIHA; Past Chair Julie M. Panko, CIH, FAIHA. AIHA Yellow     Facility: An Evaluation of Inhalable, Time-Resolved PM10,
CIH. AIHA Violet Color Council Committee.                    Color Council Committee.                                      and Bioavailable Airborne Metals published in the Journal
                                                                                                                           of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, volume 18,
Museum and Cultural Heritage Working Group—Chair             Teen Workplace Health and Safety Committee—Chair              2021, issue 2, pages 90-100, published online: 8 February
Kathryn A. Makos, MPH, CIH; Vice Chair Jeffrey R. Sotek,     Brian Czarnecki, CHST, CSP, CIH; Vice Chair Michaela          2021.
CIH, CSP, PE; Secretary Ralph A. Froehlich, MS, CIH, CSP,    A. Hall, MPH; Secretary Robert James Rataj; Past Chair
QEP, FAIHA; Secretary-Elect Carlis Brown, MSPH, CIH.         Jennifer L. Maclachlan. AIHA Violet Color Council
AIHA Blue Color Council Committee.                           Committee.

Opioids Working Group—Chair Penelope E. Pietrowski,          Women in IH (WIH) Committee—Chair Joy Jacobsen, MS,
CIH; Past Chair Peter B. Harnett, MS, MPH, CIH, CSP,         CIH, CSP, CRSP, EP; Vice Chair Diana Harrington Peroni,
FAIHA. AIHA Orange Color Council Committee.                  CIH; Secretary Katie E. Stryker, CIH; Past Chair Crystal C.
                                                             Brown, CIH, CSP. AIHA Teal Color Council Committee.

AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                    17
Friday, May 20 and Saturday, May 21 At A Glance
 Friday, May 20                                  Saturday, May 21                                                l PDC 109: A Qualitative Risk Analysis Tool for the IH/OS
                                                                                                                   Toolbox – NEW!, Room 104 C
 5:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.                             6:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
 l Registration, Registration Lobby, 2nd Floor   l Registration, Registration Lobby, 2nd Floor                   l PDC 110: Evolving OEHS Risk Management Systems and
                                                                                                                   Skills to Meet Post-2020 Challenges – NEW!, Room 209 A
 5:15 p.m.–7:00 p.m.                             7:00 a.m.–7:30 a.m.                                             l PDC 702: Evaluation, Operation, and Maintenance of
                                                                                                                   Industrial Ventilation Systems – Day 1 – NEW!, Room 207 A
 l Speaker Ready Room, Room 201 A                l PDC Monitor Meeting, Room 201 A
                                                                                                                 l PDC 703: Improving Inhalation Exposure Assessments –
                                                                                                                   Day 1, Room 209 C
                                                 7:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                 l : PDC 704: Communicating Risk Pathways From EHS
                                                 l Speaker Ready Room, Room 201 A
   Sessions marked with : will be                                                                                  Hazards Identification to Enterprise Risk Management –
   broadcast for Virtual AIHce EXP.                                                                                Day 1, Room 105 A
                                                 8:00 a.m.–Noon                                                  l PDC 705: Electrical Safe Work Practices With Application of
   Sessions marked with 8 are included           l : PDC 201: Pandemic Response Program (PRP) Plan                 NFPA 70E (2021 Edition) – Day 1, Room 103 C
   in OnDemand.                                    Workshop – NEW!, Room 103 A
   Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in          l PDC 202: Practical Applications in Water Management for the   Noon– 1:00 p.m.
                                                   Control of Legionella and Other Waterborne Pathogens,
   OnDemand are subject to change.                                                                               l PDC Luncheon, Room 101 A
                                                   Room 205 A
                                                 l : PDC 203: The OSHA HAZWOPER Standard –                       1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
                                                   Misunderstandings and Misinterpretations, Room 104 A
                                                                                                                 l : PDC 301: Safety R.O.C.K.S. – NEW!, Room 103 A
                                                 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                                             l PDC 302: “Fun”damentals of Industrial Toxicology – NEW!,
                                                                                                                   Room 202 A
              Full session descriptions may      l : PDC 102: Risk Assessment for Elongate Mineral Particles,
                                                                                                                 l PDC 303: The Bigger Picture of Sustainable Development
               be found in the mobile app.         Room 102 A
                                                                                                                   Goals – NEW!, Room 205 A
                    Events take place at the     l : PDC 103: You are the New Radiation Safety Officer...
                                                   Now What?, Room 106 A
                                                                                                                 l : PDC 304: Real-World Challenges and Solutions for
                    Music City Center unless                                                                       Respirator Cartridge Changeout Schedules – NEW!,
                           otherwise noted.      l PDC 104: Advanced Application of 4-Gas/PID Sensor               Room 104 A
                                                   Technology, Room 104 D
                                                 l PDC 105: Methods and Applications for Real-Time Chemical
                                                   Detection, Room 207 C
                                                 l PDC 106: Understanding Leadership From the Masters,                        Click on the course or session title
              All times listed are Central.        Room 202 C                                                                 to get to the full description.

AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                   19
Sessions marked with : will be broadcast for Virtual AIHce EXP.

Sunday, May 22 At A Glance                                                                                              Sessions marked with 8 are included in OnDemand.
                                                                                                                        Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in OnDemand are subject to change.

 6:30 a.m.–7:00 p.m.                                              l PDC 410: Understanding Exposure Statistics and Variability in   5:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
 l Registration, Registration Lobby, 2nd Floor                      IH, Room 202 C                                                  l ISS Forum 2022 (by invitation only), Omni, Music Row 3
                                                                  l PDC 411: Workplace Solutions for Total Worker Health® 101
                                                                    and Beyond, Room 202 A
                                                                                                                                    6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.
 7:00 a.m.–7:30 a.m.
                                                                  l PDC 702: Evaluation, Operation, and Maintenance of              l AIHA Museum and Cultural Heritage Committee, Omni,
 l PDC Monitor Meeting, Room 201 A                                                                                                    Broadway Ballroom G
                                                                    Industrial Ventilation Systems – Day 2 – NEW!, Room 207 A
                                                                  l PDC 703: Improving Inhalation Exposure Assessments –            l AIHA Oil and Gas Working Group Meeting, Omni, Broadway
 7:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.                                                                                                                  Ballroom H
 l Speaker Ready Room, Room 201 A                                   Day 2, Room 209 C
                                                                  l : PDC 704: Communicating Risk Pathways From EHS                 6:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
 8:00 a.m.– Noon                                                    Hazards Identification to Enterprise Risk Management –          l AIHA International Affairs Committee Meeting, Omni, Legends
 l : PDC 501: Aerosol Sampling Update, Room 102 A                   Day 2, Room 105 A                                                 Ballroom A
 l : PDC 502: Framework for Ensuring Proper Use of Direct-        l PDC 705: Electrical Safe Work Practices With Application of     l AIHA Mining Working Group Meeting, Omni, Broadway
   Reading Instruments, Room 106 A                                  NFPA 70E (2021 Edition) – Day 2, Room 103 C                       Ballroom D
 l PDC 503: Investigations, Litigation, and Case Studies for      l AIHA Board of Directors Meeting, Omni, Legends Ballroom F
                                                                                                                                    6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
   Legionnaires’ Disease, Room 205 A                                                                                                l AIHA Women in IH (WIH) Committee Meeting, Omni,
                                                                  Noon–1:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                      Broadway Ballroom K
 8:00 a.m.– 5:00 p.m.                                             l PDC Luncheon, Room 101 A
 l PDC 401: Identifying and Quantifying Post Fire and Post                                                                          6:30 p.m.–7:30 p.m.
   Urban Wildfire Hazards, Room 104 C		                           Noon–5:00 p.m.                                                    l AIHA Environmental Issues Committee Meeting, Omni,
 l PDC 402: Classification and Management of Hazardous            l AIHF’s 36th Annual Fun Run/Walk Registration Open,                Broadway Ballroom C
   Waste, Room 104 D                                                Registration Lobby, 2nd Floor                                   l AIHA Sampling and Laboratory Analysis Committee Meeting,
 l : PDC 403: Communicating Science and Technical                                                                                     Omni, Broadway Ballroom A
   Concepts – NEW!, Room 103 A                                    1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m.                                               6:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
 l PDC 404: Ensuring Safe Entry to Oddball Confined Spaces,       l : PDC 601: Managing IH Data the Smart and Easy Way –            l AIHF Donor and Scholarship Recipient Reception
   Room 207 C                                                       NEW!, Room 102 A
                                                                                                                                      (by invitation only), Omni, Legends Ballroom D
 l PDC 405: Leadership and Communication – Why It’s (Almost)      l PDC 602: State-of-the Art Modeling for Industrial Hygienists
   Everything in HSE, Room 209 A                                    Using IH Mod 2.0 With Monte Carlo Simulation, Room 205 A        6:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
 l PDC 407: A Gentle Approach to RF for IHs, Room 106 C           l : PDC 603: Ethics and the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Case            l AIHA Respiratory Protection Committee Meeting, Omni,
                                                                    Study on Reopening Workplaces – NEW!, Room 106 A                  Broadway Ballroom B
 l : PDC 408: Cultivating a Culture of Health and Safety Within
   the Cannabis Industry – NEW!, Room 104 A                       5:15 p.m.-6:15 p.m.                                               7:30 p.m.–9:00 p.m.
                                                                  l AIHA Risk Committee, Omni, Broadway Ballroom J                  l FLI Alumni Reception (by invitation only),
                                                                                                                                      Omni, Grand View Terrace, sponsored by
AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                                 20
Monday, May 23 At A Glance                                                                                                                                                      All times listed are Central.

6:00 a.m.–7:30 a.m.                             8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.                              l 8 A7: The Risk Assessment Process and
                                                                                                                                                           Sessions marked with : will be
l AIHA Mentoring and Professional               l Speaker Ready Room, Room 201 A                   High Hazard Risk Reduction, Room 202 A
                                                                                                                                                           broadcast for Virtual AIHce EXP.
  Development Committee Meeting, Omni,                                                           l 8 A8: Ask the Expert with the Opening Keynote
  Legends Ballroom E                            8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.                                Speaker, Capt. Chris Cassidy, Room 205 A                Sessions marked with 8 are included
                                                l AIHF’s 36th Annual Fun Run/Walk                l 8 A9: Preparing OEHS for Tectonic Shifts in             in OnDemand.
6:30 a.m.–7:15 a.m.
                                                  Registration, Registration Lobby, 2nd Floor      Organizational Decision Making, Room 209 A
l Namaste With AIHA (yoga), Omni, Music Row 2                                                                                                              Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in
                                                                                                 l :8 A10: The Role of the IH in a Pandemic,
                                                                                                                                                           OnDemand are subject to change.
6:30 a.m.–7:30 a.m.                             9:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.                               Part 1, Room 103 A
l First-Timers’ Meet and Greet                  l Career Advantage Fair Résumé Critiquing,
  sponsored by                                    Room 206 B
                                                                                                 Pop-Up Education and Health & Wellness Schedule
  Omni, Legends Ballroom D                                                                                                                 Pop-up Education                            Health and Wellness
                                                                                                                                  Under the grand staircase on Level 1              Behind the main escalator
7:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.                             9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.                                        Time                          across from Room 102                      at the 5th Avenue entrance
l Registration, Registration Lobby, 2nd Floor   l Career Advantage Fair, Room 206 B               10:00 a.m.–10:25 a.m. Evaluating Respirable Titanium Dioxide Using X-Ray      Relaxation Techniques in the
                                                                                                                        Diffraction                                             Workplace
                                                9:00 a.m.–5:30 p.m.                                                     Presenter: Steven Verpaele, Nickel Institute, Belgium   Presenter: Small World Yoga
                                                                                                  10:30 a.m.–10:55 a.m. Noise Dosimetry Data Collection With a Smartphone       Chair Yoga (Yoga at Your Desk)
                                                l Exhibit Hall Open, Exhibit Halls A and B                              Presenter: Mark Rollins, A-EHS                          Presenter: Small World Yoga
                     8:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m.                                                          11:00 a.m.–11:25 a.m. Industrial Hygiene and Safety in Construction           Intro to Meditation
                     Opening General            10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.                                                   Presenter: Philip Pederson, Consultant                  Presenter: Small World Yoga
                                                l 8 A1: Research Roundup: Risk Assessment 1,      11:30 a.m.–11:55 a.m. Exposures Associated With 3D Printing in Schools
                     Session and                                                                                        Presenters: Aika Davis; Qian Zhang, Chemical Insights
                                                  Room 207 A
                     Coffee                                                                                             Research Institute
                                                l 8 A2: Research Roundup: Aerosols 1,             2:00 p.m.–2:25 p.m. Applying Visual Literacy to Health and Safety             It All Begins With the Breath
                     :8                           Room 207 C                                                            Presenter: Carl Sall, WSP                               Presenter: Bruce Kelly
                     Keys to Assessing          l :8 A3: Industrial Hygiene 4.0 — The Next        2:30 p.m.–2:55 p.m. Managing Fatigue Risk in a 24/7 Workplace                 Tapping
                                                  Iteration of the OEHS Profession, Room 105 A                          Presenter: Brad Jones, LyondellBasell                   Presenter: Bruce Kelly
                     Risk — Knowing                                                               3:00 p.m.–3:25 p.m. Highlighting Priority Technologies for Worker Safety      Four-Minute Fitness
                                                l :8 A4: Using Human Performance                                        Presenter: Sarah Ischer, National Safety Council        Presenter: Bruce Kelly
                     When to Push                 Evaluations to Accurately Identify Exposure     3:30 p.m.–3:55 p.m. Rolling Out the “Smart Fit Test” Program                  Anti-Anxiety Toolbox
                     or Pivot                     Risk, Room 102 A                                                      Presenter: Siu Keung Li,                                Presenter: Bruce Kelly
                     Capt. Chris Cassidy        l :8 A5: Assessing Worker Well-Being Via                                Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Hong Kong
                                                                                                  4:00 p.m.–4:25 p.m. Using Computer Modeling to Predict Exposure
 Karl F. Dean Ballroom ABC-S                      the NIOSH Worker Well-Being Questionnaire
                                                                                                                        Presenter: Jason Lott, Afton Chemical
                                                  (NIOSH WellBQ), Room 106 A
 Sponsored by                                   l :8 A6: IHs Are the Greatest Salespeople in
                                                  the World, Room 104 A                                                      Full session descriptions may be found in the mobile app.
                                                                                                                    Events take place at the Music City Center unless otherwise noted.
AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                                                  22
Sessions marked with : will be broadcast for Virtual AIHce EXP.

Monday, May 23 At A Glance                                                                                                 Sessions marked with 8 are included in OnDemand.
                                                                                                                           Sessions, schedule, and inclusion in OnDemand are subject to change.

Innovation Station Schedule                                                                            l B6: Why Your (Our) Leadership Is as Critical
                                                                                                         as Ever, Room 205 A
         Time             Sponsor                             Exhibit Hall Aisle 400
                                                                                                       l B7: Changing the Paradigm of the Modern-
 9:35 a.m.–10:00 a.m.                  How to Build a Chemical Emergency Toolkit                         Day Industrial Hygiene/Occupational Safety
                                                                                                         Professional, Room 202 A
                                       Analysis of Settled Dust for Infiltration of Wildfire-Related   l :8 B8: Fundamentals of OEHS                       Hazard Recognition/
 10:10 a.m.–10:35 a.m.
                                       Particulate Combustion Products                                   Management Metrics, Room 105 A
                                                                                                       l :8 B9: Reopening Buildings Safely After
                                                                                                                                                           Exposure Assessment Track
 11:20 a.m.–11:45 a.m.                 Advances in Real-Time Detection Systems                           Prolonged Shutdowns, Room 102 A                   Sponsored by
                                                                                                       l :8 B10: The Role of the IH in a Pandemic,
                                       How to Comprehensively Eliminate Toxic Airborne Mold in
 12:15 p.m.–12:40 p.m.
                                       4 Hours
                                                                                                         Part 2, Room 103 A                                Sessions in this year’s Hazard Recognition/
                                                                                                       l Learning Pavilion: Noise Surveys:                 Exposure Assessment track will feature
 12:50 p.m.–1:15 p.m.                  Manage, Monitor, and Help Protect Your Teams From the Heat        Yesterday’s Pitfalls, Today’s                     SGS Galson’s SmartSenseTM real-time,
                                                                                                         Solutions, and the Possible Effects of            remote, air monitoring technology
                                                                                                         Ototoxins on Your Hearing Conservation            that continuously measures indoor air
 1:25 p.m.–1:50 p.m.                   Quieter Is Better!
                                                                                                         Program by SKC, Show Office B, Level 3M           quality and environmental parameters
                                       Real-Time Solutions for Real-Time Challenges: Silica &            outside Exhibit Hall B                            with professional grade accuracy.
 2:00 p.m.–2:25 p.m.                                                                                   l Poster Session 1 – Author Attend Time,            SmartSenseTM monitors will be placed in
                                       Respiratory Protection
                                                                                                         2nd Floor Prefunction                             the five meetings rooms of sessions in
                                                                                                                                                           the track to monitor air quality Monday
10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.                               11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.                              l Academic Advisory Group, Omni, Gibson
                                                                                                                                                           through Wednesday. Real-time data
l Learning Pavilion: Can’t We Do Better Than        l Student Local Sections Council Business            Boardroom
                                                                                                                                                           reports will appear on a screen in SGS’s
  Manual Observation Risk Assessment for               Meeting, Omni, Cumberland 1                                                                         exhibit booth 1005 and will be provided to
  Workplace Musculoskeletal Disorders? Yes,                                                            1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.                                 AIHA and the Music City Center.
  We Can! by Velocity EHS, Show Office B,           11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m.                              l Career Advantage Fair Résumé Critiquing,
  Level 3M outside Exhibit Hall B                   l 8 B1: Research Roundup: Epidemiology,              Room 206 B
l AIHA Climate Change Adaptation Task Force           Room 209 A
                                                                                                                                                         l C4: STPA Hazard Evaluation Technique — A
  (by invitation only), Omni, Music Row 1           l 8 B2: Research Roundup: Aerosols 2,              2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                                                           New Tool in the IH/OS Tool Box, Room 209 A
l Standards Advisory AIHce Meet-Up                    Room 207 A                                       l :8 C1: Research Roundup: Hazard
                                                                                                                                                         l :8 C5: What the Highest Performing S&H
  (by invitation only), Omni, Music Row 4           l :8 B3: Evaluating Noise-Induced Hearing            Recognition and Exposure Assessment 1,
                                                                                                         Room 102 A                                        Professionals Have in Common in Leadership
                                                      Loss Workers’ Compensation Claims,                                                                   and Influence, Room 106 A
10:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.                                  Room 104 A                                       l C2: Research Roundup: Risk Assessment 2,
                                                                                                         Room 202 A                                      l 8 C6: Perspectives and Challenges of IH
l The Nexus Lounge for Students and Early           l :8 B5: EH&S Professionals’ Journeys From                                                             Professionals Within the Circular Economy,
  Career Professionals, Room 208 A                    Safety to Wellness, Room 106 A                   l C3: Occupational Health and Safety Priorities
                                                                                                                                                           Room 207 A
                                                                                                         in Gold Mining, Room 207 C
AIHce EXP 2022                                                                                                                                                                                      23
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